NVS Vocabularies
- !!DEPRECATED!!OBIS sampling instruments and methods attributes
- Active vocabulary content governance authorities
- Activity purpose categories
- Argo GROUNDED flags
- Argo Principal Investigator (PI) names
- Argo STATUS flags
- Argo configuration parameter names
- Argo controller board types and generations
- Argo data centres and institutions
- Argo data state indicators
- Argo data type
- Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags
- Argo float cycle timing variables
- Argo history action codes
- Argo history processing step codes
- Argo instrument types
- Argo measurement code categories
- Argo ocean area codes and boundary definitions
- Argo parameter codes
- Argo platform family
- Argo platform maker
- Argo platform type
- Argo position accuracy
- Argo positioning system
- Argo profile quality control flags
- Argo real-time quality control measurement flags
- Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers
- Argo sensor manufacturers
- Argo sensor models
- Argo sensor types
- Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)
- Argo technical parameter names
- Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers
- Argo transmission systems
- Argo vertical sampling schemes
- AtlantOS Essential Variables
- BODC I18n term usage
- BODC Organisation Histories
- BODC Organisations
- BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary
- BODC Platform Models
- BODC Seafloor Depth Data Sources
- BODC Standard Operating Procedures and Protocols for environmental observations
- BODC administrative region names
- BODC asset access right roles
- BODC core failure codes
- BODC data and metadata integrity checks
- BODC data model spatial objects
- BODC dataset roles
- BODC governance roles
- BODC marine pollution sources
- BODC measurement numeric attribute types
- BODC oilspill quantity
- BODC organisation categories
- BODC organisation roles within activities and projects
- BODC parameter semantic model analytical method entity descriptions
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity colour terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity development stage terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity morphology terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity names
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity sex category terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity size terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity subcomponent terms
- BODC parameter semantic model biological entity subgroup terms
- BODC parameter semantic model chemical substances
- BODC parameter semantic model component names
- BODC parameter semantic model data processing entity descriptions
- BODC parameter semantic model matrices
- BODC parameter semantic model parameter entity names
- BODC parameter semantic model parameter statistic
- BODC parameter semantic model physical entity compound names
- BODC parameter semantic model physical entity datum names
- BODC parameter semantic model physical entity names
- BODC parameter semantic model physical entity subgroup names
- BODC parameter semantic model relationships between biological entities
- BODC parameter semantic model relationships between what theme and where theme
- BODC parameter semantic model sample preparation entity descriptions
- BODC parameter semantic model sphere names
- BODC parameter semantic model sphere subgroup names
- BODC people titles
- BODC post town names
- BODC project roles
- BODC semantic model sphere phase names
- BODC semantic model sphere phase subgroup names
- BODC series feature types
- BODC series parameter collection names
- BODC water sample qualification flags
- BODC-annotated certified reference materials
- BODC-annotated reference material classifiers
- BODC-approved data storage units
- Bonn Agreement pollution report accuracy
- British Antarctic Survey research topics
- CI_DateTypeCode
- CI_OnlineFunctionCode
- CI_PresentationFormCode
- CI_RoleCode
- Cedre pollution site cleanup operational stati
- Celtic Seas Partnership data owner nations bordering MSFD Celtic Seas Marine Region
- Celtic Seas Partnership governance mechanisms
- Celtic Seas Partnership scale
- Celtic Seas Partnership stakeholder sectors
- Climate Science Modelling Language supported feature types
- Climate and Forecast Area Types
- Climate and Forecast Attribute Names
- Climate and Forecast Calendars
- Climate and Forecast Cell Methods
- Climate and Forecast Standard Names
- Climate and Forecast Standardized Region Names
- Climate and Forecast Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages
- DCAT Themes for Linked Data Representation of the SeaDataNet EDMED Catalogue
- DQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode
- DS_AssociationTypeCode
- DS_InitiativeTypeCode
- EDIOS permitted sampling interval units
- EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of horizontal accuracy (QI_Horizontal)
- EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of survey purpose (QI_Purpose)
- EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of vertical accuracy (QI_Vertical)
- EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names
- EMODnet Chemistry chemical groups
- EMODnet Physics data collection aggregated parameter names
- EMODnet Seabed Habitats Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) vocabulary
- EMODnet human activity categories
- EMODnet micro-litter colour classes
- EMODnet micro-litter material or polymer type
- EMODnet micro-litter shapes
- EMODnet micro-litter size classes
- EMODnet micro-litter transparency classes
- EMODnet micro-litter types
- ESEAS active tide gauge sites
- European Nature Information System Level 3 Habitats
- GEBCO 30-second grid data sources
- GEBCO Grid Source Data Type Identifier
- GEBCO_2019 Grid source data types
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- GRIB Table 4.201 (Precipitation type)
- Geo-Seas Seismic Data Product Types
- Geo-Seas Seismic Methods
- Geo-Seas Seismic Receiver Types
- Geo-Seas Seismic Survey Dimensionality
- Geo-Seas adjusted Folk sediment lithology classes
- Geo-Seas data object quality flags
- Geo-Seas features of interest
- Geo-Seas geological sample colours
- Geo-Seas observed properties
- Geo-Seas sediment grain-size kurtosis descriptors
- Geo-Seas sediment grain-size skewness descriptors
- Geospatial discovery metadata standards, specifications and profiles recognised by MEDIN
- Global Change Master Directory Chronostratigraphic Units
- Global Change Master Directory Instrument Keywords
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword categories
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword terms
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword topics
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword variables
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keywords V5
- Global Change Master Directory Science Keywords V6
- Global Change Master Directory URL content types
- Global Change Master Directory platforms
- HELCOM 'HUB' Underwater Biotope and Habitat Classification System
- I18n system English (UK) language terms
- ICES Platform Codes
- INSPIRE Management and Reporting Control Type
- INSPIRE Management and Reporting Controlled Activity Type
- INSPIRE Management and Reporting Day Type
- INSPIRE Management and Reporting Environmental Domain Area
- INSPIRE Management and Reporting Zone Type
- INSPIRE service types
- IODE Primary Level quality flags
- ISO19119 geographic services taxonomy
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission countries
- International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Global Thesaurus
- International Standards Organisation ISO19115 Topic Categories
- International Standards Organisation countries
- JNCC categories of human activity in the marine environment
- JNCC standard list of human activities in the marine environment
- MD_CellGeometryCode
- MD_CharacterSetCode
- MD_ClassificationCode
- MD_CoverageContentTypeCode
- MD_DatatypeCode
- MD_DimensionNameTypeCode
- MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
- MD_ImagingConditionCode
- MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
- MD_MediumFormatCode
- MD_ObligationCode
- MD_PixelOrientationCode
- MD_ProgressCode
- MD_RestrictionCode
- MD_ScopeCode
- MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
- MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode (DO NOT USE - use G26 instead)
- MD_TopologyLevelCode
- MEDATLAS Data Centres
- MEDATLAS Parameter Usage Vocabulary
- MEDIN Data Guidelines
- MEDIN Parameter Discipline Keywords
- MEDIN data format categories
- MEDIN ecosystem service types
- MEDIN ecosystem valuation method types
- MEDIN ecosystem valuation methods
- MEDIN metadata record availability
- MEDIN monitoring activity categories
- MEDIN socio-economic governance objective categories
- MGD77 Bathymetry Sound Velocity Correction Codes
- MIDA Coastal Erosion Thesaurus
- MX_ScopeCode
- Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 04.05
- Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03
- Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 97.06
- Marine Microbial Flow Cytometry Standardised Group Names
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive criteria 2010/477/EU
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptors 2010/477/EU
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive indicators 2010/477/EU
- Marisaurus Thesaurus
- Matrix Categories
- Monitoring activity legislative drivers
- Movebank Attribute Dictionary
- NERC DataGrid Recognised Formats
- NERC DataGrid data production tool category
- NERC DataGrid on-line reference types
- NERC DataGrid vocabulary term relationships
- NERC Environmental Data Centres DataCite General Resource Types
- NERC data discovery service input metadata document standards
- NETMAR aggregation parameters
- NMF-SS Research Vessel underway variable NetCDF vocabulary
- ODATIS aggregation parameters and Essential Variable names
- OSPAR List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats
- OSPAR list of defined pressures on the marine environment
- OSPAR list of themes of defined pressures on the marine environment
- OceanGliders Parameter Usage Vocabulary
- Oil spill spillet location
- Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus discovery terms
- Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus markup terms
- Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean ships of interest
- Processing Levels for Earth Observing System Standard Data Products
- Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type
- Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type upper categories
- Sampling net gear deployment vocabulary
- SeaDataNet Activity Operational Stati
- SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups
- SeaDataNet CDI/CSR ISO Code List collections
- SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report data categories
- SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report quantification units
- SeaDataNet Data Access Restriction Policies
- SeaDataNet GMX and imported ISO Code List collections
- SeaDataNet Geospatial Feature Types
- SeaDataNet Measurement Periodicity Categories
- SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines
- SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- SeaDataNet Ports Gazetteer
- SeaDataNet Sensor Web Enablement and SensorML sub-type vocabulary
- SeaDataNet Sensor Web Enablement and SensorML type vocabulary
- SeaDataNet Vocabularies
- SeaDataNet contact and security access roles
- SeaDataNet data access mechanisms
- SeaDataNet data transport formats
- SeaDataNet depth measurement reference planes
- SeaDataNet device categories
- SeaDataNet device category types
- SeaDataNet geographic co-ordinate reference frames
- SeaDataNet keyword types
- SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags
- SeaDataNet metadata entities
- SeaDataNet parameter quality control procedures
- SeaDataNet quality management system accreditations
- SeaDataNet sea areas
- SeaVoX Device Catalogue
- SeaVoX Platform Categories
- SeaVoX Sampling and Observation Platform Event Actions
- SeaVoX Sampling and Observation Platform Event Processes
- SeaVoX Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages
- SeaVoX data quality control flagging conventions
- SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer
- Seaglider Guidance and Control Phase Settings
- SenseOcean device developers and manufacturers
- Sensor Web Enablement Observations and Measurements Section Terms
- SensorML Capability Section Terms
- SensorML Characteristic Section Terms
- SensorML Classification Section Terms
- SensorML Contact Section Terms
- SensorML Event Classification Terms
- SensorML History Event Types
- SensorML Identification Section Terms
- SensorML Output Section Data Interface Terms
- Subset of GRIB Table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category
- Ten-degree Marsden Squares
- The Crown Estate Renewable Energy Development Areas
- The Crown Estate Renewable Energy Development Phases
- The Crown Estate Seabed Development Areas
- The Crown Estate Seabed Development Phases
- Type of container used to hold a physical sample collected during a geotechnical site investigation
- Type of geotechnical investigation carried out at a site
- Type of sample collected during a geotechnical investigation
- United Kingdom Charting Progress 2 sea regions
- Units of measure dimensions
- Vocabulary Server list subject categories
- WMO C3 vocabulary of XBT data types
- Wisconsin Coastal Atlas Vocabulary
- World Meteorological Organisation sea states
- World Meteorological Organisation voluntary observing ship category
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