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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
MVB000421 AWT alarms battery The Africa Wildlife Tracking current battery alarm condition. TRUE indicates a low battery. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000422 AWT alarms cbit The Africa Wildlife Tracking current CBit alarm condition. TRUE indicates that a continuous built-in-test fault has occurred. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000423 AWT alarms coverage The Africa Wildlife Tracking current coverage alarm condition. TRUE indicates no service coverage. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000424 AWT alarms geofence The Africa Wildlife Tracking current geofence alarm condition. TRUE indicates a perimeter breach. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000425 AWT alarms memory The Africa Wildlife Tracking current memory alarm condition. TRUE indicates low memory. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000426 AWT alarms movement The Africa Wildlife Tracking current movement alarm condition. TRUE indicates that no movement has been detected. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000427 AWT alarms tamperfoil The Africa Wildlife Tracking current tamper foil alarm condition. TRUE indicates that the tag has been tampered with. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000428 AWT alarms track mode The Africa Wildlife Tracking current track mode alarm condition. TRUE indicates that the tag is in track mode. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000429 AWT log interval The Africa Wildlife Tracking current logger interval (definition from the Africa Wildlife Tracking API User Manual, 2021). Possible values are off; every 10 minutes; every 1 hour; every 6 hours; every 12 hours; every 24 hours; every 48 hours; every 3 hours; every 30 minutes; every 2 hours; every 4 hours; every 5 hours; every 8 hours. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000030 Argos GDOP Geometric dilution of precision, a measure of the effect of the geometry of the satellite-beacon configuration on location accuracy, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '254'; Units: m/Hz; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000031 Argos IQ This quality indicator gives information on the transmitter in terms of two digits, X and Y. X is the first digit and indicates residual error on the frequency calculation; Y is the second digit and indicates transmitter oscillator frequency drift between two satellite passes. Values provided in Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Values obtained through some Argos channels do not include leading 0s, so 1-digit values indicate X = 0 and blank values or values of '0' indicate both X and Y = 0. Allowed values are X = 0: No calculation of residual frequency error (fewer than four messages received); X = 1,2,3: Unsatisfactory convergence of calculation; X = 4: Residual frequency error > 1.5 Hz; X = 5: 0.15 Hz < residual frequency error < 1.5 Hz; X = 6: Residual frequency error < 0.15 Hz; Y = 0: No check on transmit frequency drift, as the two results are more than 12 hours apart; Y = 1: Frequency discrepancy > 400 Hz Probably due to transmit frequency discrepancy, change of oscillator, etc; Y = 2: Previous location is less than 1/2 hour old. Frequency discrepancy > 30 Hz, i.e. F/F (over 10 min) >2.5 E-8; Y = 3: Frequency drift > 4 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) > 1.10-7; Y = 4: Frequency drift < 4 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) < 1.10-7; Y = 5: Frequency drift < 2 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) < 5.10-8; Y = 6: Frequency drift < 1 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) < 2.5 . 10-8; Y = 7: Frequency drift < 0.4 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) < 1.10-8; Y = 8: Frequency drift < 0.2 Hz/minute, i.e. F/F (10 min) < 5.10-9. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000034 Argos LC The location class retrieved from Argos, Argos diagnostic data. Classes are based on the type of location (Argos Doppler Shift or GPS) and the number of messages received during the satellite pass. Location classes in order of decreasing accuracy are G (GPS), 3, 2, 1, 0, A, B and Z (definition from Argos User's Manual V1.6.6, 2016). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000039 Argos NOPC Number of plausibility checks successful (from 0-4), Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '3'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000026 Argos altitude Altitude used for location calculation, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '27'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000027 Argos best level Best signal strength, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '-117'; Units: dB; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000028 Argos calcul freq Calculated frequency, Argos diagnostic data. It should be between 401.620 and 401.680 MHz (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). The '401.' is sometimes missing from the source data and should be added to the values for correct intepretation. Example: '401.6732709'; Units: MHz; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000029 Argos error radius One standard deviation (sigma) of the estimated location error, assuming isotropic error, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '229'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000032 Argos lat1 Solution 1. platform latitude in degrees and thousandths of degrees, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '19.493'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000033 Argos lat2 Solution 2. platform latitude in degrees and thousandths of degrees, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '14.773'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000278 Argos location algorithm The processing algorithm used by Argos to estimate locations using Doppler shift. If the location data represent model output rather than the original estimates from Argos, also use 'modelled'. Values are chosen from a controlled list: least squares = locations were calculated by Argos using a least-squares analysis; Kalman = locations were calculated by Argos using Kalman filtering. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000035 Argos lon1 Solution 1. platform longitude in degrees and thousandths of degrees, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '99.712'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000036 Argos lon2 Solution 2. platform longitude in degrees and thousandths of degrees, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '120.286'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000037 Argos nb mes The number of messages received [to calculate location], Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '8'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000038 Argos nb mes 120 The number of messages received by the satellite at a signal strength greater than -120 decibels, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '2'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000279 Argos nb mes identical DEPRECATED Duplicate of 'Argos nb mes'. Deprecated. Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000040 Argos orientation The orientation of the semi-major axis of the error elipse, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '83'; Units: degrees clockwise from north; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000041 Argos pass duration Time elapsed between the first and last message received by the satellite, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '118'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000042 Argos sat ID The satellite identifier, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: 'P'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000043 Argos semi major Length of the semi-major axis of the error ellipse, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '300'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000044 Argos semi minor Length of the semi-minor axis of the error ellipse, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '175'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000045 Argos sensor 1 The value of the first Argos sensor, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Units are specific to the sensor. Example: '229'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000046 Argos sensor 2 The value of the second Argos sensor, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Units are specific to the sensor. Example: '42'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000047 Argos sensor 3 The value of the third Argos sensor, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Units are specific to the sensor. Example: '3'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000048 Argos sensor 4 The value of the fourth Argos sensor, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Units are specific to the sensor. Example: '63'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000049 Argos transmission timestamp UTC time for the location, Argos diagnostic data (definition from Argos User's Manual 2011). Example: '2012-03-26 12:27:32.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000050 Argos valid location algorithm Indicates which of the two location estimates provided by Argos is the valid location, using a user-selected filter algorithm in Movebank. Allowed values are 1 = The Argos filter algorithm has chosen the primary location (solution 1, lat1/lon1) as the valid location; 2 = The Argos filter algorithm has chosen the alternate location (solution 2, lat2/lon2) as the valid location. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000051 Argos valid location manual Indicates which of the two location estimates provided by Argos is the valid location, as chosen by the user. Values override the results of 'Argos valid location algorithm'. Allowed values are 1 = The user has chosen the primary location (solution 1, lat1/lon1) as the valid location; 2 = The user has chosen the alternate location (solution 2, lat2/lon2) as the valid location. Information about how values were deterimined can be provided in 'outlier comments'. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000056 BAS compensated latitude Latitude compensated for longitudinal movement assuming uniform movement, .trj (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '86.03'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000057 BAS confidence Confidence level of the fix, defined by the individual who processed the data (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '9'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000058 BAS fix type Time of day used to obtain location estimate (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Allowed values are noon = The fix was obtained using sunrise followed by sunset; midnight = The fix was obtained using sunset followed by sunrise. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000059 BAS mid value secs The time of local noon/midnight as number of seconds since 1st Jan 1900 (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '39734.64931'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000060 BAS stationary latitude The latitude [of the location estimate] calculated using a stationary target (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '84.18'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000061 BAS transition 1 Time of sunrise (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '0.530555555555556'; Units: GMT; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000062 BAS transition 2 Time of sunset (definition from British Antarctic Survey Geolocator Manual v. 8, 2010). Example: '0.690972222222222'; Units: GMT; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000249 CPU temperature Temperature reported by the CPU core on the tag. Example: '26.65'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000300 CTT solar current since last fix The cumulative current pushed from the solar panel into the battery of a CTT tag since the last GPS fix. Example: '231'; Units: milliamperes (mA); Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000353 DBA comments A description of how dynamic body acceleration in 'ODBA' or 'VeDBA' were calculated from acceleration data. If acceleration data are not stored in the study, describe the acceleration axes and collection frequency used. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000432 Druid alert The Druid alert. Allowed values are 1 = dead. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000433 Druid data source Modes of data collecting for Druid tags. Allowed values are [1] = scheduled collecting based on the preset collection frequency; [2] = dynamic collecting, with BOOST data collection triggered based on voltage conditions; [4] = in-flight collecting, with BOOST data collection triggered based on speed conditions; [8] = edge intelligence; [10] = inflow and outflow; [100] = algorithm event death; [101] = algorithm event flight. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000281 ECG raw Raw ECG values provided by the tag. Range and units may vary by provider and tag settings. Example: '2022'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000282 ECG sampling frequency The sampling frequency for ECG measurements. Example: '181.26'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000283 ECGs raw Burst of raw ECG values. Range and units may vary by provider and tag settings. In some cases, values can be multiplied by 'voltage resolution' to obtain voltages. Example: '2022 2048 2056 2041 2056 2048 2062 2048 2048 2041 2034'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000105 Flt switch The 'switch' value provided by Fleetronic tags. Identifies the action carried out by the tag, relevant for logger performance testing and data filtering (definition from Kris Van Uffelen, Fleetronic, personal communication 2014). Allowed values are 0 = SV_ LowestPositionSwitch; 6 = SV_ PositionAcceleration; 48 = SV_ PowerUp; 49 = SV_ InternalStatus1; 64 = SV_ Network; 69 = SV_ ReceivedSMS; 72 = SV_ SettingsAccepted; 77 = SV_ TimeAlive; 112 =SV_ LcdData1. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000306 GMatrix GPS event The G-Matrix GPS event (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are 0 = Unknown location; 1 = Alert; 2 = Panic; 3 = Timed; 4 = Fall; 5 = Heartbeat. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000307 GMatrix GPS event text The text equivalent of 'GMatrix GPS event' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are Unknown location; Alert; Panic; Timed; Fall; Heartbeat. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000308 GMatrix GPS fix interval The GPS fix interval for the G-Matrix tag (0 means disabled) (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '69'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000309 GMatrix GPS fix interval text The text equivalent of 'GMatrix GPS fix interval' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '5 minutes'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000301 GMatrix alert Alert status of the G-Matrix tag. The value is 0 if there is no alert and a numeric value greater than 0 if there is an alert. Further information about alerts is provided in 'GMatrix alert message' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '19'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000302 GMatrix alert message If Alert > 0 then the alert message which shows information regarding why the alert was generated (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: 'P1 Panic'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000303 GMatrix device type The type of the G-Matrix device (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '12'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000304 GMatrix event The G-Matrix event (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are 16 = Panic; 48 = Short press; 49 = Single press; 50 = Double press; 51 = Triple press; 52 = Long press; 80 = Fall. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000305 GMatrix firmware version The firmware version of the G-Matrix tag (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '8'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000310 GMatrix hardware version The hardware version of the G-Matrix tag (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '1'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000311 GMatrix is moving Whether the G-Matrix device is moving (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are A1 = true (moving); 0 = false (static). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000312 GMatrix is moving text The text equivalent of 'GMatrix is moving' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are MOVING or STATIC. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000313 GMatrix last location The last known location of the G-Matrix tag (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are null = not available; 0 = new location; 1 = last known location. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000314 GMatrix last location text The text equivalent of 'GMatrix last location' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are not available; new location; last known location. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000315 GMatrix mode The currently configured G-Matrix mode (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are 0 = reserved; 1 = help me; 2 = press it; 3 = track it; 4 = guard it; 5 = monitor it; 6 = don't lose it. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000316 GMatrix mode text The text equivalent of 'GMatrix mode' (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Allowed values are reserved; help me; press it; track it; guard it; monitor it; don't lose it. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000317 GMatrix packet type The type of G-Matrix packet. The value 0 indicates status packet (definition from RAMAC CALLBACK Specification, v2.0.2, August 2021). Example: '2'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000435 GNSS DOP Dilution of precision provided by a GNSS. Example: '1.8'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000438 GNSS HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision provided by a GNSS. Example: '1.2'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000441 GNSS PDOP Position dilution of precision provided by a GNSS. Example: '1.9'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000444 GNSS VDOP Vertical dilution of precision provided by a GNSS. Example: '1.9'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000436 GNSS fix type The type of GNSS fix. To import non-numeric characters use 'GNSS fix type raw'. Allowed values are 1 = no fix; 2 = 2D fix (altitude typically not valid); 3 = 3D fix (altitude typically valid). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000437 GNSS fix type raw The type of GNSS fix as provided by the tag. Common values are 1D = no fix; 2D = altitude typically not valid; 3D = altitude typically valid. Other values might be present. Where possible, use 'GNSS fix type'. Example: '3D'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000439 GNSS maximum signal strength The signal reception strength of the strongest GNSS satellite of those used to calculate the location estimate. Example: '39'; Units: dBm; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000440 GNSS message count The number of messages transmitted to GNSS satellites. Example: '278'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000442 GNSS satellite count The number of satellites used to estimate the location. Example: '8'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000443 GNSS time to fix The time required to obtain the GNSS location fix. Example: '36'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000115 GPS DOP Dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Example: '1.8'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000360 GPS GDOP Geometric dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000118 GPS HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Example: '1.2'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000284 GPS PDOP Position dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Example: '1.9'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000361 GPS TDOP Time dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000122 GPS VDOP Vertical dilution of precision provided by the GPS. Example: '1.9'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000116 GPS fix type The type of GPS fix. To import non-numeric characters use 'GPS fix type raw'. Allowed values are 1 = no fix; 2 = 2D fix (altitude typically not valid); 3 = 3D fix (altitude typically valid). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000117 GPS fix type raw The type of GPS fix as provided by the tag. Common values are 1D = no fix; 2D = altitude typically not valid; 3D = altitude typically valid. Other values might be present. Where possible, use 'GPS fix type'. Example: '3D'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000119 GPS maximum signal strength The signal reception strength of the strongest GPS satellite of those used to calculate the location estimate. Example: '39'; Units: dBm; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000251 GPS message count The number of messages transmitted to GPS satellites. Example: '278'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000120 GPS satellite count The number of GPS satellites used to estimate the location. Example: '8'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000237 GPS speed accuracy estimate Estimated accuracy of the ground speed. Example: '0.49'; Units: m/s; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000121 GPS time to fix The time required to obtain the GPS location fix. Example: '36'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000285 GPS twilight An indication of twilight or time of day based on the GPS location and timestamp. Example: 'DARK'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000125 GSM MCC MNC The mobile country code (MCC) (digits 1-3) and mobile network code (MNC) (digits 4-5 or 4-6) uniquely identifying the wireless operator through which the data are transferred. Example: '50711'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000126 GSM signal strength An integer proportional to the GSM signal strength measured by the tag. Valid values are 0-31, or 99 for unknown or undetectable. Higher values indicate better signal strength. Example: '39'; Units: arbitrary strength units (asu); Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000286 Gt activity count DEPRECATED Activity count from GeoTrak tags. Duplicate of 'GPS activity count'. Deprecated. Example: '136'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000111 Gt sys week The week number since the device was activated (definition from GeoTrak's 'PTT Decode Overview', 2014). Example: '4'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000112 Gt tx count The number of transmissions since last rollover (definition from GeoTrak's 'PTT Decode Overview', 2014). Example: '4840'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000401 Gundi URN The unique identifier for the Gundi integration. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000254 I am collaborator Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that is a Collaborator for the study. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000217 I am owner Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that is a Data Manager for the study. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000218 I can see data Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that has permission to view some or all tracks on Movebank. Does not indicate whether this user has permission to download data. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000255 I have download access Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that has permission to download some or all data from the study. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000288 Icarus solar cell current The charging current of the solar cell reported by an Icarus transmitter. Example: '36'; Units: milliamperes (mA); Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000451 LoRa RSSI The received signal strength indicator measured by the best LoRaWAN Gateway that received the data packet. Example: '-49'; Units: dBm; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000452 LoRa SNR The SNR (signal-to-noise ration) measured by the best LoRaWAN Gateway that received the data packet. Example: '14'; Units: dB; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000445 LoRa data rate The LoRaWAN data transmission rate used for the data packet. Example: '3'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000446 LoRa gateway ID The Gateway ID of the best LoRaWAN Gateway that received the data packet. Example: 'b827ebfffee234c6'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000447 LoRa gateway latitude The geographic latitude of the LoRaWAN gateway. Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000448 LoRa gateway longitude The geographic longitude of the LoRaWAN gateway. Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000449 LoRa payload The undecoded raw LoRaWAN payload. Example: '9A4EAIwClUeAfosUL1UAAA=='; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000450 LoRa port The LoRaWAN port number used by the device for this packet. Example: '4'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000453 LoRa spreading factor The LoRaWAN spreading factor used to determine the transmission rate of the data packet. Example: '9'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000454 LoRa uplink count The LoRaWAN uplink frame count (FCNT) for the data packet. Example: '332'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000149 Lotek CRC status Cyclic Redundancy Check (raw values) provided by Lotek. These translate to the values stored in 'Lotek CRC status text' (definition from '11884 PinPoint User Manual Rev 5.pdf', Lotek, personal correspondence 2018). Allowed values are G = OK (good data); E = Fail (data has been corrupted on transmission, and therefore cannot be trusted); F = OK(corrected) (the message was corrected with Lotek's error correction algorithm). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000150 Lotek CRC status text Cyclic Redundancy Check provided by Lotek (definition from '11884 PinPoint User Manual Rev 5.pdf', Lotek, personal correspondence 2018). Allowed values are OK = good data; Fail = data has been corrupted on transmission, and therefore cannot be trusted; OK(corrected) = the message was corrected with Lotek's error correction algorithm. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000370 Lotek eRes An error metric for GPS positions estimated by Lotek devices using SWIFT fixes. Smaller numbers indicate higher-quality location estimates. Example: '0.9'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000291 Lotek fix status DEPRECATED Duplicate of 'GPS fix type raw'. Deprecated. Example: '3D'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000158 Mw activity count The activity counter value. This value increments when the PTT is moving while it is transmitting. If the activity counter is constant for two or more transmission periods (and the GPS locations are unvarying), you should consider the possibility that the PTT has become detached or the bird is down (definition from the Microwave Telemetry, Inc. Solar Argos/GPS PTT-100 Field Manual, 2012). Example: '209'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000159 Mw show in KML Used by Microwave GPS tags to flag implausible locations. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE; implausible locations have the value FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000373 ODBA Overall dynamic body acceleration. Values are calculated from accelerometer data and provide a proxy for energy expenditure. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Information about the calculations can be stored in 'DBA comments'. Example: '6.20091566'; Units: g forces (1 g = 9.8 m s^-2); Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000455 OpenCollar active tracking Whether the GPS fix of the OpenCollar device has been acquired using active tracking. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000456 OpenCollar cold retry The number of cold GPS fix attempts for the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '0'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000457 OpenCollar error acc The accelerometer error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000458 OpenCollar error bat The battery error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000459 OpenCollar error ble The bluetooth error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000460 OpenCollar error flash The flash memory error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000461 OpenCollar error lr The error state of the LR chipset on the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000462 OpenCollar error lr join The LoRaWAN join error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000463 OpenCollar error ublox The u-blox module error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000464 OpenCollar error ublox fix The u-blox fix error state of the OpenCollar device. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000465 OpenCollar hot retry The number of hot GPS fix attempts of the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '0'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000466 OpenCollar locked Whether the OpenCollar device is locked with a PIN code. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000467 OpenCollar msg The number of unread user messages on the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '0'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000468 OpenCollar payload type The payload type of the OpenCollar device, used to decode the payload (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: 'opencollar_ edge_ 4'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000469 OpenCollar reset The reset code for the last reset of the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '4'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000470 OpenCollar uptime The uptime of the OpenCollar device since the last reset (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '71'; Units: weeks; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000471 OpenCollar ver fw major The major firmware version of the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '2'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000472 OpenCollar ver fw minor The minor firmware version of the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '15'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000473 OpenCollar ver fw type The firmware type of the OpenCollar device (definition from Smart Parks, 2023). Example: '5'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000163 Ornitela transmission protocol The way in which the data from Ornitela tags were transmitted. Allowed values are SMS or GPRS. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000294 RR interval The difference in time between heart beats, measured as the time elapsed between two successive R-waves of the QRS signal on the electrocardiogram (and its reciprocal, the HR). Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000318 Savannah alarm type For alarm-triggered records of Savannah tags, this indicates the type of alarm that triggered the update. This will always be blank unless 'Savannah record type' has the value A (alarm). Example: 'GEO ZONE EXIT'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000319 Savannah record type Indicates whether the Savannah tag record is a normal position/location update or an alarm-triggered update. Allowed values are P = Normal position updates and A = Alarm-triggered update. For Alarm records (A) the actual alarm that triggered the update is contained in 'Savannah alarm type'. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000328 Sigfox LQI The computed link quality based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), the number of stations that received a message (receiver redundancy) and the radio configuration (RC) zone, due to the difference between the RCs (definition from Sigfox Support, 2022). Allowed values are Limit; Average; Good; Excellent; NA. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000330 Sigfox RSSI The received signal strength indicator (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Example: '-93'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000321 Sigfox computed location radius The radius limit that defines the zone in which the device is located (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Example: '12000'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000322 Sigfox computed location source The data source from which the geolocation was computed (definition from Sigfox Support, 2022). Allowed values are 1 = GPS data inside the payload; 2 = the network location; 6 = the WiFi location (external provider). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000323 Sigfox computed location status The status of the computation made by the location service (definition from Sigfox Support, 2022). Allowed values are 00 = no position; 01 = OK; 02 = fallback of WiFi location; 20 = invalid payload. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000324 Sigfox country The country code of the operator who received the Sigfox message (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Example: '710'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000325 Sigfox device type The name for a group of Sigfox devices with shared means for processing transmitted data (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000326 Sigfox duplicates The list of the duplicates including the base station ID (bsId), the number of repetitions received (nbRep), and the best signal to noise ratio of the received repetitions (RSSI) (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Example: '[{bsId:49AC,rssi:-137,nbRep:3}]'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000327 Sigfox link quality The integer value corresponding to the value in 'Sigfox LQI' (definition from Sigfox Support, 2022). Allowed values are 0 = Limit; 1 = Average; 2 = Good; 3 = Excellent; 4 = NA. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000329 Sigfox operator The name of the operator who received the Sigfox message (definition from Sigfox support, 2022). Example: 'SIGFOX_ Germany'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000377 Sigfox payload The undecoded raw data of the Sigfox message. Example: '11e923067dfdf1485e802752'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000331 Sigfox tx interval The heartbeat interval in minutes as provided by Sigfox (0 indicates not used). Example: '134'; Units: minutes; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000332 Sigfox tx interval text The text equivalent of 'Sigfox tx interval', the heartbeat interval as provided by Sigfox. Example: '6 Hours'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000192 TechnoSmart activity An indication of whether an animal is active. Possible values are 'active' and 'inactive'. The threshold used to define activity is dependent on how the tag is configured by the user. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000193 TechnoSmart signal quality The strength of satellite reception. Ranges from 0 to 500. Higher values indicate better reception. Example: '230'; Units: dB-Hz; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000387 TinyFox VeDBA burst sum The sum of VeDBA values over a 3.44-second acceleration burst, recorded at 54 Hz. Example: '17881.5'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000381 TinyFox last error The error code of the TinyFox internal diagnostic routine. Allowed values are 1 = Sigfox chip not alive; 2 = Sigfox chip did not go to sleep; 4 = Accelerometer not alive; 5 = Sigfox message could not be sent; 6 = Accelerometer did not respond while recording burst; 7 = Sigfox emergency message could not be sent. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000382 TinyFox max movement index An indicator of the maximum VeDBA value range over a 3.44-second acceleration burst, recorded at 54 Hz. Allowed values are 0 = 0 to 78 mg; 1 = 78 to 2000 mg; 2 = 2000 to 4000 mg; 3 = 4000 to 8000 mg. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000383 TinyFox sunny index start voltage The voltage of the supercapacitor after waking up. The voltage before the start of data sampling is the sum of this value and 'TinyFox sunny index voltage increase'. Example: '2639'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000384 TinyFox sunny index voltage increase The voltage increase of the supercapacitor after sleeping for 20 seconds (with no power consumption). The voltage before the start of data sampling is the sum of this value and 'TinyFox sunny index start voltage'. Example: '32'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000385 TinyFox total VeDBA The sum of values recorded by 'TinyFox VeDBA burst sum'. New values are added to this total every 5 minutes. Example: '2626010.4'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000386 TinyFox total VeDBA count The total number of 'TinyFox VeDBA burst sum' measurements. This is reset to 0 when the tag restarts due to low voltage. Example: '637'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000205 UTM easting The easting of the location as estimated by the sensor. Example: '756243.7836'; Units: meters, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000206 UTM northing The northing of the location as estimated by the sensor. Example: '3628361.84012295'; Units: meters, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000207 UTM zone The UTM zone used to convert locations from decimal degrees to UTM. Selected based on the location of each event. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000389 VeDBA Vector of the dynamic body acceleration. Values are calculated from accelerometer data and provide a proxy for energy expenditure. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Information about the calculations can be stored in 'DBA comments'. Example: '0.678223'; Units: g forces (1 g = 9.8 m s^-2); Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000412 Vectronics activity mode The mode for collecting activity data for Vectronics tags. Allowed values are 1 = 300-s activity measurement (accumulated activity on the X and Y axis is stored in 296-s intervals, the time series is regularly corrected to 300-s intervals); 2 = 152-s activity measurement (accumulated activity on the X and Y axis over a sampling interval of 152 seconds); 3 = 64-s activity measurement (accumulated activity on the X and Y axis over a sampling interval of 64 seconds; it is the smallest storing interval available); 4 = activity measurement (accumulated activity on the X and Y axis over a predefined interval; intervals can be chosen in 8 second steps); 5 = head angle / acceleration threshold (two parameters measured and stored in two channels: (1) 'head angle / head up' gives the ratio of measurements on the X axis within one sampling interval in which the head angle exceeds a user-defined angle towards the vertical axis and (2) 'acceleration' gives the ratio of combined measurements on all three axes within one sampling interval in which the acceleration exceeds a user-defined threshold); 6 = acceleration peak / acceleration threshold (two parameters measured and stored in two channels): (1) the maximum acceleration measurements on all three axes within one sampling interval and (2) the ratio of acceleration measurements on all three axes within one sampling interval below and above a user-defined activity threshold); 7 = forth-back/up-down (accumulated activity on the X and Z axis over a predefined interval). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000391 WC residual A quality indicator for GPS positions estimated by Wildlife Computers devices using Fastloc GPS processing. Large residuals relative to other locations can indicate a high degree of uncertainty in the location. Example: '5.5'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000413 WildFi acc conversion factor The conversion factor used to calculate acceleration values in SI units from raw sensor measurements. Example: '0.00024414062'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000414 WildFi gyro conversion factor The conversion factor used to calculate angular velocity values in SI units from raw sensor measurements. Example: '0.00380000000'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000415 WildFi hall burst The raw hall sensor reading used for temperature compensation of the magnetometer. Example: '6738 6740 6740 6740 6739 6738 6737 6740 6739 6738 6738 6734 6737 6735 6734 6734 6732 6733 6732 6730 6731 6730 6727 6729 6729 6727 6725 6725 6727 6725 6724 6722 6724 6724 6724 6724 6722 6722 6721 6722 6721 6720 6720 6719 6718 6720 6717 6717 6718'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000416 WildFi last error In the case of an error, this is the WildFi internal identifier for the error type. If multiple errors have occurred during the current runtime (see 'error count') this will indicate the type of the most recent error. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000417 WildFi mag conversion factor The conversion factor used to calculate magnetic field values in SI units from raw sensor measurements. Example: '16.00000000000'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000419 WildFi prox RSSI burst The RSSI values of the tags listed in 'WildFi prox ID burst', in the same relative order. RSSI is unitless and can be calibrated to distance between tags in meters during post processing. Example: '-50 -50 -21 -31'; Units: unitless; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000418 WildFi prox id burst A list of tag IDs for other tags instantaneously detected in the proximity of the tag, in arbitrary order. Example: '7C5C EBD4 EBA0 EB1C'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000420 WildFi record type The WildFi record type. Example: '12345A'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000001 acceleration axes The enabled accelerometer axes. Example: 'XYZ'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000002 acceleration raw x Raw acceleration values provided by the tag for the X axis. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '0.556641'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000003 acceleration raw y Raw acceleration values provided by the tag for the Y axis. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '0.09375'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000004 acceleration raw z Raw acceleration values provided by the tag for the Z axis. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '-0.84375'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000005 acceleration sampling frequency per axis The sampling frequency for one axis of an accelerometer within a burst. Example: '5.93'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000006 acceleration x Acceleration values provided by the tag for the X axis. For acceleration values not in units of m/s^2, use 'acceleration raw x'. Example: '-0.125'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000007 acceleration y Acceleration values provided by the tag for the Y axis. For acceleration values not in units of m/s^2, use 'acceleration raw y'. Example: '-0.156'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000008 acceleration z Acceleration values provided by the tag for the Z axis. For acceleration values not in units of m/s^2, use 'acceleration raw z'. Example: '0.453'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000333 accelerations Burst of acceleration sensor values. To interpret values, best practice is to further define the measurements using 'acceleration axes' and 'acceleration sampling frequency per axis', and to order the burst by alternating one measurement for each active axis in alphabetical order. For acceleration values not in units of m/s^2, use 'accelerations raw'. Example: '-0.03 -0.41 -0.66 0.03 -0.44 -0.63 0.03 -0.5 -0.63 0.09 -0.47 -0.53 0.09 -0.81 -0.56 0.19 -0.75 -0.59 0.19 -0.5 -0.78?'; Units: m/s^2; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000009 accelerations raw Burst of raw acceleration sensor values. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. To interpret values, best practice is to further define the measurements using 'acceleration axes' and 'acceleration sampling frequency per axis', and to order the burst by alternating one measurement for each active axis in alphabetical order. Example: '1844 1889 1653 1845 1896 1653 1837 1897 1653 1842 1898 1650 1844 1899 1644 1840...'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000010 acknowledgements Acknowledgements for the study. For example, people or institutions that provided logistics support or site access, and names of field assistants or collaborators. Example: 'We thank Carrie Smith and John Johnson for help in the field and the Delaware Parks Association for access to our research site and logistical support.'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000114 activity count Activity values provided by the tag. In general, higher values indicate more activity. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Example: '209'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000334 activity x Activity values provided by the tag for the X axis. In general, higher values indicate more activity. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000335 activity y Activity values provided by the tag for the Y axis. In general, higher values indicate more activity. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000336 activity z Activity values provided by the tag for the Z axis. In general, higher values indicate more activity. Range and method of calculation may vary by the tag provider, model, settings and placement on the animal. Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000011 algorithm marked outlier Identifies events marked as outliers using a user-selected filter algorithm in Movebank. Outliers have the value TRUE. Information about how outliers were defined can be provided in 'outlier comments'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000337 alt index ID An identifier for the equivalent event (data record) represented in another database. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000244 alt project ID A name or unique identifier for a project associated with the deployment, for example a monitoring program or another data platform. Best practice is to include the name of the related database or organization followed by the project identifier. Example: 'MOTUS145'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000245 angular velocities raw Burst of angular velocity values along the X, Y, and/or Z axes of the tag, depending on which axes are enabled. Measurements alternate one measurement for each active axis in alphabetical order. Example: '19.5625 -53.0625 7.1250 71.3125 -130.3125 15.9375 123.4375 -140.7500 8.6250'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000246 angular velocity X The speed of rotational motion around the X axis of the gyroscope. Example: '6.0625'; Units: deg/s; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000247 angular velocity Y The speed of rotational motion around the Y axis of the gyroscope. Example: '-1.875'; Units: deg/s; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000248 angular velocity Z The speed of rotational motion around the Z axis of the gyroscope. Example: '0.8125'; Units: deg/s; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000016 animal ID An individual identifier for the animal, provided by the data owner. Values are unique within the study. If the data owner does not provide an Animal ID, an internal Movebank animal identifier is sometimes shown. Example: 'TUSC_ CV5'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2022-08-15
MVB000338 animal birth hatch latitude The geographic latitude of the location where the animal was born or hatched. This may represent, for example, a nest, den or calving site. Example: '42.718'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000339 animal birth hatch longitude The geographic longitude of the location where the animal was born or hatched. This may represent, for example, a nest, den or calving site. Example: '-73.856'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000012 animal comments Additional information about the animal. Example: 'first to fledge from nest'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000013 animal death comments Comments about the death of the animal. Summary information can be reported in 'animal mortality latitude', 'animal mortality longitude', and 'animal mortality type'. Example: 'hit by a car'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000014 animal earliest date born The earliest date an animal is thought to have been born or hatched. Example: '2001-01-01 00:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC (sometimes date is provided based on local time); Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000015 animal exact date of birth The exact date on which animal was born or hatched. Example: '2001-10-31 00:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC (sometimes date is provided based on local time); Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000340 animal group ID The name or identifier for an associated group, for example, the herd, pack, nest or family group. If the group changes over time, this can be recorded using the event term 'event group ID'. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000017 animal latest date born The latest date an animal is thought to have been born or hatched. Example: '2001-12-12 00:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC (sometimes date is provided based on local time); Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000018 animal life stage The age class or life stage of the animal at the beginning of the deployment. Can be years or months of age or terms such as 'adult', 'subadult' and 'juvenile'. Best practice is to define units in the values if needed (e.g. '2 years'). Example: 'juvenile, adult'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000341 animal marker ID A description of unique identifiers or markings on the animal, for example color bands or ear tags. Bird ring or band numbers should be stored in 'animal-ring-id'. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000019 animal mass The mass of the animal, typically at the beginning of the deployment. Example: '500'; Units: grams; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000342 animal mates A description of the animal's mate or mates. Where possible, refer to 'animal ID', 'animal ring ID' or 'animal marking ID' used in Movebank or identifiers from other databases. Include the year or period of the pairing if known. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000394 animal mortality date The known or estimated date on which the animal died. This may differ from the time of the end of the deployment, which is defined by 'deploy-off timestamp'. Example: '2022-04-26'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd; Units: date (time and time zone not specified); Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000343 animal mortality latitude The geographic latitude of the location where the animal died. Example: '-7.963'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000344 animal mortality longitude The geographic longitude of the location where the animal died. Example: '-77.313'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000345 animal mortality type The likely immediate cause of death. Additional information can be provided using 'animal death comments'. Values are chosen from a controlled list: bycatch = unintentional death of a non-target animal during fishing activities; capture = related to the capture and handling of the animal for the study; electrocution = electric shock; harvest = intentional killing by humans, for example through hunting, fishing or poaching; disease = related to a specific illness or terminal disease; natural-death = natural causes, not further specified; other = other; parasites = parasitic infection or disease, including parasitoidism; poison = accidental or deliberate exposure to a chemical substance; predation = killed by a predator or micropredator; starvation = lack of caloric energy intake; unknown = could not be determined; vehicle-collision = collision with a motor vehicle, watercraft, aircraft or other vehicle. Format: controlled list; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000020 animal nickname An alternate identifier for the animal. Used as the display name for animals shown in the Animal Tracker App. Example: 'Ali'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2019-10-03
MVB000346 animal offspring A description of the animal's offspring. Where possible, refer to 'animal ID', 'animal ring ID' or 'animal marking ID' used in Movebank or identifiers from other databases. Include the method used to determine the relationship if known. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000347 animal parents A description of the animal's parents. Where possible, refer to 'animal ID', 'animal ring ID' or 'animal marking ID' used in Movebank or identifiers from other databases. Include the method used to determine the relationship if known. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000021 animal reproductive condition The reproductive condition of the animal at the beginning of the deployment. Example: 'lactating'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000022 animal ring ID A number or color scheme for a band or ring attached to the animal. Color bands and other markings can be stored in 'animal marker ID'. Example: '26225'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000023 animal sex The sex of the animal. Allowed values are m = male; f = female; u = unknown. Format: controlled list; Entity described: individual 2021-04-07
MVB000348 animal siblings A description of the animal's siblings. Where possible, refer to 'animal ID', 'animal ring ID' or 'animal marking ID' used in Movebank or identifiers from other databases. Include the method used to determine the relationship, and which parents are shared, if known. Units: none; Entity described: animal 2023-02-20
MVB000024 animal taxon The scientific name of the taxon on which the tag was deployed, as defined by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System If the species name can not be provided, this should be the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined and that is used in the ITIS taxonomy. Additional information can be provided using the term 'taxon detail'. The values 'test' and 'calibration' identify events relevant to animal tracking studies that should not be associated with a taxon. Format: controlled list; Entity described: individual 2023-02-20
MVB000025 animal taxon detail A more specific name and/or reference for the taxon name provided by 'animal taxon'. This can be used, for example, to specify a subspecies or a taxon not supported by the ITIS. Example: 'Calonectris diomedea borealis (Cory, 1881)'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2019-10-03
MVB000395 attachment body part The body part to which the tag is attached. In some cases this can also be indicated by 'attachment type'. If the tag is not attached on the mid-line of the animal, specify the side of placement to assist interpretation of sensor data. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000396 attachment comments Additional comments about how the tag is attached to the animal, for example describing the tightness and orientation at the start of the deployment. This information may be needed to interpret acceleration or other sensor data collected by the tag. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000052 attachment type The way a tag is attached to an animal. Details can be provided in 'attachment comments'. Values are chosen from a controlled list: backpack-harness = The tag is attached to the animal using a backpack-style harness; collar = The tag is attached by a collar around the animal's neck; ear-tag = The tag is attached to the animal's ear; fin mount = The tag is attached to the animal's fin; glue = The tag is attached to the animal using glue; harness = The tag is attached to the animal using a harness; implant = The tag is placed under the skin of the animal; leg-band = The tag is attached as a leg band or ring; leg-loop-harness = The tag is attached to the animal using a leg-loop-style harness; none = No tag was attached, e.g., for observations using natural markings; other = The tag is attached using another method; subcutaneous-anchor = The tag is attached using one or more anchors attached underneath the animal's skin; suction-cup = The tag is attached using one or more suction cups; sutures = The tag is attached by one or more sutures; tape = The tag is attached to the animal using tape. Format: controlled list; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000053 barometric depth The barometric water pressure depth. Example: '-11'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000054 barometric height Altitude estimated by a barometric pressure sensor on the tag. Example: '179'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000055 barometric pressure The barometric air or water pressure. Example: '32536.0'; Units: mbar (hPa); Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000063 battery charge percent The battery charge as a percentage of full charge. Example: '25'; Units: none (percent); Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000064 battery charging current The battery charging current reported by the tag. Example: '0'; Units: milliamperes (mA); Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000430 battery charging voltage The battery charging voltage. Example: '1235.25'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000066 behavior according to A description of behavioral categories contained in 'behavioural classification'. This can include how they were derived and/or a reference to the method or classification system used. Example: 'Derived using acceleration data and an algorithm calibrated using field observations (see Doe et al., 2013).'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000067 behavioural classification Behavioural classifications assigned to the animal. Information about the values and how they were obtained can be provided in 'behaviour according to'. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled list. Example: 'roosting, foraging, running'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000431 breed stage The breeding stage of the animal. Example: 'chick-rearing'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000349 capture handling time The time elapsed between capture and release of the animal for the purpose of attaching the tag. Can also be calculated as the difference between 'deploy-on timestamp' and 'capture timestamp'. Example: '552'; Units: seconds; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000350 capture latitude The geographic latitude of the location where the animal was captured prior to the beginning of the deployment. Intended primarily for cases in which the capture latitude and 'deploy-on latitude' are different. Example: '-10.161'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000351 capture longitude The geographic longitude of the location where the animal was captured prior to the beginning of the deployment. Intended primarily for cases in which the capture longitude and 'deploy-on longitude' are different. Example: '-75.501'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000397 capture method A description of the method or methods used to bait, trap or immobilize the animal in order to attach the tag. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000352 capture timestamp The timestamp when the animal was captured for the purpose of attaching the tag. Intended primarily for cases in which there is considerable time between capture and release. The time between capture and release can also be provided in 'capture handling time'. The beginning of the deployment is defined by 'deploy-on timestamp'. Example: '2008-08-14 15:31:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000068 citation One or more citations for the study. Include citations for published papers or reports describing the data in the study, or datasets derived from the study. If the data have not been published, an 'unpublished data' or 'in progress' citation should be used, listing authors and a title for the dataset. Example: 'McIntyre CL, Douglas DC, Collopy MW (2008) Movements of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) from interior Alaska during their first year of independence. The Auk 125(1): 214-224. '; Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000069 comments Additional information about events that is not described by other event data terms. Example: 'we observed the animal foraging (see photo BT25)'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000070 compass heading The tilt-compensated horizontal compass heading. Example: '62'; Units: degrees clockwise from magnetic north; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000071 conductivity The maximum conductivity recorded during the measurement interval. Range and units may vary by provider and tag settings. Example: '17'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000072 contact person The name and username of the Movebank account for the person who is the contact for the study. Example: 'Rolandisimo (Roland Kays)'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000280 contact person ID Used in the REST API. Internal identifier for the user account that is the contact for the study. Format: controlled list; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000214 data decoding software The name or version of software used to decode the sensor data. Example: '11'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000073 data processing software Name of the software program/s, scripts, etc. used to process raw sensor data and derive location estimates. Example: 'BASTrack'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000074 deploy off latitude The geographic latitude of the location where the deployment ended. Intended primarily for cases in which the recapture, tag retrieval or other final location has higher accuracy than that derived from sensor data. Example: '-38.6866'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2021-04-07
MVB000075 deploy off longitude The geographic longitude of the location where the deployment ended. Intended primarily for cases in which the recapture, tag retrieval or other final location has higher accuracy than that derived from sensor data. Example: '146.3104'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2021-04-07
MVB000354 deploy off measurements A list of additional measurements taken during recapture of the animal at the end of the deployment. Recommended best practice is to define units and use a key:value encoding schema for a data interchange format such as JSON. Example: "{"tarsusLengthInMillimeters":17.3, "wingChordInMillimeters":125}"; Units: not defined; Entity described: deployment 2024-01-22
MVB000076 deploy off person The name of the person/people who removed the tag from the animal and ended the deployment. Example: 'J. Smith'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000355 deploy off sampling A description of physical samples taken during recapture of the animal at the end of the deployment. Information can include material samples taken, results of lab analysis, and identifiers for the sample or results. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000077 deploy off timestamp The timestamp when the tag deployment ended. Data records recorded after this day and time are not associated with the animal related to the deployment. Values are typically defined by the data owner, and in some cases are created automatically during data import. Further information can be provided in 'deployment end type' and 'deployment end comments'. Example: '2009-10-01 12:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000078 deploy on latitude The geographic latitude of the location where the animal was released. Intended primarily for cases in which the animal release location has higher accuracy than that derived from sensor data. Example: '27.3516'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2021-04-07
MVB000079 deploy on longitude The geographic longitude of the location where the animal was released. Intended primarily for cases in which the animal release location has higher accuracy than that derived from sensor data. Example: '-97.3321'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: deployment 2021-04-07
MVB000356 deploy on measurements A list of additional measurements taken during capture of the animal at the start of the deployment. Recommended best practice is to define units and use a key:value encoding schema for a data interchange format such as JSON. Example: "{"tarsusLengthInMillimeters":17.3, "wingChordInMillimeters":125}"; Units: not defined; Entity described: deployment 2024-01-22
MVB000080 deploy on person The name of the person/people who attached the tag to the animal and began the deployment. Example: 'G. Smith'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000357 deploy on sampling A description of physical samples taken during capture of the animal at the start of the deployment. Information can include material samples taken, results of lab analysis, and identifiers for the sample or results. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000081 deploy on timestamp The timestamp when the tag deployment started. Data records recorded before this day and time are not associated with the animal related to the deployment. Values are typically defined by the data owner, and in some cases are created automatically during data import. Example: '2008-08-30 18:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000085 deployment ID A unique identifier for the deployment of a tag on animal, provided by the data owner. If the data owner does not provide a Deployment ID, an internal Movebank deployment identifier may sometimes be shown. Example: 'Jane_ 42818'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000082 deployment comments Additional information about the tag deployment that is not described by other reference data terms. Example: 'body length 154 cm; condition good'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000083 deployment end comments Additional information about the end of a tag deployment. Also see 'deployment end type', 'animal death comments', and 'tag failure comments'. Example: 'data transmission stopped after 108 days. Cause unknown'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000084 deployment end type A categorical classification describing the end of the tag deployment on the animal. Best practice is to clarify how the 'deploy-off timestamp', if present, was chosen. Values are chosen from a controlled list: analysis-end = the end time represents the end of the period of interest; captured = The tag remained on the animal but the animal was captured or confined; dead = The deployment ended with the death of the animal that was carrying the tag; dead/fall-off = The tag stopped moving, and it is not possible to determine whether it is due to death of the animal or unscheduled tag detachment; equipment-failure = The tag stopped working; fall-off = The attachment of the tag to the animal failed, and it fell of accidentally; other = other; released = The tag remained on the animal but the animal was released from captivity or confinement; removal = The tag was purposefully removed from the animal; scheduled-detachment = The tag was programmed to detach from the animal; transmission-end = The tag stopped transmitting usable data; unknown = The cause of the end of data availability or transmission is unknown. Format: controlled list; Entity described: deployment 2022-09-23
MVB000398 deployment image A filename or URL for an image showing the animal with tag attached, typically taken at the start of the deployment. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000399 dive duration The duration of a dive event beginning at the timestamp. Example: '45'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000086 duty cycle Remarks associated with the duty cycle of a tag during the deployment, describing the times it is on/off and the frequency at which it transmits or records data. Units and time zones should be defined in the remarks. Example: '15-min fixes from 8:00-18:00 local time (0:00-10:00 UTC)'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000102 end timestamp The date and time when the sampling interval or burst ended. Example: '2011-01-03 13:45:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000087 eobs acceleration axes This tells you about the enabled ACC axes, like X and/or Y and/or Z (definition from 'e-obs GPS-acceleration-tags application note: How to use the acceleration sensor, interpret, analyse its data and how to get values in m/s^2', 2011). Example: 'XYZ'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000088 eobs acceleration sampling frequency per axis This is the sampling frequency for one axis. Don't mix this up with the sampling frequency for all axes together. For example if you have three ACC axes enabled, then the sampling frequency for all axes together is three times the sampling frequency for one axis. The sampling frequency is measured in Hertz, which is the same as 1/second. For example a sampling frequency of 10 Hz means that you get 10 samples per second (definition from 'e-obs GPS-acceleration-tags application note: How to use the acceleration sensor, interpret, analyse its data and how to get values in m/s^2', 2011). Example: '5.93'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000089 eobs accelerations raw Acceleration along the X and or Y and or Z axes of the tag, depending on which axes were activated on the tag as described in 'eobs acceleration axes'. Measurements alternate one measurement for each active axis in alphabetical order. The values are digital readings between 0 and 4095 of the analogue digital converter on the tag, and can be converted to m/s^2 with proper calibration. These samples are made at the rate described by the field 'eobs acceleration sampling frequency per axis' starting with the first sample at the time described in the field 'e-obs start timestamp'. Tags with numbers e-obs numbers 2242 and higher, which began being provided in spring 2012, have Y-axis values in the opposite direction from those in older tags (definition from 'e-obs GPS-acceleration-tags application note: How to use the acceleration sensor, interpret, analyse its data and how to get values in m/s^2', 2011; Wolgang Heidrich, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2012). Example: '1844 1889 1653 1845 1896 1653 1837 1897 1653 1842 1898 1650 1844 1899 1644 1840...'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000090 eobs activity An indication of activity since the previous data message was sent, based on raw acceleration data, provided in SMS messages sent by e-obs GSM tags. Values range from 0 (least activity) to 256 (most activity). The number of acceleration measurements used to determine activity is indicated in e-obs activity samples (Wolgang Heidrich, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2013). Example: '156'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000091 eobs activity samples The number of acceleration measurements used to calculate e-obs activity divided by 171. This is provided in SMS messages sent by GSM tags (Wolgang Heidrich, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2013). Example: '14'; Units: not specified; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000092 eobs battery voltage Unloaded battery voltage (definition from Franz Kuemmeth, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2012). Example: '3712'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000093 eobs fix battery voltage Loaded battery voltage, i.e. battery voltage when GPS module is acquiring a fix (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010; Franz Kuemmeth, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2012). Example: '3535'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000094 eobs horizontal accuracy estimate A horizontal (in)accuracy estimate, calculated by the GPS module (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010; Franz Kuemmeth, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2012). Example: '35.07'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000095 eobs key bin checksum A checksum of the original binary data, so that Movebank can quickly compare different lines by comparing their checksums (definition from 'e-obs GPS-acceleration-tags application note: How to use the acceleration sensor, interpret, analyse its data and how to get values in m/s^2', 2011). Example: '4152324118'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000096 eobs speed accuracy estimate A speed (in)accuracy estimate, calculated by the GPS module. The speed accuracy estimate (better named 'inaccuracy estimation') may show very high values, since the GPS module calculates a very conservative value. These speed measurements are potentially very inaccurate when interpreting the data (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010; Franz Kuemmeth, e-obs Digital Telemetry, personal communication, 2012). Example: '6.58'; Units: m/s; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000097 eobs start timestamp The date and time of day when the acceleration burst belonging to this line begins. The exact time of the first sample is a little later (up to 1 second) for older e-obs tags, especially when the ACC-pinger is enabled (4 pings before the start of each ACC burst) (definition from 'e-obs GPS-acceleration-tags application note: How to use the acceleration sensor, interpret, analyse its data and how to get values in m/s^2', 2011). Example: '2011-01-03 13:45:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000098 eobs status The record status, from e-obs GPS/accelerometer tags (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010). Allowed values are A = position and time within accuracy masks; B = only time of week and weeknumber valid; C = only weeknumber valid; D = no valid data. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000099 eobs temperature Temperature; this value is not calibrated and therefore very inaccurate (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010). Example: '45, -8'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000100 eobs type of fix The type of fix of data from e-obs GPS/accelerometer tags (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010). Allowed values are 3 = 3D fix and 2 = 2D fix. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000101 eobs used time to get fix The amount of time that was needed for this GPS fix; interesting for estimating power requirements (definition from e-obs Digital Telemetry Manual for DataDecoder Software, 2010). Example: '22'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000400 error count A count of the number of errors that occurred during the runtime of the tag. Example: '3'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000103 event ID An identifier for the set of values associated with each event, i.e. sensor measurement. A unique event ID is assigned to every time-location or other time-measurement record in Movebank. If multiple measurements are included within a single row of a data file, they will share an event ID. If users import the same sensor measurement to Movebank multiple times, a separate event ID will be assigned to each. Example: '14328243575'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000358 event group ID The name of an associated group, for example, the herd, pack, nest or family group. If the group does not change over time, this can be recorded using 'animal group ID'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000104 external temperature The temperature measured by the tag (different from ambient temperature or internal body temperature of the animal). Example: '32.1'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000434 geolocation station count The number of connected base stations in the positioning session. Example: '4'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000106 geolocator calibration A description of how solar geolocators were calibrated. Best practice is to refer to a publication and/or analysis software/parameters used. Example: 'on-animal calibration over a two-week period in the breeding site; see Jameson et al. (2011)'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000107 geolocator fix type The period of day (or a value indicating the period of day) used to estimate location by geolocation. Example: 'sunrise'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000108 geolocator light threshold The light threshold used for location estimation with solar geolocators. Range and units may vary by provider and tag settings. Example: '16'; Units: not defined; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000215 geolocator rise The period of day used to estimate location by geolocation. TRUE = sunrise, FALSE = sunset. Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000109 geolocator sensor comments Description of light and other sensors, e.g. range of light intensity, light spectra (nm) that is not described by other reference data terms. Example: 'tag includes light-level and wet-dry sensors'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000110 geolocator sun elevation angle The sun elevation angle used for location estimation with solar geolocators. Example: '-2.86'; Units: degrees; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000216 geolocator twilight3 The date and time of twilight detected by automated processing. Example: '2008-08-14 18:31:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000359 georeference protocol A description or reference to the methods used to determine location coordinates or uncertainties, for example, for locations derived from natural markings or acoustic or radio telemetry. Also see 'data processing software'. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000250 go public date Used in the REST API. A date scheduled by the study owner on which the study will become public. Example: '2022-04-01 08:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000123 grants used A list or description of grants and other funding sources for the research. Example: 'This project was funded by an NSF grant to RK.'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000124 ground speed The estimated ground speed provided by the sensor or calculated between consecutive locations. Example: '7.22'; Units: m/s; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000252 gyroscope axes The enabled gyroscope axes. Example: 'XYZ'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000253 gyroscope sampling frequency per axis The sampling frequency for each axis measured by the gyroscope. Can be used to report bursts of values associated with a single timestamp. Example: '5.93'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000127 habitat A category or description of the habitat. Information about the values and how they were obtained can be provided in 'habitat according to'. Example: 'oak savannah'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000128 habitat according to A description of habitat categories contained in 'habitat'. This can include how they were derived and/or a reference to the method or classification system used. Example: 'visual analysis using 2018 satellite imagery'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000129 heading The direction in which the tag is moving, in decimal degrees clockwise from north, as provided by the sensor or calculated between consecutive locations. Values range from 0-360: 0 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west. Example: '315.88'; Units: degrees clockwise from north; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000287 heart rate The animal's heart rate. Units: beats per minute; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000130 height above ellipsoid The estimated height above the ellipsoid, typically estimated by the tag. If altitudes are calculated as height above mean sea level, use 'height above mean sea level'. Example: '24.8'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000362 height above ground level The height above ground level. For altitudes independent of ground level, use 'barometric height', 'height above ellipsoid', 'height above mean sea level' or 'height raw'. Example: '123'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000131 height above mean sea level The estimated height of the tag above mean sea level, typically estimated by the tag. If altitudes are calculated as height above an ellipsoid, use 'height above ellipsoid'. Example: '34'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000132 height raw Raw values for the height of the tag above ellipsoid or mean sea level, typically estimated by the tag. Values are stored as raw text values because non-numeric characters are used or processing is required to derive the correct height estimate. Best practice is to define values in the reference data. Example: '425, 2D fix'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000133 import marked outlier Identifies events as outliers. Outliers have the value TRUE. Typically used to import a record of outliers that were identified by the data provider or owner with automated methods outside of Movebank. Information about how outliers were defined can be provided in 'outlier comments'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000363 individual count The number of conspecifics observed, including the tagged animal. Units: count; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000134 individual local identifier DEPRECATED This attribute has been merged with 'animal ID'. An individual identifier for the animal, provided by the data owner. Values are unique within the study. If the data owner does not provide an Animal ID, an internal Movebank animal identifier is sometimes shown. Example: '91876A, Gary'; Units: none; Entity described: individual 2022-09-23
MVB000135 individual taxon canonical name DEPRECATED This attribute has been merged with 'animal taxon'. The scientific name of the species on which the tag was deployed, as defined by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, If the species name can not be provided, this should be the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined and that is used in the ITIS taxonomy. Additional information can be provided using the term 'taxon detail'. Format: controlled list; Entity described: individual 2022-09-23
MVB000256 internal temperature The internal body temperature of the animal measured by the tag. Example: '37.1'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000289 is location sensor Used in the REST API. Whether or not the sensor type provides events that include location estimates. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: tag_ type 2022-08-15
MVB000290 is test Used in the REST API. Whether the Study Type is Test. TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, the Study Type is Research. Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000136 lat lower The lower bound of the latitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '23.4'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000364 lat median The median (50th percentile) of the latitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '28.7'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000365 lat sd The standard deviation of the latitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '2.627901'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000137 lat upper The upper bound of the latitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '32.4'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000138 license terms Terms of use for the data in the study, provided by the study owner. Also see 'license type' for use of Creative Commons licenses. In addition to terms listed, the General Movebank Terms of Use and User Agreement apply for all studies. Example: 'Data can be viewed publicly and used for educational purposes, but cannot be shared or used in publications without prior written permission from principal investigator.'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000257 license type The license that currently applies to data that are publicly downloadable from the study. Chosen by the study owner. If CUSTOM is selected, details may be available in 'license terms'. Allowed values are CC_ BY = Creative Commons Attribution (BY) License; CC_ BY_ NC = Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (BY-NC) License; CC_ 0 = Creative Commons Universal (CC0) License; CUSTOM = Custom terms of use defined by the study owner. Format: controlled list; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000139 light level Light-level values measured by a solar geolocator. Range and units may vary by provider and tag settings. Best practice is to define values in the reference data. Example: '28'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000366 locality A description of the place or site. Information about the values and how they were obtained can be provided in 'locality according to'. Example: 'Markelfingen'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000367 locality according to A description of values contained in 'locality'. This can include how the location was defined and/or a reference to the method or classification system used. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000141 location accuracy comments Comments about the location accuracy. This can further describe values provided in 'location error text', 'location error numerical', 'vertical error numerical', 'lat lower', 'lat upper', 'long lower' and/or 'long upper'. The percentile uncertainty can be provided using 'location error percentile'. Example: '1 standard deviation errors, assuming normal distribution, provided by the GPS unit'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000402 location error 3D An estimate of the combined location error in horizontal and vertical dimensions. Units: meters; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000142 location error numerical An estimate of the horizontal error of the location including only numbers. (If the error estimates include non-numerical characters such as '>' use 'location error text'.) These values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '50'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000143 location error percentile The percentile error for horizontal error values provided in 'location error text', 'location error numerical', 'lat lower', 'lat upper', 'long lower' and/or 'long upper'. Additional comments about these values can be provided using 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '67'; Units: none (percent); Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000144 location error text An estimate of the horizontal error of the location estimate, typically provided in the original data file, described using more than numbers. Units should be provided in the values. (If the values are purely numeric, use 'location error numerical'.) Best practice is to define values and units using 'location error percentile' and/or 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '> 25 ft'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000145 location lat The geographic latitude of the location as estimated by the sensor. Example: '-41.0982423'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2022-09-27
MVB000146 location long The geographic longitude of the location as estimated by the sensor. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it. Example: '-121.1761111'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000147 long lower The lower bound of the longitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '0.236'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000368 long median The median (50th percentile) of the longitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '-0.185'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000369 long sd The standard deviation of the longitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '4.388854'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000148 long upper The upper bound of the longitude estimate. Values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '-0.489'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000219 magnetic field axes The enabled magnetometer axes. Example: 'XYZ'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000151 magnetic field raw x Raw magnetic field values provided by the tag for the X axis. May include an unknown offset. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '-0.5197'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000152 magnetic field raw y Raw magnetic field values provided by the tag for the Y axis. May include an unknown offset. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '-0.993'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000153 magnetic field raw z Raw magnetic field values provided by the tag for the Z axis. May include an unknown offset. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '-0.8857'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000220 magnetic field sampling frequency per axis The sampling frequency for each axis measured by the magnetometer. Can be used to report bursts of values associated with a single timestamp. Example: '20'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000258 magnetic field x The magnetic field strength measured by the magnetometer for the X axis. For magnetic field strength values not in units of microtesla, use 'magnetic field raw x'. Example: '40.1367'; Units: microtesla (_ T); Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000259 magnetic field y The magnetic field strength measured by the magnetometer for the Y axis. For magnetic field strength values not in units of microtesla, use 'magnetic field raw y'. Example: '-12.3047'; Units: microtesla (_ T); Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000260 magnetic field z The magnetic field strength measured by the magnetometer for the Z axis. For magnetic field strength values not in units of microtesla, use 'magnetic field raw z'. Example: '99.0234'; Units: microtesla (_ T); Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000221 magnetic fields raw Burst of magnetic field values along the X, Y, and/or Z axes of the tag, depending on which axes are enabled. Measurements alternate one measurement for each active axis in alphabetical order. Range and units may vary by provider, tag, and orientation of the sensor on the animal. Example: '-1 115 -29 12 112 -26 3 103 -27 14 112 -30 10 108 -22 12 100 -30 6 106 -26 16 102 -26 2 102 -18 2 102 -18'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000222 main location lat The latitude of the reference location for the study chosen by the data owner that is used as the location for the study marker shown on the Movebank map. This location can represent a colony, homing location, deployment site, research institute location, or other location relevant to the study. Example: '42.718'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000223 main location long The longitude of the reference location for the study chosen by the data owner that is used as the location for the study marker shown on the Movebank map. This location can represent a colony, homing location, deployment site, research institute location, or other location relevant to the study. Example: '-73.856'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000154 manipulation comments Additional comments about the way in which the animal was manipulated during the deployment. Use 'manipulation type' to define the general type of manipulation. Example: 'Relocated from breeding colony on Smithers Island to release location at 70.02E, 21.21S'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2019-10-03
MVB000371 manipulation status A category or description of how the animal is manipulated, to identify periods or events during a deployment, for example, events representing non-free-ranging movements in semi-domesticated herds. Related information can be stored in 'manipulation type' and 'manipulation comments'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000155 manipulation type The way in which the animal was manipulated during the deployment. Additional information can be provided using 'manipulation comments'. Changes in manipulation status during deployment can be identified using 'manipulation status'. Values are chosen from a controlled list: confined = The animal's movement was restricted to within a defined area; domesticated = The animal is domesticated, for example, is a house pet or part of a managed herd; manipulated-other = The animal was manipulated in some other way, such as a physiological manipulation; none = The animal received no treatment other than tag attachment and related measurements and sampling (if applicable); reintroduction = The animal has been reintroduced as part of wildlife conservation or management efforts; relocated = The animal was released from a site other than the one at which it was captured. Format: controlled list; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000156 manually marked outlier Identifies events flagged manually as outliers, typically using the Event Editor in Movebank, and may also include outliers identified using other methods. Outliers have the value TRUE. Information about how outliers were defined can be provided in 'outlier comments'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000157 manually marked valid An event marked manually as valid to override the results of a Movebank data filter (stored in 'algorithm marked outlier'), typically using the Event Editor in Movebank. Records marked as valid have the value TRUE. These values also override values in 'manually marked outlier' and 'import marked outlier'. Information about how values were determined can be provided in 'outlier comments'. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000160 migration stage The migration stage of the animal. Values are specific to the study. To use a controlled list of migration stages that can be compared across studies, use migration stage standard. Example: 'Stopover #1d'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000161 migration stage standard Migration state of the animal. Values are chosen from a controlled list: altitudinal migration; breeding grounds; fall migration; foraging grounds; foraging migration; irruptive migration; latitudinal migration; migration to molt site; molt site; natal area; nomadic migration; other seasonal migration; removal migration; reproductive migration; spawning grounds; spring migration; stopover; summer non-breeding; vertical migration (aquatic); wintering grounds. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000162 modelled Can be used to identify locations or light level values that are modelled, interpolated, or otherwise added or changed based on original sensor measurements. These may include movement model outputs, locations added to create a dataset with equal time intervals, etc. Details about the procedures used can be provided in 'data processing software'. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000261 mortality status The mortality status, as reported by the tag. Use 'animal death comments' to report details about the death of the animal. Example: '1'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000224 number of deployed locations The number of deployed locations in the study. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '172231'; Units: count; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000225 number of deployments The number of deployments in the study or for an individual animal or tag. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '10'; Units: count; Entity described: study 2023-09-28
MVB000262 number of events Used in the REST API. The number of events (data records) associated with an individual, tag, or deployment. Values are calculated approximately daily. Example: '198543'; Units: count; Entity described: individual 2023-09-28
MVB000226 number of individuals The number of individual animals in the study. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '73'; Units: count; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000227 number of tags The number of tags in the study. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '73'; Units: count; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000372 observer The name of an individual or group that observed the event. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000228 orientation quaternion raw w The w component of the quaternion representing the orientation of the tag, in raw values provided by the tag. Component values must be converted in order to get true quaternions. Example: '492'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000229 orientation quaternion raw x The x component of the quaternion representing the orientation of the tag, in raw values provided by the tag. Component values must be converted in order to get true quaternions. Example: '-90'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000230 orientation quaternion raw y The y component of the quaternion representing the orientation of the tag, in raw values provided by the tag. Component values must be converted in order to get true quaternions. Example: '127'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000231 orientation quaternion raw z The z component of the quaternion representing the orientation of the tag, in raw values provided by the tag. Component values must be converted in order to get true quaternions. Example: '-103'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000232 orientation quaternions raw Burst of raw coordinate values of quaternions defining the orientation of the tag. Example: '-10136 -6 -3 -121 -10944 -3 2 -120 -12516 -1 11 -117 -17502 2 15 -107 -19954 -11 10 -100 -20825 -7 12 -97 -19864 -12 18 -99 -21930 -1 6 -94 -22438 -3 19 -91 -21594 -7 24 -92'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000233 orientation quaternions sampling frequency The sampling frequency for quaternion measurements. Can be used to report bursts of values associated with a single timestamp. Example: '20'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000374 outlier comments A description or reference for methods used to define outliers in 'manually marked outlier', 'algorithm marked outlier', 'import marked outlier' and/or 'manually marked valid'. If outliers were removed prior to import, this field can be used to describe which data were excluded. Example: 'Movebank value range filter set to flag records with GPS HDOP => 20, retaining records with null values.'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000263 pitch The pitch of the tag, as measured by the gyroscope, accelerometer and/or magnetometer on the tag. Values range from -180 to 180, with positive values indicating backward pitch and negative values indicating forward pitch. Example: '-3.37'; Units: degrees; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000164 principal investigator The principal investigator (PI) or lead researcher for the study. Reported either as the PI name or the name and username of the associated Movebank account. Example: 'Rolandisimo (Roland Kays)'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000234 principal investigator address Address, affiliation or other contact information for the principal investigator (PI) or lead researcher for the study. Used when the PI does not have a Movebank account. Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000235 principal investigator email Email address for the principal investigator (PI) or lead researcher for the study. Used when the PI does not have a Movebank account. Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000236 principal investigator name DEPRECATED This attribute has been merged with 'principal investigator'. The principal investigator (PI) or lead researcher for the study. Used when the PI does not have a Movebank account. Example: 'Charles Darwin'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-09-23
MVB000165 proofed Can be used to indicate whether or not records have been proofed by an expert involved with the study. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000264 provider update timestamp The timestamp on which the event was last updated by the data provider. Example: '2020-12-18 08:50:06.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000403 prox ID The ID of another tag detected in the proximity of the tag. The detection range will depend on many factors including the tag settings, the species and attachment method, and surrounding features and habitat. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000404 prox signal strength The signal strength of another tag detected in the proximity of the tag (commonly reported as dBm or RSSI). Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000166 raptor workshop behavior DEPRECATED Behavioral categories used for analysis as part of the Movebank raptor workshop in Hawk Mountain, USA, February 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: Nesting = An observation where an animal is observed, or determined to be, at its nest site; Roosting = An observation where an animal is observed, or determined to be, roosting. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000167 raptor workshop deployment special event DEPRECATED Special events in the deployments used for analysis as part of the Movebank raptor workshop in Hawk Mountain, USA, February 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: BiologicallyIrrelevant = An observation that is found to be biologically irrelevant, for example because there was no animal wearing the tag; Death = The location where an animal is found or determined to be dead; ReleaseSite = The location where the animal is released; TagFailure = The observation where the tag was found, or determined, to have failed. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000168 raptor workshop migration state DEPRECATED Migration states used for analysis as part of the Movebank raptor workshop in Hawk Mountain, USA, February 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: BreedingGrounds = in the breeding grounds; FallMigration = on fall migration; Migration = on a seasonal migration; NatalArea = in the area where the animal was born; NonBreedingGrounds = in the non-breeding grounds, i.e. wintering grounds; SpringMigration = on spring migration; StopOver = in a stopover site during a migration; SummerNonBreeding = in a summer non-breeding grounds. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000265 receiver ID An identifier for the receiver that detected the signal from the tag. Example: 'Schillig'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000292 receiver deployment ID An identifier for the deployment of a radio or acoustic receiver. Example: 'V21-987'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000293 receiver detector ID Identifier for the detector or antenna on an acoustic or radio receiver. Example: '2'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000375 receiver latitude The geographic latitude of the receiver that received the signal from the tag. Example: '47.728'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000376 receiver longitude The geographic longitude of the receiver that received the signal from the tag. Example: '9.075'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000266 relative humidity The relative humidity measured by the tag. Example: '23.8'; Units: none (percent); Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000267 roll The roll of the tag, as measured by the gyroscope, accelerometer and/or magnetometer on the tag. Values range from -180 to 180, with positive values indicating clockwise roll (rotation to the right) around the axis and negative values indicating anticlockwise roll (rotation to the left) around the axis. Example: '-7.35'; Units: degrees; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000169 sampling frequency The sampling frequency. If multiple sensors are deployed, use sensor-type-specific frequency attributes. Example: '5.93'; Units: Hz; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000405 scheduled detachment date The date on which the tag was scheduled to automatically detach from the animal. This may differ from the time of the end of the deployment, which is defined by 'deploy-off timestamp'. Example: '2020-08-31'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd; Units: date (time and time zone not specified); Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000170 sensor type The type of sensor with which data were collected. All sensors are associated with a tag id, and tags can contain multiple sensor types. Each event record in Movebank is assigned one sensor type. If values from multiple sensors are reported in a single event, the primary sensor is used. Values are chosen from a controlled list: acceleration = The sensor collects acceleration data; accessory-measurements = The sensor collects accessory measurements, such as battery voltage; acoustic-telemetry = The sensor transmits an acoustic signal that is detected by receivers to determine location; argos-doppler-shift = The sensor location is estimated by Argos using Doppler shift; barometer = The sensor records air or water pressure; bird-ring = The animal is identified by a band or ring that has a unique identifier; derived = Information is derived from other sensor data; geolocation-api = The location is determined based on detection by nearby cell towers or other wireless network connectors using the World Wide Web Consortium Geolocation API Recommendation; gnss = The sensor uses one or more global navigation satellite systems to determine location; gps = The sensor uses GPS to determine location; gyroscope = The sensor records angular velocity; heart-rate = The sensor records or is used to calculate heart rate; magnetometer = The sensor records the magnetic field; natural-mark = The animal is identified by a unique natural marking; orientation = Quaternion components describing the orientation of the tag are derived from accelerometer and gyroscope measurements; proximity = The sensor identifies proximity to other tags; radio-transmitter = The sensor transmits a radio signal that is detected by receivers to determine location; sigfox-geolocation = The sensor location is determined by Sigfox using the received signal strength indicator; solar-geolocator = The sensor collects light levels, which are used to determine position (for processed locations); solar-geolocator-raw = The sensor collects light levels, which are used to determine position (for raw light-level measurements); solar-geolocator-twilight = The sensor collects light levels, which are used to determine position (for twilights calculated from light-level measurements). Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000406 sensor type ID Used in the REST API. The ID for the type of sensor with which data were collected: 1239574236 = acoustic telemetry; 1297673380 = gyroscope; 2206221896 = heart rate; 2299894820 = Sigfox geolocation; 2365682 = natural mark; 2365683 = acceleration; 2645090675 = proximity; 3886361 = solar geolocator; 397 = bird ring; 653 = GPS; 673 = radio transmitter; 77740391 = barometer; 77740402 = magnetometer; 7842954 = accessory measurements; 819073350 = orientation; 82798 = Argos Doppler shift; 914097241 = solar geolocator twilight; 9301403 = solar geolocator raw. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000268 sensor type IDs Used in the REST API. A comma-separated list of sensor types currently assigned to events in the study or for an individual or tag. Example: 'GPS,Acceleration'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2023-09-28
MVB000320 sequence number The sequence number of the event. Example: '3776'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000407 sequence number burst The burst count up to the time the headline is written. Example: '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000269 solar cell voltage The voltage of the solar panel. Example: '809.76'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000270 solar voltage percent The voltage of the solar panel, reported as a percentage of maximum possible voltage. Example: '78'; Units: none (percent); Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000378 speed accuracy The estimated accuracy of 'ground speed'. Units: m/s; Entity described: event 2024-01-22
MVB000171 start timestamp The date and time when the sampling interval or burst began. Example: '2011-01-03 13:45:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000172 study ID A unique identifier for the study in Movebank that is created automatically by the database. Example: '2911040'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000140 study local timestamp The date and time a sensor measurement was taken, converted from the values in 'timestamp' to the time zone of the study reference location. The time zone for the study reference location is determined using the IANA Time Zone Database and a shapefile of these zones provided by Example: '2008-08-14 15:31:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: time zone is specific to the study; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000173 study name The name of the study in Movebank. Example: 'Coyotes, Kays and Bogan, Albany NY'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000271 study permission Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that is a Collaborator or Data Manager for the study. Allowed values are collaborator = user is a Collaborator (unless the user is also a Data Manager); data_ manager = user is a Data Manager (and may also be a Collaborator); na = user has no credentials for the study and has the same access as the public. Format: controlled list; Entity described: study 2022-09-23
MVB000174 study reference location DEPRECATED A reference location for the study chosen by the data owner that is used as the location for the study marker shown on the Movebank map. This location can represent a colony, homing location, deployment site, or other location relevant to the study. Example: '-73.856, 42.718'; Units: decimal degrees, WGS84 reference system; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000175 study site A location such as the deployment site, study site, or colony name. Example: 'Pickerel Island North'; Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000178 study specific measurement Values for a study-specific attribute. Best practice is to define the values and units in the reference data or study details. Example: '1112:01'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000176 study summary A description of the study objectives, methods, and results. Example: 'To examine how well coyotes survive in suburban areas in the study region by assessing individual movements, habitat use, survivorship and correlates of cause-specific mortality.'; Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000177 study timezone The time zone at the study reference location, determined using the IANA Time Zone Database and a shapefile of these zones provided by Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000272 study type Type of study. Standard studies are 'research' studies. Format: controlled list; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000238 suspend license terms Used in the REST API. Whether or not the study owner allows users that are not Data Managers to download data without accepting license terms. This is sometimes done to facilitate access through external applications. Units: none; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000181 tag ID A unique identifier for the tag, provided by the data owner. If the data owner does not provide a tag ID, an internal Movebank tag identifier may sometimes be shown. Example: '2342'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2019-10-03
MVB000379 tag backup voltage The voltage of a backup battery as reported by the tag. Units: mV; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000295 tag battery voltage DEPRECATED Duplicate of 'tag voltage'. Depracated. Example: '2895'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2022-09-23
MVB000065 tag beacon frequency The frequency of the radio tag or tag retrieval beacon. Example: '450.5'; Units: MHz; Entity described: tag 2022-08-15
MVB000408 tag calibration A description of how sensors on the tag were calibrated. Reference to a calibration file can also be provided. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000179 tag comments Additional information about the tag that is not described by other reference data terms. Example: 'custom-made Doppler shift Argos tag with a special altitude sensor'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2019-10-03
MVB000180 tag failure comments Comments about tag malfunction or failure. Example: 'tag stopped transmitting 23/12/08, was not found'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2022-08-15
MVB000380 tag firmware The tag firmware and version used during the deployment. If needed, identify the relevant sensors on the tag. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-02-20
MVB000182 tag local identifier DEPRECATED This attribute has been merged with 'tag ID'. An identifier for the tag, provided by the data owner. Values are unique within the study. If the data owner does not provide a tag ID, an internal Movebank tag identifier may sometimes be shown. Example: '2342'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2022-09-23
MVB000183 tag manufacturer name The company or person that produced the tag. Example: 'Holohil'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2022-08-15
MVB000184 tag mass The mass of the tag. Can be used with 'tag mass total' to define the mass of the tag separately from that of the tag with additional hardware. Example: '24'; Units: grams; Entity described: tag 2023-09-28
MVB000409 tag mass total The total mass of the tag and related hardware, such as housing and harness, during the deployment. Units: grams; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000185 tag model The model of the tag. Example: 'T61'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2019-10-03
MVB000186 tag processing type Used to distinguish between data formats produced by different types of Microwave tags (currently not used). Units: none; Entity described: tag 2019-10-03
MVB000187 tag production date The approximate date the tag was produced (can be a year, month, or day). Example: 'March 2011'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2022-08-15
MVB000188 tag readout method The way the data are received from the tag. Values are chosen from a controlled list: ISS = Data are transferred via the International Space Station; LPWAN = Data are transferred through a low-power wide-area network, such as LoRa or Sigfox; multiple = Data are acquired using multiple methods; none = Data are obtained without use of an animal-borne tag, such as by observing a unique marking; other-wireless = Data are transferred via another form of wireless data transfer, such as a VHF transmitter/receiver; phone-network = Data are transferred via a phone network, such as GSM or AMPS; satellite = Data are transferred via satellite; tag-retrieval = The tag must be physically retrieved in order to obtain the data; telemetry-network = Data are obtained through a radio or acoustic telemetry network; Wi-Fi/Bluetooth = Data are transferred via a local Wi-Fi or Bluetooth system. Format: controlled list; Entity described: deployment 2022-08-15
MVB000410 tag retrieval date The date on which the tag was recovered. This may differ from the time of the end of the deployment, which is defined by 'deploy-off timestamp'. Example: '2020-09-15'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd; Units: date (time and time zone not specified); Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000189 tag serial no The serial number of the tag. Example: 'MN93-33243'; Units: none; Entity described: tag 2022-08-15
MVB000411 tag settings A description of tag and sensor settings during the deployment. Reference to a settings file can also be provided. Units: none; Entity described: deployment 2023-09-28
MVB000190 tag tech spec Values for a tag-specific technical specification. Can be used to store measurements not described by existing Movebank attributes. Best practice is to define the values and units in the reference data or study details. Example: '8.31'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000191 tag voltage The voltage as reported by the tag. Example: '2895'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000273 taxon IDs A comma-separated list of taxa currently assigned to animals in the study, as defined by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, Format: controlled list; Entity described: study 2021-04-07
MVB000296 telemetry detection count Number of telemetry detections related to the location estimate. Example: '447'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000297 telemetry run ID Identifier for a run of consecutive hits on a receiver station from a tag. Example: '3459209'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000194 temperature max The maximum temperature measured during the measurement interval. Example: '12.4'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000195 temperature min The minimum temperature measured during the measurement interval. Example: '7.4'; Units: degrees Celsius; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000239 there are data which I cannot see Used in the REST API. Whether the user credentials used in the request are for a Movebank user that does not have permission to view some or all tracks on Movebank. Does not indicate whether this user has permission to download data. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: study 2019-10-03
MVB000196 tilt angle The angle in which the tag is tilted in respect to the gravitational angle (0-180). Example: '78'; Units: degrees; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000197 tilt x Tilt provided by the accelerometer for the X axis. Example: '0'; Units: g forces (1 g = 9.8 m s^-2); Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000198 tilt y Tilt provided by the accelerometer for the Y axis. Example: '0'; Units: g forces (1 g = 9.8 m s^-2); Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000199 tilt z Tilt provided by the accelerometer for the Z axis. Example: '1'; Units: g forces (1 g = 9.8 m s^-2); Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000200 timestamp The date and time corresponding to a sensor measurement or an estimate derived from sensor measurements. Example: '2008-08-14 18:31:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000274 timestamp end Used in the REST API. The timestamp of the last valid location for the study, individual, tag, or deployment. Values are calculated approximately daily. Example: '2008-06-26 13:30:43.000'; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: study 2023-09-28
MVB000240 timestamp of first deployed location The timestamp of the first deployed location in the study. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '2008-08-14 15:31:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000241 timestamp of last deployed location The timestamp of the last deployed location in the study. Values displayed in the study details on Movebank are calculated within minutes when changes are made. Values obtained through the REST API are calculated approximately daily. Example: '2014-03-11 18:06:44.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: study 2022-08-15
MVB000275 timestamp start Used in the REST API. The timestamp of the first valid location for the study, individual, tag, or deployment. Values are calculated approximately daily. Example: '2008-03-13 17:58:43.000'; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: study 2023-09-28
MVB000388 track segment ID An identifier to distinguish segments within the deployment, such as foraging trips. Specific types of track segments may also be stored in 'behavioural classification', 'habitat', 'locality', 'manipulation status', 'migration stage' and 'migration stage standard'. Example: 'EE00316_ 1'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000276 transmission protocol The protocol used to transmit or otherwise obtain the event data from the tag. Best practice is to use when data are retrieved from the tag using multiple methods. Example: 'Iridium'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000201 transmission timestamp The date and time that the data record was transmitted. Example: '2014-03-11 18:06:44.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC or GPS time; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000277 tsn Used in the REST API. The taxonomic serial number. A unique, persistent, non-intelligent identifier for a scientific name within the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) ( Example: '165355'; Units: none; Entity described: taxon 2021-04-07
MVB000113 twilight Identifies light-level measurements determined to represent twilight events. Typically 1 = sunrise, 2 = sunset, 0 = not twilight. Example: '2'; Units: none; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000242 twilight excluded Whether a twilight identified by automated processing was excluded from subsequent analysis. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000243 twilight inserted Whether a twilight was inserted for a time when automated processing did not identify a twilight. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2019-10-03
MVB000202 underwater count The number of times the tag went underwater during the measurement period. Example: '11'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000203 underwater time The amount of time the tag was underwater during the measurement period. Example: '547'; Units: seconds; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000204 update ts Used in the REST API. The date and time that the event was last updated in the Movebank database. If the event has not been modified this will indicate when the event was created, i.e. imported to the study in Movebank. Records created before this attribute was added to the database will have the value '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'. Example: '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'; Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS; Units: UTC; Entity described: event 2021-04-07
MVB000208 vertical error numerical An estimate of the vertical error of the location. These values can be described using 'location error percentile' and 'location accuracy comments'. Example: '12'; Units: meters; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000390 vertical speed The estimated speed of vertical movement provided by the sensor or calculated between consecutive locations. Units: m/s; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000209 visible Determines whether an event is visible on the Movebank map. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Values are calculated automatically, with TRUE indicating the event has not been flagged as an outlier by 'algorithm marked outlier', 'import marked outlier' or 'manually marked outlier', or that the user has overridden the results of these outlier attributes using 'manually marked valid' = TRUE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000298 voltage resolution The voltage resolution of the sensor. Example: '1.056'; Units: mV; Entity described: event 2023-02-20
MVB000210 waterbird workshop: behavior DEPRECATED Behavioral categories used for analysis as part of the Movebank waterbird workshop in Constance, Germany, September 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: Nesting = An observation where an animal is observed, or determined to be, at its nest site; Roosting = An observation where an animal is observed, or determined to be, roosting. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000211 waterbird workshop: deployment special event DEPRECATED Special events in the deployments used for analysis as part of the Movebank waterbird workshop in Constance, Germany, September 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: BiologicallyIrrelevant = An observation that is found to be biologically irrelevant, for example because there was no animal wearing the tag; Death = The location where an animal is found or determined to be dead; ReleaseSite = The location where the animal is released; TagFailure = The observation where the tag was found, or determined, to have failed. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000212 waterbird workshop: migration state DEPRECATED Migration states used for analysis as part of the Movebank waterbird workshop in Constance, Germany, September 2009. Values are chosen from a controlled list: BreedingGrounds = in the breeding grounds; FallMigration = on fall migration; MigrationOther = on a seasonal migration; MigrationToMolt = on migration to molting site; MoltSite = at a molting site; SpringMigration = on spring migration; StopOver = in a stopover site during a migration; SummerNonBreedingAdult = in a summer non-breeding grounds, animal is an adult; SummerNonBreedingImmature = in a summer non-breeding grounds, animal is immature; WinterGrounds = in the wintering grounds. Format: controlled list; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000299 wet Whether the sensor is wet, as detected by a conductivity sensor. Allowed values are TRUE or FALSE. Units: none; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000213 wet count The wet count during the measurement interval. Example: '11'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2022-08-15
MVB000392 zero crossings amplitude The average acceleration magnitude of the zero crossing minimum and maximum peaks during the measurement period. This indicates the strength of the zero crossings to evaluate whether oscillations indicate noise or actual steps. Example: '188.047056'; Units: not defined; Entity described: event 2023-09-28
MVB000393 zero crossings steps The number of steps taken during the measurement period, calculated from acceleration data using a zero crossings analysis. Example: '35'; Units: count; Entity described: event 2023-09-28