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BODC parameter semantic model biological entity sex category terms

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S102 female The sample (which may be a single specimen) comprises specimens identified as female. 2013-11-12
S106 female+indeterminate Females have been grouped together with specimens whose gender cannot be reliably determined. 2006-02-17
S107 hermaphrodite Specimens identified as having both male and female reproductive organs 2011-08-26
S105 indeterminate The taxonomist was unable to reliably determine the gender of the specimens. 2006-02-17
S103 male The sample (which may be a single specimen) comprises specimens identified as male. 2013-11-12
S108 male+female The sample comprises a mixture of identified male and female specimens. 2013-11-12
S104 not specified The biological entity definition does not include a sexual category as a component. 2023-08-25