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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquaculture is the active cultivation of aquatic organisms. Unlike fishing, aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, implies the cultivation of aquatic populations under controlled conditions. 2011-08-19
Atmosphere Atmosphere The Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and retained by the Earth's gravity. It contains roughly (by molar content/volume) 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, trace amounts of other gases, and a variable amount (average around 1%) of water vapor. 2011-08-19
Bathymetry Bathymetry Bathymetry is the measurement of sea floor elevation relative to sea level. 2011-08-19
Beach Beach A beach is a gently sloping area of loose material (e.g., sand, gravel, and cobbles) that extend landward from the low-water line to a point where there is a definite change in the material type or landform, or to the line of vegetation. The Oregon Beach bill recognizes public recreational rights or easements to dry sandy beaches all the way to the statuatory vegetation line. 2011-08-19
BeachDuneOverlays Beach dune overlays 2011-08-19
Biological Biological 2011-08-19
Boundaries Boundaries Refers to the human defined edges in the landscape that define areas of different legal or political jurisdiction, and/or ownership. 2011-08-19
Climate Climate Climate is the average and variations of weather in a region over long periods of time. 2011-08-19
CommunityVulnerability Community Vulnerability A measure of the attributes which can make a community more or less resiliant to common coastal hazards 2011-08-19
ComprehensivePlans Comprehensive Plan "Comprehensive plan" means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including, but not limited to, sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities and natural resources and air and water quality management programs. "Comprehensive" means all-inclusive, both in terms of the geographic area covered and functional and natural activities and systems occurring in the area covered by the plan. "General nature" means a summary of policies and proposals in broad categories and does not necessarily indicate the specific locations of any area, activity or use." "Land" includes water, both surface and subsurface, and the air. 2011-08-19
CriticalFacilityVulnerability Critical Facility Vulnerability A measure of the attributes which can make a critical facility more or less resiliant to common coastal hazards. A critical facility would be any facility dedicated to public health, safety and welfare, especially those facilities whose services would be of critical importance during times of disaster. 2011-08-19
DredgeMaterialDisposal Dredge material disposal Disposal of sediments dredged (typically) from navigation channels. May be upland disposal, or in-water disposal. 2011-08-19
Economy Economy An economy is the system of human activities related to the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services of a country or other area. 2011-08-19
Elevation Elevation The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point. 2011-08-19
EmergencyService Emergency Service Emergency services are typically public organizations which ensure public safety by addressing different emergencies. 2011-08-19
EstuaryManagementPlans Estuary management plans Estuary management plans designate appropriate uses for different management units with in each estuary. These local plans must provide for review of estuarine alterations to assure that they are as compatible as possible with the protection of estuarine values. 2011-08-19
Evacuation Evacuation Emergency evacuation, the mass movement of persons from a dangerous place due to a disaster. 2011-08-19
Facilities Facilities Facilities are designated manmade installations intended to facilitate a particular societal function (usually public services). 2011-08-19
Fauna Fauna Animal life of any particular region or time 2011-08-19
FieldScience Field Science Field Science 2011-08-19
Flora Flora Plant life of any particular region or time 2011-08-19
Geophysical Geophysical Geologic and Physical characteristics of an area 2011-08-19
Goal16 Goal 16: Estuarine Resources Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 16 is to recognize and protect the unique environmental, economic, and social values of each estuary and associated wetlands; and To protect, maintain, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the long-term environmental, economic, and social values, diversity and benefits of Oregon's estuaries. 2011-08-19
Goal17 Goal 17: Coastal Shorelands Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 17 is to conserve, protect, where appropriate, develop and where appropriate restore the resources and benefits of all coastal shorelands, recognizing their value for protection and maintenance of water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, water-dependent uses, economic resources and recreation and aesthetics. The management of these shoreland areas shall be compatible with the characteristics of the adjacent coastal waters; and To reduce the hazard to human life and property, and the adverse effects upon water quality and fish and wildlife habitat, resulting from the use and enjoyment of Oregon's coastal shorelands. 2011-08-19
Goal18 Goal 18: Beaches and Dunes Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 18 is to conserve, protect, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the resources and benefits of coastal beach and dune areas; and To reduce the hazard to human life and property from natural or man-induced actions associated with these areas. 2011-08-19
Goal19 Goal 19: Ocean resources Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 19 is to conserve marine resources and ecological functions for the purpose of providing long-term ecological, economic, and social value and benefits to future generations. 2011-08-19
Habitat Habitat A habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species. It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds (influences and is utilized by) a species population. 2011-08-19
HabitatDegradation Habitat Degradation The degradation or impairment of the natural functioning of a habitat by external factors. 2011-08-19
HazardAvoidance Hazard Avoidance Practices designed to distance human activities and critical societal infrastructure from known hazardous locations or situations. 2011-08-19
HazardMitigation Hazard Mitigation Any deliberate action that lessens or otherwise avoids the negative effects of a know hazard. 2011-08-19
Hazards Hazards A Hazard is a situation which poses a level of threat to life, health, property or environment. 2011-08-19
Human Human 2011-08-19
Hydrography Hydrography Hydrography pertains to measurement and description of any water, including rivers and streams and their watersheds. 2011-08-19
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure is a term to describe (usually public) material assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy. 2011-08-19
Issues Issues Topics or problems typically address in coastal land use planning. 2011-08-19
Jurisdictions Jurisdictions 2011-08-19
LandOwnership Land Ownership Land Ownership 2011-08-19
LittoralCell Littoral Cell Littoral cells are segments of shoreline, bounded by headlands, that constitute closed compartments in terms of sand supply. The headlands restrict transfers of onshore sediment to offshore movements within individual littoral cells. These internal exchanges are typically described in terms of contributions to or losses from the littoral cell sediment budget. Thus, erosion or accretion along any given segment of shoreline is reflected in the balance of the budget. 2011-08-19
LittoralCellManagementPlans Littoral Cell Management Plans A Littoral Cell Management Plan is a comprehensive hazards management strategy focused on the reduction of risk to new and existing oceanfront development from coastal hazards. A littoral cell management plan typically includes: littoral cell inventories, a chronic hazards management strategy, and implementing mechanisms. The plans are built as map and inventory projects using GIS. 2011-08-19
LossOfLand Loss of Land Land lost to geologic hazard such as erosion, landslide or flooding 2011-08-19
Management Management Coastal Management 2011-08-19
Manmade Manmade Hazards Hazards created by humans. 2011-08-19
MarineIndustry Marine Industry That portion of the state economy that is related to the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services derrived from the marine realm. 2011-08-19
Gas Natural Gas Natural gas utilities consist of overland pipelines as well as tanker truck and ship facilities used in the transfer of liquid natural gas (LNG). 2011-08-19
Natural Natural hazards Natural hazards include anything which is caused by a natural process, and can include obvious hazards such as volcanoes to smaller scale hazards such as loose rocks on a hillside 2011-08-19
Conservation Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy is a not for profit corporation with a mission to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. 2011-08-19
Navigation Navigation Safety Navigation Safety 2011-08-19
StatewidePlanningGoals Oregon Statewide Planning Goals Since 1973, Oregon has maintained a strong statewide program for land use planning. The foundation of that program is a set of 19 Statewide Planning Goals. The goals express the state's policies on land use and on related topics, such as citizen involvement, housing, and natural resources. 2011-08-19
Physical Physical 2011-08-19
Planning Planning Land use planning is the term used for a branch of public policy which encompasses various disciplines which seek to order and regulate the use of land in an efficient and ethical way. 2011-08-19
Pollution Pollution Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment, that can cause instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the physical systems or living organisms therein. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances, or energy, such as noise, heat, or light energy. 2011-08-19
PublicAccessMaintainance Public Access Inventory Maintenance In Oregon, local comprehensive plans must provide for appropriate public access to and recreational use of coastal waters. 2011-08-19
PublicHealth Public Health Public health is the practice of managing threats to the health of a community 2011-08-19
PublicLands Public Lands Land held by Federal, State or local government entities. 2011-08-19
Safety Public Safety Public Safety 2011-08-19
PublicTrustResources Public Trust Resources The public trust doctrine is the principle that certain resources are preserved for public use, and that the government is required to maintain it for the public's reasonable use. 2011-08-19
Research Research Research 2011-08-19
RockyShoreDesignations Rocky shore designations 2011-08-19
SedimentManagement Sediment Management Proactive decision making regarding removal (e.g. dredging) and placement (e.g. beach nourishment) of sediment in coastal littoral zones. 2011-08-19
Shoreline Shoreline The fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake. 2011-08-19
ShorelineChange Shoreline Change Shoreline Change 2011-08-19
ShorelineGeomorphology Shoreline Geomorphology Geomorphology is the study of landforms (in this case shorelines), landform types, and the processes that shape them. 2011-08-19
ShoreStabilization Shoreline stabilization Any human action intended to fix or stabilize the location of the shoreline. Common in areas where fluctuation in shoreline position causes a safety hazard (e.g. at river mouths) or threatens infrastructure or other property (coastal stabilization). 2011-08-19
Society Society 2011-08-19
SpeciesLoss Species Loss Loss of species from an area or ecosystem 2011-08-19
Structures Structures Individual objects of mandmade construction (may be public or private). 2011-08-19
Topography Topography Topography is the vertical relief or elevation of an area as measured above a specific datum. 2011-08-19
Transportation Transportation Transportation infrastructure includes transport networks (roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used to move people and goods, as well as the nodes or terminals with those networks (such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). 2011-08-19
Utility Utilities Utilities are the infrastructure for public services such as electricity generation, telecommunication, potable water, etc. 2011-08-19
Weather weather The weather is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere usually over short period of time (hours or days). 2011-08-19