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AtlantOS Essential Variables

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
EV_AIRHUM Air humidity The amount of water vapour (relative humidity, dew point temperature) in the atmosphere. 2016-06-23
EV_AIRTEMP Air temperature The temperature of the atmosphere expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) standard. 2016-06-23
EV_AIRPRESS Atmospheric pressure The pressure exerted by the weight of the air in the Earth's atmosphere. 2016-06-23
EV_BATHY Bottom depth The depth of the sea floor or bed relative to a reference datum. 2016-06-23
EV_13C Carbon isotope 13C The amount of carbon stable isotope 13C in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_CO2 Carbonate system The chemistry of carbon dioxide (DIC, TA, pCO2 and pH) in seawater where pH is expressed against Total, Seawater or Free scales. Includes water column and atmospheric measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_CHLA Chlorophyll-a and fluorescence The amount of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll fluorescence in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-11-07
EV_CURR Currents The velocity (Eulerian, upward and Stokes Drift) of sea water (includes scalar speeds and directions). 2017-01-13
EV_DOM Dissolved organic matter The amount of dissolved organic matter (DOC, DON and CDOM) in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_N2O Nitrous oxide The amount of nitrous oxide (N2O) in seawater using water column and atmospheric measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_NUTS Nutrients The amount of dissolved inorganic macro nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si and NO2) in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_OXY Oxygen The amount of dissolved oxygen in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_PHYT Phytoplankton biomass and diversity 2019-03-28
EV_RADFLX Radiative fluxes The fluxes of radiation (downwelling and upwelling irradiance) in the atmosphere to and from the sea surface. 2016-06-23
EV_RAIN Rainfall The rate or amount of precipitation (liquid or solid) deposited from the atmosphere. 2016-06-23
EV_SALIN Salinity The salinity of seawater expressed against the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78) standard. 2016-06-23
EV_SEALVL Sea Level The displacement of the water column surface from a fixed, stable reference, expressed as metres or pressure. 2016-06-23
EV_POM Suspended particulates The amount of particulate organic matter (turbidity) in seawater using water column measurements. 2016-06-23
EV_SEATEMP Temperature The temperature of seawater expressed against the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS-90) standard. 2016-06-23
EV_TTRACE Transient tracers The amount of transient tracers (CFC-12, CFC-11, SF6, tritium, 3He, 14C) in seawater using water column measurements. 2017-01-13
EV_WAVES Waves The properties (wave height, maximum wave height, significant wave height, wave period, wave direction, wave steepness and wave spectrum energy) of sea waves. 2017-01-13
EV_WDIR Wind direction The direction of the air (absolute) in the atmosphere (from direction). 2016-06-23
EV_WSPD Wind speed The speed of the air (absolute) in the atmosphere. 2016-06-23
EV_ZOO Zooplankton biomass and diversity 2019-03-28