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SeaVoX Platform Categories

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
9A DUKW A six-wheel drive amphibious truck developed during the second World War. 2008-02-21
4A Ice-tethered subsurface profiling float A platform that periodically makes an automated vertical traverse of the water column that is fixed to a floating body of ice. 2020-09-11
62 aeroplane A fixed-wing self-propelled aircraft. 2006-07-07
54 airship A self-propelled container filled with a gas that is lighter than air. 2006-07-07
96 amphibious crawler A self-propelled vehicle capable of operation on land or the seabed (e.g. beach crawler). 2013-08-20
95 amphibious vehicle A self-propelled platform capable of operating on land and within or on the surface of a water body. 2008-02-21
69 autogyro An aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades, but obtains forward populsion from a fixed propellor. 2006-07-07
3B autonomous surface water vehicle A self-propelled vehicle operating on the sea surface with no human occupants. 2006-11-15
25 autonomous underwater vehicle A free-roving platform operating in the water column with propulsion but no human operator on board (e.g. Autosub, Gavia). 2021-03-25
13 beach/intertidal zone structure A structure to which instrumentation may be attached that is either in air or under water depending on the state of the tide and weather conditions. 2006-07-07
50 buoyant aircraft A platform capable of flight in the atmosphere because it is lighter than air. 2008-02-21
75 cetacean A mammal that exists within the water column but needing to regularly surface to breathe (i.e. dolphins and whales). 2006-07-07
17 coastal structure A fixed man-made structure permanently linked to land with access to water at all states of the tide to which instrumentation may be attached (e.g. pier). 2013-08-20
90 cryosphere A frozen body of water on land, freshwater or sea. 2008-02-21
72 diver A human being with self-contained equipment or surface-connected suit enabling operation within the water column. 2006-07-07
94 drift ice Sea ice not connected to land with an ice concentration of under 70 per cent. 2020-06-08
24 drifting manned submersible A platform operating in the water column attached to a mothership by an umbilical but with no means of propulsion that has at least one human operator on board (e.g. bathysphere). 2006-07-07
44 drifting subsurface float An unmanned instrumented platform drifting freely in the water column at a depth governed by its density (e.g. Swallow float). 2013-08-20
46 drifting subsurface profiling float An unmanned instrumented platform drifting freely in the water column that periodically makes vertical traverses through the water column (e.g. Argo float). 2013-08-20
42 drifting surface float An unmanned instrumented platform operating on the surface of the water column often attached to a drogue to track currents rather than winds (e.g. Argos buoy). 2006-07-07
3D drillship A drillship is a merchant vessel designed for use in exploratory offshore drilling of new oil and gas wells or for scientific drilling purposes. 2015-11-05
76 fish A free-swimming creature that exists totally within the water column. 2006-07-07
36 fishing vessel A platform operating on the surface of the water column whose primary purpose is the commercial harvesting of fish or shellfish but may be engaged in scientific activities such as fish stock surveys or mooring deployments and recoveries. 2016-01-06
11 fixed benthic node A collection of oceanographic instruments mounted at a fixed position on the seabed (e.g. POL Monitoring Platform, seabed ADCP). 2013-08-20
45 fixed subsurface vertical profiler A platform that periodically makes an automated vertical traverse of the water column at a predetermined fixed location. (e.g. YSI vertical profiler, HOMER CTD). 2013-08-20
73 flightless bird A bird that is unable to fly with the ability to exist within the water column (e.g. penguin). 2006-07-07
47 float A free-floating platform either on the surface of the water column or at a predetermined depth within the water column. 2008-02-21
52 free-floating balloon A container filled with a gas that is lighter than air, which is free to drift in the atmosphere. 2006-07-07
51 free-rising balloon A container filled with a gas that is lighter than air, which is constrained to rise vertically at a fixed location. 2006-07-07
64 geostationary orbiting satellite A vehicle operating beyond the Earth's atmosphere without human occupants that orbits the Earth at the same rate as the Earth's rotation keeping it over a fixed location on the Earth's surface.. 2006-07-07
6A glider A fixed-wing aircraft with no propulsion. 2006-07-07
67 helicopter An aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades. 2006-07-07
9B hovercraft A craft capable of moving over water or land on a downwardly-propelled cushion of air. 2008-02-21
71 human A human being without specialised equipment operating on land or the surface of the water column. 2006-07-07
91 ice island A floating ice sheet detached from the coast. 2006-07-07
92 ice shelf A floating ice sheet attached to the coast. 2006-07-07
6B kite An aerofoil tethered to the ground held aloft by the wind. 2006-07-07
10 land or seafloor A platform located on the solid surface of the Earth either above or below sea level. 2008-02-21
77 land-sea mammals A mammal that exists both on land and within the water column. Includes seals, sealions, sea-otters and walruses. 2006-07-07
14 land/onshore structure A fixed man-made structure on land to which instrumentation may be attached (e.g. meteorological tower). 2013-08-20
15 land/onshore vehicle An instrumented vehicle or sample collector that operates on the solid surface of the Earth (e.g. mobile meteorological station, land crawler, snowmobile). 2012-07-19
26 lowered unmanned submersible An unmanned platform lowered and raised vertically by a cable from the mothership. Includes any type of profiling sensor mounting such as CTD frames, profiling radiometers and instrumented nets. 2008-12-04
38 man-powered boat A platform operating on the surface of the water column that is manually propelled and may not be easily removed from the water (e.g. trireme). 2006-07-07
3A man-powered small boat A platform operating on the surface of the water column that is manually propelled and may be easily removed from the water (e.g. rowing boat, canoe). 2006-07-07
66 manned spacecraft A vehicle operating beyond the Earth's atmosphere with human occupants. 2006-07-07
19 mesocosm bag A large polythene bag containing a water sample suspended in the natural environment so that it shares ambient physical conditions such as temperature and light levels, but is chemically isolated to allow experiments such as fertilisation. 2006-07-07
99 mesocosm tank An indoor or outdoor tank containing water, used to house an experimental system. Instruments attached to the tank are used to measure and control conditions to help evaluate how organisms or communities react to controlled environmental changes. 2024-09-26
41 moored surface buoy An unmanned instrumented platform operating on the surface of the water column loosely tethered to the seafloor to maintain a fixed position (e.g. ODAS buoy). 2013-08-20
48 mooring A tethered collection of oceanographic instruments at a fixed location that may include seafloor, mid-water and surface components. 2008-02-21
39 naval vessel A platform operating on the surface of the water column in unpredictable locations that is primarily equipped, manned and operated for military purposes. Includes surface warships of all sizes and logistic support vessels. 2007-11-20
60 non-buoyant aircraft A platform capable of flight in the atmosphere despite its being heavier than air. 2008-02-21
16 offshore structure A fixed (for the duration of the measurements) man-made structure away from the coast to which instrumentation may be attached (e.g. oil rig, gas rig or jack-up barge). 2013-08-20
65 orbiting satellite A vehicle operating beyond the Earth's atmosphere without human occupants that orbits the Earth at a different rate to the Earth's rotation so it moves over the Earth's surface.. 2006-07-07
70 organism A living creature carrying instruments or collecting samples. 2013-08-20
93 pack ice Sea ice not connected to land with an ice concentration of over 70 per cent. 2020-06-08
6C parachute A fabric sheet designed to slow the descent of an object through the atmosphere. 2006-07-07
21 propelled manned submersible A platform operating in the water column that has both self-contained propulsion and at least one human operator on board (e.g. submarine). 2013-08-20
22 propelled unmanned submersible A platform operating in the water column attached to a mothership by an umbilical with limited propulsion and no human operator on board (e.g. ROV). 2006-07-07
61 research aeroplane A fixed-wing self-propelled aircraft that is equipped, manned and operated for atmospheric, meteorological or oceanographic research. 2006-07-07
31 research vessel A platform of any size operating on the surface of the water column in unpredictable locations that is specifically equipped, manned and operated for scientific, usually oceanographic, research. 2007-11-20
18 river station An instrumented structure in a river upstream of its tidal limit. 2006-08-23
63 rocket A rocket is a vehicle, missile or aircraft which obtains thrust by the reaction to the ejection of fast moving exhaust gas from within a rocket engine. 2006-07-07
68 satellite A vehicle operating beyond the Earth's atmosphere without human occupants that orbits the Earth. 2006-07-07
12 sea bed vehicle An instrumented platform that is propelled on wheels or tracks on the seabed (e.g benthic crawler). 2006-07-07
74 seabird and duck A flighted bird that is able to exist on the water column surface and dive into the water column (e.g. cormorants, auks, ducks and gulls). 2006-07-07
37 self-propelled boat A small self-propelled platform operating on the surface of the water column in unpredictable locations that is smaller than a ship, but too large to easily remove from the water. 2006-07-07
33 self-propelled small boat A small self-propelled platform operating on the surface of the water column that may be easily removed from the water (e.g. shore-based RIBs, ships' boats). 2006-07-07
30 ship A large platform operating on the surface of the water column. Objective definitions for guidelines: >50m length (EU), >100 foot length (USA), >300 GRT weight (SOLAS). Subjective definition: a ship is a vessel big enough to carry a boat. 2006-07-07
97 snowcat An enclosed cab, truck-sized, fully tracked vehicle designed to travel over snow. 2024-09-26
98 snowmobile A motorised vehicle, designed with skis and tracks, for travel on snow. 2024-09-26
6Z spacecraft A platform operating beyond the Earth's atmosphere. 2013-08-20
27 sub-surface gliders Platforms with buoyancy-based propulsion that are capable of operations at variable depths which are not constrained to be near the sea surface. 2013-08-20
20 submersible A platform operating within a water body. 2008-02-21
43 subsurface mooring A collection of oceanographic instruments attached to wires suspended between anchors on the seabed and buoyant spheres in the water column. 2006-07-07
3C surface gliders Platforms operating at a single depth near the sea surface, using a combination of solar energy and wave motion as means of propulsion. 2018-03-13
49 surface ice buoy An undrogued (i.e. no sub-surface parachute) surface float that is deployed in regions where sea ice forms that moves with either ice or water depending upon the time of year. 2013-08-20
3Z surface vessel A mobile platform with propulsion operating on and restricted to the surface of a water body. 2008-02-21
53 tethered balloon A container filled with a gas that is lighter than air, which is tethered at a fixed height and location. 2006-07-07
23 towed unmanned submersible A vehicle towed by rigid cable through the water column at fixed or varying depth with no propulsion and no human operator (e.g. Towfish, Scanfish, UOR, SeaSoar). 2013-08-20
0 unknown The correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the creator of this information. However, a correct value probably exists. 2006-07-07
6D unmanned aerial vehicle Any untethered heavier-than-air aircraft that is not occupied by people: may be a remotely piloted aircraft or an autonomous aircraft. Also referred to as a drone. 2015-03-26
34 vessel at fixed position A platform of any size occupying a fixed location on the surface of the water column for prolonged periods collecting scientific (oceanographic and meteorological) data as a primary or secondary mission. Includes light vessels and weather ships. 2006-07-07
32 vessel of opportunity A platform for purpose of commerce of any size operating on the surface of the water column in unpredictable locations that regularly collects scientific (oceanographic and meteorological) data (e.g. an instrumented cargo vessel). 2006-07-07
35 vessel of opportunity on fixed route A platform repeatedly following a predictable fixed track on the surface of the water column that collects scientific (oceanographic and meteorological) data (e.g. an instrumented ferry). 2006-07-07