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NVS Vocabularies

SKOS concept collections held in the NERC Vocabulary Server. A concept collection is useful where a group of concepts shares something in common, and it is convenient to group them under a common label. In the NVS, concept collections are synonymous with controlled vocabularies or code lists. Each collection is associated with its governance body. An external website link is displayed when applicable.

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ID Title Version Version Date Description Governance External Link
Q01 !!DEPRECATED!!OBIS sampling instruments and methods attributes 5 2024-04-27 Concepts from this collection have been deprecated and replaced by equivalent P01 codes. Was previously defined as: Collection of terms used by the Ocean Biogeographic Information System to standardise attributes related to sampling instruments and methods. Ocean Biogeographic Information System
C30 Active vocabulary content governance authorities 39 2024-01-09 Bodies responsible for the intellectual control of vocabularies served by the NDG/SeaDataNet vocabulary server. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C34 Activity purpose categories 4 2011-08-27 Terms used to specify why an activity was undertaken. SeaDataNet
R20 Argo GROUNDED flags 2 2021-02-09 Codes to indicate the best estimate of whether the float touched the ground during a specific cycle. Argo netCDF variable GROUNDED in the Trajectory file is populated by R20 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R40 Argo Principal Investigator (PI) names 3 2024-04-26 List of Principal Investigator (PI) names in charge of Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable PI_NAME is populated by R40 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R19 Argo STATUS flags 1 2020-05-04 Flag scale for values in all Argo netCDF cycle timing variables. Argo netCDF cycle timing variables JULD_<RTV>_STATUS are populated by R19 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R18 Argo configuration parameter names 1 2023-05-03 List of float configuration settings selected by the float Principal Investigator (PI). Configuration parameters may or may not be reported by the float, and do not constitute float measurements. Configuration parameters selected for a float are stored in the float '' file, under CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME. Each configuration parameter name has an associated value, stored in CONFIG_PARAMETER_VALUE. Argo netCDF variable CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME is populated by R18 prefLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R28 Argo controller board types and generations 1 2023-06-23 List of Argo floats controller board types and generations. Argo netCDF variables CONTROLLER_BOARD_TYPE_PRIMARY and, when needed, CONTROLLER_BOARD_TYPE_SECONDARY, are populated by R28 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R04 Argo data centres and institutions 1 2021-01-08 Codes for data centres and institutions handling or managing Argo data. Argo netCDF variable DATA_CENTRE is populated by R04 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R06 Argo data state indicators 0 2020-04-04 Processing stage of the data based on the concatenation of processing level and class indicators. Argo netCDF variable DATA_STATE_INDICATOR is populated by R06 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R01 Argo data type 4 2024-09-13 Terms describing the type of data contained in an Argo netCDF file. Argo netCDF variable DATA_TYPE is populated by R01 prefLabel. Argo Data Management Team
RD2 Argo delayed-mode quality control measurement flags 1 2024-04-19 Quality flag scale for delayed-mode measurements. Argo netCDF variables <PARAMETER>_ADJUSTED_QC in 'D' mode are populated by RD2 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
RTV Argo float cycle timing variables 1 2021-12-01 Timing variables representing stages of an Argo float profiling cycle, most of which are associated with a trajectory measurement code ID listed in NVS collection 'R15'. Argo netCDF cycle timing variable names JULD_<RTV>_STATUS are constructed by RTV altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R07 Argo history action codes 1 2020-04-08 Coded history information for each action performed on each profile by a data centre. Argo netCDF variable HISTORY_ACTION is populated by R07 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R12 Argo history processing step codes 1 2020-04-08 Data processing step codes for history record. Argo netCDF variable TRANS_SYSTEM is populated by R12 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R08 Argo instrument types 7 2024-04-20 Subset of instrument type codes from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Common Code Table C-3 (CCT C-3) 1770, named 'Instrument make and type for water temperature profile measurement with fall rate equation coefficients' and available here: Argo netCDF variable WMO_INST_TYPE is populated by R08 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
RMC Argo measurement code categories 2 2021-12-02 Categories of trajectory measurement codes listed in NVS collection 'R15' Argo Data Management Team
R13 Argo ocean area codes and boundary definitions 2 2024-09-12 Ocean area codes assigned to each profile in the Metadata directory (index) file of the Argo Global Assembly Centre. Argo Data Management Team
R03 Argo parameter codes 7 2024-08-21 Terms describing individual measured phenomena, used to mark up sets of data in Argo netCDF arrays. Argo netCDF variables PARAMETER and TRAJECTORY_PARAMETERS are populated by R03 altLabel; R03 altLabel is also used to name netCDF profile files parameter variables <PARAMETER>. Argo Data Management Team
R22 Argo platform family 1 2020-05-04 List of platform family/category of Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable PLATFORM_FAMILY is populated by R22 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R24 Argo platform maker 4 2023-10-06 List of Argo float manufacturers. Argo netCDF variable PLATFORM_MAKER is populated by R24 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R23 Argo platform type 8 2024-09-12 List of Argo float types. Argo netCDF variable PLATFORM_TYPE is populated by R23 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R05 Argo position accuracy 1 2024-09-13 Accuracy in latitude and longitude measurements received from the positioning system, grouped by location accuracy classes. Argo Data Management Team
R09 Argo positioning system 1 2020-04-08 List of float location measuring systems. Argo netCDF variable POSITIONING_SYSTEM is populated by R09 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
RP2 Argo profile quality control flags 0 2020-04-04 Quality control flag scale for whole profiles. Argo netCDF variables PROFILE_<PARAMETER>_QC are populated by RP2 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
RR2 Argo real-time quality control measurement flags 1 2024-04-19 Quality flag scale for real-time measurements. Argo netCDF variables <PARAMETER>_QC in 'R' mode and <PARAMETER>_ADJUSTED_QC in 'A' mode are populated by RR2 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R11 Argo real-time quality-control test identifiers 3 2024-09-12 List of real-time quality-control tests and corresponding binary identifiers, used as reference to populate the Argo netCDF HISTORY_QCTEST variable. Argo Data Management Team
R26 Argo sensor manufacturers 4 2021-09-15 Terms describing developers and manufacturers of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MAKER is populated by R26 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R27 Argo sensor models 15 2023-11-25 Terms listing models of sensors mounted on Argo floats. Note: avoid using the manufacturer name and sensor firmware version in new entries when possible. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR_MODEL is populated by R27 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R25 Argo sensor types 3 2023-11-25 Terms describing sensor types mounted on Argo floats. Argo netCDF variable SENSOR is populated by R25 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R21 Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP) 1 2020-05-04 Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP). Argo netCDF variable REPRESENTATIVE_PARK_PRESSURE_STATUS in the Trajectory file is populated by R21 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R14 Argo technical parameter names 1 2023-04-29 List of technical parameters reported by a float at every cycle. Technical parameter names follow a naming convention to indicate what is being reported (category), where or when (descriptor), and in what units, delimited by an underscore. They are stored in the float '' file, under TECHNICAL_PARAMETER_NAME. Each technical parameter name has an associated value, stored in TECHNICAL_PARAMTER_VALUE. Argo netCDF variable TECHNICAL_PARAMETER_NAME is populated by R14 prefLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R15 Argo trajectory measurement code identifiers 1 2021-12-01 Measurement code IDs used in Argo Trajectory netCDF files. Argo netCDF variable MEASUREMENT_CODE is populated by R15 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R10 Argo transmission systems 1 2020-04-08 List of telecommunication systems. Argo netCDF variable TRANS_SYSTEM is populated by R10 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
R16 Argo vertical sampling schemes 1 2020-05-04 Profile sampling schemes and sampling methods. Argo netCDF variable VERTICAL_SAMPLING_SCHEME is populated by R16 altLabel. Argo Data Management Team
A05 AtlantOS Essential Variables 4 2019-03-29 Collection of terms used to group key measurements into a set of Essential Variables (EV) and their associated units as part of the AtlantOS Atlantic Ocean dataset British Oceanographic Data Centre
GXM BODC I18n term usage 1 2015-08-21 The purpose, such as an application, for which a given BODC I18n term in the GBX controlled vocabulary is used. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C75 BODC Organisation Histories 494 2024-10-23 Concepts used to populate 'organisation' fields in BODC metadata schemas. When used in conjunction with the C75PK group of functions (NMNOW, NMTHEN, NMALL)they provide access to past organisation names. For example, the C75 code 'ISB' translates to 'Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory' for a date in 1995, but to 'National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool' for a date in 2015. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B75 BODC Organisations 279 2024-10-22 Up-to-date names and addresses for organisational entities referenced in BODC systems. British Oceanographic Data Centre
P01 BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary 1256 2024-10-19 Terms built using the BODC parameter semantic model designed to describe individual measured phenomena. May be used to mark up sets of data such as a NetCDF array or spreadsheet column. Units must be specified when using a P01 code. The P06 unit that is linked to individual P01 in the NVS is the one used in BODC's systems but external users can use any appropriate units. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B76 BODC Platform Models 17 2023-02-10 Terms used to describe designs or versions of platforms. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C00 BODC Seafloor Depth Data Sources 9 2024-09-13 Terms used to describe the provenance of a water depth included in BODC metadata British Oceanographic Data Centre
B11 BODC Standard Operating Procedures and Protocols for environmental observations 1 2016-11-12 Procedures or protocols that have been adopted by communities to ensure consistent and comparable methods are used when making observations from the environment. This also includes derivation and quality assurance practices. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C62 BODC administrative region names 83 2024-05-24 Labels used by BODC to populate 'county' metadata fields. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C88 BODC asset access right roles 65 2024-07-04 Terms used by BODC to describe roles specifying access rights to assets, which include data objects, web pages, services and vocabulary lists. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C72 BODC core failure codes 0 2012-03-08 Concepts that describe sediment corer deployment operational issues. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B06 BODC data and metadata integrity checks 20 2023-09-30 Terms describing automated integrity checks applied to data and metadata during BODC quality control. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C96 BODC data model spatial objects 1 2012-10-04 Entities in the BODC data model that may be associated with a spatial coverage in the real world British Oceanographic Data Centre
C89 BODC dataset roles 0 2011-12-13 Terms used by BODC for roles that describe the relationship between a person or organisation with a specific dataset. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B05 BODC governance roles 3 2014-07-24 Terms used by BODC to describe roles that may be given to people within a governance structure. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C41 BODC marine pollution sources 2 2011-08-27 Terms developed by BODC to provide a standard classification of pollution sources to be used in UK pollution reports filed under the Bonn Agreement. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B12 BODC measurement numeric attribute types 1 2018-01-16 Terms used by BODC to define measurement attributes described by numbers associated with data held in its repositories. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C43 BODC oilspill quantity 1 2010-01-27 Terms developed by BODC to classify the magnitude of a discharge of oil into the marine environment British Oceanographic Data Centre
C71 BODC organisation categories 0 2011-11-12 Terms used by BODC to classify the organisation entities with which it deals. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C59 BODC organisation roles within activities and projects 4 2013-05-16 Generic terms used by BODC to describe the relationship between organisations and projects or data collection activities such as cruises British Oceanographic Data Centre
S04 BODC parameter semantic model analytical method entity descriptions 152 2024-10-08 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for an analytical method entity (part of the how theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S15 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity colour terms 4 2023-08-26 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for colour or optical appearance of a biological entity (component of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S11 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity development stage terms 35 2023-11-11 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to specify the development or life cycle stage of a biological entity (part of the 'what' theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S14 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity morphology terms 11 2023-08-26 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for morphology of a biological entity (component of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S25 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity names 177 2024-10-19 Terms used to describe biological entities (organisms or parts thereof) in the BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary British Oceanographic Data Centre
S10 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity sex category terms 3 2023-08-26 Controlled vocabulary defining terms used to refer to a biological entity sex category (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S09 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity size terms 20 2024-10-16 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for biological entity size (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S12 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity subcomponent terms 31 2024-02-02 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for biological entity (component of the what theme) plant or animal parts in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S13 BODC parameter semantic model biological entity subgroup terms 34 2023-08-26 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for ad-hoc qualification of a biological entity (component of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S27 BODC parameter semantic model chemical substances 180 2024-10-19 Terms for chemicals whose quantity in a matrix is determined to generate measurements in the BODC parameter usage vocabulary semantic model. Includes elements, compounds, isotopes and mixtures. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S01 BODC parameter semantic model component names 6 2018-10-16 Terms used to describe the information entities that are combined in the BODC semantic model to produce a phenomenon description. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S05 BODC parameter semantic model data processing entity descriptions 71 2024-09-27 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for data processing description (part of the how theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S26 BODC parameter semantic model matrices 37 2024-01-05 Terms used to describe the medium in which a measurement was made in the semantic model that underpins the BODC parameter discovery vocabulary British Oceanographic Data Centre
S06 BODC parameter semantic model parameter entity names 152 2024-09-13 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to specify the property element of a parameter (part of the 'what' theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S07 BODC parameter semantic model parameter statistic 14 2022-04-28 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for a parameter statistic (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S29 BODC parameter semantic model physical entity compound names 92 2024-09-13 Terms used to describe physical entities in the BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary British Oceanographic Data Centre
S20 BODC parameter semantic model physical entity datum names 14 2024-04-24 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to describe the reference with respect to which a physical entity (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter. semantic model is specified. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S18 BODC parameter semantic model physical entity names 59 2024-09-13 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for a physical entity (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S19 BODC parameter semantic model physical entity subgroup names 35 2023-04-22 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to qualify a generic physical entity (part of the what theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S30 BODC parameter semantic model relationships between biological entities 4 2022-06-14 Controlled vocabulary defining the relationship between two biological entities in the BODC parameter semantic model for biological parameters related to e.g. predator-prey interactions. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S02 BODC parameter semantic model relationships between what theme and where theme 23 2023-12-06 Terms used to describe the relationship between the 'where theme' and the 'what theme' in the BODC semantic model for measured phenomena descriptions. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S03 BODC parameter semantic model sample preparation entity descriptions 81 2024-08-30 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for a sample preparation entity (part of the how theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S21 BODC parameter semantic model sphere names 12 2015-02-06 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to describe the sphere (SWEET EarthRealm) in the BODC parameter semantic model. Part of the where theme. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S22 BODC parameter semantic model sphere subgroup names 12 2022-03-28 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used to describe subgroupings of the sphere (SWEET EarthRealm) in the BODC parameter semantic model. Part of the where theme. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B04 BODC people titles 4 2024-05-31 Terms used to populate the title field in the BODC address book. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C61 BODC post town names 273 2024-10-23 Labels used by BODC to populate 'city' or 'post town' metadata fields. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C87 BODC project roles 0 2011-12-13 Terms used by BODC to describe roles associated with scientific projects. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S23 BODC semantic model sphere phase names 7 2019-11-01 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms for phase (dissolved, particulate etc.) within a sphere (SWEET EarthRealm) in the BODC parameter semantic model. Part of the where theme. British Oceanographic Data Centre
S24 BODC semantic model sphere phase subgroup names 25 2024-01-04 Concepts describing physical or logical (i.e. categories) subdivisions of a phase (i.e. subcomponent) of a sphere (SWEET EarthRealm) in the BODC parameter semantic model. Part of the where theme. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C10 BODC series feature types 12 2018-09-21 Terms that describe groups of BODC series with common independent variable characteristics. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C67 BODC series parameter collection names 8 2023-07-22 Terms used by BODC to describe groups of related parameters brought together to form a series from the sample schema. Each term maps to multiple BODC parameter sets. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C22 BODC water sample qualification flags 5 2012-09-12 Terms and associated codes used by BODC to attach standardised qualifying information to individual water samples in the BODC sample schema. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B02 BODC-annotated certified reference materials 3 2014-03-27 Internationally registered materials used to assess the accuracy of analyses and for laboratory intercomparability studies with unique identifiers assigned by BODC. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B03 BODC-annotated reference material classifiers 2 2014-03-27 Terms used to classify the type of reference material used by laboratories in the verification of analytical techniques in terms of consistency, accuracy and precision British Oceanographic Data Centre
P06 BODC-approved data storage units 145 2024-09-13 Terms approved for use by BODC to describe the measurement units for data held in its repositories. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C40 Bonn Agreement pollution report accuracy 1 2009-09-30 Terms used to classify the accuracy and reliablity of pollution reports filed under the Bonn Agreement. Bonn Agreement
T01 British Antarctic Survey research topics 1 2020-05-06 Standardised list of major research areas within the British Antarctic Survey for classifying materials and activities. UK Polar Data Centre
G01 CI_DateTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Identification of when a given event occurred International Organization for Standardization
G02 CI_OnlineFunctionCode 3 2013-05-21 Function performed by the resource International Organization for Standardization
G03 CI_PresentationFormCode 1 2012-07-05 Mode in which the data are represented International Organization for Standardization
G04 CI_RoleCode 2 2018-09-05 Function performed by the responsible party International Organization for Standardization
P28 Cedre pollution site cleanup operational stati 1 2012-07-21 Terms used to describe the operational stati of pollution cleanup sites in the Cedre cleanup site service. Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux
B09 Celtic Seas Partnership data owner nations bordering MSFD Celtic Seas Marine Region 2 2016-09-27 Terms used to describe single and multiple nations who own datasets (and are part of the Celtic Seas Partnership) bounding the Celtic Seas Marine Region as designated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) British Oceanographic Data Centre
B22 Celtic Seas Partnership governance mechanisms 1 2016-09-30 Terms used by the Celtic Seas Partnership to describe the transboundary nature of a project, programme or initiative. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B21 Celtic Seas Partnership scale 1 2016-09-30 Terms used by the Celtic Seas Partnership to broadly describe the spatial area of influence of a project, programme or initiative. British Oceanographic Data Centre
B20 Celtic Seas Partnership stakeholder sectors 2 2016-11-11 Terms used by the Celtic Seas Partnership to categorise stakeholders according to the marine areas within which they operate. British Oceanographic Data Centre
N03 Climate Science Modelling Language supported feature types 1 2007-01-10 Terms used to specify the feature types available for coverages in the Climate Science Modelling Language (CSML). Natural Environment Research Council
P29 Climate and Forecast Area Types 11 2023-07-06 Terms used to describe the characteristics of regions of the Earth's Surface or their representation in a numerical simulation in the CF metadata conventions for data stored in NetCDF. Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P31 Climate and Forecast Attribute Names 1 2023-03-15 Terms used to define the recognised metadata attributes for the description of CF-compliant data stored in NetCDF files. Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P37 Climate and Forecast Calendars 1 2015-02-19 Terms used by the CF community to describe the calendar systems used for time co-ordinates in CF-compliant data files Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P15 Climate and Forecast Cell Methods 1 2007-05-18 Terms used to describe measured phenomena derivation algorithms in the CF conventions (a content standard for data stored in NetCDF), primarily targeted at statistical parameters. Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P07 Climate and Forecast Standard Names 86 2024-09-05 Terms used for definitive but not necessarily comprehensive descriptions of measured phenomena in the CF conventions (a content standard for data stored in NetCDF). Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P30 Climate and Forecast Standardized Region Names 4 2018-12-18 Terms used to label regions of the Earth's Surface or their representation in a numerical simulation in the CF metadata conventions for data stored in NetCDF. Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
P38 Climate and Forecast Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages 1 2015-02-19 Terms used by the CF community to describe the data coverage over the vertical (z) co-ordinate. This is used to describe the Earth Realm in the CF Standard Name semantic model. Climate and Forecast Standard Names Committee
EXV Collection of terms used for Essential Variable concepts across the environmental domain 2 2024-10-16 Terms used to identify Essential Variable concepts in domain such as Climate, Ocean and Biodiversity sciences. This collection is created to support the use of these terms in applications built on semantic mappings. It should not be taken as the authoritative source for these terms. It replaces 'A05' for all but the AtlantOS project applications. British Oceanographic Data Centre
D01 DCAT Themes for Linked Data Representation of the SeaDataNet EDMED Catalogue 1 2017-11-11 A vocabulary of SKOS top concepts for use as entry points to a SKOS scheme defining the DCAT theme keywords for use in linked data representations of the SeaDataNet EDMED catalogue. SeaDataNet
G05 DQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Type or method for evaluating an identified data quality measure International Organization for Standardization
G06 DS_AssociationTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Justification for the correlation of two datasets International Organization for Standardization
G07 DS_InitiativeTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Type of aggregation activity in which datasets are related International Organization for Standardization
L26 EDIOS permitted sampling interval units 1 2014-05-07 Units of measure (P06 subset) that may be used for sampling intervals in the EDIOS metadata schema. Required to prevent times with units of kilograms! SeaDataNet
BQ1 EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of horizontal accuracy (QI_Horizontal) 1 2023-07-15 Terms used by the EMODnet Bathymetry Lot to define the estimated horizontal accuracy of bathymetric data (QI_Horizontal). EMODnet Bathymetry Lot
BQ3 EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of survey purpose (QI_Purpose) 1 2023-07-15 Terms used by the EMODnet Bathymetry Lot to define the purpose of the bathymetry survey (QI_Purpose). EMODnet Bathymetry Lot
BQ2 EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of vertical accuracy (QI_Vertical) 1 2023-07-15 Terms used by the EMODnet Bathymetry Lot to define the estimated vertical accuracy of bathymetric data (QI_Vertical). EMODnet Bathymetry Lot
P35 EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names 19 2022-11-18 Labels used for aggregated parameters in the EMODNET chemistry lot EMODNet Chemistry Lot
P36 EMODnet Chemistry chemical groups 6 2023-04-22 Terms based on the EU MSFD used by the EMODNET chemistry lot to provide coarse granularity groupings of the chemical parameters it covers. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
P33 EMODnet Physics data collection aggregated parameter names 5 2024-05-21 Terms used by EMODnet physics to group parameters into coarser categories to be used at the data discovery and at the data aggregation product levels. EMODnet Physics
EF1 EMODnet Seabed Habitats Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) vocabulary 1 2023-09-06 Terms used by the EMODnet Seabed Habitats Lot to define a list of habitats identified as essential to the ecological and biological requirements for critical life history stages of exploited fish species. EMODnet Seabed Habitats Lot
HA2 EMODnet human activity categories 3 2018-11-02 Terms agreed within the EU EMODnet Human Activities community to describe categories of human activities, structures or organisational boundaries in or near the marine environment. SeaDataNet
H04 EMODnet micro-litter colour classes 7 2022-01-19 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle colour classes in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting system. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
H05 EMODnet micro-litter material or polymer type 4 2022-10-26 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle characterisation according to the type of non-plastic material or the type of plastic polymer in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting system. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
H02 EMODnet micro-litter shapes 2 2018-02-14 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle shapes in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting system. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
H03 EMODnet micro-litter size classes 8 2023-08-03 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle size classes in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting system. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
H06 EMODnet micro-litter transparency classes 2 2021-04-26 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle transparency categories in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting format. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
H01 EMODnet micro-litter types 10 2023-07-25 Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for micro-litter particle types in the EMODnet Chemistry data reporting system. The categories only reflect types based on morphological criteria (e.g. pellets, fragments, etc.) and all reference to the material they were made of was removed from this vocabulary as agreed in https://nvs-vocabs/EMODnetChemVocabs#19. EMODNet Chemistry Lot
E01 ESEAS active tide gauge sites 7 2014-06-25 Names of stations providing sea level data into the ESEAS network. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C35 European Nature Information System Level 3 Habitats 1 2010-02-19 Medium-granularity (hierarchical level 3 of 5) terms describing the environment associated with an activity from a biological perspective. European Environment Agency
GGS GEBCO 30-second grid data sources 7 2017-08-11 Provenance attributes of data source files used in the production of the GEBCO 30-second grid. British Oceanographic Data Centre
GGT GEBCO Grid Source Data Type Identifier 1 2019-11-15 Source data type information for the data sets used in the generation of the GEBCO Global Grid. Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Team
GGB GEBCO_2019 Grid source data types 2 2019-03-27 Source data type information for the data sets used in the generation of the GEBCO_2019 Grid. British Oceanographic Data Centre
P22 GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 1 2009-07-31 Groupings of spatial data according to Annex I, II and III of the INSPIRE Directive [DS-D2.5] European Commission
I02 GRIB Table 4.201 (Precipitation type) 1 2012-11-14 World Meteorological Organisation GRIB2 Table 4.201: precipitation type. World Meteorological Organisation
GSA Geo-Seas Seismic Data Product Types 1 2011-01-29 Concepts that describe standard types of data product produced in the geophysical discipline of seismics Geo-Seas
GS8 Geo-Seas Seismic Methods 1 2011-01-29 Concepts that describe techniques used in fieldwork in the geophysical discipline of seismics Geo-Seas
GSB Geo-Seas Seismic Receiver Types 1 2011-01-29 Concepts that describe instrument types used to measure reflected and refracted acoustic signals in the geophysical discipline of seismics Geo-Seas
GS9 Geo-Seas Seismic Survey Dimensionality 1 2011-01-29 Concepts that describe dimensionality of field surveys in the geophysical discipline of seismics Geo-Seas
GS3 Geo-Seas adjusted Folk sediment lithology classes 1 2010-10-15 Terms used to categorise sedimentary rocks and sediments in terms of the proportion of gravel, sand and mud. Initial terms proposed by Folk (1954) but subsequently revised by BGS and Flemming (2000). Geo-Seas
L31 Geo-Seas data object quality flags 1 2010-09-22 Flags representing concepts used to specify quality of Geo-Seas data objects. These are a subset of SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags. Geo-Seas
GS1 Geo-Seas features of interest 2 2015-12-11 Terms used to populate the featureOfInterest name field in the Geo-Seas data object Observations and Measurments documents. Geo-Seas
GS4 Geo-Seas geological sample colours 3 2011-03-09 Terms used to describe rock and sediment colour in Geo-Seas based on the CGI GeologicUnitExposureColorTerms ( Geo-Seas
GS2 Geo-Seas observed properties 3 2024-08-10 Terms used to populate the observedProperty name field in the Geo-Seas data object Observations and Measurments documents. SeaDataNet
GS6 Geo-Seas sediment grain-size kurtosis descriptors 1 2010-10-15 Terms used to describe sediment grain-size kurtosis coefficients in the Geo-Seas project. Geo-Seas
GS5 Geo-Seas sediment grain-size skewness descriptors 1 2010-10-15 Terms used to describe sediment grain-size skewness coefficients in the Geo-Seas project. Geo-Seas
M25 Geospatial discovery metadata standards, specifications and profiles recognised by MEDIN 4 2022-04-28 Terms that define standards recognised by MEDIN as being used to generate metadata records with the aim of enabling the discovery of geospatial data through online resources such as portals. Standard in this definition also covers specifications and profiles. Terms include both international and UK standards. MEDIN Standards Group
P18 Global Change Master Directory Chronostratigraphic Units 1 2005-08-22 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Chronostratigraphic unit terms from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P10 Global Change Master Directory Instrument Keywords 3 2008-01-22 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Terms used to describe sensors, instruments and other pieces of scientific equipment in the NASA Global Change Master Directory metadatabase.). Global Change Master Directory
P11 Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword categories 4 2007-04-18 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Category level terms from the Science Keywords from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P13 Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword terms 4 2007-04-18 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Term level terms from the Science Keywords from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P12 Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword topics 4 2007-04-18 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Topic level terms from the Science Keywords from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P14 Global Change Master Directory Science Keyword variables 4 2007-04-18 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Variable level terms from the Science Keywords from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P04 Global Change Master Directory Science Keywords V5 4 2007-04-18 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Concatenated category, topic, term and variable separated by '>'. From Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
P64 Global Change Master Directory Science Keywords V6 1 2013-12-17 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Concatenated category, topic, term and variable separated by '>'. From Olsen L.M. et. al (2007) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version Global Change Master Directory
P20 Global Change Master Directory URL content types 1 2006-10-05 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Terms used in NASA's GCMD to describe the function of related URLs embedded in DIF metadata records. Also used for NERC DataGrid service bindings.). Global Change Master Directory
P19 Global Change Master Directory platforms 1 2008-02-05 This collection is no longer maintained. It is an old version of the GCMD science keywords set up when GCMD keywords did not have stable URIs. Please use the URIs published on (definition was: Terms used to describe sensor-bearing platforms from Olsen L.M. et. al (2006) NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version 5.3.3.). Global Change Master Directory
M23 HELCOM 'HUB' Underwater Biotope and Habitat Classification System 1 2019-01-22 The HELCOM Underwater biotope and habitat classification system (HELCOM HUB) provides a framework for defining biotopes in the whole Baltic Sea. Defining biotopes by the same split-rules, enables comparison of the biotopes in different regions of the Baltic Sea (see Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
GBX I18n system English (UK) language terms 112 2022-11-18 System used to control text displayed on BODC web pages on dynamic applications. The text stored in the description field is displayed in response to a CODVAL instance in the application code. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C17 ICES Platform Codes 1126 2024-10-23 Identifiers and metadata for platform instances (combinations of names and physical entities such as hulls or airframes). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
I11 INSPIRE Management and Reporting Control Type 1 2012-05-04 Types of control used to manage activities within a Management Area, Restriction or Regulation Zone. European Commission
I14 INSPIRE Management and Reporting Controlled Activity Type 1 2012-05-04 Classification of the types of activities controlled within a Management Area, Restriction or Regulation Zone. European Commission
I12 INSPIRE Management and Reporting Day Type 1 2012-05-04 Terms used to describe temporal periods within which an activity is scheduled to be controlled. European Commission
I13 INSPIRE Management and Reporting Environmental Domain Area 1 2012-05-04 Environmental domain area within which a Management Area, Restriction or Regulation Zone was established. European Commission
I15 INSPIRE Management and Reporting Zone Type 1 2012-05-04 High-level classification defining the type of Management Area, Restriction or Regulation Zone. European Commission
I10 INSPIRE service types 1 2015-08-26 Terms used in the INSPIRE infrastructure to tell a client what type of service to expect at the other end of a URL. European Commission
L34 IODE Primary Level quality flags 1 2016-03-05 Quality flags used for the primary level of the IODE Quality Flag Scheme for the Exchange of Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Data, IODE Manuals and Guides 54, Vol. 3. International Oceanographic Commission
P26 ISO19119 geographic services taxonomy 1 2012-05-31 A collection of categories and sub-categories developed by ISO to classify services that display or process spatial data International Organization for Standardization
C18 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission countries 6 2008-10-03 Country names published by ICES on behalf of IOC as part of their RNODC (formats) responsibility. Maintained until 2003. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
A01 International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Global Thesaurus 1 2011-08-16 Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the ICAN global thesaurus for coastal erosion. Terms used to populate drop-down lists in discovery portals. International Coastal Atlas Network
P05 International Standards Organisation ISO19115 Topic Categories 0 2005-04-28 Terms defined by ISO describing data themes. Used to populate the mandatory ISO19115 topic category field. International Organization for Standardization
C32 International Standards Organisation countries 10 2020-11-18 ISO country codes from ISO3166-1 and ISO3166-3 lists taken from on 16/08/2011 plus OGC terms for missing values and the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO3166/MA) Exceptionally Reserved code for the European Union. International Organization for Standardization
M12 JNCC categories of human activity in the marine environment 3 2015-09-29 Categories of activity carried out by humans which exert an impact on the marine environment, as defined by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) MEDIN Standards Group
M13 JNCC standard list of human activities in the marine environment 2 2015-09-12 The standard list activities carried out by humans to manage the coastal environment, as defined by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) MEDIN Standards Group
G08 MD_CellGeometryCode 1 2012-07-05 Code indicating whether grid data are points or area International Organization for Standardization
G09 MD_CharacterSetCode 1 2012-07-05 Name of the character coding standard used in the resource International Organization for Standardization
G10 MD_ClassificationCode 1 2012-07-05 Name of the handling restrictions on the dataset International Organization for Standardization
G11 MD_CoverageContentTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Specific type of information represented in the cell International Organization for Standardization
G12 MD_DatatypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Datatype of element or entity International Organization for Standardization
G13 MD_DimensionNameTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Name of the dimension International Organization for Standardization
G14 MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Name of point or vector objects used to locate zero-, one-, two-, or three-dimensional spatial locations in the dataset International Organization for Standardization
G15 MD_ImagingConditionCode 1 2012-07-05 Code which indicates conditions which may affect the image International Organization for Standardization
G17 MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode 1 2012-07-05 Frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after they are first produced International Organization for Standardization
G18 MD_MediumFormatCode 1 2012-07-05 Method used to write to the medium International Organization for Standardization
G20 MD_ObligationCode 1 2012-07-06 Obligation of the element or entity International Organization for Standardization
G21 MD_PixelOrientationCode 1 2012-07-05 Point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel International Organization for Standardization
G22 MD_ProgressCode 1 2012-07-05 Status of the dataset or progress of a review International Organization for Standardization
G23 MD_RestrictionCode 2 2018-11-30 Limitation(s) placed upon the access or use of the data International Organization for Standardization
G25 MD_ScopeCode 1 2012-07-05 Class of information to which the referencing entity applies International Organization for Standardization
G26 MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode 1 2012-07-05 Terms used to represent geographic information in a dataset; ISO codelist extracted from 'Codelists for description of metadata datasets compliant with ISO/TC 211 19115:2003 and 19139' at; last checked on 24Sep2018. International Organization for Standardization
G30 MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode (DO NOT USE - use G26 instead) 1 2018-09-27 Terms used to represent geographic information in a dataset; ISO codelist extracted from 'Codelists for description of metadata datasets compliant with ISO/TC 211 19115:2003 and 19139' at on 24Sep2018. British Oceanographic Data Centre
G28 MD_TopologyLevelCode 1 2012-07-05 Degree of complexity of the spatial relationships International Organization for Standardization
L30 MEDATLAS Data Centres 6 2023-10-31 Organisations supplying or holding data concerned with the EU MEDATLAS project. Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer
P09 MEDATLAS Parameter Usage Vocabulary 75 2023-09-29 Terms under the content governance of SISMER used to describe measured phenomena within the MEDATLAS project. Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer
C48 MEDIN Data Guidelines 8 2023-05-12 Documents produced by the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network specifying information content standards for the collection of specific types of marine data MEDIN Standards Group
P23 MEDIN Parameter Discipline Keywords 3 2012-06-09 Coarse grained grouping terms designed by MEDIN to provide the top level for a parameter discovery thesaurus. MEDIN Standards Group
M01 MEDIN data format categories 3 2016-06-02 Terms describing what types of data formats exist in a data set so a human can identify if the data is likely to be of use and select a tool to interrogate that data. MEDIN Standards Group
M11 MEDIN ecosystem service types 2 2017-03-15 Terms used to classify the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems sustain and fulfil human life. MEDIN Standards Group
M09 MEDIN ecosystem valuation method types 1 2013-11-15 Terms used to classify techniques used to assess the socio-economic value of an ecosystem. MEDIN Standards Group
M10 MEDIN ecosystem valuation methods 1 2013-11-15 Terms used to describe techniques used to assess the socio-economic value of an ecosystem. MEDIN Standards Group
N01 MEDIN metadata record availability 4 2012-01-11 Terms used to describe portals to which a MEDIN discovery metadata record carrying the keyword should be made available. British Oceanographic Data Centre
M06 MEDIN monitoring activity categories 1 2013-08-23 Categories in a classification of the purpose of activities in which the state of something at different times is determined. MEDIN Standards Group
M05 MEDIN socio-economic governance objective categories 1 2013-08-23 Categories in a classification of the purpose and anticipated outcome of activities by governing bodies. MEDIN Standards Group
GSC MGD77 Bathymetry Sound Velocity Correction Codes 1 2011-03-05 Terms used to describe sound velocity correction applied to bathymetric data in the MGD77 format Geo-Seas
A04 MIDA Coastal Erosion Thesaurus 1 2012-06-28 A collection of terms used by the Irish Marine Data Atlas in association with the topic of coastal erosion Coastal and Marine resources Centre
G29 MX_ScopeCode 1 2012-07-05 Extension of MD_ScopeCode for the needs of GMX application schemas and in the context of a transfer International Organization for Standardization
M20 Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 04.05 1 2018-02-14 Version 04.05 of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (Connor et al. 2004), a hierarchical standard list of seabed habitats occurring within the marine, coastal and estuarine waters of Britain and Ireland. Connor, D.W., J.H. Allen, N.Golding, K.L.Howell, L.M. Lieberknecht, K.O. Northen And J.B. Reker (2004) The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 04.05. ISBN 1 861 07561 8. Joint Nature Conservation Committee
M21 Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03 2 2022-04-28 Version 15.03 of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (JNCC 2015), a hierarchical standard list of seabed habitats occurring within the marine, coastal and estuarine waters of Britain and Ireland. JNCC (2015) The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03 [Online]. Joint Nature Conservation Committee
M24 Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 97.06 1 2019-11-27 Version 97.07 of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (Connor et al, 1997), a hierarchical standard list of seabed habitats occurring within the marine, coastal and estuarine waters of Britain and Ireland. Volume 1 (JNCC Report No 229) and Volume 2 (JNCC Report No 230). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
F02 Marine Microbial Flow Cytometry Standardised Group Names 8 2022-11-14 Terms recommended by an international consortium of marine microbial flow cytometry experts to standardise the naming and definition of groups derived from flow cytometry analysis of marine samples. Marine Flow Cytometry Vocabulary Governance
C46 Marine Strategy Framework Directive criteria 2010/477/EU 1 2010-11-11 Concepts specified as criteria to be used to measure good environmental status as defined by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as published in 2010/477/EU: Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956). European Commission
C45 Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptors 2010/477/EU 3 2017-02-25 Concepts specified as descriptors of good environmental status as defined by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as published in 2010/477/EU: Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956). European Commission
C47 Marine Strategy Framework Directive indicators 2010/477/EU 1 2010-11-11 Concepts specified as indicators to be used to measure good environmental status as defined by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as published in 2010/477/EU: Commission Decision of 1 September 2010 on criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters (notified under document C(2010) 5956). European Commission
P21 Marisaurus Thesaurus 31 2017-06-02 Base terms (all hierarchical levels) interlinked by a relationship network to build the Marisaurus thesaurus. British Oceanographic Data Centre
L04 Matrix Categories 1 2016-04-09 Terms used to group features or objects (sometimes called features of interest) in which measurements or observations may be made or of which samples may be collected. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C36 Monitoring activity legislative drivers 10 2022-04-28 Legislative acts, agreements and treaties that have provided the impetus for monitoring activities to be undertaken. SeaDataNet
MVB Movebank Attribute Dictionary 10 2024-10-15 Terms used to describe on-animal sensor data stored in the Movebank database (, including individual measurements (events), reference data (animals, tags, deployments) and studies. Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
N02 NERC DataGrid Recognised Formats 3 2017-08-11 Formats recognised by NDG, where this may allow conditional treatment. See also Natural Environment Research Council
C33 NERC DataGrid data production tool category 0 2006-02-17 Abbreviated terms used to specify categories of data production tools in the NERC DataGrid MOLES metadata schema. Natural Environment Research Council
N04 NERC DataGrid on-line reference types 3 2007-08-18 Terms describing types of on-line references in NERC DataGrid service bindings Natural Environment Research Council
C60 NERC DataGrid vocabulary term relationships 12 2023-06-27 Terms used in the NDG project to describe the relationship between subjects and objects in RDF triples, including vocabulary term mappings. British Oceanographic Data Centre
N06 NERC Environmental Data Centres DataCite General Resource Types 1 2021-05-26 Controlled list of terms used by the NERC Environmnetal Data Centres for submission of DOI metadata records to DataCite. The list is used to populate from the EDC's GEMINI profiles. Natural Environment Research Council
N05 NERC data discovery service input metadata document standards 3 2017-05-05 Terms used to describe the standard, profile and version number of XML documents that may be uploaded to the NERC DDS. Natural Environment Research Council
P25 NETMAR aggregation parameters 5 2012-07-26 Terms used to describe phenomena within the NETMAR project at a granularity level suitable for labelling data aggregations or assessing whether the parameter is appropriate as an input to a given WPS. NETMAR Ontology Governance Group
B39 NMF-SS Research Vessel underway variable NetCDF vocabulary 3 2016-03-17 Names of variables recorded into NetCDF files by the underway monitoring system on National Marine Facilities Sea Systems (NMF-SS) research vessels such as the RRS James Cook and RRS Discovery. Variables are from meteorological, hydrographic and navigational instruments. British Oceanographic Data Centre
OD1 ODATIS aggregation parameters and Essential Variable names 8 2024-06-07 Collection of terms used within the French Ocean Data and Services Cluster ODATIS for data discovery and product or dataset aggregation. Whenever applicable, Essential Variable terms are linked to the authoritative source of Essential Climate Ocean and Biodiversity Variable definitions maintained by the Global Observing System for Climate (GCOS), the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). ODATIS vocabulary governance
M22 OSPAR List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats 2 2021-12-07 List of species and habitats that are considered to be priorities for protection by the OSPAR Commission (see OSPAR Commission
M14 OSPAR list of defined pressures on the marine environment 3 2017-08-11 List of defined pressures (stated by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) to be the mechanisms through which activities impact the marine environment) as specified by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment for the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) International Correspondence Group on Cumulative Effects (ICG-C) and distributed by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee MEDIN Standards Group
M15 OSPAR list of themes of defined pressures on the marine environment 2 2015-09-12 Themes under which defined pressures in M14 are categorised by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment for the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) International Correspondence Group on Cumulative Effects (ICG-C) and distributed by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) MEDIN Standards Group
OG1 OceanGliders Parameter Usage Vocabulary 25 2024-10-22 Terms in this vocabulary are under the content governance of the OceanGliders Data Management Task Team (OGDMTT) on behalf of the OceanGliders community. Terms describe measured phenomena within the OceanGliders format. OceanGliders Data Management Task Team
P27 Oil spill spillet location 1 2012-07-21 Terms used to describe the environmental spatial location of an aliquot of a simulated oil spill by the METEO France MOTHY model. METEO FRANCE
A03 Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus discovery terms 1 2011-08-20 Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for categorisation and discovery, but not for layer or dataset markup. Oregon State Coastal Management Program
A02 Oregon Coastal Atlas Coastal Erosion Thesaurus markup terms 4 2016-01-14 Terms used at all hierarchical levels in the Oregon Coastal Atlas for coastal erosion layers, datasets and discovery. Oregon State Coastal Management Program
P17 Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean ships of interest 51 2023-10-13 Research vessels deemed to be of interest to POGO. 'Of interest' is defined as active ocean-going research vessels greater than 60m in length Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans
E02 Processing Levels for Earth Observing System Standard Data Products 2 2016-02-02 The standard states of processed data defined by the Earth Observing System Data and Information Ssytem (EOSDIS) Data Panel, which are also consistent with the Committee on Data Management, Archiving, and Computing (CODMAC) definitions. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
M29 Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type 1 2022-08-19 A collection of terms used to classify wetland habitat types, as specified by the Ramsar Convention's (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) Classification System for Wetland Type, approved by Recommendation 4.7 and amended by Resolutions VI.5 and VII.11 of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands vocabulary governance
M28 Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type upper categories 1 2022-08-19 A collection of terms used to group wetland habitats into three upper-category types, as specified by the Ramsar Convention's (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) Classification System for Wetland Type, approved by Recommendation 4.7 and amended by Resolutions VI.5 and VII.11 of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. Ramsar Convention on Wetlands vocabulary governance
B07 Sampling net gear deployment vocabulary 1 2014-10-15 A catalogue of deployment methods of sampling net gears for the collection of mainly plankton, micronekton, and neuston organisms based on Wiebe P.H. et al. (2014) British Oceanographic Data Centre
L14 SeaDataNet Activity Operational Stati 3 2022-11-25 Terms used to describe the operational status of data collection activities within the SeaDataNet project. SeaDataNet
P03 SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups 25 2023-07-04 Terms agreed within the EU SeaDataNet community to describe coarse-grained groupings of related measurement phenomena. SeaDataNet
V22 SeaDataNet CDI/CSR ISO Code List collections 5 2021-07-20 Concept collections used within ISO Code List representations for ISO19139 encoding of SeaDataNet CDIs and CSRs SeaDataNet
C77 SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report data categories 4 2022-09-27 Terms used to describe shipboard activities (sometimes inaccurately described as parameters) by SeaDataNet in Cruise Summary Report (formerly known as ROSCOP) metadata. SeaDataNet
L18 SeaDataNet Cruise Summary Report quantification units 1 2007-11-14 Terms used as units in the quantification of what was collected or measured in a Cruise Summary Report (ROSCOP) record. SeaDataNet
L08 SeaDataNet Data Access Restriction Policies 5 2021-05-05 Terms used to represent and classify data access policies in operation in the SeaDataNet project. SeaDataNet
V23 SeaDataNet GMX and imported ISO Code List collections 3 2020-02-05 Concept collections used within ISOTC211/19115 namespace of ISO Code List representations for ISO19139 encoding of SeaDataNet CDIs and CSRs SeaDataNet
L02 SeaDataNet Geospatial Feature Types 2 2014-03-28 SeaDataNet profile of ISO MD_GeometricObjectTypeCodeTerms code list. Known in SEA-SEARCH as 'Library 2' or cdi_measurement_codes. SeaDataNet
L03 SeaDataNet Measurement Periodicity Categories 3 2011-08-27 Terms used to express a classification of measurement periodicity in the SeaDataNet project. SeaDataNet
P08 SeaDataNet Parameter Disciplines 5 2017-02-03 Terms used to classify SeaDataNet Agreed Parameter Groups to provide topic/theme level terms in a hierarchical parameter discovery interface. SeaDataNet
P02 SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary 127 2023-12-12 Terms describing fine-grained related groups of measurement phenomena designed to be used in dataset discovery interfaces. SeaDataNet
C38 SeaDataNet Ports Gazetteer 88 2024-08-22 Names of a geographic location at which a cruise may begin or end. Used by SeaDataNet to populate Cruise Summary Report metadata. SeaDataNet
W02 SeaDataNet Sensor Web Enablement and SensorML sub-type vocabulary 0 2015-01-05 Vocabulary in support of SeaDataNet's (SDN) implementation of OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). This is the lower level SDN SEW specific vocabulary. SeaDataNet
W01 SeaDataNet Sensor Web Enablement and SensorML type vocabulary 0 2015-01-05 Vocabulary in support of SeaDataNet's implementation of OGC Sensor Web Enablement. This is the top level vocabulary with many narrower concepts from other vocabularies. SeaDataNet
V12 SeaDataNet Vocabularies 35 2024-07-16 Controlled vocabularies deemed to be of interest to the SeaDataNet project or users of its standards SeaDataNet
C86 SeaDataNet contact and security access roles 5 2018-04-26 SeaDataNet terms to describe roles associated with access rights to data, metadata and project information or the responsibilities for a contact within an activity, project or dataset. SeaDataNet
L07 SeaDataNet data access mechanisms 3 2015-09-11 Terms for mechanisms by which data objects described by SeaDataNet Central Data Index (CDI) records may be obtained before SeaDataNet is fully implemented. SeaDataNet
L24 SeaDataNet data transport formats 10 2021-03-05 Formats used for data delivery by SeaDataNet. SeaDataNet
L11 SeaDataNet depth measurement reference planes 11 2024-01-26 Terms used to describe the zero point for vertical co-ordinate reference systems (datums). SeaDataNet
L05 SeaDataNet device categories 91 2024-02-02 Terms used to classify groups of sensors, instruments, sources of algorithmically computed data (numerical models) or samplers (collectors of water, SPM, sediment, rock, air or biota samples). SeaDataNet
L21 SeaDataNet device category types 5 2012-07-17 High-level classification of devices based on function and mode of deployment. SeaDataNet
L10 SeaDataNet geographic co-ordinate reference frames 3 2011-03-03 Co-ordinate reference systems used for positions (latitude/longitude or grid references) in SeaDataNet metadata. May include 3D co-ordinate systems, but not vertical elevation datums like OD Newlyn. SeaDataNet
L19 SeaDataNet keyword types 4 2021-07-07 Terms used in SeaDataNet metadata to describe the purpose of a keyword. An extension of the ISO19115 KeywordTypeCode codelist. SeaDataNet
L20 SeaDataNet measurand qualifier flags 8 2022-05-14 Flags used to provide additional information, usually referring to data quality, about data values in SeaDataNet data files. SeaDataNet
L23 SeaDataNet metadata entities 9 2017-09-07 Types of metadata record in the SeaDataNet metadata catalogue repositories SeaDataNet
L12 SeaDataNet parameter quality control procedures 2 2010-02-13 Terms that are used to describe quality control procedures applied to data parameters. SeaDataNet
L15 SeaDataNet quality management system accreditations 3 2021-03-15 Terms used to by SeaDataNet to describe formally recognised standards for data acquisition and handling procedures. SeaDataNet
C16 SeaDataNet sea areas 9 2012-11-07 Sea area terms from the IHB(1953) list plus additional terms added under SeaDataNet governance. SeaDataNet
L22 SeaVoX Device Catalogue 723 2024-10-23 Terms for distinct sampling or measuring devices that may be identified in the real world in terms of manufacturer and model number. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
L06 SeaVoX Platform Categories 18 2024-09-27 2-level grouping term hierarchy used for vehicles, structures or organisms capable of bearing instruments or tools for the collection of physical, chemical, geological or biological samples or data. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
EL1 SeaVoX Sampling and Observation Platform Event Actions 2 2022-12-17 Terms used to identify actions performed on sampling and observation platforms. This vocabulary is the result of an harmonisation exercise between the Eurofleets Automatic Reporting System (EARS) ontology and the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) project, for research vessel event logs. The terms it contains should be applicable to any sampling or observation platforms. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
EL2 SeaVoX Sampling and Observation Platform Event Processes 1 2022-12-15 Terms used to identify processes performed on sampling and observation platforms. This vocabulary is the result of an harmonisation exercise between the Eurofleets Automatic Reporting System (EARS) ontology and the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) project, for research vessel event logs. The terms it contains should be applicable to any sampling or observation platforms. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
L13 SeaVoX Vertical Co-ordinate Coverages 5 2020-05-21 Terms used to describe data coverage over the vertical (z) co-ordinate. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
L27 SeaVoX data quality control flagging conventions 2 2013-09-27 A catalogue including standardised labels of encoding schemes used for data value qualifying information such as data quality SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
C19 SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer 24 2023-09-13 Terms specified by the SeaVoX vocabulary governance to describe coherent regions of the hydrosphere. Includes land masses enclosing freshwater bodies. SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group
S28 Seaglider Guidance and Control Phase Settings 1 2016-11-12 The six encoded modes of operation for a deployed Seaglider. British Oceanographic Data Centre
L35 SenseOcean device developers and manufacturers 187 2024-10-23 A collection of terms which denote the manufacturers or developers of devices (includes manufacturer and/or developer collaborations). British Oceanographic Data Centre
W09 Sensor Web Enablement Observations and Measurements Section Terms 0 2017-07-27 Terms used in SWE Observations and Measurements that describe the measurements made by an observing system and the features involved in this process. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W04 SensorML Capability Section Terms 2 2017-12-09 Terms used in SensorML to describe properties of an observation system that further qualify or quantify its output values. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W05 SensorML Characteristic Section Terms 3 2017-12-09 Terms used in SensorML to describe properties of an observation system that do not further qualify or quantify its output values. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W06 SensorML Classification Section Terms 1 2016-07-21 Terms used in SensorML to describe aspects of an observation system (e.g. the type of process, the type of sensor, or its intended applications). Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W08 SensorML Contact Section Terms 3 2023-06-06 Terms used in SensorML to describe the role and contact information for an observation system. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W11 SensorML Event Classification Terms 1 2020-11-05 Terms used in SensorML to describe aspects of an Event. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W03 SensorML History Event Types 2 2020-11-11 Terms used to describe events or operations that have taken place during the life of an observation system (e.g. a sensor, a platform, an instrument, a network). Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W07 SensorML Identification Section Terms 4 2022-05-23 Terms used in SensorML to identify an observation system. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
W10 SensorML Output Section Data Interface Terms 0 2017-07-27 Terms used in SensorML to describe the software interactions with an observing system. The terms are typically used in the SensorML Outputs section. Sensor Web Enablement Marine Profiles
I01 Subset of GRIB Table 4.2 - Parameter number by product discipline and parameter category 1 2012-11-14 Extract of definitions from World Meteorological Organisation GRIB2 Table 4.2: meteorological parameter number by product discipline and parameter category. World Meteorological Organisation
C37 Ten-degree Marsden Squares 3 2009-01-09 Labels applied to areas of ten degrees latitude by ten degrees longitude in the Marsden Square system. SeaDataNet
M03 The Crown Estate Renewable Energy Development Areas 1 2012-05-15 Terms used to describe different areas within an offshore renewable energy development. The Crown Estate
M04 The Crown Estate Renewable Energy Development Phases 1 2012-05-15 Terms used to describe different development phases of an offshore renewable energy development. The Crown Estate
M27 The Crown Estate Seabed Development Areas 0 2020-03-13 Terms used to describe different areas within an offshore development or seabed activity site. The Crown Estate
M26 The Crown Estate Seabed Development Phases 0 2020-03-13 Terms used to describe different phases within an offshore development or seabed activity. The Crown Estate
M18 Type of container used to hold a physical sample collected during a geotechnical site investigation 1 2016-06-01 Terms used to classify types of container used by marine engineers to store physical specimens collected during marine geotechnical site investigations. MEDIN Standards Group
M16 Type of geotechnical investigation carried out at a site 1 2016-06-01 Terms used to describe techniques used by marine engineers to investigate marine earth materials. Used in the MEDIN Geotechnical Data Guideline to categorise what type of investigations are carried out at a particular location of interest. MEDIN Standards Group
M17 Type of sample collected during a geotechnical investigation 1 2016-06-01 Terms used to classify types of samples collected by marine engineers during geotechnical site investigations in the marine environment. MEDIN Standards Group
C64 United Kingdom Charting Progress 2 sea regions 1 2011-06-07 Terms used specify regions of the seas around the UK based on bio-geographical features rather than administrative boundaries MEDIN Standards Group
P24 Units of measure dimensions 18 2024-05-11 Classification concepts for units of measure based upon the fundamental SI quantities upon which they are based. British Oceanographic Data Centre
C98 Vocabulary Server list subject categories 11 2020-04-05 Terms used to classify the lists held in the Vocabulary Server (formerly known as code tables) by the subject of their contents. British Oceanographic Data Centre
L33 WMO C3 vocabulary of XBT data types 3 2017-08-11 Terms specified by WMO to label XBT data with the type of probe used and the algorithm used to compute depth. World Meteorological Organisation
I03 Wisconsin Coastal Atlas Vocabulary 1 2013-06-19 Controlled vocabulary terms used within the Wisconsin Coastal Atlas. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
C39 World Meteorological Organisation sea states 1 2009-09-30 Codes and terms developed from the Douglas wind sea states to describe the general condition of the surface of a large water body. World Meteorological Organisation
C31 World Meteorological Organisation voluntary observing ship category 0 2005-12-31 WMO ship type codes used to classify voluntary observing ships. Source: [WMO No.47 - International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships]( World Meteorological Organisation