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The Crown Estate Renewable Energy Development Phases

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
M0402 Consenting Obtaining the required licences to develop an area e.g. data collected for an Environmental Impact assessment 2012-05-14
M0405 Construction monitoring Data collected for the purposes of satisfying during construction monitoring conditions applied as part of a licence 2012-05-14
M0408 Decommissioning Data collected in preparation for or during decommission 2012-05-14
M0401 Feasibility The non exclusive investigation of the potential to develop a renewable energy array 2012-05-14
M0407 Operation and Maintenance Data associated with the ongoing operation and maintenance of an array, not associated with licence monitoring conditions (e.g. scour investigations) 2012-05-14
M0406 Post-Construction monitoring Data collected for the purposes of satisfying post construction monitoring conditions applied as part of a licence 2012-05-14
M0409 Post-Decommissioning Monitoring Data collected for the purposes of satisfying post-decommissioning monitoring conditions applied as part of a licence 2012-05-14
M0404 Pre-Construction engineering Data obtained or created for detailed pre-construction engineering studies e.g. detailed geotechnical surveys 2012-05-14
M0403 Pre-Construction monitoring Data collected for the purposes of satisfying pre-construction monitoring conditions applied as part of a licence 2012-05-14
M0410 Research Data collected for the purposes of research e.g. testing of a prototype energy converter 2012-05-14