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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
101 CC DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
102 FE DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
103 LI DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
104 LS DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
105 MO DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
106 NA DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
107 NC DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
108 OG DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
109 RS DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
110 SR DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
111 UK DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
112 UN DEPRECATED This term (related to a concept held in collection/L08) was added by error to this list - does not belong to ISO MD_ RestrictionCode codelist; deprecated on 29Nov2018. 2018-11-29
001 copyright Exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist, distributor 2012-07-04
006 intellectualPropertyRights Rights to financial benefit from and control of distribution of non-tangible property that is a result of creativity 2012-07-04
005 license Formal permission to do something 2012-07-04
008 otherRestrictions Limitation not listed 2012-07-04
002 patent Government has granted exclusive right to make, sell, use or license an invention or discovery 2012-07-04
003 patentPending Produced or sold information awaiting a patent 2012-07-04
007 restricted Withheld from general circulation or disclosure 2012-07-04
004 trademark A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer 2012-07-04