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Type of geotechnical investigation carried out at a site

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
INVEST_BOX Box core investigation A geotechnical site investigation carried out with the intention of recovering soft sediment samples from the seafloor using a sampling technique consisting of a weighted box which penetrates into the seabed to a depth which depends on its descent rate, and has a blade which closes the base of the box after penetration, thus collecting the sample. 2016-05-31
INVEST_COMPBORE Composite borehole investigation A geotechnical site investigation where a narrow shaft is drilled into a substrate with the intention of performing both sampling of soil or rock and in-situ testing such as insertion of instrumented cones into the substrate. 2016-05-31
INVEST_CPTBORE Cone penetration test borehole investigation A geotechnical site investigation where a narrow shaft is drilled into a substrate to a pre-selected depth and then, at that depth, an instrumented cone with tip facing down is pushed into the base of the borehole at a controlled rate (also known as borehole cone penetration testing). 2016-05-31
INVEST_GRAB Grab investigation A geotechnical site investigation carried out with the intention of recovering sediment samples from the seabed using a device which consists of a bucket or pair of buckets or similar containers which rotate on impact with the seabed, either through a spring trigger or through human intervention and scoop out a sample of sediment. 2016-05-31
INVEST_PISTON Piston core investigation A geotechnical site investigation carried out with the intention of recovering samples from seafloor substrate using a sampling technique which consists of a heavy weight, above a long metal tube and secured by a trigger arm. When the metal tube impacts the seabed, the trigger arm is released and the heavy weight falls, strikes the metal tube and drives it deep into the seafloor 2016-05-31
INVEST_SAMPBORE Sample borehole investigation A geotechnical site investigation consisting of a narrow shaft drilled into a substrate solely to obtain soil or rock samples 2016-05-31
INVEST_BEDCPT Seabed cone penetration test investigation A geotechnical site investigation where a rig is lowered to the seafloor which contains a mechanical system that forces an instrumented cone with tip down into the seabed at a controlled rate. 2016-05-31
INVEST_SPECBORE Specialist borehole investigation A geotechnical site investigation where anarrow shaft is drilled into a substrate for specialist in-situ testing which excludes penetration tests by instrumented cones. 2016-05-31
INVEST_VIBR Vibrocore investigation A geotechnical site investigation carried out with the intention of recovering samples from the seabed using a sampling technique in which a large diameter tube is vibrated into substrate while oscillating. 2016-05-31