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BODC Organisation Histories

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
SNT A/S Norske Shell, Tananger One of four Norwegian offices of the exploration/production division of Shell 2011-12-07
ABP ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd HISTORY: ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd(1982-12-31 to present) 2018-03-13
AER AEA Technology PLC HISTORY: Atomic Energy Research Establishment(1946-01-01 to 1954-07-18); UKAEA Atomic Energy Research Establishment(1954-07-19 to 1995-12-31); AEA Technology PLC(1996-01-01 to 2012-11-07) 2018-03-13
ATH Abertay University, Division of Health Sciences 2021-10-06
ABE Aberystwyth University, Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences Research and teaching centre at Aberystwyth University. 2018-07-10
ATE Academia Sinica Taiwan, Institute of Earth Sciences 2020-04-29
AST Academia Sinica Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes HISTORY: Academia Sinica Taiwan, Research Center for Environmental Changes(2004-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
ACA Access Arctic 2020-02-20
IEA Admiral Paulo Moreira Institute of Marine Studies Brazilian Navy marine institute. Native name is Instituto de Estudos do Mar Almirante Paulo Moreira 2017-05-22
FLY Afdeling Kust, Vlaamse Hydrografie (Flemish Hydrography - Division Coast, Belgium) HISTORY: Afdeling Kust, Vlaamse Hydrografie (Flemish Hydrography - Division Coast, Belgium) 2018-03-13
BPP Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology HISTORY: Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology(1978-08-21 to present) 2018-03-13
DAR Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute HISTORY: Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland(1960-01-01 to 1999-08-31); Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland(1999-09-01 to 2006-03-31); Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute(2006-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AFW Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Anchorage HISTORY: Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Anchorage(1987-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AWI Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research HISTORY: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BIH Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Helgoland HISTORY: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Helgoland(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AWS Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Sylt Native name is Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, List auf Sylt. 2016-06-11
ARG All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean 2014-07-21
ARI All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information HISTORY: All-Union Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information(1964-01-01 to 1990-12-31); All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AMR Alnitak Marine Research Centre HISTORY: Alnitak Marine Research Centre(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ATN Alterra-Texel Texel-based branch of the Alterra research institute, which is concerned with the green living environment. Part of the Wageningen University and Research Centre (Wageningen UR). 2012-10-01
ICA Andalucia Institute of Marine Sciences Based in Cadiz. Native name is Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucia. 2015-10-22
AMG Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute Part of the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Science of Zagreb University, Croatia 2011-12-07
AWA Anglian Water Authority 2011-12-07
ACE Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre HISTORY: Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SZN Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples HISTORY: Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples(1875-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
APS Applied Physical Sciences, Arlington HISTORY: Applied Physical Sciences, Arlington(2002-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ASA Applied Science Associates, USA 2011-12-07
ATT AquaTT 2024-07-16
AQP Aquapharm Biodiscovery HISTORY: Aquapharm Biodiscovery(2004-10-01 to 2013-12-03) 2018-03-13
AAR Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute HISTORY: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ASH Argentinian Navy Hydrographic Service HISTORY: Argentinian Navy Hydrographic Service(1879-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ANL Argonne National Laboratory US Department of Energy research laboratory working on energy, biological and environmental systems and national security. Located in Argonne, Illinois. 2011-12-07
ADE Armada del Ecuador Formerly 4 character lab code ADEX 2011-12-07
ARR Arrowsmith, Johns and Muir Pty, Australia 2011-12-07
ARU Arup, London 2024-09-18
SRL Associated British Ports HISTORY: The Southern Railway(1923-01-01 to 1947-12-31); British Transport Commission(1948-01-01 to 1962-12-31); British Transport Docks Board(1963-01-01 to 1982-12-31); Associated British Ports(1983-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AHT Association of the Higher Technical Institute for Research and Development Native name is Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento 2021-05-03
ARD Atkins Research and Development Ltd. 2011-12-07
AAD Australian Antarctic Division The AAD is part of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and is responsible for Australia's presence and activities in the Australian Antarctic Territory and Southern Ocean. 2020-04-22
ABM Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria 2021-12-10
AIM Australian Institute of Marine Science Tropical marine research agency based in Townsville, Queensland. 2015-07-31
ANU Australian National University Research School of Earth Sciences HISTORY: Australian National University Department of Geological Sciences(1946-01-01 to 2007-12-31); Australian National University Research School of Earth Sciences(2008-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AOD Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF) HISTORY: Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF) 2018-03-13
AXI Axiom Veterinary Laboratories Ltd 2024-11-15
BAK BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia National Coordinating Agency for Survey and Mapping, Jl Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong, Indonesia 2011-12-07
AMC BP Exploration - Aberdeen HISTORY: Amoco (UK) Exploration, Aberdeen(1900-01-01 to 2000-12-31); BP Exploration - Aberdeen(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BPL BP PLC HISTORY: British Petroleum(1954-01-02 to present); BP Amoco PLC(1998-12-31 to 2001-04-30); BP PLC(2001-05-01 to present) 2018-07-11
BPR BP Resources, Canada 2011-12-07
BSB BSB, Canada 2011-12-07
BNH Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre 2014-07-23
UCN Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences HISTORY: University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences(1954-01-01 to 2007-09-30); Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences(2007-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNW Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences HISTORY: University of Wales, Bangor School of Ocean Sciences(1954-01-01 to 2007-09-30); Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences(2007-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BBS Bangor University, School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: Bangor University, School of Biological Sciences(2008-11-01 to present) 2019-12-11
ARA Banyuls-sur-mer Oceanological Observatory HISTORY: Banyuls-sur-mer Oceanological Observatory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center 2020-05-07
AZT Basque Fisheries and Marine Technological Research Centre (AZTI), Pasaia HISTORY: Basque Fisheries and Marine Technological Research Centre (AZTI), Pasaia 2018-03-13
BPA Beach Protection Authority, Queensland 2011-12-07
BFI Bedford Institute of Oceanography HISTORY: Bedford Institute of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BHC Belfast Harbour Commissioners HISTORY: Belfast Harbour Commissioners(1847-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BCZ Belize Coastal Zone Marine Authority and Institute 2021-02-10
BER Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences HISTORY: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences(2006-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BGL Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences HISTORY: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences(1974-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BLB Birkbeck College London, Department of Biological Sciences HISTORY: Birkbeck College London, Department of Biological Sciences(2009-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BEP Birkbeck, University of London Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences HISTORY: Birkbeck, University of London Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(2012-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BBG Birkbeck, University of London, Department of Geography 2017-05-18
BCC Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen HISTORY: Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen (2000-06 to present) 2023-05-26
BOA Blue Ocean Monitoring, Australia Australian site of the autonomous survey platform and sensor company. Its other addresses are in the UK and USA. 2019-09-26
BOM BlueOcean Monitoring Ocean survey company with offices in the UK, US and Australia. 2018-06-28
BUE Boston University Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: Boston University Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BUL Bournemouth University, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences 2020-09-14
CHM Brazilian Navy Centre of Hydrography HISTORY: Brazilian Navy Centre of Hydrography(1998-12-17 to present) 2018-03-13
MBH Brazilian Navy Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation HISTORY: Brazilian Navy Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BAS British Antarctic Survey HISTORY: British Antarctic Survey(1946-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BGC British Gas Corporation, London 2011-12-07
BMO British Geological Survey Marine Operations HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences Marine Operations(1966-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey Marine Operations(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BGW British Geological Survey, Cardiff 2022-01-28
BGS British Geological Survey, Edinburgh HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences, Edinburgh(1966-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey, Edinburgh(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BKW British Geological Survey, Keyworth HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences, Keyworth(1966-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey, Keyworth(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GIR British Geological Survey, Keyworth HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences, Grays Inn Road(1967-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey, Grays Inn Road(1984-01-01 to 1989-12-31); British Geological Survey, Keyworth(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IGL British Geological Survey, Keyworth HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences, Leeds(1966-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey, Keyworth(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BWL British Geological Survey, Wallingford HISTORY: Institute of Geological Sciences, Wallingford(1966-01-01 to 1983-12-31); British Geological Survey, Wallingford(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CEE British Maritime Technology Ceemaid Ltd., Soton 2011-12-07
BNO British National Oil Corporation 2011-12-07
BOS British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility HISTORY: British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BOD British Oceanographic Data Centre, Liverpool HISTORY: British Oceanographic Data Service(1969-01-01 to 1976-07-31); Marine Information and Advisory Service Data Banking Section(1976-08-01 to 1989-03-31); British Oceanographic Data Centre Bidston(1989-04-01 to 2004-12-05); British Oceanographic Data Centre, Liverpool(2004-12-06 to present) 2018-03-13
BNC British Oceanographic Data Centre, Southampton HISTORY: British Oceanographic Data Centre, Southampton(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CF1 British Petroleum HISTORY: British National Oil Corporation(1975-01-01 to 1982-07-31); Britoil(1982-08-01 to 1988-03-31); British Petroleum(1954-01-02 to present) 2018-03-13
ICI Brixham Environmental Laboratory, Plymouth University HISTORY: Imperial Chemical Industries, Brixham Lab(1900-01-01 to 1992-12-31); Brixham Environmental Laboratory, AstraZeneca(1993-01-01 to 2014-05-08); Brixham Environmental Laboratory, Plymouth University(2014-05-09 to present) 2018-03-13
BDE Brown University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences 2019-04-04
BGI Bureau Gravimetrique International, France Formerly 4 character lab code BGIX 2011-12-07
BND Bureau Nat. de Donnees Oceanographiques, France Formerly 4 character lab code BNDO 2011-12-07
CCO CCOP/SOPAC, Suva, Fiji Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospection for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas. Formerly 4 character lab code CCOP 2011-12-07
CCH CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office HISTORY: WOCE Hydrographic Project Office(1989-01-01 to 2002-12-23); CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office(2003-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CGM CNR Institute of Marine Geology, Bologna Marine geology laboratory in Bolgna. Name in Italian is. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geologia Marina di Bologna 2011-12-07
RNR CNR Institute of Marine Science, Rome 2023-01-25
CNI CNR Institute of Marine Science, Trieste Physical and chemical oceanographic laboratory in Trieste. Name in Italian is. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Scienze Marine Sezione di Trieste 2011-12-07
CBS CNRS Centre for Biological Studies, Chizé HISTORY: CNRS Centre for Biological Studies, Chizé(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LGM CNRS Institute of Earth Physics, Paris HISTORY: CNRS Institute of Earth Physics, Paris(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ELG CNRS Laboratory of Coastal Marine System Ecology (UMR 5119) HISTORY: Lagoon Ecosystems Laboratory (UMR 5119)(1970-01-01 to 2010-12-31); CNRS Laboratory of Coastal Marine System Ecology (UMR 5119)(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
INS CNRS National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy HISTORY: CNRS National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy(1985-02-13 to present) 2018-03-13
GES CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, Institute of Environmental Geosciences 2020-02-20
APC CONICET Technological Scientific Centre, National Patagonian Center Native name is CONICET Centro Científico Tecnológico, Centro Nacional Patagónico 2020-01-06
ICM CSIC Mediterranean Centre for Marine and Environmental Research HISTORY: Institute of Marine Sciences, Barcelona(1970-01-01 to 2001-09-30); CSIC Mediterranean Centre for Marine and Environmental Research(2001-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CSE CSIRO Centre for Environment and Life Sciences 2020-04-16
CSS CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Sydney 2011-12-07
MNF CSIRO Marine National Facility Australian research facility, owned and operated by CSIRO. 2020-04-23
CSI CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (Hobart) HISTORY: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (Hobart)(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CIN Cajal Institute of Neurobiology Spanish research institute, part of CSIC. Native name is Instituto de Neurobiologia Ramon y Cajal 2016-12-13
CTG California Institute of Technology Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences HISTORY: California Institute of Technology Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences(1926-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CAL California Polytechnic State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2020-01-10
CSM Camborne School of Mines, Cornwall 2011-12-07
COD Campbell Ocean Data Oceanographic Engineering consultancy. 2019-04-03
CHS Canadian Hydrographic Service 2011-12-07
ICC Canaries Institute of Marine Sciences HISTORY: Canaries Institute of Marine Sciences(1977-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CNT Canterra, Canada 2011-12-07
CDI Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center HISTORY: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center(1982-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CTE Carbon Trust - England HISTORY: Carbon Trust - England(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CBC Cardiff University School of Biosciences HISTORY: University College Cardiff Department of Biochemistry(1972-01-01 to 1987-12-31); University of Wales College, Cardiff, Department of Biochemistry(1988-01-01 to 1995-12-31); University of Wales, Cardiff, Department of Biochemistry(1996-01-01 to 2004-07-31); Cardiff University School of Biosciences(2004-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCB Cardiff University School of Biosciences HISTORY: University College Cardiff Department of Biology(1972-01-01 to 1987-12-31); University of Wales College Cardiff, Department of Biology(1988-01-01 to 1995-12-31); University of Wales, Cardiff, Department of Biology(1996-01-01 to 2004-07-31); Cardiff University School of Biosciences(2004-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CGP Cardiff University, School of Geography and Planning HISTORY: Cardiff University, School of Geography and Planning(1999-01-01 to present) 2018-07-05
CDA Cardno and Davies Australia Pty Ltd. 2011-12-07
KUL Catholic University of Leuven, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences (GEO Institute) One of two locations for this research department. Native name is KU Leuven, Departement Aard- en Omgevingswetenschappen (GEO-Instituut). 2019-12-04
CUC Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Department of Ecology Native name is Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion, Departamento de Ecologia 2020-04-28
CAO Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, New York University HISTORY: Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, New York University(1935-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CGB Central Electricity Generating Board HISTORY: Central Electricity Generating Board(1958-04-01 to 2001-11-09) 2018-03-13
CWB Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan HISTORY: Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CNS Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Paris A French goverment agency. English name is National Centre for Space Studies. 2012-09-26
COB Centre Oceanologique De Bretagne, Brest, France Mnemonic IFR replaces COB from 24th January 2001 2011-12-07
CRS Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Guinee Formerly 4 character lab code CRSC 2011-12-07
CH1 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory 2007-11-15
CH2 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor 2007-11-15
ITE Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Dorset 2007-11-15
CH3 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh 2007-11-15
CHL Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster 2006-05-24
CH4 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Monks Wood 2007-11-15
CH5 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Oxford 2007-11-15
IOH Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford 2007-11-15
MCW Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Conwy Laboratory HISTORY: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Conwy Laboratory(1900-01-01 to 1997-03-31); Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Conwy Laboratory(1997-04-01 to 1999-12-31) 2018-03-13
MAF Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory HISTORY: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory(1900-01-01 to 1997-03-31); Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory(1997-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MBC Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory HISTORY: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Burnham Laboratory(1900-01-01 to 1997-03-31); Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Burnham Laboratory(1997-04-01 to 2008-12-31); Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory(1997-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MWM Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Weymouth Laboratory HISTORY: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Fish Disease Laboratory Weymouth(1900-01-01 to 1997-03-31); Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Weymouth Laboratory(1997-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ADC Centre for Environmental Data Analysis HISTORY: Science and Engineering Research Council Geophysical Data Facility(1985-01-01 to 1994-03-31); British Atmospheric Data Centre(1994-04-01 to 2004-12-31); Centre for Environmental Data Archival - British Atmospheric Data Centre(2005-01-01 to 2014-12-31); Centre for Environmental Data Analysis(2015-01-01 to present) 2022-06-08
NNC Centre for Environmental Data Analysis HISTORY: Natural Environment Research Council Centres for Atmospheric Science(2002-01-01 to 2009-03-31); National Centre for Atmospheric Science(2009-04-01 to 2014-12-31); Centre for Environmental Data Analysis(2015-01-01 to present) 2022-06-08
CIC Centre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2011-12-07
OHC Centre for Oceanographic and Hydrographic Research, Colombia 2014-07-21
CPO Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling NERC collaborative centre based at the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment. 2017-10-18
CRE Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling HISTORY: Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CES Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Ensenada HISTORY: Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Ensenada(1973-09-18 to present) 2018-03-13
CPL Chart Pilot Ltd 2014-07-21
CCL Chelsea College, Department of Geology HISTORY: Chelsea Polytechnic, Department of Geology (1932 to 1956); Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Department of Geology (1957 to 1970); Chelsea College, Department of Geology (1971 to 1985) 2023-05-19
CUT Chengdu University of Technology, Department of Earth Sciences 2018-12-31
COR Cherbourg-Octeville Radioecology Laboratory HISTORY: Radioecological Research Laboratory on the Atlantic Seaboard(1900-01-01 to 2005-12-31); Cherbourg-Octeville Radioecology Laboratory(2006-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CHV Chevron Oil, Canada 2011-12-07
CHE Chevron Petroleum UK 2011-12-07
CSH Chilean Navy Oceanographic and Hydrographic Service HISTORY: Chilean Navy Oceanographic and Hydrographic Service(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Atmospheric Physics HISTORY: Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Atmospheric Physics(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CEI Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Earth Environment 2021-10-25
ICO Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology 2018-12-31
CNY City College of New York Department of Biology HISTORY: City College of New York Department of Biology(1907-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CLK Clarkson University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011-12-07
CNR Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory HISTORY: CNRS-CEA Low Radioactivity Centre(1900-01-01 to 1997-12-31); Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory(1998-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CRP Clyde River Purification Board HISTORY: Clyde River Purification Board(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CLP Clydeport Operations Ltd Part of Peelports 2017-03-06
CDT Coastal Dynamics Ltd Environmental consulting firm located in Trinidad and Tobago. 2019-08-08
CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites, France 2011-12-07
CSL Colourmap Scanning Limited, London 2011-12-07
CRC Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission HISTORY: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission(1977-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
COL Columbia University Formerly 4 character lab code COLU 2011-12-07
CCA Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources HISTORY: Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources(1982-04-07 to present) 2018-03-13
CNC ConocoPhillips Limited (Warwick Office) HISTORY: ConocoPhillips Limited (Warwick Office)(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CRL Conservation Research Limited A UK company based in Great Shelford specialising in the automated individual recognition and matching of wildlife photo catalogues. 2012-09-20
CLE Consortium for Ocean Leadership HISTORY: Joint Oceanographic Institutions Inc(1964-01-01 to 2006-12-31); Consortium for Ocean Leadership(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CIR Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) HISTORY: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) 2018-03-13
CMP Cornwall Marine Pathology Team 2024-11-15
CWT Cornwall Wildlife Trust 2024-11-15
CZI Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria HISTORY: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria(1945-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CZS Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Stellenbosch One of several CSIR locations in South Africa 2016-06-11
CUE Cranfield University, Environmental Science and Technology Department HISTORY: Cranfield University, Environmental Science and Technology Department(1993-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
YIO Croatian Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries HISTORY: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries(1930-01-01 to 1990-12-31); Croatian Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CIH Cuban Hydrographic Institute HISTORY: Cuban Hydrographic Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CSC Cyprus Subsea Consulting and Services Commercial firm based in Nicosia, Cyprus. 2021-05-04
CZM Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology Native name is Akademie ved Ceske Republiky, Mikrobiologicky ustav 2024-07-05
DEM DEFRA European Marine Policy Department 2011-12-07
DSD DEFRA Science Directorate, Management Support and Finance Team Section of the UK Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs concerned with science funding. 2012-10-02
DUH Dalhousie University Department of Oceanography HISTORY: Dalhousie University Department of Oceanography(1970-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DAB Dalhousie University, Department of Biology HISTORY: Dalhousie University, Department of Biology(1997-04-01 to present) 2019-12-11
DAM Dames and Moore, Bethsda, MD, USA 2011-12-07
DAC Danbiu ApS. A private sector Danish biological consultancy located in Charlottenlund. 2012-10-01
DCE Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University HISTORY: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University(2011-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DGA Danish Geodata Agency 2014-07-21
DHO Danish Hydrographic Office 2022-03-01
DAN Danish Maritime Safety Administration HISTORY: Royal Danish Administration of Navigation & Hydrography(1900-01-01 to 2008-03-31); Danish Maritime Safety Administration(2008-04-01 to 2011-10-03) 2018-03-13
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute Formerly 4 character lab code DMIX 2011-12-07
DNA Danish Nature Agency Danish name is Naturstyrelsen. Part of the Ministry of the Environment of Denmark. Located in Copenhagen. 2012-09-26
DPT Danish Post and Telegraph, Copenhagen, Denmark Formerly 4 character lab code DPTX 2011-12-07
DES Dartmouth College, Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: Dartmouth College, Department of Earth Sciences(1974-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
DST Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Executive agency of the UK Ministry of Defence, formed from the July 2001 split of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) into Dstl and Qinetiq. 2018-06-20
DOI Defence Services Officers' Institute, Dhaula Kuan 2014-07-21
DEF Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency HISTORY: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(1996-03-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DMA Defense Mapping Agency, USA Formerly 4 character lab code DMAX. Replaced by NIA (National Imagery Agency, KAR20000605). 2011-12-07
DFM Defra Flood Management Division HISTORY: Defra Flood Management Division(2001-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DEL Delft University, Department of Bionanoscience University department. Native name of the university is TU Delft. 2020-07-15
DHM Dep. of Harbours and Marine, Queensland 2011-12-07
DHC Dep. of Housing and Construction, Queensland 2011-12-07
AVB Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal 2011-12-07
DEP Department for Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries, Vitoria-Gasteiz A Basque Government department. The Basque name is Ingurumen, Lurralde Plangintza, Nekazaritza eta Arrantza Saila. The Spanish name is Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial, Agricultura y Pesca. 2012-10-03
AES Department of Analytical, Environmental and Forensic Sciences, King's College London 2021-05-25
GCH Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg HISTORY: Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IDC Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Head Office Irish government department. Native name is Roinn Cumarsáide, Gníomhaithe ar son na hAeráide & Comhshaoil 2018-07-17
DEC Department of Energy & Climate Change HISTORY: Department of Energy & Climate Change(2008-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ECL Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, Wexford An Irish government department. Gaelic name is Comhshaol, Pobal agus Rialtas Aitiuil.. 2012-09-27
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada 2011-12-07
DGG Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada 2011-12-07
GUO Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo HISTORY: Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo(2003-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNH Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai'i at Manoa HISTORY: Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai'i at Manoa(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DPU Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland 2011-12-07
DPE Department of Planning and Environment (New South Wales) 2022-03-01
DTI Department of Trade and Industry 2011-12-07
DEA Digital Ecology of Aquatic Environments, University of Mons HISTORY: Digital Ecology of Aquatic Environments, University of Mons(2009-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DHN Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, Peru Formerly 4 character lab code DHNP 2011-12-07
DBR Dobrocky, Canada 2011-12-07
DCC Donegal County Council, Donegal, Eire Formerly 4 character lab code DCCX 2011-12-07
DWT Dorset Wildlife Trust Organisation founded in 1961 to protect wildlife and natural habitats in Dorset. 2011-12-07
DMT Droplet Measurement Technologies 2022-07-06
DMS Dubai Municipality Survey Department Municipal department located in Deira. 2011-12-07
DIG Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Geophysics Section 2018-09-11
DUK Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment 2023-08-31
ENE ENEA Santa Teresa Marine Environment Research Center HISTORY: ENEA Santa Teresa Marine Environment Research Center(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
EPS EPSHOM, Estab. Prin. Serv. Hydro. Ocean. Marine Formerly 4 character lab code EPSH 2011-12-07
ESS ESSO, Australia 2011-12-07
EAM Eames, Canada 2011-12-07
ECO Eco Marine Consultants Marine ecological consultancy, providing specialist scientific services for environmental monitoring and regulatory compliance. Incorporated 26/01/2018. 2019-11-15
EHM Edge Hill University Department of Natural Geographical and Applied Sciences HISTORY: Edge Hill University Department of Natural Geographical and Applied Sciences(1933-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
EGG Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grief Inc., Boston 2011-12-07
NUE Edinburgh Napier University School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences HISTORY: Napier Technical College(1964-01-01 to 1992-05-31); Napier University School of Life Sciences(1992-06-01 to 2009-02-24); Edinburgh Napier University School of Life Sciences(2009-02-25 to 2010-12-31); Edinburgh Napier University School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HPC Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre HISTORY: UoE HPCX Ltd(2007-01-01 to 2013-12-31); Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre(2014-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ETE Education Through Expeditions HISTORY: Education Through Expeditions(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ESB Electricity Supply Board HISTORY: Electricity Supply Board(1927-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ELF Elf Aquitaine, France Formerly 4 character lab code ELFA 2011-12-07
ELU Elf UK plc. 2011-12-07
EAL Environment Agency, London Environment Agency office in the Seacole Building, London. In use since 2017. 2021-01-06
EAP Environment Agency, Peterborough EA Anglian Regional Office. Contact for all Swantel tide gauge data. 2017-03-22
EAR Environment Agency, Reading EA Reading office. 2015-07-14
EAS Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia 2011-12-07
ESE Environmental Science and Engineering Inc. USA 2011-12-07
STA Equinor ASA HISTORY: Statoil(1972-06-14 to 2018-05-14); Equinor ASA(2018-05-15 to present) 2022-03-01
ESR Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute) HISTORY: Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute) 2018-03-13
ESO Esso Exploration and Production UK Ltd. 2011-12-07
ESC Esso, Canada 2011-12-07
DGR European Commission Directorate-General for Research 2011-12-07
IRM European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements EC body based in Geel, Belgium. 2014-02-26
CRG European Research Centre for Environmental Geosciences Research laboratory in Aix en Provence. Name in French is Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement. 2017-08-10
ESA European Space Agency, European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications 2021-11-15
EWU Ewha Womans University, Department of Social Studies Education HISTORY: Ewha Womans University, Department of Social Studies Education(2012-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
FLX FLEX Data Centre, German Oceanographic Data Centre HISTORY: FLEX Data Centre, German Oceanographic Data Centre(1979-01-01 to 1985-12-31) 2018-03-13
FRB FRB, Newfoundland, Canada 2011-12-07
FWI Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of the French West Indies and Guiana HISTORY: Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of the French West Indies and Guiana(1982-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FER Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute State metocean reseach organisation under Russian Federal Service For Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Founded in 1950 and located in Vladivostock. 2011-12-07
FFL Faroe Marine Research Institute HISTORY: Faroese Fisheries Laboratory(1900-01-01 to 2008-12-31); Faroe Marine Research Institute(2009-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FNH Faroe Museum of Natural History HISTORY: Faroe Museum of Natural History(1948-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BLE Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food Agency responsible in Germany for a wide range of tasks in the agricultural, food and consumer protection sector, based in Bonn, Germany. Name in German is Bundesanstalt fr Landwirtschaft und Ern hrung 2011-12-07
BFG Federal Agency of Hydrology Agency responsible for for the German waterways in federal ownership, based in Koblenz. Name in German is Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde. 2011-12-07
BGR Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources The central geoscientific authority providing advice to the German Federal Government in all geo-relevant questions. Based in Hannover. Name in German is Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe 2011-12-07
BSH Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency HISTORY: Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DHI Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency HISTORY: German Hydrographic Institute(1900-01-01 to 1989-12-31); Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ENN Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Berlin A German government department. German name is Bundesministerium für Umweit, Naturschutz un Reaktorsicherheit. 2012-10-02
FUR Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics HISTORY: Federal University of Rio Grande Department of Physics(1969-10-21 to 2008-08-14); Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics(2008-08-15 to present) 2018-03-13
UFR Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Oceanography HISTORY: Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Oceanography(1970-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FGF Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute HISTORY: Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute(1971-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FIM Finnish Institute for Marine Research HISTORY: Finnish Institute for Marine Research(2018-01-01 to 2008-12-31) 2018-03-13
FMA Finnish Maritime Administration 2011-12-07
FOC Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences HISTORY: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences (Unknown date to present) 2023-07-01
VLI Flanders Marine Institute Research organisation located in Ostend, Belgium. Native name is Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee. 2017-02-03
FMP Flex Marine Power Ltd Coastal energy tech company based in Milngavie, Glasgow. 2017-11-04
FIA Flinders Institute for Atmospheric and Marine Sciences HISTORY: Flinders Institute for Atmospheric and Marine Sciences(1900-01-01 to 2003-12-31) 2018-03-13
FES Flinders University School of Chemical & Physical Sciences HISTORY: Flinders University School of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to 2003-12-31); Flinders University School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences(2004-01-01 to 2009-12-31); Flinders University School of Chemical & Physical Sciences(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FRC Florida International University Applied Research Center Multidisciplinary research centre based in Miami, Florida. 2015-08-13
FSC Florida State University, Coastal and Marine Laboratory 2019-01-29
FSB Florida State University, Department of Biological Science 2019-01-29
FLS Florida State University, Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science HISTORY: Florida State University Department of Oceanography (1947 to 2009); Florida State University, Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science (2010 to present) 2024-03-27
FLU Florida University Formerly 4 character lab code FLUN 2011-12-07
UFF Fluminense Federal University, Department of Geochemistry HISTORY: Fluminense Federal University, Department of Geochemistry(1960-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London 2011-12-07
FOS Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany 2011-12-07
FPA Forth Ports Authority, Grangemouth 2011-12-07
FRP Forth River Purification Board HISTORY: Forth River Purification Board(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VUA Free University of Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies Native name is Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Instituut voor Milieustudies 2022-06-28
IPE Free University of Brussels - G-Time Laboratory HISTORY: Free University of Brussels Isotopes, Petrology and Environment Laboratory(1970-05-28 to 2011-12-31); Free University of Brussels - G-Time Laboratory(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VUB Free University of Brussels Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry HISTORY: Free University of Brussels Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULG Free University of Brussels, Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society Native name is Université libre de Bruxelles, Département Géosciences, Environnement et Société 2020-09-28
BLG Free University of Brussels, Glaciology Laboratory Native name is l'Universite libre de Bruxelles, Laboratoire de Glaciologie. 2018-08-24
ULB Free University of Brussels, Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry HISTORY: Free University of Brussels, Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SMR French Atomic Energy Commission Meaning of acronym SMRS is not known. Formerly 4 character lab code SMRS 2011-12-07
FEE Fudan University Department of Environmental Science and Engineering HISTORY: Fudan University Department of Environmental Science and Engineering(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FGO Fugro GEOS Limited Metocean survey company formerly located in Swindon but relocated to Wallingford, Oxfordshire 2011-12-07
WPL Fugro GEOS Ltd HISTORY: Wimpey Laboratories Ltd(1928-01-01 to 1977-12-31); Wimpol Ltd(1978-01-01 to 1989-12-31); Wimpey Environmental International Ltd(1990-01-01 to 1993-12-31); Global Environmental and Ocean Sciences(1994-01-01 to 1995-12-31); Fugro GEOS Ltd(1996-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FSD Fugro Pelagos, Inc, San Diego 2014-07-21
FSE Fugro Pelagos, Inc, Seattle 2014-07-21
GEM GEMS Survey Ltd HISTORY: GEMS Survey Ltd(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GEO GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (East Shore Campus) HISTORY: Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel(1972-01-01 to 2003-12-31); GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (East Shore Campus)(2004-01-01 to present) 2020-03-10
IFM GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (West Shore Campus) HISTORY: Institute of Marine Sciences, Kiel(1972-01-01 to 2003-12-31); GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (West Shore Campus)(2004-01-01 to present) 2020-03-10
GGS GGS Geo Consultancy Consultant producing software for processing bathymetric survey data. 2015-01-30
GNS GNS Science TE PU AO 2014-07-21
GCT Galapagos Conservation Trust 2022-07-26
SCG Galapagos Science Center 2023-10-17
GMT Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Marine and Freshwater Research Centre HISTORY: Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Marine and Freshwater Research Centre(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GAR Gardline Geosurvey Ltd 2022-02-08
USA Gatty Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Gatty Marine Laboratory(1896-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GCM General Command of Mapping Turkey Turkish government mapping agency located in Ankara 2011-12-07
DGS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland HISTORY: Geological Survey of Denmark(1888-01-01 to 1995-06-13); Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland(1995-06-14 to present) 2018-03-13
IGS Geological Survey of Ireland HISTORY: Geological Survey of Ireland(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GSI Geological Survey of Israel Formerly 4 character lab code GSIX 2011-12-07
GSJ Geological Survey of Japan HISTORY: Geological Survey of Japan(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GWL Geology Without Limits HISTORY: Geology Without Limits(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GAU Geoscience Australia HISTORY: Geoscience Australia (2001 to present) 2023-07-01
GTK Geotek Ltd HISTORY: Geotek Ltd(1994-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IDV German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Native name is Deutsches Zentrum fur integrative Biodiversitatsforschung 2021-10-25
DWD German Meteorological Service Hamburg Centre Hamburg regional centre of a scientific agency monitoring weather and climate over Germany with main office in Offenbach am Main. German name is Deutscher Wetterdienst. 2011-12-07
DOD German Oceanographic Data Centre HISTORY: German Oceanographic Data Centre(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GSM Global Sea Mineral Resources NV Commercial dredging contractors. Part of the DEME group. 2016-08-10
GOO Google Inc 2014-07-21
GRA Grantham Institute - Climate Change and Environment 2024-12-06
GUT Graz University of Technology, Institute of Analytical and Food Chemistry HISTORY: Graz University of Technology, Institute of Analytical and Food Chemistry(2004-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
GNR Greenland Institute of Natural Resources HISTORY: Greenland Institute of Natural Resources(1995-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GML Grice Marine Laboratory Marine science facility of the College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA. 2015-07-07
GMR Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative 2014-07-21
HRS HR Wallingford HISTORY: Hydraulics Research Station(1947-01-01 to 1981-12-31); HR Wallingford(1982-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HFS Hamburg University Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science HISTORY: Hamburg University Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science(1945-11-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HAM Hamilton Brothers Oil and Gas Limited HISTORY: Hamilton Brothers Oil and Gas Limited(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HCG Hamilton College, Department of Geoscience HISTORY: Hamilton College, Department of Geoscience(1825-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
HBO Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute HISTORY: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute(1971-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HAC Hartley Anderson HISTORY: Hartley Anderson(1998-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HPS Harvard University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences HISTORY: Harvard University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HGP Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawai'i at Manoa 2014-07-21
HDN Head Dept. of Navigation & Oceanography, Leningrad Formerly 4 character lab code HDNO 2011-12-07
HLS Heat, Light and Sound Research, Inc 2014-07-21
HUJ Hebrew University Jerusalem Institute of Earth Sciences 2011-12-07
HMG Hel Marine Station, University of Gdansk Institute of Oceanography HISTORY: Hel Marine Station, University of Gdansk Institute of Oceanography(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HCM Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography Greek oceanographic institute. 2016-03-02
HEL Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, Greece 2011-12-07
MOM Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal HISTORY: Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal(1988-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HZG Helmholtz Centre Hereon German research institute. Native name is Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. 2023-06-16
UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research HISTORY: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research(1991-12-12 to present) 2018-03-13
HIP Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution 2011-12-07
HEE Heriot Watt University Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering 2011-12-07
HWU Heriot-Watt University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences HISTORY: Heriot Watt University Department of Biological Sciences(1966-01-01 to 2001-12-31); Heriot Watt University School of Life Sciences(2002-01-01 to 2016-01-31); Heriot-Watt University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences(2016-02-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HWI Heriot-Watt University, Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering 2021-04-16
HWE Heriot-Watt University, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences 2020-07-15
HDP Hidrodata, Portugal 2011-12-07
HMD Hidromod, Portugal 2011-12-07
ISR Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Native name is Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale. 2019-02-14
HHS Hirosaki University School of Health Sciences HISTORY: Hirosaki University School of Health Sciences(2004-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HES Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Science & Faculty of Env Earth Science HISTORY: Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Science & Faculty of Env Earth Science(2005-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HOM Home Oil Company, Canada 2011-12-07
HSC Humboldt State University, Department of Chemistry 2021-10-25
HSL Hunting Surveys Limited Survey company based in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. Formed in 1960 by merger of Hunting Geophysics and Hunting Aerosurveys. Closed in 1974. 2011-12-07
HBV Husky Bow Valley, Canada 2011-12-07
HIC Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia National agency resposible for the development of navigational safety service in the Adriatic 2011-12-07
BHY Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy Service supporting the Polish Navy in terms of navigation, hydrography, meteorology, and oceanography based in Gdynia. Name in Polish is Biuro Hydrograficzne. 2011-12-07
HOS Hydrographic Office, South Africa Formerly 4 character lab code HOSA 2011-12-07
HYS Hydrographic Service, Maritime Administration of Latvia 2011-12-07
HSO Hydrographic Survey Office, Survey and Land Registration Bureau, Kingdom of Bahrain 2011-12-07
VHS Hydrographic Survey and Navigation Safety Department, Viet Nam Maritime University 2014-07-21
OPW Hydrometric Section, Office of Public Works, Dublin 2011-12-07
HDM Hydromod Service GmbH Scientific consultancy company based in Wedel, Germany 2011-12-07
HNA Hydronav Argentina Based in Buenos Aires. Carries out oil industry surveys 2016-08-05
IFQ IFREMER - Headquarters HISTORY: IFREMER - Headquarters(1984-06-05 to present) 2018-03-13
SSM IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA HISTORY: National Office for Ocean Data(1971-01-01 to 1989-12-31); IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-09-06
IFN IFREMER Atlantic Centre IFREMER office in Nantes, Pays de la Loire, France. Native name is IFREMER Centre Atlantique. 2017-05-31
IFC IFREMER Channel and North Sea Centre HISTORY: IFREMER Channel and North Sea Centre(1984-06-05 to present) 2018-03-13
IFD IFREMER Channel and North Sea Centre, Port en Bessin Small IFREMER facility attached to the larger one in Boulogne. Native name is IFREMER Centre Manche Mer du Nord, Port en Bessin. 2018-05-03
IFL IFREMER La Rochelle-L'Houmeau Station HISTORY: IFREMER La Rochelle-L'Houmeau Station(1985-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IFR IFREMER, Brest HISTORY: National Centre for the Development of the Oceans, Brittany Oceanological Centre(1967-01-03 to 1984-06-04); IFREMER, Brest(1984-06-05 to present) 2018-03-13
IFG IFREMER, Department of Marine Geosciences HISTORY: IFREMER, Department of Marine Geosciences(1984-06-05 to present) 2018-03-13
IFO IFREMER, Lorient Station HISTORY: IFREMER, Lorient Station(1973-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
INU IN-OUT Data Centre at University of Liège Institute of Mathematics HISTORY: IN-OUT Data Centre at University of Liège Institute of Mathematics(1976-01-01 to 1985-12-31) 2018-03-13
INR INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre HISTORY: INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre(1969-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ORS IRD Polynesian Research Centre HISTORY: Overseas Scientific and Technical Research Office(1964-01-01 to 1997-12-31); IRD, Papeete(1998-01-01 to 2010-08-31); IRD Polynesian Research Centre(2010-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IHS Icelandic Hydrographic Service HISTORY: Icelandic Hydrographic Service(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RUN Imperial Chemical Industries Chemicals and Polymers Division Runcorn Plant HISTORY: Imperial Chemical Industries Chemicals and Polymers Division Runcorn Plant(1926-01-01 to 2001-01-01) 2018-03-13
ECE Imperial College London Department of Earth Science and Engineering HISTORY: Imperial College London Department of Geology(1907-01-01 to 2000-12-31); Imperial College London Department of Earth Science and Engineering(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ICL Imperial College London Department of Physics HISTORY: Imperial College London Department of Physics(1960-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ICV Imperial College London, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2020-12-16
IMS Imperial College London, Department of Mathematics 2020-11-26
IMP Imperial Oil, Canada 2011-12-07
ICT Independent University of Barcelona Institute of Science and Environmental Technology HISTORY: Independent University of Barcelona Institute of Science and Environmental Technology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IAC Indian Institute of Science, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Research institute in Bangalore, India. Founded 1982 and became CAOS in 1996. 2018-01-08
ITC Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Department of Chemistry(1960-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ITM Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology 2018-12-31
INC Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Autonomous government body founded in 1999 2019-12-05
INI Indian National Institute of Oceanography HISTORY: Indian National Institute of Oceanography(1966-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ISO Indian Space Research Organisation, National Remote Sensing Centre 2018-12-31
IHY Indonesian Hydro-Oceanographic Office 2014-07-21
LIP Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bandung HISTORY: Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bandung(1967-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IDL Infante Dom Luiz Geophysical Institute HISTORY: Infante Dom Luiz Geophysical Institute(1946-09-06 to present) 2018-03-13
INN Innoflair UG Software development company specialising in the space industry. 2020-12-18
BEL Inout Data Centre, Liege, Belgium (Jonsdap 1976) HISTORY: Inout Data Centre, Liege, Belgium (Jonsdap 1976) 2018-03-13
IPI Inst de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar, Portugal 2011-12-07
IPF Institut Polaire Français Paul-Emile Victor English name is French Polar Institute. Located on the IFREMER site in Plouzane on the outskirts of Brest. 2012-09-26
IGV Institute Geo. de Venezuela Simon Bolivar Instituto Geografico de Venezuela Simon Bolivar, Av. Este 6, Esquina de Camejo, Caracas 1010, Venezuela 2012-10-04
IGN Institute Geol. and Nuc. Sci., Wellington, New Zealand Formerly 4 character lab code IGNS 2012-10-04
TIN Institute National de la Meteorologie, Tunisia Formerly 4 character lab code TINM 2011-12-07
AFO Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Ostend HISTORY: Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Ostend(1950-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CBM Institute for Chemistry and Biology Of The Marine Environment HISTORY: Institute for Chemistry and Biology Of The Marine Environment(1973-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IDN Institute for Development for Research (IRD), Noumea HISTORY: Institute for Development for Research (IRD), Noumea(1998-12-31 to present) 2018-03-13
UTX Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin HISTORY: Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RVO Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, IJmuiden HISTORY: Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research(1970-01-01 to 2006-06-30); Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, IJmuiden(2006-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ICN Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry HISTORY: Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SBI Institute for Systems Biology HISTORY: Institute for Systems Biology(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HLT Institute of Low Temperature Sciences, Hokkaido University Institute founded in 1941 and affiliated with Hokkaido University to promote interdisciplinary studies on various natural phenomena occurring in cryosphere. Located in Sapporo. 2017-03-14
NIM Institute of Marine Research, Norway HISTORY: Institute of Marine Research, Norway(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IIM Institute of Marine Research, Vigo HISTORY: Institute of Marine Research, Vigo(1951-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DEU Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Dokuz Eylül University HISTORY: Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Dokuz Eylül University(1982-07-20 to present) 2018-03-13
IRP Institute of Marine Sciences, Ancona (Maritime Fisheries Research Institute) HISTORY: Institute of Marine Sciences, Ancona (Maritime Fisheries Research Institute)(1968-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ISD Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice HISTORY: Institute for the Study of the Dynamics of Large Masses(1900-01-01 to 2001-10-11); Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice(2001-10-12 to present) 2018-03-13
IMW Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Maritime Office in Gdynia Polish government agency associated with navigation located in Gdynia. Name in Polish is Urzad Morski w Gdynia. 2011-12-07
CIO Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada Formerly 4 character lab code CIOS 2011-12-07
IST Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Taunton HISTORY: Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Taunton(1970-01-01 to 1996-01-01) 2018-03-13
IPB Institute of Physical Biology, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic 2011-12-07
ITS Institute of Technology, Sligo, Archaeology Department Archaeology department of Irish technology institute in Sligo, County Sligo. 2017-07-29
IEV Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo English name is Spanish Institute of Oceanography Vigo Oceanographic Centre. 2012-09-26
IGP Instituto Geográfico Português, Lisbon, Portugal 2011-12-07
SMO Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, Spain Formerly 4 character lab code SMOF 2011-12-07
IOA Instituto Oceanografico, Armada Del Ecuador, Ecuador) 2011-12-07
ISP Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal 2011-12-07
IHE Instituut voor Hygiene en Epidemiologie, Oostende Formerly 4 character lab code IHEP 2011-12-07
IRD Instrumentation, Analytical Resources and Monitoring in Geophysics and Oceanography IRD lab on IFREMER site. Native name is 'Instrumentation, Moyens Analytiques, Observatoires en Géophysique et Océanographie' 2016-07-28
ISM Integrated Science Data Management (Ottawa) HISTORY: Integrated Science Data Management (Ottawa)(2006-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) HISTORY: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) 2018-03-13
ICE International Council for the Exploration of the Sea HISTORY: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea(1902-07-22 to present) 2018-03-13
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco Formerly 4 character lab code IHBM 2011-12-07
IIS International Institute for Sustainability HISTORY: International Institute for Sustainability(2009-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ITP International TOGA Project Office, Geneva Formerly 4 character lab code ITPO 2011-12-07
IRN Iridium Communications Inc. Iridium Communications Inc. (formerly Iridium Satellite LLC) is a company based in McLean, Virginia, United States which operates the Iridium satellite constellation, a system of satellites used for worldwide voice and data communication from hand-held satellite phones and other transceiver units. 2016-12-02
IHD Irish Hydrodata HISTORY: Irish Hydrodata(1979-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BIM Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire HISTORY: Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire(1952-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IFB Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire DEPRECATED HISTORY: Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire(1952-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IF2 Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Galway HISTORY: Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Galway(1952-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IWD Irish Whale and Dolphin Group HISTORY: Irish Whale and Dolphin Group(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ISU Ishinomaki Senshu University Department of Science and Engineering HISTORY: Ishinomaki Senshu University Department of Science and Engineering(1989-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IOL Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd. Formerly 4 character lab code IOLX 2011-12-07
IOF Istituto per lo studio dell'Oceanografia Fisica 2011-12-07
IHI Italian Hydrographic Institute 2020-02-20
IDM Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute HISTORY: Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VIE J Craig Venter Institute East Coast Campus HISTORY: J Craig Venter Institute East Coast Campus(2006-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VIW J Craig Venter Institute West Coast Campus HISTORY: J Craig Venter Institute West Coast Campus(2006-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IES JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability HISTORY: JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SAI JRC Space Applications Institute One of 7 scientific institutes in the European Commission Joint Research Centre at Ispra in Italy. 2011-12-07
JGX Jacobs Engineering, Glasgow HISTORY: Jacobs Engineering, Glasgow(1993-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JES Jacobs University, School of Engineering and Science HISTORY: Jacobs University, School of Engineering and Science(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JCU James Cook University of North Queensland 2011-12-07
JBI Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Biogeosciences HISTORY: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Biogeosciences(2004-04-01 to present) 2019-12-11
JHA Japan Hydrographic Association 2014-07-21
JMA Japan Meteorological Agency HISTORY: Japan Meteorological Agency(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JOD Japan Oceanographic Data Centre HISTORY: Japan Oceanographic Data Centre(1965-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JAT Japanese Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Research and Development Center HISTORY: Japanese Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Research and Development Center(2005-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JHO Japanese Coast Guard Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department HISTORY: Japanese Coast Guard Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department(1871-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ICJ Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences HISTORY: Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences(1965-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA Formerly 4 character lab code JPLX 2011-12-07
JNA Joint Nature Conservation Committee Aberdeen Office HISTORY: Joint Nature Conservation Committee Aberdeen Office(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JNC Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough Office HISTORY: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough Office(1991-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
JOU JouBeh Technologies HISTORY: JouBeh Technologies(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JSE Jozef Stefan Institute Department of Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Jozef Stefan Institute Department of Environmental Sciences(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UKE Keele University Geography, Geology and the Environment HISTORY: University of Keele Department of Geology(1957-01-01 to 1994-12-31); University of Keele Department of Earth Sciences(1995-01-01 to 1998-12-31); University of Keele Department of Earth Sciences and Geography(1999-01-01 to 2010-12-31); Keele University Geography, Geology and the Environment(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KCM Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics HISTORY: Keele University School of Computing and Mathematics(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KFR Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute 2014-07-21
KAU Kerala Agricultural University, Academy of Climate Change Education and Research 2020-02-11
KIG King's College London Department of Geography HISTORY: King's College London Department of Geography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KAC Kinki University Department of Applied Chemistry HISTORY: Kinki University Department of Applied Chemistry(1949-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KIO Kiote Ltd Design company. No contact information available. 2022-03-09
KES Kochi University Department of Environmental Science HISTORY: Kochi University Department of Environmental Science(2011-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KMC Kochi University, Marine Core Research Institute 2023-09-28
KHO Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration 2014-07-23
KGM Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 2014-07-21
KCR Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research HISTORY: Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research(1999-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KHU Kyung Hee University, Department of Geography HISTORY: Kyung Hee University, Department of Geography(1958-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
LMM La Rochelle Maritime Museum French name is Musée Maritime La Rochelle. 2012-09-27
LIS Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques Joint CNRS and university research unit located in Créteil. 2011-12-07
LEE Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution HISTORY: Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LEG Laboratoire d'Etude en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales Joint facility located in Toulose comprising personnel from four employing organisations: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), the national research organisations (CNRS), the Institut de Recherche pour la Developpement (IRD) and the University Paul Sabatier (UPS). The primary area of interest is environmental research based upon satellite data. 2011-12-07
ASE Laboratory of Aquatic Systems Ecology, Free University of Brussels HISTORY: Laboratory of Aquatic Systems Ecology, Free University of Brussels(1970-05-28 to present) 2018-03-13
LMR Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (UMR CNRS 6539) HISTORY: Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (UMR CNRS 6539)(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LDE Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory HISTORY: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory(1949-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ESL Lancaster University Department of Environmental Science 2011-12-07
LAM Lancaster University Department of Mathematics and Statistics HISTORY: Lancaster University Department of Mathematics and Statistics(1968-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LCH Lancaster University, Department of Chemistry 2024-05-30
GEL Lancaster University, Department of Geography HISTORY: Lancaster University, Department of Geography(2003-09-09 to present) 2019-12-11
LME Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd HISTORY: Land & Marine Project Engineering Ltd(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NZH Land Information New Zealand Hydrographic Services HISTORY: Land Information New Zealand Hydrographic Services(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LUQ Laval University, Department of Biology Native name is Université Laval, Département de biologie 2020-08-21
LLN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2024-12-17
RIM Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende HISTORY: Institute for Marine Science, Rostock (1958 to 1991); Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende (1992 to present) 2024-01-06
LIT Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Research institute based in Leipzig, Germany. Native name is Leibniz-Instituts für Troposphärenforschung. 2013-11-13
LIC Leiden Institute of Chemistry HISTORY: Leiden Institute of Chemistry(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LEI Leidos Inc 2014-07-21
LIM Leipzig Institute for Meteorology Part of the University of Leipzig Faculty of Physics and Geosciences 2015-11-05
LIG Ligurian District Marine Technologies Native name is Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine SCRL 2021-05-03
LUH Linkoping University, Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences Native name is Linkopings Universitet, Institutionen for halsa, medicin och vard 2021-10-25
LJM Liverpool John Moores University School of Natural Sciences & Psychology HISTORY: Liverpool John Moores University School of Natural Sciences & Psychology(2008-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CLU London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Life Sciences HISTORY: City of London Polytechnic, Department of Geology (1960 to 1991); London Guildhall University, Department of Geology (1992 to 2001); London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Life Sciences (2002 to present) 2023-05-23
GHG London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Life Sciences HISTORY: City of London Polytechnic, Department of Geology (1960 to 1991); London Guildhall University, Department of Geology (1992 to 2001); London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Life Sciences (2002 to present) 2023-05-23
ULO London University 2011-12-07
LUE Loughborough University School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering 2014-09-23
LSU Louisiana State University Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences 2015-08-13
LCG Luleå University of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences 2011-12-07
LYN Lynker Technologies 2020-02-20
MTC MARTEC - Maritime Training and Education Centre, Frederikshavn HISTORY: MARTEC - Maritime Training and Education Centre, Frederikshavn(1950-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MOC METOCEAN Data Systems HISTORY: METOCEAN Data Systems(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GSE Macquarie University Graduate School of the Environment HISTORY: Macquarie University Graduate School of the Environment(1989-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MCS Malta Council for Science and Technology Formerly 4 character lab code MCST 2011-12-07
MMA Malta Maritime Agency Formerly 4 character lab code MMAX 2011-12-07
MPS Marche Polytechnic University, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Marche Polytechnic University Department of Life Sciences and Environment(1991-01-01 to 2010-12-31); Marche Polytechnic University, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-07-10
MNX MarinX Consultancy HISTORY: MarinX Consultancy(1950-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MBA Marine Biological Association of the UK HISTORY: Marine Biological Association of the UK(1884-01-01 to present); Plymouth Marine Laboratory(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MCR Marine Conservation Research International Non-profit organisation investigating human impacts and conducting conservation projects on threatened marine wildlife and habitats. 2014-05-20
MED Marine Environmental Data Service, Ottawa, Canada HISTORY: Marine Environmental Data Service, Ottawa, Canada(1900-01-01 to 2006-03-31) 2018-03-13
MME Marine Environmental Monitoring 2024-11-15
GMF Marine Fisheries Research Division, Ministry of Fisheries, Ghana 2014-07-21
MAR Marine Information Service (MARIS), The Netherlands HISTORY: Marine Information Service (MARIS), The Netherlands 2018-03-13
MIG Marine Institute Galway HISTORY: Marine Institute(1991-01-01 to 2004-12-31); Marine Institute Galway(2005-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MML Marine Models Laboratory, Victoria, Australia 2011-12-07
GMM Marine Museum, Stralsund German name is Deutsche Meeresmuseum, also known as the Museum for Oceanography and Fisheries (Museum für Meereskunde und Fischerei, Aquarium). 2012-10-01
WSL Marine Pollution Div., Warren Spring Laboratory 2011-12-07
MRI Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik 2011-12-07
MEN Marine Science Laboratories, Menai Bridge No longer exists. May now be part of Bangor University Centre for Applied Marine Sciences (CAMS) but unconfirmed. 2021-03-01
DAF Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1947-01-01 to 1988-03-31); Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1988-04-01 to 1994-03-31); Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1994-04-01 to 1997-03-31); Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1997-04-01 to 2009-03-31); Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(2009-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
FRS Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1947-01-01 to 1988-03-31); Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1988-04-01 to 1994-03-31); Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1994-04-01 to 1997-03-31); Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(1997-04-01 to 2009-03-31); Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory(2009-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MTS Marine Tech Systems Ltd 2021-03-01
MAL Marine and Environmental Research Centre, Lisbon One of several locations of MARE, hosted in this case by the University of Lisbon. 2018-11-20
COI Marine and Environmental Research Centre, University of Coimbra HISTORY: Marine and Environmental Research Centre, University of Coimbra (2015-01 to present) 2023-07-01
MFR Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute Australian institute set up by Victoria State government in 1996 to provide research, consultancy and education services required for the sustainable management of aquatic resources and their environment 2011-12-07
SUM Maritime Authority Suriname 2014-07-21
MSB Maritime Services Board, New South Wales 2011-12-07
MPA Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore HISTORY: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering HISTORY: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(1960-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MAP Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences HISTORY: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences(1983-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MIP Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Physics 2016-12-13
MMS Mauritius Meteorological Services National operational meteorological organisation formed upon Mauritian independence in 1968 2011-12-07
MOI Mauritius Oceanography Institute Government lab located in Quatre Bornes. 2014-09-30
MPC Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute) HISTORY: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute)(1949-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MPP Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology HISTORY: Max Planck Institute for Limnology(1966-01-01 to 2007-02-28); Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology(2007-03-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MPB Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology HISTORY: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MPI Max Planck Institute for Meteorology HISTORY: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MRH Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Hamburg HISTORY: Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg(1952-01-01 to 2007-12-31); Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Hamburg(2008-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MCG McGill University, Canada 2011-12-07
MCJ McKimmie, Jamieson and Partners, Australia 2011-12-07
MCL McLaren, Canada 2011-12-07
NAR Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies Natural Resources Department A joint research centre of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). 2011-12-07
CME Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy HISTORY: Marseille Oceanology Centre, Physical Oceanology and Biogeochemistry Laboratory(1996-01-01 to 2011-12-31); Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-11-01
CMM Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294) HISTORY: Marseilles Oceanology Centre Laboratory of Microbiology, Geochemistry and Ecology(1996-01-01 to 2011-12-31); Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294)(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
COM Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294) HISTORY: Marseilles Oceanology Centre Luminy, Oceanography and Biogeochemistry Laboratory(1996-01-01 to 2011-12-31); Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294)(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MMR Memorial University of Newfoundland Ocean Sciences Centre HISTORY: Memorial University of Newfoundland Ocean Sciences Centre(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MNP Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography 2024-05-23
MER Mersey Docks and Harbour Company HISTORY: Mersey Docks and Harbour Board(1858-01-01 to 1971-12-31); Mersey Docks and Harbour Company(1972-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MEP Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration HISTORY: Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration(1966-10-15 to present) 2018-03-13
MSI Metocean Services International Ltd. (South Africa office) HISTORY: Metocean Services International Ltd. (South Africa office)(2003-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MNA Mexican Navy Shipyard Secretariat HISTORY: Mexican Navy Shipyard Secretariat(1907-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MIA Miami University HISTORY: Miami University(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MSU Michigan State University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2023-04-12
MEM Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences HISTORY: Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences(1974-12-21 to present) 2018-03-13
GET Midi-Pyrenees Observatory, Geoscience and Environmental Science 2015-08-13
MIO Millennium Institute of Oceanography Research institute located in Conception, Chile. Native name is Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía. 2018-11-20
MAS Ministry of Agriculture Food and Environment, Madrid Spanish name is Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. A Spanish government department. 2012-10-02
MAN Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Man. & Fisheries 2011-12-07
EAI Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, The Netherlands A Dutch government department. Dutch name is Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. Located in Den Haag (The Hague). 2012-09-27
CHR Ministry of Natural Resources, China 2022-03-01
EDE Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie, Paris A French government department. Headquarters located in La Defense in the Paris metropolitan area. English name is Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. 2012-10-02
MOB Mobil North Sea Ltd 2011-12-07
MBL Mobil Oil, Canada 2011-12-07
MSC Monaco Scientific Centre Founded in 1960 to enable the Principality of Monaco to carry out oceanographic research and support governmental and international marine conservation. Native name is Centre Scientifique de Monaco. 2017-12-06
MBR Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Private, non-profit oceanographic research centre in Moss Landing, California, founded in 1987. 2015-05-28
MTM Mott MacDonald Ltd 2020-10-03
MPL Murphy Petroleum Ltd., London, UK 2011-12-07
MMU Myanmar Maritime University, Port and Harbour Engineering Department HISTORY: Myanmar Maritime University, Port and Harbour Engineering Department(2004-03-29 to present) 2019-12-11
MMC Myanmar Maritime University, River and Coastal Engineering Department HISTORY: Myanmar Maritime University, River and Coastal Engineering Department(2004-03-29 to present) 2019-12-11
NAM NAMIRA, Philippines National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, Lawton Avenue, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City, Philippines, 1201 2011-12-07
NGL NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Large NASA research facility located in Greenbelt, Maryland. 2011-12-07
STO NATO Science and Technology Organization, Brussels 2021-05-03
NCR NATO Science and Technology Organization, Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation NATO scientific research and experimentation facility in La Spezia, Italy. 2017-11-04
NUT NERC Environmental Systems Science Centre Formerly known as NERC Unit for Thematic Information Systems, University of Reading 2008-04-30
NW3 NIWA, Centre for Chemical and Physical Oceanography, University of Otago HISTORY: NIWA, Centre for Chemical and Physical Oceanography, University of Otago(1980-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NKE NKE Instrumentation Instrument manufacturer located in Hennebont, France. 2017-12-08
NAO NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory HISTORY: NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CMA NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment HISTORY: NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
STR NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research Lab in College Park, Maryland. Part of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS). 2020-01-06
GOM NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing 2024-05-23
NSA NOAA Lab for Satellite Altimetry, Maryland, USA 2011-12-07
NCE NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information HISTORY: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center(1965-01-01 to 2015-03-31); NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information(2015-04-01 to present) 2022-03-02
NDB NOAA National Data Buoy Center, USA 2011-12-07
AFC NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center HISTORY: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NCS NOAA Office of Coast Survey 2014-07-21
PME NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory HISTORY: NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NFS NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center HISTORY: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center(1964-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WPO NOAA Weather Program Office 2021-10-25
NRB NORCE Norwegian Research Centre Research institute with its head office in Bergen, carrying out research in energy, healthcare, climate, environment, society and technology. 2019-10-15
NWA NWAFL/NFO, Canada 2011-12-07
INE Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica 2011-12-07
NAG Nagasaki University, Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies 2020-10-25
NAE Nat. Agency of Environmental Protection, Denmark 2011-12-07
KAS National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea 2014-07-21
ENA National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) HISTORY: National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)(1982-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LKR National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Sri Lanka 2014-07-21
CCI National Cartographic Centre of Iran 2011-12-07
NCA National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Formerly 4 character lab code NCAR 2011-12-07
CEO National Centre for Earth Observation NERC research centre based at the University of Leicester. 2017-10-18
NCM National Centre for Marine Research, Greece Formerly 4 character lab code NCMR 2011-12-07
NCP National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research Indian research facility 2018-12-31
NCC National Climatic Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA Formerly 4 character lab code NCCX 2011-12-07
IGM National Geographic Institute HISTORY: National Geographic Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NGS National Geographic Society HISTORY: National Geographic Society(1888-01-27 to present) 2018-03-13
NGD National Geophysics Data Center, Colorado, USA Formerly 4 character lab code NGDC 2011-12-07
GIA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 2014-07-21
MHC National Hydrographic Centre, Malaysia 2014-07-23
HOI National Hydrographic Office, India 2011-12-07
NIA National Imagery and Mapping Agency, USA 2011-12-07
IUM National Independent University of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics HISTORY: National Independent University of Mexico, Institute of Geophysics(1954-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
NIE National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Formerly 4 character lab code NIES 2012-10-04
AIS National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba HISTORY: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba(2001-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
INT National Institute of Marine Science and Technology HISTORY: National Institute of Marine Science and Technology(1986-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OGS National Institute of Oceanography & Experimental Geophysics Dept for Dev of Marine Tech & Research HISTORY: National Institute of Oceanography & Experimental Geophysics Dept for Dev of Marine Tech & Research(2004-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IOP National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan 2011-12-07
NIP National Institute of Polar Research, Japan Formerly 4 character lab code NIPR 2012-10-04
INP National Institute of Space Research, Centre for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies Native name is Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos. 2018-06-22
PNM National Mapping & Resource Auth., Philippines Formerly 4 character lab code PNMR 2011-12-07
PMA National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, Philippines 2014-07-21
CMI National Marine Data and Information Service, China 2014-07-21
RVS National Marine Facilities Sea Systems HISTORY: Research Vessel Services(1970-01-01 to 2000-03-31); United Kingdom Ocean Research Services(2000-04-01 to 2006-12-20); National Marine Facilities Sea Systems(2006-12-21 to present) 2018-03-13
NMW National Museum Wales HISTORY: National Museum Wales(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RMS National Museum of Scotland HISTORY: Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art(1866-05-01 to 1903-12-31); Royal Scottish Museum(1904-01-01 to 1984-12-31); National Museum of Scotland(1985-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MNH National Natural History Museum - Concarneau Marine Biological Station Marine biological research station in Brittany. Native name is Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - Station de Biologie Marine de Concarneau 2016-01-08
LOP National Natural History Museum Physical Oceanography Laboratory HISTORY: National Natural History Museum Physical Oceanography Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NOR National Ocean Research and Development Agency Formerly 4 character lab code NORX 2011-12-07
NOS National Ocean Service, USA Formerly 4 character lab code NOSX 2011-12-07
NOA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration HISTORY: United States Coast and Geodetic Survey(1807-01-01 to 1970-10-02); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(1970-10-03 to present) 2018-03-13
NOD National Oceanographic Data Center, USA Formerly 4 character lab code NODC 2011-12-07
NDR National Oceanographic Data Centre, Russia 2011-12-07
NND National Oceanographic Data Committee HISTORY: National Oceanographic Data Committee(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ORI National Oceanographic Research Institute, Republic of Korea 2011-12-07
ISB National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool HISTORY: Liverpool Observatory, Waterloo Dock(1842-01-01 to 1865-12-31); Liverpool Observatory, Bidston(1866-01-01 to 1928-12-31); Liverpool Observatory and Tidal Institute(1929-01-01 to 1960-12-31); University of Liverpool Tidal Institute and Observatory(1961-01-01 to 1969-03-31); Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides(1969-04-01 to 1972-12-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory(1973-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 2010-03-31); National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool(2010-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
POL National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool HISTORY: Liverpool Observatory, Waterloo Dock(1842-01-01 to 1865-12-31); Liverpool Observatory, Bidston(1866-01-01 to 1928-12-31); Liverpool Observatory and Tidal Institute(1929-01-01 to 1960-12-31); University of Liverpool Tidal Institute and Observatory(1961-01-01 to 1969-03-31); Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides(1969-04-01 to 1972-12-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory(1973-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 2010-03-31); National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool(2010-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ISW National Oceanography Centre, Southampton HISTORY: National Institute of Oceanography(1950-01-01 to 1972-12-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Wormley Laboratory(1973-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 1995-08-31); Southampton Oceanography Centre(1995-09-01 to 2005-04-30); National Oceanography Centre, Southampton(2005-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JRC National Oceanography Centre, Southampton HISTORY: National Institute of Oceanography(1950-01-01 to 1972-12-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Wormley Laboratory(1973-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 1995-08-31); James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation(1990-11-01 to 1995-08-31); Southampton Oceanography Centre(1995-09-01 to 2005-04-30); National Oceanography Centre, Southampton(2005-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SOC National Oceanography Centre, Southampton HISTORY: Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 1995-08-31); Southampton Oceanography Centre(1995-09-01 to 2005-04-30); National Oceanography Centre, Southampton(2005-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NPW National Parks and Wildlife Service A public agency that manages conservation in Ireland with the main office in Dublin. 2012-09-20
NRC National Research Council Canada Institute for National Measurement Standards HISTORY: National Research Council Canada Institute for National Measurement Standards(1916-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IBF National Research Council, Biophysics Institute, Pisa Native name is Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Di Biofisica, Pisa 2021-10-25
IMG National School of Hydraulics and Mechanics, Grenoble HISTORY: National School of Hydraulics and Mechanics, Grenoble(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NSF National Science Foundation United States research funding organisation 2011-12-07
CON National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina Native name is Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. 2024-05-23
SID National Snow and Ice Data Centre, CIRES, Colorado Formerly 4 character lab code SIDC 2011-12-07
DTU National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark Research institute formed 2007-01-01 by the merger of parts of Ørsted-DTU, the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling at DTU and the Danish National Space Center 2011-12-07
NTU National Taiwan University Department of Geosciences HISTORY: National Taiwan University Department of Geosciences(1945-11-15 to present) 2018-03-13
FUS National Tidal Centre Australia HISTORY: National Tidal Facility, Flinders University(1900-01-01 to 2003-12-31); National Tidal Centre Australia(2004-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CNU National University of Colombia Department of Geosciences HISTORY: National University of Colombia Department of Geosciences(1974-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NGM National University of Ireland Galway Department of Microbiology HISTORY: National University of Ireland Galway Department of Microbiology(1965-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NGZ National University of Ireland Galway, Department of Zoology 2018-01-15
NUM National University of Ireland Maynooth Department of Geography HISTORY: National University of Ireland Maynooth Department of Geography(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCG National University of Ireland, Galway HISTORY: National University of Ireland, Galway(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TMS National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute 2021-10-25
NKU National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Biology 2023-04-12
NSO Natural Environment Research Council Swindon Office HISTORY: Natural Environment Research Council administrative headquarters(1965-01-01 to 1974-12-31); Natural Environment Research Council Swindon Office(1975-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NHM Natural History Museum, London HISTORY: British Museum of Natural History(1881-04-18 to 2003-11-30); Natural History Museum, London(2003-12-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GSC Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada 2020-02-20
CCW Natural Resources Wales HISTORY: Countryside Council for Wales(1991-01-01 to 2013-03-31); Natural Resources Wales(2013-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NBC Naturalis Biodiversity Center HISTORY: Naturalis Biodiversity Center(1995-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SNI NatureScot, Inverness 2023-04-12
NSD Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego Naval research facility in San Diego. Renamed to Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego (SPAWAR) 2011-12-07
NRL Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC Formerly 4 character lab code NRLW 2011-12-07
SHM Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, Military Oceanography Centre HISTORY: Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, Military Oceanography Centre(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NMB Nelson Mandela University, Botany Department 2021-10-07
NMU Nelson Mandela University, Institute for Coastal and Marine Research 2019-10-03
NHO Netherlands Hydrographic Office Formerly 4 character lab code NHOX 2011-12-07
NIV Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke HISTORY: Netherlands Institute for Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology(1992-01-01 to 2011-12-31); Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NOV New University of Lisbon, Department of Electrical Engineering University department located in Costa de Caparica, Portugal. Native name is Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica. 2018-11-20
DSE New Zealand Defence Technology Agency HISTORY: New Zealand Underwater Research Laboratory(1950-01-01 to 1954-12-31); New Zealand Naval Research Laboratory(1955-01-01 to 1969-12-31); New Zealand Defence Scientific Establishment(1970-01-01 to 1996-12-31); New Zealand Defence Operational Technology Support Establishment(1997-01-01 to 2000-12-31); New Zealand Defence Technology Agency(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NW2 New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Christchurch HISTORY: New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Christchurch(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NIW New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Hamilton HISTORY: New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Hamilton(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NW1 New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington HISTORY: New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NZO New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington HISTORY: New Zealand Oceanographic Institute(1954-01-01 to 1991-12-31); New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNG Newcastle University School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences HISTORY: Newcastle University School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences(1979-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNM Newcastle University School of Marine Science and Technology HISTORY: University of Newcastle Dove Marine Laboratory(1908-09-29 to 1969-12-31); Newcastle University Department of Marine Science and Coastal Management(1970-01-01 to 2002-07-31); Newcastle University School of Marine Science and Technology(2002-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NNH Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office 2014-07-21
NCH Nihon University Department of Chemistry HISTORY: Nihon University Department of Chemistry(1949-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SBD Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Collaboration between the Nippon Foundation and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). It aims to compile all available bathymetric data to produce the definitive map of the world ocean floor by 2030 and make it available to all. 2020-03-26
NER North East River Purification Board, Aberdeen, 2011-12-07
NSH North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board HISTORY: North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board(1943-01-01 to 1990-03-31) 2018-03-13
NCO Northcor Energy, Canada 2011-12-07
NCU Northern Catholic University, Department of Marine Biology Native name is Universidad Catolica del Norte, Departamento de Biologia Marina 2022-07-26
NGE Northumbria University, Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences 2021-04-22
NGI Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Native name is Norges Geotekniske Institutt. 2021-04-22
NVA Norwegian Institute for Water Research HISTORY: Norwegian Institute for Water Research(1958-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NHY Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic Service 2020-02-20
NMI Norwegian Meteorological Institute HISTORY: Norwegian Meteorological Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NPI Norwegian Polar Institute HISTORY: Norwegian Svalbard and Arctic Ocean Survey(1928-03-01 to 1948-02-29); Norwegian Polar Institute(1948-03-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NTN Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Department of Biology HISTORY: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Department of Biology(1996-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AUR Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory Native name is: Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Anvendt undervannsrobotikklaboratorium 2021-05-03
NSU Nova Southeastern University, Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences 2022-01-28
FLN Nova Southeastern University, Florida Formerly 4 character lab code FLNU 2011-12-07
OPC Occidental Petroleum Ltd. 2011-12-07
OET Ocean Exploration Trust HISTORY: Ocean Exploration Trust(2008-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OIL Ocean Innovations Ltd HISTORY: Ocean Innovations Ltd(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OUC Ocean University of China Department of Ocean Engineering HISTORY: Ocean University of China Department of Ocean Engineering(2006-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OUE Ocean University of China, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2024-05-23
OUM Ocean University of China, College of Marine Life Science 2019-01-29
PLO Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands Native name is Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias 2021-05-03
LOD Oceanography and Climate Laboratory (UMR 7159) HISTORY: Laboratoire d'Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie(1986-01-01 to 2004-12-31); Oceanography and Climate Laboratory (UMR 7159)(2005-01-01 to present) 2022-06-23
SOH Oceanography, Hydrography and Meteorology Service, National Navy of Uruguay HISTORY: Oceanography, Hydrography and Meteorology Service, National Navy of Uruguay(1970-04-01 to present) 2019-10-31
ONR Office of Naval Research, Virginia, USA Formerly 4 character lab code ONRX 2011-12-07
OES Offshore Environmental Systems Ltd HISTORY: Offshore Environmental Systems Ltd(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OSB Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center 2018-01-24
UKO Oil & Gas UK HISTORY: UK Offshore Operators Association(1970-01-01 to 2007-04-22); Oil & Gas UK(2007-04-23 to present) 2018-03-13
ODO Old Dominion University Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Located in Norfolk, VA. Focus on ocean margin and coastal system processes 2011-12-07
OLX Olex AS HISTORY: Olex AS(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OPU Open University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Open University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences(1969-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OSU Ordnance Survey 2011-12-07
DFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife HISTORY: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife(1975-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OPP Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology HISTORY: Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ORE Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences HISTORY: Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences(1900-01-01 to 2010-12-31); Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OOR Orsted 2023-04-13
UOB Oxford Brookes University, School of Biological and Molecular Sciences HISTORY: Oxford Brookes University, School of Biological and Molecular Sciences(1992-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
OXM Oxford University Museum of Natural History 2021-04-22
PAN PANGAEA Publishing Network for Geoscientific and Environmental Data 2011-12-07
PCS PCS, Canada 2011-12-07
PHD Pakistan Navy Hydrographic Department 2014-07-21
PMS Palmer Marine Surveys Ltd HISTORY: Palmer Marine Surveys Ltd(1900-01-01 to 1987-06-01) 2018-03-13
MRX Paras Ltd HISTORY: Paras Ltd(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PAR Paras, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK 2011-12-07
MSL Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level HISTORY: Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level(1933-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PET Petro-Canada 2011-12-07
PCL Petroconsultants, Cambridge 2011-12-07
PHL Phillips Petroleum Company UK Ltd. 2011-12-07
PRL Physical Research Laboratory at Ahmedabad HISTORY: Physical Research Laboratory at Ahmedabad(1947-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LPC Pierre and Marie Curie University Physical Chemistry Laboratory HISTORY: Pierre and Marie Curie University Physical Chemistry Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PPO Plankton Reactivity in the Marine Environment Project Office HISTORY: Plankton Reactivity in the Marine Environment Project Office(1994-04-01 to 1998-03-31) 2018-03-13
PSI Planning Systems Inc, Reston HISTORY: Planning Systems Inc, Reston(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IME Plymouth Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Institute of Marine Environmental Research, Edinburgh(1970-01-01 to 1975-12-31); Institute of Marine Environmental Research, Plymouth(1970-01-01 to 1987-12-31); Plymouth Marine Laboratory(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IMR Plymouth Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Edinburgh Oceanographic Laboratory(1900-01-01 to 1969-12-31); Institute of Marine Environmental Research, Plymouth(1970-01-01 to 1987-12-31); Plymouth Marine Laboratory(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory HISTORY: Plymouth Marine Laboratory(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PIN Polar Res. Ins. of Mar. Fisheries + Ocean. Russia 2011-12-07
PRC Polar Research Centre, Korea Formerly 4 character lab code PRCK 2011-12-07
PAS Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology HISTORY: Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology(1983-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PHS Polish Navy Hydrographic Support Squadron 2014-07-21
PUC Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Chemistry HISTORY: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Chemistry(1941-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PBA Port of Bristol Authority 2011-12-07
PLA Port of London Authority HISTORY: Port of London Authority(1909-03-31 to present) 2018-03-13
IPC Portuguese Geographical Institute HISTORY: Portuguese Geographical Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PIH Portuguese Hydrographic Institute HISTORY: Portuguese Hydrographic Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IPM Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere HISTORY: Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics(2000-01-01 to 2012-03-19); Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere(2012-03-20 to present) 2018-03-13
GPO Post Office 2011-12-07
UPG Princeton University Department of Geosciences HISTORY: Princeton University Department of Geosciences(1909-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PWD Public Works Department, New South Wales 2011-12-07
PNU Pukyong National University, Department of Oceanography 2021-10-25
PYR PyroScience GmbH Manufacturer of optical oxygen sensors located in Aachen, Germany. 2017-12-08
QQH QinetiQ Haslar HISTORY: Defence Research Agency Haslar(1991-04-01 to 1995-03-31); Defence Evaluation and Research Agency Haslar(1995-04-01 to 2002-01-01); QinetiQ Haslar(2002-01-02 to present) 2018-03-13
ARE QinetiQ Portland HISTORY: Admiralty Research Establishment Portland(1980-01-01 to 1991-03-31); Defence Research Agency Portland(1991-04-01 to 1995-03-31); Defence and Evaluation Research Agency Portland(1995-04-01 to 2002-01-01); QinetiQ Portland(2002-01-02 to present) 2018-03-13
DRA QinetiQ Winfrith HISTORY: Defence Research Agency Winfrith(1991-04-01 to 1995-03-31); Defence Evaluation and Research Agency Winfrith(1995-04-01 to 2002-01-01); QinetiQ Winfrith(2002-01-02 to present) 2018-03-13
QML Queen Mary University, London, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences HISTORY: Queen Mary University of London School of Biological and Chemical Sciences (Unknown date to 2021); Queen Mary University, London, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences (2022 to present) 2025-01-10
QMG Queen Mary University, London, School of Geography 2016-07-06
QUB Queen's University Belfast School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: Queen's University Belfast School of Biological Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
QBE Queen's University Belfast, School of Natural and Built Environment 2024-10-02
QAF Queen's University, Belfast School of Agriculture and Food Science 2011-12-07
QUN Queens University, Canada 2011-12-07
QUE Queensland University of Technology, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 2020-04-17
BMD RBINS Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre HISTORY: Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Belgian Marine Data Centre(2002-01-01 to 2013-04-30); RBINS Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre(2013-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
EHI RPS Evans-Hamilton, Inc HISTORY: Evans-Hamilton, Inc(1971-01-01 to 2011-02-17); RPS Evans-Hamilton, Inc(2011-02-18 to present) 2018-03-13
RSQ RS Aqua Ltd Marine instrumentation company, supplying own-built and third party systems to scientists and engineers. In operation since 1980s. Based in Hampshire, UK. 2019-09-09
RAD Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences 2024-09-20
RPI Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland HISTORY: Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RAY Raytheon Co., Portsmouth, RI, USA 2011-12-07
RYA Raytheon Technologies, Aurora HISTORY: Raytheon Polar Services Company(1992-01-01 to 2012-03-30); Raytheon, Aurora(2012-03-31 to 2020-03-31); Raytheon Technologies, Aurora(2020-04-01 to present) 2022-03-02
EER Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention - Emilia-Romagna HISTORY: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention - Emilia-Romagna(1994-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RGA Regional Government of the Azores, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs Native name is Governo Regional dos Acores, Direcao Regional dos Assuntos do Mar. 2024-07-16
RGC Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology HISTORY: Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(2004-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VIF Research Institute for Marine Fisheries, Viet Nam Government research institute 2014-07-23
RMC Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center HISTORY: Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RIK Rijks Instituut voor Kust en Zee, Netherlands (RIKZ) HISTORY: Rijks Instituut voor Kust en Zee, Netherlands (RIKZ) 2018-03-13
RKW Rijkswaterstaat HISTORY: Rijkswaterstaat(1985-01-01 to 2007-12-31) 2018-03-13
RMK Rimouski University, Canada 2011-12-07
RTP Rio Tinto Iron Ore HISTORY: Rio Tinto Iron Ore(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RFA Robin Falconer Associates 2014-07-21
RSI Rockland Scientific International 2024-01-11
RTC Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies Institute located in Tiburon, CA, USA. Part of San Francisco State University. 2014-12-05
IBR Roscoff Biological Station HISTORY: Roscoff Biological Station(1980-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RSM Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science HISTORY: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science(1940-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RAN Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service The naval bathymetric surveying and charting group based in Wollongong NSW 2014-06-07
ARL Royal Australian Navy Weapons Systems Research Laboratory Marine Systems Division HISTORY: Royal Australian Navy Experimental Laboratory(1956-04-16 to 1968-12-31); Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory(1969-01-01 to 1984-07-31); Royal Australian Navy Weapons Systems Research Laboratory Marine Systems Division(1984-08-01 to 1987-11-30) 2018-03-13
BED Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Ecosystems Data Processing and Modelling Research institute in Brussels. Native name is Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen Dataverwerking en Modellering van Ecosystemen. 2017-11-28
MUM Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment HISTORY: Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models(1976-01-01 to 1997-09-29); RBINS Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models(1997-09-30 to 2013-04-30); Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment(2013-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MMO Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Ostend HISTORY: Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Ostend(1984-01-01 to 1997-09-29); RBINS Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Ostend(1997-09-30 to 2013-04-30); Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Ostend(2013-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RHK Royal Haskoning (UK Head Office) HISTORY: Royal Haskoning (UK Head Office)(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RME Royal Meteorological Society HISTORY: Royal Meteorological Society(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RMA Royal Museum for Central Africa Department of Geology HISTORY: Royal Museum for Central Africa Department of Geology(1960-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NHQ Royal Navy, Command Headquarters Headquarters body of the British Royal Navy. Neither a command nor an installation, NCHQ is a physical site, a collective formed of the most senior Naval officers and a budgetary grouping. 2019-01-03
NIY Royal Netherlands Institute For Sea Research, Yerseke Branch of the Dutch marine research institute, located on the border of the Eastern Scheldt. 2018-08-03
NIO Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research HISTORY: Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research(1876-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
KNM Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute HISTORY: Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RSP Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 2023-04-04
TNH Royal Thai Navy Hydrographic Department 2014-07-21
RZP Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean Charity campaigning against unsustainable fishing and marine debris 2021-05-25
RBI Ruder Boškovic Institute HISTORY: Ruder Boškovic Institute(1991-10-08 to present) 2018-03-13
RGS Russian Academy of Sciences Geological Institute HISTORY: Russian Academy of Sciences Geological Institute(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GOF Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Geomorphology and Ocean Floor Tectonics 2014-07-21
RAS Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology HISTORY: Academy of Sciences of the USSR(1917-01-01 to 1991-12-01); Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology(1991-12-02 to present) 2018-03-13
VII Russian Academy of Sciences, V.I. Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute 2020-02-11
VIG Russian Academy of Sciences, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry HISTORY: Russian Academy of Sciences, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry(1947-03-20 to present) 2019-12-11
DNO Russian Ministry of Defence, Department of Navigation & Oceanography HISTORY: Soviet Ministry of Defense, General Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography(1972-01-01 to 1991-12-31); Russian Ministry of Defence, Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography(1992-01-01 to 2005-12-31); Russian Ministry of Defence, Department of Navigation & Oceanography(2006-01-01 to present) 2022-03-02
RUT Rutgers University - Newark, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Part of Rutgers' separate Newark, New Jersey, campus. 2019-04-04
CRU Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences HISTORY: Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences(1989-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SHO SHOM - French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service HISTORY: SHOM - French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service(1860-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SUS Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Department of Surveying and Geodesy HISTORY: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Department of Surveying and Geodesy(2004-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SAC Saclant Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy Formerly 4 character lab code SACL 2011-12-07
SNM Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre Multidisciplinary marine science and coastal resources research centre of the University of Namibia. 2018-11-09
CHO San Diego State University Center for Hydro-optics and Remote Sensing 2011-12-07
SCA ScanLAB Projects Ltd 2024-02-09
SOI Schmidt Ocean Institute Private non-profit foundation established in 2009. Owns and operates the research vessel Falkor. 2017-08-08
UST School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling HISTORY: University of Stirling Department of Biology(1967-01-01 to 2010-12-31); School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CCE School of Civil and Construction Engineering, College of Engineering, Oregon State University 2014-07-21
MSS School of Health and Education School of Health and Education HISTORY: Middlesex University School of Health and Social Sciences(1992-01-01 to 2013-12-31); School of Health and Education School of Health and Education(2014-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SAP Science Application Inc., USA 2011-12-07
DML Scottish Association for Marine Science HISTORY: Scottish Marine Biological Association(1914-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 1998-12-31); Scottish Association for Marine Science(1999-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SMB Scottish Association for Marine Science HISTORY: Scottish Marine Biological Association(1914-01-01 to 1989-03-31); Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory(1989-04-01 to 1998-12-31); Scottish Association for Marine Science(1999-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Edinburgh HISTORY: Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Edinburgh(1996-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SNH Scottish Natural Heritage Edinburgh Office HISTORY: Scottish Natural Heritage Edinburgh Office(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SRE Scottish Power Renewables 2023-04-12
SUR Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre HISTORY: Scottish Universities Research Reactor Centre(1980-01-01 to 1999-12-31); Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SSR Scottish and Southern Energy Renewables 2023-04-12
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography HISTORY: Scripps Institution of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SEA Sea Education Association HISTORY: Sea Education Association(1971-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SFI Sea Fish Industry Authority HISTORY: Sea Fish Industry Authority(1981-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SEB Sea-Bird Electronics Incorporated Developer and manufacturer of instruments for oceanographic parameter measurement. 2017-05-14
SCO Seaconsult Marine Research Ltd. Canada 2011-12-07
SSC Seascape Consultants Ltd UK marine sector consultancy firm 2021-04-16
CSO Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources 2020-02-20
PAC Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Applied Geoscience and Technology Division HISTORY: Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Applied Geoscience and Technology Division(2011-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SEI Seiche Ltd Marine technology company formed in 1996, with offices in the UK, USA, and South Africa. Designs, develops and manufactures underwater measurement, acoustic and camera systems. 2019-09-26
SMS Service Mixte de Sécurité Radiologique, Monthléry A joint department of Ministry of Defence-Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and the Direction des Centres d'Expérimentations Nucléaires. 2011-12-07
MSG Shallow Marine Surveys Group HISTORY: Shallow Marine Surveys Group(2006-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SJU Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Oceanography 2021-01-06
SHE Shell Global Solutions International BV, The Hague 2021-04-16
SHL Shell International Exploration and Production BV HISTORY: Shell International Exploration and Production BV(1959-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SHC Shell Oil, Canada 2011-12-07
SUK Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd HISTORY: Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd(1970-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SAH Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science HISTORY: Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NSK Sjokartverk Norway HISTORY: Sjokartverk Norway(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SKI Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah 2011-12-07
SKC Skidmore College, Chemistry Department Department of the private liberal arts college based in New York state, USA. 2020-02-01
SKD Skidmore College, Geosciences Department Department of the private liberal arts college based in New York state, USA. 2020-02-01
SKY Sky News 2022-03-09
FIN Smartfin Collaborative institute led by The Lost Bird Project, New York, and involving Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California. 2020-01-06
SOT Sofar Ocean Technologies Commercial ocean sensing and exploration tools company 2023-03-30
ZAA South African Government Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Specifically, the Fisheries section based in Cape Town. 2019-10-03
SKT South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism HISTORY: South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism(1994-01-01 to 2009-12-31) 2018-03-13
SAW South African Weather Service HISTORY: South African Weather Service(2001-07-15 to present) 2018-03-13
SAE South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute Institute based in the Falkland Islands/Malvinas, conducting research throughout the South Atlantic. 2019-01-29
ASC South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre HISTORY: South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre(1988-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SGG South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Government HISTORY: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Government(1985-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SWW South West Water Authority 2011-12-07
SSE South of Scotland Electricity Board, Glasgow, UK 2011-12-07
SMI Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute Research institute of the University of Southampton 2023-08-17
SSU Southampton Solent University School of Maritime and Coastal Studies HISTORY: Southampton Institute of Higher Education Coastal Studies(1984-10-01 to 2005-08-14); Southampton Solent University School of Maritime and Coastal Studies(2005-08-15 to present) 2018-03-13
SIW Southern Institute of Water Resources Research 2022-06-28
SCC Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observatory 2024-12-03
SWA Southern Water Authority 2011-12-07
SEC Spanish Cetacean Society HISTORY: Spanish Cetacean Society(1964-12-24 to present) 2018-03-13
BOC Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Balearic Oceanography Centre HISTORY: Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Balearic Oceanography Centre(1914-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IEG Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Gijon Oceanography Centre HISTORY: Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Gijon Oceanography Centre(1914-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LCN Spanish Institute of Oceanography, La Coruna Oceanographic Centre HISTORY: Spanish Institute of Oceanography, La Coruna Oceanographic Centre(1914-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SOS Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Santander Oceanography Centre HISTORY: Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Santander Oceanography Centre(1914-04-17 to present) 2018-03-13
SIV Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Vigo Oceanography Centre IEO facility in Vigo, Galicia. 2017-10-10
IEO Spanish Oceanography Institute, Madrid HISTORY: Spanish Oceanography Institute, Madrid(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PAE Spanish Port Authority Native name is Puertos del Estado. 2020-01-10
PEC Spanish State Ports Department of Maritime Climate HISTORY: Spanish State Ports Department of Maritime Climate(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HMS Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station HISTORY: Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station(1917-10-26 to present) 2018-03-13
EES Stanford University, Environmental Earth System Science Department HISTORY: Stanford University, Environmental Earth System Science Department(2007-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SEG Stanford University, Geophysics Department HISTORY: Stanford University, Geophysics Department (2015 to present) 2023-07-01
UHS State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine Ukranian national hydrographic office. 2016-05-16
SKJ State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Peking University Peking University (PKU) site of multi-site collaborative laboratory 2022-07-06
SKL State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection Government laboratory in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. 2019-01-14
SKW State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather and Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry Part of the China Meteorological Administration, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences 2022-07-06
SYC State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry HISTORY: State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NYS State University of New York Department of Chemistry Department of SUNY located in the Stony Brook campus on Long Island (sometimes termed Stony Brook University) 2011-12-07
SUN State University of New York at Albany, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center HISTORY: State University of New York at Albany, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center(1961-02-16 to present) 2018-03-13
RJO State University of Rio de Janeiro, Faculty of Oceanography 2024-05-23
NHS Statens Kartverk Sjokartverket (Norwegian Hydrographic Service) HISTORY: Statens Kartverk Sjokartverket (Norwegian Hydrographic Service) 2018-03-13
SKE Stockholm University, Department of Environmental Science Native name is Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för miljövetenskap 2020-02-11
SGS Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences 2019-03-08
SBO Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences HISTORY: Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences(1962-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SSS Subsea7 Funding the Blue Ocean Research Alliance projects. 2024-07-29
SQU Sultan Qaboos University College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences University department located in Muscat, Oman. 2018-04-06
SCS Swansea University Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research HISTORY: Swansea University Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research(2003-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SEN Swansea University College of Engineering HISTORY: Swansea University College of Engineering(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
USW Swansea University Department of Biosciences HISTORY: University of Wales Swansea Department of Geology and Oceanography(1900-01-01 to 1986-12-31); University of Wales Swansea Natural Sciences(1987-01-01 to 1999-12-31); Swansea University School of the Environment and Society(2000-01-01 to 2010-12-31); Swansea University Department of Biosciences(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SUB Swansea University, Department of Biosciences HISTORY: Swansea University, Department of Biosciences(2007-09-01 to present) 2019-12-11
GOT Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Department for Fisheries Management HISTORY: National Fisheries Board, Gothenburg(1900-01-01 to 2011-06-30); Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Department for Fisheries Management(2011-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SEP Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Swedish name is Naturvardsverket. Main office of a Swedish public agency with an overview of environmental conditions and environmental policy, tasked with meeting Sweden's environmental objectives. Located in Stockholm: there is another office in Östersund. 2012-09-27
SMA Swedish Maritime Administration 2011-12-07
SMH Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Formerly 4 character lab code SMHI 2012-10-04
SMN Swedish Museum of Natural History HISTORY: Swedish Museum of Natural History(1916-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology HISTORY: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ETP Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Native name is Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Institut fur Physik 2020-04-29
IPP Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Particle Physics HISTORY: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Particle Physics(1973-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
C2S Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Center for Climate Systems Modeling HISTORY: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Center for Climate Systems Modeling(2008-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SFG Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Geological Institute HISTORY: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Geological Institute(1911-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SPI Swiss Polar Institute Located at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). 2018-11-14
SIM System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) HISTORY: System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) 2018-03-13
TAF Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute Research institute based in Dar es Salaam 2021-07-29
TOF Tara Ocean Foundation Paris-based organisation carrying out marine environmental research. Native name is Fondation Tara Ocean. 2020-01-08
TOO Tartu Observatory Observatory in Tartu, Estonia. Current name and location since 21/09/1995. 2017-11-28
TUB Technical University Berlin, Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2017-11-07
TUC Technical University of Crete, Department of Environmental Engineering HISTORY: Technical University of Crete, Department of Environmental Engineering(1997-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RNL Technical University of Denmark Department of Wind Energy HISTORY: Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark(1900-01-01 to 2011-12-31); Technical University of Denmark Department of Wind Energy(2012-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DIF Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources HISTORY: Danish Institute for Fisheries Research(1936-01-01 to 2006-12-31); Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TUD Technical University of Dresden, Germany 2011-12-07
TAL Tel Aviv University, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences 2017-12-14
CAR Teledyne CARIS Inc. HISTORY: CARIS Geospatial Software Solutions(1979-01-01 to 2016-05-02); Teledyne CARIS Inc.(2016-05-03 to present) 2019-12-11
TWR Teledyne Webb Research Commercial company who design and manufacture oceanographic research and monitoring instruments. 2018-06-28
TEB Televerkets Byggnadsavdelning, Stockholm, Sweden Formerly 4 character lab code TEBY 2011-12-07
TCL Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences 2021-10-25
GMB Texas A&M University at Galveston Department of Marine Biology 2014-12-05
TAM Texas A+M Department of Oceanography HISTORY: Texas A+M Department of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TWX Thames Water, Thames Barrier, London 2011-12-07
TCE The Crown Estate HISTORY: The Crown Estate(1961-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SCR The Crown Estate Scotland Commercial company managing Crown land and property in Scotland 2018-01-17
NRA The Environment Agency HISTORY: National Rivers Authority(1989-01-01 to 1996-03-31); The Environment Agency(1996-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
EME The European Marine Energy Centre Limited 2021-09-16
MXG The Isle of Man Government Laboratory HISTORY: The Isle of Man Government Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
JHU The Johns Hopkins University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences 2011-12-07
EMI Thorn EMI Electronics Ltd. 2011-12-07
TFR Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries Fisheries research institute located in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany. 2018-02-01
TFE Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Bremerhaven HISTORY: Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg(1952-01-01 to 2007-12-31); Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Hamburg(2008-01-01 to 2018-05-31); Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Bremerhaven(2018-06-01 to present) 2018-11-06
AFI Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven HISTORY: Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg(1952-01-01 to 2007-12-31); Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg(2008-01-01 to 2018-05-31); Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven(2018-06-01 to present) 2018-11-06
TIG TigerTeam, LLC HISTORY: TigerTeam, LLC(1997-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
TOK Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology HISTORY: Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology(1943-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TUM Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment 2022-08-18
TPU Tomsk Polytechnic University, International Arctic Carbon Research Laboratory 2020-02-27
TOR Torry Research Laboratory Laboratory in Aberdeen specialising in research on the handling and preservation of fish and fishery by-products 2011-12-07
TOM Total Oil Marine Plc HISTORY: Total Oil Marine Plc(1975-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CFT Total S.A. HISTORY: Compagnie Française des Pétroles, Boulogne(1924-03-28 to 1984-12-31); Total CFP(1985-01-01 to 1990-12-31); Total(1991-01-01 to 1998-12-31); Total Fina(1999-01-01 to 2000-03-21); TotalFinaElf(2000-03-22 to 2003-04-30); Total S.A.(2003-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TTL Total S.A. HISTORY: Compagnie Française des Pétroles, Paris(1924-03-28 to 1984-12-31); Total CFP(1985-01-01 to 1990-12-31); Total(1991-01-01 to 1998-12-31); Total Fina(1999-01-01 to 2000-03-21); TotalFinaElf(2000-03-22 to 2003-04-30); Total S.A.(2003-05-01 to present) 2018-03-13
THB Townsville Harbour Board, Australia 2011-12-07
TOC Trent University, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: Trent University, Department of Chemistry(1964-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
TCD Trinity College Dublin HISTORY: Trinity College Dublin(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TCZ Trinity College Dublin Zoology Department HISTORY: Trinity College Dublin Zoology Department(1876-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TRH Trinity House Charity providing education, support and welfare to the seafaring community. General Lighthouse Authority for England and Wales. 2018-10-18
TAS Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association 2024-10-02
TPG Tusass A/S 2022-03-01
TYC Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia 2024-05-30
TYN Tyne Improvement Commission 2011-12-07
MTO UK Meteorological Office HISTORY: UK Meteorological Office(1854-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UKC UKCIP Formerly the United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme 2015-07-14
BOE US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region Manages development of oil and gas and mineral resources for the Gulf of Mexico Region. 2017-07-02
BPM US Geol. Survey, Branch of Pacific Marine Geology Formerly 4 character lab code BPMG 2011-12-07
NAV US Naval Oceanographic Office 2022-03-01
NPS US Naval Postgraduate School Department of Oceanography HISTORY: US Naval Postgraduate School Department of Oceanography(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NOO US Navy Oceanographic Office, St. Louis, USA Formerly 4 character lab code NOOX 2011-12-07
JOM USGS-NOAA Joint Office for Mapping and Research Formerly 4 character lab code JOMR 2011-12-07
UNC Uni. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA 2011-12-07
UPA Uni. of Pacific, Pacific Marine Station, USA 2011-12-07
USF Uni. of South Florida (Tampa + St. Petersburg) HISTORY: Uni. of South Florida (Tampa + St. Petersburg) 2018-03-13
HDT United Kingdom Hydrographic Office HISTORY: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office(1795-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
USG United States Geological Survey Center for Coastal and Marine Geology Marine geology laboratory for USGS located in Woods Hole Massechussetts 2011-12-07
USL United States Geological Survey Leetown Science Center HISTORY: United States Geological Survey Leetown Science Center(1995-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MPK United States Geological Survey Meno Park Science Center Geological laboratory in Menlo Park California mainly studying earthquakes by has some interests in West Coast marine geology. 2011-12-07
NRM United States Naval Research Laboratory, Mississippi 2014-07-21
UFP Universidad Federal do Parana, Brazil 2011-12-07
USV University Centre in Svalbard, Arctic Geology Department The world's northernmost higher education institution, located in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. 2019-01-29
CMR University College Cork Coastal and Marine Resources Centre HISTORY: University College Cork Coastal and Marine Resources Centre(1908-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCC University College Cork Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre HISTORY: University College Cork Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre(1979-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CGD University College Cork School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University College Cork Department of Geology(1900-01-01 to 2009-12-31); University College Cork School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DBE University College Dublin, School of Biological and Environmental Science Native name is Colaiste Ollscoile Baile Atha Cliath, Scoil na Bitheolaiochta agus na hEolaiochta. 2024-07-16
UCD University College Dublin, School of Civil Engineering HISTORY: University College Dublin, School of Civil Engineering(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
DUG University College Dublin, School of Geological Sciences HISTORY: University College Dublin, School of Geological Sciences(1964-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UCL University College London Department of Geography HISTORY: University College London Department of Geography(1903-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MEL University College London Department of Mechanical Engineering HISTORY: University College London Department of Mechanical Engineering(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GUC University College London, Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University College London, Department of Geology(1900-01-01 to 2002-08-31); University College London, Department of Earth Sciences(2002-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MBS University Marine Biological Station Millport HISTORY: Marine Biological Station Millport(1897-01-01 to 1969-12-31); University Marine Biological Station Millport(1970-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ABI University of Aarhus Bioscience Institute HISTORY: University of Aarhus Bioscience Institute(2011-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ABG University of Aberdeen Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology HISTORY: University of Aberdeen Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BES University of Aberdeen Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences(1900-01-01 to present); University of Aberdeen Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OLB University of Aberdeen, Oceanlab HISTORY: University of Aberdeen, Oceanlab(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UAB University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UAW University of Aberystwyth Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Wales Aberystwyth Department of Geology(1965-01-01 to 1999-12-31); University of Aberystwyth Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AGG University of Adelaide Department of Geology and Geophysics 2011-12-07
UAA University of Alaska Anchorage Department of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Alaska Anchorage Department of Biological Sciences(1976-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UAL University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Science HISTORY: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Science (1960 to present) 2023-05-19
AFF University of Alaska, Fairbanks, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences 2020-02-20
AFG University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Department of Geology and Geophysics 2020-02-20
AGI University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute 2020-02-26
AFU University of Alaska, Fairbanks, International Arctic Research Center 2019-03-01
UAF University of Algarve, Aquatic Resources Science and Technology Unit HISTORY: University of Algarve, Aquatic Resources Science and Technology Unit(1900-01-01 to 2005-12-31) 2018-03-13
UAM University of Amsterdam Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics HISTORY: University of Amsterdam Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UAG University of Angers Department of Geology 2011-12-07
MCB University of Arizona, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology 2021-10-25
AEM University of Aveiro Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies HISTORY: University of Aveiro Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies(2005-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ICR University of Barcelona Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies Faculty of Geology Geosciences research institute including a marine geology depatment in Barcleona. Institute name in Spanish is Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats 2011-12-07
SPM University of Barcelona Department of Stratigraphy, Palaeontology and Marine Geosciences HISTORY: University of Barcelona Department of Stratigraphy, Palaeontology and Marine Geosciences(1998-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BMG University of Barcelona, Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics, Marine Geosciences Research Group 2020-02-20
BUB University of Barcelona, Faculty of Biology Native name is Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia. 2021-02-10
BCH University of Bath, Department of Chemical Engineering HISTORY: University of Bath, Department of Chemical Engineering(1971-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UBA University of Bath, Department of Physics HISTORY: University of Bath, Department of Physics (1971 to present) 2023-07-01
BZS University of Belize, Science Department Part of the Faculty of Science and Technology. Located on the Belmopan Campus. 2021-03-30
BGE University of Bergen Geophysical Institute HISTORY: University of Bergen Geophysical Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BBO University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Bergen Department of Biology(1946-04-01 to 2017-12-31); University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences(2018-01-01 to present) 2019-03-20
BGD University of Bergen, Department of Earth Science 2011-12-07
UIB University of Bergen, Department of Mathematics 2021-04-16
CEP University of Bern, Climate and Environmental Physics Part of the University of Bern Physics Institute. 2017-10-20
BIG University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences 2020-05-29
BNG University of Birmingham School of Engineering 2011-12-07
BIP University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Birmingham, Institute of Public and Environmental Health(1994-01-01 to 2000-12-31); University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBR University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Birmingham Department of Geology(1900-01-01 to 1969-06-30); University of Birmingham Department of Geology with Geophysics(1969-07-01 to 1974-12-31); University of Birmingham Department of Geological Sciences(1975-01-01 to 1992-12-31); University of Birmingham School of Earth Sciences(1993-01-01 to 2000-12-31); University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2001-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BHB University of Birmingham, School of Biosciences HISTORY: University of Birmingham, School of Biosciences(2000-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
BSI University of Bonn, Steinmann Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology Native name is Universität Bonn, Steinmann-Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie 2019-09-17
UBO University of Bordeaux 1, Environnements et Paléoenvironnements Océaniques et Continentaux HISTORY: University of Bordeaux 1, Environnements et Paléoenvironnements Océaniques et Continentaux(1968-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BGA University of Brasilia, Gama, Faculty of Engineering 2014-07-21
BRG University of Bremen Department of Geosciences HISTORY: University of Bremen Department of Geosciences(1986-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBP University of Bremen Institute of Environmental Physics HISTORY: University of Bremen Institute of Environmental Physics(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBM University of Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences(1971-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BCE University of Bristol Department of Civil Engineering HISTORY: University of Bristol Department of Civil Engineering(1909-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBB University of Bristol School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Bristol School of Biological Sciences(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBC University of Bristol School of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Bristol School of Chemistry(1967-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UBL University of Bristol School of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Bristol Geology Department(1900-01-01 to 1999-12-31); University of Bristol School of Earth Sciences(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BGO University of Bristol School of Geographical Sciences HISTORY: University of Bristol School of Geographical Sciences(1909-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
BCO University of British Columbia, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences HISTORY: University of British Columbia Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences (1996-04 to 2012-03); University of British Columbia, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (2012-04 to present) 2024-03-19
CZE University of Cadiz Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science HISTORY: University of Cadiz Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCP University of Caen Lower Normandy Psychophysiology Laboratory HISTORY: University of Caen Lower Normandy Psychophysiology Laboratory(1957-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CDO University of Calabar, Department of Physical Oceanography 2024-05-23
CIE University of California Irvine Department of Earth System Science HISTORY: University of California Irvine Department of Earth System Science(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SBB University of California Santa Barbara Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology HISTORY: University of California Santa Barbara Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MUC University of California Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences Research institute within UC Santa Cruz located in Santa Cruz, California, USA 2011-12-07
UCA University of California, Berkley, USA 2011-12-07
SBM University of California, Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute 2020-02-03
MTX University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology HISTORY: University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology(1965-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
CAM University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics HISTORY: University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics(1959-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DCU University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry(1857-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCM University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CAP University of Cambridge Department of Physics HISTORY: University of Cambridge Department of Physics(1974-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CDG University of Cambridge, Department of Geography HISTORY: University of Cambridge, Department of Geography(1888-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
CPS University of Cambridge, Department of Plant Sciences HISTORY: University of Cambridge, Department of Plant Sciences(1904-03-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SPR University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute HISTORY: Scott Polar Research Institute(1920-01-01 to present) 2020-03-09
IHC University of Cantabria, Environmental Hydraulics Institute HISTORY: University of Cantabria, Environmental Hydraulics Institute(2007-03-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UCZ University of Cape Town Department of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Cape Town Department of Zoology(1918-04-02 to 2012-12-31); University of Cape Town Department of Biological Sciences(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCT University of Cape Town, Department of Oceanography HISTORY: University of Cape Town, Department of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UCF University of Cardiff School of Earth and Ocean Sciences HISTORY: University College Cardiff Geology Department(1970-01-01 to 2004-07-31); University of Cardiff School of Earth, Ocean and Planetary Science(2004-08-01 to 2007-07-31); University of Cardiff School of Earth and Ocean Sciences(2007-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CGS University of Chicago Department of the Geophysical Sciences HISTORY: University of Chicago Department of the Geophysical Sciences(1961-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CMS University of Chittagong, Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries HISTORY: University of Chittagong, Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries(1983-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
DCT University of Coimbra, Department of Earth Sciences Native name is Universidade de Coimbra, Departmento de Ciencias da Terra 2023-10-10
GMC University of Cologne Institute of Geology and Mineralogy HISTORY: University of Cologne Institute of Geology and Mineralogy(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CIA University of Colorado Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 2024-05-23
UCO University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences HISTORY: University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences(1881-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
CPH University of Copenhagen Institute of Physical Oceanography No longer exists. Was located at Haraldsgade 6, 2200 Copenhagen. May now be part of the University of Copenhagen Niels Bohr Institute but unconfirmed. 2021-03-01
CBB University of Cordoba Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HISTORY: University of Cordoba Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CIM University of Costa Rica Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology Native name is Universidad de Costa Rica Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia. 2015-07-31
ZMS University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Science Research institute in Buyu, Zanzibar 2021-07-29
DLW University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean and Environment HISTORY: University of Delaware College of Marine Studies(1970-06-06 to 2005-12-31); University of Delaware College of Marine and Earth Studies(2006-01-01 to 2009-06-30); University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean and Environment(2009-07-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UDE University of Delaware, Department of Earth Sciences 2021-10-25
DSC University of Dschang, Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Dschang, Department of Earth Sciences(1993-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UDG University of Durham Department of Geography HISTORY: University of Durham Department of Geography(1955-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DBS University of Durham School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2011-12-07
UDM University of Durham, Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Durham, Department of Geological Sciences(1900-01-01 to 2003-11-30); University of Durham, Department of Earth Sciences(2003-12-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UEB University of East Anglia School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of East Anglia School of Biological Sciences(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UEA University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences(1967-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UEM University of East Anglia, School of Mathematics HISTORY: University of East Anglia, School of Mathematics(1967-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UFJ University of Eastern Finland Department of Biology HISTORY: University of Eastern Finland Department of Biology(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UED University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences HISTORY: University of Edinburgh Department of Geology(1871-01-01 to 1988-12-31); University of Edinburgh Department of Geology and Geophysics(1989-01-01 to 2001-12-31); University of Edinburgh School of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences(2002-01-01 to 2002-12-31); University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences(2003-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
EEI University of Edinburgh, Institute for Energy Systems HISTORY: University of Edinburgh, Institute for Energy Systems(2002-08-01 to present) 2019-12-11
EDM University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics 2022-04-13
EUX University of Essex School of Life Sciences HISTORY: University of Essex Department of Biological Sciences (1980 to 2017); University of Essex School of Life Sciences (2018 to present) 2023-08-30
EXE University of Exeter Department of Engineering HISTORY: University of Exeter Department of Engineering(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
XGO University of Exeter Department of Geography HISTORY: University of Exeter Department of Geography(1974-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UEX University of Exeter Department of Geology 2011-12-07
EXB University of Exeter School of Biosciences 2011-12-07
ECM University of Exeter, Camborne School Of Mines Combined mining school and Geoscience department in Penryn, Cornwall, UK. 2019-01-29
EGC University of Exeter, Centre for Geography and Environmental Science (Cornwall Campus) HISTORY: University of Exeter, Centre for Geography, Environment and Society(1999-01-01 to 2018-12-31); University of Exeter, Centre for Geography and Environmental Science (Cornwall Campus)(2019-01-01 to present) 2022-02-07
EXM University of Exeter, Department of Mathematics 2020-02-27
GSF University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences HISTORY: University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences(1910-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
GIO University of Gdansk, Institute of Oceanography Native name is Uniwersytet Gdanski, Instytut Oceanografii. 2019-02-14
GEN University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering Native name is: Università degli studi di Genova, Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi 2021-05-03
UGB University of Gent Department of Biochemical and Microbial Technology 2011-12-07
UOG University of Gent Department of Biology HISTORY: University of Gent Department of Biology(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UGM University of Georgia, Department of Marine Science 2024-05-23
RMG University of Ghent Renard Centre of Marine Geology HISTORY: University of Ghent Renard Centre of Marine Geology(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GCV University of Girona, Computer Vision & Robotics Institute Native name is: Universitat de Girona, Institut de Visió per Computador i Robòtica 2021-05-03
GLA University of Glasgow Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Glasgow Department of Geology(1960-01-01 to 1988-12-31); University of Glasgow Department of Geology and Applied Geology(1989-01-01 to 1997-12-31); University of Glasgow Division of Earth Sciences(1998-01-01 to 2004-12-31); University of Glasgow Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences(2005-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GIB University of Glasgow Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine HISTORY: University of Glasgow Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine(2010-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GLC University of Glasgow School of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Glasgow Department of Chemistry(1939-01-01 to 2010-07-31); University of Glasgow School of Chemistry(2010-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GLS University of Glasgow School of Life Sciences HISTORY: University of Glasgow Department of Zoology(1903-01-01 to 1993-12-31); University of Glasgow Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences(1994-01-01 to 2010-07-31); University of Glasgow School of Life Sciences(2010-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GJW University of Glasgow, James Watt School of Engineering 2020-03-11
DOU University of Gothenburg Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Gothenburg Department of Earth Sciences(1954-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GMS University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences HISTORY: University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences(2015-07-01 to present) 2019-12-11
GEE University of Groningen Energy and Sustainability Research Institute HISTORY: University of Groningen Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies(1900-01-01 to 2012-12-31); University of Groningen Energy and Sustainability Research Institute(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GBN University of Groningen Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences HISTORY: University of Groningen Department of Biology(1900-01-01 to 2012-12-31); University of Groningen Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HBM University of Hamburg Department of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry HISTORY: University of Hamburg Department of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry(1989-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HGI University of Hamburg Institute of Geophysics HISTORY: University of Hamburg Institute of Geophysics(1969-04-25 to present) 2018-03-13
HMI University of Hamburg Meteorological Institute HISTORY: University of Hamburg Meteorological Institute(1962-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
IFH University of Hamburg Oceanography Institute HISTORY: University of Hamburg Oceanography Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UHZ University of Hamburg Zoological Institute HISTORY: University of Hamburg Zoological Institute(1967-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UHB University of Hamburg, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Hamburg, Department of Chemistry(1963-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HPI University of Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics HISTORY: University of Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics(1975-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HUD University of Huddersfield, Department of Biological Sciences 2018-07-13
CEM University of Hull Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences HISTORY: University of Hull Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences(2000-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
HUB University of Hull Department of Biological Sciences 2011-12-07
UOH University of Hull Department of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Hull Department of Geography(1954-01-01 to 2012-09-23); University of Hull Department of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences(2012-09-24 to present) 2018-03-13
HEI University of Hull, Energy & Environment Institute 2020-04-28
KSE University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Ecology HISTORY: University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Ecology(2003-09-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SIS University of Kansas Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets HISTORY: University of Kansas Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets(2005-06-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UKL University of Karlsruhe, Germany Formerly 4 character lab code UKLR 2011-12-07
UOK University of Kent Department of Biosciences 2011-12-07
UKI University of Kiel HISTORY: University of Kiel(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LIK University of Konstanz Limnological Institute HISTORY: University of Konstanz Limnological Institute(1972-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UDC University of La Coruna, Department of Navigation and Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of La Coruna, Department of Navigation and Earth Sciences(1989-07-20 to present) 2019-12-11
MRL University of La Rochelle Marine Mammal Research Centre HISTORY: University of La Rochelle Marine Mammal Research Centre(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULP University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Department of Biology Native name is Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Departamento de Biología 2021-02-01
IOG University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Institute of Oceanography and Global Change Native name is Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global 2022-02-11
LIE University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Sciences Native name is Universite de Lausanne, Institut des sciences de la Terre. 2024-06-10
SCL University of Leeds School of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Leeds School of Chemistry(1904-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULD University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment HISTORY: University of Leeds Department of Earth Sciences(1960-01-01 to 2003-12-31); University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment(2004-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LGE University of Leeds School of Geography HISTORY: University of Leeds School of Geography(1919-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LMT University of Leeds School of Mathematics HISTORY: University of Leeds School of Mathematics(2000-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LSB University of Leeds, School of Biology 2021-06-27
LBL University of Leicester Department of Biology HISTORY: University of Leicester Department of Zoology(1900-01-01 to 1996-12-31); University of Leicester Department of Biology(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LAC University of Leicester Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Leicester Department of Chemistry(1957-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULE University of Leicester Department of Geology HISTORY: University of Leicester Department of Geology(1970-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULW University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, Wimereux Marine Station HISTORY: University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, Wimereux Marine Station(1999-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LRC University of Limerick, Mobile & Marine Robotics Research Centre 2021-05-03
LUO University of Lisbon Institute of Oceanography HISTORY: University of Lisbon Institute of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
DBV University of Lisbon, Department of Plant Biology 2023-07-19
ULC University of Liverpool Civil Engineering Department 2011-12-07
LES University of Liverpool Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences HISTORY: University of Liverpool Department of Geology(1917-01-01 to 1984-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Geological Sciences(1985-01-01 to 1986-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth Sciences(1987-01-01 to 2002-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences(2003-01-01 to 2012-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ULV University of Liverpool Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences HISTORY: University of Liverpool Department of Oceanography(1919-01-01 to 1986-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth Sciences(1987-01-01 to 2002-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences(2003-01-01 to 2012-12-31); University of Liverpool Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PEM University of Liverpool Port Erin Marine Laboratory HISTORY: University of Liverpool Port Erin Marine Laboratory(1892-01-01 to 2006-09-30) 2018-03-13
LBS University of Liverpool School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Liverpool School of Biological Sciences(1996-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LDG University of Liverpool, Department of Geography HISTORY: University of Liverpool, Department of Geography(1909-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LMA University of Liverpool, Department of Mathematical Sciences HISTORY: University of Liverpool, Department of Mathematical Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
ULI University of Liège Department of Astrophysics Geophysics and Oceanography HISTORY: University of Liège Department of Astrophysics Geophysics and Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
LUP University of Liège Department of Ecophysiology and Animal Physiology 2011-12-07
LUG University of Liège Department of Geology 2011-12-07
BCG University of London Royal Holloway College Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: Bedford College London Department of Geology(1908-01-01 to 1984-12-31); University of London Royal Holloway College Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RHE University of London Royal Holloway College Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of London Royal Holloway College Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RHG University of London Royal Holloway College Department of Geography 2011-12-07
UMN University of Maine School of Marine Sciences HISTORY: University of Maine School of Marine Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MEC University of Maine, School of Earth and Climate Sciences 2018-01-24
UMS University of Malaga, Spain 2011-12-07
UMA University of Manchester School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Manchester School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences(2004-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UMI University of Manchester School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Atmospheric Physics Research Group(1966-01-01 to 2004-09-30); University of Manchester School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences(2004-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MCE University of Manchester School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering HISTORY: University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Department of Civil Engineering(1980-01-01 to 2004-09-30); University of Manchester School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering(2004-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UME University of Manchester School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering HISTORY: University of Manchester School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering(2004-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MAC University of Manchester, Centre for Atmospheric Science 2020-04-02
UMC University of Manchester, School of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Manchester, School of Chemistry(2004-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
MEG University of Manitoba, Department of Environment and Geography HISTORY: University of Manitoba, Department of Environment and Geography(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UMD University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology 2016-10-05
MGO University of Milan-Bicocca Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Milan-Bicocca Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences(1982-11-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MES University of Minnesota Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Minnesota Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
MGS University of Missouri, Department of Geological Sciences HISTORY: University of Missouri, Department of Geological Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
MRE University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Life Sciences HISTORY: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Life Sciences(2012-06-30 to present) 2019-12-11
MCH University of Montana, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Montana, Department of Chemistry(1893-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
LPG University of Nantes Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics CNRS research facility based at the University of Nantes. 2016-04-06
NHZ University of New Hampshire Department of Zoology HISTORY: University of New Hampshire Department of Zoology(1993-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
CCM University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping 2020-03-09
CCR University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre HISTORY: University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre(2007-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNS University of New South Wales, Australia 2011-12-07
BEE University of New South Wales, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences 2022-08-18
NSW University of New South Wales, School of Mathematics and Statistics Located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 2018-01-24
UNB University of Newcastle School of Natural and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Newcastle School of Biology and Psychology(1963-01-01 to 2005-12-31); University of Newcastle School of Biology(2006-01-01 to 2017-12-31); University of Newcastle School of Natural and Environmental Sciences(2018-01-01 to present) 2018-08-24
UNE University of Newcastle School of Physics 2011-12-07
NCW University of North Carolina Wilmington Department of Biology and Marine Biology HISTORY: University of North Carolina Wilmington Department of Biology and Marine Biology(1947-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NCI University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences 2023-10-09
UNO University of Nottingham Centre for Biomolecular Sciences HISTORY: University of Nottingham Centre for Biomolecular Sciences(1986-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
NFE University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering 2024-02-09
GIN University of Nottingham, Institute of Genetics HISTORY: University of Nottingham, Institute of Genetics(1970-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
NSG University of Nottingham, School of Geography HISTORY: University of Nottingham, School of Geography(2005-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
ICB University of Oldenburg Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment HISTORY: University of Oldenburg Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment(1973-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OBI University of Oslo Department of Biosciences HISTORY: University of Oslo Biological Institute(1900-01-01 to 2012-12-31); University of Oslo Department of Biosciences(2013-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OTC University of Otago, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Otago, Department of Chemistry(1871-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UOP University of Otago, Department of Physics 2021-10-25
OEE University of Ottawa, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Ottawa, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences(1866-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UDO University of Oviedo Department of Organism and Systems Biology HISTORY: University of Oviedo Department of Organism and Systems Biology(1961-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UOX University of Oxford Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Oxford Department of Earth Sciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OXE University of Oxford Department of Engineering Science HISTORY: University of Oxford Department of Engineering Science(1908-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OXP University of Oxford Department of Physics HISTORY: University of Oxford Department of Physics(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OXZ University of Oxford Department of Zoology HISTORY: University of Oxford Department of Zoology(1860-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
OGE University of Oxford School of Geography and the Environment 2017-01-23
OXB University of Oxford, Department of Biology 2024-12-11
PAL University of Palermo, Department of Earth and Marine Science HISTORY: University of Palermo, Department of Earth and Marine Science(1860-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
PAV University of Pavia, Department of Earth Sciences and Environment HISTORY: University of Pavia, Department of Earth Sciences and Environment(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UPC University of Plymouth School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics 2016-01-11
UPE University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering HISTORY: University of Plymouth School of Engineering(1992-01-01 to 2009-12-31); University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PBM University of Plymouth, School of Biological and Marine Sciences HISTORY: University of Plymouth, School of Biological and Marine Sciences(1992-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
PPL University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Plymouth Polytechnic Institute of Marine Studies(1970-01-01 to 1987-12-31); Polytechnic South West Institute of Marine Studies(1988-01-01 to 1991-12-31); University of Plymouth Institute of Marine Studies(1992-01-01 to 2003-07-31); University of Plymouth School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences(2003-08-01 to 2009-12-31); University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PSG University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Plymouth School of Geography(2003-08-01 to 2009-12-31); University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UPL University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Polytechnic South West Institute of Marine Studies(1988-01-01 to 1991-12-31); University of Plymouth Institute of Marine Studies(1992-01-01 to 2003-07-31); University of Plymouth School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences(2003-08-01 to 2009-12-31); University of Plymouth, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences(2010-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PBD University of Porto, Department of Biology Native name is Universidade do Porto, Departamento de Biologia. 2024-05-23
LST University of Porto, Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory Native name is Universidade do Porto, Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática 2021-05-03
PCE University of Portsmouth School of Civil Engineering and Surveying HISTORY: University of Portsmouth School of Civil Engineering and Surveying(1996-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PES University of Portsmouth School of Earth and Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Portsmouth Polytechnic Department of Geology(1969-01-01 to 1992-07-06); University of Portsmouth Department of Geology(1992-07-07 to 1996-12-31); University of Portsmouth School of Earth and Environmental Sciences(1997-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
PBS University of Portsmouth, School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Portsmouth, School of Biological Sciences(1992-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UPZ University of Pretoria Department of Zoology and Entomology HISTORY: University of Pretoria Department of Zoology and Entomology(1930-10-10 to present) 2018-03-13
RDM University of Reading Department of Mathematics and Statistics HISTORY: University of Reading Department of Mathematics and Statistics(1947-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
URM University of Reading Department of Meteorology HISTORY: University of Reading Department of Meteorology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
URA University of Reading School of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Reading, School of Animal and Microbial Sciences(1960-01-01 to 2004-12-31); University of Reading School of Biological Sciences(2005-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
URI University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography HISTORY: University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography(1961-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
RES University of Rochester, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2021-10-25
URO University of Rostock Department of Biosciences HISTORY: University of Rostock Department of Biosciences(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
AUF University of Rostock, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Native name is Universität Rostock, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät 2021-12-10
SBE University of Salento, Department of Biological and Environmental Science HISTORY: University of Salento, Department of Biological and Environmental Science(2007-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SXH University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Geography and History Native name is Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Facultade de Xeografia e Historia 2024-02-09
USP University of Sao Paulo HISTORY: University of Sao Paulo(1934-01-25 to present) 2018-03-13
SPC University of Sao Paulo, Department of Chemistry Native name is Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Química. 2019-01-14
SPO University of Sao Paulo, Department of Oceanography University department. Native name is Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico 2019-05-16
SIL University of Saskatchewan Department of Geological Sciences HISTORY: University of Saskatchewan Department of Geological Sciences(1986-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SP1 University of Seville Department of Applied Physics I One of three applied physics departments in the University of Seville. 2011-12-07
SP2 University of Seville Department of Applied Physics II HISTORY: University of Seville Department of Applied Physics II(1978-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SP3 University of Seville Department of Applied Physics III One of three applied physics departments in the University of Seville. 2011-12-07
CNA University of Seville, National Center of Accelerators Native name is Universidad de Sevilla, Centro Nacional de Aceleradores 2021-10-25
SHG University of Sheffield Department of Geography HISTORY: University of Sheffield Department of Geography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SPS University of Sheffield, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences HISTORY: University of Sheffield, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences(1990-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SIF University of Siegen, Department of Mathematics Native name is Universität Siegen, Department Mathematik. 2019-12-04
SIE University of Siegen, Research Institute for Water and Environment Native name is Universität Siegen, Forschungsinstitut Wasser und Umwelt. 2019-12-04
SEE University of Siena, Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment HISTORY: University of Siena, Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment (2012-11 to present) 2023-07-01
UBS University of South Brittany, Marine Geosciences and Coastal Geomorphology Laboratory HISTORY: University of South Brittany, Marine Geosciences and Coastal Geomorphology Laboratory(1995-02-07 to present) 2018-03-13
SCB University of South Carolina Department of Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of South Carolina Department of Biological Sciences(1906-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
USC University of South Carolina School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment HISTORY: University of South Carolina Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences(1999-01-01 to 2015-11-30); University of South Carolina School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment(2015-12-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SFM University of South Florida College of Marine Science University department in St Petersburg, Florida, USA. 2017-07-19
SOB University of Southampton Centre for Biological Sciences HISTORY: University of Southampton Centre for Biological Sciences(2010-09-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SOE University of Southampton Engineering and the Environment HISTORY: University of Southampton School of Engineering Sciences(1900-01-01 to 2010-07-31); University of Southampton Engineering and the Environment(2010-08-01 to present) 2018-03-13
GDI University of Southampton GeoData Institute HISTORY: University of Southampton GeoData Institute(1984-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SCE University of Southampton School of Civil Engineering and the Environment University school concerned with civil and environmental engineering and applied environmental science 2011-12-07
USO University of Southampton School of Ocean and Earth Science HISTORY: University of Southampton Department of Oceanography(1965-01-01 to 1997-12-31); University of Southampton School of Ocean and Earth Science(1998-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
S3R University of Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute 2017-01-23
ECS University of Southampton, Electronics and Computer Science 2021-08-16
ISV University of Southampton, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research HISTORY: University of Southampton, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research(1963-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SOG University of Southampton, School of Geography HISTORY: University of Southampton, School of Geography(1961-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
SOM University of Southampton, School of Mathematics HISTORY: University of Southampton, School of Mathematics(1952-04-29 to present) 2019-12-11
USE University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences 2024-05-23
SCU University of Southern California, USA 2011-12-07
SDB University of Southern Denmark Institute of Biology HISTORY: University of Southern Denmark Institute of Biology(1973-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SMM University of Southern Mississippi Department of Marine Science HISTORY: University of Southern Mississippi Department of Marine Science(1985-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SAB University of St Andrews, School of Biology HISTORY: University of St Andrews, School of Biology (2012 to present) 2023-05-19
SMU University of St Andrews, School of Biology, Sea Mammal Research Unit HISTORY: University of St Andrews, School of Biology, Sea Mammal Research Unit (1978 to present) 2024-01-18
USB University of St Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development HISTORY: University of St. Andrews School of Geography and Geoscience (1903 to 2019); University of St Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development (2020 to present) 2023-09-23
SES University of Stellenbosch Department of Earth Sciences HISTORY: University of Stellenbosch Department of Earth Sciences(1995-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SIA University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture HISTORY: University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture(1971-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
USH University of Stockholm, Sweden 2011-12-07
STM University of Strathclyde, Department of Mathematics and Statistics HISTORY: University of Strathclyde, Department of Mathematics and Statistics(2009-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UVS University of Strathclyde, Department of Physics HISTORY: University of Strathclyde, Department of Physics(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
USI University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science HISTORY: University of Sydney Ocean Science Institute(1970-01-01 to 2001-12-31); University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science(2002-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UNT University of Tasmania, Australia 2011-12-07
TCS University of Tasmania, Central Science Laboratory 2020-04-23
IMA University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies HISTORY: University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (2010 to present) 2023-05-26
UTS University of Technology, Sydney, Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Cluster HISTORY: University of Technology, Sydney, Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Cluster(2008-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UTA University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute 2024-09-18
UTO University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute HISTORY: Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo(1962-01-01 to 2011-03-31); University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute(2011-04-01 to present) 2018-03-13
TGE University of Toronto Department of Geology 2011-12-07
TSE University of Toyama, Graduate School of Science and Engineering HISTORY: University of Toyama, Graduate School of Science and Engineering(2005-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
NCF University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science HISTORY: University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science(1980-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UOT University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science HISTORY: University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science(1980-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UIT University of Tromsø, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology 2018-01-19
UTR University of Tromsø, Department of Geosciences 2021-04-16
TPT University of Tromsø, Department of Physics and Technology null. 2018-06-29
UTG University of Tübingen Department of Geosciences HISTORY: University of Tübingen Department of Geosciences(1990-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UES University of Ulster School of Environmental Sciences HISTORY: University of Ulster School of Environmental Sciences(1950-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UUT University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry HISTORY: University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
VES University of Victoria School of Earth and Ocean Sciences HISTORY: University of Victoria School of Earth and Ocean Sciences(1991-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VBM University of Victoria, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology HISTORY: University of Victoria, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology(1963-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
VMB University of Vienna Department of Marine Biology HISTORY: University of Vienna Department of Marine Biology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VPL University of Vienna, Department of Paleontology HISTORY: University of Vienna, Department of Paleontology(1995-04-01 to present) 2019-12-11
VIR University of Vienna, Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics HISTORY: University of Vienna, Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UVI University of Vigo Department of Ecology and Animal Biology HISTORY: University of Vigo Department of Ecology and Animal Biology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UWI University of Wales Institute of Technology Department of Marine Studies Department in component body of University of Wales. Merged with University College Cardiff in 1988 to form University of Wales College Cardiff 2011-12-07
UWK University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences HISTORY: University of Warwick School of Biological Sciences(1965-10-01 to 2010-09-30); University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences(2010-10-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UWP University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory HISTORY: University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory(1943-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UWA University of Washington School of Oceanography HISTORY: University of Washington School of Oceanography(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
SAF University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences HISTORY: University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (1919 to present) 2023-07-01
UWF University of West Florida, Department of Biology 2020-04-28
WAO University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute HISTORY: University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute(2010-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
LBO University of Western Brittany Ocean Physics Laboratory HISTORY: University of Western Brittany Ocean Physics Laboratory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WBC University of Western Brittany, Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of Western Brittany, Department of Chemistry(1971-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
WMS University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center HISTORY: University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center(1965-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
YOR University of York Department of Archaeology HISTORY: University of York Department of Archaeology(1963-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UYC University of York Department of Chemistry HISTORY: University of York Department of Chemistry(2002-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UYE University of York Environment Department HISTORY: University of York Environment Department(1992-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ZAG University of Zagreb, Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies Native name is: Sveucilište u Zagrebu, Laboratorij za podvodne sustave i tehnologije 2021-05-03
ZAC University of Zaragoza, Department of Analytical Chemistry HISTORY: University of Zaragoza, Department of Analytical Chemistry(1900-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UAZ University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries HISTORY: University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries(1976-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
UBI University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Physics Native name is Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departament de Fisica 2024-10-22
UHI University of the Highlands and Islands Environmental Research Institute HISTORY: University of the Highlands and Islands Environmental Research Institute(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
UPM University of the Philippines, Diliman, Marine Science Institute HISTORY: University of the Philippines, Diliman, Marine Science Institute(1974-03-28 to present) 2019-12-11
FIJ University of the South Pacific, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment University department in Suva, Fiji. 2018-07-05
FIP University of the South Pacific, Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development 2018-09-10
USQ University of the Sunshine Coast, School of Science, Technology and Engineering 2022-07-26
UNK Unknown The correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the creator of this information. However, a correct value probably exists. 2010-02-22
UUP Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography 2024-05-23
UUM Utrecht University, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Native name is Universiteit Utrecht, Instituut voor Marien en Atmosferisch Onderzoek. 2018-01-24
VEK Vekamar Sustainable Fisheries Consulting 2024-05-23
VHO Venezuelan Hydrography, Oceanography, Meteorology and Nautical Mapping Service Native name is Servicio de Hidrografía, Oceanografía, Meteorología y Cartografiado Náutico. 2018-06-29
VUW Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environmental and Earth Sciences 2020-05-26
VST Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics HISTORY: Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics(2005-06-02 to present) 2019-12-11
VFM Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanological Observatory HISTORY: Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanological Observatory(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VIM Virginia Institute of Marine Science HISTORY: Virginia Institute of Marine Science(1940-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
VOT Voice of the Ocean Foundation 2025-01-06
BMM Volksgezondheid, Min. van en Leefmilieu, Belgium Formerly 4 character lab code BMMX 2011-12-07
WTI Water Insight Commercial water quality management company based in Wageningen, Netherlands. 2016-08-31
WSG Wayne State University Department of Geology HISTORY: Wayne State University Department of Geology(2004-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WSI Wellcome Sanger Institute Genome research institute. 2020-01-06
WWA Welsh Water Authority 2011-12-07
WSX Wessex Water Authority Bristol 2011-12-07
UWB Western Brittany University Formerly 4 character lab code UWBR 2011-12-07
MYS Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies department of Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, based in the seaport of Mystic, Connecticut. 2019-03-18
WRN Willis Research Network Commercially-funded body organising collaboration between public science and the financial sector. 2015-07-15
WMP Wimpey Laboratories 2011-12-07
WHG Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Geology and Geophysics Department HISTORY: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Geology and Geophysics Department(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WHE Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering HISTORY: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WHC Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry HISTORY: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WHO Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography HISTORY: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography(1930-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
WHB Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Biology HISTORY: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Biology(1930-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11
WCC Woodwell Climate Research Center Founded in 1985 as Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC), became Woodwell Climate Research Center in 2020 2022-08-26
WNS Worldwide Fund for Nature Sweden Swedish branch of an international non-governmental organisation concerned with the conservation, research and restoration of the environment located in Solna. Formerly named the World Wildlife Fund. 2012-09-26
WSU Wright State University, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences HISTORY: Wright State University, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences(1967-10-01 to present) 2019-12-11
XES Xiamen University State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science HISTORY: Xiamen University State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science(2005-03-01 to present) 2018-03-13
XUE Xiamen University, College of the Environment & Ecology 2020-02-03
GGY Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics University department located in New Haven, Connecticut. 2018-07-04
ZES Zhejiang University, School of Earth Sciences 2022-07-06
IOZ Zoological Society of London Institute of Zoology HISTORY: Zoological Society of London Institute of Zoology(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
INA inapplicable There is no appropriate value 2011-08-26
IBM École Normale Supérieure Institute of Marine Biogeochemistry HISTORY: École Normale Supérieure Institute of Marine Biogeochemistry(1900-01-01 to present) 2018-03-13
ENS École Normale Supérieure, Geosciences Department HISTORY: École Normale Supérieure, Geosciences Department(1987-01-01 to present) 2019-12-11