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Argo profile quality control flags

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
E 0% - 25% of profile good Between 0% (excluded) and 25% (excluded) of all levels in a given profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
F 0% of profile good 0% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control (QC) flags of 3, 4, 6 or 7. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
A 100% of profile good 100% of all levels in the profile contain good data. This means that all levels are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
D 25% - 50% of profile good Between 25% (included) and 50% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
C 50% - 75% of profile good Between 50% (included) and 75% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
B 75% - 100% of profile good Between 75% (included) and 100% (excluded) of all levels in the profile contain good data. Levels containing good data are associated with quality control flags (QC) flags of 1, 2, 5 or 8. Levels with QC flag values of 9 are excluded form the computation. 2020-04-04
N No QC No quality control (QC) was performed on any of the profile levels. 2020-04-04