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Climate and Forecast Cell Methods

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
CFCM0003 maximum Maximum 2007-05-17
CFCM0007 mean Mean (average value) 2007-05-17
CFCM0004 median Median 2007-05-17
CFCM0005 mid range Average of maximum and minimum 2007-05-17
CFCM0006 minimum Minimum 2007-05-17
CFCM0008 mode Mode (most common value) 2007-05-17
CFCM0001 point The data values are representative of points in space or time (instantaneous). This is the default method for a quantity that is intensive with respect to the specified dimension. 2007-05-17
CFCM0009 standard deviation Standard deviation 2007-05-17
CFCM0002 sum The data values are representative of a sum or accumulation over the cell. This is the default method for a quantity that is extensive with respect to the specified dimension. 2007-05-17
CFCM0010 variance Variance 2007-05-17