SeaVoX Device Catalogue
URI | http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/ |
Description | Terms for distinct sampling or measuring devices that may be identified in the real world in terms of manufacturer and model number. |
Creator | SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group |
Modified | 2025-03-27 |
Version Info | 747 |
Identifier | L22 |
Register Manager | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Register Owner | SeaDataNet and MarineXML Vocabulary Content Governance Group |
See Also | https://github.com/nvs-vocabs/L22 |
License | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
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ID ↑ | Preferred Label ↑ | Definition ↑ | Date ↑ |
TOOL0988 | 1-metre ring net | Plankton net described as 1-metre ring net; designed with single circular (ring) mouth piece with measurements: mouth diameter (metre)=1; with opening area (square metre)=0.8; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: can be used for qualitative sampling or the capture of live animals or quantitative sampling if used with flowmeter; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.333 as a standard but may vary; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL2022 | 10x Genomics chromium controller single cell analyser | The Chromium Controller is a single cell gene sequencer and immunity profiler. It uses advanced microfluidics to perform single cell partitioning and barcoding on a timescale of minutes. The instrument utilises gel beads, each containing millions of barcoded oligonucleotides, which are mixed with cells or nuclei from a sample pool at a flow rate designed to enable each gel bead to bind to a single cell or nucleus. Once bound, the gel beads are immersed in an oil solution, capturing each single bead, cell, and the immediately surrounding reagents in a bubble which then serves as a reaction vesicle. Using advanced microfluidics, the instrument encapsulates the gel beads in GEMs (gel beads-in-emulsion), along with a single cell or nucleus and reagents to create a micro reaction. The Chromium Controller enables large scale integrated multiomic analysis, with a cell throughput of 500 to 140,000 singlets per run. The instrument allows for several assays - single cell gene expression, immune profiling, Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin (ATAC), and multiome ATAC + gene expression. | 2024-03-21 |
TOOL1649 | 4-Deep Inwater Imaging HoloSea S7 submersible holographic microscope | A submersible holographic microscope for use in water profiling and monitoring applications, as well as particle, phytoplankton and zooplankton imaging for counts and morphological analysis. It outputs up to 22 images per second in real-time. It uses the principle of digital inline holography (DIH) to produce enlarged images of an object and its 3D structure. A laser is directed into a pinhole from which a spherical wave emanates. The wave illuminates the object and forms a geometrically magnified diffraction pattern on a charged couple device (CCD) screen. The interference pattern produced is displayed as a hologram stored as a digital image. The 3D structure of the object from the 2D hologram is reconstructed using a numerical algorithm (Kirchhoff-Helmholtz transform). The HoloSea S7 can be towed at 8 knots. The laser light source has a wavelength of 405 nm. It is pressure rated to 500 m with a cable depth of 100 m, but custom 6000 m rated models are also available. | 2023-04-13 |
TOOL2101 | 4H JENA engineering CONTROS HydroC CO2 pCO2 sensor | A versatile underwater carbon dioxide sensor suitable for in-situ and online measurements of dissolved CO2. Applications include use on unmanned platforms such as ROV and AUV, long-term deployment on seabed observatories, buoys, and moorings, and profiling applications using water sampling rosettes. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is determined by infrared absorption spectrometry of dissolved CO2 molecules which have passed through the instrument membrane into the detector chamber. Concentration dependent infrared light intensities are converted into an output signal from calibration coefficients stored in the sensor's firmware and data from additional sensors within the gas circuit. This instrument has deep sea capability, depth rating up to 6000 m. Temperature range: -2 to 35 degrees C. Measuring range: 200 - 1000 micro atmospheres. Resolution: < 1 micro atmosphere. Accuracy: 0.5 percent of reading. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL2108 | 4H JENA engineering CONTROS HydroFIA TA total alkalinity analyser | An automated flow through analyser for total alkalinity in seawater. Used for ocean acidification and carbonate chemistry research, monitoring of biological processes, and aquaculture monitoring. It can be used for continuous monitoring during surface water applications as well as for discrete water sample measurements. It can be integrated into existing systems on Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) such as FerryBoxes. Seawater is acidified by injection of hydrochloric acid (HCl). After acidification the generated CO2 is removed by a TOUGH membrane based degassing unit, resulting in an open cell titration. The subsequent pH determination is carried out by indicator dye (Bromocresol Green) and VIS absorption spectrometry. Together with salinity and temperature, the resulting pH is used for the calculation of total alkalinity. Measurement cycles of less than 10 mins. Low sample (<50 ml) and reagent (100 uL) consumption. Operating temperature range from +5 - +30 degC. Salinity range from 20 - 37 PSU. Measuring range from 400 umol/kg (dynamic) to 2000 umol/kg (standard). Resolution of 0.1 umol/kg. Accuracy +/- 5 umol/kg, precision +/- 2 umol/kg. | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL1120 | AERONET SeaWIFS SeaPRISM radiometer | A CIMEL CE 318 Sun Photometer that has been modified to validate satellite ocean colour measurements in the AERONET-OC network. It autonomously performs sky and sea radiance observations at programmable viewing and azimuth angles at centre wavelengths in the 412-1020 nanometre spectral range. | 2017-04-04 |
TOOL1646 | AML Oceanographic AML-1 RT sonde | The AML-1 series of instruments is a highly configurable sonde designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The '1' designation refers to the number of sensors that may be installed on the instrument's endcap. The RT designation (i.e. AML-1 RT) stands for Real-Time as these instruments can stream data while in-situ. These instruments are commonly used in measurement of sound velocity on sonar systems, moored applications, buoys, underwater observatories, and ROVs. However, the AML-1 is compatible with any of the X2 series of Xchangeable sensors. Typical configurations include: Sound Velocity (SV), Turbidity (Tu), Pressure / Water Level (P), and Conductivity + Temperature (CT). Depth rated to 6000m. | 2021-03-01 |
TOOL2121 | AML Oceanographic AML-3 RT sonde | A highly configurable multiparameter sonde designed for a wide range of data collection applications. The AML-3 RT has the ability to both stream data while in-situ and internally record data. Configurations include Sound Velocity Profiling (SVP); Sound Velocity and Turbidity Profiling (SVP Tu); Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD); Sound Velocity/ Conductivity Temperature and Depth (SVCTD). Streep lamp UV biofouling protection may be added to this instrument. This instrument allows for three sensors to be simultaneously installed on the endcap, and another two sensors may be connected externally. This instrument has a depth capability of up to 500 m with acetal pressure housing, or up to 6000 m with titanium pressure housing. | 2024-11-14 |
TOOL1599 | AML Oceanographic AML-6 LGR | Self-powered multiparameter sonde intended for water column profiling applications with internal data logging and post-deployment data tranfer. The sonde is part of the AML-6 series of instruments designed to carry up to six AML X2 series sensors on the endcap in costumizable configurations; optionally, two additional sensors may be connected externally. The sonde has integrated Wifi and GPS, USB connectivity, Sailfish software installed for automatic data processing and export, as well as optional UV biofouling protection. Depth rating of the instrument can be either 500 m or 6000 m. | 2021-01-25 |
TOOL1600 | AML Oceanographic AML-6 RT | Externally powered multiparameter sonde intended for in-situ water column observations with real-time data stream, commonly used in moored platforms, buoys, underwater observatories and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The sonde is part of the AML-6 series of instruments designed to carry up to six AML X2 series sensors on the endcap in costumizable configurations; optionally, two additional sensors may be connected externally. The sonde has integrated Wifi and GPS, USB connectivity, Sailfish software installed for automatic data processing and export, as well as optional UV biofouling protection. Depth rating of the instrument can be either 500 m or 6000 m. | 2021-01-25 |
TOOL1522 | AML Oceanographic C-Xchange conductivity sensor | A conductivity sensor in a field-swappable body. These sensors can be exchanged between different Xchange instrument types as well as allowing quick, easy, and on-site replacement of the sensor should the sensor be damaged. Ideal for long-term deployments. C-Xchange sensors store all pertinent manufacturing and calibration data internally. This allows the sensor to be swapped between any C-Xchange enabled instruments without manually updating the calibration coefficients. Calibration sheets can be printed on demand by any instrument connected to AMLs SeaCast software. Re-calibrations only require the sensor, not the instrument, to be shipped to the service centre. Right angle and in-line flow sensors are available. Depth rating: 6000 m. Range: 0-2 mS (standard) but will over-range to 100 mS/cm. During long term, in situ deployments, conductivity stability is +/- 0.003 mS/cm/month when used with UV-Xchange. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0821 | AML Oceanographic Micro SV sound velocity probe | A single sensor, sound velocity probe for multi-beam systems. It can also be integrated into AUV and ROV systems. The probe directly measures sound velocity by the time-of-flight of an acoustic ping. It has a range of 1400 m/s - 1600 m/s and an accuracy of +/-0.05 m/s. | 2015-01-26 |
TOOL1422 | AML Oceanographic Minos X CTD | A compact combined CTD/SVP. Minos X is the mid-size logger of the X Series family. It is designed primarily for small boat and hand deployed operations. It provides all the capabilities and accuracy of the larger Plus X instruments, but trades off battery capacity and additional sensor channels in favour of reduced weight and size. The instrument can measure conductivity, temperature, pressure, turbidity and sound velocity depending on the configuration of optional sensors. Minos X is capable of logging continuously for 38 hours with a full battery charge. The actual life varies somewhat depending on the sensors installed. Sampling rates are programmable by time (25 Hz to every 24 hours), by pressure (0.1 dbar or greater increments), or by sound speed (0.1 m/s or greater increments). When logging at time intervals of 25 seconds or more, Minos X powers down between samples to conserve the batteries. Also available as an SVPT. For those surveying beyond 1000 m, deep water Minos X in titanium housing will withstand the harshest of environments. Available with Data Xchange to enable WiFi communication, automatic data transfer, and integrated GPS positioning. | 2020-04-29 |
TOOL1612 | AML Oceanographic P-Xchange pressure sensor series | A series of sensor components used as swappable sensor heads in AML Xchange instruments or as OEM components in other products when used with an adaptor. The sensors measure pressure using the Piezoresistive principle. Each sensor head contains its own embedded calibration. Different measurement range variations are available from 50-6000 dbar. It is depth-rated to 6000 m. It has a precision of 0.03% FS and accuracy of 0.05% FS. | 2021-06-08 |
TOOL0822 | AML Oceanographic SV 2000 Smart Sensor sound velocity probe | A single sensor, sound velocity probe for use in a multitude of liquids and can be integrated into a variety of platforms. The probe directly measures sound velocity by the time-of-flight of an acoustic ping. It has a range of 500 m/s - 2000 m/s and accuracy of +/- 2 m/s accuracy (+/- 0.25 m/s in water). | 2015-01-26 |
TOOL1701 | AML Oceanographic SV-Xchange sound velocity sensor | A sound velocity sensor in a field-swappable body. These sensors can be exchanged between different Xchange instrument types, with each sensor head containing its own embedded calibration, allowing quick, easy, and on-site replacement of the sensor without impacting field accuracy. The SV-Xchange sound velocity sensor has a depth rating of 6000 m, a resolution of 0.001 m/s, and a response time of 20 ms. There are three options available depending on the intended application (typical oceanographic conditions, brine solutions, and special fluids). The instruments have ranges of 1375-1625, 1100-2000, and 500-2000 m/s, and accuracies of 0.025, 0.5 and 1.0 m/s respectively among the three application options. | 2021-06-16 |
TOOL0830 | AML Oceanographic Smart SV and P sound velocity probe | A sound velocity probe for use in shallow water applications, multi-beam systems and can also be integrated in AUV and ROV systems. The probe directly measures sound velocity by the time-of flight of an acoustic ping. It also measures pressure using a temperature-compensated strain gauge. It has a range of 1400 m/s - 1600 m/s and an accuracy of +/-0.05 m/s. It has a pressure range up to 6000 m (accuracy +/-0.05% FS). | 2015-02-19 |
TOOL0823 | AML Oceanographic Smart SV and T sound velocity probe | A sound velocity probe for use in sound chest applications and can also be integrated in AUV and ROV systems. The probe directly measures sound velocity by the time-of flight of an acoustic ping. It also measures temperature using a precision-aged thermistor. It has a range of 1400 m/s - 1600 m/s and an accuracy of +/-0.05 m/s. It has a temperature range of -2 to 32 deg C (accuracy +/-0.005 deg C). | 2015-01-26 |
TOOL1331 | AML Oceanographic Smart X multi-parameter hydrographic sensor | A triple port, real-time probe ideal for long-term in-situ deployments as well as deployments in salt or freshwater. The Smart X probe is fitted with a series of hydrographic Xchange sensors, manufactured by AML Oceanographic, that can be interchanged in the field leading to different configurations. Sensors include conductivity, temperature, sound velocity, pressure and turbidity. A UV sensor can also be fitted to reduce bio-fouling. The instrument is designed for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) deployments. The pressure range of the P Xchange sensor varies according to the chosen configuration, with various options between 50 - 6000 dbar. The Smart X probe has a depth rating of either 500 m or 6000 m, depending on the sensor cage material (carbon fibre, copper or titanium) and the housing material (acetal or titanium). Supported communication protocols for Smart X are RS-232 or RS-485. Sampling rates are programmable by time (25 Hz to every 24 hours). | 2021-01-27 |
TOOL1702 | AML Oceanographic T-Xchange temperature sensor | A temperature sensor in a field-swappable body. These sensors can be exchanged between different Xchange instrument types, with each sensor head containing its own embedded calibration, allowing quick, easy, and on-site replacement of the sensor without impacting field accuracy. The T-Xchange temperature sensor has a depth rating of 6000 m, a range of -5 to 45 degC (but will over-range to 60 degC), precision, accuracy and resolution of 0.003, 0.005 and 0.001 degC respectively, and a response time of 100 ms. | 2021-06-16 |
TOOL1318 | AML Oceanographic X Metrec multiparameter CTD | An interchangeable, in-situ multiparameter CTD sonde. It is designed for ROV or long-term remote deployments. The instrument features an interchangeable sensor head that allows users to change the sensor load from a dedicated pool of AML Xchange sensor caps. Available sensors measure combinations of conductivity, temperature, sound velocity, turbidity and pressure. The instrument also features auxiliary sensor ports. Supported communication protocols are RS-232 or RS-485. The instrument can be equipped with optional biofouling controls (UV or copper-nickel alloy cage). Sampling rates are set by time (2 Hz to every 24 hours), by pressure (0.1 dbar or greater increments), or by sound speed (0.1 m/s or greater increments). It is depth-rated to 500 m or 6000 m. | 2019-02-20 |
TOOL1410 | AML Oceanographic X Series Plus X data logger | An underwater, multisensor data logger. It is designed for deep, winch deployed applications. It uses a combination of primary and secondary ports (up to 5 in total) to mount and interchange AML Xchange sensors, depending on the current application. Supported communication protocols are RS-232 or RS-485. The instrument can be powered both internally and externally, and can be equipped with a Data Xchange module to add wireless capabilities and enhance data transfer rates. Up to 4 additional remote analog ports can be added. It is capable of logging continuously for 49 hours with fresh alkaline batteries. Sampling rates are programmable by time (25 Hz to every 24 hours), by pressure (0.1 dbar or greater increments), or by sound speed (0.1 m/s or greater increments). Operational depth ratings are 500 m (acetal housing), 5000 m (anodized aluminum 6061) and 6000 m (anodized aluminum 7075). | 2020-03-19 |
TOOL1509 | AMT Analysenmesstechnik MoS oxygen sensor | An underwater oxygen sensor. It is suitable for long-term deployments and can be used in salt water, lakes and rivers (fresh or charged water). It measures dissolved oxygen using the Clark-measuring principle. It consists of a pressure tube, oxygen sensor head and sensor cap with pressure compensation and membrane. A multi-core 4-wire sea-cable is used for power supply and data acquisition. A power supply of 12 VDC is used as current source for the sensor as standard. Other voltage and signal output configurations are possible. Housing maerial is plastic (POM) or titanium. Accuracy: 1.5% saturation. Measurement range: 0 - 150 % saturation. | 2020-08-03 |
TOOL0986 | ARIES pup net | Plankton net described as one of typically two simple conical ring nets attached by bungee to either side of the ARIES net sampler frame to collect integrated samples; designed with single circular mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.14; with opening area (square metre)=0.015; with total filtering net length (metre)=1.47; with filtering net shape conical; with mesh size (millimetre)=not specified; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1151 | ASL AZFP Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler | An autonomous scientific echosounder for the measurement and monitoring of environmental conditions in oceans, lakes and rivers. Abundance of zooplankton, fish, bubbles and suspended sediments in the water column are common targets, via the measurement of acoustic backscatter returns at multiple ultrasonic frequencies. Using onboard data storage, the AZFP can collect data continuously for periods of up to one year at high temporal and spatial resolution. The AZFP is available with up to four frequencies in a single transducer housing. It can be operated in bottom-mounted, upward looking mode or in downward looking mode from a buoy, and is ideally suited for taut-line mooring operation. It has a configurable ping rate up to 1 Hz, 16 Gb Compact Flash storage with up to 32 Gb available, and weighs 50 kg in its ruggedised shipping case. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL0292 | ASL Environmental Sciences IPS4 Ice Profiler Sonar | The ASL Environmental Sciences ISP4 is an upward looking sonar device for measuring ice keel drafts. Distance between the instrument and ice keel is measured by sonar at an operating frequency of 420 kHz with a beam width of 1.8 degrees and sampling rate of up to 2Hz. Water depth is measured by a pressure sensor and ice draft is calculated by difference. It has a depth range of 175 metres in ice or 225 metres in water and a precision of 0.05 metres. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1250 | ASL Environmental Sciences Shallow Water Ice Profiler | An upward-looking sonar device which can be mounted on lake, river or ocean floors to measure ice draft for monitoring of ice dynamics in shallow water environments. Ice thickness is measured in real-time using an acoustic transducer, tilt sensor, high-precision pressure sensor and temperature sensor, all providing suitably high resolution for shallow water measurements. The instrument can be operated in an internal recording mode with a connection to an underwater battery pack for power, or with RS-422 serial output for real-time operation using an underwater cable which also allows for external power. The SWIP has a storage capacity up to 16 Gb, an operating frequency of either 542 kHz (standard) or 235 kHz (optional), a half-beam width of 3 degrees (standard) or 5.5 degrees (optional), a sampling rate of up to 2 Hz, and a maximum range of 20 metres. The tilt sensor has a range -20 to +20 degrees, an accuracy -0.5 to +0.5 and a precision of 0.01 degrees. | 2018-07-31 |
TOOL1420 | ASL Environmental Sciences Zooplankton Acoustic Profiler (ZAP) 200 kHz {Water Column Profiler (WCP)} echosounder | A cable tethered instrument designed to measure and record the Water Column moving through its field of view from the seabed during long, unattended, deployments. It transmits an acoustic pulse of programmable duration, then listens for the echo from targets in the water column. It returns a value of the acoustic intensity for every 12.5 cm. It can be deployed up to 150 m beneath the surface, looking upward, or from the surface looking downward. | 2020-04-17 |
TOOL1777 | Aanderaa 2740 wind speed sensor | A wind speed sensor measuring average and maximum wind speed (gust), designed for use with the Aanderaa SmartGuard and the Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station 2700. Consisting of a three-cup rotor on top of an aluminium housing, it can be fitted onto the Sensor Cross Arms of an Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station or used separately via connecting cable. A micro controller reads the pulses from the magneto inductive switch sensing the rotor's rotation and uses the pulse count to calculate the wind speed. Average wind speed is obtained as the arithmetic mean of the wind regardless of the sampling interval, provided that the sampling interval is between four seconds and three hours. Maximum wind speed is the highest speed occurring over a two-second period at any time during the sampling interval. The micro controller also provides the Aanderaa SR10 output signals for wind speed and gust. Both output signals have the same conversion factor for calculation of wind speed in engineering units from the ten-bit output data. The 2740 has a range up to 79 m/s, accuracy +/-2 percent or +/- 0.2 m/s, whichever is greater. It requires a threshold wind speed 0.3 m/s and has an operating temperature of -40 to +65 degC. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL1767 | Aanderaa 2770 solar radiation sensor | A sensor for incoming solar and sky radiation, specially designed for use with Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station 2700 and SmartGuard. This sensor employs a high sensitivity thermistor bridge which measures the temperature rise of a black surface under a glass dome. The instrument has a measurement range of 0 - 2000 W/m2, with an accuracy better than +/- 20 W/m2, and a resolution of 4 W/m2. It can detect wavelengths between 0.3 to 2.5 micrometres. | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1779 | Aanderaa 2810 air pressure sensor | A barometric pressure sensor designed for use with the Aanderaa Automatic Weather Stations and Display Units. The 2810 utilizes a 4x4 mm silicon chip as a sensing element. A thin membrane is exposed to atmospheric pressure on one side and to a vacuum on the other. The membrane is furnished with 4 diffused resistors that form a Wheatstone bridge. The output signal is proportional to the atmospheric pressure. The chip acts as an absolute pressure-sensing device. A temperature sensing resistor and 4 heating resistors are also diffused onto the chip. In conjunction with an external control circuit, these resistors allow the chip to be held at a constant temperature of 47 degC during the measurement. It has a measurement range of 920 to 1080 hPa, an accuracy of +/- 0.2 hPa, a resolution of 0.2 hPa, and an operating temperature range of -40 to +47 degC. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL1775 | Aanderaa 3010 sensor scanning unit | A compact, electronic device for scanning and reading a set of Aanderaa sensors. It is a rugged, watertight design intended for use in Aanderaa Automatic Weather Stations and for other field datalogging applications. The 3010 contains a 12 channel multiplexer, an R-2R network for analog to digital conversion and a digital control system that includes a microprocessor. Input signals from the sensors may either be routed through the 18-pin mast cable receptacle (for the Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station) or the separate sensor receptacles. Up to 12 channels are available, selectable by a switch. A number of sampling intervals can be selected: Non-stop, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 or 180 minutes. In the field the unit is powered by the Solar Cell Power Module 3189 or by batteries. If available it can be mains powered via the AC/DC Adapter 3786. Bridge voltage: 10 pulses for each channel. Duration of each pulse is 1/36 seconds. It has a 10 bit resolution and an accuracy of +/- 1 bit. It has an operating temperature of -40 to +60 degC. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL1776 | Aanderaa 3455 air temperature sensor | An air temperature sensor featuring a Pt2000 sensor element, designed for use with the Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station 2700. The sensor is furnished with a standard Aanderaa sensor foot that plugs directly onto the sensor cross-arm of the Automatic Weather Station 2700 or, it can be fastened to a 25 mm aluminium tube. The sensor is equipped with a radiation screen that will hinder heating of the sensor by direct sunshine in wind velocities as low as 0.5 m/s. The sensor is based on the ohmic half-bridge principle (VR-22) and employs a 2000 ohm film-type platinum resistor as the sensing element. Separate sensor cables of up to 500 meters can be used. The 3455 is available in three measurement ranges: -43 to +48 degC, -30 to +60 degC and -60 to +30 degC. The Pt2000 sensor element has a resolution of 0.1 percent of range and an accuracy +/- 0.1 percent of range. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL1778 | Aanderaa 3590 wind direction sensor | A sensor for measuring average wind direction, designed for use with the Aanderaa SmartGuard and the Aanderaa Automatic Weather Station 2700. It can be mounted directly on the sensor arm of the Automatic Weather Station 2700, and can also be deployed on a Data Buoy Sensor Ring. This sensor consists of a wind vane on top of a magnetically-coupled compass. The compass consists of a sensing element mounted on an electronic card. In the sensing element is a follower magnet which follows the magnet on the wind vane. Four Hall elements measure the direction every second and a micro controller on the electronic card calculates the average direction in the measuring period. When direction is to be read, the compass will read out the average reading since the last reading was taken. The housing bearing the compass must be orientated towards North or to a reference point like a ship's centre-line for an ordinary degree indication. A non-averaging version (3590B) is also available. The 3590 has a measurement range of 0 to 360 degrees magnetic and requires a threshold wind speed of 0.3 m/s. It has an accuracy +/- 5 degrees and an operating temperature from -40 to +65 degC. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL0836 | Aanderaa 3830 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor designed to mount on RCM 9 or RDCP 600 or similar OEM applications. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing (depth rating 6000m).The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy +/- 5% or 8uM; precision +/- 0.4 uM. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0103 | Aanderaa 3835 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor designed to mount on RCM 9 or RDCP 600 or similar OEM applications. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight plastic and titanium housing (depth rating 300m).The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy +/- 5% or 8uM; precision +/- 0.4 uM. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1421 | Aanderaa 3930 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor which can be connected via cable to AADI SR10/VR22 Data logger. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing (depth rating 6000m). The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy < 8uM or 5% (whichever is greater). | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0369 | Aanderaa 3975 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor which provides analogue output to third party data loggers. Measurement is based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0102 | Aanderaa 4130 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor for use with Aanderaa data loggers. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0101 | Aanderaa 4175 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor for OEM applications. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL: http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/119483/. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0826 | Aanderaa 4330 and 4330F oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor for use with Aanderaa data loggers. Data collection is based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescent quenchers. The platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water is the fluorescent indicator. Modulated blue light excites the sensor, which in turn measures the phase of the returned red light. Stability is improved by means of a reference phase reading using a red LED that does not produce fluorescence in the foil. The foil is standard or fast-acting (F). y linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy is <8 microMolar O2 or 5% (whichever is greater). It is depth-rated to 6000 m. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1247 | Aanderaa 4330 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor that uses a standard sensing foil for use with Aanderaa data loggers. Data collection is based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescent quenchers. The platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water is the fluorescent indicator. Modulated blue light excites the sensor, which in turn measures the phase of the returned red light. Stability is improved by means of a reference phase reading using a red LED that does not produce fluorescence in the foil. The standard sensing foil is protected by an opticalisolation layer which makes the foil extra rugged and insensitive to direct sunlight. y linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Oxygen response time (63%) is <25 secs. Accuracy is <8 microMolar O2 or 5% (whichever is greater). It is depth-rated to 6000 m. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1248 | Aanderaa 4330F oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor that uses a fast response sensing foil for use with Aanderaa data loggers. Data collection is based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescent quenchers. The platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water is the fluorescent indicator. Modulated blue light excites the sensor, which in turn measures the phase of the returned red light. Stability is improved by means of a reference phase reading using a red LED that does not produce fluorescence in the foil. The sensing foil is not protected by an opticalisolation layer to improve the reseponse time. y linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Oxygen response time (63%) is <8 secs. Accuracy is <8 microMolar O2 or 5% (whichever is greater). It is depth-rated to 6000 m. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0969 | Aanderaa 4531 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor which provides analogue and digital output to third party data loggers. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. | 2016-01-26 |
TOOL1239 | Aanderaa 4831 oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor which provides analogue (0-5V) and digital output (RS-232) to third party data loggers, gliders and floats. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. In this standard model, a black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight housing. The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. For improved stability the 4831 optode also performs areference phase reading by use of a red LED that does not produce fluorescence in the foil. This model is fitted with a standard sensing foil. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy +/- 1.5% or 2uM; precision +/- 0.2 uM. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1240 | Aanderaa 4831F oxygen optode | A dissolved oxygen sensor which provides analogue (0-5V) and digital output (RS-232) to third party data loggers, gliders and floats. Measurement based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. This sub-model is not equipped with a black optical isolation coating that protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight housing. The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. For improved stability the 4831 optode also performs a reference phase reading by use of a red LED that does not produce fluorescence in the foil. This sub-model is fitted with a fast response (transparent) sensing foil (response time <8 secs). By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. Accuracy +/- 1.5% or 2uM; precision +/- 0.2 uM. | 2018-05-30 |
TOOL0590 | Aanderaa CTR7 thermistor conductivity chain | An instrument with up to 5 induction conductivity and thermistor temperature sensor pairs along a string held vertically in the water column and connected to a 12-channel Aanderaa DL7 data logger. The twelfth channel may be used for an optional pressure sensor housed in one of the senor pairs Overall accuracy (+/-) 0.1C for temperature and 0.3 mS/cm for conductivity. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/78767/. | 2013-01-17 |
TOOL0171 | Aanderaa Doppler current sensor 4100 | A 2 MHz vector averaging sensor for measuring current speed and direction. It can be deployed to a depth of 300 m, with a velocity range of 0-300 cm/s and a velocity accuracy of 0.15 cm/s. It has a directional accuracy of 5° for 0-15° tilt and 7.5° for 15-35° tilt. 4100R model also available with adjustable ping rate. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1207 | Aanderaa Pressure Sensor 4117/4117R | An integrated pressure and temperature sensor designed to either be connected to an Aanderaa SmartGuard data logger, to be mounted on to the Aanderaa SeaGuard platform, or to operate as a stand-alone sensor using RS-232. The instrument can operate down to 6000 m depth, and has a selectable interval of 1 second to 255 minutes. The pressure range varies between the six sensor models, from 0-1000 kPa for the 4117A/4117AR model, to 0-60000 kPa for the 4117F/4117FR model; for all models, the pressure resolution is <0.0001 % full scale output (FSO) and the pressure accuracy is +/- 0.2% FSO. All models have a temperature range of 0 degC to 36 degC, a resolution of <0.001 degC, and an accuracy of 0.05 degC. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0026 | Aanderaa RCM 11 Recording Current Meter | The RCM 11 is a single-point doppler recording current meter pressure cased to operate at depths of up to 6000 metres. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/106028/ | 2010-09-07 |
TOOL0211 | Aanderaa RCM 4/5 Recording Current Meter | Family of self-recording current meters with Savonius Rotors recording averaged speed and a magnetic compass recording spot directions. The meter has a balanced weight vane which aligns it with the current flow and is mounted using shackles between segments of mooring line. Optional temperature, pressure and conductivity sensors may be fitted. The RCM5 has a strengthened casing allowing deployment to 6000m. For more details see http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/4872/ | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0212 | Aanderaa RCM 4/5 temperature and salinity recorders | Withdrawn RCM4 or RCM5 current meters fitted with conductivity and temperature sensors given a new lease of life as temperature and salinity recorders. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0121 | Aanderaa RCM 7/8 Recording Current Meter | Family of self-recording paddle wheel current meters with different pressure cases that record the vector averaged speed and direction over a sampling interval. The paddle wheel rotor is magnetically coupled to an electronic counter. The meter has a balanced weight vane which aligns it with the current flow. For more details see http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/65611/. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0028 | Aanderaa RCM 9 IW Recording Current Meter | The RCM 9 IW is a single-point doppler recording current meter with a medium weight case to operate at depths of up to 2000 metres. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/106028/ | 2010-09-07 |
TOOL0027 | Aanderaa RCM 9 LW Recording Current Meter | The RCM 9 LW is a single-point doppler recording current meter with a lightweight case to operate at depths of up to 300 metres. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/106028/ | 2010-09-07 |
TOOL0029 | Aanderaa RCM 9/11 Recording Current Meter | The RCM 9/11 a family of single-point doppler recording current meter with a different casing options to allow working at depths of up to 300 (RCM 9 LW), 2000 (RCM 9 IW) or 6000 (RCM 11) metres. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/106028/ | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0166 | Aanderaa RDCP 600 Recording Doppler Current Profiler | The RDCP 600 is a medium range, 600kHz self-recording Doppler Current Profiler. The standard RDCP 600 can be deployed to a depth of 300m, with a velocity range of 0-500 cm/s, vertical velocity accuracy of 1.0 cm/s and horizontal velocity accuracy of 0.5cm/s. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0306 | Aanderaa Seaguard Recording Current Meter | A multi-frequency Doppler current sensor for measuring horizontal current speed and direction. The shallow water (SW), intermediate water (IW) and deep water (DW) models can be deployed to 300 m, 2000 m and 6000 m, respectively. The instrument has a maximum sampling rate of 0.5 Hz, a velocity range of 0 - 300 cm s-1, and incorporates an electronic compass and a tilt sensor. A number of additional oceanographic sensors may also be attached. Further details can be found at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/pdf/Aanderaa_Seaguard_RCM.pdf | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0629 | Aanderaa WLR 5 Water Level Recorder | A bottom pressure recorder for measuring sea level in shallow waters with optional Fenwall thermistor temperature sensor logging to an internal magnetic tape unit. More information is available in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/67867/. | 2013-07-25 |
TOOL0031 | Aanderaa WLR 7 Water Level Recorder | A bottom pressure recorder for measuring sea level in shallow waters with optional Fenwall thermistor temperature sensor logging to an internal solid-state data storage unit. More information is available in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/225584/. | 2013-07-25 |
TOOL0030 | Aanderaa WLR 8 Water Level Recorder | The WLR 8 is a bottom pressure recorder recording sea level with deployment depths of up to 6000 metres. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/135903/ | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0498 | Aanderaa conductivity sensor 3919A | An inductive conductivity sensor designed to operate over a range of 0-7.5 S/m with a resolution of 0.0002 S/m and an accuracy of +/- 0.005 S/m. The instrument includes a temperature sensor with a range of -5 to 40 degC, a resolution of 0.01 degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. The shallow water (SW) version of the instrument is rated to 300 m, the intermediate water (IW) version to 2000 m and the deep water (DW) version to 6000 m. The instrument has a titanium casing and can be interfaced with the Aanderaa RCM9/11 or RDCP, or used for standalone operations. | 2012-06-13 |
TOOL0499 | Aanderaa conductivity sensor 3919B | An inductive conductivity sensor designed to operate over a range of 0-7.5 S/m with a resolution of 0.0002 S/m and an accuracy of +/- 0.0018 S/m. The instrument includes a temperature sensor with a range of -5 to 40 degC, a resolution of 0.01 degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. The shallow water (SW) version of the instrument is rated to 300 m, the intermediate water (IW) version to 2000 m and the deep water (DW) version to 6000 m. The instrument has a titanium casing and can be interfaced with the Aanderaa RCM9/11 or RDCP, or used for standalone operations. | 2012-06-13 |
TOOL0626 | Aanderaa conductivity sensor 4319A | An inductive conductivity sensor designed to operate over a range of 0-7.5 S/m with a resolution of 0.0002 S/m and an accuracy of +/- 0.005 S/m. The instrument includes a temperature sensor with a range of -5 to 40 degC, a resolution of 0.01 degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. The shallow water (SW) version of the instrument is rated to 300 m, the intermediate water (IW) version to 2000 m and the deep water (DW) version to 6000 m. The instrument has a titanium casing and can be interfaced with the Aanderaa RCM9/11 or RDCP, or used for standalone operations. Unlike the Aanderaa 3919A, the 4319A incorporates SmartGuard data logger connectivity, and updated AADI protocol. | 2013-06-12 |
TOOL0627 | Aanderaa conductivity sensor 4319B | An inductive conductivity sensor designed to operate over a range of 0-7.5 S/m with a resolution of 0.0002 S/m and an accuracy of +/- 0.0018 S/m. The instrument includes a temperature sensor with a range of -5 to 40 degC, a resolution of 0.01 degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. The shallow water (SW) version of the instrument is rated to 300 m, the intermediate water (IW) version to 2000 m and the deep water (DW) version to 6000 m. The instrument has a titanium casing and can be interfaced with the Aanderaa RCM9/11 or RDCP, or used for standalone operations. Unlike the Aanderaa 3919A, the 4319A incorporates SmartGuard data logger connectivity, and updated AADI protocol. | 2013-06-12 |
TOOL0805 | Aanderaa optode | A generic label for a range of dissolved oxygen sensors produced by Aanderaa covering various mounting options. Each has a specific model number but in this case it is not known. All make measurements based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. The fluorescent indicator is a special platinum porphyrin complex embedded in a gas permeable foil that is exposed to the surrounding water. A black optical isolation coating protects the complex from sunlight and fluorescent particles in the water. This sensing foil is attached to a window providing optical access for the measuring system from inside a watertight titanium housing.The foil is excited by modulated blue light, and the phase of a returned red light is measured. By linearizing and temperature compensating, with an incorporated temperature sensor, the absolute O2 concentration can be determined. | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL0804 | Aanderaa pressure recorder | An early (1970s) pressure recorder that used a Digiquartz type 2-300a quartz crystal pressure transducer. The pressure sensor consisted of a convoluted bellows linked to a 40kHz quartz crystal resonator coupled by piezoelectric action to an electronic resonator. Data were recorded onto 0.25 inch magnetic tape on an Aanderaa data logger in the same case. A quartz crystal clock was used for controlling the sampling interval. The data were recorded as 10 bit binary words in serial form with the frequency count from the sensor stored as the most and least significant counts. | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL0712 | Aanderaa temperature sensor 4050 | A compact fully integrated sensor for measuring the water temperature. The sensor is designed to be mounted on Aanderaa recording instruments (e.g. RCM 9/11 doppler current meter) and data loggers. The sensor can also be used as stand alone, and is easily integrated in other measurement systems with third party data loggers. Resolution is 0.001 C and accuracy is 0.03 C. Further development of the 4050 has been suspended in favour of the replacement 4060 model. More information may be found in http://www.aanderaa.com/productsdetail.php?Temperature-Sensor-12. | 2014-06-30 |
TOOL0711 | Aanderaa temperature sensor 4060 | A compact fully integrated sensor for measuring the water temperature based on a Fenwell thermistor that is designed to be mounted on the Aanderaa SeaGuard Platform. The sensor can also be used as stand-alone (RS232) and is easily integrated in other measurement systems with third party data loggers. It replaces the 4050 temperature sensor. Resolution is 0.001 C and accuracy is 0.03 C. More information may be found in http://www.aanderaa.com/media/pdfs/Temperature-Sensor-4060.pdf. | 2014-06-30 |
TOOL0589 | Aanderaa thermistor chain | An instrument with 11 Fenwal 2K iso-curve thermistors mounted along a string from 10 to 400m long held vertically in the water column and connected to a 12-channel Aanderaa TR or SeaData data logger rated to 2000m depth. The twelfth channel was used for an internal reference number, a Bourdon tube pressure sensor (Aanderaa) or an additional thermistor (SeaData) housed in the logger. Overall accuracy (+/-) is between 0.1 and 0.2C. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/67001/. | 2013-01-17 |
TOOL1064 | Active Microwave Instrument | An active microwave instrument consisting of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and a wind scatterometer (SCAT), the former designed to capture imagery of ocean, land and ice at high resolution and independently of weather conditions, and the latter utilised to measure horizontal wind speed and wind vector over the surface, as well as soil moisture and sea-ice type. The SAR radar operates by obtaining strips of imagery in two modes: the imaging mode, and the wave mode. In imaging mode, SAR provides two-dimensional images between (6 - 30)m along-track at a spatial resolution of 26m. In wave mode, imagettes of 5 km by 5 km in size are captured at regular intervals of 200 km along track; the imagettes are then processed within the swath to obtain the wave spectra, as changes in radar reflectivity on the sea surface are proxies for length and direction of surface waves. SCAT is composed by three sideways-looking antennas which generate radar beams at 45, 90 and 135 degrees azimuth across a swath 500 km wide situated 200 km to the right of the sub-satellite track. The radar backscatter is then measured for overlapping cells of 50 km resolution, using a grid spacing of 25 km. This technique permits three different viewing directions almost simultaneously, facilitating the determination of surface wind vectors. SAR and SCAT can be operated together, unless SAR is in imaging mode. The wave direction detected range is (0 - 180) degrees, at an accuracy of +/- 20 degrees; the detected wavelength range is (100 - 1000) m, with an accuracy of +/- 25%. AMI-SAR operates at the C-band frequency of 5.3 GHz with a bandwidth of 15.5 MHz, using vertically polarised antennas. The spatial resolution achieved is 30 m over a 100 km swath, located 250 km to the right of the sub-satellite track; the look angle is 23 degrees. Wind direction detected range is (0 - 360) degrees, at an accuracy of +/- 20 degrees; wind speed detected range is (4 - 24) m/s, at an accuracy of 2 m/s and spatial resolution of 50 km. AMI-SCAT operates at the C-band frequency of 5.3 GHz +/- 200 kHz. Flown on ERS-1, ERS-2. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/23; https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/24 | 2022-03-18 |
NETT0001 | Adriatic plankton sampler - Krsinic (1990) | Construction is a 50 cm diameter cylindrical sampler sent to depth with the cylinder net (0.25 mm mesh) closed and upside down (cod-end facing upward). A messenger releases the bottom margin of cylinder allowing it to drop open (115 cm length) and at the same time closing half circle doors. A second messenger releases the first support bridle and the sampler turns right side up. Sampler collects about 250 litres of water [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 11 A]. | 2012-05-11 |
TOOL1061 | Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer | A passive optical imager with dual view composed of a 7-channel infra-red radiometer, designed to measure sea surface temperature, cloud attributes, as well as vegetation and sea-ice cover. The infra-red radiometer uses an along-track scanning telescope to focus incoming radiation from two views at different angles: one at nadir and one fore-looking at approximately 47 degrees. The same point on the Earth's surface is thus observed twice through differing atmospheric thickness, allowing for direct estimation of the atmospheric absorption and scattering, which can be used for atmospheric correction of the surface dataset. The instrument carries an on-board visible calibration system. The AATSR is functionally identical to ATSR-2, but its structure is adapted to the Envisat platform. Moreover, AATSR has a larger telemetry bandwidth compared to ATSR-2, allowing it to collect and telemeter a greater amount of visible data. The instrument's bandwidths are: (0.53 - 0.57)um, (0.64 - 0.68)um, (0.85 - 0.89)um, (1.31 - 1.91)um, (3.55 - 3.85)um, (10.35 - 11.35)um, (11.50 - 12.50)um. The instrument's resolution is 1 km at the instantaneous field of view (IFOV). The swath is 500 km. The accuracy of sea surface temperature measurements is approximately 0.1 degC. Flown on Envisat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/2 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1066 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observation from Space (AMSR-E) | A conical scanning, passive microwave radiometer designed for multiple purposes, including the determination of precipitation intensity at the surface, sea surface temperature, sea-ice cover, horizontal wind speed over the surface, and surface biomass. The antenna is at 55 degrees zenith angle, and operates by a conical scan mechanism, thus enabling the acquisition of both daytime and night-time data; its swath is 1450 kilometres, and it completes 40 scans per minute (10 kilometres per scan). The instrument's antenna is 1.6 metres in diameter, and receives 6 frequency bands over 12 channels in the range of 6.9 to 89 gigahertz (window channels only). The resolution changes with the frequency, and is consistent with the antenna's dimensions. Flown on Aqua (NASA). http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/29 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1065 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2 | A conical scanning, passive microwave radiometer designed for multiple purposes, including the determination of precipitation intensity at the surface, sea surface temperature, sea-ice cover, horizontal wind speed over the surface, and surface biomass. The antenna is at 55 degrees zenith angle, and operates by a conical scan mechanism, thus enabling the acquisition of both daytime and night-time data; its swath is 1450 kilometres, and it completes 40 scans per minute (10 kilometres per scan). The instrument's antenna is 2 metres in diameter, and receives 7 frequency bands over 14 channels in the range of 6.9 to 89 gigahertz (window channels only). The resolution changes with the frequency, and is consistent with the antenna's dimensions. Flown on GCOM-W1, GCOM-W2, GCOM-W3. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/28 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1067 | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit - A | A multi-channel microwave radiometer designed to measure global atmospheric temperature profiles in nearly all weather conditions. AMSU-A samples thirty consecutive scene radiances in a stepped-scan fashion every eight seconds, and measures the atmospheric temperature profile by examining fifteen bands of microwave radiation ranging between (23 - 90) GHz. The instrument consists of two independent modules with their own spacecraft interface: AMSU-A1 and AMSU-A2. AMSU-A2 identifies precipitation and corrects for surface emissivity, atmospheric liquid water and water vapour effects by processing the first two microwave radiation channels using one antenna. In AMSU-A1, two antenna-radiometer systems provide the other thirteen channels to retrieve atmospheric temperature profiles up to 42 km from the Earth's surface. The swath is 1690 km wide, and the spatial resolution is 40 km (horizontal) at nadir. The field of view is +/- 49.5 degrees cross-track, and the instantaneous field of view is 3.3 degrees circular. The thermal operating range is (0 - 20) degC. AMSU-A2 central channel frequencies are: (23.800, 31.400) GHz; AMSU-A1 central channel frequencies are: (50.300, 52.800, 53.596 +/- 0.115, 54.400, 54.940, 55.500, f0 = 57.290344, f0 +/- 0.217, f0 +/- 0.3222 +/- 0.048, f0 +/- 0.3222 +/- 0.022, f0 +/- 0.3222 +/- 0.010, f0 +/- 0.3222 +/- 0.0045, 89.0) GHz. Flown on Aqua, Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C, NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-18, NOAA-19 . http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/30 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1068 | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit - B | A five-channel microwave radiometer designed for humidity and precipitation sounding in nearly all weather conditions. AMSU-B is a cross-track, line scanned instrument which samples ninety consecutive scene radiances in a continuous fashion, and measures atmospheric humidity profiles by examining five bands of microwave radiation ranging between (89.0 - 193.31)GHz. The instrument consists of a scanning parabolic reflector antenna which rotates and focuses incoming radiation from the atmosphere into a quasi-optic system. The frequencies of interest are then separated into three discreet feed horns of the receiver assembly. AMSU-B works in conjunction with AMSU-A to provide a twenty-channel microwave radiometer. The swath is 2250 km wide, and the spatial resolution is 16 km (horizontal) at nadir. The scan period is 8/3 seconds. The instrument covers +/- 49.5 degrees cross-track from the sub-satellite point, and the instantaneous field of view is 1.1 degrees circular. AMSU-B central frequencies are: (89.0, 150.0, 183.31 +/- 7.0, 183.31 +/- 3.0, 183.31 +/- 1.0) GHz. Flown on NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/33 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1070 | Advanced SCATterometer | A C-band scatterometer designed to detect wind speed and vector over the sea surface, as well as large-scale soil moisture. Three sideways-looking antennas located on both sides of the instrument transmit microwave pulses toward the sea surface and measure the ground echoes returned back to the instrument. The backscattering properties of the signal detected are related to wind-generated sea-surface roughness, and can thus be used to infer wind speed and direction. The three antennas on each side are oriented at 45, 90 and 135 degrees azimuth respectively, and scan two 500 km swaths separated by a 700 km gap along-track. ASCAT operates at the C-band frequency of 5.233 GHz. The spatial resolution is 50 km (nominal) or 25 km (experimental). Flown on Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/47 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1071 | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer | An optical imager detecting 14 spectral bands ranging from visible to thermal infrared light, designed to produce stereoscopic images and detailed terrain height models for high resolution land and vegetation observation. ASTER uses three sub-systems to detect radiation in the visible near-infrared (VNIR), short-wave infrared (SWIR), and thermal infrared (TIR), each with the ability to change the viewing angle in the cross-track direction. The VNIR radiometer has along-track stereo coverage in its third band (0.76 um - 0.86 um), with nadir and backward views. The swath width is 60 km. Bands of radiation wavelengths and their resolution at sub satellite point are: (0.52 - 0.60) um, (0.63 - 0.69) um, (0.76 - 0.86) um, which constitute the VNIR bands and have a resolution of 15 m; (1.60 - 1.70) um, (2.145 - 2.185) um, (2.185 - 2.225) um, (2.235 - 2.285) um, (2.295 - 2.365) um, (2.360 - 2.430) um, which constitute the SWIR bands and have a resolution of 30 m; (8.125 - 8.475) um, (8.475 - 8.825) um, (8.925 - 9.275) um, (10.25 - 10.95) um, (10.95 - 11.65), which constitute the TIR bands and have a resolution of 90 m. Flown on Terra. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/50 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1069 | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar | A radio-occultation imaging radar designed to capture imagery of ocean, land and ice at high resolution and independently of weather conditions. The instrument operates as an active remote sensing device, emitting microwave pulses in the C-band frequency range (2 GHz - 4 GHz) and recording the response reflected by the Earth's surface targeted. The time it takes for each emitted pulse to return to the instrument holds information on the distance of the target object, whilst the amount of the signal returned is used to extract information on surface properties. ASAR operates in five mutually exclusive modes, which output images of different sizes and spatial resolution. The instrument is able to create orthogonal polarised waves, the return signal of which can be used to extract information on the type of surface targeted. The user can select an operating mode out of five mutually exclusive options: the Image mode (IM), generating products at a spatial resolution of 30 m over one of seven selectable swath widths determined by incidence angles between 15 degrees to 45 degrees, at horizontal transmit and receive polarisation (HH) or vertical transmit and receive polarisation (VV); the Alternating Polarisation mode (AP), generating products at a spatial resolution of 30 m over one of seven selectable swath widths determined by incidence angles between 15 degrees to 45 degrees, at different dual polarisation combinations (HH/VV or HH/HV or VV/VH); the Wide Swath mode (WS), which uses the ScanSAR technique, thus providing images at 150 m resolution over five combined sub-swaths covering a total of 405 km, in HH or VV polarisation; the Global Monitoring mode (GM), outputting 1 km resolution images over a 405 km swath, in HH or VV polarisation; and the Wave mode (WV), which generates backscatter vignettes of 5 km by 5 km size, spaced 100 km along track in HH or VV polarisation. Flown on Envisat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/44 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1074 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - 1 | A radiation-detection imager with four spectral bands, designed to provide global data collection from the visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum at a high temporal resolution. Derived parameters include Sea Surface Temperatures (SST), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), atmospheric aerosols and volcanic ash, snow and ice distribution, cloud patterns and land-water boundaries. A flat scanning mirror undergoes a continuous 360 degrees rotation at six scans per second around an axis parallel to the Earth's surface, thus scanning a field of view perpendicular to the satellite orbit track and at such speed that adjacent scan lines are contiguous at nadir position. The AVHRR instrument has an angular resolution of 1.3 mrad and a spatial resolution of 1.1 km at nadir. The swath width is 2900 km and the scan angle is 55.4 degrees from nadir. The scanning radiometer uses four detectors to collect different bands of radiation wavelengths: (0.55 - 0.68) um, (0.725 - 1.10) um, (3.55 - 3.93) um and (10.50 - 11.50) um. The instrument does not carry an on-board calibration system. AVHRR/1 was first deployed in 1978. AVHRR/2 is an improved version comprising five channels, and was first deployed in 1981. AVHRR/3 is the latest version advanced to six channels, and first deployed in 1998. Flown on NOAA-8, NOAA-10, TIROS-N, NOAA-6. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/60 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1075 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - 2 | A radiation-detection imager with five spectral bands, designed to provide global data collection from the visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum at a high temporal resolution. Derived parameters include Sea Surface Temperatures (SST), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), atmospheric aerosols and volcanic ash, snow and ice distribution, cloud patterns and land-water boundaries. A flat scanning mirror undergoes a continuous 360 degrees rotation at six scans per second around an axis parallel to the Earth's surface, thus scanning a field of view perpendicular to the satellite orbit track and at such speed that adjacent scan lines are contiguous at nadir position. The AVHRR instrument has an angular resolution of 1.3 mrad and a spatial resolution of 1.1 km at nadir. The swath width is 2900 km and the scan angle is 55.4 degrees from nadir. The scanning radiometer uses five detectors to collect different bands of radiation wavelengths: (0.55 - 0.68) um, (0.725 - 1.10) um, (3.55 - 3.93) um, (10.30 - 11.30) um, (11.50 - 12.50) um. The instrument does not carry an on-board calibration system. AVHRR/1 was first deployed in 1978, and only had four channels. AVHRR/2 is an improved version comprising five channels, and was first deployed in 1981. AVHRR/3 is the latest version advanced to six channels, and was first deployed in 1998. Flown on NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-12, NOAA-13, NOAA-14, NOAA-7. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/61 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1076 | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer - 3 | A radiation-detection imager with six spectral bands, designed to provide global data collection from the visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum at a high temporal resolution. Derived parameters include Sea Surface Temperatures (SST), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), atmospheric aerosols and volcanic ash, snow and ice distribution, cloud patterns and land-water boundaries. A flat scanning mirror undergoes a continuous 360 degrees rotation at six scans per second around an axis parallel to the Earth's surface, thus scanning a field of view perpendicular to the satellite orbit track and at such speed that adjacent scan lines are contiguous at nadir position. The AVHRR instrument has an angular resolution of 1.3 mrad and a spatial resolution of 1.1 km at nadir. The swath width is 2900 km and the scan angle is 55.4 degrees from nadir. The scanning radiometer uses six detectors to collect different bands of radiation wavelengths: (0.58 - 0.68) um, (0.725 - 1.00) um, (1.58 - 1.64) um, (3.55 - 3.93) um, (10.30 - 11.30) um, (11.50 - 12.50) um. The instrument does not carry an on-board calibration system. The first AVHRR was deployed in 1978, and only had four channels. AVHRR/2 was an improved version comprising five channels, and first deployed in 1981. AVHRR/3 is the latest version advanced to six channels, and first deployed in 1998. Flown on Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C, NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-18, NOAA-19. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/62 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0297 | Aerodyne High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer | An in-situ instrument that provides quantitative size and chemical mass loading information in real-time for non-refractory sub-micron atmospheric aerosol particles from high-resolution time-of-flight and mass-spectrometer measurements. The HR-ToF-AMS variant has a detection limit for nitrate of 0.003 (V-mode) or 0.05 (W-mode) ug/m3. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0991 | Agassiz 3.5m trawl sampler | Demersal trawl net described as 3.5m Agassiz trawl sampler; designed with single rectangular mouth piece with measurements: mouth opening width (metre)=3.5, mouth opening height (metre)=1; with opening area (square metre)=3.5; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: not specified; with mesh size (millimetre)=10; and equipped with closing mouth mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1335 | Agilent 1200 Series Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography (RRLC) system | An instrument designed for high-speed analyses of mixture components by Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography (RRLC) as well as standard High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It can support narrow and standard bore columns of 10 to 300 mm in length, 1.0 to 4.6 mm in internal diameter, and with particle sizes from 1.5 to 10 um. For RRLC analysis, the system can be equipped with second generation ZORBAX Rapid Resolution HT 1.8 um columns, or Poroshell 120 columns; the latter may be mounted in-series to achieve separation power of up to 375 plates per second, which is about 20 times faster than conventional HPLC methods with no reduction in data quality. The system supports ultraviolet (UV) visible detectors as well as evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSD). The Agilent ChemStation software package is used as a system interface. | 2019-06-17 |
TOOL0976 | Agilent 4890D gas chromatograph | A laboratory gas chromatograph that separates and analyses compounds that do not degrade or decompose in the gas phase. The sample is dissolved in a solvent and vaporised in the instrument. A chemically inert gas, (e.g. helium or nitrogen) carries the vaporised analyte through a stationary phase which is coated inside the capillary column that is maintained at an elevated temperature. The analyte mixture separates on the stationary phase leading to chromatographic separation of the molecules. It is a version of the 5890 Series II GC configured specifically for either one-or two-channel use. It can be used with a range of inlets (split/splitless and packed with Septum Purge), columns, detectors and flow and pressure control components. Optional detectors include Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD). | 2016-02-29 |
TOOL1118 | Agilent 5973Network Mass Selective Detector | A mass selective detector (MSD) designed to be used with the 6890 Plus Series Gas Chromatograph. This transmission quadrupole mass spectrometer is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis by electron ionization (EI), positive chemical ionization (PCI), and negative chemical ionization (NCI). The system comes in five different models: G2577A (diffusion pump EI MSD), G2578A (standard turbo EI MSD), G2579A (Performance turbo EI MSD), G2588A (standard turbo EI/PCI MSD), and G2589A (performance turbo EI/PCI/NCI MSD). | 2017-03-08 |
TOOL1149 | Agilent 5975C Series Gas Chromatograph/Mass Selective Detector System | A Mass Selective Detector (MSD) with an inert Triple-Axis detector designed to be used with the following Gas Chromotagraphy (GC) units: 7890A, 6850, and 6890N. The system is used to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances by electron ionization (EI), positive chemical ionization (PCI), and negative chemical ionization (NCI). Optional configurations include the addition of Liquid Autosamplers such as G2880A, 7683, CombiPAL or G1888A. | 2017-09-07 |
TOOL0569 | Agilent 6850 networked gas chromatograph | A single channel, networked, gas chromatograph that separates and analyses compounds into separate components and can be used for chemical, petrochemical and petroleum analyses. The sample is introduced into the injector and then vaporised in the instrument. A chemically inert gas (e.g. helium and nitrogen) carries the vaporised solute into the column that is maintained in a temperature controlled oven. As the solute elutes from the column, it enters the heated detector. An electronic signal is generated upon interaction of the solute with the detector. The Agilent 6850 has a similar performance to the Agilent 6890N GC, but is half as wide. The local interface provides run control and status information and the instrument comes network-ready with a built-in LAN communications interface. There is a choice of detectors available, the Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) or Mass Selective Detector (MSD). There is an option of split/splitless or packed inlets, a variety of automated sample introduction systems and products available for headspace analysis. This model is no longer in production. | 2012-11-05 |
TOOL0649 | Agilent 6890 networked gas chromatograph | A networked gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air. The instrument includes a dual channel design supporting two inlets and two detectors. An automatic liquid sampling system is integrated into the mainframe control. Atmospheric pressure and temperature compensation is standard. The instrument supports 6 column oven ramps with 7 plateaus. The 6890N is customisable depending on the application, with choices of inlets, columns, detectors and sampling systems. All detectors include electronic pneumatics control and electronic on/off for all detector gases. Carrier and makeup gas settings are selectable for He, H2, N2, and argon/methane. The instrument has a 7683 ALS interface and incorporates local area network technology as standard. The Agilent 6890N replaced the HP Agilent 5890, and is no longer in production having itself been replaced by the 7890. | 2013-10-14 |
TOOL0464 | Agilent 7500ce inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A laboratory benchtop inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for metal analysis. The instrument comprises a sample introduction system (micromist glass concentric nebuliser, quartz Scott-type spray chamber, peristaltic pump), an interface of nickel cones and dual on-axis extraction lenses, a vacuum system, mass flow controllers (plasma, auxiliary, makeup, and carrier gas and two Octopole Reaction System (ORS) reaction gas lines), a shieldtorch system (STS), an all-solid state digitally-driven 27 MHz RF generator and an off-axis Omega lens. The octopole cell of the ORS can be used with no gas, operated in collision mode using pure He cell gas or used in H2 reaction mode for ultra-trace Se analysis and semiconductor applications. All three of these modes come as standard in the 7500ce model. The instrument has been discontinued. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL0463 | Agilent 7500cx inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A laboratory benchtop inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) for metal analysis. The instrument comprises a sample introduction system (micromist glass concentric nebuliser, quartz Scott-type spray chamber, peristaltic pump), an interface of nickel cones and dual on-axis extraction lenses, a vacuum system, mass flow controllers (plasma, auxiliary, makeup, and carrier gas and two Octopole Reaction System (ORS) reaction gas lines), a shieldtorch system (SIS), an all-solid state digitally-driven 27 MHz RF generator and an off-axis Omega lens. The octopole cell of the ORS can be used with no gas or operated in collision mode using pure helium cell gas. As an optional extra for the 7500cx model, the cell can also be used in hydrogen reaction mode for ultra-trace Se analysis and semiconductor applications. The instrument has been discontinued. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL1336 | Agilent 8453 UV-visible spectrophotometer | A laboratory optical instrument for chemical analysis to extract spectral information in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible light. The instrument radiates a single light beam by optically combining two source lamps: a deuterium-discharge lamp for the UV wavelength range and a tungsten lamp for the visible and short wave near-infrared (SWNIR) wavelength range. The beam passes through the sample, is focused and dispersed within the spectrograph lens, slit and grating, and reaches the diode array in the form of a spectral image. The diode array samples a wavelength range of 190 to 1100 nm at a mean sampling interval of 0.9 nm. The nominal spectral slit width is 1 nm and the stray light is less than 0.03%. | 2019-06-17 |
TOOL1222 | Agilent Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer | A laboratory instrument that measures the amount of light at discrete pre-determined wavelengths that is transmitted or emitted by a sample. It can be operated with measurement modes for fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence and bioluminescence. The instrument uses Czerny-Turner 0.125 m monochromators with a 190-1100 nm wavelength range and a fixed selectable spectral bandwidth from 1.5 to 20 nm. It uses a full spectrum Xe pulse lamp single source and dual R928 photomultiplier tubes. The instrument has scan rates from 0.01 to 24000 nm/min, and a maximum measurement rate of 80 data points per second. It also has room light immunity when in fluorescence mode. | 2018-04-10 |
TOOL0478 | Agilent Integrated Autosampler I-AS | A laboratory autosampler for low volume and ultra-trace analyses. The instrument features a peristaltic pump and continuously flowing rinse port so that the probe is always rinsed with fresh wash solution, eliminating the risk of cross contamination during a long sample sequence. It uses non-metal materials to minimise the risk of trace metal contamination. The autosampler was designed for use with the Agilent 7500 series ICP-MS but can also be used with the Agilent 4500 series ICP-MS. | 2012-03-06 |
TOOL1134 | Agilent/HP 5972A Mass Selective Detector | The Agilent/HP 5972A Mass Selective Detector (MSD) is a stand-alone, capillary Gas Chromatography (GC) detector, designed for use with a HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph. The HP 5890 GC powers the heater in the GC interface of the 5972A MSD by 110 V ac electricity. The data system features Hewlett Packard MS ChemStation software, which includes programs to calibrate (tune) the MSD, acquire and analyse the data. | 2017-09-06 |
TOOL1225 | Airmar CS4500 (ultrasonic) water speed sensor | A speed sensor that is used on all types and sizes of sailboats and powerboats It measures boat speed using ultrasonic pulses to collect echoes from small particles in the water as they pass under two transducers embeded in the sensor. The time taken for particles to travel between transducers is used to calculate vessel speed. It has a transmit frequency of 4.5 MHz and pulse repetetion frequency of 5.5 kHz. Low-profile, plastic, or bronze housings available. Speed range: 0.1-40 knots. Speed accuracy: 0.1 knots. | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL2128 | Airmar PB100 Ultrasonic WeatherStation | An all-in-one ultrasonic weather sensor designed for precise weather data collection, integrating multiple sensors into a single, compact unit with no moving parts, making it highly durable and maintenance-free. Ideal for marine applications such as boating and sailing, as well as land-based weather monitoring. It provides digital outputs in NMEA 0183 format, including apparent wind speed, apparent wind direction, magnetic compass heading, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature, wind chill temperature, angle of vessel pitch, angle of vessel roll, barometric pressure, Global Positioning System (GPS), vessel speed over ground (SOG), vessel course over ground (COG), true wind speed, true wind direction, heading relative to true north, true wind chill temperature, and true wind speed relative to water (requires speed-through-water input). Additional sensors may be fitted. The PB100 delivers real-time weather data essential for navigation and safety. | 2024-12-10 |
TOOL1029 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 100WX | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 100WX is a compact meteorological station designed to provide real-time, site-specific weather information on stationary platforms. The instrument combines up to seven sensors to measure apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. Ultrasonic readings of apparent wind speed and direction are taken for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. Output options include NMEA 0183 (RS422) and NMEA 0183 (RS232). | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL1030 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 110WX | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 110WX is a compact meteorological station designed to provide real-time, site-specific weather information on stationary platforms. The instrument combines up to seven sensors to measure apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. Ultrasonic readings of apparent wind speed and direction are taken for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. This model includes optional heater and upper ring, as well as field-serviceable relative humidity calculated dew point and heat index. Output options include RS422/CAN BUS and RS232/CAN BUS. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL1031 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 150WX | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 150WX is a compact meteorological station designed to provide real-time, site-specific weather information on moving platforms. The instrument combines up to seven sensors to measure apparent and true wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. Ultrasonic readings of true and apparent wind speed and direction are taken for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. This model includes: optional heater and upper ring; field-serviceable relative humidity calculated dew point and heat index; a 10 Hz GPS; a two-axis solid-state compass; a three-axis accelerometer. Output options include RS422/CAN BUS and RS232/CAN BUS. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL1032 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 200WX | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation 200WX is a compact meteorological station designed to provide real-time, site-specific weather information on moving platforms. The instrument combines up to seven sensors to measure apparent and true wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. Ultrasonic readings of true and apparent wind speed and direction are taken for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. This model includes: optional heater and upper ring; field-serviceable relative humidity calculated dew point and heat index; a 10 Hz GPS; a three-axis solid-state compass with dynamic stabilisation; a three-axis accelerometer; three-axis rate gyros. Output options include RS422/CAN BUS and RS232/CAN BUS. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL1224 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation PB200 weather station | An integrated, multi-parameter meteorological sensor that is used on marine vessels. It measures wind speed and direction, air temperature, barometric pressure and navigation. It comprises an ultrasonic anemometer, thermistor, piezoresistive pressure sensor, magnetoinductive XYZ sensors, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer, MEMS rate gyro and WAAS/EGNOS GPS receiver. The PB200 WeatherStation has two separate communication interfaces: one compliant with the NMEA 2000 protocol, and the other with the NMEA 0183 protocol. GPS positioning accuracy: <3 m; wind speed accuracy: 1-5 knots; wind direction accuracy: 2-8 degrees; air temperature accuracy: +/- 1 degrees C; barometric pressure accuracy: +/- 2 mbar. | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL1028 | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation WX series | Airmar Ultrasonic WeatherStation WX series instruments (100WX, 110WX, 150WX and 200WX) are compact meteorological stations designed to provide real-time, site-specific weather information. The instruments combine up to seven sensors to measure apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature. Ultrasonic wind readings are taken for wind speeds up to 40 m/s. Apparent wind models (100WX and 110WX) are designed for fixed platforms; apparent and true wind models (150WX and 200WX) are designed for moving platforms. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL0918 | Alec Electronics MDS-MkV/L light intensity recorder | This is an ultra-miniature light meter less than 10cm long and 2cm in diameter with an approximately (due to a relatively large linkage to the body) spherical light collector and photodiode sensor. It can measure light intensities up to 2000 uMole/m2/s with an accuracy of 4% full-scale and a resolution of 1 uMole/m2/s. No documentation can be found giving the spectral range of the sensor, but the approximate 4-pi geometry (measuring scalar irradiance) is usually associated with PAR wavelengths. | 2015-07-23 |
TOOL1889 | Allied Vision Technologies Prosilica GC1290C camera | A Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) camera with an ultra-compact, lightweight housing, fast frame rates, and auto-iris control. Applications include Industrial inspection, Machine vision, Ophthalmology, Aeronautical and aerospace, Public security, Surveillance, Traffic imaging, and OEM applications. It is a modular system and various components can be customised including the lens mount, housing variants, optical filters, case design, etc. It has a large choice of CCD (charged coupled device) and CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) sensors up to 5 Megapixels. The standard sensor is the Sony ICX445 which is a CCD Progressive. In the standard configuration the resolution is 1280 (H) × 960 (V), Pixel size is 3.75 µm × 3.75 µm, and maximum frame rate at full resolution is 33 frames per second. | 2023-01-03 |
TOOL1072 | Along Track Scanning Radiometer - 1 | A passive optical imager with dual view composed of a 4-channel infra-red radiometer and a 2-channel nadir-viewing microwave sounder, designed to measure sea surface temperature and cloud parameters. The infra-red radiometer uses an along-track scanning telescope to focus incoming radiation from two views at different angles: one at nadir and one fore-looking at approximately 47 degrees. The same point on the Earth's surface is thus observed twice through differing atmospheric thickness, allowing for direct estimation of the atmospheric effect as well as atmospheric correction for the surface dataset. The radiometer's bandwidths are (1.46 - 1.76)um, (3.55 - 3.85) um, (10.35 - 11.35) um, and (11.50 - 12.50)um; the microwave sounder's central frequencies are 23.8 GHz and 36.5 GHz, and have a bandwidth of 400 MHz. The instrument's resolutions at sub-satellite point are 1 km (infra-red radiometer) and 20 km (microwave sounder). The swath is 500 km. The accuracy of sea surface temperature measurements is approximately 0.3 degC. Flown on ERS-1. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/55 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1073 | Along Track Scanning Radiometer - 2 | A passive optical imager with dual view composed of a 7-channel infra-red radiometer, designed to measure sea surface temperature, cloud attributes, as well as vegetation and sea-ice cover. The infra-red radiometer uses an along-track scanning telescope to focus incoming radiation from two views at different angles: one at nadir and one fore-looking at approximately 47 degrees. The same point on the Earth's surface is thus observed twice through differing atmospheric thickness, allowing for direct estimation of the atmospheric absorption and scattering, which can be used for atmospheric correction of the surface dataset. The instrument carries an on-board visible calibration system. The ATSR-2 is functionally identical to AATSR, but its structure is adapted to the ERS-2 platform. Moreover, ATSR-2 has a narrower telemetry bandwidth compared to AATSR, allowing it to collect and telemeter a smaller amount of visible data. The instrument's bandwidths are: (0.53 - 0.57)um, (0.64 - 0.68)um, (0.85 - 0.89)um, (1.31 - 1.91)um, (3.55 - 3.85)um, (10.35 - 11.35)um and (11.50 - 12.50)um. The instrument's resolution is 1 km at the instantaneous field of view (IFOV). The swath is 500 km. The accuracy of sea surface temperature measurements is approximately 0.1 degC. Flown on ERS-2. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/56 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0414 | Alpkem RFA-300 colorimetric autoanalyser | A rapid flow analyser (RFA) that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is an air-segmented, continuous flow instrument comprising a sampler, a peristaltic pump which simultaneously pumps samples, reagents and air bubbles through the system, analytical cartridge, heating bath, colorimeter, data station, and printer. The RFA-300 was a precursor to the smaller Alpkem RFA/2 (also RFA II or RFA-2). | 2011-08-05 |
TOOL0244 | Alpkem RFA/2 colorimetric autoanalyser | A rapid flow analyser that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is a continuous flow instrument consisting of a sampler, peristaltic pump, analytical cartridge, heating bath, colorimeter, data station, and printer. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL2058 | Amersham Imager 600 series | The Amersham Imager 600 series is an imaging instrument designed to identify and quantify proteins or DNA in gels or membranes. A cooled 3.2 megapixel CCD camera is used to capture high resolution digital images of protein and DNA bands in gels and on membranes. The 600 series includes the Amersham Imager 600, 600 UV, 600 QC, 600 RGB. Three different modes are available from the 600 series: Chemiluminescence capture mode is available in all configurations; Fluorescence capture mode is available on the 600 UV, 600 QC, and 600 RGB; Colorimetric capture mode is available in all configurations. | 2024-06-27 |
TOOL0707 | Analog Devices AD590 Temperature Transducer | This is a 2-terminal integrated circuit temperature transducer that produces an output current proportional to absolute temperature (one microAmp per Kelvin). It is calibrated by laser trimming of the resistors on the chip to produce an output of 298.2 microAmps at 298.2K. It is supplied in a range of standard electronic component packages for inclusion on circuit boards. It can operate from -55-150C, is linear to 0.3C over full range and has an accuracy of 0.5C. Further details may be found at http://www.analog.com/en/mems-sensors/digital-temperature-sensors/ad590/products/product.html. | 2014-06-17 |
TOOL0335 | Analogue tide gauge | Generic term for instruments that transform the damped level of the sea surface into a marking on a chart by a continous pen recorder or an analogue display that may be read and written into a ledger. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL1427 | Analytical Sciences Thermalox TOC and TNb (thermal oxidation) elemental analyser series | A series of bench-top, thermal oxidation systems. The instruments are designed for use in aqueous systems and solids. They primarily measure Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Nitrogen (TN). Analysers use catalytic thermal oxidation to convert carbon or nitrogen species to either carbon dioxide (CO2) or NOx gases. CO2 is analysed using non-dispersive infrared detectors. The influence of total inorganic carbon (TIC) can be determined by introducing an aliquot of sample into a heated TIC reactor containing phosphoric acid that reacts with carbonate to form CO2. NOx is analysed using vacuum chemiluminescence detectors that utilize the chemiluminescent reaction between NO and O3 to determine the NO concentration. Because NO2 is also present as an oxidant, this is reduced in a special reduction furnace to NO. Analysers are available as separate stand-alone instruments that analyse TOC and TNb, or as a combined TOC/TNb system. The standard deviation is 20ppb for carbon and 10ppb for nitrogen. | 2020-05-05 |
TOOL1573 | Anton Paar PSA particle size analyser series | A series of laser diffraction particle size analysers incorporating the PSA 990, 1090 and 1190 models. They are designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. They are available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. The 900 features a single laser, the 1090 features 2 lasers, and the 1190 features 3 lasers for full range measurement. It features an autosampler capable of picking and pouring up to 30 samples. It also features integrated PSA software with no additional software required. The 900 has a measurement range of 0.2 um - 500 um. The 1090 has a measurement range of 40 nm to 500 um. The 1190 has a measurement range of 40 nm to 2.5 mm. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0224 | Apogee CS300 pyranometer | A silicon pyranometer with a spectral range of 300-1100nm. Accuracy for total daily radiation is +-5%. Marketed by Campbell Scientific. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1014 | Apollo SciTech AS-ALK2 total alkalinity titrator | An automated acid-base titrator for use in aquatic carbon dioxide parameter analysis. The titrator provides standardisation and sample analysis, using the Gran titration procedure for alkalinity determination of seawater and brackish waters. It is designed for both shipboard and land based laboratory use. The precision of the instrument is 0.1 percent or higher, and sample volumes may range from 10-25 ml. Titraton takes approximately 8 minutes per sample, and the repeatability is within plus or minus 1-2 micromoles per kg. | 2016-09-12 |
TOOL1017 | Apollo SciTech AS-C3 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyser | A Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyser, for use in aquatic carbon dioxide parameter analysis of coastal waters, sediment pore-waters, and time-series incubation samples. The analyser consists of a solid state infrared CO2 detector, a mass-flow controller, and a digital pump for transferring accurate amounts of reagent and sample. The analyser uses an electronic cooling system to keep the reactor temperature below 3 degrees Celsius, and a Nagion dry tube to reduce the water vapour and keep the analyser drift-free and maintenance-free for longer. The analyser can handle sample volumes from 0.1 - 1.5 millilitres, however the best results are obtained from sample volumes between 0.5 - 1 millilitres. It takes approximately 3 minutes per analysis, and measurement precision is plus or minus 2 micromoles per kilogram or higher for surface seawater. It is designed for both land based and shipboard laboratory use. | 2016-09-20 |
TOOL2033 | Apollo SciTech AS-C6L Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) analyser | An instrument designed for the analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon in samples from various aquatic environments. It comprises of a laser-based CO2 detector (LI-7815), a digital syringe pump, a mass flow controller, CO2 stripping reactor, an electronic cooling system and a computer communication assembly (RS-485, USB). The AS-C6L supersedes the earlier AS-C3 model, which used non-dispersive infra-red CO2 detection (LI-7000, discontinued). The AS-C6L improves on the AS-C3 by incorporating a multi-sampler of one set of standards plus 8 samples, and uses improved Apollo SciTech software. The AS-C6L is suitable for use in either shipboard or land-based laboratories. It maintains a precision of +/-0.1 % for seawater (or +/-2 umol/kg), enables sample volumes ranging from 0.5 - 3.5 ml per analysis, and an analytical rate of approximately 3 minutes. | 2024-05-29 |
TOOL1906 | Apollo SciTech AS-D1 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and delta13C preparation system and analyser | The AS-D1 is an instrument designed to prepare natural water samples for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and delta13C analysis and provide the user with the analyses outputs. It has features that are specifically useful for seawater and coastal water samples. The instrument provides the user with DIC values (micromol per kg) and the delta13C content of the DIC (per mille). It consists of a digital syringe pump for delivery of reagent and samples, a mass flow controller to regulate flow rate, a CO2 stripping reactor, and an electronic cooling system to remove moisture. The AS-D1 does not measure the sample but is designed to send the gas to a different analyser. This second instrument then sends the measurements back to the AS-D1 after analysis. The AS-D1 then calculates the desired DIC and delta13C outputs. This instrument is designed for automatic sampling from multiple bottles. It can be used in laboratories on shore or at sea. The instrument was created to be paired with the Picarro G-2131i Carbon Isotope Analyser, however, other models that measure the isotopic ratio of CO2 may be compatible. The precision is +/- 0.1 % for DIC of seawater and +/- 0.07 % for DIC-delta13C. Sample volume is 1 - 7 ml per analysis, and sample time is under 12 minutes. | 2023-03-30 |
TOOL1674 | Apollo SciTech AS-P3 combined pCO2 analyser and underway system | A continuous measurement pCO2 system. It is designed for land or ship-board laboratory use. Water sample is forced into the equilibrator by a shipboard pump. Equilibrated air is drawn from the equilibrator and dried with an electronic cooling system and a Nafion dry tube. It is then quantified with a CRDS CO2 analyser (Picarro G-2301) and/or an infrared CO2 analyser (LI-7000) before returning to the equilibrator. Optional sensors can be integrated. It measures at <100 -3000 uatm. Response time is 2 minutes. Repeatability is <1 ppm. Accuracy is +/- 1 to 2 ppm for pCO2. The detector can be replaced with a LI-850 analyser (pCO2 ranges 0-20,000 uatm) or LI-7815. | 2021-03-30 |
TOOL1754 | Applied Acoustics DTS-500 deep tow sparker system | A deep-tow sparker source sub-bottom profiler designed for use in high and ultra-high resolution sub-bottom surveys. It is designed to operate with industry standard coaxial tow cables up to 2000 m, so is often referred to as a DTS-2000 system. It features an eight-element hydrophone receiver towed behind the towfish. The DC power, communications and analogue seismic data are multiplexed from the towfish to a surface console which is also used to control and monitor the towfish. The DTS-500 has a depth rating of 500 m and a maximum power level of 300 J. It has a 15-25 cm resolution depending on the power output selected. It has a 500 Joule per second charge rate which allows a typical repetition rate of 150 Joule at 3 Hz. | 2021-12-15 |
TOOL1709 | Applied Acoustics Dura-Spark 410 Sparker System | A variable tow-depth sparker for use in sub-bottom geophysical surveys. It is mounted on a stainless steel catamaran with flotation for towing behind a vessel. The Dura-Spark 410 consists of 5 arrays of 80 tips allowing the operator to tune the source from the vessel to its application. The typical operational bandwidth of the Dura-Spark 410 is 300Hz to 1.2KHz. When coupled with the CSP-Nv Seismic Power Supply the system offers 2000J/s peak discharge rate. | 2021-06-23 |
TOOL1756 | Applied Acoustics Duraspark 400 sparker system | A variable tow-depth sparker for use in sub-bottom geophysical surveys. It is mounted on a stainless steel catamaran with flotation for towing behind a vessel. The Dura-Spark 400 consists of 5 arrays of 80 tips allowing the operator to tune the source from the vessel to its application. The typical operational bandwidth of the Dura-Spark 410 is 300Hz to 1.2KHz. When coupled with the CSP-Nv Seismic Power Supply the system offers 2000J/s peak discharge rate, with 5 J per tip to minimise the bubble collapse component. It has a sound output ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 ms. | 2021-12-15 |
TOOL1755 | Applied Acoustics Squid 2000 sparker system | A surface-towed sparker designed for use in high-resolution sub-bottom geophysical surveys. It is a catamaran based device with integral buoys offering an adjustable depth capability. It features a high amplitude short duration pulse with minimal reverberation, with sparker tips arranged in a planar horizontal design. Different sparker tips can be used to increase resolution or penetration as required. It has an operating voltage ranging from 3000-4000 v and a power range of 600 J-2400 J, with a maximum energy output of 2500 J. | 2021-12-15 |
TOOL1411 | Applied Biosystems ABI PRISM 7000 Sequence Detection System | The ABI PRISM 7000 Sequence Detection System (7000 SDS instrument) is a second generation sequence detection instrument capable of quantitative and qualitative detection with fluorescent-based PCR chemistries. The instrument is capable of quantitative detection using real-time analysis, and qualitative detection using end-point and dissociation-curve analysis. The 7000 SDS instrument combines thermal cycling, fluorescence detection, and application-specific software. It detects accumulated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product cycle-by-cycle, thus making quantification available immediately after completion of PCR, without the need for further process analysis. Real-time, quantitative PCR applications include gene expression and pathogen detection. Post-PCR detection is also available for non-quantitative assays such as allelic discrimination (SNP detection) and plus/minus assays. It was manufactured by Applied Biosystems. In November 2008, Applied Biosystems merged with Invitrogen, forming Life Technologies, which was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2014. | 2020-03-23 |
TOOL0041 | Applied Microsystems CTD-12 | A self-contained CTD with platinized 4-electrode glass conductivity cell, pressure-protected thermistor temperature sensor and a semiconductor strain gauge pressure sensor plus integral data logger. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0433 | Applied Microsystems CTD-12 plus | A self-contained CTD with platinized 4-electrode glass conductivity cell, pressure-protected, aged thermistor temperature sensor, a semiconductor strain gauge pressure sensor and an integral data logger. The CTD offers the options of logging data continuously, at user selected depth increments, at user selected time increments, or upon request. Data can be viewed in real time and downloaded on recovery of the CTD. The instrument can be used for profiling to 5000 m or for in-situ long term deployments and has a sampling frequency of 11 Hz. It can support four additional sensors, the options being temperature-compensated pressure, dissolved oxygen, pH, redox, turbidity, radiometer and fluorometer. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0868 | Applied Microsystems Ltd SV Plus probe | An instrument that measures the velocity of sound in seawater and can assist creating profiles for input into echosounders to correct the varying passage of sound waves through the water column. The SV Plus was the pre-2002 predecesssor to the SV Plus V2. Applied Microsystems Ltd., is also known as AML Oceanographic. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0434 | Applied Microsystems Micro CTD | A small, high accuracy CTD including a 4-electrode conductivity cell, temperature sensor, strain gauge pressure sensor and Delrin housing. No pump is required. Sampling frequency is user-selectable up to 25Hz and the instrument has three sampling modes: continuous; defined increment of time or pressure; and on request. The unit is externally-powered and provides real time data as it has no internal data logging capabilities. It can support up to 2 optional additional analogue channels or one additional digital channel. The instrument has a maximum depth range of 6000m. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0447 | Applied Microsystems Sound Velocity Profiler model 16 | An autonomous, battery-powered sound velocity profiler that uses a "sing-around" sensor to measure sound velocity in the water column. It has a range of 1300-1500 m/s, an accuracy of +/-0.25 m/s and a resolution of 0.13 m/s. A built-in microprocessor enables samples to be logged at pre-determined depth increments or for changes in sound velocity greater than 1 m/s. The standard model has a depth rating of 1000 m but other options are available up to a maximum rating of 5000 m. The instrument is no longer in production. | 2012-01-05 |
TOOL0152 | Applied Microsystems conductivity and temperature array | A data logger based on the AML MC7 micro-CTD with 3 remote conductivity plus temperature sensors. The logger can sample on command, at a fixed rate or in burst mode and has a real-time feed. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1818 | Applied Physics Systems Model 1540 magnetometer | The Applied Physics Systems Model 1540 is a compact high-speed digital 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Magnetic field data transmitted by the 1540 are expressed in units of gauss (G). The 1540 employs 24-bit analog-to-digital converters enabling the measurement of magnetic field magnitudes from +/- 0.65 G down to the system noise level (5 microgauss peak-to peak). The instrument communicates over a bi-directional serial interface using TTL logic levels and RS232 levels but can be optionally configured to communicate with the RS422 protocol. The instrument has applications in fluxgate compass systems, magnetic fuses and measurement of magnetic signatures or fields generated by power lines. The 1540 has a resolution of 0.0001 mG, an accuracy of +/- 0.5% FS, initial offset of <0.005 mG, orthogonality of axes better than +/- 0.2 degrees, linearity of +/- 0.05% FS, and is capable of operating in a temperature range of -25 to 70degC. | 2022-07-27 |
NETT0003 | Apstein net as described by Apstein (1896); Dakin (1908) | Plankton net described as the Apstein net (Apstein 1896; Dakin 1908) [Wiebe & Benfield (2003)]; designed with single circular mouth piece with reducing cone; with measurements:opening diameter (metre)=0.14, non-filtering cone mouth piece length (metre)=0.2, net mouth diameter (metre)=0.4; with opening area (square metre)=0.0154; with total filtering net length (metre)=1; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: not specified; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.076 (No. 20 silk); and equipped with optional closing mouth mechanism. | 2016-04-05 |
TOOL0978 | Apstein-style ring net | Plankton net described as Apstein-style ring net based on Apstein (1896); a small ring net designed with single circular mouth piece with optional reducing cone; with conical filtering net shape; and equipped with optional closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1302 | Aquatec AQUAlogger 210TY turbidity sensor series | A series of in-situ turbidity sensors. They are primarily used in dredging and water quality studies. The sensors output turbidity in FTU and are optionally, integrated with thermistor temperature and Piezo-resistive bridge pressure sensors. Based on optical backscatter, the sensors use a light source wavelength of 880 nm and scattering angles of 15 - 150 degrees. The sensors take their readings within 5 cm of the optical window, reducing interference. An optional wiper can be attached to prevent biofouling of the optics. The standard version (acetal) has a depth rating of 1000 m. A deepwater version (stainless steel) is capable of reaching 4000 m. The turbidity measurement range is between 0 - 2000 FTU (linear/polynomial). Temperature and pressure accuracy is +/-0.5 degC and 0.2 % full scale, respectively. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0686 | Aquatec AQUAlogger 520P mini pressure logger | A miniature (200 mm long, 32 mm diameter) self-contained data logger incorporating a pressure sensor in a housing designed to operate at depths down to 1000 m. The type of pressure sensor fitted depends upon the maximum operating depth required with resolution and accuracy a function of the full-scale reading. The logger may be programmed to provide a wide variety of sampling regimes, including burst recording. More information may be found in http://www.aquatecgroup.com/images/manual_guides/bg%20-%20520.pdf. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0685 | Aquatec AQUAlogger 520PT mini temperature and pressure logger | A miniature (200 mm long, 32 mm diameter) self-contained data logger incorporating a thermistor temperature sensor (resolution better that 0.007 degC, accuracy 0.05 degC) and a pressure sensor in a housing designed to operate at depths down to 1000 m. The type of pressure sensor fitted depends upon the maximum operating depth required with resolution and accuracy a function of the full-scale reading. The logger may be programmed to provide a wide variety of sampling regimes, including burst recording. More information may be found in http://www.aquatecgroup.com/images/manual_guides/bg%20-%20520.pdf. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0684 | Aquatec AQUAlogger 520T mini temperature logger | A miniature (200 mm long, 32 mm diameter) self-contained data logger incorporating a thermistor temperature sensor (resolution better that 0.007 degC, accuracy 0.05 degC) in a housing designed to operate at depths down to 1000 m. The logger may be programmed to provide a wide variety of sampling regimes, including burst recording. More information may be found in http://www.aquatecgroup.com/images/manual_guides/bg%20-%20520.pdf. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1357 | Aquatec AQUAscat 1000R (automated) acoustic suspended sediment profiler | A high frequency acoustic suspended sediment profiler used in measurement of suspended sediment profiles, precision altimetry, dredge plumes and turbulence. The instrument is portable and can be used on a small vessel and stationary structures, such as buoys and mooring lines. The sensor transmits pulses of sound at various frequencies into the water and records the sound signal scattered back. In order to calculate suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) from acoustic backscatter, multiple frequencies of sound are transmitted into the same body of water. The size dependent response from the same sediment particles scattering different frequencies of sound enable the mean particle size and SSC to be calculated for bins along the profile range. It consists of 4 cabled acoustic transducers selectable from a range of 7 different frequencies (from 300 kHz to 5 MHz) with integrated temperature and depth sensors. The housing is designed to operate at depths down to 1000 m in both freshwater and marine water environments. Other housing options are available providing greater depth capability. Turbidity sensor is optional. The instrument is most suitable for particle sizes between 20 and 500 um radius and concentrations of 0.01 to 20 g/l over 1 m, and capable of horizontal or vertical profiling. Vertical resolution: 2.5 mm to 4 cm. Range: 150 cm (typical), up to 10 m at frequencies below 2 MHz. | 2024-08-14 |
NETT0210 | Aquatic BioTechnology simple plankton net with 100 um mesh size, 40 cm diameter mouth opening, CP3-110 collector | A cylindrical-conical plankton net with 40 cm diameter mouth opening and 100 um mesh size, with cod end adapted to fit Aquatic BioTechnology CP3-110 collectors. The net is designed to be dragged by a boat, and includes a stainless steel cable with an anti-twist shackle for connecting to the main line. The net structure comprises a hoop, clamp, triple-point bridle, and a rod for attaching a flow meter. | 2024-04-19 |
NETT0209 | Aquatic BioTechnology simple plankton net with 200 um mesh size, 40 cm diameter mouth opening, CP3-110 collector | A cylindrical-conical plankton net with 40 cm diameter mouth opening and 200 um mesh size, with cod end adapted to fit Aquatic BioTechnology CP3-110 collectors. The net is designed to be dragged by a boat, and includes a stainless steel cable with an anti-twist shackle for connecting to the main line. The net structure comprises a hoop, clamp, triple-point bridle, and a rod for attaching a flow meter. | 2024-04-19 |
TOOL0862 | Ashtech 3DF Global Positioning System receiver | The Ashtech 3DF was a global positioning system receiver that provided three dimensional attitude measurements to better than 3 arc minutes. It was the predecessor of the more advanced Ashtech ADU5 receiver. | 2015-05-27 |
TOOL0390 | Ashtech ADU2 Global Positioning System receiver | A GPS receiver providing three-dimensional position, velocity and attitude information at a rate of up to 2 Hz. The ADU2 uses four antennas and a 48-channel receiver for Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP)-based satellite tracking. Real-time horizontal position accuracy is ≥ 5 m in autonomous mode and ≥ 1 m in differential mode. | 2022-03-18 |
TOOL0389 | Ashtech ADU5 Global Positioning System receiver | A GPS receiver providing three-dimensional position, velocity and attitude information at a rate of up to 5 Hz. The ADU5 uses four antennas and 56 channels for satellite tracking and reliable positioning. It incorporates signals from Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) and includes a 2-channel 300-kHz beacon receiver for differential GPS (DGPS) operations. Real-time horizontal position accuracy is ≥ 3 m in autonomous mode and ≥ 40 cm in differential mode. | 2022-03-18 |
TOOL1524 | Ashtech ADU800 gyrocompass | A 6D positioning system providing position and orientation It is a three antenna GNSS system employing on-the-fly integer ambiguity resolution techniques using carrier phase measurements from the three on board GNSS receivers to provide instantaneous 3D attitude information. In addition to the 3D attitude, the main GNSS board of the ADU800 is providing a 3D position up to centimetre-level accuracy in RTK mode. | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL0524 | Ashtech G12 Global Positioning System receiver | A 12-channel, all-in-view Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. It is Differential GPS (DGPS) ready, with a horizontal accuracy of 90 cm in GPS mode and 40 cm in DGPS mode. Update rate is selectable up to 10 Hz. | 2012-07-16 |
TOOL0388 | Ashtech GG24 Global Positioning System and Global Navigation Satellite System receiver | A receiver which utilises both GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations for all-in-view positioning at a rate of up to 2 Hz (standard), or 5 Hz (optional). The GG24 has 12 channels for GPS and 12 for GLONASS, providing real-time horizontal position accuracy of ≥ 3.2 m in autonomous mode and ≥ 40 cm in differential mode. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0415 | Astoria Pacific micro-segmented flow analyser | A continuous flow analyser that can be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. The six channel digital detector allows analysis of four to six parameters from a single sample. The system consists of a sampler, a peristaltic pump, reaction cartridge, colorimeter and data acquisition software. The pump pushes a sample into the reaction cartridge, where the sample and reagent are brought together. Air-segmentation bubbles are introduced to help facilitate the mixing of sample and reagents. The sample is then analysed colorimetrically. This instrument is an upgrade of the Alpkem RFA-300, which was bought from OI Analytical by Astoria Pacific Inc. | 2011-08-05 |
TOOL0782 | Atelier VIX plastic Forel-Ule colour comparator | A set of 21 plastic filters that match the colours of the standard Forel-Ule vials. Natural water bodies are colour matched in-situ by visual comparison with the filters and assigned the number (1-21) of the nearest match. The filters were designed by scientists at NIOZ and are manufactured by Altelier VIX. More information is available at DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2971/jeos.2014.14025. | 2014-08-26 |
TOOL0974 | Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory automated oxygen titrator | A titrator system developed by AOML to determine the dissolved oxygen concentration using amperometric end point detection. The system uses LabView software for sample titration, data logging and graphical display. It includes a titrator, burette, stepper motor, Hi 190M stirrer, 10ml Wheaton dispenser and amp probe. | 2016-02-29 |
TOOL1876 | Atlas Deso 20 Single-beam echosounder | The Atlas Deso 20 is a dual frequency echo sounder, used to measure the depth of the seafloor. Its transducers operate at 33 and 210 kHz with respective beam widths of 16 and 9 °. Data can be output in analogue and digital form. The measuring range is 0 - 5000 m. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2022-11-15 |
TOOL0911 | Atlas Hydrographic Hydrosweep DS multibeam echo sounder | A deep water multi-beam echo sounder which uses an operating frequency of 15.5 kHz to determine bathymetric depth. It can generate 59 receive beams per ping and has a swath width of 90 degrees. This is the 1st generation of the Hydrosweep DS which was replaced by the DS-2. Atlas Hydrographic is now part of the Teledyne Reson group. | 2015-07-22 |
TOOL0910 | Atlas Hydrographic Hydrosweep DS 2 multibeam echo sounder | A deep water multi-beam echo sounder which uses an operating frequency of 15.5 kHz to determine bathymetric depth. As a special feature, it contains extended coverage of 2x 60 degrees (with 1 or 2 x 59 sound beams, each with approximately 2, 3 degree beam width). Available transducers are T-type arrays. The system has a depth range of 10 to 11,000 m. This is the 2nd generation of the Hydrosweep DS. Atlas Hydrographic is now part of the Teledyne Reson group. | 2015-07-22 |
TOOL0909 | Atlas Hydrographic Hydrosweep DS 3 multibeam echo sounder | Also known as a DS 3G. A deep water multi-beam echo sounder which uses operating frequencies between 14 - 16 kHz to determine bathymetric depth. It can generate 320 receive beams per ping which can be modulated using beamforming into 960 soundings per swath. It also generates 2 swaths simultaneously per ping. The third generation uses not only continuous wave (CW) pulses, but also frequency-modulated (chirped) pulses and Barker coded pulses which result in 20 - 50% more swath width. Available transducers are planar arrays with beam resolutions of 0.5x1, 1x1, 1x2 and 2x2 degrees. The system has a depth range of 10 - 11,000 m. This is the 3rd generation of the Hydrosweep DS. Atlas Hydrographic is now part of the Teledyne Reson group. | 2015-07-22 |
TOOL1062 | Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment - Fourier Transform Spectrometer | An infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer, designed to perform solar occultation measurements to infer the chemical composition of the atmosphere at high latitudes and high altitudes. The spectrometer is composed of a Michelson interferometer with two cube corners and a visible/near infrared imager with two filtered channels. A pointing mirror tracks the Sun's centre as a movable mirror inside the instrument generates an interferogram from the incoming radiation, which is then converted to a spectrum through Fourier transform. The instrument operates using the solar occultation technique, thus carrying out measurements of the Sun-emitted radiation during the short time span at which it travels tangent to the Earth's surface through the atmosphere at sunrise and sunset. The instrument on SCISAT-1 captures approximately 30 occultations per day, as determined by the satellite's polar orbit. The spatial resolution is 1-2 km (vertical), and 500 km (horizontal). The spectral range is (2.2 - 13.3) um, equivalent to (750 - 4400) cm^-1; the spectral resolution is 0.02 cm^-1. The FTS has a circular field of view is 1.25 mrad. The imager within the instrument has two filtered channels at 0.525 um and 1.02 um respectively, and a total field of view of 30 mrad.Flown on SCISAT-1. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/6 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1063 | Atmospheric Infrared Sounder | A space-based cross-track scanning instrument designed to measure the amount of infrared energy emitted from the atmosphere, with the purpose of creating three-dimensional maps of air and surface temperature, water vapour and cloud properties, as well as determining the amount of trace greenhouse gases (e.g. ozone, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane). A mirror rotating around an axis along the line of flight of the spacecraft scans the Earth on either side of the ground track and directs the infrared energy into the instrument. A total of 2378 detectors measure within the thermal infrared range of (3.7 - 15.4) micrometres, and 4 detectors measure within the visible range of (0.4 - 1.0) micrometres. The accuracy level is 1 degC in layers 1 kilometre thick for atmospheric temperature measurements, and 20 percent in layers 2 kilometres thick for humidity measurements in the troposphere. The swath centred on the nadir is approximately 49.5 degrees, and is scanned every 2 seconds. Each scan line contains 90 infrared footprints, with a resolution of 13.5 kilometres at nadir, and (41 x 21.4) kilometres at the scan extremes from a nominal orbit of 705.3 kilometres. The visible/near infrared spatial resolution is approximately 2.3 kilometres at nadir. Flown on Aqua (NASA). http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/16 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0283 | Atmospheric thermometer | A generic term for a device that measures atmospheric temperature. The term is for use where details of the make, model number and measurement principle are not known. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1193 | AutoFlux Logging System | An autonomous system designed to produce continuous measurements of turbulent air-sea flux estimates of wind stress, buoyancy, heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide from ship-mounted instrumentation using the inertial dissipation method (Yelland et al., 1994). [AutoFlux Group - MAST project MAS3-CT97-0108; Yelland et al., 1998; Yelland, Pascal, Taylor, Moat, 2009]. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0240 | Autolab bench salinometer | A laboratory instrument that determines salinity of a water sample by comparison of its electrical conductivity with a standard solution. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0635 | Automated Coulometer (Robinson and Williams, 1992) | An automated coulometric titration system used for the continual measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), developed by Robinson and Williams (1992). The instrument consists of a sampling pipette, CO2 extractor-stripper, scrubbers and a coulometer interfaced with a PC. The equivalence point is detected photometrically with thymolphthalein as the indicator. It is based on the Johnson et al. (1987) 5011 coulometer manufactured by UIC, but with a number of improvements, including: improved analytical time of 6 minutes; solid state optical liquid-level switches; a three-way mixer valve to allow interchange between sample and standard input; and replacement of PTFE tubing with stainless steel. The Robinson and Williams (1992) coulometer achieves an analytical precision (1 SD) of +/-0.5-1.0 umol/kg (0.025-0.05 percent) and accuracy of 0.15 percent. | 2013-08-14 |
NETT0005 | Automatic high-speed plankton sampler - Williamson (1962, 1963) | A sampler that has a series of 21 nets attached to the bottom of rectangular "trap doors" which are sequentially closed by means of a cam/screw assembly driven by a ships log (propellor). Each net is about 6.35 cm long and made of nylon cloth with 23.6 meshes per cm. The body of the device is 29.2 cm tall x 14 cm wide x 114 cm long not including the side fins. The aperture is 1.9 cm x 1.9 cm Effective sampling speeds 5 to 11 knots and sample length is 1 to 20 cm. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0004 | Autosampling and Recording Instrumental Environmental Sampler - Dunn et al. (1993) | A stretched version of the Lowestoft modified Gulf III (similar to Williams et al., LHPR frame) mounting three sampling systems. The nose cone had a 35.6 cm diameter opening expanding to 76 cm diameter. Instead of an LHPR box, a 2000 cm long by 16 cm wide belt was outfitted with 110 6-cm diameter cod-ends with 0.2 mm mesh. A drive motor periodically incremented the belt moving the nets from a feed spool into a position to collect a sample at the back of the net and then onto a take-up spool. Water samples were collected with 60 250 ml bottles mounted in a carousel similar to a conventional rosette sampler. A data logger recorded temperature, conductivity, pressure, flow, and sampling events at rates between 1 second and 60 minutes. User selected plankton and water sampling rates were 1 to 60 minutes. An acoustical telemetry system transmitted depth for realtime monitoring of the system. Towing speed is 4-5 kts [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 27 C] | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL0501 | Autosampling and Recording Instrumental Environmental Sampler rosette water bottle | A custom made water sampling bottle designed to fit on the ARIES net rosette sampler. The bottle comprises a free-flooding tube with hinged sealing lids at each end. The lids of each tube are connected by an internal length of silicone elastic. Prior to sampling the lids are held open by pins slotted into pivoting levers. When sampling is complete for one bottle the levels at each end of the next tube in the carousel are simultaneously turned by a rotating arm, thus releasing the lids and closing the tube. Each tube is 40 cm long and has an external diameter of 42 mm and a capacity of 250 ml. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL1804 | Avantes AvaSpec 3648 Fibre Optic Spectrometer | High resolution, fibre optic spectrometer used for marine chemical analysis to determine spectral information of water samples. It operates in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), and Near Infrared (NIR) spectral ranges (200 - 1100 nm). Ideal for spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy, the AvaSpec-3648 outputs reflection, transmission, irradiance, and light emission and absorbance. It is based on a symmetrical Czerny-Turner with 75 mm focal length and 3648 pixel CCD linear array detector. The instrument has 16 grating options, an electronic shutter, Avantes deep-UV (DUV) coating, a range of slit sizes, and fibre optic entrance connectors. Optional additions include ultra-low stray light (ULS) optical bench, dual and multi-channel housings, wireless communication, and installed SD card. The instrument has an integration time of 10 microseconds, and a resolution between 0.04 and 20 nm. | 2022-05-26 |
TOOL1890 | Axis Communications 214 (PTZ) network camera | A network camera with pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ), and audio for professional surveillance and remote monitoring applications. It has automatic day and night functionality and provides perfect colour images in lowlight conditions as well as sharp black and white images in extremely poor lighting conditions. The camera has built-in motion detection and powerful event management. It has built-in two-way audio which enables remote users to listen-in on an area and communicate through the camera. It has an 18x optical motorized lens with auto-focus. The image resolution can be set at 160x120 to 704x576. | 2023-01-03 |
TOOL2088 | Axis Communications M1054 network camera | A network camera with digital pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ), and two-way audio streaming. The Axis M1054 is suitable for a range of professional surveillance and remote monitoring applications. This instrument uses progressive scan to provide full frame rate video and features an integrated PIR sensor for detecting movement. The M1054 comes with a built-in microphone (which can be disabled), speaker, and white LED for illuminating the scene of an event. Full frame rate video is available in resolutions up to 1 megapixel including HDTV 720p. 2.8 mm camera lens with 1/25000 s to 1/6 s shutter time; video resolution 1280x800 to 160x90 with a frame rate of 25/30 fps in all resolutions. Operational temperature: 0 - 40 degrees C. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1891 | Axis Communications M3068-P (mini dome) network camera | A 12-megapixel mini dome camera with 360 degree panoramic view. It has forensic Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) and day/night functionality. It's resolution depends on the mode selected and can be: Overview: 2880x2880 to 160x160 (1:1); Panorama: 3840x2160 to 192x72 (8:3, 16:9 or 32:9); Double panorama: 3584x2688 to 384x288 (4:3 or 16:9); Quad view: 3584x2688 to 384x288 (4:3 or 16:9); View area 1-4: 2048x1536 to 256x144 (4:3 or 16:9); Corner left/right: 3200x1600 to 192x72 (2:1 or 8:3); Double corner: 2880x2880 to 384x288 (1:1 or 4:3); Corridor: 2560x1920 to 256x144 (4:3 or 16:9). It's frame rate in 360 degree overview up to 2880x2880 without WDR is 25/30 frames per second at 50/60 Hz, or in 360 degree overview and 4 de-warped views with WDR is up to 12.5/15 frames per second at 50/60 Hz. | 2023-01-03 |
TOOL1892 | Axis Communications M5014 (PTZ mini dome) network camera | A mini-HDTV dome camera with pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ) for remote indoor monitoring. The ceiling-mount camera enables flexible coverage over a 400 square meter area, with a +/-180 degree pan, 90 degree tilt and 3x digital zoom. It provides full frame rate video in HDTV 720p resolution. It supports multiple H.264 and Motion JPEG video streams. The maximum video resolution is 1280x720, and maximum frame rate is 25/30 frames per second. It has video motion detection. The IP51 rating ensures protection against dust and dripping water. It has a two-way audio and also supports audio detection. | 2023-01-03 |
TOOL1927 | Axis Communications P1346 network camera | An indoor fixed network camera suitable for a range of video surveillance applications, including government and industrial buildings, retail environments, airports, railway stations, and schools. Also available in an "-E" outdoor version. The P1346 model is distinguished as having a 3-megapixel camera with HDTV 1080p, and day and night capabilities. Features P-Iris control, allowing the camera to precisely control the iris position to optimise depth of field and lens resolution for optimal image sharpness, in addition to digital pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ), which allows a selected area of interest to be cropped from the full view for viewing or recording, thereby minimising the bit rate and storage needs. The H.264 compression capability reduces bandwidth and storage needs without compromising image quality. Supports multi-view streaming for up to eight individually cropped out view areas. The remote back focus function enables the focus to be fine-tuned from a computer. Resolution is 2048 x 1536 (3 MP) to 160 x 90, and shutter time is 1/35500 to 1/6 s. The lens is a varifocal F1.8, 4 to 10 mm, with 61 to 29deg view, and DC-iris lenses also supported. When streaming five view areas in VGA resolution, the rate is 20 fps per stream in H.264/Motion JPEG (3 MP capture mode). | 2023-05-30 |
TOOL1928 | Axis Communications P1347 network camera | An indoor fixed network camera suitable for a range of video surveillance applications, including government and industrial buildings, retail environments, airports, railway stations, and schools. Also available in an "-E" outdoor version. The P1347 model is distinguished as having a 5-megapixel camera with HDTV 1080p, and day and night capabilities. Features P-Iris control, allowing the camera to precisely control the iris position to optimise depth of field and lens resolution for optimal image sharpness, in addition to digital pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ), which allows a selected area of interest to be cropped from the full view for viewing or recording, thereby minimising the bit rate and storage needs. The H.264 compression capability reduces bandwidth and storage needs without compromising image quality. Supports multi-view streaming for up to eight individually cropped out view areas. The remote back focus function enables the focus to be fine-tuned from a computer. Resolution is 2560 x 1920 (5 MP) to 160 x 90, and shutter time is 1/25500 to 1/6 s. The lens is a varifocal F1.6, 3.5 to 10 mm with 77 to 28deg view, and DC-iris lenses also supported. When streaming four view areas in VGA resolution, the rate is 12 fps per stream in H.264/Motion JPEG (5 MP capture mode). | 2023-05-30 |
TOOL1929 | Axis Communications P1355 network camera | An indoor fixed network camera suitable for a range of video surveillance applications, including government and industrial buildings, retail environments, airports, railway stations, and schools. Also available in an "-E" outdoor version. The P1355 model is distinguished as having a HDTV 1080p camera and day and night capabilities. Features P-Iris control, allowing the camera to precisely control the iris position to optimise depth of field and lens resolution for optimal image sharpness, in addition to digital pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ), which allows a selected area of interest to be cropped from the full view for viewing or recording, thereby minimising the bit rate and storage needs. The camera is equipped with a serial port for communication with auxiliary equipment such as pan/tilt head in order to remotely change the camera direction. The H.264 compression capability reduces bandwidth and storage needs without compromising image quality. Supports multi-view streaming for up to eight individually cropped out view areas. The remote back focus function enables the focus to be fine-tuned from a computer. Resolution is 1920 x 1080 (HDTV) to 160 x 90, and shutter time is 1/28000 to 2 s (50 Hz) or 1/33500 to 2 s (60 Hz). The lens is a varifocal F1.2, 2.8 to 8 mm with 80 to 39deg view. | 2023-05-30 |
TOOL1930 | Axis Communications P1364 network camera | A fixed network camera designed for surveillance in extreme low light. The P1364 can deliver up to HDTV 720p video at 50/60 frames per second (fps) with reduced noise and motion blur in demanding light conditions. Features P-Iris control, allowing the camera to precisely control the iris position to optimise depth of field and lens resolution for optimal image sharpness, in addition to digital pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ), which allows a selected area of interest to be cropped from the full view for viewing or recording, thereby minimising the bit rate and storage needs. Axis Zipstream technology reduced bandwidth and storage requirements. Video is optimised for forensic purposes and provides high levels of detail. The P1364 can transition between wide dynamic range (WDR) and Lightfinder modes and features two-way audio. The remote back focus function enables the focus to be fine-tuned from a computer to ensure image sharpness. Resolution is 1280 x 960 to 160 x 90, with 25/30 fps (WDR) or 50/60 fps (no WDR), and shutter time is 1/28000 to 2 s (50 Hz) or 1/33500 to 2 s (60 Hz). The lens is a varifocal F1.2, 2.8 to 8.5 mm, with 92.3 to 33.3deg view (horizontal), 67.9 to 24.7deg view (vertical). | 2023-05-30 |
TOOL1939 | Axis Communications P1375 network camera | A network camera designed for surveillance at entrances or open areas, under various light conditions. It produces HDTV 1080p video, using a CMOS image sensor, Lightfinder 2.0, and Forensic wide dynamic range (WDR). The P1375 is PVC free, uses power over Ethernet (PoE), and has local memory storage. It has electronic image stabilisation, and offers shock detection and active tampering alarm. It allows for video compression, audio, and motions jpegs, but is not wireless. It uses a CS mount and supports motorised i-CS lenses which allows the user to change the lens to their needs. The image sensor size is 1/2.8, minimum colour lux 0.05, minimum b/w lux 0.01. Maximum video resolution 1920X1080 with 50/60 frames per second. The lens has a focal length of 2.8 -8 mm, with horizontal view between 124 and 42 deg, and a vertical view between 65 and 24 deg. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1940 | Axis Communications Q1755 network camera | The indoor Q1755 network camera is designed for securing areas where high-quality identification is needed, e.g. passport control, airports, etc. It produce HDTV 1080p or 720p video, using a CMOS image sensor, with autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. The camera offers video motion detection, audio detection, active tampering alarm. The camera is encased in zinc. They use power over Ethernet (PoE), and have local memory storage. Also available in an "-E" outdoor version, with an impact resistant aluminium enclosure. The image sensor size is 1/3, minimum colour lux 2, minimum b/w lux 0.2. Maximum video resolution 1920X1080 at 30 frames per second. The lens has a focal length of 5.1 - 51 mm, with horizontal view between 50 and 5.4 deg, 10x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1941 | Axis Communications Q6034 (PTZ dome) network camera | The indoor Q6034 PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) network camera is designed for surveillance in large areas, e.g. airports and train stations. It produces HDTV 720p video, using a progressive scan CCD image sensor, with day/night functionality, autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. The Q6034 is encased in aluminium and an acrylic clear dome. It uses power over Ethernet (PoE) and local memory storage. It offers video motion detection, audio detection, and auto-tracking. The image sensor size is 1/3, minimum colour lux 0.74, minimum b/w lux 0.04. Maximum video resolution 1280X720 at 25/30 frames per second. The lens has a focal length of 4.7 - 84.6 mm, with horizontal view between 55.2 and 3.2 deg, 18x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1942 | Axis Communications Q6035 (PTZ dome) network camera | The indoor Q6035 PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) network camera is designed for surveillance in large areas, e.g. airports and train stations. It produces HDTV 1080p or 720p video, using a CMOS image sensor, with day/night functionality, autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. The camera offers video motion detection and auto-tracking. The Q6035 is encased in aluminium with an acrylic clear dome. It uses power over Ethernet (PoE), and have local memory storage. Also available in an "-E" outdoor version, which comes with a PC/ASA sunshield. The image sensor size is 1/2.8, minimum colour lux 0.8, minimum b/w lux 0.04. 1080p video resolution 1920x1080 at 25/30 frames per second and 720p video resolution 1280x720 at 50/60 fps. The lens has a focal length of 4.7 - 94 mm, with horizontal view between 54.1 and 2.9 deg. (1080p) or 37.6 and 2 deg. (720p), 20x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1955 | Axis Communications Q6044 (PTZ dome) network camera | An indoor pan-tilt zoom network camera designed for wide area coverage and detailed surveillance at great distances, such as at airports, train stations, arenas, shopping malls and warehouses. It produces HDTV 720p video using a progressive scan CCD image sensor, with day/night functionality, autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. AXIS Q6044 offers basic video analytics such as motion detection, autotracking, Active Gatekeeper and audio detection. It is encased in IP52-rated aluminium casing with an acrylic clear dome. It uses Power over Ethernet (PoE) and local memory storage. Two models available as either a 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Image sensor size is 1/3 inches, minimum colour lux 0.2, minimum b/w lux 0.04. Maximum video resolution 1280x720 at 25/30 frames per second (50/60 Hz). Lens focal length 4.4 - 132 mm with horizontal view between 62.9 - 3.2 deg, 30x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2023-06-16 |
TOOL1956 | Axis Communications Q6045 (PTZ dome) network camera | An indoor pan-tilt zoom network camera designed for wide area coverage and detailed surveillance at great distances, such as at airports, train stations, arenas, shopping malls and warehouses. It produces HDTV 1080p video using a progressive scan CMOS image sensor, with day/night functionality, autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. AXIS Q6045 comes with built-in video analytics such as motion detection, highlight compensation, object removal, fence detector, object counter, enter/exit detection, autotracking and Active Gatekeeper. It is encased in IP52-rated aluminium casing with an acrylic clear dome. It uses Power over Ethernet (PoE) and local memory storage. Two models available as either a 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Image sensor size is 1/3 inches, minimum colour lux 0.6, minimum b/w lux 0.04. Maximum video resolution 1920x1080 at 25/30 frames per second (50/60 Hz). Lens focal length 4.45 - 89 mm with horizontal view between 62.98 - 3.49 deg, 20x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2023-06-16 |
TOOL1957 | Axis Communications Q6074-E (PTZ dome) network camera | An outdoor pan-tilt zoom network camera designed for wide area coverage and detailed outdoor surveillance in cities, plus other industrial and infrastructure applications. It produces HDTV 720p video using a progressive scan CMOS image sensor, with day/night functionality, autofocus and pan/tilt capacity. AXIS Q6074-E features Lightfinder 2.0, enabling detailed image capture in low light conditions. Includes built-in analytics such as autotracking, click and track functionality, and an orientation aid. Also includes Axis Zipstream with H.264/ H.265 which lowers bandwidth and storage requirements. It is encased in IP66-, IP67-, NEMA 4X- and IK10-rated aluminium with a polycarbonate clear dome and sunshield, enabling protection from dust, rain, snow and impacts. It uses Power over Ethernet (PoE) and local memory storage. Two models available as either a 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Image sensor size is 1/2.8 inches, minimum colour lux 0.1, minimum b/w lux 0.002. Maximum video resolution 1280x720 at 50/60 frames per second (50/60 Hz). Lens focal length 4.25-127.5 mm with horizontal view between 63.8 - 2.6 deg, 30x optical zoom and 12x digital zoom. | 2023-06-16 |
TOOL1301 | Axys Technologies Watchman500 data logger | A scientific sensor logging system that can be deployed on a diverse range of environmental long-term monitoring platforms. Scientific sensors are integrated into the system. In addition to sensor data, sensor configuration are logged and the system allows two-way communication. The logger connects to a PC based system via telemetry, which displays and archive real time data, provide system configuration and enables sensors to be controlled remotely. Supports analog, digital, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, CANBUS, SDI-12, and PUCK sensor interfaces. Supported telemetry options include VHF, cellular (GPRS/CDMA) and satellite transmission, landline phone, serial interface, and TCP/IP Ethernet. | 2018-12-14 |
TOOL1181 | BAS MUDL Bongo net | A motion-compensated upwards and downwards looking Bongo net - one facing upwards, one downwards. The instrument is designed for capturing zooplankton moving up and down the water column. It uses a spring mechanism to compensate for the platform's movements, maintaining the net's upward and downward velocity close to steady-state. The system uses sealed cod ends and a time-controlled open/close mechanism. The cod ends need to be pre-filled with water before deployment to avoid implosion. | 2017-11-27 |
TOOL1114 | BD Biosciences Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer | A flow cytometer designed to detect fluorochromes (including FITC, PE, APC), polymer dyes and fluorescent proteins (including GFP, YFP, mCherry). The instrument is equipped with a blue and red laser, two light scatter detectors, and four fluorescence detectors with user-interchangeable filters. A non-pressurised peristaltic pump system drives the fluidics. The system monitors the sample volume pulled per run, and can calculate absolute counts or sample concentration per uL. In the standard configuration (3-blue/1-red), three detectors read fluorescence emissions from fluorochromes excited by the blue laser, while a fourth detector reads emissions from fluorochromes excited by the red laser. The optional Selectable Laser Module allows to operate the system in 2-blue/2-red and 4-blue configurations. The minimum detectable particle size and sample volume are 0.5 um and 0.5 uL respectively. The maximum number of events is 1 million with an acquisition rate of up to 10,000 events/second. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL2134 | BD Biosciences Accuri C6 flow cytometer | A laser-based benchtop flow cytometer designed to detect fluorochromes (including FITC, PE, PerCP, and APC). The instrument is equipped with a blue and red laser, two light scatter detectors, and four fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimised for the detection of fluorochromes. Pre-optimised detector settings make the system easier to use. Optional filters and the selectable lasers module expand the available fluorochrome combinations. Laser and optical alignments are sand locked down during manufacture, ensuring standardised fluorescence performance and removing the need for users to adjust detector voltages. A low-pressure pumping system drives the fluidics, and a sheath-focused core enables event rates of up to 10,000 events per second and a sample concentration of over 5 x 10^6 cells per mL. In addition, the system derives sample volume and can calculate absolute counts or sample concentration per microliter. The system supports 48- and 96-well plates and deep-well plates, and is also supplied with a 24-tube rack for standard 12 x 75-mm tubes. Laser excitations are 488 and 640 nm. Minimum detectable particle size is 0.5 um, and minimum sample volume is 300 uL. Custom sample flow rates are between 10 - 100 uL/min, with a custom core diameter of 5 - 40 um. A maximum of 1 million events can be performed per sample well. | 2025-02-10 |
TOOL0519 | BD Biosciences FACSAria II Flow Cytometer | A high-speed fixed-alignment benchtop cell sorter. The cytometer can be operated at varied pressures and can acquire up to 70,000 events per second. It is capable of multicolour analysis of up to 13 fluorescent markers and two scatter parameters at a time. The system consists of three major components: a fluidics cart, optics system and cytometer electronics. This model has been discontinued. BD Biosciences is a component of BD, previously known as Becton Dickinson. | 2012-07-04 |
TOOL1210 | BD Biosciences FACSCalibur Flow Cytometry System | The FACSCalibur flow cytometer is an autonomous benchtop flow cytometer designed for routine cell analysis, assay development, verification and identification of cellular populations. It is equipped with a blue (488 nm) air-cooled argon laser and a red (635 nm) diode laser. For each particle (cell), five optical parameters can be recorded from the 488 nm laser beam excitation: two light scatter signals, namely forward and right angle, and three fluorescences corresponding to emissions in green (530/30 nm BP), orange (585/42 nm BP) and red (670 nm LP) wavelength ranges. A far red fluorescence (661/16 nm BP) induced by the red diode can also be recorded. Data are analysed using BD Biosciences CellQuest software. Optional features include a cell sorting option, allowing users to identify and isolate a population of interest and a HTS option (High-throughput (HT) or Standard (STD) mode), where sample volumes range from 2-10 microlitres in HT mode and 2-200 microlitres in STD mode. An optional BD FACS Loader tube-lifter can be used to verify tube position and rack identification. The instrument has a capture rate of 300 cells per second, supports 40 (12 x 75 mm) tubes per rack, and has an operating temperature ranging from 16-29 degC. | 2018-02-02 |
TOOL1132 | BD Biosciences Influx Cell Sorter | The BD Influx cell sorter is a flow cytometry platform with modular architecture and a combination of detection capabilities and hands-on controls. The optical system has up to ten lasers that can be customized with detectors and filters. The BD Influx system can handle a throughput rate of up to 200,000 events per second and features two, four and six way sorting as well as plate sorting. The fluidics system protects cells and addresses contamination. The nozzle assembly is designed to produce high droplet frequencies at relatively low pressures, enabling high-speed sorting while maintaining cell viability and functionality. | 2017-05-19 |
TOOL0853 | BGS Waverley Sonar 3000 side scan sonar | Waverley Sonar 3000 is the primary side scan sonar system for the British Geological Survey (BGS). A 100 kHz system with a single processing unit typically used in water depths up to 300 m, with a 750 m range each side. | 2022-06-08 |
NETT0007 | BIOMAPER-II - Wiebe et al (1999, 2002) | An integrated instrument platform for coupled biological and physical measurements that has a 5 frequency split-beam acoustic system, a VPR system, an environmental sensing system and a bio-optical system. An electro-optical towing cable is used for two-way data communications and the system can be towed oscillating to depths of 300 m [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 41 A-E]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0008 | BIONESS 1m - Sameoto, Jaroszynski and Fraser (1979, 1980) | Construction is a 100 cm x 100 cm mouth opening with 10 nets. The system is powered electrically on conducting wire and controlled from a surface deck unit. Data logging includes depth, roll, pitch, flowmeter revolutions, temperature and conductivity. There is also a 1/4 m system. This system has basic design similarities to that of Be MPS system [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 30 C, D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0564 | BIOPROBE benthic lander | A seabed lander comprising a stainless steel tripod with instrument cage, water samplers, water pump, compass, camera system, transmissometer or optical backscatter sensor, 3 current meters, thermistor temperature sensor and an electronic control unit with data logging. The components are independently housed to allow for changes in experimental setup. Sensor operation, data recording and water sampling are synchronised. The water sampling system consists of four cylindrical 15 litre polyethylene bottles, with inlets located 10, 15, 25 and 40 cm off the seabed. The bottles are connected to a centrifugal pump and during the sampling procedure fresh water in the four bottles is replaced by the near-bottom water. The instrument cage is located at the top of the tripod, well above the boundary layer sampling section and the sensors are controlled by a master electronics unit. | 2012-10-15 |
TOOL1204 | BX-650 box corer | A box corer designed for sediment surface sampling, also referred to as 'MK-III box (spade) corer'. The unit includes a stainless steel sample box of 50 cm x 50 cm in dimension, an automatic door-closing device, a pretrip preventer bar, quick release spade latches, and jacking dolly for mounting and removing sample box and spade. The corer can penetrate to a maximum of 60 cm into the sediment. Its weight is of approximately 740 kg, and its height is 212 cm with a deck footprint of 165 cm x 192 cm. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0597 | Bangor Ocean Colour Sensor | An ocean colour sensor set measuring upwelling irradiance at 440, 490, 570 and 670 nm that was designed and built by the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University. Data were integrated over a 30-second period and logged every 10 or 30 minutes. | 2013-01-31 |
TOOL0784 | Barnett-Watson multiple corer | A corer designed at SMBA (current name Scottish Association for Marine Science) that collects multiple undisturbed samples of the upper sediment, flocculent material and overlying water. This is achieved by a hydraulically-damped controlled descent of the open core liners once the frame has landed on the seabed. Rubber seals at the top and bottom of the core liner prevent sample loss during recovery. The outer framework supports weighted arrays of polycarbonate liners (4 split liners of 10cm internal diameter and 8 split liners of 6 cm internal diameter) hanging from a water-filled dashpot. | 2014-08-28 |
TOOL0281 | Barometer | A generic term for a device that measures atmospheric pressure. The term is for use where details of the make, model number and measurement principle are not known. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0956 | Barringer M123 Marine Proton magnetometer | Barringer M123 magnetometer is a towed proton precession magnetometer that takes measurements of the Earth's magnetic field. Self contained system but requires 110 VAC, 50 Hz, 13 amp for the mangetometer console. System comprises of the Barringer M123 magnetometer console, sensor bottle and cable, deck lead sensor cable reel to console, W +W two channel recorder and Black Box BCD convertor for digital logging. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL0656 | Bartington Magnetic Susceptibility MS2E point sensor | A portable, 2 kHz, MS2 magnetic susceptability point meter used to analyse the flat surface of split drill or soft sediment cores at high spatial resolution. The MS2E has a sensing area mounted on a ceramic tube which allows the sensor to be placed directly on the flat surface of a split core. The area of response from the probe is 3.8 mm x 10.5 mm (at 50% maximum response) allowing for high spatial resolution measurements along the core surface. The sensor operates by generating a low intensity (approx. 80 A/m RMS), non-saturating, alternating current magnetic field. The MS2 family of sensors have a volume specific maximum resolution of 2 x 10^-6 SI (2 x 10^-7 CGS). | 2013-12-02 |
NETT0017 | Bary Catcher high-speed plankton sampler - Bary et al. (1958) | Has a 22.9 cm diameter mouth opening behind a closing valve. The tube chamber is 19.5 cm diameter. The overall length of the outer fiberglass shell is 213 cm. Two metal nets can be used, one with 15.70 meshes per cm and one with 3.9 meshes per cm. Has depth-flowmeter (like that of Currie and Foxton, 1957) in the tail. Towed up to 10 knots. More than one unit can be attached to the wire. Can be used for vertical or horizontal towing [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 18 B, C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0878 | Battele Seaology pCO2 monitoring system | An autonomous air and water pCO2 monitoring device comprising an equilibrator to extract diffused gases from seawater, an air block that collects an air sample whilst excluding seawater and a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) carbon dioxide detector. These are designed to be mounted in a surface buoy (moored or drifting) with a power source (battery and solar), a stock of calibration standard gas, a control system, satellite communications including GPS and data storage. It has a measurement range of 100 to 600 ppm and precision of about 1 ppm.More information at http://battelle.org/our-work/national-security/maritime-technologies/sensors/battelle-seaology/battelle-pco2-monitoring-system#sthash.qWbxMCsQ.dpuf. | 2015-06-11 |
TOOL0658 | Baumer OADM 20I4560/S14C laser distance sensor | Laser line sensor for measuring distances to rough surfaces using traingulation from a pulsed red laser diode light source (laser class 2, 675 nm) and detection by a photoelectric array. The sensing range is 30 - 130 mm (resolution < 0.06 mm, linearity error +/- 0.2 mm, response time < 10 ms). The sensor has 5 pin connector and is analogue output (4 - 20 mA / 0 - 10 VDC). | 2013-12-09 |
TOOL0632 | Beckman Coulter LS 6000 Series Scintillation System | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for counting the level of radioactive decay in a sample. Typically the instrument features a Multichannel Analyzer and a quench monitor. Sample capacity is either 336 standard vials, or 648 miniature vials. It has an operating ambient temperature range of 15-35 degC. | 2013-07-31 |
TOOL1570 | Beckman Coulter LS13 320 XR particle size analyser | A laser diffraction particle size distribution analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. It uses a low angle forward light scattering method with optional PIDS (Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering) technology. It implements both the Fraunhofer and Mie light scattering theories. It also analyses vertical and horizontal polarised light at six different angles using three additional wavelengths. It has a measurement range of 10 nm - 3.5 mm. Light source: Laser diode (785 nm); PIDS: Tungsten lamp with band-pass filters (475, 613 and 900 nm). | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1569 | Beckman Coulter LS13 320 particle size analyser | A laser diffraction particle size analyser designed to measure particle size in the micrometre to millimetre range. It uses a low angle forward light scattering method with optional PIDS (Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering) technology. It implements both the Fraunhofer and Mie light scattering theories. It has a measurement range of 0.017 um - 2mm. It has a measurement time of 15 - 90 seconds and operates between 10 and 40 degC. Light sources: Solid State (780 nm); PIDS - Tungsten lamp with band-pass filters (450, 600 and 900 nm). | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1782 | Becton Dickinson FACScan flow cytometer | A flow cell-based benchtop cytometer. It uses hydrodynamic focusing to pass particles through a laser light. The scattered and fluorescent light is collected by appropriately positioned lenses. A combination of beam splitters and filters steers the light to the appropriate detectors. The detectors produce electronic signals proportional to the optical signals striking them. The analyser uses a 20mW Coherent 488nm, air cooled, argon ion laser. Detectors are three photomultiplier tubes with bandpass filters for FITC (530/30nm), PE (575/26nm), PerCP, or PE-Cy5,or PE-Cy5-5 or PE-Cy7 (650nmLP). Fluorescence sensitivity: <2,000 molecules of equivalent soluble fluoroscein. Fluorescence resolution: < 3% for PI labelled chick erythrocyte nuclei. | 2022-03-22 |
TOOL0521 | Becton Dickinson FACSort Flow Cytometer | A fixed-alignment, 5 detector benchtop cell sorter. The cytometer can sort cells at a rate of 300 per second and can be used at three selectable flow rates. The cytometer uses an argon-ion laser and has a variable sample pressure. Seven data channels are available for data acquisition. The cytometer consists of an optics, electronics and fluidics system. Becton Dickinson is now BD Biosciences. | 2012-07-05 |
TOOL2063 | Bell Aerospace BGM 3 marine gravimeter | A marine gravity meter that measures the earth's gravitational field. The BGM-3 system consists of a forced feedback accelerometer mounted on a gyrostabilized platform. The instruments sensor requires no cross-coupling correction. | 2024-07-04 |
TOOL1561 | BellaMare LLC and University of Miami RSMAS In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System {ISIIS} - Cowen and Guigand (2008) | The ISIIS was developed in collaboration between the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Atmospheric and Marine Science (RSMAS) and the subsea engineering company, Bellamare, LLC. Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation, NOAA, UNH Large Pelagics Center, and UM Maytag Chair of Ichthyology. ISIIS systems image organisms and particles in-situ as they swim or flow in between its two pods (fitted with a camera and illumination system). The instrument captures images of mostly undisturbed organisms, at a fine spatial and temporal resolution. ISIIS is an underwater imaging system for capturing in situ, real time images of marine zooplankton of relatively low abundance such as fish larvae and fragile gelatinous organisms. ISIIS imaging systems use industrial grade cameras. On towed sleds, they use a line-scan camera creating one single continuous image representing a real slice of the ocean. However, they can also be fitted with a classic area-scan camera if a system is to be used still (underwater monitoring station) or do slow vertical profiles. The ISIIS system utilizes a high-resolution line-scanning camera with a Light Emitting Diode (LED) light source, modified by plano-convex optics, to create a collimated light field to backlight a parcel of water. The imaged parcel of water passes between the forward portions of two streamlined pods (UW housings), and thereby remains unaffected by turbulence. The resulting very high-resolution image is of plankton in their natural position and orientation. When a sufficient volume of water is imaged this way, quantification of density and fine-scale distribution is possible. ISIIS is capable of imaging a maximum of 162 L of water per second (when flying at 5 knots) with a pixel resolution of 70 um, imaging particles from 1 mm to 13 cm in size. | 2020-11-02 |
TOOL0790 | Benthos 2216 Deep Sea pinger | The Benthos 2216 Deep Sea Pinger is a 12kHz acoustic transmitter designed with full ocean depth capability and a 1 pulse per second repetition rate. The instrument's pulse has switch selectable lengths of 0.5, 2, and 10 ms and is depth rated to 12,000 m. Benthos is now Teledyne Benthos. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0134 | Benthos PSA-916T Sonar Altimeter | A titanium sonar altimeter with 200 kHz operating frequency and 14 deg conical band width. It has a range of 100 m and is depth rated to 6000 m. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL2049 | Bettersize Instruments Bettersizer S3 Plus particle size analyser | The Bettersizer S3 Plus combines laser diffraction and dynamic image analysis in one instrument. It can measure the size and shape of particles from 0.01 um to 3500 um. It is equipped with two high-speed CCD cameras (0.5X and 10X magnification) to capture images of the sample being measured. During measurement, the particles dispersed in the medium of choice are pumped through two sample cells. In the first one, short-wave laser light (532 nm) illuminates particles and is scattered. The 96 detectors detect optical signals in an angle range of 0.02 degrees - 165 degrees. | 2024-06-17 |
TOOL1408 | BioSonics DT-X digital echosounder | A digital echosounder designed for underwater acoustic assessment and monitoring of physical and biological features. The instrument may be used in either marine or freshwater environments, for mobile or autonomous fixed location surveys. The BioSonics DT-X echosounder consists of a surface unit with LINUX-based embedded processor, a digital transducer with cable, a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and a notebook computer for communication, real-time display and data storage. The instrument can operate single-beam or split-beam transducers, allowing for the network of up to four separate transducers at four different frequencies. Operating frequencies include 38 kHz, 70 kHz, 120 kHz, 200 kHz, 420 kHz and 1000 kHz. Standard DT-X transducers may be deployed at a maximum of 100 m depth; the recommended maximum range depends on the transducer configuration: 995 m (single-beam), 497 m (dual-beam) or 248 m (split-beam). | 2020-03-19 |
TOOL1116 | Biospherical Instruments C-OPS spectroradiometer system | A radiometer system used for determining apparent optical properties in aquatic systems. It consists of two 7 cm diameter radiometers: one measures in-water upwelling radiance, and the other either downward irradiance or upward irradiance. It also includes sensors for temperature, pressure/depth and tilt. Each radiometer is a cluster of up to 19, stand alone, microradiometers. Thus, each radiometer is equipped with up to 19 optical wavebands. The radiometers are mounted on a free-fall frame. The frame can be optimised for either slow descent rates for work in very shallow coastal waters, or faster descent rates for observations in the open ocean. The system has a spectral range of 250 - 1650 nm and maximum depth rating of 300 m (125 m for standard version). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1548 | Biospherical Instruments GUV-2511 Ground Based UV/PAR radiometer | A multiwavelength ground-based radiometer system designed to measure solar ultra-violet (UV) irradiance and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for long-term monitoring applications. It can also be used to measure cloud optical thickness and total column ozone. It features powder-coated aluminium housing which may be mast-mounted, as well as specialised low-noise sensors with optimised interference filters. An internal sensor also measures photodiode array temperature. It uses RS-232 serial output for connection to a PC, and may be deployed individually or in networks. The GUV-2511 replaced the GUV-511 in 2003, and was retired in 2017. The GUV-2511 measures UV irradiance over 6 wavebands: 305; 313; 320; 340; 380 and 395 nm. It measures PAR from 400 - 700 nm. It as a standard FWHM bandwidth of 10 nm with an optional FWHM bandwidth of 20 nm. The temperature coefficient of the dark signal is less than +/- 3 uvolts per degC. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0440 | Biospherical Instruments MER-2040A profiling spectroradiometer | An underwater radiometer designed for multiwavelength profiling and surface measurements of irradiance, radiance, temperature, and remote sensing reflectance in the SeaWiFS wavelength bands. The standard instrument comes with 8 (expandable to 13) channels each of downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance (or optionally, irradiance), a spectral range of 340 - 780 nm, a depth transducer (200 m full scale, 500 m optional) and a dual axis inclinometer. The optical sensors are based on high stability, solid-state photodetectors, each with its own narrow-band (10 nm) interference filters. Additional, externally-mounted blocking filters are used where needed. The irradiance sensor is composed of an array of detectors that view a common cosine-corrected optical collector. The radiance sensor is a constructed from an array of telescopes, which define the collection angle (10° field of view), and are coupled to individual detectors. Each detector is connected to an electrometer amplifier, forming an array of amplifiers that are scanned under microprocessor control at approximately one channel per millisecond. The instrument can be modified to measure ultraviolet radiance and irradiance, vector (cosine) upwelling irradiance, and scalar upwelling and downwelling irradiance. A variety of additional sensors can be added to the MER-2040A to form a CTD with auxiliary sensors. Options include PAR, fluorescence, water current, transmissance, temperature, conductivity, oxygen and high resolution pressure sensors. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1254 | Biospherical Instruments PAR sensor (unspecified model) | An irradiance sensor, designed to measure Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0443 | Biospherical Instruments PRR-600 profiling reflectance radiometer | An underwater radiometer designed for multiwavelength profiling and surface measurements of irradiance, radiance, temperature, and remote sensing reflectance in the SeaWiFS wavelength bands. The standard instrument comes with 6 (expandable to 7) channels each of downwelling irradiance and upwelling radiance, and the user can select from 9 specialised detector channels at 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 665, 683, 780 nm and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR: 400 to 700 nm). The optical sensors are based on photodetectors, each with its own narrow-band (10 nm) interference filters. The PRR-600 irradiance collector is Teflon, backed with 100 % acrylic, optimized for excellent cosine response in water. The instrument is designed to be hand-lowered, and includes a temperature sensor and pressure transducer with a 200 m depth range. It is powered and controlled from a deck unit and data are transmitted to the deck via a conductive cable. There is the option to include additional upwelling and downwelling sensors, tilt and roll sensors, and two analog input channels. The instrument can also be configured for moorings, free-fall deployment, and low profile for towed applications. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0286 | Biospherical Instruments QCD-905L underwater PAR sensor | Aluminum quantum cosine PAR sensor with log output for depths to 10,000 m and 12 bit ADC systems. Single channel analog output voltage is proportional to the log of incident PAR (Photosynthetically Available Radiation: 400 - 700 nm) irradiance. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1737 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2150 underwater PAR sensor | A cosine-corrected PAR quantum irradiance profiling sensor. For use in high-pressure underwater applications with 24 bit ADC systems. Measures light available for photosynthesis on a flat surface. Operation is by a single channel compressed analog output voltage that is proportional to the log of incident PAR (400 - 700 nm) irradiance. The sensor can either be operated with a generic terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal or RealTerm, or with a dedicated software such as Logger2150 or LabVIEW. Custom-housed versions of this sensor are also available for gliders and other undersea or monitoring applications. Optional inclusion of temperature in the data stream. The QCP-2150 has a sample rate up to 250 Hz and is designed for operation in waters to depths of up to 6,800 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1189 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2200 underwater PAR sensor | A cosine-corrected PAR quantum irradiance profiling sensor. For use in underwater applications with a 16 bit or higher analog-to-digital converter. Measures light available for photosynthesis on a flat surface. Operation is by a linear analog output voltage that is proportional to the log of incident PAR (400 - 700 nm) irradiance. The sensor is designed for operation in waters to depths of up to 2,000 m (standard) or 6,800 m (high-pressure standard option) or 10,000 m (high-pressure user-specific option). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0288 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2300 underwater PAR sensor | Log output quantum cosine PAR profiling sensor. For use with 12 bit ADC systems. Single channel analog output voltage is proportional to the log of incident PAR (Photosynthetically Available Radiation: 400 - 700 nm) irradiance. Cosine corrected for use underwater to depths up to 1000 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL2116 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2300-HP underwater PAR sensor | A cosine-corrected Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) quantum irradiance profiling sensor for use in underwater applications. A variant of the QCP-2300 model, it uses a pressure-tolerant XSG-4-BCL-HP connector and is designed for operation in natural waters up to 6800 m in depth. The sensor has a flat quantum response over the PAR spectral region (400-700 nm) with the spectral response being shaped by a combination of absorbing glass and custom dichroic filters to accurately cover the PAR spectral region and block out-of-band radiation. Ideal to measure light available for photosynthesis on a flat surface. Custom-housed versions are available for gliders and other undersea monitoring applications. Low power consumption of <5 mA at 6-15 volts DC and can operate in a temperature range of -2 to 50 degrees Celsius. Uses a 24‐bit analog to digital converter to sample the signal before the logarithm is computed and the result is converted into an analog voltage (0‐5 V). | 2024-10-31 |
TOOL1186 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2350 underwater PAR sensor | A cosine-corrected PAR quantum irradiance profiling sensor. For use in underwater applications with 24 bit ADC systems. Measures light available for photosynthesis on a flat surface. Operation is by a single channel compressed analog output voltage that is proportional to the log of incident PAR (400 - 700 nm) irradiance. The sensor is designed for operation in waters to depths of up to 2,000 m (standard) or 6,800 m (optional). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1187 | Biospherical Instruments QCP-2350-HP underwater PAR sensor | A cosine-corrected PAR quantum irradiance profiling sensor. For use in high-pressure underwater applications with 24 bit ADC systems. Measures light available for photosynthesis on a flat surface. Operation is by a single channel compressed analog output voltage that is proportional to the log of incident PAR (400 - 700 nm) irradiance. A variant of the QCP-2350 model, it uses a pressure-tolerant BH-4-MP connector. The sensor is designed for operation in waters to depths of up to 10,000 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1671 | Biospherical Instruments QCR-2150 surface PAR sensor | A quantum surface reference radiometer PAR sensor designed to measure cosine irradiance in air, above water. No specifications are available for the QCR models, but they are identical to the QCP series except for the sensor collectors; the QCR models are designed for surface use whereas the QCP models are designed for underwater 'profiling' use. The QCR-2150 output is provided as a calibrated ASCII text data stream with optional inclusion of sensor temperature. It is designed for use with Logger 2150 software but is also suited for integration with third-party software, for example in multi-parameter monitoring systems. The QCR-2150 uses a 24 bit analog-to-digital converter with low noise and excellent stability. It is equipped with a Switchcraft EN3P5M connector. It measures over the PAR spectral range from 400 - 700 nm, and has sampling rates from 250 Hz to 1 sample average per hour. It has a dark reading stability < 0.003 uE/m2/sec (between 0 - 50 degC). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0070 | Biospherical Instruments QSP-200L underwater PAR | Underwater radiometer with a PAR spectral response (400 - 700 nm). Standard configuration had a spherical collector measuring 4-pi scalar irradiance but a flat plate cosine collector was available as an identically-designated option | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1305 | Biospherical Instruments QSP-2150 underwater PAR sensor | Quantum Scalar Irradiance PAR sensor. Developed for multi-parameter logging applications. It uses a scalar irradiance collector to obtain a uniform directional response over 3.6-pi steradians. A stainless steel encased optical light pipe guides flux from the collector to a filtered silicon photodetector, resulting in a flat quantum response over the PAR spectral region (400 - 700 nm). The sensor produces a digital ASCII output and uses a Teledyne-Impulse MCBH series connector. It uses a 24‐bit analog to digital converter (ADC) operating at frequencies of 4 to up to 250 Hz. It has a stability (dark reading) of < 0.003 microE m-2 sec‐1 and operates in waters depths up to 2000 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1368 | Biospherical Instruments QSP-2155 underwater PAR sensor | A custom-built version of the QSP-2150 Quantum Scalar Irradiance PAR Sensor, the QSP-2155 is designed for use on Teledyne Webb autonomous underwater vehicles, such as gliders. It is electronically and functionally equivalent to the QSP-2150, developed for multi-parameter logging applications, but its housing is tailored specifically for glider use. It uses a scalar irradiance collector to obtain a uniform directional response over 3.6-pi steradians. A stainless steel encased optical light pipe guides flux from the collector to a filtered silicon photodetector, resulting in a flat quantum response over the PAR spectral region (400 - 700 nm). The sensor produces a digital ASCII output and uses a Teledyne-Impulse MCBH series connector. It uses a 24-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) operating at frequencies of 4 to up to 250 Hz. It has a stability (dark reading) of < 0.003 microE m-2 sec-1 and operates in waters depths up to 2000 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1277 | Biospherical Instruments QSP-2350 underwater PAR sensor | Quantum Scalar Irradiance PAR Sensor. Developed for data loggers with limited dynamic range. It uses a scalar irradiance collector to obtain a uniform directional response over 3.6-pi steradians. A stainless steel encased optical light pipe guides flux from the collector to a filtered silicon photodetector, resultng in a flat quantum response over the PAR spectral region (400 - 700 nm). The sensor produces a logarithmically compressedanalog voltage output and BH-4-MP connector Operates in waters depths up to 2000 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1723 | Biospherical Instruments QSR 2150 surface reference radiometer | QSR sensors are surface reference radiometers to measure scalar irradiance from sunlight with a Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) response. These sensors are often used on ships during on-deck incubations, or while a QSP sensor is vertically profiling, for example, when mounted on a CTD. The QSR-2150 model has a digital ASCII output. QSR sensors are equipped with a detachable field-of-view cut-off shield to limit its response to light from the upper hemisphere (2 Pi steradians). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL2017 | Biospherical Instruments QSR 2200 surface reference radiometer | A surface reference radiometer to measure scalar irradiance from sunlight with a PAR response. These sensors are often used on ships during on-deck incubations, or while a QSP sensor is vertically profiling, for example, when mounted on a CTD. The QSR-2200 outputs a linear analog signal and is compatible with data loggers that can accept a wide range of signal voltages. QSR sensors are equipped with a detachable field-of-view cutoff shield to limit its response to light from the upper hemisphere (2 Pi steradians). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0811 | Biospherical Instruments QSR-2000 series quantum scalar reference sensors | Irradiance sensors which measure the total incident Photosynthetically Available Radiation (400 - 700 nm) from the sun and sky. Standard configuration is a PTFE spherical collector with hemi-spherical field-of-view cutoff measuring directional response over 2 pi steradians. Nominal sensitivity is 1 volt = 1 x 10^17 quanta/(cm2·sec). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0071 | Biospherical Instruments QSR-240 surface PAR | Shipboard radiometer with a PAR spectral response (400 - 700 nm) designed to monitor surface irradiance during underwater light profile measurement. Hemispherical collector measuring 2-pi scalar irradiance | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1692 | Biospherical Instruments profiling natural fluorometer | An integrated optical system designed to measure Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) and Natural Fluorescence (the fluorescence from phytoplankton stimulated by available sunlight). This system can be deployed from small vessels or inflatables. It can measure natural fluorescence, scalar irradiance of PAR (400 - 700 nm), water temperature, and depth to 100 m. Unlike strobe fluorometers, a natural fluorometer measures fluorescence emitted under the ambient light conditions that are driving photosynthesis in situ. The instrument has a depth range of 200 m and an operating temperature range of -5 to 35 degC. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0929 | Biotrack MK3 geolocator tags | A family of tags designed for tracking animal movements over long periods based on measurement of light levels at dawn and dusk. The tags also measure temperature and whether they are wet or dry. Geolocator accuracy is of the order of 150km. Tags must be recovered for data download. The MK3 family weigh 2.5 grams and are designed to be attached to deep-diving and larger water birds. Tags in this family were developed by British Antarctic Survey and are produced under licence by Biotrack: the BAS MK19 as the Biotrack MK3005 and the BAS MK16 as the Biotrack MK3006. | 2015-08-04 |
TOOL0609 | Biral HSS VPF-730 Visibility and Present Weather Sensor | An infrared forward scatter meter which measures horizontal visibility and precipitation. The sensor measures the amount of light scattered by small suspended particulates (i.e. fog, haze and smoke aerosols) or larger particles (i.e. rain, snow, ice pellets, drizzle and mist) passing through the sample volume. The sensor calculates the atmosphere EXtinction COefficient (EXCO) from which the Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) is calculated. Using an infra-red light source and intelligent sensing technology the measurements are unaffected by other light-sources. | 2013-03-22 |
TOOL1832 | Biral SWS-100 visibility sensor | A forward-scattering visibility sensor designed to monitor visibility and obstruction to vision caused by dust, fog, rain, drizzle, snow and hail. It includes digital, analogue and switching relay outputs. It features WMO 4680 precipitation codes, and measurements are reported as instantaneous and averaged forward scatter Meteorological Optical Range (MOR). Reporting of atmospheric Extinction Coefficient (EXCO) is a user selectable option. The sensor enclosure is aluminium as standard, a powder coating to protect from corrosion. It can be supplied with a hard coat anodizing and powder coat finish as an option, recommended for marine environments. Heated hoods are also available. It uses RS-485 Modbus communication. Default measurement range is 10 - 2000 m, with maximum visibility ranges up to 75 km and a user selectable resolution of either 1 or 10 m. The scatter angle ranges from 39 to 51 degrees, centred at 45 degrees. Operating temperature is from -40 to +60 degC. | 2022-08-04 |
TOOL1919 | Biral SWS-200 visibility and present weather sensor | A forward-scattering visibility sensor designed to monitor visibility and obstruction to vision caused by dust, fog, rain, drizzle, snow and hail. It is compatible with the ALS-2 ambient light sensor for use in Runway Visual Range (RVR) aviation applications. The SWS-200 includes digital, analogue and switching relay outputs, featuring WMO 4680 precipitation codes. Measurements are reported as instantaneous and averaged forward scatter Meteorological Optical Range (MOR). The ASCII text data message is transmitted using a RS232, RS422 or RS485 interface. Reporting of atmospheric Extinction Coefficient (EXCO) is a user selectable option. The sensor enclosure is aluminium as standard, a powder coating to protect from corrosion. It can be supplied with a hard coat anodizing and powder coat finish as an option, recommended for marine environments. Heated hoods are also available. Default measurement range is 10 m to 20 km, with maximum visibility ranges up to 99.9 km and a user selectable resolution of either 1 or 10 m. The scatter angle ranges from 39 to 51 degrees, centred at 45 degrees. Operating temperature is from -40 to +60 degC. | 2023-05-17 |
TOOL0006 | Bissett-Bermann 9006 STD system | The Bissett-Bermann 9006 was an STD (salinity, temperature depth) profiler. Output was analogue, producing plots of salinity and temperature versus depth that were subsequently manually digitised. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0005 | Bissett-Bermann 9040 CTD system | This instrument, also known as the Plessey 9040, incorporates pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors whose output may be digitally logged in addition to the derived parameters depth, salinity and sound velocity. An optional dissolved oxygen sensor is available. Salinity accuracy is quoted at +/-0.02 ppt and temperature accuracy is quoted at +/-0.02 C in normal oceanographic conditions. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1543 | Blue Robotics Ping sonar altimeter and echosounder | A single-beam echosounder designed for underwater distance measurement applications. These include altimetry when mounted on an ROV or AUV, for bathymetry work when mounted on a USV, or as an obstacle avoidance sonar. It uses a piezoelectric transducer to send an ultrasonic acoustic pulse into the water, and then detects returning echoes. The Ping is able to determine the distance to the strongest echo, which is usually the ocean floor or a large object. It can also provide the full echo response (echo strength versus time). The Ping is housed in a hard-anodized aluminium enclosure. It has four threaded mounting holes and is supplied with a mounting bracket and hardware for specific use on the Blue Robotics BlueROV2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The Ping connects to the open source user interface Ping-Viewer for control and data display. The Ping uses a 115 kHz transducer frequency and has a measurement range of 0.5 to 30 metres. It has a beamwidth of 30 degrees and is depth-rated to 300 metres. It can operate in temperatures from 0 to 30 degC. | 2020-09-15 |
TOOL1544 | Blue Robotics high definition video camera | A high-definition (HD), wide-angle, low-light video camera designed for use on the Blue Robotics BlueROV2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV). It enables a live HD video feed for shallow water inspections and operations. The camera is mounted to a Hitec HS-5055MG tilt servo mechanism, enabling the pilot to tilt the camera up or down. The camera operates via USB at 1080p, 30fps, and has an 80 degrees horizontal field of view. It has a camera tilt range of +/- 90 degrees (180 degrees total range). | 2020-09-15 |
TOOL0358 | Bolt Associates Inc PAR air gun | A towed chamber that rapidly released a single bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave plus sonic oscillations as the bubble collapsed. These were used as energy sources for seafloor seismic surveys from the mid-60s until superseded by the Bolt Long-Life air gun in 1992. Bolt Associates Inc. are now known as Bolt Technology Corporation. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0357 | Bolt Technology Corporation 1500-LL air gun | A towed chamber that rapidly releases a single bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave plus sonic oscillations as the bubble collapses. It is used a an energy source for seafloor seismic surveys. The 1500-LL is designed for chamber volumes ranging from 40 to 1500 cubic inches and has a maximum operating pressure of 2000 psi. Multiple guns can be configured in a cluster to increase energy output. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0356 | Bolt Technology Corporation 1900-LLXT air gun | A towed chamber that rapidly releases a single bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave plus sonic oscillations as the bubble collapses. It is used a an energy source for seafloor seismic surveys and is suited to both shallow and deep water work. The 1900-LLXT is designed for chamber volumes ranging from 10 to 380 cubic inches and has been tested at an operating pressure of 3000 psi. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0355 | Bolt Technology Corporation 2800-LLX air gun | A towed chamber that rapidly releases a single bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave plus sonic oscillations as the bubble collapses. It is used a an energy source for seafloor seismic surveys and is suited to shallow water work. The L2800-LLX is designed for chamber volumes ranging from 5 to 120 cubic inches and has a maximum operating pressure of 2000 psi. It can be configured in 2-3 gun clusters to increase energy output. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0353 | Bolt Technology Corporation Long-Life air gun | A family of air guns with maximum bubble sizes from 125 to 2000 cubic inches. Air guns comprise a towed chamber that rapidly release a single bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave plus sonic oscillations as the bubble collapses. This family has been used as energy sources for seafloor seismic surveys since their introduction in 1992. | 2010-11-18 |
NETT0176 | Bongo net | A generic term for a plankton net designed with double circular (ring, hoop or drum) mouth pieces; with further specifications either unknown or described elsewhere in the supporting metadata. | 2018-01-09 |
NETT0009 | Bongo-style vertical closing net - Brown (1975) | An open pair of 50 cm diameter circular net hoops were mounted on each end of a 150 cm wide cross-strut which was attached to a towing cable. Nets were attached to the bottom of the hoops and their cod-ends were attached to a spreader bar which was also attached to the wire. The nets were lowered to a maximum depth to haul and then during the haul back to the surface, a messenger was used to close the nets either by releasing the hoops so that they turned 90 degrees or by releasing the nets which fell back and were pursed by throttling lines attached to the cross-strut. A non-opening/closing variant of this net is known as the CalVET net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 10 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0012 | Booby-II neuston net - Bieri and Newbury (1966) | Construction is a wooden frame 63 cm wide x 16.5 cm tall x 121 cm long with a pair of Otter board fins extending down 58.5 cm below the top. Styrofoam plastic used for floatation. Inside the wooden frame is a metal framework to support a 63 cm x 20 cm rectangular net 100 cm long (number 54 nylon grit gauze). Towed at 1 to 3 kts from the bow of a vessel with bridle attached to the forward side of the frame so that it rides out away from the vessel [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0014 | Bottom plankton sampler - Macer (1867) | Approximately 30 cm x 20 cm mouth opening. Net dimensions or mesh used are not given [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 23 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0013 | Bottom plankton sampler - Omori (1969) | A 70 x 70 cm rectangular mouth opening net is attached to a sled made of iron (75 cm wide x 90 cm long x 25 cm tall) with a plastic runner on the bottom. The net of 2.0 mm mesh is 350 cm long. A finer mesh netting (330 microns) was used to line the posterior 150 cm to retain smaller zooplankton. The system is equipped with a messenger operated closing mechanism and a flow meter. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0015 | Bottom skimmer - Frolander and Pratt (1962) | A double runner sled 46 cm wide x 23 cm tall x 132 cm long with a roller on the forward lower cross strut, sheet lead attached to the bottom near the front, and a pair of metal float balls snap-hooked to the top to keep sled right-side-up. Inside was mounted a Clarke-Bumpus cylinder and net (63.5 cm length). Towed at speeds of 1-2 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 23 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0472 | Bowers and Connelly Mega Corer | A sediment corer which collects relatively undisturbed sea-floor sediment samples including an intact sediment-water interface and overlying supernatant water. The Mega Corer holds 12 tubes, each 600 mm in length, allowing collection of sediment cores up to 400 mm long. It has a hydrostatic damping system which is used to slow down the penetration rate and to remove the typical bow wave. Corer deployment rates are in the region of 1 metre per second on the descent, and at any speed on retrieval as the samples are sealed top and bottom. The core tubing can be manufactured from acrylic, poly carbonate or stainless steel. The instrument was designed by Bowers and Connelly and is now manufactured by OSIL. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL1269 | Bowtech Aqua Vision L3C-550 colour camera | A miniature colour charge-couple device (CCD) camera with fixed focus (100mm to infinity), designed for underwater viewing. The camera’s sensor type is a Sony 1/3” EX-View Hole-Accumulation Diode (HAD) CCD sensor with 10 bit digital processing; its horizontal resolution is 550 Television lines (TVL) and its light sensitivity limit is 0.1 lux at aperture size f2.0. The camera is enveloped in a titanium housing with a 4000m rating, with a 6000m option. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1539 | Braincon unknown model current meter | An instrument designed to measure the speed and direction of movement of water in a water body. Current speed is recorded by a rotor which is coupled to a revolution counting mechanism. The rotor is rotated by the current and the speed of rotation is a known function of the speed of the current. | 2020-09-08 |
TOOL1229 | Brinno TLC200 time-lapse camera | A portable, time-lapse video and still photo camera. It is typically used in domestic applications. It outputs AVI (video) and JPG (still photo) formats with resolutions of 1280x720 or 640x480. It is 64 x 64 x 106 mm (DxWxH) in size, weighs 120 g and has up to 32 GB memory storage (SD card). It can be fitted with a wide-angle lens (0.45x) and weather resistent housing. Captures up to 270,000 frames in 2.2 days at up to 2 frames per second. Custom frame time interval: 1 sec to 24 hours. Field of view: 59 degrees. Focal length: 36 mm (35 mm equivalent). Focus distance 75 cm (minimum). | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL1169 | British Antarctic Survey (long) piston corer | Long Piston Corer (LPC) developed by BAS in collaboration with Marine Project Developments of Hull, originally trialled in 1992. Piston corers use heavy tubes which are plunged into the seafloor to extract samples of mud sediment. A piston inside the tube allows scientists to capture the longest possible samples. The corer can collect undisturbed marine sediment cores with barrel lengths of up to 30m. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1202 | British Antarctic Survey Acoustic Towfish | An acoustic towfish developed by the British Antarctic Survey, built to carry a set of transducers (38 kHz split beam, 120 kHz split beam, 200 kHz single beam) and to be towed in 20 m to 30 m depth. This instrument was design to sample in the 'blanking zone' of ship-mounted echosounders, an area in the water column where air bubbles and acoustic noise corrupt the echosounder's measurements. | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0184 | British Antarctic Survey Continuous Plankton Recorder | A British Antarctic Survey-built plankton sampling instrument, designed to be towed from a ship at a depth of approximately 10 m. Water passes through the CPR, and plankton are filtered onto a slow-moving band of silk with a mesh size of 270 um, covered by a second band of silk. | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0182 | British Antarctic Survey Epi-benthic Sledge | A British Antarctic Survey-built sledge, designed to be towed along the seabed to stir up the top layer of sediment and collect organisms living just above the seafloor. The EBS has a stainless steel metal frame with two nets built in, and two doors at the front, which are operated by a mechanical leaver to ensure accurate sampling. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0992 | British Antarctic Survey Foredeck Net | The foredeck (also fore-deck) net was designed by Doug Bone (Gear Development, British Antarctic Survey) in 1980. It has a square net mouth of 1 square metre area and is fitted with a 5 millimetre mesh tapering over 3 metre to a solid conical cod end. The foredeck net is towed from the hydrolic crane at a depth near to the sea surface. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL0994 | British Antarctic Survey Mini-Bongo net | A British Antarctic Survey-built small and light version of a Bongo net, the Mini-Bongo can be deployed from smaller boats with small winches. It is mainly used to catch small Zooplankton in good condition in depth up to about 100m. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL0993 | British Antarctic Survey Motion Compensated Bongo Net | A British Antarctic Survey-built motion compensated Bongo net. It has two nets with different mesh sizes (100 um and 200 um) deployed at the same time to collect plankton samples. No open or closing is required. The motion compensation unit has a spring mechanism to maintain the net at a steady speed by increasing or decreasing the length of the wire depending on the ships movements and catches plankton in much better conditions. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL0996 | British Antarctic Survey N70 Plankton Net | A British Antarctic Survey-rebuilt version of the Nansen N70 net as described in Ward et al. 2012 used to collect zooplankton samples. | 2016-04-04 |
NETT0188 | British Antarctic Survey NEuston MOdified {NEMO} microplastics net | A HydroBios microplastic sampling net of mesh size 0.3 mm mounted in a neuston sledge. The 70 cm x 40 cm rectangular net mouth is equipped with a flowmeter. A modified design comprises of two microplastic nets, a 0.1mm mesh size net outside of a 0.3mm mesh size net. The system is designed for sea surface sampling in the maximum sea state of Beaufort 5. | 2018-10-04 |
TOOL1274 | British Antarctic Survey Net Traps | A pair of nets composed by an upward-looking bongo net, composed by two conjoined rings, and a downward-looking net with lead weights on the net-ring. The net traps are connected to a brass jawed mechanism, which uses brass messengers sent down the wires to sequentially open them at the desired depth, and close them at the end of the sampling period before for recovery. They are designed to catch plankton swimming into them from both directions. | 2018-08-02 |
NETT0178 | British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1 | A British Antarctic Survey-built pelagic trawl system, mainly used to catch zooplankton. The RMT system is operated in combination with the down-wire net monitor, a custom-built electronic system that enables two-way communications between the net and controllers aboard the ship. The net has a mouth opening of 1 m^2. | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0179 | British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8 | A British Antarctic Survey-built pelagic trawl system, composed of a combination of RMT1 and RMT8 nets. The RMT1 net is best suited to catch zooplankton, while the RMT8 net is used to catch krill. The RMT system is operated in combination with the down-wire net monitor, a custom-built electronic system that enables two-way communications between the net and controllers aboard the ship. The nets have mouth openings of 1 m^2 (RMT1) and 8 m^2 (RMT8). | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0181 | British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 25 | A British Antarctic Survey-built pelagic trawl system, best suited to catch fish. For targeted sampling in specific swarms or water layers, two nets can be used independently. The RMT system is operated in combination with the down-wire net monitor, a custom-built electronic system that enables two-way communications between the net and controllers aboard the ship. The net has a mouth opening of 25 m^2, and weighs around 1000 kg. | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0180 | British Antarctic Survey Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 | A British Antarctic Survey-built pelagic trawl system, mainly used to catch krill. The RMT system is operated in combination with the down-wire net monitor, a custom-built electronic system that enables two-way communications between the net and controllers aboard the ship. The net has a mouth opening of 8 m^2. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1251 | British Antarctic Survey Shipboard Three Component magnetometer | A British Antarctic Survey-built shipboard three-component magnetometer. The design of this instrument was based on the STCM described by Korenaga et al., 1995; however, BAS's version is simplified, it does not use a gyrocompass, and records heave, roll and pitch information using an Ashtech 3D GPS and TSS300 HRP attitude sensor. One of the principles of the STCM is to simultaneously measure the ship's attitude and the magnetic vector field, in order to remove the effect of the ship's motion. In order to obtain unbiased ambient geomagnetic field measurements, the ship's own magnetisation needs to be known. This is obtained by carrying out 'figure eight' manoeuvres at constant speed, during which unbiased ship's rolling data can be acquired. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL0995 | British Antarctic Survey Towed Bongo Net | A British Antarctic Survey-built bongo net used to collect plankton samples while being towed behind the ship; collects samples from targeted water depths or strata. | 2022-05-13 |
TOOL1179 | British Antarctic Survey gravity corer | Gravity corer built in 2010 by P.Smit, Netherland. It was primarily used in the Paleo - Ice Sheets and Quaternary Sediments Work packages at BAS. The corer uses the pull of gravity to penetrate the seabed with a core barrel to collect samples. Corer can configure 3m, 6m, 9m, and 12m barrels. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL2000 | British Antarctic Survey manual permafrost corer | A manual coring device to extract cores through permafrost in peat banks. A 600 mm long SIPRE (Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment) type ice-core barrel with internal diameter of 82.5 mm and plastic flights was adapted for peat core extraction. Shoe plates can be continually stacked to allow the angle of the cutting edges to be altered depending on the field conditions. It utilises vertical extension rods 1 m long, along with a manual horizontal rotation bar. The barrel and head were designed with four spring-loaded lever arms called 'core dogs', as opposed to the usual two, for extraction of the material from the core hole. The drill head has two sharp cutting teeth. It is operated by manual rotation of the barrel whilst being held vertical. The maximum length of core potentially held within the barrel is 600 mm. | 2024-01-15 |
TOOL1994 | British Antarctic Survey motorised permafrost corer | The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) motorised permafrost corer comprises a one metre coring barrel and a motorised component. The barrel features a diameter of between 8.42 and 8.89 cm, with two 1 x 0.3 cm spiral strips welded to the barrel with a pitch of 27.5 cm per revolution. | 2023-11-30 |
NETT0185 | British Antarctic Survey multiple plankton net system based on MOCNESS | A British Antarctic Survey-built version of the Multiple Opening and Closing Net with an Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) originally designed by Wiebe et al. (1976) for capturing zooplankton. This version consists of nine nets, which can be towed to a maximum depth of 1000 m. A live data stream allows an operator on the ship to close a net, thus triggering the opening of the next one. The first net is open when the system goes in the water; when the maximum depth is reached, the operator triggers it to close, thus automatically prompting the next one to open. This mode of operation is repeated until all nets have collected samples. This system allows for accurate control over timing and location of samples, which are collected sequentially through the nine nets. The frame also carries a current meter and a CTD system. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1258 | British Antarctic Survey prototype re-usable Sonic sonobuoy | A British Antarctic Survey-built prototype of a free-floating re-usable sonobuoy, designed to record low frequency acoustic information generated by remote marine seismic sources. The instrument is used in conjunction with a towed airgun array, or other remote marine seismic sources. Further details can be found in section 10.10 of JR18 cruise report. | 2018-08-20 |
TOOL1170 | British Antarctic Survey rock chipper | BAS built rock chipper (also known as a wax corer) collects samples of volcanic rock. The head of the chipper is wax filled so that when the corer is lowered and free falls to the seabed, it splinters the rock and collects samples of rocks in the wax. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1195 | British Geological Survey Airgun Profiling System | A British Geological Survey-built airgun profiling system composed of: a Bolt 600B gun array of five guns as sound source, each fitted with 655 cm^3 (i.e. 40 cubic inches) firing chambers; a hydrophone streamer; a compressor container; a BGS/CODA digital acquisition and processing system; and a Waverley thermal recorder. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1262 | British Geological Survey Deep Tow Boomer | A British Geological Survey-built seismic tool, designed to be towed behind a ship within a water depth range of 100m - 2000m. The DTB has a vertical resolution of 1m, and acoustic penetrations of up to 150m. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1172 | British Geological Survey RD1 5m (combined) rockdrill and vibrocorer | A combined rockdrill and vibrocorer system developed by BGS. It has been used to sample offshore and deep water material. The system is capable of collecting hard rock (5m maximum) and soft sediment (6 m maximum). | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1196 | British Geological Survey Sparker Profiling System | A British Geological Survey-built sparker profiling system composed of: either a EG&G, nine candle or a BGS, four candle sparker array as sound source; a Teledyne hydrophone; a high voltage power supply with up to 2 KJ output; a high voltage generator (optional); a BGS/CODA digital acquisition and processing system; and a Waverley thermal recorder. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1171 | British Geological Survey VC1 6m vibrocorer | British Geological Survey (BGS) VC1 Vibrocorer is an upgraded 6m system. It is used for collecting soft and unconsolidated sediment. Sediments are collected in a plastic liner tube within a core barrel driven by a one-tonne weight and vibrator motor (hence the name vibrocorer) mounted at the top of the rig. Guillotine closure below the core barrel during recovery of the equipment aids in core retention during operations. It is capable of collecting sediment in up to 6000m of water. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1092 | Brunel SP95I Microscope | An inverted microscope designed for all types of cell culture and microbiology examinations. The instrument operates by illuminating the specimen from above, using a rheostat controlled quartz halogen lightning system of 6 volt 20 watt. Kohler illumination is enabled by a fitted field iris diaphragm. The microscope is equipped with a binocular viewing head with extra widefield 10x eyepieces, and a camera port for digital, 35mm photomicrography, and CCTV. The specimen stage measures 200 mm by 155 mm and is fitted with circular and rectangular removable plates. Drop down coaxial movement controls enable a traversing distance of 75 mm (X axis) and 50 mm (Y axis). | 2016-11-24 |
TOOL0011 | Bubbler tide gauge | The full tide bubbler system normally consists of two independent measuring systems. The pressure points are mounted approx 1m below Admiralty Chart Datum (ACD) so that negative surges may be recorded and are similar in appearance to an inverted bucket with a copper nozzle mounted on the side. This nozzle is the actual measuring point. A low flow of dry air (normally 7ml/min) is fed down an air tube to the top of the pressure point. When the air pressure in the air line equals the pressure exerted by the column of water above it, then the excess air is released as bubbles through the copper nozzle. This means that the pressure in the air line is proportional to the weight of the water column. | 2008-11-28 |
TOOL0536 | Bucket | Typically a watertight, vertical cylinder or truncated cone, with an open top and a flat bottom. Usually attached to a semicircular handle. | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL0614 | Burkard Scientific SFA 2000 colorimetric AA-II segmented flow analyser | A colorimetric segmented flow nutrient AA-II analyser. The standard high sensitivity colorimetric and UV detectors use filter technology and flow through cells with a range of path lengths from 3-50mm. | 2013-04-23 |
TOOL0742 | C & C Technologies C-Nav2000 satellite positioning system receiver | A 10-channel all-in-view L-band receiver, the C-Nav2000 produces positional fixes with a horizontal accuracy of <10 cm and a vertical accuracy of <30 cm. The instrument has a range of user-programmable output rates. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0743 | C & C Technologies C-Nav2050G satellite positioning system receiver | A 26-channel all-in-view receiver, with 12-channels available for each of L1 and L2, plus two channels for SBAS. The C-Nav2000 produces positional fixes with a horizontal accuracy of <10 cm and a vertical accuracy of <15 cm. The instrument has a range of user-programmable output rates up to 50 Hz for raw data, and 25 Hz for position, velocity and time data. The C-Nav2050G is the standard model. A C-Nav2050M is available with a 1 PPS output port and a combined Event/CAN Bus interface port. A C-nav2050R is available, which allows for two L-Band signal connections: one for the Dual Frequency GPS antenna and the other for a hi-gain L-band communication satellite antenna. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0349 | C & C Technologies C-Nav3050 satellite positioning system receiver | A 66-channel "all-in-view" parallel tracking combined GPS/GNSS/L-band receiver providing high accuracy positional information worldwide between 72N and 72S. The C-Nav3050 tracks GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, C-Nav and other SBAS signals, producing positional fixes with a horizontal accuracy of <10 cm and a vertical accuracy of <15 cm. The instrument has a range of user-programmable output rates (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 Hz). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL2034 | C-NavX1 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver | A rugged, mobile, quad-band IP67-rated Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, designed for use in the marine sectors. Suited for real-time applications such as surveying and dynamic positioning. The C-NavX1 is an integrated multi-constellation GNSS and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) augmentation receiver that tracks GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo and QZSS constellations. In addition, the device tracks SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS and GAGAN. It receives C-NavMAX corrections data via Iridium's global satellite communications network. It can be configured to log data via a C-Controller device, storing to the Personal Computers storage, or USB drive. Accurate to < 10 cm including polar regions. 1 pulse-per-second output. 30 GB storage capacity. Operating temperature -40 to +70 degC. | 2024-05-29 |
TOOL0692 | CAE BA20 barometer | An electronic barometer with sensitivity of 0.1 hPa and accuracy of +/-0.5 hPa from 600 to 1100 hPa. Operating temperature range is -40 to 60 degC. | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0691 | CAE DV20/VV20 anemometer | A cup and vane anemometer with sensity of 0.02 m/s and accuracy of +/-1 percent from 0 to 61 m/s, and 0 to 360 degrees. Operating temperature range is -30 to 60 degC. | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0695 | CAE HE20/K pyranometer | A HE20/K pyranometer measuring total incident solar radiation with temperature dependence of less than 2 percent, and nonlinearity of +/-1.5 percent from 0 to 1500 W/m2. Operating temperature range is -40 to 60 degC. | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0694 | CAE PMB2 rain/snow gauge | A mechanical rain/snow gauge with sensitivity of 100cm2 cup area and accuracy of +/-0.2mm from 0 to 300mm per hour. Operating temperature range is 0 to 60 degC. | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0690 | CAE SPM20 Weather Station | A modular weather station | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0693 | CAE TU20 thermistor/hygrometer | An electronic hygrometer TU20 that comprises a PT100 thermometer and a capacitance hygrometer, with sensitivity of 0.02 degC and accuracy of +/-2 percent from 0 to 100 percent relative humidity. Operating temperature range is -20 to 50 degC. | 2014-05-01 |
TOOL0652 | CEFAS 4m survey beam trawl | This is the standard net used by the CEFAS fisheries laboratory for beam trawl surveys in UK coastal waters. The net is held open by a 4m (measured inside the end plates) metal beam with a chain mat attached to the beam to increase seabed disturbance. 75mm cod ends were optionally fitted with 40mm liners. Post-1991 80mm (post-1991) cod ends were always fitted with 40mm liners. | 2013-11-19 |
TOOL0631 | CHN elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument that primarily determines total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in a sample but may also measure total sulphur and oxygen. Flash combustion is used to convert all organic and inorganic substances into combustion products. The resulting combustion gases pass through a reduction furnace and are then swept into the chromatographic column by a carrier gas where they are separated and detected. | 2013-07-29 |
TOOL0663 | CMST-DSTO underwater sound recorder | Instrument that contains a hydrophone plus a data logger in a deep-water housing designed for long-term monitoring of underwater noise. It can be deployed for periods of up to two years. Sampling frequency and schedule (including burst recording) may be programmed. More information at http://cmst.curtin.edu.au/products/usr.cfm. | 2014-02-06 |
TOOL1366 | CODAR SeaSonde continuous surface current mapping and wave monitoring HF radar system | A high-frequency radar system designed for fixed deployment on the shore or on offshore structures. It measures continuous sea-surface current velocities and wavefield conditions such as significant wave height, dominant on-shore direction and dominant wave period. The CODAR SeaSonde transmits radio waves, receives Doppler-shifted reflected signals and processes the resulting data into radial ocean current velocities. The data from two or more radial stations can be combined into total velocities, i.e. ocean currents resolved into their N-S and E-W components. Total velocities are available only in regions of overlap with other stations. For wave measurements, the SeaSonde works on the principal of Bragg scattering; radial stations detect radar backscatter from ocean waves with wavelengths one-half the radar wavelength. The radar system is available in three configurations: Standard, Hi-Res and Long-Range. The SeaSonde's spatial range varies from 15 - 220 km (dependent on the configuration), and offers 360 degrees coverage. The angular resolution is a 1-5 degree grid and is user selectable. Significant wave height accuracy is 7-15 percent, dominant on-shore direction accuracy is 5-12 degrees, wave period accuracy is 0.6 s, current accuracy is typically <7 percent of the total current velocity. | 2019-10-17 |
TOOL2023 | Cabled Observatory Reciprocal Acoustic Scintillation System (CORAS) | The Acoustic Scintillation Flow Meter (ASFM) is a specialised acoustic instrument that uses forward scatter acoustic propagation methods to estimate the velocity of the medium between transducers positioned in the direction perpendicular to parallel transducer placement. The Cabled Observatory Reciprocal Acoustic Scintillation (CORAS) instrument allows for real-time output over Ethernet cable. The instrument has particular applications in real time monitoring of vertical velocity of deep sea hydrothermal vents and natural methane and oil seeps by transmitting sound through the plume. The instrument measures coherent turbulent flow patterns to quantify the contributions that the fluids make to the chemical and thermal budget of the global ocean, or upwelling velocities. Vertical velocity and turbulent characteristics are measured over time to quantify temporal variability. Sound is transmitted at a carrier frequency of 307 kHz using a toroidal transducer, with a path length of 80 m. Beam pattern is 10 degrees in the vertical plane, and omnidirectional in the horizontal plane. | 2024-04-08 |
NETT0016 | CalCOFI net - Ahlstrom (1948) | A 100 cm diameter ring net about 5 m in length with No. 30 xxx grit gauze (a grade of silk bolting cloth). Netting changed to 505 micron Nitex mesh and then to 333 micron mesh [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 2 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1855 | Campbell Scientific (Goodrich) 0871LH1 freezing rain sensor | A freezing rain sensor originally manufactured by Goodrich. It is used to detect the presence if icing conditions for the prevention of damage to power lines, to warn of icy road hazards, and prevention of ice build-up on wind turbine blades or aeroplane wings. The 0871LH1 uses resonant frequencies to determine the presence of icing conditions. Its main component is a nickel alloy rod that has a natural resonant frequency of 40 kHz. As ice collects on the rod, the added mass causes the resonant frequency to decrease. When the frequency decreases to 130 Hz (or 0.02 inch layer of ice), an internal heater automatically defrosts the sensor. It can operate in two modes; Sensing mode, where it operates with no ice or with probe ice thickness below the set point; De-icing mode, where it operates with probe ice thickness exceeding the set point. It has a built-in test (BIT) feature which is performed on initial power-up and continually. It features RS-422 output and operates at 9600 bps. It has an operating temperature range from -55 to +71 degC and an operating voltage from 18 to 29.5 Vdc. It has a maximum power draw of 5 W in sensing mode and 27 W in de-icing mode. | 2022-10-11 |
TOOL0647 | Campbell Scientific 215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe | A meteorological sensor that uses the Sensirion SHT75 combined temperature and relative humidity element based on Sensiria combined temperature and humidity element called the Sensirion's CMOSens technology. This sensor comes pre-calibrated, is field-replacable and outputs an SDI-12 signal that can be measured by most Campbell Scientific dataloggers. | 2013-09-30 |
TOOL0646 | Campbell Scientific 50Y Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe | A meteorological probe that uses a 1000 ohm platinum resistance thermometer to measure temperature and a Vaisala (INTERCAP) capacitive humidity sensor to measure relative humidity. The instrument has a total operating range of -40 degC to +60 degC for temperature and a range of 0 to 100 percent for relative humidity. | 2013-09-30 |
TOOL1541 | Campbell Scientific CR1000 data logger | A data logger that can be used in a broad range of measurement and control functions. Can be used in extreme conditions and remote environments. It collects and stores data and controls peripherals. Applications include fire weather, mesonet systems, wind profiling, weather stations, air quality, ETo/agriculture, soil moisture, water level/stage, aquaculture, avalanche forecasting, time-domain reflectometry, vehicle testing, SCADA, and water quality The data logger consists of a measurement and control module and a wiring panel. This datalogger uses an external keyboard/display and power supply. The CR1000's module measures sensors, drives direct communications and telecommunications, reduces data, controls external devices, and stores data and programs in on-board, non-volatile storage. The electronics are RF shielded and glitch protected by the sealed, stainless-steel canister. A battery-backed clock assures accurate timekeeping. The module can simultaneously provide measurement and communication functions. The on-board, BASIC-like programming language supports data processing and analysis routines. The control module easily disconnects from the wiring panel allowing field replacement without rewiring the sensors. Operating Temperature Range -25 degC to +50 degC (standard), -55 degC to +85 degC (extended). Dataloggers that have a module with a serial number greater than or equal to 11832 will have a 4 MB Battery-backed SRAM for CPU Usage & Final Storage 4 MB instruments manufactured before September 2007 had 2 MB of memory. | 2020-09-15 |
TOOL1922 | Campbell Scientific CR3000 data logger | The CR3000 is a data logger that can be used in a broad range of measurement and control functions. Designed for stand-alone operation in harsh, remote environments. Applications include open path eddy covariance systems, meteorology, wind profiling, agriculture and agricultural research, air quality, soil water, water quality, and water level/flows. The data logger consists of a measurement and control module and a wiring panel. This datalogger uses an integrated keyboard and display screen to program or manually initiate data transfer and view data. The CR3000 has 14 differential or 28 single-ended individually configured input channels. It comes with 2 MB of flash memory for the operating system and 4 MB of battery backed SRAM for CPU usage. It uses an RS-232 port for connecting a computer, serial sensor, or modem. iOS or Android devices can be used to program the device. It can be battery operated or receive power from a separate dc source, and store data on a CompactFlash card or Flash Memory Drive. It has a maximum scan rate of 100 Hz. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2023-05-17 |
TOOL1795 | Campbell Scientific CR6 data logger | The CR6 measures almost any sensor with an electrical response, drives direct communications and telecommunications, reduces data to statistical values, performs calculations, and controls external devices. After measurements are made, data are stored in onboard, nonvolatile memory awaiting transfer to the computer. The program usually combines several measurements into computational or statistical summaries, such as averages and standard deviations. The data logger features fast communication, low power requirements, built-in USB connection, compact size, and high analog input accuracy and resolution. It uses 12 universal (U) terminals to allow a connection to virtually any sensor - analog, digital, or smart. Directly connects to Ethernet with 10/100 Ethernet RJ-45 or Ethernet over USB (virtual Ethernet). Includes a microSD card drive for extended memory requirements. Several communication options are available: the CR-6 WIFI option for short-range wireless IP communications; the CR6-RF407 or CR6-RF412 options for medium-range license-free radio communications at 900 MHz, 250 mW or 922 GHz, 250 mW respectively; the CR6-RF422 option for short to medium-range license-free radio communications at 868 MHz, 25 mW; or the CR6-RF451 option for long-range license-free communication at 900 MHz, 1W. Operating temperature range of -40 to 70 degC (standard) or -55 to 85 degC (extended). Maximum scan rate of 1000 Hz. | 2022-04-19 |
TOOL1510 | Campbell Scientific CR800 data logger | A stand-alone datalogger. It is designed for use in harsh and remote environments. It operates using 12 VDC power sources such as batteries recharged with solar panels or wall sockets. It contains a custom ASIC chip and supports PakBus, Modbus, DNP3, SDI-12, SDM communication protocols. It has a real-time clock accuracy of +/-3 min per year. | 2020-08-03 |
TOOL1124 | Campbell Scientific CS456 pressure transducer | A submersible pressure transducer. Its applications are for long-term deployments such as water-level measurements in canals, wells, ponds, harbours, lakes, streams and tanks. It has a titanium case and outputs either a digital SDI-12 or RS-232 signal to indicate observed pressure and temperature. The CS456 replaces the CS455 transducer. It has a smaller gap between the water ports and the diaphragm so that less air is trapped that the user must remove during deployment. It is available in 6 pressure depth range options (0-2.9, 0-7.25, 0-14.5, 0-29, 0-72.5, 0-145 psig) and two accuracy options. The standard accuracy option provides +/-0.1% full-scale range TEB over the 0 - 60 degrees C temperature range. The high accuracy option provides +/-0.05% full scale range TEB over the 0 - 60 degrees C temperature range. | 2017-04-04 |
TOOL1924 | Campbell Scientific MetSENS200 ultrasonic anemometer | A compact weather sensor that measures wind speed and direction via an ultrasonic sensor. An integrated electronic compass provides apparent wind measurements. World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) average wind speed and direction and gust data are provided. The MetSENS200 is designed to be compatible and easily integrated with the MeteoPV Solar Resource Platform and any Campbell Scientific data logger using SDI-12, RS-485, ModbusRS-485, or NMEA RS-232. The sensor is capable of operating between -40 and 70 degC and features a sampling rate of 1 Hz. Wind speed measurement range is between 0.01 and 60 m s -1, with an accuracy of +/- 3% (up to 40 m s-1) or +/- 5% (up to 60 m s-1) for both wind speed and direction. Wind speed resolution and starting threshold is 0.01 m s-1. Wind direction measurement range is 0 to 359 degrees with a resolution of 1 degree. | 2023-05-19 |
TOOL1476 | Campbell Scientific OBS 3A turbidity temperature logger series | A combined optical backscatter and temperature logger that monitors turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations. A pressure transducer for depth measurement and a conductivity probe are available as options. This sensor detects near infrared (NIR) radiation (875 nm) scattered from suspended particles. A fast-response, stainless steel-clad thermistor monitors temperature. Pressure is measured with a semiconductor piezoresistive strain gauge, and conductivity is measured with a four-electrode conduction-type cell. The system can perform wave processing of the depth measurements using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm for wave height and period. The pressure transducer is selected from a range between 0 - 200 m. The sensor has a maximum submersion depth of 300 m. Turbidity accuracy: <+/-2%. Sediment concentration accuracy: +/-2% of reading (for mud), +/-3.5% of reading (for sand). Pressure accuracy: +/-0.5% of full scale. Temperature accuracy: +/-0.5 deg C. Conductivity accuracy: +/-1%. | 2020-06-02 |
TOOL1838 | Campbell Scientific OBS-3+ turbidity probe and optical backscatter sensor | The OBS-3+ is a compact, submersible turbidity probe and optical backscatter (OBS) sensor that has sideways-facing optics. It uses OBS technology to measure suspended solids and turbidity for applications ranging from water quality in freshwater rivers and streams to sediment transport and dredge monitoring. The OBS-3+ emits near-infrared light (850 nm +/- 5 nm) into the water, then measures the light that bounces back from the waters suspended particles. Campbell Scientific data loggers then measure the OBS-3+ probe's output and calculate turbidity. The sensor is capable of measuring suspended solids and turbidity at 10 Hz for up to 4000 NTUs, in depths up to 500 m (stainless-steel body) or 1500 m (titanium body). Concentration accuracy is 2% of the reading or 1 mg/l (whichever is greater) for mud, or 4% of the reading or 10 mg/l (whichever is greater) for sand, and turbidity accuracy is to within 2% of the reading or 0.5 NTU (whichever is greater). | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1959 | Canon PowerShot G16 digital camera | A compact multi-purpose handheld digital camera featuring a 1/1.7 back-illuminated CMOS image sensor, with 12.1M pixels. It features a DIGIC 6 image processor with iSAPS technology. The lens has a 6.1 - 30.5 mm focal length (35 mm equivalent: 28 - 140 mm: f/1.8-2.8) and 5x optical zoom (10x ZoomPlus). It has a 1 - 1/4000 sec. default shutter speed, up to 250 - 1/4000 sec. total range depending on the shooting mode. The LCD screen is a 7.5 cm (3.0") PureColor II G LCD (TFT). Image compression is available in RAW, Superfine or Fine. Video is available in full HD 1920 x 1080, 60 fps/30fps (HD) 1280 x 720, 30 fps, (L) 640 x 480, 30 fps. | 2023-06-16 |
TOOL0504 | Carboy | A rigid container made of material such as glass or high density plastic with a typical capacity of 20 to 60 litres. A carboy is typically used to store or transport liquids. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL1984 | Carlo Erba 5160 (high resolution) gas chromatograph | A high-resolution gas chromatograph (HRGC) that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air. Can be installed with a cold on-column injector, fused silica capillary column, and a flame ionization detector (FID). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1182 | Carlo Erba EA 1108 elemental analyser | An elemental analyser. It simultaneously determines the total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur in a small solid or liquid sample. A sample is put into a tin capsule which is placed in the combustion tube. Here, the sample is in oxygen rich gas stream which causes flash combustion of the tin capsule and in turn the sample is rapidly combusted. The resulting gases are separated on a packed gas chromatography column and quantified using a thermal conductivity detector. The instrument was originally manufactured by Carlo Erba, which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. It is also possible to determine oxygen with a modification to the systems configuration. Analysis times: CHN in 7 min, S in 5 min, and O in 6 min. Range: 10 ppm to 100%. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0470 | Carlo Erba NA 1500 elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument that simultaneously determines total nitrogen and total carbon from a wide range of organic and inorganic sediment samples. The sample is completely and instantaneously oxidised by flash combustion, which converts all organic and inorganic substances into combustion products. The resulting combustion gases pass through a reduction furnace and are swept into the chromatographic column by the carrier gas which is helium. The gases are separated in the column and detected by the thermal conductivity detector which gives an output signal proportional to the concentration of the individual components of the mixture. The instrument was originally manufactured by Carlo Erba, which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1789 | Carlo Erba NA 2500 (NCS) elemental analyser | A laboratory elemental analyser part of the EA 1110 series of analysers. It measures total nitrogen (N), carbon (C) and sulphur (S) in organic and inorganic samples. Analysis operates with dynamic flash combustion of the sample with oxygen. After combustion the resulted gases are carried by a helium flow to a layer containing copper, they are swept through a water trap, and then through a GC column, which provides the separation of the combustion gases. Finally, they are detected by a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD). The instrument can determine N individually or NC or NCS simultaneously depending on the analytical configuration. Combustion is at 900-1000 degC. Reduction is at 680-780 degC. Helium gas flow is 140 ml/min (150 kPa). Oxygen flow is 40-60 ml/min (150 kPa) and oxygen loop is 25 cc. Cycle time is 240 seconds and oxygen injection time is 60 secondss. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0496 | Carlo Erba NC 2500 elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument that simultaneously determines total nitrogen, total hydrogen and total carbon in a solid sample. The sample is completely and instantaneously oxidised by flash combustion, which converts all organic and inorganic substances into combustion products.The resulting combustion gases pass through a reduction furnace and are swept into the chromatographic column by the helium carrier gas. The gases are separated in the column and quantified or they can be introduced into another instrument, such as an isotope ratio mass spectrometer, for further analysis. The instrument was originally manufactured by CE instruments (formerly Carlo Erba) and has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0622 | Cary Porter tide gauge | An analogue instrument that measured sea level by a float in a stilling well that was mechanically coupled to a pen recording on a rotating drum. | 2013-06-05 |
NETT0018 | Catcher II high-speed sampler | A high-speed, opening-closing plankton sampler. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1339 | Cefas water sampler | A programmable water sampler developed in-house, originally designed for use with a Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR). It can also be deployed on moorings, ROV or AUV platforms and towed-vehicle systems, to determine the species of marine plankton or for capturing marine contaminents. A pump collects up to 16 individual samples into gas-impermeable 250 ml bags, each within protective enclosures, which can be pre-filled with preservative. Sampling can be set-up via a Windows software interface, allowing the user to programme for water samples to be taken at specific times. It also has the capability for remote control sampling through an Iridium satellite interface, allowing remote sampling activation. Each bag fill can be performed either as a one shot operation, or as a repeat fill. The repeat fill feature allows a sample bag to be filled gradually over a period of time, with the amount of fill for each stage being preset through the user interface. Larger sampling bags can also be fitted as necessary. The sampler operates up to approximately 20 m depth, and can pump 100 ml in approximately 90 seconds. Further information can be found at http://www.cefastechnology.co.uk/products/water-sampler/. | 2019-07-11 |
TOOL0469 | Challenger Oceanic Stand-alone Pump | A submersible battery powered water pump that sucks water through various filters leaving the materials of interest on the filter for analysis. The SAP is deployed clamped to a hydrographic wire. Challenger Oceanic no longer exists. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL1473 | Chelonia C-POD acoustic monitoring receiver | A fully automated passive acoustic monitoring receiver used to detect trains of echo-location sounds and clicks produced by marine mammals, such as porpoises, dolphins and other toothed whales. This data can be used for monitoring cetacean population and behaviour. The C-POD uses an omni-directional 20-160 kHz hydrophone to detect cetacean clicks. The C-POD app (cpod.exe) carries out objective automated data analysis (KERNO classifier) to find and classify click trains in the data. It also provides fast display and export of data and enables users to change C-POD settings. C-PODs are supplied with two 8 Gb removable SD cards for data storage and can operate in water depths up to 100 metres. Using D-cell batteries, the C-POD can operate for approximately 200-212 days. | 2020-06-02 |
TOOL0050 | Chelsea Technologies Group 2-pi PAR irradiance sensor | A submersible irradiance sensor designed by Plymouth marine Laboratory and developed commercially by CTG. The collector is designed to measure the amount of light available for photosynthesis over a hemisphere. Sensors are often paired, one facing up the other down, to determine total PAR. Relative Spectral Sensitivity flat to + 3% from 450-700nm, down 8% of 400nm and 36% at 350nm. Casings on commercial instruments are rated to 1000m depth, but operationally deployed prototype instruments from PML were only rated to 500m. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0425 | Chelsea Technologies Group Alphatracka II transmissometer | A compact digitally controlled transmissometer similar to the CTG Alphatracka I but with smaller diameter titanium pressure housing. Versions available with optical path-lengths of 5 or 10 or 25 cm. Standard wavelength is 660 nm but optional wavelengths of 470 nm or 565 nm or 590 nm also available. Depth rated to 6000 m. | 2011-09-12 |
TOOL0065 | Chelsea Technologies Group Alphatracka transmissometer | Dual beam, ratiometric digitally controlled transmissometer of titanium construction rated to 6000m. 5/10/25cm path lengths and 470/565/590/660nm wavelengths available. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0043 | Chelsea Technologies Group Aqualog CTD | A self-contained unit comprising pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors, an optional dissolved oxygen sensor, a fluorometer and a data logger. The unit could be used in a variety of modes including vertical profiling, towed undulator and short-term moorings. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0048 | Chelsea Technologies Group Aquapack CTD | Single titanium housing containing temperature, conductivity, depth and fluorescence sensors. Also contains internal batteries and a data logger. Spare analogous channels are available to interface a range of additional externally mounted sensors such as PAR and dissolved oxygen. Has a depth rating of 200m. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0424 | Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka III fluorometer | A compact light-weight submersible fluorometer for detection of chlorophyll-a, dye tracing or turbidity with a 4-decade logarithmic output. It can sense chemical fluorescence or light scatter between 400-800nm and uses a pulsed xenon light source. Titanium casing rated to 6000m. Broadly similar to the Aquatracka II but with improved detection optics and internal enhancements. | 2011-09-12 |
TOOL0049 | Chelsea Technologies Group Aquatracka fluorometer | A submersible fluorometer that may be configured for measurement of chlorophyll-a, tracer dye or set up as a nephelometer to measure turbidity. It is manufactured from titanium giving a depth rating of 6000m. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0142 | Chelsea Technologies Group FASTtracka I fast repetition rate fluorometer | An in-situ fast repetition rate fluorometer which can be deployed autonomously to depths up to 500 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0143 | Chelsea Technologies Group FASTtracka II fast repetition rate fluorometer | A fast repetition rate fluorometer incorporating significant improvements over the FASTtracka I. It may be deployed in-situ to depths up to 500 m. Accessories include a dark chamber, a laboratory conversion module and a protective cage. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0662 | Chelsea Technologies Group GLOWtracka bioluminescence | The GLOWtracka is designed to measure visible emissions from bioluminescent organisms in the marine environment. It can be moored, used in profiles, or deployed in towed vehicles. It's precision flow meter stimulates bioluminescent organisms and measures the light flashes as the organisms pass the photodiode. The sensor can be deployed to depths up to 1000 m and has an irradiance detectivity of 10 picowatt at 560 nm over z.f. -50 Hz (-3 db). | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0480 | Chelsea Technologies Group HB 071 4-pi photosynthetically active radiation sensor | A submersible instrument designed to measure irradiance over the 4-pi photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) spectral range. It includes two hemispherical sensors to provide a spherical field of view and uses a logarithmic amplification to provide light measurements over several orders of magnitude. It uses a photodiode with enhanced blue/green sensitivity which, when used in conjunction with blue-tint glass, produces a quantum response that is flat to +/- 3 % over the range 450 to 700 nm, and 8 % at 400 nm The instrument has a depth rating of 500 m. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL2114 | Chelsea Technologies Group LabSTAF single turnover active fluorometer | An active fluorometer that employs the Single Turnover Active Fluorometry (STAF) method for the quantitative assessment of phytoplankton photosynthesis. It enables evaluation of primary productivity by phytoplankton (PhytoPP) towards greater understanding of the global carbon cycle. LabSTAF represents a significant update to Chelsea's well-established FastOcean Fast Repetition Rate fluorometer (FRRf) and Act2 laboratory systems. It provides 39 fluorescence parameters, in addition to the standard Fluorescent Light Curve (FLC) parameters, plus options for the correction of baseline fluorescence. Includes Windows-based RunSTAF software, enabling a wide variety of experimental setups, manual control or automated operation, plus real-time data analysis. 20 mL maximum sample volume. Excitation waveband central wavelengths: 416, 452 x2, 473, 495, 534, 594, 622 nm. Actinic light source collimated output from 10 to > 1600 umol photons m-2 s-1. Can resolve Fv with an amplitude equivalent to the fluorescence signal generated under 452 nm excitation by 0.001 mg m-3 of chlorophyll. | 2024-10-18 |
TOOL0118 | Chelsea Technologies Group MINITracka II fluorometer | In-situ miniature low-power fluorometer with good turbidity rejection and ability to operate at high levels of ambient light. Performance has a high degree of insensitivity to water temperature changes. A manifold is available for on-deck through flow applications. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL0341 | Chelsea Technologies Group MINIpack CTD-F | A single titanium/acetyl housing containing temperature, conductivity, pressure and fluorescence sensors, a data logger and internal batteries. The fluorometer can be configured to measure a variety of pigments or turbidity and the sensor package has a depth rating of 600m. Data can be recorded internally or output in real time. Spare channels are available to interface up to 16 external sensors such as PAR and dissolved oxygen. | 2010-10-14 |
TOOL1689 | Chelsea Technologies Group UV Aquatracka fluorometer | An in situ fluorimeter designed to monitor concentrations of hydrocarbons (360nm) and Gelbstoff (440nm). The instrument may be mounted on a towed vehicle such as Chelsea Technologies Group's AQUAshuttle III, NvShuttle or SeaSoar, it can be deployed on buoys, on a mooring, or vertically in a profiling mode. The fluorimeter uses a pulsed light double beam technique. The pulsed technique allows virtually perfect discrimination to be achieved against "steady" ambient light signals since the light pulse is only two microseconds long, variations in ambient intensity due to wave glitter, etc. are considered "steady" by the high-speed processing circuits and are effectively rejected by the AQUAtracka. The double beam system allows the light intensity of the optical beam(X) returned from the specimen to be compared with the light intensity of the reference beam(Y) generated from the same pulsed light source. The outputs are then ratioed(X/Y) so that they are not affected by any variations in the flash lamp strength due to lamp ageing. The housing is constructed in titanium and the instrument is rated to 600m (option 6000m) and incorporates an optional ambient light baffling cowl. A fast response (300ms) platinum resistance Pt 100 Temperature Probe can also be included optionally. Using 360nm fluorescence the detection range is between 0.001 and 10 micrograms per litre of Carbazole. Using 440nm fluorescence the detection range is between 0.001 to 10 micrograms per litre Perylene. The operating temperature range of the instrument is -2 to +40 degrees Celsius. | 2021-05-11 |
TOOL0342 | ChemLab AA-II segmented continuous flow autoanalyser | A rapid flow analyser that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is a continuous flow instrument consisting of a sampler, peristaltic pump, analytical cartridge, heating bath, colorimeter, data station, and printer. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL0206 | Chernikeeff Aquaprobe Mk5 electromagnetic speed log | This is a military grade electromagnetic log system directly measuring speed relative to the water. It can be configured to provide single or dual axis speed and distance travelled measurement, using single or twin transducers. | 2023-03-06 |
TOOL0371 | Christian Albrechts University of Kiel Multisonde CTD profiler | A conductivity-temperature-pressure profiler with a pressure rating of either 600dbar or 6000dbar and a pressure accuracy of +/- 0.01%. It was capable of operating over a temperature range of -2 to 40 degC with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 degC and a conductivity range of 5 to 55 mmho/cm with an accuracy of +/- 10 umho/cm. The instrument was developed in the 1970s by what was then the Institute for Applied Physics of Kiel University and was used by the then Institute for Marine Science, Kiel. | 2011-02-09 |
NETT0019 | Chun-Peterson net - Chun (1888, 1903) | A vertical net lowered closed with propellor-activated opening and closing. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1572 | Cilas 1190 particle size analyser | A tri-laser diffraction particle size analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. The 1190 uses Cilas' patented multi-laser technology which incorporates three lasers. All optical components are permanently mounted on a rigid cast iron base plate. An integrated image analysis system enables particle shape analysis of parameters such as aspect ratio, shape factor, area, perimeter and fiber length. The Cilas 1190 is compliant with the ISO 13320 standard for particle size analyzers It has a measurement range of 40 nm to 2.5 mm. | 2024-07-22 |
NETT0020 | Clarke Jet Net high-speed plankton sampler - Clarke (1964) | Construction is a 12 cm diameter mouth opening with an overall length of 125 cm. Uses nylon netting with 0.44 mm mesh. Towing speeds up to 10.5 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 18 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0021 | Clarke-Bumpus plankton sampler - Clarke and Bumpus (1939, 1950) | Construction is a 12.7 cm diameter mouth opening with cylindrical tube 16.0 cm long. The tube is equipped with flat plate which pivots to open or close the flow through the tube and a flowmeter. A 61 cm long conical net is attached to the rear of the tube [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 8 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0561 | Clean pumped sea water supply | The system comprises a precision echosounder (PES) fish attached to a clean, reinforced tube (typically composed of braided PVC). The fish is designed to be towed alongside a moving ship at a depth of 1-3m and water is drawn through the system by a clean pump. The tube usually leads to a clean laboratory on board the vessel, inside which samples are drawn for analysis. The system is typically used for continuous, underway, clean sampling (e.g., trace metal studies) of near-surface waters. | 2012-10-17 |
TOOL1896 | ClearWater Nitrate + Nitrate Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor | A stand-alone microfluidic wet-chemical (colourimetric) nitrate and nitrite lab-on-chip (LOC) system. Designed to perform automated in-situ chemical analyses, in multiple scenarios from salt to fresh water and profiles to moorings. The instrument outputs the Nitrate+Nitrite concentration in µmol/L. It is designed to filter a water sample through a 0.45 µm filter, mix it with chemical reagents, and measure the resulting colour change using LEDs and photodiodes. The sensors carry onboard reference standards which are analysed frequently to correct for instrumental drift. The instrument can be used fully submerged or at the surface. Data can be accessed in real time via the RS232 interface or post deployment via USB download. Without calibration it samples every 5 min., with calibration every 15 min. The sample volume is 0.6 mL. It measures Nitrate+Nitrite in a range of 0-1000 µmol/L with a detection limit of 0.025 µmol/L. Depth rating 6000 m. | 2023-02-03 |
NETT0023 | Closing Net - Hart (1935) | A rod of wood or pipe is outfitted with a combination wire clamp and closing release at the top and a pair of snap hooks at the bottom, one to secure the device to the wire and one to secure the bottom portion of the net. Attached to the rod is a net with a bridle which inserts into the release latch. Midway along the pipe is a second snap hook which is attached to the mid section of the net. Multiples of these units may be attached to the wire at various depth intervals as the wire is lowered vertically into the water. Plankton collections are made as the nets are hauled up until a messenger hitting the release lets the bridle go, thus closing the net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 5 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0022 | Closing midwater trawl - Enzenhofer and Hume (1989) | Construction is a 300 cm x 700 cm rectangular mouth opening with net 1800 cm in length. The net is made from five sets of mesh with coarse mesh at the front and fine mesh at the back (600 cm of 10.2 cm mesh, 400 cm of 5.1 cm mesh, 300 cm of 1.9 cm mesh, 300 cm of 1.3 cm mesh and 200 cm of 0.3 cm mesh). There are two towing cables: one for the top spreader bar and one for the bottom. Each cable goes to separate winch. The net is lowered with tension on bottom spreader so that it is closed. Tension is then transferred to the top spreader to open the net. Tension again taken by lower spreader to close net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 12 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0006 | Closing net - Barnes (1953) | Construction is a hemispherical metal cowling mounted in front of a net ring with an opening sized so that a closing lid can be accommodated when the net is open. A Nansen messenger closing mechanism is used to release the spring loaded closing lid which pivots over the net mouth. No dimensions given for net size or mesh [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 8 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1724 | Coastal Environmental Systems WEATHERPAK 2000 shipboard weather system | Coastal Environmental Systems WEATHERPAK 2000 shipboard weather system WEATHERPAK-2000 An automatic weather station which has been designed for shipboard applications. Used to measure wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. Winds are vector averaged and the barometer is read several times and averaged to remove wind, wave, and roll induced errors. When power is applied, if no terminal intervention occurs, the system will automatically initialize itself and begin sampling according to its predetermined schedule. The WEATHERPAK has a hardware clock accurate to about 5 seconds per day. The sensors include: a propeller and vane wind monitor with a wind speed detection range of 0 to 100 m/s with an accuracy of < 0.5 m/s and resolution of 0.1m/s, and 360 degrees wind direction measurement to an accuracy of 2 degrees and resolution of 1 degree; An ultrasonic wind monitor that can measure wind speeds between 0 and 60m/s with a resolution of 0.01 m/s, and wind directions from 0-360 degrees with an accuracy of 1 degree; A threaded air temperature and relative humidity sensor that can measure a temperature range of -10 °C to 60°C to an accuracy +/-0.6°C and a reported resolution of 0.1 °C, humidity is accurate to +/- 3% and is reported to a resolution of 1%; A Hygroclip S3 air temperature and relative humidity sensor that measures a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C, accuracy of +/-0.2°C, and resolution of 0.1°C, and humidity range of 0-100% accurate to +/-1% with a resolution of 0.02%; and a barometric pressure sensor with an accuracy of <5mb and reported resolution of 1 mb. | 2021-07-27 |
TOOL0302 | Coastal Leasing MacroTide water level recorder | A sub-surface water level recorder designed for measurement of tidal signals and water temperature with an ICS Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor logged at 12-bit resolution and a YSI internal (or optionally external) thermistor. Pressure accuracy is 0.1% of measurement range. Temperature accuracy is 0.1C (resolution 0.02C). | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0303 | Coastal Leasing MacroTide+ water level recorder | A sub-surface water level recorder designed for measurement of tidal signals and water temperature with a Parascientific Digiquartz pressure sensor logged at 16-bit resolution and a YSI internal (or optionally external) thermistor. Pressure accuracy is 0.015% of measurement range. Temperature accuracy is 0.1C (resolution 0.02C). | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1582 | CoastalOceanVision CPICS-1000-e imaging sensor | The Continuous Particle Imaging and Classification Sensor (CPICS) provides in situ aquatic microscopy of seawater, freshwater and laboratory samples. The CPICS-1000-e is a stand-alone package that may be deployed on a CTD rosette or autonomous vehicle. It uses darkfield illumination to capture high-resolution colour images, showing features as small as 0.04 mm and as large as 12 mm. Because of its open-flow approach to water sampling, delicate structures of plankton and particles remain intact, as do predator-prey interactions. It has a colour resolution of 24-bits, an image resolution of 6 Megapixels (2736 x 2192) and a maximum frame rate of 10fps. The instrument has a depth rating of 1000m. | 2021-01-26 |
NETT0024 | Cod-end sampler - Motoda (1953) | Construction is a 15.5 cm diameter mouth opening and 35.5 cm long body attached to 57 cm diameter net 200 cm long with bolting cloth 42.5 meshes per inch in upper 120 cm and 56.5 meshes per inch in lower 80 cm [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 25 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1631 | Coda Octopus F185 gyrocompass | An instrument that measures position, heading, heave, pitch, and roll. The F185 features dual-frequency GPS on the primary receiver to allow real-time kinematic (RTK) correction for greater positional accuracy. The instrument also features a software component (iHeave), which is an intelligent heave processing module running in near real time to remove noise such as low period swell artefacts. Designed for applications in the offshore industry such as hydrographic surveys, dredging and offshore renewables. Positional accuracy of 0.01 m with L1/L2 RTK correction, 0.3 m with DGPS correction and 0.8 m with SBAS correction. Roll and pitch accuracy of +/- 0.025 degrees. True heading accuracy of +/-0.05 degrees (2 m baseline) or +/- 0.025 degrees (4 m baseline). Heave accuracy of 5 cm or 5% (on-line), or 3.5 cm or 3.5% (iHeave), whichever is greater. Velocity accuracy of 0.014 m/s. Outputs at up to 100 Hz. | 2021-02-10 |
NETT0025 | Collapsible Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8 - Griffiths et al. (1980) | The RMT 1+8 system described by Baker was modified to enable handling from smaller vessels without a crane using Kelly's eyes and chain rather than link wire. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1557 | Columbia Weather Magellan MX Weather Station series | A portable, multi-parameter, all-in-one weather monitoring station with internal compass and GPS. Four different models offer various sensor and parameter options (MX200, MX300, MX500, MX501, MX600). Parameters include ultrasonic wind speed and direction, combined temperature, pressure and relative humidity, rain drop size and number, and solar radiation. MX weather stations feature a weather-protected sensor unit. The internal GPS and compass allows for compensated wind speed and automatic self-alignment of wind direction. MX Weather Stations can be supplied with an optional Display Console and Weather MicroServer (PC or cloud-based) which uses WeatherMaster software. This enables real-time data display and on-the-fly computations. MX Weather Stations measure temperatures from -40 to +70 degC and at an accuracy of +/- 0.3 degC and resolution of 0.1 degC. Barometric pressure is measured from 8.85 to 32.48 inHg (300-1100 hPa) at an accuracy of +/- 0.0015 inHg (+/- 0.5 hPa) and resolution of 0.003 inHg (0.1 hPa). Wind direction is measured from 0 to 359 degrees at an accuracy of +/- 0.02 mph and resolution of 1 degrees. Relative humidity is measured from 0-100 percent RH at an accuracy of +/- 2 percent RH and resolution of 1 percent RH. | 2020-10-27 |
TOOL0001 | Conductivity, temperature and depth package | A generic term for a set of co-located conductivity, temperature and pressure (proxy for depth) sensors. The pressure sensor is generally used to ascertain the instrument Z co-ordinate in the water body, whilst the other sensors determine water temperature and salinity. Deployed on a range of platforms such as vertically lowered metal frames, towed fish, AUVs or moorings. | 2012-01-05 |
TOOL1837 | Consilium SAL 860T Doppler speed log | The Consilium SAL 860T is a dual axis Doppler speed log operating on the principle of acoustic echo correlation. The instrument is capable of independently measuring relative, true longitudinal and transversal speed and depth. The system is redundant and can also be used as a docking system. The T denotes a new bottom tracking main unit, built on digital signal processing technology, and features a patented hydroacoustic transducer. The transducer contains one pair of piezoelectric elements oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vessel to measure the component (F) of the relative speed, and five piezoelectric elements, grouped in a patented way, to measure the components of the absolute speed. All elements work both for radiation and for reception. Sound energy is emitted vertically to the ground, perpendicular to the bottom of the ship. Relative velocity (WT) is measured at 4 MHz (pulse mode). To measure the absolute speed (BT), a frequency of 150 kHz is used, sound reflection comes from the ground. The same frequency is also used to measure depth. The multi-element hydroacoustic transducer allows measuring absolute velocity vectors in 12 directions - through 30 along the entire horizon, which provides high-precision calculation components (Vx) and (V) of the ship's speed. In addition, simultaneous measurements of the absolute and relative speed of the vessel make it possible to calculate the speed of the current. This feature is implemented in the SAL-860 log (Docking Log). The instrument is capable of measuring within the range of -8 to +30 knots and in depths from 3 to 300 metres, with speed measurement error within +/- 0.1 knots or 0.5% (whichever is greater), distance covered within +/- 0.2% and depth under the keel within +/- 1%. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1669 | Consilium SAL T2+ acoustic correlation dual speed log | A docking and dual-axis vessel speed logger designed to measure simultaneous two-axis true vessel speed over ground (SOG) and relative speed through water (STW). It requires only a single hull penetration, and is approved for use on vessels up to 50,000 GT. The transducer uses a correlation principle to measure SOG and STW vertically, eliminating the effects of temperature and salinity on the speed of sound. It measures STW at +/- 50 knots with a speed inaccuracy of 0.1 knot, or 0.5% whichever is greater, and a distance inaccuracy < +/- 0.5 % of travelled distance in water. It can be used in minimum waters depths of 3 m below the transducer. It measures SOG at +/- 40 knots with a minimum depth range of 2-250 m below transducer. The SOG speed inaccuracy is 0.1 knot, or 0.5% whichever is greater. | 2021-03-26 |
TOOL2005 | Continental Scientific Drilling Facility Livingstone-type piston corer | A drive rod piston corer. For use in water up to about 30m deep to collect successive 1 meter drives down hole of soft to consolidated sediment, which are extruded between drives into split tubes and stabilised for transport and storage. The core diameter is 5cm. It can be used in sediments up to 30m deep. | 2024-01-31 |
NETT0026 | Continuous Plankton Recorder - Hardy (1926, 1936); Glover (1962) | Construction is a 1.27 cm on side square mouth opening (originally 10.1 cm diameter) high-speed (12 to 17 knots) towed body collecting plankton on gauze (22.9 cm wide and 23.6 meshes per cm) rolls. The body is 50 cm wide x 50 cm tall x 100 cm long. A propellor drives the rollers winding up the gauze. The system is normally towed at 10 m depth at speeds up to 20 ktnos [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 19 A, B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0571 | Copper pipe air sampler | Copper tubing leading directly from the least contaminated part of a ship to an analytical instrument. Air is drawn through the pipe by the instrument. | 2012-11-15 |
TOOL0847 | Costech International Elemental Combustion System (ECS) 4010 | The ECS 4010 Nitrogen / Protein Analyzer is an elemental combustion analyser for CHNSO elemental analysis and Nitrogen / Protein determination. The GC oven and separation column have a temperature range of 30-110 degC, with control of +/- 0.1 degC. | 2015-04-28 |
TOOL0280 | Cup and vane anemometer | A generic term for a device that measures windspeed by determining the speed of rotation of 3 cups mounted on horizontal arms with a central pivot and wind direction by determining the orientation of a separate pivot-mounted sail. The term is for use where the measurement principle is known, but details of the make and model number are not known. | 2010-05-18 |
NETT0199 | Custom 3 x 18 cm mouth opening x 40 cm diameter conical nets plankton net - AMT 18 (2008) | Construction is 3 conical nets with mesh sizes 180, 100 and 40 um. Each net comprises an 18 cm mouth opening using a plastic inverted cone to reduce the diameter from approx. 40 cm to 18 cm. The nets were conical with an outer diameter of approx. 40 cm and a closed cod-end design. | 2021-11-16 |
TOOL1416 | Custom-made 3M Scotch-Brite pad on polyvinyl chloride settlement plate | An artifical colonisation substrate made of a sheet of PVC covered with 3M Scotch-Brite pads of unknown material. It is used to determine the extent of colonisation and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment. | 2020-04-07 |
TOOL1413 | Custom-made Lexan plastic 6-plate settlement panel | An artificial colonisation substrate sometimes referred to as "colonisation sandwich", that is made of 6 Lexan plastic sheets separated from each other by spacers. It is used to determine the extent of colonisation and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment. | 2020-04-07 |
TOOL1415 | Custom-made ceramic tile settlement plate | An artificial colonisation substrate made of ceramic tiles. It is used to determine the extent of colonisation and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment. | 2020-04-07 |
TOOL1414 | Custom-made grooved polyvinyl chloride half-pipe | An artificial colonisation substrate made from PVC pipe cut length-wise and engraved with lines to roughen its surface. It is used to determine the extent of colonisation and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment. | 2020-04-07 |
TOOL1417 | Custom-made grooved polyvinyl chloride settlement plate | An artificial colonisation substrate made of a sheet of PVC with engraved lines to roughen its surface. It is used to determine the extent of colonisation and/or the diversity of settled organisms in a marine or artificial environment. | 2020-04-07 |
TOOL0563 | Cyclonic separation sampler | A device designed to remove particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream through vortex separation. A high speed rotating flow is established within a vertical cylindrical or conical container, where the stream to be separated is fed in the top (wide) end, flows helically around the container to the bottom (narrow) end and then exits the cyclone in a straight stream through the centre and out the top. Instead of following the flow of the stream, the inertia of large (dense) particles causes them to hit the sides of the container and fall to the bottom, where they can be removed. The cyclone geometry and flow rate define a cut point, which is the size of the particle that will be removed from the stream with 50% efficiency. Larger particles will be removed with a greater efficiency and smaller particles with a lower efficiency. The sampler may be used in series with filters designed to collect different target particles. | 2012-10-15 |
TOOL1209 | CytoBuoy CytoSense flow cytometer | The CytoSense is a portable, benchtop autonomous flow cytometer designed for phytoplankton species classification and analysis of filamentous algae. It can also be used in situ to reveal temporal and spatial phytoplankton variability. It can be remotely controlled, and has been specifically designed to record the optical pulse shapes of suspended particles between <1 and 800 micrometres in diameter and up to 4 millimetres in length (for chain-forming cells recording) in relatively large volumes of water (several centimetres cubed per sample). The instrument combines high sensitivity with an extremely wide particle size range (from sub-micron up to 1.5 millimetres in diameter) and acquires multiple data points per particle, which distinguishes the CytoSense from conventional flow cytometers. The CytoSense has a modular design, with various upgrades and accessories available to suit user requirements. These include additional lasers, optional cameras to take pictures of particles and a widened flow cell. The sample intake speed ranges from 0.07 - 17 microlitres per second, allowing high particle loads (thousands of particles per second) as well as very low concentrations. | 2018-02-02 |
TOOL2064 | Czech Academy of Sciences custom infrared kinetic fluorometer - Koblizek et al. (2007) | A custom fluorometer used to measure chlorophyll-a and bacteriochlorophyll-a (BChl-a). Based on the design from Koblizek et al. (2005) with some modifications. It consists of a Photon Systems Instruments (PSI) fluorometer control unit (FL200/PS) and custom-made optics consisting of one PSI flashing unit (SN-LF 8052) populated with 73 blue light emitting diodes (NSPB500S, 470 nm, Nichia, Japan). 49 diodes provide short intense measuring pulses (10 us), with the rest serving as an actinic light source operating in a continuous mode. Modifications from the 2005 version include: a white Teflon sample chamber containing a spherical compartment (60 ml), with an inlet and outlet for sample injection and removal. The chamber contains four ports (as opposed to three from the 2005 version); two ports for light excitation generated by two flashing units, each populated with four blue Luxeon diodes (LXHL PB09, 470 nm); two ports for interfacing with chlorophyll and BChl-a detectors. The detectors consist of two cooled large area avalanche photodiodes (Advance Photonix, USA). Absolute detection limit: 0.2 ng BChl a l-1 and 1 ng chlorophyll a (Chl a) l-1. Relative detection limit: 10-3 bacteriochlorophyll to chlorophyll ratio. | 2024-07-05 |
TOOL0579 | D and A Instruments Optical Backscatter Sensor OBS-3 | Optical backscatter instrument measuring scattering in water between 140 - 160deg for a wavelength of 875nm. It has a turbidity range of 0-2000 FTU and a maximum working depth of 500m. This instrument was superseded by the OBS-3+ model in 2005. The D and A Instrument Company and its OBS product line were purchased by Campbell Scientific Inc who now has full responsibility for D and A Instruments. | 2012-12-18 |
NETT0028 | DBAD-MOCNESS - Wiebe (1994); Greene (1998) | A 1-m2 MOCNESS was equipped with a dual-beam echosounder and dual-axis training mechanism for the transducers. An electro-optical cable was used data telemetry [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 40 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0553 | DGT Research Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films trace metal sampler | A device designed to measure concentrations of dissolved metal species in water. It comprises a plastic casing that contains a Chelex resin impregnated in a hydrogel to accumulate metals. The resin layer is overlain by a diffusive layer of hydrogel and a filter. Ions diffuse through the filter and diffusive layer to reach the resin layer, thereby establishing a constant concentration gradient in the diffusive layer that allows the quantitative measurement of labile species in solution through laboratory analysis. | 2012-11-15 |
TOOL0533 | DTU Nutech GM-25-5A beta Multicounter system | A laboratory instrument designed to count beta particles emitted by a sample using the Geiger-Muller principle. A steady gas stream of argon (99%) and isobutene or propane (1%) becomes ionised due to beta particle emission from the sample, and the ionised gas particles are collected within a high voltage field, detected as an electric current pulse and recorded as a counting event. A guard counter allows the removal of the cosmic background radiation signal. The instrument is typically placed inside a lead shielding to reduce the ambient background radiation. | 2012-08-21 |
TOOL0013 | Dataring pressure point transducer | The Dataring pressure point comprises differential transducers contained in a watertight housing. The reference port is vented to atmosphere via the power supply and signal cable tube, while the measuring port of the transducer is connected to a copper outlet nozzle on the top of the transducer housing. The copper nozzle, transducer measuring port and connecting tube are filled with oil so the pressure is transmitted to the crystal element via the oil, thus keeping the transducer components free from the effects of the saltwater. | 2008-11-28 |
TOOL1027 | Datawell MOSE-G1000 | A GPS-based motion sensor to measure the long period, three-dimentional motions of floating platforms and large buoys. This sensor measures the translational motion of the GPS antenna in three frequency regimes, each with its own precision: the high frequency motion (1-100 second periods, 1 centimetre precision); the low frequency motion (10-1000 second periods, several centimetres precision, depending on the filter selected); the very low frequency regime (long periods, outputs every 10 seconds at a precision of several metres). Three filters with cut-off periods of 300, 600 or 1000 seconds can be applied, as well as two filters with a 10 or a 30 seconds cut-off period to minimise noise levels. All data are output through a RS232 port. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL0268 | Datawell directional waverider buoy | A directional waverider buoy comprising a heave-pitch-roll sensor, two accelerometers and a 3-axis fluxgate compass in a 90cm diameter spherical buoy that measures waves using a translational principle so that horizontal motions rather than wave slopes are measured making the measurement independent of buoy roll motions. A single point rubber cord vertical mooring ensures adequate symmetrical horizontal buoy response to resolve small motions at low frequencies. Data are transmitted to a shore based station and/or an Argos satellite. Three versions of the buoy designated MkI, MkII and MkIII have been produced with evolving internal electronics but fundamentally the same design. More information may be found at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/65329/ | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0781 | Datawell waverider buoy | A non-directional waverider system with an accelerometer mounted in a loose tethered buoy (0.7 or 0.9m in diameter) that measures the vertical accelerations of the buoy as it moves with the water surface. The accelerations are integrated twice within the buoy and the displacement signal so obtained is then transmitted to a shore station where it is processed to provide wave data statistics. | 2014-08-26 |
TOOL1511 | Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus 6162 (wireless) weather station | A weather station with pre-installed meteorology sensors. Wind speed is measured using a solid state magnetic sensor. A wind vane and potentiometer is used to measure wind direction. Rain is collected in a tipping spoon type collector. Temperature is measured using a PN junction silicon diode and relative humidity ismeasured using a film capacitor element. The package is equiped with console and integrated sensor suite with outside & inside temperature & humidity, barometer, wind, and rain sensors as standard. The radiation shield is passive. The 'plus' also integrates UV and solar radiation sensors. The console power is sourced via three C batteries or AC adapter. Data is transfered using a wireless solar-powered transmitter. The instrument may be optionally fitted with a fan-aspirated radiation shield. | 2020-08-03 |
TOOL1512 | Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 Plus 6162C (cabled) weather station | A weather station with pre-installed meteorology sensors. Wind speed is measured using a solid state magnetic sensor. A wind vane and potentiometer is used to measure wind direction. Rain is collected in a tipping spoon type collector. Temperature is measured using a PN junction silicon diode and relative humidity ismeasured using a film capacitor element. The package is equiped with console and integrated sensor suite with outside & inside temperature & humidity, barometer, wind, and rain sensors as standard. The radiation shield is passive. The 'plus' also integrates UV and solar radiation sensors. The console power is sourced via an AC adapter with battery backup. Data is transfered using a cable. | 2020-08-03 |
TOOL0963 | Day grab | The Day grab is regarded as a valuable alternative to the Smith-McIntyre grab. It has a typical sampling area of 0.1 m2 and a typical penetration depth of up to 15 cm. It has a frame to keep the grab level on the sea bed, and two trigger plates for actuating the release, but no springs to force the hinged buckets into the bottom. Penetration of the sediment is assisted by the weight of the grab, of sometimes with addition lead weights. | 2015-12-16 |
TOOL0337 | Decca main chain navigation receiver | A hyperbolic low-frequency (70 and 130 kHz) signal receiver that determined position based on the phase difference between signals transmitted by groups of a master plus three slave transmitters. Range depended on radio reception conditions but was typically 450km (day) to 750km (night). Accuracy ranged from 50m (day) or 200m (night) in ideal conditions down to 2km near the range limit. The system operated from the WWII until the UK transmitters were switched off at the end of March 2000. | 2010-09-06 |
NETT0034 | Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-1 - Grice and Huelsemann (1970) | A pair of nets were mounted onto the front of DSRV Alvin for collecting planktobenthos at great depths. The mouth openings were D-shaped and hinged so that on descent and ascent of the submersible, the nets could be turned back away from the flow and would not filter. The Alvin arm was used by the pilot to open and close the net. The nets had 0.233 mm mesh [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 23 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0035 | Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-2 - Grice (1972) | A pair of nets were attached to a pair of rectangular frames 61 cm wide x 31 cm tall which each had a metal door hinged at the top. The Alvin arm was used by the pilot to open and close the door. The nets were positioned about 20 cm above the bottom. The nets had 0.239 mm mesh. Normal pushing speed was 1 knot [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 23 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0030 | Deep-Tow net system - Wishner (1980) | Three rectangular mouth opening nets ~30 cm wide x 44 cm tall and 130 cm long mounted on a metal framework attached to the bottom of the Deep-Tow Instrument . The unobstructed nets were opened/closed by surface command transmitted via conducting cable to a release mechanism [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 24 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1962 | DeepSea Power & Light Multi SeaCam MSC-1060 (low-light black and white) camera | An analogue camera for subsea operations. It is designed for deep ROV or shallow diver applications. The ROV version is made from titanium and is rated to 6000 meters (20 000 feet). The diver version is made from black Delrin and is rated to 300 meters (1000 feet). All camera versions come with DeepSea's wide angle, fixed focus optics. It has a 5mm, f2.8 lens, a 1/2-inch CCD image sensor, and can focus from 30cm to infinity. | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL2043 | Deeptrekker Mini-ROV DTG3 video camera | The DTG3 is a mini observation-class underwater ROV video camera. It has a 1080p camera with upgrade up to 4k available. 75 m tether with options up to 700 m available. 200 m depth rating. Operating temperature -10 to 50 degrees C. | 2024-05-30 |
TOOL1278 | Delta-T Devices GP1 Data Logger | A seven channel general purpose data logger designed for applications in soil science, plant physiology, agronomy, climate research and meteorology, horticulture, agriculture, turf and gardens-amenity landscaping. It primarily measures water content, moisture, temperature and electrical conductivity. Operation is by initial installation of software and data logging of the sensor readings. Key characteristics are high accuracy with logging capability up to 600,000 readings and use of the DeltaLINK-Cloud data viewing and sharing service. The GP1 can record to two differential analogue voltages, two temperature channels, two pulse counters and a Plus 1 Delta-T WET sensor. The GP1 provides the logging engine for the WS-GP1 Weather Station. The logging frequency is 1 second to 24 hours. Typical voltage accuracy is +/- 0.3 mV + 0.01% reading. Temperature accuracy is +/- 0.07 degC. Soil moisture accuracy is +/-0.06% (+/-0.0006 m3.m‐3). | 2018-09-10 |
TOOL1279 | Delta-T Devices WS-GP1 Weather Station | A compact Weather Station supplied as a ready to use package with sensors, two-metre tripod mast and GPRS modem download options. The instrument is designed for use in meteorology, climate change monitoring, environmental compliance, eco‐physiology, water resource studies, waste management, crop trials and agro-meteorology. It primarily measures rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and air temperature. Operation is by connecting to a PC and ensuring correct sensor set up. The sensors and logger are ready assembled and pre‐wired on the cross‐arm. Key characterists include its portability, it is pre-wired for rapid set up, and comes with the use of DeltaLINK-Cloud data viewing and sharing service. The typical air temperature accuracy is +/- 0.3 degC. Humidity accuacy is +/- 2% RH. Wind direction accuracy is +/-4 degrees with 0.5 degrees resolution, and wind speed accuracy is +/- 0.1m.s‐1. | 2018-09-10 |
TOOL0928 | Delta-T Instruments PAR sensor | Instrument used to measure the photosynthetically active radiation spectral range of solar radiation. The model is unknown. It is assumed to have a spectral response of 400-700nm. It could have any type of collector (flat plate cosine collector, spherical or hemispherical). | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0927 | Didcot DRP-1 PAR sensor | Instrument used to measure the photosynthetically active radiation spectral range of solar radiation. It is assumed to have a spectral response of 400-700nm. It could have any type of collector (flat plate cosine collector, spherical or hemispherical). | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0128 | Didcot/ELE DRP-5 PAR sensor | A sensor that measures the photon flux density of light in the 400-700nm waveband using a blue-enhanced silicon photocell. Cosine correction ensures that readings are obtained from widely varied angles of incidence. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0945 | Digitron 2000 series 2028T Thermometer | Digitron 2000 series are a range of hand-held digital thermometers. The 2028T model provides readings in seconds with an accuracy of 0.2 percent. Temperature measurements are available in Celsius or Fahrenheit with a temperature range of 200 degC to +1350 degC/ -328 degF to +2462 degF. | 2015-11-26 |
TOOL1190 | Digitron TM-22 Differential Digital Thermometer | The Digitron TM-22 is a water-resistant, hand-held digital thermometer. It complements Digitron's PM series of pressure instruments. Its typical battery life is 500 hours from two AA or equivalent cells. Temperature measurements are available in Celsius or Fahrenheit with a temperature range of -200 degC to +1350 degC/ -328 degF to +2462 degF. | 2018-01-16 |
TOOL0659 | Dionex ICS-2500 ion chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses compounds that do not degrade or decompose in the gas phase. The instrument can be configured with a wide range of modules to build the optimum system for an application. The ICS-2500 features include component modularity, a variety of pump configurations, multiple detectors, full automation capability and System Wellness. The instrument was originally manufactured by Dionex Corporation which was bought by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). The ICS-2500 was introduced in 2005 and is no longer in production. | 2014-01-27 |
NETT0108 | Discovery net N70 V net - Currie and Foxton (1956) | A version of the Nansen net with a 70 cm diameter mouth opening with 3 nearly cylindrical net sections and a final conical section. Section 1 with .63 cm mesh, section 2 canvas for closing rope, section 3 made of silk with 40 meshes per inch (15.7 meshes per 1 cm), and section 4 made of silk with 74 meshes per inch (29.1 meshes per 1 cm) | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0029 | Discrete-depth plankton sampler - Aron et al. (1964) | A cod-end sampler used with IKMT or a 1-m diameter net with underwater electronics to sample depth and temperature operated with single conductor cable. Mark III had 10 or 15 cm diameter opening and four catch chambers [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 26 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0031 | Diver tow net - Emery (1968) | A 30 cm diameter ring net with 0.183 mm mesh towed by diver. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0032 | Diver-pushed net - Porter (1973) | A 50 cm diameter ring net 200 cm long with 0.12 mm mesh pushed by a diver. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0033 | Double Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder - Williams et al. (1983) | A modified version of the LHPR . An unenclosed Lowestoft Sampler , 130 cm high x 92 cm wide x 357 cm long and with a 35.6 cm expanding to 76 cm diameter nose cone was used with a recorder box (with 0.28 mm nylon mesh gauze) attached to the cod-end of a main net. A second recorder box was attached to the end of 0.053 mm polyester mesh net. The mouth of this net was attached to a nose cone with 2.6 and 5.1 diameter mouth openings expanding to 7.7 cm. System acoustically (IOS) telemeters depth, flow, and temperature. System also carries a chlorophyll sensor with recorder system. Nose cones of both nets have doors that are shut when system deployed and can be opened remotely. Designed to tow up to 6 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 27 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0066 | Dr.Haardt BackScat Fluorometer Model 1302 | Backscatter fluorometer comprising three optical sensors integrated into one housing with a light source of 2 xenon flash tubes and filters for the detection of chlorophyll, yellow substance (gelbstoff) and Mie backscattering. | 2010-09-08 |
TOOL1693 | Dr.Haardt BackScat I (in situ) fluorometer series | The BackScat fluorometers series 1100, 1200 and 1300 are designed for the in situ measurement of Chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, Rhodamine B, sulforhodamine, humic acids (Gelbstoff), fluorescein, hydrocarbons and other fluorescent agents. The instruments of the series 1100 are measuring the fluorescence and optionally the turbidity by means of the elastically backscattered light entering the same window. The fluorometers of the series 1200 are designed to measure two fluorescent agents simultaneously through a single window. The series 1300 fluorometers are equipped with two windows for two different channels designed for those combinations of fluorescent agents, the spectra of which would cross each other either in emission or in excitation. The light source of this series of fluorometers is Xenon flashlight, which covers the spectral range from the UV near 300 nm to the IR at 1100 nm. A special UV Xenon flashtube extends the UV range to about 220 nm. The tuning to specific fluorescent agents is realized by special filters and dichroic beam-splitters. Spectrally improved photodiodes convert the received light to electric signals. Optional sensors: depth, turbidity, temperature, etc. The instrument has spectral ranges of 360 - 800 nm (Vis), with options: 320 nm - 1100 nm (UV1), 220 nm - 1100 nm (UV2). Filter units include: Chlorophyll a, Phycoerythrin, Phycocyanin (Vis), humic acids (UV1), Rhodamine (Vis), Sulforhodamine (Vis), Fluorescein (Vis), 3-cyclic hydrocarbons (UV2), others are available on request. The standard operational depth is 1500 m, but options include 3000 m and 6000 m depth ratings. | 2021-05-11 |
TOOL0408 | Dr.Haardt BackScat I Fluorometer Model 1101 | Backscatter fluorometer with a xenon-flashlight source and filter for the detection of chlorophyll-a. The titanium housing has a maximum depth rating of 6000 m. | 2011-07-27 |
TOOL0406 | Droplet Measurement Technologies Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP) 100 | The PCASP 100 is an optical particle counter that measures aerosol particle size distributions. It uses a 5 mW He-Ne passive cavity laser, directed onto the aerodynamically focussed air sample. Scattered light is collected at angles between 35 degrees and 120 degrees, and focussed onto a photodetector. Particle size is determined from the light scattering intensity using MIe scattering theory, assuming a spherical particle of refractive index 1.58. The instrument was developed by Particle Measuring Systems and was sold to Droplet Measurement Technologies. | 2011-07-27 |
TOOL0837 | Druck 2900 PSIA pressure sensor | A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 2900 pounds per square inch absolute (2000m depth). | 2015-03-26 |
TOOL2113 | Druck PTX 7500 series | A series of industrial pressure transmitters suitable for a wide range of pressure media and operating conditions. The 7500 series operates using the principle of piezoresistance, using a silicon sensor. The PTX 7500 series consists of models using a range of electrical connections - PTX 7511 Integral Cable (IP65); PTX 7516 6 Pin Bayonet (IP65); PTX 7517 DIN 43650A Plug/Socket (IP 65); PTX 7533 Integral Cable (IP 67); PTX 7535 M20 Female Conduit (IP 65). Operating temperature range: -40 to 100 degrees C (80 degrees C maximum for PTX 7511/ 7533). Accuracy: Best straight Line +/- 0.1 percent F.S. typical (+/- 0.2 percent maximum). Operating pressure ranges up to 700 bar. | 2024-10-17 |
TOOL0196 | Druck RPT 301 barometer | A barometer based on silicon pressure sensor having a multi-layer construction. The resonator and pressure sensitive diaphragm micro-machined from one piece of silicon. The resonator is bonded to a second silicon wafer containing the drive and pick-up system under vacuum. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0985 | Dual Methot Isaacs-Kidd Trawl net | Pelagic trawl net described as Dual Methot Trawl net ; designed with single rectangular mouth piece with measurements: not specified; with opening area (square metre)=1.5; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: dual-net system; with mesh size (millimetre)=1.5; and equipped with an opening-closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1487 | Duncan and Associates Shipek grab | A center-pivot sampler designed to sample unconsolidated sediments from soft ooze to hard-packed silts from deep lakes and near offshore. The sampler scoops a sediment sample from the top 10cm of the seabed. It brings up virtually un- disturbed, unwashed samples to the surface from any depth. Its specialty is sampling benthic organisms living at or immediately below the water/bottom interface and sediment containing a significant population of non-sessile forms. When the grab touches the bottom, inertia from a self-contained weight releases a catch and helical springs rotate the inner half cylinder by 180 degrees. After turning, the scoop remains closed by the residual torque of the scoop spring. Because the rotation of the bucket is very rapid, its shear strength is far greater than the sediment strength, thus cutting cleanly, particularly in soft clays, muds, silts and sands. Manufactured in 316 stainless steel with a sampling area of 0.042m sq. There is the option of adding a landing table. | 2020-06-30 |
TOOL1174 | Duncan and Associates gravity corer | A marine sediment corer. It uses the pull of gravity to penetrate the seabed with a core barrel to collect samples. Manufactured in mild steel with varying corer barrel lengths between 1m and 6m, and a range of barrel diameters. These can also be adapted to be used as Piston corers and supplied with stainless steel releaser mechanisms. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1173 | Duncan and Associates unknown box corer | A Duncan and Associates box corer where the model is unknown. It is fitted with a 300 mm X 300 mm X 955-975 mm high cabinet box. It is capable of collecting oceanographic sediments up to 5000 m. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1728 | Dynamic Gravity Systems AT1 marine gravimeter | A high resolution 1Hz marine gravity meter with integrated GPS position and time recording. A full feedback, magnetically damped sensor locks the beam at the reading line, minimizing sensor errors, and eliminates mechanical counter screw errors and reduces cross coupling errors. The instrument has a worldwide gravity range, with a resolution of 0.01 milliGals (mGal), static repeatability of 0.05 mGals, dynamic repeatability of 0.25 mGal at 50,000 mGal horizontally, 0.50 mGal at 100,000 mGal horizontally, and 0.25 mGal at 100,000 mGal vertically. The instrument has an accuracy at sea of 0.7 mGals, a platform range of 30 degrees roll and pitch. The data and GPS recording rate is 1Hz. | 2021-09-08 |
TOOL2015 | E+E Elektronik EE060 humidity and temperature probe | An analogue relative humidity and temperature probe with voltage output, designed to maintain optimal measurement performance in corrosive, dusty or oily atmospheric environments. The probe's electronics are completely encapsulated, and its HCT01 sensing element is coated by an E+E proprietary protective layer. Electrical connection is provided through either a cable of 1.5 m to 5 m length, or a 4 pole M12 connector plug. The probe can be fitted with either a membrane or a metal grid filter. The humidity and temperature output range can be configured to (0 - 1) V, (0 - 5) V or (0 - 10) V. The measuring range is 0% - 100% (+/- 2.5% accuracy) for relative humidity, and -40 degC to either 60 degC or 80 degC (+/- 0.3 degC accuracy) for temperature. | 2024-02-14 |
TOOL2016 | E+E Elektronik EE08 humidity and temperature probe | A probe for measuring humidity and temperature. Typical applications include for meteorology on weather stations, hatcheries and incubators, climatic chambers, green houses or storage rooms, artificial snow machines, and battery-operated devices. The probe has both analogue and digital outputs and is available with either cable or M12 connector. It is possible to choose between active and passive temperature measurement. For meteorology and other outdoor applications, the EE08 can be used with the optional radiation shield. The humidity sensor measures between 0 and 100% relative humidity with an accuracy of +/-2% relative humidity. The temperature sensor measures between -40 and +80 degrees Celsius with an accuracy of +/-0.2 degrees Celsius. | 2024-02-15 |
TOOL1636 | ESE ES-185 A Global Positioning System master clock | An 8-channel Global Positioning System (GPS) master clock/time code generator. The unit receives accurate time and date information from GPS satellites in UTC time. The receiver offers an accuracy of <0.1 s per 24 hour period and is self-setting. Outputs at one pulse per second. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL1637 | ESE ES-185 E Global Positioning System master clock | A 12-channel Global Positioning System (GPS) master clock/time code generator. The unit receives accurate time and date information from GPS satellites in UTC time. The receiver offers an accuracy of +/-10 nS and is self-setting. Outputs at one pulse per second. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL0437 | EcoMonitor PumpProbe Fluorometer | A submersible double-flash pulse fluorometer for continuous, in situ measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. It contains two excitation channels and one emission channel. One of the excitation channels provides a weak, probe flash used for measuring the fluorescence yield of Photosystem II (PSII). The other excitation channel provides a pump flash which is used for closing the reaction centres of PSII. Both excitation signals are generated by xenon flash-lamps. The light from the flash-lamps is collected by condensers and by a set of bluegreen excitation filters. The emission signal is collected by the emission condenser and filtered by a red filter before striking the photodetector. The instrument operates over a chlorophyll-a concentration range of 0.03-50 ug/l and has a depth range of 200 m. The excitation wavelength range is 400-550 nm and the registration wavelength range is >680 nm. The instrument was developed by the EcoMonitor Laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Engineering Physics and was used during the 1990s. | 2011-11-07 |
TOOL0843 | Ecotech HiVol3000 air sampler | High volume particulate matter air sampler that can perform remote unattended sampling of PM10, PM2.5 or TSP alongside basic meteorological parameters. The air-borne suspended particles are drawn through an inlet hood and collected on a pre-weighed filter over a pre-determined period. After sampling, the filter is removed and re-weighed to determine the concentration of particulate matter. Two other models measure organic compounds using different filter types (PUF- poly-urethane foam and XAD- hydrophobic polyaromatic resin). | 2015-04-20 |
TOOL1819 | EdgeTech 2205 side scan sonar and bottom profiler | The 2205 Series is a flexible and configurable sonar system with applications for use on autonomous and remotely operated underwater platforms (e.g. UUVs, ROVs, AUVs, and USVs). The instrument comprises a modular unit which can be configured based on the application, to collect side scan sonar images, sub-bottom profiles and bathymetric data either singularly or simultaneously. The 2205 Series can operate independent of the underwater platform by recording and storing the data or be integrated into the vehicle. The instrument also features nadir gap-fill sonar, full spectrum CHIRP processing, multi-pulse technology, dynamically focused arrays, and dynamic aperture sonar arrays. Applications of the 2205 Series include archaeological, geophysical, cable and pipeline, dredging, and marine construction surveys, benthic habitat mapping, and marine debris search operations. The side scan sonar is capable of operating at seven frequencies between 75 and 1600 kHz depending on the depth application (from 35 to 1000 metres to target) and can be configured to operate in dual or tri-frequency modes. Depth ratings include to 3000 or 6000 metres. The sub-bottom profiler has three frequency ranges: 4 - 24, 2 - 16 and 1 - 10 kHz, with vertical resolutions of 4 - 8, 6 - 10 and 15 - 25 cm respectively. | 2022-07-27 |
TOOL1423 | EdgeTech 4200 side scan sonar | The 4200 Series is a versatile side scan sonar system that can be configured for almost any survey application from shallow to deep water operations. The 4200 utilizes EdgeTech’s Full Spectrum CHIRP technology to provide crisp, high resolution imagery at ranges 20 - 30% greater than non-CHIRP systems. A 4200 system comes with a choice of a dual simultaneous frequency towfish available in either a stainless steel or lightweight aluminium housing depending on operational requirements. Customers can also choose between a rack mount or portable topside processor or a digital link to interface to 3rd party topsides and software. One of the unique features of the 4200 is the optional Multi-Pulse (MP) technology, which places two sound pulses in the water rather than one pulse like conventional side scan sonar systems. This allows the 4200 to be towed at speeds of up to 10 knots while still maintaining 100% bottom coverage. In addition, the MP technology will provide twice the resolution when operating at normal tow speeds, thus allowing for better target detection and classification ability. Frequency = choice of either 100/400, 300/600 or 300/900 kHz dual simultaneous; operating range (metres/side) = 500 m at 100 kHz, 230 m at 300 kHz, 150 m at 400 kHz, 120 m at 600 kHz, or 75 m at 900 kHz; the stainless steel housing is depth rated to 2000 m, and the aluminium housing is depth rated to 500 m. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL2003 | Eijkelkamp 04.09 Edelman auger sediment corer | The Edelman auger a conical instrument for obtaining sediment samples. The auger comprises two blades joined in a cone. The top of the blades is welded to a bracket, which is connected to the auger rod. The blades are vaulted and when entering the soil the sample is dug up and evenly guided into the inside of the auger body. The vaulting of the blades promotes digging up and also ensures a firm grip of the sample while permitting easy emptying of the auger body. The diagonal diameter of the auger between the blades at the broadest part of the auger body is 10 cm. The blades measure 5.5 cm. Typically used for coheisve or moderately cohesive soils. | 2024-01-26 |
TOOL1995 | Eijkelkamp 04.09 peat sample sediment corer | A sediment corer designed for use in peat sampling. Also known as a 'Russian' peat corer. Features a maximum sample depth of 10 metres, with a sample diameter and length of 5.2 and 50 cm respectively, providing a sample volume of 530 ml. | 2024-01-26 |
TOOL2004 | Eijkelkamp 05.09 Wardenaar peat profile sediment corer | The Wardenaar peat profile sampler is an apparatus for sampling intact, undisturbed peat profiles in peat lands up to a depth of 1 metre. The sampler comprises a rectangular stainless steel box casing, divided lengthwise into two halves with sharp cutting edges at the base. The handgrip hinging allows both halves to be pushed into the soil alternatingly, with a clamp mechanism to enable the profile to be clamped in the sampler for extraction. Sample diameter is 10 x 10 cm, and sample length is 100 cm, making for a sample volume of 10 litres. | 2024-01-26 |
TOOL1355 | Electronic Instruments Ltd MC5 {EIL MC5} temperature and salinity meter | A measuring bridge with a limit of resolution of 2 parts per thousand. | 2019-08-14 |
TOOL0544 | Electropolished air sample canister | Metal sampling container of unknown make and capacity that has been smoothed by electropolishing (also known as electrochemical or electrolytic polishing). Suitable for the collection of high pressure air samples. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1759 | Elementar Isoprime Vision {IRMS} isotopic ratio mass spectrometer | A laboratory instrument. It is used for mesauring the ratios of stable isotopes in a variety of applications such as in honey, ecology, geology and petroleum applications. It can aid in the measurement of 2H, 13C, 15N, 18O and 34S stable isotopes. It uses a thorium coated filament, stainless steel vacuum chamber, 100 V amplification and purge and trap chromatography for the separation of gases. It is also capable of headspace analysis. It is able to perform bulk and compound specific analysis through combination with other Elementar and Agilent technologies such as gas chromatography and elemental analysis. | 2021-12-16 |
TOOL1758 | Elementar Vario EL Cube elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument. It is used for quantifying organic elements. It can measure C, H, N and S and optionally O, Cl and TIC. It uses high-temperature combustion and gas-separation and concentration using selective trap columns. It was first developed in 2006 as a successor to the vario EL III. It uses a high-temperature combustion unit that is able to complete sample digsetion at up to 1200 deg C (or 1800 deg C at the point of combustion when tin foil is used) and a jet injection of oxygen directly to the sample during combustion. Separation of gas components are performed on up to 3 gas-selective columns which trap gases until they are heated up and the prior gas peak has reached the baseline during detection. It uses a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) as standard. An infrared (IR) detector for sulfur and oxygen and electrochemical detector for chlorine are optionally available. The instrument can measure C / N elemental ratios of up to 12,000 : 1 and provides an elemental detection limit of < 40 ppm (TCD). | 2021-12-16 |
TOOL0608 | Eliasson CBME80 infrared laser diode cloud ceilometer | An infrared laser diode measuring the cloud base height or vertical visibility and cloud amount. The design is based on the LIDAR principle. The light emitting component is a low power diode laser with the output power limited to eye-safe level. Real time digitising technique is used in signal detection and the 80C186 microprocessor is used in signal processing. | 2013-03-22 |
TOOL1696 | EndRun Sonoma N12 GPS synchronised Network Time Server | The Sonoma Network Time Server is a precision server of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that can be connected via an Ethernet port to any TCP/IP network. The GPS Subsystem in the Sonoma receives transmissions from satellites that are operating in compliance with the Navstar GPS Interface Control Document (ICD) known as GPS-ICD-200. The Sonoma is composed of a Global Positioning System (GPS) Subsystem containing the EndRun GPS Receiver and system oscillator. The receiver can relate the time-of-arrival of the received GPS transmissions from the satellite to GPS time. Monitoring, maintenance and control is accomplished by a wide range of protocols. Available timing protocols include: Network Time Protocol (NTP), Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), Time, Daytime, and the optional Precision Time Protocol (PTP/IEEE-1588). In its most basic operation, the Sonoma sends NTP reply packets in response to NTP request packets which it has received from clients. The timestamps it sends in its NTP reply packets are accurate to10 microseconds, typical. Once synchronized, the Sonoma can maintain acceptable network synchronization accuracy for about a day without GPS reception. The instruments operating temperature range is 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0277 | Endeco model 1125 dissolved oxygen system | A controller with up to four multiplexed Endeco type 1128 pulsed-electrode dissolved oxygen probes. Endeco are now a subsidiary of YSI. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1812 | Endress and Hauser Liquisys M CPM223/253 pH sensor | A pH and Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) transmitter for analog sensors, digital pH, sensors and ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) sensors. It has applications in effluent treatment, neutralization, detoxication (electroplating), water treatment, and water monitoring. The measurement range for pH is -2 to 16 with a resolution of 0.01, and for ORP the measurement range is -1500 to +1500 mV / 0 to 100 % with a resolution of 1 mV/0.1 %. | 2022-06-28 |
TOOL1813 | Endress and Hauser Orbisint CPS11 pH sensor | A pH electrode. Used for pH measurement in process and environmental applications - such as long-term monitoring and limit monitoring of processes with stable process conditions in industries such as the paper industry, plastics chemistry, power plants, food industry, and breweries; and also for water treatment. The membrane glass of the electrode supplies an electrochemical potential which is dependent upon the pH value of the medium. This potential is generated by the selective penetration of H+ ions through the outer layer of the membrane. An electrochemical boundary layer with an electric potential forms at this point. An integrated Ag/AgCl reference system serves as reference electrode. The transmitter converts the measured voltage into the corresponding pH value using the Nernst equation. The sensor is supplied with a dirt-repellent PTFE diaphragm. The instrument can be supplied with an optional built-in temperature sensor and/or an optional salt ring for low conductivity applications such as boiler feed water and water for injection. The sensor is suitable for use in harsh applications as the glass used is processed for use in highly alkaline media, is pressure-stable up to 16 bar (232 psi), and can be used in temperatures up to 135 degrees Celsius. | 2022-06-28 |
TOOL1808 | Endress and Hauser TurbiMax W CUS 41 in-situ particle sizer | An optical in-situ particle sizer designed for suspended solids measurement in sewage treatment and water monitoring activities. It uses the nephelometric 90 degree scattered light method with frequencies in the near infra-red (NIR) range (880 nm). The excitation radiation of the IR transmitter strikes the medium at a defined beam angle. The different refractive indices of the entrance window and the measuring medium (water) are taken into account. Particles in the medium scatter the radiation, which strikes the receiver at a defined angle. The measurement in the medium is constantly adjusted with the values of a reference receiver. A temperature measurement signal is also detected and transmitted. It has an operational wavelength of 880 nm, and measurement ranges from 0 - 9999 FNU, 0.00 - 9999 ppm, 0 - 300 g/l, 0 - 200 percent (depending on the type of sample). It has an operating temperature range from -5 to +50 degC. | 2022-05-31 |
NETT0036 | English umbrella net - Macaulay and Daly (1987) | A rectangular net 200 cm on a side and 300 cm long made from 0.22 mm nylon mesh is designed to fit through a hole in an ice flow closed, and open once underneath. A messenger is used to close the mouth opening at a specific depth prior to retrieval though the ice [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 11 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1077 | Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus | An eight-band whiskbroom scanning radiometer designed for land and vegetation observation. The instrument consists of a primary mirror sweeping across-track to produce image scans, and a scan line corrector (SLC) mirror assembly sweeping forward-to-back along-track, to compensate for the forward motion of the satellite during integration time. A panchromatic channel covers the wavelength range (0.50 - 0.90) um, at a spatial resolution of 15 m and 12000 pixel per line; six-narrow band channels in the visible/near-infrared/short-wave infrared (VIS/NIR/SWIR) span wavelength ranges (0.45 - 0.52) um, (0.53 - 0.61), (0.63 - 0.69) um, (0.78 - 0.90) um, (1.55 - 1.75) um, (2.09 - 2.35) um, at a spatial resolution of 30m and 6000 pixel per line; a thermal infrared (TIR) channel covers the band (10.4 - 12.5) um, at a spatial resolution of 60 m and 3000 pixel per line. The swath width is 185 km. Flown on Landsat-7. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/136 | 2016-11-15 |
NETT0038 | Enlarged Clarke-Bumpus sampler - Paquette et al. (1961) | Construction is a 25.4 cm diameter mouth opening with cylindrical tube 12.7 cm long. The tube is equipped with flat plate which pivots to open or close the flow through the tube and a TSK flowmeter. A 107 cm long conical net is attached to the rear of the tube. (No mesh size given). | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0037 | Enlarged Clarke-Bumpus sampler - Yentsch et al. (1962) | An enlarged (jumbo) version of the Clarke-Bumpus Sampler with a 30 cm diameter mouth opening and 183 cm long net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 8 B]. A pressure potentiometer in a SS case and attached to a conducting cable described for determining the depth of the end of a net tow wire. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0381 | EnviroTech LLC Aqua Monitor Smart Water Sampler | A programmable water sampler that can collect up to 48 discrete water samples of up to 1000ml each and may be programmed for time series sampling or for operation in "slave" mode within a system. Samples are collected using a syringe mechanism and stored in gas impermeable bags within protective enclosures.The sampler can be deployed on moorings, towed-vehicle systems, ROV or AUV platforms, and can be used for applications such as phytoplankton, nutrients, salinity and suspended sediment measurements. | 2011-03-14 |
TOOL0170 | EnviroTech LLC NAS-2E Nutrient Analyser | In-situ nutrient analyser for high frequency time-series determination of nutrient concentrations in marine and fresh waters. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0380 | EnviroTech LLC NAS-3X Nutrient Analyser | In-situ nutrient analyzer for high-frequency time-series determination of nutrient concentrations in marine and fresh waters. It uses a pump and valve system to acquire and react individual water samples, and versions are available for the measurement of nitrate, phosphate, silicate and ammonia. The NAS-3X replaces the NAS-2E, providing higher precision and resolution measurements. The standard depth rating is 100m, although a 250m version is also available and deeper versions may be built on request. | 2011-03-14 |
NETT0039 | Epi-benthic plankton net - Russell (1928) | Construction is 122 cm wide x 30 cm tall rectangular mouth with a 240 cm length net made of stramin. The net is mounted in an Agassiz trawl frame [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 22 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0040 | Epi-benthic plankton sampler - Bossanyi (1951) | Approximately 91 cm x 61 cm rectangular mouth with net about 213 cm long. Netting with 15.7 meshes per cm. Able of open/close mouth opening [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 22 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0041 | Epi-benthic plankton sampler - Clutter (1965) | Construction is a 32cm x 32 cm rectangular mouth opening net attached to a metal box frame work which was 37 cm tall x 37 cm wide x 30 cm long. The net was about 30 cm long had 0.333 mm nylon mesh. The system was lowered to the seafloor where an anchor attached to the net frame by a spool of line became fixed. The net was towed at ~1.5 knots away from the anchor until the line was fully extended whereupon it triggered a choke rope closing the net. Distance covered by the sampler was about 10 m. A scaled up version with 70.1 cm x 70.1 cm mouth opening also described [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 23 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0083 | Eppley Precision Infrared Radiometer Pyrgeometer | The Eppley Precision Infrared Radiometer (PIR) pyrgeometer measures longwave (infrared) radiation. It is housed in a weatherproof titanium canister that has been painted with a very flat black paint that absorbs radiation. A small glass dome at the top of the instrument is covered with an 'interference coating' which allows only infrared radiation to come through. Light levels are detected as temperature changes creating voltages in fine wire coil detectors. | 2019-06-07 |
TOOL0666 | Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer | A discontinued instrument that measured sun and sky irradiance in the range of wavelengths 0.285 to 2.8 microns, including most of the solar spectrum. It had a "hemispheric receiver" intended to approximate the cosine response for oblique rays. More information may be found at http://www.yale.edu/ceo/Documentation/Eppley%20Precision%20Spectral%20Pyranometer.pdf. | 2014-03-11 |
TOOL2020 | Eppley Standard Precision Pyranometer | A precision radiometer used to measure total energy from the sun. This can be either global shortwave irradiance or total irradiance in the plane of array (TPA). It can also be used to measure reflected or albedo irradiance, as well as diffuse shortwave irradiance. It is based on the design of the Eppley PSP pyranometer (https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0666/) but exhibits a faster response time, reduced thermal offset and improved cosine response. The SPP has a spectral range from 295-2800 nm, a sensitivity of 8 uV / Wm-2 and an impedance of approximately 700 ohms. It has an operating temperature from -50 to +80 degC. Hourly average measurement uncertainty is approximately 2 percent, daily average measurement uncertainty is approximately 1 percent. | 2024-02-22 |
TOOL0812 | Eppley Total Ultraviolet Radiometer | The Eppley Total Ultraviolet Radiometer (TUVR) measures total short-wave solar radiation (295 to 385 nm) with sensitivity of approx. 150 microV/Wm-2. The unit is of brass construction and includes adjustable leveling screws and a circular spirit level. The instrument utilizes a hermetically sealed selenium barrier-layer cell which is protected by a quartz window. An encapsulated narrow bandpass (interference) filter limits the spectral response of the photocell. | 2014-12-09 |
TOOL0932 | Eppley UVB-1 pyranometer | A precision radiometer that measures biologically effective solar UV radiation with a spectral response of 280-320nm. Coloured filters and a UV-B phosphor convert incoming UV-B radiation into green light which is then measured by a calibrated solid-state photodetector. The UVB-1 measures global solar UV-B irradiance or the power per unit area of UV-B radiation received by a horizontal surface from the entire hemisphere of the sky. Global radiation includes both light transmitted directly through the atmosphere and light scattered by atmospheric gases and particulate matter in the atmosphere. The UVB-1 measures both the direct and diffuse components of global radiation. Cosine response is ±5% for 0 - 60 degree solar zenith angle and sensitivity is 1.97 volt/(watt/m2) of total UV-B irradiance. | 2015-08-06 |
TOOL1308 | Ernst Leitz Ortholux light microscope series | A series of optical light microscopes first developed in the 1930's by Ernst Leitz GmbH. They are used in medical or industrial applications. There are three variants (ca. 1930-1970). The earliest variant observes only transmitted light using a lamp source fitted to the base. Later versions observe both transmitted and reflected light using separate lamp sources (6 volts, 30 watts). In addition, they comprise a stand, microscope tubes, objective carrier, objective stage and condenser which are interchangeable parts. The latest version is capable of using bright-field, dark-field, polarized light, fluorescence microscopy, phase contrast and UV illuminations. | 2019-02-08 |
TOOL2118 | Europa Scientific TracerMass Stable Isotope analyser | A compact desktop isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) developed to analyse samples of 15N and 13C. This instrument measures the isotopic ratio of Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 in a sample using an electron ionisation source. | 2024-11-01 |
TOOL0930 | Everest Interscience Sea-Therm 4000L temperature sensor | A rugged temperature sensor designed to measure water surface temperature in harsh environments such as oil platforms. It is a non-contact system that measures infra-red radiation with a second senor - the Sky Spy - that provides input for sky radiation correction. It measures temperatures in the range -10-70C with an accuracy of 0.3C below 30C and 0.5C above 30C. The standard field of view is 10 degrees with 5 and 2 degrees available as options. The sensor is encased in a solid block of plastic hermetically sealed into a titanium case to provide waterproofing and resistance to salt spray. | 2015-08-04 |
TOOL1128 | Exeter Analytical Model CE-440 elemental analyser | A fully automated elemental analyser capable of analysing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur. The 440 used a thermal conductivity detection method and has both static and dynamic combustion along with a horizontal furnace. It has an analysis time of less than 5 minutes. it has an accuracy with standard organic compounds of +/-0.15% absolute plus +/-0.15% relative and a detection range of 100 ppm to 100%. | 2017-05-05 |
TOOL2087 | FEI Quanta 650 FEG Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) used for the imaging and analysis of materials. Applications include the characterization and in-situ analysis of samples including metals and non-conductive soft materials. The SEM can be operated in high vacuum, low vacuum, and full environmental (ESEM) mode. Multiple imaging detectors available including secondary electron (SE), backscattered electron (BSE), cathodoluminescence (CL), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Beam deceleration option available to provide improved resolution and contrast. Image processor capable of generating images up to 6144 x 4096 pixels. | 2024-08-14 |
TOOL1166 | FMC Technologies Schilling Robotics ORION 7P and 7R Manipulators | The ORION 7 manipulators are seven-function manipulator systems designed for use on light and medium class Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The manipulators have a standard depth rating of 6545 dbar, allowing the manipulators to be used on a wide range of ROVs, and can be configured to be either position-controlled or rate-controlled. The ORION 7 models can also be configured for extended reach, which adds 318 mm to the arm's length. The ORION manipulators were produced by FMC Technologies who have since merged with Technip to form TechnipFMC. | 2017-11-06 |
TOOL1834 | FT Technologies FT702LT-V22 anemometer series | A series of ultrasonic anemometers designed to measure wind speed and direction in a wide range of environments. The instrument outputs wind speeds in m/s and direction in degrees by using Acoustic Resonance Technology. Three transducers transmit an ultrasonic signal and measure the signal's phase changes. The sensor adjusts the signal frequency to compensate for changes in the air's temperature, pressure or humidity. The instrument is a solid-state device suitable for marine environments as it is made up of a hard, anodised alloy body, three heaters, and surge protection electronics. Instruments in the series include the FT702LT-V22-FF, FT702LT-V22-PM, FT702LT/D-V22-FF, FT702LT/D-V22-PM. Where LT, has a digital display, LT/D, has an analogue display, FF is a Flat Front, to be installed on a bar, and PM is for a Pipe Mount. Wind speed range is 0-50 m/s with 0.1 m/s resolution. Wind direction range is 0-360 deg. with 1 deg. resolution. The instrument has no data logging capacity and requires a power source. It works in temperatures between -40 and 85 deg. C and up to 4000 m altitude. | 2022-08-12 |
TOOL2132 | Falmouth Scientific 3D Acoustic Current Meter | A 3-dimensional acoustic current meter used to measure the speed and direction of water currents. Compact size and light weight make the 3D ACM suitable for deployment on multiple meter arrays. The current meter outputs velocity measurements in 3 axes. Averaged and/ or burst data output available. This instrument incorporates a 3-axis internal flux-gate compass and 2-axis tilt sensor to provide true current vector direction. High-accuracy conductivity, temperature, and depth sensor package is available. Velocity - Accuracy: +/- 2 percent of reading, or 1 cm/sec; Resolution: 0.01 cm/sec; Range: 0-300 cm/sec. Direction - Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees; Resolution: 0.01 degrees; Range: 0 - 360 degrees. Sampling rate: 2 Hz maximum. Depth rating: 1000 m with phenolic housing, 7000 m with titanium housing. | 2025-01-10 |
TOOL0593 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments Excell thermosalinograph | The instrument comprises an FSI internal field conductivity sensor (NXIC cell) and two precision platinum resistance thermometers to provide salinity mounted in a urethane through-flow housing. The temperature sensors are located at the inlet and outlet to provide an integrated temperature measurement across the conductivity sensor. The salinity range is 2 to 42 PSU and the accuracy id +- 0.03 PSU. Sea temperature is measured by an independently-supplied remote PRT or thermistor located in the hull or seawater inlet. | 2013-01-23 |
TOOL0364 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments Integrated CTD Profiler | CTD profiler with a sampling frequency of 32Hz and a depth rating of 7000m. It is normally used in conjunction with a DT-2000 deck unit, although an internal memory can also be installed for self contained data logging. Parameters are measured to an accuracy of ±0.0002 S/m for conductivity, ±0.002°C for temperature and 0.01% for full scale pressure. The unit can support two additional primary temperature sensors and up to 8 auxiliary sensors. | 2011-01-28 |
TOOL1266 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments MicroCTD | A miniature integrated sensor and communication system, developed by Falmouth Scientific Instruments. The MicroCTD includes a conductivity sensor (range: 0 to 65 mmho/cm, resolution: 0.0002 mmho/cm, accuracy: +/- 0.005 mmho/cm), a temperature sensor (range: -2 to 32 degC, resolution: 0.0001 degC, accuracy: +/- 0.005 degC), and a depth sensor (range: 0 to 7000 dbar, resolution: 0.02 dbar, accuracy: +/- 0.12 dbar). This instrument was fitted on TOBI, a deep-towed multi-sensor sonar system deployed in 1999 during cruise JR39b. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL0173 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments NXIC CTD Series | A collection of conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sensors which are generally linked to a common data logger that samples at up to 15Hz. The CTD sensors utilise the patented Non-eXternal Inductive Cell (NXIC) conductivity sensor, originally developed by FSI for the US Navy DT-705 Sound Velocity/Salinity sensor. Models in the collection include the NXIC CT Bio Direct Read-500M, NXIC CTD Bio Direct Read-500M, NXIC CTD Bio Auto-500M, NXIC CTD Direct Read-500M, NXIC CTD Direct Read-700M, NXIC CTD Auto-500M, NXIC CTD Auto-700M, NXIC CTD-ADC with external sensors, and the NXIC ETSG Thermosalinograph. Parameters are measured to an accuracy ranging from 0.002-0.010 mS/cm for conductivity, 0.005 degC for temperature and 0.08% for full scale pressure. Now marketed by Teledyne RD Instruments. | 2017-11-01 |
TOOL0122 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments OEM conductivity-temperature sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature sensor that can be readily adapted to various user platforms. The interface electronics provide a DC voltage output proportional to conductivity or temperature. Conductivity is measured by a large inductively coupled sensor that is less affected by biofouling than wetted electrode sensors. Temperature is measured by a high grade Platiunum Resistence Thermometer (PRT) that provides linear temperature response and high stability. The electronics approach is very linear, eliminating the need for complex equations to convert outputs to physical units. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0455 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments ocean conductivity module | An inductively coupled conductivity sensor with a low-power micro-controller to collect, scale and transmit real-time data via RS-232 or RS-485. The sensor has an accuracy of +/- 0.0003 S/m and a resolution of 0.00001 S/m over the range 0-7.0 S/m. It has a response time of 50 ms at a flow rate of 1 m/s. | 2012-01-24 |
TOOL0123 | Falmouth Scientific Instruments ocean temperature module | A standards-grade platinum resistance thermometer with a low-power micro-controller to collect, scale and transmit real-time data via RS-232 or RS-485 | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0428 | Fast Light Yo-yo (FLY II) microstructure profiler | A free-falling instrument designed to measure temperature, salinity and turbulent shear from near surface to within 15cm of the seabed. The instrument includes airfoil shear probes (the shear sensing element comprises a piezo-ceramic bimorph beam which generates an electrical charge in response to cross-axial forces), slow and fast response thermistors, a conductivity cell, two tilt gauges and a pressure gauge. A probe guard mounted at the lower end of the instrument protects sensors from bottom sediments. Data are transmitted back to the ship in real time through a neutrally buoyant line. The FLY series of instruments was developed in the 1980s by the Institute of Ocean Sciences, British Columbia and others, and built by Sy-Tech Research Ltd of Sidney, British Columbia. The instrument is no longer in production. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0429 | Fast Light Yo-yo (FLY IV) microstructure profiler | A free-falling instrument designed to measure temperature, salinity and turbulent shear from near surface to within 15cm of the seabed. The instrument includes airfoil shear probes (the shear sensing element comprises a piezo-ceramic bimorph beam which generates an electrical charge in response to cross-axial forces), slow and fast response thermistors, a conductivity cell, two tilt gauges and a pressure gauge. A probe guard mounted at the lower end of the instrument protects sensors from bottom sediments. Data are transmitted back to the ship in real time through a neutrally buoyant line. The FLY series of instruments was developed in the 1980s by the Institute of Ocean Sciences, British Columbia and others, and built by Sy-Tech Research Ltd of Sidney, British Columbia. The FLY IV used the same sensors as the FLY II but incorporated more advanced electronics and software. Data transmission was achieved via the TELUS Mobility Network. The instrument is no longer in production. | 2011-11-02 |
NETT0137 | Fixed in-current plankton net - Johannes et al (1970) | A pair of 50 cm diameter nets made from number 10 gauze were mounted side by side in a rectangular frame with an extender rod to support the net cod ends horizontally . The nets and frame were attached 100 cm above the bottom to a wire extending from an anchor stand to a surface float. The nets were free to rotate so that they always faced into the flow [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 24 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1462 | Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) Gilson dredge | The Gilson dredge consists of a sort of plough and a net behind it. This device is pulled by a research vessel and is mostly used for sampling rough substrates, e.g. sampling of oysters and shells. The Gilson dredge is also suitable for collecting archeological artefacts but not for sampling fish. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL1525 | FloCat C-ES45 B002 flow meters | An impeller flow meter in 3/8 Inch nominal pipe size. The body material for the ES45-B002 is polypropylene, with transparent acrylic covers for visual flow indication. Optional Acrylic or Polypropylene covers available. Optional Nickel tungsten carbide, and zirconia ceramic shafts. range: 0.27 - 18.9 LPM. Accuracy: +/- 1.0% FS. | 2020-08-17 |
TOOL0110 | Florida-Bahamas cable from 1990 | Cabling installed on the seabed primarily to provide a telecommunication link between Florida and the Bahamas from 1990, but able to provide information on currents due to resistance variation. More information at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/110741/. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0109 | Florida-Bahamas cable to 1990 | Cabling installed on the seabed primarily to provide a telecommunication link between Florida and the Bahamas until 1990 but able to provide information on currents due to resistance variation. More information at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/110738/. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0483 | Flow injection chemiluminescence system with photon counting head | An analytical system used to determine concentrations of chemical species in a sample based on the luminescence of the species of interest. The system typically comprises individual components typically including pumps, injection and autosampler valves, preconcentration columns and a photon counting head for chemiluminescence detection. The system is normally uniquely assembled for each analysis. | 2012-03-29 |
TOOL0513 | Flow injection lumogallion system with fluorometer | An analytical system used to determine concentrations of chemical species in a sample based on the fluorescence from the reaction between lumogallion and the species of interest. The system typically comprises individual components typically including pumps, injection and autosampler valves, preconcentration columns and a fluorometer. The system is normally uniquely assembled for each analysis. | 2012-07-04 |
TOOL0681 | FlowQuest 150 Long-range Acoustic Current Profiler | FlowQuest 150 Long-range Acoustic Current Profiler with an operating frequency of 150 kHz. Standard depth of 800 meters with a temperature range of -5 degC to 45 degC. Velocity accuracy of +/- 1 percent +/- 5mm/s and a maximum measuring range of 500 meters. | 2014-04-01 |
TOOL0777 | FlowQuest 75 Ultra long-range Acoustic Current Profiler | FlowQuest 75 Ultra long-range Acoustic Current Profiler with an operating frequency of 75 kHz. Standard depth of 800 meters with a temperature range of -5 degC to 45 degC. Velocity accuracy of +/- 1 percent +/- 5mm/s and a maximum measuring range of 900 meters. | 2014-08-20 |
TOOL0539 | Flygt pump | Submersible electrical pump designed for continuous pumping of water. It incorporates an impeller, allowing large volumes of water to be pumped quickly. Flygt pumps were used by institutes such as the then Institute of Marine Environmental Research (now Plymouth Marine Laboratory) for oceanographic sampling in the 1970s. This allowed continuous monitoring of water properties as well as the collection of discrete samples from the pump outflow. | 2012-10-12 |
TOOL0628 | Focal Technologies Corporation optical plankton counter | An in-situ instrument with a sampling tunnel that causes particles (presumed to be plankton) to pass through a collimated light beam that measures their effective spherical diameters. Counts are produced over the sampling interval (typically 30 seconds) of the number of particles in each of 128 equal size classes within a size range of 0-5500 microns. More information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/104842/. | 2013-07-02 |
TOOL1625 | Forsberg Starlink DNAV-212 Differential Global Positioning System receiver | A 12 channel Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) receiver with an automatic 2 channel beacon receiver. The receiver yields real-time positioning, ground speed, course, and time measurement data at an output rate of 10 Hz. The instrument has applications in GIS data collection, agriculture and hydrographic surveys, providing continuous sub-metre positional accuracy with a latency of 15-40 ms. The Starlink DNAV-212 is waterproof, and designed for rugged professional use. It features multiple interface ports, enabling it to interface easily with software packages or systems capable of accepting standard GPS data input. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL2045 | Forssea Robotics SMOOVE Resident Camera System | A high-definition resident video camera system designed for use in subsea seabed observatories, coastal surveys, visual monitoring and military surveillance. It features real-time streaming and recording of video and still images during predetermined cycles, and is fitted with two LED lights (4800 lumen). It features a low-energy chlorination system to prevent biofouling, a turnkey API, web user interface and multiple customisation options (depth, lights, cables and power supply). It also has an embedded GPU / CPU with internal storage capacity. It is housed in titanium, enabling a 6000 m depth rating. The lens is made from sapphire glass and has a field of view of 63.7 degrees in air, 50 degrees in water. | 2024-06-06 |
NETT0043 | Foxton two-chamber cod-end - Currie (1962) Foston (1963) | A modification to the IKMT to allow pressure actuated depth separated collections by a two-part cod end [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 25 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1244 | Franatech METS Methane Sensor | An underwater sensor for detecting dissolved methane concentration. The instrument operates according to the Law of Henry, whereby partial pressure gradients between the detector and surrounding water causes gas molecules to diffuse through the detector room's protective silicone membrane. The dissolved methane concentration in the outside water is directly correlated to that in the detector room, and can thus be calculated through a calibration formula. Concentration ranges vary with model version, and if the optional ranges are also included, they span: 10 nanomol/l - 100 micromol/l in the Classic METS (for long-term monitoring or low-speed profiling), 10 micromol/l - 2 millimol/l in IR-METS (for high concentrations and anoxic environments), 2 - 150 millimol/l in W-METS (for work at over-saturation), 100 nanomol/l - 150 millimol/l in K-METS (for mobile deployment, e.g. profiling, ROVs, AUVs). Standard temperature range is 2 - 20 degC; optional is 10 - 30 degC, but can be extended if required. | 2018-06-29 |
NETT0044 | Free-fall plankton net - Heron (1982) | A modified WP2 cylinder-cone closing net (mesh not specified) which is allowed to free-fall and then is strangled shut and retrieved. [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 10C] | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0508 | Friedinger bottle water sampler | A free flushing sample bottle of 1-5 litre capacity comprising a glass, metal or plastic tube with a hinged lid at each end. The bottle is deployed on a wire with the lids held open. When the bottle reaches the target depth a weighted messenger is sent down the wire and releases the lids, sealing the sample in the bottle. The bottle was designed by H Friedinger (Lucerne, Switzerland) to collect water samples for plankton analysis. | 2012-06-22 |
TOOL1571 | Fritsch ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro particle size analyser | A laser diffraction particle size analyser designed to measure particle size in the nanometre to millimetre range. It uses a wet dispersion unit for wet measurement of the particle size of solids, suspensions and emulsions. It uses a reverse Fourier design and implements both the Fraunhofer and Mie light scattering theories. It uses a single green laser (532 nm). It includes Windoes MaS software for controlling, recording and evaluating the measuring results on a supplied computer, including monitor, keyboard and mouse. It has a measurement range of 0.5 um to 1.5 mm and a measuring time of 5 - 10 seconds. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0265 | Fugro Oceanor Wavescan buoy meteorological package | A meteorological tower with wind, air pressure and air temperature sensors mounted on top of a metocean waverider buoy with on-board data logging and telemetry capability. More information is given in https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/64211/ | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0264 | Fugro Oceanor Wavescan buoy waverider | A meteocean waverider buoy incorporating directional wave sensors with sophisticated on-board data reduction, data logging and telemetry capability. The buoy may also carry a meteorological tower and a sub-surface sensor package that are considered to be separate data production tools. More information is given in https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/64211/ | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0348 | Fugro SeaSTAR 9200-G2 Differential Navigation System receiver | A dual-frequency Differential Global Satellite Navigation System (DGSNS) receiver that incorporates both GPS and GLONASS reception capability. It also tracks the Fugro L-Band satellite broadcast of DGNSS corrections and, as backup, can receive these corrections via the internet. This functionality allows the instrument to provide positional information with a horizontal accuracy of 15cm and a vertical accuracy of 20cm. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL1877 | Furuno CH12 sector scan sonar system series | Furuno CH12 sector scan sonar systems (CH12-60, CH12-88, and CH12-150) are designed for the detection of fish schools both vertically and horizontally. Depending on the version, the transceiver emits at a frequency of 60, 88, or 150 kHz. The returning echoes are represented on a 12-inch colour cathode-ray tube (CRT) display. Detection ranges are 800, 1200, and 1400 m for the 150 kHz, 88 kHz, and 60 kHz instruments, respectively. This product was discontinued in 1992. | 2022-11-15 |
TOOL0793 | Furuno DS 50 and DS 50T Doppler speed log | The Furuno DS-50 is a 3-beam Doppler speed log providing display of speed over a wide range from -10.0 to 40kt. Speeds are detected relative to ground or water both fore/aft and athwartship. This model operates at 440kHz, and has speed accuracy of 0.1kt. The DS 50T is supplied with an additional transceiver unit. | 2014-09-17 |
TOOL0794 | Furuno DS 80 Doppler speed log | The Furuno DS-80 is a pair-beam Doppler speed log providing display of speed over a wide range from 0 to 40kt. Speeds are detected relative to ground or water both fore/aft and athwartship. this model operates at 1 MHz and has speed accuracy of 0.1kt for water depth of more than 3m. | 2014-09-17 |
TOOL2074 | Furuno DS-60 Doppler sonar | The DS-60 is a precision, 3-axis Doppler sonar, designed to output the required information for berthing and docking operations of vessels, and navigation in narrow channels or straits. It is specifically designed for vessels of 50,000 GT and greater, such as container vessels and tankers, in depths between 1 and 200 metres. Speeds are detected relative to the ground or water for both fore-aft and port-starboard directions. The three-beam transmission reduces the effects of the vessel's pitch and roll. The DS-60 provides a greatly downsized transducer unit as compared to the DS-30, reducing installation time and space requirements. The high-frequency 320 kHz transducer measures ship's longitudinal (fore-aft) and transverse (port-starboard) speed, as well as water speed and direction under the hull. Information is output on an 8.4-inch colour LCD display, with three modes: 3-axis speed, berthing, and navigation data. Water tracking inaccuracy is +/- 1 % or +/- 1 kn (whichever is greater). Ground tracking inaccuracy where ship speed is less than 1 knot is +/- 0.01 m/s, or +/- 1 % or +/- 0.1 kn (whichever is greater) where ship speed is more than 1 knot. | 2024-07-24 |
TOOL0795 | Furuno FCV 292 video echosounder fish finder | The Furuno FCV-292 is a dual-frequency (28, 50, 88 or 200kHz) commercial-grade fish finder and depth measuring system designed for boats 35-65-plus feet. It is adjustable to 1000, 2000 or 3000 Watt (RMS) and is operational between 5 to 4000 m (up to 9000 ft). | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0796 | Furuno FCV 582 video echosounder fish finder | The Furuno FCV-582 is dual-frequency (50kHz and 200kHz) color video sounder designed for smaller vessels. Its 8 or 16 color presentation gives information on fish density and the nature of the ocean floors. This device has six pulse lengths from 0.2 to 3.6ms for performance on both shallow and deep ranges. It has a colour CRT display and has an operational range of 500 m (1500 ft). | 2014-09-17 |
TOOL1632 | Furuno FCV 585 video echosounder fish finder | The Furuno FCV-585 is a dual-frequency (50 kHz and 200 kHz) colour digital echo sounder with a high transmission output power of 600 Watts/1 kW through transducer selection. The FCV-585 is designed for a variety of fishing and recreational vessels. The instrument features a digital filter, with digital signal processing technology in order to adjust gain, sensitivity time control and output power, in addition to suppressing echoes just below the transducer head. The instrument has a fast pulse transmission rate of 3,000 times per minute and pulse lengths ranging from 0.1 to 3 ms, for shallow water (<5 metre) echo presentation. The instrument has an operational range of up to 800 m. | 2022-01-12 |
TOOL0797 | Furuno FE 700 echo sounder | The Furuno FE-700 is an echo sounder for shallow or deep water applications. This instrument uses ultrasonic pulses to detect the seabed and other underwater objects. The operating frequency is 50 kHz, 200 kHz or 50/200 kHz alternating transmit. Echo sounding data is displayed on a 6.5-inch colour TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD display. It has an operating range of 800 m (2500 ft, minimum range is 0.5 m (200 kHz), 2.0 m (50 kHz)). Accuracy is +/-2.5%. | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL1699 | Furuno GP-150 Dual Global Positioning System receiver | The GP-150-DUAL consists of two dual differential GPS navigator systems and an interface unit. Each GPS navigator consists of a display unit combining a GPS receiver and video plotter, and a GPS antenna. The interface unit functions to exchange data between the GPS navigators and external equipment. A high sensitivity receiver tracks up to 12 satellites simultaneously. An 8-state Kalman filter ensures optimum accuracy in determination of vessel position, course and speed. The instrument has storage for 999 waypoints and 30 routes, and its memory can store 2,000 points of track and marks. The instrument fully meets the following regulations: IMO MSC. 112(73), IEC 61162-1, IEC 61108-1 and IEC 62288. | 2021-06-15 |
TOOL1553 | Furuno GP-320B GPS/WAAS receiver antenna | A high-performance GPS receiver antenna designed for use on marine vessels. It features a 12-channel all-in-view parallel tracking GPS receiver including SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS), with a receiving frequency of 1575.42 MHz (L1). The GP-320B can be supplied with an optional mast mounting kit, 10 m extension cable, or various mounting base configurations. It is capable of 90 second cold start acquisition and 20 second warm state acquisition. Its GPS accuracy is 10m, MSAS accuracy is 7m and WAAS accuracy is 3m. | 2020-10-27 |
TOOL1547 | Furuno GP-330B GPS/WAAS receiver antenna | A high-performance CAN bus GPS receiver antenna designed for use on marine vessels. It features a 14-channel all-in-view receiver with 12 dedicated GPS channels and 2 dedicated SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS) channels. It has a receiving frequency of 1575.42 MHz (L1). The GP-330B is capable of data output in CAN bus/NMEA2000 format, so can be used with NavNet 3D systems. Its unique 'Pin-Enabled' termination resistor allows simple NMEA2000 backbone or drop wiring configurations. The GP-330B can be supplied with various optional 10 m NMEA cable assemblies, extensions, terminators and mounting base configurations. It is capable of 60 second cold start time-to-first-fix, and position is updated every second. Its GPS accuracy is 10m, MSAS accuracy is 7m and WAAS accuracy is 3m. | 2020-10-27 |
TOOL0457 | Furuno GP32 Global Positioning System receiver | A 12-channel, all-in-view Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The unit also contains a Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) receiver, which applies correction data by means of geostationary satellites, thereby improving positional accuracy. It is Differential GPS (DGPS) ready, with a positional accuracy of 10 m in GPS mode, 5 m in DGPS mode and 3 m in WAAS mode. | 2012-02-07 |
TOOL1621 | Furuno GPS Navigator GP-31 GPS | A 12-channel, all-in-view Global Positioning System (GPS). Designed for use on marine vessels. It receives L1 C/A (1575.42 MHz) frequencies. It is Differential GPS (DGPS) ready (requires an external DGPS beacon receiver - Furuno GR-80) with frequency range 283.5-325 kHz. Accuracy is approx. 50 m (GPS), or approx. 5 m (DGPS), 95% of the time. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1554 | Furuno GPS Navigator GP-33 GPS | A high-performance GPS navigator designed for use on marine vessels. It features a 12-channel GPS receiver combined with integrated SBAS (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS) technology, with a receiving frequency of 1575.42 MHz (L1). The GP-33 is capable of data output in CAN bus/NMEA0183 format. It comes with a waterproof display and a 6 m drop cable as standard, with a GPA-017 antenna unit. There is also an optional junction box and various cable assemblies available. The GP-33 has a tracking velocity of 999.9 knots and is capable of a 90 second cold start time-to-first-fix. Its GPS accuracy is 10m and WAAS accuracy is 3m. | 2021-01-13 |
TOOL0792 | Furuno Navigator GP150 and GP150D Global Positioning System receivers | A 12 channel, all-in-view GPS receiver designed for the SOLAS ships according to the GPS performance standard IMO Res MSC. 112(73). The standard system is capable of WAAS augmentation. A second model is also capable of differential GPS (DGPS) corrections (GP150D). The system feeds positioning information to AIS, Radar, VDR, VideoPlotter, Autopilot, Echo Sounder, and Sonar. Accuracy - GPS: 10 m (95%), GPS: 5 m (95%), WAAS: 3 m (95%), limited coverageSOG: +/-0.2 kt (SOG < 10 kt), COG: +/-3 degrees (SOG 1-17 kt) or +/- 1 degrees (SOG > 17 kt) | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1633 | Furuno Navigator GP170 Global Positioning System receiver | A 12-channel Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The GP170 outputs positional information, in addition to speed over ground and course over ground, and features a visual plotter. Optional dual-channel Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) beacon receiver in the frequency range of 283.5 to 325 kHz and Differential GPS (DGPS) radio beacon receiver (requiring GPA-021S antenna unit). Designed for application on large yachts, ferries, and commercial vessels. Accuracies of <10 m (GPS), <5 m (DGPS), <3 m (WAAS), and <7 m (MSAS). Outputs positional data at a rate of 10 Hz. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL0798 | Furuno Navigator GP36 Global Positioning System receivers | The Furuno GP-36 is a 12 parallel channel, all-in-view GPS system with a built in differential GPS (DGPS) receiver. It is has a 4.5 inch monochrome LCD video display. Accuracy is approx. 50 m (GPS), or approx. 5 m (DGPS), 95% of the time. This model superseded the Furuno GP-35. | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL0799 | Furuno Navigator GP37 Global Positioning System receivers | The Furuno GP-37 is a 12-parallel channel, all-in-view GPS receiver designed for coastal ships, and fishing boats. It is equipped with WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and DGPS (differential GPS) receivers. It has a 4.5 inch monochrome LCD display. The unit offers position fixes with accuracy of 10m for basic GPS, 3m where a WAAS service is available, and 5m with DGPS. | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL0800 | Furuno Navigator GP500 Global Positioning System receivers | The Furuno GP-500 is a dual channel (up to 5 satellites multiplex tracked) GPS receiver. It has an LCD readout display. Accuracy is better than 15 m rms (HDOP < 3). | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL0801 | Furuno Navigator GP80 and GP80D Global Positioning System receivers | The Furuno GP-80 is an 8-parallel channel, all-in-view GPS receiver designed for every type of vessel. It has a 6 inch monochrome LCD display. The GP-80 is a DGPS-ready receiver that can be linked with an external differential beacon receiver. The GP-80D has a built-in DGPS receiver. Accuracy is GPS: 10 m approx. (95 % of the time SA off), DGPS: approx. 5 m (95% of the time). | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL0802 | Furuno Navigator GP90 and GP90D Global Positioning System receivers | The Furuno GP-90 is a 12-parallel channel, all-in-view GPS receiver designed for SOLAS ships. It has a 6 inch monochrome LCD display. It is equipped with WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System). The GP-90 is a DGPS-ready receiver that can be linked with an external differential beacon receiver. The GP-90D has a built-in DGPS receiver. Accuracy is GPS: 10 m approx. (95 % of the time SA off), DGPS: approx. 5 m (95% of the time), WAAS: 3 m (95% of the time). | 2014-09-18 |
TOOL1634 | Furuno SC-30 GPS receiver and gyrocompass | An all-in-view satellite compass providing accurate attitude information for navigation equipment, such as radar, plotter, autopilot, automatic identification system (AIS), fish finder, and sonar. The SC-30 delivers heading, roll, pitch, heave, GPS position, speed over ground, course over ground, and rate of turn information. The SC-30 employs a 2-antenna system that calculates a single vector, while a 3-axis rate gyro and acceleration sensors add the second vector. This configuration enables the SC-30 to calculate highly accurate roll and pitch data without using a third sensor. The GPS receiver features 12 discrete channels, with an L1 receiving frequency of 1575.42 MHz, and one Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) channel. Attitude accuracy of 0.5 degrees RMS (heading/pitch/roll). Positional accuracy of 10 m (95%) GPS or 3 m (95%) WAAS. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL2073 | Furuno SC-50 GPS receiver and gyrocompass | An all-in-view satellite compass providing accurate attitude information for navigation equipment. The SC-50 receives and provides both positional and platform attitude information and displays these on an LCD screen. The SC-50 employs a 3-antenna system and delivers GPS positioning, speed and course over ground, rate of turn, pitch and roll angle. Ship's heading is determined by decoding the phase data in the GPS carrier frequency. When a pair of antennas, each connected with an associated GPS engine and processor, are installed along the ship's fore-aft line, the GPS systems at each calculate the range and azimuth to the satellite. The addition of the third antenna to make a tri-antenna system helps to reduce the influence of vessel motion. The GPS receiver features 12 discrete channels, with an L1 receiving frequency of 1575.42 MHz. Heading accuracy is 0.5 degrees RMS, GPS fix is to within 10 m (95%), DGPS fix is to within 5 m (95%), and WAAS fix is to within 3 m (95%). Follow-up is 45 degrees per second rate-of-turn. Settling time is 3 minutes. | 2024-07-24 |
TOOL0789 | GE Druck PTX and PCDR 1830 and 1840 series level pressure sensors | The PDCR 1830/1840 transducer (mV output) and PTX 1830/1840 transmitter (4-20 mA output) are fully submersible sensors for the measurement of hydrostatic liquid levels. IP68 rated for indefinite immersion in 700 mH2O. Range is from 0.75 mH2O to 600 mH2O with an accuracy of +/-0.06%. Operating temperatures between -20 deg C and 60 deg C. | 2014-09-16 |
TOOL0680 | GE Druck RPT 350 Resonant Pressure Transducer | A Resonant Pressure Transducer, designed to measure pressure in the range 35-3500 mbar, with accuracy of 0.01 percent, stability of 100 ppm, and insensitive to media density. The RPT350 is available with RS232 or RS485 outputs. | 2014-04-01 |
TOOL0846 | GE Druck UNIK 5000 Pressure Sensing Platform | The UNIK 5000 is a bespoke pressure sensing unit that may be configured to user requirements. Ranges may be from 70 mbar to 700bar with an accuracy to +/-0.04 percent, frequency repsonse to 3.5 kHz and operating temperatures from -55 to +125 deg C. | 2015-04-28 |
TOOL1285 | GEMAX gravity corer | A gravity corer with an internal tube diameter of 90mm, designed for undisturbed sampling of soft sediment from the sea floor. The GEMAX corer is an evolution of the GEMINI corer (itself a development from the Niemistö corer, 1974); both consist of twin steel core barrels, though the GEMAX has a larger core-barrel diameter and an added peeler facility in the slicer unit, implemented to limit sample contamination without loss in sample volume. Optimum penetration of 50-60 cm into the seabed can be achieved in soft muddy sediments at wire speed of 1 m/s and two standard weights. | 2018-09-26 |
TOOL1449 | GEOMAR DO data logger | A self-constructed data logger compatible with oxygen optodes designed for deployment on moorings up to 2000m depth. The logger is designed by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. Clock drift is in the range of about +/- 4 minutes per year (first order temperature-dependent). | 2020-05-26 |
TOOL1200 | GEOMAR Ocean Bottom Hydrophone System | An observation and registration system designed to monitor acoustic and seismic events. The OBH is composed of a buoyant body, a flasher, a radio beacon, a data logger with batteries, and a hydrophone mounted between an acoustic release (iXSea or KUMQUAT) and a pressure cylinder. All metal parts are made from titanium, whilst the buoyant bodies are made of syntactic foam. The system is designed to float at approximately 1 m above the sea floor, and can operate down to 6000 m water depth. The descent and ascent speeds are approximately 1 m/s to 1.2 m/s. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1448 | GEOMAR TP data logger | A self-constructed data logger compatible with temperature and pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings up to 6000m depth. The logger is designed by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. Clock drift is in the range of about +/- minutes per year. | 2020-05-26 |
TOOL1078 | GEOSat Follow-On Radar Altimeter | A radio-occultation radar altimeter designed for ocean topography, significant wave height, and sea surface wind speed observations. A digital chirp generator produces a pulse, which is up-converted in a frequency multiplier, amplified by a power amplifier and routed to the antenna by a T/R switch; the same switch directs the return signal to the receiver, which transforms range separation into frequency separation to allow sampling using Fourier Transform techniques. The receiver carries out automatic gain control (AGC) and down-converts the return signal. GFO-RA performs continuous sampling along the sub-track (nadir-only viewing), and it is supported by a microwave radiometer (MWR) for atmospheric correction. Radar cross section and height are calibrated on board. The instrument only detects at Ku-band frequency centred at 13.5 GHz. The resolution is 25 km at sub-satellite point. The pulse-limited footprint is 2 km along the sub-track. Flown on GFO. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/154 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0655 | GEOTEK Geoscan IV line scan camera | A 3 x 2048 pixel CCD, digital line-scan camera fitted with a standard Nikon lens mount which is used for imaging cores. Images can be collected at up to 400 lines per centimetre, resulting in a down-core resolution of 25 micron pixel. | 2013-12-02 |
TOOL0654 | GEOTEK Multi-Sensor Core Logger XYZ {MSCL-XYZ} core analyser | An automated, high-resolution, multi-sensor system used for non-destructive, geophysical measurements of sediment and rock cores. The XYZ system analyses along the length of multiple split core sections in sequential order, whilst maintaining distance to the core surface. The XYZ system comprises of a sensor arm, capable of mounting a line-scan camera to capture the colour of the core surface and multiple sensors to directly measure the core surface. Surface sensors which can be mounted on the system are a colour spectrophotometer, magnetic susceptibility sensor, x-ray fluorescence and natural gamma spectrometer. The system can analyse up to 9 x 1.55 m core sections (up to 15 cm dia.) with a linear precision of 0.02 mm. | 2019-08-28 |
TOOL0299 | GRIMM 1.108 aerosol spectrometer | An instrument that measures size-resolved aerosol abundances in the atmosphere. The ambient air sample is size-classified by a Differential Mobility Analyser, then counted by an Optical Particle Counter. The sample exits the OPC and is deposited on a PTFE filter. The filter may be removed for subsequent, bulk gravimetric or chemical analysis. | 2011-07-01 |
TOOL0298 | GRIMM 1.109 aerosol spectrometer | A portable in-situ instrument that optically counts atmospheric particles in the size range 0.3um to 20um into 31 size classes. | 2011-07-01 |
TOOL1720 | GURALP Aquarius ocean bottom seismometer | An Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) that uses acoustic telemetry to deliver near real-time seismic data from the ocean floor to the surface without cables. The Aquarius is a freefall OBS equipped with acoustic data telemetry and a digital feedback tri-axial broadband seismometer. A three-axis magnetometer and a MEMS accelerometer record the seismometer's 3D position on the seabed for data rotation during post-processing. The instrument is fitted with an absolute pressure gauge (APG) and a hydrophone. The standard hydrophone has a frequency response of 2 Hz - 30 kHz, with the option to upgrade to an ultra-low frequency version of 100 s to 8 kHz. There is also the option for an additional high performance APG. operational at +/-90 °, with a flat response between 120s and 100Hz. The long period frequency corner of this design is user-selectable from 120 sec to 1 sec allowing the sensor response to be tailored to the environment. | 2021-07-27 |
TOOL0560 | GV Instruments IsoPrime Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer | A laboratory benchtop isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), which operates in dual inlet or continuous flow modes. It forms part of the IsoPrime system which has a range of sample preparation and purification modules that can be coupled with the IsoPrime IRMS. The modules can analyse a range of samples (solids, liquids or gases) and each prepares the sample to be introduced into the IRMS as purified gases. The resultant prepared gases such as H2, CO2, CO, N2, SO2 or N2O are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic content by the IRMS. The instrument was originally manufactured GV instruments as part of the IsoPrime series, but this part of the business was sold to Isoprime Ltd (a group member of Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH) and this instrument has been superseded by more recent models. | 2012-10-04 |
TOOL0559 | GV Instruments Trace Gas Preconcentrator | A gas chromatograph used for the isotope characterisation of N2O, CO2 and CH4. Gas samples can be injected either manually, using dual-ended sample bottles with valves, or using the fully automated inlet system. Manual selection of the gas to be analysed (CH4, CO2 or N2O) dictates the route the sample will travel through the instrument. For CO2 and N2O analysis, a sample is diverted by a helium gas via the gas selector valves, through a sequence of chemical traps which purify the sample. The sample is then cryogenically frozen twice to concentrate the trace gas. The sample is then separated using the poraplot-Q gas chromatograph (GC) column, ready for analysis. During CH4 analysis, the sample is transported through additional stages including, the oxidation of CO to CO2 by a Sofnocat catalyst, combustion in the furnace and an additional cryogenic trap is used. The instrument is designed to be coupled with the IsoPrime stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The Trace Gas preconcentrator was originally manufactured by GV Instruments, but part of the business was sold to Isoprime Ltd (a group member of Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH) in 2008, who now manufacturer the Trace Gas preconcentrator. | 2012-10-04 |
TOOL1299 | Garmin 19X global positioning system receiver series | A series of a 32-channel GPS receivers. They are designed for marine applications. Receivers track and use multiple GLONASS satellites in addition to GPS satellites to provide positioning and velocity. Also supports differential capability using real-time WAAS corrections. Standard models consist of an embedded antenna and receiver that operates at 10 Hz. Optional models have a NMEA 2000 interface. Update-rate can be configured at 10 times per second at 38400bps and 1 times per second at 4800bps. They are capable of positional accuracies of less than 15 m (GPS) or less than 3 m (DGPS). | 2018-12-06 |
TOOL0803 | Garmin GPS 16 and GPS 17 series Global Positioning System receivers | The Garmin GPS-16/17 series are 12 parallel channel GPSreceivers designed for marine applications. The systems are capable of differential GPS (DGPS) using real-timeWAAS or RTCM corrections yielding 3 to 5 meter positionaccuracy. The GPS 16LVS and GPS 16HVS are black with a white logo. The GPS 17HVS is white with a blue logo and can be flush mounted or pole mounted on the enclosed 1 inch marine mast mount. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0507 | Garrett Screen surface sampler | A hand-held Monel (nickel-copper alloy) mesh screen in a rigid frame designed to sample the surface film in oceanic waters. The screen is placed horizontally through the water surface then withdrawn from the water (still held horizontally) and drained into a sample bottle. It is used to sample chemical and biological species in the surface film. The Garrett Screen was developed in the 1960s by William Garrett of the US Naval Research Laboratory. | 2012-06-22 |
TOOL0231 | Gemini Tinytag plus TGP-0050 temperature recorder | A data logger plus a 10k NTC thermistor internally mounted within a robust IP68 waterproof casing suitable for measuring atmospheric or shallow water temperatures. Temperatures in the range -30 to 50C can be measured and the logger may be used up to water depths of 15 metres. The instrument can store approximately 16000 data readings and be set up with measurement intervals between one second and ten days. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL2071 | Gems Sensors and Controls RotorFlow RFO/RFA-2500 (Continuous Output) flow meter Series | RotorFlow units monitor dynamic fluid flow. Used in applications such as Water Purification/Dispensing Systems, Chemical Metering Equipment, Lasers and Welders, Water Injection Systems, Semiconductor Processing Equipment, and Chillers and Heat Exchangers. The rotor reacts to turbulence, pulsation, entrained air, and other flow anomalies induced in the flow stream by other process hardware. A low flow adapter is supplied with all RotorFlow units. It is used to produce accurate response at low flow rates. The body can be made from stainless steel, brass or polypropylene. The brass and stainless-steel bodies are depth rated to 200 PSIG at 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) or 80 PSIG at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). The polypropylene body is pressure rated to 100 PSIG at 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) and 40 PSIG at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). | 2024-07-16 |
TOOL0506 | General Oceanics GO-FLO water sampler | A plastic free-flushing water sampling bottle with a capacity of 1.7-100 litres. The tube is composed of PVC and has ball valves with Viton and silicone seals at each end joined by an external latex spring and nylon and Kevlar lanyards. It is closed when deployed then opens automatically (hydrostatic pressure activated) at approximately 10 m and flushes until closed. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed. Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups on a rosette. A reversing thermometer assembly may be attached to the bottle. When extracting water from the bottle, inert gas can be injected into the bottle to force the sample out of the sampling valve. The GO-FLO sampler avoids sample contamination at the surface, internal spring contamination, loss of sample on deck (internal seals), and exchange of water from different depths. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL0724 | General Oceanics model 8050 pCO2 measuring system | The General Oceanics model 8050 pCO2 Measuring System is an autonomous analytical system for measuring carbon dioxide in surface water. It includes a headspace equilibrator, an infrared CO2 analyser, and computer-controlled and -monitored pumps. It measures: pressure (flow) in range 0 to 10 dbar, with accuracy of 0.2 percent and resolution of 0.03 percent; temperature in range -3 to 50 degC, with accuracy of 0.003 percent and resolution of 0.0005 degC; conductivity in range 0 to 64 mS/cm, with accuracy of 0.003 mS/cm and resolution of 0.001 mS/cm; Oxygen in range 0 to 25ppm (250 percent saturation), with accuracy of 0.1ppm (1 percent saturation) and 0.01ppm (0.1 percent saturation); pH in range 0 to 0.14 pH, with accuracy of 0.01 pH and resolution of 0.001 pH; Redox in range -1000 to 1000 mV, with accuracy of 1 mV and resolution of 0.1 mV. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL2094 | General Oceanics model 8060 pCO2 measuring system | An autonomous analytical system for measuring carbon dioxide in oceanic surface water. The system is an enhanced redesign of the previous 8050 model, necessitated by the discontinuation of the LI-7000 gas analyser. The model 8060 uses the LI-7815 gas analyser and consists of a headspace equilibrator, an infrared CO2 analyser, a network of valves and pumps, a barometer enclosure plus integrated computer and software. The following optional interface kits can be integrated: Seapoint Turbidity Meter, Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer, Anderaa 4835 Oxygen Optode, Seabird SBE45 Thermosalinograph, Picarro G2301 analser and the Adam PPC-3120H touchscreen computer. It measures: pressure (flow) from 0 to 1 bar at 0.05 percent accuracy and of 0.0015 percent resolution; temperature from -3 to +50 degC; conductivity from 0 to 90 mS/cm at 0.0015 mS/cm accuracy; oxygen from 0 to 45 mg/l at 0.1 mg/l accuracy (250 percent saturation); pH from 0 to 14 pH at 0.01 pH accuracy; redox from -1000 to +1000 mV at 1 mV accuracy and 0.1 mV resolution. | 2024-09-05 |
TOOL1485 | Geo-Resources Geo-Corer 3000 vibrocorer | A high frequency (28 Hz), electrically driven vibrocoring system, with a core barrel length of 3m. It can penetrate fast (thereby enhancing the quality of the core) into all common unconsolidated sediments, including compact sands and stiff clays, and even unconsolidated chalk. The core barrel is made of stainless steel 316, and contains a PVC liner of 106 mm inner diameter and wall thickness of 2 mm. The core barrel is connected to the barrel pivot by two locking bolts - this pivotal connection allows the core barrel to be positioned horizontally for extracting the core liner. Optional pressure-compensated module(for water depths > 150 m). | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1486 | Geo-Resources Geo-Corer 6000 vibrocorer | A high frequency (28 Hz), electrically driven vibrocoring system, with a core barrel length of 6m. It can penetrate fast (thereby enhancing the quality of the core) into all common unconsolidated sediments, including compact sands and stiff clays, and even unconsolidated chalk. The core barrel is made of stainless steel 316, and contains a PVC liner of 106 mm inner diameter and wall thickness of 2 mm. The core barrel is connected to the barrel pivot by two locking bolts - this pivotal connection allows the core barrel to be positioned horizontally for extracting the core liner. | 2020-06-30 |
TOOL0831 | GeoAcoustics GeoPulse boomer and sparker sub-bottom profiling system | A broad-band sound source system that operates in the 300Hz - 3kHz range and is designed for high resolution, deep penetration, sub-bottom profiling in both deep ocean and shallow coastal environments. The system includes an acoustic source which can be either a Boomer plate mounted on a catamaran or a multi-electrode sparker array. It is operational in water depths up to 500 m and can penetrate sea floor depths up to 225 m (fine sand). GeoAcoustics are now part of the Kongsberg group. | 2022-09-13 |
TOOL2129 | GeoMax Zenith 60 series GNSS Receiver | The Zenith60 series are 555-channel multi-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) smart antennas used for a range of survey and construction applications. The multi-constellation and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) receiver is capable of tracking GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, and QZSS constellations. The receiver also tracks SBAS EGNOS, WAAS, MSAS, GAGAN. The Zenith 60 is available in the following variants: LTE; LTE-UHF; LTE-IMU; LTE-UFH-IMU. With the IMU variant, an optional internal navigation system is used to determine tilt and tilt orientation, removing the need for calibration. Tilt compensation is resistant to magnetic interference. An optional UHF radio module is available. Operating temperature: -40 to 65 degrees C. 99.99% receiver reliability. | 2024-12-13 |
TOOL1661 | GeoSpectrum M36-100 hydrophone | A high-frequency omni-directional hydrophone and sound projector for use in the marine environment. It comes with a pre-amplified output of 0 to 35 dB (selectable on order) with current or voltage signalling. It has a diameter of 33 mm and length of 199 mm (single package). It is depth-rated to 2500 m and can operate at temperatures between -40 and +70 degC. Its nominal voltage sensitivity without pre-amp is -200 +/- 1.5 dBV re 1uPa. Its band pass is 5 Hz HPF, no LPF installed (unless otherwise specified), and current draw is 1.3 mA at 6.8 VDC, or 4.2 mA with pre-amp. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1658 | GeoSpectrum M8 hydrophone | A high-frequency omni-directional hydrophone and sound projector for use in the marine environment. It can be purchased with or without a pre-amplifier, and can be packaged in various ways tailored to the users' application. It has a diameter of 22 mm and length of 110 mm (single package). It is depth-rated to 3500 m and can operate at temperatures between -40 and +70 degC. Its acoustic sensitivity (1 kHz) is -200 dBV re 1uPa (unamplified). It has a frequency range from 1 Hz - 150 kHz, (+/- 5 dBV) and an electro-acoustic efficiency of 80 % at resonance. It's bandwidth (-3 dB) is 30 kHz. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1659 | GeoSpectrum M8E-51 hydrophone | A high-frequency omni-directional hydrophone and sound projector for use in the marine environment. It comes with a pre-amplified output of 0 to 35 dB (selectable on order) with current or voltage signalling. It has a diameter of 22 mm and length of 88 mm (single package). It is depth-rated to 200 m and can operate at temperatures between -40 and +70 degC. Its voltage sensitivity without pre-amp is -200 +/- 1.5 dBV re 1uPa, and -165 +/- 1.5 dBV re 1 uPa with pre-amp. Its lowest resonance frequency is 170 kHz and capacitance is 1.4 nF +/- 20 % at 20 degC. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1660 | GeoSpectrum M8Q hydrophone | A high-frequency omni-directional hydrophone and sound projector for use in the marine environment. It comes with a pre-amplified output of 0 to 35 dB (selectable on order) with current or voltage signalling. It has a diameter of 13 mm and length of 148 mm (single package). It is depth-rated to 3500 m and can operate at temperatures between -40 and +70 degC. Its voltage sensitivity without pre-amp is -200 +/- 1.5 dBV re 1uPa, and -165 +/- 1.5 dBV re 1 uPa with pre-amp. Its lowest resonance frequency is 170 kHz and capacitance is 1.4 nF +/- 20 % at 20 degC. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1257 | Geological Survey of Canada Ocean Bottom Seismometer | An instrument designed to measure movements in the earth's crust while lying on the seabed. The OBS consists of a pressure cylinder containing a seismometer instrument package, glass buoyancy spheres mounted on a floatation assembly, a hydrophone, and recovery aids. This instrument was designed to withstand pressures and temperatures experienced at up to 6000 m depth in the oceanic environment. The OBS sensors include a 2-component gimballed geophone package (Geospace - Model HS1) operating at 4.5 Hz, with a sensitivity of 1.14 v/in/sec and a fixed amplifier gain of +100 db, and a hydrophone (OAS - Model ES2D), operating between 3 - 20 Hz, with a sensitivity of 87 db re 1V/ubar, and a fixed amplifier gain of +71 db. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL0832 | Geometrics G882 Marine magnetometer | A magnetometer designed for the detection and mapping of ferrous objects. It uses a self-oscillating, split-beam Cesium Vapor (non-radioactive) sensor. It can be operated from small or large vessels for shallow water and deep tow applications. Operation range: 20,000 to 100,000 nT. Operation depth: upt to 2750 m. | 2015-02-19 |
TOOL1768 | Geonica METEODATA 3000C data logger | An automatic meteorological station used for measurement, storage and transmission of meteorological data. It is designed for outdoors installation, in remote unattended areas. The 3000C series units can also carry out calculations including standard deviation of the measurements obtained for a specific parameter; Dew Point calculations as a function of temperature and humidity; adjusting a non-linear response sensor signal, using a polynomial equation; calculating the potential evapotranspiration of a crop; and the hours of sunlight. The WEBTRANS service permits obtaining data in quasi-real time, updating information every five or ten minutes if necessary. The Remote Data Acquisition Station METEODATA 3000C Series is available in two versions with 8 or 16 Analog Input Channels, corresponding to Models 3008CM and 3016CM. The initials "CM" indicate that the units are offered in a Compact ("C") mode and mounted, in a Metallic ("M") IP-66 enclosure, having inside all the basic elements in a modular manner: Microprocessor, Protection Circuits, Communications Modem, Power Source including: Battery and Charge, Regulator for solar panel or mains AC power supply, Display and keyboard (optional), Terminal Strip for external connections, with access to the cables by way of a outdoors bushings, allowing easy access for maintenance and repair. It is also available another version "CP": Models 3008CP and 3016CP (Compact mount on a Polypropylene IP-67 enclosure) ideal for portable use or marine environments. It can operate in temperatures between -30 and +70 degrees Celsius (or optionally -40 to +70 degrees Celsius). | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1769 | Geonica STH-S331 {STH-5031} air temperature and relative humidity sensor | A temperature and relative humidity probe designed to provide highly accurate and stable measurements in air. The STH-S331 temperature and relative humidity sensor is normally connected to METEODATA/HYDRODATA 2000/3000 data acquisition systems. The two sensing elements (Temperature and Relative Humidity) come up bound to a nylon plastic casing, which, on the one hand, allows an easy installation thanks to its direct coupling to solar radiation shields both with natural and forced cooling and, on the other hand, makes easier the connection to the measuring and/or acquisition system using a single 7-pin IP66 connector. The factory default temperature measurement range is -40 to +60 degrees Celsius, with an accuracy of +/-0.1 degrees Celsius and resolution of 0.01 degree Celsius; Other ranges are available. The relative humidity measurement range: 0-100% RH. The maximum humidity at the sensor is 100% RH up to 80 degrees Celsius, 75% RH at 100 degrees Celsius, 45% RH at 125 degrees Celsius, and 15% RH at 150 degrees Celsius. The accuracy of the relative humidity sensor is +/-0.8% RH at 23 degrees Celsius, and 3.3 VDC (volts of direct current), and its resolution is 0.1%. | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1079 | Geoscience Laser Altimeter System | A laser-ranging (lidar) instrument designed to perform continuous global observations of clouds, atmospheric properties and ice-sheet topography, used for short-term climate and weather prediction. The instrument includes a laser system, a telescope, a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Stellar Reference System (SRS), the latter composed of a star tracker and a Laser Reference System (LRS). The laser transmits two pulses at 40 Hz of visible green light (1064 nm) and infrared light (532 nm) towards the Earth's surface, the return signals of which are detected by the telescope and recorded along the laser pointing vector. The time interval taken by the laser pulse to make a round trip from the instrument to the Earth's surface and back, can be converted into distance; this series of altimeter measurements, together with positional measurements and calibrations carried out by the various instrument components, can be assembled to determine surface topography as well as temporal changes in surface topography. The instruments samples along-track (nadir only view) at intervals of 170m within an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 66m. The vertical resolution is 10cm at the surface, and 200m at cloud top. Flown on ICESat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/155 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1513 | Geosense BH-1 Version 5 corehole seismometer | An underwater seismometer deployed in-situ in coreholes. Proprietary electronic techniques are used to convert ground motion to an acceleration sensitive signal with wide bandwidth (0.1 to 200 Hz typical). This acceleration signal is further conditioned to convert the accelerometer signal to a separate velocity-sensitive output. The velocity output has a typical bandwidth of 1 to 200 Hz. Responsivity of acceleration output: 10.2 V/m/sec^2 (nominal). Responsivity of differential velocity: 3500 V/m/sec (nominal). | 2020-08-03 |
TOOL1091 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Imager (12-15) | A five-channel imaging radiometer designed to measure radiant and solar reflected energy from sampled areas of the earth, with the primary mission of determining cloud cover and characteristics, as well as water vapour features and horizontal wind. The Imager's optical system collects scene radiance, which is then separated into spectral channels by beam splitters. One of the bands captures the Earth's reflected radiation in the visible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum; the other four bands sense the Earth's emitted or infrared energy. The spectral energy is then directed to different visible and infrared sets of detectors, and converted into an electrical signal by each detector. The signal goes through amplification, filtration and digitalization before being sent to a ground station through a sensor data transmitter. The Imager uses a Cassegrain telescope in conjunction with a servo-driven, two-axis gimbaled mirror scan system to simultaneously sweep an 8 km north-to south swath along an east-to-west/west-to-east path at a rate of 20 degrees per second. The Imager collects at five bands of radiation wavelengths: (0.55 - 0.75) um, which is the visible band and has a spatial resolution of 1 km; (3.80 - 4.00) um, (5.80 - 7.30) um, (10.2 - 11.2) um and (13.0 - 13.7) um, which are the infrared bands, and have a spatial resolution of 4 km. Flown on GOES-12, GOES-13, GOES-14, GOES-15, GOES-12 (S-America). https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/879 | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1090 | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Imager (8-11) | A five-channel imaging radiometer designed to measure radiant and solar reflected energy from sampled areas of the earth, with the primary mission of determining cloud cover and characteristics, as well as water vapour features and horizontal wind. The Imager's optical system collects scene radiance, which is then separated into spectral channels by beam splitters. One of the bands captures the Earth's reflected radiation in the visible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum; the other four bands sense the Earth's emitted or infrared energy. The spectral energy is then directed to different visible and infrared sets of detectors, and converted into an electrical signal by each detector. The signal goes through amplification, filtration and digitalization before being sent to a ground station through a sensor data transmitter. The Imager uses a Cassegrain telescope in conjunction with a servo-driven, two-axis gimbaled mirror scan system to simultaneously sweep an 8 km north-to south swath along an east-to-west/west-to-east path at a rate of 20 degrees per second. The Imager collects at five bands of radiation wavelengths: (0.55 - 0.75) um, which is the visible band and has a spatial resolution of 1 km; (3.80 - 4.00) um, (6.50 - 7.00) um, (10.2 - 11.2) um and (11.5 - 12.4) um, which are the infrared bands, and have a spatial resolution of 4 km. Flown on GOES-8, GOES-9, GOES-10, GOES-11, GOES-9 (GMS backup), GOES-10 (S-America). https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/217 | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0605 | Gill Instruments Intrinsically Safe WindObserver anemometer | A 2-axis ultrasonic anemometer measuring horizontal wind speed and direction that is suitable for hazardous environments such as oil platforms. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0615 | Gill Instruments Ltd WindMaster pro ultrasonic anemometer | Three axis ultrasonic anemometer offers sonic temperature, speed of sound and wind vector outputs at 32 Hz. The instrument measures the time taken for an ultrasonic pulse of sound to travel from an upper transducer to the opposite lower transducer, and compares it with the time for a pulse to travel from lower to upper transducer. It has a stainless steel construction and will monitor either 0 - 60 m/s (0 - 134 mph) or 0 - 65 m/s (0 - 145 mph) wind speed depending upon the model. The units of wind speed, output rate, and formats are all user selectable. There are several optional analogue outputs and inputs depending on the model. Windspeed accuracy is 1.5 percent root mean squared (0 - 20 m/s) and wind direction accuracy is 2 degrees at less than 25 m/s. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0616 | Gill Instruments Ltd WindMaster ultrasonic anemometer | Three axis ultrasonic anemometer offers sonic temperature, speed of sound and wind vector outputs at 20 Hz (32 Hz option). The instrument measures the time taken for an ultrasonic pulse of sound to travel from an upper transducer to the opposite lower transducer, and compares it with the time for a pulse to travel from lower to upper transducer. It has an aluminium/carbon fibre construction and will monitor either 0 - 60 m/s (0 - 134 mph) or 0 - 45 m/s (0 - 100 mph) wind speed depending upon the model. The units of wind speed, output rate, and formats are all user selectable. There are several optional analogue outputs and inputs depending on the model. Windspeed accuracy is 1.5 percent root mean squared (0 - 20 m/s) and wind direction accuracy is 2 degrees at less than 25 m/s. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL2098 | Gill Instruments MaxiMet Marine GMX560 weather station | A multiparameter compact weather station designed for use in marine environments. The GMX560 outputs five measured meteorological parameters: Wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, and pressure, in addition to multiple derived parameters. This instrument comes with optional heating function and optional integrated GPS capability, GPS timestamp and calculation of true wind if the platform is moving. Wind speed - range: 0 - 60 m/s; accuracy up to 0.3 m/s RMSE; resolution: 0.01 m/s. Wind direction - range: 0 - 360 degrees; accuracy up to +/- 3 degrees; resolution: 1 degree. Air temperature - range: -40 - 70 degrees C with heating; accuracy: +/- 3 degrees; resolution: 0.1 degree. Relative humidity - range: 0 - 100 percent RH; accuracy: +/- 2 percent RH; resolution: 0.1 percent RH. Barometric pressure - range: 300 - 1250 hPa; accuracy: +/- 0.4 hPa (absolute), +/- 0.08 hPa (relative); resolution: 0.1 hPa. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL1559 | Gill Instruments MetPak Pro Weather Station | A multiparameter weather station for measuring various meteorological parameters in marine environments. These include wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure and dew point. The base station combines a Gill Instruments WindSonic ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor, a barometric pressure sensor and Totronic Hygroclip temperature and humidity probe. MetPak Pro includes Gill's MetSet configuration software and MetView data logging and visualisation software. It is also supplied with mast mounting kits. Up to four additional external devices can be connected, such as a Pt100 temperature sensor and tipping bucket rain gauge, plus two analogue sensors. Alternatively, the base station itself can be configured with an optional rain gauge and various remote wind sensors. It can measure wind speeds from 0 - 60 m/s between 0 - 359 degrees at +/- 2 percent accuracy in speed and +/- 3 degrees accuracy in direction (at 12 m/s). It measures air temperature from -50 to +100 degC at +/- 0.1 degC accuracy and 0.1 degC resolution. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0404 | Gill Instruments R3-100 research sonic anemometer | Triaxial sonic anemometer with symmetrical head (vertical configuration with 3-fold rotational symmetry) and a data output rate of 100 Hz. The sensor head incorporates three pairs of transducers orientated orthogonally across the measurement region. Each transducer in a pair alternately transmits and receives ultrasound pulses to and from its partner. By measuring the travel time of the pulse in both directions, the velocity component of the air flow along the line of each transducer pair is determined. A mathematical transformation converts the three wind vectors into U, V, W resultants. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0084 | Gill Instruments R3A-100 research sonic anemometer | Triaxial sonic anemometer with asymmetric head and a data output rate of 100 Hz. The sensor head of the anemometer consists of three pairs of transducers orientated at different angles across the measurement region. Each pair of transducers act alternately as transmitters and receivers, sending pulses of ultrasound between them. By measuring the time of flight of the pulse in both directions, the velocity component of the air flow along the line of the transducer pair can be determined. This measurement is carried out for each of the three transducer pairs in turn. A mathematical transformation is then performed, to convert the resulting three wind vectors into U, V, W format. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1688 | Gill Instruments WindObserver 75 (heated) anemometer | The WindObserver 75 has been developed for measuring higher wind speeds in extreme weather environments featuring 150 Watts of electrical anti-icing enhanced heating power in the anemometer head. This anemometer has been designed to remain ice free in most freezing weather conditions. With an IP66 rated stainless steel construction this anemometer meets the stringent performance criteria specified by wind turbine manufacturers, airports, marine, oil and gas production, and meteorological organisations around the world. Typical applications include building controls/structural safety, wind turbine control, high altitude mountainous regions, road and rail tunnels/transport safety, Arctic/Antarctic weather monitoring, Ports and Harbours, marine vessels dynamic positioning systems, and aircraft landing systems. The sensor provides data via RS422/RS485 bidirectional link, which allows several units to be networked together and data logged on demand. Optional base mounts/cable exit can be added. The anemometer has a wind direction range of 0 - 359 degrees (no dead band), a wind speed range of 0 - 75 m/s (0 - 168mph) and gives an output status indicating the validity of data; wind speed accuracy for turbine control is +/- 1 % within +/- 25 degrees of datum. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0704 | Gill Instruments WindObserver II anemometer | The WindObserver II is a solid state ultrasonic anemometer, with a stainless steel housing suitable for marine and offshore applications. It measures wind speed and direction over ranges of 0 - 65 m/s and 0 - 359 degrees respectively. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1213 | Gill Instruments Windobserver 70 ultrasonic anemometer | A solid state, heated ultrasonic anemometer. Designed for use within the aviation industry and for more extreme weather conditions. It measures the times taken for an ultrasonic pulse of sound to travel from the North transducer to the South transducer, and compares it with the time for a pulse to travel from S to N transducer. Likewise times are compared between West and East, and E and W transducer. The wind speed and direction (and the speed of sound) can then be calculated fromthe differences in the times of flight on each axis. This calculation is independent of factors such as temperature. It uses 150 Watts of electrical heating in the anemometer head to prevent icing. Wind speed accuracy is +/- 2 % at 12 m/s. Wind direction accuracy is +/- 2 degrees at 12 m/s. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0197 | Gill Instruments Windsonic anemometer | A 2-axis sonic anemometer measuring horizontal wind speed and direction that is suitable for land-based and marine environments. Available in four options, providing a number of different digital and analogue outputs. | 2024-08-15 |
NETT0045 | Gimbal-ring zooplankton sampler - Kozasa (1984) | Construction is a double-gimballed frame 100 cm tall x 65.5 cm wide supporting a ring net 30 cm in diameter. A bridle is attached to the top of the frame and a weight to the bottom so the net mouth is free of obstructions. No description of net length or mesh size given. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0556 | Glass bottle and bung water sampler | Glass bottle of unknown capacity used for manual water sampling. The bottle was sealed with a bung attached to a rope. The system was used for near-surface sampling during the Marine and Freshwater Microbial Biodiversity project for sampling in Priest Pot. | 2012-09-28 |
TOOL1080 | Global Monitoring of Atmospheric Ozone | An optical across-scanning, shortwave grating spectrometer, designed to measure trace gases (e.g. ozone, nitrogen dioxide) as well as aerosol distribution in the atmosphere. The instrument detects reflected sunlight from the Earth's surface and atmosphere within the ultraviolet and visible (UV/VIS) spectral range at nadir. The detected radiation is split into different wavelengths, and quantitative information on ozone (O3) and several other trace-gas species is obtained from the absorption properties of the observed spectrum. GOME has four optical channels with 1024 spectral elements each, contiguously covering a total range of (0.24 - 0.79) um at spectral resolution ranging from (0.0002 - 0.0004) um. The instrument also carries three polarisation monitoring devices (PMD), with one channel each, measuring within (0.29 - 0.79) um at a spectra resolution range of (0.11 - 0.19) um. The swath width is 960 km wide and the scan angle is 32 degrees from nadir. The pixel size is 40 x 320 km^2. Flown on ERS-2. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/166 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1081 | Global Monitoring of Atmospheric Ozone - 2 | An optical across-scanning, shortwave grating spectrometer, designed to measure trace gases (e.g. ozone, nitrogen dioxide) as well as aerosol distribution in the atmosphere. The instrument detects reflected sunlight from the Earth's surface and atmosphere within the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared (UV/VIS/NIR) spectral range at nadir. The detected radiation is split into different wavelengths , and quantitative information on ozone (O3) and several other trace-gas species is obtained from the absorption properties of the observed spectrum. Sideways viewing for polar coverage and instrument characterisation measurements using the Moon are also carried out. GOME-2 has four optical channels with 1024 spectral elements each, contiguously covering a total range of (0.24 - 0.79) um at spectral resolution ranging from (0.0002 - 0.0005) um. The instrument also carries a polarisation monitoring device (PMD) with 200 channels, measuring within (0.31 - 0.79) um at a spectral resolution range of (0.0028 - 0.04) um. The swath width is 1920 km wide and the scan angle is 55 degrees from nadir. The pixel size is 40 x 80 km^2. Flown on Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/167 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1082 | Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars | A grating spectrometer designed to perform stellar occultation measurements in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectral range to monitor the levels of ozone and other gas species in the atmosphere. The instrument operates using the technique of stellar occultation, which involves tracking a pre-selected star and making measurements of its emitted radiation through the Earth's atmosphere until it disappears behind the horizon. The spectrometer uses a grating to disperse the detected radiation into its spectrum, which holds information on the atmospheric concentration of different gases. The instrument also carries two fast photometers to detect the scintillation of the input signal, which carries information on turbulence. The spectrometer operates in approximately 1000 channels spread across three spectral bands ranging between (0.25 - 0.67) um, (0.75 - 0.77) um and (0.93 - 0.95) um, at a spectral resolution of (0.0002 - 0.0012) um. The photometers operate within the (0.47 - 0.52) um and (0.62 - 0.70) um spectral bands respectively, at a spectral resolution of 0.05 um. The instrument measures approximately 500 star occultations per day, or 25-40 occultations per orbit. The instrument's vertical resolution is 1.7 km, whilst the horizontal effective resolution is approximately 300 km. GOMOS measures within the altitude range of (20 - 100) km. Flown on Envisat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/168 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0078 | Global Positioning Satellite System | A location system of unspecified make or model that determines location on the Earth's surface using the Global Positioning Satellite Network. Angular co-ordinates are given relative to WGS84 CRS. Other parameters such as platform velocity may be derived from this. | 2010-09-08 |
TOOL1963 | GoPro HERO3+ Black camera | A waterproof and shockproof digital action camera with high-resolution image quality and ultra-HD video capture. The digital video format is H.264, while the image-recording format is JPEG. It measures 5.8 x 3.9 x 2 cm and weighs 28g. It features a CMOS optical sensor type and an HDMI interface and supports wireless LAN connection. It has a maximum still image resolution of 12MP, 30fps (frames per second) burst rate, and up to 4K video resolution. | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL1203 | GoPro Hero3 camera | A waterproof and shockproof digital action camera with high-resolution image quality and ultra HD video capture. It features a CMOS optical sensor type and an HDMI interface, and supports wireless LAN connection. The digital video format is H.264, while the image-recording format is JPEG. Both the effective photo resolution and the camcorder sensor resolution are 5.0 MP. | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL2044 | GoPro Hero4 Session camera | A compact waterproof one-button design camera. Photo mode, video mode, and multi-shot mode available. Ultra sharp image quality with all-glass lens. Ultra wide-angle field of view with reduced distortion. Video mode: video resolution options ranges from WVGA to 1440p; frames per second options range from 120, 100 to 30, 25; field of view can be adjusted between medium and ultra wide depending on resolution; screen resolution options ranges from 848 X 480 to 1920 X 1440. Photo mode: photo resolution 8 MP with wide field of view and 3264 X 2448 screen resolution; or photo resolution 5 MP with medium field of view and 2720 X 2040 screen resolution. Multi-shot mode captures up to 10 photos in 1 second with alternative options available, or can be set to time-lapse. | 2024-05-30 |
TOOL1727 | Graco Husky 1050 E pump series | An electric operated diaphragm pump for collection of water samples. These pumps have a 1-inch (25.4 mm) connection. They are available in Aluminium, Polypropylene and Stainless Steel, and are available in 3 gearbox options: 130, 215 & 330 L/min. The maximum fluid flow is 42 gpm (158 l/min); the maximum fluid working pressure is 70 psi (4.8 bar, 0.48 MPa); maximum size of pumpable solids is 3.2 mm; and fluid displacement per cycle is 0.15 g (0.65 litre). | 2021-09-08 |
TOOL0819 | Gridded quadrat | A square or rectangular rigid frame of known area, often home-made, with the total area divided into sub-areas by a graticule made up of threads or wires connecting opposite sides of the quadrat spaced at equal intervals. It is placed on the substrate to mark a fixed area for sampling flora or fauna. The subdivision by the graticule increases the accuracy of coverage estimates. | 2015-01-09 |
TOOL0382 | Grimm 5.403 Condensation Particle Counter | The GRIMM 5.403 Condensation Particle Counter is a portable nano particle counter. Sample air is saturated with butanol vapour and heated to 35 deg C, then cooled to 10 deg C. Particles act as condesation nuclei for the cooling butanol, forming droplets of around 10 um, which are counted by an optical particle counter. | 2011-03-14 |
TOOL0336 | Grundy Environmental 6620 thermosalinograph | An autoranging instrument taking inputs from a hull or inlet thermometer to give sea temperature plus co-located temperature and conductivity sensors to give salinity. In general use during the 1980s and 1990s. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL0454 | Guildline 8400 bench salinometer | A laboratory instrument that determines salinity of a water sample by comparison of its electrical conductivity with a standard solution. The system employs a continuous flow system, where the sample is drawn into the unit under low air pressure. A high stability temperature control bath and heat exchanger maintain the sample at a precisely defined, user selected temperature during analysis. The instrument can operate over a salinity range of 0.005 to 42 with a resolution of < 0.0002 and an accuracy of < +/- 0.002. There are two models: 8400A and 8400B. The 8400A has an external interface as an optional extra. The 8400B has improved stability over long periods and the external interface is fitted as standard. | 2013-01-25 |
TOOL0032 | Guildline Model 8705 Digital CTD | A CTD unit designed for open ocean applications down to depths of 6000m. The probe was an anodised aluminium tube with a steel cage at one end protecting the temperature and conductivity sensors and a urethane cap at the other to protect the pressure sensor diaphragm. Conductivity cell was a Pyrex tube with four electrodes in an H configuration to allow free circulation of seawater. The thermometer was a fine copper wire enclosed in an oil-filled stainless steel capilliary. The pressure transducer was a 4-arm strain gauge bridge. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0034 | Guildline Model 8770 Digital CTD | CTD with conductivity electrode mounted in pyrex glass, copper resistance element in a stainless steel tube for temperature and a pressure sensor comprising a strain gauge element in a 4-arm resistance bridge network | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0242 | Guildline Portasal 8410 series salinometer | A portable instrument for laboratory or field use that determines salinity of a water sample by comparison of its electrical conductivity with a standard solution. The system employs a continuous flow system, where the sample is drawn into the unit under low air pressure. A high stability temperature control bath and heat exchanger maintain the sample at a precisely defined, user selected temperature during analysis. The instrument can operate over a conductivity range of 0.004 to 76 mS/cm with a resolution of 0.0003 mS/cm (15 deg C and 35 PSU) or 0.0003 Equivalent PSU, and an accuracy of ± 0.003 Equivalent PSU (same set point temperature as standardization and within -2 deg C and +4 deg C of ambient). The series consists of 2 known models: 8410 and 8410A. The models have the same specifications although the 8410A has an RS232 interface. The reference number 8410N refers to an operational manual update only. | 2013-08-01 |
NETT0046 | Gulf I high-speed sampler - Arnold (1952) | A 7.6 cm diameter inside cylinder net 91 cm long of No. 10 screen (0.038 cm mesh). Equipped with a flowmeter. Towed at ~ 9 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 15 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0047 | Gulf II high-speed sampler - Collier (1957) | A shipboard pump drew water from near the keel of the vessel which was delivered to a circular pan divided into 8 parts each with a filter to catch the plankton. The sampling interval for a filter was 1 hour. Filters (#1 bolting silk) were replaced every 8 hours. This system was developed as a substitute for the Continuous Plankton Recorder. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0048 | Gulf III high-speed sampler - Gehringer (1952) | Construction is a 40.7 cm diameter nose piece entrance into an 50.2 cm diameter cylinder 152 cm long made of 0.152 cm monel metal mesh. 49.5 cm diameter inside conical net 137 cm long of No. 10 screen (0.038 cm mesh ~ No. 1 silk). Equipped with flowmeter. Towed at 5+ knots. Also used with 20.3 cm nose cone [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 15 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0050 | Gulf V high-speed sampler - Arnold (1959) | A 41 cm diameter mouth opening with frame 130 cm long. Conical Monel mesh net with 30 meshes per cm. An unencased and scaled down version of the Gulf III described by Gehringer [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 16 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0051 | Gulf VII Pro-net and MAFF-Guildline high-speed samplers - Nash et al. (1998) | An un-encased frame 275 cm long and 76 cm in diameter with a conical nose cone. (There are smaller and larger variants of the frame and nose cone). Standard mouth opening is 40 cm diameter. Pronet is a conical net with 0.28 mm nylon mesh is 230 cm long. Both systems are equipped with a pressure, temperature, conductivity sensor, and flowmetering package for transmission to ship via conducting cable or logged internally. Other environmental sensors can be accommodated. Data scanned/recorded twice per second. Routinely towed at 5 knots and up to 7 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 17 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0788 | Gunther grab | A light sediment grab, 12.5 cm wide and weighing 1kg. The grab is equipped with 8kg weights and nylon gauze sacks (0.5mm mesh size) for the sediment storage. The surface of the grab is 270 cm squared. Note that sizes and depths may vary. A full description is available in https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/pdf/Gunther_1963.pdf. | 2014-09-12 |
TOOL1882 | Guralp Maris ocean bottom seismometer | A real-time broadband cabled ocean bottom seismometer (OBS), designed to be pushed or cored into the seafloor to minimise ambient noise. It is suitable for local, regional and global seismic monitoring of sub-sea hazards, reservoir monitoring, ocean observatory monitoring, and borehole monitoring. The Maris OBS can be used individually or with up to eight additional instruments. It is supplied with the Minimus digitiser, housed in a separate vessel, to deliver data via Ethernet direct to the cabling system. An internal magnetometer and MEMS accelerometer work together to automatically compensate for tilt, and is therefore operational at any angle. Users can purchase either velocity or acceleration variants depending on the preferred output. It is housed in a slim 60 mm diameter titanium enclosure, suitable for depths up to 3000 m. It has a maximum frequency response bandwidth of 120 s (0.0083 Hz) to 200 Hz. Operating temperature is from -30 to +60 degC. Sensor dynamic range is > 149 dB at 1 Hz. | 2022-11-22 |
TOOL1925 | Guralp Orcus ocean bottom seismometer | A real-time cabled ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) that sits fully or partially buried on the seafloor at depths of up to 6000 m. The Orcus houses a 3T broadband triaxial seismometer, a Fortis force-feedback triaxial accelerometer, and an Affinity 31-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) data acquisition system. Depending on the deployment depth, housing is either duplex stainless steel or titanium to protect against corrosion. The unique spherical shape of the casing protects the instrument at high pressures, and an underlying metal plate ensures optimum ground coupling. An optional concrete dome hood can be employed to reduce noise and protect against trawling in shallower waters. The integrated Guralp Affinity digitiser delivers data in real-time to the cable system. The frequency range and sensitivity of the sensors can be engineered to suit the requirements of the project. If more than one response range is required, additional geophysical sensors or hydrophones can be incorporated. Non-seismic sensors, such as differential or absolute pressure gauges for tsunami early warning can also be integrated, in addition to current meters, hydrophones, compasses, and tilt-meters. The Orcus OBS has applications in cable to shore or cable to buoy systems, real-time data streaming, local, regional and teleseismic monitoring, long-term reservoir monitoring, and earthquake/tsunami early warning. The Orcus has a frequency response of 120 s (0.008 Hz) to 50 Hz, or optional 360 s (0.0028 Hz) to 50 Hz. Seismometer sensor dynamic range is 167 dB at 1Hz. | 2023-05-19 |
TOOL1589 | Guralp Systems CMG-1T ocean bottom seismometer | A broadband ocean bottom seismometer designed to destect movements in the Earth's crust such as earthquake activity. It primarily outputs ground accelteration and velocity. It features a unique mass locking system which reduces the possibility of damage to the sensor pivots and springs. It is housed in a titanium sphere and depth-rated to 3000 m. It features 360 s velocity feedback and an operating frequency of 50 Hz. | 2021-01-18 |
TOOL0079 | Gyrocompass | A compass of unspecified make or model number that finds true north by using a fast-spinning wheel and friction forces to sense the rotation of the Earth. | 2010-09-08 |
TOOL0854 | HAWAII MR1 side scan sonar | HAWAII MR1 is a shallow towed side scan sonar system and collects bathymetry and acoustic data over a wide area of the seafloor at high resolutions. Up to 25 km wide swath with speeds of 9 knots can be achieved and can image 415 square kilometres per hour. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL0141 | HOBI HydroScat-2 Optical Backscatter Fluorometer | Instrument that measures optical backscatter at 2 wavelengths (420nm and 700nm as standard but can be customised) plus chlorophyll fluorescence. Casings available for 330m, 4000m or custom maximum depth working. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1409 | HOBI HydroScat-6P optical backscattering sensor and fluorometer | A self-contained spectral instrument designed for making optical backscattering and fluorescence measurements in natural waters. The HydroScat-6P has six independent channels with separate sets of source and receiver optics; a light-emitting diode (LED) set to the desired measurement wavelength acts as source beam for each channel, and its matching receiver detects the scattered light. The standard measurement wavelengths are 420 nm, 442 nm, 470 nm, 510 nm, 590 nm and 700 nm, though they can be customised. The same optics allow for fluorescence measurements at two wavelengths: 700 nm excited by the 442 nm source LED, which is typically used for chlorophyll determination, and 510 nm excited by the 420 nm source LED. The maximum depth rating for the instrument is 500 m. | 2020-03-19 |
TOOL1551 | HOBI Labs HydroDAS data logger | An autonomous subsurface data handling system and controller for use in aquatic environments. It can be used with both profiling and moored instruments, as well as surface buoys. It can collect data from up to 27 different instruments at once (11 digital, 16 analog). The HydroDAS can be used in real-time profiling (multiplexing), autonomous logging and buoy controller modes. During real-time profiling and autonomous logging, raw data are displayed in real-time and archived as files to the logger's internal flash memory. As a buoy or mooring controller its serial ports can be used to interface with a radio or cellular modem for real-time telemetry. Various input/output configurations are available and are scalable to the application, with a MiniDAS available for smaller systems with 4 instruments or less in use. The HydroDAS operates autonomously with HydroScript programs using DASHost software. It features 128 MB internal memory with an optional 2 GB available. The HydroDAS has an operating temperature from 0-35 degC and is depth-rated to 750 m. Input voltage is 12 V DC nominal, operating from 7 V to 18 V DC. It has an active power consumption of 0.6-1.1 W dependent on the configuration. | 2020-10-27 |
TOOL1563 | HORIBA Partica LA-960 laser scattering particle size distribution analyser | A laser scattering particle size analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles, and is suitable for suspensions, emulsions, powders, pastes, gels, and creams. A laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample and the angular variation in intensity of the scattered light is measured. The angular scattering intensity data is then analysed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern using the Mie theory of light scattering. It has a measurement range of 10 nm to 5 mm, and can perform measurements every 60 seconds. It has an operating temperature from 15-35 degC. | 2024-07-22 |
NETT0064 | HOrizontal PLAnkton SAmpler - Ruetzler et al. (1980) | 18.5 cm diameter x 40 cm long plexiglass cylinder houses a electric motor and propellor assembly and a flow meter. Attached to the back is a net 80 cm long made with 0.25 mm nylon mesh. The device which creates its own current flow through the net is intended for plankton collection on or near the bottom of coral reefs [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 24 C] | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1424 | HS Engineers series-2001 current meter | An inductive (electro-magnetic) current meter - 2 axes disk sensor. Due to modular hard- and software they can be used for current and flow measurements, directional sea-state measurements, and measurements of chemical and optical parameters. The probes are applicable for mobile use, as well as for long-term deployments. Optional 2axis magnetometer as compass. Customized connector optional. 1000 m depth rated. Accuracy +/- 3 m/s +/-1 % (max +/- 5 m/s). Resolution 0.05 %. Time constant ~ 0.1 second. | 2020-04-29 |
TOOL1147 | Hach DR 5000 UV-Vis Laboratory Spectrophotometer | A complete scanning UV/VIS spectrophotometer used for testing in visible and ultraviolet wavelengths. A gas-filled tungsten lamp produces light in the visible spectrum (320 to 1100 nm) and a deuterium lamp produces light in the ultraviolet spectrum (190 to 360 nm). The instrument has a large sample cell compartment that contains a universal cell holder which can hold five common cell types. The wavelength range is 190 - 1100 nm with a wavelength accuracy of 1nm. The scanning spead is one complete scan per moniute in 1 nm steps and the spectral bandwidth is 2 nm. The instrument has a touch screen display through which 7 applications and over 200 programs can be selected as well as digital readouts produced. The spectrophotometer is no longer in production and has been replaced by the Hach DR 6000 Benchtop Spectrophotometer. | 2017-08-07 |
TOOL1481 | Hach HQ40D - Multi 2 Channels Portable Two Channel Multi Meter | A portable two channel multi meter with water quality field applications. Capable of measuring a variety of parameters (e.g. pH, conductivity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), optical dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), oxidation reduction potential (ORP), ammonia, ammonium, fluoride, chloride, sodium, temperature) by utilising a wide range of dedicated, interchangeable Hach INTELLICAL smart electrodes. Power can be provided by an AC adapter (optional), or batteries that permit field use. Allows the measurement and display of two parameters simultaneously, with memory for up to 500 readings. | 2020-06-16 |
TOOL0989 | Half-metre ring net | Plankton net described as 0.5-m ring net; designed with single circular (ring) mouth piece with measurements: mouth diameter (metre)=0.5; with opening area (square metre)=0.2; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: can be used for qualitative sampling or the capture of live animals or quantitative sampling if used with flowmeter; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.2 to 0.5 but may vary; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL0960 | Hamon grab | The Hamon grab is used for obtaining samples in coarse sediment, as well as for sampling benthic infauna. It has a typical sampling area of 0.25 m2 (0.2 m2 - 0.29 m2) and a penetration depth up to 30 cm. This grab consists of a rectangular (but sometimes triangular) frame forming a stable support for a sampling bucket attached to a pivoted arm. On reaching the seabed, tension in the wire is released which causes the sampling bucket to pivot through 90 degrees pushing seabed sediment into the bucket. The bucket locates onto an inclined rubber-covered steel plate, sealing it completely. Weights are attached to the grab to minimize the lateral movement of the supporting frame during sample collection. | 2015-12-16 |
TOOL0981 | Hand-held plankton net | Plankton net described as an hand-held plankton net; designed with single mouth piece with specifications with specifications unknown or available elsewhere in the supporting metadata; with additional features: qualitative sampling gear operated like a butterfly net either by SCUBA divers or from the side of a fixed dock or a small vessel; net size, shape, colour and mesh size may vary. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1964 | Hanwha Vision Wisenet XNP-6040H (HD PTZ dome) network camera | An outdoor micro PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) network camera. For surveillance and remote monitoring applications. It has 2-megapixel (1920 x 1080) resolution, 4.3X optical zoom (2.8 ~ 12mm), and 60fps (frames per second) at all resolutions (H.265/H.264). | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL0708 | Heise Model DXD Digital Output Pressure Transducer | This is digital pressure transducer with an RS232 or RS485 interface in a stainless steel housing with an accuracy of 0.02% full scale. More information is available at http://www.heise.com/Products/pressure_transducers/upload/Heise-Bul-HTR-4-08-3.pdf. | 2014-06-17 |
TOOL1526 | Heitronics CT15 thermometer | Radiation Thermometers in a robust stainless steel housing. Temperature Range: -25 to 900 degrees Celsius. Operating temperature: -20 to 60 degrees Celsius. | 2020-08-17 |
TOOL1815 | Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - IMBBC manually operated suction sampler for hard bottom benthos - Chatzigeorgiou, G., Dailianis, T., Faulwetter, S., Pettas, M., & Arvanitidis, C. (2013) | MANOSS is a manually operated suction sampler designed for sampling aquatic epibionts on hard substrates and it is manually operated by SCUBA divers. It is based on the basic design of a slurp gun, which allows for sequential pump actions to effectively scoop a certain sampling area and incorporates interchangeable sample collection pouches. It is independent from air supplies or motorised pumps and therefore compact, lightweight and easy to handle. The intake nozzle has a diameter of 4.5 cm which permits the collection of large fragments of algae or even small pebbles without blocking the valves. | 2022-06-28 |
TOOL1708 | Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Single-Channel Airgun Seismic Reflection System | A single-channel seismic reflection profiling system used by HCMR. The system uses a Teledyne Bolt airgun at 1/10/ 40 cubic inches volume, and an SIG hydrophone streamer. The 65m active length single-channel streamer consists of 45 hydrophone elements at 1m spacing. | 2021-06-23 |
TOOL1703 | Hellenic Centre for Marine Research [custom] gravity corer | Marine geological coring device that uses a lead weight system to penetrate the seabed and collect sediment samples. Custom-built at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). | 2021-06-17 |
TOOL1958 | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon X-band marine radar system | A coherent on receive marine radar system, designed for the observation of surface waves and currents. It is based on the radar scanner SU70-14E from GEM Electronica, which operates in the X-band (9.4 GHz) frequency range, with a peak power of 12 kW. The radar scanner was modified by adding the followingcomponents: linear amplifier, analogue to digital converter (ADC), control board and a step motor with an angular position transmitter. The radar is controlled by a computer. It features an antenna which can be used in either static or rotation modes. In static mode the antenna is oriented in a pre-selected fixed direction. In rotation mode the antenna performs 360 degrees azimuthal scans of the ocean surface at a rotation speed up to 36 rpm. The system can also be used with either vertical or horizontal polarisation antennae within a frequency band of 9410 MHz +/- 50 MHz. It uses a short pulse (50 ns) representing a range resolution of 7.5 m and a pulse repetition frequency up to 2 kHz. | 2023-09-04 |
TOOL0603 | Helzel Messtechnik WERA HF Radar | A shore based remote sensing HF radar system used for near real-time mapping of ocean surface currents, waves and wind direction using short radio wave radar. It is a long-range, high resolution monitoring sytem which can detect signals from ranges of more than 200 km. | 2013-03-13 |
TOOL2072 | Hemisphere GNSS R131 differential global positioning system receiver | An integrated DGPS receiver system. The R131 offers many differential correction options allowing for use in various environments and worldwide coverage. It is suitable for professional mapping, guidance, and navigation applications. Update rates of up to 20 Hz. Maintains accuracy for 40 minutes or more after loss of differential signal. It includes differential options including SBAS, Radio Beacon, OmniSTAR. Operating temperature: -30 to 70 degrees C. | 2024-07-17 |
TOOL2090 | Hemisphere GNSS V104 GPS Compass | A compact GPS compass used for marine based applications. This instrument provides positional, heading, pitch, roll, and heave data. The V104 uses SBAS for differential GPS position to provide positional and heading data. Integrated gyro and tilt sensors provide heading updates during temporary loss of GPS and satellites. This instrument includes two multi-path resistant antennas, measuring approximately 25 cm in length. The GPS receiver has a standard update rate of 10 Hz, 20 Hz is optional. Positional accuracy: 0.5 m using SBAS; Heading accuracy: 2 degrees; Pitch/ roll accuracy: 2 degrees; Heave accuracy: 30 cm^3. Operational temperature: -30 to 70 degrees C. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1514 | Hemisphere GNSS V104s GPS compass | An integrated GPS and compass navigation system. It is used for marine based applications. It consists of dual GPS antennas and a single axis gyro with tilt sensors on each axis (X and Y). The receiver type is a GPS L1. It is capable of 12-channel, parallel tracking (Two 10-channel when tracking SBAS). GPS antennas are separated by 13.5 cm between their phase centers, resulting in better than 2 deg rms heading performance. The V104s provides heading and position updates of up to 10 Hz and delivers position accuracy of better than 1.0 m 95% of the time when using differential GPS corrections from Space Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). | 2020-08-03 |
NETT0054 | Hensen egg net - Hensen (1887); Jenkins (1901); Wimpenny (1937) | Construction is a 38 cm diameter mouth (40 cm long conical mouth piece); 100 cm diameter conical net mouth. 144 cm long net of No. 20 silk [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 A, B) | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0558 | Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses compounds that do not degrade or decompose in the gas phase. The sample is dissolved in a solvent and vaporised in the instrument. A chemically inert gas, (e.g. helium or nitrogen) carries the vaporised analyte through a stationary phase which is coated inside the capillary column that is maintained at an elevated temperature. The analyte mixture separates on the stationary phase leading to chromatographic separation of the molecules. The HP 5890 Series II is completely customisable depending on the application, with choices of inlets, columns, detectors, sampling systems, flow and pressure control components. Optional detectors include Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector (NPD), Electron Capture Detector (ECD), Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), Photoionisation Detector (PID), Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) and mass spectrometer. The instrument was originally manufactured by Hewlett Packard (HP), but part of this business was sold to Agilent Technologies in 1999. This model is no longer in production. | 2012-10-04 |
TOOL1749 | Hiden 3F-PIC/1000 mass spectrometer | A quadrupole residual gas analysis mass spectrometer for high precision scientific and process applications. Features a triple filter (3F) for precise analytical capability. This enables strict control over the quadrupole entrance and exit fields, provides enhanced sensitivity for high mass transmission and increased abundance sensitivity, and enhances long-term stability of the instrument. The instrument also has a pulse ion counting (PIC) channeltron electron multiplier detector for fast event studies. The instrument has several applications in a vacuum environment, including surface science, molecular beam and desorption studies, and residual gas and flash desorption analysis. The Hiden 3F-PIC/1000 has a mass range of 1:300 amu and is capable of 650 measurements per second. The accuracy of the instrument is +/- 1% valley between adjacent peaks of equal height throughout the mass range. | 2021-11-25 |
TOOL1721 | High Tech Inc HTI 04-PCA/ULF ultra low frequency hydrophone | An ultra-low frequency hydrophone featuring a pressure compensated design, capable of operating at full ocean depth. Used in the anti-submarine warfare industry and for noise measurements. HTI hydrophones are highly customizable. Some of these customizations include: Pre-Amplifier Gain, Pre-Amplifier Filter Settings, Bulkhead Mounting Endcaps, Cable Type, and Cable Length. The instrument has response frequencies of between 0.01 Hz and 8 kHz, and a maximum operating depth of 6000 meters. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1497 | High Tech Inc HTI 96-Min hydrophone series | Precision, low noise, deep water acoustic sensors. The hydrophone/preamplifier is mounted inside the ceramic cylinder and interfaces the active element to the signal conditions electronic via an underwater connector. They are widely used in the seismic industry for ocean bottom cables and nodal systems. HTI hydrophones are highly customizable. Some of these customizations include: Pre-Amplifier Gain, Pre-Amplifier Filter Settings, Bulkhead Mounting Endcaps, Cable Type, and Cable Length. Sensitivity: Without Pre-Amp = 201 dB re: 1V/µPa (8.9 V/bar); With Pre-Amp, Max = 165 dB re: 1V/µPa (562 V/bar), Min = 240 dB re: 1V/µPa (0.1V/bar). Frequency Response is between 2 Hz and 30 kHz. Preamplifier Type: Voltage Mode, or Current Mode. The maximum operating depth is 3048 meters. | 2020-07-22 |
TOOL1498 | High Tech Inc HTI 99-HF hydrophone | A hydrophone designed for high frequency up to 125 kHz. Applications include: Noise monitoring, Marine mammal monitoring to ultrasonic frequencies, and Fish monitoring The instrument is 2.54 cm in diameter by 7.6 cm length. Cable Length (max with voltage mode preamp) is 300 meters. HTI hydrophones are highly customizable. Some of these customizations include: Pre-Amplifier Gain, Pre-Amplifier Filter Settings, Bulkhead Mounting Endcaps, Cable Type, and Cable Length. Sensitivity: without preamp = 204 dB re: 1V/µPa; with preamp (Customer specifies preamp gain within range)= 40 dB to 44 dB. Frequency Response: Customer may specify HPF and LPF within range 2 Hz to 125kHz. Capcaitance = 3.6 nF. The preamplifier types are: Current, Voltage, or Differential mode. The maximum operating depth is 2000 meters. | 2020-07-22 |
TOOL1499 | High Tech Inc HTI 99-UHF hydrophone | A hydrophone designed for ultra high frequency up to 250 kHz. The instrument is 2.54 cm in diameter by 7.6 cm length. Cable Length (max with voltage mode preamp) is 300 meters. HTI hydrophones are highly customizable. Some of these customizations include: Pre-Amplifier Gain, Pre-Amplifier Filter Settings, Bulkhead Mounting Endcaps, Cable Type, and Cable Length. Sensitivity: without preamp = 210 dB re: 1V/µPa; with preamp (Customer specifies preamp gain within range) = 40 dB to 44 dB. Frequency Response: Customer may specify HPF and LPF within range 2 Hz to 250 kHz. Capcaitance: 2.5 nF. The preamplifier types are: Current, Voltage, or Differential mode. The maximum operating depth is 2000 meters. | 2020-07-22 |
TOOL0551 | High Volume Air Sampler | An atmospheric sampler that pumps air through a series of filters and traps to collect samples for off-line analysis of aerosol and gas-phase constituents. Air samples are drawn into a sheltered housing, and through one or more aerosol filters, which collect samples of particulate material. Successive aerosol filters may have smaller pore sizes to collect size fractionated aerosol samples. The air may then be drawn through one or more gas-phase filters or traps, such as reagent-soaked filter papers, reagent-filled impingers, or resin (polymer) traps. Flow meters between the filter set and the pump determine the volume of air sampled. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1463 | High density polyethylene water bottle | A High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) water bottle. Used for surface sampling from small boats. HDPE has a somewhat higher chemical resistance than LDPE. HDPE is also somewhat harder and more opaque and it can withstand higher temperatures (120 degrees Celsius for short periods, 110 degrees Celsius continuously). | 2020-05-28 |
NETT0067 | High speed-sampler - Monti (1910) | A cylindrical tube modified from Zacharias with a 3-4 cm diameter mouth opening expanding to 10-12 cm diameter main body and a filtering cone leading to a stopcock at the rear. Overall length 50 cm [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 13 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1083 | High-Resolution Stereoscopic instrument | An optical imager designed for high-resolution land observation, in particular fire fractional cover, as well as glacier, sea-ice, snow and cloud cover. The instrument carries out along-track stereoscopic measurements using two telescopes with a 20 degree fore and aft view respectively. Stereo images are thus acquired in pairs and within a 90 second interval, covering an area 120 km wide (swath), by up to 600 km long. The instrument has a panchromatic single-channel detector in the visible (VIS) spectrum within the (0.51 - 0.73) um range. The signal-to-noise ratio is 120 at 50% albedo, and the resolution at sub-satellite point is 10 m (cross-track), and 5 m (along-track). Flown on SPOT-5. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/193 | 2016-11-15 |
NETT0060 | High-Speed net model II - Cassie (1956) | Same as the model 1 (6cm diameter 6cm long brass cylinder with 180 cm net) except the system was shorter (90 cm) and the net made out of brass gauze with 16 meshes per cm and two metal rods (struts) connected the brass cylinder to the cod end bucket. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0058 | High-speed metal plankton net - Fry (1937) | Construction comprises a 10.2 cm diameter mouth opening expanding to 25.4 cm followed by a mesh cone (15.7 meshes per cm) and a cod end. Overall length 152 cm. Towed with 3 part chain bridle at speeds up to 10 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 14 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0068 | High-speed multiple sampler - Porche (1978) | Comprises 4 nets and one intake. The nets rotate into the water flow position to collect a sample. Instrument reference is in French. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0062 | High-speed net - Cassie (1956) | A combination of model 1, model 2 and model 3 nets towed from the stern of the vessel at ~ 8 knots on a 40 m tow line. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0059 | High-speed net model I - Cassie (1956) | A brass cylinder 6 cm diameter and 6 cm long with bridle attachment lugs that had a 180 cm bolting cloth net (16 or 30 meshes per cm) attached to the back [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 18 A ]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0061 | High-speed net model III - Cassie (1956) | Same as model 2 (6cm diameter 6cm long brass cylinder with 90 cm net) except shorter again (60 cm) and four metal rods (struts) connected the brass cylinder to the cod end bucket. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0056 | High-speed plankton sampler - Pierce (1937) | Construction comprises a 7 cm mouth opening of front cone which was 16.5 cm long. 17.8 cm diameter cylinder body which was 25.4 cm long. 7 cm conical coarse silk net 16.5 cm long with small jar cod end. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0002 | High-speed sampler - Apstein (1906) | Construction is a cylindrical tube with ~2 cm diameter mouth opening expanding to 4 cm diameter in the main body with a filtering surface at the rear. Overall length ~20 cm [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 13 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0057 | High-speed sampler - Erdmann (1937) | Construction comprises a ~4.5 cm diameter mouth expanding to 12 cm with overall length of 64 cm. Has an opening/closing mechanism [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 14 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0055 | High-speed sampler - Smith and Ahlstrom (1948) | Construction comprises a 2.54 cm diameter mouth expanding to 5.08 cm (brass), cylindrical net 5.08 cm and 25.4 cm long made of No. 56xxx grit gauze, and a bucket. Towed at 9 knots. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0066 | High-speed sampler - Zacharias (1907) | A cylindrical tube similar to Apstein's with ~3 cm diameter mouth opening expanding to 8 cm diameter main body with baffles for different towing speeds and a filtering surface at the rear. Overall length 42 cm [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 13 B]. | 2017-08-10 |
NETT0065 | High-speed successive plankton sampler - Motoda (1953) | Body is 10 cm diameter and 100 cm in length. Tapered nose with two 2 cm openings. Body of cylinder has multiple sections 1.5 cm diameter x 18 cm long to store samples. Equipped with depth/flowmeter. Collects samples at ~ 8 knots. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0063 | High-speed tow net - Gauld and Beganal (1951) | A 46 cm diameter mouth opening with 15 cm long calico collar, 94 cm long silk net (10.2 meshes per cm), and 12 cm diameter x 17cm long sleeve with ring sewn in at end. The tail of the net is flipped inward and bridles attached to the ring are attached to the front of the net. A three-part bridle tows the net at speeds up to 7 knots. Design taken from Sheard [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 15 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0243 | Hilger Spekker colorimeter | A photoelectric absorbsiometer developed in 1936 and manufactered by Adam Hilger Ltd, London. A light source with a photocell on each side provides a basic means of operation. The instrument is set up with a solution to be measured in the sample light beam and then balance the EMF of the photocells to zero on a galvanometer. It can be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0467 | Hitachi High-Technologies U-2000 UV-Visible spectrophotometer | A laboratory instrument that measures the amount of light at discrete pre-determined wavelengths that is transmitted or emitted by a sample. This is a double beam instrument that operates over the spectral range 190-1100 nm with a 2 nm bandpass and an accuracy of 0.4 nm. The instrument uses a concave diffraction grating monochromator and a silicon photodiode detector. This model is no longer in production. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL0972 | Hitachi U1800 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer | A bench-top, scanning spectrophotometer which operates in the UV and visible wavelength range (190-1100 nm) and is used for time dependent measurements of absorption such as enzyme kinetics. Features include a Good Laboratory Practise (GLP) routine for QC applications and a validation function. A scanning mode allows multiple wavelength measurements to be made. Bandwidth: 4 nm. Wavelength accuracy: +/- 0.55 nm. Wavelength precision: +/- 0.3 nm. | 2016-02-29 |
TOOL0824 | Hitachi U3010 UV-Visible scanning spectrophotometer | A bench-top scanning spectrophotometer which operates in the UV-visible wavelegnth range (190 nm - 900 nm). It is fitted with a grating single monochromator (Seya-Namioka mount) which reduces stray light to 0.015%. Sample volumes as small as 5 uL can be analysed. | 2015-01-29 |
TOOL1662 | Honeywell Aerospace HMR 3300 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass | A solid-state, circuit board-type magnetic compass. It is used to measure heading, tilt and magnetic flux density. It is based on magnetic sensing of the earth's field. It comprises 3 magnetic sensors (single and two-axis) to provide the horizontal components (X and Y), and the vertical (Z) axis component. It also includes a MEMS accelerometer to provide 2-axis tilt (pitch and roll) sensing relative to the board's horizontal (flat) position. Heading accuracy: 1 deg RMS (Level), 3 deg RMS (0 to +/-30 deg), 4 deg RMS (+/-30 to 60 deg). Pitch and roll accuracy: typically 0.4 deg (0 to +/-30 deg), 1.0 deg (+/-30 to 60 deg). Magnetic field resolution: typically +/- 2 gauss. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL2077 | Horiba FluoroMax 4 spectrofluorometer | A high-sensitivity benchtop spectrofluorometer used to measure and record the fluorescence of a sample. The excitation, emission, or both wavelengths may be scanned. A continuous source of light from a 150 W CW ozone-free xenon arc lamp shines onto an excitation monochromator, which selects a band of wavelengths. This monochromatic excitation light is directed onto a sample, which emits luminescence. The luminescence is directed into a second, emission monochromator, which selects a band of wavelengths, and shines them onto a R298P photomultiplier tube. The signal from this detector is reported to a system controller and host computer, where the data can be manipulated and presented, using special software. The FluoroMax-4 contains f/3.5 Czerny-Turner monochromators for excitation and emission and uses all-reflective optics to maintain high resolution over the entire spectral range. A reference detector (UV-enhanced silicon photodiode) monitors the xenon lamp in order to correct for wavelength- and time-dependent output of the lamp. The FluoroMax range are ideal for measuring solid and liquid samples, with high throughput screening, cryogenic or elevated temperatures, absolute quantum yields, microliter volumes, stopped flow mixing or titration, and even micron scale measurements using a microscope. The FluoroMax-4P can also make phosphorescence measurements. The instrument has an integration time of 1 ms to 160 s and a spectral coverage of 200 - 870 nm. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL0526 | Horiba U-22 multiparameter instrument | The Horiba U-22 multiparameter sensor is a submersible probe which allows simultaneous measurement of 10 water property parameters to depths of up to 100 metres. The measured parameters are pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, seawater specific gravity, temperature, turbidity, depth and oxidation reduction potential. | 2012-07-31 |
NETT0069 | Horizontal ichthyoplankton tow-net system - Nester (1987) | A 50 cm diameter circular net ring is mounted in a 53cm x 53 cm rectangular frame. The net is a cylinder-cone with 0.333 mm nylon mesh. The tow bridle is attached to a spreader bar to keep the net opening clear of the bridle and depressor attached to bottom of frame. It has two flowmeters: one inside the net and one outside. Usually towed at 3 knots. Mainly for catching larval fish. Similar to the Blackburn and Keith system. It has no opening/closing mechanism. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0129 | Horizontal opening-closing net - Bigelow (1913) | A hinged ring to which a net with 75 cm diameter mouth was attached. System sent down with ring closed and opened with a messenger. A second messenger released the ring and a draw-string closed the net off. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0130 | Horizontal opening-closing plankton net - Slack (1955) | Has a 14.0 cm diameter mouth opening with framework 25.4 cm long. Has an internal flowmeter. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0153 | Horizontal self-closing net - Kofoid (1911, 1911, 1912) | Has a 37 cm net diameter. Conical silk bolting cloth net (nos. 12 to 20) about 200 cm long. Two hinged jaws in the mouth of the net swing forward and downward. Each is activated by a messenger to open then close the net mouth. Used at the end to a cable for horizontal/oblique towing [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 5D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0527 | Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft Bathysonde CTD profiler | A conductivity-temperature-pressure profiler with a pressure rating of either 800dbar or 6000dbar, a pressure precision of +/- 0.25% of total range and a resolution of 1dbar or better. It had temperature precision of +/- 0.01 degC and a resolution of 0.01 degC. The conductivity range was 0 to 80 mmho/cm, with a precision of +/- 1.5 permil of total range and a resolution of 0.01 mmho/cm. The instrument was developed in the 1970s and was used by the then Institute for Marine Science, Kiel. | 2012-08-16 |
TOOL0228 | Hugrun Seamon Mini temperature recorder | A small underwater temperature sensor and data logger manufactured by Hugrun (subsequently Star-Oddi) and no longer manufactured under that name. | 2010-05-18 |
NETT0187 | Hydro-Bios MultiNet Mammoth | A multiple plankton sampler which facilitates horizontal and vertical collections in successive water layers, down to depths of 3000 m. The net consists of a stainless steel net frame with a mouth opening of 100 cm x 100 cm. The sampler has titanium motor unit and battery housing, as well as an integrated pressure sensor; it contains nine net bags with standard mesh size of 300 microns and nine net buckets (codends) of 11 cm in diameter, held within a stainless steel holder. Two electronic flow meters are included. An optional conductivity-temperature (CT) set can be integrated in the motor unit of the Multinet. The frame and nets are deployed closed; once the desired depth is reached, the net bags are opened and closed in succession by a set of levers, triggered by a battery-powered motor unit responding to the deck command unit. | 2021-10-05 |
NETT0200 | Hydro-Bios RingTrawl (CalCOFI) net | An oceanographic plankton net based on the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) design. It is designed for quantitative sampling of larger volumes of water during horizontal or oblique tows. Typically the net is lowered to a set depth and towed obliquely at a 45 degrees to the surface at a constant speed. The net may also be used for horizontal and flat-angled oblique tows. It features a 100 cm diameter stainless steel ring, equipped with a 4 meter long net bag, and is designed to operate in conjunction with a 22 kg V-Fin depressor to create negative lift. The sample is concentrated inside a removable plastic net bucket with side window (covered with sieve gauze). A Mechanical Flow Meter can also be fixed in the net to measure the filtered water volume. Standard mesh size is 500 um, and the net opening area is 0.7854 m-2. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL0613 | Hydrolab DataSonde 3 Water Quality Multiple Probe Logger | The DS3 multiparameter DataSonde is a multiprobe logger which allows simultaneous measurement of water quality parameters. The measured/calculated parameters are surface elevation, dissolved oxygen (0-20 mg/L) and oxygen saturation, conductivity, salinity (0-70 PSU), temperature (-5 to 50 degC), turbidity, depth (0-100 m), pH and oxidation/reduction potential. | 2013-04-16 |
TOOL0738 | Hydrolabs Series 5 probes | Multi-parameter probes that can measure from 12 (MS5) to 16 (DS5 and DS5X) parameters simultaneously. Measurements include temperature, depth, conductivity, salinity, specific conductance, TDS, pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll a, blue-green algae, Rhodamine WT, ammonium, nitrate, chloride, PAR and total dissolved gases. These probes can be deployed at depths up to 200 m and can be used in continuous monitoring programs. | 2014-07-16 |
TOOL0354 | Hydrophone | A generic term for an acoustic intensity sensor (microphone) with an acoustic impedence matched to the density of water to optimise sonic detection under water. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1577 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 DEEP {UVP5} imaging sensor series | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 100 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 700 um. It is usually operated as a stand-alone system, attached to a CTD-Rosette frame. The UVP5 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 1 litre per image which are acquired and processed at up to 20 Hz. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The system can be equipped with either a standard or high definition camera. | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL2110 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 High Definition {UVP5} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 100 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 700 um. It is usually operated as a stand-alone system, attached to a CTD-Rosette frame. The UVP5 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 1 litre per image which are acquired and processed at up to 20 Hz. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The HD model is equipped with a 4 megapixel camera (pixel size: approximately 90 um). | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL1650 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 Shallow {UVP5} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study large (>100 µm) particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP sizes marine snow, aggregates > 100 µm and images plankton > 500 µm and can be operated as a stand-alone system or deployed on a Rosette frame, ROV, AUV or mooring. The UVP5 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in 100 µs flashes. The typical light beam illuminates an area of 4x20 centimetres which gives a sampling volume of 1 litre per image. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the distribution of particles and fauna can be displayed in real time integrated with the CTD metadata. The high-resolution digital image can then be processed by the computer. Optional telemetry. The imaging rate is 20 images per second. The system is depth-rated to 600 m. The shallow model is only available with a standard definition camera. | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL2109 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 StandarD {UVP5} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 100 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 700 um. It is usually operated as a stand-alone system, attached to a CTD-Rosette frame. The UVP5 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 1 litre per image which are acquired and processed at up to 20 Hz. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The standard model is equipped with a 1.3 megapixel camera (pixel size: 140-184 um). | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL2106 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 5 standard Zoomed {UVP5} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 100 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 700 um. It is usually operated as a stand-alone system, attached to a CTD-Rosette frame. The UVP5 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 1 litre per image which are acquired and processed at up to 20 Hz. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The zoomed model is equipped with a 1.3 megapixel camera (pixel size: approximately 1204 um). | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL2107 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 6 High Frequency {UVP6} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 60 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 620 um. The UVP6 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from a red laser diode in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 0.6 litre per image and the pixel size is 73 um. The images can be acquired at up to 20 Hz. The system weighs 1.6Kg in water and consumes very low power. It has been utilised in long term mooring, cabled observatories, CTD-rosette frames, gliders, AUVs, profiling floats and drifting lines. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The High frequency model is fitted with a powerful image processor allowing acquisition and processing of images at up to 20 Hz (max power = 6 W). | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL1578 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 6 LP {UVP6} imaging sensor | A submersible imaging sensor designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 60 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 620 um. The UVP6 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from a red laser diode in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 0.6 litre per image and the pixel size is 73 um. The images can be acquired at up to 20 Hz. The system weighs 1.6 kg in water and consumes very low power. It has been utilised in long term mooring, cabled observatories, CTD-rosette frames, gliders, AUVs, profiling floats and drifting lines. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The low power model is fitted with a low power image processor allowing to adjust the mean power (<0.8 W) according to the acquisition rate (<1.3 Hz). | 2024-10-03 |
TOOL2141 | Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler 6 {UVP6} imaging sensor series | A series of submersible imaging sensors incorporating the UVP 6 High Frequency (HF) model and Low Power (LP) model. Designed to study particles and zooplankton simultaneously and to quantify them in a known volume of water. The UVP counts and sizes all objects > 60 um and records images of aggregates and plankton > 620 um. The UVP6 acquires only in-focus images in a volume of water delimited by a light beam issued from a red laser diode in approximately 100 microsecond flashes. The collimated light beam illuminates a sampling volume of approximately 0.6 litre per image and the pixel size is 73 um. The images can be acquired at up to 20 Hz. The system weighs 1.6Kg in water and consumes very low power. It has been utilised in long term mooring, cabled observatories, CTD-rosette frames, gliders, AUVs, profiling floats and drifting lines. When interfaced with conventional CTD measuring devices, the total abundance of particles can be displayed in real time, integrated with the CTD data. The system has a typical depth range of 6000 m. The High Frequency model is fitted with a powerful image processor allowing acquisition and processing of images at up to 20 Hz (max power = 6 W). The Low Power model is fitted with a low power image processor allowing to adjust the mean power (<0.8 W) according to the acquisition rate (<1.3 Hz). | 2025-03-24 |
TOOL1581 | Hydroptic ZooSCAN imaging sensor | The ZooScan (Gorsky et al., 2010) is a plankton scanner designed for benchtop applications. It produces and analyses high-resolution digital images of net or bottle-collected zooplankton samples in a fast and semi-automatic way. It allows collection of data on rapidly degenerating gelatinous plankton. The device uses scanner technology with custom lighting and a watertight scanning chamber into which the sample (liquid containing zooplankton organisms) can be placed. The scanner then makes a digital, high-resolution image of the sample enabling optimization of all objects above 200 µm equivalent spherical diameter. Image resolution can be up to 4800 dpi (dots per inch) and each image is 14 150 pixels by 22 640 pixels and may contain hundreds to thousands of individual zooplankton organisms. The analysis is non-destructive since the liquid sample scanned can be recovered without damage through a drainage channel. The device also has built-in features making it possible to standardize the images of different ZooScans, to remote control the image generation, and to build a common image database. | 2021-01-28 |
TOOL0282 | Hygrometer | A generic term for a device that measures atmospheric humidity. The term is for use where details of the make, model number and measurement principle are not known. | 2010-05-18 |
NETT0201 | ICES MIK Midwater Ringnet | A plankton net composing of a rigid 2 m diameter ring frame mounted to a nylon gauze conical net. It is designed for sampling of larval herring and other similar species between 2 and 3 cm in length. The design was used for the sampling of fish larvae during the North Sea International Bottom Survey Trawl in 1977 (first quarter). Additional features include a codend bucket, a pair of 10 m bridles for towing, a depressor (approximately 25 kg or more) with 3 m bridles, a flowmeter for filtered volume determination and a depth gauge for monitoring net depth. The net iteself is 13m long and of 1.6 mm pore. In the last metre of net, a 500 um net is inserted. The net is designed for oblique haul profiles at a maximum tow depth of 100 m. | 2022-09-30 |
NETT0070 | ICITA plankton net - Jossi (1966) | A 100 cm diameter mouth opening with a conical net with a short (18cm) section of canvas and a 330 cm length section of 0.281 mm Nitex nylon mesh. Used with a flowmeter. The standard net used during the International Cooperative Investigations of the Tropical Atlantic [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 2 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0562 | IFM Kiel clean pumped sea water supply | A system designed for continuous, underway, clean sampling of near-surface waters. A hollow stainless steel shaft holding a high density polyethylene (HDPE) tube is submerged beneath a vessel through a hole in the hull. The inlet head is located 1.7 m below the keel and features a sieve-like Teflon cap. Water is pumped from the inlet through a serial ball-valve panel from which it can be directed to different sampling facilities. Flow is maintained by chemically inert double membrane pump driven by compressed air. HDPE tubing is used throughout the system and the valves are composed of polypropylene and Teflon, thereby ensuring that the sampled water remains clean and suitable for trace metal analyses. The system was developed by what was then the Institut fur Meereskunde at Kiel University. | 2012-10-15 |
TOOL0833 | IXBlue Hydrins inertial navigation system | An inertial navigation system for use in multibeam echo sounder systems. It uses fibre optic gyros and accelorometers to determine heading, attitude and position (via dead reckoning). The unit can accept positional aiding from Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Doppler Velocity Logs (DVL). There has been more than one generation of the unit, however, the heading accuracy is typically better than 0.02 deg and the roll or pitch accuracy is better than 0.01 deg. The navigation system was first manufactured by IXSea which is now part of IXBlue. | 2015-02-19 |
TOOL0304 | IXSEA Photonic Inertial Navigation System | PHINS, or PHotonic Inertial Navigation System (INS) that outputs position, heading, pitch, roll, heave, depth and velocity. The PHINS uses a high accuracy inertial measurement unit and produces positional data with an accuracy ranging from metres to cm, depending on the specific instrumentation setup. INS drift performance is known to be inadequate without a velocity input from an ADCP. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0874 | IXSea Magis magnetometer | A towed magnetometer designed for the detection of buried objects, cables and pipework, shipwrecks and salvage items. It uses Dynamic Nuclear Polarization technology with closed loop processing. The fish can be coupled to acquisition systems for real-time mapping and has a maximum tow speed of 12 kts. Depth rating/sensitivity: 300 m/0.0035 nT/(Hz)^0.5 (MAGIS 300), 2000 m/0.0035 nT/(Hz)^0.5 (MAGIS 2000). | 2015-06-08 |
TOOL0861 | Idronaut Ocean Seven 304 CTD | A low powered micro conductivity temperature depth (CTD) recorder containing 512 Mb logging memory, selectable conductivity range and fast sampling rate between 0.1 - 8 Hz. It can be optionally equipped with a highly accurate Precise pressure transducer, IDRONAUT OEM Turbidity Meter and IDRONAUT dissolved oxygen sensor. | 2015-05-27 |
TOOL1306 | Idronaut Ocean Seven 316 plus CTD | An underwater CTD probe designed for on-line profiling or used in self-recording applications such as on moorings or AUVs. It comprises a piezoresistive pressure transducer, a platinum resistance thermometer, a platinum seven-ring quartz conductivity cell, a pressure-compensated polarographic oxygen sensor, a pH glass sensor and solid gel pH reference probe. The conductivity cell employs a large diameter (8 mm) and a short length (46 mm) which facilitates self-flushing and prevents clogging. The conductivity cell design does not require platinum black deposition and can be cleaned in the field without re-calibrating. The probe can accommodate up to 16 auxiliary sensors. The probe can be interfaced with a telemetry deck unit for real-time data acquisitions. It is depth rated to 7000 dbar. Pressure accuracy: 0.01 - 0.05 % FS. Temperature accuracy: 0.002 deg C. Conductivity accuracy: 0.003 mS/cm. | 2019-02-06 |
TOOL0213 | Idronaut Ocean Seven 320 CTD | A fast response, multi-parameter conductivity, temperature and depth probe. It can be fitted with an additional (redundant) pair of conductivity and temperature sensors allowing the precision and quality of the data to be checked. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1665 | Ifremer Chemical Miniaturised Analyser deep sea version Fe {CHEMINI} iron analyser | An in-situ wet chemistry analyser. It is used for deep-sea surveys using, for example, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and deep-sea observatory rigs. It measures iron. It uses flow injection analysis with colorimetry detection. It consists of a hydraulic module with pumps used for the circulation of reagents, standards and samples, and a detection module that holds the colorimeter and optical cell. It uses a measurement wavelength of 570 nm (810 nm reference wavelength). Sample rate is 4 min. Accuracy is 6 uM Fe and sensitivity is 0.3 uM Fe. It is depth rated to 6000 m. | 2021-03-23 |
NETT0202 | Ifremer mesopelagos net | A plankton net composing of an 8.4 m diameter rectangular frame mounted to a 12.6 m net, with an opening mouth area of 50 m squared. It is used to determine the composition of zooplankton and micronekton layers, and it can harvest samples of micronektonic fauna (fish, molluscs, crustaceans, jellyfish) of 1 to 30 cm long, as well as large mesozooplankton. The net itself features varying mesh sizes throughout its length; mesh size at the mouth is 30 mm and gradually reduces to 4 mm at the cod end. Designed for oblique-horizontal or oblique tows at trawl speeds of2 to 4 knots. | 2022-10-04 |
TOOL1580 | Ifremer-LDCM FastCAM (Prototype) Flow Imaging Microscope - Karlson et al. (2017) | The FastCam system is an automated imaging-in-flow instrument that generates high-resolution digital images for measuring size and shape of microscopic particles. An LED driven by a control box emits light pulses of 5 µs duration. Light is injected into a large core diameter (1 mm) optical fibre to homogenize the beam. Light out of the optical fiber illuminates a flow cell (or flow chamber). A 10X magnification microscope objective associated with a tube lens images the organisms that circulate in the flow cell on a camera. The frame grabbing is synchronized with the LED emission. The FastCam is an imaging-only system (i.e. without excitation wavelength or fluorescence emission wavelengths). The camera is high-resolution (2 Megapixels) and can capture up to 340 frames/second. It can image particles between 10µm and 1mm, can analyse in vivo or fixed samples, and has a sampling rate of 54ml/h. | 2021-01-26 |
TOOL0950 | Imagenex 853 Echo Sounder | Scientific echo sounder with data logger. This single beam echo sounder operates at a frequency of 120 kHz with a maximum detectable range of 100 m and maximum operating depth of 1000m. It is of compact size and can be mounted on unmanned submersibles such as sea gliders, ROVs etc. | 2015-12-01 |
TOOL1364 | Imagenex 881A Digital Multi-Frequency (imaging) singlebeam echosounder | A programmable multi-frequency digital scanning imaging single-beam echosounder. It is used for a variety of applications including surveying, dive support, search and recovery, underwater inspection and archaeology, and scientific research. It can be mounted on small vessels or on ROV, AUV and UUVs. Imaging sonar is primarily used for visual interpretation and uses a fan-shaped acoustic beam to scan a specified area or target. The 881A Imaging has default operating frequencies of 310 kHz, 675 kHz or 1MHz, but other frequencies are tunable from 280 kHz to 1.1 MHz in 5 kHz steps via programmable software configurations. The beam width varies from 2.4 to 1.4 degrees depending on the frequency specified. The aluminium-housed instrument can operate up to 1000 m depth; a titanium-housed version is also available which operates up to 3000 m depth. At a range of 1 m to 4 m, it has a resolution of 2mm. At a range of 5 m or greater, it has a resolution of 10 mm. The minimum detectable range is 150 mm. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1363 | Imagenex 881A Digital Multi-Frequency (profiling) singlebeam echosounder | A programmable multi-frequency digital scanning profiling single-beam echosounder. It is used for a variety of applications including surveying, dam face inspection, pipeline inspection, underwater archaeology and scientific research. It can be mounted on small vessels or on ROV, AUV and UUVs. Profiling sonar is primarily used for quantitative measurements where a narrow, conically shaped beam generates a single point per ping. The 881A Profiling has a default operating frequency of 675 kHz, but other frequencies are tunable from 600 kHz to 1 MHz in 5 kHz steps via programmable software configurations. The beam width varies from 0.9 x 10 degrees to 4 x 20 degrees depending on the frequency specified. The aluminium-housed instrument can operate up to 1000 m depth; a titanium-housed version is also available which operates up to 3000 m depth. At a range of 1 m to 4 m, it has a resolution of 2mm. At a range of 5 m or greater, it has a resolution of 10 mm. The minimum detectable range is 150 mm. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1500 | Imagenex Delta T 837 (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multiple receiver sonar system designed to provide video-like imaging with all the advantages of underwater sonar. Recent advances in computing power have made it possible to transfer and process this data at resolutions equal to computer monitor resolution, and with image frame rates of better than 20 frames per second. Digital signal processing is used to optimize data usage from all channels to achieve the best possible resolution at every point in the field of view. The instrument is made from 6061-T6 Aluminium, Epoxy and PVC, with a Stainless Steel connector. Frequency: 260 kHz. Effective beam width: 3 degrees, 1.5 degrees, or 0.75 degrees. Beams: 120, 240, 480. The maximum operating depth is 300 meters. | 2020-07-22 |
TOOL1501 | Imagenex Delta T 837A 3000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multiple receiver sonar system designed to provide video-like imaging with all the advantages of underwater sonar. Innovative digital signal processing is used to optimize data usage from all channels to achieve the best possible resolution at every point in the field of view. Recent advances in computing power have made it possible to transfer and process this data at resolutions equal to computer monitor resolution, and with image frame rates of better than 20 frames per second. The Aluminium unit is made from 6061-T6 Aluminium, Epoxy, and PVC, with an Aluminium connector. The Stainless Steel unit is made from 316 Stainless Steel, Epoxy, and PVC, with a Stainless Steel connector Frequency: 260 kHz. Effective beam width: 3 degrees, 1.5 degrees, 0.75 degrees. Beams: 120, 240, 480. The maximum operating depth is 3000 meters. | 2020-07-22 |
TOOL1342 | Imagenex Delta T 837B (profiling) multibeam echosounder series | A series of multibeam (swath) echosounders with video-imaging capability. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The system uses 120, 260 or optional 675 kHz acoustic frequencies to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor depending on the sub-model used. The field of view ranges from 120 x 2.5 degrees, 120 x 3 degrees or 120 x 20 degrees. Operating depth ranges from 300 - 6000 m using stainless steel, aluminium or titanium housing. All models operate with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths) and have a resolution of 0.02% of the range. Image update rate is 20 fps. The system can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction, which may limit operating depth to either 300 m or 2000 m. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL0916 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 1000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that operates to 1000 m. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor uses a 260 kHz acoustic frequency and 120 x 3 degrees field of view to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor can be fitted with either stainless steel or aluminium housing as standard; or an optional 675 kHz acoustic frequency. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction which may limit depth. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1343 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 120 kHz (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that uses a 120 kHz acoustic frequency. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor measures the depth and nature of the sea floor using a field of view of 120 x 2.5 degrees. The 2.5 degree field of view is applicable to obstacle avoidance in near-bottom applications where the narrow vertical extent of the beam reduces false obstacle detection. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor can be fitted with either stainless steel or aluminium housing as standard. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Operating depth is 1000 m. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction which may limit depth. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1347 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 120 x 20 degrees (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that operates with a 120 x 20 degrees field of view. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor uses a 260 kHz acoustic frequency to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor is fitted with stainless steel housing as standard; or an optional 675 kHz acoustic frequency. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Operting depth is 300 m. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1346 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 300 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that operates to 300 m. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor uses a 260 kHz acoustic frequency and 120 x 3 degrees field of view to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor is fitted with stainless steel housing as standard; or an optional 675 kHz acoustic frequency. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1345 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 4000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that operates to 4000 m. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor uses a 260 kHz acoustic frequency and 120 x 3 degrees field of view to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor is fitted with titanium housing as standard. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction which may limit depth. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1344 | Imagenex Delta T 837B 6000 m (profiling) multibeam echosounder | A multibeam (swath) echosounder with video-imaging capability that operates to 6000 m. The Delta T is designed for low power consumption without a surface control box enabling it to be integrated into ROV and AUV systems. The sensor uses a 260 kHz acoustic frequency and 120 x 3 degrees field of view to measure the depth and nature of the sea floor. Operates with 120, 240 or 480 beams (3, 1.5 or 0.75 degree beam widths). Sensor is fitted with titanium housing as standard. Resolution is 0.02% of the range. Can be combined with an azimuth drive to obtain readings from direction which may limit depth. | 2019-08-01 |
TOOL1965 | Imenco SDS 12100 (digital stills) camera | A camera system designed for use both on large work ROV systems as well as small observation systems. The image-recording format is JPEG. It is available in 3000m standard version, SDS12100T titanium 6000m version, and SDS12100A aluminium 2000m version. It has a 3x Zoom 7.9-23.7 Carl Zeiss lens. | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL1931 | Imenco Tiger Shark camera | A subsea digital still camera with stand-alone or remotely operated vehicle (ROV) research purpose applications. The camera is software controlled via Ethernet, featuring an integrated flash and an available timer function. Image format outputs as JPEG onto a composite secure digital (SD) card. View angle in water is 49deg (diagonally) and 39deg (horizontally). Depth rating is 3000 m (duplex) or 6000 m (titanium). Image quality is 14 megapixels, with 4x optical zoom. | 2023-06-02 |
TOOL1418 | Impact Subsea ISA500 with Pitch, Roll and Heading (AHRS) Altimeter and echosounder | An altimeter and echo sounder. This instrument is designed to measure distance to the seabed, but it can also be used in other underwater applications where distances need to be measured and monitored. The device is designed to be mounted on ships, boats, ROV, etc. Some of the applications include ROV and AUV Altitude, Heading and Attitude, Scour Monitoring, Hydro-graphic Survey, Touchdown Monitoring, Wave Height Measurement, Under Ice Measurement, Equipment Deployment, Motion Reference, Underwater Positioning. In addition to Altitude, the ISA500 provides Heading, Pitch and Roll as well as Temperature. Heading, Pitch and Roll readings are provided a MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) sensor located within the unit. Temperature is measured by a sensor, which sits against the ISA500 end cap. The ISA500 falls into a category of a sonar, as it relies on underwater acoustics in ranging purposes. It operates by transmitting an acoustic pulse into the water, which travels until it comes into contact with the seabed. Upon contact with the seabed, part of the pulse is absorbed, and part is reflected back to the transmitter, which records the time between transmitted and reflected signal. Knowing the speed of sound in water and the time between transmitted and received (reflected) signal, once can calculate the distance. The key characteristics of ISA500 include: ranging capabilities (1-120+ m) with 1 mm resolution; heading, pitch and roll; temperature. Optional configurations include: depth rating of 1000m, 6000m or 11000m; housed in a compact titanium or lightweight acetal housing; available in forward looking and right angle housing configurations; Pitch, Roll and Heading (AHRS). Range: 0.1m to 120m (1mm resolution); Heading accuracy: +/- 1deg (0.1deg resolution); Pitch (+/- 90deg) and Roll (+/- 180deg): Accuracy 0.2deg (0.1deg resolution); Beam angle: 6deg conical at 500kHz. | 2020-04-17 |
TOOL2102 | In-Situ Aqua TROLL 500 multiparameter sonde | The Aqua TROLL 500 is a fully customizable five-port multiparameter sonde with capacity for four interchangeable sensors and an antifouling wiper, designed for spot-checking and profiling applications or long-term monitoring, depending on method of communication between instrument and operator. This instruments smartphone interface enables simplified calibration, panoramic data view, and report creation. vented and non-vented options are available, as well as the addition of a range of sensors including CTD and nutrient sensors. Pressure rating up to 150 PSI. Operating temperature: -5 to 50 degrees C. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL2100 | In-Situ Aqua TROLL 600 multiparameter sonde | The Aqua TROLL 600 is a fully customizable five-port multiparameter sonde with capacity for four interchangeable sensors and an antifouling wiper, designed for short-term and long-term deployment. This instruments smartphone interface enables simplified calibration, panoramic data view, and report creation. vented and non-vented options are available, as well as the addition of a range of sensors including CTD and nutrient sensors. Pressure rating up to 350 PSI. Operating temperature: -5 to 50 degrees C. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL2103 | In-Situ Aqua TROLL 700 multiparameter sonde | The Aqua TROLL 700 is a fully customizable, seven-port multiparameter sonde with capacity for six interchangeable sensors and an antifouling wiper, designed for spot-checking and profiling applications or long-term monitoring, depending on method of communication between instrument and operator. This instruments smartphone interface enables simplified calibration, live time-series data view, and report creation. vented and non-vented options are available, as well as the addition of a range of sensors including CTD and nutrient sensors. Pressure rating up to 350 PSI. Operating temperature: -5 to 50 degrees C. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL2104 | In-Situ Aqua TROLL 800 multiparameter sonde | The Aqua TROLL 800 is a fully customizable, seven-port multiparameter sonde, with capacity for six interchangeable sensors and an antifouling wiper, designed for short-term or long-term deployments in fresh water or saltwater, surface water or groundwater. The Aqua TROLL 800 features long-lasting battery power and a smartphone interface that enables simplified calibration, live time-series data view, and report creation. vented and non-vented options are available, as well as the addition of a range of sensors including CTD and nutrient sensors. Pressure rating up to 350 PSI. Operating temperature: -5 to 50 degrees C. | 2024-09-23 |
NETT0075 | Indian Ocean standard net - Currie (1963) | Net has a 113 cm diameter mouth with 3 cylinder sections 70 cm (12.5 mm mesh), 30 cm (sail cloth, and 100 cm (0.330 mm nylon mesh) and a conical section 300 cm (0.333 mm mesh). No closing mechanism is used in standard haul. Flowmeter use is recommended. It was based on the Discovery N 100 net. Used during the UK NIO Indian Ocean Expedition of the 1960s [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 G]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1753 | Industrial Instruments and Supplies Psychro-Dyne Celsius Black Organic psychrometer | A portable instrument designed to measure air temperature, relative humidity (RH) and dew point by the wet and dry bulb method. Users wet the wick on the wet bulb, turn the instrument on, and allow the constant aspiration rate to cause the depression in wet bulb temperature. Users then subtract wet bulb reading from dry bulb reading, and use the included slide rule and tables to calculate RH. It uses 3 D cell batteries as a power source which can produce 1000 readings. Steady aspiration allows readings in 1 to 2 minutes. It has greater than 1 percent accuracy for RH and greater than 0.25 percent accuracy on the thermometers temperature determination. It measures from -10 to +60 degC for RH and dewpoint, and from -15 to +45 degC for temperature. | 2021-12-01 |
TOOL1084 | Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer | A cross-nadir, hyperspectral infrared sounder, designed to measure temperature, humidity, ozone profile and total-column reactive trace gases and greenhouse gases in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. The observations retrieved by the IASI instrument are primarily used to support numerical weather prediction. Measurements are carried out by an infrared imager and a calibrated Fourier Transform Spectrometer for passive infrared remote-sensing. A Michelson interferometer with 8461 channels is used for the optical configuration of the sounder. The spectrometer operates in the (3.6 - 15.5) um spectral range, equivalent to (645 - 2760) cm^-1; the spectral resolution is 0.25 cm^-1. The imager operates in the (10.3 - 12.5) um spectral range. The swath width is approximately 2130 km. Cross-track scans consist of 30 steps of 48 km at sub-satellite point, whilst along-track scans cover one line of 48 km every 8 seconds. The horizontal resolution is 4 by 12 km near the centre of a (48 by 48) km^2 cell, whilst the vertical resolution in the lower troposphere is 1 km. Flown on Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/207 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1932 | Insite Pacific Mini Zeus camera | A high definition (HD) complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) colour zoom video camera. High-definition television (HDTV) provides 2 million pixels compared to roughly 410,000 of a standard definition TV system. The camera can be provided in a housing rated from 1000 to 7000 metres depth. A glass hemispherical viewport and Insite's bespoke corrected optical lens system significantly reduces geometric and chromatic distortion. Standard outputs are either high-definition analog component (Y/Pb/Pr) and standard definition VBS or Y/C video, in addition to HD: 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 720p/59.94, 729p/50, and standard definition (SD): NTSC or PAL crop or squeeze. An optional 1.5 Gbps HD-SDI video converter mounted inside the pressure housing with a fibre optic connector can provide transmission of the video signal for distances of up to 10 km. Optional Insite camera/lens controller functionality can allow the user to control zoom, focus and iris. The camera features a 10 x zoom 5.1 - 51 mm wide angle or telephoto lens, with 100 or 10.8deg (diagonal), 85 or 8.8deg (horizontal), and 64 or 6.6deg (vertical) angles of view respectively. | 2023-06-02 |
TOOL1933 | Insite Pacific Pegasus camera | A high-resolution charge-coupled device (CCD) colour zoom video camera. The Pegasus has an 18 x optical zoom lens and 12 x digital zoom with auto focus capability. The camera is supplied in a titanium housing, depth rated to 4500 metres. The camera has applications in remotely operated vehicles (ROV) as a main colour zoom camera, underwater security and surveillance, or environmental and archaeological surveys. The camera features a 4.1 - 73.8 mm wide angle or telephoto lens, with 66 or 5.37deg (diagonal), 55 or 4.4deg (horizontal), and 43 or 3.3deg (vertical) angles of view respectively. | 2023-06-02 |
TOOL1934 | Insite Pacific Super Scorpio camera | A subsea digital still and television camera with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) applications. The camera is a 12.3-megapixel Sony HDR-CX560V video camera that records continuous 1080i video and captures ultra-high-definition JPEG stills at 4672 x 2628 pixel resolution. Sony Exmor back-illuminated complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology increases sensitivity as compared to a conventional front illuminated sensor. The Super Scorpio features 65 GB of internal flash memory and a 10 x optical zoom lens (26.3 - 263 mm in 35 mm format). Focal distance is f = 3.8 - 38 mm. Aperture is F1.8 - F9.6. | 2023-06-02 |
TOOL1935 | Insite Pacific Zeus Plus camera | A high definition (HD) 3-charge-coupled device (CCD) colour video camera. High-definition television (HDTV) provides 2.2 million pixels compared to roughly 410,000 of a standard definition TV system. The camera produces a horizontal resolution of 1000 television lines. The camera can be provided in a housing rated from 1000 to 7000 metres depth. A glass hemispherical viewport and Insite's bespoke corrected optical lens system significantly reduces geometric and chromatic distortion. Standard outputs are high-definition analog component (Y/Pb/Pr) or R/G/B, and HD-serial digital interface (SDI) digital video output. Insite camera/lens controller functionality can allow the user to control zoom, focus and iris. The camera features a 10 x zoom 5.2 - 52 mm wide angle or telephoto lens, with 85 or 11deg (diagonal), 78 or 9.5deg (horizontal), and 49 or 5.5deg (vertical) angles of view respectively. | 2023-06-05 |
TOOL0359 | Institut Francais du Petrole Flexotir seismic source | A seismic source whereby small charges (50-150g) are propelled through a rubber hose by water under pressure into an empty, perforated sphere where they are detonated. The holes in the sphere allow the water repelled by the explosion to flow in and out, thus dissipating some of the energy in the bubble effect. Flexotir was commonly used as an energy source for seafloor seismic surveys during the 1970s. | 2010-11-24 |
TOOL0360 | Institut Francais du Petrole Geomecanique hydrophone array | A collection of underwater microphones mounted in cable designed to be towed behind a ship. | 2010-11-24 |
TOOL1264 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 30 kHz side scan sonar | A side scan sonar operating at 30 kHz, manufactured by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Southampton). It has a swath range of 6 km, pulse length of 2.8 ms, array length of 3 m, and a fan beam pattern of 0.8 x 45 degrees. This instrument was fitted on TOBI, a deep-towed multi-sensor sonar system deployed in 1999 during cruise JR39b. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL1265 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 7.5 kHz profiling sonar | A sub-bottom profiling sonar operating at 7.5 kHz, designed to detect soft sediment thickness and layering beneath the sea bed. The instrument was manufactured by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Southampton). It has a pulse length of 0.26 ms, and a penetration range of up to 70 m over soft sediment at a resolution of less than 1 m. The instrument has a transducer which operates with a conical beam pattern of 25 degrees. This instrument was fitted on TOBI, a deep-towed multi-sensor sonar system deployed in 1999 during cruise JR39b. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL0594 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences MkII bottom pressure recorder | The instrument comprised a strain gauge, vibrating wire or quartz pressure sensor and a temperature sensor in a self-contained housing connected to release and senor electronics, a data logger and battery pack located in an aluminium sphere. The logger was able to sample at intervals between 1.875 and 60 minutes with the inputs sampled continuously to give data values integrated over virtually the whole sampling interval. | 2013-01-23 |
TOOL0227 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences MkIII bottom pressure recorder | A deep water (300-5000m) seafloor pressure gauge designed and built by IOS Bidston (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory) with two pressure transducers and PRT sea temperature sensors coupled to a 12-channel commercial data logger in a spherical pressure housing. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0226 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences MkIV bottom pressure recorder | A deep water (300-5000m) seafloor pressure gauge designed and built by IOS Bidston (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory) with an internal casette tape data logger recording Bell and Howell strain gauges and/or Digiquartz pressure sensors. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL2028 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences box corer - Calvert et al (1980) | A box corer for sampling of interfaces without disturbance in a range of sedimentary areas. The corer generally samples the underlying sediment to a depth of 20-60cm. The corer consists of a stainless-steel box, 30cm square and 120cm in length. The weight of the corer is 600kg, including 20 removable weights totalling 200kg. On one side the box is provided with two long Perspex windows for initial observation of the core, in the other side there are small sampling ports down the length of the box. The box corer is deployed from, and recovered to, a stand which is bolted onto the working deck. The stand keeps the corer in the upright position. The corer is deployed with the shovels in the fully open position, and at a speed determined by the type of sample and type of sediment. When the corer hits the bottom, the no-load release is activated, the warp is then hauled slowly closing the shovels and lifting the corer from the bottom. | 2024-05-16 |
TOOL0080 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences psychrometer | A psychrometer designed by Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (now National Oceanography Centre) to measure wet and dry bulb atmospheric temperature. The instrument consisted of two similar thermometers that were mounted side by side. The dry bulb has its bulb exposed to the air; the wet bulb was wrapped in an absorbent material (muslin), which was immersed in water and served as a wick. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0612 | Institute of Oceanographic Sciences shipborne wave recorder | A vessel-mounted wave recorder comprising a pair of heave transducers (accelerometers), a pair of pressure transducers, a signal processing unit and a data recorder. One heave transducer (measures long-period waves) and one pressure transducer (measures short-period waves) are mounted together on each side of the vessel close to the centre of pitch and 1-3m below the water-line to reduce the influence of pitch and roll. Waves of up to 30m height and 25 seconds period can be measured; the lower detectable limit depends on the installation depth of the pressure units. More information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/45603/. | 2013-04-11 |
NETT0074 | International Council for the Exploration of the Seas standard net - Ostenfeld and Jespersen (1924) | Net has 50 cm diameter mouth with 60 cm cylindrical portion of 1 cm mesh, 200 cm conical section of silk (No. 25 or No 3). This net is used for both vertical and horizontal closing tows (based on the Nansen net). A unique way to avoid ship motion described using two davits and a counter balancing weight [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0154 | Interocean S4 current meter | Basic elecromagnetic current meter with two pairs of internal electrodes and a flux-gate compass with integral data logger | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0156 | Interocean S4A current meter | Advanced elecromagnetic current meter with two pairs of internal electrodes and a flux-gate compass with high capacity integral data logger. Includes adaptive current sampling as standard. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0153 | Interocean S4AD current meter | A current meter is designed to directly measure the true magnitude and direction current motion in any water environment using two pairs of titanium electrodes located symmetrically on the equator of the sensor. An internal flux-gate compass provides heading information, used to reference current direction to magnetic North or, for fixed installations, the instrument may be operated in an X-Y orthogonal mode whereby the current vector can be referenced to a landform or structure. It can be deployed upto depths of 6000m. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/40555/. The "A" designation indicates advanced current measurement with adaptive sampling as standard. The "D" indicates a pressure-hardened casing. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0157 | Interocean S4DW current meter directional wave monitor | Instrument combines electromagnetic current sensors and a high precision pressure sensor to measure wave orbital current components,directional wave spectra and tides. Incorporates programmable burst mode sampling and a very high capacity data logger. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0155 | Interocean S4R current meter | Basic elecromagnetic current meter with two pairs of internal electrodes and a flux-gate compass with no integral data logger. Designed for real-time monitoring applications. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1034 | Inverted Microscope (generic) | A generic term for an inverted (the light source illuminates the specimen from above) optical microscope. | 2016-11-10 |
TOOL0968 | Ionicon PTR-QMS series proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer | A series of mass spectrometers that monitor real-time levels of volatile organic compound (VOC). A variety of inlet systems are available. Gas samples are directly injected and detected using Proton Transfer Reaction (PTR) ionisation and quadrupole mass spectrometry. During analysis, soft ionisation is realised by proton transfer from H3O+ ions to all compounds with a higher proton affinity than water. Common constituents of air such as N2 , O2 , Ar, CO2 etc. have lower proton affinities than H2O and are therefore not ionised. Ultra-sensitive and compact variants are available. Dection limit: < 1 pptv - 300 pptv. Response time: 100 ms. | 2016-02-29 |
NETT0076 | Isaacs high-speed sampler - Ahlstrom (1958) | Construction comprises a 2.5 cm mouth opening expanding to a diameter of 7.6 cm; overall length of 130 cm. The plankton filter is a cylinder of Monel metal mesh (23 mesh per cm) ~5.2 cm in diameter and 36 cm long. System equipped with a flowmeter and depth sensor (from bathythermograph) and a recording unit utilizing clear 35 mm acetate film. Can be towed up 10 knots. Can be put anywhere on cable and multiple units can be towed simultaneously [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 15 B] | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0071 | Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl - Isaacs and Kidd (1953) | A trawl with a pentagonal mouth opening and a dihedral depressor vane as part of the mouth opening. The original IKMTs were 10 foot (304 cm), and 15 foot (457 cm) at the mouth. The 10 foot IKMT net was 31 feet (9.45 m) in length [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 3 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1168 | IsoPrime100 Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer | A gas-source laboratory benchtop isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), which operates in dual inlet or continuous flow modes. It forms part of the IsoPrime system which has a range of sample preparation and purification modules that can be coupled with the IsoPrime100 IRMS. The modules can analyse a range of samples (solids, liquids or gases) and each prepares the sample to be introduced into the IRMS as purified gases. The resultant prepared gases are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic content by the IRMS. The IsoPrime100 offers standard analysis of d13C, d18O, d15N and d34S using the IsoPrime Universal triple Collector (UTC), featuring patented high-performance Faraday buckets and automatic gain-switching. Due to its capacity to detect and measure up to ten ion beams simultaneously, the IsoPrime100 can also be used for multi-collector applications such as bromine isotopes, N2O isopromers, SO2-SO fractions and CO2 clumped isotopes, as well as other bespoke configurations. It has a sensitivity of 850 molecules per ion in dual inlet mode and 1200 molecules per ion in continuous flow mode. | 2017-11-21 |
TOOL1966 | JASCO AMAR G3 acoustic recorder | An autonomous underwater acoustic and oceanographic data recorder designed for ultra-low power usage and high data quality. The AMAR G3 is available as a standard model depth rated to 250 m, or as a deep model rated to 2500 m. Features efficient power use for long deployments of up to one year, and an extremely low noise floor. Has up to eight hydrophones sampled at 24-bit resolution at rates up to 128 ksps, and a high-speed, 16-bit acoustic channel at up to 687.5 ksps. Customisable to include oceanographic sensors (e.g. oxygen, salinity, acidity/pH, depth, turbidity, and temperature). Multiple digital and analog interfaces to support oceanographic data sensors or integration into existing systems. Up to 1792 GB solid-state storage memory. Highly configurable duty-cycling and recording options. Autonomous recording or real-time data streaming via cable or telemetry system. Operating temperature of -5 to 50 degC. Example frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 150 kHz. Sample rate of 1 Hz. | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL1894 | JASCO OceanObserver acoustic monitoring system | A submersible real-time acoustic monitoring system for marine mammal detection, identification, and localisation, ambient and vessel noise quantification, and wind and tidal energy monitoring. The JASCO OceanObserver has applications on drifters, acoustic profiling floats, gliders, buoys, and other autonomous vehicles. The OceanObserver system records the underwater sounds while running automated cetacean detectors that flag possible marine mammal calls or other events of interest by use of onboard detection algorithms tailored to species and call types of choice, as part of JASCO's PAMlab INT (integrated) software. Features local and global data telemetry via Wi-Fi, VHF, Iridium, cellular, serial, Ethernet, or acoustic modem, and wireless control via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. For bandwidth-limited telemetry like cellular and Iridium, the OceanObserver converts the detection spectrograms into frequency contours and ranks them by priority. The events are relayed via satellite and delivered by email. The processed events are prioritised so that important events, like detections of species at risk, are sent first, making best use of the communication window. The OceanObserver was designed with modular components to tailor the system to the application, and up to 10 TB memory capacity on removable SD cards. The system features up to 16 mid-speed acoustic channels at 8 - 128 ksps, 8 channels at 8 - 256 ksps, 4 channels at 8 - 512 ksps, or 1 high-speed channel at 2048 ksps. Spectra noise floor is better than -150 dB re FS per square root Hz at 8 - 512 ksps or better than -145 dB re FS per square root Hz at 2048 ksps. Standard hydrophone sensitivities are -164 dB re 1 V/μPa at 1 kHz or -210 dB re 1 V/μPa at 1 kHz. | 2023-01-25 |
TOOL1360 | JFE Advantech AAQ-RINKO 176 1.06 {AAQ176} water quality profiler | A water quality profiler featuring an array of 8 sensors in a titanium-housed unit: fast-response optical dissolved oxygen sensor; pressure sensor; chlorophyll sensor; turbidity sensor; pH sensor; temperature sensor; salinity sensor; quantum light sensor. The AAQ-176 features 4 GB internal memory and can be handled by three different processing units. The Printer Unit is designed for full-scale ocean surveys, featuring graph-drawing and GPS positioning. The Hand-Held Unit is fully portable, but also allows real-time monitoring via PC. The Interface Module is available in two modes (standard and splash-proof), allowing real-time data sampling and monitoring via PC, plus post-processing software if required. The unit is rated from 0-100m depth and features the following measurement ranges: temperature from -3 to +45 degC; conductivity from 0.5 to 70 mS/cm; salinity from 2 and 42 PSU; turbidity from 0 to 1000 FTU; chlorophyll from 0 to 400 ppb; dissolved oxygen from 0 to 200 percent (0 to 20 mg/l) with a response time of 0.4s, allowing for non-stop vertical profiling; quantum light from 0 to 5000 umol/m2/s; pH from 0 to 14 pH. | 2019-09-17 |
TOOL1126 | JFE Advantech DEFI2-L PAR sensor | A pocket-sized PAR logger. It measures photon flux density using a photodiode. It has non-opening infrared communication. It has a titanium body and polycarbonate window. It has a measurement range of 0-5000 micromole per metre sq. per second. Accuracy is +/- 4.0% F.S. (0-2000 micromole per metre sq. per s) and it is depth-rated to 500 m (depth equivalent). | 2017-04-04 |
TOOL1783 | JFE Advantech Rinko FT ARO-FT oxygen sensor | A fast response optical dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor. It can also measure temperature. The RINKO FT is primarily designed to for use on Argo floats. However, its compact and lightweight design, and commonly used communication protocol allow integration on several platforms. It operates based on the optical (phosphorescence) principle. The measurement range for DO is: 0 to 425 micromoles per litre, with a resolution of 0.01 micromoles per litre and initial accuracy of +/-2% of measured value or +/- 2.0 micromoles per litre. The measurement range for temperature is -3 to 45 degrees Celsius (calibration range: 0 to 35 degrees Celsius), with a resolution of 0.001 degrees Celsius and initial accuracy of +/-0.01 degrees Celsius. It is depth rated to 2000 metres. | 2022-04-07 |
TOOL1590 | JFE Advantech Rinko II {ARO-CAR/CAD} oxygen sensor | A fast-response optical dissolved oxygen and temperature sensor. The DO sensor is coated with photostimulable phosphor (PSP) on the outside of the pressure-resistant acrylic optical window, measuring phosphorescence quenching phase shift. The excitation blue LED pulse generates a red phosphorescence pulse, which in turn has an inverse correlation with the oxygen partial pressure in the water. The Rinko II (ARO-CAR/CAD) is a wired digital output model. It has a response time of less than 1 second in air, enabling dissolved oxygen measurements with continuous profiling at high speeds (~0.5 m/s). The dissolved oxygen sensor has a non-linear accuracy of +/-2% of full scale (at 1 atm, 25 deg C) and the temperature sensor +/-0.02 deg C. | 2021-01-18 |
TOOL1294 | JFE Advantech Rinko III {ARO-CAV} oxygen sensor | A fast-response optical dissolved oxygen and temperature sensor. The DO sensor is coated with photostimulable phosphor (PSP) on the outside of the pressure-resistant acrylic optical window, measuring phosphorescence quenching phase shift. The excitation blue LED pulse generates a red phosphorescence pulse, which in turn has an inverse correlation with the oxygen partial pressure in the water. It is an analogue output version. It has a response time of less than 1 second in air, enabling dissolved oxygen measurements with continuous profiling at high speeds. The dissolved oxygen sensor has a non-linear accuracy of +/-2% of full scale (at 1atm, 25 deg C) and the temperature sensor +/-0.02 deg C. It has a pressure rating of 7000 m. | 2018-11-19 |
TOOL0977 | JFE Compact-TD ATD-HR temperature and depth sensor | A light, small and robust autonomously deployable data sensor and logger for measurements of temperature (range: -3 to 40 degC, accuracy: +/-0.05 degC) and depth (range: 25m to 2000m, accuracy: +/- 0.3 percent of full scale). The sensors can be deployed in 6 different configuration depending on the depth of measurements (up to 2000m). | 2016-03-31 |
TOOL1552 | Japan Radio Co (JRC) JLN-550 Doppler sonar | A dual-frequency doppler sonar instrument used to provide ship speed information. The lower ultrasonic frequency measures ship speed against ground in deeper waters and the higher frequency measures ship speed against water in shallower depths. The instrument can handle bubble interference generated by high-speed navigation. The transducer is substantially downsized in comparison to conventional instruments, allowing it to be installed on the bow where it will experience less bubble interference. The instrument can measure the ship's fore, aft, port and starboard speeds when combined with GPS information. It comes with a main display and optional wing and remote displays. The JLN-550 operates at 240 kHz (speed against ground) and 2 MHz (speed against water). It measures within speed ranges of -10 to +40 knots within a water depth range of 2-250 m below the hull. It has a speed measuring accuracy of +/- 0.1 knots. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL2011 | Japan Radio Co (JRC) JLR-21 GPS compass | The JLR-21 is a GPS compass which provides heading, roll, pitch, rate of turn, and heave information. The system is also known as a 3D Dynamic SensorTM, designed to provide accurate information of the ships movement in all axes. The system includes a 5.7-inch high-visibility display with several display modes enabling operation in low-light settings. The system processor is built into the antenna and has a startup time of less than 2 minutes. In rough ocean conditions the GPS compass can correct up and down (attitude) movement, compensating high waves with 20 cm route mean square (rms) accuracy, useful for fish finder and sonar applications. The JLR-21 also supports speed and course over ground (SOG and COG), with position updated every 200 milliseconds. The JLR-21 features high speed tracking response (rate of turn 45 degrees/second), and dynamic heading, roll, and pitch accuracy of 0.5 degrees rms. Positional accuracy is 12 metres, 2 degrees rms with GPS, 6 metres, 2 degrees rms when corrected with SBAS, or 4 metres, 2 degrees rms when differential GPS (DGPS) corrected. | 2024-02-01 |
TOOL1085 | Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager | A five-channel moderate resolution optical imager designed to carry out meteorological observations for Japan, East Asia, Australia and adjacent areas, by tracking clouds and water vapour features. The imager detects radiation from the visible and infrared spectrum using an off-axis focal telescope with two focal planes and infrared bands integrated into a single sensor assembly. The incident spectrum is then separated into visible and infrared channels by a beam splitter, and the infrared channels are further split into four bands by infrared optical filters. On-board calibration is provided for all bands. JAMI exploits the Nyquist spatial sampling technique. The imager uses the Nyquist spatial sampling technique, and detects radiation within five spectral bands of ranges (0.55 - 0.90) um, (3.50 - 4.00) um, (6.50 - 7.00) um, (10.3 - 11.3) um and (11.5 - 12.5) um. The ground resolution is 1 km for solar reflective band (VNIR) measurements, and 4 km for infrared (IR) measurements. The image frame is 21.4 degrees in longitude, and 23.6 degrees in latitude. The field of view is 0.269 degrees per swath. Flown on Himawari-6 (MTSAT-1R). http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/236 | 2016-11-15 |
NETT0078 | Juday net - Juday (1916) | Net has a 25 cm diameter mouth opening with 33 cm long canvas cone expanding to 30 cm diameter, followed by a conical net 70 cm long made of No 20 silk bolting cloth [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 C]. A closing net with simple messenger release is also described: this has a 12 cm diameter mouth opening with 40 cm long canvas cone expanding to 17 cm, followed by a 47 cm long conical net with the same mesh. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1455 | K.U.M. K-MT 234 (21 bottles) sediment trap | A device to collect particles in the water column for mooring deployments in the ocean and inland waters. It includes a multi bottle sample collection turntable for 21 samples, 21 sample bottles (400ml) and has a collection area of 0.5m2. Maximum operation: 12 months (or optional 24 months). Maximum operation depth: 6000m. | 2020-05-26 |
TOOL1454 | K.U.M. K-MT 236 (14 bottles) sediment trap | A device to collect particles in the water column for mooring deployments in the ocean and inland waters. It includes a multi bottle sample collection turntable for 14 samples, 14 sample bottles (400ml) and has a collection area of 0.25m2. Maximum operation: 12 months (or optional 24 months). Maximum operation depth: 3000m. | 2020-05-26 |
TOOL1679 | K.U.M. LOBSTER-6000 K/MT 510 ocean bottom seismometer system | A broadband ocean bottom seismometer system designed for seafloor deployment for long-term tsunami and earthquake research. It features a Guralp CMG-40 T broadband seismometer encased in a titanium pressure tube, mounted to a titanium frame featuring orange syntactic foam flotation units, titanium pressure tubes containing batteries and a GEOLON-MCS data recorder, plus a flasher, radio beacon, signal flag, anchor and acoustic release. The flotation units of the LOBSTER-6000 are made of a lower density syntactic foam than the LOBSTER-7300. The OBS system can be deployed for up to 1 year. The LOBSTER-6000 K/MT 510 is depth-rated to 6000 m. The Guralp CMG-40 T seismometer has a tilt range of +/- 2.5 degrees, and a dynamic range of 148 dB at 1 Hz and 151 dB at 5 Hz. The seismometer also has an operating temperature from -20 to +75 degC, and an output sensitivity of 2000 V/m/s (2 x 1000 V/m/s) differential standard output (full-scale clip level of 8.8 mm/s). | 2021-04-29 |
TOOL1680 | K.U.M. LOBSTER-7300 K/MT 517 ocean bottom seismometer system | A broadband ocean bottom seismometer system designed for seafloor deployment for long-term tsunami and earthquake research. It features a Guralp CMG-40 T broadband seismometer encased in a titanium pressure tube, mounted to a titanium frame featuring yellow syntactic foam flotation units, titanium pressure tubes containing batteries and a GEOLON-MCS data recorder, plus a flasher, radio beacon, signal flag, anchor and acoustic release. The flotation units of the LOBSTER-7300 are made of denser syntactic foam than the LOBSTER-6000. The titanium pressure tubes of the LOBSTER-7300 are also thicker than the LOBSTER-6000. The OBS system can be deployed for up to 1 year. The LOBSTER-7300 K/MT 517 is depth-rated to 7300 m. The Guralp CMG-40 T seismometer has a tilt range of +/- 2.5 degrees, and a dynamic range of 148 dB at 1 Hz and 151 dB at 5 Hz. The seismometer also has an operating temperature from -20 to +75 degC, and an output sensitivity of 2000 V/m/s (2 x 1000 V/m/s) differential standard output (full-scale clip level of 8.8 mm/s). | 2021-04-29 |
NETT0174 | KC Denmark AS small plankton net | Construction has an upper cylindrical net made of strong Beaver Nylon with a diameter of 25 cm and a length of 15 cm. Below is a conical mesh net bag made of Monodur Nytal (Nylon) and is 40 cm deep. The net is ended with a 35 ml or 80 ml (fitted with mesh windows) sample cylinder. | 2014-09-12 |
TOOL1527 | KC Denmark HAPS corer | A HAPS corer manufactured by KC Denmark A/S. It is a gravity corer that is designed to collect defined, undisturbed samples from hard and soft sediments. It consists of a triangular frame and a core barrel with tight top valve and core catcher to prevent porewater loss. Manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel with electro polished surface. The sample tube is made of stainless steel (standard) but it can be delivered in transparent polycarbonate as well. In order to stabilize the HAPS in sea swells, and to sample in sandy sediments, weights can be mounted. For harder sediments a vibrator can be added. | 2020-08-17 |
TOOL1741 | KC Denmark Research Equipment KC pore-water pressing bench sediment porewater extractor | The KC Pore-water pressing bench allows pore-water extraction of any kind of sediments, from sediments rich in organic material, to sandy sediments. Sediment cores are segmented and placed in the pressing house, which is closed by means of the handle on top of the house. An over-pressure is applied (fed-in) at the reduction valve and the valves of the houses in operation are opened. The resulting compression of the sediment matrix leads to expelling of the pore-water, which is sampled in containers beneath the pressing house. Operation in a glove bag prevents atmospheric contamination with, for example, oxygen, so anaerobic analysis of the pore-water is possible. The standard cylinders are made from black Polyoxymethylene (POM). However, the cylinders and all accessories are also available as AISI 316 stainless steel for special purposes. The pressing bench consists of 5 pressing houses, each 100 ml. They can hold a maximum sample diameter of 40 mm. The instrument has a maximum operating pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa). | 2021-10-28 |
TOOL1249 | KOVACS ice coring systems | A series of hand auger systems designed for the retrieval of ice cores. Each KOVACS ice coring system includes a light weight core barrel made of a filament composite tube with plastic fitting, an aluminium cutting shoe, heat-treated steel cutting teeth, a stainless steel and aluminium drive head, as well as two extension rods of 1m in length each. Different core diameters and lengths are delivered by the four coring systems available: MARK II (9cm x 1m), MARK III (7.25cm x 1m), MARK V (14cm x 1m), and MARK VI (9cm x 1.5m). | 2018-07-30 |
TOOL1296 | KVH Industries C100 {Compass Engine} fluxgate compass | An industrial grade, micro-processor fluxgate compass module. It outputs heading data at rates up to 10Hz. The compass consists of a toroidal fluxgate sensor element and a small electronics board. Each instance has a saturable ring core in a Lexan cylinder, free floating in an inert fluid to keep it horizontal with respect to the earth. Windings surround the Lexan housing, electrically driving the ring core into saturation and measuring the amplitude of induced pulses which are proportional to the earth's magnetic field. This data is then sent to the microprocessor, which compensates for the hard and soft iron magnetic interference of the host platform. The compass will operate as far as 80 degrees north or south magnetic latitude. It offers both analog and digital outputs with a range of operating tilt angles (+/- 16, 30 and 45 degrees). In digital, several variations of RS-232 and NMEA 0183 are available. The typical accuracy after calibration is +/- 0.5 degrees. It can operate in temperatures raning from -40 deg C to +65 deg C. | 2018-11-19 |
TOOL1657 | Keithley Instruments M1000/M2000 data logger series | The M1000/M2000 series of data logging modules are designed as analogue-to-digital interfaces or converters between a connected sensor (such as water temperature or pressure) and a computer. The modules in the series may be programmed using built-in commands to create custom transfer functions to interface to non-standard sensors. Outputs can also be scaled to the engineering units desired. The modules contain an internal microprocessor which performs all scaling functions. All scaling and non-linear function data is stored in a table contained in EEPROM non-volatile memory. The modules operate via +/-100 mV inputs and communicate via RS-232C. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL2059 | Keller High Accuracy OEM Pressure Transmitter Series 30X pressure sensor | A series of high-accuracy pressure sensor and transmitter instruments. The Series 30X is capable of measuring both atmospheric pressure and water pressure, depending on version. The 30X is capable of compensating for linearity deviations and temperature errors. Measurement results are output as standardized signals. The Series 30X features dual (analog and digital) outputs, re-rangeability, and mathematical error correction. The Series 30X operates using the principle of piezoresistance, containing a highly stable piezoresistive sensing element. The Series 30X can be embedded within an OEM product or packaged simply as a pressure transmitter. Operating temperature: -30 to 100 degrees C; compensated temperature: -10 to 80 degrees C. Resolution 0.002% BR. Baud rate 9600/ 115200. Pressure range up to 1000 Bar when sealed. | 2024-07-01 |
TOOL2083 | Kipp and Zonen CG4 pyrgeometer | An instrument designed to measure the upward and downward components of long wave atmospheric radiation depending on the instrument orientation. The CG4 provides a voltage that is proportional to the net radiation in the far infrared (FIR). The instrument features a type YSI 44031 thermistor (or optional Heraeus M-GX 1013 PT100) to measure body temperature and uses a 64-thermocouple thermopile for measuring atmospheric radiation. The CG4 is designed to conduct absorbed heat away from the sensor window, reducing temperature variations between the window and sensor to less than 0.3 degC. The spectral range is 4.5 to 42 um (50% points), with a sensitivity of 10 uV/W/m^2, impedance of 40 to 200 ohms. Temperature dependence of sensitivity (between -20 and 50 degC) is +/- 1%. It has a 180-degree field of view with good cosine response. Accuracy is 3% for daily totals. | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL1332 | Kipp and Zonen CGR3 pyrgeometer | An instrument designed to measure far infrared radiation (FIR), either from the sky and clouds (incoming FIR) or from the ground (outgoing FIR). Due to its compact built, the CGR3 model is ideal for horticulture and agriculture. The detector outputs a voltage proportional to the radiation exchange between the instrument and the sky or ground in the instrument's field of view. The CGR3 pyrgeometer is suitable for use with the CMP3 pyranometer. The instrument uses a thermopile detector and has a sensitivity of 5 to 15 uV/W/m^2 within a 4.5 - 42 um spectral range. The response time is less than 18 seconds, the window heating offset (with 1000 W/m^2 solar radiation) is less than 15 W/m^2, and the temperature dependence of sensitivity (between -10 and 40 degC) is less than 5%. The CGR3 has a flat silicon window, which provides a field of view of 150 deg. | 2019-06-13 |
TOOL1333 | Kipp and Zonen CGR4 pyrgeometer | An instrument designed to measure far infrared radiation (FIR), either from the sky and clouds (incoming FIR) or from the ground (outgoing FIR). The CGR4 model is ideal for scientific use and meteorological observations. The detector outputs a voltage proportional to the radiation exchange between the instrument and the sky or ground in the instrument's field of view. The CGR4 pyrgeometer is suitable for use with the CMP11, CMP21 and CMP22 pyranometers. The instrument uses a thermopile detector and has a sensitivity of 5 to 15 uV/W/m^2 within a 4.5 - 42 um spectral range. The response time is less than 18 seconds, the window heating offset (with 1000 W/m^2 solar radiation) is less than 4 W/m^2, and the temperature dependence of sensitivity (between -20 and 50 degC) is less than 1%. The CGR4 has an outside coating of hard-carbon, and its silicon meniscus dome provides a field of view of 180 deg. | 2019-06-13 |
TOOL0921 | Kipp and Zonen CM10 pyranometer | A secondary standard pyranometer that measures solar irradiance. It uses a constantan-Manganin thermophile consisting of 100 junctions imprinted on an alumina ceramic substrate in a circular pattern to minimise azimuthal sensitivity. 3M Velvet Black is used on the receiver surfaces. It has two concentric hemispherical domes ground from Schott K5 glass. The transmittance spectra of the K5 exhibits a cut-on limit at 310 nm in the ultraviolet and a cut-off limit at the 2800 nm. The compensation element is a second alumina substrate that along with the compensation circuit prevents temperature-induced instrument zeros. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0082 | Kipp and Zonen CM11 pyranometer | A secondary standard pyranometer that measures solar irradiance. It uses a constantan-Manganin thermophile consisting of 100 junctions imprinted on an alumina ceramic substrate in a circular pattern to minimise azimuthal sensitivity. 3M Velvet Black is used on the receiver surfaces. It has two concentric hemispherical domes ground from Schott K5 glass. The transmittance spectra of the K5 exhibits a cut-on limit at 310 nm in the ultraviolet and a cut-off limit at the 2800 nm. The compensation element is a second alumina substrate that along with the compensation circuit prevents temperature-induced instrument zeros. It possesses a white shield to shade the body of the instrument from the differential illumination and a mounting base containing a spirit level. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0922 | Kipp and Zonen CM14 albedometer | An albedometer that measures net global radiation and/or albedo over surfaces of different nature. It consists of 2 opposing Kipp & Zonen CM 11 pyranometers (secondary standard). The upper pyranometer measure solar radiation while the lower pyranometer measure reflected solar radiation. The pyranometers use a constantan-Manganin thermophile consisting of 100 junctions imprinted on an alumina ceramic substrate in a circular pattern to minimise azimuthal sensitivity. 3M Velvet Black is used on the receiver surfaces. They have two concentric hemispherical domes ground from Schott K5 glass. The transmittance spectra of the K5 exhibits a cut-on limit at 310 nm in the ultraviolet and a cut-off limit at the 2800 nm. The compensation element is a second alumina substrate that along with the compensation circuit prevents temperature-induced instrument zeros. They each possess a white shield to shade the body of the instrument from the differential illumination and a mounting base containing a spirit level. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL2084 | Kipp and Zonen CM21 pyranometer | A high-performance research grade pyranometer, which is fully compliant with ISO 9060 Secondary Standard pyranometer performance criteria. The CM21 pyranometer is designed for measuring downward and upward (i.e. reflected) irradiance (radiant-flux, Watt/m2) on a plane/level surface, which results from the direct solar radiation and from the diffuse radiation incident from the hemisphere above. The CM21 houses a second built-in sensing element for temperature compensation. Any change in body temperature, due to thermal shock or temperature gradient effect, is quickly detected by this compensation element, and an offset correction signal is applied to the instrument output signal. The receiving element is coated with a highly stable carbon based non-organic coating, to deliver high quality spectral absorption and long-term stability characteristics. The sensing element is housed under two concentric fitting Schott K5 glass domes. Spectral range is 305 - 2800 nm, sensitivity is 7 - 17 uV/W/m^2, impedance is 50 - 60 ohms, response time is 5 seconds, operating temperature is -40 to 80 degC, non-linearity is less than +/- 0.25% (<1000 W/m^2). | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL0919 | Kipp and Zonen CM5 pyranometer | A first class pyranometer that measures solar irradiance. It uses a Moll thermopile consisting of 14 constantan-Manganin junctions and a pair of Schott K5 glass domes. The transmittance spectra of the K5 exhibits a cut-on limit at 310 nm in the ultraviolet and a cut-off limit at the 2800 nm. A desiccant cartridge is mounted in the core of the radiometer. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0920 | Kipp and Zonen CM6 pyranometer | A first class pyranometer that measures solar irradiance. It uses a Moll thermopile consisting of 14 constantan-Manganin junctions and a pair of Schott K5 glass domes. The transmittance spectra of the K5 exhibits a cut-on limit at 310 nm in the ultraviolet and a cut-off limit at the 2800 nm. A desiccant cartridge is mounted in the core of the radiometer. It possesses a white shield to shade the body of the instrument from the differential illumination and a mounting base containing a spirit level. The instrument sensitivity is 9 - 15 microV/W m-2, impedance is 70 - 100 ohms, maximum irradiance is 2000 W/m2, and operational temperature range is -40 to +60 degC. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL0410 | Kipp and Zonen CM6B pyranometer | A pyranometer that measures solar irradiance with a spectral range of 305-2800 nm. The robust sensor requires no power and provides all weather performance. It has a response time of 18 seconds, a maximum irradiance of 2000 W/m^2 and an expected daily accuracy of +/- 5%. | 2011-08-01 |
TOOL1502 | Kipp and Zonen CMP21 pyranometer | A high-performance research grade pyranometer, which is fully compliant with all ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class A Instrument performance criteria. It is designed for measuring the irradiance (radiant flux, Watt/m^2) on a plane surface, which results from the direct solar radiation and from the diffuse radiation incident from the hemisphere above. A standard thermistor sensor is fitted to monitor the housing temperature. Each instrument is supplied with its own temperature and directional (cosine response) test data. A waterproof socket is fitted for the signature yellow signal cable, which is available in a range of lengths pre-wired to the waterproof plug. The integral bubble level is raised to the top of the housing and can be viewed without removing the redesigned snap-on sun shield, which also covers the connector. The screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and the replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packets. The pyranometer does not require any power, it supplies a low voltage of 0 to 20 mV in relation to the amount of incoming radiation. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1604 | Kipp and Zonen CMP3 pyranometer | A high-performance research grade pyranometer, which is fully compliant with all ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class C Instrument performance criteria. It is intended for shortwave global solar radiation measurements in the spectral range from 300 to 2800 nm. The thermopile detector measures irradiance up to 2000 W/m^2 with response time approximately 18 seconds and typical sensitivity 10 uV/W/m^2 that varies less than 5 percent from -10 degC to +40 degC. The CMP3 pyranometer is designed for continuous indoor and outdoor use. It features a snap-on white sun shield, integrated levelling, and a weatherproof connector. Two CMP3s can easily be mounted back-to-back to make a low-cost albedometer. The screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and the replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packets. The pyranometer does not require any power, it supplies a low voltage of 0 to 20 mV in relation to the amount of incoming radiation. Operating temperature range is -40 degC to +80 degC and the stability is better than 1 percent per year. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1873 | Kipp and Zonen CMP6 pyranometer | A first class pyranometer that monitors solar radiation for the full solar spectrum range, which is fully compliant with all ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class B instrument performance criteria. It uses a blackened thermopile composed of a 64-thermocouple junction sensing element, is protected by two glass domes and features increased thermal mass to improve performance. Designed for use in environmental monitoring, solar resource assessment and solar power performance applications. The instrument sensitivity is 5 - 20 microV/W m-2, impedance is 20 - 200 ohms, maximum irradiance is 2000 W/m2, spectral range is 285 - 2800 nm, and expected daily uncertainty is < 5%. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL0703 | Kipp and Zonen CNR1 Net Radiometer | The CNR4 is a net radiometer that measures the energy balance between incoming and shortwave IR radiation versus surface reflected shortwave and outgoing longwave IR radiation. The instrument comprises an upward-facing pyranometer/pyrgeometer pair, and a downward facing pair. There is an internal RTD, and a heater to prevent condensation. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL0702 | Kipp and Zonen CNR4 Net Radiometer | The CNR4 is a net radiometer that measures the energy balance between incoming and shortwave IR radiation versus surface reflected shortwave and outgoing longwave IR radiation. The instrument comprises an upward-facing pyranometer/pyrgeometer pair, and a downward facing pair. There is an internal thermisor, an internal Pt-100 RTD, and a solar shield. There is an optional ventilation unit with heater to minimise condensation. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL1598 | Kipp and Zonen CUV5 Total UV Radiometer | An instrument for measuring the total UV radiation from natural sunlight for applications in meteorology and outdoor material testing. The dome and diffuser provide optimized directional response. A specially designed optical filter provides sensitivity to combined UVA and UVB irradiance. The photodiode generates a voltage output linearly proportional to the UV intensity. It has a spectral range of 280 - 400 nm, sensitivity of 300 - 500 microV/W/m^2, and a maximum UVA/UVB irradiance measuring capability of 400 W/m^2. The operational temperature range of the instrument is -40 to +80 degrees Celsius. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL0395 | Kipp and Zonen PAR LITE radiometer | A non-submersible PAR sensor with a spectral range of 400-700 nm. Its sensitivity is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation. It can measure irradiance over the range 0-10,000 umol/m^2/sec and can operate at temperatures between -30 and 70 degC. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0530 | Kipp and Zonen PQS1 PAR Quantum Sensor | A non-submersible PAR sensor incorporating a diffuser with an excellent directional (cosine) response and a silicon photodiode detector. It can be used in field research or permanent applications. It has a spectral range of 400 to 700 nm and a sensitivity of 4 to 10 mV/umol/m^2/s. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL1734 | Kipp and Zonen SGR3 V pyrgeometer | The SGR3 is a pyrgeometer, designed for meteorological measurements of downward atmospheric long wave radiation. It uses a specially designed silicon window, and, on the inside, a solar-blind filter blocks solar radiation. The SGR3 data represents the radiation exchange within the whole hemisphere. This is because the reference SGR3 is calibrated outdoors with respect to a reference CGR4, which has a 180 degrees field of view. The instrument's spectral range (overall) is 4.4 to 50 micro meters (4400 to 50000 nm), it's response time (95%) is < 18 s, and its operational temperature range is -40 to +80 degrees Celsius. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL1672 | Kipp and Zonen SGR4 pyrgeometer | An instrument designed to measure far infrared radiation (FIR), either from the sky and clouds (incoming FIR) or from the ground (outgoing FIR). It is designed for exterior use. The instrument measures long-wave irradiance on a plane surface (radiant flux, W/m2 ) which results from radiation incident from the hemisphere above the instrument. The detector is based on a passive thermal sensing element (thermopile). The detector outputs a voltage proportional to the radiation exchange between the instrument and the sky or ground in the instrument's field of view. It comprises a housing temperature sensor that is used to calculate the downward long-wave radiation component. The sensor has an outside coating of hard-carbon, and its silicon meniscus dome provides a field of view of 180 deg. It has a flat silicon window, an integrated bubble level, internal desiccant, white snap-on sun shield, and an optional shielded signal output cable with connector. It uses a Modbus RS-485 interface for communication. The SGR4 can be fitted with the CVF4 ventilation unit. It measures over a spectral range of 4.5 to 42 um. The response time is less than 18 seconds, the window heating offset (with 1000 W/m^2 solar radiation) is less than 4 W/m^2, and the temperature dependence of sensitivity (between -20 and 50 degC) is less than 1%. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL1670 | Kipp and Zonen SMP21 pyranometer | A high performance pyranometer that measures solar irradiance. It is fully compliant with all ISO 9060 spectrally flat Class A instrument performance criteria. It is designed for use in meteorological networks, reference measurements in PV monitoring, and can be used in extreme climates, such as polar or arid conditions. The SMP21 is the Smart digital equivalent of the CMP21 series pyranometer. It has a faster response and more flexible connectivity due to its micro-processor and increased memory. The instrument is compatible with Kipp and Zonen SmartExplorer Windows software which enables configuration of communication settings, monitoring of the measurements and status parameters, and logging of the data. It uses RS-485 Modbus communication, and requires no change of internal desiccant for 10 years. It has an analogue output range of -200 to +2000 W/m2, and an analogue output from 0 - 1 V or 4 - 20 mA (V or A versions respectively). It has a spectral range of 270 - 3000 nm and an operating temperature of -40 to +70 degC. | 2021-03-26 |
TOOL1831 | Kipp and Zonen SMP22 pyranometer | A pyranometer that is designed to measure global horizontal solar irradiance (GHI). If shaded from the sun, the pyranometer measures diffuse horizontal solar irradiance (DHI). It is fully compliant with all ISO 9060:2018 spectrally flat Class A instrument performance criteria. The SMP22 is the Smart digital equivalent of the CMP22 series pyranometer. It has a faster response and more flexible connectivity due to its micro-processor and increased memory. The instrument is compatible with Kipp and Zonen SmartExplorer Windows software which enables configuration of communication settings, monitoring of the measurements and status parameters, and data logging. It has an analogue output range of -200 to +2000 W/m2, and an analogue output from 0 - 1 V or 4 - 20 mA (V or A versions respectively). It has a spectral range of 210 to 3600 nm and an operating temperature of -40 to +70 degC. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL0396 | Kipp and Zonen SP LITE pyranometer | A silicon pyranometer with a spectral range of 400-1100 nm. Its sensitivity is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation. It can measure irradiance over the range 0-2,000 W/m^2 and can operate at temperatures between -30 and 70 degC. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0529 | Kipp and Zonen SP LITE2 pyranometer | A silicon pyranometer with a spectral range of 400-1100 nm. Its sensitivity is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation. It has a sensitivity of 60 to 100 uV/W/m^2 and can operate at temperatures between -30 and 70 degC. The instrument supersedes the original SP Lite and has an improved response time of <500ns compared with <1s for the older model. | 2022-10-24 |
TOOL0852 | Kistler 603B pressure sensor | A miniature quartz piezoelectric pressure sensor with acceleration compensation, capable of measuring high frequency pressure. The pressure range is from vacuum to 200 bar (2900 PSIA) at temperatures up to 200 C. The natural frequency is beyond 300 kHz. The measured pressure acts through the diaphragm on the quartz crystal measuring element, which transforms the pressure into an electrostatic charge. The stainless steel diaphragm is hermetically welded flush to the stainless ssteel sensor body. As the ceramic insulator of the connector is also hermetically welded the entire sensor is hermetically sealed. The quartz disks are assembled together with a seismic mass in a way to compensate for the acceleration sensitivity. Further information may be found at http://www.kistler.com/us/en/products/components/pressure-sensors/. | 2015-05-21 |
TOOL1591 | Kistler K-Beam 8395A capacitive MEMS triaxial accelerometer series | A triaxial capacitive MEMS accelerometer designed to measure low frequency vibration and acceleration for a variety of applications, such as civil engineering, aerospace, structural analysis, and more. It features a quartz element which is sensitive to either compressive or shear loads. The sensor is connected to an electronic device for converting the charge signal into a voltage signal proportional to the mechanical force. The conversion is made either by means of a separate charge amplifier or an impedance converter with coupler, typically integrated into the sensor The 8395A also features built-in low-pass filters. It has a measurement range of 2-250 g, a frequency response of 0-1000 hz (+/- 5 %) and an operating temperature range from -54 to +121 deg C. | 2021-01-18 |
NETT0080 | Kitahara - Nakai (1962) | Net has a 24 cm diameter mouth opening for head piece and 45 cm diameter conical net 80 cm long. A Hensen style net (KT) | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL2057 | Klein UUV 3500 side scan sonar | A high-resolution side scan sonar system for unmanned underwater vehicles. This instrument is suitable for a range of applications including hydrographic/ geophysical survey; cable/ pipeline survey; environmental survey; small object detection; mine countermeasures, surveillance, and reconnaissance surveys. The Klein UUV-3500 outputs side scan imagery and swath bathymetry data. Side scan uses 455 kHz or 900 kHz frequencies; 2.4 cm across track resolution; beam width 0.34 degrees horizontal and 45 degrees vertical; typical range of 150 m at 455 kHz and 75 m at 900 kHz frequency. Swath Bathymetry uses 455 kHz frequency; 0.48 degree along track resolution; 4.8 cm across track sampling; 125 m nominal range (typically 10 to 12 times altitude). Depth rating to 600 m using only side scan, 200 m when using bathymetry option, deeper options are available. | 2024-06-27 |
TOOL0891 | Knudsen 320BP echosounder | The Knudsen 320B/P Echosounder Transducer is intended for deepwater profiling. This device operates in the 3.5 to 250kHz frequency range. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0892 | Knudsen 320BR echosounder | The Knudsen 320 B/R operates at different frequencies (12kHz and 3.5kHz). The 12kHz allows for water depth record and the 3.5kHz to track pingers attached to various instruments over the side. This is also used for sub-bottom profiling applications. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0889 | Knudsen 320M marine echosounder | The Knudsen 320M is an echosounder designed for water depths between 10 and 5000 m. Using either the high (250kHz) or low (3.5kHz) frequency channels, or both simultaneously, the 320M produces a high resolution record depicting bottom profiles and sediment layers with 32 shades of grey | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0890 | Knudsen Chirp 3260 | The Knudsen Chirp 3260 is a deep water system capable of reaching depths up to 10,000m plus. This instrument is available in a 2 or 4 channel configuration with frequencies ranging from 3.5kHz to 210kHz. The Chirp 3260 is designed for full ocean depth requirements where high power output is required | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL1106 | Knudsen Chirp Rack 3202 sub-bottom profiling echosounder | A sub-bottom profiler echosounderfor use on survey vesselsIt is a blackbox system that has a pulse length up to 64ms and uses frequencies between 3.5kHz - 210kHz. It uses a 2 channels (two 2kW output power channels) It has a resolution of 1cm (0-99.99), 1dm (100-999.9), 1m (greater than 1000) and a sound velocity of 1300 - 1800 m/s (Resolution 1m/s) | 2017-02-03 |
TOOL1105 | Knudsen Chirp Rack sub-bottom profiling echosounder series | A series of sub-bottom profiler echosoundersfor use on survey vesselsIt is a blackbox system that has a pulse length up to 64ms and uses frequencies between 3.5kHz - 210kHz. It is available in a 2 or 4 channel configuration (two 2kW ouput power channels and two 1kW ouput power channels) It has a resolution of 1cm (0-99.99), 1dm (100-999.9), 1m (greater than 1000) and a sound velocity of 1300 - 1800 m/s (Resolution 1m/s) | 2017-02-03 |
TOOL1915 | Knudsen KEL 771 dual frequency transducer | A dual frequency (28kHz/200kHz) transducer with conical beam patterns and minimal sidelobes to provide excellent bottom detail. Fairing vertically orients sound beams for stronger return echoes resulting in optimal performance. For shallow and deep-water surveys. | 2023-05-02 |
TOOL0505 | Knudsen reversing water bottle | A frameless reversing water bottle with reversing thermometers that is used to collect water samples. The bottom of the bottle is clamped to a wire and the top of the bottle is held to the wire by a catch. It has independent hinged lids at each end which are held open against an internal spring when the bottle is deployed. Once the bottle has reached the target depth a messenger is dropped down the wire and hits the catch. The lids close and the bottle falls through 180deg, pivoting on the bottom clamp. This action reversed the thermometers, which are housed in a frame attached to the bottle. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL1135 | Kompressoren-Pumpen-Zentrale GMBH pump | A submersible pump that can be used for multiple applications where large volumes of water are required. | 2017-06-14 |
TOOL1483 | Kongsberg CONTROS HydroC (underwater) CO2 sensor | An in-situ, underwater carbon dioxide sensor. used for moorings, moving platforms and profiling applications. It measures dissolved CO2 molecules that diffuse through a membrane into an internal gas circuit leading to a detector chamber, where the partial pressure of CO2 is determined by nondispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption spectrometry. Sensors can be adapted with a number of optional configurations such as underwater pumps, different flow head designs, antifouling heads, battery packs and frame adaption packages. Measurement range: 200 - 1,000 uatm. Initial accuracy: +/- 0.5 % of reading. Response time: t63 ca. 60 s (with SBE-5T). Depth rating: 6000 m. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1303 | Kongsberg CONTROS HydroC CH4 (underwater) methane sensor | A methane sensor is designed for background methane monitoring and long-term deployments. It measures in-situ CH4 partial pressure. Dissolved CH4 molecules diffuse through a thin membrane into a detector chamber where the CH4 concentration is determined by means of tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). The detector has a high accuracy in a large dynamic range of partial pressures and stability over a long time. Sensors can be adapted with a number of optional configurations such as underwater pumps, different flow head designs, antifouling heads, operational temperature ranges, battery packs and ROV, AUV, profiling and mooring frame packages etc. Measurement range: 0 - 40,000 uatm. Detection limit: < 1 uatm. Operating depth: 3,000 m. Accuracy: +/- 2 uatm or +/ - 3 % (whichever is greater). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1540 | Kongsberg CONTROS HydroFlash O2 (underwater) oxygen optode | An in-situ oxygen sensor. It can be used for autonomous deployments as well as integrated into sensor systems. It is based on the principle of fluorescence quenching using a fluorescent dye embedded on a curved, solid substrate to enhance light yield. It contains an anti-fouling optode head, a fast response temperature probe and has titanium housing. It can contain an optional flow head and attachable battery. Initial accuracy: +/- 1 %. Measuring range: 0 - 300 mbar pO2. Depth rating: 6000 m. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1471 | Kongsberg EA400 singlebeam echosounder | A singlebeam echosounder system used for determining seafloor depth. It is designed for use with Windows XP software, producing depth soundings with positional data and echograms which can be stored internally. Up to four transceivers can operate simultaneously and it offers a high-resolution sidescan option, where one or two 120 kHz or 200 kHz side-looking transducers can be used for shallow structure surveys. It has a frequency range from 38 to 710 kHz and a resolution of 1 cm. It has a dynamic range of 160 dB. It offers up to 30 GB of internal storage. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0492 | Kongsberg EM 122 multibeam echosounder | A multibeam 12 kHz echsounder designed for high resolution seabed mapping. It uses both Continuous Wave (CW) and Frequency Modulated (FM) sweep pulses with pulse compression on reception in order to increase the maximum used swath width. This system has up to 288 beams/432 soundings per swath with pointing angles which are automatically adjusted according to achievable coverage or operator defined limits. The transducers are modular linear arrays in a Mills cross configuration with separate units for transmit and receive. It has a depth range of 20 to 11000 m and a depth resolution of 1 cm. | 2012-05-21 |
TOOL1799 | Kongsberg EM 124 multibeam echosounder | A 12 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for high resolution seabed mapping. It uses both Continuous Wave (CW) and Frequency Modulated (FM) sweep pulses. Due to the sector transmission technique, the system produces a strong dampening of multi-bounce interference from false echo, resulting in significantly cleaner data. Near field beam focus is applied in real time, both during transmission and reception. Due to sector transmission the focal point will be individual for each sector, resulting in a much sharper transmit beam over the entire swath. Up to 1600 individual beams are available in dual swath mode. The transducers are modular linear arrays in a Mills cross configuration with separate units for transmit and receive. It has a depth range of 20 to 11000 m. | 2022-05-03 |
TOOL2039 | Kongsberg EM 2040 MKII multibeam echosounder | A true wide band high-resolution shallow water multibeam echo sounder. It is an ideal tool for any high-resolution mapping and inspection application The hardware and software have been upgraded to increase the swath and improve the data quality of the EM 2040 series. As an option it can be delivered with dual swath capability. The operating frequency range is from 200 - 700 kHz. The angular coverage is up to 170 degrees with a single receiver or up to 220 degrees with dual receiver. It is depth rated to 6000 m. A 50 m depth rated version is also available. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1528 | Kongsberg EM 2040 multibeam echosounder | A high-resolution multibeam echosounder designed to measure seafloor depth for use in mapping and inspection surveys. The EM 2040 is ideally suited for use on remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) due to its 6000 m depth capability. The system consists of a transmit transducer, a receive transducer, a processing unit (PU) and an operator station (HWS). The EM 2040 transducers consist of separate linear arrays for transmit and receive in a Mills cross configuration. The transmit array is electronically steerable alongtrack while the receive array is steerable athwartship. Both arrays contain analog electronics and digital control units with Ethernet interfaces to the PU. The EM 2040 can be made available with an additional receive transducer for dual swath capability (EM 2040D), enabling surveying to the surface or up to 10x the water depth. The EM 2040 operates within a frequency range of 200-400 kHz and is depth-rated to 6000 m. Predicted system depth errors are in the order of 0.1 % of depth. This instrument has been superseded by the EM 2040 MK II, which offers a wider frequency bandwidth of 200-700 kHz. | 2020-08-24 |
TOOL2095 | Kongsberg EM 2040C MKII multibeam echosounder | A shallow water multibeam echosounder ideal for high resolution mapping and inspection applications. Sonar head pressure rated to 50 m depth. The MKII series has upgraded hardware and software to increase the swath and improve the data quality. Utilises both CW and FM chirp pulses for long range capability. Operating frequency range from 200 to 400 kHz with frequency selection in steps of 10 kHz. Output sample rate up to 60 kHz. Angular coverage for 200 to 320 kHz modes are 140 degrees with one sonar head allowing coverage of 5.5. times water depth. Full roll and pitch stabilisation techniques in real time as well as nearfield focussing both on transmit and receive. Available as single or dual head models. Can be delivered with dual swath capability or with 700 kHz mode. Easy to install and convenient for small boats. | 2024-09-06 |
TOOL1529 | Kongsberg EM 2040D multibeam echosounder | A high-resolution multibeam echosounder designed to measure seafloor depth for use in mapping and inspection surveys. The EM 2040D is identical to the EM 2040, but features an additional receive transducer for dual-swath capability, enabling surveying to the surface or up to 10x the water depth. The EM 2040D is ideally suited for use on remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) due to its 6000 m depth capability. The system consists of a transmit transducer, a receive transducer, a processing unit (PU) and an operator station (HWS). The EM 2040D transducers consist of separate linear arrays for transmit and receive in a Mills cross configuration. The transmit array is electronically steerable alongtrack while the receive array is steerable athwartship. Both arrays contain analog electronics and digital control units with Ethernet interfaces to the PU. The EM 2040 operates within a frequency range of 200-400 kHz and is depth-rated to 6000 m. Predicted system depth errors are in the order of 0.1 % of depth. This instrument has been superseded by the EM 2040D MK II, which offers a wider frequency bandwidth of 200-700 kHz. | 2021-09-24 |
TOOL1484 | Kongsberg EM 2040P multibeam echosounder series | A shallow water multibeam echo sounder for high resolution mapping and inspection applications. As an option the EM 2040P can be delivered with the dual swath capability, allowing a sufficient sounding density along track at a high vessel speed. Also optionally, the sonar head can be delivered with mounts for motion sensor and sound speed sensor, factory aligned for ease of mounting. The operating frequency range is from 200 to 400 kHz. The operator can choose the best operating frequency for the application: 300 kHz for near bottom, 200 kHz for deeper waters and 400 kHz for very high resolution inspection. The system has an output sample rate up to 60 kHz. The system can effectively operate with very short pulse lengths - the shortest pulse is 14 microseconds, which gives a raw range resolution of 10.5 mm. The angular coverage for the 200 and 300 kHz is 140 degrees, allowing coverage of 5.5 times water depth. For the 400 kHz mode the angular coverage is 120 degrees. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0745 | Kongsberg EM 300 multibeam echosounder | The Kongsberg EM300 is a 30 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for use in water depths between 10 and 5000 m. The maximum swath width is greater than 5 km, and the system allows up to 135 simultaneous beams with a range sampling interval of 17 cm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2009 | Kongsberg EM 3000 multibeam echosounder | A 40 kHz ping-rate multibeam echosounder designed for high resolution seabed mapping and inspection. The EM 3000 can be configured to use single (3000S) or dual (3000D) transducers. The dual transducer system increases the shallow-water coverage up to 10-x the water depth, and increases the number of measurements per ping from 120 to 220. The system features a Processing Unit (PU) which performs the beamforming and bottom detection, and further controls the gain, ping rate and pitch compensation of the transmit beam. The PU is available as two versions; one for surface use and one for subsea use. It has an operating depth from 1 to 150 m below its transducers. It allows use on survey launches and subsea vehicles to 1500 m water depth. It features a 1.5 degrees beam width and an operating frequency of 300 kHz. It has a maximum swath width 200 m in deep water, while for shorter ranges the swath width maybe up to about four times water depth. | 2024-01-31 |
TOOL1472 | Kongsberg EM 3002 multibeam echosounder series | A series of multibeam echosounder systems used for determining seafloor depth for shallow-water seafloor mapping and inspection surveys. The series consists of the EM 3002 base model with a single sonar head, plus the EM 3002D which uses dual sonar heads. Both systems come with an Operator Workstation, running operational 'SIS' software in either Linux or Windows. SIS software can be used for 3D graphics, real-time data cleaning and electronic map background. The instruments can also be set up to use other operational software such as QINCy, HYPACK and others. The EM 3002 base model has an angular swatch coverage of 130 degrees, whereas the dual-sonar heads of the EM 3002D enable a greater angular swath coverage of 200 degrees. The instruments are rated for water depths of 1 to 200 metres in cold oceanic conditions, and use frequencies in the 300 kHz band. They have a depth resolution of 1 cm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0744 | Kongsberg EM 302 multibeam echosounder | The Kongsberg EM302 is a 30 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for use in water depths between 10 and 7000 m. The swath width is up to 5.5 times water depth/8km, and the system allows up to 864 soundings per ping. The projector array is available as 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 degree resolution, and receive array is available as 1, 2, or 4 degrees. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1763 | Kongsberg EM 304 multibeam echosounder | A modular high-resolution multibeam echosounder designed for seabed mapping in shallow to deep waters between 10 and 8000 metres. It operates at frequencies of 26 - 34 kHz, with a nominal operating frequency of 30 kHz. The instrument has a swath width of 5.5 times the water depth, and provides two swaths per ping. The instrument features separate transmit and receive transducers. The transmit fan is divided up into 16 individual sectors in dual swath mode, allowing for unique control of the transmit fan, and enabling active stabilisation in real time to correct for any yaw and pitch movement of the vessel, while roll stabilisation is applied on the receiving beams. The result is real-time motion stabilisation of +/- 15 degrees roll, +/- 10 degrees pitch, and/or +/- 10 degrees yaw. | 2022-01-12 |
TOOL0746 | Kongsberg EM 710 multibeam echosounder | The Kongsberg EM710 is a high resolution multibeam echosounder. It operates at frequencies from 70 to 100 kHz, with a maximum ping rate of 30 Hz. The EM710 features a depth range of 3m below the transducer to 2000 m (1000 m for the EM710S model, and 600 m for the EM710RD model). The swath width is up to 5.5 times water depth, to a maximum of more than 2000 m. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1601 | Kongsberg EM 712 multibeam echosounder | The Kongsberg EM712 is a high to very high resolution multibeam echosounder. It operates at frequencies from 40 to 100 kHz, with a maximum ping rate of 30 Hz. The EM712 features a depth range of 3m below the transducer to 3600 m (1800 m for the EM712S model, and 600 m for the EM712RD model). Across track coverage (swath width) is up to 5.5 times water depth, with a maximum of more than 3500 m. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1684 | Kongsberg HiPAP 102 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system | A low frequency acoustic positioning system designed for use in deep water, utilising transponders with a depth rating down to 7000 metres, whilst the transducer has an operating range of 1 - 10000 meters. The HiPAP has applications in towfish and towed platform tracking, seabed reference for dynamic positioning of a vessel, high accuracy subsea metrology and positioning, telemetry and scientific research. The system is primarily used to position ROVs and other objects in very deep water and at long ranges, using either or both super short base line (SSBL) and long base line (LBL) principles. The instrument operates in a frequency band of 10 - 15 kHz, and features narrow 15 degree listening beams, with a range detection accuracy of 0.02 metres. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1790 | Kongsberg HiPAP 502 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system | A high accuracy omnidirectional acoustic positioning system with an operating range of 1 - 5000 metres. The HiPAP 502 makes use of a spherical transducer containing an array of 241 computer controlled elements for accurate underwater positioning of submerged structures or underwater vehicles deployed with transponders. The spherical transducer enables an operating area of 200 degrees, and allows the system to form narrow listening beams of 10 degrees for reception of signals from the transponder. Beams can be pointed in any direction below the vessel, including horizontally and upwards toward the surface. The instrument operates in a frequency band of 21 - 31 kHz and has a range detection accuracy of 0.02 metres. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1555 | Kongsberg K-Pos DP-11 dynamic positioning system | A single dynamic positioning (DP) system designed to maintain a vessel's position and heading while on station. The DP-11 provides a direct interface to the propellers, thrusters and rudders, and includes the necessary interfaces to power plants, position-reference systems and sensors. It meets the Equipment Class notation for Class 1 DP systems. It features an onboard gyrocompass that detects changes in vessel motion due to wind, waves and current. The DP-11 system calculates the forces that the thrusters must produce in order to control the vessels motion in three degrees of freedom - surge, sway and yaw in the horizontal plane. It features a DP controller unit and dedicated operator station which communicate via a dual high-speed data network. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL0951 | Kongsberg Mesotech 808 300 Khz echosounder | A high frequency (300 kHz) echosounder (also known as altimeter) primarily used to determine the height of an object above the seafloor. It was designed to operate in stand-alone mode often on underwater vehicles and has an approximate range of 200 m. This model has been discontinued. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1330 | Kongsberg Mesotech High-Resolution and Domed sonar heads 1071 / 1171 series | Singlebeam underwater sonar heads, either high-resolution or domed. The instruments are designed for imaging and profiling of marine sites in both shallow and deep ocean environments. The high-resolution sonar heads have an exposed transducer and produce high quality images, whereas the domed sonar heads transducers are placed within an oil-filled, pressure-compensating dome, and are ideal for remotely operated or autonomous underwater vehicles. Depending on the type selected, the transducer may emit either conical or fan-shaped beams. The choice of operating frequency, beam width and range varies depending on the instrument's type and configuration. Multi-frequency operations are supported. MS1000 processing software is required to control the sonar head and to process the data. The standard communication protocols supported are RS-485 and RS-232. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1936 | Kongsberg OE14-366/367 camera | An underwater colour zoom video camera with ROV applications. The camera uses hole accumulation diode (HAD) charge-coupled device (CCD) technology to provide high light sensitivity and image definition. The camera can be controlled serially enabling the built-in field memory to allow slower shutter speeds, a snapshot capability, and text insertion. The water compensated optical zoom lens provides a close-up inspection capability, with 18 X (or 72 x digital) magnification capability. The white balance can be set to 3,200 K, 5,600 K or to auto tracking and back light compensation can be switched on or off using remote control capability. Horizontal resolution is 480 television (TV) lines (OE14-366 (PAL)) or 470 TV lines (OE14-367 (NTSC)), with a light sensitivity of 0.02 and scene illumination of 1.7 Lux. The Kongsberg Maritime Graphical User Interface provides extensive control of camera functionality via the serial link. Depth rated to 3000 metres with an operating temperature of -5 to 40degC in water. Standard lens is 4.1 to 73.8 mm, F1.4 - 3. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1338 | Kongsberg OE14-522 (underwater) video camera | A high definition underwater video camera capable of pan and tilt zoom (PATZ). It is designed for subsea survey interactions. It consists of a multi-standard colour zoom lens (x 10 optical) mounted on a movable platform that is housed in a hemispherical dome giving pan and tilt functionality with no external moving parts. Standard video output is available as Component Y/Pb/Pr and HD-SDI. The camera can be remotely controlled by PC. The standard lens is 5.1 to 51 mm (F1.8). The camera is depth rated to 4500 m, has an optical coverage of 230 degrees pan x 220 degrees tilt and 1920 x 1080 high definition pixel resolution. Light sensitivity is 0.1 lux. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1825 | Kongsberg SBP 29 sub-bottom profiler | A narrow beam, multibeam sub-bottom profiler. The SBP 29 is the sub-bottom profiler extension to the EM 124/304 multibeam echo sounders and the successor of SBP 120 and SBP 300. The primary application of the SBP 29 is to do sub-bottom imaging of sediment layers and buried objects. The data can be stored as raw or in SEG-Y format. The SBP 29 has significantly reduced beam widths compared to conventional sub-bottom profilers. This is obtained by one linear transmitter array mounted along the vessel keel, and one linear hydrophone array (shared with the EM 124/304) mounted orthogonal to the keel. The footprint of the transmitter array is wide across-track and narrow along-track, whereas the opposite is the case for the receiver array. The combined beam pattern of the two arrays is a narrow beam. The narrow beams give improved penetration, cleaner data, and good angular resolution. Its bandwidth ranges between 2 - 9 kHz. High source level. Typically operated in parallel with the EM system, either synchronized or unsynchronized. It has burst and multi-pulse modes to maintain a high ping rate in deep water. | 2022-08-02 |
TOOL1185 | Kongsberg Seaglider M1 Glider data logger | A navigation and scientific sensor logging system located within a Seaglider ocean glider (Kongsberg M1 model). Navigation, sensor, engineering and derived data are logged. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1626 | Kongsberg Seatex Differential Positioning Sensor 112 | A combined Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2 and Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) receiver. Features a built-in display for system configuration and status monitoring. Positional accuracy is <1 m, 95% CEP (DGPS/DGLONASS and SBAS), with the possibility improved (10 cm) accuracy when utilising the Fugro Seastar G2 service of reference stations. Output rate of 1 Hz. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL0623 | Kongsberg Seatex Differential Positioning Sensor 116 | A 14-channel, all-in-view, L1 GPS receiver which primarily utilises the free, WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) for differential corrections (DGPS). It is also capable of simultaneous DGPS from a wide variety of other reference stations (Multiref), resulting in improved accuracy. Positional accuracy is < 1.5 m, 95% CEP (SBAS service) and < 1 m, 95% CEP (Multiref). Output rate is 1 Hz. | 2013-06-10 |
TOOL1900 | Kongsberg Seatex MGC R3 gyrocompass inertial navigation system | A fully inertial navigation system (INS) with motion-sensing gyrocompass functionality. The MGC R3 is designed for high precision maritime applications such as offshore operations and seabed mapping. It outputs heading, roll, pitch, heave and position. Acceleration and velocity of linear motions, as well as angular rates are also reported. The product includes integrated navigation algorithms with input from a GNSS receiver for output of aided position and heading data. It can operate in gyrocompass mode and Integrated Navigation mode. The unit is delivered with Windows based configuration and data presentation software, the MRC+. MGC data is available through both Ethernet interface and serial lines. 0.01 degrees roll and pitch accuracy. 0.04 degrees heading accuracy (GNSS aided). 200 Hz data rate. Operational temperature range -15 degC to +55 degC. | 2023-02-27 |
TOOL1617 | Kongsberg Seatex MRU 5 platform attitude sensor | A platform attitude sensor. For motion compensation of swath bathymetric echo sounders, DP systems, ROVs, helideck monitoring systems, high speed vessel motion damping systems and tow-fish systems. It is also used for structural monitoring of offshore platforms and large vessels. It comprises three highly accurate accelerometers and three Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Structures (MEMS) gyros of type MRG (MRU Rate Gyro). It uses solid state sensors with no rotational or mechanical wearout parts. It has a high output data rate (100 Hz) and offers 189 output variables. These variables can be either digital or analog output signals. Roll/pitch accuracy: 0.02 degrees RMS. Acceleration accuracy: 0.01 m/s RMS. Heave accuracy: 2 cm or 2 % (delayed-mode), 5 cm or 5 % (real-time). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0754 | Kongsberg Seatex MRU 6 platform attitude sensor | The Kongsberg Seatex MRU 6 measures pitch and roll to 0.03 degrees RMS at a 5 degree amplitude. In addition, the MRU 6 contains a three-axes servo vector fluxgate compass that provides magnetic heading data, with accuracy of 0.3 degrees (static heading), 1 degree (dynamic heading). This unit uses solid-state sensors with no moving parts and MRU electrical and mechanical construction | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0753 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 20 NAV | The Kongsberg Seapath 20 provides position and heading output with no moving parts. It replaces several vessel instruments with one navigation package (gyrocompass, GPS receiver equipment, speed log and Rate-Of-Turn indicator) that outputs heading, position, velocity and rate-of-turn, together with 1-second time pulse (1 PPS) for synchronization of other systems. This unit provides 0.05 degree heading accuracy | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0456 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 200 Global Positioning System receiver and gyrocompass | Sensor-based inertial navigation and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) receiver unit, providing heading, attitude and position. Motion data are provided by the Inertial Measurements Unit (IMU), which contains linear accelerometers and Bosch Coriolis force angular rate gyros (CFG). The unit contains two fixed baseline GPS carrier-phase receivers and is equipped to utilise up to six different DGPS reference stations for position and velocity measurements. This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0698 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 300 precise heading, attitude and positioning sensor | A combined DGPS receiver and inertial measurement unit for use in hydroacoustic positioning and seabed mapping systems. The system comprises 2 built-in GPS receivers and an MRU 5. The inertial unit consists of linear accelerometers and MEMS type angular rate gyros. The system can achieve 0.02 degrees RMS roll and pitch accuracy, 2 cm heave accuracy (delayed-signal), 20 cm positional accuracy (with RTK corrections) and < 200 Hz data output rate. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0491 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 320+ precise heading, attitude and positioning sensor | A navigational system including two Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and a MRU 5+ inertial sensor. The inertial sensor employs linear accelerometers and unique microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-type angular rate gyros to provide 0.01 RMS pitch and roll accuracy. The GNSS receivers can use multiple satellite constellations (GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, when available) to provide accurate heading and position data. This model has a position accuracy of 1 m differential GPS (DGPS), GLONASS and satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) modes, and an accuracy of 0.2 m with real-time kinematic (RTK) corrections. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1822 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 330 heading, attitude and global positioning sensor | A ship-based navigational system. It is designed for hydrographic surveying and dredging work. It is used for position, heading and attitude. It uses two GNSS antennas and a Motion Reference Unit (MRU) It consists of a 120-channel dual frequency GPS/GLONASS receiver, a GNSS receiver compatible with GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou. It includes a 5th generation MRU (MRU 5) based on linear accelerometers and MEMS angular rate gyros. It capable of Fugro XP/G2, RTK and SBAS corrections. Heading accuracy is 0.05 RMS deg (4 m baseline) and 0.065 deg RMS (2.5 m baseline). Roll and pitch accuracy is 0.02 deg RMS (for +/- 5 deg amplitude). Position accuracy (X and Y) is 1 cm + 1 ppm RMS and (Z) 2 cm + 1 ppm RMS. Velocity accuracy is 0.03 m/s (RMS). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1615 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 380 5+ global positioning and attitude sensor | A combined Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU). Designed for hydrographic surveying, dredging, oceanographic research, seismic work and offshore construction. A 555 channel-dual frequency sensor that utilises GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou and QZSS satellites. It uses standard DGNSS (SBAS), Fugro XP2/G2/G4/G4+ and RTK differential corrections. Position accuracy: 1 cm + 1 ppm RMS. Roll/pitch accuracy: 0.008 degrees RMS. Heading accuracy: 0.04 degrees RMS (2.5 m baseline), 0.02 degrees RMS (4 m baseline). Heave accuracy: 2 cm or 2 % (delayed-mode), 5 cm or 5 % (real-time). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1623 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 380 heading, attitude and positioning sensor series | Heading, attitude and positioning sensor series, designed to support hydrographic surveying and dredging activities with high precision navigation measurements. Seapath 380 instruments are composed of a 555-channel dual frequency Real Time Kinematics (RTK) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and a Motion Reference Unit (MRU) inertial sensor. Different Seapath 380 models within the series determine the type of MRU mounted on the instrument: MRU models be either 5+, 5, H, or 3, with associated RMS roll and pith accuracy of 0.008 deg, 0.02 deg, 0.03 deg, and 0.08 deg respectively. Each instrument features 2 cm heave accuracy (delayed signal), and position accuracy of 0.01 m + 1 ppm RMS (X and Y) can be achieved through post processing of satellite and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. The position solution can use all available satellites, including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou and QZSS. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2025 | Kongsberg Seatex Seapath 380-R heading, attitude and positioning sensor series | Heading, attitude and position sensor series, designed to support hydrographic surveying and dredging work. The Seapath 380-R series uses a dual frequency GNSS receiver, inertial technology and processing algorithms to provide surveyors with accurate position, attitude and timing. All available GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou and QZSS satellites are used in the position solution. The MGC part of Seapath 380-R functions both as IMU in the Seapath and as a stand-alone IMO type approved gyrocompass. 0.005 to 0.01 degrees heading accuracy depending on MGC. 2 cm heave accuracy. All data have the same time stamp and to an accuracy of 0.001 s to the actual measurement time. 555-channel dual frequency GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou receiver. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0130 | Kongsberg Simrad EA500 singlebeam echosounder | A single-beam, single-frequency (12 kHz) deep water echosounder, with a maximum power of 2 kW, 160 dB dynamic range and Transducer 12-16-60 (16 degree circular, 60 degree passive beams). It was introduced in June 1989 and replaced by the EA 600 in 2000. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0319 | Kongsberg Simrad EA600 echosounder | The EA600 single beam echosounder operates up to four high power transceivers simultaneously. Available frequencies span from 12 to 710 kHz with a variable power output of up to 2 kW and a 160 dB dynamic range. The EA600 replaced the EA500 in 2000. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0965 | Kongsberg Simrad EA640 echosounder | A single beam echosounder system for determining sea floor depth. It comprises a standard EA600 single beam echosounder fitted with an additional 10 kHz transducer. The standard EA600 operates up to four high power transceivers simultaneously. Available EA600 standard frequencies span from 12 to 710 kHz with a variable power output of up to 2 kW and a 160 dB dynamic range. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0384 | Kongsberg Simrad EM 1002 multibeam echosounder | A 95 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for use in water depths of up to 1000 m. The transducer array includes 111 beams with a 2 deg beam width. Across-track coverage is up to 1500 m and angular coverage is adjustable up to 190 deg. The instrument has pulse lengths of 0.2, 0.7, and 2 ms and a depth resolution of 1, 4, or 8 cm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0385 | Kongsberg Simrad EM 1002S multibeam echosounder | A 95 kHz multibeam echosounder, this is the shallow-water version of the EM 1002. The transducer array includes 111 beams with a 2 deg beam width. Across-track coverage is limited to approximately 1000 m and angular coverage is adjustable up to 190 deg. The instrument has a single pulse length of 0.2 ms. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0386 | Kongsberg Simrad EM 120 multibeam echosounder | A low frequency (12 kHz) multibeam echosounder with full ocean depth capability. The transducer array includes 191 beams with angular coverage adjustable up to 150 deg and a swath width of up to 5.5 times water depth. The instrument has pulse lengths of 2, 5, and 15 ms and a depth resolution of 10 to 40 cm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2037 | Kongsberg Simrad ES120-7C split-beam echosounder transducer | A wide-band split-beam transducer with four separate sectors. Designed for fishery and research applications. Transducers manufactured 2021 and onwards includes a sensor to measure the sea temperature. The beamwidth is 7 degrees at a nominal operational frequency of 120 kHz. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2035 | Kongsberg Simrad ES18 split-beam echosounder transducer | The ES18 beamwidth is 11 degrees at nominal operational frequency 18 kHz. The transducer uses 44 "tonpilz" elements organized in four separate sectors. Due to its low frequency, the Simrad ES18 is ideal for use with deep water measurements. Designed for Fish Finding and Underwater Science Applications. It's maximum range is approximately 7000 meters. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2019 | Kongsberg Simrad ES200-7C split-beam echosounder transducer | A wide-band split-beam echosounder transducer designed for use in fishery and research applications. Versions manufactured from 2021 onwards are also equipped with a temperature sensor. The ES200-7C operates at a nominal frequency of 200 kHz, with a frequency range of 160 - 260 kHz. It has a beam width of 7 degrees. It is depth-rated to 20 metres and has an operating temperature range from -5 to 40 degC. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2036 | Kongsberg Simrad ES38B split-beam echosounder transducer | A 38 kHz high power split beam transducer, incorporating 88 piezo-ceramic elements distributed over four quadrants. Designed for Fish Finding and Underwater Science Applications. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2038 | Kongsberg Simrad ES70-7C split-beam echosounder transducer | A 70 kHz a split-beam composite transducer with a large bandwidth, enabling a range of marine research and fishing activities, including single fish detection and target strength measurement. It operates effectively at a nominal frequency of 70 kHz and boasts a precise beamwidth of 7 degrees. The transducer is constructed with four distinct sectors and incorporates a sensor specifically for measuring sea temperature. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1794 | Kongsberg Simrad FX80 catch monitoring system | The Kongsberg Simrad FX80 is a catch monitoring system designed to allow researchers or commercial fishers to monitor fish activity inside fishing gear using a live video stream and trawl sonar. The FX80 system utilises an integrated Simrad DFS75 high-resolution trawl sonar and a high-resolution underwater camera and LED lamp from Kongsberg Marine for efficient and accurate catch monitoring. The combination of the two instruments provides the ability to identify and analyse both trawl movements and fish behaviour. Sonar and video data are sent via a wired connection between the FX80 communication hub (installed inside the FX80 underwater deployment unit containing the sonar head and communication hub), to the standard processor unit provided by Simrad. The processor unit allows outputs to be stored and displayed in colour on two displays. The camera unit is separate from the underwater deployment unit and is connected by a wire. The trawl sonar operates at a frequency of 120, 330, or 675 kHz. The LED lamp outputs at 2460 lumens and has a beam angle of 80 degrees. The camera and LED lamp are depth and temperature rated to 3000 degrees in -5 to 40 degC water and 4500 metres in -5 to 40 degC water respectively. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1620 | Kongsberg Simrad HS50 GPS gyrocompass | A compass that determines heading using two separate GPS sensors. For use on boats. The sensor unit contains two, 12-channel GPS sensors, electronic board with I/O and an inertial rate element. Heading is derived from the fixed-distance dual GPS antenna arrangement. GPS position and speed are calculated from both antennas. The inertial rate element provides yaw/ROT information. DGPS signals may be input to the HS50 to improve position and velocity accuracy (RTCM, SAPOS). Heading accuracy: 0.3 degrees RMS (static), 0.5 degrees RMS (dynamic). ROT accuracy: 0.5 deg/s + 5 %. Position accuracy: 5 m 95 % CEP. Velocity accuracy: 0.1 m/s 95 % CEP. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1764 | Kongsberg Simrad ME70 multibeam echosounder | The Simrad ME70 is a quantitative multibeam echo sounder designed for use in fishery research applications. The instrument features a configurable wide fan of stabilised and calibrated beams for biomass estimation, fish school characterisation and fish behaviour studies. All beams can be configured as split beams to provide data for single target analysis, such as target strength measurements and target tracking, with low side lobe levels and short pulse lengths allowing for accurate biomass estimation close to the bottom. The ability to adjust the athwartship centre angle of the fan from -45 to 45 degrees enables the instrument to be used to study fish close to ridges and slopes. The instrument operates in the frequency range of 70 to 120 kHz, and provides a configurable acoustic fan containing 3 to 45 stabilised beams which can be configured as split beams. The maximum total swath width is 140 degrees, with a minimum acquisition depth of less than 1 metre below the transducer. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1602 | Kongsberg Simrad MS70 multibeam echosounder | The Simrad MS70 is a high resolution multibeam scientific sonar with very low sidelobe levels. It is designed for collection of data from the water column including biomass estimation, fish school characterization and behaviour studies. The MS70 operates in the frequency range of 70 to 120 kHz using 800 transmitting and receiving channels. Provides an acoustic matrix containing 500 beams (25 horizontal and 20 vertical). Each beam is 3 to 4° wide depending on its position in the matrix. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1271 | Kongsberg Simrad PAL OE1364 colour CCD camera | A colour inspection charge-couple device (CCD) camera built into an underwater housing, designed for diver and vehicle deployment to 1500m depth. The OE1364 camera comprises an 8.0 mm (1/2") Hole-Accumulation Diode (HAD) sensor and a 625 Line/50 Hz Phase Alternating Line (PAL) video encoding system. The horizontal resolution is 460 Television lines (TVL), and the light sensitivity is 0.1 lux. The automatic iris control optical feature includes a manual over-ride for low-lighting conditions. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1765 | Kongsberg Simrad PI50 catch monitoring system | The Kongsberg Simrad PI50 is a catch monitoring system designed to provide the user with feedback on fishing gear state and behaviour and the environment. The system provides information such as the stability of the trawl doors, the amount and quality of the fishing catch, the behaviour of the bottom or pelagic trawl, or the correct timing of a purse seine. The system comprises a colour display, processor unit (computer), sensor receiver, power supply, hydrophone, and up to six different battery-powered catch monitoring sensors. Multiple types of interchangeable catch monitoring sensors from the Simrad PX family can be used including: bottom contact measurements, catch measurements, depth, height above bottom, spread, temperature, geometry, pitch, roll. Additional options include a hydrophone selector (for when multiple hydrophone receivers are used), and a loudspeaker to enable alerts relating to sensor input. The system has applications in purse seining and trawl fishing. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1797 | Kongsberg Simrad PX universal catch monitoring sensor | The PX Universal is a wireless catch monitoring sensor of which three versions are available: PX Universal, PX Universal Depth/Temperature (D/T) and PX Universal Catch/Temperature (C/T). The version is defined by the type of sensor lid, which in turn determines which parameters are measured. All three versions can measure the pitch, roll and height of the net, in addition to reporting the battery status of the sensor, with typical applications on trawl or purse seine. The most common version is the PX Universal D/T, which also measures temperature and the depth and sink rate of the net, with applications on seine nets. The PX Universal C/T is distinguished by being able to measure catch in addition to temperature. For operation, the sensor requires a suitable Kongsberg PI or SR Series receiver, one or more hydrophones and a computer running the Simrad TV80 or Simrad PI50 programs. The sensor can measure two parameters, with an additional license required to measure an additional three (for a total of five parameters simultaneously). The standard sensor is depth rated to 1400 metres in an operating temperature range of 0 to 50 degC. The sensor measures at a depth measurement accuracy of 0.5 %, roll and pitch angle measurement of +/- 90 degrees (+/- 2 degrees accuracy), spread measurement range of 0 to 600 metres, and battery status measurement of 0 to 100 % (+/- 1 % accuracy). The maximum communication distance between the sensor and receiver is 2500 m. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1865 | Kongsberg Simrad SC90 fish finding sonar | The Simrad SC90 is a 360 degree omnidirectional fish finding sonar with an operational range of 50 to 2000 metres, a selectable frequency of 82.5 to 85 kHz in steps of 0.5 kHz, a vertical beam width of 8 degrees, and 480 receiver channels. The cylindrical multi-element transducer allows the omnidirectional sonar beam to be tilted electronically from +10 to -60 degrees in 1 degree steps. The SC90 is equipped with Simrad's signal processing software. It includes linear frequency modulation transmissions (chirp) to ensure a clutter free picture with very high resolution in range, and automatic roll and pitch stabilisation of +/- 20 degrees. The instrument is available with two hull configurations differentiated by how far the transducer can be lowered below the hull and the resulting maximum operational speed. The SC90 can be lowered 1 metre limiting speed to 20 knots and the SC94 can be lowered 2.1 metres limiting speed to 19 knots. The SC90 hull unit can be supplied with a 4.6 or 7 m transducer cable. The SC94 is only supplied with a 4.6 m transducer cable. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1683 | Kongsberg Simrad SH90 fish finding sonar | The Simrad SH90 is a 360 degree omnidirectional fish finding sonar with an operational range of 50 to 2000 metres, and a selectable frequency of 111.5 to 116.5 kHz. The instrument features software to reduce noise from interference on the colour display interface echo presentation. Both the horizontal and vertical beams are electronically stabilised for the vessel's roll and pitch movements, enabling the full circle sonar beam to stay on target independent of the vessel movements. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1796 | Kongsberg Simrad SU90 fish finding sonar | The Simrad SU90 is a 360 degree omnidirectional fish finding sonar with an operational range of 150 to 4500 metres (standard) or 150 to 8000 metres (optional), and a selectable frequency of 20 to 30 kHz. The SU90 processor unit includes Simrad signal processing software to ensure a clutter free picture with very high resolution in range. The instrument features narrow beams with an opening angle of 4.9 degrees at 30 kHz, automatic roll and pitch stabilisation of +/- 20 degrees and a source level of 3 dB to enable low frequency, high resolution sounding. The instrument is available with three hull configurations differentiated by how far the transducer can be lowered below the hull and the resulting maximum operational speed. The SU92 (standard) can be lowered 1.2 metres limiting speed to 21 knots, the SU93 can be lowered 1.6 metres limiting speed to 18 knots and the SU94 can be lowered 2.1 metres limiting speed to 11 knots. Each hull unit (except the SU94) can be supplied with a 4.6 or 7 m transducer cable. The SU94 is only supplied with a 4.6 m transducer cable. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0859 | Kongsberg Simrad TOPAS PS018 sub-bottom profiler | TOPAS parametric sub bottom profiler is a high spatial resolution system designed for use in depths from 10 metres to full ocean depth operation. The system is based on low frequency signal generation, high bandwidth (~80 %), narrow beam profile and absent side lobes. Comprises of a transducer, transceiver unit, operator console and optional multi-channel receiver or beam former. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0657 | Konica Minolta CM-2600d Spectrophotometer | A portable, sphere type spectrophotometer which measures reflectance over the 360 nm - 740 nm wavelength range (at 10 nm half-bandwidths). It comprises a d/8 (diffused illumination, 8-degree viewing angle) iluminating/viewing system. It is equipped with two interchangeable measurement apertures (MAV: 8mm dia., SAV: 3mm dia.). The operating range is 0 to 175 % reflectance (0.01 % resolution). Spectral reflectance repeatability is within 0.1 % S.D. (0.2 % S.D. between 360 nm - 380 nm). | 2013-12-06 |
TOOL1610 | Krohne Optiflux 5000 flow sensor | An electromagnetic flow sensor. It is designed for use in aggressive and abraisive media. It use Faraday's law of induction to measure the flow velocity in electrically conductive fluids. It consists of a ceramic zirconium oxide flow tube with fused in-place Cermet or Platinum electrodes. The sensor is typically used in a system with an external signal converter. It is available in a sandwich (SW) or flanged (FL) version. Maximum measuring error: down to 0.3 - 0.15% of the measured value +/- 1 mm/s. Repeatability: +/- 0.1% of MV, minimum 1 mm/s. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1733 | Kukseflux SR20 D2 {Digital secondary} pyranometer | A digital ISO 9060 secondary standard pyranometer i.e. a solar radiation sensor. It is for applications where a high measurement accuracy is required, and is designed for the solar photovoltaics (PV) industry. SR20-D2 offers two types of outputs commonly used in the solar PV industry: digital via Modbus RTU over RS-485 and analogue 4-20 mA (current loop). SR20-D2 measures the solar radiation received by a plane surface, in W/m2, from a 180 degree field of view angle. | 2021-09-10 |
TOOL1798 | L-3 Communications SeaBeam 1050D multibeam echosounder | A dual frequency multibeam echosounder with 126 available beams at 1.5 degrees resolution. The SeaBeam 1050D combines the shallow water 180 kHz SeaBeam 1180 and medium water depth 50 kHz SeaBeam 1050. The 50 kHz component of the 1050D has a maximum swath width of 153 degrees at 500 metres depth, or 41 degrees at 3000 metres depth, and the 180 kHz component has a maximum swath width of 153 degrees at 110 metres depth, or 63 degrees at 580 metres depth. Selectable pulse length ranges from 0.15 to 10 ms, at survey speeds up to 16 knots for continuous seafloor coverage to collect bathymetric and sidescan data. | 2022-04-21 |
TOOL0601 | LAIPAC GD30L MMC Global Positioning System logger | A high performance Global Positioning System (GPS) recorder and vehicle tracking system for passive tracking applications. The maximum sampling interval selectable is 3 seconds, with a minimum sampling interval of 30 minutes. The recorded data includes date, time, longitude, latitude, speed, trajectory, and number of tracking satellites. | 2013-02-27 |
TOOL1592 | LEMI LLC LEMI-039 3C 3-component analog magnetometer | A vector analogue magnetometer designed for the precise measurement of Earth's magnetic field at land or sea. It is suitable for long-term continuous deployment due to its low power consumption. It is produced on the base of a flux-gate sensor, with all electronics housed in PCB with analogue output. This is coupled with an analogue registration unit. It has a measurement range (at analogue output) of +/- 65000 nT, a frequency band of DC-10 Hz, an operating temperature range of -20 to +60 degC, and an orthogonality error of < 30 min of arc. | 2021-01-18 |
TOOL0085 | LI-COR 7500 infrared gas analyser | A non-dispersive infrared gas analyser that measures carbon dioxide and water vapour concentrations in the atmosphere. The power received from the infrared source is measured at three wavelengths: one at a wavelength that is absorbed by carbon dioxide, another at a wavelength that is absorbed by water, and the third at a non-absorbing reference wavelength. The absorbance of each gas is calculated and converted to molar fraction using density, pressure and temperature data. | 2017-04-03 |
TOOL0432 | LI-COR LI-1800UW Underwater Spectroradiometer | A cosine-collector underwater radiometer with a spectral range of 100-850nm and a depth rating of 200m. Scan speed ranges from 20-45nm per second at intervals of 1, 2, 5 or 10nm. The instrument combines a holographic rating monochromator, and order sorting filter wheel and a silicon detector, and all operations are controlled by an internal microcomputer. Spectral data are automatically corrected for the wavelength-dependent immersion effect. Scanning can be initiated from the surface or the insturment can be programmed for autonomous operation, so it is useful for both real time profiling and time series monitoring applications. Although the LI-1800UW is designed for underwater measurements, it is also calibrated for use as a terrestrial spectro-radiometer and can be used in air with the standard 1800 cosine collector or with any of the optical receptors available for the LI-1800 Portable Spectroradiometer. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0193 | LI-COR LI-190 PAR sensor | A non-submersible cosine-corrected PAR sensor sensitive wavelengths from 400-700nm with sharp cut-off due to an interference filter. It may be used as a reference sensor for LI-192 and LI-193 Underwater Quantum Sensor. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0120 | LI-COR LI-192 PAR sensor | An underwater or atmospheric quantum sensor with cosine correction that can operate down to 560m. Fitted with a blue-enhanced silicon photovoltaic detector. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0458 | LI-COR LI-193 Spherical Quantum PAR sensor | An underwater spherical quantum sensor which measures photon flux from all directions (termed quantum scalar irradiance). The sensor can operate down to 350 m and is fitted with a blue-enhanced silicon photovoltaic detector. Two versions of the instrument are available (193SA and 193SB). These use different connector types for the underwater cable. | 2012-02-16 |
TOOL1770 | LI-COR LI-200R pyranometer | The LI-200R Pyranometer measures global solar radiation (the combination of direct and diffuse solar radiation) in the 400 to 1100 nm wavelength range. Measurement units are in watts per square meter (W m-2). It is used for applications in agricultural, meteorological, solar energy, and environmental research. The LI-200R measures global solar radiation with an unfiltered silicon photodiode. The crown of the sensor rapidly sheds water, and also physically blocks light from outside the hemisphere of sensitivity, providing a precise cosine response. Its sensitivity is typically 75 uA per 1000 W m-2. It has a maximum deviation of 1% up to 3000 W m-2. Its stability is < +/- 2% change over a 1-year period. It has an operating temperature range of -40 to +65 degrees Celsius. | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1772 | LI-COR LI-200SB pyranometer | A pyranometer designed to measure solar radiation received from a whole hemisphere. It is suitable for measuring global sun plus sky radiation. Its sensitivity is typically 80 uA per 1000 W m-2. It has a maximum deviation of 1% up to 3000 W m-2, and its stability is < +/-2% change over a 1-year period. | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1123 | LI-COR LI-6262 CO2/H2O infrared gas analyser | A differential, non-dispersive, infrared (NDIR) gas analyser that measures CO2 and H2O gas concentration. Measurements are based on the difference in absorption of infrared (IR) radiation passing through two gas sampling cells. The reference cell is used for a gas of known CO2 or H2O concentration, and the sample cell is used for a gas of unknown concentration. Infrared radiation is transmitted through both cell paths, and the output of the analyser is proportional to the difference in absorption between the two. It contains two solid state lead selenide detectors; one each for CO2 and H2O, filtered at 4.26 and 2.59 microns, respectively.The analyser has a measurement range of 0 to + 7.5 kPa or 40 degrees C dewpoint (H2O); 0 to 3000 ppm (CO2). Accuracy is less than 1% of the reading (H2O); +/- 1 ppm (CO2). | 2017-04-04 |
TOOL0705 | LI-COR LI-7000 CO2/H2O gas analyser | The LI-7000 is a differential, single source, non-dispersive, infrared gas analyser. Two solid state detectors, one each for CO2 and H2O, filter at 4.255 microns and 2.595 microns respectively. CO2 is measured in the range 0-3000ppm, with accuracy of 1 percent nominally. H2O is measured in the range 0-60 mmol per mol, with accuracy of one 1 percent. | 2024-03-20 |
TOOL2021 | LI-COR LI-7815 CO2/H2O trace gas analyser | The LI-7815 CO2/H2O trace gas analyser is a high-precision, high-stability, laser-based gas analyser that uses Optical Feedback - Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (OF-CEAS) to measure gases in air. OF-CEAS is a well-established spectroscopic technique that is described in published literature. The analyser reports and stores in its internal memory CO2 dry mole fractions in air corrected for both the spectroscopic interferences and dilution due to H2O. The LI-7815 has a sample rate of 1 Hz (1 sample per second). Optical cavity volume is 6.41 cubic centimetres, flow rate is 250, 150, or 70 sccm nominally in standard, high altitude, and reduce flow rate configurations respectively. Operating temperature range is -25 to 45 degC and humidity range is 0 to 85% RH. CO2 response time (T10 to T90) from 0 to 400 ppm is < 2 seconds in standard configuration or < 3 seconds in high altitude configuration. CO2 measurement range is 0 to 10,000 ppm. Precision is 0.1 ppm at 400 ppm with 1 second averaging, or 0.04 ppm at 400 ppm with 5 second averaging. Maximum drift is < 0.2 ppm per 24-hour period. H2O measurement range is 100 to 60,000 ppm. Precision is 45 ppm at 10,000 ppm with 1 second averaging, or 20 ppm at 10,000 ppm with 5 second averaging. | 2024-03-21 |
TOOL0915 | LI-COR LI-840 CO2/H2O gas analyser | An absolute, non-dispersive infrared gas analyser based on single path, dual wavelength and thermostatically controlled infrared detection system. Operating temperature range of -20 to +40 deg C. CO2 is measured in the range 0-3,000 ppm with an accuracy of better than 1.5 percent of the reading. H2O is measured in the range 0-80 ppt with an accuracy of better than 1.5 percent of reading. | 2024-03-20 |
TOOL0845 | LI-COR LI-840A CO2/H2O gas analyser | The LI-840A is an absolute, non-dispersive infrared gas analyser based on single path, dual wavelength and thermostatically controlled infrared detection system. Operating temperature range of -20 to +40 deg C. CO2 is measured in the range 0-20,000 ppm with an accuracy of better than 1 percent of the reading. H2O is measured in the range 0-60 ppt with an accuracy of better than 1.5 percent of reading. | 2017-04-03 |
TOOL1404 | LP-Research LPMS-RS232AL2 motion sensor | A high performance motion sensor / MEMS miniature inertial measurement unit (IMU) with waterproof connector design. Applications include human motion capture, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, sports performance evaluation, and drone flight control. It meaures Angular Rate, Acceleration and Magnetic Field Strength, and calculates from these, in real-time: Orientation, Linear acceleration, and Altitude. Integrates 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, temperature and barometric pressure sensor in one unit. It has an accuracy of < 0. 5 deg (static), < 2 deg RMS (dynamic); Temperature range: - 40 to ca. +80 deg C; and Data output rates of up to 400Hz. | 2020-02-14 |
TOOL0876 | LaCoste and Romberg S33 gravity meter | A stabilized-platform sensor which measures the Earth's gravitational field. It is used for operations in the air and at sea. The system comprises a gravity meter mounted on a gyro-stabilized platform. The system consists of fixed aluminium air-dampers and a 96 TPI (threads per inch) measuring screw. The accuracy of sensor is about 2mGal. | 2015-06-08 |
TOOL1273 | LaCoste and Romberg S83 gravity meter modified by Zero Length Spring corporation | A gravity meter modified by the Zero Length Spring (ZLS) corporation for shipborne and aircraft use, designed to measure the gravitational field. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL0865 | LaCoste and Romberg S84 Gravity Meter | A marine gravity meter that measures the earth's gravitational field. The S84 consists of a highly overdamped, spring type gravity sensor mounted on a gyro-stabilised patform. Range: 12000 milligals, static accuracy: 0.01 milligal. | 2015-05-27 |
TOOL0848 | Lachat QuikChem 8000 flow injection analyser and Ion Chromatography (IC) system | The Lachat QuikChem 8000 can operate flow injection analysis and ion chromatography simultaneously and independently on the same instrument platform. Instrument includes sampler, dilutor, sampling pump, electronics unit, and data station. Analysis takes 20-60 seconds, with a sample throughput of 60-120 samples per hour. Measurements are in the range of parts per trillion to parts per hundred. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0998 | Lachat QuikChem 8500 flow injection analysis system | The Lachat QuikChem 8500 Series 2 Flow Injection Analysis System features high sample throughput and simple, but rapid, method changeover. The QuikChem 8500 Series 2 system maximises productivity in determining ionic species in a variety of sample types, from sub-ppb to percent concentrations. Analysis takes 20 to 60 seconds, with a sample throughput of 60 to 120 samples per hour. | 2016-04-05 |
TOOL0966 | Lambrecht Quatro NAV C1642 and CH1642 static weather sensors | A self-contained weather station for naval ships. it is a compact multisensor mounted at the top of the mast for determining wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, air pressure, relative humdity and dew point temperature. It has aluminium housing. The CH variant has integrated heating for the top and housing. Wind direction accuracy: +/- 0.5 m/s (+/- 5 % of the measuring value). Wind speed accuracy: +/- 3 degrees. Temperature accuracy: +/- 1 deg C (at wind speed v >= 2 m/s). Relative humidity accuracy: +/- 3 % (at 20-90% r.h. and wind speed v >= 2 m/s). Air pressure accuracy: +/- 1.5 hPa (at 20 deg C). | 2016-01-22 |
TOOL1108 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 2011 Model ocean bottom seismometer | The LDEO 2011 seismometer design is a upfare of the standard LDEO design. Each OBS is equipped with a Trillium Compact seismometer, a Paroscientific absolute pressure gauge and a hydrophone. The design included dual redundancy with two transponders and two dropweights. It can be deployed to a depth of 5000 m and for a maximum duration of 400 days. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL1107 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Standard ocean bottom seismometer | The LDEO standard seismometer design has been in use for nearly 10 years. The seismometer sensor is a L4C 1 Hz geophone, with a low-noise amplifier, giving useful response down to 100 s, and a differential pressure gauge. This instrument has been used in both year-long passive-source and shorter-term active-source experiments. The design includes dual redundancy with two transponders and two dropweights. It can be deployed to a depth of 5000 m and for a maximum duration of 400 days. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL1109 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Trawl Resistant ocean bottom seismometer | The LDEO trawl-resistant (TRM) ocean bottom seismometer was designed in 2012 for use on the heavily-fished continental shelf. The TRM comprises a heavy, low steel shield that is designed to deflect the lower leading line of bottom trawl nets. The TRM is lowered onto the seafloor from the ship and recovered using popup buoys or remotely-operated vehicles. Each OBS is equipped with a Trillium Compact seismometer, a Paroscientific absolute pressure gauge, and a hydrophone. It can be deployed to a depth of 1000 m and for a maximum duration of 400 days. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL1112 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory ocean bottom seismometer series | Ocean bottom seismometer instruments designed by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO). Seismometer sensors are either a L4C 1 Hz geophone and a differential pressure gauge or a Trillium Compact seismometer, a Paroscientific absolute pressure gauge, and a hydrophone. They can be deployed for depths up to 1000 m or 5000 m. They can be deployed for a maximum duration of 400 days. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL0913 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory pCO2 underway system | An integrated system designed for underway measurements of pCO2 in surface waters and consists of a water-air equilibrator, a non-dispersive infra-red CO2 gas analyzer and a data logging system. | 2015-07-15 |
TOOL0547 | Lancaster University syringe water sampler | A water sample collection system comprising a peristaltic pump attached to a syringe, allowing near-surface samples to be gathered without introducing oxygen (a closed system). | 2012-09-26 |
NETT0084 | Large Opening-closing High-speed Sampling System - Dunn et al. (1989, 1993) | Rectangular net design similar to BIONESS. Uses an acoustic telemetry system to monitor depth, battery voltage, flow, and net function and to control the opening and closing of the nets. An underwater data logger is also present to log depth, conductivity, temperature and other parameters. LOCHNESS carries 5 nets with 224 cm x 224 cm mouth opening (5-m2) x 1400 cm long. Tow speeds up to 6 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 31 D, E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0509 | Lasentec Partec 100 focused beam reflectance measurement particle sizer | An in situ particle sizer that uses the principal of focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) to measure particle sizes in the range 2-1000 um in a liquid. The probe tip includes an optic filter, beam splitter, laser beam and sapphire window, through which laser light is passed into the liquid. The light is diffracted by particles suspended in the liquid and the FBRM measures the chord length distribution (CLD), which is a function of the number, size and shape of the particles. Typically, many thousands of chords are measured per second, providing a robust measurement sensitive to the change in the size or number of particles. The instrument can be deployed on a hydrographic wire and lowered to the required depth, where is is held steady while a particle spectrum is collected. The instrument was developed by Lasentec (also known as Lasentech), which has since been taken over by Mettler Toledo. The Partec 100 is no longer in production. | 2012-06-22 |
TOOL0010 | Lea float tide gauge | The Lea gauge is a vertically mounted chart recording gauge which measures the sea level by means of a float in a stilling well. The float is connected to the large drum in the lower centre of the picture and the counter weight connected to the smaller drum on its right. This difference in drum size means the counter weight does not enter the seawater on every tide. The disadvantage is that the counter weight has to be proportionally heavier to counter balance the float. The pen arm is moved up and down the chart by means of a chain loop linked to a worm gear on the drum axle. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL2144 | Leco AMA 254 Advanced mercury analyser | The AMA254 advanced mercury analyser is an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) designed to determine total mercury content in solids and liquids without pre-treatment or pre-concentration. Samples are decomposed using combustion (approximately 750 degC). The gases are pased through catalytic compounds and impurities are removed. Gold-plated ceramics collect the mercury vapour which is then heated to 900 degC and released to the detection system. The vapour passes through the cuvette and is detected by the AAS. The AAS uses a lamp that emits at a wavelength of 253.7nm, and a silicon UV diode detector. The instrument range at 100 mg is 0.5 ppb to 5 ppm, with a precision of 0.25 ppb or <5 % relative standard deviation. It works with nominal sample sizes of 100 mg of solids and 100 ul of liquids. It requires environmental conditions of 0 to 35 deg C and humidity between 20 and 80 %. | 2025-03-26 |
TOOL1298 | Leica DMI4000 B inverted light microscope | A semi-automated, inverted light microscope. Designed for scanning cell and tissue cultures. It is capable of common bright field, phase contrast, dark field, DIC (Differential Interference Contrast), polarization transmitted-light, fluorescence and combined fluorescence imaging of small objects. The microscope operates using a light source (100 W Hg lamp) and condenser that illuminates a specimen from above that is placed on a fixed stage. The specimen is observed and magnified from below using an objective lens and turret. Focus is adjusted by moving the objective lens along a vertical axis to move it closer or further from the specimen. It features manual coarse and fine focus, 6 x M25 manual objective turret, motorized fluorescence excitation filter wheel and a light intensity regulator and shutter to protect samples from bleaching during fluorescence analysis. The microscope is capable of IMC (Integrated Modulation Contrast) analysis. | 2019-06-12 |
TOOL1743 | Leica Microsystems DM2500 Epifluorescence microscope | The Leica DM2500 is an optical microscope equipped with a 100-Watt halogen illumination. The microscope is certified for in-vitro-diagnostics (IVD). The illumination renders a realistic impression of the colours of the sample, so that users in clinical applications, such as HE specimen staining, can assess the colours of their samples accurately. The DM2500 LED model is also available with ultra-bright LED illumination which is ideal for highly light-absorbent specimens and DIC. | 2021-10-28 |
TOOL2135 | Leica Viva GS10 GNSS receiver | A 120-channel, multiple-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver designed for precise positioning in various survey applications. It tracks various signals including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou. The receiver features an integrated antenna, long battery life and rugged design for field durability. It can be used in conjunction with Leica's Captivate processing software. 8 mm accuracy in real-time kinematic mode. | 2025-02-10 |
TOOL0427 | Lever Action Niskin Bottle | A plastic free-flushing water sampling bottle with a typical capacity between 1.7 and 30 litres. It has caps with rubber seals at each end and is deployed with the caps held open by externally mounted stainless steel springs. Unlike the standard Niskin design, this bottle does not feature an internal lanyard, and is thus recommended for applications where a completely clear sample chamber is critical. When the bottle reaches the desired depth it is closed by messenger when serially attached to hydrocable or by remote command when attached to sampling rosette. | 2022-08-30 |
NETT0175 | Lindahl dividable phytoplankton sampling hose | A rubber hose (material may vary) comprising length sections which integrate water samples from selected depth intervals. The division of the hose is adapted as needed. The hose inner diameter is >12 mm. The hose end is weighted. The hose is slowly lowered into the water (20 m/min). The top valve is closed when the hose has reached maximum depth. Sections are sequentially closed with valves as they appear during ascent. A full description is available in https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/pdf/Lindahl_1986.pdf. | 2014-09-12 |
TOOL0783 | Liquid Vial Forel-Ule Colour Comparator | A set of 21 glass vials in a frame containing standard solutions made with differing proportions of distilled water, ammonia, copper sulphate, potassium chromate and cobalt sulphate. The formulations result in a colour palette that covers naturally occurring water bodies, which are visually compared in-situ with the vials and assigned the number (1-21) of the nearest colour match. | 2014-08-26 |
TOOL0493 | Litre Meter LMSPFA.05 flow meter | Pelton Wheel flow meter designed to monitor water flow rates for pumped systems such as ships' continuous seawater supplies. The flow meter is designed to measure low flow rates in the range 0.006 to 0.1 l/min. Water flows through an inlet and is directed onto a rotor, whose rotation rate is directly proportional to the flow rate. | 2012-05-21 |
TOOL0400 | Litre Meter flow meter | A flow meter of unspecified model used to monitor water flow rates for pumped systems such as ships' continuous seawater supplies. | 2011-05-16 |
TOOL1389 | Lockheed Martin Sippican AXBT XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The AXBT Probe is deployed by aircraft and can be used to a maximum depth of 800 m. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL0714 | Lockheed Martin Sippican AXCTD | An expendable free-fall probe that provides a profile of measured temperature and salinity against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The AXCTD Probe is deployed by aircraft and can be used to a maximum depth of 1000m. | 2014-07-08 |
TOOL0715 | Lockheed Martin Sippican Deep Blue XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The Deep Blue XBT Probe (sometimes referred to as the T-7DB) can be used to a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 20 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2015-06-11 |
TOOL1290 | Lockheed Martin Sippican Fast Deep XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The Fast Deep Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 1000m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 20 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2018-10-24 |
TOOL0718 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-10 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-10 XBT Probe can be used to a maximum depth of 200m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 10 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2014-07-08 |
TOOL0716 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-11 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-11 XBT Probe can be used to a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 6 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2014-07-08 |
TOOL0435 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-4 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-4 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 30 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0262 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-5 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-5 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 1830m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 6 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0717 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-6 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-6 XBT Probe can be used to a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 15 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2014-07-08 |
TOOL0263 | Lockheed Martin Sippican T-7 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-7 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 760m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 15 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0591 | Lockheed Martin Sippican XCTD-1 probe | An expendable free-fall CTD profiling system which provides a profile of measured temperature and conductivity against depth calculated using a fall-rate model. This instrument can be used within a maximum depth of 1000 m and may be deployed with a ship speed of up to 12 knots. | 2013-01-18 |
TOOL0592 | Lockheed Martin Sippican XCTD-2 probe | An expendable free-fall CTD profiling system which provides a profile of measured temperature and conductivity against depth calculated using a fall-rate model. This instrument can be used within a maximum depth of 1850 m and may be deployed with a ship speed of up to 3.5 knots. | 2013-01-18 |
NETT0082 | Longhurst-Hardy Plankton recorder - Longhurst et al (1966) | A 50 cm diameter net mounted in a towing frame. Attached to the cod end of the net was a plankton recorder box with two rolls of gauze that were spooled onto a single spool after cutting across a tunnel through which water and plankton flowed out of the back of the net. The take-up spool with the plankton sandwiched between the two strips of gauze was advanced in discrete steps (15 seconds to 60 seconds) by an electronics package on the tow frame. Data on pressure and temperature and flow counts were logged on an internal recorder in the pressure case. Normally towed at 1.5 to 2.5 knots and collected ~ 100 samples [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 26 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0816 | Los Gatos Research N2O and CO 23d ICOS Analyser | A continuous gas analyser capable of real-time, continuous measurements of ambient N2O,CO and H2O using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA ICOS) - laser absorption. Sub ppb precision (N2O,CO) in less than one second. Maximum Drift 0.1 ppb(CO, N2O) and 50 ppm or 1% of reading (H2O). Precision of 0.1 ppb/0.050 ppb (CO,N2O), 50 ppm/10 ppm (H2O). Operating Temperatures 10 to 35 deg C standard model or 0 to 45 deg C for enhanced model. | 2014-12-18 |
TOOL1576 | Low density polyethylene water bottle | A Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) water bottle. Used for surface sampling from small boats. Low density polyethylene bottles provide very good chemical compatibility with a wide variety of lab reagents including most acids, bases, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. LDPE bottles are generally more flexible than HDPE bottles. | 2020-12-07 |
NETT0085 | Lowestoft frame trawl - Walker and Davies (1986) | A 142 cm x 142 cm rectangular mouth opening trawl with a rigid mouth frame and nets 747.5 cm long of 5.0 cm mesh. Uses a TSK flowmeter converted to a digital counter unit and conducting cable to power depth and temperature sensors. Data recorded on a surface chart recorder. Normally towed at 3 knots. A 100 cm x 100 cm mouth opening trawl with a net length of 475 cm also described. Mainly for small pelagic fish capture. Not opening/closing [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 4 F]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0086 | Lowestoft multiple high-speed plankton sampler - Beverton and Tungate (1967) | Construction comprises a 30.5 to 48.5 cm diameter nose cone aperture with 76.6 cm diameter body and 244 cm in length (a modified Gulf III sampler). Conical netting of nylon mesh of 0.270, 0.305, or 0.420 mm or Monel metal mesh of 0.270, 0.42, 0.560 mm. Has two auxiliary samplers with nose cones of 5 to 9 cm diameter and main body 16.5 cm diameter (0.061 - 0.270 cm mesh). An additional phytoplankton or water sampler has an aperture of 0.1 cm and a body diameter of 11.5 cm. Flowmeter mounted in nose cone [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 17 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1365 | Lufft WS501-UMB weather station | An all-in-one, multi-sensor weather station that uses Universal Measurement Bus communication protocol. Designed for observing weather above water in multiple applications (e.g. road and traffic control systems, hydro-meteorological stations and weather stations at airports, marinas and onboard ships). Measures air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed and radiation. An additional temperature or rain sensor can be externally connected. Relative humidity is measured by means of a capacitive sensor element; a precision NTC measuring element is used to measure air temperature; an integrated Kipp and Zonen CMP3 pyranometer measures solar radiation; ultrasonic sensor technology is used to take wind measurements; and air pressure is measured by means of a MEMS capacitive sensor. It consists of an integrated heater (to protect against frost) and aspirated radiation shield. There are no moving parts yielding maintenance free operation. Configuration and polling of the device takes place in binary protocol. As the system operates without collision detection, the master-slave principle is strictly observed. In order to simplify communication, especially for polling measurement values, it is possible to switch over to ASCII protocol. The accuracy is +/-0.2 to +/-0.5 degrees celsius for air temperature, +/-2% RH for humidity, +/-0.7 degrees celsius for dewpoint temperature, +/- 1.5hPa for air pressure, +/-0.3 m/s or +/-3% to +/-5% RMS for wind speed, <3 degrees for wind direction, and 2% for precipitation. | 2019-10-16 |
NETT0087 | MAFF-Guildline high-speed samplers - Milligan and Riches (1983) | A modified Lowestoft Sampler -itself a modified Gulf III sampler - which has a 40 cm diameter conical nose cone aperture with 76.6 cm diameter body 275 cm long. A second system has a 20 cm diameter nose cone aperture with a 53.3 cm diameter body that is 275 cm long. These systems have a Guildline CTD sensor unit with oxygen, pH, and digital flowmeter as additional probes with telemetry through a conducting cable. (MAFF stands for Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, now known as CEFAS) | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0997 | MARMAP 20-cm Bongo net | Plankton net described as 20-cm MARMAP Bongo Net [Posgay and Marak (1980)]; designed with double cylindrical (hoop) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.20, length (metre)=0.28; with opening area (square metre)=0.031; with total filtering net length (metre)=1.58; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: cylinder section length=1.07 m, conical section length=0.51 m; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.1 to 0.5 but usually 0.333; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-05 |
NETT0089 | MARMAP Bongo net - Posgay and Marak (1980) | Plankton net described as MARMAP Bongo Net [Posgay and Marak (1980), Wiebe & Benfield (2003)]; designed with double cylindrical (hoop) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.61, length (metre)=0.3; with opening area (square metre)=0.292; with total filtering net length (metre)=3; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: cylinder section length=1.47 m, conical section length=1.53 m; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.1 to 0.5 but usually 0.333; and equipped with NO closing mechanism and flowmeter in each hoop. | 2016-04-05 |
TOOL1275 | METAS Underwater Stereo camera system | A stereo camera system designed for underwater estimation of size and orientation of marine organisms. The system consists of two Manta G-609 cameras and a flash unit enclosed in three separate camera housings and mounted on a single frame. These pieces are connected, powered and controlled via an interface unit, which also hosts a computer, an orientation sensor and two laptop batteries. An AANDERAA 4117E pressure/temperature sensor is also mounted on the stereo camera frame. An Ethernet cable can be used for live-view of the acquired images and for monitoring the water depth reading. Further information can be found in the JR15004 cruise report: https://www.bodc.ac.uk/resources/inventories/cruise_inventory/reports/jr15004.pdf | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL1093 | MIROS SM-050 Wave and Current Radar Mk III | A wave and surface current radar designed for the measurement of directional wave spectra and surface currents. The sensor was developed for stationary floating units such as drill ships and floating production storage and offloading units, but could be used in transits at speeds up to 6-8 knots (11-14 km per hour). Moreover, the radar's frequencies were chosen to obtain a strong echo from the capillary waves (normally present at wind speed above 2 metres per second) but reaches its best working performance at a wind speed of 3 metres per second or above. The instrument uses a dual footprint pulse Doppler method for wave measurements, and a microwave dual frequency method for measuring surface current. The radar observes the ocean surface in a semi-circle using 6 sectors of 30 degrees, scanning the surface in sequence. The system consists of the radar, the junction box, the indoor interface unit, the desktop system computer and the wave radar software. The instrument operates effectively between temperatures of -15 to 30 degrees celsius. The MIROS SM-050 has an accuracy of 5 percent for wave height and period, and and accuracy of 7 degrees for wave and current directions. The instrument also has an accuracy ranging from -0.05 to +0.05 metres per second for current speed. | 2016-11-25 |
NETT0097 | MOCNESS modified Tucker trawl - Wiebe et al (1976, 1985) | Has a 100 cm x 141 cm rigid mouth opening with nine 0.333 mm nylon mesh nets 6 meters long. System powered electrically on conducting wire and originally controlled from surface deck unit and now computer controlled. Sensors include pressure, temperature, conductivity, fluorometer, transmissometer, oxygen, and light. Versions include systems with 1/4, 1, 2, 4, 10 and 20 m2 mouth openings all using the same release mechanisms, sensors, and compute logging and controls [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plates 28 D; 29 A-D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1664 | MOOG Crossbow NAV440 heading, attitude and positioning sensor | A combined navigation, velocity and orientation system. It is used in applications such as unmanned vehicle control. It measures position, dynamic velocity, and dynamic roll, pitch and heading. It comprises a 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) MEMS inertial sensor cluster that includes three axes of MEMS angular rate sensing and three axes of MEMS linear acceleration sensing. These sensors are based on silicon bulk micromachining technology. It also includes a 3-Axis Internal Magnetometer (IM), and internal WAAS Capable GPS Receiver. An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) using data from the aiding sensors (GPS/magnetometer) is used to correct drift in velocity, attitude and heading. Position accuracy: less than 3 m CEP. Heading accuracy: less than 1.0 deg RMS (magnetic), less than 0.75 deg RMS (with GPS aiding). Pitch and roll accuracy: less than 0.4 deg. | 2021-03-23 |
NETT0100 | MTD horizontal net - Motoda (1971) | Comprises a 56 cm diameter cylinder (80 cm length and cone (110 cm length) net mounted on wire with a triangular framework so that up to 10 can be towed simultaneously. Has a closing system that inverts the forward portion of the net and draws mid-net section tight. A flowmeter can provide approximate volumes filtered. Mesh size not given [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 8 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1094 | MTECH Ceilometer 8200-CHS | The MTECH 8200-CHS is a compact ceilometer designed to measure cloud height information using the LIDAR principle for fixed and tactical installations. A laser pulse that is shaped and real-time digitised is emitted by a low power diode laser to measure cloud heights. The 8200-CHS has a 32 bit microprocessor and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) performing advanced signal processing algorithms to detect multiple cloud bases and sky condition. The instrument operates effectively between temperatures of -40 and +60 degrees celsius. The MTECH 8200-CHS measures cloud height up 8200 m with an accuracy of less than -7.62 to +7.62 m (25 ft). | 2016-11-29 |
TOOL0333 | Magee Scientific AE1 Aethalometer | The Magee Scientific AE1 Aethalometer determines concentration of light absorbing aerosol particles from measurements of light transmission through a sample. Air is filtered through a quartz fibre filter tape that traps particulate matter. Measurements are taken at user-specified time intervals ranging from one second to several minutes and the instrument outputs a voltage that is indicative of the amount of light absorbed by the sample. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL1852 | Magee Scientific AE33 Aethalometer | An instrument that collects and analyses aerosol particles continuously. It can be used for air quality monitoring; real-time source apportionment; emissions testing; climate change research; health effects research; and combustion research. Air is drawn through a spot on a filter tape at a measured flow rate. The tape is illuminated by light while sensitive detectors measure the intensities of light transmitted through the collecting spot and an un-exposed portion of the tape, acting as a reference. As optically absorbing material accumulates on the spot, the intensity of light transmitted through it gradually decreases. The decrease in light intensity from one measurement to the next is interpreted as an increase in collected material. This increased amount is divided by the known air-flow volume to calculate the concentration. In this model two sample spots are collected from the same input air stream with different accumulation rates and analysed simultaneously. The two results are combined mathematically to eliminate the "Filter Loading Effect" nonlinearity and accurately measure the aerosol concentration. Additionally, the analysis is made at 7 optical wavelengths spanning the spectrum from 370 nm to 950 nm. Increases in optical absorption at shorter wavelengths may be interpreted in terms of the presence of so-called "Brown" carbonaceous material, usually an indicator of emissions from biomass combustion. This instrument can be integrated with other instruments including: Total Carbon Analyzer TCA08 for OC/EC analysis; CO2 and meteorological sensors for additional data; and external pump for high altitude BC monitoring. The measurement wavelengths are: 370, 470, 520, 590, 660, 880 and 950 nm. The air flow set-points are: 2, 3, 4 and 5 LPM. The instrument can function up to 3000m altitude, and temperatures between 10 and 40 degrees Celsius. | 2022-10-04 |
TOOL1860 | Magnavox MX100 GPS Navigator | A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver designed for use on non-commercial vessels. The device has three settings, Navigate, Plotter, and Sailplan, which include outputs such as position, speed, speed over ground, course over ground, bearing, distance and cross-track error, as well as over 200 waypoints and 20 routes. This instrument has six channels for continuous tracking. It has a back-lit LCD screen, which allows for day and nighttime navigation. The Sailplan setting allows the user to plan routes, whilst the Plotter setting graphically shows the chosen course. The instrument can be removed from the vessel and copies can be made via audio cassette recorder. Position updates every 0.6 seconds. This instrument was commercialised in 1991 and is no longer in production. | 2022-10-12 |
TOOL1861 | Magnavox MX200 GPS Navigator | A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver capable of receiving and processing differential navigation data, designed for professional use. The device includes outputs such as position, speed over ground, set and drift as well as cross-track error, 200 waypoints, and 20 routes. This instrument has six channels for continuous tracking. It has a back-lit LCD screen and uses multiple screens to show different navigational data. The screen has daytime and nighttime modes. The differential capabilities of this instrument allows for accuracies of better than 5 meters. Data copies can be made via audio cassette recorder. Position updates every 0.6 seconds. This instrument was commercialised in 1991 and is no longer in production. | 2022-10-12 |
TOOL1297 | Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser diffraction particle size analyser | Laser diffraction particle analyser measures the distribution of different particles sizes in both dry and wet samples. A laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample and the angular variation in intensity of the scattered light is measured. The angular scattering intensity data is then analysed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern using the Mie theory of light scattering. The instrument has a particle size range of 0.02 to 2000 microns. | 2018-11-22 |
TOOL1139 | Malvern Mastersizer 3000/3000E laser diffraction particle size analyser | A laser diffraction particle size analyser available for both dry and wet dispersions of particles from nanometer to millimeter ranges. A laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample and the angular variation in intensity of the scattered light is measured. The angular scattering intensity data is then analysed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern using the Mie theory of light scattering. The particle size is reported as a volume equivalent sphere diameter. The instrument has an accuracy of 0.6%, operation temperatures of 5degC to 40degC (non-condensing), size of 10 nm - 3.5 mm (3000) or 0.1 - 1000 um (3000E). | 2017-06-20 |
TOOL0300 | Manchester Centre for Atmospheric Science Differential Mobility Particle Sizer | An in-situ instrument that gives size-resolved aerosol particle counts in the range 3.4 nm to 830 nm. The instrument comprises an ultrafine and a standard differential mobility analyser, and an ultrafine and a standard optical particle counter. It is a research mode instrument developed by the University of Manchester Centre for Atmospheric Science that is not in commercial production. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0352 | Manchester Centre for Atmospheric Science Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser | The Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (HTDMA) measures the changes in aerosol size distribution in response to a change in relative humidity. It uses two Differential Mobility Analysers (DMAs), operated in series. The incoming air sample is dried to <10% relative humidity, and the first DMA selects a monodisperse distribution of a chosen size. The monodisperse subsample is humidified, and the second DMA, coupled to a particle counter, measures the size distribution of the humidified sample. | 2010-10-01 |
TOOL1206 | Manta G-609 camera | A Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) camera including a Sony ICX694 sensor with Exview HAD II technology. It has a resolution of 2752 x 2206 (approximately 6 Megapixels), and has a maximum frame rate of 15 frames per second. The Manta G-609 camera is suitable for various applications, including high-resolution surveillance, metrology and inspection systems, scientific measurements and microscopy, and is suited for low light conditions and is sensitive to near infrared (NIR) radiation. | 2018-01-30 |
NETT0177 | Manta net | A generic term for a net system designed for sampling the surface of the ocean. Based on the original design by Brown and Cheng 1981, it has a single rectangular mouth piece and a pair of wings that ride the sea surface; further specifications are either unknown or described elsewhere in the supporting metadata. | 2018-01-09 |
NETT0088 | Manta net - Brown and Cheng (1981) | A rectangular framework 100 cm wide by 20 cm tall with a pair of wings that ride the sea surface and a pair of paravanes to guide the net away from the ship. Attached to the frame was a Bongo Net (240 cm circumference) with 505 um mesh. A 100 kg weight was used to hold the asymmetrical bridle down below the surface so that the mouth opening was relatively free of towing lines. Equipped with a flow meter [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 21 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0067 | Marcel Kruse PAR Spectrometer | Self-contained spectral radiometer manufactured by Ingenieurburo Marcel Kruse. It has a cosine diffusor and records radiation in the range of 400-700nm using a diode array. Depending on light intensities integration time ranges between 15ms to 16s for one spectrum. Storage capacity is 90 spectra. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL1138 | Marel M1100 industrial scales | Industrial bench scales that offer a weighing range of 1.5 to 3000 kg, dependant on the platform used. The scales are designed to withstand humid conditions, and are waterproof to IP67 or IP69K standards. Capable of registering and recording weights in 0.5 - 1 second, in a temperature range of -10 degC to 40 degC. | 2017-06-20 |
TOOL0481 | Marianda VINDTA 3C total inorganic carbon and titration alkalinity analyser | The Versatile INstrument for the Determination of Total inorganic carbon and titration Alkalinity (VINDTA) 3C is a laboratory alkalinity titration system combined with an extraction unit for coulometric titration, which simultaneously determines the alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon content of a sample. The sample transport is performed with peristaltic pumps and acid is added to the sample using a membrane pump. No pressurizing system is required and only one gas supply (nitrogen or dry and CO2-free air) is necessary. The system uses a Metrohm Titrino 719S, an ORION-Ross pH electrode and a Metrohm reference electrode. The burette, the pipette and the analysis cell have a water jacket around them. Precision is typically ± 1 umol/kg for TA and/or DIC in open ocean water. | 2012-03-19 |
NETT0196 | Marine Biological Association Channel Hunter Box Trawl | A type of trawl that is made up of four panels of netting, a top panel, a lower panel and two side panels with these four panels carried down to a four-panel cod-end. Usually used to catch fish. The headline length is 15m, the foot rope length is 20m, it has a diamond mesh with mesh size 80mm, the cod end mesh size is 80mm, and the cod end liner mesh size 20mm. The headline is fitted with 13 x 8-inch diameter plastic floats. The net is held open by a pair of Vee doors. The total net length (from headline midpoint to cod end) is 16m. | 2021-04-14 |
NETT0198 | Marine Biological Association Modified Small Otter Trawl | A type of trawl net designed to be dragged behind a research vessel along the sea bottom or the pelagic zone. The otter trawl is mainly used to catch roundfish living above the sea bottom. The headline length is 15m, the foot rope length is 17.5m, it has diamond mesh with mesh size 80mm, the cod end mesh size is 80mm. Cod end cover (when used) has a mesh size of 5mm. The headline is fitted with 9 plastic floats (2 x 8-inch diameter and 7 x 6-inch diameter). The net is held open by a pair of metal Vee doors, each weighing 150kg. The total net length (from headline midpoint to cod end) is 11.5m. | 2021-04-14 |
NETT0197 | Marine Biological Association Small Otter Trawl | A type of trawl net designed to be dragged behind a research vessel along the sea bottom or the pelagic zone. The otter trawl is mainly used to catch roundfish living above the sea bottom. The headline length is 15m, the foot rope length is 17.5m, it has diamond mesh with mesh size 80mm, the cod end mesh size is 80mm. Cod end cover (when used) has a mesh size of 5mm. The headline is fitted with 9 plastic floats (2 x 8-inch diameter and 7 x 6-inch diameter). The net is held open by a pair of plastic Vee doors. The total net length (from headline midpoint to cod end) is 11.5m. | 2021-04-14 |
TOOL0045 | Marine Electronics 3D Sand Ripple Profiling Logging Sonar | A dual axis mechanically scanning sonar unit with a built in hard disk drive and associated controlling computer, powered by an external battery pack but is self-contained. The sonar has an oil-filled hemi-spherical plastic "boot" providing protection for its acoustic transducer which operates with a narrow conical beam pattern. Typically the sonar is mounted vertically, looking down at the sea-bed, and captures a sequence of profiles of the sea-bed over a pre-programmed sector and range. The sonar gathers a single swath of data in the horizontal plane and then rotates the transducer through a pre-programmed angle around the vertical axis and repeats the process until a circular area underneath the sonar has been scanned in a sequence of radial spokes. The raw data represents the signal amplitude of the envelope of the returned echoes. A suite of sensors to measure conductivity, temperature, depth, pitch and roll are also mounted on the instrument. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0046 | Marine Electronics Sand Ripple Profiling Sonar | A single axis mechanically scanning sonar unit. The sonar has an oil-filled plastic "boot" providing protection for its acoustic transducer which operates with a narrow conical beam pattern.Typically the sonar is mounted vertically, looking down at the sea-bed, and captures a sequence of profiles of the sea-bed over a pre-programmed sector and range. The sonar gathers a single swath of data in the horizontal plane and then rotates the transducer through a pre-programmed angle around the vertical axis and repeats the process until a circular area underneath the sonar has been scanned in a sequence of radial spokes. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL1165 | Marine Institute Slurp Sampler | The slurp sampler is a manipulator designed by the Marine Institute for use on Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) systems to sample live coral. The 75 mm slurp gun uses a vacuum suction mechanism to collect samples into a single chamber container. | 2017-11-06 |
TOOL0474 | Marine Magnetics SeaSPY Marine magnetometer | A marine magnetometer that measures the ambient magnetic field using a specialised branch of nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology applied to hydrogen nuclei. It uses an Overhauser sensor that allows omnidirectional data collection regardless of the direction of the ambient magnetic field. The sensor is accurate to 0.1 nT with a resolution of 0.01 nT. The magnetometer and associated electronics are held in a fibreglass towfish and the SeaSPY is available in three depth ratings: 1000 m, 3000 m and 6000 m. Optional extras include a pressure sensor, altimeter, transponder and side scan integration. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL1616 | Marine Magnetics Seaspy 2 magnetometer | A pulsed Overhauser magnetometer. It can be platform-integrated (e.g. AUVs and gliders) or towed. It measures the ambient magnetic field using a branch of nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology applied specifically to hydrogen nuclei. It consists of an omnidirectional sensor. Up to three independent gradient directions can be measured (vertical, horizontal (across-track) and longitudinal (along-track)). Configurations available allow it to be used as a gradiometer that measures magnetic gradient in one dimension (vertical, horizontal (across-track) and longitudinal (along-track)) by taking the difference between two independent magnetic sensors Optional pressure or altimeter sensors may be integrated. Absolute accuracy: 0.1 nT. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1878 | Marine Microsystems RoxAnn ground discrimination system | RoxAnn is an add-on to any generic echo sounder, consisting of a head amplifier and parallel receiver. It is designed to process echoes from an echo sounder in order to classify the seabed. The parallel receiver accepts the echo train from the head amplifier. The receiver is designed to gate and integrate the first and second echoes to determine seabed roughnesss and hardness. Data are transmitted via RS232 to an external datalogger. The instrument can read echoes from echo sounders that use frequencies between 20 and 250 kHz. This instrument is no longer in production. | 2022-11-15 |
NETT0171 | Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKI | An oceanographic sampler designed to be towed behind a vessel. The sampler includes 4 nets which are controlled by acoustic signals from the towing ship. The system can be fitted with live codend buckets or codend bags. This version of the sampler has been supserseded. | 2012-09-25 |
NETT0172 | Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKII | An oceanographic sampler designed to be towed behind a vessel at a rate of 2-4 knots. The sampler includes 7 nets with mouth openings of 10cm internal and 160cms long. The nets are mounted in a removable stainless steel frame, which fits into the main stainless steel sampler frame, and can be changed to suit sampling requirements. The system can be fitted with live codend buckets or codend bags of similar mesh to the sampling nets. The system is pre-programmed using a computer which allocates depths where the sampler will activate.The operator can elect to sample down and up through the water column or only on the down leg or up leg. The main nose cone contains a Marine Scotland titanium flowmeter whose measurements are recorded on a data logger. The system also contains a motor that controls the opening and closing of nets. The system also normally carries 7 water sampling bottles, an optical plankton counter and an SBE911 CTD fitted with transmissometer and fluorometer. The sampler is rated to 1000 m and can carry up to 250kg of other instrumentation. | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL0535 | Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net water bottle | A custom made water sampling bottle designed to fit on the OCEAN sampler. The bottle comprises a free-flooding tube with a capacity of 0.5 litres. The bottle closes when a net sample is collected. Bottle firing is pre-programmed using a computer prior to deployment of the sampler. | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL0057 | Marsh McBirney 585 OEM electromagnetic flowmeter | A rugged solid-state electromagnetic current sensor designed to measure horizontal currents with minimal interference from vertical flow. Manufactured between 1976 and 1992 by Marsh McBirney, now part of Hashflow. The OEM 585 was a dual-axis unit with a 4-inch sensor able to measure currents up to 3 ms-1 with 2% accuracy and a resolution of 0.0018 ms-1. It was supplied as a sensor plus associated electronic unit rather than packaged into a self-contained current meter. | 2012-11-20 |
NETT0090 | Maruchi conical nets - Nakai (1962) | Construction comprises a 130 cm diameter mouth opening with 450 cm long net. There were a series of variants MCA-MCE. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0091 | Marudai - Nakai (1962) | Construction comprises a 250 cm diameter mouth opening with 800 cm long net. A series of variants designed to sample megaplankton and nekton (MDA, MDB, PMD) | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0092 | Marunaka - Nakai (1962) | Has a 60 cm diameter mouth opening cylinder/cone design. Cylinder coarse mesh (3.3 cm) 33 cm long. Conical portion silk net 150 cm long. Can accommodate flowmeter. Sometimes rigged as Nansen closing net. Variants listed as MNA, MNB. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0093 | Marutoku - Nakai (1962) | Has a 45 cm diameter mouth opening with cylinder/cone design - similar to International Standard Net (MTA) - sometimes rigged as Nansen closing net. Cylinder coarse mesh; conical section 80cm silk mesh netting. MTB- similar to above, but with flowmeter [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 3 A, B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0828 | Max Planck Institute Pump CTD water sampler | Free falling system developed by MPI which allows for high resolution sampling of gradients in the water column, as well as sampling large amounts of water without contact with the atmosphere. When the system in at the water surface, the pump is initiated and after at least 10 minutes, water sampling begins. The water sampling has a delay of a few minutes, depending on tube length. Samples can be taken every 1 to 2 seconds. | 2015-01-29 |
TOOL1640 | Maxim Integrated Thermochron iButton DS1922L temperature logger | A rugged, self-sufficient system that measures temperature and records the result in a protected memory section. The DS1922L is a high-capacity Thermochron with more logging memory, increased accuracy, and increased resolution. Data acquisition can be programmed to begin immediately, after a user-defined delay, or after a temperature alarm. A total of 8192 8-bit readings or 4096 16-bit readings can be stored at recording intervals ranging from 1s to 273hrs. The DS1922L communicates with computing devices through the serial 1-Wire protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return. The durable stainless-steel package is highly resistant to environmental hazards such as dirt, moisture, and shock. Access to the memory and control functions can be password protected. Accessories permit the DS1922L to be mounted on almost any object, including containers, pallets, and bags. The instrument's operational temperature range is between -40 degrees Celsius and +85 degrees Celsius. It has an accuracy of +/- 0.5 degrees Celsius. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL1960 | McLane Large Volume Water Transfer System | A large volume, single-event sampler that collects suspended and dissolved particulate samples in situ. Ambient water is drawn through a modular filter holder onto a 142 mm membrane without passing through the pump. The standard two-tier filter holder provides prefiltering and size fractioning. Collection targets include chlorophyll maximum, particulate trace metals and phytoplankton. Features different flow rates and filter porosity to support a range of specimen collection. Sampling can be programmed to start at a scheduled time or begin with a countdown delay. Features a dynamic pump speed algorithm which adjusts flow to protect the sample as material accumulates on the filter. Several pump options ranging from 0.5 to 30 litres/minute, with a max volume of 2,500 to 36,000 litres depending on the pump and battery pack used. The standard model is depth rated to 5,500 metres, with a deeper 7,000 metre option available. Operating temperature is -4 to 35degC. The WTS-LV is available in four different configurations: Standard, Upright, Bore Hole, and Dual Filter Sampler. The high capacity upright WTS-LV model provides three times the battery life of the standard model. The Bore-Hole WTS-LV is designed to fit through a narrow opening such as a 30 cm borehole. The dual filter WTS-LV features two vertical intake 142 mm filter holders to allow simultaneous filtering using two different porosities. | 2023-06-19 |
TOOL0785 | McLane PARFLUX Mark78H-21 Sediment Traps | A sediment trap designed for mid-water mooring deployment (maximum depth 6500m) with a conical collector passing settled particles into one of a set of bottles mounted in a carousel. The bottles are changed after a user-selected period of time. An optional wet sample particle divider may be fitted to divide wet specimens into 5-10 equal parts. Compass/tilt and pressure sensors may also be fitted. This model carries 21 bottles (250 or 500 ml) and is 1.64m tall and 0.91m diameter. | 2014-09-01 |
TOOL0786 | McLane PARFLUX Mark78HW-13 Sediment Traps | A sediment trap designed for mid-water mooring deployment (maximum depth 6500m) with a conical collector passing settled particles into one of a set of bottles mounted in a carousel. The bottles are changed after a user-selected period of time. An optional wet sample particle divider may be fitted to divide wet specimens into 5-10 equal parts. Compass/tilt and pressure sensors may also be fitted. This model carries 13 wide bottles (250 or 500 ml) and is 1.64m tall and 0.91m diameter. | 2014-09-01 |
TOOL0787 | McLane PARFLUX Mark8-13 | A sediment trap designed for mid-water mooring deployment (maximum depth 6500m) with a conical collector passing settled particles into one of a set of bottles mounted in a carousel. The bottles are changed after a user-selected period of time. An optional wet sample particle divider may be fitted to divide wet specimens into 5-10 equal parts. Compass/tilt and pressure sensors may also be fitted. This model carries 13 bottles (250 or 500 ml) and is 1.16m tall and 0.66m diameter. The reduced size eases handling at sea. | 2014-09-01 |
TOOL0940 | McLane RAS-100 remote-access sampler | A deep water or coastal time series water sampler that collects samples for biological, dissolved major and minor nutrient, dissolved trace metal, or dissolved organic carbon analyses. It collects 48 100ml samples of ambient water and suspended material in Tedlar bags, isolating the samples for subsequent laboratory analysis following a user defined sampling schedule. RAS systems can optionally be fitted with in-line pre-filters and an external temperature sensor. Deployment data with a report of sample event conditions is stored to non-volatile EEPROM. Further information is available at http://www.mclanelabs.com/master_page/product-type/samplers/remote-access-sampler. | 2015-09-01 |
TOOL0939 | McLane RAS-500 remote-access sampler | A deep water or coastal time series water sampler that collects samples for biological, dissolved major and minor nutrient, dissolved trace metal, or dissolved organic carbon analyses. It collects 48 500ml samples of ambient water and suspended material in Tedlar bags, isolating the samples for subsequent laboratory analysis following a user defined sampling schedule. RAS systems can optionally be fitted with in-line pre-filters and an external temperature sensor. Deployment data with a report of sample event conditions is stored to non-volatile EEPROM. Further information is available at http://www.mclanelabs.com/master_page/product-type/samplers/remote-access-sampler. | 2015-09-01 |
TOOL1588 | McLane Research Laboratories Imaging FlowCytobot imaging sensor | An in-situ automated submersible imaging flow cytometer that generates images of particles in-flow taken from the aquatic environment. It can be used for bench top analysis as well as for pier and other wired deployments. Extended unattended deployments (6 to 9 months) are possible. The IFCB uses a combination of flow cytometric and video technology to capture high resolution images of suspended particles. Laser induced fluorescence and light scattering from individual particles are measured and used to trigger targeted image acquisition. Collected images during continuous monitoring can be processed externally with automated image classification software. Images can be classified to the genus or even species level. IFCB generates high resolution (~3.4 pixels/micron) images of suspended particles in the size range <10 to 150 µm. The instrument continuously samples at a rate of 15ml of sea water per hour. Depending on the target population the IFCB can generate on the order of 30 000 high resolution images per hour.It is depth rated to 40m. | 2021-01-06 |
TOOL1326 | McLane Research Laboratories PPS {Phytoplankton Sampler} water sampler | An autonomous time-series particulate sampler. It consists of a stainless steel frame, aluminium controller housing, 25-port valve, pump and 24-filter holders containing 47mm 0.7 micron GF/F filters. Individual water samples are collected by user-defined time-series events. The 25 port valve physically isolates samples and pumps samples through the selected filter position before passing through the 50, 125, or 250 ml/min pump. The maximum volume per sample is 10 litres. The data recorded during a deployment includes flow rates, volume pumped, pump feedback, power, temperature and event times. This data is offloaded from the PPS after deployment and used for sample analysis. It is depth-rated to 5,500 m. | 2019-04-08 |
TOOL0906 | Measurement Engineering Australia SDI-12 temperature sensor | A CMOS chip containing a thermistor temperature sensor together with bias circuitry and an analogue to digital converter capable of delivering digital temperature measurements in engineering units down a single-wire bus. The sensors have a measurement range from -17 to +33 C, are accurate to 0.02 C, are matched to within 0.006 C and have a resolution of 0.001 C. The sensors may be deployed singly or built into thermistor chains. | 2015-06-30 |
NETT0042 | Mechanically opening-closing epi-benthic plankton sled - Wickstead (1953) | Construction is a 61 cm x 30 cm rectangular mouth opening : length of net or mesh size not given [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 22 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1086 | Medium-Spectral Resolution, Imaging Spectrometer | A programmable, medium-spectral resolution, imaging spectrometer which operates in the solar reflective spectral range. It was designed to observe the colour of the open surface ocean and coastal zones, in order to estimate chlorophyll concentration and water turbidity. The instrument is composed of five identical optical modules arranged side by side, each equipped with a "push-broom" spectrometer. Each spectrometer uses linear charge-coupled devices (CCDs) to carry out simultaneous across-track sampling as the satellite moves in the along-track direction. The MERIS instrument covers a swath width of 1150 km, and has a total field of view around nadir of 68.5 degrees. The frequency of complete earth scans is three days at the equator. Flown on Envisat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/277 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0438 | Meerestechnik Elektronik or MICSOS microstructure profiler | A free sinking or rising multi-parameter probe equipped with high resolution temperature and current shear sensors for microstructure observations and precision CTD sensors for standard hydrography. The shear is measured by an aero-foil-shaped shear probe with an overall time constant of 4 ms. The high resolution temperature probe works with a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) sensor which has an overall time constant of about 10 ms.The sampling rates of the sensors are about 1 kHz. An internal vibration sensor compensates for vibrations of the profiler itself. The data are transmitted via a fast link to a computer on the mother ship. The descent rate of the profiler can be adjusted to the surrounding water density by removable weights. The CTD sensors are a piezo-resistive pressure sensor, Platinum resistance thermometer and 7-Pole conductivity cell. The profiler was developed in the framework of the MICSOS project and is often called the 'MICSOS profiler'. The MST System consists of the profiler, a neutrally-buoyant cable for data transmission, a data and power supply interface, and a logger. Only 3 MST profilers were ever built. Meerestechnik Elektronik no longer exists but the instrument is supported by ISW Wassermesstechnik. | 2011-11-07 |
TOOL0149 | Meerestechnik OTS-1200 CTD | An integral unit comprising pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1814 | Meinsberg EGA 140 pH sensor | A pH and temperature combination electrode. Has applications in industries such as water technology, sewage treatment, electroplating and process chemistry. It has a gel electrolyte and two ceramic frits. The integrated temperature probe is a Pt 1000 platinum resistor, other temperature probes are available on request. The sensor can operate in temperatures between -5 and +80 degrees Celsius and pressures of up to 6 bar (87 psi). | 2022-06-28 |
TOOL0238 | Mercury reversing thermometer | A generic term for a mercury-in-glass thermometer that freezes the temperature reading when turned upside-down. | 2010-05-18 |
NETT0159 | Messenger-operated Tucker Trawl - Hopkins et al. (1973) | A 180 cm x 180 cm rectangular mouth opening Tucker trawl with a double messenger activated release mechanism made by General Oceanics. Net is made from 1.1 cm mesh for first 500 cm and 0.33 mm nylon mesh for last 2 meters. Flow measured with a TSK flowmeter and a time-depth recorder is used to log net trajectory. Also used with trawl with 180 cm x 360 cm mouth opening. Tow speeds generally are between 2and 2.5 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 6 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0160 | Messenger-operated Tucker Trawl - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976) | A 100 cm x 100 cm and a 400 cm x 400 cm rectangular mouth opening Tucker trawl with a double messenger activated release mechanism. Net is made from coarse mesh. Flow measured with a digital flowmeter. A depressor plate is mounted on bottom net bar. Tow speeds generally are between 2 and 4 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 6 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0697 | MetOcean Surface Velocity Program (SVP)-Iridium Drifter DEPRECATED | Code deprecated because it refers to a platform and not an instrument. Original description was: a drifting surface buoy equipped with a bi-directional Iridium satellite system communications link, which also provides the primary position information. More accurate position information is provided by a GPS module. The drifter has an SST sensor and battery voltage sensor as standard, and can optionally be equipped with sensors for salinity, high resolution SST, and barometric pressure. The drifter can either comprise a spherical surface unit with no drogue (the iSphere), or be attached to a holey-sock drogue by a tether (SVP). The latter configuration has a strain gauge drogue presence system. | 2017-03-22 |
TOOL1402 | Metek uSonic-3 Scientific {formerly: USA-1} ultrasonic anemometer | A high precision 3D sonic anemometer. Typical applications for this device include: meteorological systems, meteorological networks, measuring dispersion parameters for pollution modelling, research stations, industrial sites, air quality forecasts, eddy correlation fluxes, marine and offshore platforms, wind shear detection, wind energy, and wake vortex monitoring. This device takes accurate measurement of 3 wind components and turbulence. Constructed with stainless steel. Optional extensions are sensor head heating, analogue data output, analogue data input, separation of sensor head and electronic, online turbulence calculation. Measuring range 0 to 60 m/s , - 40 to + 70 deg C. Resolution = 0.01 m/s, 0.1 deg ,0.01 K. | 2020-02-14 |
TOOL0515 | Metrohm 663 VA Stand mercury electrode | The Metrohm 663 VA stand forms the wet chemical part of a polarographic and voltammetric analytical system. It features a mercury electrode, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode and a glassy carbon counter electrode. The size of the mercury drop and the stirrer speed are set manually on the VA Stand. The VA Stand can be operated in Dropping Mercury Electrode (DME), Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode (HMDE) and Static Mercury Drop Electrode (SMDE) modes. The VA Stand can be controlled by a potentiostat in conjunction with the Metrohm IME663 interface. | 2012-07-04 |
TOOL1245 | Metrohm 665 Dosimat Burette | A dispensing instrument for titrating and dosing operations in the laboratory. It is fitted with microprocessor control, for titrating and dosing operations, digital display, automatic stopcock changeover, built-in RS 232C interface for printer connection and remote control of all functions; including push-button cable for manual dispensing control; without exchange unit. Dispensing rates of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min can be selected alongside pippetting volumes of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min. | 2018-07-17 |
TOOL1131 | Metrohm 702 SM Titrino potentiometric titrator | A potentiometric titrator designed for monotonic, set endpoint and manual determination of solution concentrations. The titrator can be used in applications such as aqueous and non-aqueous, redox, precipitation and complexometric titrations. The operation modes include Monotonic Equivalence-point Titration (MET), Set Endpoint Titration (SET), Measurement (MEAS) and pH Calibration (CAL), all of which link various commands and methods to a titration procedure. The instrument consists of an exchange unit with a small two-line display and a remote control; it can be controlled remotely from a computer, and connected to a balance and printer. The instrument can be used with either a magnetic stirrer, rod stirrer or Ti stand. The titrator measures pH in the range -20 to 20 (resolution 0.02), voltage in the range -2000 mV to 2000 mV (resolution 2 mV), current in the range -200 uA to 200 uA and temperature in the range -150 degC to 450 degC (resolution < 0.2 degC in the range of 0 degC to 100 degC). It has two high impedance measuring inputs for pH, redox and ISE electrodes. | 2017-05-12 |
TOOL0633 | Metrohm 716 DMS Titrino | A titrator used for dynamic and monotonic titrations. The instrument consists of an exchange unit, a magnetic stirer, and a live display. It measures pH in the range -20 to 20, voltage in the range -2000 to 2000 mV, and current in the range -200 to 200 uA. Temperature is measured by either Pt1000 or Pt100 in the range -150 to 450 degC. | 2013-07-31 |
TOOL1968 | Metrohm 721 Titrino Titrator | A potentiometric titrator designed for monotonic, set endpoint and manual determination of solution concentrations. The titrator can be used in applications such as aqueous and non-aqueous, redox, precipitation and complexometric titrations. The operation modes include Dynamic Equivalence point Titration (DET), Monotonic Equivalence-point Titration (MET), and Set Endpoint Titration (SET), Measurement (MEAS) and pH Calibration (CAL), all of which link various commands and methods to a titration procedure. The instrument consists of an exchange unit with a small two-line display and a remote control; it can be controlled remotely from a computer, and connected to a balance and printer. The instrument can be used with either a magnetic stirrer, rod stirrer or Ti stand. | 2023-07-03 |
TOOL0572 | Metrohm 765 Dosimat Burette | A dispensing instrument for titrating and dosing operations in the laboratory. The instrument includes the following functions: automatic preparation of standard solutions; pipetting, diluting and dispensing; calculation of results. Dispensing rates of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min can be selected alongside pippetting volumes of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min. The 765 Dosimat is an upgrade of the 776 model, with additional features including automatic dosing test; tandem dispensing with a second Dosimat; data connection for a balance, computer or printer; remote control; and optional analogue output. | 2012-11-19 |
TOOL1234 | Metrohm 776 Dosimat Burette | A dispensing instrument for titrating and dosing operations in the laboratory. The instrument includes the following functions: pipetting, diluting and dispensing; calculation of results. Dispensing rates of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min can be selected alongside pippetting volumes of between 0.001 mL/min and 150 mL/min. | 2018-04-27 |
TOOL0595 | Metrohm 794 Basic Titrino Titrator | A titrator used for dynamic and monotonic titrations. The instrument consists of an exchange unit, a magnetic or propellor stirrer, a small display and remote control. The instrument measures pH in the range -20 to 20 (resolution 0.01), voltage in the range -2000 to 2000 mV (resolution 1 mV), current in the range -200 to 200 uA (resolution 1 uA), and temperature in the range -150 to 450 degC (resolution 1 degC). | 2013-01-25 |
TOOL2127 | Metrohm 797 VA Computrace voltammetry system | A computer-controlled voltammetric measuring stand with built-in potentiostat and galvanostat. Applications include voltammetric trace analysis of metal ions and other substances, and Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping (CVS) for the determination of additives in electroplating baths. Operation of the 797 VA Computrace Stand follows the potentiostatic 3-electrode principle in which the voltage of the working mercury electrode is controlled by means of a virtually currentless Ag/AgCl reference electrode to the preset desired value and the current flows across a separate platinum auxiliary electrode. The pneumatically operated Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) can operate in Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode (HMDE), Dropping Mercury Electrode (DME), or Static Mercury Drop Electrode (SMDE) modes. A Rotating Disk Electrode with exchangeable electrode tips can be used in place of the MME. Additional accessories such as autosamplers and sample processors allow for full automation of analysis, and a range of accessory kits are available to extend the range of applications. The instrument supports over 220 analytical methods. | 2024-12-05 |
TOOL1893 | Metrohm 805 Dosimat Burette | A dispensing instrument for titrating and dosing operations in the laboratory. The 805 dosimat is controlled by Touch control or PC control software. The instrument controls the dosing of liquids, which are attached via an exchange unit. Metrohm recommend using the Metrohm 806 Exchange units which come with 1, 5, 10, 20, or 50 ml dosing cylinders. The instrument can read and overwrite data from the exchange unit. It has a resolution of 20,000 steps per cylinder volume and a dosing/filling time of 18 seconds. | 2023-01-23 |
TOOL0568 | Metrohm 848 Titrino Plus Titrator | A titrator used for dynamic and monotonic titrations. The instrument consists of an exchange unit, a magnetic or propellor stirrer, and a large, live display. It measures pH in the range -13 to 20 (resolution 0.001), voltage in the range -1200 to 1200 mV (resolution 0.1 mV), and current in the range -120 to 120 uA (resolution 1 uA). Teperature is measured by either Pt1000 (range -150 to 250 degC, resolution 0.1 degC, accuracy +/- 0.2 degC), or NTC (range -5 to 250 degC, resolution 0.1 degC, accuracy +/- 0.6 degC). | 2013-01-25 |
TOOL1337 | Metrohm 876 Dosimat plus Burette | A laboratory instrument designed for precise dosing of liquids. It is commonly used for titration and simple dosing operations. It supports manual dosing as well as user-selectable fixed volume dosing. It is equipped with a USB connector, a Metrohm Serial Bus (MSB) connector (meant for a stirrer or an 805 Dosimat dosing device), and a RS-232 remote connector for a Manual Dosing Controller or other instruments. The cylinder volume can be set to 1, 5, 10, 20 or 50 mL. Depending on the cylinder volume selected, the maximum dosing and filling rates range between 0.01 - 150 mL/min. | 2019-06-17 |
TOOL1115 | Metrohm 888 Titrando pentiometric titrator | A modular pentiometric titrator for dynamic, monotonic and set endpoint titrations. The instrument consists of an intergrated buret, rod or magnetic stirrer and dosing system. Operation is carried out by means of a touch-sensitive display or with high-performance PC software. Temperature is measured by a Pt1000 or NTC. It has a measuring range of -13 to 20 pH, resolution of 0.001 pH and measuringaccuracy of +/-0.003 pH. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1864 | Metrohm 905 Titrando potentiometric titrator | A modular potentiometric titrator for dynamic, monotonic, and set endpoint titrations. The device includes magnetic stirrers, rod stirrers, and a titration stand. It can be connected to various dosing units which include a buret and are attached to the reagent. Operation is carried out by means of a touch-sensitive display or with high-performance PC software. Temperature is measured by a Pt1000 or NTC. Ranges of the outputs are -13 to 20 pH, -1200 to 1200 mV, and -150 to 250 deg. C (Pt1000) or -5 ro 250 deg. C (NTC). Resolutions of the outputs are 0.001 for pH, 0.1 for mV, 0.1 deg. C for temperature. The measuring interval is of 100 ms. Works in conditions from 5 to 45 deg. C and at a maximum of 80 % relative humidity. | 2022-10-17 |
TOOL0967 | Metrohm 916 Ti Touch compact potentiometric titrator | A potentiometric titrator for dynamic, monotonic, set endpoint and manual titrations. The instrument consists of an integrated buret, rod or magnetic stirrer. The Metrohm 916 is often coupled with an automated dosing drive and dosing unit (e.g. Metrohm Dosino or similar) and features a dosing system with a live touch control display. Temperature is measured by either a Pt1000 or NTC. | 2019-02-26 |
TOOL2002 | Metrohm Aquatrode Plus with Pt1000 Combined pH electrode | Combined pH electrode with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor for pH measurements/titrations in ion-deficient aqueous media (e.g., drinking water, process water). This electrode shows a very short response time in these samples. The fixed ground-joint diaphragm is insensitive to contamination. When c(KCl) = 3 mol/L is used as bridge electrolyte, storage in storage solution is recommended. The bridge electrolyte can be easily replaced with a chloride-free electrolyte (e.g., potassium nitrate c(KNO3) = 1 mol/L (6.2310.010)), storage in the used bridge electrolyte. Temperature range: 0 - 60 degC. pH range: 0 - 13. | 2024-01-26 |
TOOL0514 | Metrohm microAutolab potentiostat/galvanostat | A computer-controlled compact potentiostat/galvanostat for electrochemical research and electroanalysis. It has a potentiostat bandwidth of 500 kHz, an input impedance of >100 GOhm and features an analog integrator. The instrument can supply a maximum current of 80 mA with an accuracy of 0.2% and a resolution of 0.0003%. Potential accuracy is 0.2% and potential resolution is 3 uV. The instrument can perform almost all elelctrochemical techniques including voltammetry, fuel cell, battery, biosensors, electroplating, coatings and corrosion. The NOVA software controls the microAutolab II version, which has an external USB interface, and the microAutolab III version, which features an integrated USB interface inside the instrument. microAutolab I is not supported in NOVA. | 2016-10-21 |
TOOL0471 | Mettler AE240 dual range analytical balance | A laboratory instrument used to measure sample mass over the range 0-40 g or 0-200 g. The 40 g range has a readability of 0.01 mg, a reproducibility standard deviation of 0.02 mg and a typical stabilisation time of 8 sec, while the 200 g range has a readability of 0.1 mg, reproducibility standard devation of 0.1 mg and typical stabilisation time of 5 sec. This model is no longer in production. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL1219 | Mettler Toledo Delta 350 pH meter | The Delta 350 meter is a laboratory instrument designed to meaure pH, mV, and temperature in acqueous samples. A range of electrodes can be used with the meter. Typical operating range specifications for pH are -1.999 to 19.999 with 0.001/0.01/0.1 resolution and +/-0.001 accuracy. Operating ranges for mV are +/- 1999.9 with 0.1 resolution and +/- 0.2 accuracy, and operating ranges for temperature -30 to 130 degC with resolution 0.1 degC and accuracy between +/- 1 percent. | 2018-03-05 |
TOOL1218 | Mettler Toledo FiveGo Portable Instruments | The Mettler Toledo FiveGo meters are portable instruments used for pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen determination in aqueous samples. The FiveGo meters are split into three categories: FiveGO pH, FiveGo Conductivity and FiveGo DO. The models vary between single and dual channels for both basic and professional use. The basic single channel instruments measure pH/mV or conductivity, whereas the basic dual channel instruments measure pH/mV and conductivity in parallel. The pro single channel instruments determine pH/mV/ion, conductivity or dissolved oxygen discretely, whereas the pro dual models determine pH/mV/ion in parallel with conductivity or dissolved oxygen. pH measurements range from 0-14 pH, conductivity measurements range from 0-200mS/cm and dissolved oxygen measurements range from 0.01-45 mg/l. | 2018-03-05 |
TOOL1220 | Mettler Toledo InLab Expert Pro electrode | An electrochemical pH electrode for use with a variety of Mettler Toledo pH meters. It uses an ARGENTHAL reference system with Ag ion trap, and a XEROLYTE polymer reference electrolyte. It measures a pH range of 0-14 within a temperature range of 0-100 degC. Its membrane resistance at 25 degC is <250 mega-ohms. | 2018-03-05 |
TOOL1863 | Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence ph/Cond meter S470 Std-K | A bench instrument designed for the precise measurement of pH, conductivity, and redox potential. The instrument can measure a variety of water samples including near pure water and seawater. It also measures resistivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, and conductivity ash. The device outputs mV, pH, ISFET pH, temperature in deg. C, and conductivity in microS/cm. The dual-channel instrument is a module which connects to the sensors (pH/mV and conductivity). The instrument can be used for calibration, direct measurement of a parameter, or measuring various parameters at the same time. This device is aslo known as a S470-Kit which is a SevenExcellence 700-Kit (module, conductivity expansion unit, and InLab 731-ISM) plus a pH/mV expansion unit, and InLab Expert Pro-ISM. There is also an additional, blank expansion unit included. Conductivity can be measured in a range between 0.0001 microS/cm and 2000 mS/cm at resolutions between 0.001 and 1, with an accuracy of 0.5 %. Temperature range is -30 to 130 deg. C, with a resolution and accuracy of 0.1 deg. C. pH range is between -2 and 20 with resolutions of 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 to an accuracy of 0.002. ISFET pH is between 0 and 14 at the same resolutions but to an accuracy of 0.05. mV range is from -2000 to 2000 with resolutions of 0.1 and 1 and accuracy of 0.1. | 2022-10-17 |
TOOL1137 | Mettler Toledo SevenGo Portable Instruments | The Mettler Toledo SevenGo meters are portable instruments which measure pH and conductivity and can also be used for ion and dissolved oxygen determination. The models vary between single and dual channels for both basic and professional use. The basic single channel instruments measure pH/mV or conductivity, whereas the basic dual channel instruments measure pH/mV and conductivity in parallel. The pro single channel instruments determine pH/mV/ion, conductivity or dissolved oxygen discretely, whereas the pro dual models determine pH/mV/ion in parallel with conductivity or dissolved oxygen. | 2017-06-14 |
TOOL1087 | Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding | A Fourier Transform Spectrometer, designed to perform natural occultation limb measurements to infer the chemical composition of the middle and upper atmosphere. Using a fore and side limb scanning technique, the instrument detects limb emission spectra, which is generated by sunrays that had been scattered in the atmosphere within an altitude of 5-150 km before reaching the instrument. From these measurements, the atmospheric concentration of approximately twenty chemical species can be spectroscopically identified. The space segment of MIPAS comprises front-end optics, a Michelson interferometer, a focal plane subsystem and a signal processing subsystem. On-board calibration is carried out using deep space and a blackbody inside the instrument as references. The ground segment of MIPAS calibrates the interferogram produced by the space segment and calculates the concentration profiles of the various chemical species. The spectral range is (4.15 - 14.6) um, equivalent to (685 - 2410) cm^-1. The spatial resolution is 3 km (vertical), and the field of view is 3 km by 30 km; the unapodised spectral resolution is 0.035 cm^-1. The radiometric precision is 1% within the (685-970) cm^-1 spectral range, and 3% at 2410 cm^-1. Flown on Envisat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/286 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1037 | Micro-Wave Radiation Imager | The Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) is a conical-scanning microwave imaging radiometer designed to measure precipitation, soil moisture, vegetation, cloud liquid water and sea surface parameters such as wind. The MWRI gathers light through a ground-pointing telescope, whose scan mirror oscillates (1 cycle every 33 milliseconds) over an angular displacement of plus-or-minus 2.89 degrees that is perpendicular to the orbital track. Light reflected from the surface and atmosphere as gathered by this scan passes through an optical lens train, during which the beam is divided to pass through 4 bandpass filters that produce images in 4 spectral bands. The light from each filter then reaches a set of six electronic detectors (24 in total, 6 per spectral band) that subdivides the across-track scan into 6 parallel lines, each equivalent to a ground width of 79 m. The MWRI features 10 channels with five frequencies in the range 10.65-89 GHz. The nadir spatial resolution range varies from 15-85 km depending on frequency. The wavelengths of the four spectral bands are 0.5-0.6 micrometres, 0.6-0.7 micrometres, 0.7-0.8 micrometres and 0.8-1.1 micrometres. The instrument has a swath width of 1400 km and a scan rate of 35.3 scan/min, or 11.2 km/scan. Flown on FY-3. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/350 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0752 | Micro-g LaCoste air-sea gravity system II gravimeter | Device used for gravity measurements from ships and aircarft. The system incoporates Zero-Length String sensor technology, fibre optic gyros and accelorometers. System resolution; 0.01 milliGals. Accuracy at sea; < 1.00 mGal (reported). The system replaced the S-Meter. | 2014-07-18 |
NETT0094 | Micronketon net - Blackburn and Keith (1962) | A 152 cm x 152 cm rectangular mouth opening net attached to metal tube frame with Isaacs depressors attached to bottom corners. Net was 579 cm long made of 5.5 x 2.5 mm rectangular nylon mesh. Towed at speeds of 5 knots. A bathythermograph attached to the top frame member provide a temperature-depth trace for a tow. Not ordinarily used with a flowmeter [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 4 C, D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1704 | Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S200 multiple generations clock synchronsiser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for IT enterprises and high-bandwidth Next Generation Networks. It derives its time directly from the atomic clocks aboard the GPS satellite system. If the GPS reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers either locally or via the Internet. Generations include a multi-channel GPS receiver, independent 10/100Base-T ports and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators. Total accuracy is 50 nanoseconds to UTC while tracking GPS. It is capable of 3200-5000 NTP requests per second. | 2021-06-22 |
TOOL1705 | Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S250 multiple generations clock synchronsiser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for IT enterprises and high-bandwidth Next Generation Networks. It derives its time directly from GPS, IRIG B, 1PPS and 10 MHz in priority order. It can also revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers. Generations include a multi-channel GPS receiver, independent 10/100Base-T ports and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators. Total accuracy is 50 nanoseconds to UTC while tracking GPS. It is capable of 3200-5000 NTP requests per second. | 2021-06-22 |
TOOL1706 | Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S300 multiple generations clock synchronsiser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for IT enterprises. It derives its time directly from the atomic clocks aboard the GPS satellite system. For redundancy, it also includes an internal modem to connect directly to legal time provided by national time authorities. If the GPS reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers. Generations include a multi-channel GPS receiver, gigabyte ethernet ports, independent 10/100Base-T ports and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators and an AM radio to synchronise to national time broadcasts. Total accuracy is 50 nanoseconds to UTC while tracking GPS. It is capable of 7000 NTP requests per second. | 2021-06-22 |
TOOL1707 | Microsemi Symmetricom SyncServer S350 multiple generations clock synchronsiser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for IT enterprises. It derives its time directly from GPS, IRIG B, 1PPS and 10 MHz in a user preferred order. For redundancy, it also includes an internal modem to connect directly to legal time provided by national time authorities. If the GPS reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers. Generations include a multi-channel GPS receiver, gigabyte ethernet ports, independent 10/100Base-T ports and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators and an AM radio to synchronise to national time broadcasts. Total accuracy is 50 nanoseconds to UTC while tracking GPS. It is capable of 7000 NTP requests per second. | 2021-06-22 |
TOOL1866 | Microsemi SyncServer S600 (multiple generations) clock synchroniser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for ultra high-bandwidth networks. It derives its time directly from the atomic clocks aboard the GNSS satellite systems. The primary constellations include GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou. SBAS is optional. If the reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers either locally or via the Internet. Includes GbE ports, BNC connections and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators. It features the use of software license keys. Total accuracy is less than 15 nanoseconds to UTC. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1867 | Microsemi SyncServer S650 (multiple generations) clock synchroniser | A GPS network time server that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed for ultra high-bandwidth networks. It derives its time directly from the atomic clocks aboard the GNSS satellite systems as well as IRIG B, 10 MHz and 1PPS reference inputs. The primary constellations include GPS, GLONASS, and BeiDou. SBAS is optional. If the reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time servers either locally or via the Internet. Includes GbE ports, BNC connections and IPv6 and IPv4 compatibility. It may use Rubidium or OCXO oscillators. It features the use of software license keys and FlexPort timing technology for to enable any signal and any connector. Total accuracy is less than 15 nanoseconds to UTC. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1868 | Microsemi X Li (multiple generations) clock synchroniser | A GPS network time server. It derives its time directly from GPS. It can also use another time code unit: IRIG A or B, IEEE 1344, NASA 36 (in AM and DC); or 1PPS. If the reference signal is ever lost, it can automatically revert to and retrieve time from other user designated time references. Includes 10/100Base-T ports and BNC connectors. It may use VCTCXO, OCXO or Rubidium oscillators. Total accuracy is less than 30 nanoseconds to UTC. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL0721 | Microstrain 3DM-GX1 Gyro Enhanced Orientation Sensor | The MicroStrain 3DM-GX3 is a triaxial accelerometer designed to measure 360 degrees of angular motion on three orthogonal axes. The 3DM-GX1 has now been retired in favour of later MicroStrain products. The 3DM-GX1 featured on-board processing/filtering of accelerometer, gyro and magnetometer channels, with standard RS-232 and RS-485 outputs, and optional analog output. It offers 16 bit A/D resolution, accuracy of +/-0.5 degrees for static test conditions or +/-2 degrees for dynamic test conditions, 100 Hz digital output rate for Euler, Matrix and Quaternion, and operates in temperatures of -40 to 70 degrees C with enclosure (or +85 degrees C without enclosure). | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL1566 | Microtrac Bluewave particle size analyser | A tri-laser diffraction particle size and shape analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. It is a tri-laser, blue/red, multi-detector, multi-angle optical system using true blue lasers (not LEDs). It uses algorithms that utilize Mie compensation and Modified Mie calculations for spherical and non-spherical materials. It features two fixed photo-electric detectors with logarithmically spaced segments placed at correct angles for optimal scattered light detection from 0.02 to 165 degrees using 151 detector segments. It has a measurement range of 10 nm - 2.8 mm. It has 1x red laser at 780 nm and 2x blue laser at 405 nm. It has a measuring time of 10 to 30 seconds and can operate between 5 and 40 degC. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1565 | Microtrac S3500 particle size analyser | A tri-laser diffraction particle size and shape analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. It is a tri-laser, red, multi-detector, multi-angle optical system. It uses algorithms that utilize Mie compensation and Modified Mie calculations for non-spherical particles. It has a measurement range of 20 nm - 2.8 mm. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1564 | Microtrac SYNC particle size and shape analyser | A tri-laser diffraction particle size and shape analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles. A laser beam illuminates a dispersed particle sample and the size distribution is calculated from the scattered light pattern. This scattered light is measured at various angles from 0.02 to 163 degrees. This is achieved by using two detector arrays and three lasers that illuminate the sample from different angles. The SYNC particle sizer can be equipped with all red lasers or a combination of red and blue lasers. It uses Microtrac MRBs modified Mie scattering theory which produces particle size distributions for both spherical and non-spherical particles as well as for both transparent and absorbing materials. This is combined with dynamic image analysis to provide particle shape and material information. It has a measurement range of 10 nm - 4 mm. It has a laser class of red 780 nm, and blue 405 nm, and a measuring time from 10 to 30 seconds. It can operate between 5 and 40 degC. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0012 | Mid-tide bubbler tide gauge | The operation of the mid tide bubbler is similar to that of the full tide system, except that the measuring point is mounted at the mid tide height. This means that the pressure point is only immersed for half of the tidal cycle. The reason for this is that when the measuring point is exposed it can be accurately levelled into the geodetic network. Once this is accomplished the full tide pressure points can be fitted to match the tidal curve produced by the mid tide pressure point, thereby connecting them to the geodetic network. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0722 | Middleton Solar EQ08 Pyranometer | The Middleton EQ08 Solar Pyranometer is designed for the measurement of global solar irradiance on a plane surface. It has a response time (to 95%) of less than 11 seconds; zero offset at 200 W/m2 of less than 3 W/m2 and at 5K/h of less than 2W/m2; non-linearity of less than 0.5 percent; directional response with respect to 1000 W/m2 of less than 15 W/m2, Spectral selectivity (0.35 to 1.5 um) of less than 3 percent; temperature response (for 50K interval) of less than 2 percent; and tilt response (0-90 degrees) of less than 0.35 percent. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL0723 | Middleton Solar SK01-DP2 Pyranometer | The Middleton SK01-DP2 PAR Sensor (or Quantum Sensor) is for measuring electromagnetic radiation at Photosynthetically Active wavelengths. It uses a silicon photodiode detector, shielded by a cosine-corrected diffuser and an interference reflector, to measure PAR on a horizontal surface. The detector is boosted by a low noise amplifier that is drift stabilised. The SK01-DP2 features: viewing angle 2*pi steradians; spectral range of 400-700nm; irradiance of 0-3000 umol/s/m2; sensitivity of 0.5 mV/umol/s/m2; response time (to 95 percent) of 30 ms; operating temperature of -35 to 60 degreesC; non-linearity of less than 1 percent; spectral response of +/- 5 percent. | 2014-07-09 |
NETT0095 | Midwater net - Fowler (1898) | A 11.4 cm x 11.4 cm rectangular net mouth frame which was hinged at the central axis. It was equipped with a silk net ( 9.8 or 15.7 meshes per cm) which was enclosed by a similar net made from mosquito netting. This net was sent down closed, opened by a messenger and closed by a second one. Designed for vertical towing. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0096 | Midwater neuston trawl - Zaitsev (1970) | Construction is an elliptical metal frame 100 cm wide x 50 cm tall with a net 400 cm long made of netting with Nos. 21-23 meshes. Two plastic foam floats (25 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm) are attached to each side of the net frame. The net is towed in a circle at about 4 knots. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0961 | Mini-Hamon grab | The Mini-Hamon Grab was introduced by CEFAS and is used for obtaining samples in coarse sediment, as well as for sampling benthic infauna. The standard Hamon Grab comprises of a stainless steel box shaped sampling scoop mounted in a rectangular (but sometimes triangular) frame. It is a mini version of the standard Hamon Grab, with a typical sampling area of 0.1 m2 and a penetration depth up to 20 cm. It often has a longer than standard tooth bar fitted compared with the standard Hamon Grab. | 2015-12-16 |
NETT0115 | Mini-neuston net - Schram et al. (1981) | Neuston sampling system with three nets having a 60x20 cm rectangular mouth and 250 cm long. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0136 | Miniature Plankton Indicator - Henderson et al. (1936); Glover (1953) | This indicator had a body length of 33 cm, a diameter of 3.8 cm, an aperture diameter of 1.27 cm, a filter disc of 2.54 cm in diameter and was towed at about 2 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 13 F]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1035 | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer | The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is an optical spectroradiometer that acquires photo-radometric data of terrestrial, oceanic and lower atmospheric environments for the study of global dynamics. Incoming radiation is directed by a continuously rotating double-sided scan mirror, scanning from -50 to +50 degrees. It directs radiation into a two-mirror off-axis afocal telescope. A dichroic beam splitter then splits the radiation into four optical objective and focal plane assemblies. There are separate assemblies for both near infrared (short and long-wave) and visible spectral bands. These are further split into 36 spectral bands ranging in wavelength from 0.4 to 14.4 micrometres. Bands 1-2 are imaged at a nominal spatial resolution of 250 m at nadir, with bands 3-7 at 500 m and the remaining bands (8-36) at 1 km. The MODIS instrument has a cross track scan rate of 20.3 rpm, and measures radiation in 36 optical bands (bands 1-19 are in nanometres and bands 20-36 are in micrometres): 620-670 nm; 841-876 nm; 459-479 nm; 545-565 nm; 1230-1250 nm; 1628-1652 nm; 2105-2155 nm; 405-420 nm; 438-448 nm; 483-493 nm; 526-536 nm; 546-556 nm; 662-672 nm; 673-683 nm; 743-753 nm; 862-877 nm; 890-920 nm; 931-941 nm; 915-965 nm; 3.660-3.840 micrometres; 3.929-3.989 micrometres; 3.929-3.989 micrometres; 4.020-4.080 micrometres; 4.433-4.498 micrometres; 4.482-4.549 micrometres; 1.360-1.390 micrometres; 6.535-6.895 micrometres; 7.175-7.475 micrometres; 8.400-8.700 micrometres; 9.580-9.880 micrometres; 10.780-11.280 micrometres; 13.185-13.485 micrometres; 13.485-13.785 micrometres; 13.785-14.085 micrometres; 14.085-14.385 micrometres. Flown on Terra, Aqua. http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/ | 2016-11-15 |
NETT0027 | Modified David neuston net - Hempel and Weikert (1972) | A pair of vertically stacked nets with 30 cm x 15 cm rectangular mouth opening and 0.3 or 0.5 mm mesh [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 21 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0052 | Modified Gulf III high-speed sampler - Hempel (1960) | Construction comprises an entrance of 18 cm diameter and a net mesh of 0.4mm. Towed at 6 knots. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0049 | Modified Gulf V high-speed sampler - Lockwood (1974) | Construction is a 50 cm diameter mouth opening x 213 cm long with a nose cone; netting 24.6 mesh per cm; Two flowmeters. based on Beverton and Tungate sampler. Towed at about 3 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 17 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0072 | Modified Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl with MPS cod-end - Pearcy and Hubbard (1964) | A 1.8 m IKMT fitted with a scaled down version of the Be MPS with 3 nets attached to the back of the trawl. A pressure-release system controls the opening/closing of the cod-end nets [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 26 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0079 | Modified Juday net - Clayton and Pavlou (1978) | A net designed to avoid surface contamination of the sample. Construction is a 75 cm diameter cylinder (120 cm length) and cone (290 cm length), net (Nitex mesh size not given) with a cylinder skirt 380 cm long to enclose the net mesh. The net ring and netting are enclosed in nylon utility cloth and tied with a release line that is pulled free after the net is underwater. A messenger used to close net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 7 B, C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0077 | Modified Juday net - Aksnes and Magnesen (1983) | A pair of Juday nets with 40 cm diameter mouth openings were mounted on a frame 50 cm apart. Mesh of nets 0.18 mm. Designed to be towed vertically. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0083 | Modified Longhurt-Hardy Plankton Recorder - Haury et al. (1976) | Three lengths (230, 300, 370 cm) of 70 cm diameter net were mounted in a towing frame. The modified recorder box had a mesh area to mouth opening ratio of 2.9 as opposed to < 1.0 for previous designs and the orientation of the gauze across the recorder box tunnels was horizontal instead of vertical. The modified design reduced or eliminated many of the problems observed in earlier designs. Data on pressure and temperature and flow counts were logged on an internal recorder in the pressure case. Normally towed at 1.5 to 2.5 knots and collected ~ 100 samples [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 26 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0098 | Modified Multiple Plankton Sampler - Weikert and John (1981) | A modified version of the Be MPS net with a rectangular sampler box 50 cm x 50 cm on a side and 60 cm deep equipped with 5 nets (0.3 mm mesh) each 250 cm long. Nets are opened and closed electronically through conducting cable and pressure is monitored. No flowmeter used [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 31 A, B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0107 | Modified N70 net - Currie ans Foston (1957) | A modified version of the Nansen net with a large depth-flowmeter mounted mid-way down the middle of the cylinder portion of the net. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0123 | Modified North Pacific standard net - Motoda (1994) | Has a 45 cm diameter circular mouth opening with cylinder 65 cm and 130 cm cone mesh (0.35 mm). Equipped with a flowmeter. Also there is a description of a self-closing cod end box which has two net bags to collect the catch. The net is sent down vertically and when towed horizontally, a counter balance weight opens one net bag. When the net is brought to the surface vertically, the weight shifts closing the one and opening the other net bag [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 25 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0120 | Modified Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8 - Dimmler and Klindt (1990) | RMT fitted with modified electronics comprising a PC-controlled unit with an underwater electronics unit connected by conducting cable. Nets are opened and closed by command at the surface. Sensors include pressure, temperature, conductivity, tilt-angle of net mouth, flow from two flowmeters and data acquisition rate is 4 times per second. Data processing and display occurs in realtime. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0081 | Modified large Longhurt-Hardy Plankton Recorder - Bone (1986) | A modified version of the LHPR . A tubular frame 185 cm high x 125 cm wide x 640 cm long and with a 81 cm expanding to 100 cm diameter nose cone was used with a recorder box (with 1.55 mm nylon mesh gauze) attached to the cod-end of a conical net 300 cm long with same mesh. The mouth of the recorder box is equipped with an opening/closing unit which shunts water flowing through the net to the open sea when closed and into the recorder when open. System acoustically (IOS) telemeters depth, flow, and temperature and controls recorder box opening/closing unit. Underwater electronics records temperature, depth, flow, and controls gauze advance. Designed to tow up to 4 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 27 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0010 | Modified opening-closing Bongo net - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976) | A 75 cm diameter reinforced ring held to the wire by the same method as the Octagon Net. The net had a double messenger release mechanism with the first messenger releasing a dacron cloth door blocking the net mouth and the second one releasing the net. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0073 | Modified opening-closing Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl - Brown (1975) | An IKMT was outfitted with a flap of material that extended from the net mouth to the back end of the net and a 3-stage cod end. At the start of a haul the flap was down and animals collect in stage 1 of the cod end. A timer released the flap which rode to the top of the net and animals collected in the stage II cod end. A second timer release caused the stage II cod end to be pursed and it was replaced with the stage III cod end. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0053 | Modified small Hardy Plankton Sampler - Miller (1961) | This is a small high-speed sampler (modified from that described by Glover) with 10.1cm diameter aperture opening on a body tube 14 cm internal diameter and a 61cm overall length. Attached to the back of the tube is a 91 cm long nylon net of three meshes (0.947 mm, 0.526 mm, and 0.264 mm). Multiple units used on the towing wire at speeds of 7 to 8 knots with a multiplane kit otter depressor on bottom of wire [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 14 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0825 | Molecular Devices SpectraMax M2 and M2e microplate reader | A bench-top, microplate reader for laboratory applications. It uses a dual monochromator to measure absorbance and fluorescence intensity. The M2 has a dedicated top-read fluorescence reader. The M2e has a dedicated top and bottom read fluorescence reader. Absorbance wavelength range: 200-1000 nm. Fluorescence excitation range: 250-850 nm. Fluorescence emission range: 360-850 nm (M2), 250-850 nm (M2e). Fluorescence detection limit (cuvette): 15 pM fluorescein. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL2119 | Movella Xsens MTi-320 active heading tracker | The MTi-320 is a compact, high-performance Active Heading Tracker (AHT) designed for embedded applications that require precise motion tracking. It fuses data from a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer to deliver accurate orientation and heading measurements. The instrument utilises Xsens' optimised strapdown algorithm (AttitudeEngine), the sensor is capable of high-speed, real-time dead-reckoning calculations at 1 kHz, accurately capturing high-frequency motions. The device is IP51-rated and supports a wide operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C. It is supported by a graphical user interface (GUI) and is compatible with the MT Software Suite, providing tools for integration and development across various platforms, including ROS. The MTi-320 offers 0.5 degrees RMS roll/pitch accuracy, a 1 kHz update rate, a 2000 deg/S gyroscope range, 16 g accelerometer range, and a +/- 8 G magnetometer range, with 0.2% linearity, 0.25 mG resolution, and 0.5 mG total RMS noise. | 2024-11-11 |
TOOL0606 | Muir Matheson OMC-150 Combined Wind Speed and Direction Sensor | A cup and vane anemometer measuring horizontal wind speed and direction that is suitable for hazardous environments. | 2013-03-22 |
NETT0099 | Multiple Plankton Sampler - Be et al. (1959); Be (1962) | Construction is a 50 cm x 50 cm opening with nets of 0.2 mm mesh 300 cm long ( 50 cm nylon cloth collar; 240 cm netting, 10 cm nylon cloth for cod-end attachment). First described as a vertically towed system using messengers to open and close three nets. A depth-flowmeter readings continuous recorded on smoked glass cylinder. Then modified to do horizontal or oblique towing using a pressure actuated device to open and close nets a preselected depths (MPS 0-100, 100-250 m, and 250-500 m; BPS 500-1000 m). Also built with 100 cm x 100 cm mouth opening. Sometimes referred to as the Bathypelagic Plankton Sampler [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 9 A, B, C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0101 | Multiple Plankton Sampler based on MOCNESS and NIO nets - Sameoto et al. (1977) | A 100 cm x 100 cm mouth opening with 10 nets (0.243 mm mesh ). Net length not given. Non-rigid mouth opening with net bars similar in design to MOCNESS that slide down cables. A depressor is mounted below the bottom net bar. System powered electrically on conducting wire and controlled from surface deck unit. Data logging included depth, roll, pitch, and temperature. A non-telemetering flowmeter was mounted in each net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 30 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0148 | Multiple Rectangular Midwater Trawl 1+8 - Roe and Shale (1979) | A combination multiple plankton and nekton collecting system with three 1-m2 and three 8-m2 with pair of nets opened and closed by acoustic command. Also transmitted acoustically are depth and flow. A modification of system described by Baker et al., 1973. [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 28 B] | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0158 | Multiple-net Tucker Trawl - Frost and McCrone (1974) | A 100 cm x 141 cm rectangular flexible mouth opening with 0.33 mm nylon mesh nets 6 meters long. Originally with 5 nets and increased to 9 nets. (Also a 200 cm x 282 cm mouth opening trawl with 5 nets of 6.35 mm stretch mesh). System powered electrically on conducting wire and controlled from surface. Monitored depth, angle, and flowmeter revolutions [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 28 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1036 | Multispectral Scanner System | The Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) is a high resolution optical imager designed to measure Earth's surface reflectance in four optical bands in the visible and near-infrared spectrums, for use in monitoring the global land surface and vegetation cover. Earth-reflected sunlight is detected by an oscillating cross-track scan mirror, which scans six lines simultaneously in four spectral bands per mirror sweep. Two of these bands are in the visible spectrum, with the remaining two in the near-infrared spectrum. The four spectral bands have a spatial resolution of 79m. Their wavelengths are 0.5-0.6 micrometres, 0.6-0.7 micrometeres, 0.7-0.8 micrometres, and 0.8-1.1 micrometres. MSS has a swath width of 185 km and an 80 m instantaneous field of view (IFOV). Flown on Landsat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/316 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0607 | Munro SO/8 cup and vane anemometer | A cup and vane anemometer measuring horizontal wind speed and direction. | 2013-03-22 |
TOOL0014 | Munro tide gauge | The Munro gauge measures sea level by means of a float in a stilling well. The float is about 45cm in diameter - the large diameter reduces inevitable errors in buoyancy due to friction of the gearing and small changes in the length of float wire. This wire is coiled round a drum on the end of the gauge and another drum contains a counter balance wire. The drum is geared to a slotted tape attached to a pen carriage which traces the tide curve on the chart during the rise and fall of the tide. A precision potentiometer is attached to the gauge to provide an input to the data logger. | 2008-11-28 |
NETT0124 | N-series (N50, N70, N100, N200, N450) nets - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) | Cylinder-cone nets of varying sizes that were used in conjunction and towed either vertically, horizontally or obliquely depending upon size. All could be closed. N50 and N70 were similar in size and mesh to Hjort net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 E]. Grouping term for N50, N70, N100, N200 and N450 nets. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0102 | N100 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) | Cylinder-cone net structure. The cylinder is 100 cm diameter by 107 cm long with a 1.27 cm mesh. The cone has two sections one 107 cm long with 4 mm mesh, and the other 213 cm long with 5.9 meshes per cm or stramin. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0990 | N113 (modified Indian Ocean standard net) - Foxton (1969) | Plankton net described as N113 (modified Indian Ocean standard net) - Foxton (1969); designed with single cylindrical mouth piece with measurements: mouth diameter (metre)=1.13, cylindrical non-filtering mouth section length (m)=1, upper cylindrical filtering section length (m)= 1, lower conical filtering section length (m)=3; with opening area (square metre)=1; with total filtering net length (metre)=4; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: not specified; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.33; and equipped with a catch dividing bucket. | 2016-04-04 |
NETT0103 | N200 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) | Cylinder-cone net structure. The cylinder is 200 cm diameter by 213 cm long with a 2.54 cm mesh 213 cm long. The cone has two sections one 198 cm long with 7 mm mesh, and the other 396 cm long with 4 mm mesh. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0104 | N450 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) | Cylinder-cone net structure with four sections. The cylinder is 450cm diameter by 457 cm long with a 3.8 cm mesh. The cone is 1371 cm long with three equal length sections with 1.27 cm mesh, 0.7 cm mesh, and 0.7 cm mesh with 0.4 cm mesh liner respectively. Used either as open net or with a messenger device that closed the net about half way back to the cod end while still allowing the net ring to tow normally. Depth recording instrument used on the net. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0105 | N50 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) | Cylinder-cone net structure. The cylinder is 50 cm diameter by 66 cm long made of canvas. The cone is 65 cm long made of silk netting of 78 meshes /cm. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0106 | N70 - Kemp et al. (1929) | Cylinder-cone net structure. The cylinder is 70 cm diameter by 53 cm long with 0.64 cm mesh. The cone has two sections: one 96.5 cm long with 15.74 threads per cm, and the other 134.6 cm long with 29.1 threads per cm. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0584 | NBA DNC-2 recording current meter | A self-logging instrument measuring current speed with an impeller directly coupled to an electronic reed switch counter and current direction with a digital magnetic compass with 7-bit optical encoder. Accuracy quoted as +/- 2 per cent for speed and +/- 3 degrees for direction. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/508/ . Manufacturer went into liquidation in November 2012. | 2013-01-10 |
TOOL0585 | NBA DNC-2B recording current meter | A self-logging instrument measuring current speed with an impeller directly coupled to an electronic reed switch counter and current direction with a digital magnetic compass with 7-bit optical encoder. Provision is included for two optional sensors each mesuring temperature, pressure or conductivity. Accuracy quoted as +/- 2 per cent for speed, +/- 3 degrees for direction, +/- 0.25C for temperature, +/- 1 per cent for pressure and +/- 4 per cent for conductivity. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/508/ . Manufacturer went into liquidation in November 2012. | 2013-01-10 |
TOOL0586 | NBA DNC-2M recording current meter | A self-logging instrument measuring current speed with an impeller directly coupled to an electronic reed switch counter and current direction with a digital magnetic compass with 8-bit optical encoder. Provision is included for three optional sensors each mesuring temperature, pressure or conductivity. Accuracy quoted as +/- 2 per cent for speed, +/- 5 degrees for direction, +/- 0.2C for temperature, +/- 0.5 per cent for pressure and +/- 2mmho/cm for conductivity. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/50504/ . Manufacturer went into liquidation in November 2012. | 2013-01-10 |
TOOL0583 | NBA DNC-3 direct reading current meter | A direct-reading instrument measuring current speed with an impeller directly coupled to an optical sensor and current direction with a precision double-mounted compass. Accuracy quoted as +/- 0.05 m/s for speed and +/- 10 degrees for direction. Instrument providied continuous readings of instantaneous speed and direction to either analogue/digital gauges or an independent data logger. Manufacturer went into liquidation in November 2012. | 2013-01-10 |
TOOL0503 | NIOZ PRISTINE ultraclean water sampler | Ultraclean water sampler developed by the Royal Netherlands Institute For Sea Research (NIOZ) for the GEOTRACES Program. Individual sample bottles have a capacity of 27 litres and include butterfly valves that ensure bottles are closed when passing through the ocean surface and reopen subsurface. Teflon valves for subsampling at the base of bottles ensure drainage of settling particulates. Samplers are deployed with a Kevlar hydrowire cable with internal signal cables. A single bottle may be used (e.g. during small boat work) or an array of bottles may be mounted on a frame for shipboard CTD work. Trip mechanisms range from a weighted messenger to trip wires or hydraulics for rosette sampling. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL0806 | NIOZ PVC 15cm manual sediment corer | A manual sediment corer produced by NIOZ for sampling sediments exposed at low tide. It comprises a 1m-long PVC tube with a diameter of 15 cm (core area 0.0175 m2) that has a closure the top. It is manually pushed approximately 25 cm into the sediment, the top is closed and then it is pulled out complete with the sediment sample. | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL0807 | NIOZ Steel 10.5cm manual sediment corer | A manual sediment corer produced by NIOZ for sampling sediments in shallow waters from a small boat. It comprises a 10.5cm diameter (core area 0.009 m2) steel core with a closure at the top attached to a 2m aluminium pole. It is manually pushed approximately 25 cm into the sediment, the top is closed and then it is pulled out complete with the sediment sample. | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL2047 | NIOZ custom trigger corer system | A custom sediment corer system designed and manufacturered for the British Antarctic Survey in 2014 by P. Smit BV, NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research). It consists of both a gravity corer and piston corer. The gravity (trigger) corer consists of a core bomb fitted with a 0.75 m length steel core barrel lined with a 63 mm diameter PVC liner. It is lowered on a wire to the seabed and the core barrel penetrates the seabed under its own weight. The release of the associated piston corer is subsequently triggered when the gravity (trigger) corer makes contact with the seabed. | 2024-06-07 |
TOOL0840 | NIOZ fast thermistor string | A thermistor chain developed and built by Netherlands Institute of Sea Research for measuring fine-scale thermal structure. The chain carries up to 128 sensors. Each sensor comprises two glass-embedded Siemens Matsushita B57017-K822 thermistors (accuracy <0.5 mK; resolution 30-50 uK) in a pressure resistant cage to eliminate pressure hysteresis. More information at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/82424/. | 2015-03-26 |
NETT0121 | NIPR-I sampler - Fukuchi et al. (1979) | A cylinder (24 cm x 57.5 cm) contains a motor driven propellor and a flow meter. Water is pushed into a net (20 cm diameter x 50 cm length with 100 ?m mesh attached to the rear end of the cylinder.. The system is used to sample under sea ice to depth of 10 m. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1656 | NKE S2T temperature sensor | A self-contained temperature recorder. For deployment on moorings, it can be programmed to take measurements at time intervals between 10ms and 99 hours. Its measurement range is -5 to +35 degrees Celsius. It has a maximum resolution of 0.005 degrees Celsius at 0 degrees Celsius, and an accuracy of +/- 0.05 degrees Celsius in the range 0-20 degrees Celsius. Its maximum depth is 600m. | 2021-03-22 |
TOOL0233 | NKE SP2T temperature and depth recorder | A family of small self-contained temperature and depth recorders with either internal or external (fast response) temperature sensors. A range of casing options give operating depths of between 10m and 4000m (operating depth specified as model number suffix). Temperature accuracy is 0.05C in range 0-20C and 0.1C outside this range. Depth accuracy is 0.3% full scale and resolution is 0.3% full scale. Wireless (inductive or radio) data connections are available. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL2061 | NKE WiSens CTDS CTD sensor series | An autonomous data logger series that measures and records conductivity, temperature, depth, and salinity. The instrument is available in two depth configurations, with the model number denoting the depth rating: 50 and 300. It features wireless configuration and data collection through Wi-Fi connectivity. Lithium batteries enable long-term use of up to several years. Depth accuracy is to within 0.15%. Temperature can be measured between a range of -2 to 35 degC. Temperature measurement accuracy is to within 0.005 degC. Conductivity can be measured between a range of 0 - 70 mS/cm, with an accuracy of 0.04 mS/cm. Salinity can be measured between a range of 2 - 42 PSU, with an accuracy of 0.05 PSU. | 2024-07-04 |
TOOL2060 | NKE WiSens TD temperature and pressure sensor series | An autonomous data logger series that measures and records temperature and pressure to calculate depth. The instrument is available in several depth configurations, with the model number denoting the depth rating: 50, 500, 1000, and 6000. It features wireless configuration and data collection through Wi-Fi connectivity. Lithium batteries enable long-term use of up to several years. Depth accuracy is to within 0.15%. Temperature can be measured between a range of -2 to 35 degC. Temperature measurement resolution is to within 0.001 degC, and accuracy to within 0.005 degC. Sampling rate is configurable from 1 second to 99 hours. | 2024-07-04 |
TOOL0954 | NOAA PMEL Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder | National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorder (MAPR) is a self-contained instrument for recording temperature, pressure, and optics data. It can be attached to vertical profiles stations or deep-towed instrument packages. MAPR cases are 8.1-cm diameter 6A1-4V titanium tubes bored from rod with screwed end caps, total length of 41cm and weight of 2kg in water. | 2015-12-01 |
TOOL2131 | NOBSKA MAVS-3 Acoustic Current Meter | The MAVS-3 (Modular Acoustic Velocity Sensor) is a true 3-axis acoustic current meter used to measure the speed and direction of water currents. The current meter employs a differential travel time measurement technique. Measurements across 4 acoustic axes are used to provide a true vector averaged velocity measurement. This instrument features no moving parts to foul. Small transducer size significantly reduces the disturbance to water flow. This instrument is suitable for long-term deployment. Additional sensors are available to measure tilt, temperature, conductivity, and pressure. Internal logging memory is available from 4 - 96 MB. Programmable burst mode and triggered sampling mode are available. Speed - Accuracy: 0.3 cm/sec; Resolution: 0.03 cm/sec; Range: 200 cm/sec (other options available). Direction - Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees; Resolution: 1 degree; Range: 360 degrees. Drift: 0.15 cm/sec per month. Depth rating up to 6000 m. | 2025-01-10 |
TOOL2041 | NORBIT Base-X2 profiler sound velocity probe | A sound velocity profiling instrument used to measure the speed of sound in water. Outputs measurements of sound velocity (m/s) (SV) and pressure (dbar) (P). Standard option depth rated to 100 m. Optional 500 m pressure rated housing P-Xchange sensor (0 - 500 dBar). SV measurement range 1375 to 1625 m/s, precision 0.006 m/s, accuracy 0.025 m/s, resolution 0.001 m/s. P measurement range 0 to 100 dbar, precision 0.03 percent, accuracy 0.05 percent, resolution 0.02 percent. | 2024-05-30 |
TOOL1850 | NORBIT WBMS 12003-AFCDB4 400kHz (full ocean depth) multibeam echosounder | A wideband multibeam sonar for high resolution bathymetry. These compact sonar systems are designed for use on all platforms. It can be used in applications such as: shallow water bathymetry; pipeline surveys; river, estuary, channel and pond surveys; harbour and coastline surveys; Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Surveys; and MCM & Littoral Combat Zone Surveys It offers roll stabilized bathymetry and several types of imagery and backscatter output. There are additional 900m, 4500m depth rated options. The instruments depth range is 0.2-275m (160m is typical at 400kHz), Its standard resolution (ACROSS X ALONG) is 0.9° X 1.9° at 400kHz and 0.5O X 1.0° at 700kHz; or the narrow option resolution is 0.9° X 0.9° at 400kHz AND 0.5° X 0.5° at 700kHz. It has a ping rate up to 60Hz which is adaptive. The instrument has between 256 and 512 EA (Equiangular) and ED (Equidistant) beams. The nominal operating frequency of this model is 400kHz (frequency agility: 200-700kHz), the swath coverage is 5-210°. This model is the full ocean depth option which is depth rated to 6000m. | 2022-09-27 |
TOOL2040 | NORBIT iWBMS multibeam echosounder system | A multibeam sonar for high resolution curved array bathymetry. It can be used for the following applications: shallow water bathymetry; pipeline surveys; pond, river, and estuary surveys; harbour and lake surveys; umanned surface applications (AUV and ASV); and coastal surveys. It outputs roll-stabilized bathymetric data and backscatter outputs. 80 kHz bandwidth. Standard resolution (ACROSS X ALONG) is 0.9 X 1.9 degrees at 400 kHz and 0.5 X 1.0 degrees at 700 kHz; or the narrow option is 0.9 X 0.9 degrees at 400 kHz and 0.5 X 0.5 degrees at 700 kHz. Ping rate is up to 60 Hz and is adaptive. Depth range 0.2 to 275 m (>300 m with 400 kHz narrow option). Operating temperature -4 to 40 degrees C (topside -20 to 55 degrees C). | 2024-05-30 |
NETT0109 | Nackthai net - Nellen and Hempel (1969) | A modified Gulf V sampler with a 20 cm diameter nose cone aperture expanding to 38 cm diameter over length of 53 cm. Attached to back of cone is a net 120 cm long. Frame work in which net supported 45 cm x 45 cm x 190 cm long. Overall length 143 cm. A comparison was made between the Hai and the Nackthai samplers which showed the Nackthai filtered more water and caught significantly more plankton and fish a result attributed to its non-encased net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 16 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1350 | Nanometrics Centaur Digital Recorder CTR4 | An all-in-one 24-bit digitiser, recorder and telemetry instrument designed for multidisciplinary science involving various geophysical sensors, such as seismometers, microbarometers and weather stations. It has a high-accuracy voltage and current source calibration signal generator, and supports GNSS, PTP or NTP time sources. The instrument is configurable via a web interface which also provides real-time state of health and waveform viewing. It also offers configurable lowpass, highpass and bandpass digital filtering. It is available with either 3 or 6 channels and is IP68 rated (waterproof). The Centaur with Authentication (models CTR4-3A and CTR4-6A/S) has built-in hardware authentication of CD-1.1 message formats. It has dual sample rates up to 5000 sps. | 2019-08-09 |
TOOL1349 | Nanometrics Titan Accelerometer | A force balance triaxial accelerometer for use in free-field strong-motion ground monitoring, or state-of-health monitoring of large structures. Simultaneous measurements are made in three orthogonal directions, and it incorporates digitally selectable full scale range and offset zeroing capabilities. The Titans features are ideal for remote deployments. It has an operational frequency bandwidth from DC to 430 Hz, with 166 dB dynamic range. It has a full-scale range of +/- 0.25 g to +/- 4 g with independent horizontal and vertical range selection. | 2019-08-09 |
TOOL1351 | Nanometrics Titan Ethernet Accelerograph | A strong motion ethernet accelerograph designed for high precision observational and structural engineering applications, such as monitoring the response of a structure to ground acceleration (e.g. earthquakes). It features the same triaxial sensor and digitiser/recorder technology as the Titan Strong Motion Accelerometer (SMA) but features power-over-ethernet and Network Timing capabilities specifically designed for networked deployments on civil structures such as hydro-electric dams and bridges. A single CAT5 ethernet cable is required for all functions: power, precision, timing, data and management. The Titan EA Master is also available which incorporates a GNSS receiver to get accurate satellite timings. It has an operational frequency bandwidth from DC to 430 Hz, with 166 dB dynamic range. It has a full-scale range of +/- 0.25 g to +/- 4 g with independent horizontal and vertical range selection. | 2019-08-09 |
TOOL1352 | Nanometrics Titan Strong Motion Accelerograph | A strong motion accelerograph designed for high precision observational and structural engineering applications, such as monitoring the response of a structure to ground acceleration (e.g. earthquakes). It features the same triaxial sensor as the Titan Accelerometer, but features an integrated digitiser and recorder to facilitate both standalone networked and free-field monitoring deployments. It offers GNSS, PTP or NTP timing, HTTP data communications, and data retrieval via SD card or local ethernet in MiniSEED or ASCII formats. It can detect P-wave events and broadcast warnings. It has a latency of 0.25 seconds, an operational frequency bandwidth from DC to 430 Hz, with 166 dB dynamic range. It has a full-scale range of +/- 0.25 g to +/- 4 g with independent horizontal and vertical range selection. | 2019-08-09 |
TOOL1666 | Nanometrics Trillium 120 Posthole 120 PH seismometer | A portable, broadband seismometer. It is designed for down-hole deployments. It measures symmetric triaxial topology. It is housed in a stainless steel enclosure incorporating a high-pressure, marine-grade connector making it suitable for uncased buried/posthole installations. A levelling system allows the instrument to self-correct over a tilt range of +/-5 degrees (+/-10 degrees optional). It has a 5.6 inch outside diameter and power consumption of 490 mW. Nominal Sensitivity: 1200 V-s/m. Precision: +/-0.5%. Bandwidth: -3 dB points at 120 s and 150 Hz. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL0248 | Nansen-Petterson water bottle | Metal or plastic insulated bottles with an approximate capacity of 1-2 litres designed for deployment on a cable, sealed by with a spring-loaded valve when triggered by dropping a weight down the cable. It was designed to recover an uncontaminated sample from depth within 0.01C of its in-situ temperature. The design is an improvement by Petterson in collaboration with Nansen on an original design by Nansen. Both designs are commonly known as Nansen bottles. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0236 | National Institute of Oceanography plastic reversing water bottle | A 1.35 litre plastic water bottle designed by the National Institute of Oceanography. It is deployed clamped to a cable and triggered by a weight sliding down the cable. When triggered the bottle rotates through 180 degrees which simultaneously closes the valves and fires any reversing thermometers mounted on the bottle. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0540 | National Institute of Oceanography water sampling bottle | A plastic free-flushing water sampling bottle designed for oceanographic sampling. It has valves at each end, which are held open on deployment. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the valves are released and sealed. A reversing thermometer may be mounted on the bottle. The bottle inverts on closure, triggering the thermometer. A sampling spigot is positioned at the base of the bottle. The bottle was designed in the 1970s by Francis E. Pierce, Dennis I. Gaunt, and Richard Dobson at what was then the National Institute of Oceanography, UK (a predecessor of the National Oceanography Centre). | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL0405 | National Marine Facilities Microelectrode Oxygen Sensor | A non-membrane dissolved oxygen sensor for marine applications. The sensor uses a platinum microelectrode and a counter electrode (thus far composed of copper). A measurement potential is applied to the microelectrode relative to a counter electrode, reducing the dissolved oxygen in the water and generating a current through the microelectrode proportional to the number of oxygen molecules at that electrode. The sensor was first used in 2000 and development is ongoing. Early versions of the instrument applied the measurement potential for up to 30 seconds, with sampling starting approximately one second after the potential was applied. The sensor response to oxygen remained almost constant for a given concentration and data could be sampled at frequencies exceeding 1 Hz. To reduce noise generated by sensitivity to flow fluctuations a mesoporous layer was used to increase the surface area of the microelectrode, but this proved unstable and was replaced by a stop-flow system which pumped water in to a very small chamber, with measurements being taken while the water was still. This significantly improved results but the sensor was still affected by small convection currents. The current version of the sensor only applies the measurement potential for a few 10s of milliseconds and data are collected at approximately 1 Hz in an attempt to minimise the effects of convection currents. The latest development is a very small sensor head containing an array of microelectrodes (currently an array of five) that work together. The counter electrode consists of silver or silver chloride. This is currently undergoing trials and is yet to be deployed on a CTD profiler. | 2011-07-27 |
TOOL1197 | National Marine Facilities Sea Systems (NMFSS) Multi-Channel Airgun Seismic Reflection System | A NMFSS-built multi-channel seismic reflection profiling system. The system uses a Bolt 1500C airgun as sound source, and a hydrophone streamer of 1 km in length. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1198 | National Marine Facilities Sea Systems (NMFSS) Single-Channel Airgun Seismic Reflection System | A NMFSS-built single-channel seismic reflection profiling system. The system uses a Bolt 1500C airgun as sound source, and a short hydrophone streamer. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1175 | National Marine Facilities gravity corer | A marine sediment corer. The corer consists of a weight with steel tube sections attached to it. The end of the corer is fitted with a tapered cutter section and a catcher to retain the sample. Sample tubes are fitted with a clear polycarbonate liner with diameter of 63.5mm. To collect a core sample, the corer is lowered down to the seabed on the end of a wire, stopping a set distance above. It is then lowered at a set speed into the sediment to obtain the sample, before being raised to the surface, it is dismantled and the polycarbonate core liner encasing the sample is removed. The weight can vary between 100kg to 1000kg. Depending on the size of the sample tube, the corer is capable of collecting sediments between 1-4 m in length. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1176 | National Marine Facilities piston corer | A marine piston corer part of the UK National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP). The corer consists of a weight fitted with steel sample tubes. A PVC liner tube is fitted the full-length core barrel. A piston is fitted inside the PVC liner and is attached to a wire, which runs inside the corer barrel, through a hole in the centre of the weight and is attached to the main deployment wire. The corer is lowered on a wire to the seabed and a trigger system causes the core barrel to free fall into the sediment to collect samples. The action of the piston reduces internal friction allowing long cores to be collected. Core samples of 90mm and 110mm diameter can be taken. Up to five sections of 5.4 metre-long barrels can be fitted depending on the type of sediment being sampled. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1103 | National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Nitrate and Nitrite v3.2c Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor | A stand-alone microfluidic wet-chemical (colourimetric) nitrate and nitrite lab-on-chip (LOC) system designed to perform automated in-situ chemical analysis using the Griess assay. The instrument detects nitrate and nitrite (up to 350 µM, 21.7 mg/L as NO3-) with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.025 µM for nitrate (0.0016 mg/L as NO3-) and 0.02 µM for nitrite (0.00092 mg/L as NO2-). This performance is suitable for all natural waters except for the oligotrophic open ocean. Beaton et al. (2012) has a full description of the technology. | 2018-09-20 |
TOOL1167 | National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Nitrate and Nitrite v3.3c Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor | A developmental microfluidic sensor that can be used in freshwater, estuarine, coastal and open ocean environment. It performs colourimetric nitrate analysis using the Griess assay on a microfluidic chip. Nitrate is reduced to nitrite using a cadmium tube. Weighing 4 kg (H = 19 cm, Dia. = 15 cm), it is housed in PVC and capable of deployments to 6000 m It uses a wavelength of 525 nm and pathlengths of 91.6, 10.16 and 1.16 mm. It has a detection limit of 25 nM and measurement range of 0.05 uM - 1000 uM. | 2017-11-07 |
TOOL1897 | National Oceanography Centre AESA camera system | The benthic camera system typically mounted on the UK National Oceanography Centre's Autosub6000 autonomous underwater vehicle is known as the AESA camera, named after the original project associated with its design (Autonomous Ecological Surveying of the Abyss). It uses the FLIR (formerly Point Gray Research Inc.) Grasshopper 2 GS2-GE-50S5C-C camera (5 MP). This is based on the Sony ICX625 CCD imaging sensor. More than one camera can be fitted in various orientations (e.g. oblique, downward-looking etc). The camera is fitted with a Navitar NMV-8M23 Machine Vision Lens, and a bespoke inhouse-developed Xenon high speed flash, with a 10J driver circuit. The camera sensor and lens are housed in bespoke inhouse-developed housing with a flat viewport. The 10J flash is housed in similar housing with the same flat viewport. The camera system can be removed and mounted on other NOC-owned vehicles such as the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) ISIS, with the same setup and configuration. Image Data Output: 8, 12, 16 and 24-bit digital data. 1000 Mbit/s data transfer rate. Operating temperature: 0 to 40 degC. | 2024-12-18 |
TOOL1341 | National Oceanography Centre Autosub Long Range v1 {ALR} data logger | A navigation and engineering logging system located within a Autosub Long Range (ALR) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Sensors integrated can include GPS position, pressure transducer, platform altimeter and an internal clock. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .sdb (real time transmitted data) and internally logged high resolution version stored on the vehicle memory. | 2019-08-06 |
TOOL1515 | National Oceanography Centre Autosub Long Range v2 {ALR} data logger | Version 2 (v2) of a navigation and engineering logging system located within an Autosub Long Range (ALR) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Sensors integrated can include GPS position, pressure transducer, platform altimeter and an internal clock. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .sdb (real time transmitted data) and internally logged high resolution version stored on the vehicle memory. Version 2 was in use from May 2019. | 2020-08-04 |
TOOL1129 | National Oceanography Centre Colorimetric Microfluidic pH sensor | A National Oceanography Centre custom designed bench-top sensor for shipboard autonomous seawater pH measurements, developed in collaboration with the University of Southampton. The seawater sample and thymol blue indicator solution are pumped by two syringe pumps and mixed in the flow cell in a static mixer before entering the absorption cell. The fluid distribution is controlled by four micro-inert valves. A three-wavelength LED light source transmits light through the absorption cell which is detected by a HR4000 spectrometer. The measurements are made close to in situ temperature (plus 0.2 degrees celsius) by placement of the microfluidic flow cell in the sampling chamber which has continuous access to the ship's underway seawater supply. The LED's wavelengths are 435 nm (25 nm full width half maximum (FWHM)), 596 nm (15 nm FWHM) and 750 nm (30 nm FWHM). | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL2112 | National Oceanography Centre Lab-On-Chip (LOC) Spectrophotometric pH sensor - Rerolle et al. (2012) | A microfluidic pH Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensor designed to perform automated in-situ analysis of seawater. The microfluidic cell comprises of an absorption cell, connected to light source and detector by two optical fibres, and a static mixer. Fluidics are controlled by four micro-inert valves directly mounted on the chip, and fluid propulsion is conducted using two syringe pumps. The light source is a tri-coloured LED with wavelengths of 435 nm and 596 nm corresponding to the absorption maximum of the pH indicator added to the seawater, and 750 nm to monitor sample turbidity. A linear array photodiode spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics HR4000) is used as detector. Short-term precision: 0.001 pH unit. Long term precision not yet evaluated. | 2024-10-09 |
TOOL0370 | National Oceanography Centre Nitrate Sensor SUV6 | An in situ UV absorption spectrophotometer that measures nitrate concentrations in the ocean. The sensor is rated to either 500 m or 6000 m. It uses a Xenon flash lamp as a light source and has a path length of either 70 mm or 200 mm, permitting nitrate detection up to 400 uM or 100 uM, respectively. The minimum nitrate detection limit is 0.2 uM and accuracy is +/- 0.2 uM. Nitrate concentrations are determined from the ratio of the absorption at 220 nm and 280 nm. The sensor was developed by NOC in association with Valeport Ltd. | 2011-02-09 |
TOOL1201 | National Oceanography Centre Seafloor High Resolution Imaging Platform | A high resolution deep-towed camera platform developed by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). It can take photographs and downward videos at depths of up to 5000 m, sending live images to the ship via fibre optics. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1325 | National Oceanography Centre Spar Buoy [modified length] {Bubble Buoy} capacitance wave wire buoy | A custom-built system that uses capacitance wave wires mounted on a spar buoy to measure waves, wave breaking and whitecaps in-situ. This is a modified version of the standard National Oceanography Centre Spar Buoy that uses a slightly longer and stronger buoy in order to mount acoustic resonators to measure sub-surface bubble populations. | 2019-03-15 |
TOOL1324 | National Oceanography Centre Spar Buoy [standard] capacitance wave wire buoy | A custom-built system that uses capacitance wave wires mounted on a spar buoy to measure waves, wave breaking and whitecaps in-situ. Three wave wires stretch along the length of the top of the buoy and are used to measure the wave height relative to the buoy. The wires are mounted orthogonally to each other and the buoy is ballasted so that the wires are typically half submerged and are consistently orientated into the wind. The system is fitted with a compass and accelerometer to correct for buoy motion. The spar buoy principle is used to minimise motion and provide a steady platform for measurements. Wave measurements are verified by independent video and still cameras. Other sensors can be mounted on the buoy such as acoustic and optical sensors that measure sub-surface bubble clouds. The buoy has an overall length of 11 m and the system can be deployed for 5 continuous days. | 2019-03-15 |
TOOL1647 | National Oceanography Centre WireWall v2 sensor logging and control module | A water-proof module responsible for the control, data logging, data processing and data telecommunication of a sensor. It is used with the second generation of WireWall, a series of capacitance wire wave-overtopping sensors developed by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). It consists of a controller based on the NOC A7348 Sparebuoy Controller v2.2 PCB and cellular modem. Data storage is supported by an expandable SD card. It is battery-powered. Data storage ranges from 8-32GB. | 2021-03-05 |
TOOL2111 | National Oceanography Centre pCO2 optode sensor - Clarke et al. (2017) | A custom-designed pCO2 sensor, developed by the National Oceanography Centre Southampton in collaboration with the University of Southampton. The sensor is based on an immobilised indicator entrapped in a polymer membrane alongside a fluorescent reference compound. The indicator fluorescence is altered according to the partial pressure of CO2 of the seawater. This instrument uses a sensing spot from PreSens GmbH which is attached to the fibre optic cable head. Custom-made electronics (Sensoptics Ltd. SGS 42000) and dedicated software (Sensoptics Photon Counter V1.2) are used to record the fluorescence decay curve. The optode measures at a rate of 0.0028 Hz. pCO2 is measured with an uncertainty of +/- 0.0917 micro atm. More information may be found in https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/384569/. | 2024-10-09 |
TOOL0555 | National Oceanography Centre torpedo towfish water sampler | An epoxy resin-coated steel torpedo-shaped object designed to be towed alongside a moving ship at speeds of 1-12 knots. A teflon-lined tube runs through the centre of the fish and is connected to a pump on board the ship. Stabilising fins at the rear of the fish ensure that the sampling hose points forwards and that the fish maintains a roughly constant depth. The system is typically used for continuous, underway, clean sampling (e.g., trace metal studies) of near-surface waters. | 2012-09-28 |
TOOL1652 | Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada [custom] Bottom Pressure Recorder | A bottom pressure recorder designed by Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan) Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Pacific Geoscience Centre (PGS). It was designed specifically for the Canadian underwater cable system NEPTUNE as part of the Ocean Networks Canada Ocean Observatory Project. As well as monitoring pressure, the system also measures temperature and conductivity, to facilitate detection and characterisation of tsunamis and other shallow and deep oceanographic transients. Data is recorded to onboard flash memory, and the BPR is supplied with an additional non-rechargeable lithium thionyl chloride battery pack to provide power during cable power outages. The BPR is supplied with analog-to-digital conversion electronics, a real-time clock, an on-board logger, pressure housing and a seafloor frame compatible with ROV constraints. Temperature sensor: GE Industries thermistor; Pressure sensor: Paroscientific 8B4000-1; Conductivity sensor: Sea-Bird 4M. When connected to the NEPTUNE cable system, the BPR produces pressure measurements at 1 Hz. The sample period is 1 second for pressure and 10 seconds for temperature and conductivity. The BPR has an absolute pressure accuracy < 1 ppm full scale. | 2021-03-16 |
TOOL2050 | NatureScot [custom] Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video System | A custom-built Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS) based on guidance from the Australian manufacturer SeaGIS. The system is calibrated using SeaGIS calibration cubes. The frame is made of stainless steel and the camera housing is made of plastic. It is depth rated to 300m. They are fitted with lights. The camera used is a GoPro Hero 10 in HD mode (1080) x 30fps. | 2024-06-17 |
TOOL1606 | Navico Simrad MX421 {MX Marine MX421} GPS series | A series of GPS sensors that may be configured to use differential corrections (DGPS). They are designed for the marine environment. The sensors determine position using the US Navstar satellite system. Differential corrections (RTCM) may be applied using an internal beacon receiver (MX421B-10) or via an external receiver and control and display unit (MX421-10). The GPS receiver uses 12 channels for tracking of L1 C/A signals (1.575 GHz Frequency) and a position update rate of 1 Hz. The differential beacon (MX421B-10) uses 2 channels for tracking (283.5 to 325 kHz). MX 421B-10 can be optionally upgraded to output 5Hz position update. Horizontal Accuracy: <1 m RMS (DGPS) <3m RMS (GPS no S/A). | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0935 | Navico Simrad Yachting MX100 global positioning system | A marine positioning system which comprises a MX100 Control and Display Unit (CDU) of unknown sub-model, fitted to an unknown GPS receiver model. The navigation system has since been replaced by the MX512. | 2020-10-08 |
TOOL0933 | Navico Simrad Yachting MX200 global positioning system | A marine positioning system which comprises a MX200 Control and Display Unit (CDU) of unknown sub-model, fitted to an unknown GPS receiver model. The navigation system has since been replaced by the MX512. | 2020-10-08 |
TOOL0934 | Navico Simrad Yachting MX300 global positioning system | A marine positioning system which comprises a MX300 Control and Display Unit (CDU) of unknown sub-model, fitted to an unknown GPS receiver model. The navigation system has since been replaced by the MX512. | 2020-10-08 |
TOOL0936 | Navico Simrad Yachting MX412 differential global positioning system | A 12-channel (L1, 1575 MHz, C/A code) GPS and 2 beacon DGPS receiver (283.5-325 KHz). It comprises a MX412 Control and Display Unit (CDU) of unknown sub-model, fitted to a co-axial cabled, combined GPS and beacon combo antenna (compatible models are MGL-4, MGL-3 or MXB5). Depending on the combo antenna unit used, the system can achieve <1 - 2 m accuracy in areas with good beacon differential coverage. The navigation system has been replaced by the MX512. | 2020-10-08 |
TOOL0937 | Navico Simrad Yachting MX420 global positioning system | A marine positioning system which can be configured to provide GPS heading or act as an automatic identification system (AIS). It comprises 1 or more MX420 Control and Display Units (CDU) of unknown sub-models in an unknown configuration, fitted with 1 or more receiving antennas that are capable of GPS, DGPS or GPS headings. It can be configured as a single, dual-head or dual-control CDU system. CDUs are available with 2 or 8 bi-directional NMEA ports. Some variants of CDU are fitted with an internal IMO-compliant automatic identification system (AIS) transponder unit. None of the CDUs support antennas with GLONASS capabilities. Depending on the antenna unit used, the system can achieve <2 - 5 m GPS accuracy, <0.5 - 2 m DGPS accuracy and 0.5 degrees heading accuracy. | 2020-10-08 |
TOOL0735 | Navman Jupiter 32 GPS receiver module | A miniature (17.0 x 15.0 mm, 2 g), 20-channel GPS receiver for use in marine buoys. The unit contains a SiRF GSC3 GPS chipset and is capable of Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) corrections. Horizontal accuracy of the unit is 2.2 m (CEP), 5.5 m 2dRMS. PPS accuracy is typically better than 1micro second. The Jupiter 32 is the successor to the Jupiter 30. The product was replaced by the Jupiter 32 xLP. Navman Wireless OEM Solutions is now Telit Wireless Solutions. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1857 | Navstar 602D Navigator System | Compact radio navigation system. Designed to be a receiver compatible with the Decca Navigator System (DNS) and developed for commercial use. This instrument can operate either stand-alone or interfaced with a Navstar SA Satellite Navigator. The instrument has a digital display and push buttons. Decca guidance suggests 50 m positional accuracy in daylight and 200 m in darkness. The instrument was used in the 1980's and is no longer in production. | 2022-10-12 |
TOOL1560 | Navy Engineering Lab (NEL) from WHOI design jumbo piston corer | The Jumbo Piston Corer (JPC) is a coring system that combines a dynamically falling heavy gravity corer with an interior piston that works to expel water and draw sediment into the corer. Piston corers, like gravity corers, are generally used in areas with soft sediment, such as clay. The addition of the internal piston allows the soft sediment to be captured without significant compression or disturbance. It is launched using a rail system, and can be configured in lengths from 3m to 12m. Its head Weight is 1,180 kg, and the total system weight (Including track system) is around 11,300 kg. The system has a minimum operational depth of 50m, but its maximum operational depth is limited only by the amount of wire on ship. | 2020-11-02 |
TOOL1593 | Naxys Ehyd 02345 ethernet hydrophone | An ethernet hydrophone for use in subsea applications such as seismic monitoring, subsea installation monitoring, and marine traffic monitoring. The hydrophone can be operated in armed mode for scheduling monitoring during a specific time period, or in manual mode for straight on-off operation. Naxys Manager software allows users to select a gain (0-10-20-40 dB) and sampling rate, and apply a suitable frequency filter. Files can be processed using Naxys Analysing software once transferred to a PC. An array of up to five hydrophones can be configured in the field. Each Cat5 ethernet cable has a maximum length of 100m. The hydrophone is depth-rated to 3000 m. It features sampling frequencies in steps 6-12-24-48- 96-192-284-768 kHz, but has an overall frequency range of 5-300 kHz. | 2021-01-19 |
TOOL0144 | Neil Brown MK2 conductivity temperature and depth system | An integral unit comprising pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0002 | Neil Brown MK3 CTD | The Neil Brown MK3 CTD consists of an integral unit containing pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors with an optional dissolved oxygen sensor in a pressure-hardened casing. The most widely used variant in the 1980s and 1990s was the MK3B. The MK3C fitted with an improved pressure sensor to reduce hysteresis was developed to meet the requirements of the WOCE project. The instrument is no longer in production, but is supported (repair and calibration) by General Oceanics. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0431 | Neil Brown MK5 conductivity temperature and depth system | The Neil Brown MK5 CTD consists of an integral unit containing pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors with an optional dissolved oxygen sensor in a pressure-hardened casing. It provides higher quality salinity data than previous versions of the instrument. It was developed in the 1970s by Neil Brown Instrument Systems, later EG&G, and is no longer in production, but is supported (repair and calibration) by General Oceanics. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0033 | Neil Brown Smart CTD | The Neil Brown Smart CTD consists of and integral unit containing pressure, temperature and conductivity sensors combined with an integral data logger | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0835 | Neil Brown Smart acoustic current meter | An acoustic current meter with temperature sensor that records at user-selectable rates up to 2Hz. Current speeds were measured with a resolution of 0.1 cm/s and an accuracy of 1 cm/s or 3 per cent of the measured value (whichever is greater). Current direction is measured with a resolution of 0.1 degrees and an accuracy of 5 degrees. Temperature is measured with a resolution of 0.01C and an accuracy of 0.05C. The instrument data sheet is available at https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/pdf/sacm3.pdf. | 2015-03-12 |
TOOL0552 | Nereides 300l sample bottle | A 300 litre capacity sampling bottle designed for oceanographic sampling. The bottle was closed by a messenger. It was used during the OMEX project in the 1990s. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1468 | Netherlands Institute for Applied Geosciences (TNO-NITG) Geodoff flush corer | A marine sediment flush corer constructed by the Netherlands Institute of Applied Geosciences (TNO-NITG), later known as Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). It is designed to recover sediment cores from the seafloor, and uses the Geodoff counterflush system of sediment core recovery which was first developed by Conrad-Stork BV of Haarlem, Netherlands. The Geodoff flush corer utilises reversed mud flush circulation that permits uninterrupted core recovery in the rotary drilling system. It can drill into seafloor sediments to depths of approximately 20 metres, and can be operated in water depths of approximately 200 m. | 2020-06-02 |
NETT0113 | Neuston net - David (1965) | Has a 30 cm x 15 cm rectangular mouth opening with a net 365 cm in length (21.3 meshes to cm). Normally towed at 5-6 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0111 | Neuston net - Ellertsen (1977) | Six stacked nets two with 10 cm tall x 25 cm wide rectangular mouth opening and four with 20 cm tall x 25 cm wide mouths. Nets 100 cm long made of 0.2 mm nylon mesh. Pontoons made of fiberglass covered Styrofoam 10 x 15 x 100 cm. A flowmeter can be used [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 21 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0110 | Neuston net - Lippincott and Thomas (1983) | Has a 128 cm wide x 30 cm tall rectangular mouth opening with 260 cm long net with 0.351 mm nylon mesh. A TSK flowmeter is mounted in the lower portion of the net mouth. Lobster buoy floats provide buoyancy. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0112 | Neuston net - Sconfietti and Cantonati (1990) | A 40 cm diameter net (60 cm long) is attached at the front and rear to a polyurethane float by rods extending down below the float with the top of net about 12 cm below the surface. [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 F] | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0116 | Neuston net - Willis (1963) | Has a 17.8 cm x 3.8 cm rectangular mouth opening of net 67.3 cm long (netting nylon with 78.7 meshes/cm). Normally towed while ship drifting at 1 knot [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0114 | Neuston net - Zaitsev (1959, 1970) | Has a 60cm x 20 cm rectangular mouth aperture with a net 250 cm long with plastic foam floats 20 cm x 10 cm x 4 cm attached to sides of metal net frame. Used from drifting or anchored vessel [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0117 | Neuston sampler - Danielssen and Tveite (1968) | A framework supports five rectangular nets with mesh sizes ranging from 0.150 to 0.500 mm. A flowmeter is used. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0118 | Neuston sampler - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1969) | Has a 102 cm x 102 cm square mouth opening aluminium box frame 152 cm long equipped with foam floatation on top, a pair of fins on the side, and a fin on the bottom. Attached to the back is a net 104 cm x 104 cm at the mouth and 927 cm long made from 0.308 mm nylon mesh. A two-part towing bridle was attached to one side and the sampler kited out away from the side of the vessel beyond the ships wake. Towing speeds 8 to 11 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 20 E]. | 2014-11-12 |
NETT0119 | Neuston sampler - Schram et al. (1981) | A framework supports five 50 cm x 20 cm mouth opening rectangular nets each 125 cm long with mesh sizes ranging from 0.150 to 0.500 mm. Frame equipped with a flowmeter is used [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 21 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0610 | Neyrpic bubbler pressure gauge | An early tide gauge comprising a seabed-mounted gas outlet and a manometer to measure the compressed gas pressure necessary to force gas through this outlet. The manometer comprised a stainless steel float in a tube that was connected through pulleys to a clockwork chart recorder. Chart advance speed was 2.5, 5, 10 or 20 mm/hour (10 mm/hour was generally used for tidal measurements) and pressure ranges corresponding to depth scales of 0-3m, 0-6m, 0-9m, 0-12m or 0-18m were available. More information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/27190/ | 2013-04-10 |
TOOL1937 | Nikon D700 camera | A digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) handheld camera with an FX-format image sensor enabling full frame image capture. The D700 has a wide range of applications that require high quality images. Picture angle is equivalent to angle produced by lens focal length (1.5 times when DX format is selected). Lens is interchangeable. Effective pixels is 12.1 million, total pixels is 12.87 million. Features a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 36.0 x 23.9 mm sensor. Can output in NEF, TIFF and JPEG. | 2023-06-05 |
TOOL1938 | Nikon D800 camera | A digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) handheld camera with an FX-format image sensor enabling full frame image capture. The D800 has a wide range of applications that require high quality images. Lens is interchangeable. Effective pixels is 36.3 million, total pixels is 36.8 million. Features a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 35.9 x 24 mm sensor. Can output in NEF, TIFF and JPEG. | 2023-06-05 |
TOOL1943 | Nikon D810 camera | A digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) handheld camera with an FX-format image sensor enabling full frame image capture. The D810 has a wide range of applications that require high quality images. Lens is interchangeable. Capable of shooting video in full HD 1920 x 1080 / 60 FPS. Effective pixels is 36.3 million, total pixels is 37.09 million. Features a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 35.9 x 24 mm sensor, and an image sensor cleaning dust-reduction system. Can output in NEF, TIFF and JPEG. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL0412 | Niskin bottle | A plastic free-flushing water sampling bottle with a capacity of 1.7-30 litres. It has caps with rubber seals at each end joined by a plastic-coated metal spring or elastic cord running through the interior of the bottle. It is deployed with the caps held open against the spring by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed. Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180 degrees on bottle closure. | 2012-06-22 |
TOOL0413 | Non-toxic sea water supply | A source of uncontaminated near-surface (commonly 3 to 7 m) seawater pumped continuously to shipboard laboratories on research vessels. There is typically a temperature sensor near the intake (known as the hull temperature) to provide measurements that are as close as possible to the ambient water temperature. The flow from the supply is typically directed through continuously logged sensors such as a thermosalinograph and a fluorometer. Water samples are often collected from the non-toxic supply. The system is also referred to as the underway supply. | 2011-08-05 |
TOOL0897 | Nortek 1 MHz acoustic wave and current profiler | An instrument that simultaneously measures current profiles and wave height and direction designed for coastal monitoring. It transmits at 1 MHz giving a range of 30 m (waves measurable with deployment depth up to 35 m) and a cell size of 0.25-4 m (maximum 128 cells) and has four beams, one vertical and the other three 120 degrees apart slanted at 25 degrees. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value ±0.5cm/s. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <15 degrees), tilt (liquid level) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% (optional 0.1%) full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0895 | Nortek 400 kHz acoustic wave and current profiler | An instrument that simultaneously measures current profiles and wave height and direction designed for coastal monitoring. It transmits at 400 kHz giving a range of 100 m and a cell size of 1-8 m (maximum 128 cells) and has four beams, one vertical and the other three 120 degrees apart slanted at 25 degrees. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value ±0.5cm/s. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <15 degrees), tilt (liquid level) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% (optional 0.1%) full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0896 | Nortek 600 kHz acoustic wave and current profiler | An instrument that simultaneously measures current profiles and wave height and direction designed for coastal monitoring. It transmits at 600 kHz giving a range of 50 m and a cell size of 0.5-8 m (maximum 128 cells) and has four beams, one vertical and the other three 120 degrees apart slanted at 25 degrees. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value ±0.5cm/s. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <15 degrees), tilt (liquid level) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% (optional 0.1%) full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0477 | Nortek Aquadopp 3000 3D Doppler current meter | The Nortek Aquadopp 3000 is a single-depth doppler current meter designed for deployment in intermediate water depths down to 3000 m. It is suitable for use on moorings or fixed structures. It features higher power and an increased signal-to-noise ratio compared with the standard (300 m depth rated) Aquadopp so that it can provide accurate current measurements in water with low concentrations of suspended particulate matter. Current velocity is derived from the Doppler shift measured by two or three 2MHz acoustic beams. It comes with compass, tilt, pressure and temperature sensors. Data are stored on an internal data logger. It can be run in 'diagnostic' mode when set to collect data at 1 Hz frequency in user specified intervals, which allows studies of mooring motion and the performance of other current meters to be conducted. | 2012-03-06 |
TOOL0089 | Nortek Aquadopp 3D Doppler current meter | The Aquadopp is a single-depth doppler current meter designed both for real time data collection and self contained deployments logging internally. It comes with compass, tilt, pressure and temperature sensors. It can also be configured to measure surface wave height, period and direction concurrently. It has the unique feature of being run in 'diagnostic' mode when set to collect data at 1 Hz frequency in user specified intervals. This allows studies of mooring motion and the performance of other current meters to be conducted. It can be set in various configurations with titanium housings for deployment at greater depths. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0392 | Nortek Aquadopp 400 kHz Doppler current profiler | A self-contained 400 kHz Doppler current profiler designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures. The instrument uses 3 beams to measure water velocities over a range of +/-10 m/s and has a standard depth rating of 300 m with 3000 m or 600m versions available. Range is 60-90m. Depth cell size ranges from 2-8 m, with a maximum of 128 cells. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0887 | Nortek Aquadopp 600 kHz Doppler current profiler | A self-contained 600 kHz Doppler current profiler designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures. The instrument uses 3 beams to measure water velocities over a range of +/-10 m/s and has a standard depth rating of 300 m with 3000 m or 600m versions available. Range is 30-40m. Depth cell size ranges from 1-4 m, with a maximum of 128 cells. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
TOOL0476 | Nortek Aquadopp 6000 3D Doppler current meter | The Nortek Aquadopp 6000 is a single-depth doppler current meter designed for deployment on deep water moorings, although it is also suitable for attachment to fixed structures. It features higher power and an increased signal-to-noise ratio compared with the standard (300 m depth rated) Aquadopp so that it can provide accurate current measurements in water with low concentrations of suspended particulate matter. Current velocity is derived from the Doppler shift measured by two or three 2MHz acoustic beams. It comes with compass, tilt, pressure and temperature sensors. It has a titanium casing rated to 6000 m and data are stored on an internal logger. It can be run in 'diagnostic' mode when set to collect data at 1 Hz frequency in user specified intervals, which allows studies of mooring motion and the performance of other current meters to be conducted. | 2012-03-06 |
TOOL0888 | Nortek Aquadopp Doppler current profiler | A family of self-contained Doppler current profilers, Nortek Aquadopp Profilers are often referred to as AquaPro instruments. They are designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures. They can feature a range of transducers - 400 kHz (60-90m range: 2-8m cell size), 600 kHz (30-40m range: 1-4m cell size), Z-cell 600 kHz, 1 MHz (12-25m range: 0.3-4m cell size), Z-cell 1MHz, 2 MHz (4-10m range:0.1-2m cell size) and side-looking. Each transducer has 3 beams and the instrument has a maximum of 128 cells. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value ±0.5cm/s. The standard depth rating is 300 m with 3000 m or 600m versions available. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2022-06-07 |
TOOL1412 | Nortek Aquadopp IM6000 (inductive modem) 3D Doppler current meter | The Nortek Aquadopp 6000 is a single-depth doppler current meter designed for deployment on deep water moorings, although it is also suitable for attachment to fixed structures. It features higher power and an increased signal-to-noise ratio compared with the standard (300 m depth rated) Aquadopp so that it can provide accurate current measurements in water with low concentrations of suspended particulate matter. Current velocity is derived from the Doppler shift measured by two or three 2MHz acoustic beams. It comes with compass, tilt, pressure and temperature sensors. It can be run in 'diagnostic' mode when set to collect data at 1 Hz frequency in user specified intervals, which allows studies of mooring motion and the performance of other current meters to be conducted. The IM6000 is an optional addition to the Aquadopp 6000 3D doppler current meter, featuring an Inductive Modem Module (IMM). The IMM enables communication over a jacketed (isolated) mooring line, where data can be stored in ASCII or binary format. The IMM is located next to the Aquadopp electronics inside the pressure housing of the instrument. The instrument has a titanium casing rated to 6000 m. Water velocity measurements are accurate to +/- 1 percent of the measured value, +/- 0.5 cm/s, with a transducer acoustic frequency of 2 MHz. | 2020-03-25 |
TOOL0904 | Nortek Continental 190 kHz Doppler current profiler | A self-contained 190 kHz Doppler current profiler designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures in applications where range beyond the Aquadopp's capability is required. The transducer has 3 beams for vertical operation or 2 beams for horizontal operation. Range is 200m and cell sizes may be from 2 to 20m with a maximum of 128 cells. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value. The standard depth rating is 500 m. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 500m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-24 |
TOOL0903 | Nortek Continental 470 kHz Doppler current profiler | A self-contained 470 kHz Doppler current profiler designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures in applications where range beyond the Aquadopp's capability is required. The transducer has 3 beams for vertical operation or 2 beams for horizontal operation. Range is 100m and cell sizes may be from 1 to 10m with a maximum of 128 cells. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value. The standard depth rating is 500 m. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 500m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-24 |
TOOL0905 | Nortek Continental Doppler current profiler | A family of self-contained Doppler current profilers designed for deployment on the seabed, moorings, buoys or fixed structures in applications where range beyond the Aquadopp's capability is required. There are two transducer options - 190 kHz (200m range: 2-20m cell size) and 470 kHz (100m range: 1-10m cell size). Each transducer has 3 beams for vertical operation or 2 beams for horizontal operation and the instrument has a maximum of 128 cells. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value. The standard depth rating is 500 m. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <20 degrees), tilt (liquid level with 0.2 degree accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% full scale - usually 500m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-24 |
TOOL1774 | Nortek Glider1000 AD2CP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | A 1 MHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) designed specifically for use on gliders for water velocity measurements. Fully integrated solutions are available for the Kongsberg Seaglider, Scripps Spray Glider, and Webb Slocum Glider. The AD2CP features 4 beams; beams 1 and 3 are angled at 47.5 degrees and beams 2 and 4 are angled at 25 degrees. This enables 3D velocities to be calculated during both ascent and descent of the glider. The AD2CP can operate two modes; Single (burst or average) or Concurrent (burst and average). It features 16 GB of onboard data storage with an optional increase to 64 GB. The Glider1000 AD2CP features an average profiling range of 30 m (25 m in burst mode), with a minimum blanking distance of 0.1 m. It has an operating temperature range of -4 to +40 degC, and is depth-rated to 1000 m. It has a bottom tracking range of 30 m, a velocity resolution of 0.1 cm s-1, and a maximum sampling rate of 16 Hz. | 2022-02-22 |
TOOL1735 | Nortek Signature 100 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | A long-range current profiler designed for combined current profile and biomass measurements. The Signature100 combines a four-beam current profiler operating at 100 kHz with an optional scientific echosounder. Applications include providing insight into the dynamics of zooplankton, krill or schools of fish; current profiling; providing insight into small-scale physical processes; and upwelling and downwelling studies. The instrument is suitable for buoy mounting with internal attitude and heading reference system (AHRS). Optional centre beam with 70-120 kHz Both the current profiler and the biomass measurements have an effective range of 300-400 m. The echosounder has a velocity resolution of 0.1 cm/s, a maximum sampling rate of 1 Hz (1/2 Hz at max output power), and a standard range of 0-1500 m. | 2021-09-10 |
TOOL1474 | Nortek Signature 250 acoustic Doppler current profiler | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for use in: currents; waves; tidal; and ice drift and draft studies. It consists of up to five acoustic transducers, four standard beams slanted at 20 degrees from vertical, and a fifth optional vertical beam. All beams operate at the same frequency of 250kHz. The instrument has integrated pressure and temperature sensors. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1009 | Nortek Signature1000 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for use in turbulence studies. It consists of five acoustic transducers, four slanted at 25 degrees from vertical, and a fifth vertical beam. All beams operate at the same frequency of 1 MHz. The instrument has integrated pressure and temperature sensors. | 2016-07-15 |
TOOL1010 | Nortek Signature500 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for use in turbulence studies. It consists of five acoustic transducers, four slanted at 25 degrees from vertical, and a fifth vertical beam. All beams operate at the same frequency of 500 kHz. The instrument has integrated pressure and temperature sensors. | 2016-07-15 |
TOOL1241 | Nortek Signature55 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) for use in in ocean circulation, turbulence, numerical model verification and transport studies. The instrument consists of three piezo-composite transducers which are 25 cm in diameter. The beams operate at long-range (1000 m) and in dual-frequency (55 / 75 kHz) modes. The instrument contains integrated pressure and temperature sensors measuring in the range of 0-1500m (pressure) and -4 - 40 degC (temperature). Data communication is available via Ethernet cable and the instrument has an internal storage capacity of 16 Gb, with an option to increase this to 64 Gb. | 2018-06-04 |
TOOL1286 | Nortek Vector 3D Acoustic Velocimeter | An acoustic current meter designed to measure high-resolution water velocity and pressure data in marine environments. It is used for studies of turbulence, waves, bottom boundary layers, ocean engineering, coasts and rivers. The Vector 3D outputs Doppler velocity, temperature, pressure, tilt, and heading measurements, and uses the principle of Doppler shift to measure current velocity. It supports real-time or burst sampling methods to preserve battery power. An optional motion sensor (Attitude and Heading Reference System, AHRS) with a faster response time can be used in place of the standard magentometer, heading and tilt sensors. The AHRS is useful for studying the motion of the Vector itself, allowing improved separation of Vector motion from velocity measurements. The Vector 3D measures veolcity over the range +/- 0.01 to 7 m/s with an accuracy +/- 0.5 % of measured value +/- 1 mm/s. It measures temperature over the range -4 to +40 degC with an accuracy of 0.1 degC and resolution of 0.01 degC. It has a sampling rate of 1 to 64 Hz, a battery capacity of 100 Wh and is depth-rated to 300 m. | 2018-09-27 |
TOOL1425 | Nortek Vectrino 3D Acoustic Velocimeter | The Vectrino is a high-resolution acoustic velocimeter used to measure 3D water velocity fluctuations within a very small sampling volume and at sample rates of up to 200 Hz. It can be applied in a variety of environments, from hydraulic labs to the ocean. It is ideal for near-boundary flow measurements or to capture any highly dynamic phenomena in a hydraulic tank. Water velocity measurements Accuracy = +/-0.5% of measured value +/-1 mm/s. Depth rated to 20 m. Operating temperature range -4 to +40 degrees Celsius. | 2020-08-17 |
TOOL0898 | Nortek acoustic wave and current profiler | A family of instruments that simultaneously measure current profiles and wave height and direction designed for coastal monitoring. It is available in three transmit frequencies: 1 MHz (range 30 m, cell size 0.25-4 m); 600 kHz (range 50 m, cell size 0.5-8 m), 400 kHz (range 100 m, cell size 1-8 m) and has four beams, one vertical and the other three 120 degrees apart slanted at 25 degrees. Maximum number of cells is 128. Current speeds up to 10 m/s may be measured at an accuracy of 1% of measured value ±0.5cm/s. Temperature (embedded thermistor with 0.1C accuracy and 0.01C resolution), compass (magnetometer with 2 degrees accuracy and 0.1 degree resolution providing tilt <15 degrees), tilt (liquid level) and pressure (piezo resistive with accuracy of 0.5% (optional 0.1%) full scale - usually 100m - and resolution of 0.005% full scale) sensors are provided as standard. | 2015-06-18 |
NETT0122 | North Pacific standard net - Motoda (1957) | Has a 45 cm mouth diameter with a conical net length of 180 cm (mesh 0.33 mm - GG54) [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 1 F]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0761 | Northstar 826 navigation system | The 826 navigation system was designed and manufactured by Northstar. This instrument has been discontinued. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0764 | Northstar 941X GPS receiver | The Northstar 941X combines 12-channels GPS navigation with Differential GPS capability, high definition display, loran compatibility, built-in tide data up to year 2010, and other navigation features. This instrument has been discontinued. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0765 | Northstar 941XD GPS receiver | The Northstar 941XD combines a 12-channel GPS navigation with Differential GPS capability, high definition display, loran compatibility, built-in tide data up to year 2010, and other navigation features. This model contains an internal DGPS (differential GPS) receiver. This provides accuracy in the 2-5m range. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0766 | Northstar 951X GPS receiver | The Northstar 951X combines GPS navigation with Differential GPS capability, high definition display, loran compatibility, built-in tide data up to year 2010, and other navigation features. This instrument has been discontinued. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0762 | Northstar 952 GPS receiver | The Northstar 952 combines GPS navigation with Differential GPS capability, high definition display, loran compatibility, built-in tide data up to year 2010, and other navigation features. The 12 parallel dual channel updates once every second with a 3m accuracy. This instrument has been discontinued. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0767 | Northstar 952X GPS receiver | The Northstar 952X combines GPS navigation with Differential GPS capability, high definition display, loran compatibility, built-in tide data up to year 2010, and other navigation features. The 12 parallel dual channel updates once every second with a 3m accuracy. This instrument has been discontinued. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0763 | Northstar 957 SGPS/WAAS receiver | The Northstar 957 SGPS/WAAS receiver is an optional component of the Northstar 957 GPS/WASS vector chart navigator. Measurements have accuracy of 3m for this model. | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0516 | Nu Instruments Plasma 1700 High Resolution Multi Collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | The Nu Plasma 1700 High Resolution Multi Collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) is designed for high resolution isotope ratio measurements. The instrument features a high dispersion and large geometry to provide a high mass resolution of 700 to 3000 m/Dm (10% valley convention) whilst still maintaining flat top peaks for high precision measurements with minimal loss in sensitivity. The instrument has a mass dispersion of 17% at zoom magnification 1 and is equipped with 16 Faraday cups: ten incorporated in a fixed central array and three each to the low and high mass side as well as three secondary electron multipliers, of which one is equipped with an abundance sensitivity filter. Independent computer controlled adjustable slits positioned in front of all detectors, allow movement in width and central position providing perfect alignment of the peaks of interest. | 2012-07-04 |
TOOL0522 | Nu Instruments Plasma I (HR) Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer | A double focusing multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) featuring unique variable dispersion optics. The instrument includes: a double focusing system, vacuum system, zoom optics, Faraday detector system, multiplier detector system, water cooling and computer systems. Twelve Faraday detectors are fitted to the instrument as standard and up to three ion-counting multiplier channels can be specified for the standard collector housing. Deflection with a magnet and second electrostatic anaylser compensates for any energy spread of the ion beam. | 2012-07-05 |
TOOL2117 | Nu Instruments Plasma II Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer | A double-focusing multi-collector inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) featuring unique variable dispersion optics. The instrument provides high precision isotope ratio data for elements across the mass range from 3 to 300 amu. The collector assembly includes 16 Faraday collectors and there are up to five ion counting discrete dynode multipliers, interspersed amongst the Faraday collectors at the low-mass end of the array. This overall configuration allows comprehensive coverage of isotopic applications over the full mass range. The Nu Plasma II has true high-resolution capabilities made possible by the application of three sets of independently adjustable slits positioned at various points on the instrument. Deceleration filters may be installed on up to five ion counting collectors to improve abundance sensitivity. | 2024-11-01 |
TOOL2143 | Nu Instruments Plasma III Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer | A double-focusing multi-collector inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) featuring unique variable dispersion optics. The instrument uses zoom optics to provide simultaneous isotopic measurements of elements from lithium to actinide. The static collector array includes 16 Faraday collectors and up to six ion counting detectors (either scanning electron microscope, SEM, or Daly), which can be interspersed amongst the Faraday collectors. Faraday preamplifiers can be fitted to adjust signal amplification and increase the detector's range. Abundance sensitivity < 2 ppm pre-deceleration filter and < 0.5 ppm post-deceleration filter. An additional lens element, Enhanced Abundance Transfer Optics (EATO) provides abundance sensitivity < 1 ppm pre-filter and < 0.05 ppm post-filter. Collector slit widths can be modified to obtain full resolution from interferences. | 2025-03-26 |
TOOL0987 | OCEAN sampler pup net | Plankton net described as one of typically two simple conical ring nets attached by bungee to either side of the OCEAN sampler frame to collect integrated samples; designed with single circular mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.14; with opening area (square metre)=0.015; with total filtering net length (metre)=1.47; with filtering net shape conical; with mesh size (millimetre)=not specified; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1642 | OCEANO Instruments (MORS Environment) MC 3X0 rotor current meter | A rotor current meter used to measure the speed and direction of water currents. It can optionally be equipped with temperature, pressure, and conductivity sensors. The instrument can measure speeds between 2.5 and 250 cm/s, with an accuracy of 2% of speed (or 2cm/s). | 2021-02-11 |
NETT0131 | ORI nets - Omori (1965) | Generic term for 160 cm cylinder-cone nets equipped for a Motoda double releasing mechanism. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0132 | ORI-200 - Omori (1965) | Has a 160 cm diameter mouth opening with 2x70 cm long cylinder sections plus 2 conical sections 450 cm. All 1.97 mm mesh. Equipped for a Motoda double releasing mechanism. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0169 | ORI-33 - Omori (1965) | Has a 160 cm diameter mouth opening with 2x70 cm long cylinder sections plus 2 conical sections 450 cm. All GG 54 silk netting. Equipped for a Motoda double releasing mechanism. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0133 | ORI-C - Omori (1965) | Has a 160 cm diameter mouth opening with 2x70 cm long cylinder sections made of 1.97 mm mesh and sail cloth plus 2 conical sections 450 cm (1.97 mm mesh) and 150 cm (.33 mm mesh). Equipped for a Motoda double releasing mechanism. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1192 | ORTEC Gamma-X (GMX) N-type High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Radiation Detector series | The Gamma-X series detectors are fabricated from N-type germanium with an inner contact of diffused lithium and an outer, 0.3um-thick contact of ion-implanted boron. All Gamma-X series detectors feature the following options: user self-repair neutron damage; SMART bias; Harsh Environment (-HE); aluminium or carbon fiber window; low-background carbon fiber endcap; PLUS preamplifier; as well as configuration flexibility between PopTop, Streamline, and mechanical cooling systems. Endcap diameter sizes range from 70mm to 95mm, and determine the detector's relative efficiency, from 10% for the smaller endcap up to 110% for the largest one. The spectrometers may detect energy between 3keV and 10MeV. | 2018-01-17 |
TOOL0660 | OSIL Marine Snow Catcher | The Marine Snow Catcher is a large volume water bottle designed to collect Marine Snow particles. The water transport through the device during the descent is controlled through two large diameter terminal apertures constructed to reduce turbulence. The device is usually rested upright after recovery to allow the marine particles to sink to the bottom, after which, the overlying water is slowly drained off via a tap. The bottom section of the water bottle is detachable allowing recovery of the marine snow. | 2014-01-28 |
TOOL0725 | OSi ORG-815 series optical rain gauges | A series of optical scintillation rain gauges that measure rain rate in the range 0.1 to 500 mm/hr; rain accumulation in the range 0.001 to 999.999 mm with accuracy of 5% accumulation. They operate in temperatures from -40 to 50 degrees C. Versions differ by their electrical outputs , output connections and detection capablities. Digital output versions include - ORG-815-DR, ORG-815-DS, ORG-815-DC which are capable of distinguishing precipitation by rain or snow. Analog output versions include - ORG-815-DA which does not distinguish precipitation type. | 2015-06-16 |
TOOL0726 | OSi OWI-430 DSP-WIVIS Present Weather and Visibility Sensor | The Osi OWI-430 WIVIS is an optical weather and visibility sensor that measures visibility, rain, snow, drizzle, freezing and mixed precipitation conditions. It measures rain in dynamic range 0.1 to 3000 mm/hr; snow in dynamic range 0.01 to 300 mm/hr; visibility in dynamic range 0.001 to 10 km. It is designed to operate in temperatures from -40 to 50 degC, and humidity from 0 to 100 percent. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL1833 | Observator OMC-116M ultrasonic wind sensor | An ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor based on the time of flight theory. It is designed for use in marine environments due to its marine-grade aluminium housing. The unit offers the industrial standard NMEA0183 output and also offers optional 4 - 20 mA outputs. It features a standard mounting bracket and integrated junction box for ease of installation. The sensor can be configured to enable or disable the onboard heater, allowing it to be used in environments from -40 to +60 degC. It has a wind speed range from 0 - 90 m/s, an accuracy of +/- 0.2 m/s. It has a wind direction range from 0 - 359.9 degrees and an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees RMSE > 1 m/s. | 2022-08-04 |
TOOL1535 | Ocean Ecology Dual Van Veen Grab | A simple stainless steel clam-shell sediment grab designed to retrieve sediment samples from shallow and deep waters. On descent two levers with buckets at their ends are spread like open scissors that unlock on hitting the seabed. When pulled upwards the two buckets close and grab a sample. This is subject to more disturbance than by Craib or box corers. The double grab configuration allows for more efficient sampling operation. It comes mounted to a purpose-built deck stand and galvanised seabed frame. It has a typical sampling area of approximately 0.2 m2 (10 litre capacity per bucket). | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL1534 | Ocean Ecology Freshwater Housing Camera System | A complete camera housing system designed to capture video and camera stills data in freshwater environments, for various ecological assessment and monitoring applications. It features an adjustable LED lighting array as well as independent green-dot laser point scaling. The RSL camera system contains a Canon EOS 750D SLR camera for recording simultaneous High Definition (HD) video at 1080p and digital still images up to 24 MP. The housing unit is 316 stainless steel with dimensions of 245 x 183 mm. The system is suitable for use in high turbidity conditions and is available in either a drop-down or sled configuration. It is compatible with a variety of other industry standard cameras. It also features a surface control unit which comprises a control console with integrated Windows PC, 15-inch built-in screen, USB3 output and external VGA/HDMI video output. The system is depth rated to approximately 100 m water depth. The drop-down frame has dimensions of 1.69 x 0.97 x 1.05 metres, and weighs approximately 100 kg (empty frame) or 175 kg (fully loaded) in air. Its umbilical is available at either 75 m or 100 m, which has a maximum load capability of 125 kg. | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL2115 | Ocean Imaging Systems Model 3731 Sediment Profiling Camera | A sediment profile imaging (SPI) camera that provides in situ imaging of organism-sediment relationships on the seafloor. It obtains a vertical cross section of the sediment-water interface by imaging the sediment in profile via a water-filled prism. High resolution images of an area as large as 320 square centimetres of sediment profile are taken with each exposure. Optical clarity is not affected by local water conditions since the optical path is through air and distilled water. The current version incorporates a 24.1 megapixel Nikon DSLR camera. A variety of designs are available including ones for diver operation, for handheld operation in shallow environments, and with a lightweight aluminium frame for small boat operations. It is available in three housing materials and rated for either 1000 or 4000 m operation. Can be utilised to measure a wide variety of features including grain size, small-scale surface boundary roughness, dredged material thickness, apparent redox potential discontinuity depth, and surface microbial aggregations. The system is easily upgradeable with some systems built in the early 1990s still in use. | 2024-10-22 |
TOOL2007 | Ocean Instruments MC-400 {Hedrick/Marrs} Multi corer | A multi-corer with a series of cores attached to one deployment frame. This model carries four sample tubes. It is designed to retrieve sediment and water samples in lakes and shelf waters. The sample tubes are sealed with a silicone rubber upper door gasket and a neoprene or carpet lower door seal. Each of the four sample tubes can be removed from the coring unit for immediate processing in the laboratory without exposing their contents to the surface environment. It is designed to recover undisturbed surface sediments and is therefore well-suited to study benthic processes. The multi-corer is disposed on a research vessel and is lowered into the water body by a cable. When the multi-corer touches the sediment the units ballast weight pushes the assembled cores into the substrate. Each of the tubes contains a unique sediment core. The multi-corer uses a unique hydrostatic damping system that slows the penetration rate down to approximately 1 cm/s. Provisions have been made to carry up to two 4-liter water bottles that actuate as the frame legs touch bottom. The overall sample tube length is 58 cm, with a maximum penetration of 34.5 cm. The tube diameter is 10 cm. | 2024-01-31 |
TOOL2008 | Ocean Instruments MC-800 Multi corer | A multi-corer with a series of cores attached to one deployment frame. This model carries eight sample tubes. This is the largest corer in the MC series and is used primarily at deep ocean depths. It is designed to recover undisturbed surface sediments and are therefore well-suited to study benthic processes. This device can be used to study local fauna variations, geochemistry, and is ideal for sediment/water interface studies. The multi-corer is disposed on a research vessel and is lowered into the water body by a cable. When the multi-corer touches the sediment the units ballast weight pushes the assembled cores into the substrate. Each of the tubes contains a unique sediment core. The multi-corer uses a unique hydrostatic damping system that slows the penetration rate down to approximately 1 cm/s. It has a specially designed flow-through sample tube to reduce corer 'bow wake' effect, a double door sealing feature, double guide slides, special slow-down cylinder for smooth corer penetration, adjustable penetration limit stops, and pre-trip safety pin. The overall sample tube length is 70 cm, with an effective penetration of greater than 45 cm. The tube diameter is 10 cm. | 2024-01-31 |
TOOL0964 | Ocean Optics HR4000 spectrometer | A microcontroller-based, miniature fibre optic spectrometer which measures irradiance intensity. It is used for characterization of laser wavelength, absorbance of gases and determination of atomic emission lines. It has a 3648-element CCD-array detector. It can achieve an optical resolution of 0.02 nm (FWHM) and is responsive from 200-1100 nm. However, the specific range and resolution depends on the grating and entrance slit installed. | 2016-01-06 |
TOOL1945 | Ocean Presence Technologies OceanCam OPT-06 FHDE camera | An underwater high-definition camera that can be controlled and viewed over the internet. Utilises a Sony SNC-EP580 camera in a glass dome underwater housing depth rated to 55 m. The camera features a 1/2.8-type Exmor complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor, with pan tilt zoom (PTZ) capability and 20 x optical zoom. Pan angle is 360deg, tilt angle is -105 to 105deg (210deg tilt). Maximum PTZ speed is 300deg/s. Image quality is 1920 x 1080 with a maximum frame rate of 30 fps and H.264 compression. Horizontal viewing angle is 55.4deg to 2.9, focal length is f=4.7 to 94 mm. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1944 | Ocean Presence Technologies OceanCam OPT-06 HDE camera | An underwater high-definition camera that can be controlled and viewed over the internet. Utilises a Sony SNC-EP550 camera in a glass dome underwater housing. The camera features a 1/4-type Exmor complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor, with pan tilt zoom (PTZ) capability and 28 x optical zoom. Pan angle is 340deg, tilt angle is -15 to 90deg. Maximum PTZ speed is 300deg/s. Image quality is with 1280 x 720 p with a maximum frame rate of 30 fps and H.264 compression. Horizontal viewing angle is 55.9deg to 2.1, focal length is f=3.5 to 98 mm. | 2023-06-06 |
TOOL1946 | Ocean Presence Technologies OceanCam OPT-10 camera series | A series of underwater high-definition cameras that can be controlled and viewed over the internet. Utilises Sony cameras in glass dome underwater housings. Housings are depth rated to 55 m or 150 m in the case of the OPT-10HDU model. The cameras feature a high-definition complementary metal oxide semiconductor (HD-CMOS) sensor with pan tilt zoom (PTZ) capability and between 10 and 36 x optical zoom depending on the model. Pan angle is 360deg, tilt angle is 210deg. Maximum PTZ speed is 400 deg/s. For the HD models (OPT-10HD and OPT-10HDU) resolution is 1280 x 720. For the non-HD models (OPT-10SD and OPT-10SDZ) resolution is 720 x 480. Number of effective HD pixels (HxV) is 2 megapixels. Features H.264 video compression format in addition to MPEG-4 and JPEG, with a maximum framerate of 30 fps. | 2023-06-06 |
NETT0134 | Ocean Research Institute Vertical Muliple Plankton Sampler - Terazaki (1991) | Has a 100 cm x 100 cm rectangular mouth opening multiple net system that can be equipped with 4 to 10 nets 510 cm long with 0.33 mm nylon mesh. Nets are opened/closed by surface commands down transmitted via conduction cable to an underwater unit [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 31 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1504 | Ocean Sonics icListen AF hydrophone | Instrument that contains an analogue frequency hydrophone and is able to either log or stream data in real time. For use in marine mammal monitoring, ocean observation and vessel noise measurement. It has a frequency range between 10 Hz - 12 kHz (+/- 6 dB bandwidth), and has a variety of depth ratings depending on the housing used. | 2020-07-31 |
TOOL0942 | Ocean Sonics icListen HF hydrophone | Instrument that contains a high frequency hydrophone and is able to either log data or stream data. For use in environmental monitoring ambient noise measurement; marine renewable energy device development; pipeline leak detection; ocean observatories; marine mammal monitoring and ocean noise measurement. It has a frequency range between 10 Hz - 200 kHz (+/- 6 dB bandwidth) and is depth rated to 200 m. | 2015-11-03 |
TOOL1505 | Ocean Sonics icListen LF hydrophone | Instrument that contains a low frequency hydrophone and is able to either log or stream data in real time. It has a frequency range between 1 Hz - 6.4 kHz (+/- 6 dB bandwidth), and has a variety of depth ratings depending on the housing used. | 2020-07-31 |
TOOL1773 | Ocean Sonics icListen SC35 ETH smart hydrophone | A broadband digital hydrophone. The instrument processes data while streaming HD acoustic data in real time. The icListen can be used as a digital hydrophone, acoustic recorder, or both simultaneously. These Smart Hydrophones are ultra-low-noise and have a wide dynamic range for high-quality signal quality and stability. The ETH model uses an ethernet connection. It is depth rated to 3500m. It has a frequency range between 10Hz and 200kHz. | 2022-02-16 |
TOOL1752 | Ocean-Bottom Instrumentation Consortium (Universities of Durham and Southampton) LC-LJ1 ocean bottom seismograph | An ocean bottom seismometer based on the Scripps Institution of Oceanography LC2000 system. It is designed for seafloor deployment to monitor seismic activity. It features the housing and data loggers of the base LC2000 system but has been upgraded to a four-component system consisting of a 2 Hz Scorpion Oceanics Limited HTI-90-U hydrophone and a three-axis 4.5 Hz Sercel L-28 geophone. It also features a differential pressure gauge for broadband seismic recording. The LC-LJ1 also features two horizontal and 1 optionally vertical Ag-AgCl electromagnetic electrodes (10-30 Hz frequency response). The system is modular and allows for a variety of sensors to be used. It can also be used as a two-component (hydrophone and 2 Hz geophone) system. | 2021-12-01 |
TOOL0276 | OceanData TSG103 thermosalinograph | An autoranging instrument taking inputs from a hull or inlet thermometer to give sea temperature plus co-located temperature and conductivity sensors to give salinity. In general use during the 1980s and 1990s | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0999 | OceanWaveS WaMoS II 500 waves and surface current radar | The WaMoS II 500 radar is an industry-proven X-band radar-based wave and surface current monitoring system developed by OceanWaveS. This sensor is able to measure and displays essential wave field parameters including wave heights, periods, directions and surface currents. The operating range extends to 4.0 km depending on X-band radar type and installation gemoetry. Requiring a minimum wind speed of 3 m/s and a minimum wave height of about 0.5m. | 2016-06-06 |
NETT0125 | Octagon net - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976) | Has a 75 cm diameter iron channel octagon mouth opening which was attached to the towing wire with stainless steel snap swivels and held from sliding down by a stop on the wire. Used with a net made of 1 mm nylon mesh and towed at speeds up to 7 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 3 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1237 | Ohaus Adventurer Analytical and Precision balances | A series of laboratory instruments used to measure sample mass over the range 0-8200 g dependant on the model used. The up-to 320g range has a readability of 0.0001 g, a reproducibility standard deviation of 0.0001 g and a typical stabilisation time of 3 sec. Models with a capacity of between 220 and 520 g have a readability of 0.001 g, reproducibility standard devation of 0.001 g and typical stabilisation time of 2 sec. Models with a capacity of between 620 and 5200 g have a readability of 0.01 g, reproducibility standard devation of 0.01 g and typical stabilisation time of 1.5 sec. Models with a capacity of between 5200 and 8200 g have a readability of 0.1 g, reproducibility standard devation of 0.1 g and typical stabilisation time of 1.5 sec. All models have a temperature range of 10-30 degC. | 2018-05-23 |
TOOL1191 | Oktopus MC8-12 multicorer | An oceanographic sediment core sampling device. Collects multiple cores of undisturbed samples of the upper boundary layers between sea floor and the water column. Consists of a 2.1 m (dia.) x 1.2-1.7 m (H) stainless steel frame and between 8-12 polycarbonate coring tubes (610 mm length). Tube material is optional. The tube diameter used can range between 60-110 mm. The frame can be fitted with external equipment such as cameras and sensors systems. It is capable of full ocean depth deployments and a penetration depth of ca. 300 mm. | 2018-01-17 |
TOOL0575 | Olympus BH2 series system microscope | A polarized light microscope that uses Koehler illumination for high performance microscopic techniques. The instrument utilises a coarse stage adjustment and coaxial focusing. A camera can be attached for use in photo micrography. The Olympus BH2 series includes many microscopes such as the BHS and BHT models. An optional attachment (BH2-RFC) converts microscopes in this series into fluorescence microscopes. | 2012-12-18 |
TOOL1947 | Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom camera | A digital camera for shooting and displaying. Recording image resolution is up to 3264 x 2448 pixels (RAW, TIFF, SHQ, HQ), in up to 331 frames. Effective pixels is 8 million, total pixels is 8.31 million. Features a 1/1.8" charge-coupled device (CCD) solid-state image pickup device with a 7.1 x 35.6 mm sensor, f2.4 to f3.5. Shutter speed is 16 to 1/4000 seconds. Shooting range is 0.8 metres to infinity, or 0.2 to 0.8 metres in macro mode. Viewfinder is a 0.44" thin-film-transistor colour liquid crystal display (TFT LCD) with 240,000 pixels. Monitor is a 1.8" TFT LCD with 134,000 pixels. Features dual autofocus, a contrast detection system and a phase-difference detection system. | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL0778 | Olympus IMT-2 series inverted microscope | An inverted (the light source illuminates the specimen from above) optical microscope series with a fixed stage and focus adjustment by vertical movement of the nosepiece. Different stages - some incorporating high accuracy micrometers, condensers and light sources are available for a wide range of applications including Koehler illumination, phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. | 2014-08-26 |
TOOL1307 | Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope | An optical microscope designed for low magnification observation of a sample. It is primarily used in microsurgery procedures. It observes using light reflected from the surface of object that is based on a Galilean optics system. It is also capable of observing using transmitted light from a LED base. It is capable of brightfield, darkfield, oblique and fluorescence illumination. It features a motorised focus drive and zoom body. It has the capacity of resolving 900 line pair/mm and has a zoom range of 0.7x-11.5x. Total magnification is 2.1x-690x (depending on objective lens and eyepiece). | 2019-02-08 |
TOOL1635 | Omega FP-2541 flow meter | A high performance flow meter designed for measuring flow rates between 0.3 and 20 feet per second for pumped systems such as ships` continuous seawater supplies. Features added strength and corrosion resistance of stainless steel, for applications requiring low velocity measurement. Internal circuitry design eliminates the need for magnets in the process fluid, enabling lower flow measurement. The sensor has a unique rotor/bearing design, offering low flow measuring capability with increased reliability. Has a detection limit of flow rates as low as 0.3 feet per second or +/-1%, and outputs at 15 Hz. | 2022-01-12 |
TOOL0736 | Omega KFH series strain gauge | Pre-wired, miniature strain gauges. The series contains linear pattern precision gauges (0.3 mm to 20 mm grids), planar XY pattern (Tee Rosette) (0 / 90 degrees) gauges (0.6 to 6 mm grids) and planar rosette pattern (0 / 45 / 90 degrees) gauges (0.6 to 6 mm grids). All models are available with 1 or 3 meter leads, 120 or 350 nominal resistance (ohms). Resistance tolerance, +/- 0.35 % (+/- 1 %, with 0.6 mm and 1.5 mm grid length). Gauge factor, ~2. Gauge factor tolerance, +/- 1 % (+/- 1.5 %, with 0.6 mm and 1.5 mm grid length). | 2014-07-16 |
TOOL0907 | Omega ON-950 44005 thermistor | A precision thermistor in a small SST housing with a #8-32 stud (ON-950 mounting). The bare thermistor (model 44005) has a base resistance of 3000 Ohms and a resistance change of 42 Ohms per 50 C. | 2015-06-30 |
TOOL0182 | Omni Tinytalk TK-0040 temperature recorder | A miniature temperature logger with a user programmed time interval. This model has an encapsulated thermistor with a range of -30 to 50C at a resolution of 0.25C and an accuracy of +-0.2C. It is housed in a splashproof metal 35mm film cannister. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1841 | Onset HOBO Pendant MX2201 temperature logger | An in-situ instrument for wet or underwater applications. It supports soil temperature, temperature and water temperature. A one-channel logger that records up to approximately 96,000 measurements or internal logger events with 8K bytes memory. It has a polypropylene housing case. Uses Bluetooth to transmit data. Can be used with a solar radiation shield. Measurement range: -20 deg C to 70 deg C. Accuracy: +/- 0.50 deg C from 0 deg C to 50 deg C. Water depth rating: 30.5 m. | 2022-09-05 |
TOOL1839 | Onset HOBO Pendant UA-001-08 temperature logger | An in-situ instrument for wet or underwater applications. It supports soil temperature, temperature and water temperature. A one-channel logger with 10-bit resolution that records up to approximately 6,500 measurements with 8K bytes memory. It has a polypropylene housing case. Uses an optical USB to transmit data. A solar radiation shield is used for measurement in sunlight. Measurement range: -20 deg C to 70 deg C. Accuracy: +/- 0.53 deg C from 0 deg C to 50 deg C. Water depth rating: 30 m. | 2022-09-05 |
TOOL1840 | Onset HOBO Pendant UA-002-64 temperature and light logger | An in-situ instrument for wet or underwater applications. It supports light intensity, soil temperature, temperature and water temperature. A two-channel logger with 10-bit resolution and can record up to approximately 28,000 combined temperature and light measurements with 64K bytes memory. It has a polypropylene housing case. Uses an optical USB to transmit data. A solar radiation shield is used for measurement in sunlight. Temperature measurement range: -20 deg C to 70 deg C (temperature). Light measurement range: 0 to 320,000 lux. Temperature accuracy: +/- 0.53 deg C from 0 deg C to 50 deg C. Light accuracy: Designed for measurement of relative light levels. Water depth rating: 30 m. | 2022-09-05 |
TOOL1996 | Onset HOBO StowAway TidbiT (TB132) temperature logger | A temperature logger that is designed to measure temperature in underwater environments. The StowAway TidbiT should not be used in wet environments (greater than 90 percent relative humidity) and water temperatures higher than +30 degrees celsius for more than eight weeks cumulatively. User-selectable sampling interval: 0.5 seconds to 9 hours, recording times up to several years. Time accuracy: approximately +/- 1 minute per week. It is waterproof to 333 m and records temperature measurements from -5 to +37 degrees celcius. Range: -0.4 to +37 deg C, specified range is narrower than the nominal range due to manufacturer's precision calibration process. Accuracy: +/-0.2 at +20 deg C. Resolution: +/-0.16 at +20 deg C. Operating temperature range: -20 to +50 deg C. | 2023-12-18 |
TOOL1639 | Onset HOBO TidbiT V2 {UTBI-001} temperature logger | A temperature logger that measures temperatures over a wide temperature range. It is designed for outdoor and underwater environments and is waterproof to 300 m. A solar radiation shield is required to obtain accurate air temperature measurements in sunlight (RS1 or M-RSA Solar Radiation Shield). With an operational temperature range between -20 degrees Celsius and +70 degrees Celsius, the TidbiT v2 has an accuracy of +/-0.21 and a resolution of 0.02 degrees Celsius. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL1842 | Onset HOBO Tidbit MX2203 temperature logger | An in-situ instrument for wet or underwater applications. It supports soil temperature, temperature and water temperature. A one-channel logger that records up to approximately 96,000 measurements or internal logger events with 8K bytes memory. It has a polypropylene housing case and Dlerin battery cover. Uses Bluetooth to transmit data. Can be used with a solar radiation shield. Measurement range: -20 deg C to 70 deg C. Accuracy: +/- 0.25 deg C from -20 deg C to 0 deg C and +/-0.2 deg C from 0 deg C to 70 deg C. Water depth rating: 122 m. | 2022-09-05 |
TOOL1921 | Onset HOBO U20L water level logger series | The HOBO U20L is designed for monitoring changing water levels in a variety of applications including tidal areas, streams, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater. It outputs pressure, water level, and temperature data. The instrument can record samples, sensor measurements at each logging interval, and events data, occurrences such as bad battery or host connected. The samples are recorded as absolute pressure values, which are later converted to water level readings using software. Absolute pressure is atmospheric pressure plus water head. The deployment of an additional HOBO U20L at the surface can be used to compensate for barometric pressure changes. Each instrument is individually calibrated. They require a coupler and optic base station or HOBO waterproof shuttle to connect to a computer. The instrument is operated with a 3.6 V lithium battery. This series contains 3 models, U20L-01, U20L-02, U20L-04, with different operation ranges, calibrated ranges, and burst pressures. The pressure sensor is temperature compensated between 0 and 40 deg C, and calibrated between 69 and a maximum of 400 kPa (depending on model). Its accuracy is within 0.3 % of the full scale for absolute pressure, and 0.1 % FS for water level readings. The temperature sensor operates between -20 and 50 deg C, with an accuracy of 0.44 deg C, and resolution of 0.1 deg C. The drift is 0.1 deg C per year. | 2023-05-17 |
TOOL1810 | Onset HOBO U26-001 Dissolved Oxygen Data Logger | A dissolved oxygen sensor, temperature sensor, and integrated data logger. The HOBO U26-001 can be used in freshwater and saltwater conditions, and outputs dissolved oxygen (mg/L) and temperature (degC) measurements. The casing is made of black delrin(r) and PVC, and the instrument runs on a 3.6 V lithium battery. Data can be downloaded using an optic USB base station. The oxygen sensor has an accuracy of 0.2 mg/L for up to 8 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L for 8 - 20 mg/L, and a resolution of 0.02 mg/L. The temperature sensor's accuracy is 0.2 degC and its resolution is 0.02 degC. The logging rate can be set for 1 minute to 18 hours. The depth rating is 100 m. | 2022-06-13 |
NETT0011 | Opening-closing Bongo net - McGowan and Brown (1966) | A pair of circular hoops (70 cm diameter joined by a central axial which was clamped to a cable. A dacron cloth door covered each mouth opening which when released by a messenger, folded into the net mouth. The nets were 71 cm in diameter, had a non-filtering collar section 84 cm long and a conical net 420 cm long with 0.505 mm mesh. A flowmeter was present and after a set number of revolutions, caused the nets to be released from the hoops; choke ropes closed them [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 9 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0162 | Opening-closing Tucker Trawl - Davis and Barham (1969) | Modification used timing clocks to open and close the Tucker trawl mouth. Net design modified from that described by Tucker so that first 500 cm of the net mesh was 1.1 cm Marlon netting and last 200 cm was 0.33 mm nylon mesh. A depth-telemetering pinger used to monitor net depth during tow and a depth-time recorder used to make alternate record [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 9 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0126 | Opening-closing mechanism for plankton nets - Bourdillon et al. (1978) | A double messenger system to allow a ring net to be sent down closed, opened at depth, and then closed again by a second messenger [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 7 A] | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0127 | Opening-closing net - Hoyle (1889) | A 61 cm diameter conical net (muslin or silk). No other dimensions given. Proposed electrical activation to open/close net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 5 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0128 | Opening-closing net system - Leavitt (1935, 1938) | 100, 150, and 200 cm diameter nets made of scrim, silk, and stramin respectively. Net dimensions not given [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 6 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1038 | Operational Land Image | The Operational Land Imager (OLI) is a high resolution optical imager designed for land and vegetation observation. It measures in the visible, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared spectrums over nine spectral bands. The OLI uses long detector arrays (of over 7000 detectors per spectral band) aligned across its focal plane to view across the swath. A four-mirror anastigmatic telescope focuses incident radiation onto the focal plane while providing a 15 degree field of view (FOV). Periodic sampling of the cross-track detectors as the observatory progresses along a ground track forms the multispectral digital images. The detectors are divided into 14 modules arranged in an alternating pattern along the centreline of the focal plane. The spectral differentiation is achieved by interference filters arranged in a butcher-block pattern over the detector arrays in each module. Silicon PIN (SiPIN) detectors collect the data for the visible and near-infrared spectral bands (bands 1 to 4 and 8) while Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride (MgCdTe) detectors are used for the shortwave infrared bands (bands 6, 7, and 9). The OLI has a swath width of 185 km and produces images with a 30 m multi-spectral spatial resolution. The wavelengths of the nine spectral bands are 0.433-0.453 micrometres, 0.450-0.515 micrometres, 0.525-0.600 micrometres, 0.630-0.680 micrometres, 0.845-0.885 micrometres, 1.560-1.660 micrometres, 2.100-2.300 micrometres, 0.500-0.680 micrometres and 1.360-1.390 micrometres. The OLI produced data calibrated to an uncertainty of less than 5 percent in terms of absolute, at-aperture spectral radiance and to an uncertainty of less than 3 percent in terms of top-of-atmosphere spectral reflectance for each of the spectral bands. Flown on Landsat. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/375 | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1040 | Optical Spectrograph and infrared Imager System | The Optical Spectrograph and infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) is a limb-scanning spectrometer. It measures vertical profiles of spectrally dispersed, limb-scattered sunlight from the upper troposphere into the lower mesosphere to produce height profiles of O3 (ozone), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and stratospheric aerosols. It operates in the visible, near-infrared and near-ultraviolet spectrums. The OSIRIS instrument is essentially two optical subsystems, suggested by its name: an optical spectrograph (OS) module and an infrared imager (IRI) module. The OS is a grating spectrometer with a CCD (charged coupled device) detector. Vertical profiles of the limb radiance are obtained by taking OS exposures while performing a repetitive vertical scan of the single line-of-sight through selected tangent altitude ranges (10 - 100 km). The IRI is composed of three vertical near infrared co-aligned linear array imagers that capture one-dimensional images of the limb radiance with a tangent altitude resolution of approximately 1 km. The imagers have parallel bore-sights; each one consists of an identical baffling system, lens, narrow-band interference filter, and a one-dimensional linear array of 128 thermo-electrically cooled photodetectors placed in the focal plane of the lens. Approximately 30 photodetector elements at one end of each array are covered with a mask in order to provide a continuous measure of the dark signal in the array. Therefore there are approximately 100 lines of sight from each imager channel that measure simultaneously over 100 vertical kilometres in tangent altitude. OSIRIS (OS) has a spectral range of 280 - 800 nm and a spectral resolution of 1 nm when at an altitude range of 5 -100 km. Each scan takes 40 - 70 seconds. The OS also has a minimum sensitivty of 12 kR per Angstrom per pixel. The IRI captures images of the limb radiance at at 1260, 1270, and 1530 nm and has a sensitivity of 50 kR per band per pixel. Flown on Odin. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/383 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1230 | Oregon State University Ocean Mixing Group ChiPod temperature microstructure profiler | A self-contained device designed to measure small-scale temperature variability using fast response FP07 thermistors connected to a small pressure case with a cable. The sensing unit is continuously recording as long as the thermistor cable is connected. | 2018-04-24 |
TOOL1609 | Orolia Spectracom Netclock 9383 GPS clock synchroniser | A time synchronisation instrument that uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is used for synchronsing 9-1-1 systems, computer networks, CAD, radio consoles, voice and video recorders, ANI/ALI, display clocks. It operates using GPS as a true time source and distributes this information to external systems. It consists of a 10 MHz TCXO internal oscillator as standard. Optional configurations use oven-stabilized crystal oscillators (OCXO) and Rubidium oscillators to maintain timing if the GPS reference is lost. Tracks up to twelve GPS satellites simultaneously. Typical accuracy is 1PPS output +/- 50 nanoseconds of UTC. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1618 | Orolia Spectracom SecureSync clock synchroniser | A configurable (base unit plus option cards) time synchronisation instrument with extra security standards and practices. It is used for synchronsing military and commercial systems. The base unit consists of a 1PPS timing signal aligned to a 10MHz frequency signal without any 10 MHz phase discontinuity. Internal oscillators include OCXO, TCXO, Low Phase Noise OCXO (LPN OCXO), Rubidium (Rb) and Low Phase Noise Rubidium (LPN Rb). Up to 6 options cards can add to the configuration of timing signals, including additional 1PPS, 10MHz, time code (IRIG, ASCII, HaveQuick), other frequencies (5MHz, 2.048 MHz, 1.544 Mhz), telecom T1/E1 data rates, multi-network NTP, and NTP, and PTP. It operates using GNSS (GPS/Galileo/GLONASS/BeiDou/QZSS), SAASM GPS or an alternative time as a reference time source (such as another time server) and distributes this information to external systems. Alternative time references include ASCII Timecode, external 1PPS input, external frequency input, PTP, IRIG, built-in clock OR internal 1PPS generation, NTP, HAVEQUICK or a user set time. In GNSS mode, the system can track up to 72 satellites simultaneously. Typical accuracy is 1PPS output +/- 25 to 50 nanoseconds of UTC. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0097 | Ott chart float tide gauge | Mechanical tide gauge with a float installed in a stilling well connected by wire through a set of pulleys that transmit the movement of the float to a continuous pen recorder. | 2009-04-28 |
TOOL0099 | Ott magnetic float tide gauge | Mechanical tide gauge with a float installed in a stilling well and a magnetic encoder that converts linear movement of the wire connected to the float into a digital value. | 2009-04-28 |
TOOL0098 | Ott optical float tide gauge | Mechanical tide gauge with a float installed in a stilling well and an optical encoder that converts linear movement of the wire connected to the float into a digital value. | 2009-04-28 |
TOOL0016 | Ott pneumatic tide gauge | The Ott pneumatic gauge derives its measuring signal from the pressure produced in a bubbler system. The pressure is applied to one end of a pivoted beam. On the other side of the pivot is a weight which is moved up and down the beam by an electric motor in order to counter balance the pressure signal. At the far end of the beam are electrical contacts which operate the motor in the correct sense when the beam moves out of balance. The motor is also geared to a double helix shaft with the pen arm attached. The position of the pen is therefore proportional to the applied air pressure. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL1039 | Ozone Monitoring Instrument | The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is a cross-nadir scanning sounder which follows on from NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). OMI is designed to monitor recovery of the ozone layer by measuring different aerosols (smoke, dust, sulfates) and other criteria pollutants such as O3 (ozone), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), BrO (bromine) and chlorine dioxide (OCLO). The OMI observes Earth's solar backscattered radiation in the visible and ultraviolet spectrums with a wide-field telescope, using hyperspectral imaging in a push-broom mode. This feeds two imaging grating spectrometers, each of which employs a charged coupled device (CCD) detector. Onboard calibration includes a white light source, LEDs, and a multi-surface solar-calibration diffuser. A depolariser removes the polarisation from the backscattered radiation. The OMI has a 13 x 24 km spatial resolution which can be zoomed to 13 x 13 km for detecting and tracking urban-scale pollution sources. The OMI employs three spectral bands, with wavelengths detected in the visible spectrum from 350 - 500 nm (band 1) and wavelengths detected in the ultraviolet spectrum from 270 - 314 nm (band 2) and 306 - 380 nm (band 3). In total there are 1560 channels across the tree bands. The overall spectral resolution of the OMI is from 0.45 -1.0 nm for full width at half maximum (FWHM). Flown on Aura. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/377 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0944 | PDZ Europa 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer | The 20-20 is the dedicated continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer for hyphenated stable isotope analyses. Able to measure 15N, 13C, 18O and 34S in a host of applications. The analyser has been purposely designed to measure 2H by continuous flow methodology and is also suitable to analyse the light stable isotopes in all the commonly measured gases: H2, N2, NO, N2O, O2, CO, CO2, SO and SO2. | 2015-11-11 |
TOOL0943 | PDZ Europa ANCA-GSL elemental analyser | The ANCA-GSL module allows samples such as soil, viscous liquids, plant material and organic compounds, to be analysed directly by using Dumas combustion for 15N, 13C & 34S or pyrolysis for 18O and D. It also allows isotope analysis of abundant gases from septum sealed containers. During combustion mode, a capsule containing the sample falls into the combustion tube and is converted in the presence of oxygen to CO2, N2, NOx and H2O. An elemental copper stage reduces NOx, a MgClO4 trap removes water vapour, a switchable Carbosorb trap can be used to remove CO2 (for 15N only analyses) and a GC column separates CO2 from N2 (allowing dual isotope analysis). Modified packings, a Nafion dryer and different GC column allow 34S analysis. The sample preparation unit consists of a 66 place autosampler for unattended operation (larger options are available), 2 furnaces able to operate to 1100 deg C, an on-board microprocessor. The analyser is capable of dual isotope analysis of 15N and 13C. For CO (18O), H2 (2H), N2 (15N), CO2 (13C), CO2 (18O) and SO2 (34S) with precisions between 0.1 and 3 dependent on the element. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL2066 | PML-Dartcom Live pCO2 | A shipborne underway pCO2 system with continuous real-time data feeds, commissioned in 2004 and developed by Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and Dartcom for permanent installation on UK research vessels. The system was designed to determine the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in seawater. The operating principle of the PML-Dartcom Live pCO2 system involves equilibrating the pCO2 in air with that of seawater. The CO2 concentration of the equilibrated air is then measured using a non-dispersive infrared analyser, which is calibrated with gases of known CO2 concentration. [CHAP 4, SOP 5 of Dickson, A.G., Sabine, C.L. and Christian, J.R. (Eds.) 2007. Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements. PICES Special Publication 3, 191 pp.] The system comprises a vented-showerhead equilibrator, a Peltier cooler for partial drying of the equilibrated gas stream, CO2/H2O gas analyser LI-COR LI-840, and associated mechanical and electronic hardware. The system can reach a precision of +/- 4 uatm. | 2024-07-08 |
TOOL1663 | PNI Sensor Corporation TCM 2.6 (3-axis tilt-compensated) electronic compass | A solid-state, circuit board-type magnetic compass. Applications include, ROVs/AUVs, remote terrestrial antenna direction indicators, side-scan sonar, survey equipment, robotics systems, vehicle detection and weather stations. It is used to measure heading, tilt and magnetic flux density. It is based on magnetic sensing of the earth's field. It comprises Magneto-Inductive (MI) magnetic sensors and a MEMS accelerometer to provide 3-axis magnetic field sensing, 2-axis tilt sensing and compass heading. Heading accuracy: 0.8 deg RMS (over tilt range). Pitch and roll accuracy: 0.2 deg RMS. Magnetic field resolution: +/- 0.05 uT. | 2022-01-20 |
TOOL1022 | PNI Tilt Compensated 3-Axis Compass Module TCM 2.5 | A 3-axis compass module designed to measure compass heading, tilt and magnetometer measurements on various marine and terrestrial platforms. These include ROV, AUV, remote terrestrial antennas, side-scan sonar and various other robotic systems and survey equipment. The RCM2.5 integrates 3-axis magnetic field sensing, 2-axis tilt sensing and compass heading into a single module. The TCM 2.5 replaces PNIs original TCM 2 family of products, and has since been replaced by the TCM 2.6. Heading measurement accuracy is 0.8 degrees while pitch, roll and tilt accuracy is 0.2 degrees. The instrument has a resolution of 0.1 degrees. | 2022-03-18 |
NETT0145 | PNS neuston net - Zaitsev (1961, 1970) | A five-stage sampling frame with a height of 100 cm and width of 60 cm in which five 60cm x 20 cm rectangular mouth aperture nets are stacked. Nets and frame flotation similar to that described by Zaitsev . Used from drifting or anchored vessel. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1899 | Pacific Gyre Globeacon GPS receiver | The Globeacon is a GPS receiver and satellite telemetry instrument designed to monitor and track platforms such as buoys, vessels, and oil platforms. The tracking feature uses Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD) with Iridum Modem and Globalstar Modem. The housing is made of PVC and the instrument is battery operated. The instrument can include air temperature, air pressure, and wind velocity sensors, and is waterproof to 5 meters. | 2023-02-27 |
TOOL1845 | Packard Bioscience Tri-carb 2900 TR liquid scintillation counter | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity. The instrument is designed for laboratory life science research. It is based on the interaction between a beta-emitting radionuclide and a scintillator, a component of the scintillation cocktail. The scintillator converts ionising radiation from the radionuclide into photons of light (scintillation). The intensity of the light produced during scintillation is proportional to the initial energy of the beta particle. It uses time resolved liquid scintillation counting. Two diametrically opposed photomultiplier tubes are coupled to a light-tight, reflective optical chamber for sampling. The sample changer can hold up to 408 large vials or 720 small vials. Efficiency: 3H 0-18.6 keV, 14C 0-156 keV. | 2022-09-26 |
TOOL0839 | Paine 1600 PSIA pressure sensor | A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 1600 pounds per square inch absolute (1000m depth). | 2015-03-26 |
TOOL0838 | Paine 3000 PSIA pressure sensor | A strain gauge pressure sensor rated to a maximum pressure of 3000 pounds per square inch absolute (2000m depth). | 2015-03-26 |
TOOL0420 | Pall AcroPak 200 filter cartridge | A filter cartridge designed for small- to medium-volume sterile filtration. It incorporates a Supor [hydrophilic polyethersulfone (PES)] membrane, which allows high flow rates and throughputs (up to 20 litres), and is ideal for solutions where low protein binding is required. Pore sizes range from 0.2 to 0.8 um and the effective filtration area is 200 cm^2. A built-in prefilter extends filter life when particulate-laden solutions, such as serum-containing media, are processed. The filter is manufactured without the use of adhesives to minimize extractables, sterilized by gamma irradiation and individually packaged. | 2011-09-03 |
TOOL1480 | PanGeo Subsea Acoustic Corer (AC) | A seabed deployed system designed to investigate sub-seabed conditions in order to de-risk placement of offshore infrastructure, provide information prior to decommissioning subsea sites, as well as to identify, provide location, and sizing for buried geo-hazards and to delineate stratigraphy. The Acoustic Corer (AC) provides high-resolution 3D acoustic imagery of the sub-seabed. It generates a 360 deg data volume, measuring 12m diameter by 30-40m depth. The AC is equipped with dual HF and LF Chirp sonar heads that acquire data while translating along the boom as the boom rotates. | 2020-06-05 |
TOOL1479 | PanGeo Subsea Sub-Bottom Imager (SBI) sub-bottom profiler | A 4-14kHz sub-bottom imaging system designed to delineate and characterize sub-seabed stratigraphy, buried infrastructure and buried geohazards. The system uses beamforming and synthetic aperture processing to generate full 3D data sets that can be viewed in real time in high resolution as a continuous swath, measuring 5m wide by 5m deep. The system is outfitted with 5 x 8 channel hydrophone arrays and 3 x HF Chirp projectors. The SBI can be operated while attached to a survey vessel via a trailing arm, deployed on a Work Class Remotely Operated Vehicle (WROV), or from a ROTV wing). The SBI also utilizes INS/DVL positioning to provide accurate positional data during surveying in real time. | 2020-06-05 |
TOOL1546 | Panalytical PW2404 wavelength-dispersive sequential X-ray spectrometer | An X-ray spectrometer uses high energy X-rays (or gamma rays) to excite fluorescent radiation or photons from a sample for elemental analysis. It is employed in many industries and applications including: cement production, glass production, mining, mineral beneficiation, iron, steel and non-ferrous metals, petroleum and petrochemicals, polymers and related industries, pharmaceuticals, healthcare products and environmental. In wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (WDXRF), photons emitted by the sample are separated or dispersed by diffraction before hitting the detector. The different energies of the characteristic radiation emitted from the sample are diffracted into different directions by an analyzing crystal or monochrometer. By placing the detector at a certain angle, the intensity of X-rays with a certain wavelength can be measured. Sequential spectrometers use a moving detector on a goniometer to move it through an angular range to measure the intensities of many different wavelengths. | 2020-09-22 |
TOOL1948 | Panasonic AK-HC1500G camera | A compact multi-purpose high definition (HD) box camera. Features a 2/3" 2.2-megapixel IT-3 charge-coupled device (CCD) comprising three CCDs with each one receiving filtered red, green or blue colour ranges, and an F1.4 optical prism. Features variable frame rates (4 to 60 fps in single-frame increments), a CineGamma curve to produce film-like images and spatial offset processing technologies. Capable of outputting in 1080 or 720p. Sensitivity is F10.0 at 2000 lux, with a white reflection rate of 89.9%. Minimum illumination is 0.015 lx (F1.4 / 68 dB). | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL1949 | Panasonic BB-HCM580 camera | An indoor monitoring camera with applications in monitoring large areas owing to its 360deg pan and 158deg tilt functionality. The HCM580 features 42 x power zoom (comprising 21 x optical and 2 x digital) and power over Ethernet (PoE), supporting use in remote areas and enabling control of the camera system over the internet. Sensor is a 1/4" charge-coupled device (CCD) with approximately 320,000 pixels, resulting in a video quality of up to 640 x 480p and a maximum framerate of 30 fps. Has a colour night view mode to automatically adjust image brightness. Motion detection functionality enables images to be captured automatically and stored temporarily on the camera or sent via FTP data transfer or email. The camera can simultaneously send MPEG-4 images in three resolutions (VGA, QVGA and SCIF), in addition to JPEG images with the same resolutions. Can be paired with a glass dome housing to facilitate outside use. | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL1950 | Panasonic KX-HCM280 camera | A colour network camera that employs a 1/4" charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor providing 380,000 effective pixels and features an integrated web server. Motion JPEG displays up to 30 frames per second. Pan-tilt-zoom functionality can be controlled over the internet, with -175 to 175deg pan and -120 to 0deg (table) and 0 to 90deg (ceiling) tilt. Zoom is up to 42 x power zoom (comprising 21 x optical and 2 x digital), in 12 steps. Calibre ratio is F1.6 to 3.6. Horizontal viewing angle is 2.6deg (telephoto) or 51deg (wide angle). Video resolution is up to 640 x 480p. | 2023-06-08 |
TOOL1969 | Panasonic WV-SC384 (HD dome) network camera | A high definition (HD) PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) network camera designed for real time monitoring and high resolution recording. It produces 720p video, using a 1/3 type MOS sensor, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) and Adaptive Black Stretch (ABS) technology and Video Motion Detector (VMD). The WV-SC384 comes with day/night functionality, pan/tilt capacity, digital noise reduction, and face detection function. It uses power over Ethernet (PoE). The image sensor size is 1/3, minimum colour lux 0.038, minimum b/w lux 0.031. Maximum video resolution 1280X960 with 30 frames per second. The lens has a focal length of 4.7 - 84.6 mm, with horizontal view between 3.2 and 55.2 deg., and a vertical view between 2.4 and 42.1 deg. | 2023-07-12 |
NETT0135 | Parachute net - Wheeler (1941) | This has a 275 cm diameter parachute opening tapering over a distance of 350 cm to a 100 cm diameter mosquito netting net. Free fall to bottom with concrete weights, released by salt block dissolution, and floated backwards to surface with gasoline float [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 11 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0403 | Paroscientific 410K Pressure Transducer | An absolute pressure transducer with a Digiquartz pressure sensor and precision thermometer. Operates over a temperature range of 0-125 degC and a pressure range of 0-10000 psia with a typical accuracy of 0.01% and a resolution of 0.0001%. | 2012-01-24 |
TOOL0475 | Paroscientific 415K Pressure Transducer | An absolute pressure transducer with a Digiquartz pressure sensor and precision thermometer. Operates over a temperature range of 0-50 degC and a pressure range of 0-15000 psia with a typical accuracy of 0.01% and a resolution of 0.0001%. | 2012-02-29 |
TOOL0931 | Paroscientific Digiquartz depth sensors | A family of encapsulated pressure sensors based on Paroscientific patented technology that determines pressure by measuring the oscillating frequency of a quartz crystal resonator. They are available in depth ranges of 10-140m, 10-700m, 0-700m and 1400-7000m with accuracy of 0.01% full scale or 0.02% full scale for miniature sensors. | 2015-08-06 |
TOOL2082 | Paroscientific MET4A (fan-aspirated) meteorological measurement system | The Paroscientific MET4A is a meteorological measurement system which provides data from barometric pressure, temperature, and relative humidity sensors. This instrument can measure pressure from 500 to 1100 hPa at an accuracy better than +/- 0.08 hPa. Temperature measurements range from -40 to 60 degrees C at a resolution of 0.01 degrees C. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1289 | Partrac Voyager II Benthic Annular Flume | A benthic flume designed for in-situ studies of sediment mobilisation and transport, based on the designs and dimensions of Amos et al. (1992b). It primarily measures transport parameters such as the critical erosion threshold. It consists of an aluminium channel 0.3 m high and 0.15 m wide, with a total diameter of 2.2 m. Eight equidistantly spaced paddles induce a current via drive train, driven by a 0.6 hp, 24 V DC submarine motor and gearbox. This casues water to be re-circulated over, and oscillatory stress to be imposed upon, exposed bottom sediments. On-board optical backscatter sensors (Seapoint OBS) measure turbidity to determine suspended particulate matter concentrations at 3 different heights. An on-board Nortek Vectrino Velocimeter measures velocity in the along-channel (u), across-channel (v) and vertical (w) directions 0.15 m above the nominal bed level. An on-board 12 × 50 ml syringe sampling system collects water samples of the flume waters and a submarine video records vertical photographic profiles of the erosion processes in the upper 0.05 m. Sediment cores can also be collected concurrent with deployment. The Voyager II is depth-rated to 200 m and can impose maximum shear stresses up to ~3 Pa on bottom sediments. | 2018-10-15 |
TOOL1012 | Perfluoroalkoxy pipe air sampler | Perfluoroalkoxy tubbing leading directly from the least contaminated part of a ship to an analytical instrument. Air is drawn through the pipe by the instrument. | 2016-07-19 |
TOOL0908 | PerkinElmer 2400 Series II CHNS and O elemental analyser | A bench-top elemental analyser that is capable of operating in three modes: CHN, CHNS and Oxygen, is fully automated, and includes a 60 position autosampler. CHN and CHNS are determined via the classical Pregl-Dumas method where samples are combusted in a pureoxygen environment. Oxygen determination is based on the classical Unterzuacher method which incorporates the modifications of Oita, Conway and Culmo where samples are converted to carbon monoxide following after pryolisation and reaction with a platinised carbon reagent. The analyser has an accuracy of <=0.3% and a precision of <=02%. The analytical range is from 0.001 -3.6 mgs for C, 0.001-1.0 for H, 0.001-6 mgs for N and 0.001 to 2.0 mgs for S and O. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0468 | PerkinElmer AAnalyst 800 atomic absorption spectrometer | A fully-integrated benchtop atomic absorption spectrometer that determines the elemental composition of a sample through the amount of light energy absorbed at specific wavelengths in the range 190-900 nm. The instrument contains an 8-lamp holder with built-in power supplies for hollow cathode and electrodeless discharge lamps, allowing automatic lamp selection. The instrument uses a real-time double-beam optical system (single-beam for Zeeman furnace operation) and includes both a flame and a Transversely Heated Graphite Atomizer furnace for atomisation of the sample. The specific wavelength of light to be measured is isolated by a monochromator and absorption is measured by a solid-state detector, with a built-in low-noise CMOS charge amplifier array. The burner is equipped with a high-strength inert mixing chamber and includes an adjustable nebuliser and an all-titanium, 10 cm, single-slot burner head. The instrument has a modulated 0.8 Tesla magnetic field oriented longitudinally to the optical path and a built-in continuum source double-beam background correction for flame operation. There is also a furnace autosampler which contains a removable sample tray. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0485 | PerkinElmer AS 93plus autosampler | A laboratory random-access autosampler which is a computer-controlled, multi-purpose sampling system for flame and flow-injection atomic absorption, ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The instrument automates standard and sample introductions via software commands. Random-access programming gives broad flexibility in the placement of samples and standards. The sample probe, including the sample transport capillary tubing is made of acid and solvent-resistant materials. The AS 93plus model is compatible with commonly used sample trays from other manufacturers. The instrument includes an integrated power supply and control electronics, and also has automatic rinsing. | 2012-03-29 |
TOOL0534 | PerkinElmer Model 204 fluorescence spectrophotometer | An automatic recording that measures the fluorescence of a sample using a Xenon lamp with full UV/visible range capability. It incorporates two monochromators, and automatic scanning of each over the 200 to 780 nm wavelength range permits the recording of excitation or emission spectra. The instrument can take up to four samples at a time. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0946 | PerkinElmer Model LAMBDA series 25 spectrophotometer | The Lambda spectrophotometer provides UV-Visibility (UV-Vis) capability over a spectral range of 190 - 1100 nm. Fixed bandwidth of 1 nm, does not contain a pre-monochromator and has an absorbance range of 3.2 A. Not capable of regulatory tests requiring variable bandwidths unlike LAMBDA series 35 and 45. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0947 | PerkinElmer Model LAMBDA series 35 spectrophotometer | The Lambda spectrophotometer provides UV-Visibility (UV-Vis) capability over a spectral range of 190 - 1100 nm. Variable bandwidth of 0.5 - 4 nm, does not contain a pre-monochromator and has an absorbance range of 3.2 A. Not capable of analysis on highly absorbing samples unlike the LAMBDA series 45. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0948 | PerkinElmer Model LAMBDA series 45 spectrophotometer | The Lambda spectrophotometer provides UV-Visibility (UV-Vis) capability over a spectral range of 190 - 1100 nm. Variable bandwidth of 0.5 - 4 nm, contains a pre-monochromator (unlike the LAMBDA 25 and 35) and has an absorbance range of 3.5 A. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1983 | PerkinElmer Optima 3000 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer | An Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) system that determines elemental composition of a sample through the amount of light emitted from atoms or ions at specific wavelengths. It uses an Echelle polychromator with a Segmented Array charge-coupled-device (CCD). The detector consists of discreet subarrays which are strategically positioned to measure over 5000 emission wavelengths between 167 and 782 nm. The result is a simultaneous spectrometer that has a resolution of 6 pm in the spectrally congested UV region. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0484 | PerkinElmer Optima 4300 DV inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer | An optical emission spectrometer (OES) that determines elemental composition of a sample through the amount of light emitted from atoms or ions at specific wavelengths. The atomization source is an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) which is maintained by the interaction of Radio Frequency (RF) energy, generated by a solid-state RF generator, a horizontally mounted quartz torch and ionized argon gas. Standards and samples are acquired with the aid of an autosampler. The sample solution is injected as an aerosol into the plasma via a nebuliser and spray chamber using the integral peristaltic pump. Light from the plasma and the various atomic emissions therein pass through duel view (DV) windows into the thermally stabilised, argon-purged optical compartment housing an Echelle polychromator to separate the light into its component wavelengths. The polychromator comprises diffraction gratings, mirrors, lenses and visible and ultra-violet detector sets, each comprising arrays of segmented-array charge-coupled device (SCD) detectors and allows simultaneous quantification of atomic emissions in the plasma. | 2012-03-29 |
TOOL1013 | PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 2100TR low activity liquid scintillation analyser | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity. It features a multichannel analyser with an effective resolution of 1/10 keV and an extended dynamic quench range. Sample capacity is either 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials. The instrument includes a barium-133 low energy external standard source centered under the sample vial which eliminates the effects of volume variations. It has an energy range of 0 - 2000 keV and an operating ambient temperature range of 15 - 35 degC. This instrument was superseded by the 3100TR and subsequently the 3110TR. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1300 | PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 2910TR low activity liquid scintillation counter | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity. The instrument is designed for laboratory life science research. It primarily measures counts of scintillation, generated by alpha, beta, or gamma radioactivity. Samples are dissolved or suspended in a cocktail which contains a solvent, a surfactant and a scintillator. Alpha, beta or gamma particles emitted by the sample transfer energy to the scintillator, which emits photons. These are detected by a photomultiplier tube. It features a multichannel analyser with an effective resolution of 1/10 keV and an extended dynamic quench range. The instrument includes a barium-133 low energy external standard source centred under the sample vial which eliminates the effects of volume variations. Sample capacity is either 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials. The instrument does allow for the intermixing and direct counting of small and large vials. Other key characteristics are time-resolved liquid scintillation counting. Alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity are differentiated by spectrum analysis. Colour-corrected single- and dual-label DPM. Replay sample recall and reprocessing without recounting. It has an energy range of 0 - 2000 keV and an operating ambient temperature range of 15 - 35 degC. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0820 | PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 3100TR low activity liquid scintillation analyser | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity. It features a multichannel analyser with an effective resolution of 1/10 keV and an extended dynamic quench range. Sample capacity is either 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials. The instrument does not allow for the interchange of large and small sample vials. The instrument includes a barium-133 low energy external standard source centred under the sample vial which eliminates the effects of volume variations. It has an energy range of 0 - 2000 keV and an operating ambient temperature range of 15 - 35 degC. This instrument was superseded by the 3110TR. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0518 | PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 3110TR low activity liquid scintillation analyser | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity. It features a multichannel analyser with an effective resolution of 1/10 keV and an extended dynamic quench range. Sample capacity is either 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials. The instrument includes a barium-133 low energy external standard source centered under the sample vial which eliminates the effects of volume variations. It has an energy range of 0 - 2000 keV and an operating ambient temperature range of 15 - 35 degC. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1846 | PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 3180TR/SL liquid scintillation counter | A benchtop liquid scintillation analyser for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity. The instrument is designed for laboratory life science research. It is based on the interaction between a beta-emitting radionuclide and a scintillator, a component of the scintillation cocktail. The scintillator converts ionising radiation from the radionuclide into photons of light (scintillation). The intensity of the light produced during scintillation is proportional to the initial energy of the beta particle. It uses time resolved liquid scintillation counting. Bismuth Germanium Oxide (BGO) detector guard. The sample loader can hold up to 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials. Efficiency: 3H 0 - 18.6 keV, 14C 0 - 156 keV. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL2069 | PerkinElmer Wallac 1414 WinSpectral (DSA) liquid scintillation counter | A Digital Spectrum Analysis (DSA) based liquid scintillation counter for measuring isotope activity. An all-purpose digital liquid scintillation counter controlled by the WinSpectral software system. It can separate alpha and beta radiation in the same sample, this unit can analyse alpha swipes, tritium water, tritium oils, and tritium swipes. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0917 | Peterson Indented Rotating Sphere Sediment Trap | This is a sediment trap designed to eliminate sediment flux sample contamination by free-swimming organisms using an indented rotating sphere (IRS) valve within the trap. The trap has three components: a particle accumulator, the IRS valve and a sample accumulator. The particle collector is either cylindrical with a diameter of 15-17cm or conical with a 70cm mouth. The IRS valve comprises an acrylic outer cylinder, a slightly smaller diameter PVC sphere with small indentations over part of its surface and a sealing collar. The sphere is periodically (an hour to a day depending sedimentation rates) slowly (1 rpm) rotated on an axis perpendicular to the vertical axis of the cylinder transferring material accumulated in its surface indentations to the sample accumulator. The sample accumulator is either a central funnel feeding a single cup or a skewed funnel feeding multiple cups on a carousel. The trap is deployed closed with a buoyant lid held in place by a burn wire to prevent contamination. | 2015-07-23 |
TOOL1041 | Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar | The Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) is an active microwave sensor using L-band frequency to achieve high resolution cloud-free, day-and-night land observation, all-weather soil moisture observation and ocean surface features observation. PALSAR can observe in three different modes; fine-resolution mode, a secondary ScanSAR (burst mode SAR) observation mode for monitoring sea-ice and rainforest extent, and Polarimetric mode for receiving simultaneous horizontal and vertical polarisation (multi-polarimetry). PALSAR transmits successive pulses of radio waves to illuminate the target scene, and the echo of each pulse is received and recorded via an array of side-viewing beam-forming antennas. All elements of these arrays receive echos simultaneously in real time so the signals passing through them are individually subjected to controlled shifts of the phases of those signals. Signal processing of the successive recorded radar echoes allows the combining of the recordings from these multiple antenna positions to produce a high-resolution image. PALSAR has a centre frequency of 1270 MHz (L-band). In fine resolution mode, the swath width ranges from 40-70 km and a resolution of 7 - 44 m. In ScanSAR mode, the swath width ranges from 250 350 km with a 100 m multi-look resolution. In polarimetric mode, the swath width ranges from 20 - 65 km with a spatial resolution of 24 - 89 m. Radiometric accuracy of the scene is 1 dB. Flown on ALOS. https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/missions/3rd-party-missions/historical-missions/alos/instruments/palsar | 2022-03-18 |
TOOL1461 | Photo Research PR-650 SpectraScan Spectroradiometer | A hand-held, battery powered spectrally based photometric and colorimetric instrument that utilizes a 128 detector element. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL1918 | Picarro G2301 gas analyser | A gas concentration analyser that provides simultaneous, precise measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) at parts-per-billion (ppb), and water (H2O) vapor at parts-per-million (ppm) sensitivity. Patented Picarro cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technology enables an effective measurement path length up to 20 km in a compact cavity. Precision at 5 seconds and 5 minutes is 70 and 25 ppb for CO2; 0.5 and 0.22 ppb for CH4; and 80 and 30 ppm for H2O. Maximum drift at standard temperature and pressure (STP) over 24 hours is 120 ppb for CO2; 1 ppb for CH4; 100 ppm for H2O. | 2024-03-20 |
TOOL1677 | Picarro G2401 gas analyser | A gas concentration analyser that provides simultaneous, precise measurement of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) at parts-per-billion (ppb), and water (H2O) vapor at parts-per-million (ppm) sensitivity. Precision at 5 seconds, 5 minutes, and 60 minutes is 15, 1.5, and 1 ppb for CO; 50, 20, and 10 ppb for CO2; and 1, 0.5, and 0.3 ppb for CH4. Maximum drift at standard temperature and pressure (STP) over 24 hours is 10 ppb for CO; 100 ppb for CO2; and 1 ppb for CH4. Water correction software automatically reports dry gas mole fractions. | 2021-04-28 |
TOOL0525 | Picarro L1102-i Isotopic Water Liquid analyser | A portable analyser designed for laboratories or field based isotope analysis. It uses Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to measure the spectral signature of the molecule of interest. The instrument includes a closed-loop temperature and pressure control. The L1102-i can be used for analysis of liquid water only. It has a typical precision of 0.1 per mil for d18O and 0.5 per mil for dD. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0517 | Picarro L2130-I deltaD/delta18O Isotopic Water analyser | A portable analyser designed for laboratories or field based isotope analysis. It uses Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to measure the spectral signature of the molecule of interest. The instrument includes a closed-loop temperature and pressure control. The L2130-i can be used in all aspects of the water cycle: water vapor, liquid water, or water trapped in solids. It has a typical precision of 0.25 per mil for d18O and 1.20 per mil for dD in solid samples. Corresponding typical values for liquid samples are 0.011 per mil for d18O and 0.038 per mil for dD. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0727 | Pico Technology PT-104 platinum resistance data logger | The Pico Technologies PT-104 is a four-channel temperature measuring data logger. It measures temperatures in the range -200 to 800 degC, with accuracy of 0.015 degC plus 0.01% of reading, and a resolution of 0.001 degC. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0844 | Pico Technology SE012 temperature sensor | A PT100 platinum resistance thermometer which offers a temperature range from -50 to 250 degC, and an accuracy of +/- 0.03 degC at 0 degC. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1844 | Plankton Analytics Pi-10 Plankton Imager | The Plankton Imager Pi-10 is a ship or shore-based mesoplankton imager. The Pi-10 outputs full colour images that are date-time stamped and GPS located. It can be bulkhead or pedestal mounted and connects to a pumped water supply. A back-lit flow-cell is imaged by a high-speed line scan camera. Objects passing through the flow-cell are segmented from the background, time and GPS stamped and saved to an internal hard drive. Images are broadcast on the local area network for real-time analysis using connected computers. A flow meter monitors water flow rates. Onboard software provides post-processing for station-based (replaces net-sampling) or continuous track analysis. A new three category Python-based DNN pre-sorter is available for Detritus/Copepod/non-Copepod to reduce expert sorting burden. The Pi-10 operates in the size range 100 um to 20 mm, and at a water flow rate of 34 litres per minute. This allows it to image over two cubic metres of water per hour to a resolution of 10 um in full colour. | 2022-09-26 |
NETT0173 | Plankton pump sampler | An in situ pump and net system for collecting plankton samples. Water is pumped at approximately 1.2 m^3 per minute through a mesh, and samples are collected in the net cod end. The device was used on research cruises in the late 1990s. | 2012-10-12 |
NETT0138 | Plankton purse seine - Murphy and Clutter (1972) | A miniature purse seine 3048 cm long x 640 cm tall with netting of 0.333 mm nylon mesh [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 12 C]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0140 | Plankton-Bar - Tonolli (1951) | A device for continuously sampling plankton from several depths simultaneously using a combination of ~18 cm diameter nets with 38 meshes per cm and a pumping system. Five nets with equidistant spacing on a towing wire were normally used [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 11 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0141 | Planktonbenthos dredge - Beauchamp (1932) | A simple pair of U-shaped runners were connected by two cross struts which supported a net which collected animals living just above the bottom. No opening/closing mechanism was present. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0142 | Planktonbenthos sampler - Hensen (1895) | An eight wheeled carriage-like sled with a net mounted in between the third and fourth pairs of wheels. [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 22 A] | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1886 | Plessey 4310 sound velocity profiler | The Plessey 4310 is a sound velocity profiling instrument used to measure the speed of sound in water. Plessey was bought by Grundy in 1980, so the Plessey 4310 could also be referred to as a Grundy 4310. | 2022-12-21 |
TOOL1826 | Plessey 4500 temperature sensor | A platinum resistance thermometer designed to measure water temperature. It was often used as part of the Plessey 9400 CTD system. Plessey was bought by Grundy in 1980, so the Plessey 4500 could also be referred to as a Grundy 4500. It had an accuracy of +/- 0.02 degC and a resolution of +/- 0.0001 degC. It was depth-rated to 300 metres. | 2022-08-02 |
TOOL1827 | Plessey 4600 pressure sensor | A bonded strain gauge pressure sensor designed for water depth measurements. It was often used as part of the Plessey 9400 CTD system. Plessey was bought by Grundy in 1980, so the Plessey 4600 could also be referred to as a Grundy 4600. It had an accuracy of +/- 0.25 percent full-scale, and a resolution of +/- 0.0002 percent full-scale. It was depth-rated to 300 metres. | 2022-08-02 |
TOOL1887 | Plessey 5175 oxygen sensor | An oxygen sensor that employs a pressure-compensated Beckman oxygen electrode to measure dissolved oxygen. Typically comprises a silver anode and a platinum cathode, immersed in a potassium chloride electrolyte contained inside a glass tube. The bottom of the tube is sealed with a gas permeable plastic membrane and the platinum cathode is held tightly against the inside of this membrane. | 2022-12-21 |
TOOL1888 | Plessey 5185 pH sensor | The Plessey 5185 pH sensor is an instrument that measures the hydrogen ion concentration in the water column. Plessey was bought by Grundy in 1980, so the Plessey 5185 could also be referred to as a Grundy 5185. | 2022-12-21 |
TOOL1828 | Plessey 6500 conductivity sensor | An inductive transformer conductivity sensor designed to measure water conductivity (mmho/cm). It was often used as part of the Plessey 9400 CTD system. Plessey was bought by Grundy in 1980, so the Plessey 6500 could also be referred to as a Grundy 6500. It had an accuracy of +/- 0.03 mmho/cm and a resolution of +/- 0.0001 mmho/cm. It was depth-rated to 300 metres. | 2022-08-02 |
TOOL0009 | Plessey 9400 CTD | The Plessey 9400 CTD system combines a Plessey 6500 inductive conductivity sensor, a Plessey 4500 platinum resistance temperature sensor and Plessey 4600 bonded strain gauge pressure sensor. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0241 | Plessey Environmental Systems 6230N bench salinometer | A laboratory instrument that determines salinity of a water sample by comparison of its electrical conductivity with a standard solution. | 2018-09-20 |
TOOL0577 | Plessey recording current meter model 9021 | An axial flow impeller current meter designed to operate at depths to 2000 m (6000 m optional), and in temperatures from -5 to 40 degC. Forward currents rotate the impeller clockwise, and reverse currents rotate it anticlockwise (starting speed 1.5 cm/s; speed range 2.5 to 500 cm/s; accuracy greater of 2 cm/s or 2 percent). A counter is magnetically coupled to the impeller, and records net current speed over the sample period. A vane with horizontal stabiliser fins aligns the impeller with the current flow (minimum current velocity for alignment 3 cm/s). Current direction is measured by magnetic compass (360 degree range; accuracy 3 degrees; resolution 1.4 degrees; tolerated tilt rangeis -1 degrees to 4 degrees, or up to 40 degrees if gimballed). A solid state crystal clock measures time (accuracy better than 2 sec/day). Optional sensors include platinum resistance thermometer (range -2 to 35 degC; accuracy 0.1 degC; 99 percent response time 15 sec), pressure sensor (accuracy 0.5 percent of full scale; response time 10 msec), conductivity sensor and sample counter. | 2012-12-18 |
TOOL0578 | Plessey recording current meter model M021 | An axial flow impeller current meter designed to operate at depths to 1000 m, and in temperatures from -4 to 35 degC. Forward currents rotate the impeller clockwise, and reverse currents rotate it anticlockwise (starting speed 2 cm/s; speed range 5 to 250 cm/s; accuracy greater of 3 cm/s or 3 percent). A counter is magnetically coupled to the impeller, and records net current speed over the sample period. A vane with horizontal stabiliser fins aligns the impeller with the current flow. Current direction is measured by magnetic compass (tolerated tilt range is 15 degrees in both pitch and roll axes). Pre-1972 instruments were equipped with a battery-driven clock (accuracy better than 10 sec/day), whereas post-1972 instruments used a solid state crystal clock (accuracy 2 sec/day). | 2012-12-18 |
TOOL0574 | Plessey underwater radiometer | A submersible cosine collector radiometer designed to measure downwelling radiation. The collector is designed to measure the amount of light over a hemisphere. The instrument was commonly used in the 1980s. | 2012-12-06 |
NETT0143 | Plummet net - Hovekamp ; Daly [personal communication to Wiebe and Benfield] | Construction has a 100 cm diameter mouth with a lead weighted net ring and net with 0.571 mm mesh. For downward collecting, the net was lowered by the cod-end to a pre-determined depth and a messenger used to release the cod-end attachment and draw tight a choke collar near the mouth of the net [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 9 D]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0144 | Plummet net type II - Hovekamp (1989) and Daly [personal communication to Wiebe and Benfield] | A downward-fishing, vertical, closing plummet net with a 1-m2 rectangular mouth opening with a net that is attached to two bars that run along a pair of net bar glides along parallel sides. A double messenger system is used to opened the net as it falls to depth and to close it as it reaches the bottom of the haul. The net ~ 180 cm in length has been used with a variety of mesh sizes; 0.163 mm, 0.560 mm, and 1600 mm Nitex. According to Daly [personal communication], the first messenger releases a bridle attached to the opening net bar under tension from a shock cord. The second messenger releases two bridles, one attached to the back of the net frame and the other attached to the closing net bar. The net frame assumes a vertical position, allowing the second net bar to fall, closing the net, and retrieval is begun. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0983 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory 63-um Bongo net | Plankton net described as 63 micron Bongo net as used during e.g. the UK Marine Productivity (MarProd) programme for work on Oithona copepods; designed with double circular (ring) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.36; with opening area (square metre)=0.102; with total filtering net length (metre)=2; with filtering net shape conical; with additional features: cod-end diameter=0.085 m; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.063; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL0450 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory Aiken CTD | A conductivity-temperature-depth package developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory by J. Aiken. The unit had a depth rating of 200 m and data were logged internally on a miniature digital tape recorder. The package was originally developed for use on an Undulating Oceanographic Recorder but was also used to collect standard CTD profiles. | 2012-01-05 |
TOOL0546 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory Interfacial Sampler | A sampler comprising a frame fitted with 10 horizontal syringe-type 4 litre water bottles. An electronic control cylinder, mounted in the top of the frame, is programmed to release the bottle pistons once the frame has settled on the seabed and disturbed sediment has had time to disperse. The release of the piston draws in a sample and, at completion of the piston stroke, a mechanism is triggered to close the bottle inlet. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL0548 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory Near-Surface Sampling Device | A water sample collection system comprising a flotation ring supporting a central vertical spar that carries a 8 sampling bottles, of which the upper 5 are vertically spaced at 20 cm intervals and the lower 3 at approximately 30 cm intervals. The spar also carries an array of thermistors spaced at logarithmic intervals between a few mm below the surface to approximately 2 m depth. Atop the spar is a control system which continuously logs the thermistor data. The device is deployed from a vessel and allowed to drift away on a tether with a conductive core. Thermistor data are transmitted up the cable to a host computer on board the ship, while the control system allows for the remote firing of the sampling bottles by the host computer. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1716 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory [custom] waveguide nutrient analyser | A custom-made segmented flow colorimetric analytical system designed to measure nanomolar concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and phosphate in water. It was designed and built by Malcolm Woodward at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and is based on the methodology of Woodward and Rees (2001). It is a hybrid system; the fiber optic light source (FO-6000) and liquid waveguide flow cells are designed by World Precision Instruments (WPI), and the detector is home-manufactured at PML. The light source is passed through a filter at the required wavelength for the detection of colours formed during chemical segmented flow reactions. The light then passes through the waveguide via fiber optic cables, and then through the water sample. The output wavelength of light is detected, and then monitored on either a computer or chart recorder to determine the nutrient concentrations within the samples. Nitrate and nitrite are measured at 540 nm and phosphate at 710 nm. The system has a detection limit of 0.5 nanomoles/litre for nitrate and 1 nanomole/litre for nitrite and phosphate. | 2021-07-15 |
TOOL1145 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory automated Winkler titration system | A custom-made titration system with photometric end-point detection designed by Dr Carol Robinson, Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Measures dissolved oxygen via winkler titration method Measures dissolved oxygen via winkler titration method. Key features include a metrohm Dosimat 765 burette and photometer. Precision: 0.1 umol/kg. | 2017-08-07 |
TOOL0982 | Plymouth Marine Laboratory twin WP-2 Bongo net | Plankton net described as PML twin WP-2 Bongo net; designed with double circular (ring or hoop) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.60; with opening area (square metre)=0.26; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: not specified; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.2; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
TOOL1223 | Plymouth University Flow Injection Chemiluminescence system with Hamamatsu H8259 photon counting head | An analytical system manufactured by Plymouth University and used by Birchill et al. (2017) to determine concentrations of chemical species in a sample based on the luminescence of the species of interest. The system is normally uniquely assembled for each analysis, and comprises pumps, injection and autosampler valves, preconcentration columns and a Hamamatsu H8259 photon counting head for chemiluminescence detection. The H8259 device includes a side-on photomultiplier tube with a diameter of 28 mm, a high-speed photon counting circuit, and a high-voltage power supply circuit. Depending on the product type number used, the photon counting head device has a spectral response range of 185 nm to 680 nm, 850 nm or 900 nm, and a low dark count in UV to visible or near IR range. | 2018-04-10 |
TOOL2053 | Point Grey Grasshopper GRAS-14S3M/C camera | A compact high-resolution digital camera. Maximum resolution 1384(H) x 1032(V). Pixel size 4.65 micrometer x 4.65 micrometer. Maximum frame rate 1384 x 1032 at 21 FPS. Automatic, manual, one-push shutter speed modes are available. | 2024-06-27 |
TOOL0818 | Point quadrat | A square or rectangular rigid frame of known area, often home-made, with a series of needles or nails at set distances throughout the quadrat. When placed on the substrate to be sampled the quadrat marks a fixed area and the needles or nails mark fixed sampling points within that area. | 2015-01-09 |
TOOL1042 | Polarisation and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances | POLDER (Polarisation and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances) is a passive optical imaging radiometer and polarimeter designed to observe solar radiation reflected by Earth's atmosphere, including studies of tropospheric aerosols, sea surface reflectance, bidirectional reflectance distribution function of land surfaces, and the Earth Radiation Budget. It measures surface reflectance in the visible and near-infrared bands. POLDER consists consists of a digital staring camera composed of a 274 x 242 pixel CCD (charged coupled device) detection array, wide field-of-view telecentric optics (plus-or-minus 51 degrees cross-track and plus-or-minus 43 degrees along-track) and of a rotating wheel carrying spectral and polarised filters of an optical subsystem and electronics subsystem. The optical subsystem consists of a telecentric lens, a filter wheel and a CCD array as a detector. The light is almost vertically incident on the filter wheel after the telecentric lens makes the optical correction. The CCD array (244 x 274 elements) can collect two-dimensionnal images. The filter wheel has 16 filters and is rotated so that 16-channel images are acquired per one rotation. The main functions of electronics subsystem are to process imagery (eg. A/D conversion), to handle telemetry/command for operation of the processed image and POLDER and to control the filter wheel, the electric power and the heat. POLDER measures radiation in nine spectral bands with wavelengths centred at 443.5 nanometres (nm), 490.9 nm, 563.8 nm, 669.9 nm, 762.9 nm, 762.7 nm, 863.7 nm, 907.1 nm and 1019.6 nm. It has a total of 15 channels and 3 polarisations at 3 wavelengths. Flown on ADEOS, ADEOS-2, PARASOL. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/405 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1466 | Polycarbonate water bottle | A polycarbonate water sampling bottle. Used for surface sampling from small boats. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL0542 | Polypropylene 10L surface sample bottle | Polypropylene plastic bottle with 10 litre capacity used for surface sampling from small boats during OMEX and LOIS RACS projects in the 1990s. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1044 | Poseidon-2 | Poseidon-2 is a radar altimeter designed to measure ocean topography, significant wave height and surface wind speed. It is also able to measure the amount of rain in the atmosphere. The Poseidon-2 altimeter emits a radar beam that is reflected back to the antenna from the Earth's surface. Poseidon-2 operates at two frequencies (in the Ku and C bands) to determine atmospheric electron content, which affects the radar signal path delay. These two frequencies also serve to measure the amount of rain in the atmosphere. Poseidon-2 operates at 13.6 GHz in the Ku band and 5.3 GHz in the C band. It has a pulse duration of 105 microseconds and a bandwidth of 320 MHz. The altimeter is nadir-only viewing, sampling at 30 km intervals along-track. Flown on JASON-1. http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/en/missions/past-missions/jason-1/instruments/poseidon-2.html | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1045 | Poseidon-3 | The Poseidon-3 radar altimeter is the main instrument on the Jason-2 mission. Derived from the Poseidon-1 altimeter on TOPEX/Poseidon and the Poseidon-2 on Jason-1, it measures sea level, wave heights and wind speed. The Poseidon-3 altimeter emits pulses at two frequencies to measure the distance from the satellite to the surface (range). Free electrons in the atmosphere can delay the signal's return, affecting the measurement accuracy. The delay is directly related to the radar frequency, so the difference between the two measurements can be used to determine atmospheric electron content. Poseidon-3 is coupled with Doris/Diode, to improve measurements over coastal areas, inland waters and ice. Poseidon-3 emits pulses at 13.6 and 5.3 GHz in the C band, with pulse duration at 105 microseconds. Flown on JASON-2. http://sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov/technology/technologyinstrumentdescription/instrumentdescriptaltimeter/ | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1144 | PreSens OXY-10 Mini oxygen meter | The OXY-10 mini is a precise multi-channel oxygen meter for up to 10 'in-house' sensors, simultaneously controlling and reading them. The meter is used with oxygen sensors based on a 2mm optical fibre. The meter is compatible with sensors that are type PSt3 which has a detection limit 15 ppb, 0 - 100% oxygen. | 2017-07-26 |
TOOL0473 | Precision Measurement Engineering SCAMP microstructure profiler | A self contained, autonomous microstructure profiler designed to measure extremely small scale (order 1 mm) fluctuations of electrical conductivity, temperature, and chlorophyll concentration in aquatic environments. It has a maximum depth rating of 100 m, a travel rate of 10 cm/s and a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The instrument is powered by internal batteries that allow it to operate continuously for at least 4 hours. The fast conductivity channel uses a PME 4-electrode conductivity microsensor while the standard conductivity channel uses a PME 4-electrode ceramic sensor. The instrument has two available fast temperature channels, each using a Thermometrics FP07 thermistor, and includes a Keller PSI PAA-10 pressure sensor. Two gradient channels are used to store d/dt computations. These data can be used to infer the levels of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, in-situ fluxes of heat and salt, and the microstructure behavior of these parameters. The chlorophyll fluorometer consists of a high intense blue LED and a 455 nm interface filter that illuminates a small water sample. Chlorophyll fluorescence is observed through a 685 nm interference filter by a photo diode detector. A Li-Cor LI-192SA PAR sensor can also be attached to the SCAMP. Data are stored on an internal data logger. | 2012-02-21 |
TOOL1901 | Precision Measurement Engineering miniDOT data logger | A submersible sensor designed to measure water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration. Dissolved oxygen is measured by an optode that measures lifetime-based luminescence quenching of a thin membrane. The sensing foil contains a coating with a variable fluorescence depending on the oxygen concentration of the surrounding water. The miniDOT reports in mg/L and logs all measurements to an internal SD card. Also featured is a temperature sensor and batteries. Data can be offloaded to a computer via USB cable. The logger has an accuracy of +/- 5 percent (+/- 0.3 mg/l) for oxygen, and +/- 0.1 degC for temperature. Temperature range is 0 to 35 degC, oxygen range is 0 to 150 percent saturation. Depth-rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-27 |
TOOL1784 | Precision Measurement Engineering miniPAR (submersible) data logger | A submersible instrument that logs PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), temperature and tilt measurements. Data are recorded on an internal SD card. The sensor is a LI-192 Underwater Quantum Sensor, manufactured by LI-COR. The sensor uses a silicon photodiode and glass optical filters to create a uniform sensitivity to light wavelengths in the 400-700nm range. It measures PAR from all angles in one hemisphere. An anti-fouling wiper is available. The instrument can be configured to record at intervals between 1 and 60 minutes. It is submersible up to 100 metres. PAR measurement accuracy is dependent upon the stability of the sensor pointed towards the water surface. | 2022-04-05 |
TOOL1780 | Pro-Oceanus CO2-Pro Atmosphere pCO2 sensor | An instrument that measures the partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas in both surface water and air for accurate determination of CO2 flux. Designed for use on buoys, the unit is comprised of a CO2-Pro that mounts under the buoy for water measurement connected to a NEMA box that is used to take in air from above the buoy. Alternating measurements of pCO2 in air and water provide accurate data for reliable surface flux calculations. The instrument is well-suited for integration into shipboard flow-through systems. An internal zeroing feature provides drift correction for stable and accurate long-term measurements. It has an accuracy of +/- 0.5%, resolution of 0.01 ppm, equilibration time (t63) in water of 2.5 minutes and in air of 5 seconds. Its standard range is 0-600 ppm, the alternative ranges available are: 0-1000 ppm, and 0-2000 ppm. | 2022-03-14 |
TOOL1732 | Pro-Oceanus CO2-Pro CV submersible pCO2 sensor | An in-situ dissolved gas sensor measuring the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) gas dissolved in water using infrared detection. It is designed for deep water applications. The CV notation denotes this is a compact version of the standard Pro-CO2 sensor. An internal zeroing feature provides a stable long-term baseline for ensuring accurate and stable measurements. A flow-through adapter is available. Standard range: 0 - 600 ppm to 0 - 10000 ppm. Accuracy: +/- 0.5 %. Resolution: 0.01 ppm. Depth: 6000 m. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1119 | Pro-Oceanus CO2-Pro submersible pCO2 sensor | An in-situ dissolved gas sensor measuring the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) gas dissolved in water using infrared detection. It is designed for shallow water applications. An internal zeroing feature provides a stable long-term baseline for ensuring accurate and stable measurements. The CO2-Pro can also be modified to measure both water and air pCO2. Standard range: 0 - 600 ppm to 0 - 2000 ppm. Accuracy: +/- 0.5 %. Resolution: 0.01 ppm. Depth: 50 m. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0679 | Pro-Oceanus GTD-Pro dissolved gas sensor | The GTD-Pro is a total dissolved gas sensor, used to determine air-sea gas transfer rates, estimate net biological production, study near-surface fluxes, and correct measurements of other dissolved gases. It measures the sum of the partial pressures of all dissolved gases, i.e. gas tension, and comes with a 2GB internal data logger. The instrument can come in titanium housing, rated to 4000 m. Accuracy is 0.01 %, resolution 0.0001 % with a drift under 0.02 mbar a year. Range is 800-2000 mbar, and depth rating is 0-600 m. Equilibration time (t63) is 3 min. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1920 | Pro-Oceanus GTD-Pro dissolved gas sensor DEPRECATED | Code deprecated on 02Sep2024: duplicates eisting code. Original description was: The GTD-Pro is a total dissolved gas sensor, used to determine air-sea gas transfer rates, estimate net biological production, study near-surface fluxes, and correct measurements of other dissolved gases. It measures the sum of the partial pressures of all dissolved gases, i.e. gas tension, and comes with a 2GB internal data logger. The instrument can come in titanium housing, rated to 4000 m. Accuracy is 0.01 %, resolution 0.0001 % with a drift under 0.02 mbar a year. Range is 800-2000 mbar, and depth rating is 0-600 m. Equilibration time (t63) is 3 min. | 2024-09-02 |
TOOL1426 | Pro-Oceanus HGTD-Pro {Hurricane} dissolved gas sensor | The HGTD-Pro is a total dissolved gas sensor. The HGTD-Pro hurricane model uses a supported tubular interface for faster equilibration than the GTD-Pro. Applications include: Air-sea gas transfer rates, Net biological production estimates, Near-surface flux studies, Correction of other dissolved, and gas measurements. It measures the sum of the partial pressures of all dissolved gases, i.e. gas tension. Accuracy = 0.01%; Resolution = 0.002 mbar; Stability = < 0.02 mbar/yr drift; Range =800-2000 mbar; Depth rating is 0-50 m. Equilibration time (t63) = 1 min. | 2023-05-17 |
TOOL1242 | Pro-Oceanus Mini CH4 submersible pCH4 sensor | A compact plug-n-play methane sensor designed to measure partial pressure of methane gas (pCH4) dissolved in liquids. It is designed for applications such as the detection and monitoring of oil spills, the study of anoxic conditions, determining the effects of fracking, methane hydrate studies, and more. The instrument also measures total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP). The instrument can be immersed in water, oil or water-oil mixtures, and its titatnium housing is rated to 6000 m (600 m for plastic housing). The intrument operates via infra-red detection, and offers an optional copper antifouling head to reduce biofouling, plus other optional additions such as battery packs, locking pigtail cables and mooring frames. The intrument measures pCH4 within the range of 0 - 1 % by volume (~0 - 300 μg/L; by mass), to an accuracy +/- 2 % of maximum range. The instrument measures TDGP from 0 - 2000 mbar to an accuracy of +/- 1 %. The instrument has an equilibrium rate of 8 minutes (with water-pumped head), a sample rate of 2 seconds, and has an overall resolution of 0.1 % of maximum range. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1319 | Pro-Oceanus Mini CO2 submersible pCO2 analyser | A miniature, plug and play pCO2 analyser. It is designed to measure dissolved CO2 in applications involving immersion in water, oil, or water and oil mixtures. The sensor measures the partial pressure of dissolved CO2 gas and the total dissolved gas pressure (TDGP) in liquids. It operates through rapid diffusion of gas from liquid through an oil resistant, advanced matrix interface to a non-dispersive infrared detector. The signal is compensated for both pressure and temperature. It measures 28 cm in length (plus 9 cm for battery pack) and 5.1 cm in diameter. Optional features include water-pumped or copper heads to reduce biofouling. Housing options are rated to 600 m (acetal) and 6000 m (titanium). pCO2 ranges from 0 - 5000 ppm by volume (accuracy: +/- 2 %). TDGP ranges from 0 - 2000 mbar (accuracy: +/- 1 %). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1542 | Pro-Oceanus Mini TDGP submersible dissolved gas sensor | An instrument that measures the Total Dissolved Gas Pressure (TDGP) in liquids. It is designed for use in aquaculture, dam spillways, groundwater monitoring, and industrial applications. Optional accessories include: Titanium Housing - Rated up to 6000 m depth; Internal battery power; External battery pack - 76 or 134 Amp-hour capacity; Water-pumped head - Reduces biofouling and improves response rate; Mooring cage or frame with instrument brackets; Pigtail Cables with Locking Sleeves - 5, 10, 25, 50 metres, or longer. The standard plastic housing is depth rated to 600 metres. It has an operating temperature range of -2 to 50 degC. Accuracy +/- 0. 1% (Temperature compensated from -10 to 50 degC). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0600 | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 1MHz ADCP | An ADCP with a range of 30 m, designed to measure currents in up to 24 bins. Data from bins in the shallowest 15 percent of the depth range (ie: closest to the transducer) and in the deepest 10 percent (furthest from the transducer) are unreliable due to interference. The instrument uses two orthogonal beams and a built-in compass to resolve northward and eastward components of current. | 2013-02-07 |
TOOL0599 | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 250kHz ADCP | An ADCP with a range of 100 m, designed to measure currents in up to 24 bins. Data from bins in the shallowest 25 percent of the depth range (ie: closest to the transducer) and in the deepest 10 percent (furthest from the transducer) are unreliable due to interference. The instrument uses two orthogonal beams and a built-in compass to resolve northward and eastward components of current. | 2013-02-07 |
TOOL0598 | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 75kHz ADCP | An ADCP designed to use low-frequency sound (actually 79-80 kHz) for optimum performance in water depths between 500 and 1000 m. The instrument was originally built with two orthogonal beams, but following the initial, 2-week deployment, it was modified to include a third beam. | 2013-02-07 |
NETT0146 | Pumped multiple sample collection system - Yamazi (1960) | A submersible pump mounted in a circular frame work. Flow from the pump is directed to a flat disc to which 16 to 24 small net cod ends are attached. A ratchet mechanisms rotates the disk and enables the changing of the nets into the path of the flow. System has temperature and light sensors. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1467 | Pyrex borosilicate water bottle | A Pyrex water sampling bottle. Used for surface sampling from small boats. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL1914 | Qiagen TissueLyser II Tissue processor | A tissue processor designed to disrupt biological samples through high-speed shaking in plastic tubes with stainless steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads. It is used for high-throughput disruption of human, animal, and plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast to access biological information for genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics applications. It automates purification of DNA, RNA, and protein from 1-96 samples. Disruption and homogenisation are achieved through the beating and grinding effect of beads on the sample material as they are shaken together in the grinding vessels. Using the appropriate adapter set, up to 48 or 192 samples can be processed at the same time. Alternatively, a grinding jar set can be used to process large samples. A range of beads, bead dispensers, and collection microtubes and caps are also available. It is easily programmed to provide variable speeds from 3 to 30 Hz (180-1800 oscillations per minute) and run times from 10 seconds to 99 minutes. | 2023-05-02 |
TOOL0817 | Quadrat | A square or rectangular rigid frame of known area, often home-made, that is placed on the substrate to be sampled to mark a fixed area for sampling flora or fauna. | 2015-01-09 |
TOOL1428 | R.M. Young 04106 Wind Monitor JR (marine) anemometer | A vane and propeller sensor specifically designed for marine applications. It uses a 4 blade propeller to measure wind speed. The propeller output is an AC sine wave voltage signal with frequency proportional to wind speed. Vane angle (wind direction) is sensed by a potentiometer. All housing parts are injection moulded, UV stabilised thermoplastic. Fittings are stainless steel and anodized aluminium. Ball bearings are stainless steel. This marine model features a specialised lubricant for marine use and a sealed heavy duty cable pigtail in place of the junction box on standard models. The instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. Accuracy is +/- 0.5 m/s for wind speed and +/- 5 degrees for direction. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1429 | R.M. Young 05103 Wind Monitor 10A anemometer | An anemometer with a four blade helicoid propeller and lightweight direction vane. Vane angle is sensed by a precision potentiometer. The propeller produces an ac sine wave that has a frequency directly proportional to wind speed. The instrument body is UV stabilised plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminium fittings. The instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. The 05103-10 is a standard model designed to interface with Campbell Scientific (CSC) data loggers and a variant 'A'. Wind speed accuracy is +- 0.3 m/s and wind direction accuracy is 3 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0260 | R.M. Young 05103 Wind Monitor anemometer | An anemometer with a four blade helicoid propeller and lightweight direction vane. Vane angle is sensed by a precision potentiometer. The instrument body is UV stabilised plastic with stainless steel and anodised aluminium fittings. The instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. Windspeed accuracy is +/- 0.3 m/s and wind direction accuracy is 3 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0195 | R.M. Young 05106 Wind Monitor MA anemometer | A lightweight anemometer with a helicoid propellor speed sensor attached to a vane. The instrument is designed to withstand the marine environment. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0220 | R.M. Young 05305 Wind Monitor-AQ anemometer | An anemometer with a lightweight, carbon fibre thermoplastic (CFT), helicoid propeller wind sensor designed for air quality applications. The wind direction sensor is a lightweight, balanced vane. The instrument body is UV stabilised plastic with stainless steel and anodised aluminium fittings. The instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. Windspeed accuracy is +/- 0.2 m/s and wind direction accuracy is 3 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1327 | R.M. Young 32500 (electronic) magnetic compass | A combined compass and serial interface with Young wind speed and direction sensors. It is used for portable and mobile applications. The sensor uses a solid state (Vector 2X) compass to measure magnetic heading that is used to correct wind direction from an external sensor. It can accept up to 4 additional auxiliary inputs (e.g. temperature, humidity etc.). Heading resolution is 0.5 degrees. Heading accuracy is +/- 2 degrees (rms). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1516 | R.M. Young 41342 temperature probe | An accurate 1000 ohm Platinum temperature sensor mounted in a weatherproof junction box. The sensor output uses a 4 wire RTD configuration. The probe is designed for easy installation in Young Multi-plate and Aspirated Radiation Shields. Designed for measuring air temperature. Calibrated Measuring Range: -50 to 50 degC. Response Time: 10 seconds (without filter). Accuracy at 23 degrees Celsius: +/- 0.3 degC / optional +/- 0.1 degC NIST calibration. Sensor Type: Platinum RTD. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1517 | R.M. Young 41372 hygrometer | A combination of a high-accuracy, capacitance type humidity sensor and a 1000 ohm Platinum RTD temperature sensor in one probe. This probe offers a choice of 0 - 1 VDC or 4 - 20 mA outputs for temperature and relative humidity. Operating temperature: -10 to 60 degC (accuracy reduced below -10 degC). Measuring range: 0 - 100% relative humidity, and -50 to 50 degC. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1000 | R.M. Young 41382 relative humidity and temperature probe | The Model 41382 Relative Humidity/Temperature Probe combines high accuracy humidity and temperature sensors in a single probe. The output signal is 0 - 1 V (standard) or 0 - 5 V (user selected option) for both relative humidity and temperature. RH range is 0 - 100 %, temperature range is -50 to 150 degF. The relative humidity precision is +/- 1 % while the temperature precision is +/- 0.5 degF. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1532 | R.M. Young 50201 precipitation gauge | A self-siphoning rain gauge that accurately measures rain or snow precipitation without moving parts, making it ideal for use on moving platforms such as buoys and ships. It has an accuracy of +/- 10 %. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0671 | R.M. Young 50202 precipitation gauge | An instrument that accurately measures rain or snow precipitation without moving parts, making it ideal for use on moving platforms such as buoys and ships. Insulated housings and thermostatically controlled heaters permit operation at temperatures below freezing. Precipitation measurement is made with a capacitive transducer and electronic circuit that produce a voltage output. Total precipitation can be tracked by a data logger or recorder. It has an accuracy and threshold of 1 mm. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0648 | R.M. Young 522 series tipping bucket raingauge | A series comprising two tipping bucket raingauges, the 52202 (heated) and 52203 (unheated). They both have a catchment area of 200 cm2 and a resolution of 0.1 mm per tip. The accuracy is 2 percent up to 25 mm/hour, 3 percent up to 50 mm/hour. This instrument is marketed by Campbell Scientific. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1001 | R.M. Young 61302 barometric pressure sensor | Young barometric pressure sensors combine high accuarcy and lower power over a wide range of pressures (500 to 1100 hPa) and temperatures (-40 to 60 degC). The precision of pressure measurements is 0.2 hPa (at 25 degC). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL2027 | R.M. Young 61402V barometer | A versatile electronic barometer featuring high accuracy, low power, wide operating temperature range, and calibrated voltage output or RS-232 serial data I/O. Low power consumption and wide temperature range make the 61402V ideal for remote applications using battery or solar power. The 61402V model offers 0 - 5 VDC and RS-232 output. It has a pressure range of 500 - 1100 hPa, digital accuracy of 0.2 hPa (at 25 degC) and 0.3 hPa (between -40 to 60 degC), and 0.01 hPa resolution. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1518 | R.M. Young 85000 ultrasonic anemometer | A 2-axis, no-moving-parts wind sensor. It is ideal for general meteorological applications requiring accurate and reliable measurement. Measurement results are available as calibrated voltage output signals or serial data using RS-232, RS-485, or SDI-12 connections. Serial formats may be selected for direct connection to Young Wind Tracker displays, marine NMEA systems, SDI-12 data loggers, and ASCII serial communication programs. The sensor measures wind based on the transit time of ultrasonic pulses between four transducers. Air flow alters the transit time which is used to calculate flow velocity. Wind direction is determined from relative velocities along each acoustic path. The sensor is constructed using UV-stabilised thermoplastic, stainless steel, and anodised aluminium for superior environmental resistance. It is easily mounted on standard 1 inch (IPS) pipe. An orientation ring preserves mounting position when the sensor is removed. Continuous output or polled operation may be used. WIND SPEED; Range: 0 - 70 m/s (156 mph), Resolution: 0.1 m/s, Accuracy: 0 to 30 m/s, +/- 2 % or 0.1 m/s, 30 to 70 m/s, +/- 3 %. WIND DIRECTION; Azimuth Range: 0 - 360 degrees, Resolution: 1 degree, Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL2081 | R.M. Young 85004 (heated) ultrasonic anemometer | A 2-axis, no moving parts wind sensor designed for general meteorological applications. Measurement results are available as calibrated voltage output signals or serial data using RS-232, RS-485, or SDI-12 connections. The 85004 measures wind based on the transit time of ultrasonic pulses between four transducers. Air flow alters the transit time of pulses which is used to calculate flow velocity. Wind direction is determined from relative velocities along each acoustic path. This model comes with heaters integrated into the transducers and housing in order to enhance performance in cold conditions. This instrument is capable of measuring wind speed from 0 to 70 m/s with a resolution of 0.1 m/s and an accuracy of +/- 2 percent for wind speeds 0 to 30 m/s and +/- 3 percent for wind speeds 30 to 70 m/s. Wind direction range is 0 to 360 degrees with a resolution of 1 degree and an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees. Typical output rate of 1 Hz (selectable). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1519 | R.M. Young 85106 ultrasonic anemometer | A 2-axis, no-moving-parts wind sensor with special features for use in the marine environment. As supplied, the sensor is set up to deliver NMEA serial output, compatible with many marine devices. Other serial outputs are also available including ASCII text, RMYT (for Young displays) and SDI-12. Analog voltage outputs are also available from the standard sensor. The sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with opposing pairs of ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined moulded frame. Accessory bird spikes discourage perching on the anemometer frame. The sensor installs on readily available 1 inch (IPS) pipe. Wiring connections are made in a convenient weatherproof junction box; special mounting adapters, connectors and cables are not required. Operating Temperature: -50 to 50 degC. Wind Speed; Range: 0 to 70 m/s (0 to 156 mph), Resolution: 0.1 m/s, Accuracy: (30 m/s) +/- 2 % or 0.1 m/s, (70 m/s) +/- 3 %. Wind Direction; Range: 0 to 360 degrees, Resolution: 1 degree, Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1739 | R.M. Young 86000 ultrasonic anemometer | A 2-axis, no-moving-parts wind sensor designed for general meteorological applications in industrial settings where noise immunity is important. The sensor measures wind speed and direction based on the transit time of ultrasonic pulses between three transducers. Measurement results are available as calibrated analogue output signals, or serial data using RS-232 or RS-485. The instrument is capable of operating in a temperature range of -40 to 60 degC, and measures wind speed from 0 to 75 m/s with a resolution of 0.01 m/s and an accuracy of +/- 2 % for wind speeds between 0 to 30 m/s, and +/- 3 % for wind speeds between 30 and 75 m/s. Wind direction range is 0 to 360 degrees, with a resolution of 0.1 degree and an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees. Outputs at a rate of 0.1 - 20 Hz (typically 1 Hz). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1520 | R.M. Young 86106 ultrasonic anemometer | A 2D ultrasonic anemometer. The standard sensor includes many useful output options. Analog voltage outputs are provided for wind speed and wind direction. 4 - 20 mA current signals are available for each channel and are well suited for long cable runs or for industrial settings where noise immunity is important. A variety of serial output formats are also available. These include ASCII text, RMYT (compatible with Young displays) and NMEA formats. Features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with sensitive ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined moulded frame. The sensor installs on readily available 1 inch (IPS) pipe. Wiring connections are made in a convenient weatherproof junction box; special mounting adapters, connectors and cables are not required. Operating Temperature: -40 to 60 degC. Protection Class: IP65. Wind Speed; Range: 0 to 75 m/s (0 to 168 mph), Resolution: 0.01 m/s, Threshold: <0.01 m/s, Accuracy: +/- 2 % +/- or 0.1 m/s (30 m/s), +/- 3 % (75 m/s). Wind Direction; Range: 0 to 360 degrees, Resolution: 0.1 degree, Threshold: < 0.01 m/s, Accuracy: +/- 2 degrees. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL2010 | R.M. Young 92000 ResponseONE weather transmitter | The Model 92000 ResponseONE weather transmitter measures four key meteorological variables. It is designed for multiple weather monitoring applications requiring accurate and reliable measurements, with corrosion-resistant construction. The sensor comprises an ultrasonic wind, atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors. Data are output in a serial format, with RS-232 or RS-485 options to allow direct connection to Young displays, marine NMEA systems, data loggers, or other compatible serial devices. The Model 92000 connections provide for an optional tipping bucket rain gauge. Wind speed is measured within a range of 0 - 70 m/s, with a resolution of 0.01 m/s and accuracy of +/- 2 % (0 - 30 m/s) or +/- 3 % (30 - 70 m/s). Wind direction is measured within an azimuth range of 0 - 360 degrees, with a resolution of 0.1 degree and an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees. Temperature is measured within a range of -40 to 60 degC, with a resolution of 0.1 degC and an accuracy of +/- 0.3 degrees (-20 to 50 degrees) or +/- 0.7 degrees outside of the previous range. Relative humidity is measured within a range of 0 - 100%, with a resolution of 0.1% and an accuracy of +/- 2% (5 - 95% humidity). Atmospheric pressure is measured within a range of 500 - 1100 hPa, with a resolution of 0.1 hPa and an accuracy of +/- 0.3 hPa (0 - 60 degC) or +/- 1 hPa (-40 to 0 degC). | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL2136 | R2Sonic SONIC 2020 wideband multibeam echosounder | A wideband multibeam echosounder designed for shallow water hydrographic and bathymetric surveys. Operates at user-selectable frequencies between 200 and 400 kHz, providing swath coverage selections from 10 to 130 degrees. Has along and across-track beam widths of 1 degrees. An optional ultra-high resolution 700 kHz frequency version is available. Standard immersion depth of 100 metres, or an optional 4000 metre version. Up to 1024 soundings per ping. | 2025-02-10 |
TOOL1491 | R2Sonic SONIC 2022 wideband multibeam echosounder | A multibeam echosounder with applications in construction, dredging, autonomous surface vehicles, and offshore oil and gas. Operates at frequencies between 170 and 450 kHz, providing coverage up to 400 metres. Has along and across-track beamwidths ranging from 0.6 to 2 degrees depending on the frequency used. An optional ultra-high resolution 700 kHz frequency version is available. Standard immersion depth of 100 metres, or an optional 4000 metre version. Selectable swath coverage between 10 and 160 degrees. Up to 1024 soundings per ping. | 2024-11-04 |
TOOL1281 | R2Sonic SONIC 2024 wideband multibeam echosounder | A broadband - wideband high resolution shallow water multibeam echosounder. It is particularly suited to small survey vessel, ROV and AUV operations in the hydrographic, dredging, defence and research sectors. It primarily measures bathymetry elevation and consists of a projector, receiver and dry-side Sonar Interface Module (SIM). Sonar operation is controlled via graphical user interface on a PC or laptop. Commands are transmitted via Ethernet interface to the SIM, which supplies power to the sonar heads, synchronizes multiple heads, time tags sensor data, relays data to the workstation and relays commands to the sonar head. The receiver head decodes the sonar commands, triggers the transmit pulse, then receives, amplifies, beamforms, bottom detects, packages and transmits the data through the SIM via Ethernet to the control PC. Key characteristics of the SONIC 2024 include user selectable operating frequencies, with flexibility to trade off resolution, range and controlling interference from other active acoustic systems. It has variable swath coverage selections from 10 to 160 degrees, the ability to rotate the swath sector, as well as roll stabilisation. The frequency and swath coverage may also be selected in real-time. Frequency ranges from 170 kHz - 450 kHz at 1 Hz resolution (optional 700 kHz). Number of soundings up to 1024 per swath, per head. The pulse length is 15 to 1115 micro-seconds, ping rate is up to 60 Hz and depth rating is 100m. | 2024-11-04 |
TOOL0557 | RAPID ISOMAP-UK manual water sampler | Manual water sample collection system used during the RAPID ISOMAP-UK project. It comprises a sample container attached to the end of an extendable pole marked with target depths. The container is fitted with a sealing plug attached to a long cord. Samples are obtained by lowering the pole (or just the container for surface samples) vertically into the water. At the required depth the cord is pulled, thereby removing the plug and filling the container. After 30 seconds the container is brought slowly to the surface and the sample transfered to a storage bottle. | 2012-10-04 |
TOOL1653 | RBR Cervata (submersible) data logger | A submersible data logger that is designed to extend the power capability of connected RBR sensors due to its integrated RBR Fermata battery assembly. The battery powers connected instruments as well as the Cervata itself. The RBR Cervata periodically downloads data from attached instruments, records the data to an internal SD card, and stores it in RSK format, compatible with RBR's Ruskin software. This software gives users the capability to alter instrument deployment parameters (e.g., sampling rate, bursting parameters). The RBR Cervata is a new instrument at the time of writing (03/2021) and currently does not have an available specifications sheet. | 2021-03-16 |
TOOL1717 | RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor | The RBRcoda T.ODO is an optode used to measure temperature and dissolved oxygen. Available as: slow (30s τ), standard (8s τ), and fast (1s τ) variants. The slow version has a protective layer over the foil to allow it to be cleared of biofouling for long-term moored applications. With a standard accuracy of 8 µmol/l but a power consumption of only 36 mJ/sample. The oxygen sensor measures a calibrated concentration range of 0-500 µM, resolution <1 µM (saturation 0.4%). The temperature sensor measures a calibrated temperature range of -5°C to 35°C, accuracy of +/-0.002°C, and resolution of <0.00005°C. The instrument is rated to depths of 6000m. | 2021-07-27 |
TOOL1353 | RBR Concerto APT Accelerometer and Bottom Pressure Recorder | A combined triaxial quartz accelerometer and bottom pressure recorder designed for deep-sea early earthquake detection and tsunami monitoring, via both autonomous installation or cabled observatories. The RBR Concerto APT uses Digiquartz transducers to detect bottom pressure, and the accelerometer measures simultaneously in three orthogonal directions. It has a depth resolution of 10 ppb and 0.01 percent accuracy. It offers up to 20 Hz sampling and can store 240M readings internally. It can operate in temperatures ranging from -2 to +45 degC, and up to 10000 m depth. The RBR Concerto APT was designed for the NEPTUNE Observatory at Ocean Networks Canada, and has been superseded by the RBR Quartz3 APT: https://rbr-global.com/products/standard-loggers/rbrquartz-apt. | 2019-08-09 |
TOOL0856 | RBR Concerto CTD | Conductivity, temperature depth recorder with fluorometer and turbidity loggers. Self-contained, autonomous CTD logger that can be deployed for a period of up to 5 years with 1 minute sampling intervals. High accuracy measurements, holds measurements internally even without battery and fast sampling options for profiling. Temperature sensor calibrated to accuracy of +/- 0.002 degC over range -5 to 35 degC. Conductivity measured with inductive sensor with no exposed contacts. Pressure measured with piezo-resistive transducer with accuracy of 0.05 % of full scale rating and achievable resolution of 0.001 %. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0169 | RBR DR-1050 depth recorder | The DR-1050 is a pressure recorder with possible ranges of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 740, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 10000 dbar; an accuracy of 0.05% full scale; a resolution of <0.001% full scale; and a time constant of <10 msec. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1395 | RBR DUO 3-CT (submersible) CT logger | A self-contained, dual channel conductivity and temperature sensor designed for deployment on moorings. Conductivity measurements are performed using a rugged inductive cell that can be frozen into ice. Conductivity accuracy: +/- 0.003 mS/cm. Temperature accuracy: +/- 0.002 degC. Depth rating is 750 m (plastic) - 10,000 m (titanium) depending on housing used. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1396 | RBR DUO CT (submersible) CT logger series | Self-contained, dual channel conductivity and temperature sensors designed for deployment on moorings. This term describes sensors where the generation is not known. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1745 | RBR Legato3 CTD | A conductivity, temperature and pressure sensor designed for use on gliders and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). It can be used to derive salinity, density and sound velocity and is optimised for turbulence measurements and passive acoustic monitoring due to its silent operation (non-pumped). The instrument is available as two configurations; the standard RBR Legato3 has a 2 Hz standard thermistor response; the RBR Legato3 Fast 16 instrument has a 16 Hz fast thermistor response. Additional sensors such as dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity, and PAR are all supported. The RBR Legato3 is designed to fit into a standard 2 x 7 inch sensor bay, with both wet- and dry-bay models. The RBR Legato3 is depth-rated to 1000m, with a pressure range from 500-1000 db and accuracy of +/- 0.05 percent (full scale). The conductivity accuracy is +/- 0.003 mS/cm. Temperature range is -5 degC to +42 degC (ITS-90) with an accuracy of +/- 0.002 degC (-5 to +35 degC) and +/- 0.004 degC (+35 to +42 degC). | 2021-11-12 |
TOOL1718 | RBR Maestro3 Multiparameter logger system | A multi-parameter, multi-channel logger designed to collect a variety of water quality measurements. Between three and ten sensors can be integrated with the logger including: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, pH, ORP (RedOx), Dissolved Oxygen, Fluorescence, Turbidity, Transmittance, PAR, Transmissance, Turbidity, and Voltage. The loggers are available in two configurations: one for autonomous deployment and one for water column profiling. The recorders can be equipped with data and power connections to facilitate remote access or remote data acquisition. | 2021-07-27 |
TOOL1805 | RBR Quartz 3 APT Accelerometer and Bottom Pressure Recorder | A combined triaxial quartz accelerometer and bottom pressure recorder for deep-sea early earthquake warning and tsunami monitoring. Designed for autonomous installation or real-time cabled observatories with ethernet connectivity, it penetrates sea bed sediments and has good seismic coupling. The outputs are the periods of the three accelerometer axes (ps), pressure (dbar), and temperature (degC). The instrument uses a 24 Wh battery and internal memory, with the capacity to stream in real-time. It has an integrated Digiquartz pressure sensor and temperature sensor, and is housed in titanium. The sampling period goes up to 16 Hz (up to 240M readings). The communication is via TCP/IP over Ethernet. Clock drift is +/-60 seconds/year. The accelerometer's range is +/- 3 g and its resolution is <100 ng. Depth is rated to 7,000 m. Depth resolution is 10 ppb and depth accuracy is +/- 0.01 % FS. Temperature accuracy is +/-0.002 degC. | 2022-05-31 |
TOOL1909 | RBR Quartz 3 BPR Zero bottom pressure recorder | A self-contained bottom pressure recorder for long-term autonomous or real-time observations of water level, tides, and tsunamis in deep water. It measures full ocean depth levels and tide observations. It integrates one or two Digiquartz pressure sensor gauges, an internal quartz barometer, a switching valve, and a temperature sensor. It also implements the AzeroA technique to correct for long term drift in the pressure sensor by periodically activating the switching valve to perform internal housing pressure reference measurements. The instrument is housed in titanium and can use 8 x AA cells, but requires external power between 9.5 V and 30 V to operate the switching valve. It uses USB-C or RS-232/485 communication. Sampling period is up to 8Hz (up to 240M readings). Clock drift is +/-60 seconds/year. Depth is rated to 7,000m. Depth resolution is 10 ppb and depth accuracy is +/- 0.01% FS. Temperature accuracy is +/-0.002 degC. | 2023-04-18 |
TOOL1431 | RBR Quartz 3 BPR bottom pressure recorder | A self-contained bottom pressure recorder for long-term autonomous or real-time observations of water level, tides, and tsunamis in deep water. It measures full ocean depth levels and tide observations. It has an integrated Digiquartz pressure sensor and temperature sensor. The instrument uses 8 x AA cells and sampling period up to 16Hz (up to 240M readings). It uses USB-C or RS-232/485 communication and is housed in titanium. Clock drift is +/-60 seconds/year. Depth is rated to 10,000m. Depth resolution is 10 ppb and depth accuracy is +/- 0.01% FS. Temperature accuracy is +/-0.002 degC. | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL1398 | RBR Solo D (submersible) pressure logger series | Self-contained, single channel depth loggers for moored, towed or profiling applications. This term describes sensors where the generation is not known. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1024 | RBR Solo T Temperature logger | Compact single channel temperature logger designed for application in moorings, bore holes, profiling or towed arrays. It can provide up to 25 million readings, on a single battery, with an accuracy of +/- 0.002 degC. It has a depth rating of 1700 meters and a temperature range from -5 degC to 35 degC. | 2016-10-21 |
TOOL1397 | RBR Solo3 D (submersible) pressure logger | A self-contained, single channel depth logger for moored, towed or profiling applications. Sampling rates are from 2 Hz, optionally up to 32 Hz. Tide and wave configurations are available. It has an accuracy of +/- 0.05 % full scale and a depth rating from 1700 m (OSP) to 10,000 m (titanium) depending on housing. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0054 | RBR TDR-2050 underwater temperature logger | The TDR-2050 is a small (235mm x 38mm OD), self-contained, submersible temperature and depth recorder (sensors and data logger). It can be deployed for a period of up to three years and can collect more than 1,200,000 sets of samples. Data can be retained in memory for 20 years (even without batteries). Available in two casings, plastic and titanium, with depth ratings of 740m and 6600m respectively. The temperature channel of the TDR-2050 is calibrated to an accuracy of ± 0.002°C (ITS-90) over the range -5 to +35°C. Typical drift has been measured to be 0.002°C per year. The thermistor may be external (<3sec time constant) or internal (<20sec time constant). A fast thermistor probe (0.095sec) is also available. The depth channel is calibrated to an accuracy of 0.05%fs Ranges from 10m to 6,600m are available. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0387 | RBR TGR-1050P submersible tide gauge | A pressure recorder designed to measure tides. Possible ranges are 10, 20 50 and 100 dbar, with an accuracy of ± 0.05% full scale, resolution of <0.001% full scale and a time constant of <10 msec. Pressure data are sampled at 4Hz. The sample period and the length of the averaging burst are fully programmable. It has a built-in averaging function to eliminate wave action. | 2011-04-08 |
TOOL0809 | RBR TGR-2050 submersible tide gauge | A small (265mm x 38mm OD) self-contained, submersible temperature and pressure logger designed to monitor tide levels without interference from wave action by averaging pressure data sampled at 4 Hz. This operating mode differentiates it from the similar TDR-2050. Temperature channel is calibrated to ±0.002C. Depth channel is calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.05% full scale. | 2014-11-19 |
TOOL0055 | RBR TR-1050 underwater temperature logger | The TR-1050 is a small (230mm x 38mm OD), self-contained, submersible temperature recorder with a calibration to ±0.002°C. Typical calibration drift of 0.002°C per year has been measured. It can be deployed for a period of up to three years and can collect more than 2,400,000 samples. Data are retained in memory for 20 years (even without batteries). It has a measurement range of -5°C to +35°C in its standard calibration but can be configured to measure wider ranges. The logger can be fitted with different thermistors to operate to as low as -40°C or up to +50°C. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0728 | RBR TR-1060P Temperature Logger | The TR-1060P is a small, self-contained, submersible temperature logger calibrated to +/-0.002 degC, with a typical calibration drift of less than 0.002 degC per year. It is a 25mm diameter version of the TR-1050, but has the same or better performance with a 24 bit a/d. It can be deployed for a period of up to three years and can collect more than 2,400,000 samples. Data are retained in memory for 20 years (even without batteries). It has a depth rating of 1200 m, download speed ~115000 samples per minute, clock accuracy +/- 32 seconds per year, 8 Mb flash memory, and 240mm x 25 mm casing. Measures temperature from -5 to 35 degC, but can be calibrated to a wider range on request. Accuracy is +/-0.002 degC, resolution better than 0.00005 degC. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL0729 | RBR TWR-2050 Submersible Tide and Wave Recorder | The TWR-2050P is a small, self-contained, submersible temperature, wave and depth recorder (sensors and data logger). It can be deployed for a period of up to three years and can collect more than 1,200,000 sets of samples. Data can be retained in memory for 20 years (even without batteries). Available in two casings, plastic and titanium, with depth ratings of 740m and 6600m respectively. The temperature channel of the TWR-2050 is calibrated to an accuracy of ± 0.002°C (ITS-90) over the range -5 to +35°C. Typical drift has been measured to be 0.002°C per year. The thermistor may be external (<3sec time constant) or internal (<20sec time constant). A fast thermistor probe (0.095sec) is also available. The depth channel is calibrated to an accuracy of 0.05%fs Ranges from 10m to 6,600m are available. Temperature and depth only sensors (TDR) and surface-mounted sensors (HT) are also available. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL1506 | RBR Virtuoso (single channel) data logger | A single channel data logger for long deployments. The instrument is powered by CR123A 3V cells. Capable of sampling up to 1 Hz. Features a large data storage capacity allowing up to ~30 million readings, and fast download ability. Optional version with up to 6 Hz sampling. Depth rated up to 750 m (plastic) or 10,000 m (titanium). | 2020-07-31 |
TOOL1430 | RBR Virtuoso 3 (submersible) data logger | A self-contained, single-channel data logger for long deployments. The instrument uses 8 x AA cells and standard sampling up to 2Hz (240M readings). It uses a twist activation and USB-C, RS-232/485 communication. Optional features include Wi-Fi connectivity, sampling up to 32 Hz and external data and power. It uses either plastic or titanium housing. Clock drift is +/-60 seconds/year. Depth is rated to 750m (plastic) or 10,000m (titanium). | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL0053 | RBR XR-420 CTD Marine | A small autonomous data logger designed to monitor conductivity, temperature and depth. Conductivity (accuracy ± 0.003 mS/cm) is measured using a 3-coil closed loop feedback inductive cell for superior temperature compensation. The thermistor (Themometrics) used to record temperature (accuracy ± 0.002°C) is aged and hermetically sealed in the tip of a shock resistant solid glass rod. Pressure (accuracy 0.05% full scale) sensors use reliable semiconductor technology and 316 stainless steel housing developed for long-term stability in harsh environments. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0730 | RBR XR-620 CTD Profiler | A small profiling data logger designed to monitor conductivity, temperature and depth. Conductivity (accuracy ± 0.003 mS/cm) is measured using a 3-coil closed loop feedback inductive cell for superior temperature compensation. The thermistor (Themometrics) used to record temperature (accuracy ± 0.002°C) is aged and hermetically sealed in the tip of a shock resistant solid glass rod. Pressure (accuracy 0.05% full scale) sensors use reliable semiconductor technology and 316 stainless steel housing developed for long-term stability in harsh environments. The XR-620 is a profiling version of the XR-420. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL1399 | RBR XX-105 {TPOD} (submersible) temperature logger | A first generation RBR data logger. It is a single channel data logger with a built in, YSI 46033 thermistor. It has an operating range of 5 to 30 degC and resolution of 0.002 to 0.005 degC. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL2012 | RBR argo3 CTD | An instrument comprising conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors, specifically designed for the Argo program. It is suitable for integration with profiling floats and can withstand air deployments. Derived channels for salinity, sound speed and density are built in. Atmospheric measurements can also be obtained and used to estimate sensor drift. The RBR argo3 CTD uses an inductive conductivity sensor, which does not require a pump and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The instrument's streamlined design minimises salinity spiking; it is built out of organic solderability preservative (OSP) and titanium. Features include a power consumption of approximately 24 mJ per sample, sampling rate of up to 8 Hz, and storage capacity of approximately 120 million readings. The depth rating can be configured to either 2000 dbar or 4000 dbar. A range of biogeochemical (BGC) sensors are available, including dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, PAR, and pH. Other specifications include: conductivity range between 0 and 85 mS/cm, accuracy of +/- 0.003 mS/cm, and resolution of 0.001 mS/cm; temperature range between -5 and 35 degC, accuracy of +/- 0.002 degC, and resolution of 0.00005 degC; depth accuracy of +/- 0.05% full scale, and resolution of 0.001% full scale. | 2024-02-07 |
TOOL2013 | RBR argo3 deep6k CTD | An instrument comprising conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors, specifically designed for the Deep Argo program. Its compact titanium housing and 6000 dbar rating makes it suitable for integration with glass sphere profiling floats. Derived channels for salinity, sound speed and density are built in. Atmospheric measurements can also be obtained and used to estimate sensor drift. The RBR argo3 deep6k CTD uses an inductive conductivity sensor, which does not require a pump and is accurate to within 10 cm of the air-ocean interface. The instrument's streamlined design minimises salinity spiking. Features include a power consumption of approximately 24 mJ per sample, sampling rate of up to 8 Hz, and storage capacity of approximately 120 million readings. The depth rating can be configured to either 4000 dbar or 6000 dbar. A range of biogeochemical (BGC) sensors are available, including dissolved oxygen, fluorometer, PAR, and pH. Other specifications include: conductivity range between 0 and 85 mS/cm, accuracy of +/- 0.003 mS/cm, and resolution of 0.001 mS/cm; temperature range between -5 and 35 degC, accuracy of +/- 0.002 degC, and resolution of 0.00005 degC; depth accuracy of +/- 0.05% full scale, and resolution of 0.001% full scale. | 2024-02-07 |
TOOL1908 | RBR duet 3 temperature and depth logger | A two channel submersible temperature and depth logger, ideal for long term deployments, harsh environments or anywhere where size is a concern. There are a number of pressure (depth) rating options from 20 dbar to 10,000dbar. It can be configured for 4, 8, 16, or 32Hz sampling. It is calibrated to an accuracy of +/-0.002 Degrees Celsius (ITS-90 and NIST traceable standards) and an accuracy of 0.05% full scale for pressure (between -5 Degrees Celsius and 35 Degrees Celsius). The standard thermistor has a time constant of approximately 1.0 seconds. It has a measurement range of -5 Degrees Celsius to +35 Degrees Celsius in its standard calibration. However, it can be calibrated from -40 Degrees Celsius to +50 Degrees Celsius. | 2023-04-17 |
TOOL0273 | RD200A echosounder | A single-beam navigational echo sounder optimised for measurements of water depth below keel in water depths less than 100m. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1991 | ROS Inspector HD video camera | A high-definition (HD) underwater colour zoom camera controlled via RS-485 serial communication. The Inspector HD uses 1080i high-definition specification for video and image capture, and has two different types of video output: component (Y, PB/Cb, Pr/Cr) or composite. The camera housing is constructed of titanium and is intended for use in deep water applications with a depth rating of 4000 metres. The front window is made of impact-resistant optical grade acrylic. The Inspector HD features a high-definition complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor, coupled with a 10x optical zoom lens and 2x digital zoom, making for 20x total zoom capability. The camera also features auto-focus, auto-exposure, auto-white balance, and image stabilisation. Still image capture is 6.08 megapixels (4:3 aspect ratio) or 4.57 megapixels (16:9 aspect ratio), with a storage capacity of 1293 or 1730 still images respectively. | 2023-10-20 |
TOOL0958 | RPS MetOcean CM 04 PUV current meter | An acoustic current meter designed for the study of high frequency current phenomena, with added capability of recording directional waves and tides. It has 4 piezoelectric transducers positioned by an acoustic mirror, a fluxgate compass, temperature sensor and pressure sensor. Sampling interval is 1 minute in tide mode and between 0.5 and 3 hours in burst (wave) mode. | 2015-12-14 |
TOOL0957 | RPS MetOcean CM 04 current meter | An acoustic current meter designed for the study of high frequency current phenomena. It has 4 piezoelectric transducers positioned by an acoustic mirror, a fluxgate compass and temperature sensor. Sampling interval is selectable between 0.5 seconds and 10 minutes. | 2015-12-14 |
TOOL0361 | RS Aqua WaveRadar Rex {Rosemount} wave and sea level sensor | Microwave radar measuring the distance between instrument and water surface. It uses a 9.7-10.3GHz linear sweep pulse to measure distances over the range 3-65 metres with an accuracy of +- 6mm for a range of less than 50 metres or +-12mm for longer ranges. | 2020-10-26 |
TOOL2076 | RS Pro RS52 Digital Thermometer | The RS Pro RS52 is a handheld battery-powered digital thermometer. It outputs temperature measurements on an LCD display with optional units of measurement. degrees celcius or degrees fahrenheit display options are available. Temperature measurement range: -50 to 1300 degrees C/ -58 to 2372 degrees F. Sampling rate: 2.5 Hz. | 2024-07-29 |
TOOL1046 | Radar Altimeter | The Radar Altimeter (RA) is a nadir-pointing active microwave sensor designed to measure the time return echoes from ocean and ice surfaces. Functioning in one of two operational modes (ocean or ice), the Radar Altimeter provides information on significant wave height, surface wind speed, sea surface elevation which relates to ocean currents, the surface geoid and tides, plus various parameters over sea ice and ice sheets. RA operates by timing the two-way delay for a short duration radio frequency pulse, transmitted vertically downwards. The required level of accuracy in range measurement calls for a pulse compression (chirp) technique. In ocean mode a chirped pulse of 20 microsecond duration is generated with a band width of 330 MHz. For tracking in ice mode an increased dynamic range is used, obtained by reducing the chirp bandwidth by a factor of four to 82.5 MHz, though resulting in a coarser resolution. RA operates in the Ku-band at 13.8 GHz, with an accuracy in range better than 10cm. Flown on ERS-1, ERS-2. https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/missions/esa-operational-eo-missions/ers/instruments/ra | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1047 | Radar Altimeter 2 | Radar Altimeter 2 (RA-2) is a dual-frequency, nadir-pointing, pulse-limited active microwave sensor designed to measure the two-way delay of the radar echo from the Earth's surface. RA-2 also measures the power and the shape of the reflected radar pulses. It's design is based on the heritage of ERS-1 Radar Altimeter (RA). RA-2 transmits frequency modulated pulses (chirp) pulses. This frequency modulation is a coding of the signal which spreads the energy of a short pulse over a longer time interval, thus allowing reduced peak power in the pulse. The transmit pulses, which are generated in the chirp generator (by means of SAW RAC) are amplified by either Ku-band or S-Band amplifiers, depending on the selected transmit frequency. The Ku-band HPA uses a traveling wave tube whilst the S-band transmitter applies the solid state technology. The Ku-band front end electronics (KFEE) or the S-band front end electronics (SFEE) feed the signals to be transmitted to the antenna which is designed as a dual-frequency parabolic antenna. RA-2 operates at 13.575 GHz (Ku-band) and 3.2 GHz (S-Band) and at high precision at less than a nanosecond. It measures the power level and time delay of 128 samples of echoes from ocean, ice, and land surfaces. It is optimised to maintain the leading edge of this echo in the range window. Flown on Envisat. https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/missions/esa-operational-eo-missions/envisat/instruments/ra-2 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0331 | Radar Water Level Recorder | A generic term for radar water level recorders (also known as wavemeters) that measure the distance between the instrument and the water surface. They can be used to measure ocean waves or sea level (depending on sampling frequency) and have been employed on structures such as oil platforms. | 2010-09-06 |
NETT0186 | Rauschert dredge | A fine-mesh dredge composed of a symmetrical metal frame attached to two nets: an inner one with mesh size of 500 um, and an outer one to protect it, with mesh size of 10 mm. This dredge was designed by Dr. Martin Rauschert (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research) to collect organisms that live on the seabed. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0899 | Raven Starlink Invicta 210S global positioning system | A 10-channel GPS receiver and dual-channel differential GPS (DGPS) beacon receiver. It is primarily used in farming applications. It is also capable of accepting Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) DPGS corrections. It has a frequency range of 283.5 - 325.0 kHz and positional accuracy of less than 1 m (rms) in DGPS mode. | 2015-06-19 |
TOOL1628 | Raytheon DSN-450 Doppler speed log | The Raytheon DSN-450 is a 200 KHz dual-axis, four beam Doppler speed log. The instrument simultaneously measures and displays ahead and astern speed, athwartship speed, distance travelled, and at continental shelf depths, an indication of water depth. The instrument is designed to aid the manoeuvring and docking of very large ships, providing a resolution of 0.1 knots at ship speeds above 10 knots, and a resolution of 0.01 knots at ship speeds below 10 knots when in mooring mode. The instrument utilises bottom and water-mass tracking technology, and features a depth indicator and adjustable depth alarm with a resolution of 0.33 feet in water depths of less than 250 feet. | 2022-01-12 |
TOOL0770 | Raytheon RD500 singlebeam echosounder | The Raytheon RD500 echosounder records and prints depth in six ranges from zero to 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 feet, meters, or fathoms. Accuracy is 0.2 m in the 0-100m ranges, and the greater of 1m or 2 percent of the deeper ranges. Digital display of depth is provided by three-digit LCD on the front control panel. An audible depth alarm indicator is presettable from one to 999 feet, meters, or fathoms, to warn of shallow conditions.The device has a 80-kHz transducer but is also available without one, for use on ships equipped with Raytheon's DSL-250 MKII and DSL- 450 MKII Doppler Speed Logs | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0769 | Raytheon Raychart 320 GPS | The Raytheon 320 GPS Plotter has a 12-channel built-in GPS that provides the following navigational systems: Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), ground based differential GPS, and standard GPS. This model is WAAS, EGNOS, and MSAS ready and provides a position accuracy of 2 meters | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL0771 | Raytheon Raymarine V820 singlebeam echosounder | The Raytheon Raymarine V820 echosounder has an 8 inch color display providing a graph display of bottom underwater activity, vessel's speed, water temperature, trip log, and digital bottom depth. The device has a 200kHz/50kHz transducer | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0768 | Raytheon Raynav 300 GPS | The Raytheon 300 GPS Plotter has a 12-channel built-in GPS that provides the following navigational systems: Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), ground based differential GPS, and standard GPS. This model is WAAS, EGNOS, and MSAS ready and provides a position accuracy of 3 meters | 2014-08-15 |
TOOL1700 | Raytheon Standard 22 gyrocompass | The Raytheon Standard 22 gyrocompass is designed for use as a navigation aid on board ships. The STD22 compass determines the north bearing, enabling a heading to be steered in relation to true north, and provides heading information and status signals to those responsible for setting ship heading. The instrument is designed to be used in conjunction with other system components, operator and distribution units are required to connect and to operate other system components. | 2021-06-16 |
TOOL1829 | Raytheon Standard MF 30 gyrocompass | A maintenance-free gyrocompass and attitude reference system, designed for use as a navigation aid on board ships. It utilises Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) technology, whereby a single angular rate vibrating resonator is located inside a miniature hemisphere with the electronics for vibration sensing, decoupled from outside equipment. The MF 30 can be used standalone or as part as a heading management system, which would allow integration of up to four compasses (up to three gyrocompasses, or two gyrocompasses and a GNSS THD, plus a magnetic compass). It is capable of automatic correction of magnetic heading by deviation and variation. It has a heading accuracy of 0.25 degrees secLat RMS, and a roll and pitch accuracy of 0.2 degrees RMS. It can operate in temperatures from -20 to +60 degC. Permissible roll and pitch angle for full accuracy is +/- 60 degrees. | 2022-08-04 |
TOOL1821 | Raytheon Standard STD20 gyrocompass | The Raytheon Standard 20 gyrocompass is designed for use as a navigation aid on board ships. The STD20 compass determines the north bearing, enabling a heading to be steered in relation to true north. Via an absolute coded scanning and transmission system, it guarantees an absolute and clear transmission of the compass heading reference via a serial interface to an analog or digital repeater compass, autopilot or other periphery devices that are able to process the serial interfaces. | 2022-07-27 |
TOOL0731 | ReefNet Sensus Ultra | The ReefNet Sensus Ultra is a compact temperature and depth logging sensor designed for use as a dive computer. Depths between 0 and 500 feet are measured with precision better than 0.5 inches of water, and accuracy of +/-12 inches. Temperature is measured between -20 degC and + 40 degC, with precision of 0.01 degC, and accuracy of +/-0.8 degC. Sampling interval is configurable from 1 second to over 18 hours, with storage capacity of one year at 60 second sampling resolution. | 2014-07-09 |
NETT0147 | Reeve net - Reeve (1981) | A very large acrylic cylindrical cod end (30 litres) attached to a simple ring net or a paired net system (with 75 cm diameter nets) to collect fragile gelatinous animals (with 17-litre cod ends). Also describes a pressure activated mechanism to enable the nets to float up the wire to the surface without being affected by the motion of the vessel [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 3 E, F]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1594 | Ref Tek 130-01 broadband seismic recorder | A broadband seismic recorder for use in site-noise, aftershock, active-source and micro-zonation surveys. The 130-01 features either 3 or 6 input channels for connection with all types of seismic sensor. The network command/control and data telemetry operates via Ethernet 10BaseT or serial PPP. It features an LCD display. User setup, control, status and data monitoring can all be done via PDA device running PFC software, or via PC running RTI software. A GPS receiver is supplied separately to the main recorder. Compact flash disks are available for up to 8Gb data storage. (~200 days recording). It has an operating temperature range from -20 to +60 deg C and is rated IP67 watertight. Its input voltage is 10 to 16 VDC. | 2021-01-19 |
TOOL0912 | Remote Measurement and Research Co. Portable Radiation Package model 1 | An integrated system for making measurements of atmospheric downwelling radiation on moving platforms. The system consists of an Eppley Precision Solar Pyranometer (PSP) which measures total broadband (0.285 to 2.8 um) downwelling shortwave (solar) irradiance, an Eppley Precision Infrared Pyrgeometer (PIR) which measures the broadband (4-50 um) downwelling longwave irradiance, and a Brookhaven National Laboratory Fast-Rotating Shadowband Radiometer which decomposes incoming shortwave irradiance into direct-beam and diffuse (sky) irradiance and these are used to compute the aerosol optical depth (AOD) in six 10 nm wide bands (415, 500, 615, 680, 870, 940 nm). A seventh band is a broad open Si cell. The PRP also includes a pitch-roll-FG compass sensor to compensate for measurements on moving platforms. | 2015-07-15 |
TOOL1694 | Remote Measurements and Research Company Remote Ocean Surface Radiometer | An autonomous radiometer for measurement of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable sea-surface skin temperatures (SSST). The standard installation includes the Remote Ocean Surface Radiometer (ROSR), comprising a Heitronics infrared radiometer contained within a waterproof housing, and an automatic shutter triggered by an optical rain detector. The instrument package is connected to a data acquisition unit, allowing GPS input, and an optional Iridium satellite short burst data transmitter, to transmit ship position, speed, and SSST data. The ROSR is designed for use in support of air-sea interaction studies, or satellite calibration and validation activities. The instrument is designed to make autonomous observations from a ship or buoy for up to six months in all weather conditions, with a NIST traceable accuracy of +/- 0.1 degC. | 2021-06-01 |
TOOL0641 | Rockland Scientific FP07-38 microstructure thermistor | A fast-response temperature sensor for oceanographic applications. The sensing tip is a microbead thermistor (manufactured by GE Thermometics), mounted on a 9.525 mm diameter stainless steel string which can be attached to ocean microstructure instruments. The instrument has a frequency response of approximately 23 Hz and a response time of 0.007 s. The sensor operates over the range -2 to +32 degC and has a resolution of 0.0001 degC. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL0643 | Rockland Scientific Geo-electro magnetic current meter (GEMCM) | A geo-electromagnetic current meter based upon Stanford et al. (1978). The instrument measures the variations of horizontal velocity between the sea surface and bottom, based on the measurement of electric currents generated by the motion of the seawater through the Earth's magnetic field. The GEMCM supports a completely isolated measurement of the battery voltage in an instrument system and 2-component signals from a geo-electro-magnetic current meter. The instrument carries a 3-axis magnetometer that can be used as a compass. All outputs are digital and connect to the serial instrument bus. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL1232 | Rockland Scientific MicroRider-1000 turbulence microstructure profiler | A self-contained device designed to measure turbulence microstructure using 2x SPM-6000 turbulence shear probes, 2x FP07-1000 fast thermistors, 1x SBE7-6000 conductivity sensor, 1x pressure sensor, 2x accelerometers and 1x tilt sensor. Integrates with a variety of marine instrument carriers, such as Gliders, AUVs, moorings, CTD rosettes or profiling floats. It is pressure rated up to 1000 dbar or 6000 dbar. Accuracy is +/-5% velocity shear. | 2018-04-24 |
TOOL0642 | Rockland Scientific SPM-38 velocity shear probe | A velocity shear probe measuring microstructure velocity fluctuations in oceans and lakes. The instrument measures a single spatial component of turbulent velocity fluctuations, in a direction perpendicular to the probes main axis. The sensing head is based upon the design by Osborn (1974) and the sensing element consists of a parabolic, flexible rubber tip. The oncoming flow produces a hydrodynamic lift force proportional to the fluctuating cross-stream velocity component u. A piezo-ceramic beam embedded in the rubber tip translates the lift force into an electric signal that is proportional to u. The length of the sensing tip (10 mm) determines the maximum wavenumber resolution of the sensor which is approximately 48 cycles per meter. The measurements can be corrected to include wavenumbers up to 150 cpm. The sensor operates over the range 0 to 10 s^-1, has a sensitivity of 0.04 to 0.09 V m s^-2 and resolution of approximately 10 to 4 s. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL0864 | Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) 2000 | A deep sea tethered microstructure profiler for the measurement of dissipation-scale turbulence in coastal and continental shelf regions in depths of 2000m (note a VMP 750 model is also available). The profiler is equipped with 2x microstructure velocity shear probe, high-resolution temperature sensors (2x FP07 fast thermistors) and an optional Seabird CTD sensors. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL0639 | Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) 5500 | A full ocean-depth untethered vertical microstructure turbulence profiler for the measurement of dissipation-scale turbulence along with fine-scale temperature and conductivity for up to 5500 m depth. The instrument is fitted with pressure, temperature (SBE-3F) and conductivity (SBE-4C) sensors, three acceleration sensors, a PC104 computer data acquisition and communication system, anti-aliasing filters and a standard suite of microstructure sensors which includes two SPM-38-5 velocity shear probes, two FP07-38-5 fast thermistors and an optional microstructure conductivity probe (SBE7). The instrument has an aluminium frame with syntactic foam attached for flotation. Data is collected on the downcast and after reaching a pre-defined depth the profiler releases ballast weights so that the instrument becomes positively buoyant. The VMP 5500 has a strobe light and a radio beacon and can also be fitted with an Argos transmitter for locating purposes. The instrument was replaced by the VMP 6000 in 2010. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL1150 | Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) 6000 | A full ocean-depth untethered vertical microstructure turbulence profiler for the measurement of dissipation-scale turbulence along with fine-scale temperature and conductivity for up to 6000 m depth. The instrument is fitted with pressure, temperature (SBE-3F) and conductivity (SBE-4C) sensors, three high grade accelerometers, an internal data acquisition system with 1 Gb solid state disk (Linux OS), and a standard suite of up to 6 microstructure turbulence sensors in any combination of SPM-38-5 velocity shear probes, FP07-38-5 fast thermistors or optional SBE7 microstructure conductivity probes. There is also a geo-electro magnetic current meter for fine-scale shear measurements. The instrument has an aluminium frame with syntactic foam attached for flotation. Data is collected on the downcast and after reaching a pre-defined depth the profiler releases ballast weights so that the instrument becomes positively buoyant. As back-up there is a triple redundancy emergency ballast release system. The VMP 6000 has an RF beacon, ARGO transmitter and Xenon flasher attached for locating purposes. This instrument replaced the VMP 5500 in 2010. | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL0576 | Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler VMP 500 | A vertical microstructure turbulence profiler for the measurement of dissipation-scale turbulence in oceans and lakes up to 500 m depth. It is equipped with microstructure velocity probes (shear probes), high-resolution temperature sensors (fast thermistors), pressure sensor and three-axis high accuracy accelerometers. The instrument includes a bottom landing guard and a deck unit for data communication. Optional extras include high-accuracy CTD sensors either a SBE7-38 microstructure conductivity sensor or SBE-3F/SBE-4C temperature and conductivity sensors. The VMP 500 is suitable for deployment from small vessels and can be powered by a 12 V car battery (using an inverter). | 2018-04-23 |
TOOL0882 | Rockwell Collins PLGR 96 global positioning receiver | Handheld precision lightweight differential GPS (DGPS) receiver (with a vehicle mounting option). The unit can be programmed on-site at a rate of up to 900 units per day to minimize downtime. Accuracy is less than 1 m in DGPS mode. | 2015-06-16 |
TOOL0808 | Rosemount ST2401 temperature probe | A platinum resistor thermometer with a serial interface primarily used for air temperature measurements in meteorological packages but also used as a shipboard hull thermometer. | 2014-11-19 |
NETT0157 | Rosette-Controlled Tucker Trawl system - Burd and Thompson (1993) | A 100 cm x 140 cm rectangular mouth opening frame frame with 7 nets made with 0.33 mm mesh. A rosette release mechanism was used to open and close nets by commands from the ship via conducting cable. The frame carried pressure, temperature, conductivity, transmissometer sensors. Flow past the frame was measured with an ADCP [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 30 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1432 | Rotronic AG HC-S3 XT temperature and humidity probe | A combined air temperature and relative humidity sensor with an extended temperature measurement range 'XT' over standard HC-S3 models. The instrument measures air temperature with a Pt100 RTD and relative humidity using a HygroClip S3 sensor. Temperature measurement range is -50 degC to +50 degC with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 degC. Relative humidity measurement range is 0-100% (non-condensing) with an accuracy of +/-1.5%. Stability is <1% per year relative humidity. | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL1328 | Rotronic AG HygroClip2 HC2-S3 L temperature and humidity probe | A temperature and humidity probe. It is used for long-term, unattended applications. The probe uses a capacitive sensor (HYGROMER IN-1) to measure relative humidity and platinum resistance thermometer (PT100) to measure temperature. The probe includes a polyethylene or Teflon filter (40um) to protect the sensor from dust and particles. The (L) notation indicates that this sensor is supplied with a user-specified cable length. Temperature accuracy is 23 degC (+/- 0.1 degC). Humidity accuracy is +/- 0.8%. | 2019-04-08 |
TOOL1641 | Rotronic Hygroclip 2 {HC2} temperature and humidity probe series | These are a series of temperature and humidity interchangeable probes that utilise Rotronic's AirChip3000 technology. It is used for long-term, unattended applications. The probe uses a capacitive sensor to measure relative humidity and platinum resistance thermometer to measure temperature. The HygroClip2 is available in various formats: from a plug-in probe for handheld instruments and data loggers to cabled probes for high temperature and other special applications. Temperature accuracy is 23 degrees Celsius (+/- 0.1 degrees Celsius). Humidity accuracy is +/- 0.8%. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL1605 | Rotronic Hygromer MP101 A temperature and humidity probe | A combined humidity and temperature probe with linear voltage output. For use in meteorology and similar demanding applications, for example in tunnels, on motorways and airports. It consists of a Hygromer IN-1 humidity sensor and a Pt100 Class A temperature sensor that are fixed. Output signal: 0...1 VDC (RH), -0.4..+0.6 VDC (T). Supply voltage: 4.8...30 VDC. Accuracy: +/-1 %RH (5...95 %RH) +/- 2% RH < 5 %, > 95 % RH), +/- 0.3 deg C (T). | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0494 | Rotronic Hygromet MP102H temperature and humidity probe | Meteorological probe with a Hygro Clip HC2-S3 plug-in sensor that measures humidity and temperature. This model has a range of 0 to 100% in humidity, with an accuracy of 0.8%, and a temperature range of -40 to 80 degC, with an accuracy of 0.1 degC. It can be equipped with a signal conditioned Pt100 temperature probe. Model MP102H produces a voltage output as opposed to the current output produced by the similar MP402H. | 2012-05-21 |
TOOL0495 | Rotronic Hygromet MP402H temperature and humidity probe | Meteorological probe with a Hygro Clip HC2-S3 plug-in sensor that measures humidity and temperature. This model has a range of 0 to 100% in humidity, with an accuracy of 0.8%, and a temperature range of -40 to 80 degC, with an accuracy of 0.1 degC. It can be equipped with a signal conditioned Pt100 temperature probe. Model MP402H produces a current output as opposed to the voltage output produced by the similar MP102H. | 2012-05-21 |
TOOL0618 | Rotronic Instruments Hygromet (MP1xxH) humidity and temperature probe series | An analogue atmospheric humidity and temperature probe. The instrument operates within 0-100 percent relative humidity, with an accuracy of +/-0.8 percent. The temperature range varies between -50 to 80 degC and has an accuracy of +/- 0.1 degC. | 2013-04-23 |
TOOL0399 | Rotronic Instruments MP103A humidity and temperature probe | An analogue, linear response atmospheric humidity and temperature probe. The instrument operates over ranges of 0-100% relative humidity (0 to 1 volts), with an accuracy of +/-1%, and -40 to 60 degC (-0.4 to 0.6 volts), with an accuracy of +/-0.3 degC. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0617 | Rotronic Instruments MP1xxA humidity and temperature probe series | An analogue, linear response atmospheric humidity and temperature probe. The instrument operates within 0-100 percent relative humidity (0 to 1 volts), with an accuracy of +/-1 percent. The temperature range varies between -40 to 60 degC (-0.4 to 0.6 volts) depending on the specific model and has an accuracy of +/-0.3 degC. | 2013-04-23 |
NETT0183 | Rough Bottom Otter Trawl | A cone-shaped net kept opened horizontally by two otter boards, and vertically by floats on the upper edge (floatline) and weights on the groundrope. The groundrope is also equipped with bobbins to prevent the leading margin of the trawl from being damaged; on particularly rough grounds, special rock hopper gears are used. Codend mesh size varies depending on species of fish sampled. The net is connected to the ship by a steel cable. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0200 | Ruthern Instruments marine pH monitor | A pH monitor that may be included in either a portable or bulkhead-mounted system. It consists of a highly reproducible free-diffusion liquid junction which reduces the usual liquid junction potential error encountered with electrode systems. A capillary liquid junction is formed between the reference reservior (containing the silver/silver chloride electrode) and the pH cell (containing the pH electrode and the sample to be analysed). Capable of extreme accuracy and long term stability, giving a precision of +/- 0.01 pH unit across the salinity range 1 to 40 ppt combined with temperature precision to 0.02 deg C. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0180 | SAIV SD-204 CTD | A CTD that measures, calculates and records sea water conductivity, salinity, temperature, depth (pressure), sound velocity and water density. Three optional sensors can be added, for example: dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and turbidity. For optional sensors with several sensitivies, the SD204 has an autorange capability. The instrument is equipped with a mooring bar with a shackle at each end. Data are recorded in physical units and simultaneously transmitted via an RS232 I/O watertight connector for on-line use. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0829 | SAMS C18 high performance liquid chromatograph and fluorometric detector | A laboratory-developed, high performance liquid chromatography system used for analysing chlorophyll a. The system comprises an Agilent 1100 autosampler, LDC Analytical Constametric 3500 pump (now Thermo Scientific), reversed-phase 2 cm, 18 carbon alkyl bonded silica column and Gilson Fluorometer model 121 detector. The system is used at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). | 2015-02-13 |
TOOL1048 | SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY | The Scanning Imaging Absorption spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) is an imaging spectrometer designed for the global measurement of trace gases, aerosols and clouds in the troposphere and stratosphere via observation of transmitted, back scattered and reflected radiation from the atmosphere. The instrument consists of a nadir and limb scanning component. Measurements are performed by observing the atmosphere under different viewing angles. In Nadir Mode, global distribution (total column values) of the atmospheric trace gases, clouds and aerosols are observed. In this mode, the instrument is scanning across-track. To obtain the altitude distribution of trace gases, SCIAMACHY performs observations in limb over an altitude range of 100 km, with a vertical resolution of 3 km. Light from the atmosphere is fed by the scanner unit consisting of an azimuth and an elevation scanner into the telescope which directs it onto the entrance slit of the spectrometer. The spectrometer contains a pre-disperser which separates the light into three spectral bands followed by a series of dichroic mirrors which further divide the light into a total of eight channels. A grating is located in each channel to diffract the light into a high resolution spectrum which is then focused onto eight detectors. The pre-disperser also serves as a Brewster window to separate polarised light, a part of which is sensed by the Polarisation Measurement Device (PMD). The output of the PMD is later used to correct for the polarisation effects. SCIAMACHY has a resolution ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 nm, and operates in wavelengths over the range 240 to 1700 nm, and 2000 to 2400 nm. Flown on Envisat. https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/missions/esa-operational-eo-missions/envisat/instruments/sciamachy | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1490 | SEA SWATHplus-H multibeam echosounder | A multibeam echosounder for use in very shallow water, suitable for portable or fixed hull installation. Operates at a frequency of 468 kHz, providing coverage between 0 and 50 metres sea floor depth. Can be mounted on the side for side scan applications. Swath coverage of up to 100 degrees. | 2020-07-03 |
TOOL0511 | SEAL Analytical QuAAtro Autoanalyser | A microflow Segmented Flow Analysis (SFA) system, ideal for water and seawater analysis. It comprises a sampler, a peristaltic pump which simultaneously pumps samples, reagents and air bubbles (to segment the flow) through the system, a chemistry manifold and a high resolution digital photometer that allows detection of a variety of substances at low concentrations. The unit also includes AACE data acquisition software. High temperature heating baths, distillation and dialyzers are available for methods that require them. | 2012-07-10 |
TOOL0094 | SEBAPULS 20 radar water level recorder | Pulse microwave radar measuring the distance between instrument and surface water. This model is able to measure distances up to 20m with an accuracy of plus or minus 5mm. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0095 | SEBAPULS 30 radar water level recorder | Pulse microwave radar measuring the distance between instrument and surface water. This model is able to measure distances up to 30m with an accuracy of plus or minus 3mm. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0096 | SEBAPULS 70 radar water level recorder | Pulse microwave radar measuring the distance between instrument and surface water. This model is able to measure distances up to 70m with an accuracy of plus or minus 15mm. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1970 | SIDUS Solutions SS429DN IP camera system | The SS429DN is a miniature internet protocol (IP) camera designed for underwater use. It produces 5 megapixel video, using a 1/2 CMOS sensor with fixed focus and pan/tilt capacity. The SS429DN is encased in corrosion resistant titanium housing, and offers day/night modes. It uses power over Ethernet (PoE). Additional features include scaling lasers and integrated ultrabright LED lights (12 White, 4 Red, and Ultrabright). The image sensor size is 1/2.7, minimum colour lux 0.3, minimum b/w lux 0.05. Maximum video resolution 2560X1920 with 13 frames per second. Field of view underwater is 82 (D) X 66 (H) X 49 (V). Depth rating to 3000 m. | 2023-07-12 |
TOOL0630 | SIS Dissolved Oxygen Analyser | A PC-controlled instrument for determining dissolved oxygen using the Winkler (1888) titration method. The system consists of a transportable box containing a motor burette, an alternating light photometer and a stand with stirrer for the sample flask. The titration endpoint is determined by eye. The photometer is connected to a PC by an interface cable via an RS 232 serial link. | 2013-07-29 |
TOOL1989 | SKALAR SA 4000 segmented-flow autoanalyser | A segmented flow autoanalyser for photometric determination of nutrient concentrations in seawater. | 2023-10-16 |
TOOL1793 | SMC (ship motion control) IMU-108 motion sensor | The SMC IMU-108 is a motion sensor for the determination of roll, pitch, acceleration, and heave, with applications in any marine operation requiring attitude determination, motion compensation or dynamic positioning. The SMC motion sensor utilises three accelerometers and three solid-state microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscopes integrated with a digital signal processor to output pitch, roll and heave data in real time. Data are transmitted via UDP Ethernet and RS232/RS422 Serial communication, and the instrument can accept serial velocity and heading inputs for aiding during vessel turns. The instrument is available as an IP66 surface version or IP68 submersible version in a titanium casing. Has an angle accuracy of 0.02 degrees RMS (static mode) or 0.03 degrees RMS (dynamic mode) at +/- 5 degrees simultaneous roll and pitch. Angle range for roll/pitch is +/- 30 degrees, heave accuracy is 5 cm or 5% and acceleration accuracy is 0.01 m/s^2 RMS. | 2022-04-19 |
TOOL1523 | SMRU Fastloc GSM {GSMDL} GPS phone tag | A GPS system mounted on marine mammals that is used for animal tracking and monitoring dives. A GPS sensor is used to locate the animal upon surfacing. Mobile cellular networks are used to transfer data when the animal is close to land. Data are stored to internal memory where data transfer is not possible. Environmental sensors are used to determine the behaviour of animal dives. To enable GPS location, the system splits the GPS determination into to separate phases. A snapshot of satellite data is captured and the pseudo-ranges are calculated on board and stored. After these pseudo-ranges are relayed ashore, they are combined with publicly available archived ephemeris information to compute locations. The integrated system consists of a Fastloc GPS sensor (Wildtrack Telemetry Systems, UK), a quad-band GSM mobile phone module, and precision wet/dry pressure and temperature sensors. Battery or solar powered versions are available. | 2025-02-11 |
TOOL0873 | SMRU GPS Satellite Relay Data Logger (Argos) | A package comprising a wet/dry, pressure and temperature sensors with a GPS receiver for high accuracy position data and antenna suitable for transmission of data via the Argos satellite system. The unit contains an internal battery and a microprocessor that logs data and schedules the transfer of data. GPS locations are acquired in less than a second so position may be transferred to the satellite on every surfacing. The package is designed for attachment to marine mammals and has an operational depth range of down to 2000 m. More information is available at http://www.smru.st-and.ac.uk/Instrumentation/GPSArgosTag/. | 2015-06-04 |
TOOL0446 | SMRU Ltd CTD-Satellite Relay Data Logger 9000 | CTD sensor package combined with a 401 MHz RF unit and antenna suitable for transmission of conductivity, temperature and pressure data via the Argos satellite system. The unit contains an internal battery and a microprocessor that logs data and schedules the transfer of data. The package is designed for attachment to marine mammals and has an operational temperature range of -20 to +50 degC and a depth range of up to 2000 m. Auxiliary sensors may be attached. It is built and calibrated at Valeport Ltd, while SMRU Ltd, the commercial arm of the Sea Mammal Research Unit of the University of St Andrews, is responsible for its distribution, and for streaming and processing the data. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL0720 | SMRU Ltd CTD/Fluorometer Satellite Relay Data Logger | A package comprising a Valeport CTD sensor head plus a customised Turner Cyclops-7 fluorometer combined with an RF unit and antenna suitable for transmission of data via the Argos satellite system. The unit contains an internal battery and a microprocessor that logs data and schedules the transfer of data. The package is designed for attachment to marine mammals and has an operational depth range of down to 2000 m. CTD accuracy is 0.005 C (temperature), 0.01 mS/cm (conductivity) and 2 dBar (pressure). It is built and calibrated at Valeport Ltd, while SMRU Ltd, the commercial arm of the Sea Mammal Research Unit of the University of St Andrews, is responsible for its distribution, and for streaming and processing the data. More information is available at http://www.smru.st-and.ac.uk/Instrumentation/FluorometryTag/. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL2125 | SMRU Ltd Satellite Relay Data Logger | A generic label for a range of Satellite Relay Data Loggers (SRDL) produced by SMRU Instrumentation. These instruments are designed for mounting onto marine animals. Each SRDL has a specific model name but in this case, it is not specified. Standard SRDL sensors can include pressure and temperature sensors, wet/ dry sensor (operation in salt and fresh water), and speed sensor. Data is recorded by these instruments while the animal is subsurface, and dive records are relayed via satellite when above surface. The SRDL TDR capability allows each model to retain a continuous record of depth and temperature, which can be retrieved upon recovery. | 2024-12-03 |
TOOL0719 | SMRU Ltd Satellite Relay Data Logger 9000x | A depth and temperature sensor package combined with an RF unit and antenna suitable for transmission of data via the Argos satellite system. The unit contains an internal battery and a microprocessor that logs data and schedules the transfer of data. The package is designed for attachment to marine mammals and has an operational depth range of down to 2000 m. It is built and calibrated at Valeport Ltd, while SMRU Ltd, the commercial arm of the Sea Mammal Research Unit of the University of St Andrews, is responsible for its distribution, and for streaming and processing the data. More information is available at http://www.smru.st-and.ac.uk/Instrumentation/SRDL/. | 2014-07-09 |
TOOL0497 | SPX Bran+Luebbe colorimetric Autoanalyser 3 | A colorimetric autoanalyser (AA) that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is an air-segmented, continuous flow instrument comprising a sampler, a peristaltic pump which simultaneously pumps samples, reagents and air bubbles through the system, an analytical cartridge and a colorimeter. Additional modules for functions such as dialysis, distillation and heating can be added to the system, depending on user requirements. | 2012-05-23 |
TOOL1791 | Saab R5 Supreme Mk II navigation system | A navigation system incorporating a colour control and display unit (CDU), and optional R5 sensor and antennas. The R5 SUPREME system is self-monitoring with Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM), and features a multitude of interfaces to enable integration into modern networked bridge solutions. The system can receive GNSS, L-Band and IALA beacon inputs for Satellite-based Augmentation System and Differential GPS correction, in addition to real-time kinematic positioning (RTK) to correct GNSS errors. The system is capable of handling and storing up to 4000 individually named waypoints and up to 128 different routes. | 2022-04-19 |
TOOL1830 | Safran BlueNaute gyrocompass, attitude and heading reference system series | The BlueNaute series of inertial navigation systems designed for use as a navigation aid on board ships. The series utilises Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) Crystal inertial technology, whereby a single angular rate vibrating resonator is located inside a miniature hemisphere with the electronics for vibration sensing, decoupled from outside equipment. The series includes four versions which differ in heading precision. BlueNaute Compass: 0.4 degrees secLat; BlueNaute Premium: 0.2 degrees secLat RMS; BlueNaute Titanium: 0.08 degrees secLat RMS; BlueNaute Platinium: 0.08 degrees secLat RMS heading precision and 1 Nm/1h position precision. The BlueNaute series can be integrated with the Safran Seanapster data distribution and processing software system, which enables sensor data processing and status acquisition within a graphical user interface. All versions have a roll and pitch accuracy of 0.01 degrees RMS. It can operate in temperatures from -20 to +60 degC. | 2022-08-04 |
TOOL1742 | Sage Science BluePippin DNA size selection device | An automated DNA size selection instrument, with pulsed-field electrophoresis for resolving and collecting high molecular weight DNA. The instrument is used to automatically extract DNA fragments of a user selected size for downstream technologies such as miRNA isolation, DNA sequencing, RNA-seq, genotyping, DNA sequencing, ChIP-seq, and Long-read sequencing. The instrument uses electrophoresis along with laser detection or other imaging technology to determine when to start collecting DNA based on size ranges entered by the user. Once the DNA is no longer in the desired size range, collection ceases. The instrument has electrophoresis voltage options: 25V, 100V or 150V constant, or 100V pulsed field. The optical detection wavelength is 470 nm excitation, and 525 nm emission. The instrument can run up to 5 samples/gel cassettes at a time, with no possibility of cross contamination. | 2021-10-28 |
TOOL1725 | Sartorius ME 5 Micro-Balance | A laboratory instrument used to measure sample mass up to 5.1 g. The instrument has a readability of 0.001 mg and a stabilization time of 10 seconds. | 2021-08-10 |
TOOL0860 | Satlantic FIRe system - Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation of Emission Spectrometer | The Satlantic FIRe (Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation) System is the latest advance in bio-optical technology to measure variable chlorophyll fluorescence in photosynthetic organisms. Based on the Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF) technique, the FIRe was developed in collaboration with Dr. Maxim Gorbunov and Dr. Paul Falkowski from Rutgers University. The system is the result of 15 years' experience in phytoplankton physiology, photosynthesis and primary production assessment. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL1334 | Satlantic Hyperspectral Surface Acquisition System (HyperSAS) radiometer | An above-water optical sensing system designed to provide continuous ocean colour measurements over the spectral range 350-800 nm. The HyperSAS can be mounted on ships and fixed platforms, or on aircrafts for remote sensing surveys. The standard configuration of the system includes one irradiance sensor to measure downwelling irradiance, and two hyperspectral radiance sensors to capture the sea surface signal. The irradiance sensor response is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation, while each radiance sensor has a 3 deg field of view (FOV). The orientation precision, geo-referencing and time-stamp accuracy may be improved by mounting an optional GPS unit with Satlantic tilt and heading sensor. Moreover, a radiation pyrometer may also be added to measure land or sea surface temperature. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL0135 | Satlantic ISUS V2 Nitrate Sensor | An in-situ UV absorption sensor which calculates nitrate concentration from the seawater spectrum. It has a 1cm path length and 200-400 nm wavelength range. It is depth rated to 1000 m. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL1507 | Satlantic MBARI-ISUS-X V2 ultraviolet spectrophotometer | An in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer that uses ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in situ dissolved chemical species. The instrument records real-time and continuous nitrate concentration measurements. It can be deployed in a variety of operation modes, including profiling systems, fixed platform/moorings and towed vehicles. Uses a deuterium lamp as a light source, and has a path length of 1 cm and wavelength range of 200-400 nanometres. Features an analog output port for easy integration with CTD and other sensors. Depth rated up to 1000 metres. Features a resolution of +/- 0.05 micromoles, an accuracy of +/- 2 micromoles or 2% (whichever is larger), and a range of up to 200 micromoles. | 2020-07-31 |
TOOL0398 | Satlantic Micro Surface Acquisition System (MicroSAS) radiometer | A remote sensing system for above-water measurement of ocean colour over the spectral range 300-865 nm. The system includes two radiance sensors for measurement of the sea surface signal and surface glint, and one irradiance sensor for downwelling irradiance. The irradiance sensor response is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation, while each radiance sensor has a 3.3 deg field of view. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL0489 | Satlantic Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) | The Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) uses ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy to measure in-situ dissolved nitrate. It is a chemical-free method that allows real-time and continuous nitrate concentration measurements in a variety of environments. It has a 1 cm path length, 190 - 370 nm wavelength range and a depth rating of 100 m. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1117 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} HyperOCR spectroradiometer series | A series of cosine-response radiometers initially developed by Satlantic, but currently distributed by Sea-Bird Scientific since the companies combined in 2011. They are used for various in-water (ICSW) and in-air (ICSA) applications, such as bio-optical and photosynthetic analyses, estimation of UV radiation levels and hyperspectral measurements for agriculture and forestry. The radiometers use Satlantic’s proprietary RS-485 SatNet networking interface, enabling multiple Satlantic devices to be mounted on a single telemetry interface. Each sensor contains a 256-channel silicon photodiode array. They have a sampling rate of up to 3 Hz and a spectral range of 300-1200 nm (350-800 nm calibrated range). Spectral accuracy is 0.3 nm and spectral resolution is 10 nm. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL0528 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} ISUS V3 Nitrate Sensor | An active optical instrument with an internal UV light source and spectrometer used to measure in-situ dissolved nitrate. It is a chemical-free method that allows real-time and continuous nitrate concentration measurements in a variety of environments. It uses a Deuterium lamp as a light source and has a 1cm path length and 200-400 nm wavelength range. It has a depth rating of 1000 m and a detection range of 0.5 to 2000 uM *(0.007 to 28 mg/l-N) and accuracy of +/- 0.2 uM (0.028 mg/l) or ± 10% of reading, whichever is greater. The V3 has USB data transfer ability and window based software. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL0625 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} OCR-504 multispectral radiometer | A cosine-response, submersible radiometer designed for multiwavelength measurements of irradiance and radiance for in-water or in-air use. The standard instrument comes with 4 customer defined channels that measures wavelengths in the bandwidth from 400 to 700 nm. UV wavelengths of 305, 325, 340 and 380 nm are available. The radiometer has a depth rating of 350 m, a sampling rate of 7 to 24 Hz and a spectral bandwidth of 10 or 20 nm. The instrument can be mounted on real-time profilers, moored and autonomous deepwater buoys and autonomous underwater vehicles. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL0442 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} OCR-507 multispectral radiometer | A cosine-response, submersible radiometer designed for multiwavelength measurements of irradiance and radiance for in-water or in-air use. The standard instrument comes with 7 customer defined channels that measure wavelengths in the bandwidth from 400 to 700 nm. UV wavelengths of 305, 325, 340 and 380 nm are available. The radiometer has a depth rating of 350 m, a sampling rate of 7 to 24 Hz and a spectral bandwidth of 10 or 20 nm. The instrument can be mounted on real-time profilers, moored and autonomous deepwater buoys and autonomous underwater vehicles. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL0973 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} Photosynthetically Active Radiation sensor | PAR (400 - 700 nm) sensor that measures quantum irradiance with near flat spectral response and cosine spatial response. Cosine collectors for in air and in water measurements for 2 depth ratings, 1000 m and 7000 m. Digital and analog output options. Compatible with SeaBird CTD platforms. Tilt and internal temperature measurements carried out for data quality analysis. Max sample rate of 100 Hz, PAR range 0 - 5000 umol photons m^-2 s^-1. Cosine error 0-60 deg <3% and 60-85 deg <10%. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1292 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} SeaFET V1 pH sensor | A pH sensor. The sensor can be used for ocean acidification, research coral reef sensitivity analysis and environmental monitoring. The sensor measures pH with a range of 6.5 to 9.0. The sensing element is an ion sensitive field effect transistor. The pH sensor has an initial accuracy of +/-0.05 pH, precision of 0.001 pH and stability of 0.005 pH/month. It can operate in temperatures ranging from 0 deg C to 50 deg C and up to depths of 50 m. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1293 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} SeaFET V2 (shallow) pH sensor | A pH sensor. The sensor can be used for ocean acidification, research coral reef sensitivity analysis and environmental monitoring. The sensor measures pH with a range of 6.5 to 9.0. The sensing element is an ion sensitive field effect transistor. V2 implements improvements to the original SeaFET's reliability, data quality, ease of operation, and deployment endurance, with significant changes to how users interface with the instrument. The pH sensor has an accuracy to +/-0.05 pH, precision of 0.004 pH and stability of 0.003 pH/month. It can operate in temperatures ranging from 0 deg C to 50 deg C and up to depths of 50 m. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1562 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser V2 (SUNA V2) nutrient analyser series | The SUNA V2 UV nitrate sensor monitors nutrient concentrations in real-time. This sensor measures nitrate over a wide range of environmental conditions, from blue-ocean nitraclines to storm runoff in rivers and streams. Applications include: Long-term nutrient monitoring, Coastal water profiling, Water quality monitoring, and pollution detection. Full UV spectrum range for maximum accuracy. Real-time nitrate calculation with real-time temperature/salinity compensation. The SUNA V2 incorporates the proven MBARI-ISUS nitrate measurement technology, which is based on the absorption characteristics of nitrate in the UV light spectrum. It has the option of 10 or 5 mm pathlength, a wavelength rage of 190 - 370 nm, and a depth rating of 500 m. | 2024-08-12 |
TOOL1470 | Satlantic {Sea-Bird} free-falling optical profiler series | A series of free-falling optical profiler intstruments, initially developed by Satlantic, but now distributed by Sea-Bird Scientific since the companies combined in 2011. The instruments, such as the original Profiler and the later model Profiler II, primarily determine ocean colour and other optical properties of the ocean. They can also provide calibration and validation data for ocean colour satellites. The instruments are fitted with ancillary sensors measuring water pressure, temperature, conductivity and instrument tilt. Data products include water-leaving radiance, remote sensing reflectance, energy fluxes and PAR. The instruments can be deployed in various configurations, such as free-fall, frame-mounted and buoy mode. Data logging and processing software are included. They can be fitted with optional WET Labs ECO Puck sensors measuring fluorescence, backscatter and turbidity. The instruments are depth-rated to 220 m and can operate in tempeartures ranging from -2.5 to +40 degC. In free-fall mode the descent rate ranges from 0.1 to 1.0 m/s. | 2024-08-01 |
TOOL1050 | Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer | The Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) is a 5-frequency, 10-channel microwave radiometer designed for the creation of areal sea-ice climatologies for the Arctic and Antarctic. This involves measurements of sea surface temperatures, low altitude winds, water vapour and cloud liquid water content, sea ice extent, sea ice concentration, snow cover, snow moisture, rainfall rates, and differentiation of ice types. Six conventional Dicke-type radiometers are used. Those operating at the four longest wavelengths measure alternate polarisations during successive scans of the antenna; the others, at the shortest wavelength, operate continuously for each polarisation. A two-point reference signal system is used, consisting of an ambient RF termination and a horn antenna viewing deep space. A switching network of latching ferrite circulators selects the appropriate polarisation or calibration input for each radiometer. The SMMR also contains an antenna subsystem in which a 42 degree offset parabolic reflector focuses the received power into a single feedhorn covering the entire range of operating wavelengths, and provides coaxial antenna beams for all channels. The SMMR delivers orthogonally polarised antenna temperature data at five microwave wavelengths: 0.81, 1.36, 1.66, 2.8 and 4.54 cm, at frequencies of 6.63, 10.69, 18.0, 21.0, and 37.0 GHz. Flown on Seasat, Nimbus 7. https://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/smmr_instrument.gd.html | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1465 | Schott borosilicate water bottle | A borosilicate water sampling bottle manufactured by Schott. Used for surface sampling from small boats. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL1243 | Scientific Computer Instruments RaDeCC delayed coincidence counting system | A delayed coincidence counting system originally developed by Giffin et al. (1963), and modified by Moore and Arnold (1996). Measures radium isotopes (224Ra, 223Ra and 226Ra) in water samples. The system records decay events in three different channels, depending on the time elapsed between two subsequent signals, which reflect the half-lives of decay products in radium decay chains. It consists of a scintillation cell connected to a photomultiplier to detect radioactive decay events, an electronic gateway system, which registers counts and splits the registered events into different channels, depending on the time elapsed until the next event happens, and a pump, which continuously pumps helium through the sample (on an acrylic fibre coated with manganese dioxide, Mn fibre), and subsequently through the scintillation chamber. Further description can be found in https://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2013.11.594. | 2018-06-13 |
TOOL1442 | Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 A (Split-beam) echosounder | A split-beam echosounder used to track fish position for accurate counting, behaviour analysis, and beam compensation. It can count over 3000 fish per hour can be used with Echoview software for data analysis (compatible with Simrad). The sonar system and processor exist in a single unit, and it utilises an ethernet interface which enables multiple sonar systems to be networked together into a single system. It comes with a 30m cable with an extension to 100m available. The 2100-A has a 6 degree conical beam operating at a frequency of 175 +/- 10 kHz as a continuous waveform. | 2020-05-15 |
TOOL1443 | Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 B (Broadband) echosounder | A broadband echosounder which produces spectral information used to determine fish species size and discrimination. The data exports to Matlab, and data analysis, signal processing and classification scripts are provided with the instrument. The sonar system and processor exist in a single unit and it comes with a 30m cable with an extension to 100m available. The 2100B has a 6 degree conical beam operating at a frequency of 135 -200 kHz as a sweep waveform. It has a spatial resolution of 1.2cm. | 2020-05-15 |
TOOL1444 | Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 C (Multi-frequency) echosounder | A multi-frequency echosounder used for fish tracking within fisheries. Users can choose any three non-overlapping 5 kHz frequency bands from within the available frequency range, that are most suitable for their specific fishery. The 2100C can be used with Echoview software (compatible with Simrad) to create Virtual Grams. The sonar system and processor exist in a single unit and it comes with a 30m cable with an extension to 100m available. The 2100C has a 6 degree conical beam operating in 5 kHz bands between 135-200 kHz as a continuous waveform. | 2020-05-15 |
TOOL1445 | Scientific Fishery Systems SciFish 2100 D (Combined) echosounder | A combined split-beam, broadband, multi-frequency echosounder used for fish tracking, counting, behaviour analysis, species size and discrimination. It provides the combined capabilities of the 2100A, 2100B and 2100C models in a single unit. It can be used with Echoview (compatible with Simrad) and Matlab software, and the sonar system and processor exist in a single unit. In split-beam mode, it utilises an ethernet interface which enables multiple sonar systems to be networked together into a single system. It comes with a 30m cable with an extension to 100m available. In broadband mode the 2100C has a 6 degree conical beam operating at a frequency of 135 -200 kHz as a sweep waveform, and has a spatial resolution of 1.2cm. In split-beam mode, the 2100C operates at 175 +/- 10 kHz as a continuous waveform. In multi-frequency mode, the 2100C operates at 3 non-overlapping frequencies between 135-200 kHz as a continuous waveform. | 2020-05-15 |
NETT0151 | Scotia closing plankton net - Bruce (1904) | Essentially like the Nansen net (construction has a 35 to 100 cm net diameter 50 cm cylindrical portion of canvas; 150 cm long conical section of silk). | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL2029 | Scottish Marine Biological Association box corer | The SMBA (Scottish Marine Biological Association) box corer is designed to take an undisturbed sediment sample of 600mm square, up to a maximum depth of around 450mm. The corer consists of a sample box mounted on gimbals, and a spade assembly. The box corer is lowered onto the seabed on a wire at a controlled rate until its frame rests on the bottom. The sample bucket is forced into the sediment by the weight of the corer. As the corer is slowly pulled out of the sediment, a mechanism allows the spade to swing below the sample box sealing in the sediment. Simultaneously, spring loaded flaps above the sample box are closed to prevent the sample being disturbed during recovery. The use of this equipment is very dependent on the type of sediment to be sampled and the current sea state. | 2024-05-16 |
TOOL0884 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography Hydrographic Doppler Sonar System | A dual-frequency (50-140 kHz) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) system that was designed and constructed at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The HDSS consists of a 50 kHz sonar which profiles to depths of 700-1100 m, and a 140 kHz system which profiles to 150-350 m. Both sonars are configured in the conventional 4-beam Janus geometry. The beamsare oriented 45 degrees relative to the fore/aft axis of the ship's hull. The depression angle of each beam relativeto horizontal is 60 degrees. The HDSS sonars transmit through a protective polyethelene windowmounted flush with the ships hull. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1329 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography ODF (automated) oxygen titrator | A bench-top, oxygen titrator system designed by the Ocean Data Facility (ODF) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography that is based on the Winkler titration method. It measures dissolved oxygen using photometric end-point detection based on the absorption of 365nm wavelength ultra-violet light. Thiosulphate is typically dispensed from a Dosimat burette. The titration and data logging are controlled by ODF PC software compiled in LabView. | 2019-05-03 |
TOOL1851 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography total alkalinity titration system | A laboratory titration system designed to measure the total alkalinity of discrete seawater samples. The system is based on the Metrohm 876 Dosimat Plus, with a calibrated 5 ml exchange unit. It also uses an Agilent 34970A Data Acquisition/Data Logger Switch Unit with a custom-made unity gain amplifier. The recommended pH electrode is the Metrohm Ecotrode Plus. The system uses a potentiometric titration method: The sample is acidified to a pH of 3.6. The evolved CO2 is removed, and the titration continues to a pH of 3. The equivalence point corresponding to the total alkalinity is evaluated from titration points in the pH region 3.0 to 3.5 using a non-linear least-squares procedure. This corrects for the reactions with sulfate and fluoride ions present in the seawater. The system includes a desktop computer with LabVIEW 2013 software. Recommended titration temperature is 20 degC. Sample volume is 125 ml. Initial start-up takes approximately 1 hour, with a measurement throughput of 4 - 6 per hour. Power line frequency is 60 Hz. | 2022-10-04 |
NETT0152 | Scripps-Narragansett high-speed multiple plankton sampler - Fish and Snodgrass (1962) | A 50 cm diameter mouth opening Gulf III sampler with a circular disk holding five cod-end metal mesh buckets. The disk is rotated to open and close the buckets by electrical commands from the surface transmitted on a double conductor towing cable. Net depth, flowmeter readings, filtered volume are recorded [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 16 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1130 | Sea Data Inverted Echo Sounder (IES) | The Sea Data IES was based on the earlier designs of the URI-GSO IES dating back to the late 1970s to early 1980s. It is an ocean bottom-moored instrument that measures the time taken for an acoustic pulse to travel from the instrument on the seafloor to the sea surface and return. The IES can be equipped with an optional bottom pressure sensor. | 2017-05-10 |
TOOL0453 | Sea and Sun Technology Microstructure Profiler MSS 90 | A profiler that measures micro-structure water stratification and small scale turbulence in the water column in marine and limnic environments. It can be used for free sinking or rising measurements. Its sinking or rising velocity can be adjusted by a combination of weights and buoyancy elements. It has a depth rating of approx. 500 m, samples at 1024Hz and is equipped with high resolution micro-structure and turbulence sensors (temperature, current shear) and standard CTD sensors (temperature, conductivity, pressure). All microstructure channels have a response time of <12ms. The unit controls vibrations and tilt internally, and additional sensors, such as oxygen and optical scattering, can be attached. | 2012-01-24 |
TOOL0439 | Sea and Sun Technology and ISW Wassermesstechnik microstructure profiler | The MSS Profiler is designed for simultaneous microstructure and precision measurements of physical parameters in marine water. The instrument includes a microstructure shear sensor, two microstructure temperature sensors, three standard CTD sensors for precision measurements and a sensor to measure the horizontal profiler acceleration. The microstructure sensors are placed at the tip of a slim shaft, about 150 mm in front of the CTD sensors. The shear and horizontal acceleration sensors use a piezoceramic bending beam while the microstructure temperature sensors are resistance thermistors. The CTD sensors are a piezo-resistive pressure sensor, Platinum resistance thermometer and 7-Pole conductivity cell. The MSS was developed jointly in the 1990s by Sea & Sun Technology and ISW Wassermesstechnik. Sea & Sun Technology now support a series of MSS profilers. | 2011-11-07 |
TOOL1188 | Sea-Bird CT Sail CTD | A self-contained unpumped unit comprising the temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors that is designed specifically for deployment on ocean gliders. The sensors are typically installed externally on the hull of the glider. These are OEM products with variable specifications; they are calibrated in a calibration fixture at Sea-Bird, removed from that fixture, and installed in a housing that Sea-Bird does not know or have control over. Additionally, sensor performance is dependent on flow rate through the cell and water column temperature and salinity gradients. | 2017-12-12 |
TOOL1898 | Sea-Bird HydroCycle-PO4 phosphate sensor | An in-situ wet chemical sensor. It is used for continuous or real-time measurement in submersible fresh or saltwater environments. It is designed to observe dissolved phosphate. It uses fluidics and optics for nutrient monitoring. It uses a wavelength of 870 nm and path length of 5 cm. It features a NIST traceable on-board standard and both SDI-12 and RS232 telemetry. It uses an ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene filter with 5-10 uM (7.5 uM average) pore size. It has a detection limit of less than or equal to 0.075 uM or less than or equal to 0.0023 mg/L PO4-P. It has an operational measurement range of 0-10 uM or 0-0.03 mg/L PO4-P. It is depth rated to 200 m. | 2023-02-20 |
TOOL2122 | Sea-Bird SBE 11plus V2 deck unit | A rack-mountable deck unit for use with the Sea-Bird SBE 9plus CTD unit for real-time data acquisition and recording. It supercedes the V1 model which was discontinued in 1997. It supplies DC power to the CTD, decodes the serial data stream, and passes the data to a computer (in IEEE-488 or RS-232 format). The deck unit's back-panel switch permits continuous operation from 120 or 240 VAC 50/60 Hz input power. The front panel provides numeric display of frequency and voltage via a thumbwheel switch and 8digit LED readout. Other features include a 300 baud modem interface which provides power and real-time control for a water sampler (SBE 32 Carousel, or G.O. 1015 or 1016 Rosette) or remote serial output device. The modem permits water sampler control through the 11plus deck unit or via Seasave software. Also features an NMEA Interface that merges position data with the CTD data, and an A/D converter for a surface PAR light sensor. Operating temperature from +5 to +40 degC, altitude up to 2000 m. | 2024-11-21 |
TOOL0039 | Sea-Bird SBE 13 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor | Dissolved oxygen sensor with either a Beckmann (SBE 13B) or YSI polarographic element (SBE 13Y limited to 2000m depth). Designed to interface with the SBE 9 and 9plus CTD underwater units. An optional plenum to connect into the pumped plumbing system was available but usage with the membrane exposed was possible. Replaced by the SBE 43 in 2001. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0023 | Sea-Bird SBE 16 SEACAT C-T Recorder | The SBE 16 SEACAT is a conductivity and temperature recorder with an optional pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/117180/. Replaced by the SBE 16plus range in 2001. | 2017-04-03 |
TOOL0870 | Sea-Bird SBE 16Plus V2 SEACAT C-T Recorder | The SBE 16plus V2 is a high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder (pressure optional) with RS232 or RS485 interfaces. It is designed for moorings and other long-duration, fixed-site deployments. It has 6 amplified A/D input channels and conditioned power of 500 ma is available for auxiliary sensors, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fluorescence, PAR etc. Compared to the previous 16plus, the V2 incorporates an electronics upgrade and additional features, with six differentially amplified A/D input channels, one RS-232 data input channel, and 64 MB FLASH memory. Data can be output in XML as well as ASCII and HEX formats. Firmware upgrades can be downloaded through the communications port, without opening the instrument. | 2015-06-01 |
TOOL0100 | Sea-Bird SBE 16plus SEACAT C-T Recorder | The SBE 16plus is a high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder (pressure optional) with RS232 or RS485 interfaces. It is designed for moorings and other long-duration, fixed-site deployments. The SBE 16plus has 6 amplified A/D input channels and conditioned power of 500 ma is avaliable for auxiliary sensors, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, fluorescence, PAR etc. | 2018-11-14 |
TOOL0069 | Sea-Bird SBE 18 pH Sensor | A pH sensor using a pressure-balanced glass-electrode Ag_AgCl-reference pH probe to provide in-situ measurements at depths up to 1200m. The replaceable pH probe is permanently sealed and is supplied with a soaker bottle attachment that prevents the reference electrode from drying out during storage. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0042 | Sea-Bird SBE 19 SEACAT CTD | A self-contained battery powered CTD with precision semiconductor strain gauge pressure sensor. Water was supplied to the conductivity sensor by a pump. Housing was plastic (up to 600m depth), aluminium (up to 6800m depth) or titanium (up to 10500m depth). Optional oxygen, pH, fluorescence, PAR, light transmission and turbidity sensors could be fitted. Primarily designed for profiling applications but may be used on a short (less than 2 weeks) duration mooring. Replaced by the SBE19plus model in 2001. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0047 | Sea-Bird SBE 19plus SEACAT CTD | Self contained self powered CTD profiler. Measures conductivity, temperature and pressure in both profiling (samples at 4 scans/sec) and moored (sample rates of once every 5 seconds to once every 9 hours) mode. Available in plastic or titanium housing with depth ranges of 600m and 7000m respectively. Minature submersible pump provides water to conductivity cell. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0871 | Sea-Bird SBE 19plus V2 SEACAT CTD | Self-contained self-powered CTD profiler. Measures conductivity, temperature and pressure (Digiquartz sensor) in both profiling (samples at 4 scans/sec) and moored (sample rates of once every 5 seconds to once every 9 hours) mode. Available in plastic or titanium housing with depth ranges of 600m and 7000m respectively. Miniature submersible pump provides water to the conductivity cell. Compared to the previous 19plus, the V2 incorporates an electronics upgrade and additional features, with six differentially amplified A/D input channels, one RS-232 data input channel, and 64 MB FLASH memory. | 2015-06-01 |
TOOL0667 | Sea-Bird SBE 21 Thermosalinograph | A platinum-electrode conductivity sensor and a thermistor mounted in a corrosion-resistant plastic and titanium housing designed to be continuously plumbed into a vessel's pumped seawater supply. The instrument may be interfaced to a remote SBE 38 temperature sensor mounted either on the hull or in the seawater inlet. Data are both stored in internal memory and output to a serial port for external logging. Conductivity is measured in the range 0-7 S/m with an accuracy of 0.001 S/m and a resolution of 0.0001 S/m. Housing temperature is measured in the range -5-35C with an accuracy of 0.01 C and a resolution of 0.001 C. Remote temperature is measured in the range -5-35C with an accuracy of 0.001 C and a resolution of 0.0003 C. More information at http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/21data.htm. | 2014-03-11 |
TOOL0040 | Sea-Bird SBE 25 Sealogger CTD | A compact self-contained CTD comprising a conductivity sensor plumbed into a pumped water supply and separate pressure and temperature sensor modules. The whole unit is mounted in a stainless steel cage with a battery pack, data logger and memory. A dissolved oxygen sensor may be plumbed into the pumped water supply and other sensor modules such as fluorometers and transmissometers may be mounted in the cage and interfaced to the data logger. The instrument may also be used with external power and data logging through an RS-232 interface. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1162 | Sea-Bird SBE 25plus Sealogger CTD | A compact and self-contained battery-powered CTD for use in coastal, estuarine and deep-water deployments to measure temperature and conductivity with depth. The whole unit is mounted in a stainless steel cage with battery pack, data logger and internal memory. The 25plus comprises an SBE 3F temperature sensor, SBE 4C conductivity sensor, and a strain-gauge pressure sensor. It utilises pump-controlled T-C ducted flow to minimise salinity spiking. The instrument may also be used with external power and data logging through an RS-232 interface, and offers channels for up to ten auxiliary sensors such as oxygen, pH, fluorescence, PAR, turbidity, light transmission and nitrates. The 25plus samples at 16 Hz and is suitable for use in water depths ranging from 600-6800 m. The SBE 25plus replaces the SBE 25 which was discontinued in 2012. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL0024 | Sea-Bird SBE 26 SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder | The SBE 26 SEAGAUGE is a water level recorder with a Digiquartz pressure sensor, accurate clock, precision thermometer and optional conductivity sensor. Pressure data are integrated to give sea level or are burst recorded at rates up to 4 Hz to measure characterise waves. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/82441/. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0696 | Sea-Bird SBE 26plus SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder | The SBE 26 SEAGAUGE is a water level recorder with a Digiquartz pressure sensor, accurate clock, precision thermometer and optional conductivity sensor in a casing able to operate down to 600m. Pressure data are integrated to give sea level or are burst recorded at rates up to 4 Hz to measure characterise waves. The instrument offers improved temperature sensor accuracy (0.01C with 0.001C resolution or optionally 0.001C with 0.0001C resolution), data storage and operational functionality over the SBE-26. More information at http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/26plusdata.htm. | 2014-05-08 |
TOOL0318 | Sea-Bird SBE 35 thermometer | An oceanographic thermometer with a measurement range of -5 to +35 deg C; an initial accuracy of 0.001 deg C; and a resolution of 0.000025 deg C. The sensor is an ultra-stable aged thermistor with a drift rate of less than 0.001deg C per year. It can be used both in fixed point cells and at depths up to 6800 metres in combination with an SBE water sampling carousel. | 2014-07-17 |
TOOL1695 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCAT IMP-CTP-IDO (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with an integrated pressure sensor and a membrane-type Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor (IDO) designed for deployment on moorings. The IMP model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2021-06-08 |
TOOL1394 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat CT (submersible) CT sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders without an integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1393 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat CTP (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with integrated pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0022 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IM-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The IM model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1450 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IM-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The IM model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0019 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IMP-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The IMP model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1545 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IMP-CT-ODO (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder without an integrated pressure sensor and an Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The IMP model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-16 |
TOOL1451 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The IMP model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1538 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat IMP-CTP-ODO (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor and an Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The IMP model uses an Inductive Modem (IM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0021 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SI-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The SI model uses a serial interface (SI) for real-time data transmissions and is externally powered. The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1452 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SI-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SI model uses a serial interface (SI) for real-time data transmissions and is externally powered. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0020 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SIP-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The SI model uses a serial interface (SI) for real-time data transmissions and is fitted with an integral pump (P). The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1453 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SIP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SI model uses a serial interface (SI) for real-time data transmissions and is externally powered. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0017 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SM-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1456 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SM-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0018 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CT with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0634 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CT-IDO with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors and a membrane-type Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor (IDO) designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0869 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CT-ODO with optional pressure (submersible) CTD sensor series | A series of high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorders with optional pressure sensors and an Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). The sensors may or may not have an integrated pressure sensor. | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1457 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1458 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP-IDO (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor and a membrane-type Integrated Dissolved Oxygen sensor (IDO) designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL1459 | Sea-Bird SBE 37 MicroCat SMP-CTP-ODO (submersible) CTD sensor | A high accuracy conductivity and temperature recorder with integrated pressure sensor and an Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) sensor designed for deployment on moorings. The SM model uses a serial interface (SM) for real-time data transmissions and has internal batteries. It is fitted with an integral pump (P). | 2020-09-02 |
TOOL0191 | Sea-Bird SBE 38 thermometer | An oceanographic thermometer with a measurement range of -5 to +35C; absolute accuracy better than 0.001C and resolution of approximately 0.00025C. The sensor is an ultra-stable aged thermistor with a drift rate of less than 0.002C per year. The reference resistor is a hermetically sealed VISHAY. It may be fitted in a 10,500m titanium pressure housing. | 2014-07-17 |
TOOL0266 | Sea-Bird SBE 39 temperature recorder | A high-accuracy temperature recorder (pressure optional) with internal battery and non-volatile memory for deployment at depths up to 10500 meters. It is intended for moorings or other long-term, fixed-site applications, as well as shorter-term deployments on nets, towed vehicles or ROVs. Calibration coefficients stored in EEPROM allow the SBE 39 to transmit data in engineering units. The SBE 39 thermistor has a long history of exceptional accuracy and stability (typical drift is less than 0.002C per year). The SBE 39 communicates directly with a computer via a standard RA-232 interface. For more information see http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/108627/ | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0688 | Sea-Bird SBE 39-IM temperature recorder | A high-accuracy temperature recorder (pressure optional) with internal battery and a built-in inductive modem intended for moorings with either real-time telemetry or a surface data logger. Data are also stored in internal non-volatile memory as insurance against data loss. Calibration coefficients stored in EEPROM allow the SBE 39 to transmit data in engineering units. The SBE 39 thermistor has a long history of exceptional initial accuracy (0.002C) and stability (typical drift is 0.0002C per month). The standard plastic housing is for depths down to 600m, but an optional titanium housing can withstand depths of 10500m. For more information see http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/39imdata.htm. | 2014-04-15 |
TOOL1122 | Sea-Bird SBE 39plus temperature sensor | A water body temperature sensor. It is designed for moorings or other long-duration, fixed-site deployments, as well as deployments on nets, towed vehicles, or ROVs. It uses an aged and pressure-protected thermistor that is available in two configurations: embedded in titanium endcap (25-sec time constant) for rugged conditions, or external thermistor in pressure-protected sheath (0.5-sec time constant) for fast sampling. It can be fitted with an optional strain-gauge pressure sensor with temperature compensation available in eight ranges (maximum depth 7000 m). Sensor housing is either PET plastic or titanium. The temperature sensor has a measurement range of -5 to +45 deg C, an accuracy of +/- 0.002 (-5 to +35 deg C) or +/- 0.01 (+35 to +45 deg C) and a depth rating of 600 m (plastic) or 10,500 m (titanium). | 2017-04-04 |
TOOL0640 | Sea-Bird SBE 3F temperature sensor | Water temperature sensor primarily designed for use on the SBE 25 and 25plus Sealogger CTD systems but can be used as a component in custom oceanographic profiling systems or high-accuracy temperature-monitoring applications. The sensor operates over the range -5 to +35 degC and has an initial accuracy of +/-0.001 degC. The sensor has a depth rating of 6800 m (aluminium housing) or 10500 m (titanium housing). The SBE 3F is an enhanced version of the SBE 3 temperature sensor. | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL1614 | Sea-Bird SBE 3S temperature sensor | A frequency output sensor. For use on moored and fixed-site temperature measuring systems. It can also be used as a component in custom systems. Exponentially related to temperature, the thermistor resistance is the controlling element in an optimized Wien Bridge oscillator circuit. Resulting sensor frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of the thermistor resistance. It consists of a glass-coated thermistor bead, pressure-protected in 2.1 mm diameter thin-walled stainless steel tube. It is available with a XSG or wet-pluggable MCBH connector, aluminum or titanium housing. The SBE 3S has a time response of approximately 0.6 sec and an initial accuracy of 0.001 degC, and is typically stable to 0.002 degC/year. It is depth rated to 3400 m (aluminum) or 10,500 m (titanium). | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0416 | Sea-Bird SBE 3plus (SBE 3P) temperature sensor | Water temperature sensor designed for use on the SBE 9plus CTD system. The sensor operates over the range -5 to +35 °C, a resolution of 0.0003 °C at 24 Hz and an initial accuracy of ± 0.001 °C. The typical sampling rate is 24 Hz, and the sensor has a depth rating of 6800 meters (aluminium housing) or 10500 meters (titanium housing). | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL0668 | Sea-Bird SBE 41 CTD | A self-contained unit comprising the MicroCAT temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors and a pump that is designed specifically for deployment on profiling floats, particularly Argo. The unit is designed to provide stable salinity data accurate to 0.005 PSU for periods in excess of three years without any form of maintenance. Temperature is within 0.002 C (stability 0.0002 C/year) and pressure within 2 dbar (stability 0.8 dbar/year). During float ascent spot samples are taken and transmitted to the float controller. More information is given in http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/41data.htm. | 2014-03-11 |
TOOL0669 | Sea-Bird SBE 41CP CTD | A self-contained unit comprising the MicroCAT temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors and a pump that is designed specifically for deployment on profiling floats, particularly Argo. The unit is designed to provide stable salinity data accurate to 0.005 PSU for periods in excess of three years without any form of maintenance. Temperature is within 0.002 C (stability 0.0002 C/year) and pressure within 2 dbar (stability 0.8 dbar/year). During float ascent samples are collected at 1 Hz and logged to internal storage to provide a continuous profile passed to the float controller at the surface. More information is given in http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/41data.htm. | 2014-03-11 |
TOOL0036 | Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor | High performance through-flow Clark polarographic membrane sensor designed to be plumbed in to a Sea-Bird underwater unit pumped water supply on a profiling CTD package. Designed specifically to give rapid temperature response and minimal pressure hysteresis. Signal output is voltage based to interface to a CTD deck unit. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL1233 | Sea-Bird SBE 43 I (integral) dissolved oxygen sensor | High performance through-flow Clark polarographic membrane sensor designed to be interfaced to a SBE 41 or 41CP Argo float CTD. Designed specifically to give rapid temperature response and minimal pressure hysteresis. Signal output is frequency based and sensor power and signal conditioning circuits are relocated to the CTD electronics board. Measurement range: 0-120 % of saturation (minimum). Initial accuracy: 1 % of saturation. Observed stability: less than 1 micro-molar/year. Depth rating: 2000 dbar. | 2018-04-26 |
TOOL0037 | Sea-Bird SBE 43F Dissolved Oxygen Sensor | High performance through-flow Clark polarographic membrane sensor designed to be interfaced to an SBE 52-MP profiling moored CTD or integrated into OEM moorings. Designed specifically to give rapid temperature response and minimal pressure hysteresis. Signal output is frequency based. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0190 | Sea-Bird SBE 45 MicroTSG thermosalinograph | A small externally powered, high-accuracy instrument, designed for shipboard determination of sea surface (pumped-water) conductivity and temperature. It is constructed of plastic and titanium to ensure long life with minimum maintenance. It may optionally be interfaced to an external SBE 38 hull temperature sensor. | 2014-07-17 |
TOOL0670 | Sea-Bird SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor | A high-accuracy temperature recorder with non-volatile memory and RS-232 port, designed for shipboard determination of sea surface temperature. It is magnetically fixed just below the water line with the temperature sensor in contact with the inside of the ship's hull. The thermistor is the same as the SBE 39 which has an accuracy of 0.002C, stability of 0.0002 C/month and resolution of 0.0001 C . A real-time clock accurate within 1 minute/year is included for self-contained operation. More information is given in http://www.seabird.com/pdf_documents/manuals/48_004.pdf. | 2014-03-11 |
TOOL0827 | Sea-Bird SBE 49 FastCAT CTD | A CTD sensor for use in autonomous platforms. It contains a SBE 3P temperature sensor, a SBE 4C conductivity sensor and a strain-gauge pressure sensor as standard. It can operate in autonomus (16 Hz per sec) or polled mode (transmits each sample). The sensor is depth-rated to 350 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing). Accuracy: +/- 0.002 degC (temperature), +/- 0.0003 S/m (conductivity), 0.1 % of full scale range (pressure). | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0417 | Sea-Bird SBE 4C conductivity sensor | Water conductivity sensor designed for use on the SBE 9plus or SBE 25 CTD system. The sensor operates over the range 0 to 7 S/m, with a resolution of 0.00004 S/m at 24 Hz and an initial accuracy of 0.0003 S/m. The typical sampling rate is 24 Hz, and the sensor has a depth rating of 3400 meters or 6800 meters (aluminium housing), or 10500 meters (titanium housing). | 2014-11-12 |
TOOL2120 | Sea-Bird SBE 5 submersible pump series | The SBE 5 pump series includes the 5T (titanium) and 5P (plastic) models. It is a modular component on several Sea-Bird CTD packages, and is standard equipment on the SBE 9plus CTD and 25/25plus Sealogger CTD. The pump flushes water through the conductivity cell at a constant rate independent of the CTD's motion, improving dynamic performance. Models in the series differ in housing material and depth rating: the 5T model has a titanium housing, allowing it to reach depths of up to 10,500 metres, while the 5P model uses a plastic housing with a depth limit of 600 metres. The pump may also be suitable for custom applications, where pressure heads are in less than 300 cm of water and flow rates are less than 100 mL/sec. The 5 series features a centrifugal pump head, ball-bearing motor, and several motor speed options (1300, 2000, 3000, and 4500 rpm speeds) to meet various flow requirements. | 2024-11-12 |
TOOL1824 | Sea-Bird SBE 50 pressure sensor | A high-accuracy, high-resolution (16 Hz sampling) pressure sensor, intended for towed vehicle, ROV, AUV, or other autonomous profiling applications. It has titanium housing rated for depths to 7000 metres. It is offered in seven full-scale ranges from 0 to 20/100/350/1000/2000/3500/7000 metres. Its initial accuracy 0.1 % of full-scale range, it has a typical Stability 0.004 % of full-scale range per month, and a resolution 0.002 % of full-scale range. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1231 | Sea-Bird SBE 52-MP moored profiler CTD | A light and compact instrument intended as a modular component of moored profiling platforms. Measures conductivity, temperature, pressure and optionally oxygen at 1 Hz. Operates with integral pump to depths up to 600 m (plastic housing) or 7000 m (titanium housing). It can be fitted with an optional auxilliary SBE 43F oxygen sensor. Accuracy: +/- 0.0003 S/m (conductivity), +/- 0.002 deg C (temperature) and +/- 0.1 % full scale (pressure). | 2018-04-24 |
TOOL0025 | Sea-Bird SBE 53 BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder | The SBE 53 BPR is a water level recorder with a Digiquartz pressure sensor, precision thermometer and optional conductivity sensor. Pressure data are integrated to give sea level free from wave interference at frequencies of a minute to an hour. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0687 | Sea-Bird SBE 56 temperature recorder | This is a small (30cm by 2.54cm diameter) high-accuracy battery-powered temperature and time logger capable of sampling intervals from 0.5 seconds to 9 hours. Battery life with a sampling rate of 15 seconds is almost two years and the memory can store over 15 million samples. Temperature is measured by a pressure-protected (1500m depth) thermistor. Initial accuracy is 0.002C and drift is typically less than 0.002C per year. More information may be found at http://www.seabird.com/products/spec_sheets/39imdata.htm. | 2014-04-15 |
TOOL1238 | Sea-Bird SBE 61 Deep Argo CTD | A self-contained unit comprising the MicroCAT temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors and a pump that is designed specifically for deployment on profiling floats deployed to 7000 m, particularly Deep Argo. The unit is designed to provide stable conductivity data accurate to 0.0002 S/m with stability accurate to 0.002 S/m for periods in excess of ten years without any form of maintenance. Temperature accuracy is within 0.001 C (stability 0.0002 C/year) and pressure within 4.5 dbar (stability 0.8 dbar/year). The SBE 61 Deep Argo CTD is a redesign of the SBE 41/41CP. | 2018-05-29 |
TOOL0739 | Sea-Bird SBE 63 dissolved oxygen sensor | An optode dissolved oxygen sensor mounted in plastic (600 m operating depth) or titanium (7000 m operating depth) housing that interfaces through an RS-232 connection to SeaCAT or MicroCAT CTDs or Navis Argo float. Accuracy is the greater of 3 micromole/kg or 2 %. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0644 | Sea-Bird SBE 7 microstructure conductivity sensor | Microstructure conductivity sensor designed for use on marine profiling applications to characterise small scale ocean conductivity features. The sensor is primarily used for the determination of conductivity gradients but it is configured to respond to absolute conductivity as well. The SBE 7 has an accuracy typically within 0.005 S m^-1 over periods of several hours and has a high speed micro-scale resolution of 3 dbar at 100 cycles ^-1 (-3 dbar at 1000 Hz). The sensor has aluminium housing and a depth rating of 6800 m. | 2013-09-24 |
TOOL0035 | Sea-Bird SBE 911 CTD | High precision and accuracy CTD made up from a Sea-Bird SBE 9 underwater unit and a SBE 11 deck unit. The underwater unit comprises protective cage (usually with a rosette) holding a pressure unit and temperature/conductivity unit. The latter is connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit that may include other sensors. All plumbed and non-plumbed instruments (e.g. transmissometers and light meters) on the package are logged by the SBE 11. The unit was replaced by the SBE 911plus in 1997. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0058 | Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD | High precision and accuracy CTD comprising an SBE 9plus underwater unit (SBE 3 temperature and SBE 4 conductivity sensors) and an SBE 11plus deck unit. Sensors may be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit (usually temperature, salinity and oxygen) or stand-alone. All instruments (8 channels available) on the package are logged by the SBE 11. The unit is the production off the shelf version of the SBE 911 (each 911 was custom built to individual specification). | 2013-03-13 |
TOOL0409 | Sea-Bird SBE 917 CTD | High precision and accuracy CTD comprising an SBE 9 underwater unit (SBE 3 temperature and SBE 4 conductivity sensors) and an SBE 17 SEARAM data logger. Sensors may be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit (usually temperature, salinity and oxygen) or stand-alone. All instruments (8 channels available) on the package are logged by the SBE 17, which provides battery power, has memory for CTD data recording, and provides autonomous carousel water sampler control. | 2011-07-27 |
TOOL0214 | Sea-Bird SBE 917plus CTD | High precision and accuracy CTD comprising an SBE 9plus underwater unit (SBE 3 temperature and SBE 4 conductivity sensors) and an SBE 17plus SEARAM data logger. Sensors may be connected to a pump-fed plastic tubing circuit (usually temperature, salinity and oxygen) or stand-alone. All instruments (8 channels available) on the package are logged by the SBE 17+, which provides battery power, has memory for CTD data recording, and provides autonomous carousel water sampler control. | 2013-03-13 |
TOOL1508 | Sea-Bird SBE 9plus CTD | High precision and accuracy CTD comprising an SBE 9plus underwater unit (SBE 3plus temperature, SBE 4C conductivity, and Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensors, and an SBE 5T submersible pump). Can be used for either real-time data acquisition or for autonomous operations at a sampling speed of up to 24 Hz. The instrument package also includes a TC duct, to reduce salinity spiking caused by ship heave for improved resolution of water column features, and to ensure that temperature and conductivity measurements are made on the same parcel of water. Supplied with both an aluminium and titanium main housing, allowing for use up to 6800 and 10,500 metre depths respectively. Also capable of measuring from eight auxiliary sensors. | 2020-07-31 |
TOOL2030 | Sea-Bird SBE Deep SeapHOx V1 conductivity, temperature, pressure, pH, and dissolved oxygen system | The Sea-Bird Deep SeapHOx combines the Satlantic Deep SeaFET pH sensor with the Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 37-SMP-ODO MicroCAT CTD+DO sensor. The Deep SeaFET adapts the MBARI/ SIO/ Honeywell Deep-Sea DuraFET technology to measure pH in a deep moored package. The Deep SeapHOx allows for the integrated data collection of pH with measurement of temperature, salinity, and oxygen. The integrated package also allows the SeaFET to take advantage of the SBE 37's pumped flow path and anti-fouling technology, extending deployment duration in some cases. Outputs include pH, conductivity, temperature, pressure, and optical dissolved oxygen. The conductivity ranges from 0 to 7 S/m with an accuracy of 0.0003 S/m, and resolution of 0.00001 S/m. Temperature ranges from -5 to 45 degC with an accuracy of 0.002 degC (-5 to 35 degC) or 0.01 degC (35 to 45 degC), and resolution of 0.0001 degC. Pressure ranges to 20 m, 100 m, 350 m, 600 m, 1000 m, 2000 m, accuracy 0.1 percent of full scale range, and resolution 0.002 percent of full scale range. Dissolved oxygen ranges to 120 percent of surface saturation, accuracy to 3 umol/kg or 2 percent, and resolution 0.2 umol/kg. pH ranges from 6.5 to 9, accuracy 0.02, and resolution 0.004. Depth rating is 2000 m. | 2024-05-20 |
TOOL1026 | Sea-Bird SBE Glider Payload CTD (GPCTD) | A modular, externally powered profiling instrument for autonomous gliders, which provides temperature, conductivity and pressure water measurements, and supports the annexion of a SBE 43F sensor for measuring dissolved oxygen. Water is pumped through an intake sail (with integral T-C duct and anti-foulant device) positioned outside the boundary flow on the glider's exterior. The auxiliary SBE 43F sensor and pump would be annexed in a flooded space inside the hull. There are four available sampling modes, with respective intervals of 1 second, 5-14 seconds, 15-3600 seconds, and polled. | 2016-10-24 |
TOOL1895 | Sea-Bird SBE SeapHOx V2 conductivity, temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen system | The Sea-Bird SeapHOX V2 combines the SeaFET V2 ISFET pH sensor and the SBE 37-SMP-CT-ODO MicroCAT conductivity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen sensor (pressure sensor is optional). This system is designed to be used on moorings to collect oceanographic data. Outputs include conductivity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, and pH. This integrated system supplies the pH sensor with the same water sample that is pumped by the SBE 37, which allows for all data to be correlated. The system comes with expendable anti-foulant devices and an optional strain-gauge pressure sensor with temperature compensation. The optical dissolved oxygen sensor (an SBE 63) can be individually calibrated. The conductivity ranges from 0 to 7 S/m with an accuracy of 0.0003 S/m, and resolution of 0.00001 S/m. Temperature ranges from -5 to 45 °C, with an accuracy of at least 0.01 °C, and resolution 0.0001 °C. Pressure ranges to 20 or 100 m, accuracy 0.1 % of full range, and resolution 0.002 % of full range. DO ranges to 120 % of surface saturation, accuracy 3 µmol/kg or 2 %, and resolution 0.2 µmol/kg. pH ranges from 6.5 to 9, accuracy 0.05, and resolution 0.004. Depth rating is 50 m. | 2023-01-26 |
TOOL1295 | Sea-Bird SeaKeeper thermosalinograph | A themosalinograph. It is designed for shipboard determination of sea surface pumped-water conductivity and temperature. It can measure temperature in a range from -5 deg C to +35 deg C and conductivity from 0 S/m to 7 S/m. The SeaKeeper uses the same same temperature conductivity sensors used in the SBE 21 Thermosalinograph, but has improved acquisition electronics that increase accuracy and resolution, and lower power consumption. The initial acuracy of the temperature sensor is 0.002 deg C and 0.0003 S/m for conductivity. | 2018-11-19 |
TOOL1492 | Sea-Bird Slocum Glider Payload {GPCTD} CTD | A profiling CTD instrument designed specifically for installation on Slocum autonomous gliders. It measures conductivity, temperature and pressure for use in oceanic research, updating ocean models, assessing sensor stability on moored observatories, and leveraging data collection opportunities from operational vehicle missions. It outputs real-time data in decimal S/m, degC and decibars, or raw decimal counts. It is externally powered and continuously pumped, and can operate in both continuous sampling or polled sampling modes. It features an expendable anti-foulant device offering bio-fouling protection, and is supplied with Seasoft V2 Windows software for setup and data processing. The pressure sensor with temperature compensation is available in 4 strain-gauge ranges; 0-100; 100-350; 350-1000; 1000-2000 metres. It measures conductivity from 0-9 S/m at a resolution of 0.00001 S/m, temperature from -5 to +42 degC at a resolution of 0.001 degC, and pressure up to 2000 m (dependant on the range chosen), at a resolution of 0.002 percent of full scale range. | 2020-07-17 |
TOOL0867 | Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor - SeaWiFS | The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) is an optical scanner designed to provide quantitative ocean colour data for derivation of global ocean bio-optical properties. Incoming radiation is collected by a folded telescope and reflected onto a rotating half-angle mirror. The collected radiation is relayed through dichroic beam splitters to separate it into four wavelength intervals, each of which is directed through two spectral bandpass filters to further separate it into the eight SeaWiFS spectral bands, imaged onto one of four detectors and amplified for processing. The scanning telescope rotates at a rate of six revolutions per second, and a scanner tilt mechanism enables the instrument to tilt from -20 degrees to +20 degrees to avoid sun glint from the sea surface. The SeaWiFS instrument has a spatial resolution of 1.6 mrads, and measures radiation in eight optical bands: 402-422nm; 433-453nm; 480-500nm; 500-520nm; 545-565nm; 660-680nm; 745-785nm; 845-885nm. For more information visit http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/SeaWiFS/SEASTAR/SPACECRAFT.html. | 2016-04-11 |
TOOL0755 | SeaBeam 2000 multibeam echo sounder | SeaBeam sensors are now manufactured by L-3 Communications Elac Nautik GmbH. The Seabeam 2000 is a multi-beam echo sounder of which a single swath covers an angular range of -60 degrees to 60 degrees from the vertical direction with 121 beams. This instrument was developed in the 1980s, and has now been discontinued. | 2014-08-14 |
TOOL0756 | SeaBeam 2112 multibeam echo sounder | SeaBeam sensors are now manufactured by L-3 Communications Elac Nautik GmbH. The Seabeam 2112 is a 12kHz multi-beam echo sounder of which a single swath covers an angular range of up to 120 degrees using 121 beams. The instrument's pulse length is between 3ms and 20 ms. This instrument was developed in the 1980s, and has now been discontinued. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0757 | SeaBeam 3012 multibeam echo sounder | SeaBeam sensors are now manufactured by L-3 Communications Elac Nautik GmbH. The Seabeam 3012 is a 12kHz multi-beam echo sounder designed for use in water depths between 50m and 11000m of which a single swath covers and angular range of up to 140 degrees. The instrument's pulse length is between 2ms to 20ms | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1211 | SeaFAST S2 Pico Automated Preconcentration System | An automated sample introduction system for the analysis of trace elements in seawater and other high matrix samples by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry). Three modes of operation are available: fully-automated Direct Mode where the sample is diluted inline; Preconcentration Mode where a chelation column binds rare earth elements and transition metals but allows matrix ions to be rinsed out; and Offline mode. Both Direct and Preconcentration modes reduce procedural blanks associated with offline sample preparation, and Preconcentration mode dramatically improves detection limits by eliminating matrix effects and increasing sensitivity. The system offers detection limits better than 1ppt and operates in less than 8 minutes inline. | 2018-02-02 |
TOOL0637 | SeaTech 57S fluorometer | A linear-response submersible chlorophyll-a fluorometer fitted to CTD packages in the early 1990s. | 2013-08-22 |
TOOL0426 | SeaTech Light Back-Scattering Sensor | The instrument projects light into the sample volume using two modulated 880 nm Light Emitting Diodes. Light back-scattered from the suspended particles inthe water column is measured with a solar-blind silicon detector. A light stop between the light source and the light detector prevents the measurement of direct transmitted light so that only back-scattered light from suspended particles in water are measured. The instrument is no longer manufactured and no source of support is known. | 2011-09-26 |
TOOL0187 | SeaTech S131 fluorometer | A chlorophyll-a fluorometer with six internally selectable ranges, permitting measurement of chlorophyll-a permitting measurement of chlorophyll-a concentrations from approximately 0.015ug/l to 1000ug/l. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0003 | SeaTech transmissometer | SeaTech manufactured a range of transmissometers to measure optical attenuance, usually (but not exclusively) at red (660nm) light wavelengths. Path lengths varied from 5cm for use in turbid waters to 1m for use in the clear deep ocean. The instruments are no longer manufactured and no source of support is known. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL1691 | SeaTech unspecified fluorometer | The Sea Tech chlorophyll-a fluorometer has internally selectable settings to adjust for different ranges of chlorophyll concentration, and is designed to measure chlorophyll-a fluorescence in situ. The instrument is stable with time and temperature and uses specially selected optical filters enabling accurate measurements of chlorophyll a. It can be deployed in moored or profiling mode. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. | 2021-05-11 |
TOOL1113 | Seal Analytical AutoAnalyser 3HR | A fully automated Segmented Flow Analysis (SFA) system, ideal for water and seawater analysis. It comprises a modular system which integrates an autosampler, peristaltic pump, chemistry manifold and detector. The sample and reagents are pumped continuously through the chemistry manifold, and air bubbles are introduced at regular intervals forming reaction segments which are mixed using glass coils. The AA3 uses segmented flow analysis principles to reduce inter-sample dispersion, and can analyse up to 100 samples per hour using stable LED light sources. | 2017-02-13 |
TOOL2070 | Seametrics SES 050-13 flow meter | A single-jet flow meter providing accurate, wide range flow metering. Typical applications are chemical batching, proportional chemical injection, fertiliser injection, proportioning of spray chemicals, and general flow rate monitoring. The sensor is easily replaced from outside the meter and is compatible with most of the Seametrics indicators and transmitters, Walchem controllers and pumps, LMI pumps, as well as most controls and PLCs that accept DC inputs. The standard rotor is PVDF (Kynar) and the shaft is a special nickel-bonded tungsten carbide. The optional ceramic shaft increases resistance to some concentrated chemicals. The standard O-ring is Teflon-coated Viton. | 2024-07-16 |
TOOL1722 | Seametrics SPX-038-01 flowmeter | An impeller flowmeter with 3/8 inch nominal pipe size (-038) and ceramic rotor shaft (-01). Used in applications such as Low flow monitoring, Chemical batching, Proportional chemical injection, and Fertilizer injection. The pulse output of this meter is compatible with many different types of controls, including a full range of Seametrics rate displays and controls. The instrument's body is made from polypropylene making it a good choice for metering water or low corrosion fluids. The lens cover is available in a choice of materials: acrylic for visual flow indication of low-corrosion fluids; or polypropylene when more corrosion resistance is needed. The instrument can withstand maximum temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius, maximum pressure of 10 bar. It has an accuracy of +/- 1% of full scale. | 2021-07-27 |
TOOL0664 | Seapoint Fluorescein Fluorometer | A low power fluorometer for in-situ measurements of fluorescein dye, at concentrations as low as 0.02 ug/L, and at depths to 6000 metres. May be used open in-situ, or with a pump through sample volume. Output voltage is proportional to fluorescein concentration. | 2014-02-14 |
TOOL1690 | Seapoint Rhodamine fluorometer | The Seapoint Rhodamine Fluorometer (SRF) is a high-performance, low power instrument for in situ measurements of Rhodamine WT (a fluorescent, xanthene dye, that is often used as a hydrologic tracer). The instrument can be moored, towed, used in profiling mode or used to make in-line measurements. Typical applications include: Dye Trace Studies, Mixing and Dispersion Studies, Leak and Spill Detection, Flow Measurement, and Reverse Osmosis Recovery Measurement. The SRF uses modulated green LED lamps and a narrow-band excitation filter to excite Rhodamine WT. The fluorescent light emitted by the Rhodamine WT passes through an orange emission filter and is detected by a silicon photodiode. The low-level signal is then processed using synchronous demodulation circuitry which generates an output voltage proportional to Rhodamine WT concentration. The instruments excitation wavelength is 540 nm Centre Wavelength (CWL), or 20 nm Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM). The minimum detectable level is 0.02 micrograms per litre of Rhodamine WT. The instruments operating temperature range is between 0 degrees Celsius and 65 degrees Celsius. The instrument is depth rated to 6000 meters. | 2021-05-11 |
TOOL0104 | Seapoint Turbidity Meter | A turbidity meter that detects light scattered by particles suspended in water and generates an output voltage proportional to the SPM concentration. Range is selected by two digital lines which can be hard wired or microprocessor controlled, thereby choosing the appropriate range and resolution for measurement of extremely clean to very turbid waters. The offset voltage is within 1 mV of zero and requires no adjustment across gains. The optical design confines the sensing volume to within 5 cm of the sensor allowing near-bottom measurements and minimizing errant reflections in restricted spaces. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL: http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/119173/ | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1712 | Seapoint Ultraviolet fluorometer | The Seapoint Ultraviolet Fluorometer (SUVF) is an instrument for in situ measurement of fluorescent materials including chromophoric/coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), crude oil, and UV fluorescent dyes. Applications include: Ocean colour research; Water and Wastewater quality; DOM cycle studies; Radiative transfer studies; Ocean Science and Research; Limnological Studies; Crude oil detection; and Dye detection The SUVF uses modulated ultraviolet LED lamps and optical filters for excitation. The fluorescent light signal passes through a blue emission filter and is detected by a silicon photodiode. The low-level signal is then processed using synchronous demodulation circuitry which generates an output voltage proportional to the amount of fluorescent light received. The SUVF may be operated with or without a pump. The sensing volume may be left open to the surrounding water, or, with the use of the supplied cap, can have water pumped through it. Two control lines allow the user to set the range to one of four options. These lines may be hardwired or microprocessor controlled to provide a suitable range and resolution for a given application. The instrument's operating temperature range is 0 degrees Celsius to 65 degrees Celsius. It has a depth capability of 6000 m. The instruments excitation wavelengths are 370 nm CWL, and 12 nm FWHM; and emission wavelengths are 440 nm CWL, and 40 nm FWHM. | 2021-07-01 |
TOOL0119 | Seapoint chlorophyll fluorometer | A high-performance, low power fluorometer for in-situ measurements of chlorophyll-a able to operate at depths of up to 6000 metres. May be used open in-situ or with a pump through sample volume. Internal circuitry gives an output voltage that is proportional to chlorophyll-a concentration. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0430 | Secchi disk | A circular disk, typically 20cm in diameter, used to measure water transparency. For marine applications, the disk is usually entirely white, while for limnological studies it is common to use one with alternating black and white quadrants. The reasons for this may be historical rather thah theoretical. A black Secchi disk has recently been developed for use in shallow rivers and streams. The disk is lowered slowly into the water on a pole or line until it can no longer be seen by the observer. The depth of disappearance provides an estimate of the transparency of the water, although any reading is affected by the observer's eyesight and ambient light conditions. | 2011-11-02 |
TOOL0596 | Sediment Transport and Boundary Layer Equipment Mark II | A pop-up benthic lander with four Savonius rotor current sensors between 0.2 and 2 metres above the bed, a current vane and compass for current direction, a digiquartz pressure sensor and a data logger with an integral temperature sensor. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/68616/ | 2013-01-31 |
NETT0193 | Semi-Balloon Otter Trawl | A funnel-shaped net designed to trap organisms at its closed-end while being trawled along the seafloor. It is composed of a non-fixed wide mouth attached to the main wire and held open horizontally by an otter board at each side; a tickler chain is mounted across the lower edge of the net to keep it in contact with the ground, whereas a float fixed to the top of the net ensures its vertical spread. Typically, a semi-balloon otter trawl has a mouth size of approximately 2m x 8.5m; the net has a fine mash and it is mounted to a head rope of maximum 14m in length. This type of trawl is ideal for deep-water sampling of megafauna near the seafloor, mostly for conducting species diversity, abundance and biomass studies. The semi-balloon otter trawl is also known as OTSB, OTSB 14 and Marinovitch Trawl. Ref: Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos, fourth edition by WILEY Blackwell. | 2020-03-09 |
NETT0194 | Semi-Balloon Otter Trawl (14 m headrope; single-warp operation) - Merrett and Marshall (1980) | The semi-balloon trawl (OTSB14), complete with "V" doors was originally obtained from the Marinovich Trawl Company (Biloxi, Mississippi, USA). It was constructed of 4.4 cm stretch mesh body and 3.7 cm mesh intermediate and cod end, with a 1.3 cm inner liner in the cod end. Buoyancy on the headline was provided by one centrally placed glass sphere having a positive buoyancy of 5 kg. Twenty three 13 x 15 cm plastic mud rollers were spaced evenly along the footrope (17 m), with three loops of 6 mm chain in between each set. A pair of sweep lines on each side separated the "V" doors by 7 m from the wing ends of the net. The height of the wing ends between headline and footrope was 1.5 m. The doors, each measuring 1.5 x 1 m and weighing 180 kg; were connected by bridles 50 m in length, through a swivel to the single trawl warp. Reference: Merrett, N.R. and Marshall, N.B., 1980. Observations on the ecology of deep-sea bottom-living fishes collected off northwest Africa (08 deg–27 deg N). Progress in Oceanography, 9(4), 185-244. Doi: 10.1016/0079-6611(80)90002-6. | 2020-05-19 |
TOOL1267 | Sensoren Instrumente Systeme Digital Reversing Pressure Meter | First generation of digital reversing pressure meters manufactured by Sensoren Instrumente Systeme (SiS). These include instruments P6132H and P6394H, which were fitted on the CTD frame during some cruises from the 1990s. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1268 | Sensoren Instrumente Systeme Digital Reversing Thermometer | First generation of digital reversing thermometers manufactured by Sensoren Instrumente Systeme (SiS). These include instruments T401, T714 and T746 among others, which were attached to Niskin bottles of a CTD frame during some cruises from the 1990s. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL0880 | Sentek Northstar Navigator navigation system | A small, light-weight, modular navigation system for operation in aviation systems. It determines Real-Time Kinetic (RTK) position, velocity and attitude. The modular design means the system is compatible with multiple different IMUs and GPS receivers. It also contains a tri-axial magnetometer/accelerometer, and dynamic and static pressure transducers. The system can integrate up to 3 additional GPS receivers with antennas to provide driftless interferometric GPS attitude aiding. | 2022-03-18 |
TOOL2137 | Septentrio Altus NR3 RTK-GNSS receiver | A 144-channel, multiple-frequency real-time kinematic (RTK) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver designed for precise positioning in various survey applications. It tracks various signals including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou. It includes APME+ multipath technology and IONO+ scintilliation mitigation to ensure position accuracy, together with LOCK+ to maintain tracking during mechanical shocks or vibrations. It also features AIM+ anti-jamming technology to reduce signal interference. 16 GB internal memory, with options to collect and store data in the cloud via PinPoint-GIS. Horizontal accuracy of 1.2 m, vertical accuracy of 1.9 m. Horizontal RTK accuracy of 0.6 cm + 0.5 ppm, vertical RTK accuracy of 1 cm + 1 ppm. | 2025-02-10 |
TOOL1228 | Septentrio AsteRx-m UAS global positioning system | Low-power, compact GPS and GLONASS RTK receiver. Integrates into unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) requiring low power consumption. Measures 70 x 47.5 mm and weighs 50 g. Dual-frequency L1/L2 positioning and 132 channels for simultaneous tracking of satellite signals. Positional accuracy: 0.4-1.2 m (horizontal), 0.9-1.9 m (vertical). | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL1227 | Septentrio AsteRx-m global positioning system | Low-power, compact GPS and GLONASS RTK receiver. Integrates into hand-held devices, mobile computing platforms and other space constrained applications requiring low power consumption. Measures 70 x 47.5 mm and weighs 40 g. Dual-frequency L1/L2 positioning and 132 channels for simultaneous tracking of satellite signals. Positional accuracy : 0.5-1.3 m (horizontal), 0.9-1.9 m (vertical). | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL1348 | Septentrio PolaRx5 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver | A multi-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver used to track visible signals (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, IRNSS) for satellite positioning. It is specifically designed to support applications in earth science. The device operates by converting signals from visible satellites into a position on earth. The PolaRx5 offers 544 channels for GNSS tracking, and uses Advanced Interference Mitigation (AIM+) technology to filter out sources of interference. The devices also uses Septentrio’s patented APME+ multipath mitigation technology to eliminate short delay multipath without the introduction of bias. APME+ can be activated or de-activated by the user as necessary. It is compatible with Septentrio PolaNt Choke Ring B3/E6 Antenna. The IP68 compliant variant, the PolaRx5e comes complete with battery. The PolaRx5 offers an in-built web-UI, internal data logging up to 16 GB, and up to 100 Hz raw data output. Operating temperature ranges between -40 and +65 degC, and measurement precision (unsmoothed pseudorange) ranges from 1.5 to 25 cm. | 2024-11-04 |
TOOL0044 | Sequoia LISST-100 particle size analyser | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-100 is a self-contained unit which measures the scattering of LASER light at a number of angles. This primary measurement is mathematically inverted to give a grain size distribution, and also scaled to obtain the volume scattering function. The size distribution is presented as concentration in each of the grain-size class bins. Optical transmission, water depth and temperature are recorded as supporting measurements. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0441 | Sequoia LISST-100-B particle size analyser | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-100-B is a self-contained unit which measures the scattering of LASER light at a number of angles. This primary measurement is mathematically inverted to give a grain size distribution, and also scaled to obtain the volume scattering function. The size distribution is presented as concentration in each of the grain-size class bins. The instrument has an optical path length of 5 cm as standard (2.5 cm optional) and measures particles over the size range 1.2 - 250 um in 32 log-spaced size classes. The standard maximum sampling speed is 4 size distributions per second and the instrument has a depth rating of 300 m. Optical transmission, water depth and temperature are recorded as supporting measurements. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1146 | Sequoia LISST-100X particle size analyser | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-100X is a self-contained unit which measures the scattering of LASER light at a number of angles. Primary measurement is mathematically inverted to provide grain size distribution and is scaled to obtain volume scattering function. The size distribution is presented as concentration in each of the grain-size class bins. Optical transmission, water depth and temperature are recorded as supporting measurements. The instrument has an optical path length of 5 cm as standard (2.5 cm optional) and measures particles over the size range 1.2 - 250 um (Type B) or 2.5 - 500 um (Type C) in 32 log-spaced size classes. As an option a modified endcap can be constucted to connect to a Campbell OBS-3+,Turner Cyclops-7 fluorometer or Sea-Bird Micro-Cat CTD. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1369 | Sequoia LISST-200X particle size analyser | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-200X is a submersible, self-contained sensor that uses laser diffraction to measure particle size and concentration in-situ. It is designed for applications such as sediment transport studies, harmful algae blooms, oil spill dispersion effectiveness and dredge plume monitoring. The sensor produces a collimated laser beam (670 nm) that illuminates particles in the water. The angular distribution of forward-scattered laser light is measured using concentric ring detectors. The signal is corrected for ambient light, attenuation and background scattering by zero concentration of scatterers. It includes a temperature and depth sensor. An Auxiliary port is also available for recording data from an external device such as a turbidity or fluorometer. A full range of accessories are available for the LISST-200X including small and large External Battery Packs, Mixing Chamber, Flow Through Chamber, BioBlock Anti-Fouling Shutter, Settling Column, Path Reduction Modules, and towed and AUV configurations. It is depth rated to 600 m. The instrument has an optical path length of 2.5 cm and measures particles over the size range of 1.0 - 500 um in 36 size classes. Depth and temperature resolution is 0.01 m and 0.01 deg C, respectively. The sensor replaces the LISST-100X model. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1710 | Sequoia LISST-25 particle size analyser series | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-25 is a field instrument for suspended sediment monitoring. The LISST-25A and 25X instruments are simpler versions of the LISST-100 with a comet-detector instead of a multi-ring detector. The instrument can be used to measure: total volume concentration (ul/l); sauter mean diameter (um); total volume concentration in sub-range (ul/l); sauter mean diameter in sub-range (um); optical transmission (%); depth (m); and date and time. The comet-detector directly estimates concentration from the weighted sum of angular scattering. This device obtains particle area concentration from the optical transmission. The ratio of the volume concentration and area concentration is called the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). The two types of LISST-25 refer to an analogue output only version (LISST-25A) and a second version that is fully recording and presents a coarse fraction concentration in addition to the total suspended load (LISST-25X). The LISST-25X instrument has comet shapes built in to separate between wash load less than 63 um and the sand load larger than 63 um. The LISST-25 holds calibration for spheres over a 200:1 size range. Size ranges: 2.5 - 500 um for the full range and 63 - 500 um for the sub-range. The instruments depth range is 300 m at 7 cm resolution. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1800 | Sequoia LISST-ABS acoustic backscatter sensor | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-ABS is a submersible in-situ sensor that is used to analyse suspended sediment or particle concentration in water. It is designed for fixed point measurements. It measures suspended sediment concentration. The sensor measures backscatter. A short pulse of high-frequency sound (cell) is transmitted by a ceramic transducer, and the same transducer receives signals reflected by particles. The sensor measures backscatter signal from two cells to compensate for attenuation by particles in the water. The sensor operates at 8 MHz frequency to ensure nearly flat response to particles in the size range 30 - 400 microns. Concentration range: 1 mg/L to 30 g/L (7 um dust); up to 20 g/L (200 um sand). Depth rating: 100 m. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1370 | Sequoia LISST-Glider Slocum G2-G3 particle size analyser | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-Glider is a submersible, self-contained sensor that uses laser diffraction to measure particle size and concentration in-situ. It is a LISST-200X sensor that is specially designed to integrate into Teledyne Webb Research G2 and G3 Slocum gliders. The sensor produces a collimated laser beam (670 nm) that illuminates particles in the water. The angular distribution of forward-scattered laser light is measured using concentric ring detectors. The optics head is the only item of the sensor exposed to the outside of the glider. It is depth rated to 600 m. The instrument has an optical path length of 2.5 cm and measures particles over the size range of 1.0 - 500 um in 36 size classes. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL0855 | Sequoia LISST-Holo digital holographic particle imaging system | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-Holo is a submersible digital holographic particle imaging system for measurement of large, complex flocs and biological particles. Also used for investigation of frazil ice formation and in-situ measurements of falling snow flakes. A laser beam traverses the optical path of the camera, overfilling a CCD array, creating a hologram. Sampling frequency can be adjusted with a maximum rate of 0.2 Hz. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1585 | Sequoia LISST-Holo2 digital holographic particle imaging system | The Sequoia Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST)-Holo2 is a submersible digital holographic particle imaging system for measurement of large, complex flocs, plankton, and other particles in water. It takes images at very short shutter times, scanning for a relatively large volume. The LISST-HOLO contains a red (658 nm) laser that emits collimated light into the sample volume. The light is scattered by suspended particles. The scattered light then interferes with the unscattered portion of the beam. The resulting interference pattern is captured by an onboard camera. The image captured by the camera is known as a hologram. The hologram can be digitally reconstructed to produce an in-focus picture of all the particles in the sample volume. Information about the particles size, shape, and position can all be extracted from the hologram. Holograms are captured at 20 Hz. The system has 237 GB of data memory. | 2024-08-19 |
TOOL1757 | Sercel GI-SOURCE 210 air gun | A towed marine seismic source designed for shallow water sub-bottom geophysical surveys. It contains two independent chambers; the generator chamber releases a primary bubble of highly compressed air on command to generate an acoustic shock wave. The injector chamber injects air inside the bubble to ensure it collapses quickly, to reduce and suppress the sonic oscillation produced as the bubble collapses. This simplifies processing for the user by producing a clean acoustic signature. The GI-SOURCE 210 features a 105 cubic inch (ci) generator chamber and 105 ci injector chamber, giving a total volume of 210 ci. The air gun can be fitted with GI reducer inserts to reduce the generator bubble volume, for example allowing a reduced total volume of 150 ci (45 ci generator, 105 ci injector). It has a has a maximum operating pressure of 2000 psi. Multiple guns can also be configured in a cluster to increase energy output. | 2021-12-15 |
TOOL1681 | Sercel MicrOBS ocean bottom seismometer | An ocean bottom seismometer designed for deep water refraction seismic surveys. It records and monitors earthquakes and natural seismicity to determine epicentre and associated mechanisms in active tectonic areas. With 4C multi-component recording (3 geophones, 1 hydrophone), MicrOBS allows accurate characterization of P and S velocities in deep crustal layers. MicrOBS dives autonomously to the seafloor, and can be deployed for up to 24 days before being recalled to the surface via acoustic signal release. It contains rechargeable Li-Ion 15V/40Ah batteries and an 8 Gb compact flash card (optional 16 Gb). MicrOBS has a low frequency cut-off of 2 Hz (-3 db), a natural frequency of 4.5 - 10 Hz, and a sensitivity range from 32 V/m/s to 22.8 V/m/s. It is depth-rated to 6000 m. | 2021-04-29 |
TOOL1820 | Sercel NR103 Differential Global Positioning System | A 10-channel Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) in use from the early 1990s, for use in hydrographic and oceanographic vessel positioning. It receives L1 C/A (1575 MHz) frequencies and has an accuracy of 3-5 metres. | 2022-07-27 |
TOOL1859 | Sercel Syledis Str4 Navigator | Radio navigation system. Designed to receive signals from the Syledis radio network. The device outputs ASCII data string with latitude, longitude, status, heading, and time. The instrument can be interfaced with various navigation systems, including GPS. Receives frequencies from 420 to 450 MHz, with power range up to 1 Watt. This instrument was commercialised in 1985 and is no longer in production. | 2022-10-12 |
TOOL1923 | Setra 278 barometer | A barometric pressure sensor designed for remote environmental applications such as automated weather stations. The 278 is designed using a SETRACERAM ceramic sensor, enabling it to meet stringent accuracy requirements over wide operating temperatures, and features long term stability of 0.1 hPa/mB per year. The sensor is suitable for solar powered applications due to its low power consumption and sleep mode feature. The 278 has applications in automated weather stations, automated surface observing systems, data buoys, ships, agriculture metrology systems, and high accuracy barometric pressure measurement. The 278 is capable of operating in temperatures of -40 to 140 degC, and features a response time of <100 mSec, proof pressure of 1500 hPa, burst pressure of 2000 hPa, and a resolution of 0.01 mB. Accuracy in ambient temperatures of 0 to 40 degC is +/- 1.2 hPa/mB in the pressure range 500 to 1100 hPa/mB, +/- 1.0 in the pressure range 600 to 1100, and +/- 0.6 in the pressure range 800 to 1100. Non-linearity is +/- 0.5, +/- 0.4 and +/- 0.25 respectively. Hysteresis is +/- 0.06, +/- 0.05 and +/- 0.03 respectively. Non-repeatability is +/- 0.04, +/- 0.03 and +/- 0.02 respectively. | 2023-05-19 |
TOOL0222 | Setra CS100 barometer | A barometer based on a capacitive pressure transducer measuring pressure in the 600 to 1100 mB range. Accuracy is +-0.5 mB at 20C and +-1 mB over the range 0-40C. Marketed by Campbell Scientific. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL2026 | Shanks-style LED Light Trap | A portable light trap used to attract small animals at nighttime. The LED light trap has a large float on top to keep it upright in the water column and a weight at the very bottom to keep a large jug submerged in the water near the surface. Large funnels are attached to the sides of the jug that allow animals to swim in, but not out. At night, a timer inside the trap turns on a strip of LED lights, attracting animals to the trap. When pulling the trap out of the water, the sample drains through a cod-end, which helps filter the water out while collecting the animals. This style of light trap was originally designed by marine scientist, Dr. Alan Shanks to study larval Dungeness crab on the outer coast of Oregon and Washington. | 2024-05-16 |
TOOL1979 | Shimadzu GC-14 A gas chromatograph | A fully programmable (time and temperature) gas chromatography system. Multi-linear programming capability using up to a maximum of five staged increments within a time maxima of 655 minutes. Programming and operational control is accomplished via the multifunctional interactive keypad. The keypad also provides for LED display of system parameters, program monitoring, file storage (10 separate file slots) and miscellaneous features. The flow control module includes four ports to accommodate detector gas components (air and hydrogen for Flame Ionization Detection) and carrier/makeup gas. All temperature zones (column oven, injector and detector) are overheat protected. | 2023-08-09 |
TOOL1236 | Shimadzu GC-2010 (capillary) gas chromatograph series | Bench-top gas chromatographs. They separate and analyse gas mixtures using a capillary column. Features a temperature controlled oven, up to 3 temperature controlled injection units, up to 4 detectors and a flow control unit. Detectors used are Flame Ionization (FID), Thermal Conductivity (TCD), Electron Capture (ECD), Flame Photometric (FPD) and Flame Thermionic (FTD). The standard GC-2010 was developed in 2000 while the GC-2010 Plus was developed in 2009 and features improved noise reduction and detector capability to improve sensitivity. For example, the minimum detected quantity for flame photometric detection is 0.2 pg P/s, 4 pg S/s (std) and 55 fg P/s, 3 fg S/s (Plus). Maximum operating pressure: 970 kPa. Maximum flow rate: 1200mL/min. | 2018-05-21 |
TOOL1133 | Shimadzu GC-2014 gas chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures using either packed or capillary columns. The instrument comprises of a column oven, up to three injection units and up to four detectors. The sample is injected into the instrument and enters a gas stream which transports the sample into the column inside which the various components are separated. The detector then measures the quantity of the components that exit the column. Helium or nitrogen is used as the carrier gas. It can be fitted with a variety of detector types; Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), Electron Capture Detector (ECD), Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) and Flame Thermionic Detector (FTD). The GC-2014 is equipped with advanced flow controller technology which allows for accurate flow rate control and so a higher level repeatability of retention time and peak area. The instrument also includes an LCD which displays chromatograms and method parameters in real time. | 2017-06-05 |
TOOL0941 | Shimadzu GC-8AIE gas chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air for dedicated applications. The instrument includes a single column injector, one pressure regulator, capillary column, Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and analogue output. The column oven has a two-stage overheat prevention for protection of columns. The injection port is on-column type whereby the solution is directly injected into the head of a glass column. The constant-current ECD maintains a constant current flow in the detector. The isothermal temperature ramp program holds the column oven at a set temperature throughout the analysis. | 2015-10-14 |
TOOL1340 | Shimadzu RF-20 A fluorescence detector | A high-sensitivity fluorescence spectrometer used to identify and quantify trace-level components of liquid samples, for applications such as food, pharmaceutical and environmental analyses. The fluorescence detector uses the principle of Raman spectroscopy to excite the liquid sample with excitation light from a Xenon lamp, and breaks up the emitted fluorescence light with a fluorescence monochromator. It extracts the required fluorescence wavelengths and measures the intensity with a photomultiplier. The RF-20A is capable of ultra fast, high-sensitivity multi-component analysis using a wavelength switching by time program, and utilises a four-wavelength measurement function that detects each component at its optical wavelength. Optional additions include an Amino Acid Analysis System, a Reducing Sugar Analysis System, a Carbamate Pesticide Analysis System and a Synthetic Antibacterial Agent/Mycotoxin Screening System. The RF-20A achieves a water Raman S/N ratio of 1200, and the Xenon lamp lasts approximately 2000 hours. It also has a 10 ms response time, and a wavelength range of 0, 200 nm to 650 nm. | 2019-07-19 |
TOOL1567 | Shimadzu SALD-2300 laser diffraction particle size analyser | A laser diffraction particle size analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to millimetre range. It is available for both wet and dry dispersions of particles and can measure in automated or manual modes. It is a modular system that can be fitted with a number of optional units and software packages such as the WingSALD II software. A laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample and the angular variation in intensity of the scattered light is measured. The angular scattering intensity data is then analysed to calculate the size of the particles that created the scattering pattern using the Mie theory of light scattering. It has a measurement range of 17 nm to 2.5 mm and a 1 second measuring speed. It uses a red semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 680 nm. It can operate between 10 and 30 degC. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1568 | Shimadzu SALD-7500nano nano particle size analyser | A nano laser diffraction particle size analyser designed to measure particle size from nanometre to micrometre range. It also enables measurement of fine bubbles, and allows real-time tracing of the changes in the bubble diameter. The target particle size range is seamlessly covered using a single measurement principle, single optical system, and single light source. The application of the SLIT optical system, based on scattered light intensity tracing technology, continuously captures forward-scattered light at angles up to 60 degrees on a single detector face. It features a built-in self diagnostic function for system maintenance. It has a measurement range of 10 nm to 800 um for particles and 100 nm to 60 um for bubbles. It can operate between 10 and 30 degC and has a semiconductor laser at 405 nm wavelength. It has a 1 second measuring time. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1978 | Shimadzu TOC 500 Total Organic Carbon Analyser | A total organic carbon (TOC) analyser designed to measure organic carbon concentrations. Used by chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers and petrochemical production companies. The first TOC to use the 680 deg. C combustion method, using a high-performance platinum catalyst. The method is called the high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) method. This instrument uses an improved analyser layout and simplified catalyst replacement method. Data processing allows for the automatic integration of peaks. The system compares the peak area, instead of height to calibration, to be much more selective for carbon, regardless of how easy or hard a compound is to oxidize. The TOC-500 can be programmed for various methods via keyboard, and after analysis a report can be printed on thermal paper, including result and statistical parameters necessary for quality control. The TOC-500 was first produced in 1983, and was the first Shimadzu TOC instrument to be launched globally in 1987. | 2023-08-01 |
TOOL1760 | Shimadzu TOC-L Total Organic Carbon Analyser series | A series of total organic carbon analysers designed to make sample measurements of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); total organic carbon (TOC) can be calculated by subtracting IC from TC measurements. The instrument uses the 680 degrees Celsius combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyse aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples. An optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN). Each analyser is available as an LCD and keyboard-equipped standalone model, or as a PC-controlled model. The measurement range of Total Carbon is 4 µg/L to 30000 mg/L, with a detection limit of 4 µg/L and an accuracy of 1.5%. | 2022-01-10 |
TOOL1761 | Shimadzu TOC-V Total Organic Carbon Analyser series | A series of total organic carbon analysers designed to measure total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); an optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well. Applications include study and monitoring of organic contamination of rivers, lakes, dams, and other water in the natural water cycle; Water quality control of industrial effluent and sewage plant effluent and operation management for effluent processing; Process control of the organic content in water at all types of factory; and Study and monitoring of the degree of contamination of soil, sludge, and sediments. The instrument uses the 680 degrees Celsius combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyse aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples. An optional accessory enables the measurement of total nitrogen (TN). Each analyser is available as an LCD and keyboard-equipped standalone model, or as a PC-controlled model. The measurement range depends on the specific model, with minimum detection limits of 0.05µg/L, 4µg/L and 50µg/L and maximum detection limits of 3500mg/L, 25000mg/L or 20000mg/L. Measurement accuracy is between 1.5% and 2% depending on the model. | 2022-01-10 |
TOOL0850 | Shimadzu Total Nitrogen Monoxide 1 (TNM-1) | The TNM-1 is a chemiluminescence analyser for measurement of total nitrogen. Measurements are in range 0 to 4000 mg/L, with accuracy of CV 3 percent (max) and a measurement time of 4 minutes. | 2015-04-28 |
TOOL1380 | Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-LCPH) | A PC-controlled, total organic carbon analyser (high-sensitivity model), designed to make sample measurements of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); total organic carbon (TOC) can be calculated by subtracting IC from TC measurements. An optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well. The instrument uses the 680 degC combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyse aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples. TOC-LCPH analyses sample injection volumes within (10 - 2000) uL, and the measurement ranges are (0 - 30) g/L for TC, and (0 - 35) g/L for IC; the detection limit is 4 ug/L, and the coefficient of variation is at most 1.5%. The optional POC accessory measures within the (0 - 0.5) g/L range; the optional TN accessory measures within the (0 - 10) g/L range, at a detection limit of 5 ug/L and with a coefficient of variation of at most 3%. | 2020-01-08 |
TOOL0849 | Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-VCPH) | A PC-controlled, total organic carbon analyser (high-sensitivity model), designed to measure total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); an optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well. The instrument uses the 680 degC combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyse aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples. TOC-VCPH analyses sample injection volumes within (10 - 2000) uL, and the measurement ranges are (0-25) g/L for TC, and (0-30) g/L for IC; the detection limit is 4 ug/L, and the coefficient of variation is at most 1.5%. The optional TN accessory measures within the (0-4) g/L range, at a detection limit of 5 ug/L and with a coefficient of variation of at most 3%. | 2016-11-09 |
TOOL1033 | Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-VCPN) | A PC-controlled, total organic carbon analyser (standard model), designed to make sample measurements of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC) and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC); an optional accessory enables the measurement of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total nitrogen (TN) as well. The instrument uses the 680 degC combustion catalytic oxidation method to analyse aqueous samples, and optionally solid and gas samples. TOC-VCPN analyses sample injection volumes within (10 - 150) uL, and the measurement ranges are (0-25) g/L for TC, and (0-3) g/L for IC; the detection limit is 50 ug/L, and the coefficient of variation is at most 1.5%. The optional TN accessory measures within the (0-4) g/L range, at a detection limit of 20 ug/L and with a coefficient of variation of at most 3%. | 2016-11-09 |
TOOL1967 | Shimadzu UV 240 spectrophotometer | A double-beam spectrophotometer used for marine chemical analysis to determine spectral information of water samples. It operates in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) spectral ranges (190 nm - 1100 nm). The control unit features a graphic recorder that could print spectra, measurement conditions, quantitative analysis calculation results etc., on chart paper. It also features a holographic grating as the device used to disperse light. | 2023-07-03 |
TOOL1362 | Shimadzu UV-1800 UV-VIS spectrophotometer | A double-beam spectrophotometer used for marine chemical analysis to determine spectral information of water samples. It operates in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) spectral ranges (190 nm - 1100 nm). It has a blazed holographic monochromator grating in a Czerny-Turner mounting and uses a silicon photodiode detector. The instrument can operate in a variety of modes: Photometric, Spectrum, Quantitation, Kinetics, Time Scan, Multi-Component Quantitation, Biomethod and DNA/Protein Quantitation modes. It can be controlled using all-in-one UVProbe software via PC and USB flash drive. It has a high resolution of 1 nm and can operate in temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 degC. | 2019-10-04 |
TOOL2065 | Shimadzu UV-2550 UV-VIS spectrophotometer | A double-beam spectrophotometer used for marine chemical analysis to determine spectral information of water samples. It operates in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) spectral ranges (190 nm - 1100 nm). It has a blazed holographic monochromator grating in a Czerny-Turner mounting and uses a Photomultiplier R-928 detector. The instrument can operate in a variety of modes: Photometric, Spectrum, Quantitation, Kinetics, Time Scan, Multi-Component Quantitation, Biomethod and DNA/Protein Quantitation modes. It can be controlled using all-in-one UVProbe software via PC and USB flash drive. It has a resolution of 0.1 nm and can operate in temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 degC. | 2024-07-08 |
TOOL1858 | Shipmate RS4000 Navigator System | Radio navigation system designed specifically as a Decca Navigator System (DNS) receiver. This instrument can be integrated into an RS5100 Satellite Navigator. The instrument has a digital display and push buttons. Decca guidance suggests 50 m positional accuracy in daylight and 200 m in darkness. The instrument was used in the 1980's and is no longer in production. | 2022-10-12 |
TOOL1460 | Shirshov Institute of Oceanology floating spectroradiometer | A floating spectroradiometer designed to measure seawater upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance at the sea surface. It was designed and constructed by the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Acadamy of Science (SIO RAS). Upwelling radiance is measured just beneath the sea surface and downwelling irradiance just above the sea surface at a distance approximately 50 m from the ship. It measures upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance in the spectral range 390-700 nm with a spectral resolution of 2.5 nm. It has a radiometric accuracy of 5 percent. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL0239 | SiS RTM 4002 X digital reversing thermometer | A second-generation digital thermometer that collects a burst of temperature readings when inverted. It has a range of -2C to 40C, a resolution of 0.0001C below 10C (0.001C above 10C) and an accuracy of 0.003C. A glass-titanium housing with double o-ring seals of similar physical dimensions to an Hg-in-glass instrument gives an operating depth of 10000m. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1226 | SignalQuest SQ-SI-360DA inclinometer | A solid-state MEMS inclinometer module. It is used for platform and vehicle leveling but can also be used for a variety of other applications including computer input, head tracking and mouse pointing. The sensor uses two factory calibrated accelerometers to measure and compute angles made between its axes and the gravity vector. The trigonometric conversions between acceleration and angle are made by an onboard processor. Digital filtering reduces the impact of spurious acceleration and vibration on the reported angle. It features UART serial output and analog output. It is capable of +/- 70 degrees dual axis angle measurement and 360 degrees single axis angle measurement. Accuracy: +/- 1-2 degrees (differential). | 2018-04-20 |
TOOL1595 | Silicon Audio Low-Noise optical seismometer | An optical broadband seismometer designed for ocean bottom exploration. The seismometer uses optical interferometry to detect ground movements. This is involves splitting a laser beam along two paths; one reflects off a motion-responsive mirror, and the other a fixed mirror. The difference in distance travelled by each beam is detected by photo-diodes, and ground movements are inferred via different light intensities from the difference in distance travelled by each beam. The system is suited to low-noise applications, and can be used in any orientation due to the stiff springs used. The seismometer can be configured in high-sensitivity, high dynamic range or high velocity modes, with sensitivities of 60 V/g, 15 V/g and 750 V/m/s respectively. The seismometer can detect ground motion as small as 1 femtometre (10^-15 m). Its operating temperature range is from -35 to +75 degC. | 2021-01-19 |
TOOL0814 | Simrad EA501P echosounder | A single-beam, single-frequency, portable echosounder for bottom detection. It is housed in an aluminium casing and can be fitted with one of several transducer at differing frequencies (38, 49, 120, 200 and 710 kHz). Maximum depth detection is 1900 m in sewater and 3000 m in freshwater. | 2014-12-10 |
TOOL0198 | Simrad EK-60 echosounder | A split-beam scientific echosounder primarily designed for fisheries research. It can operate seven frequencies simultaneously ranging from 18 to 710 kHz. Real time echo integration and target strength analysis in an unlimited number of layers is provided as well as storage of raw data for replay or analysis in one of several post-processing software packages such as Simrad's BI60. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0857 | Simrad EK500 Fishery Research Echosounder | The EK500 is a modular triple frequency scientific echo sounder with a high performance and very accurate receiving system and with independent parallel processing within each of the frequency channels. Furthermore, the Simrad EK500 is the only sounder system which in one compact unit provides: a high performance scientific sounder; an advanced echo integrator, and a target strength analyser (split -beam method). | 2015-05-27 |
TOOL1205 | Simrad EK80 echo sounder | A high precision scientific echo sounder, designed to simultaneously operate frequencies ranging from 10 to 500 kHz. EK80 is a modular echo sounder system, and can operate with a combination of split and single beam transducers facilitated by a built-in calibration application. This system was built in succession to the EK60 echo sounder. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0131 | Simrad EM12 S-120 multibeam echosounder | A low frequency (13 kHz) multibeam echo sounder with full ocean depth capability. The angular coverage is 120 degrees with a swath width of 3.5 times depth. It was introduced in 1989 replaced by the EM120 in 2000. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0394 | Simrad EM12D multibeam echosounder | A low frequency (13 kHz) multibeam echo sounder with a depth capability of approximately 2000 m. The EM12D is a dual version of the EM12S, with 162 beams instead of the 81 used by the EM12S. The angular coverage is variable from 98 deg, with a swath width of 2.3 times depth, to 150 deg, with a swath width of 7.4 times depth. The EM12 series of echosounders was replaced by the EM120 in 2000. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0689 | Simrad ES60 echosounder | A third generation single-beam or split-beam multi-frequncy echosounder primarily designed for fish-finding but may also be used in fisheries research. More information may be found in http://www.simrad.com/www/01/NOKBG0397.nsf/AllWeb/1C1B8782314422F9C12570F300270EAC/$file/Simrad_ES60_Brochure_English.pdf?OpenElement.This instrument is now (April 2014) flagged as discontinues on the Simrad web site. | 2014-04-16 |
TOOL0875 | Simrad GC80 and GC85 gyrocompass | A gyrocompass for use in autopilot and dynamic positioning systems. The compass uses a sealed sensitive element to detect heading and contains no liquid. The GC85 and GC80 are fully IMO approved for standard and High Speed Craft (GC85). Dynamic error (x secant latitude) is less than +/- 0.4 degrees. Settle point error and static error (x secant latitude) is less than +/- 0.1 degrees. | 2015-06-08 |
TOOL1619 | Simrad GC80 {gyro} gyrocompass | GC80 approved according to IMO A.424(XI) performance standards for gyro-compasses It is designed for vessels with speed up to 30 knots. The system complies with IMO A.424 (11) and Wheel Mark Specifications. The compass uses a sealed sensitive element to detect heading and contains no liquid. In the GC80 series, the GC80 differs from the GC85 by the sensitive element used. Can be configured in a dual or triple gyrocompass system. Is used in conjuction with a compact, dual or expanded control unit. Settling time accuracy: within 3 h. Settle point error accuracy: <+/-0.1 degrees. Repeatability of settle point error accuracy: <+/-0.1 degrees. Roll and pitch error accuracy: <+/-0.4 degrees. Range of speed correction: 0-50 knots/latitude (0-70 degrees). | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1645 | Simrad NSS evo3 echosounder and positioning system | The NSS evo3 multifunction displays from Simrad offer reliable, centralised access to charting, sonar, radar, and other on-board systems. All NSS evo3 models feature built-in StructureScan HD imaging, which combines DownScan and SideScan sonar to provide picture-like views of the seafloor ideal for fish-finding, surveys, and searches. Alternatively, ForwardScan sonar offers a forward-looking bottom view to minimize the chance of running aground in shallow or poorly charted waters. NSS evo3 also features built-in CHIRP sonar for fish-finding and bottom-tracking applications, with dual transducer ports to allow simultaneous use of either StructureScan HD or ForwardScan and CHIRP or traditional sonar. Navigation used an embedded high-gain 10 Hz GPS/GLONASS receiver. This has applications on board recreational boats, for coastal fishing, and on commercial workboats. Available in 7, 9, 12 and 16 inch display sizes. For additional features, this can be connected with Simrad radar solutions, StructureScan 3D sonar, autopilot, AIS, and many other expansion modules. It has an operating temperature range of -15 degrees Celsius to +55 degrees Celsius. Steering Modes include: Auto, Nav., No Drift, Follow-up, Non-follow up, Turn patterns, and Standby, as well as Wind and Wind NAV when boat type is set to Sail. It is compatible with broadband radar, Halo Pulse Compression Radar, and HD Pulse Radar. It has a waterproof rating of IPX6 and 7 and a horizontal accuracy of 3 m. | 2021-03-01 |
TOOL0858 | Simrad SM2000 FR Multibeam Echosounder | A 200 kHz multibeam echosounder which can operate in depths between 500 to 2500m. It has known to be installed on Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) such as ISIS to conduct bathymetry surveys. | 2015-05-27 |
TOOL1208 | Simrad Wideband Autonomous Transceiver (WBAT) | An autonomous, self-contained echo-sounder, designed to be submerged to a maximum of 1500 m depth for up to 15 months at a time. The instrument operates within a frequency range of 30 kHz to 500 kHz; it is composed of four channels, each with a maximum transmit power of 250 W. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1043 | Single-frequency Solid-state Altimeter | SSALT (Single-frequency Solid-state Altimeter), alternatively referred to as Poseidon-1, is a radar altimeter designed to measure ocean topography, significant wave height and wind speed on sea surface. It was a low-power, low-mass test-bed for future space-borne altimeters. SSALT consists of two packages: the processing and control unit (PCU), and the radio frequency unit (RFU). SSALT sends a pulse generated by a surface acoustic wave generator with a 300 MHz bandwidth and 900 MHz frequency to the sea surface. The pulses are amplified before transmission, and frequency converted to 13.65 GHz after generation. The received pulses are also amplified and an FFT (fast fourier transform) analyser computes the power spectrum of the signal. The signal is sent through a microprocessor which performs the waveform computations to produce the output data. SSALT operates at a single frequency of 13.65 GHz (Ku band), with a measurement accuracy within 10 cm (typically 2.5 cm). Flown on TOPEX/Poseidon. https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/topex-poseidon | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0245 | Skalar SAN+ System colorimetric autoanalyser | A continuous flow analyser designed for laboratory use capable of simultaneous determination of up to 16 analystical measurements on a sample. It may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. The instrument is also known as the Skalar SAN++. | 2012-11-06 |
TOOL0700 | Skipper Electronics DL 850 Doppler speed log | A dual axis speed log which uses the Doppler principle to measure the longitudinal and fore/aft transversal ship speed relative to the sea bed or the water. It contains 4 x 540 kHz transducers for speed log function. An auxilliary 270 kHz transducer provides an echo sounder function which measures depth (<130 m). Speed range is +/- 40 knots (<0.2 knots accuracy). | 2014-06-10 |
TOOL1630 | Skipper Electronics EML224 electromagnetic speed log | A dual-axis electromagnetic log system comprising a sensor (transducer), display (operator) unit and an electronic interconnection unit. The instrument operates under the principle of measuring changes in the electromagnetic field generated by the transducer to determine ship speed for navigational purposes. The electromagnetic sensor measures longitudinal and transversal speeds, drift angle and sea temperature. The instrument has a speed measurement accuracy of +/- 0.2 knots or 2% of reading, and distance travelled accuracy of +/- 0.2 nm or 2%, whichever is greater. Roll and pitch accuracy is >10 and >5 degrees respectively, and temperature accuracy is <1 degC. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL1762 | Skipper Electronics ESN200 echosounder | A dual channel, multi-frequency echosounder designed for navigation purposes. The ESN200 has seven selectable frequencies (24, 30, 33, 38, 50, 100, and 200 kHz) and two selectable depth ranges (0 - 5 and 0 - 5000 metres). The instrument comprises a colour display unit, a transceiver unit and the sensor. The accuracy and resolution are +/- 0.1 metres in water depths of 1 - 10 metres, +/- 1% and +/- 0.1 metres respectively in water depths of 10 - 100 metres, and +/- 1% and +/- 1 metre (resolution display) or 0.1 metre (NMEA output) respectively in water depths of 100 - 5000 metres. | 2022-01-12 |
TOOL1835 | Skipper Electronics GDS102 singlebeam echosounder | A single-beam, dual channel navigation echosounder used to measure seafloor depth. The instrument interfaces with the ship's navigational system and stores 24 hours of data for depth, speed, position, heading, and time. It has connections for 1 or 2 transducers with a resonant frequency range of 10-256 kHz, and comes with a 10.4 inch TFT colour display. The instrument includes shallow and deep water alarms, which can be connected to external alarm systems. The user can select the depth range to be either 0-50 m or 0-5000 m. This instrument's measuring accuracy is <1%. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL0411 | Skye SKE 510 PAR energy sensor | A PAR energy sensor suitable for atmospheric or very shallow water applications (it is fully waterproof and guaranteed submersible to 4 m depth). It has a cosine-corrected head and a square spectral response over the range 400 - 700 nm. The instrument uses an optical glass filter and a blue-enhanced planar diffused silicon detector to measure PAR energy from 0 - 5000 W/m^2. It has a response time of 10 ns and a typical absolute calibration error of < 3 %. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL0479 | Skye SKL 2650 high output silicon cell pyranometer | A cosine corrected silicon cell pyranometer designed for measurement of solar irradiance in outdoor locations. It operates over the range 350 - 1100 nm and provides excellent linearity, with a maximum of 1 % deviation up to levels beyond 3000 W/m^2. The sensor is calibrated against precision reference thermopile pyranometers in natural light conditions. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL0645 | Skye SKP 215 quantum sensor | A meteorological radiometer with a blue-enhanced silicon photocell and a cosine corrected head that measures Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) between 400 and 700 nm. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL0194 | Skye SKS 1110 pyranometer | A silicon cell pyranometer for measurement of sunlight in outdoor locations with sensors are calibrated against precision reference thermopile pyranometers in natural light conditions. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL1771 | Skye SKU 430 UVB sensor | Sensor to measure UVB (280 - 315 nm) It has applications in climatology, meteorology, marine biology, ecology, and zoology for example measuring UV effects on ecosystems; Studies of plant and animal responses to rising UV levels; and monitoring exposure of test samples in natural and other UV sources. It has a sensitivity of 150 mV per W m-2. Its linearity (0 - 1 V with 9 V power supply) is better than 1 %. It has an operating temperature range of between -30 to +60 degC, and a operating humidity range of 0 - 100 % relative humidity. | 2024-08-20 |
NETT0139 | Small plankton sampler - Glover (1953) | This is a small high-speed sampler (similar to the Hardy Standard Plankton Indicator and the Miniature Plankton Indicator) with a 1.9 cm diameter aperture opening, 3.2 cm diameter internal net and 8.9 cm long, and a 30.5 cm overall length [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 14 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1913 | Smart Radio Holdings Limited SR162 Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Receiver | An AIS (Automatic Identification System) receive only unit, that enables the reception of AIS information from suitably equipped vessels. Typical uses include Collision avoidance; Monitoring vessels; When combined with software, the output from the transponder can be monitored remotely to check on a vessel progress; Small port/harbour monitoring of AIS vessels where a full AIS transponder is not cost justified; Extending monitoring range for larger harbours and ports where multiple systems can be linked via a network or internet. Information transmitted from vessels fitted with AIS transponders include name, call sign, position, heading, speed, destination, type and size of vessel. With the optional viewer program, any AIS equipped vessel within VHF range (generally 40 nautical miles can be displayed, depending on environmental factors). Alternatively, a suitable chart system can be used to display the vessel data. The SR162 is compatible with any chart/ECDIS system capable of accepting standard NMEA 0183 AIS sentences. It operates as dual channels simultaneously receiving at frequencies: 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz. | 2023-05-02 |
TOOL1638 | Smartfin temperature sensor | Smartfin is a surfboard fin with integrated research grade ocean health sensors. Integrated sensors currently include temperature, motion, and GPS sensors (pH, oxygen, algae, and water clarity sensors could be added in future). It has applications in large scale citizen science and funded research projects. The external sensor is on the tip of the fin. There is also an internal sensor on the motherboard in the centre of the fin. The external sensor is more accurate and has a quicker response than the internal sensor. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL0962 | Smith-McIntyre grab | This grab was designed to operate under difficult conditions in the open sea. It has a typical sampling area of 0.1 m2 and a penetration depth up to 30 cm. This grab is mounted on a stainless steel frame suspended from a pair of lowering cables (bridles) attached to the bucket arms. Springs activated by a trigger mechanism, released when the foot plates come into contact with the ocean floor, force the bucket jaws into the sediment in order to collect the sample. Safety features have been fitted to the grab to prevent the tripping mechanism from being triggered prematurely. | 2015-12-16 |
TOOL1781 | Sofar Ocean Spotter wave buoy | An open-ocean buoy that gives you access to real-time ocean data including wind, waves, and sea surface temperatures. It collects 3D displacement time series, and calculates the wave spectrum, which is stored onboard and can be transmittedthrough the dashboard. Data collected include: surface wave spectrum (swell, sea, period, direction), wind speed/direction, surface drift/direction, and sea surface temperature (SST). Deployment options include: free Floating, as a mooring or in an array. Raw sensor data can be accessed via an onboard SD card. Real-time data can be transmitted via iridium satellite. The SST sensor has an accuracy of 0.1 degrees Celsius and resolution of 0.02 degrees Celsius. The instruments wave frequency range is 0.03-1 Hz (30s to 1s), it's sampling rate is 2.5 Hz (Nyquist at 1.25Hz), its wave displacement accuracy is approximately +/- 2cm (depending on field of view, weather conditions, and GPS system status), its wave direction resolution is 0 - 360 degrees (full circle). It is fully solar-powered. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1643 | Solar Light 501 (biometer) radiometer | A rugged meteorological-grade instruments which measures erythemally-weighted UVB solar radiation outdoors and underwater. This permanent outdoor UV solar radiation measurement system is used in weather stations and metrological observatories around the world, as well as during plant, marine, climatological ozone and other biological impact studies that require continuous field measurements over long periods of time. The sampling interval can be user selected between 1 minute and 1 hour. The recorder can store up to six months' worth of data collected at one-hour intervals. This instrument can measure solar ultraviolet radiation and from artificial sources with wavelengths between 280nm and 400nm. It can operate in temperatures between -40 degrees Celsius and +50 degrees Celsius, and has a maximum operating depth of 5 meters. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL0092 | SonTek ADVOcean/Hydra acoustic Doppler velocimeter | The ADVOcean uses acoustic Doppler technology to measure 3D flow in a small sampling volume located at a fixed distance (18cm) from the probe. The velocity range is programmable from +/- 5 to +/- 500 cm/s. Data can be acquired at sampling rates up to 25 Hz. The ADVOcean consists of two elements: acoustic sensor probe and processer. The Hydra label is used when additional optional sensors and interfaces for non-current parameters are included. The acoustic probe calibration can only change if the system is physically damaged. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0090 | SonTek Argonaut moored 3D Doppler current meter | The Argonaut-MD is a single-point doppler 3D vector averaging current meter designed for mooring deploymen for up to 2 years. It does not require calibration, has no moving parts, no threshold velocity and can be fitted with optional pressure and temperature sensors, Sea-Bird SeaCAT CTD or an inductive modem. It uses a fixed measurement volume centered 1.25 m from the instrument for 3 MHz systems (2.0 m for 1.5 MHz systems) and is housed in a single Deltrin or Titanium canister with internal memory and batteries. It can be clamped to the mooring line or mounted within a mooring cage. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1926 | SonTek CastAway CTD | A lightweight hand-held conductivity, temperature and pressure (depth) (CTD) sensor designed for quick and accurate profiles in shallow water settings. Each cast is automatically referenced with both time and location using a built-in GPS receiver. SonTek CastAway software displays profiles of the casts in addition to mapping the locations of the data collection points. Data integrate directly with RiverSurveyor-Live, HydroSurveyor and HYPACK software, and can be exported to MATLAB for applying sound speed corrections. The CastAway features a rugged, non-corrosive housing with colour LCD screen, AA battery power for 40 hours of continuous use and computer free operation. The instrument has a 5 Hz response time and sampling rate. Data can be downloaded by Bluetooth wireless. Depth range of the instrument is 0 to 100 m, in water temperatures of -5 to 45 degC. Conductivity can be measured in the range 0 to 100,000 microsiemens/cm, with a resolution of 1 microsiemens/cm and an accuracy of +/- 0.25% or +/- 5 microsiemens/cm. Temperature can be measured in the range -5 to 45 degC, with a resolution of 0.01 degC and an accuracy of +/- 0.05 degC. Pressure can be measured in the range 0 to 100 dBar, with a resolution of 0.01 dBar and an accuracy of +/- 0.25% FS. GPS is accurate to within 10 metres. | 2023-05-24 |
TOOL1530 | Sonar Equipment Services SES-5000 sub-bottom profiler series | A series of pinger sub-bottom profilers, designed to identify and characterise subsurface layers of sediment or rock in marine environments. The series includes the 5000, 5001 and 5001S, desinged to operate as combined transmitter and receiver systems. The transceiver generates single frequency tone bursts when triggered, which activates the transducer array (4x4). The transducers convert these to acoustic waves that travel vertically down through the water column to the sea floor. The acoustic waves may penetrate the seafloor for 10s of metres. At each material change interface some acoustic reflection may occur, which travels back through the water column to the transducers. The reflections are converted back into electrical signals for digital processing into an image, or section, for interpretation. The SES-5000 series operates at primarily 4.5 kHz with a pulse width of 2 cycles, but can operate between 3.5-9 kHz. The fastest trigger period os 75 ms. | 2020-08-24 |
TOOL2091 | Sonardyne Dynamic Positioning Transponder 6 series | A series of seabed reference transponders designed to be used by ultra-short baseline (USBL) and long and ultra-short baseline (LUSBL) acoustic positioning systems installed on dynamically positioned (DP) vessels. The DPT 6 supports Sonardyne Wideband 2 acoustic ranging and telemetry, providing high accuracy positioning and robust performance in noisy and multipath conditions. The transponders feature hundreds of channels to reduce interference to and from other acoustic systems, enabling easier simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) on vessels. The device is constructed from an anodised aluminium alloy, with a protective polyurethane sleeve. It is fitted with a reliable release mechanism to enable the unit to be deployed in a floatation collar and recovered to the surface without remotely operated vehicle (ROV) intervention. Real time diagnostics on ranges are available to enable quality control. All types in the series operate in the medium frequency band (20 - 34 kHz), and feature a temperature sensor, tilt switch, strain gauge pressure sensor, and inclinometer tilt sensor as standard. Three depth ratings are available (3000, 5000, and 7000 m). Ranging precision is better than 15 mm. Battery life (listening) is 833 or 1390 days (alkaline and lithium respectively). All types have 500 unique Wideband 1 and 2 addresses. | 2024-09-04 |
TOOL1596 | Sonardyne Fetch 8306 sensor logging node | A wireless autonomous sensor data logger suitable for various subsea applications. It can be configured with an array of different sensors such as temperature, pressure, inclination, sound velocity and more. Bluetooth and serial links are available for configuration and testing pre-deployment. Data can be wirelessly recovered via an integrated acoustic modem at 9000 bits per second. The Fetch 8306 is also compatible with Sonardyne's USBL positioning systems. It features extremely long battery life at approximately 12 years, enabling long-term deployment and logging capabilities. The logger is depth-rated to 3000 m (steel) or 6000 m (titanium) dependent on the housing material selected. It has an operating frequency of 19-34 kHz (MF) or 14-19 kHz (LMF). Its operating temperature range is from -5 to +35 degC. | 2021-01-19 |
TOOL2092 | Sonardyne Nano transponder series | A series of transponders designed for acoustic positioning of divers or small underwater vehicles. The transponders are small and lightweight to allow easy attachment to a diver or vehicle. They are available in three variants: near field communication (NFC), with connector (cabled), and original equipment manufacturer (OEM). All variants are depth rated to 500 m and have an acoustic source level and beam shape that is designed to operate over a 995 m slant range under normal conditions. Variants also feature a three-month battery life, and over 300 independent acoustic addresses. The transponders operate in the medium frequency (MF) band from 20 - 34 kHz, and are compatible with Sonardyne's mini-ranger 2 6G Wideband ultra-short baseline (USBL) system. Transducer beam shape is omni-directional (+/- 130 degrees). Operating temperature is -10 to 45 degC. | 2024-09-04 |
TOOL1111 | Sonardyne Ranger 2 Ultra Short BaseLine acoustic positioning system | An acoustic positioning system for deep water, long range tracking of underwater targets and position referencing for dynamically positioned (DP) vessels. It calculates the position of a subsea target, for example an ROV, by measuring the range and bearing from a vessel-mounted transceiver to an acoustic transponder fitted to the target. It supports 6G acoustic systems and inverted USBL (iUSBL) tracking. It is available in two versions. In standard configuration, Ranger 2 allows up to 10 subsea targets to be simultaneously tracked from a surface vessel. In Ranger 2 Pro configuration, any number of subsea targets can be tracked. The positioning accuracy obtainable from either configuration can be improved by interfacing the system directly into Sonardyne Lodestar attitude and heading reference system (Optimised Ranger 2). It has an operating range of over 6000 m. It has a system accuracy of 0.2% of Slant Range (0.1% of Slant Range for optimised system). | 2017-02-09 |
TOOL1787 | Sonardyne SPRINT-Nav 700 (400 kHz) subsea navigation system | A subsea navigation system designed for subsea vehicle navigation and guidance, as well as general survey and construction operations. It combines a solid-state dual Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS), a 400 kHz Syrinx Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), and a high accuracy pressure sensor in a single housing. SPRINT-Navs inertial dual AHRS and INS algorithm capability enables instantaneous INS start-up with North alignment from the onboard AHRS. This allows simultaneous use scenarios e.g. AHRS plus DVL for ROV piloting, INS plus DVL for survey operations. Continuous on-board data storage supports post-mission diagnostics and post-processing. The onboard Syrinx Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) is also available as a 600 kHz option. The SPRINT-Nav is depth-rated to 6000 m; a 4000 m rated version is also available. It has an INS secant latitude heading accuracy of 0.02 degrees (0.08 degrees Lodestar AHRS), and a roll and pitch accuracy of 0.01 degrees. It has a 0.4-175 m DVL operating range, a DVL ping rate up to 25 Hz, and an ADCP ping rate up to 4 Hz. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1786 | Sonardyne SPRINT-Nav 700 (600 kHz) subsea navigation system | A subsea navigation system designed for subsea vehicle navigation and guidance, as well as general survey and construction operations. It combines a solid-state dual Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS), a 600 kHz Syrinx Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), and a high accuracy pressure sensor in a single housing. SPRINT-Navs inertial dual AHRS and INS algorithm capability enables instantaneous INS start-up with North alignment from the onboard AHRS. This allows simultaneous use scenarios e.g. AHRS plus DVL for ROV piloting, INS plus DVL for survey operations. Continuous on-board data storage supports post-mission diagnostics and post-processing. The onboard Syrinx Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) is also available as a 400 kHz option. The SPRINT-Nav is depth-rated to 6000 m; a 4000 m rated version is also available. It has an INS secant latitude heading accuracy of 0.02 degrees (0.08 degrees Lodestar AHRS), and a roll and pitch accuracy of 0.01 degrees. It has a 0.4-175 m DVL operating range, a DVL ping rate up to 25 Hz, and an ADCP ping rate up to 4 Hz. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL1971 | Sony Cybershot DSC-F707 digital still camera | A handheld digital still camera, with a wide range of applications that require high quality images. Recordings can be output as JPEG, GIF, TIFF, or MPEG1. The camera comes with a specific lens and is a charge-coupled device (CCD) that uses super Hole-accumulation Diode Technology (HAD). It comes with an LCD screen and electrical viewfinder, and requires the use of batteries. The image sensor size is 2/3. Maximum still image size is 2560X1920 (resolution 5 MP) and video image size is 320X240 at 8.3 frames per second (FPS). The lens has a focal length of 9.7 - 48.5 mm. 5X optical zoom. | 2023-07-12 |
TOOL1972 | Sony Handycam HDR-CX560V video camera | A handheld full high-definition (HD) 60 p camcorder with GPS and 12.3-megapixel stills. Uses a back-illuminated Exmor R complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) sensor with an F1.8 - 3.4 aperture to deliver superior low-light video in 1920 x 1080. Features a 64 GB embedded flash memory for up to 26 hours of recording. Optical zoom is 10 x, digital zoom is 120 x, extended zoom is 14 x. Features a 3-inch touch-screen LCD display (921 K), optical image stabilisation, tracking focus, face detection, and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel sound recording. The built in GPS receiver and NAVTEQ maps allows photos and videos to be geotagged. | 2023-07-16 |
TOOL1973 | Sony SNC-RH124 camera | A high definition (HD) network dome camera, supporting H.264, MPEG-4 and JPEG compression formats. The SNC-RH124 delivers HD resolution (1280 x 720 at 30 fps), in 16:9 aspect ratio. Tilt range is 210 degrees, with 15 degrees above-the-horizon tilt up, and a 360-degree endless high-speed panning capability to cover a wide monitoring area. Incorporates image-enhancement technologies to provide clear and bright images. Features a 1/3" complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) sensor, with approximately 2 megapixels. Minimum illumination is 1.9 lux (day) or 0.17 lux (night). Operating temperature is 0 to 50 degC. Zoom ratio is 10x. Horizontal viewing angle is 5.4 to 50 degrees. | 2023-07-16 |
TOOL1597 | Sound Metrics Aris Explorer 3000 imaging sonar | A high-resolution imaging sonar instrument designed for various shallow underwater inspection and monitoring applications, including target identification and classification. Part of the DIDSON brand, the ARIS Explorer 3000 offers dual frequencies for either detection or identification, as well as dynamic focusing. The ARIS Explorer 3000 can be paired with the ARIS Rotator AR2 mounted either on a tripod, pole, or ROV to enable 360-degree pan and tilt of the imaging sonar instrument. The instrument is supplied with Windows software for processing using an Ethernet interface. It features 128 beams and has an identification frequency of 3 MHz at 5 m range. Its detection frequency is 1.8 MHz at 15 m range. It is depth-rated to 300 m. Each beam is 0.25 degrees wide, and the overall field of view is 30x15 degrees. | 2021-01-19 |
TOOL1419 | Sound Metrics DIDSON 3000 (Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar) multibeam imaging sonar | An acoustic camera. It provides almost video-quality images in turbid or dark water where optical systems are ineffective. DIDSON uses acoustic lenses to focus beams and form an acoustic image on the transducer array. DIDSON forms images differently than an optical camera. DIDSON sends out short acoustic pulses in 48 or 96 acoustic beams. These beams are very narrow in the horizontal dimension (0.3deg to 0.8deg) and wide in the vertical dimension (14deg). The beams are adjacent to each other and together form a field-of-view 29deg horizontal and 14deg vertical. The Didson 3000 is rated to a depth of 3000m. Has both Detection and Identification modes. Max frame rate (window length dependent) 4-21 frames/s. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0713 | Sparton AXBT | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The AXBT Probe is deployed by aircraft and can be used to a maximum depth of 800m. | 2014-07-08 |
TOOL1381 | Sparton of Canada T-1 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-1 XBT Probe can be used to a maximum depth of 460m. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1387 | Sparton of Canada T-10 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-10 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 200m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 10 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1388 | Sparton of Canada T-20 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-20 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 20 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1382 | Sparton of Canada T-3 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-3 XBT Probe can be used to a maximum depth of 760m. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1383 | Sparton of Canada T-4 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-4 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 30 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1384 | Sparton of Canada T-5 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-5 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 1830m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 6 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1385 | Sparton of Canada T-6 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-6 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 460m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 15 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1386 | Sparton of Canada T-7 XBT probe | An expendable free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. The T-7 XBT Probe can be used within a maximum depth of 760m, may be deployed at a ship speed of up to 15 knots and has a vertical resolution of 65cm. | 2020-01-15 |
TOOL1052 | Special Sensor Microwave Imager | The Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) is a passive microwave radiometer that measures atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial microwave brightness temperatures at 19.35, 22.2, 37.0, and 85.5 GHz, from which ocean surface wind speed, atmospheric water vapour, cloud liquid water and rain rate can be derived. The SSM/I consists of an offset parabolic reflector of dimensions 24 x 26 inches, fed by a corrugated, broad-band, seven-port horn antenna. The reflector and feed are mounted on a drum that contains the radiometers, digital data subsystem, mechanical scanning subsystem, and power subsystem. The reflector-feed-drum assembly is rotated about the axis of the drum by a coaxially mounted bearing and power transfer assembly (BAPTA). All data, commands, timing and telemetry signals, and power pass through the BAPTA on slip ring connectors to the rotating assembly. The absolute brightness temperature of the scene incident upon the antenna is received and spatially filtered by the antenna to produce an effective input signal or antenna temperature at the input of the feed horn antenna. The SSM/I has seven channels, four frequencies, and is orthogonally polarised. It rotates continuously about an axis parallel to the local spacecraft at 31.6 rpm and measures the upwelling scene brightness temperature over an angular range of 102.4 degrees at nadir. The active scene measurements lie +51.2 to -51.2 degrees about the forward (F10, F11) or aft (F8) direction. This results in a swath width of approximately 1400 kilometres. During each 1.9 second scan, 128 discrete uniformly spaced radiometric samples are taken at the two 85 GHz channels and, on alternate scans, 64 discrete samples are taken at the remaining lower frequency channels. The antenna beam intersects the Earth's surface at an incidence angle of 53.1 degrees. Flown on F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18 F19. https://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/ssmi_instrument.gd.html | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1053 | Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder | The Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMI/S) is a passive microwave radiometer that is an enhanced version of the The Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I). It measures atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial microwave brightness temperatures from 19 to 183 GHz, from which ocean surface wind speed, atmospheric water vapour, cloud liquid water and rain rate can be derived. The SSMI/S is an enhanced version of the SSM/I. It consists of an offset 24-inch parabolic reflector fed by a corrugated, broad-band, seven-port horn antenna. The reflector and feed are mounted on a drum that contains the radiometers, digital data subsystem, mechanical scanning subsystem, and power subsystem. The reflector-feed-drum assembly is rotated about the axis of the drum by a coaxially mounted bearing and power transfer assembly (BAPTA). All data, commands, timing and telemetry signals, and power pass through the BAPTA on slip ring connectors to the rotating assembly.The absolute brightness temperature of the scene incident upon the antenna is received and spatially filtered by the antenna to produce an effective input signal or antenna temperature at the input of the feed horn antenna. The feedhorn data are input to the receiver subsystem where frequency multiplexing occurs to produce 24 channels of data. The receiver outputs are converted to the video spectrum, digitized and formatted. The SSMI/S has 24 channels and eight frequencies. It measures the same frequencies and polarisations as the SSM/I, with the exception of the 85.5 GHz channel which has been replaced by a 91.655 GHz channel. A 183 GHz channel has also been added. The instrument rotates continuously about an axis parallel to the local spacecraft at 31.6 rpm and measures the upwelling scene brightness temperature over an angular range of 143.2 degrees at nadir. It has a swath width of approximately 1700 kilometres. Frequency multiplexing occurs as the main reflector is illuminated by six broadband corrugated feedhorns, grouping Channels 1-5; Channels 6, 7, 19-24; Channels 12-14; Channels 15-16; Channels 8-11; and Channels 17-18. Flown on F16, F17, F18, F19. https://nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/ssmis_instrument/ | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0813 | Sperry Marine MK-27F Gyrocompass | Fibre optic gyrocompass for heading and attitude. It is designed for millitary applications. Sensor can be either deck or pedestal mounted in sheltered or non-sheltered environment. Heading accuracy is 0.35 degree secant latitude. Pitch and roll accuracy is 0.1 degrees. | 2014-12-09 |
TOOL0661 | Sperry Marine MK37 series gyrocompasses | A family of instruments that contains a controlled gyroscope which seeks and aligns itself with the meridian and points to true north. They use the properties of the gyroscope in combination with the rotation of the earth and the effect of gravity. The effects of varying speed and latitude are compensated for by the use of manually operated controls. Models MOD I, MOD O, MOD D, MOD D/E are all with an analog output Step or/and Syncro. MOD VT is the latest model with NMEA Data output as well. | 2015-06-16 |
TOOL0885 | Sperry Marine MK39 inertial navigation system | An inertial navigation system which uses a Ring-Laser gyro. It calculates, via dead reckoning, the position, heading, attitude and velocity. It is mainly used in naval ships. Heading acurracy: 3 Arcmin Sec (Lat) RMS and 7 Arcmin Sec (Lat) Peak. Position: 1.0 nm in 8 hr TRMS. | 2015-06-17 |
TOOL1792 | Sperry Marine NAVIGAT 200 gyrocompass | A spinning mass gyrocompass built on the NAVIGAT X MK 1, designed especially for multi-compass implementations, such as the Sperry Marine CompassNet heading management system. The NAVIGAT 200 utilises a unique method of supporting the system by means of fluid buoyancy, which ensures north stabilisation even during short power failures. The system architecture is based on Ethernet communication enabling easy integration with magnetic, GPS and/or fibre optic compasses. Heading accuracy is <= 0.1 degrees secant latitude (linear mean settle point error), <= 0.1 degrees secant latitude (static error), and <= 0.4 degrees secant latitude (dynamic error). Freedom of pitch and roll is +/- 40 degrees. | 2022-04-19 |
TOOL1607 | Sperry Marine NAVIGAT 2100 gyrocompass | A fibre-optic gyrocompass and attitude system. Designed for integrated bridges and advanced high-speed vessels. The operation principle is based on the invariance of light (Sagnac effect). It uses three fibre-optic coils (gyroscopes) and a dual-axis electronic level sensor and a Kalman filter to determine the direction of true north. Solid state sensor that has no moving parts and does not require a gimbal. Includes 12 analogue and digital repeaters, and 2 dependent 6 steps/degree heading outputs. Heading accuracy is <= 0.7 degrees secant latitude. Roll/pitch angle accuracy is <= 0.5 degrees. Rate of turn accuracy is < = 0.4 degrees/min. x/y rate accuracy is <= 0.4 degrees/min. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL1608 | Sperry Marine NAVIGAT 3000 gyrocompass | A fibre-optic gyrocompass and attitude system. Designed for Mega Yachts, Cargo Vessels and Cruise Liners. Solid state sensor that has no moving parts and does not require a gimbal. Includes 12 serial interfaces for heading repeaters plus 6 serial interfaces for heading receivers and analogue outputs. Also includes 2 dependent 6 steps/degree heading outputs. Heading accuracy is <= 0.4 degrees secant latitude RMS. Roll/pitch angle accuracy is <= 0.1 degrees (for angles <= 45 degrees RMS). Rate of turn accuracy is < = 0.018 degrees/min. x/y rate accuracy is <= 0.4 degrees/min. Heave accuracy is 0.1 m. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0699 | Sperry Marine NAVIGAT X MK 1 digital gyrocompass | A digital gyrocompass for use in marine navigation. The system comprises a gyrosphere supported in fluid, suspended at a single point. The centering pin retaining arrangement can be mounted in an additional gimbal system for high speed applications (Mod 7). The system can drive up to 12 analoguerepeaters and has 7 independent serial outputs and 2 dependent 6 steps/degree heading outputs. Heading accuracy is <0.1 degrees secant latitude (linear mean settle point error), <0.1 degrees secant latitude (static), <0.4 degrees secant latitude (dynamic). Freedom of pitch and roll is +/-40 degrees (Mod 10), +/-90 degrees (Mod 7). The NAVIGAT X MK1 was the first of the Sperry Marine range of heading sensors, which comprises the NAVIGAT 3000 fiberoptic gyrocompass, the NAVIGAT X MK 1 and the NAVIGAT X MK 2 digital gyrocompasses. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0624 | Sperry Marine NAVIGAT X MK 2 digital gyrocompass | A digital gyrocompass for use in marine navigation. The system comprises a gyrosphere supported in fluid, suspended at a single point. The system can drive up to 4 analogue repeaters and has 5 independent serial outputs and 1 dependent 6 steps/degree heading outputs. Heading accuracy is <0.1 degrees secant latitude (linear mean settle point), <0.1 degrees secant latitude (static), <0.4 degrees secant latitude (dynamic). The NAVIGAT X MK2 is a low cost model based on the NAVIGAT X MK 1 and is a member of the Sperry Marine range of heading sensors, which comprises the NAVIGAT 3000 fiberoptic gyrocompass, the NAVIGAT X MK 1 and the NAVIGAT X MK 2 digital gyrocompasses. | 2014-06-10 |
TOOL0886 | Sperry Marine SRD 301 Doppler speed log | A Doppler speed log for use on a range of marine vessels. It uses a high frequency transducer (2 MHz) which is mounted flush with the vessel's hull to eliminate biofouling and hull protrusions. Depth measurement range: 0.3 m - 4.6 m (min operating depth: 0.9 m). Accuracy within 1% of indicated speed +/- 0.1 knot. Measurement speed range: 0-50 knots. | 2015-06-17 |
TOOL0815 | Sperry Marine SRD 500 Doppler speed log | A dual-axis Doppler speedlLog operating at 307kHz. This instrument measures speeds in the -20 to 50 knot range with accuracy of +/- 0.1 (for speeds <2 knots) in bottom tracking mode and +/-0.1 (for speeds <10 knots) in water tracking mode. | 2014-12-10 |
TOOL1049 | Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager | The Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) is an optical imaging radiometer designed for cloud imaging and tracking, fog detection, measurement of the Earth-surface and cloud-top temperatures, and the tracking of ozone patterns. This enables analysis of the characteristics of atmospheric air masses to reconstruct a three-dimensional view of the atmosphere. The SEVIRI instrument is composed of a Telescope and Scan Assembly (TSA), a Focal Plane and Cooler Assembly (FPCA), and an Electronic Unit Assembly (EUA). SEVIRI has 12 channels; 8 in the infrared, 1 in the high resolution visible, 2 in the visible, and 1 in the near-infrared spectrums. The scanning mirror is used to move the instrument line-of-sight (LOS) in the south-north direction. The target radiance is collected by the telescope and focused onto the detectors. Channel separation is performed at telescope focal-plane level, by means of folding mirrors. A flip-flop type mechanism is periodically actuated to place the IR calibration reference source in the instrument's field of view. The image data are directly transferred from the Main Detection Unit (MDU) to the onboard data-handling subsystem. The Functional Control Unit (FCU) controls the SEVIRI functions and provides the telemetry and telecommand interfaces with the satellite. SEVIRI has a spin rate of 100 rpm and a spectral range of 0.4-1.6 micrometres (visible and near-infrared) and 3.9-13.4 micrometres (infrared). The instrument has a spatial resolution of 1 km for the high-resolution visible channel, and 3 km for all other channels. Flown on Meteosat. http://www.esa.int/esapub/bulletin/bullet111/chapter4_bul111.pdf | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0545 | Stainless steel air sample canister | Stainless steel sampling container suitable for the collection of high pressure air samples. The container has a capacity of several litres. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL0500 | Stand-alone pump | A submersible battery powered water pump that sucks water through various filters leaving the materials of interest on the filter for analysis. SAPs are deployed clamped to a hydrographic wire and may be used to sample at depths of up to 6000 m. A SAP can pump thousands of litres of water over a few hours. | 2012-06-21 |
NETT0154 | Standard Plankton Indicator high-speed sampler - Hardy (1926, 1936); Glover (1953) | Originally had a 10.1 cm diameter mouth opening expanding to 17.8 cm diameter main body. Overall length 91.4 cm. In modified form with 3.8 cm diameter aperture opening, 7.6 cm diameter filter disc, 56 cm overall length, and with depressor and stabilizing fins. Normal towing speed 8 knots [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 13 D,E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1648 | Star-Oddi DST CT conductivity, salinity and temperature logger | A miniature underwater conductivity, salinity and temperature logger designed for use on subsea moorings, underwater equipment and water quality monitoring. The logger has a temperature range of -1 to 40degC, with a resolution of 0.032degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1degC. Features four different conductivity range settings, ranging from 0.3 to 63 mS/cm, and a resolution of between 0.002 and 0.02 mS/cm depending on the range setting. Depth rated up to 2500 m. | 2021-03-10 |
TOOL0183 | Star-Oddi DST CTD | A miniature self-contained CTD primarily designed for mounting on fish, birds or marine mammals. Salinity resolution is 0.02 PSU and accuracy +-0.75 PSU. Temperature resolution is 0.032C and accuracy +-0.1C. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0490 | Star-Oddi DST Pitch and Roll Recorder | A miniature underwater data logger which measures temperature, pressure and pitch and roll (tilt angle) relative to the earth gravity. It has a range of depth ratings from 30 m to 3000 m and a temperature range of -1 degC to 40 degC with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 degC and a resolution of 0.032 degC. The tilt range is 160 deg (+/- 80 deg) with an accuracy of +/- 5deg and a resolution of 0.3 deg. | 2012-04-30 |
TOOL1121 | Star-Oddi DST Tilt platform orientation sensor | A miniature data logger that measures and records temperature, depth (pressure) and tilt (in three directions) in relation to earth's gravity field. It is mainly used for monitoring orientation of underwater gear or movements of marine animals. Recorded data is stored in the logger's internal memory with a real-time clock reference for each measurement. Tilt measuring range is +/-90 degrees for each of the axis X, Y and Z. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0580 | Star-Oddi DST centi-T Temperature Recorder | A miniature underwater temperature recorder with a temperature resolution of 0.032 degC and an accuracy of +/- 0.1 degC over a range of -1 degC to 40 degC. It has a memory capacity of 174,000 measurements in total; 261,819 bytes/ temperature 1.5 bytes. A memory extension option of 786,099 bytes is available with a data retention of 25 years. | 2012-12-20 |
TOOL0383 | Star-Oddi DST centi-TD Temperature and Depth Recorder | A miniature underwater temperature-pressure recorder with a range of depth ratings from 30 m to 3000 m. Temperature resolution is 0.032C, with an accuracy of ±0.1C over a range -2C to 40C. Depth resolution is 0.03% of selected range, with an accuracy of ±0.4% of selected range for 30 m to 270 m range and ±0.6% of selected range for 800 m to 3000 m range. See https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/223482/ for further details. | 2011-03-23 |
TOOL1475 | Star-Oddi Starmon TD temperature depth logger | A small submersible temperature and depth data logger designed for ocean (titanium housing) or freshwater (aluminium housing) research. Depth range is 50 m - 500 m (aluminium) and 50 m - 2000 m (titanium). Temperature resolution is 0.002C, with an accuracy of +/-0.025C over a range -2C to 40C. Depth resolution is 0.005% of selected range, with an accuracy of +/-0.3% of selected range for 50 m to 2000 m range. | 2020-06-02 |
TOOL0267 | Star-Oddi Starmon mini temperature recorder | An underwater temperature recorder in either a plastic (400m) or titanium (11000m) casing. Temperature average resolution is 0.013C and accuracy is +-0.05C over a range -2C to 40C: clock accuray better than 1 minute per month. Temperature equilibration: 63% 18 seconds (plastic case) or 6 seconds (titanium case); 100% 3 minutes (plastic case) or 1 minute (titanium case). | 2017-04-03 |
TOOL1974 | StarDot Technologies NetCam XL camera | A standalone network camera designed for indoor or outdoor video streaming. The NetCam XL has a built-in web server, email and file transfer protocol client. Features auto exposure with brightness adjustment and grid exposure selection or manual exposure, auto/manual colour balance (including skew override), contrast enhancement (haze subtraction and gamma correction), sharpening, and JPEG and motion-JPEG image compression. The NetCam XL is available with three image sensors, a Sharp 640 x 480 (0.3 MP) sensor with a 1/3" RGB frame transfer charge-coupled device (CCD), a Sony 1344 x 1024 (1.37 MP) sensor with a 1/2" RGB frame transfer CCD, or a Micron 2048 x 1536 (3.14 MP) sensor with a 1/2" frame transfer complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS). Sensitivity is 0.05 ~ 2 Lux with f1.2 iris. Framerate is up to 30, 5 or 225 fps respectively. Temperature range is -40 to 49 degC. | 2023-07-16 |
TOOL0620 | Steedman Science and Engineering CM01 Acoustic Current Meter | A recording current meter fitted with two orthogonal acoustic transducers and a flux-gate compass. The water velocity is measured using an acoustic phase shift technique and the resulting current vectors are averaged over a user-specified interval. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/148626/. | 2013-05-09 |
NETT0155 | Streamer Plankton sampler - Ishida (1963, 1964) | A 45 cm diameter mouth opening with a closing door and a metal cylinder 45 cm long to which is attached a net of 5 meters length. The sampler sinks with closing door open flushing the net. When halted attached line lifted, the door closes and end of net is closed capturing a 600 litre sample [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 10 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1051 | Sub-Millimetre Radiometer | The Sub-Millimetre Radiometer (SMR) is a passive microwave limb sounder designed to detect molecular chemical species in the high atmosphere for astronomical and atmospheric research such as depletion of the ozone layer and the effects of global warming. SMR observes thermal emissions radiating from Earth's limb using a 1.1 m telescope. The instrument employs four tunable single-sideband Schottky diode heterodyne receivers, as well as two high resolution auto-correlator spectrometers. The main target species tracked by SMR are O3, ClO, N2O, HNO3, H2O, CO, and isotopes of H2O and O3. A typical stratospheric mode scan covers the altitude range from 7 to 70 km. Measurements cover the latitude range 82.5 degrees South to 82.5 degrees North. Profile information is retrieved from the calibrated spectral measurements of a limb scan by inverting the radiative transfer equation for a non-scattering atmosphere. Optimized retrieval schemes based on the Optimal Estimation Method (OEM) have been developed and implemented for level 2 processing. SMR has a receiver at a wavelength of 3 mm and an additional four bands within the submillimeter range (0.5 - 1.0 mm), corresponding to a frequency range of 486 - 580 GHz. SMR has a scan rate of approximately 90 seconds. Flown on ODIN. http://earth.esa.int/workshops/atmos2006/participants/68/paper_frascati2006.pdf | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1951 | SubC Imaging 1Cam Mk5 camera series | A camera series comprising four options (SD, HDC, HDF, and Lite). The SD model is characterised by providing standard definition 6 to 24-megapixel colour digital stills and high definition (HD) recording with 10 x optical zoom. The HDC model is characterised by providing HD 6 to 24-megapixel colour digital stills and HD recording with 10 x optical zoom. Live SD video is available over coax. The HDF model is characterised by providing HD 6 to 24-megapixel colour digital stills and HD recording with 10 x optical zoom. Live 1080/60p video capability is provided by a fibre optic link. The Lite model is designed as a low-cost alternative to the other three models in the series, characterised by providing standard definition colour digital stills and HD recording with 10 x optical zoom. The Lite version also includes integrated green lasers and an external lamp or laser connection. Optional liquid optics is available for all models to provide 1:1 advanced water-corrected optics, low distortion and chromatic aberration (CA), accurate colour depth, and high sharpness. Liquid optics provides the following optical quality control parameters: a field of view (in degrees) of 83 (diagonal), 72 (horizontal) and 48 (vertical), a distortion of 2% pincushion max, a sharpness of 0.150 minimum (MTF50), a chromatic aberration of 3.0, and 95% colour accuracy. The stock variants for the SD, HDC and HDF models also include built in parallel lasers, external strobe output, programmable intervals, an infrared filter, and titanium housings with a sapphire lens. The SD, HDC and HDF variants are depth rated to 6500, 5800 and 5200 m respectively. | 2023-06-14 |
TOOL1952 | SubC Imaging 1Cam Mk6 camera series | A camera series comprising three options distinguished by the live video standards - the 1Cam-SD (standard definition) version featuring a colour optical zoom, 4K, HD and digital stills camera, allowing standard definition composite live video, the 1Cam-HDC version featuring a main high-definition colour optical zoom camera, designed for systems equipped with a HD-SDI (serial digital interface) multiplexer allowing HD over coax live video, and the 1Cam-UHDF (ultra-high definition) version featuring a main 4K and high-definition colour optical zoom camera, designed for systems equipped with a spare fibre optic or coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) channel allowing HD and 4K live video. All cameras have a back-illuminated Sony Exmor R complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor, with a lens aperture of F2.0 - 3.8, a lens focal length of 26.8 - 539, a focus range of 0.1 m, and Zeiss T 20 x optical zoom. All cameras also feature liquid optics for 1:1 advanced water-corrected optics, 16.6-megapixel stills, a field of view of 78 (diagonal), 72 (horizontal) and 48 (vertical) degrees, a depth rating of 6000 metres, and an in-water operating temperature of -10 to 30degC. The 1Cam Mk6 has applications in underwater systems for the oil and gas, marine research and cinematic industries. | 2023-06-14 |
TOOL1975 | SubC Imaging Dragonfish camera | A high definition (HD) 5-megapixel (MP) underwater camera which provides live video at 12 frames-per-second and HDTV at 1080p at full framerate. Transmission is over four-wire Ethernet with dynamic text and image overlay. Digital pan-tilt-zoom enables live zoom in on the 5 MP image feed. The Dragonfish can store all media to Network Attached Storage (NAS) or an internal 128 GB drive. The camera is fully configurable with options for frame, bitrate and resolution (0.3 - 5 MP) to maximise available bandwidth. The camera is compatible with LED or lasers. Resolution is 2560 x 1920 to 160 x 90, framerate is up to 30/25 fps (60/50 Hz), sensitivity is colour-0.5 or mono-0.08 Lux. Maximum image capture is 30 images per second. Viewing angle in water is 65 degrees, depth rating is up to 6500 m. | 2023-07-16 |
TOOL1953 | SubC Imaging Rayfin HDE-SD-6000-DBH13-LO camera | A high definition (HD) underwater camera which provides Ethernet HD video and communication, standard definition (SD) video and serial communication. The camera features a 21-megapixel Sony Exmor RS sensor, with a maximum video resolution of 4k Ultra-HD. The lens is a 4.62 mm F/2.2, with a focus range of 0.5 m to infinity. This model is characterised by having liquid optics to provide 1:1 advanced water-corrected optics, low distortion and chromatic aberration (CA), accurate colour depth, and high sharpness. Liquid optics provides the following optical quality control parameters: a field of view (in degrees) of 70 (diagonal), 59 (horizontal) and 46 (vertical), and a distortion of 2.6% pincushion max. The Rayfin HDE LO camera is depth rated to 6000 m with a titanium housing and sapphire lens. | 2023-06-14 |
TOOL1954 | SubC Imaging Rayfin HDE-SD-6000-DBH13-Zoom camera | A high definition (HD) underwater camera which provides Ethernet HD video and communication, standard definition (SD) video and serial communication. The camera features a 21-megapixel Sony Exmor RS sensor, with a maximum video resolution of 4K Ultra-HD. The lens is a 4 mm F/1.4, with a focus range of 0.25 m to infinity. This model is characterised by having 10 x optical hybrid zoom. Diagonal field of view is 90 degrees minimum. The Rayfin HDE Zoom camera is depth rated to 6000 m with a titanium housing. | 2023-06-14 |
TOOL1377 | SubCtech OceanPack RACE 5th generation {FerryBox} combined pCO2 analyser and microplastics sampler | A flow-through system packaged into a mobile manifold that was designed for underway monitoring on sailing yachts involved in the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18. Each unit was fitted with a dedicated LI-COR LI-840x pCO2 analyser and a microplastics sampler built by MOLDAENKE and SubCtech. The overall unit featured a data logger, de-bubbler and water supply and was capable of integrating auxiliary sensors (e.g. thermosalinograph, fluorometry etc.). The pCO2 analyser measures CO2 and H2O using a silicone flat membrane equilibrator and non-dispersive infrared detection (dual wavelength). Samples for microplastics were captured using stainless steel filter cakes. Overall accuracy of the pCO2 analyser is < 1% with a resolution of 0.01 ppm CO2 and 0.001 ppt H2O. | 2024-03-20 |
TOOL1321 | SubCtech OceanPack RACE 5th generation {FerryBox} combined pCO2 analyser and underway system | A flow-through system packaged into a mobile manifold that is used for underway pCO2 monitoring on sailing yachts. As standard, each unit is fitted with a dedicated LI-COR LI-840x pCO2 analyser that measures CO2 and H2O using a silicone flat membrane equilibrator and non-dispersive infrared detection (dual wavelength). The analyser is capable of auto-zeroing and automatic compensation of water vapour (H2O), pressure and temperature. The overall unit features a data logger, de-bubbler and water supply. It is capable of integrating auxiliary sensors (e.g. SST, SSS, D.O., algae). In addition, external devices can be included such as nutrient analysers, micro-plastics analysers, meteorological stations, GPS and Air-CO2 analysers. Data are internally stored and transmitted. Optional features include automatic cleaning and auto-calibration. Overall accuracy of the pCO2 analyser is < 1% with a resolution of 0.01 ppm CO2 and 0.001 ppt H2O. | 2024-03-20 |
TOOL1811 | SubCtech OceanPack Rack MK2 pCO2 analyser and continuous water sampler | The OceanPack 19 inch Rack is an Underway or FerryBox autonomous measuring system. The OceanPack includes everything to run unattended and measure water parameters: power supply, data logger, and water system. The MK2 pCO2 analyser can be mounted to the Rack. Mobile & Modular Flow-through / Underway System for precise pCO2 measurements. It uses a LI-COR Biosciences LI-840x pCO2 sensor. The MK2 pCO2 analyser can have up to 6 external gases connected (e.g. span or reference gases or for atmospheric measurements). | 2022-06-28 |
TOOL0611 | Suber SLS21 vector-averaging current meter | A current meter fitted with a Savonius rotor magnetically coupled to a reed switch counter, a vane on tungsten carbide bearings magnetically coupled to a compass and solid-state crystal clock. Current vectors were continuously measured and then averaged after a specified time interval (generally 10 minutes) by an on-board minicomputer to produce the logged data values. Accuracy was 2 per cent for speed, 4 degrees for direction and 2 seconds per day for the clock. Casings were available for operating depths of 1000m, 3000m and 6000m.More information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/19202/ | 2013-04-10 |
TOOL2067 | Sunburst Autonomous Flow Through Instrument {AFT-CO2} pCO2 sensor | A benchtop autonomous flow through instrument designed to be plumbed into a sample line / flow through system on a research vessel. The instrument uses a precise and stable colourimetric reagent method to measure the partial pressure of CO2 in water (pCO2- wet) from 150 - 700 microatmospheres, with an accuracy of +/- 3 microatmospheres. The AFT-CO2 logs its own data and can be configured to support other external instruments if required. It is calibrated against a National Institute of Standards (NIST)-traceable non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) system. The instrument has a response time of 5 minutes, a precision of less than 1 microatmosphere, a low long-term drift of less than 1 microatmosphere over 6 months, and a thermistor accuracy of 0.1 degC and precision of +/- 0.01 degC. Duration of use is 7,500 measurements from one reagent bag. | 2024-07-11 |
TOOL2068 | Sunburst Autonomous Flow Through Instrument {AFT-pH} pH sensor | A benchtop autonomous flow through instrument designed to be plumbed into a sample line / flow through system on a research vessel. The instrument uses a highly accurate colourimetric reagent method to measure pH in the 7 - 9 range, in salinities between 25 - 40 PSU. The instrument can also measure the pH of individual bottle samples. The AFT-pH logs its own data and can be configured to support other external instruments if required. It has a response time of 3 minutes, a precision of less than 0.001 pH units, a low long-term drift of less than 0.001 pH units over 6 months, and an accuracy of +/- 0.003 pH units. Thermistor accuracy is to within 0.1 degC, and precision is +/- 0.01 degC. Duration of use is 15,000 measurements from one reagent bag. | 2024-07-11 |
TOOL1493 | Sunburst Sensors Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument 2 {SAMI2-pH} seawater pH sensor | An in situ total hydrogen scale pH sensor used to measure seawater pH. It is designed to provide seawater pH time-series data for scientific research at depths up to 600 metres. It can support 3 external instruments such as PAR, dissolved oxygen, fluorometer, or CTD. It also supports Seabird inductive modems or external loggers via RS-232. It has 234-day deployment (~4300 measurement) capability, providing hourly measurements, and can be fitted with an extra battery to extend deployment duration to over a year. The SAMI2-pH sensor operates in the pH range of 7-9 and the salinity range of 30-36. It has a precision <0.001 pH units and an accuracy +/- 0.003 pH units. | 2020-09-28 |
TOOL1613 | Sunburst Sensors Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument pH {SAMI-pH} seawater and freshwater pH sensor series | A series of in situ total hydrogen scale pH sensors used to measure freshwater or seawater pH. They are designed to provide autonomous pH time-series data for scientific research. The sensors operate by mixing sample with an indicator dye and measuring pH by absorbance. Typical dyes are cresol red for freshwater or m-cresol purple for seawater samples. Light sources and path lengths vary between versions (tungsten, LEDs) Accuracy ranges between -0.003 to + 0.0004 pH units. Precision ranges from +/-0.004 to +/-0.0007 pH units. This code is used where it is not known which version of SAMI-pH model is used. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0139 | Sunburst Submersible Autonomous Moored Instrument Carbon Dioxide Sensor | A reagent based CO2 sensor for measuring partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in-situ in water over a range of approximately 0-2000 micro-atmospheres with a precision of approximately 1 microatmosphere at 360 microatmospheres. Maximum deployment depth is approximately 100 metres for SAMI-CO2-100 (PVC housing) and 1500 metres for SAMI-CO2-1500 (aluminium housing). | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1992 | Sunburst SuperCO2 carbon dioxide system | The Sunburst SuperCO2 system is a CO2 measurement system designed for measuring CO2 gas mole fractions in liquids on board ships or in the laboratory. The instrument outputs the mole fraction of H2O in the equilibrated gas and the mole fraction of CO2 in the air equilibrated with the water sample. It operates on the principle of equilibrating a gas stream to match the partial pressure of the dissolved CO2 in a liquid stream. It uses a low volume gas stream equilibrated via a showerhead or contactor (membrane) type equilibrator. The system does not dry the sample, and takes ambient readings periodically and runs standard gas series. The instrument contains a power supply, power board, DAQ, air pumps, multiport valve, and restriction valves. The system can be used with different non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) gas analysers, either the LI-COR LI-840A or LI-COR LI-850. CO2 measurements are from an undried sample and can range between 0 and 20,000 ppm with a 1.5 % accuracy. H2O measurements can range between 0 and 60 mmol/mol with an accuracy < 1.5 %. | 2023-11-03 |
NETT0156 | Surface plankton push net - Miller (1973) | A pair of rectangular nets (0.505 mm nylon mesh)each 60 cm x 60 cm mouth opening and ~420 cm long are positioned side by side in a framework that is mounted in front of a small catamaran boat that pushes the frame through the water at ~ 2.6 knots. Samples are removed from the nets through a well in the catamaran floor. Flow is measured with a TSK flowmeter modified to electronically record flow counts [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 21 E]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1714 | Symmetricom TrueTime XL-AK | The TrueTime XL-AK is a low cost GPS synchronised time and frequency receiver, which provides ultra-precise time and frequency. The instrument provides timing outputs within 40 nanoseconds rms of UTC/USNO, and frequency outputs accurate to less than 1x10-12, and provides latitude, longitude and altitude to within 10 metres (after completion of 24-hour position averaging). Features an optional Differential GPS (DGPS) mode with 3 to 5 metre positioning, and tracks up to eight satellites simultaneously. | 2021-07-13 |
TOOL1715 | Symmetricom TymServe 2100 | The TymServe 2100 is a network time server which acquires time from the GPS satellite constellation, IRIG Time Code or Dialup Time Services (NIST and UNSO), and distributes time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). The time server features IRIG time code and 1PPS reference inputs, and outputs as one 10 MHz output. Combining GPS with the standard IRIG B and ACTS dial up service, the TymServe 2100 incorporates a solid time reference redundancy scheme. Timing accuracy is to within 2 microseconds relative to UTC, receiving input from up to eight satellites. | 2021-07-13 |
TOOL1088 | Synthetic Aperture Radar X-band | SAR is an active system that transmits a beam of radiation in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to create images of a targeted object. Its application in remote sensing allows the mapping of the Earth's surface. An antenna sends successive pulses of radio waves to a target scene, and receives and records the echo of each pulse. AS the satellites moves along track, the antenna records successive target scenes thus forming the 'synthetic antenna aperture'. Signal processing of the recorded scenes allows the creation of higher resolution images. Data collection is independent of light and heat, and is therefore possible day and night, under any weather condition. TerraSAR-X operates in three alternate operating modes: SpotLight, giving 1 m resolution for a surface area of 5 km by 10 km; StripMap, giving 3 m resolution for a surface area of 30 km by 50 km; and ScanSAR giving 16 m resolution for a surface area of 100 km by 150 km. X-Band SAR has a phased array antenna of 31 mm wavelength and 9.6 GHz frequency; this antenna allows single, dual or full polarimetric data takes. Flown on TerraSAR-X. http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/459 | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1102 | Sysmex Partec CyFlow Space flow cytometer | The CyFlow Space is a compact, multi-colour instrument for the analysis of individual cells and microscopic particles in suspension. Theinstrument can be used in a wide range of different applications in microbiology, industry and cell biology. It has configurations with analysis of up to 13 fluorescence parameters and three physical light scattering parameters from near UV to infrared light along with a choice of lasers. The instrument has fluorescence excitation by one to five light sources covering a range from ultra-violet to red excitation lines. It has a large particle range of 0.05-200 um and fluorescence resolution of 2%. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1806 | Systea MicroMac 1000 portable analyser | A portable elemental analyser that combines colorimetric and fluorimetric analytical methods to detect various elements in marine or fresh water samples. These include ammonia, boron, calcium, chloride, copper, nickel, nitrate plus nitrite, silicates, sulfide, phosphorous, zinc and more. It is a fully automated system in terms of sample analysis and calibration. It uses a multi-beam colorimeter with silicon detector, and it can store up to 400 measurements using internal storage. It has a measuring time of 4 - 8 mins per sample, and can measure up to 4 parameters per sample. It has an operating temperature from 4 - 30 degC. Sample volumes can be either 20 or 30 ml. | 2022-05-31 |
TOOL0086 | Systron Donner MotionPak accelerometer | The Systron Donner Inertial MotionPak is a solid-state MEMS six Degree-of-Freedom inertial sensing system used for measuring angular rates and linear accelerations in instrumentation and control applications. These multi-axis packages allow a pre-combined solution, minimizing the customer burden of sensor integration. The multi-axis sensor assemblies sense roll, pitch and yaw inputs simultaneously on a moving platform. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL1403 | Systron Donner Motionpak II accelerometer | The BEI Systron Donner Inertial Division MotionPak II is a "solid-state" MEMS six degree-of-freedom inertial sensing system used for measuring angular rates and linear accelerations in instrumentation and control applications. It meaures Angular Rate, Acceleration and Magnetic Field Strength, and calculates from these, in real-time: Orientation, Linear acceleration, and Altitude. The sensor is compact, ruggedly packaged, and built with BEI GyroChip technology. These multi-axis packages allow a pre-combined solution, minimizing the customer burden of sensor integration. The multi-axis sensor assemblies sense roll, pitch and yaw inputs simultaneously on a moving platform. | 2020-02-13 |
TOOL0710 | TRIAXYS directional wave sensor | A sensor packaged in a small stainless steel box with a single connector for power and data that outputs fully processed wave data. Sampling is in bursts from 1-34 minutes with a sampling interval from 5-1440 minutes. It may be located anywhere on a floating platform and comprises three accelerometers and three rate sensors that measure displacement along the three orthogonal axes of the platform. Direction is measured using a gimballed fluxgate compass. Resolution is 0.01m for height, 0.1 second for period and one degree for direction. Accuracy is better than 2% for height and period and 3 degrees for direction. More information is available in http://axystechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TRIAXYS-NW-Sensors-Digital-Layout.pdf. | 2014-06-30 |
TOOL0709 | TRIAXYS non-directional wave sensor | A sensor packaged in a small stainless steel box with a single connector for power and data that outputs fully processed wave data. Sampling is in bursts from 1-34 minutes with a sampling interval from 5-1440 minutes. It may be located anywhere on a floating platform and comprises three accelerometers and three rate sensors that measure displacement along the three orthogonal axes of the platform. Resolution is 0.01m for height and 0.1 second for period. Accuracy is better than 2% for height and period. More information is available in http://axystechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TRIAXYS-NW-Sensors-Digital-Layout.pdf. | 2014-06-30 |
TOOL0422 | TSI 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer | The TSI 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) measures the size distribution and concentration of aerosol particles in the diameter range 0.5 - 20 um. The aerosol sample is accelerated toward the detection area, where it crosses two slightly overlapping laser beams. The rate of acceleration is determined by the particle size. Larger particles accelerate more slowly due to their greater inertia. Light scattered by each particle is focussed onto a photodiode. The use of twin lasers results in a two-crested signal. The peak-to-peak time-of-flight is used to determine the particle velocity, and thus its aerodynamic size. The amplitude of the signal may be used to provide an alternative measure of particle size through light-scattering techniques. | 2011-09-06 |
TOOL0419 | TSI 3800 Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer | The TSI 3800 Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS) provides size and chemical characterisation of aerosol particles in the size range 0.1-3.0 um. Air is pumped through the system in real time and particles are counted and timed as they pass each of two lasers in the sizing chamber. The particle size is determined from the particle's velocity through the sizing chamber. The particle is subjected to ultraviolet desorption and ionisation in the mass spectrometer chamber. Positive and negative ions are identified by separate detectors, based on their time of flight through the mass spectrometer chamber. | 2011-09-03 |
TOOL0423 | TSI 3936 Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer | A differential mobility analyser that measures the size distribution and concentration of aerosol particles. It includes a cylindrical detection chamber with a variable-voltage collection rod running centrally along its length. The aerosol sample is introduced to the axial laminar flow of the chamber, where particles are deflected toward the collection rod by its electric field. Only particles within a narrow range of sizes, and thus a narrow range of mobilities, have the necessary trajectory to exit to the particle counter. The instrument is programmed to scan through a range of voltages, thereby varying the size of particles to be counted. The SMPS can scan through its full diameter range, 0.0025 um - 1 um, in 16 seconds. The scanning period can be increased to improve resolution at low concentrations. At its highest resolution, the SMPS can distinguish particle counts in 167 size bins. | 2011-09-06 |
TOOL1836 | TSS 320B heave compensator | The TSS 320B is a heave compensator which takes mark pulse data from the echosounder and aligns it with instantaneous heave measurement sensor data. This enables marking of an original paper trace with both heave and compensated depth, and via digital or analogue means, outputting data to a logging point. The instrument can be used alongside the TSS 325 motion sensor to also compensate for the effects of vessel roll and pitch, and horizontal or lateral accelerations. The TSS 320B has a range of +/- 10 m over a 2 - 20 second period, an accuracy of +/- 5 cm or 5% of measured range and is capable of operating in a temperature range of 0 to 50 degC. | 2022-09-03 |
TOOL0093 | TSS HRP-2-25 compact motion sensor | The TSS Compact Motion Sensor is designed to meet the motion measurement requirements of a oceanographic instruments and platforms from single-beam echo-sounders to dynamic positioning systems. The CMS can be used to measure heave, pitch and roll of a vessel. For more information see http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/147645/ | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL2024 | Technical University of Denmark Riso anticoincidence beta GM counter series | Gas flow type beta counting systems. Typically used in laboratory analyses. Designed to measure low levels of beta particle emission. The systems work on the principle of anticoincidence. | 2024-04-11 |
TOOL0538 | Technicap NOEX bottle | Water bottle designed for oceanographic sampling. The bottle comprises a plastic tube with caps at each end and is deployed with the caps held open, then closed at the target depth. Multiple bottles can be deployed on a CTD frame rosette. Bottle capacity is variable, but normally several litres. The bottle was developed by Technicap in the 1990s but has been superseded by more recent models. There is no known source of support available for this sampler. | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL1668 | Technicap PPS 3-3 24S sediment trap series | A mooring sediment trap designed for long-term continuous deployments. It is used for the determine the flux of settling particles in-situ. It uses a funnel to collect passing settled particles into one of a set of bottles mounted on a carousel. The bottles are changed after a set period of time. It consists of a cylindro-conical funnel (collecting area of 0.125 m2) with a phenolic composite baffle (cell dia. 9.5 mm) to prevent large objects clogging the system. The trap is fitted with 24 x 250 ml or 24 x 500 ml polypropylen sampling bottles. It is capable of 18 month deployments (24 months with Lithium batteries) and has a sampling interval of 1 minute. It has a maximum operating depth of 1000 m (PETP) or 5000m (Aluminium) or 6000m (Titanium). | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1304 | Technicap PPS 4-3 24S 500ML sediment trap | A mooring sediment trap designed for long-term continuous deployments. It is used for the determine the flux of settling particles in-situ. It uses a funnel to collect passing settled particles into one of a set of bottles mounted on a carousel. The bottles are changed after a set period of time. It consists of a cylindro-conical funnel (collecting area of 0.05 m2) with a phenolic composite baffle (cell dia. 8 mm) to prevent large objects clogging the system. The trap is fitted with 24 x 500 ml polypropylen sampling bottles. It is capable of 18 month deployments and has a sampling interval of 1 hour - 60 days. It has a maximum operating depth of 1000 m (PETP) or 5000m (Aluminium) or 6000m (Titanium). | 2019-01-23 |
TOOL0291 | Technicon Autoanalyser II colorimetric autoanalyser | A rapid flow analyser that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is a continuous segmented flow instrument consisting of a sampler, peristaltic pump, analytical cartridge, heating bath, and colorimeter. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL0520 | Technicon TrAAcs 800 colorimetric autoanalyser | The TrAAcs system is a continuous flow wet chemistry analyser that determines analyte concentrations using a colorimeter to detect changes in colour produced by the presence of the analytes. It may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. The instrument is no longer in production and Technicon no longer exists. However, the instrument is supported (parts, servicing and consumables) by SEAL Analytical. | 2012-07-04 |
TOOL0588 | Tedlar atmospheric sampling bag | A generic term for atmospheric sampling bags manufactured from Tedlar (DuPont trade name for the chemically inert plastic polyvinyl fluoride) film, fitted with a polypropylene or stainless steel valve and available with capacities ranging from 1-100 litres. Samples are taken by either pumping air into the bag or evacuating the bag and opening the valve at the sampling site. Filled bags are connected directly to measuring equipment for analysis. Bags are available from several manufactureres and suppliers | 2013-01-15 |
TOOL0573 | Teflon PFA manifold air sampler | Teflon PFA manifold leading directly from the least contaminated part of a ship to a clean metal bellows pump. Air is drawn through the tube by the pump at a flow rate of 30 litres/min and a subsample is fed into an analytical instrument. | 2012-11-28 |
TOOL1464 | Teflon water bottle | A water sampling bottle made from Teflon, a brand of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Used for surface sampling from small boats. | 2020-05-28 |
TOOL0418 | Teflon-coated Niskin bottle | A teflon-coated free-flushing water sampling bottle with a capacity of 1.7-30 litres. It has caps with rubber seals at each end joined by a latex cord running through the interior of the bottle. It is deployed with the caps held open against the latex cord by plastic lanyards. When the bottle reaches the desired depth the lanyards are released by a pressure-actuated switch, command signal or messenger weight and the caps are forced shut and sealed. Bottles may be deployed singly clamped to a wire or in groups of up to 48 on a rosette. Reversing thermometers may be attached to a spring-loaded disk that rotates through 180 degrees on bottle closure. These bottles are specifically designed to minimise metal contamination when sampling trace metals. | 2012-06-22 |
TOOL1089 | Tekran 2500 CVAFS mercury detector | A cold vapour atomic fluorescent spectrophotometer (CVAFS) used for quantitative determination of volatile heavy metals, such as mercury. It is used for total and speciated mercury analysis in university, government and commercial laboratories. It makes use of the characteristic of mercury that allows vapour measurement at room temperature. Mercury atoms in an inert carrier gas are excited by a collimated UV light source at a particular wavelength. As the atoms return to their non-excited state they re-radiate their absorbed energy at the same wavelength. The fluorescence may be detected using a photomultiplier tube or UV photodiode. The system is available with either an adjustable ball flow meter or precision mass flow meter (MFM). The latter option allows remote control and readout of the carrier flow rate and is used in applications where precise gas flow is necessary, such as configurations that include gas chromatography. The detector can be used with any analytical system capable of producing mercury vapour in an inert gas stream. It has an absolute detection limit of less than 0.1 picograms of mercury. | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL2080 | Tekran 2600 (Automated) Total Mercury Analyser series | A total Mercury analysis system that can measure sub-picogram quantities of mercury in water, soil, vegetation and other sample matrices. The system utilises a Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CVAFS) detector. The 2600-IVS (In-Vial Sparging) model is reconfigured for direct in-vial sparging sample introduction, and the 2600-NG (Natural Gas) model is designed for the analysis of gas phase sample cartridges. The system is capable of multiple method configurations: Dual stage gold preconcentration (EPA Method 1631); Direct measurement without preconcentration (EPA Method 245.7); Air sample analysis on gold traps (EPA Compendium Method IO-5); and Natural gas analysis on gold traps (ASTM D-6350, ISO 6978). It has a guaranteed minimum detection limit of < 0.05 ng/L. In clean room environments, with low mercury blanks, minimum detection limits as low as 0.02 ng/L are achievable. | 2024-08-06 |
TOOL2079 | Tekran 2700 (Automated) Methylmercury Analyser | A fully integrated Gas Chromatography Cold-Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (GC-CVAFS) automated Methyl Mercury analysis system. The 2700 can analyse distilled waters, extracted or distilled tissues and solids, and allows direct analysis of suitable water samples. The system is pre-programmed to run EPA Method 1630, however it offers complete method customisation including: GC column temperature ramping; programmable analysis cycle settings; high temperature purge cycles; and choice of trap and GC column. It can also interface with ICP-MS or other analytical instruments. The sample analysis cycle is less than 7 minutes per sample. It has a minimum detection limit of 0.002 ng/L. The system has IR trap heating and active cooling. | 2024-08-06 |
TOOL2093 | Tekron NTS 03-G+ network time server | A fully customisable satellite (GPS/GLONASS) reference clock with multiple Ethernet ports that support advanced Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Precision Time Protocol (PTP) synchronization based on the IEEE 1588v2-2008 standard. It provides a precision time reference with configurable time zone settings and supports mulitple user accounts with configurable access control. The high-drive IRIG-B option delivers legacy device interoperability. The electrically protected platform brings ultimate reliability through the usage of optional rubidium and OCXO oscillator options and time sync redundancy through Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) support. Available with 3, 4, or 6 independent Ethernet ports and an optional second power supply for redundancy. Independently addressable and logically isolated Ethernet ports allow multiple networks to be connected to the same clock without compromising network security. | 2024-09-05 |
TOOL0791 | Teledyne Benthos BFP-312 bottom finding pinger | The Teledyne Benthos BFP-312 bottom finding pinger is used in conjunction with a standard 12 kHz shipboard bathymetric recorder to monitor the height off bottom of instruments where vertical positioning relative to the bottom is required. This instrument has a 0.5 or 1 s pulse repletion rate and internally selected pulse lengths of 0.5, 2, 5, and 10 ms. It is operational to 10,000 m. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL2056 | Teledyne Benthos Chirp III sub-bottom profiler | A high resolution sub-bottom profiler system. The Chirp III is suitable for a range of applications, including offshore hazard surveys, pipeline and small object surveys, bridge piling scour and environmental surveys, mining and dredging, and wind farm site survey. It includes a kevlar electrical umbilical cable. System configurations include: TTV-170 Series Towfish; AUV configuration; hull mount configuration with echosounder mode. Beam angle: 100 degrees conical for TTV-170 configuration; 25 degrees for hull mount (4 x 4) array. It is operational in depths up to 200 m. Maximum ping rate of 15 pings per second. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL2089 | Teledyne Benthos UDB-9400 universal deck box | A single-unit deck box used to control, communicate with and retrieve data from a variety of subsea acoustic releases, acoustic modems, and transponders. This allows the user to operate and track acoustic releases with slant ranges up to 10 km, and works with the Teledyne Benthos SMART line of products. Equipped with RS-232 ports for direct connection to a PC or laptop, a speaker for listening to acoustic signals and an auxiliary jack for optional headset. Able to perform data/command line interaction. A large touch screen allows for viewing, input and receipt of information including real-time data from subsea instruments, tilt indication of acoustic releases, frequency inputs, range information and battery level monitoring. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1847 | Teledyne Oceanscience underway CTD | A low-drag, high-accuracy, retrievable Sea-Bird CTD probe used to collect measurements of conductivity, salinity, temperature and depth while a ship is underway. It can be used for static profiles (while the ship is stationary), tow-yo casts, or free casts. The probe samples conductivity, temperature, and depth at a sampling rate of 16 Hz while descending vertically through the water column. The data are stored internally and downloaded wirelessly via Bluetooth to a host computer after deployment. The sensor is connected to a tail spool via a simple turn-and-lock mechanism, which in turn is attached to the line on the winch. The UCTD system comes equipped with a universal power supply that accepts 90 - 264 VAC (47 - 63 Hz). It supplies the winch and rewinder with the required 24 V DC voltage. The receptacles have different form factors to prevent connection errors by the operator. This instrument is depth rated to 2000 m. The conductivity (S/m) range is 0 - 0 with a resolution of 0.0005 and accuracy of 0.002 - 0.005; the depth (dbar) range is 0 - 2000 with a resolution of 0.5 and accuracy of 1; The temperature range is -5 - 43 degC with a resolution of 0.002 and accuracy of 0.004; The salinity range is 0 - 42 PSU with a resolution of 0.005 and accuracy of 0.02 - 0.05. It can be operated at ship speeds up to 20 knots. The profiling depth capability depends on the vessel speed and type of cast, at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 kts respectively the depth capability of freecasts is 1500, 1100, 900, 700, 650, and 600 metres. For tow-yo (no line on tail) deployments the capabilities are 1000, 700, 550, 450, 400, and 350 metres. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0445 | Teledyne RDI 150 kHz broadband ADCP | The RDI Broadband ADCP is designed for mooring deployment and has an operating frequency of 150 kHz. The instrument uses Doppler-technology to achieve accurate and non-intrusive measurements and it can come with pressure and temperature sensors. It can be used in real time measurement situations or can log to an internal recorder powered by internal batteries. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0091 | Teledyne RDI 150 kHz narrowband ADCP | A narrowband ADCP designed for mooring deployment operating at 150 kHz with a measurement range of 300 m in the water column. The instrument uses Doppler-technology to achieve accurate and non-intrusive measurements and it can come with pressure and temperature sensors. It can be used in real time measurement situations or can log to an internal recorder powered by internal batteries. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0062 | Teledyne RDI 150 kHz narrowband vessel-mounted ADCP | The Teledyne RDI Narrowband Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler is a long-range 3D current profiling ADCP designed for continuous current profiling from a moving ship. It has 150 kHz narrowband signal processing and a patented 4 beam design. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0158 | Teledyne RDI 300 kHz narrowband vessel-mounted ADCP | The 300 kHz Teledyne RDI narrowband vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is a 4-beam medium range ADCP designed for vessel mounting. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0938 | Teledyne RDI 600 kHz broadband ADCP | A direct reading or self contained broadband acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) for near-real time applications or remote deployments. It uses 4 or 5 beams and has an operating frequency of 600 kHz. It has an accuracy of 0.2 % of measured velocity +/- 0.2 cm/s, a velocity range of +/- 10 m/s (horizontal) and a maximum profiling range of 60 m. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1163 | Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD-NH | A fast-sampling, fully integrated CTD package for use in environmental monitoring, fisheries, ocean observing networks and other marine applications. It measures conductivity and temperature with depth and utilises the patented Non-eXternal Inductive Cell (NXIC) conductivity sensor. The CTD-NH exhibits a bio-fouling resistant design, and the NXIC internal conductivity cells do not suffer from proximity effects, allowing it to be mounted in any orientation close to other instruments. The CTD-NH offers optional datalogging and external analogue sensor input, and can run for 400 hours on its internal 3 V battery pack. It is depth rated to 500 m. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0602 | Teledyne RDI Citadel TS-N thermosalinograph | A compact, low-maintenance system that uses Teledyne RDI's NXIC (Nonexternal-Field Inductive Conductivity) sensor and an aged thermistor in a through-flow housing. The system is designed for mounting on ships or gliders down to 500 m. Parameters are measured to an accuracy of +/- 0.001 S/m for conductivity, +/- 0.005 degC for temperature and +/- 0.015 PSU for salinity. Prior to 2009 this instrument was manufactured by Falmouth Scientific (FSI). | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0351 | Teledyne RDI Ocean Observer 75 kHz narrowband ADCP | An acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) designed for deployment from oil platforms. It has a 75 kHz narrowband signal and a standard depth rating of 100 m. It can operate in long range or high precision modes with between 1 and 128 depth cells, typically 8 m or 16 m in size. The maximum measurement range is 700 m, which decreases with decreasing bin size and the use of high precision mode. The instrument operates effectively between temperatures of -5 to 45 degC and has a velocity accuracy of +/- 0.5 cm per second or +/- 1 % over the range +/- 7 m per second. It includes a temperature sensor, a tilt meter and a fluxgate compass as standard. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0363 | Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 150 kHz vessel-mounted ADCP | The Teledyne RDI 150 kHz Ocean Surveyor vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler is designed for continuous current profiling from a moving ship. This ADCP provides a vertical cell resolution of 4 or 8 m, a maximum range of 200 - 400 m, precision of 9 - 30 cm/s, velocity range of -5 to 9 m/s, velocity accuracy of +/- 0.5 cm/s and a maximum ping rate of 1.5. It can be used in either narrowband or broadband mode. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0747 | Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 38 kHz vessel-mounted ADCP | The Workhorse Ocean Surveyor provides long-range current profiling (typical range 800 to 1000 m in long-range mode, 520 to 780 m in high-resolution mode). This model operates at a 38 kHz frequency. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0362 | Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 kHz vessel-mounted ADCP | The Teledyne RDI 75kHz Ocean Surveyor vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler is designed for continuous current profiling from a moving ship. This ADCP provides a vertical cell resolution of 8 or 16 m, a maximum range of 310 - 700 m, precision of 9 - 30 cm/s, velocity range of -5 to 9 m/s, velocity accuracy of +/- 0.5 cm/s and a maximum ping rate of 0.7. It can be used in either narrowband or broadband mode. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL2054 | Teledyne RDI Pathfinder phased-array Doppler velocity log | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) which provides velocity data for navigation and position control with current profiling capability. The Pathfinder DVL uses a unique phased array transducer design, eliminating the need for speed of sound correction and reducing drag on the vehicle. An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) option is available. The Pathfinder DVL is available in self-contained or OEM configurations. Water profiling maximum range: 47 m at 600 kHz, 150 m at 300 kHz OEM configuration; minimum range: 1.9 m at 600 kHz, 4.5 m at 300 kHz OEM configuration; velocity range: +/- 15 m/s at both 600 and 300 kHz. Bottom tracking maximum altitude: 89 m (up to 150 m optional) at 600 kHz, 275 m (up to 500 m optional) at 300 kHz OEM configuration; minimum altitude: 0.15 m at 600 kHz, 0.3 m at 300 kHz OEM configuration. Maximum operating depth up to 6000 m depending on configuration. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL2075 | Teledyne RDI Pioneer 600 kHz phased-array Doppler velocity log | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) which provides platform attitude and altimetry data for navigation and positional control, with optional current profiling capability. The Pioneer DVL uses a 4-beam phased array transducer and has been designed with unmanned and remotely operated vehicles in mind to enable integration with small, portable underwater vehicles. Other applications include surface and sub-surface manned and unmanned vessels. The Pioneer DVL features an attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) microelectromechanical system (MEMS) based inertial measurement unit, which integrates three gyroscopes, three magnetometers, and three accelerometers running an extended Kalman filter, allowing the heading sensor to be semi-resistant to magnetic transients, providing accurate orientation data in both static and dynamic conditions. The instrument also features leak detection, and real-time leak detection monitoring, in addition to transducer health monitoring. A 300 kHz version is also available, in addition to an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling (ADCP) option. Bottom tracking is between 0.5 and 100 metres. Water profiling is between 1.9 and 60 metres. Acoustic centre frequency is 614.4 kHz, with a nominal beam angle of 30 degrees, and bandwidth of 6.25 % of centre frequency. The instrument is depth rated to 1000 and optionally up to 4500 m, in temperatures between -5 to 45 degC. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1719 | Teledyne RDI Sentinel V100 300 kHz ADCP | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) used to measure currents throughout the water column. The Sentinel V ADCP can be used for a wide variety of coastal and upper ocean applications, and can be deployed on buoys or mounted on the seafloor. Real-time data can be transmitted to shore via a cable link or acoustic modem, or data can be stored internally for short or long-term deployments. It can also be upgraded to include bottom track for vessel-mounted applications. It has profiling ranges from < 1 to > 150 m and a 200 m depth rating. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1862 | Teledyne RDI Sentinel V50 500 kHz ADCP | An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) used to measure currents throughout the water column. The instrument can be used for a wide variety of coastal and upper ocean applications, and can be deployed on buoys or mounted on the seafloor. Standard outputs are 3 axis velocities, echo intensity, distance to surface, error velocity validation (3 beams), and redundant error velocity validation (4 beams). The instrument includes temperature, pressure, compass, and tilt sensors. It has an integrated 5th beam which provides a direct vertical velocity measurement and a 5th range to the surface measurement, allowing for turbulence and waves measurement capabilities. Users can select multiple bandwidths. Real-time data can be transmitted to shore via a cable link or acoustic modem, or data can be stored internally for short or long-term deployments. It can also be upgraded to include bottom track for vessel-mounted applications. The instrument profiles from < 1 to > 150 m and has a 200 m depth rating. Its depth cell sizes range from 0.5 to 4 m, with velocity accuracies to 0.3 % of the water velocity relative to the ADCP +/- 0.3 cm/s. The velocity resolution is 0.1 cm/s with a range between +/- 5 and +/- 20 m/s. The ping rate can be a maximum of 4 Hz. Echo intensity ranges 80 dB with a precision of +/- 1.5 dB. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0056 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long Ranger 75 kHz ADCP | The Teledyne RDI Workhorse Long-Ranger acoustic doppler current profiler is a long-range and long-term self contained ADCP. It has a patented broadband signal (75 kHz) and a standard depth rating of 1500 m. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5 and 45 degC and has a velocity accuracy of +/- 1 % or +/- 5 mm per s. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0748 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Mariner 1200 kHz ADCP | The workhorse mariner WM-1200 provides short-range current profiling (typical range 12 m, or 19 m in long-range mode). This model operates at a 1200 kHz frequency providing precision bottom-track reference for direct vessel speed measurement. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0749 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Mariner 300 kHz ADCP | The workhorse mariner WM-300 provides short-range current profiling (typical range 110 m, or 154 m in long-range mode). This model operates at a 300 kHz frequency providing precision bottom-track reference for direct vessel speed measurement. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0881 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Mariner 600 kHz ADCP | The workhorse mariner WM-600 provides short-range current profiling (typical range 50 m, or 66 m in long-range mode). This model operates at a 300 kHz frequency providing precision bottom-track reference for direct vessel speed measurement. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1406 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Monitor 1200 kHz direct-reading ADCP | A 1200 kHz, broadband acoustic doppler current profiler that is direct reading for real-time data collection. The sensor measures water currents by transmitting sound bursts into the water column and listening to the echoes from suspended particles carried by water currents. It consists of 4-beams with a beam angle of 20 degrees. Temperature, tilt and fluxgate compass sensors are also fitted as standard. Optional configurations and upgrades are available that includes: memory; pressure sensor; external battery case; high-resolution water-profiling modes; bottom tracking; AC/DC power converter; conversion kit for internal power supply and memory and directional waves array. It has a velocity accuracy and resolution of 0.3 % and 0.1 cm/s respectively and ping rate of 2 Hz. Detection range is 11 - 19 m (12 m typical). | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0061 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Monitor 300 kHz direct-reading ADCP | A direct reading acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) with a standard depth rating of 200 m with a 6000 m rated case available as an option. 300 kHz broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5 and 45 degC and has a velocity accuracy of 0.5 % of the water velocity +/- 0.5 cm/s. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1025 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Monitor 600 kHz direct-reading ADCP | A direct reading acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) which provides real-time monitoring of coastal currents typically from a bottom-mounted frame hard-wired to shore. Data is delivered through broadband signal processing, and a four-beam solution provides independent error velocity measurements. The standard depth rating is 200 m with up to 6000 m available as an option. The instrument operates effectively between temperatures of -5 and 45 degC. The 600 kHz ADCP has a velocity accuracy of 0.3 % relative to the ADCP water velocity of +/- 0.3 cm/s. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0733 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse NEMO WHSW600 waves processing module | A module that may be attached to the Workhorse ADCP Waves Array to process the data and reduce it to a volume that can be transmitted in near real-time. The maximum working depth is 200 m, the WHSW600 is designed for a typical deployment depth of 30 m. Other sub-models (WHSW1200 and WHSW300) are designed for typical deployment depths of 10 and 50 metres respectively. The module can either be configured as a stand-alone instrument with an internal battery, or directly integrated into the Workhorse ADCP pressure casing end cap. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0872 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 1200 kHz Doppler velocity log | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature and echo intensity. 1200 kHz broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 30 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.2 % of the velocity, +/- 0.1 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0373 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 150 kHz Doppler velocity log | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature and echo intensity. 150 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 400 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0372 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 150 kHz Doppler velocity log and current profiler | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity and current velocities. 150 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 400 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0374 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 150 kHz Doppler velocity log and pressure sensor | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity and pressure. 150 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 400 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0375 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 150 kHz Doppler velocity log, current profiler and pressure sensor | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity, pressure and current velocities. 150 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 400 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0377 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler velocity log | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature and echo intensity. 300 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 200 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0376 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler velocity log and current profiler | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity and current velocities. 300 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 200 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0379 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler velocity log and pressure sensor | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity and pressure. 300 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 200 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0378 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator 300 kHz Doppler velocity log, current profiler and pressure sensor | A Doppler velocity log (DVL) measuring bottom track and water track velocities, altitude, heading, tilt, temperature, echo intensity, pressure and current velocities. 300 kHz Broadband signal processing gives high data resolution and a four-beam solution gives an independent error velocity measurement as an indicator of data quality. It has a bottom track range of 200 m and velocity accuracy for both bottom and water track modes is 0.4 % of the velocity, +/- 0.2 cm/s. The instrument operates effectively over a temperature range of -5 to 45 degC and with a tilt of up to +/- 15 deg. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0732 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Quartermaster 150 kHz ADCP | A 4-beam 150 kHz instrument designed for moored instrument applications at depths down to 1500 m as standard or 3000 m and 600 m as options. Effective measurement range is 300 m with up to 255 bins each 2 - 24 m deep. Velocity accuracy is the greater of 1 % or 0.5 cm/s. More information is available at http://www.rdinstruments.com/datasheets/quartermaster_ds.pdf. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0750 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Rio Grande 600 kHz ADCP | The Workhorse Rio Grande WRG-600 is a 600 kHz rapid sampling, vessel mounted ADCP designed for use in a range of river conditions, from streams as shallow as 70 cm, to large rivers and tidal estuaries. It measures water velocity in the range +/- 5 m/s to +/- 20 m/s, and temperature in the range -5 to 40 degC. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0293 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel 1200 kHz ADCP | An ADCP designed for self-contained use on moorings or vessel mounting. It has a patented 1200 kHz broadband signal and a standard depth rating of 200 metres. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5 to 45 degC and a range of up to 20 m with a depth cell size of 2 m. Velocity accuracy is +/- 0.3 % or 0.3 cm/sec. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0295 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel 300 kHz ADCP | An ADCP designed for self-contained use on moorings or vessel mounting. It has a patented 300 kHz broadband signal and a standard depth rating of 200 metres. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5 to 45 degC and a range of up to 165 m with a depth cell size of 8 m. Velocity accuracy is +/- 0.5 % or 0.5 cm/sec. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0294 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz ADCP | An ADCP designed for self-contained use on moorings or vessel mounting. It has a patented 600 kHz broadband signal and a standard depth rating of 200 metres. It operates effectively between temperatures of -5 to 45 degC and a range of up to 70 m with a depth cell size of 4 m. Velocity accuracy is +/- 0.3 % or 0.3 cm/sec. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0636 | Teledyne RDI Workhorse waves array | An optional upgrade package that may be fitted to RDI Workhorse Sentinel, Monitor, H-ADCP or Express ADCP that measures multi-directional wave parameters derived from acoustic measurements of wave orbital velocities. The process is fully described in https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/pdf/waveprimer.pdf. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1843 | Teledyne Reson SVP 70 sound velocity profiler | A sound velocity probe developed for fixed-mount installations on ships and other platforms such as AUVs and ROVs. It directly measures sound velocity, using a direct path echosounding technique with a 2 Mhz transducer element. Measurements are compensated for internal temperature and pressure. The probe comes in a titanium housing with 3 m accessory cable. It can measure sound velocities between 1350 - 1800 m/s with a resolution of 0.01 m/s and accuracy between 0.05 and 0.25 m/s. The sampling rate can be 20 Hz and under, and set to measure on request or continuously. Functions at temperatures between -20 and 55 degC. Depth rating is 6000 m. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1488 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7101 multibeam echosounder | A multibeam echosounder for use in shallow water. Depth rated up to 100 metres allowing for use on remotely operated vehicles in addition to surface vessels. Operates at a frequency of 240 kHz, providing coverage between 0.5 and 500 metre sea floor depths. Features realtime roll stabilisation, and has an along-track beamwidth of 1.5 degrees, and an across-track beamwidth of 1.8 degrees. Optional 210 degree swath for use in extremely shallow water or for vertical structure surveys. Can be fitted with either a stick or extended range projector, for use in water depths of 0.5 to 350 or 500 metres respectively. Capable of measuring up to 511 discrete soundings equally spaced across a 150 degree swath, providing up to 7.5 x water depth swath coverage. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0772 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7125 multibeam echosounder | The Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7125 is a 200 - 400 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for use in water depths between 25 and 6000 m. The transducer array includes 512 beams (at 400 kHz) and 256 (at 200 kHz). The instrument has pulse lengths 33 usec to 300 usec and a depth resolution of 6 mm. Max swath angle ranges from 140 to 165 degrees | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1110 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat 7160 multibeam echosounder | A multibeam echosounder for continental shelf mapping. It uses linear receive and transmit arrays at a nominal frequency of 440 kHz to measure sea floor depth between 3 - 3000 m and a swath coverage of greater than 4 x the water depth. It features a T-shaped array geometry. It also features a pitch-stabilised transmitter and an active roll compensated receiver. It has 512 high density equidistant beams, an along-track beamwdith of 1.5 degrees and an across-track beamwidth of 2.0 degrees. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0773 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat 8101 multibeam echosounder | The Teledyne Reson SeaBat 8101 is a 240 kHz multibeam echosounder designed for use in water depths between 120 and 3000 m. The transducer array includes 101 beams (spaced at 1.5 degrees). The instrument has swath coverage of 150 degrees (upgradable to 210 degrees) and up to 600 m swath width | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1685 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat T20 R multibeam echosounder | A high resolution multibeam echosounder for use on small vessels. Operates at frequencies between 190 and 420 kHz, providing coverage between 0.5 and 575 metre sea floor depths. Features a portable sonar processor. Has along and across-track beamwidths of 1 degree at 400 kHz, or 2 degrees at 200 kHz. Swath coverage of up to 165 degrees. Optional integrated Inertial Navigation System for accurate sensor time tagging and motion stabilisation. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1489 | Teledyne Reson SeaBat T20-P multibeam echosounder | A multibeam echosounder for use on small vessels. Operates at frequencies between 190 and 420 kHz, providing coverage between 0.5 and 550 metre sea floor depths. Includes a portable sonar processor. Has along and across-track beamwidths of 1 degree at 400 kHz, or 2 degrees at 200 kHz. Swath coverage of up to 165 degrees, providing up to 12 x water depth swath coverage. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0914 | Teledyne Reson TC1037 directional telephone transducer | A directional transducer with low frequency (6 - 15 kHz). This instrument is specifically designed for underwater telephone systems. It can also be used as a building block in special long range sonars or in sub bottom penetration single or multibeam systems. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1731 | Teledyne Reson TC4032 hydrophone | An underwater hydrophone. It is designed for applications using cables of more than 1000 m and detecting signals at levels below Sea State 0. It uses an electrostatically shielded piezoelectric element connected to an integral low-noise 10 dB preamplifier. It uses nitrile rubber which makes it resistant to sea and fresh water but also resistant to oil. It contains an insert calibration circuit that allows for electrical calibration of the hydrophone. It can be used with differential or single-ended output. Versions with different filter characteristics are available: 4032-1 (5Hz to 120 kHz), 4032-2 (1 Hz to 120 kHz), and 4032-5 (100 Hz to 120 kHz). Usable frequency range: 5 Hz to 120 kHz. Receiving sensitivity: -170 dB re 1 V/ uPa (-164 dB with differential output). Operating depth is 600 m. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1558 | Teledyne TSS Meridian Standard gyrocompass | A vessel gyrocompass originally designed and developed by SG Brown, now sold by Teledyne TSS. It measures vessel attitude, heading, pitch and roll. The Meridian Standard gyrocompass can be installed as a stand-alone unit or, together with any of the TSS range of repeaters and ancillaries, it becomes a single, dual or triple gyro system. The Meridian can also be used as a retrofit unit. It features a free-spinning dynamically tuned gyroscope (DTG) which uses gravity control and Earth rotation to align the gyroscope spin axis with the meridian, i.e. the true north direction. It is available as a higher performance unit (Meridian Surveyor) offering greater heading accuracy. It also features a large array of digital and analogue outputs managed via the remote control unit. The Meridian Standard has a static heading accuracy of 0.1 degrees secant latitude RMS (static) and 0.3 degrees secant latitude RMS (dynamic). Its settle point error and repeatability is 0.25 degrees secant latitude. It operates between 80 degrees N and 80 degrees S and at ship speeds between 0 - 90 knots. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0883 | Teledyne TSS Meridian Surveyor gyrocompass | A free-spinning gyroscope which uses gravity control and earth rotation to align the gyroscope spin axis with the meridian, i.e. the true north direction. The system can apply latitude and speed correction using information from external sources such as a GPS receiver or a speed log. Settle point error: 0.1 degrees sec latitude. Static error: 0.05 degrees sec latitude RMS. Dynamic accuracy: 0.2 degrees sec latitude (Scorsby and Intercardinal motion tests). Settle point repeatability 0.1 degrees sec latitude. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL0900 | Teledyne TSS Orion inertial navigation system | An Inertial Navigation System (INS) used for hydrographic survey, offshore construction and ROV operations. The system comprises three Ring Laser Gyros (RLG) and three accelerometers. A surface and sub-sea variant is available. Heading accuracy: 0.1 degrees RMS secant latitude (with GPS antenna aiding). Pitch and roll dynamic accuracy: 0.01 degrees. Heave accuracy: 5 cm or 5 % whichever is greater. | 2024-08-23 |
TOOL1183 | Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G1+G2 Glider Navigation data logger | A navigation and engineering logging system located within a Slocum ocean glider (G1 and G2 models). Sensors integrated can include GPS position, pressure transducer, platform altimeter and an internal clock. In addition to sensor data, engineering and inferred data are logged such as glider inferred currents and subsurface displacements. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .sdb (real time transmitted data) or .dbd (internally logged high resolution version stored on the glider memory card) files. | 2017-12-05 |
TOOL1184 | Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G1+G2 Glider Science Bay data logger | A scientific sensor logging system located within the science bay of a Slocum ocean glider (G1 and G2 models). Scientific sensors are integrated into the system. In addition to sensor data, sensor configuration are logged. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .tdb (real time transmitted data) or .ebd (internally logged high resolution version stored on the glider memory card) files. | 2017-12-05 |
TOOL1736 | Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G3 Glider Navigation data logger | A navigation and engineering logging system located within the Slocum G3 model ocean glider. Sensors integrated can include GPS position, pressure transducer, platform altimeter and an internal clock. In addition to sensor data, engineering and inferred data are logged such as glider inferred currents and subsurface displacements. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .sbd (real time transmitted data) or .dbd (internally logged high resolution version stored on the glider memory card) files. | 2021-09-28 |
TOOL1746 | Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G3S Glider Navigation data logger | A navigation and engineering logging system located within the Slocum G3S model ocean glider. Sensors integrated can include GPS position, pressure transducer, platform altimeter and an internal clock. In addition to sensor data, engineering and inferred data are logged such as glider inferred currents and subsurface displacements. Data are output as proprietary binary format with .sbd (real time transmitted data) or .dbd (internally logged high resolution version stored on the glider memory card) files. | 2021-11-12 |
TOOL0621 | Teleost Pressure Recorder | A pressure recorder developed by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory in the late 1970s to measure sea level at offshore locations. It comprised a Bell and Howell strain gauge or a Digiquartz pressure transducer with an optional platinum resistance thermometer. Data were logged by an adapted Aanderaa current meter logger. More information is available at http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/27840/. | 2013-06-04 |
TOOL0221 | Texas Electronics TE525 rain gauge | A tipping bucket rain gauge with a 6 inch collector and levelling screw adjustment. The sensor output has a switch closure for each bucket tip. It has a resolution of 0.01 inches and accuracy of between 1 and 5% depending on rainfall rate (more accurate for lighter rainfall). Marketed by Campbell Scientific. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1879 | Thales Ashtech Aquarius2 GPS receiver | A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver designed for navigation and precise heading for use during multi-beam sounding, dredging, construction, and machine automation. The instrument can be a stand alone GPS receiver, wide area differential GPS (WADGPS), differential GPS (DGPS) using corrections from radio link or external RTCM receiver, or give relative positioning and heading processing from primary and secondary antennas. It gives LRK or KART centimetre real-time positioning. It has 32 L1 channels and 24 L2 channels. Heading precision range is between 0.1 and 0.04 deg. The output rate is 1-20 Hz with < 5 ms latency. Distance precision to 2 metres for GPS and 5-10 mm in real-time centimetre LRK and KART modes. | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL1624 | Thales DG16 Differential Global Positioning System receiver | A 16 channel Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) receiver with 12 GPS L1 code and carrier channels. The receiver incorporates signals from 2 Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) channels and 2 300 KHz DGPS beacon channels, to provide up to 20 Hz sub-metre three-dimensional differential positioning. The receiver uses a Receiver Autonomous Integrated Monitoring (RAIM) algorithm to exclude satellite signals with consistent bias errors, further improving accuracy and reliability. In differential mode, the receiver has an accuracy of 40 cm, with a velocity accuracy of 0.1 knots. | 2021-02-10 |
NETT0149 | The National Institute of Oceanography Rectangular Midwater Trawl combination net 1+8 - Baker et al. (1973) | A combination 100 cm x 141 cm rectangular flexible mouth opening net and one with a 283 cm x 400 cm mouth opening, one above the other on the same towing framework. The 8-m2 as described by Clarke . The 1-m2 was 423 cm long and had 0.32 mm nylon mesh. Data telemetry improved to include temperature and flow. Descriptions of scaled up versions of the RMT 8 to 25-m2 and 90-m2 mouth openings provided [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 28 A]. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL1057 | Thematic Mapper | The TM (Thematic Mapper) is a whick broom passive optical imager designed to measure Earth's surface reflectance in seven spectral bands for high-resolution land and vegetation observation. It is a follow-on instrument to the MSS (Multispectral Scanner System). TM provides information on the Earth's surface in the visible, near, middle and thermal infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. IT does this using a mirror which scans across the satellite's ground track, reflecting light into a single detector which collects data one pixel at a time. The seven spectral bands range in wavelength from 0.45-0.52 micrometres (band1); 0.53-0.61 micrometres (band 2); 0.63-0.69 micrometres (band 3); 0.78-0.90 micrometres (band 4); 1.55-1.75 micrometres (band 5); 10.4-12.5 micrometres (band 6); 2.09-2.35 micrometres (band 7). All bands have a 30 m resolution except band 6 which has a 120 m resolution. Flown on Landsat-4, Landsat-5. http://wiki.landscapetoolbox.org/doku.php/remote_sensor_types:landsat_tm_5#description | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1872 | Theodor Friedrichs 2015.0000 temperature sensor | A temperature sensor designed for use in various meteorological packages. It is equipped with an encased hard glass platinum resistance Pt-100 sensor. It is mainly used as a spare sensor for the Theodor Friedrichs 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017 and 3010 sensors. The sensor is delivered with plastic shaft, screw cap and 5 m measuring cable. Measuring resistance: Pt-100 according to DIN 60751 B. Nominal resistance: 100 ohm at 0 degC. Response time in air: (T 0.5) 23 s, (T 0.9) 80 s. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1870 | Theodor Friedrichs 4034.0000 anemometer | A 3-cup anemometer that electrically measures values of wind speed. Designed for applications in meteorology and environmental protection, it can be mounted on various platforms such as automatic weather stations, research vessels, industrial sites, airports and more. The assembly comprises three polypropylene cups and a plated aluminium reflecting wheel divided into 15 segments. During rotation these segments pass the light barrier and create a sequence of reflection and absorption pulses, in a frequency proportional to the wind speed. It features in-built heating by a power transistor controlled by a temperature sensor, enabling use in cold climates. Operating temperature: -35 to +80 degC. Measurement range: 0-60 m/s. Accuracy: +/- 0.3 m/s. Frequency output: 0-600 Hz. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1871 | Theodor Friedrichs 4034.1000 anemometer | A 3-cup anemometer that electrically measures values of wind speed. Designed for applications in meteorology and environmental protection, it can be mounted on various platforms such as automatic weather stations, research vessels, industrial sites, airports and more. The 4034.1000 provides analogue outputs in addition to those of the 4034.0000. The assembly comprises three polypropylene cups and a plated aluminium reflecting wheel divided into 15 segments. During rotation these segments pass the light barrier and create a sequence of reflection and absorption pulses, in a frequency proportional to the wind speed. It features in-built heating by a power transistor controlled by a temperature sensor, enabling use in cold climates. Operating temperature: -35 to +80 degC. Measurement range: 0-60 m/s. Accuracy: +/- 0.3 m/s. Frequency output: 0-600 Hz, as well as analogue 0-1 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1874 | Theodor Friedrichs 4122.0000 wind direction sensor | A sensor for measuring wind direction, the Theodor Friedrichs 4122.0000 wind direction sensor comprises a wind vane system which is continuously kept parallel to the local wind direction through the occurring wind pressure. The sensor supplies a signal corresponding North direction, vane position is transmitted by the shaft to the angular encoder unit. The sensor is designed for the acquisition and electronic transmission of wind direction data, suitable for applications in the field of meteorology and environmental monitoring (e.g. for automatic weather stations, airports or research vessels). The instrument features a built-in heating system for operation in cold climate. The 4122.0000 has digital outputs and is RS 232 compatible, the data format is 8 data bits, 1 starbit, 2 stopbits, with no parity and TTL level digital logic design. The instrument has a measurement range of 360 degrees, a max load of 60 m/s, a threshold at 90 degrees initial detection of 0.2 m/s, resolution accuracy of +/- 2.5 degrees, and is capable of operating within a temperature range of -35 to +80 degC. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1875 | Theodor Friedrichs 4122.1000 wind direction sensor | A sensor for measuring wind direction, the Theodor Friedrichs 4122.1000 wind direction sensor comprises a wind vane system which is continuously kept parallel to the local wind direction through the occurring wind pressure. The sensor supplies a signal corresponding North direction, vane position is transmitted by the shaft to the angular encoder unit. The sensor is designed for the acquisition and electronic transmission of wind direction data, suitable for applications in the field of meteorology and environmental monitoring (e.g. for automatic weather stations, airports or research vessels). The instrument features a built-in heating system for operation in cold climate. The 4122.1000 has analogue outputs 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA as well as 3 phase signals for direct connection of analogue instruments. The instrument has a measurement range of 360 degrees, a max load of 60 m/s, a threshold at 90 degrees initial detection of 0.2 m/s, resolution accuracy of +/- 2.5 degrees, and is capable of operating within a temperature range of -35 to +80 degC. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1869 | Theodor Friedrichs 5002.0000 barometer | A digital barometer designed for indoor measurement of atmospheric pressure. The 5002 series have two operating modes: normal mode where the barometer measures continuously when powered up; shutdown mode where the barometer is powered on/off using an external TTL level signal. For offset fine adjustment a trimmer potentiometer is available, which can be used at any pressure level to make a maximum +/- 2 hPa (mbar) offset adjustment to the barometer output. Pressure range: 800 - 1100 hPa. Operating temperature range: -40 to +60 degC. Humidity range: non-condensing. Accuracy +/- 0.03 hPa. | 2022-11-01 |
TOOL1055 | Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer | The Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TANSO-FTS) is one of two instruments that the Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation (TANSO) is composed of. It is a four-band interferometer designed to measure infrared light reflected and emitted from the earth's surface and atmosphere. Column abundances of carbon dioxide and methane are calculated from the observational data. Incoming light is split into two beams which propagate in separate optical paths to create an optical path difference. The beams then recombine to cause interference. FTS measures the intensity of interference by continuously changing the optical path length difference. A spectrum is obtained by performing a Fourier transform on the measured data. Light reflected from the earth's surface is observed in the spectral bands 1 through 3 of FTS during daytime, and the light emitted from the atmosphere is captured in band 4 during both day and night time. Prior to reaching the detectors of the instrument, the light in the bands 1 through 3 is split into two orthogonally-polarised components (P and S components) and measured independently. The light in the band 4, however, is not split. The instrument thereby observes the incoming light in seven different channels. The TANSO-FTS instrument operates within four spectral bands in the following wavelength ranges: 0.758-0.775 micrometres (band 1); 1.56-1.72 (band 2); 1.92-2.08 (band 3); 5.56-14.3 (band 4). The intstrument has a spectral resolution of 0.2 cm-1. The angle of instantaneous field of view is 15.8 mrad. Flown on GOSAT. http://www.gosat.nies.go.jp/eng/gosat/page2.htm | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1054 | Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager | The Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager (TANSO-CAI) is one of two instruments that the Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation (TANSO) is composed of. It is a radiometer designed to measure aerosol spatial distribution and cloud coverage in the visible, ultraviolet and shortwave infrared spectrums. This information is primarily used to correct the effects of clouds and aerosols on the spectra obtained from the primary TANSO instrument, Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation - Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TANSO-FTS). TANSO-CAI has a continuous spatial coverage, wider field of view, and higher spatial resolution than TANSO-FTS in order to detect aerosol spatial distribution and cloud coverage. Using the multispectral bands, the spectral characteristics of the aerosol scattering can be retrieved together with optical thickness. In addition, the UV-band range observations provide the aerosol data over land. With the FTS spectra, imager data, and the retrieval algorithm to remove cloud and aerosol contamination, the column density of the gases can be retrieved with an accuracy of 1%. The TANSO-CAI instrument operates within four sepctral bands in the following wavelength ranges: 0.370-0.390 micrometres (band1); 0.664-0.684 micrometres (band 2); 0.860-0.880 micrometres (band 3); 1.56-1.65 micrometres (band 4). The instrument has a spatial resolution of 0.5 km at nadir for bands 1-3, and 1.5 km at band 4. Flown on GOSAT. https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/data-access/latest-data-products/-/article/gosat-cai-l1-l2-l3-full-archive-and-new-products | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1056 | Thermal Infrared Sensor | The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) is a push-boom sensor designed to measure land surface temperature in two thermal bands for high-resolution land and vegetation observation. A four-element refractive telescope focuses an f/1.64 beam of thermal radiation onto a cryogenically cooled focal plane, which holds three modules with quantum-well-infrared-photodetector (QWIP) arrays arranged in an alternating pattern along the focal plane centerline. The QWIPs detect long wavelengths of light emitted by the Earth whose intensity depends on surface temperature. The QWIPs TIRS uses are sensitive to two thermal infrared wavelength bands, helping it separate the temperature of the Earth's surface from that of the atmosphere. Their design operates on the complex principles of quantum mechanics. Gallium arsenide semiconductor chips trap electrons in an energy state 'well' until the electrons are elevated to a higher state by thermal infrared light of a certain wavelength. The elevated electrons create an electrical signal that can be read out and recorded to create a digital image. Each QWIP array is 640 detectors long cross-track allowing for overlap between the arrays to produce an effective linear array of 1850 pixels, spanning the 185 km ground swath with a 100 m spatial resolution. The spectral bands have wavelengths centred on 10.8 micrometres (band 1) and 12 micrometres (band 2). Flown on Landsat-8. http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/?p=5474 | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1744 | Thermco Blue Spirit Liquid Thermometer ACC091CBLS | A liquid-in-glass thermometer filled with blue spirit designed for use in identifying solidification point of liquids in a laboratory setting. Conforms to or exceeds American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. ASTM class S91C. Operates within a temperature range of 20 to 50 degC, designed for partial immersion up to a depth of 76 mm, with has a length of 375 mm and a precision of 0.1 degC. | 2021-11-02 |
TOOL0486 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} AS 3000 autosampler | A laboratory autosampler for automatic routine sampling and complete sample preparation. The instrument includes a sample tray, injector and column oven, all of which are precisely temperature-controlled. It features a 120 vial capacity with random vial access and multiple injection modes to maximise sampling flexibility. Unique sample withdrawal and automatic flush procedures minimise cross contamination between samples, typically less than 0.01 % with a 400 uL flush volume. RSD precision is better than 0.5 %. The instrument was designed for use with the SpectraSYSTEM HPLC. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1288 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} DELTAplus Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer | A fully automated isotope ratio mass spectrometer, designed for all dual-inlet and continuous-flow applications which do not require Deuterium-to-Hydrogen (D/H) capability. This model is an evolution of the DELTAplus, and features new electronics with extended dynamic range signals (up to 50 V), as well as computer-controlled amplification ranges, ionsource potentials and system parameters. It was developed to determine isotope ratios of e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 34S/32S in dual inlet (which also allows D/H determination) and continuous flow modes. The instrument uses the ISODAT 2.0 software package for set-up, tuning and automatic operation. Like its predecessor DELTAplus, the DELTAplus Advantage has a mass range of 1 - 70 Dalton at 3kV acceleration voltage for all gas species. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0532 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} Flash EA 1112 elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument used to determine total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen in a sample. The sample is completely and instantaneously oxidised by flash combustion, which converts all organic and inorganic substances into combustion products. The resulting combustion gases pass through a reduction furnace and are swept into the chromatographic column by the helium carrier gas. The gases are separated in the column and detected by the thermal conductivity detector which gives an output signal proportional to the concentration of the individual components of the mixture. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0462 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} Neptune inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A laboratory high mass resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) designed for elemental and isotopic analysis. The instrument is based on a multicollector platform, comprising eight moveable collector supports and one fixed centre channel equipped with a Faraday cup and, optionally, an ion counter with or without a retardation lens. The Faraday cup is connected to a current amplifier, whose signal is digitised by a high linearity voltage to frequency converter. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0487 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} SpectraSYSTEM high performance liquid chromatograph | The SpectraSYSTEM is designed for automated sample preparation and HPLC analysis. It comprises a series of modules, including a range of degassers, pumps, autosamplers and detectors. The solvent is delivered by a pump featuring a real-time pressure feedback and automatic solvent compressibility system optimised to provide accurate and precise pump flows, regardless of solvent composition. SpectraSYSTEM pumps are designed for flow rates of 10 uL to 10 mL/min (flow rate precision < 0.2 % RSD) and feature excellent gradient accuracy and linearity. The SpectraSYSTEM includes an autosampler with a 120 vial capacity. The SpectraSYSTEM can be fitted with a variety of detectors, including UV/Visible (deuterium and tungsten lamps), photodiode array (deuterium and tungsten-halogen lamps) and fluorescence (pulsed xenon lamps) spectrometers. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0975 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} Triton thermal ionisation mass spectrometer | A thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (TIMS) for use with very small samples. It uses a thermal ionisation source to measure isotopic ratios. It features a variable multicollector platform which can be configured with 9 Faraday detectors and/or 8 miniaturised ion counting detectors. External precision of Nd and Sr is 5 ppm (1 SD). The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0488 | Thermo Finnigan {Thermo Fisher Scientific} UV6000LP photodiode array detector | A UV/Visible programmable detector designed for spectroscopic applications. It uses a linear array of discrete photodiodes and allows a range of wavelengths to be detected simultaneously. A LightPipe (LP) flowcell produces higher signal-to-noise ratio than standard flowcells, while deuterium and tungsten-halogen lamps increase light level across the full spectral range from 190 - 800 nm. Noise is lower than 6 uAU/cm of pathlength and a unique fibre-optic bundle creates a high resolution image with minimal light loss. The instrument was designed for use with the SpectraSYSTEM HPLC. The instrument was originally manufactured by Thermo Finnigan, which was acquired by Thermo Electron and later Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1104 | Thermo Fisher Scientific 49i ozone analyser | A dual cell photometer ozone analyser that uses UV photometric technology to measure the amount of ozone in the air. The instrument allows for dual and auto range and allows for the sample and reference flowing at the same time. Configurations are available such as the presence of a zero air source. Temperature and pressure correction are available as a standard feature. The measuring range spans 0.05 ppb to 200 ppm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0296 | Thermo Fisher Scientific 5012 Multi Angle Absorption photometer | An in-situ instrument that determines atmospheric aerosol light absorption from coincident measurements of light scattering and transmission of continuous samples collected on a GF10 filter tape. The detection limit is 0.05 ug m-3 for data averaged over 10 minutes. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1142 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Accela Series high performance liquid chromatograph | The Accela Series high performance liquid chromatography system provides fast separations at pressures of up to 18,130 psi and at flow rates of 1 to 5000 uL/min. The system consists of an analytical pump (Accela Pump, Accela 600 Pump or Accela 1250 Pump), an autosampler, an optional PDA detector or UV/Vis detector and a solvent platform that holds four 1 L solvent reservoir bottles and one 1 L wash bottle. The autosampler includes a built-in column oven (5 to 95 degC), a sample temperature control (0 to 60 degC) and the capacity for 200 samples across five sample trays. Both detectors have a dual-lamp optical bench that covers the UV-visible spectrum from 190 to 800 nm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1711 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Attune NxT flow cytometer | A benchtop flow cytometer with up to 4 lasers and 16 parameters of detection. The Attune NxT Flow Cytometer is an advanced cell analyser which uses acoustic focusing fluidics. Applications include multi-parametric single cell analysis with minimal compensation panels, rapidly processing and detecting multiple samples, and rapid detection of rare events. The instrument can optionally be paired with the Invitrogen Attune Autosampler to enable faster high throughput multiparametric screening. Emission filters allow up to 14 colour channels with wavelength-tuned photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The instrument can achieve a throughput of 35,000 events per second, with a flow rate of 12.5 to 1000 uL/min. The instrument has a particle size detection range of 0.5 to 50 um. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1020 | Thermo Fisher Scientific DELTA V Advantage isotope ratio mass spectrometer | The Thermo Scientific DELTA V Advantage is an isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to measure isotopic, elemental and molecular ratios of organic and inorganic compounds. The DELTA V Advantage is the standard model of the DELTA V series of isotope ratio mass spectrometers, which can be upgraded to the DELTA V Plus. The DELTA V Advantage can be operated in Continuous Flow or Dual Inlet mode. The standard collector configuration is the Universal Triple Collector. H2 collectors with online hydrogen capability are optional. The DELTA V Advantage is controlled by an automated, integrated Isodat software suite. A magnet, whose pole faces determine the free flight space for the ions, eliminates the traditional flight tube. The magnet is designed for fast mass switching which is further supported by a fast jump control between consecutive measurements of multiple gases within one run. The sample gas is introduced at ground potential, eliminating the need for insulation of the flow path, ensuring 100 percent transfer into the ion source. The amplifiers register ion beams up to 50 V. The DELTA V Advantage has a sensitivity of 1200 molecules per ion (M/I) in Dual Inlet mode and 1500 M/I in Continuous Flow mode. It has a system stability of < 10 ppm and an effective magnetic detection radius of 191 nm. It has a mass range of 1 - 80 Dalton at 3 kV. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1021 | Thermo Fisher Scientific DELTA V Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer | The Thermo Scientific DELTA V Plus is an isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to measure isotopic, elemental and molecular ratios of organic and inorganic compounds. The DELTA V Plus is an enhanced model of the DELTA V series of isotope ratio mass spectrometers, which can be upgraded from the DELTA V Advantage. The DELTA V Plus can be operated in Continuous Flow or Dual Inlet mode and can accommodate up to 10 collectors, ensuring flexibility to cover many applications. The DELTA V Plus is controlled by an automated, integrated Isodat software suite. A magnet, whose pole faces determine the free flight space for the ions, eliminates the traditional flight tube. The magnet is designed for fast mass switching which is further supported by a fast jump control between consecutive measurements of multiple gases within one run. The sample gas is introduced at ground potential, eliminating the need for insulation of the flow path, ensuring 100 percent transfer into the ion source. The amplifiers register ion beams up to 50 V. The DELTA V Plus has refined optics, enabling greater ion transmission than the DELTA V Advantage. It has a sensitivity of 800 molecules per ion (M/I) in Dual Inlet mode and 1100 M/I in Continuous Flow mode. It has a system stability of < 10 ppm and an effective magnetic detection radius of 191 nm. It has a mass range of 1 - 96 Dalton at 3 kV. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1019 | Thermo Fisher Scientific DELTA V isotope ratio mass spectrometer series | The Thermo Scientific DELTA V is a series of isotope ratio mass spectrometers consisting of the DELTA V Advantage and the DELTA V Plus models. The instruments are designed to measure isotopic, elemental and molecular ratios of organic and inorganic compounds. The DELTA V series can be operated in Continuous Flow or Dual Inlet mode. The two models are built on the same platform and offer all standard applications, including H2 analysis under helium carrier gas load. The DELTA V series is controlled by an automated, integrated Isodat software suite. A magnet, whose pole faces determine the free flight space for the ions, eliminates the traditional flight tube. The magnet is designed for fast mass switching which is further supported by a fast jump control between consecutive measurements of multiple gases within one run. The sample gas is introduced at ground potential, eliminating the need for insulation of the flow path, ensuring 100 percent transfer into the ion source. The amplifiers register ion beams up to 50 V. Features of the DELTA V series include use with up to ten detectors, use with a wide range of sample preparation devices, a wide range of collector configurations and integrated signal amplifiers and digitisers. The DELTA V design also includes a weld-free monolithic analyser with fixed alignment of all ion optical components, including the electro magnet. The DELTA V series has a sensitivity range of 1100 - 1500 molecules per ion (M/I) in Continuous Flow mode and 800 - 1200 M/I in Dual Inlet mode, depending on the model. The system stability is < 10 ppm and the effective magnetic detection radius is 191 nm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2139 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Dionex ICS-5000 ion chromatography (IC) system | An ion chromatography system which offers a full range of reagent-free components. This instrument can be configured to use single or dual pumps. The single-channel Dionex ICS-5000 can be configured to run capillary, microbore or standard bore IC applications. A dual Dionex ICS-5000 system can be configured with any combination of these applications. This system uses an eluent generator (EG) to generate high purity acid or base eluents from deionized water, in the amount and concentration needed for sample analysis, configurable for single or dual channel operation. Eluent regeneration may also be used without an EG - eluent regeneration uses the suppressor to reconstitute the starting eluent, allowing use of a single 4-liter bottle of eluent for up to four weeks. An eluent organizer (EO) module is used to contain eluent spills and leaks. The ICS-5000 detector/chromatography module (DC) can accommodate components for two channels, plumbed either serially or in parallel, in a temperature-controlled environment. Available DC components include conductivity detectors, electrochemical detectors, injection valves, switching valves, guard and separator columns, suppressors, and Dionex IC cubes or ICS-5000 Automation Manager. Detectors outside of the DC include a Dionex ICS Series Photodiode Array Detector (PDA); Dionex ICS Series Variable Wavelength Detector (VWD); MSQ Plus Mass Spectrometer. | 2025-02-21 |
TOOL0776 | Thermo Fisher Scientific ELEMENT 2 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A double-focussing magnetic-sector-field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) equipped with a discrete dynode detector system, linear over nine orders of magnitude - from ppq to ppm.concentrations. Other features include: Sensitivity (Concentric Nebuliser) greater than 1 x 10^9 counts per second (cps)/ppm ln; Dark noise less than 0.2 cps; Mass resolution 300, 4,000, 10,000 (10 percent valley, equivalent to 5 percent height), 600, 8,000, 2,000 (FWHM); Signal stability better than 1 percent RSD over 10 minutes or 2 percent RSD over 1 hour; Mass stability: 25 ppm / 8 hours; Magnetic scan speed: m/z 7 to 240 to 7 in less than 150 ms, Electronic scan speed: 1 ms/jump, independent of mass range. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1221 | Thermo Fisher Scientific ELEMENT XR high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A high-resolution (HR) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometer (MS) composed of a dual mode secondary electron multiplier (SEM) and a Faraday detector. The ELEMENT XR instrument has a dynamic range of 5 x 10^7 to 1 x 10^12 counts per second (cps), and allows simultaneous measurement of elements at concentrations over 1000 ug/g. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1726 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Flash 2000 organic elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument used for quantifying organic elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, and oxygen. Applications include: organic or inorganic chemistry and pharmaceuticals, petrochemistry and energy, environmental analysis, material characterization, agronomy and marine science, food industry, human and animal samples, and isotope analysis. The detector consists of a stainless-steel block with two pairs of filaments (generally of tungsten/rhenium) having the same electrical resistance. The detector is housed in a thermally insulated metal block (detector oven) and maintained at constant temperature. The first pair of filaments is fed with pure carrier gas (reference channel), whereas the second pair is fed with the gas flowing from the reactor (analytical channel). When the bridge is powered, the filaments heat at a temperature (resistance) that is a function of the thermal conductivity of the gas feeding the filaments. The reference channel is exposed only to pure carrier gas, whereas the analytical channel is exposed to the reactor effluents (carrier gas + sample). The detector generates a signal proportional to the difference in thermal conductivity between the eluted component and the carrier gas. The output signal is then sent to the data acquisition board. The instrument can be used in altitudes up to 2000 metres, temperatures between 15 and 35 degC, and maximum relative humidity between 30 and 85 %. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2062 | Thermo Fisher Scientific FlashSmart elemental analyser | A laboratory instrument used for quantifying organic elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, and oxygen (CHNS/O). Applications include: organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals, petrochemistry and energy, environmental analysis, material characterisation, agronomy and marine science, food safety. Uses the chromatigraphic method for real-time view of the analytical process and pathway, with helium and argon as the carrier gases. It is a modular system allowing up to 20 configurations. It features up to 2 autosamplers, allowing 24/7 automated unattended analysis due to the the Thermo Scientific MultiValve Control (MVC) module, EagerSmart Data Handling Software controlling all analytical parameters, and the Thermo Scientific OxyTune Function. It can analyse from a few ppm to 100 percent. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1143 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Fluoroskan Ascent microplate fluorometer | A bench-top, microplate fluorometer used in laboratory research. Measurement occurs in a narrow angle and both the source of the excitation light (quartz-halogen lamp) and the detector of the emission light (photomultiplier tube) are located on the same side of the microplate. Filters are held in 8-position filter wheels and uses excitation wavelengths between 320 - 700 nm and emission wavelengths between 360 - 800 nm. The instrument can carry out both top and bottom reading. It has a measurement range of up to approximately 5000 Relative Fluorescence Units (RFU) and sensitivity of 2 fmol fluorescein. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1982 | Thermo Fisher Scientific GENESYS 10 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series | A series of spectrophotometers designed for testing water and wastewater, food and beverages, inorganics, quality control of chemicals and other life science applications. Includes the GENESYS 10 Vis and the GENESYS 10 UV models. The GENESYS 10 UV features a xenon flashlamp with split-beam grating-based dual detectors (5 years typical lifetime). The GENESYS 10 Vis features a tungsten-halogen lamp source with a single-beam grating-based detector (1000 hours typical lifetime). Both models feature 5 nm spectral bandwidth, a wavelength accuracy of +/- 1.0 nm, a 320 x 240 pixel backlit LCD display, a 1-position or automatic 6-position cell holder, a membrane keypad and up to 40 sets of test parameters. The GENESYS 10 Vis has a wavelength range from 325 - 1100 nm, whereas the GENESYS 10 UV has a wavelength range from 190 - 1100 nm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0971 | Thermo Fisher Scientific GasBench II preparation system | An on-line gas preparation and introduction system for isotope ratio mass spectrometry that is designed for high precision isotope and molecular ratio determination of headspace samples, including water equilibration, carbonates and atmospheric gases. The instrument allows for the use of a dual viscous flow inlet system of repetitive measurements of sample and standard gas on a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (CF-IRMS) system. The sample volume is the sample vial (instead of a metal bellows), and the reference gas volume is a pressurised gas tank. The instrument consists of a user programmable autosampler, a gas sampling system, a maintenance-free water removal system, a loop injection system, an isothermal gas chromatograph (GC), an active open split interface, a reference gas injection system with three reference ports, and one or two optional LN2 traps for cryofocusing. The gas sampling system includes a two port needle which adds a gentle flow of He into the sample vial, diluting and displacing sample gas. Water is removed from the sample gas through diffusion traps. The loop injector aliquots the sample gas onto the GC column, which separates the molecular species. The reference gas injection system allows accurate referencing of each sample aliquot to isotopic standards. The system can be used with several options including a carbonate reaction kit that allows injection of anhydrous phosphoric acid into sample vials. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1809 | Thermo Fisher Scientific HiPerTOC total organic carbon analyser | A laboratory instrument designed for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis in water samples. It can also be used for Total Carbon (TC), Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC), Non-Purgable Organic Carbon (NPOC) and Total Bound Nitrogen (TNb) analysis. The HiPerTOC is equipped with four different oxidation techniques for TOC analysis; High Temperature Oxidation, UV/Persulfate, UV Ultra-Pure and Ozone Promoted. It features a 63-position XYZ-sampler with two sampling needles for automated introduction of water samples into the instrument. It also features a stirrer module which ensures sample homogeneity and enables particulates with diameters up to 700 um to be analysed. It also features high and low range (dual-beam) Non-Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR) detectors. The HiPerTOC analyser is supported by the Thermo Scientific ThEuS Sofware. The HiPerTOC analyser can be extended with a TN-CLD module to measure TOC and TNb in one run. Typical measurement ranges are from 250 - 10,000 ppb. It requires an ambient temperature of 15 - 35 degC and relative humidity of 20 - 80 percent. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2142 | Thermo Fisher Scientific MAT 253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer | The Thermo Scientific MAT 253 stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer is designed to determine isotopic ratios of D/H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 34S/32S, 28Si/29Si, Ar, Kr, and Xe. It can be used in dual inlet mode or continuous flow mode. The instrument includes amplifiers up to 50 V, hydrogen continuous flow capability, up to eight simultaneous acquisition channels, and the integration of Isodat software. Its analytical performance and ruggedness are due to the geometry with stigmatic focus and large dispersion. The magnetic sector field is generated by an electromagnet. Collectors are located at the focal plane of the full deflection radius, and they use individually shielded Faraday cups. The MAT 253 has a mass range of 1-150 Dalton at 10 kV, a sensitivity of 600 molecules CO2 per mass 44 ion in the dual inlet mode, and 900 molecules/ion in the continuous flow mode. For this instrument, the ambient temperature must be 18 - 28 deg C, with a relative humidity of 20 - 70 %. It requires power 230 V. and compressed air 350 - 500 Kpa (50 - 75 psi). | 2025-03-26 |
TOOL2051 | Thermo Fisher Scientific NanoDrop spectrophotometer series | Thermo Scientific NanoDrop spectrophotometers provide microvolume quantification and purity assessments of DNA, RNA, and protein samples. NanoDrop spectrophotometers work on the principle of ultraviolet-visible spectrum (UV-Vis) absorbance. The range consists of the NanoDrop One/OneC UV-Vis Spectrophotometers, NanoDrop Eight UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and NanoDrop Lite Plus UV Spectrophotometer. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0959 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Neptune Plus inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A laboratory high mass resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) designed for elemental and isotopic analysis. The instrument is based on a multicollector platform and combines the features of high mass resolution, variable multicollection and multiple ion counting (MIC). The Neptune Plus includes a Jet interface for increased sensitivity, a dual RPQ option and multiple discrete dynode electron multipliers for higher dynamic ranges, linearity and stability. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1322 | Thermo Fisher Scientific ORION Ross pH electrode series | A series of pH electrodes that have been in production for over 35 years that are capable of measuring pH in TRIS, protein and sulphide samples. Measurement is based on the degree of potential that develops across a sensing membrane surface when the sensing element comes into contact with a sample. An internal reference electrode provides a second, unvarying potential to quantitatively compare the changes of the sensing membrane potential. This series of electrodes use a Ross Reference System that is based on [I3-/I-] iodide/triiodide ion pair chemistry with platinum wire. The probes typically have 0.01 pH precision. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2048 | Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol 2025i sequential air sampler | Federal Reference Method sequential ambient sampler featuring enhanced communication capabilities and long-term unattended operation. It is designed to meet the regulatory monitoring requirements for PM-2.5, PM-10 and PM-Coarse sampling methods. The Partisol 2025i sampler accommodates 47 mm filter in the single-flow and dual-flow configurations. It exchanges 47 mm diameter sample filters automatically, which can be preset to a user-defined time interval. It has the capacity to store 16 filter cassettes, allowing for two weeks of unattended daily sampling of particulate matter. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1018 | Thermo Fisher Scientific TC/EA high temperature conversion elemental analyser | The Thermo Scientific high temperature conversion elemental analyser (TC/EA) is an isotope ratio mass spectrometer designed to measure simultaneous hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of all organic compounds and selected inorganic compounds. The Thermo Scientific TC/EA can be connected to any current Thermo Scientific isotope ratio mass spectrometer equipped for continuous flow applications. The instrument uses a quantitative, high temperature conversion technique referred to as pyrolysis, in which oxygen present in a compound is converted to CO, and hydrogen contained in a compound is converted to H2. The process is rapid and quantitative in a reducing environment at high temperatures, typically exceeding 1400 degC. The TC/EA is able to measure both H and O isotope ratios in a single run, which takes about 6 minutes. It takes about 5 minutes per sample for oxygen and less than 3 minutes for hydrogen isotope ratio determination. Optional modules can be added to the TC/EA which include a Liquid Injection Kit and a Bottom Feed Connector. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0565 | Thermo Fisher Scientific VG PQ ExCell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A quadrupole-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) designed for the determination of trace elements in a range of sample types. The instrument comprises a sample introduction system including a peristaltic pump, a Peltier cooled pneumatic nebulisation system, a one-piece quartz torch, mass flow controllers and a solid-state RF generator. There is an interface of two cones which sample the ions created in the plasma and provide an ion skimming function. Cylindrical electrodes are then used to extract and focus ions from the interface into the mass spectrometer. The instrument includes a vacuum pumping system, argon backfill system and an autorange standard detector system. There is a high efficiency ion guide and chicane deflector coupled to an off-axis quadrupole mass analyser known as the Infinity Lens System which reduces background noise. The ICP-MS is fully automated and is operated using PlasmaLab software. Optional extras include collision cell technology, choice of detectors, 4th gas supply with mass flow controller, organic matrix sample option, S-Option interface technology and a range of sampling accessories. This model was released in 1999 and was replaced by the XSERIES in 2001. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL1002 | Thermo Fisher Scientific XSeries 2 quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | The Thermo Scientific XSeries 2 is a benchtop inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) which is designed for the concentration determination of a wide variety of different metals with sub ppb detection limits. The quadrupole analyser is pumped by a split flow turbo pump backed by a single rotary. The high capacity pumping system enables the use of diluted reactive gases such as 7 % H2 in He or 1 % NH3 in He to be used in CCT mode rather than undiluted H2 or NH3 thereby eliminating potential corrosion problems and enhancing instrument reliability and operator safety. The instrument can be coupled with additional systems to increase the measuring capability (such as laser ablation, liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. The XSeries 2 is an update to the X Series ICP-MS. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2097 | Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP 7400 ICP-OES Radial inductively coupled plasma-optical emission mass spectrometer | A compact benchtop inductively coupled plasma-optical emission mass spectrometer designed for the analysis and quantitation of trace elements in both liquid and solid samples. This instrument is configured with dedicated radial plasma viewing. A Charge Injection Device (CID) detector enables a selection of wavelengths between 166-847 nm. It features a 4-channel, 12 roller, peristaltic pump and a solid state, free-running 27.12 MHz RF plasma generator. Thermo Scientific Qtegra ISDS software is featured to minimize task times. It has an optimized purge gas distribution system which reduces the requirement for optical purge gas and employs only a 2 litre per minute purge during operation. Autosampler accessories are available, allowing the analysis of 180 to 720 liquid samples unattended. Optional sample handling kits are available for organic/ volatile solvent-based, hydrofluoric acid, and high solid solutions. | 2024-09-17 |
TOOL1751 | Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP PRO ICP-OES Duo inductively coupled plasma-optical emission mass spectrometer | A benchtop inductively coupled plasma-optical emission mass spectrometer designed for trace element analysis. It features a 3-channel peristaltic pump and a solid-state, free-running 27.12 MHz RF generator. A random-access CID imager provides full wavelength coverage from 167.021 nm to 852.145 nm. It also features a vertical quick-release torch and a corrosion-resistant inner-torch box. It features Thermo Scientific Qtegra ISDS software for data display, analysis and processing. It has a purge gas flow rate of 3.4 l/min and a spectral bandpass of 7 pm at 200 nm. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2138 | Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP TQ inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A benchtop triple quadrupole (TQ) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) with a four channel peristaltic pump, three plasma gas flow controllers, and four QCell mass flow controllers. The iCAP TQ utilises triple quadrupole technology which allows the analyte signal to be isolated from interferences, enabling the analysis of complex or high-matrix samples. The high frequency (4 MHz) quadrupole mass analyser has pre and post filters for isolation of wanted ions. The instrument features Peltier cooled high purity quartz or perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA), and low volume, baffled cyclonic or double pass spray chambers to efficiently filter out larger aerosol droplets for improved plasma stability. A reaction finder method development assistant aids easy method development. The plasma system is designed to rapidly adapt to changing matrices and provide robustness for challenging samples such as highly volatile organic solvents. The argon ICP ion source has a digital, solid state radiofrequency generator, and dynamic frequency impedance matching the plasma at 27 MHz. The iCAP TQ has applications in trace element analysis of solid or liquid (particularly sediment or sea water) samples. It has a nebuliser default flow rate of 400 uL/min. | 2025-02-14 |
TOOL0466 | ThermoQuest Finnigan TSQ 7000 mass spectrometer | A laboratory instrument which identifies and quantifies the compounds present in a sample based on mass measurements. It is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer designed for use with an electro-spray ionisation source. It is usually coupled with a ThermoQuest gas chromatograph, which separates the chemical species. The instrument was originally manufactured by ThermoQuest, which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0465 | ThermoQuest Finnigan Trace 2000 gas chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates mixtures of chemical species on the basis of their relative affinities for a mobile gaseous phase and a stationary liquid phase. The instrument includes a split/splitless injector, capillary or wide bore columns and a detector. Possible detector types are flame ionisation, flame photometric, photo-ionisation and photo-multiplier. It is usually coupled with a ThermoQuest mass spectrometer, which identifies and quantifies the compounds. The instrument was originally manufactured by ThermoQuest which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL0581 | ThermoQuest Finnigan Trace mass spectrometer | The ThermoQuest Finnigan Trace Mass Spectrometer (MS) is an analytical laboratory instrument that identifies and quantifies chemical compounds. An ion source converts the sample molecules into ions using Electron Ionisation (EI) or Chemical Ionisation (CI+ and CI-), which then pass into the quadrupole mass analyser which separates the ions, the detector then measures their mass-to-charge ratio and intensity. Pure samples may also be injected directly into the MS. The instrument is not suited to dealing with mixtures of compounds, therefore it is usually coupled with a gas chromatograph (typically a ThermoQuest Trace 2000 GC) which separates the compounds first. The Finnigan Trace MS was originally manufactured by ThermoQuest which has since been replaced by Thermo Scientific (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). This model is no longer in production. | 2024-08-21 |
TOOL2140 | Thies Clima 5.4032 Precipitation Transmitter | A precipitation transmitter designed to measure quantity and intensity of precipitation. This instrument uses a tipping bucket rain gauge. Precipitation is collected into the tipping bucket via the collecting area and funnel, upon reaching maximum volume capacity the bucket tips over. The tipping action is detected and transmitted as a digital pulse. The 5.4032 has a collecting area of 200 square centimetres. This device is available in various models, without heating (5.4032.35.007), with heating (5.4032.35.008), and with extended heating (5.4032.45.008). Models with heating (maximum 50 W) operate in ambient temperatures of -25 to 60 degrees C; models with extended heating (maximum 114 W) operate in ambient temperatures -35 to 60 degrees C; models without heating operate in ambient temperatures of 0 to 60 degrees C. For each model - Measuring range: maximum 11 mm/min; Resolution: 0.1 mm; Accuracy: +/- 3 percent. | 2025-03-13 |
TOOL1856 | Thies Clima 5.4110 laser precipitation monitor | A laser precipitation sensor designed for the determination of precipitation type, intensity and spectrum using a laser beam measuring principle. Precipitation types include drizzle and rain (also freezing), hail, snow, snow grains, ice needles, soft hail, ice grains. It uses a 786 nm laser diode operating at 0.5 mW. Measurement outputs are available via an RS485/422 interface. The 5.4110 is also equipped with two further digital outputs (opto-couplers), which output pulses and state of precipitation. The optical components are also equipped with integrated heating. It can detect particle size ranges from 0.16 to 8 mm and particle speeds from 0.2 to 20 metres per second. Precipitation intensity is detected from <0.001 to 1000 mm/h. Its accuracy ranges from 60 to 97 percent depending on the type of precipitation detected. Error intensity is +/- 5 percent. | 2022-10-11 |
TOOL1148 | TitraLab TIM90, ABU91/ABU93 automated titration system | A modular, automated titration system for the laboratory. This includes a TIM90 titration manager, which can manage up to 3 burettes and store 40 methods; and either an ABU 91 Autoburette (one burette), or an ABU 93 Triburette (three burettes), both with 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 25 ml selectable quantities. | 2017-09-01 |
TOOL1446 | Topcon Positioning Systems NET-G3A GNSS Receiver | A 144-channel, multiple-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver that serves as a reference station for positional corrections. Using Topcon's patented Paradigm-G3 chip technology, the NET-G3A provides Universal Signal Tracking of all signals from the GPS (L1/L2/L5/CA/L1P/L2P/L2C), GLONASS (L1/L2/L5/L1CA/L2CA/L1P/L2P), and Galileo (GIOVE-A/GIOVE-B) constellations. It is also compatible with WAAS/EGNOS. Although it has no internal memory, it has a removable CF memory card up to 2GB, and the USB Host feature enables users to connect a USB memory stick or mass storage device. The NET-G3A also includes a built-in web server allowing users to configure and monitor the receiver via a Web interface. The NET-G3A can be used with its companion CR-G3 choke ring antenna. Real-time RTK horizontal accuracy is 10 mm + 1 ppm. | 2020-05-15 |
TOOL0842 | Trace Analytical RGA3 reduction gas analyser | A mercuric oxide reduction gas analyser which detects H2 and CO. Methodology is gas chromatography followed by the reduction of mercuric oxide. Mercury vapour from this reaction is detected by UV absorption. Trace Analytical Inc. was acquired by Ametek Process Instruments in 2004. The instrument is no longer manufactured. | 2015-04-07 |
TOOL0543 | Transparent sample bottle | Sampling bottle of unknown material that posseses the physical property of allowing the transmission of light with little or no intereference. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL0810 | TriOS RAMSES ACC-UV Hyperspectral UVA and UVB Radiometer | This is a spectral radiometer measuring over the UV band range (280-500 nm) with a cosine-response to measure irradiance. It is fitted with a 256 channel silicon photodiode array with channels giving 2.2 nm/pixel and a spectral accuracy of 02 nm. Typical saturation (4ms integration time) is 20 W/m2/nm/sr (at 300 nm), 17 W/m2/nm/sr (at 360nm), 18W W/m2/nm/sr (at 500nm). Typical NEI (8ms integration time) is 0.85 microW/m2/nm/sr (at 300nm), 0.75 microW/m2/nm/sr (at 360nm), 0.80 microW/m2/nm/sr (at 500nm). Accuracy is quoted as being better than 6-10 per cent depending on spectral range. | 2014-12-08 |
TOOL0775 | TriOS RAMSES-ACC-VIS Hyperspectral UV-VIS Radiometer | This is a spectral radiometer measuring over the visual and UV bands (320-950 nm) with a cosine-response to measure irradiance. It is fitted with a 256-channel silicon photodiode array with 190 usable channels giving 3.3 nm per pixel and a spectral accuracy of 0.3 nm. Typical saturation (4 ms integration time) is 10 W m-2 nm-1 (at 400nm), 8 W m-2 nm-1 (at 500nm) and 14 W m-2 nm-1 (at 700nm). Typical NEI (8 sec integration time) is 0.4 µW m-2 nm-1 (at 400nm), 0.4 µW m-2 nm-1 (at 500nm) and 0.6 µW m-2 nm-1 (at 700nm). Accuracy is quoted as better than 6-10 per cent (depending on spectral range). The accompanying software is capable of providing PAR and UV integrations and converting the energy measurements into photon fluxes. More information is available at http://www.trios.de/. | 2014-08-18 |
TOOL0774 | TriOS RAMSES-ARC Hyperspectral UV-VIS Radiometer | This is a spectral radiometer measuring over the visual and UV bands (320-950 nm) with the sensor mounted at the base of a black tube to measure radiance. It is fitted with a 256-channel silicon photodiode array with 190 usable channels giving 3.3 nm per pixel and a spectral accuracy of 0.3 nm. Typical saturation (at 200nm) is 1 W m-2 nm-1 sr -1. The field of view is 7 degrees in air (but this can be optimized) and the accuracy is better than 6% (depending on spectral range). The accompanying software is capable of providing PAR and UV integrations and converting the energy measurements into photon fluxes. More information is available at http://www.trios.de/. | 2014-08-18 |
TOOL1802 | TriOS microFlu-CDOM fluorometer | The microFlu-CDOM is a low cost, miniaturised submersible fluorometer designed for high precision measurements of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). The instrument features an environmentally neutral anti-fouling nano-coating, and is low power consuming to enable long-term use. Applications include monitoring in rivers, lakes and marine settings, particularly for waste water monitoring. Internal reference measurement of the emitted light compensates ageing effects of the high-efficient LED, used for fluorescence excitation. The instrument is available with a standard 500 m depth rating, or an optional 6,000 m deep sea version, both of which can operate in a temperature range of 0 - 40 degC. The ultra-bright UV-LED light source has a peak excitation wavelength of 370 nm and the detector a detection wavelength peak of 460 nm and a 100 nm full width at half maximum (FWHM). | 2022-05-17 |
TOOL1803 | TriOS microFlu-Chl fluorometer | The microFlu-Chl is a low cost, miniaturised submersible fluorometer designed for high precision measurements of chlorophyll-a. The instrument features an environmentally neutral anti-fouling nano-coating, and is low power consuming to enable long-term use. Applications include monitoring in rivers, lakes and marine settings, particularly for waste water monitoring. Internal reference measurement of the emitted light compensates ageing effects of the high-efficient LEDs, used for fluorescence excitation. The instrument is available with a standard 500 m depth rating, or an optional 6,000 m deep sea version, both of which can operate in a temperature range of 0 - 40 degC. The ultra-bright blue LEDs have a peak excitation wavelength of 470 nm and the detector a detection wavelength peak of 685 nm and a 20 nm full width at half maximum (FWHM). | 2022-05-17 |
TOOL1801 | TriOS microFlu-blue fluorometer | The microFlu-blue is a low cost, miniaturised submersible fluorometer designed for high precision measurements of cyanobacteria. The instrument features an environmentally neutral anti-fouling nano-coating, and is low power consuming to enable long-term use. Applications include monitoring in rivers, lakes and marine settings, particularly for waste water monitoring. Internal reference measurement of the emitted light compensates ageing effects of the high-efficient LED, used for fluorescence excitation. The instrument is available with a standard 500 m depth rating, or an optional 6,000 m deep sea version, both of which can operate in a temperature range of 0 - 40 degC. The ultra-bright red LED light source has a peak excitation wavelength of 620 nm and the detector a detection wavelength peak of 655 nm and an 11 nm full width at half maximum (FWHM). | 2022-05-17 |
TOOL0313 | Trimble 4000AX Global Positioning System receiver | A GPS receiver in use on research vessels in the 1990s. Sampling rate reported in cruise report literature as approximately 1 second | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL0391 | Trimble 4000DL Global Positioning System receiver | A differential GPS receiver used on research vessels during the 1990s and early 2000s. Cruise literature reports that this instrument used an 8-channel receiver. Maximum sampling rate is recorded as approximately 1 Hz. | 2011-04-14 |
TOOL0926 | Trimble 4000DS Global Positioning System receiver | The Trimble 4000DS Differential Surveyor is similar to the 4000RS (a Maxwell-based receiver that is oriented toward precision positioning applications. It is intended for use as a DGPS base station, generating RTCM-104 corrections). The 4000Ds can apply RTCM-104 corrections to the satellite data it receives in order to generate accurate position fixes in real time. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL1280 | Trimble 5800 GPS System | An integrated 24-channel dual-frequency GPS receiver scalable from L1 postprocessing to full real-time kinematic (RTK) configurations. The instrument is designed for use in surveying, construction and asset management and it primarily measures geographic position and elevation. Key characteristics include the instrument's integration on a cable-free rover, allowing flexibility and ease of operation in the field. The GPS also utilises Trimble's proven Maxwell technology for robust GPS tracking, and the four-point antenna feed provides sub-millimeter phase center stability. The position of the UHF radio antenna mounting increases accuracy by being out of the GPS line-of-sight, reducing multipath and avoiding interference with the GPS antenna. Two additional channels for WAAS and EGNOS tracking enables performance of real-time differential surveys to GIS grade without a base station. The instrument exhibits low noise L1 and L2 carrier phase measurements at <1 mm precision in a 1 Hz bandwidth. The instrument has a code differential resolution of +/- 0.25 m (horizontal) and +/- 0.5 m (vertical), and a kinematic resolution of +/- 10 mm (horizontal) and +/- 20 mm (vertical). It can operate in temperatures ranging from -40 to +65 degC. | 2018-09-10 |
TOOL1521 | Trimble ABX-Two gyrocompass | Measures heading, roll and pitch, together with 3D position solutions up to cm-level accuracy. It can also provide drift-free, absolute attitude solution. This sensor is ideal for a wide variety of marine, air and terrestrial applications. The GNSS agnostic engine is driven by Z-Blade technology that allows the module not to rely on GPS to obtain positioning by using a single GNSS system, or any combination of them. The GNSS engine uses embedded L-band hardware for over-the-air satellite corrections to achieve cm/dm level accuracy. Global inland availability of RTX corrections allows the unit to not need a dedicated base station to deliver cm-level positioning. The ABX -Two uses a RTK engine to deliver cm-level accuracy for systems that use corrections from a RTK network or a local base, and achieves relative positioning by using RTK against a moving base. 3rd-party network corrections capabilities such as MAC, FKP, and VRS are included. When more than one RTK correcting data are available, the device utilizes the Trimble Hot Standby RTK algorithm. This allows it to use the sets of data simultaneously for positioning. Supports two modules that could be used for Precise Platform Position (P3). This option uses data from three antennas for full GNSS attitude. 240 channels. 2 MSS L-Band Tracking Channels. Precise Platform Positioning (P3). Dual Core Engine with Z-Blade Technology. Precise Point Positioning using Trimble RTX. Web User-Interface. Operating Temperature: -30 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius. | 2020-08-11 |
TOOL0751 | Trimble Applanix POSMV 320 global positioning system | The Applanix POS/MV 320 (POS) is a vessel positioning and orientation system. The GPS aided Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) provides measurements of roll, pitch, and heading that are all accurate to +/- 0.02 degrees. There have been 5 generations of this unit (V1-5). | 2024-11-05 |
TOOL0482 | Trimble Applanix POSMV global positioning system | The Position and Orientation Systems for Marine Vessels (POSMV) is a real time kinematic (RTK) and differential global positioning system (DGPS) receiver for marine navigation. It includes an inertial system that provides platform attitude information. The instrument provides accurate location, heading, velocity, attitude, heave, acceleration and angular rate measurements. | 2012-03-19 |
TOOL2085 | Trimble BX982 GNSS beacon receiver enclosure | The BX982 is a multi-channel multi-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver enclosure that houses a single BD982 receiver module in a rugged environmentally sealed enclosure. The BX982 enclosure provides networking/interfacing capabilities for integration of centimetre-level position and precise heading, and an IP67 rating. The housing provides D-sub DE9 and DA26 input/output connectors, a Threaded Neill Concelman (TNC) female antenna, and a 5 volts of direct current (VDC) low noise amplifier (LNA) power output antenna. The receiver supports a Receiver Autonomous Integrated Monitoring (RAIM) algorithm to exclude satellite signals with consistent bias errors, and fault detection and exclusion (FDE) to further improving accuracy and reliability in safety-critical applications. The BD982 provides two 220 channel Maxwell 6 chips for multi-constellation GNSS support, in addition to OmniSTAR VBS/XP/G2/HP support. The board features three RS232 ports, in addition to USB and ethernet connectivity. Dual antenna inputs allow for precise heading calculation and centimetre-level position accuracy. The BX982 supports GPS L1/2/5, GLONASS L1/2/3, and BeiDou B1/2 signals. Heading and positioning information are provided at a maximum rate of 50 Hz, with a heading accuracy of <0.09 or <0.05 degrees (2 or 10 m baseline respectively). Position accuracy is 0.008 m + 1 ppm horizontal and 0.015 m + 1 ppm vertical in single baseline real-time kinematic (RTK) (<50 km) mode; 0.25 m +1 ppm horizontal and 0.5 m + 1 ppm vertical in Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) mode; and 0.5 m horizontal and 0.85 m vertical in Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) mode. | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL0758 | Trimble Centurion P(Y) | The Trimble Centurion P(Y) GPS receiver utilizes the P(Y)-code broadcast on the L2 carrier frequency for positioning. This device can use Asset surveyor software and TDC1 data logger to collect data with accuracy of 1-4m. This device has been discontinued, and is no longer supported by Trimble. | 2014-08-14 |
TOOL1627 | Trimble DSM 232 Global Positioning System receiver | The Trimble DSM 232 GPS is modular GPS receiver, with a separate antenna and receiver unit. The modularity enables different antenna options, in order to accept GPS corrections from a variety of sources, allowing sub-metre, decimetre, or centimetre accuracy depending on the user application. Compatible with Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) such as WAAS and EGNOS for centimetre accuracy. The DSM 232 receiver outputs positional data at rates up to 10 Hz. | 2021-02-10 |
TOOL0759 | Trimble NT200D GPS receiver | The Trimble NT-200D was a high-performance, sub-meter position GPS receiver for marine applications. It combines a 12-channel GPS receiver and a dual-channel transmitter. This model was the predecessor of the NT300D, and has been discontinued. | 2014-08-14 |
TOOL0199 | Trimble NT300D Global Positioning System receiver | A high-performance, sub-meter position GPS receiver for marine applications. It combines a state-of-the-art, 12-channel GPS receiver and a high-performance dual-channel transmitter. It was discontinued in 2009. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1433 | Trimble NetR8 GNSS reference station | A 76-channel, multiple-frequency GNSS receiver that serves as a reference station for positional corrections. It can track all GPS signals (L1/L2/L2C/L5) as well as GLONASS (L1/L2). It has 4 GB on-board memory, integrated battery providing up to 12 hours operation and has tracking and storage rates of up to 50 Hz. WAAS/EGNOS, MSAS, and L-band (OmniSTAR) Satellite Based Augmentation (SBAS) compatibility. It can also be used as a temporary base station to broadcast RTK corrections. Code phase differential GPS accuracy is +/-0.25m + 1 ppm RMS. | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL1434 | Trimble NetR9 GNSS reference station | A 440-channel, multiple-frequency GNSS receiver that serves as a reference station for positional corrections. It can track all GPS signals (L1/L2/L2C/L5) as well as GLONASS (L1/L2). It has 8 GB on-board memory, integrated battery providing up to 15 hours operation and has tracking and storage rates of up to 50 Hz. WAAS/EGNOS, MSAS, Galileo (GIOVE-A, GIOVE-B) and L-band (OmniSTAR) Satellite Based Augmentation (SBAS) compatibility. It can also be used as a temporary base station to broadcast RTK corrections. Static GNSS surveying horizontal accuracy is +/-3 mm + 1 ppm RMS (baseline <30km). | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL1435 | Trimble NetRS GPS reference station | A 24 channel, dual-frequency GPS receiver that serves as a reference station for positional corrections. It can track GPS signals L1 and L2 (and L2C with later firmware versions). It has 1GB flashcard and 150MB internal memory, providing up to 3400 hours of raw data observables. WAAS/EGNOS compatibility. Static horizontal accuracy is 5 mm + 1 ppm RMS. | 2020-05-06 |
TOOL1697 | Trimble SPS 351 (modular) GPS receiver | A flexible, modular, DGPS/Beacon receiver that delivers sub-meter horizontal positioning accuracy for marine and OEM applications These receivers are ideal for the following marine construction applications: DGPS rover receiver on marine vessel, Site and marine rover applications using Location GPS augmentation, including OmniSTAR, Location RTK, SBAS, Beacon, and DGPS RTCM. All the receivers can optionally record GPS data to the internal memory, and transfer the data over a serial or Ethernet connection. The instrument has an IP67 environmental rating and an operating temperature range of -40 degrees Celsius to +65 degrees Celsius. | 2021-06-15 |
TOOL1698 | Trimble SPS 461 (modular) GPS receiver | A flexible, modular, GPS Heading receiver that delivers precise heading and sub-meter horizontal positioning accuracy for marine and OEM applications. The SPS461 is available in the following hardware configurations: Integrated dual-channel MSK Beacon receiver, Internal 450 MHz (410 MHz to 470 MHz band) receive-only radio with integrated dual-channel MSK Beacon receiver, Internal 900 MHz receive-only radio. The following options and upgrades are available for the SPS461 receiver: Location RTK (includes OmniSTAR XP/HP support), Location RTK with Precise Vertical (PV), Precise RTK, Choice of external GPS antenna for base station or rover operation, Attached or external radio antenna for rover or high-gain base station radio operation, Permanent/semi-permanent and mobile quick setup base station capability, and Backpack, belt, rod, truck, and marine vessel mounting options for rover applications. The instrument has an IP67 environmental rating and an operating temperature range of -40 degrees Celsius to +65 degrees Celsius. | 2021-06-15 |
TOOL2086 | Trimble SPS356 GNSS beacon receiver | The SPS356 is a sub-metre (horizontal) accuracy Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (DGNSS) beacon receiver with a wide range of marine construction applications, including dredging, positioning for tugs/anchors, navigation, rock and material placement, and bathymetric surveys. The receiver can be mounted in a secure environment protected from the weather leaving only the antenna outside. The receiver achieves sub-metre precision using Radio Technology Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) DGNSS corrections, either broadcast free by International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) minimum shift keying (MSK) beacon stations, via the internet from an Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) source, from Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) such as WAAS, EGNOS, and MSAS, or via an external radio from a local reference station. The SPS356 features serial, Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, providing remote access for data monitoring and configuration. Rover position update rate is up to 10 Hz. Signal tracking is single frequency, with a 220 channel Maxwell 6 chip. The SPS356 supports GPS L1, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, and L1 SBAS signals, with optional MSK beacon signal receipt with the GA530 or GA830 antennas. SBAS accuracy is +/- 0.5 m (horizontal) or +/- 0.85 m (vertical). | 2024-08-13 |
TOOL0760 | Trimble Tasman 12-channel GPS receiver | The Trimble Tasman (also TA-12) is a 12-channel GPS receiver with all-in-view tracking. This receiver can be used for navigation in international areas where the MSO reciprocity may not yet have been established, or where the TA-12 can be switched in real time between PPS and SPS modes with no loss of continuity. The TA-12 operates in temperatures from -20 to +55 degC, at altitudes up to 51,000 ft, and with a maximum track velocity of 800 knots. It offers acquisition time of 1.5 minutes, 1 Hz update rate, and accuracy of 0.124 NM (2dRMS), 5.6 m/s (RMS per axis), 24 meters, 1 sigma 100 nsec. | 2014-08-14 |
TOOL0059 | Tritech PA-200 Altimeter | Digital precision altimeter with 200kHz signal giving highly accurate height off seabed and subsea distance measurements. Operates effectively between -10°C and 40°C at heights up to 100m above the seabed. Standard depth rating 4000m. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL2042 | Tritech Starfish 452F sidescan sonar | A compact sidescan sonar system. It is used typically for shallow water survey work. It has a tow depth up to 8 m from a 20 m towing cable. Acoustic frequency of 450 kHz (nominal). Depth rating up to 50 m. 0.8 degree horizontal beam with up to 100 acoustic range per channel. 200 m total swathe coverage. | 2024-05-30 |
TOOL1058 | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager | The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) is a conical-scanning passive microwave radiometer designed to provide quantitative rainfall information over a wide swath width. It measures microwave energy emitted by the Earth and atmosphere to quantify the water vapour, cloud water, rainfall intensity and rainfall rates in the atmosphere. The TMI design is based on the SSM/I, detecting microwave energy in the form of of brightness temperatures from Earth's surface and atmosphere. It measures this at five separate frequencies. TMI consists of nine separate total-power radiometers, each simultaneously measuring the microwave emission coming from the Earth's surface with the intervening atmosphere. TMI employs an offset parabolic reflector (antenna aperture size of 61 cm) to collect the microwave radiation. The reflector focuses the radiation into two feedhorn. The reflector and feedhorns spin as a unit about an axis parallel to the S/X nadir direction. A cold-space mirror and a warm reference load are attached to the spin axis and do not rotate. The rotating feedhorns observe the fixed cold mirror and warm load once each scan for calibration purposes. The TMI measures radiation intensity at 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37 and 85.5 GHz. It has a resolution ranging from 7 km x 5 km to 63 km x 37 km depending on the frequency used, and a feedhorn-reflector rotation period of 1.9 s. Flown on TRMM. https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/trmm#sensors | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL1655 | Tska Inc WaDaR temperature logger | A self-contained temperature logger, with batteries, memory, and a microprocessor. The instrument can be connected to a PC for setup and to download the data. It can be used on moorings to obtain temperature time-series. It has an accuracy of 0.0018 degrees Celsius, and a resolution of 0.00148 degrees Celsius. It can record up to 65520 temperature measurements in a single deployment. | 2024-07-22 |
NETT0161 | Tucker Trawl - Tucker (1951) | Has a 183 cm x 183 cm flexible rectangular net mouth. 914 cm long net with 1.8 cm streched mesh for first 457 cm and 1.3 cm mesh for last 457 cm. 152 cm of coarse plankton or muslin netting lined the end of the net. System equipped with mechanical time/depth recorder [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 4 A, B]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0150 | Tucker-style opening-closing Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 - Clarke (1969) | A 283 cm x 400 cm rectangular flexible mouth opening with 5 mm mesh net 1188 cm long. Net mouth is opened and closed acoustically. Pinger used to determine depth. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1990 | Turner Designs 10-000 R fluorometer | A field-portable instrument that can be set up for continuous-flow monitoring or discrete sample analyses. It is a version of the Model 10 Field Fluorometer with the Hamamatsu Photomultiplier R446 installed. The R446 Photomultiplier tube is well suited for use in broad-band spectrophotometers. | 2023-10-16 |
TOOL0393 | Turner Designs 10AU fluorometer | A portable fluorometer that can be used for detection of blue-green algae, CDOM/FDOM, chlorophyll-a, crude oil, histamine, rhodamine and fluorescein dye tracing, through the use of various optical kits that can be installed in the field or in the lab. It can be set up for continuous-flow monitoring or discrete sample analysis. Optional software packages include internal data logging and electronic chart recording, plus temperature compensation for continuous-flow measurements. It uses a 4-Watt lamp which can operate for up to 8000 hours. It uses a 300 - 650 nm photomultiplier tube as standard, with a 185 - 870 nm option. It measures chlorophyll-a from 0 - 250 ug/l, and rhodamine and fluorescein dye from 0 - 250 ppb. It operates over a temperature range of 0-55 degC. | 2022-07-14 |
TOOL1807 | Turner Designs 10AU fluorometer DEPRECATED | Code deprecated on 14Jul2022: duplicates existing code. Original description was: A portable fluorometer that can be used for detection of blue-green algae, CDOM/FDOM, chlorophyll-a, crude oil, histamine, rhodamine and fluorescein dye tracing, through the use of various optical kits that can be installed in the field or in the lab. It can be set up for continuous-flow monitoring or discrete sample analysis. Optional software packages include internal data logging and electronic chart recording, plus temperature compensation for continuous-flow measurements. It uses a 4-Watt lamp which can operate for up to 8000 hours. It uses a 300 - 650 nm photomultiplier tube as standard, with a 185 - 870 nm option. It measures chlorophyll-a from 0 - 250 ug/l, and rhodamine and fluorescein dye from 0 - 250 ppb. | 2022-07-21 |
TOOL1884 | Turner Designs 111 fluorometer | A filter fluorometer with typical applications in either discrete or underway fluorescence monitoring depending on the type of analysis door used. Operates as a balanced light bridge based on the concept of an optical bridge that senses the differences between the emission of the fluorescing sample and a calibrated light source originating from the same bulb (via a rear light path) that is used to excite the sample. Features variable sensitivity by way of a range selector between the lamp and the primary filter, with four settings/apertures for relative sensitivity (30, 10, 3 and 1x). Relies on a mechanical servo motor arrangement and operates at 117 volts A.C., 2 amperes, 60 cycles. | 2022-12-21 |
TOOL0510 | Turner Designs 700 Laboratory Fluorometer | A benchtop fluorometer designed to detect fluorescence over the UV to red range. It uses a Quartz Halogen Lamp or a Low Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamp to excite the species of interest and fluorescence is detected by a photomultiplier tube with a range of 300-650 nm. A red-sensitive tube with a detection range of 185-870 nm is also available. The instrument can measure concentrations of a variety of compounds, including chlorophyll-a and fluorescent dyes, and is thus suitable for a range of applications, including chlorophyll, water quality monitoring and fluorescent tracer studies. Samples can be averaged by the instrument to improve accuracy, and it can read and subtract a blank measurement from the data, further improving the accuracy. Data can be output as concentrations or raw fluorescence measurements. | 2012-06-28 |
TOOL1907 | Turner Designs C3 submersible fluorometer | The Turner C3 is a submersible fluorometer that can be configured with up to 3 optical sensors ranging from deep ultraviolet to the infrared spectrum in order to detect chlorophyll a, fluorescein, oil, phycocyanin, tryptophan, turbidity, and others. Data can be output in raw fluorescence mode, raw fluorescence blank subtracted mode, or direct concentration mode. This last mode outputs everything in ppb, except for chlorophyll a which is in micrograms/l and turbidity in NTU. Outputs can be in ASCII format or analogue (0-5 volt) format. Each optic sensor is designed with fixed excitation and emission filters. The instrument is made of delrin plastic and comes with a factory installed temperature sensor. It has internal memory storage and an external submersible lithium battery. It also includes copper pieces to reduce biofouling. The instrument can include factory installed pressure sensor and copper-armed mechanical wipers. The minimum sample interval is 1 second. Minimum detection limits (MDL) range from 0.01 to 3 ppb depending on the application. Chlorophyll MDLs are 0.03 microgram/l for blue excitation and 0.3 microgram/l for red excitation. MDL for turbidity is 0.05 NTU. The instrument withstands temperatures of -2 to 50 degrees, and pressures of 0 to 600 m. | 2023-04-03 |
TOOL0365 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7 chlorophyll fluorometer | A high performance, in-situ fluorometer with 470 nm excitation filter and 685 nm emission filter which detects chlorophyll-a. It has a minimum detection limit of 0.025 ug/L and a dynamic range of 0-500 ug/L. The instrument can be used at depths of up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2011-01-28 |
TOOL0368 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7 coloured dissolved organic matter fluorometer | A high performance, in-situ fluorometer with 365 nm excitation filter and 470 nm emission filter which detects coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Tests with quinine sulphate have shown the instrument to have a minimum detection limit of 0.4 ppb and a dynamic range of 0-2500 ppb. The instrument can be used at depths of up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2011-01-28 |
TOOL1622 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7 fluorometer | A high performance in situ fluorometer which can be configured and factory scaled for various fluorometric analyses. These include detection of blue-green algae (phycocyanin, phycoerythrin), CDOM/FDOM, fluroescent dye tracing (fluorescein, rhodamine, PTSA), hydrocarbons (crude oil, refined fuels), wastewater monitoring (optical brighteners, tryptophan), turbidity, and chlorophyll in vivo (blue excitation, red excitation). Custom optics are available between 260-900 nm. Depending on the configuration, the instrument has a minimum detection limit ranging from 0.01-10 ppb, 10 ppm, 0.03-0.3 ug/L and 0.05 NTU. The instrument can be used in depths up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2021-02-03 |
TOOL0367 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7 phycocyanin cyanobacteria fluorometer | A high performance, in-situ fluorometer with 600 nm excitation filter and 640 nm emission filter which detects Phycocyanin cyanobacteria. It has a minimum detection limit of 150 cells/mL and a dynamic range of 0-150,000 cells/mL. The instrument can be used at depths of up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2011-01-28 |
TOOL0366 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7 phycoerythrin cyanobacteria fluorometer | A high performance, in-situ fluorometer with 544 nm excitation filter and 577 nm emission filter which detects Phycoerythrin cyanobacteria. It has a minimum detection limit of 150 cells/mL and a dynamic range of 0-150,000 cells/mL. The instrument can be used at depths of up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2011-01-28 |
TOOL1447 | Turner Designs Cyclops-7F fluorometer | A high performance in situ fluorometer which can be configured and factory scaled for various fluorometric analyses. These include detection of blue-green algae (phycocyanin, phycoerythrin), CDOM/FDOM, fluroescent dye tracing (fluorescein, rhodamine, PTSA), hydrocarbons (crude oil, refined fuels), wastewater monitoring (optical brighteners, tryptophan), turbidity, and chlorophyll in vivo (blue excitation, red excitation). Custom optics are available between 260-900 nm. Depending on the configuration, the Cyclops-7F has a minimum detection limit ranging from 0.1-3 ppb and a linear range between 0-20 ppm and 0-5000 ppb. The instrument can be used in depths up to 600 m and in water temperatures of -2 to 50 degC. | 2020-05-15 |
TOOL1603 | Turner Designs PhytoFlash [submersible] active fluorometer | PhytoFlash is an in situ Submersible Active Fluorometer that can be used to determine the quantum efficiency of phytoplankton in both oligotrophic and mesotrophic environments. It can be used for in situ measurement of phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters; detection of the onset of algal blooms; oceanographic, estuarine, limnological and riverine studies; determination of non-photochemical quenching in laboratory mode. PhytoFlash can be operated in three different modes: Self-Contained Mode can be used with the internal data logging system and rechargeable battery pack; Integrated Mode allows PhytoFlash to be mated with and controlled by a third-party system; Laboratory Mode provides full reporting of the response curve. The instrument has a minimum detection limit of 0.15 µg/L, can operate within a temperature range of -2 to +50 degrees Celsius, and is depth rated to 600 meters. | 2021-02-01 |
TOOL0189 | Turner Designs SCUFA II Submersible Fluorometer | An accurate, versatile submersible fluorometer for chlorophyll and dye tracking applications. It is capable of operation in a wide range of concentrations and environmental conditions. Output options include chlorophyll-a, cyanobacteria, Rhodamine WT, fluorescin. A turbidity sensor may also be incorporated and logged as a parallel channel. From 1 December 2008, Turner Designs have discontinued all SCUFA Submersible Fluorometer applications. Supported until end 2013 | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0459 | Turner Designs Trilogy fluorometer | A compact laboratory instrument for making fluorescence, absorbance and turbidity measurements using the appropriate snap-in application module. Fluorescence modules are available for discrete sample measurements of various fluorescent materials including chlorophyll (in vivo and extracted), rhodamine, fluorescein, cyanobacteria pigments, ammonium, CDOM, optical brighteners and other fluorescent compounds. | 2016-06-24 |
TOOL2014 | Turo Devil XBT recorder | A compact data acquisition and recording system, compatible with Sippican expandable bathythermograph (XBT) probes and hand launchers. Due to its portability, the Devil XBT acquisition unit enables XBT drops from small survey vessels. The device is powered through a USB port, and comes with a software compatible with Windows operating systems. Real-time plots of temperature and calculated velocity profiles can be displayed on laptop or desktop screens connected to the Devil XBT acquisition unit via USB. Global atlas, climatology database and quality control tools are included in the Devil software. | 2024-02-14 |
TOOL1988 | Turo Quoll XBT recorder | A compact data acquisition unit designed for use with Lockheed Martin Sippican expendable bathythermograph (XBT) probes and launchers. The Quoll XBT recorder differs from the Devil XBT recorder by way of ethernet computer interfacing capability for network installation, in addition to the standard USB interface, but does not interface with expendable sound velocity probes like the Quoll XBT-sv. The Quoll XBT recorder incorporates quality control using a global climatology database and behaviour models to flag possible anomalies. It features embedded global coastline charts and facilitates GPS input and Iridium and Argos satellite telemetry with optional Iridium and Argos transmitters. The Quoll XBT recorder performs a first pass quality control, with colour coding on the profile trace for 'good', 'suspect' and 'bad' data. Data output formats are netCDF, ascii or JJVV. | 2023-09-18 |
TOOL1503 | Turo Technology PT100 temperature sensor | A temperature sensor designed to measure water temperature for various marine studies. It transmits data via RS232 output at 8 bits. It can be used with a terminal program such as Hyperterminal to send commands and functions to alter the output, such as specifying degrees Celsius or Ohms. It measures temperature in the range -2 to +35 degC, with an accuracy +/- 0.05 degC and resolution of 0.01 degC. | 2020-07-23 |
TOOL0734 | U.S. Sensor Ultra Precision Interchangeable Thermistors | A series of interchangeable, resistive thermistors of electrical component size for use in temperature sensing. Epoxy encapsulated with tinned copper allow wires. Resistance (at +25 degrees C) ranges from 2,252 - 50,000 Ohms. Operating range is -55 to +80 degrees C, accuracy is +/- 0.05 degrees C. | 2014-07-16 |
TOOL2133 | UIC CM150 total carbon analyser | An analytical system used to measure total carbon, total organic carbon, and total inorganic carbon in solid and/ or liquid samples. This instrument combines a high temperature combustion furnace, self-contained acidification module, and highly sensitive CO2 sensor to analyse a range of sample types. The coulometer automatically measures the absolute mass amount of carbon dioxide resulting from sample combustion or acidification and is sensitive to all CO2. Total carbon, total organic carbon, and total inorganic carbon are distinguished by the manner in which the CO2 is formed - either by combustion or acidification. The CM150 includes a CM5017 CO2 Coulometer, CM5300 Horizontal Furnace, and a CM5330 Acidification Module. This instrument requires no user-calibration and linear detection is available from less than 1 ug carbon to over 10000 ug carbon, relative standard deviations of 0.2 percent or better are common for standard materials. For smaller concentration, an absolute deviation of approximately 1 ug C is typical. | 2025-01-21 |
TOOL1997 | UWITEC Single Corer (USC) 06000 gravity corer | A gravity corer designed to sample the top 3 m of the surface layer of any sediment. The corer can sample in standing or flowing waters at up to 300 m depth. It can be deployed from shore or waterborne platforms and vessels. The USC 06000 model has a volume of approximately 1.6 litres, and weighs 6.13 kg. The corer has numerous expansion and fixture options. | 2023-12-19 |
TOOL2046 | UWITEC percussion piston corer | A piston corer designed to enable the retrieval of long sediment cores up to 50 m in length, in water depths up to 140 m. It is operated from a raft using electrically powered winches. It is fitted with additional 100 kg weights connected by ropes to the winch cable, enabling the 'hammer-action' of the corer into the sediment by raising and dropping the weights. The corer itself consists of 2 m long PVC liners (either 60/90/150 mm diameter) within a stainless steel liner and rubber sleeve core catcher. | 2024-06-07 |
TOOL0866 | Ultra Electronics 3-axis Fluxgate magnetometer | Instrument measures shifts in the magnetic patterns on the sea floor. A typical fluxgate magnetometer consists of a secondary coil surrounding a primary coil that is wound around permeable core material. An alternating current is applied which drives the core into plus and minus saturation to assist detecting the external magnetic field | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL0952 | Ultra Electronics SSQ906 Disposable Sonobuoy | Ultra Electronics SSQ906 disposable sonobuoy is an instrument that detects acoustics in the water and transmits a signal to a transmitter which is detected by the vessel and subsequently recorded. The SSQ906 sonobuoy is up to 30 cm long and easily deployed off deck. No further details available at present. | 2015-12-01 |
TOOL0953 | Ultra Electronics SSQ907 Disposable Sonobuoy | Ultra Electronics SSQ907 disposable sonobuoy is an instrument that detects acoustics in the water and transmits a signal to a transmitter which is detected by the vessel and subsequently recorded. No further details available at present. | 2015-12-01 |
NETT0163 | Umbrella net - Rakusa-Suszczewski (1972) | A pair of nets attached to an umbrella-like support. The system was deployed down a 12 cm ice hole and expanded below the undersurface of the ice. A circular motion caused the nets to scrap the undersurface of the ice and collect organisms in the water just below it. There was no flow meter or a description of the net specifications. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL0448 | Uncles STD profiler | A direct-reading salinity-temperature-depth profiler including a conductivity cell and thermistor. An analogue readout provides low accuracy and precision measurements. The unit was home-built by R.J. Uncles from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory to measure water characteristics in estuarine environments. It was used from the late 1970s to the 1990s. | 2012-01-05 |
TOOL0449 | Uncles direct reading current meter | A version of the Valeport Braystoke impeller flow meter adapted by R.J. Uncles from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory to measure current in estuarine environments. An analogue readout provided low accuracy and precision measurements. The instrument was used from the late 1970s to the 1990s. | 2012-01-05 |
TOOL0074 | Underwater PAR radiometer | Underwater PAR radiometer of unknown type. Assumed to have a spectral response of 400-700nm. Could have any type of collector (flat plate cosine collector, spherical or hemispherical). | 2010-09-08 |
TOOL0246 | Unicam SP500 spectrophotometer | A laboratory instrument that measures the amount of light at discrete pre-determined wavelengths that is transmitted or emitted by a sample. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0461 | Unisense oxygen microsensor | A miniaturized Clark-type dissolved oxygen instrument, including glass micro-sensors with minute tips (diameters ranging from 1 to 800 um). A gold sensing cathode is polarized against an internal reference and, driven by external partial pressure, oxygen from the environment penetrates through the sensor tip membrane and is reduced at the sensing cathode surface. A picoammeter converts the resulting reduction current to a signal. The sensor also includes a polarized guard cathode, which scavenges oxygen in the electrolyte, thus minimizing zero-current and pre-polarization time. | 2012-02-16 |
TOOL1140 | Unisense pH microelectrode | A miniaturized conventional pH electrode. The instrument is designed for research applications. It is based on selective diffusion of protons through pH glass, and the determination of potentials between the internal electrolyte and an internal or external reference electrode. It has a range of tip sizes (10 um-1.1 mm), a measurement range of pH 2-10 (linear 4-9) and detection limit of 0.1 pH unit. | 2017-07-05 |
NETT0192 | University Marine Biological Station Millport hydraulic blade dredge | A hydraulic (water-jet) dredge designed to collect epifauna and infauna from the water-sediment surface. The dredge consists of a 0.39-m wide hollow tooth, which penetrates the sea bed to a depth of 0.34 m. Sea water is delivered to the dredge from a pump by means of a hose. A steel box (0.17 m x 0.77 m x 0.53 m) of 4 cm x 1.5 cm diamond-pattern mesh extended behind the dredge mouth to retain the catch. | 2019-12-10 |
TOOL0984 | University of Aberdeen size-resolving Bongo net | Plankton net described as University of Aberdeen 95+200 micron size-resolving Bongo net; designed with double circular (drum) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.30; with opening area (square metre)=0.071; with total filtering net length (metre)=2; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: net collar length=0.25 m, cylinder section length=1 m, conical section length=1 m, cod-end diameter=0.080 m; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.095 and 0.200; and equipped with NO closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
NETT0207 | University of Cantabria 7-ring double fyke net | A custom-designed fish trap by the University of Cantabria for use in shallow coastal or inshore waters and estuaries. The double fyke net consists of two long, cylindrical 5mm-mesh netting bags, with netting cones fitted inside each cylinder. The cylinders are held open by 7 plastic-coated metal rings. The entrances to each trap are 75 cm in diameter and are semi-circular in shape. The structures are fixed to the bottom by stakes or anchors. The two cylinders are placed opposite each other, perpendicular to the flow of current, linked by a 6 m long mesh leader that directs fish towards the trap entrance. The funnel-shaped design makes it easy for the fish to enter and difficult for them to exit, trapping them in the net. | 2024-02-01 |
NETT0208 | University of Cantabria 9-ring double fyke net | A custom-designed fish trap by the University of Cantabria for use in shallow coastal or inshore waters and estuaries. The double fyke net consists of two long, cylindrical 5mm-mesh netting bags, with netting cones fitted inside each cylinder. The cylinders are held open by 9 plastic-coated metal rings. The entrances to each trap are 100 cm in diameter and are semi-circular in shape. The structures are fixed to the bottom by stakes or anchors. The two cylinders are placed opposite each other, perpendicular to the flow of current, linked by a 7.5 m long mesh leader that directs fish towards the trap entrance. The funnel-shaped design makes it easy for the fish to enter and difficult for them to exit, trapping them in the net. | 2024-02-01 |
TOOL0550 | University of East Anglia Low Volume Air Sampler | An atmospheric sampler that pumps air through a series of filters to collect samples for off-line analysis of aerosol and gas-phase constituents. Air samples are drawn into a sheltered housing, and through a PTFE filter, which collect samples of particulate material. The air is then drawn through a pair of oxalic acid-impregnated paper filters, which trap gas-phase components. The pump is chosen to produce a flow rate of approximately 50 litres per minute. Inline flow meters between the filter set and the pump determine the volume of air sampled. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL0541 | University of East Anglia rainwater sampler | A rainwater sampler comprising a 40 cm diameter polypropylene plastic funnel feeding into a low density polyethylene (LDPE) bottle. | 2012-09-26 |
TOOL1194 | University of Hamburg Airgun Seismic Reflection System | A single-channel seismic reflection profiling system developed by the Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg (UoH). The system uses a generator injector airgun as sound source, and a short hydrophone streamer. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL0340 | University of Leeds Volatile Aerosol Concentration and Composition instrument | The Volatile Aerosol Concentration and Composition instrument (VACC) indicates the size-resolved chemical composition of an aerosol sample. Air is drawn in through a quartz tube heating element, programmed to cycle over temperatures between 40 and 900 degrees C. Particles are sized by a hybrid optical particle counter. Temperature dependent changes in size spectra are characteristic of the chemical composition of the aerosol particles. | 2010-09-06 |
TOOL0436 | University of Leeds compact Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion instrument | The compact Fluorescence Assay by Gas Expansion (FAGE) instrument is used in ship and aircraft deployments to measure hydroxyl radicals (OH) and iodine monoxide radicals (IO). It uses low pressure Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The laser, tuned to 308 nm for OH or to 445 nm for IO, is directed through the ambient air sample. The resulting fluorescence is filtered and focussed onto a photomultiplier tube, and analysed by photon counting. The signal is calibrated using known standards of OH and IO. | 2011-11-07 |
TOOL0278 | University of Liverpool cathodic stripping voltammetry metal analyser | A research mode continuous flow metal analyser developed and deployed by Liverpool University Earth and Ocean Sciences department. It is based on cathodic stripping voltammetry with a mercury cathode and the capability for continuous UV light digestion if required. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0554 | University of Manchester 4-stage Compact Cascade Impactor | An aerosol sampler modelled on the Harvard Compact Cascade Impactor. Sample air is accelerated through an orifice towards a collector plate, which deflects the airflow around it. Particles too large to follow the streamlines impact on the plate. The air stream, now with the largest particles removed, proceeds to the subsequent impactor stages, each tuned to collect successively smaller particles. The four stages collect particles in the following size categories: greater than 9.9 um; 5.3-9.9 um; 1.0-5.3 um; 0.16-1.0 um. | 2012-09-28 |
TOOL1848 | University of Miami CARTHE drifter drifting surface float | A drifter used for physical and biological oceanography, search and rescue missions, marine pollution tracking, as well as surface current monitoring for the offshore industry and the Navy for purposes of navigation and operational risk reduction. Large scale deployments can also be used to study the upper ocean processes that control the transport of hydrocarbons in the environment. The drifter is made from PHA biodegradable plastic. The instrument is activated by a magnetic switch and can send its position every 5 minutes for a period of up to 3 months with meter accuracy using very-low cost GlobalStar Simplex telemetry systems. The client can receive the data in real-time through the Pacific Gyre LLC website, the official distributor of CARTHE drifters. | 2022-09-27 |
TOOL1367 | University of Minnesota (automated) pH sensor | An in situ self-contained chemical sensor designed by the University of Minnesota to conduct real-time pH measurement of the aquatic environment, specifically deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids. It primarily measures temperature, pH and redox and is fully automated. The electrochemical response of the sensor system is based on Yittria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramic membrane electrode with an internal Ag-AgCl reference electrode pair (Hg/HgO). This instrument is capable of measuring pH of hydrothermal vent fluids in temperatures up to 300 degC. | 2019-10-17 |
TOOL1654 | University of Minnesota [custom] Gas-Tight serial sampler - Wu et al. (2015) | A custom-designed gas-tight serial water sampler developed by the University of Minnesota. The system is designed for deployment at the seafloor for long-term operation to take time-series fluid samples from deep-sea environments such as cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. The serial sampler is a modular system that is based on independent and identical sampling modules, which are designed to collect six 160 ml gas-tight fluid samples maintained at high pressure to a depth of 4000 meters. With two working modes, the sampler can be deployed either as part of a seafloor cabled observatory for remote control, or as a stand-alone device for autonomous operation. The titanium housing of the system is pressure rated to 6000 m, but the gas-tight samples are only maintained at high pressures to a depth of 4000 m. | 2021-03-16 |
TOOL1127 | University of Rhode Island-Graduate School of Oceanography Inverted Echo Sounder (IES) | The URI-GSO IES is a 12 kHz acoustic echo sounder for use on ocean-bottom moored platforms. It can be fitted with an optional Paroscientific pressure and/or temperature sensor and an optional Aanderaa current sensor, deployed up to 50 metres above the instrument. It measures the time taken for an acoustic pulse to travel from the instrument on the seafloor to the sea surface and return, and is suitable for use in depths ranging from 500 to 6700 metres. Further infromation can be found on the URI-GSO website: https://po.gso.uri.edu/dynamics/IES/index.html | 2017-04-12 |
TOOL1016 | University of Southampton ISAR SST radiometer | An autonomous radiometer developed by the University of Southampton (UK) and Brookhaven National Laboratories (US) for satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) validation and other scientific programs. It detects infrared temperature using a single channel with a spectral bandpass of 9.6-11.5 um. It is compact (570 mm × 220 mm cylinder) and employs two reference blackbody cavities to maintain the radiance calibration of a special Heitronics KT15.85D radiometer to an accuracy of +/-0.1K. It has a temperature range of 173-373 K. It can be deployed continuously on voluntary observing ships (VOS) without any service requirement or operator intervention for periods of up to 3 months. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2007JTECHO505.1 | 2023-09-04 |
TOOL0955 | University of Texas Institute of Geophysics Heat Flow Probe | University of Texas Institute of Geophysics (UTIG) heat flow probe measures temperature at 12 thermistors evenly distributed through 4m vertical length, in 3 outrigger bows thermally isolated from a rigid strength member which is let fall into the sediment. The bows are offset 120 degrees around the strength member circumference, to limit the extent of sediment disturbance. An extra thermistor within the weightstand above measures sea water temperature. | 2015-12-01 |
TOOL1817 | University of Washington Seaglider M6 Deepglider data logger | A navigation and scientific sensor logging system located within a Seaglider ocean glider (Kongsberg M6 model). Initially developed by the University of Washington, it is now produced and developed by Kongsberg. Navigation, sensor, engineering and derived data are logged. | 2022-07-11 |
TOOL1651 | University of Washington [custom] Benthic and Resistivity Sensors (BARS) | A submersible data logger designed by the University of Washington, specifically for the Canadian underwater cable system NEPTUNE as part of the Ocean Networks Canada Ocean Observatory Project. The BARS unit logs measurements from a variety of sensors that measure resistivity, temperature, eH (oxidizable nature of seawater components) and hydrogen, specifically at hydrothermal vent sites. The BARS translates the sensor output signals via standard serial RS422 communications and outputs in useful scientific units. It features an Onset Tattletale 8V2 microprocessor which controls all interactions and processes, and provides user interaction as needed. It is setup as a plug-and-play system. The BARS system is housed in a titanium pressure case and is designed for long-term deployment. The system outputs data to the Canadian cable system at user-defined time intervals from 15 seconds to 60 minutes. It is depth-rated to 6000 metres. | 2021-03-16 |
TOOL1373 | Unknown 1 x 0.25m sediment pipe dredge | A heavy-duty dredge consisting of a steel pipe where the make and model are unknown. The collection pipe is 1m length by 25cm diameter and made of 5mm thick steel. The dredge is towed through the target area collecting material from the bed. The pipe is 1 metre length, 25cm diameter and made of 5mm steel. | 2019-12-10 |
NETT0204 | Unknown 14 m seine net | An unknown seine fishing net that is 14 m long. It is 2 m wide and consists of a single panel with 3mm mesh. | 2023-12-15 |
TOOL1354 | Unknown 1520 oxygen meter | A model of oxygen meter where the manufacturer is unknown. | 2019-08-14 |
NETT0206 | Unknown 22 m seine net | An unknown seine fishing net that is 22 m long. It is 2 m wide and made from knotless netting. It consists of 5 panels; the outer two panels consists of 17 mm mesh. The two second panels in consist of 10 mm mesh. The singular central panel consists of 5mm mesh. | 2023-12-15 |
NETT0205 | Unknown 35 m seine net | An unknown seine fishing net that is 35 m long. It is 2.5 m wide and consists of 3 panels. The wings consist of 10 mm mesh and the central panel consists of 5 mm mesh. | 2023-12-15 |
NETT0191 | Unknown 41 x 91 cm hydraulic blade dredge | A towed box dredge where the make and manufacturer are unknown. The dredge is a box-shape and extracts fauna by means of a blade that is 41cm deep and 91cm wide. Typically, hydraulic dredges fluidise the sand immediately ahead and then extracts fauna from the substrate using a blade that protrudes into the sediment. The forward movement of the dredge blade through the fluidised sand lifts the biota and backwards into a collecting vessel. | 2019-12-10 |
NETT0203 | Unknown 43 m seine net | An unknown seine fishing net that is 43 m long. It is 4 m wide and consists of 3 panels. The panel wings consist of 14 mm mesh and the central panel consists of 6.5 mm mesh. | 2023-12-15 |
TOOL0651 | Unknown beam trawl | A net that is held open by a solid wooden or metal beam, attached to plates at the ends that act as runners over the seabed. The beam can vary in length from 2-12m. A chain mat may be fitted to the beam to increase seabed disturbance. The net is towed on the seabed and the resulting disturbance causes fish and shellfish to swim up and get caught in the net. | 2013-11-19 |
TOOL0145 | Unknown chlorophyll fluorometer | An in-situ instrument that transmits pulses of UV light into a region of the surrounding water body and records the amount of red light generated as a result by chlorophyll fluorescence. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1358 | Unknown dissolved oxygen meter | A dissolved oxygen meter where the instrument manufacturer and model are unknown. | 2019-09-11 |
TOOL1372 | Unknown diver-operated sediment suction sampler - Rostron 1983 | A manually operated instrument that is used to collect sediment via suction. The sampler consists of a closed chamber with a detachable lid and screw threads on the inside to facilitate the attachment and detachment of mesh sampling bags. Air is supplied from a compressed air cylinder, fitted with a pressure-reducing valve and connected to the sampler via a short length of reinforced tubing. The sampler is operated underwater by divers. | 2019-12-10 |
TOOL0650 | Unknown high-performance liquid chromatograph | A high-performance liquid chromatograph that separates and analyses compounds present in a liquid sample. Separation results from the difference in the relative distribution ratios of the solutes between a solid stationary phase packed into a column and a liquid mobile phase. The separated compound bands which elute from the column are then measured using a detector. HPLC forces the mobile phase under high pressures which is distinguished from traditional liquid chromatography which relies on the force of gravity. The HPLC also has better separation of the components due to the smaller particle size of the column packing material. HPLC instruments usually consist of a reservoir of mobile phase, a pump, an injector, a separation column and a detector. | 2013-11-12 |
TOOL1405 | Unknown manual bilge pump | A hand-powered submersible pump that can be used to suck water from the water body for sampling as well as other applications. | 2020-02-14 |
TOOL1356 | Unknown semi-automated oxygen titration system | A semi-automated titration system used to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water samples, where the instrument manufacturer and model is not known. Oxygen titration systems usually consist of a burette and chemical resevoir and are often based on the Winkler titration method. They can use either potentiometric, amperometric or photometric end point detection. | 2019-09-03 |
TOOL1323 | Unknown temperature and pressure sensor | A temperature and pressure sensor package where the instrument manufacturer and model is not known. | 2019-03-14 |
TOOL0148 | Unknown transmissometer | An in-situ instrument that transmits monochromatic light through a region of the surrounding water body and records how much is received by a sensor a fixed distance away. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1291 | Unspecified (XBT) expendable bathythermograph | A term to describe a generic expendable bathythermograph (XBT), a disposable, free-fall temperature probe that provides a profile of measured temperature against depth calculated from a fall-rate model. | 2018-10-24 |
TOOL1255 | Unspecified 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler | A 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler system, designed to identify and characterise layers of sediment or rock. The system is fitted with acoustic transmitters and receivers, and operates by emitting acoustic pulses downward and detecting the reflected signals. The system can penetrate between 10 m and 50 m. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1252 | Unspecified Agassiz trawl | A sledge composed of a metal frame with a net attached, designed to be towed along the seabed at a maximum of approximately 4000 m depth. Mouth width can vary. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1854 | Unspecified Anchor Dredge | A type of dredge sampler developed to sample deep burrowing animals. It is not towed but digs in, and is released, in the manner of an anchor. | 2022-10-10 |
TOOL1853 | Unspecified Dredge | A type of sampler designed for collecting a sample of bottom substrate, usually by towing it through the substrate. It can be suitable for mud, sand, shell, and gravel substrates. Samples can be used to study benthic macroinvertebrates and algae as well as the chemistry and structure of the sediments themselves. | 2022-10-10 |
TOOL1961 | Unspecified Folsom Plankton sample splitter - McEwen et al. 1954 | A device for sub-sampling of plankton and ichthyoplankton samples by splitting, developed by Dr. Folsom of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Ideally suited for splitting plankton samples with minimal debris. A measured volume of plankton sample is placed in the undivided section of the drum. This is rotated 120 degrees to divide the stirred sample with a separating blade. Standard Methods suggests splitting until a subsample of 200-500 individuals is obtained. | 2023-06-26 |
TOOL1375 | Unspecified HAPS corer | A generic term for a HAPS corer. It is a gravity corer that is designed to collect undisturbed sediments from hard and coarse material, such as sand. It typically consists of a triangular frame and a core barrel with tight top valve and core catcher to prevent porewater loss. The frame is weighted to penetrate the sediment but can be equipped with vibrator units to aid penetration. | 2019-12-10 |
TOOL1256 | Unspecified Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 10 kHz echosounder | A bathymetric echosounder manufactured by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (now National Oceanography Centre), operating at 10 kHz. The instrument is mounted with a 12 kHz acoustic transceiver unit. The equipment is located in the main instrument control room with a display computer. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1253 | Unspecified Marine Snow Catcher | A large water bottle (volume of approximately 100 litres) designed to collect marine snow particles. The device is deployed open, and closed at a chosen depth. Once recovered, it is usually rested upright for typically 2 hours, to allow the formation of three distinct carbon pools: suspended, slow-sinking and fast-sinking. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1270 | Unspecified Panasonic 3-chip camcorder | Domestic photographic equipment, recording primary colour readings to three separate chips. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1216 | Unspecified Petite ponar grab | Developed in the mid-1960s (Powers and Robertson 1967), ponar grabs are used to sample coarse or fine, undisturbed sediment from the sea floor. It consists of a pair of weighted, tapered jaws held open by a catch bar across the top of the sampler. On touching the bottom, the tension bar is released, allowing the jaws to move and close. The device is activated by the release of the cable tension on the lifting mechanism when the sampler reaches the sediment. During retrieval, the tension on the cable keeps the jaws closed. It has a pair of metal side plates which prevents the sampler from falling over after the jaws' closure. Its jaws overlap to minimise sample washout during ascent. Smaller than the standard ponar grab, it is typically used in hand line operations. The sampled area is approx. 15 cm sq. (approx. 1000 cubic metres). | 2018-02-27 |
TOOL1469 | Unspecified Reineck box corer | A marine geological tool that recovers undisturbed soft surface sediments, based on the design by Hans-Erich Reineck (1963). Also referred to as a 'spade' corer, it is designed for minimum disturbance of the sediment surface by bow wave effects. Traditionally, it consists of a weighted stem fitted to a square sampling box. The corer is lowered vertically until it impacts with the seabed. At this point the instrument is triggered by a trip as the main coring stem passes through its frame. While pulling the corer out of the sediment a spade swings underneath the sample to prevent loss. When hauled back on board, the spade is under the box. | 2020-06-02 |
TOOL1215 | Unspecified Standard ponar grab | Developed in the mid-1960s (Powers and Robertson 1967), ponar grabs are used to sample coarse or fine, undisturbed sediment from the sea floor. It consists of a pair of weighted, tapered jaws held open by a catch bar across the top of the sampler. On touching the bottom, the tension bar is released, allowing the jaws to move and close. The device is activated by the release of the cable tension on the lifting mechanism when the sampler reaches the sediment. During retrieval, the tension on the cable keeps the jaws closed. It has a pair of metal side plates which prevents the sampler from falling over after the jaws' closure. Its jaws overlap to minimise sample washout during ascent. It is typically used with a winch or crane hoist. The sampled area is approx. 23 cm sq. (approx. 7250 cubic metres). | 2018-02-27 |
TOOL1987 | Unspecified bench salinometer | An unspecified benchtop/laboratory salinometer, with applications in determining the salinity of a water sample, which can be used to calibrate in-situ sensor data. Operates on a principle of comparing the electrical current of the water sample to a standard solution. Outputs can be as conductivity (mS/cm, S/m), conductivity ratio, or salinity. | 2023-09-07 |
TOOL1478 | Unspecified binoculars | An optical device that renders distant objects more distinct by enlarging their images on both retinas of the observer. They are used for observation of distant objects on the Earth's surface. Unlike telescopes, binoculars present two images from slightly different viewpoints, producing a merged view with an impression of depth for the observer. Reflected visible light is converged via two objective lenses to magnify the view, which is initially inverted. An erect (non-inverted) image is achieved either by an erecting lens or a prism. Porro prism binoculars use a pair of porro prisms in a Z configuration to erect the image, offering a bright image and good depth sensation. Roof prism binoculars are more compact as the objectives lenses are in line with the eyepieces, but produce images with reduced brightness. Very small instruments may be of the Galilean type, which yields an erect image using a positive objective lens and a negative eyepiece lens. Hand-held binoculars typically use objective lenses 25 to 50 mm in diameter with 7x to 10x eyepiece magnification, but this can vary. | 2020-06-04 |
TOOL1177 | Unspecified box corer | A marine geological tool that recovers undisturbed soft surface sediments. It is designed for minimum disturbance of the sediment surface by bow wave effects. Traditionally, it consists of a weighted stem fitted to a square sampling box. The corer is lowered vertically until it impacts with the seabed. At this point the instrument is triggered by a trip as the main coring stem passes through its frame. While pulling the corer out of the sediment a spade swings underneath the sample to prevent loss. When hauled back on board, the spade is under the box. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1272 | Unspecified conductivity sensor | Instrument that measures the electrical conductivity of the water body. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1371 | Unspecified diver-operated sediment suction sampler | A generic term for a manually operated instrument that is used to collect sediment via suction. The sampler is operated underwater by divers. The method of suction is unspecified. | 2019-12-10 |
NETT0195 | Unspecified epifaunal trawl | A small trawl net designed to sample species living on or near the seabed whilst being towed over the seafloor. Its mouth or opening has dimensions of 30 x 18 cm, and the total length of the net is 37 cm. The net has a mesh size of 1 mm. | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL2078 | Unspecified epifluorescence microscope | An unspecified epifluorescence microscope that uses fluorescence to generate an image either through the use of stains, expression of a fluorescent protein, or by using the intrinsic fluorescence of a sample (autofluorescence). Different filter sets can adapt the microscope for use with different stains. Can be inverted or upright in configuration. Often a camera can be connected to allow digital imaging of samples. | 2024-08-06 |
TOOL1260 | Unspecified gravity corer | Marine geological coring device that uses a lead weight system to penetrate the seabed and collect sediment samples. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1998 | Unspecified gravity corer - Glew (1989) | A messenger-triggered gravity corer comprising a release mechanism developed by J.R. Glew in 1989. Applications revolve around the sampling of aquatic sediments for property analysis. The release mechanism consists of a sliding sleeve mounted co-axially with the operating line, and three spring-loaded latches that keep the closing piston in place and the core tube open. When the messenger is deployed, it slides along the operating line until it hits the top of the sleeve and activates the release mechanism. The Glew (1989) trigger mechanism design enables the corer to function reliably without precise station keeping above the sample. This mechanism can be suitably incorporated into Kajak-Brinkhurst (K-B) type corers and other similar lightweight instruments. Reference: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00195474. | 2023-12-19 |
NETT0189 | Unspecified hyperbenthic sledge | A benthic sledge used for sampling benthic organisms that live just above the sediment (hyperbenthos). They are typically designed to measure the lower 1 m of the water column and normally consist of a heavy, metal frame with two or more nets on top of each other that are 0.5 or 1 mm mesh size. They are equipped with an opening-closing device to prevent contamination with organisms from the upper water column and are towed from a large vessel such as a research ship. Most variations incorporate some space between the bottom and the nets, so the nets float in the water column and don't catch any sediment. | 2018-12-04 |
TOOL1199 | Unspecified kasten corer | A marine geological coring device designed to sample large volumes of soft sediments. The kasten corer may come in four different lengths (2 m, 3 m, or 4 m), and uses a stainless steel box with a rectangular section of 15 cm^2 to push into the sediment with the help of a weight on top and a trap at the bottom. To deploy and retrieve the corer, the track and tilt system is used. After retrieval, a removable side of the core barrel can provide immediate access to the sampled sediment. The kasten corer is a variation of the gravity corer. | 2018-01-30 |
TOOL1986 | Unspecified laboratory fluorometer | An unspecified benchtop/laboratory fluorometer, with applications in either discrete or underway fluorescence monitoring in ship flow-through systems. Operates on a principle of measuring the quantity of red light emitted following excitation by pulses of blue light. | 2023-08-29 |
TOOL1985 | Unspecified light scattering sensor | An optical sensor designed to estimate particle abundance in seawater. This relatively simple and inexpensive instrument is best suited for use in high turbidity waters, as well as for the detection of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes. Its raw output is in volts, which can be converted into nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). The light scattering sensor consists of a light source and a detector mounted side by side. It operates by detecting the light scattered backwards by particles suspended in the water. | 2023-08-24 |
TOOL1376 | Unspecified manual sediment corer | A hand-held sediment corer. Consists of a tube that is inserted into the sediment manually by a human operator (e.g. through manual force, hammering, rotating etc.). | 2019-12-10 |
TOOL2006 | Unspecified miniature gravity corer - Glew (1991) | A messenger-triggered gravity corer comprising a release mechanism developed by J.R. Glew in 1991. Applications revolve around the sampling of aquatic sediments for property analysis. The size of the corer also allows it to pass through a 10cm hole, typical of the size cut by a hand ice auger, enabling the sampling of sediments under ice. The miniature corer operates on a single hand line and is closed by a messenger. The release mechanism is similar to that described by Glew (1988) but has fewer moving parts; the release mechanism consists of a single latch that is held open until triggered by the messenger. The overall dimensions of the corer are 33 cm long (without core tube) and 6 cm in diameter. The device is composed of a cylindrical aluminium alloy body with a nominal diameter of 50 mm. The lower part carries the sleeve and clamping device to secure the core tube; the upper part houses the closing piston, release mechanism, and captive float. The float relays the motion of the messenger to the trigger and gives the corer vertical stability in the water. The core tube has an inside diameter of 40 mm. Reference: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00200351. | 2024-01-31 |
TOOL1910 | Unspecified mobile device camera | A camera on a mobile device used to capture natural phenomena, for example, as part of citizen science projects. The outputs include images and videos. Metadata can include geolocation information. | 2023-04-21 |
TOOL1999 | Unspecified monolith tin | A sharpened metal box used to collect sediment cores. This is a useful and highly cost-effective sampling method for the uppermost few centimetres of the sediment profile. The monolith tin is inverted over the surface at the location selected and pushed down until it contains a monolith of the required length. A trench is then excavated to expose enough of the tin to allow a metal sheet to be inserted horizontally beneath, so that it cuts through the sediment at the base of the monolith and covers the open end of the tin. The tin, monolith and metal sheet are then lifted out together. It can work well down to 0.5-1m. However, this method becomes increasingly destructive as sampling depth increases. | 2024-01-15 |
NETT0190 | Unspecified naturalists {rectangular} dredge | An instrument designed for the collection of benthic organisms and bottom material on a variety of grounds. It consists of a rectangular dredge frame, two dredge arms and a triangular mesh net, usually about half as deep as it is wide. The dredge frame varies in length, depending on the size of the towing vessel: 300-380 mm for small boats; 450-600 mm for larger boats; and 750-1300 mm for trawlers. Typically, one dredge arm is attached directly to the tow rope, while the other is attached by a weak link, such as twine, to release the dredge should it become stuck on the seabed. The collection net may be lined with an inner bag of non-impervious material for the collection of sediment. | 2019-12-02 |
TOOL1276 | Unspecified orientation sensor | An instrument designed to measure pitch, roll and heading of a platform. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL2018 | Unspecified piston corer | A generic term for a coring device designed to extract lengthy samples of undisturbed soft surface sediment. This type of corer is based on the original design by Swedish oceanographer Borje Kullenberg. Piston corers consist of a small gravity corer, a tripping arm with a weight, and a long, heavy corer containing a piston, connected to the ship or platform by a wire. When the gravity corer touches the sediment surface, the tripping mechanism is activated, thus allowing the piston corer to free fall to the bottom. Upon contact, the piston inside the corer stops at the sediment surface, thus creating a pressure differential that helps the soft material enter the corer's hollow open tube. The sediment sample is retained by a seal at the bottom of the device for retrieval. The sediment samples collected can be up to 30 m in length, and are less prone to compression and disturbance compared to samples from gravity corers. | 2024-02-21 |
TOOL1536 | Unspecified plastic intertidal corer | A small plastic corer designed to retrieve samples from the very surface layers of shallow intertidal sediments. Samples are retrieved by pushing the corer into the sediment by hand down to a specified depth. The corer is then pulled out by hand. It has a sampling area of 0.038 m2. | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL1214 | Unspecified ponar grab | Developed in the mid-1960s (Powers and Robertson 1967), ponar grabs are used to sample coarse or fine, undisturbed sediment from the sea floor. It consists of a pair of weighted, tapered jaws held open by a catch bar across the top of the sampler. On touching the bottom, the tension bar is released, allowing the jaws to move and close. The device is activated by the release of the cable tension on the lifting mechanism when the sampler reaches the sediment. During retrieval, the tension on the cable keeps the jaws closed. It has a pair of metal side plates which prevents the sampler from falling over after the jaws' closure. Its jaws overlap to minimise sample washout during ascent. Depending on the variant (standard or petite), the sampled area can be between approx. 15-23 cm sq. (approx. 1000 - 7250 cubic metres). | 2018-02-27 |
TOOL1885 | Unspecified quanta spectrophotometer | A quanta and energy meter with applications in primary production studies. The instrument is used to measure the amount of light available for photosynthesis. As this is a photoelectric process, light is described in terms of quanta per second per surface unit for unit wavelength for the specific wavelength range 350 - 700 nm. This provides a complete spectral analysis of the energy available for photosynthesis. | 2022-12-21 |
TOOL1379 | Unspecified queen scallop dredge | The dredges used to target queen scallops are wider and higher than a traditional scallop dredge. They do not have tooth bar across the front, instead they have either a metal grid, or tickler chains to get the scallops to lift up off the seabed and swim into the dredge. The scallops then fall back into a bag made of metal rings. Some fishermen are replacing the tickler chain and metal grid with a strip of rubber matting across the front of the dredge (source seafish.org). | 2019-12-19 |
TOOL1378 | Unspecified scallop dredge | Rigid structures with a chain mail collecting bag, towed on the seabed to target king scallops. Generally used by towing several dredges side by side behind the vessel (source: seafish.org). | 2019-12-19 |
TOOL1374 | Unspecified sediment corer | A generic term for a coring device that allows for relatively undisturbed penetration of the sediment. Generally, core samplers consist of a core barrel (a hollow pipe or box) and a core cutter (or cutting head), located at the advancing end of the core barrel to facilitate the sampler's advancement into the sediment. Core catchers are commonly inserted into the cutting head to prevent sample loss during retrieval. | 2019-12-10 |
TOOL1644 | Unspecified sediment corer - Jonasson and Olausson (1966) | A sediment gravity corer used to obtain thick, undisturbed cores of the uppermost part of the sediment layer. It can also be used as a piston corer. The device has a nose, a barrel of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and a weight stand. The nose consists of three parts: a core cutter, a brass tube, and a core catcher. The PVC tube used, has an outside diameter of 90.4 mm and an inner diameter of 73 mm. The lower end of the PVC tube is fixed to the nose, while its upper end is attached to the weight stand. The length of the barrel used varies between 1 and 3 m. | 2021-02-11 |
TOOL1261 | Unspecified sonobuoy | An expendable underwater listening device designed to be dropped from an aircraft or a ship and deploy upon water impact. Sonobuoys include hydrophone sensors which descend underwater and send detected signals to a radio transmitter mounted on an inflatable float which stays at the surface. The transmitter subsequently sends the signals to a monitoring unit for processing, analysis and classification. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1537 | Unspecified stainless steel intertidal corer | A small stainless steel corer designed to retrieve samples from the very surface layers of shallow intertidal sediments. Samples are retrieved by pushing the corer into the sediment by hand down to a specified depth. The corer is then pulled out by hand. It has a sampling area of 0.01 m2. | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL1477 | Unspecified telescope | An optical device that renders distant objects more distinct by enlarging their images on a single retina of the observer. Consisting of various types such as spotting scopes, fieldscopes and monoculars, they are used for observation of distant objects on the Earth's surface. Reflected visible light is converged via an objective lens to magnify the view, which is initially inverted. An erect (non-inverted) image is achieved either by an erecting lens (long instrument) or a prism (compact instrument). Very small instruments may be of the Galilean type, which yields an erect image using a positive objective lens and a negative eyepiece lens. Terrestrial telescopes typically use objective lenses 50 to 100 mm in diameter with 20x or 30x eyepiece magnification but, this can vary. | 2020-06-04 |
TOOL1263 | Unspecified time depth recorder | A detachable device providing detailed depth information relative to time. Often tagged to marine species to monitor their diving behaviour. The data collected by the instrument is stored in an internal memory, and can be downloaded on recovery. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1259 | Unspecified trammel net | A net consisting of a sheet of fine-meshed net sandwiched between two outer sheets of large-meshed nets. All three net walls are attached to a weighted foot rope and a floating headline, so that they hang vertically in the water. The height of the inner net is double that of the outer nets, so that fish swim through the larger outer net wall and become entangled in the loose pockets of the inner net. | 2018-08-02 |
TOOL1178 | Unspecified trigger corer | A trigger corer is a marine geological coring device used as part of the trigger system which allows a piston corer to free fall and collect cores. These trigger cores are often analysed by scientists. | 2017-11-23 |
TOOL1235 | Unspecified vibrocorer | A corer designed to collect sediment samples from unconsolidated, waterlogged, heterogeneous sediments and soils. Typically, samples are collected in a core tube that is driven into sediment by the force of gravity, enhanced by vibration energy from a viration motor. | 2018-05-04 |
TOOL1287 | Unspecified {MBT} mechanical bathythermograph | A term to describe a generic mechanical bathythermograph (MBT). A small torpedo-shaped device that records water temperature in relation to depth. MBTs traditionally use a liquid-in-metal thermometer (toluene and copper tube) to measure temperature and Bourdon tube sensor to measure pressure. Temperature readings are recorded by a mechanical stylus, which scratches a thin line on a coated glass slide. Depth is then calculated as a function of pressure. MBTs are lowered into the water by a winch and dropped free-falling to a specified depth before being retrieved. It is capable of measuring temperature to depths of 300 m. | 2018-10-05 |
TOOL1059 | VEGETATION | VEGETATION is a 4-channel optical imager operating in the visible, near-infrared and shortwave-infrared spectral bands. It measures the spectral signature of chlorophyll, and also detects soil moisture and vegetation for the characterization and correction of atmospheric effects on reflectance. This information is used for measurements of vegetation canopies, either for scientific studies involving both regional and global scale experiments (for example development of models of biosphere dynamics interacting with climate models), or for monitoring crops, pastures and forests. The instrument collects radiation reflected by the earth's surface to convert it into usable electrical signals. Silicon linear arrays are used for spectral band B0 (Blue), B2 (Red) and B3 (Near-Infrared), while InGaAs linear array is used for the Short Wave Infrared spectral band. Each array features 1728 individual CCD detectors. The output voltage signals are fed to a multiplexer (beforehand SWIR voltages are adjusted for dark current values), then to a single analogue to digital converter (ADC). All sensors are processed by a single high precision 11 bit ADC, thus completely by-passing the problem of electronic interband calibration. VEGETATION operates in the following spectrums: blue (0.43-0.47 micrometres), red (0.61-0.68 micrometres), near-infrared (0.78-0.89 micrometres) and shortwave-infrared (1.58-1.75 micrometres). It has aground swath of 2200 km and a spatial resolution of 1.15 to 1.7 km. Flown on Spot-4, Spot-5. https://vegetation.cnes.fr/en/VEGETATION/index.htm | 2016-11-15 |
TOOL0567 | VG IsoPrep 18 water equilibration device | A laboratory instrument which prepares water samples for isotopic analysis using a H2O-CO2 equilibration system. The instrument requires 3 ml of water for one measurement to be made. The IsoPrep 18 is usually coupled with an Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) where the prepared gases are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic content. | 2012-10-22 |
TOOL2105 | VG Optima Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) | An Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) used to determine the d13C/12C of carbon in different materials (organic matter, carbonates, dissolved carbon in water). This instrument analyses the isotopic content of materials which have first been processed to CO2. The prepared and purified CO2 is then ionized and analysed by the IRMS, which operates in dual-inlet mode for the measurement of the stable isotope ratio of CO2. | 2024-10-02 |
TOOL1785 | VG PRISM III Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer | A modular benchtop isotope ratio mass spectrometer which can operate in dual inlet or continuous flow modes. It is designed to measure stable isotope ratios of N2, CO2, H2, SO2, SF6 and O2 and C. It has a Multi-collector with four Faraday buckets, featuring integral suppressers. The central bucket is fixed, and the others are externally moveable using precision adjusters. The ion optics have a horizontal geometry, and the design allows individual access to the source and collectors through the lids of the housings. A manifold option, HD option and Differential Pumping option are available depending on user requirements. Its precision is better than 0.05 permille. Sample size can range from 100 ul to 150 ul. | 2022-04-08 |
TOOL0566 | VG SIRA 10 Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer | An Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) which operates in dual inlet flow mode for the measurement of the isotope ratios d13C/12C, d18O/16O and d34S/32S. It is used to determine the d13C/12C of carbon in different materials (organic matter, dissolved carbon in water), d13C/12C and d18O/16O in carbonates, d18O/16O and d34S/32S in sulphates and d34S/32S in sulphides. The natural sample is processed first (e.g. combustion, acid attack, or purification) in order to obtain a directly analysable gas. The prepared gases (CO2 or SO2) are then ionised and analysed for their isotopic content by the IRMS. This model is no longer in production. | 2012-10-22 |
TOOL0619 | VIZ 1223 Radiosonde | An instrument package in common use in the 1970s and 1980s comprising a rod thermistor (for air temperature measurements), a carbon hygristor (for humidity measurements) and an aneroid pressure sensor with a radio data transmitter. The package was attached to a balloon filled with hydrogen or helium and released to measure an atmospheric profile on the ascent and, if fitted with a parachute, the descent. The radio retransmitted LORAN-C signals allowing the balloon to be tracked giving measurements of winds. | 2013-05-09 |
TOOL1023 | Vaisala CL31 Ceilometer for Cloud Height Detection | A fully automatic ceilometer for cloud base height and vertical visibility measurements for use in aviation and meteorological applications. The CL31 detects three cloud layers simultaneously using pulsed diode laser LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology. The CL31 beam can be directed either vertically or tilted. In the measurement unit, a tilt angle sensor automatically corrects the measured cloud distance reading to vertical cloud base height. The CL31 has a measurement range of 0 to 7.6 km and a reporting resolution of 5m. | 2016-10-20 |
TOOL1678 | Vaisala CL51 Ceilometer for Cloud Height Detection | A ceilometer designed to measure high-range cirrus cloud heights without surpassing the low and middle layer clouds, or vertical visibility in harsh conditions. CL51 can detect 3 cloud layers simultaneously. If the cloud base is obscured due to precipitation or ground-based fog, CL51 reports vertical visibility. CL51 can provide the backscatter profile over the full measurement range. This information provides a possibility for an advanced boundary layer and atmospheric analysis. CL51 employs a pulsed diode laser LIDAR (light detection and ranging) technology, where short, powerful laser pulses are sent out in a vertical or near-vertical direction. The reflection of light (backscatter) caused by clouds, precipitation or other obscuration is analysed and used to determine the cloud base height. It has a cloud reporting range up to 13 km, and can provide backscatter profiling over full range up to 15 km. | 2021-04-28 |
TOOL1436 | Vaisala CS106 barometer | A Vaisala barometer compatible with Campbell Scientific data loggers. It uses a silicon capacitive sensor to measure barometric pressure. The CS106 has an attached 76.2 cm (30 in.) cable. It is encased in a plastic shell (ABS/PC blend) fitted with an intake valve for pressure equilibration. The instrument measures barometric pressure from 500 to 1100 mb and has an accuracy <+/-1.5 mb. | 2020-05-11 |
TOOL0779 | Vaisala DPA21 digital barometer | A digital aneroid barometer with serial communication in use since the late 1980s. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1675 | Vaisala FD70 Forward Scatter Sensor series | A series of forward scatter sensors designed for precipitation type identification, plus intensity and accumulation quantification. They also measure droplet size distributions and reflectivity. The series includes the FD70, FD71 Visibility sensor and the FD71P Visibility and Present Weather sensor. The FD71P incorporates a Vaisala HMP155 HUMICAP probe, which measures the humidity and temperature of ambient air. A near infra-red light source is transmitted and optically transformed into a thin light sheet. The receiver measures the forward scattered light at an angle of 42 degrees and evaluates every precipitation particle with respect to signal strength and time to determine particle size, shape, and fall speed. The look-down geometry and hood heating protect the sensor windows against external disturbances. The FD70 series complies with ICAO, FAA, and WMO requirements and uses WMO and NWS weather codes in reporting. It has a visibility up to 100 k and an optimal forward scattering angle of 42 degrees. It has a 5 MHz sampling frequency and 5 s measuring cycle. | 2021-04-20 |
TOOL0229 | Vaisala GM70 atmospheric carbon dioxide analyser | An instrument designed for the measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide incorporating a probe that connects to a pump aspirator. The probe contains a CARBOCAP sensor comprising three major components - a light source, a Fabry-Perot interferometer and an IR detector. The interferometer allows light of two wavelengths to pass through to the detector - the wavelength at which carbon dioxide absorbs light and a nearby non-absorbing wavelength for comparison purposes. The probe is used in conjunction with a MI70 meter which promotes easy transfer of data to a PC. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0081 | Vaisala HMP temperature and humidity sensor | A family of sensors and instruments (sensors plus integral displays or loggers) for the measurement of air temperature and relative humidity. All are based on a probe containing a patent (HUMICAP) capacitive thin film polymer humidity sensor and a Pt100 platinum resistance thermometer. The probes are available with a wide range of packaging, cabling and interface options all of which have designations of the form HMPnn such as HMP45 and HMP75. Vaisala sensors are incorporated into weather stations and marketed by Campbell Scientific. | 2009-12-10 |
TOOL1549 | Vaisala HMP110 humidity and temperature probe | A humidity and temperature sensor which also measures dew point temperature, wet bulb capacity and ethalpy. It is designed for battery-powered spot-checking applications such as in greenhouses, fermentation and stability chambers. The HMP110 probe features a patented HUMICAP 180 capacitive thin film polymer humidity sensor and a Pt1000 platinum resistance thermometer. It features a rugged polyurethane-filled stainless steel body which can survive rough conditions. An optional RS-485 output with Modbus support is also available. The HMP110 measures humidity from 0-100 percent RH at an accuracy of +/- 1.5 percent RH at 40 degC. It measures temperature from -40 to +80 degC at an accuracy of +/- 0.2 degC. | 2023-02-06 |
TOOL1673 | Vaisala HMP155 hygrometer series | A series of sensors that measure relative humidity and temperature, designed for outdoor applications. Alternative humidity variables are also reported (dew point/frostpoint temperature, wet bulb temperature, mixing ratio). Humidity measurement on the sensor is based on the capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP sensor. Temperature measurement is based on platinum resistance (Pt100 RTD element, Class F 0.1 IEC 60751) sensors. The sensor is installed inside a radiation shield and is fitted with a digital RS-485 output. Active output and passive output models are available. The instrument can be fitted with standard humidity sensors, composite humidity sensors that are also suitable for heated applications or sensors resistant to chemical interfacing (INTERCAP, INTERCAPC, HUMICAP180C, HUMICAP180R, HUMICAP180RC, HUMICAPR2, HUMICAPR2C). It may also be fitted with an additional temperature sensor for enhanced temperature response. Several voltage output signal ranges: 0 -1 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V. HMP155 replaces the HMP45 series of sensors. | 2023-02-06 |
TOOL1550 | Vaisala HMP45 humidity and temperature probe | A humidity and temperature sensor designed for use with the HMI41 Humidity Indicator to measure temperature and humidity, as well as dew point, wet bulb temperature, absolute humidity and mixing ratio. It is also suitable for spot-checking applications. The HMP45 probe is attached to the HMI141 Indicator via a spiral cable. The HMP45 probe features a patented HUMICAP 180 capacitive thin film polymer humidity sensor and a Pt1000 platinum resistance thermometer. The HMP45 measures humidity from 0-100 percent RH at an accuracy of +/- 3 percent RH at 20 degC. It measures temperature from -20 to +60 degC. | 2023-02-06 |
TOOL0893 | Vaisala HMT300 humidity and temperature transmitter series | The Vaisala HMT300 family includes Humidity and Temperature Transmitters designed for industrial applications. They can measure relative humidity is in the 0 - 100 % RH range (with +/- 1 % accuracy) and temperature up to +180 degC. This grouping includes the compact HMT310 series, and the HMT330 series with integrated display and keypad control. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0678 | Vaisala HMT310 humidity and temperature transmitter series | The Vaisala HMT310 is a series of humidity and temperature transmitters comprising a base station and sensors that may be attached directly or on a remote probe suited to the application. The probes are designed for installation in various environments: HMT311 for wall mounting, HMT313 for duct mounting and tight spaces, HMT314 for high pressures up to 100 bar and vacuum conditions, HMT315 for high temperature, HMT317 for high humidity and meteorological applications and HMT318 for pressurised pipelines up to 40 bar. All incorporate a thermistor and the Vaisala HUMICAP humidity sensor giving temperature accurate to 0.2 degC and humidity accurate to 1 %. The base station is designed to be as small as possible and resistant to dust and chemicals. Unlike the 330 series has no display or keypad. Data are returned through the same cable as the power input through two analogue and one RS232 outputs. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0677 | Vaisala HMT330 humidity and temperature transmitter series | The Vaisala HMT330 is a series of humidity and temperature transmitters comprising a base station and sensors that may be attached directly or on a remote probe suited to the application. The probes are designed for installation in various environments: HMT331 for wall mounting, HMT333 for duct mounting and tight spaces, HMT334 for high pressures up to 100 bar and vacuum conditions, HMT335 for high temperature, HMT337 for high humidity and meteorological applications and HMT338 for pressurised pipelines up to 40 bar. All incorporate a thermistor and the Vaisala HUMICAP humidity sensor giving temperature accurate to 0.2 degC and humidity accurate to 1 %. The base station includes a graphical display giving continuous digital readout and keypad for operation control. Depending upon the options selected data may be logged internally (up 4 years) or transmitted via wired LAN, wireless LAN, USB, RS232 or RS485. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1095 | Vaisala HMT360 humidity and temperature transmitter series | The Vaisala HMT360 series of humidity and temperature transmitters are designed to measure humidity and temperature as well as dew point, mixing ratio, absolute humidity and wet bulb temperature. The series design is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. The HMT360 offers six interchangeable probe options depending on deployment configuration and environmental properties. HMT361 was developed for wall mounting. HMT363 model was constructed for duct mounting and tight spaces, with a probe length of 98.5 mm. HMT364 was designed for high pressures up to 100 bar and vacuum conditions. HMT365 was developed for high temperatures up to 180 degC. HMT367 was designed for high humidities. Finally, HMT368 was designed for pressurised pipelines up to 40 bar and comes in two different probe lengths. These sensors were developed to measure data in hazardous areas, including potentially explosive environments (containing gases or dust). | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1096 | Vaisala HMT361 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT361 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film capacitance humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. The sensor was developed for wall mounting to measure data in hazardous areas. The probe diameter is 12 mm and it measures temperatures ranging from -40 to 60 degC. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1097 | Vaisala HMT363 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT363 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. HMT363 model was designed for duct mounting and confined spaces to measure data in hazardous areas. It has a probe length of 98.5 mm and probe diameter of 12 mm. With a teflon cable it measures temperatures from -40 to 120 degC, and with a rubber cable it measures temperatures from -40 to 80 degC. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1098 | Vaisala HMT364 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT364 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. HMT364 was designed for high pressures up to 100 bar and vacuum conditions. The sensor was designed to measure data in hazardous areas, including potentially explosive environments (containing gases or dust). It measures temperature from -70 to 180 degC. The probe diameter is 12 mm. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1099 | Vaisala HMT365 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT365 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. HMT365 was developed for high temperatures, ranging from -70 to 180 degC. The sensor was designed to measure data in hazardous areas, including potentially explosive environments (containing gases or dust). It has a probe diamter of 13.5 mm. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1100 | Vaisala HMT367 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT367 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. HMT367 was designed for high humidities. The sensor was designed to measure data in hazardous areas, including potentially explosive environments (containing gases or dust). It measures temperatures ranging from -70 to 180 degC. It has a probe diameter of 12 mm. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1101 | Vaisala HMT368 humidity and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala HMT368 is a humidity and temperature transmitter. This sensor is based on a probe containing a patented (HUMICAP) capacitive thin polymer film humidity sensor and a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer. HMT368 was designed for pressurised pipelines up to 40 bar and could be provided with two different probe lengths (12 mm or 13.5 mm). The sensor was designed to measure data in hazardous areas, including potentially explosive environments (containing gases or dust). It measures temperatures ranging from -70 to 180 degC. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1916 | Vaisala HUMICAP 180C HMP155 humidity and temperature probe | A composite general purpose humidity and temperature sensor which utilises the Vaisala HUMICAP 180C and a PT100 temperature sensor integrated within the relative humidity sensor. The sensor has good humidity durability and short response time. The sensor head is warmed by the integrated PT100 temperature sensor to ensure the humidity level inside stays below the ambient level, to reduce the risk of condensation forming on the probe and corrupting the measurements. The instrument is also capable of measuring dew point, frost point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and mixing ratio. The instrument features a membrane filter to speed up the relative humidity measurement, for use in environments with fast changing temperatures. The HMP155 measures humidity between 0 and 100 % relative humidity, at an accuracy of +/- 1 % for measurements between 0 and 90 % relative humidity, and +/- 1.7 % for measurements between 90 and 100% relative humidity, at ambient temperatures of 15 to 25 degC. At temperatures outside this range, humidity measurement accuracy ranges from 1.0 to 1.4 % relative humidity. The HMP155 measures temperature within an observational range of -80 to 60 degC, at an accuracy of between +/- 0.055 and 0.226 degC depending on the ambient temperature and output setting. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1687 | Vaisala HUMICAP 180R HMP155 humidity and temperature probe | A humidity and temperature sensor which utilises the Vaisala HUMICAP 180R sensor designed for long term stability in high-humidity environments. The sensor head is warmed to ensure the humidity level inside stays below the ambient level, to reduce the risk of condensation forming on the probe and corrupting the measurements. The instrument is also capable of measuring dew point, frost point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and mixing ratio. The instrument features a membrane filter to speed up the relative humidity measurement, for use in environments with fast changing temperatures. The HMP155 measures humidity between 0 and 100 % relative humidity, at an accuracy of +/- 1 % for measurements between 0 and 90% relative humidity, and +/- 1.7 % for measurements between 90 and 100 % relative humidity, at ambient temperatures of 15 to 25 degC. At temperatures outside this range, humidity measurement accuracy ranges from 1.8 to 4.6 % relative humidity. The HMP155 measures temperature within an observational range of -80 to 60 degC, at an accuracy of between +/- 0.12 and 0.45 degC depending on the ambient temperature and output setting. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1917 | Vaisala HUMICAP 180RC HMP155 humidity and temperature probe | A robust composite general purpose humidity and temperature sensor which utilises the Vaisala HUMICAP 180RC and a PT100 temperature sensor integrated within the relative humidity sensor. The sensor has high humidity durability, good long-term stability and good tolerance against chemical exposure. The sensor head is warmed by the integrated Pt100 temperature sensor to ensure the humidity level inside stays below the ambient level, to reduce the risk of condensation forming on the probe and corrupting the measurements. The instrument is also capable of measuring dew point, frost point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and mixing ratio. The instrument features a membrane filter to speed up the relative humidity measurement, for use in environments with fast changing temperatures. The sensor has applications in environments with high concentrations of chemicals due to the chemical purge and warmed probe features. The HMP155 measures humidity between 0 and 100% relative humidity, at an accuracy of +/- 1% for measurements between 0 and 90% relative humidity, and +/- 1.7 % for measurements between 90 and 100 % relative humidity, at ambient temperatures of 15 to 25 degC. At temperatures outside this range, humidity measurement accuracy ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 % relative humidity. The HMP155 measures temperature within an observational range of -80 to 60 degC, at an accuracy of between +/- 0.055 and 0.226 degC depending on the ambient temperature and output setting. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0780 | Vaisala PA11 digital barometer | An aviation quality digital barometer providing accurate and reliable pressure measurement over the range of 800 to 1050 mb. It had a unique construction consisting of three independently operating sensors controlled by a microprocessor. Triple redundancy ensured excellent long-term stability and measurement accuracy. Short term accuracy was determined by WMO as about 0.2 hPa and long-term accuracy (over approximately a year) was determined as approximately 0.35 hPa or 0.45 hPa if subjected to temperature variations in excess of 20 degC. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0125 | Vaisala PTB100 analogue barometer series | A series of analogue barometers using the BAROCAP silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor developed by Vaisala able to operate over a wide temperature range. The series has low power consumption, selectable external on/off control, practical output voltage ranges and three or four wire connection capability. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1611 | Vaisala PTB101B barometer | An analogue barometer. It uses a silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor (BARCAP). The (B) barometer is supplied from the factory in the shut-down mode. In the shut-down operating mode the barometer is turned on/off using an external TTL level trigger. The (B) barometer has a measurement range between 600 - 1060 hPa and an accuracy of +/- 0.5 hPa (at 20 degC). | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0701 | Vaisala PTB110 barometer | An industrial, analog barometer which uses a silicon capacitive sensor (BAROCAP). The sensor produces either frequency or voltage output. The operating range is between 500 - 1100 mbar, +/- 0.3 mbar total accuracy at 20 degree C. | 2014-06-10 |
TOOL0397 | Vaisala PTB210 digital barometer | Digital barometer using a silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor. The instrument can operate over a pressure range of 50 to 1100 hPa and a temperature range of -40 to 60 degC. Two basic configurations are available: serial output for 500 - 1100 hPa and 50 - 1100 hPa, and analogue output with different scalings between 500 and 1100 hPa. It is designed for a variety of applications, such as weather stations, data buoys and ships. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0672 | Vaisala PTB220 digital barometer | Fully compensated digital barometer using a silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor designed to cover a wide range of environmental pressure and temperature. The pressure and temperature adjustment in the PTB220 consists of seven temperature levels over the operating temperature range of the barometer and of six to eleven pressure levels over the operating pressure range of the barometer at each temperature level. The instrument can operate over a pressure range of 50 to 1100 hPa and a temperature range of -40 to 60 degC with an accuracy better than 0.1 %. More information may be found at http://www.vaisala.com/Vaisala%20Documents/User%20Guides%20and%20Quick%20Ref%20Guides/PTB220_User_Guide_in_English.pdf. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1015 | Vaisala PTB330 digital barometer | A series of class A and B barometers designed for meteorology, aviation, laboratories and demanding industrial applications. It uses a BAROCAP silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor developed by Vaisala. The measurement is based on an advanced RC oscillator and reference capacitors against which the capacitive pressure sensor is continuously measured. The microprocessor of the barometer performs compensation for pressure linearity and temperature dependence. It is available with one, two or three modules. Each module has its own adjustment coefficients for different reference pressures across the entire temperature range. It is available with digital (RS-232 or RS-422/485) or analogue output (voltage or current). The instrument can operate over a pressure range of 50 to 1100 hPa or 500 to 1100 hPa and a temperature range of -40 to 60 degC. The best accuracy achieved is +/- 0.1 hPa at 20 degC using a class A sensor and +/- 0.2 using a class B sensor. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0741 | Vaisala PTU300 pressure, humidity and temperature transmitter series | The Vaisala PTU300 is a series of air pressure, humidity and temperature transmitters comprising a base station and sensors that may be attached directly or on a remote probe suited to the application. The probes are designed for installation in various environments: PTU301 for laboratories, PTU303 for general use and PTU307 for outdoor and meteorological applications (warmed probe). All incorporate the Vaisala BAROCAP pressure sensor, a thermistor and the Vaisala HUMICAP humidity sensor giving pressure accurate to 0.1 - 0.3 hPa (depends upon sensor class), temperature accurate to 0.2 degC and humidity accurate to 1 %. The base station includes a graphical display giving continuous digital readout and keypad for operation control. Depending upon the options selected data may be logged internally (up 4 years) or transmitted via wired LAN, wireless LAN, USB, RS232 or RS485. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0740 | Vaisala PTU30T pressure and temperature transmitter | The Vaisala PTU30T is an air pressure, humidity and temperature transmitter comprising a base station and sensors on a remote general-use probe incorporating the Vaisala BAROCAP pressure sensor and a thermistor giving pressure accurate to 0.1 - 0.3 hPa (depends upon sensor class) and temperature accurate to 0.2 degC. The base station includes a graphical display giving continuous digital readout and keypad for operation control. Depending upon the options selected data may be logged internally (up 4 years) or transmitted via wired LAN, wireless LAN, USB, RS232 or RS485. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL1003 | Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD series | Vaisala Present Weather and Visibility sensors (PWD10, PWD12, PWD20 and PWD22) are compact and light-weight probes that provide accurate measurements of prevailing visibility. PWD10 and PWD12 models measure visibility in a range of 10m-2,000m while PWD20 and PWD22 are able to measure visibility up to 20,000m. Moreover, PWD12 and PWD22 models are able to indicate the cause of prevailed visibility and detect precipitation type and rain accumulation while PWD10 and PWD20 can not measure these parameters | 2016-06-20 |
TOOL1004 | Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD10 | Vaisala Present Weather and Visibility sensor PWD10 is a compact and light-weight probes that provide accurate measurements of prevailing visibility. This sensor is able to measure visibility between 10m and 2,000m. | 2016-06-20 |
TOOL1005 | Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD12 | Vaisala Present Weather and Visibility sensor PWD12 is a compact and light-weight probes that provide accurate measurements of prevailing visibility. This sensor is able to measure visibility between 10m and 2,000m and is able to indicate the cause of prevailed visibility and detect precipitation type and rain accumulation | 2016-06-20 |
TOOL1006 | Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD20 | Vaisala Present Weather and Visibility sensor PWD20 is a compact and light-weight probes that provide accurate measurements of prevailing visibility. This sensor is able to measure visibility between 10m and 20,000m. | 2016-06-20 |
TOOL1007 | Vaisala Present Weather Detector PWD22 | Vaisala Present Weather and Visibility sensor PWD22 is a compact and light-weight probes that provide accurate measurements of prevailing visibility. This sensor is able to measure visibility between 10m and 20,000m and is able to indicate the cause of prevailed visibility and detect precipitation type and rain accumulation | 2016-06-20 |
TOOL1008 | Vaisala RS92-SGP radiosonde | An all-digital radiosonde equipped with high performance atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity sensors and fully digital data transmission capabilities. It also includes a code correlating GPS receiver for accurate positioning during deployment and for continuous wind data availability. | 2016-06-24 |
TOOL0126 | Vaisala WAA151 cup anemometer | Three lightweight, conical cups mounted on the cup wheel providing linearity with windspeeds up to 75m/s. Rotation speed is measured by a disk attached to the shaft cutting an infrared light beam 14 times per revolution producing pulses counted by a phototransistor. The output rate is directly proportional to wind speed. Improvements over the WAA15A, which the WAA151 is designed to replace, are plug-and-play electrical and mechanical design, an improved mechanical shaft attachment and addition of electrical lightning protection. Both models have the same output, mounting and wiring scheme and so are totally interchangeable. | 2015-06-10 |
TOOL0877 | Vaisala WAA15A cup anemometer | Three lightweight, conical cups mounted on the cup wheel providing linearity with windspeeds up to 75m/s. Rotation speed is measured by a disk attached to the shaft cutting an infrared light beam 14 times per revolution producing pulses counted by a phototransistor. The output rate is directly proportional to wind speed. It was replaced by the WAA151 model which introduced a number of improvements such as plug-and-play design, an improved mechanical shaft attachment and addition of electrical lightning protection. Both models have the same output, mounting and wiring scheme and so are totally interchangeable. | 2015-06-10 |
TOOL0127 | Vaisala WAV151 wind vane | A counter-balanced, low-threshold, optoelectic wind-vane. Infrared LEDs and phototransistors are mounted on six orbits on each side of a 6-bit GRAY-coded disc. Turning the vane causes the disc to change the code received by the phototransistors. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1686 | Vaisala WINDCAP WMT700 ultrasonic anemometer series | A series of 3-axis wind sensors utilising ultrasound to determine horizontal wind speed and direction. The instrument operates under the principle of measuring the transit time of ultrasound from one transducer to another. The transit time is measured in both directions for a pair of transducer heads, using two measurements for each of the three ultrasonic paths at 60 degree angles to each other. From this, the instrument computes wind speed and direction. The WMT700 series of anemometers have a measurement range of 0 - 90 m/s for wind speed depending on the model, all with a resolution of 0.01 m/s. The instruments have an observational range for wind direction of 360 degrees, a resolution of 0.01 degrees, and an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees. | 2024-08-22 |
TOOL0894 | Vaisala WXT500 weather transmitter series | The Vaisala WXT500 family includes the WXT510 and WXT520 weather transmitters. These suites measure barometric pressure, humidity, precipitation, temperature, wind speed and direction. The WXT510 is the earlier model, and the WXT520, with improved accuracy for some parameters. | 2021-09-07 |
TOOL0682 | Vaisala WXT510 weather transmitter | This is a a self-contained weather station measuring wind speed and direction, precipitation , air temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. The station has the following sensors:Vaisala WINDCAP ultrasonic wind sensor measuring average, maximum and minimum windspeed accurate to the greater of 0.3 m/s or 3% (0-35 m/s range) or 5% (36-60 m/s) range and average, maximum and minimum wind direction to an accuracy of 3 degrees. Default averaging interval is 60 minutes.Vaisala RAINCAP sensor-2 - a piezoelectrical sensor that measures rainfall amount and intensity (rate) to an accuracy of 5% by counting raindrop impacts. Capacitive silicon BAROCAP air pressure sensorCapacitive ceramic THERMOCAP air temperature sensorCapacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP 180 humidity sensorThe precipitation and wind sensors may be optionally heated to keep them free from snow and ice. Output is via an RS232 connection. More information may be found at http://www.vaisala.com/Vaisala%20Documents/User%20Guides%20and%20Quick%20Ref%20Guides/WXT510_User_Guide_in_English.pdf. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL0683 | Vaisala WXT520 weather transmitter | This is a a self-contained weather station measuring wind speed and direction, precipitation , air temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. The station has the following sensors:Vaisala WINDCAP ultrasonic wind sensor measuring average, maximum and minimum windspeed accurate to the 3% at 10 m/s and average, maximum and minimum wind direction to an accuracy of 3 degrees. Default averaging interval is 60 minutes.Vaisala RAINCAP sensor-2 - a piezoelectrical sensor that measures rainfall amount and intensity (rate) to an accuracy of 5% by counting raindrop impacts. Capacitive silicon BAROCAP air pressure sensor giving an accuracy of 0.5 hPa at 0-30C or 1 hPa at -52-60C.Capacitive ceramic THERMOCAP air temperature sensor giving an accuracy of 0.3C at 20C.Capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP 180 humidity sensor giving an accuracy of 3% below 90% humidity or 5% above 90% humidity.The precipitation and wind sensors may be optionally heated to keep them free from snow and ice. Output is via USB connection. This is an upgrade of the WXT510 weather transmitter that may be applied to existing units during service by Vaisala. More information may be found at http://www.vaisala.com/en/products/multiweathersensors/Pages/WXT520.aspx. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1730 | Vaisala WXT530 weather transmitter series | A series of weather transmitters measuring barometric air pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction. The WXT530 series exceeds the IEC60945 maritime standard. Included in the series are the WXT531 (rainfall), WXT532 (wind speed and direction), WXT533 (rainfall, wind speed and direction), WXT534 (air pressure, temperature, humidity) WXT535 (air pressure, temperature, humidity, rainfall) and WXT536 (all parameters). Sensors included are the Vaisala WINDCAP ultrasonic wind sensor measuring horizontal wind speed accurate to the 3 percent at 10 m/s, and wind direction to an accuracy of 3 degrees. Barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity measurements are combined in the PTU module using capacitive measurement for each parameter. Rainfall parameters are determined using the Vaisala RAINCAP sensor, measuring to an accuracy of 5 percent. | 2021-09-08 |
TOOL0587 | Valeport 308 recording current meter | A self-recording instrument with speed and direction sensors as standard and optional conductivity, temperature and pressure sensors. Speed is measured by a neutrally-buoyant styrene impeller mounted in a jewelled main thrust bearing and PTFE radial guides. Two magnets are fitted to the impeller and a reed switch fitted inside the pressure housing counts the rotations of the impeller. Direction is sensed using a Valeport two axis, gimballed flux-gate compass. Temperature is sensed by a Valeport platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) or thermistor, depending on the response and specification required. Conductivity is sensed by Valeport Inductive coils and pressure by a strain-gauge transducer. Sensor accuracy is 1.5% for speed, +/- 0.25 degrees for direction, +/-0.02C for PRT temperature, +/-0.1C for thermistor temperature, +/-0.003mS/cm for conductivity and 0.1% to 0.005% full-scale for pressure depending on sensor range. The vector average is based on a 5 second period during which impeller counts are measured and a single compass reading is made. An average period can be any multiple of 5 seconds up to a maximum of 30 minutes. For the optional parameters, the sample is taken at the end of the sample period and averaged over the averaging period. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/49777/ . | 2013-01-14 |
TOOL0320 | Valeport 740 tide gauge | The Valeport 740 tide gauge is a strain gauge sensor with a resolution of 1 mm. A user-selectable sampling regime allows up to 2 years' autonomous operation, whilst the optional radio transmission package extends the capabilities for real time operations. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0638 | Valeport BFM 208 current meter | A current meter with styrene impeller current sensor and relatively low resolution (6-bit) compass. In self-recording mode the compass and rotor count were read every 5 seconds and summed over the required sampling interval. A 5-second data stream including corrected vector data was output via a connector to facilitate use as a direct reading instrument. Further information may be found in http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/95303/ . | 2013-08-29 |
TOOL1359 | Valeport Braystoke STM 500 temperature and salinity probe | A battery-operated, submersible probe that measures temperature, salinity and pressure of the water column. A surface box provides digital readout. Instrument information from Tett, P. (2014). | 2019-09-11 |
TOOL0232 | Valeport CTD 600 | A CTD that samples on either time or depth increments based sampling with direct-reading or self-logging modes. Depth rating is 1500m. Available with either a platinum resistance thermometer (accuracy temperature 0.02C, salinity 0.07 PSU) or thermistor (accuracy temperature 0.1C, salinity 0.15 PSU) temperature sensors and inductive coil conductivity sensors. Both types have a resolution of 0.002C for temperature and 0.003 PSU for salinity. | 2010-11-18 |
TOOL0407 | Valeport CTD 604 | A CTD that samples on either time or depth increments based sampling with direct-reading or self-logging modes. Standard depth rating is 3000m, with 1000m and 2000m versions available for shallower work. The instrument is available with either a fast- or slow-response platinum resistance thermometer for profiling or mooring operations, respectively. Temperature accuracy is 0.02C and resolution is 0.002C over a range of -5 to +35C. The inductive coil conductivity sensors are accurate to 0.05 mS/cm with a resolution of 0.0003 mS/cm over the range 0.1 to 60 mS/cm, while the strain gauge pressure sensor has an accuracy of 0.1% full scale and a resolution of 0.005% full scale. | 2011-07-27 |
TOOL1883 | Valeport MIDAS 606 CTD | A conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensor designed for rapid profiling work and deployment on moorings. It measures conductivity (mS/cm), temperature (ITS90,deg C), and pressure (bar), using a high stability conductivity sensor, a fast response platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) temperature sensor, and a temperature compensated piezo-resistive pressure transducer. The sensors are all synchronised to sample at the same time. The CTD sensors are encased in titanium. The instrument can be powered by cable or battery, allowing for real-time or autonomous sampling. There are 5 sampling modes: continuous, burst, trip/profile, conditional, and delay. The instrument is also fitted with 16 MB of solid-state non-volatile FLASH memory. The CTD has a depth rating of 6000 m, however the pressure sensor ranges are 10, 50, 100, 300 or 600 bar with 0.001 % resolution and 0.01 % accuracy. The conductivity sensor has a range of 0 - 80 mS/cm, resolution of 0.002 mS/cm, and accuracy of 0.01 mS/cm. The temperature sensor range is -5 to 35 degC, with resolution 0.005 degC, and accuracy 0.01 degC. | 2022-11-30 |
TOOL2099 | Valeport MIDAS ECM multiparameter current meter | A versatile point current meter designed for real time underwater current measurement and autonomous deployment. The ECM outputs measurements of current speed and direction. This instrument comes with titanium housing, polyurethane sensor components, and a stainless-steel cage. Optional CTD and turbidity sensor are available to be added to this instrument. The titanium housing gives this instrument a depth rating up to 5000 m. This instrument can measure current speed at a range of 0 - 5 m/s, accuracy +/- 1 percent, and resolution of 0.001 m/s. Current direction can be measured over a range of 0-360 degrees, accuracy +/- 1 degree, and resolution of 0.001 degrees. | 2024-09-23 |
TOOL2096 | Valeport MIDAS SVX2 combined SVP/CTD profiler | A combined CTD and sound velocity profiler designed for use in both autonomous or real-time deployments. It measures sound velocity (m/s), conductivity (mS/cm), temperature (deg C) and pressure (bar) using a digital time of flight sound velocity sensor, a high stability conductivity sensor, a high accuracy temperature compensated piezo-resistive pressure transducer, and a fast response PRT temperature sensor. The instrument uses the concept of distributed processing to sample all data at the same instant and has 5 sampling modes - continuous, burst, trip/profile, conditional, and delay. The MIDAS SVX2 has a titanium housing and a stainless steel deployment cage. The instrument has a maximum depth rating of 6000 m (when equipped with 600 bar pressure sensor). | 2024-09-10 |
TOOL0531 | Valeport MIDAS Sound Velocity Probe | This instrument comprises a time of flight sound speed sensor, pressure transducer and platinum resistance temperature sensor. It is suitable for rapid profiling down to 6000 metres depth. It can be operated in continuous, burst, trip/profile, conditional or delayed mode. The instrument was formerly known as Model 650 Mk2. | 2012-08-16 |
TOOL0841 | Valeport MIDAS Surveyor | A combined GPS receiver and echosounder designed for small-scale hydrographic surveys. Standard configuration includes a 210 kHz transducer with a 12-channel GSP/SBAS receiver and combined antenna accurate to +/-4m or +/-2m with SBAS correction. Dual (201/33 kHz) and 16-channel high accuracy GPS are available as an option. More information is available at http://www.valeport.co.uk/Portals/0/Docs/Datasheets/Valeport_MidasSurveyor_v2b.pdf. | 2015-03-26 |
TOOL1011 | Valeport MIDAS water level recorder | A precision water level recorder designed for use in both autonomous or real time deployments. Fitted with a 0.01% accurate pressure sensor and accurate PRT temperature sensor as standard, it features a variety of operating modes from rapid 8Hz continuous sampling to power saving burst modes for long term monitoring. The instrument is available in both shallow water acetal or deep water titanium versions, and is suitable for fixed or in-line mooring, with a variety of communications options built in. Pressure measurement ranges: 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 3000 or 6000 dbar. Pressure resolution: 0.001%. Temperature measurement range: -0.5 to +35 deg C. | 2016-07-19 |
TOOL1729 | Valeport Thru-Hull SVS sound velocity sensor | A sound velocity profiler used to measure the speed of sound in water. Each sound velocity measurement is made using a single pulse of sound traveling over a known distance. It uses Valeport's digital time of flight technology to provide accurate, low noise, low resolution data. It measures sound velocity over the range 1375-1900 m/s in water temperatures ranging from -5 to +35 degrees Celsius. It is depth rated to 6000 m. Its accuracy is +/- 0.02m/s, and it has a resolution of 0.001 m/s. | 2021-09-08 |
TOOL1738 | Valeport VA500 altimeter | A titanium-housed acoustic altimeter used for underwater positioning to determine distance to or height above the seabed. Can be mounted used on ROVs, AUVs and other such platforms for various underwater construction and hydrographic applications. The VA500 features a 500kHz broadband transducer offering a range of 0.1m to 100m, a resolution of 1mm and a beam angle +/- 3 degrees. It features RS232 and RS485 digital output as standard, and is supplied with free DataLog X2 software for instrument setup and datadisplay. An optional Valeport miniIPS pressure sensor can be added. The pressure sensor is a temperature compensated piezo-resistive sensor with various ranges available, an accuracy +/- 0.01 percent FS, and a resolution of 0.001 percent FS. The VA500 is depth-rated to 6000m. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1437 | Valeport miniCTD DR CTD | A CTD that samples by time (continuous) or depth (profiling). It is designed for ROV applications. It uses a platinum resistance thermometer, strain gauge pressure transducer (from a selection of measurement ranges between 0-600 Bar) and pressure-balanced conductivity cell. The instrument has a direct reading interface only and no internal battery or logging capability. It is housed in titanium. Data may be sampled from 1 to 8Hz. It is rated to 6000 m, although the measurement range is limited by the range of the pressure transducer used. Temperature accuracy is +/-0.01 degC. Conductivity accuracy is +/- 0.01 mS/cm and pressure accuracy is either +/- 0.01% FS or 0.05% FS depending on transducer used. | 2020-05-11 |
TOOL1494 | Valeport miniSVP sound velocity profiler | A sound velocity profiler used to measure the speed of sound in water. It is designed for use in survey operations in industry, military and academia. It can log data in continuous sampling or profile mode. It is fitted with Valeport's digital time of flight sound velocity sensor, a PRT temperature sensor and a piezo-resistive pressure transducer. The miniSVP is capable of storing over 10 million lines of data internally, and has a Bluetooth logger and communication set available for cable free data recovery. The miniSVP is available in either Acetal or Titanium housing. It measures sound velocity over the range 1375-1900 m/s in water temperatures ranging from -5 to +35 degC. Depending on the housing chosen, it is depth rated to 600 m (Acetal) or 6000 m (Titanium). It has an accuracy of +/- 0.02 m/s, and a resolution of 0.001 m/s. | 2020-07-17 |
TOOL1495 | Valeport miniSVS sound velocity sensor | A sound velocity profiler used to measure the speed of sound in water. Each sound velocity measurement is made using a single pulse of sound traveling over a known distance. It uses Valeport's digital time of flight technology to provide accurate, low noise, low resolution data. The miniSVS has RS232 and RS485 output. RS232 data may be taken over cables up to 200 m long, whereas RS485 is suitable for longer cables (up to 1000 m), and allows for multiple addressed units on a single cable. The miniSVS may be optionally supplied with either a pressure or temperature sensor (but not both), and is available in a variety of sizes; 100 mm, 50 mm and 25 mm. It measures sound velocity over the range 1375-1900 m/s in water temperatures ranging from -5 to +35 degC. It is depth rated to 6000 m. Its accuracy is dependent on the sensor size chosen, and has a resolution of 0.001 m/s. | 2020-07-17 |
TOOL1816 | Valeport model 106 current meter | The Valeport model 106 current meter is an impeller current meter, designed for real time underwater current measurements or short to medium term autonomous deployments. The instrument outputs the current velocity and flow heading. It is made with a styrene impeller and an in-built flux gate compass. Impeller counts and heading are read on a 1-second cycle. In Direct Reading Mode, where cable lengths are in excess of 50 m, communication is via Digital Current Loop. The Model 106 is fitted with a data acquisition micro-controller, operating at 12-bit resolution. It has the ability to run autonomously, using an internal battery, or via cabled network. The instrument itself is made from titanium and polymers. Optional additions to the current meter include temperature and pressure sensors. The velocity range is between 0.03 and 5 m/s, and the compass reads 360 degrees, with 2.5 degree accuracy. The depth rating is 500 m. Power supply can be from a D type battery or 12-20 volt DC. | 2022-07-05 |
TOOL0502 | Van Dorn water sampler | A free-flushing water sample bottle comprising a cylinder (polycarbonate, acrylic or PVC) with a stopper at each end. The bottle is closed by means of a messenger from the surface releasing the tension on a latex band and thus pulling the two stoppers firmly into place. A thermometer can be mounted inside the bottle. One or more bottles can be lowered on a line to allow sampling at a single or multiple depth levels. Van Dorn samplers are suitable for for physical (temperature), chemical and biological sampling in shallow to very deep water. Bottles are typically lowered vertically through the water column although a horizontal version is available for sampling near the seabed or at thermoclines or chemoclines. Because of the lack of metal parts the bottles are suitable for trace metal sampling, although the blue polyurethane seal used in the Alpha version may leach mercury. The Beta version uses white ASA plastic seals that do not leach mercury but are less durable. | 2012-06-21 |
TOOL0653 | Van Veen grab | A simple clam-shell sediment grab penetrating approximately 20cm with a typical sampling area of 0.1m2 (but grab sizes can vary). On descent two levers with buckets at their ends are spread like open scissors that unlock on hitting the seabed. When pulled upwards the two buckets close and grab a sample. This is subject to more disturbance than by Craib or box corers. | 2013-11-26 |
TOOL1533 | Van Walt Ekman grab | A stainless steel sediment sampler designed to retrieve soft-sediment samples from rivers, harbours and shallow marine areas. The samples retrieved are semi-disturbed from the surface layers. The grab is lowered using an attached 30 m cable or rod. It has two spring-loaded jaws which are in the open position when lowered. The jaws are closed when a drop-weight is dropped (cable operated) or a button is pressed (rod operated). The jaws overlap once closed to prevent any loss of sample. The Ekman grab can be supplied with a 1.5m rod or cable for use in very shallow water. It has a sample volume of 3.5 litres, weighs 7 kg, and its overall dimensions are 152 x 152 x 152 mm. | 2020-09-01 |
TOOL0444 | Varian 3300 Gas Chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air. The instrument includes an injector, autosampler, capillary column and one or more detectors. The column oven accepts packed or fused silica capillary columns, while the instrument accommodates a range of standard and capillary injectors, including split/splitless, capillary septum-equipped programmable, large bore capillary, large bore capillary flash, packed column and packed flash types. Possible detector types are flame ionisation, thermionic sensitive, electron capture, flame photometric, thermal conductivity, electrolytic conductivity and photo-ionisation. Optional carrier gas and oxygen filters may also be incorporated into the instrument. The equipment is controlled by a built-in microcomputer and can perform electron-impact, chemical ionisation, and negative ion analysis. The instrument was originally manufactured by Varian, Inc., which was bought by Agilent Technologies in 2010. | 2011-11-16 |
TOOL1980 | Varian 3400 gas chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air. The column oven accepts packed or fused silica capillary columns, and a range of injectors may be used including Single Split/Splitless, standard, and capillary injectors. It can also be interfaced with the 8035 autosampler for automated operation. The instrument was originally manufactured by Varian, Inc., which was bought by Agilent Technologies in 2010. | 2023-08-09 |
TOOL0970 | Varian 3800 gas chromatograph | A laboratory instrument that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air using gas chromatography. In a standard configuration, the instrument accommodates up to three injectors, an autosampler, a column oven with three or more capillary columns and up to three detectors running simulaneously. The sample is vapourised then transported along the column within an inert gas flow. The carrier gas may be air, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen or argon-methane depending on the type of detector used. The system interfaces with traditional liquid autosamplers as well as a wide range of automated sample preparation devices. The column oven accepts packed or fused silica capillary columns and a range of injectors may be used including Split/Splitless, Programmable Temperature Vaporising, Septum-Equipped, On-Column,/Packed and Flash injectors. The system can be fitted with a variety of detectors including Flame Ionization (FID), Thermal Conductivity (TCD), Electron Capture (ECD), Thermionic Specific (TSD) and Pulsed Flame Photometric (PFPD). The PFPD provides selective detection for sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, and 25 additional elements. A time-gated electrometer and optical filters eliminate background signal from hydrocarbon interferences. The platform supports a wide range of GC analyzers from a single Gas Sampling Valve with packed column for permanent gas analysis to an advanced four-valve, three-channel system with multiple columns for Refinery Gas Analysis. The instrument was originally manufactured by Varian, Inc., which was bought by Agilent Technologies in 2010. | 2016-02-29 |
TOOL1849 | Varian 4970 proton magnetometer | A proton magnetometer used to measure the earth's magnetic field strength and detect variations in this field caused by the presence of ferrous objects. Applications include detection of underground pipes, unexploded ordnance, archaeological artefacts, and wrecks on the seafloor, among other things. | 2022-09-27 |
TOOL0421 | Varian 820-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer | A compact, floor-mounted inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) featuring 90 deg reflecting ion optics systems for gigahertz sensitivity (1000 Mc/s/mg/L) and low background and interferences. The instrument comprises a sample introduction system (spraychamber, nebuliser and peristaltic pump), solid state 27 MHz RF generator and Turner Interlaced Coils. Plasma positioning, the triple stage vacuum system (which is fully contained within the instrument), all plasma gas flows, the mass analyzer and the Discrete Dynode Electron Multiplier (DDEM) detector are fully controlled by a PC. The DDEM detector provides nine decades of dynamic range in an all-digital pulse design. The Varian 820-MS system also features a unique Collision Reaction Interface (CRI) providing fast, flexible, interference-free analysis using simple collision and reaction gases. The instrument was originally manufactured by Varian, Inc., which was bought by Agilent Technologies in 2010. | 2011-09-03 |
TOOL0523 | Varian Cary 50 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer | A laboratory instrument that measures the amount of light at discrete pre-determined wavelengths that is transmitted or emitted by a sample. The instrument uses a dual beam, Czerny-Turner monochromator with a 190-1100 nm wavelength range and approximately 1.5 nm fixed spectral bandwidth. It uses a full spectrum Xe pulse lamp single source and dual Si diode detectors. The instrument has scan rates of up to 24000 nm/min and a maximum measurement rate of 80 data points per s. It also has room light immunity. It was manufactured by Varian (now part of Agilent Technologies). | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL1981 | Varian Star 3400 CX gas chromatograph | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air. A range of injectors may be used including Split/Splitless, Flash Vaporizing, and On-Column/Packed injectors. The system can be fitted with a variety of detectors including Flame Ionization (FID) and Thermal Conductivity (TCD). The system can be fitted with dual injectors and detectors. The instrument was originally manufactured by Varian, Inc., which was bought by Agilent Technologies in 2010. | 2023-08-09 |
TOOL0863 | Varian V75 magnetometer | The Varian V75 magnetometer was a sealed towed proton precession magnetometer that takes measurements of the earth's magnetic field. No further information available. | 2022-06-08 |
TOOL0851 | Varian Vista-PRO (ICP-OES analysis) | The Varian Vista-PRO is a simultaneous inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) analyser. The patented VistaChip CCD is capable of measuring 73 elements in 35 seconds. The detector provides wavelength coverage from 167 to 785 nm. | 2015-04-28 |
TOOL0582 | Vector Instruments H301 psychrometer | A precision instrument for the measurement of air temperature and humidity by the wet and dry bulb method. A pair of 100 Ohm 4-terminal platinum resistance elements were enclosed in a double-walled enclosure with an optional radiation shield to minimise thermal radiation errors. The wet bulb element was enclosed by a wick leading to a 500 ml water reservoir (sufficient for 7 days) in a fan-driven airflow. Accuracy was quoted by the manufacturer as 0.2C with a response time of 50 seconds. The instrument was discontinued in 2010. | 2013-01-09 |
TOOL0923 | Vector Instruments air temperature sensor | Instrument used to measure air temperature. The model is unknown. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0924 | Vector Instruments cup anemometer | Instrument used to measure wind speed. The model is unknown. It is assumed to consist of a 3-cup rotor, a precision ball-race mounted shaft and internal modules and components to provide electrical output signals. The outline and mechanical design of Vector Instruments cup anemometers, common to the A100 series, has remained largely unchanged since the introduction of the original Porton Anemometer in 1972. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0925 | Vector Instruments wind vane | Instrument used to measure wind direction. The model is unknown. It is assumed to consist of a free-rotating fin that is mounted on a shaft and internal modules and components to provide electrical output signals. | 2015-07-30 |
TOOL0706 | Vemco Minilog II T 16-bit Temperature Logger | The VEMCO Minilog II T is a fully submersible, 10-year temperature data logger measures and stores temperature at specified sampling intervals. The Minilog- II-T data logger is manufactured to withstand both fresh and saltwater environments. | 2014-06-12 |
TOOL0105 | Vemco Minilog12 temperature recorder | A miniature data logger that records temperature at a user programmed time interval. 12-bit version gives a resolution of 0.015C and an accuracy of +-0.1C. It is housed in a waterproof cylinder and the temperature sensor is mounted on a protruding stainless steel probe. Further information may be found on the BODC document server at URL: http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/documents/nodb/108661/ | 2014-02-14 |
TOOL0665 | Vemco Minilog12 temperature-pressure recorder | A miniature data logger that records temperature and depth at a user programmed time interval. 12-bit version gives a resolution of 0.015 degC and an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. It is housed in a waterproof cylinder and the temperature sensor is mounted on a protruding stainless steel probe. | 2014-02-14 |
TOOL0181 | Vemco Minilog8 temperature recorder | A miniature data logger that records temperature at a user programmed time interval. 8-bit version gives a resolution of 0.1C and an accuracy of between +-0.2C to +-0.3C depending on range specified. It is housed in a waterproof cylinder and the temperature sensor is mounted on a protruding stainless steel probe. | 2014-02-14 |
TOOL1152 | Vemco V13 Coded Transmitter Tag | A small (13 mm diamter) acoustic transmitter used to track and determine the behavioural patterns of small and juvenile fish, for applications such as site residency studies and automated monitoring of migrations. Coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag along with the sensor telemetry data. The V13 can function as a simple pinger for location only, or it can be equipped with additional sensors to include depth (V13P) and temperature (V13T) data. When used with the VR2 and or VR3 receiver, they can be used to track large numbers of fish over large areas. The V13 can also be tracked using the VR28, the VR100, or VR60 (with Option 07 version 2.01) receivers, or the VRAP system. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1153 | Vemco V13AP Coded Accelerometer Pressure Transmitter Tag | A coded acoustic transmitter used to measure the activity of free-ranging marine fauna, most commonly fish. The transmitter measures the 3D acceleration with depth of fauna moving within a reciever array as a vector quantity, i.e. it measures acceleration on 3 axes X, Y and Z, in metres per second squared. Other applications may include determination of swimming speed via tail beat acceleration, activity responses to changing oxygen, temperature and salinity, and detecting mortality through predation, seismic blasting, toxic spills, feeding events, spawning activity, nocturnal/diurnal activity or wave action. One of two modes of operation can be specified; an activity alogorithm or tailbeat algorithm. Coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag and sensor data. For dual sensor tags, there are two tag IDs. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1154 | Vemco V16 Coded Transmitter Tag | A 16 mm diamter acoustic transmitter used to track and determine the behavioural patterns of medium to large marine species. Coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag along with the sensor telemetry data. The V16 can function as a simple pinger for location only, or it can be equipped with additional sensors to include depth (V16P) and temperature (V16T) data, or both (V16TP). When used with the VR2W or VR4-UWM receiver, they can be used to track large numbers of fish over large areas. The V16 can also be manually tracked using the VR100 acoustic tracking receiver. The V16 tag will last anywhere between one month and several years depending on the chosen battery size, and will give a transmission range in excess of several hundered metres. | 2017-11-01 |
TOOL1155 | Vemco V7 Coded Transmitter Tag | A small (7 mm diamter) acoustic transmitter used to track and determine the behavioural patterns of small and juvenile fish. The V7 tag is particularly suited for monitoring of salmon smolt migrations, and can be used to track large numbers of fish over large areas. V7 coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag. The V7 can be detected by all VEMCO 69 kHz receivers. There are two battery options, the 2L or 4L. To control the characteristics of the tags, users can choose from one to four programming steps: Status (ON/OFF), time interval, acoustic power level (L/H) and nominal delay. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1156 | Vemco V8 Coded Transmitter Tag | A small (8 mm diamter) acoustic transmitter used to track and determine the behavioural patterns of small and juvenile fish. The V8 tag is particularly suited for monitoring of salmon smolt migrations, and can be used to track large numbers of fish over large areas. The V8 offers an alternative between the V7 and V9 tags due to its higher output power and greater detection range. V8 coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag. The V8 can be detected by all VEMCO 69 kHz receivers. There are two battery options, the 4L or 4H. To control the characteristics of the tags, users can choose from one to four programming steps: Status (ON/OFF), time interval, acoustic power level (L/H) and nominal delay. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1157 | Vemco V9 Coded Transmitter Tag | A small (9 mm diamter) acoustic transmitter used to track and determine the behavioural patterns of small and juvenile fish. The V9 tag is particularly suited for monitoring of salmon smolt migrations, and can be used to track large numbers of fish over large areas. V9 coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag. The V9 tag can function as a simple pinger giving location only, or it can be equipped with depth (V9P) and temperature (V9T) sensors, or both (V9TP). The V9 can be used with the VR2W monitoring receiver, and can also be actively tracked using the VR100 acoustic tracking receiver. | 2017-11-01 |
TOOL1158 | Vemco V9AP Coded Transmitter Tag | A coded acoustic transmitter used to measure the activity of free-ranging fauna in nature, most commonly fish. The transmitter measures the 3D acceleration with depth of fauna moving within a reciever array as a vector quantity, i.e. it measures acceleration on 3 axes X, Y and Z, in metres per second squared. Other applications may include determination of swimming speed via tail beat acceleration, activity responses to changing oxygen, temperature and salinity, and detecting mortality through predation, seismic blasting, toxic spills, feeding events, spawning activity, nocturnal/diurnal activity or wave action. One of two modes of operation can be specified; an activity alogorithm or tailbeat algorithm. Coded transmitters send acoustic pings at 69 kHz that are infrequent and random about an average delay. This ping train includes an ID number which permits identification of the specific tag and sensor data. For dual sensor tags, there are two tag IDs. The V9 is also available as an accelerometer option only (V9A). | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1164 | Vemco VR2 Receiver | An acoustic receiver comprising hydrophone, receiver, ID detector, data logging memory and battery housed within a submersible corrosion-resistant case. It is used to remotely retrieve ID numbers and time stamps from VEMCO coded transmitter tags deployed on marine fauna travelling within the VR2's receiver range. The VR2 is ideal for use in river monitoring or freshwater lake studies, as well as large tracking operations in oceanic systems. It features a Smart LED (light emitting diode), two megabytes of data storage (approx. 300000 detections), a resume study feature, and a replaceable battery (single Lithium cell). Detections are stored in the VR2's memory for later retrieval using a VR PC interface and a PC computer running VUEsoftware. The VR2 is now discontinued and has been replaced by the Vemco VR2W receivers. | 2022-04-27 |
TOOL1159 | Vemco VR2AR Acoustic Release, Receiver and Transmitter | The VR2AR is a submersible acoustic receiver, combining an acoustic release with a VR2Tx (a VR2W receiver with a built in V16-like transmitter). It is used with Vemco coded transmitter tags placed on marine fauna to track their movements or behaviour. These detections are then received and stored by Vemco receivers, whose content are monitored by the VR2AR. The unit allows remote communication with all Vemco 69 kHz receivers while still deployed, and it can be retrieved via the built-in acoustic release. Deployed receivers can also be retrieved via the VR2AR, and their status monitored on demand via communication with a surface VR100 tracking receiver and transponding hydrophone. Receiver health, tilt angle, range, temperature, battery life and memory can be monitored in this way. The total number of detections stored by different receivers and specific transmitter tag IDs can also be monitored. An optional flotation collar is available to assist in location and retrieval of the VR2AR. It attaches below the receiver hydrophone ensuring there are no shadowing effects on the receiver. It has a maximum depth rating of 500m, battery life of approximately 14 months and 16 MB internal storage. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL0949 | Vemco VR2C Acoustic Monitoring Receiver | A fully autonomous acoustic receiver for monitoring the presence of tagged fauna. It is cabled and has an embedded temperature sensor in its head (typical accuracy +/- 0.5 deg C). It can have a receiver frequency of 69 kHz or 180 kHz and is depth rated to 500 m. | 2015-11-27 |
TOOL1788 | Vemco VR2Tx receiver and transmitter | A submersible single-channel acoustic receiver with onboard transmitting capabilities, designed for use in the monitoring of aquatic fauna. It is capable of transmitting its assigned ID code, identifying other Vemco coded transmitters in the receiver area, and acoustically communicating with a surface VR100-200 receiver. It can communicate additional information and make select changes to other Vemco transmitters via the surface VR100-200 receiver. It uses VUE software for communication via Bluetooth. The VR2Tx is housed in a corrosion-resistant cylindrical high-pressure plastic case, depth-rated to 500 m. The VR2Tx has 16 MB of onboard memory storage (approx. 1.6 million detections). The VR2Tx operates on a factory-set frequency of 69 kHz, and has an approximate battery life of 14 months. It can operate in temperatures ranging from -5 degC to +40 degC. | 2022-04-08 |
TOOL1160 | Vemco VR2W Single Channel Receiver | A single channel acoustic receiver comprising hydrophone, receiver, ID detector, data logging memory and battery all within submersible housing. It is used to remotely retrieve ID numbers and time stamps from all Vemco 69 and 180 kHz acoustic transmitter tags deployed on marine fauna travelling within the VR2W's receiver range. The VR2W is ideal for use in river monitoring or freshwater lake studies, as well as large tracking operations in oceanic systems. Depth, temperature and other data can also be downloaded, and uploaded to a PC via Bluetooth wireless technology at a rate of approximately 8 seconds per 10000 detections. The VR2W features 16 MB internal storage, enabling storage of approximately 1.6 million detections. | 2017-10-16 |
TOOL1161 | Vemco VR4-UWM Underwater Modem Receiver | A submersible acoustic receiver capable of detecting all Vemco coded transmitter tags (both 69 kHz and 180 kHz tags) and communicating remotely to a surface modem. The instrument is ideally suited to site residency and migratory studies of marine fauna over an extended period, and is suitable in offshore deployments. The VR4-UWM records the ID and time stamp from coded transmitter tags deployed on marine fauna that enter the receiver's range. Temperature, depth and acceleration data can also be collected. The instrument subsequently transmits this data to a surface unit, which can be loaded to a PC in the field without the need to retrieve the instrument. The VR4-UWM has a maximum depth rating of 500 m. It can store more than 800000 detections and be deployed undisturbed for more than six years. | 2017-10-16 |
NETT0164 | Vertical and horizontal closing nets with flow meter - Nansen (1915) | Construction has a 35 to 100 cm net diameter (but up to 300 cm for Murray and Hjort Expedition of 1910); 50 cm cylindrical portion of canvas; 150 cm long conical section of silk (no size given) [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 5 A]. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0165 | Vertical high-speed plankton net - Jaschnov (1961) | Rectangular mouth opening. Closed like a Juday net. Used No. 38 silk. Speeds up to 2.8 m/sec (5+ knots) | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1584 | Video Plankton Recorder {VPR} imaging system - Davis et al. (1992) | The Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) is an underwater video microscope system allowing image generation of plankton and particulate matter particles from 50 µm to a few centimetres in size. The device can be used on towed bodies e.g. V-fin depressor, and SeaSoar (a towed undulating vehicle); Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) e.g. JASON and SeaRover; Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) e.g. REMUS; and autonomous profiling moorings. A video camera mounted in one of the arms focuses on a point midway between the two arms. A strobe on the other arm illuminates the imaged volume and flashes 60 times per second, producing 60 images per second of the particles and plankton in the water. The images are then saved internally on a computer hard disk and later plotted. A CTD can also be mounted next to the VPR to collect basic physico-chemical parameters such as depth, temperature, and salinity at the same time as each video image. The VPR has a depth rating of 350 meters. | 2021-01-28 |
TOOL1903 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star CST-10-DR transmissometer | An underwater optical beam transmissometer capable of free-space measurements or mounting in a flow tube with a pump, with underway, moored or profiling applications. The instrument outputs calculated beam attenuation, with 14-bit digital or analog output. Sample rate is up to 8 Hz and spectral bandwidth is ~20 nm. This model has a path length of 10 cm, wavelength of 650 nm (red) and is depth rated to 6000 m. | 2023-02-28 |
TOOL1902 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star CST-25-DR transmissometer | An underwater optical beam transmissometer capable of free-space measurements or mounting in a flow tube with a pump, with underway, moored or profiling applications. The instrument outputs calculated beam attenuation, with 14-bit digital or analog output. Sample rate is up to 8 Hz and spectral bandwidth is ~20 nm. This model has a path length of 25 cm, wavelength of 650 nm (red) and is depth rated to 6000 m. | 2023-02-28 |
TOOL0160 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star transmissometer | An underwater optical beam transmissometer capable of free-space measurements or mounting in a flow tube with a pump for underway or moored applications. It is available in a variety of wavelengths, typically red, blue or green, with a path length of 10 or 25 cm, and in deep or shallow options. | 2023-02-28 |
TOOL0060 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO BB(RT)D backscattering sensor | Single angle optical backscattering meter, measures scattering at 117 degrees. Provides analog or RS-232 serial output with 4000-count range. The housing is constructed from titanium and has a 6000m depth rating, operating effectively between temperatures of 0°C and 30°C. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1747 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO BB2F combined scattering meter and fluorometer | The Environmental Characterization Optics, or ECO miniature combination scattering meter and fluorometer allows the user to measure backscattering at two wavelengths (470 and 740 nm) at 117 degrees and chlorophyll fluorescence within the same volume. The instrument is used to monitor chlorophyll concentration by directly measuring the amount of chlorophyll-a fluorescence emission from a given sample volume of water. Chlorophyll, when excited by the presence of an external light source, absorbs light in certain regions of the visible spectrum and re-emits a small portion of this light as fluorescence at longer wavelengths. The ECO uses two bright blue LEDs (centred at 455 nm and modulated at 1 kHz) to provide the excitation source. A blue interference filter is used to reject the small amount of red light emitted by the LEDs. The blue light from the sources enters the water volume at an angle of approximately 55-60 degrees with respect to the end face of the unit. Fluoresced light is received by a detector positioned where the acceptance angle forms a 117-degree intersection with the source beam. A red interference filter is used to discriminate against the scattered blue excitation light. The red fluorescence emitted is synchronously detected by a silicon photodiode. The ECO uses three LEDs (modulated at 1 kHz) for source light. The source light enters the water volume and scattered material is detected by a detector positioned where the acceptance angle forms a 117-degree intersection with the source beam. Figure 3 shows the optical configuration for the ECO-BB2F. The instrument has an operational temperature range of 0 - 30 degrees Celsius, and a depth rating of 600 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1125 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO BB9 backscattering sensor | A sensor system for measuring optical backscattering at 9 wavelengths between 412 - 715 nm. It uses nine LEDs (modulated at 1 kHz) for source light. The source light enters the water volume and scattered material is detected by a detector positioned where the acceptance angle forms a 117-degree intersection with the source beam. It contains three BB3 instruments and one data multiplexer (ECO Mux), all contained within a single pressure housing. Each BB3 instrument provides a backscatter measurement for three different wavelengths. It can include auxiliary sensors. Older versions could be fitted with an optional temperature and pressure sensor. Optical range is approx. 0.0024 - 5 m-1. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0172 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL fluorometer | An open flat-face fluorometer that can be used to measure relative chlorophyll, CDOM, uranine, phycocyanin, or phycoerythrin concentrations by directly measuring the amount of fluorescence emission in a sample volume of water. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1392 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT) fluorometer | A single-channel fluorometer used to measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a, CDOM, uranine, rhodamine, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in marine environments. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with an approximate 16,300-count range. This 'Real Time' instrument is able to provide continuous operation when powered. The FL(RT) can measure phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range 0-125 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.02 ug/l. The instrument can operate over the temperature range 0-30 degC and is rated to 600 m as standard. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1439 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FL(RT)D fluorometer | A single-channel fluorometer used to measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a, CDOM, uranine, rhodamine, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in marine environments. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with an approximate 16,300-count range. The D designation signifies this instrument is depth rated to 6000 m. This 'Real Time' instrument is able to provide continuous operation when powered. The fluorometer can measure phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range 0-125 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.02 ug/l. The instrument can operate over the temperature range 0-30 degC. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1440 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLB fluorometer | A single-channel fluorometer used to measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a, CDOM, uranine, rhodamine, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in marine environments. The (B) in the designation signifies a standard FL model with internal memory and internal batteries for autonomous operation. The fluorometer can measure phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range 0-125 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.02 ug/l. The instrument can operate over the temperature range 0-30 degC and with internal batteries is depth rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1361 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLBB scattering fluorescence sensor | A dual-optical-sensor that carries a single-wavelength chlorophyll fluorometer (470nm ex/695nm em) and backscattering sensor (700 nm) that measures phytoplankton and particle concentration. It operates by using blue (470nm) and red (700 nm) LEDs that alternately flash. The blue LED stimulates chlorophyll fluorescence in plants while the red light illuminates the total particle field. The backscattering sensor has an in-water centroid angle of 142 degrees and can be calibrated to measure turbidity. The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0-30 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.015 ug/l. The backscattering sensor can measure within the range 0-3 m-1, with a sensitivity of 0.0015 m-1. The instrument output in the standard version is digital and uses a low power mode and stores data. Other variants are used. The instrument is rated to a depth of 600m as standard, with the options of deeper instruments rated up to 6000m and instruments with bio-wipers, rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1496 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLBB-RTD scattering and fluorescence sensor | A dual-optical-sensor that carries a single-wavelength chlorophyll fluorometer (470nm ex/695nm em) and backscattering sensor (700 nm) designed to measure chlorophyll and particle concentration. The instrument is capable of various combinations of backscatter, turbidity and fluorescence measurements. These include blue, green or red scattering, Chlorophyll-a, FDOM, Phycocyanin, Phycoerythrin, or Rhodamine fluorescence. It operates by using blue (470nm) and red (700 nm) LEDs that alternately flash. The blue LED stimulates chlorophyll fluorescence in plants while the red light illuminates the total particle field. It features active anti-fouling due to its copper faceplate and wiper, plus internal batteries, enabling long-term deployments. It also produces real-time data outputs. The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0-30 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.025 ug/l. The backscattering sensor can measure within the range 0-3 m-1, with a sensitivity of 0.002 m-1. It is rated to 6000m depth. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1141 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLBBCD scattering fluorescence sensor | A combined three channel ECO back scatter sensor for floats. It measures proxies of phytoplankton abundance (chlorophyll fluorescence), total particle concentration (backscattering, 700 nm), and dissolved organic matter (CDOM fluorescence) in a single data stream. It has an in-water centroid angle of 124 degrees and is housed in aluminium. The sensor can be fitted with optional temperature and pressure sensor. It has an operating temperature range of 0-30 degrees Celsius and operating depth range of 2000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0215 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor | The ECO-FLNTU combines the ECO fluorometer with an optical turbidity sensor, allowing the user to simultaneously measure chlorophyll fluorescence at 470 nm, and turbidity at 700 nm within the same volume. The ECO-FLNTU provides the capabilities of the ECO-FLNTU(RT), but with the addition of periodic sampling (as opposed to operating continuously when powered). The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0.01-50 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.01 ug/l. The turbidity sensor can measure within the range 0.01-25 NTU, with a sensitivity of 0.01 NTU. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-20 degC and is rated to a depth of 600 m as standard, with an optional deeper (6000 m) rated unit. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1283 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU(RT) combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor | A combined ECO fluorometer and optical scattering meter for simultaneous determination of fluorescence and turbidity in various marine environments. The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0.01-50 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.025 ug/l, at wavelengths of 470 or 695 nm. The turbidity sensor can measure within the range 0.01-25 NTU, with a sensitivity of 0.01 NTU, at a wavelength of 700 nm. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with continuous operation when power is supplied. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC and is rated to a depth of 600 m as standard, with the option of a 'deep' instrument rated to 6000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1531 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTU(RT)D combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor | This optical sensor is available in combinations of backscattering, turbidity, and fluorescence measurements. It records in real-time and does not store data. ECOs feature optional active anti-fouling and internal batteries for long-term deployments. This instrument has a user-selectable sample rate up to 8 Hz The fluorometer can typically measure pigment concentrations in the range 0-75 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.037 ug/l, at wavelengths of 470 or 695 nm. The turbidity sensor can measure within the range 0-200 NTU, with a sensitivity of 0.098 NTU, at a wavelength of 700 nm. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC and is rated to a depth of 6000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1629 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTUS combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor | A combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor. The (S) designation signifies that this sensor has an integrated anti-fouling bio-wiper and copper faceplate. The instrument measures chlorophyll fluorescence at 470 nm and turbidity at 700 nm within the same volume. Chlorophyll is excited by the presence of an external light source, this excitement is detected as Chlorophyll-a fluorescence by a detector for a given sample volume of water. Turbidity is measured simultaneously by detecting the scattered light from an external light source. Key characteristics are two light sources: (1) two bright blue LEDs centred at 455 nm and modulated at 1 kHz (to excite Chlorophyll-a) and (2) one 700 nm LED (to scatter from particulate matter). Detectors for fluorescence and turbidity are positioned at a 140 degree angle to the light sources. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0 - 30 degC and is rated to a depth of 300 m as standard. The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0.01 - 50 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.01 ug/l, at wavelengths of 470 (excitation) or 695 (emission) nm. The turbidity sensor can measure within the range 0.01 - 25 NTU, with a sensitivity of 0.01 NTU, at a wavelength of 700 nm. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1320 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLNTUSB combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor | A combined fluorometer and turbidity sensor with an internal battery power supply. The instrument is designed to be used for autonomous operation. The (SB) designation signifies that this sensor is fitted with internal batteries for autonomous operation. Measures chlorophyll fluorescence at 470 nm and turbidity at 700 nm within the same volume. Chlorophyll is excited by the presence of an external light source, this excitement is detected as Chlorophyll-a fluorescence by a detector for a given sample volume of water. Turbidity is measured simultaneously by detecting the scattered light from an external light source. Key characteristics are two light sources: (1) two bright blue LEDs centred at 455 nm and modulated at 1 kHz (to excite Chlorophyll-a) and (2) one 700 nm LED (to scatter from particulate matter). Detectors for fluorescence and turbidity are positioned at a 140 degree angle to the light sources. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0 - 20 degC and is rated to a depth of 300 m as standard. The fluorometer can typically measure phytoplankton concentrations in the range 0.01-50 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.01 ug/l, at wavelengths of 470 (excitation) or 695 (emission) nm. The turbidity sensor can measure within the range 0.01-25 NTU, with a sensitivity of 0.01 NTU, at a wavelength of 700 nm. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1438 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLS fluorometer | A single-channel fluorometer used to measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a, CDOM, uranine, rhodamine, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in marine environments. The (S) in the designation signifies a standard FL model with bio-wiper to prevent bio-fouling. The fluorometer can measure phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range 0-125 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.02 ug/l. The instrument can operate over the temperature range 0-30 degC and is rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1441 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO FLSB fluorometer | A single-channel fluorometer used to measure fluorescence from chlorophyll-a, CDOM, uranine, rhodamine, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin in marine environments. The (S) in the designation signifies a standard FL model with bio-wiper to prevent bio-fouling. The (B) in the designation signifies internal memory and internal batteries for autonomous operation. The fluorometer can measure phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range 0-125 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.02 ug/l. The instrument can operate over the temperature range 0-30 degC and with internal batteries and bio-wiper is depth rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1976 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO MCOMS FLBB2 scattering and fluorescence sensor | A three-in-one optical sensor that carries a single chlorophyll-a fluorometer and two scattering meters. It is mounted on various autonomous profiling floats to support biogeochemical studies of the ocean, such as chlorophyll-a and particle concentration estimation, and ocean colour satellite product validation. The fluorometer is configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths, whereas the two scattering meters (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) can be configured to measure backscattering at user-defined wavelengths of 470 nm, 532 nm, 650 nm or 700 nm. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010. | 2023-07-25 |
TOOL1977 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO MCOMS FLBBCD scattering and fluorescence sensor | A three-in-one optical sensor that carries a chlorophyll-a fluorometer, a scattering meter and a FDOM/CDOM fluorometer. It is mounted on various autonomous profiling floats to support biogeochemical studies of the ocean, such as chlorophyll-a and particle concentration estimation, and the cycling of dissolved organic matter. The two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM) at 370 nm (excitation) / 460 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 150 deg) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is part of the Environmental Characterization Optics (ECO) series tools, originally developed and manufactured at WET Labs and rebranded as a Sea-Bird Scientific product following the company's acquisition by Danaher in 2010. | 2023-07-25 |
TOOL1713 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO MCOMS scattering fluorescence sensor | A three-in-one optical sensor with two possible configurations: a single chlorophyll-a fluorometer and two scattering meters (FLBB2 configuration: http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL1976/), or a chlorophyll-a fluorometer, a single scattering meter, and a FDOM/CDOM fluorometer (FLBBCD configuration: http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL1977/). The sensor measures backscatter at 700 nm, and chlorophyll fluorescence at +/- 0.2 percent of full scale (relative to specific monoculture of phytoplankton (diatom) grown in specific light/nutrient conditions). It is pressure rated to 2000 decibars. The WET Labs ECO MCOMS sensor has an in-water centroid measurement angle of 150 degrees, which differentiates it from the standard WET Labs ECO sensor series. For further details see https://doi.org/10.13155/39459. | 2023-07-26 |
TOOL0879 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTU turbidity sensor | The ECO-NTU uses optical scattering at 700m to measure turbidity over the range 0-125 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), with a sensitivity of 0.02 NTU or a range of 0-1000 NTU at a sensitivity of 0.12 NTU. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC. It has an analog signal output and a depth ratting of 600 m (300 m if the optional bio-wiper is fitted). | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1284 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTU(RT) turbidity sensor | An optical scattering meter designed to measure turbidity in various marine environments. It measures turbidity at a wavelenth of 700 nm over the range 0-125 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), with a sensitivity of 0.02 NTU or a range of 0-1000 NTU at a sensitivity of 0.12 NTU. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with continuous operation when power is supplied. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC, and optional temperature and pressure sensors may be included. The instrument is depth-rated to 600 m as standard, with the option of a 'deep' instrument rated to 6000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0452 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTU(RT)D turbidity sensor | The ECO-NTU(RT)D uses optical scattering at 700m to measure turbidity over the range 0-125 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), with a sensitivity of 0.02 NTU or a range of 0-1000 NTU at a sensitivity of 0.12 NTU. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with continuous operation when power is supplied. The D in the designation signifies a depth rating of 6000 m. Optional temperature and pressure sensors may be included. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1390 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTUS turbidity sensor | An optical scattering meter designed to measure in situ turbidity in various marine environments. The (S) in the designation signifies the capability of the NTU with an integrated anti-fouling Bio-Wiper. The instrument measures turbidity at a wavelenth of 700 nm over the range 0-125 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), with a sensitivity of 0.02 NTU, or a range of 0-1000 NTU at a sensitivity of 0.12 NTU. The (S) instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC. and is depth-rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1391 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO NTUSB turbidity sensor | An optical scattering meter designed to measure in situ turbidity in various marine environments. The (SB) in the designation signifies the capabilities of the NTU with an integrated anti-fouling Bio-Wiper and internal batteries for autonomous operation. The instrument measures turbidity at a wavelenth of 700 nm over the range 0-125 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), with a sensitivity of 0.02 NTU, or a range of 0-1000 NTU at a sensitivity of 0.12 NTU. The (SB) instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC. and is depth-rated to 300 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0676 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO PAR | A cosine-collector underwater light meter in an acetal co-polymer housing sensitive to photosynthetically-active (400-700nm) radiation (PAR). It is equipped with 'Bio-wiper' technology to prevent biofouling and so is capable of long-term deployments on buoys and moorings. For more information see http://www.wetlabs.com/eco-par. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1993 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck FLNTU-SLK fluorescence turbidity sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a two-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a chlorophyll-a fluorometer and an optical turbidity sensor. ECO Pucks are real-time only sensors as they are integrated onto the platform that provides power and data handling. The SLK designation signifies this is a second generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders. The fluorometers and turbidity sensor are single wavelength sensors. The model is depth-rated to 1000 m. The fluorometer excitation / emission wavelengths are 470 / 700 nm respectively. Turbidity is measured at 700 nm, the detectors for both fluorescence and turbidity are positioned at a 140-degree intersection. | 2023-11-24 |
TOOL1881 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-IRB scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a fluorometer and 2 scattering meters. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The IRB designation signifies this is a model that is specific for integration into Kongsberg Seagliders. It replaced the VMT puck. It has an IE55 connector that potted into the sensor housing, for integration. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. | 2023-02-09 |
TOOL1316 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-SLC {FLBBBB-SLC} scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a fluorometer and 2 scattering meters. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLC designation signifies this is a third generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders with a dry science bay. The fluorometer and scattering meters are single wavelength sensors. The model is fitted with an added copper faceplate for bio-fouling mitigation and is depth-rated to 1000 m. | 2025-02-28 |
TOOL1310 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB2FL-VMT scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a fluorometer and two scattering meters. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The VMT designation signifies this is a model that is specific for integration into Kongsberg Seagliders. It is the predecessor to the IRB puck. The VMT puck included a ca. 12 inch (ca. 30.5 cm) pigtail with IE55 connector that was potted into the sensor housing, for integration. The fluorometer and scattering meters are single wavelength sensors. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1911 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BB3SLO scattering sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 3 scattering meters. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLO designation signifies this is a 1st generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. The model is depth-rated to 600 m. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL1311 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BBFL2-IRB scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 2 fluorometers and a scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The IRB designation signifies this is a model that is specific for integration into Kongsberg Seagliders. It replaced the VMT puck. It has an IE55 connector that potted into the sensor housing, for integration. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1317 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BBFL2-SLO scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 2 fluorometers and a scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLO designation signifies this is a 1st generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. The model is depth-rated to 200 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1309 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet BBFL2-VMT scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 2 fluorometers and a scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The VMT designation signifies this is a model that is specific for integration into Kongsberg Seagliders. It is the predecessor to the IRB puck. The VMT puck included a ca. 12 inch (ca. 30.5 cm) pigtail with IE55 connector that was potted into the sensor housing, for integration. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1912 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FL3SLO fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 3 fluorescence sensors. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLO designation signifies this is a 1st generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. The model is depth-rated to 600 m. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL1312 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLC scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a chlorophyll-a fluorometer, FDOM fluorometer and scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLC designation signifies this is a third generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders with a dry science bay. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. The model is fitted with an added copper faceplate for bio-fouling mitigation and is depth-rated to 1000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1313 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBCD-SLK scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a chlorophyll-a fluorometer, FDOM fluorometer and scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The SLK designation signifies this is a second generation model that is specific for integration into Slocum gliders. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. The model is depth-rated to 1000 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1905 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBFL scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries two single-wavelength chlorophyll fluorometers and a single-angle scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real-time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. This instrument is designed to be integrated with autonomous platforms, (e.g. profiling floats) and data are transmitted in real time. In this variant the two fluorometers are configured to detect chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 470 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths and chlorophyll-a fluorescence at 435 nm (excitation) / 695 nm (emission) wavelengths respectively, whereas the scattering meter (in-water centroid angle of 124 degrees) is configured to measure backscattering at 700 nm wavelength. The instrument is depth rated to 2000 m. | 2023-03-11 |
TOOL1904 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet FLBBPC scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the ECO Puck Triplet (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0673/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries 2 fluorometers and a scattering meter. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. This instrument is designed to be integrated with autonomous platforms, (e.g. an Alseamar Seaexplorer glider) and data are transmitted in real time. This variant is configured to measure optical scattering over 124 degrees at a single wavelength from 470, 532 or 650 nm, phycocyanin, and one of chl-a, CDOM, phycoerythrin, uranine or rhodamine. Standard depth rating is 600 m. | 2023-03-08 |
TOOL0673 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Puck Triplet sensor | A miniature version of the ECO Triplet sensor. It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that is designed for use in AUVs, gliders and profiling floats and carries any combination of single-wavelength fluorometers or scattering sensors. ECO Pucks are real‐time only sensors as they are integrated onto the OEM platform that provides power and data handling. The fluorometers can be configured (with typical sensitivities) for chlorophyll (470/695 nm, sensitivity 0.015-0.025 ug/l), FDOM (370/460 nm, sensitivity 0.184 ppb), phycocyanin (630/680 nm, sensitivity 0.086 ppb), phycoerythrin (520/595 nm, sensitivity 0.086 ppb), uranine (470/530 nm, sensitivity 0.073 ppb) or rhodamine (520/595 nm, 0.086 ppb). The scattering meter can typically measure optical scattering at blue, green or red wavelengths (412, 470, 532, 650, 700 and 880 nm, sensitivity 0.002-0.003 m-1). | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1315 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet 6KBBFL2 {6KFLFLBB} scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the standard ECO Triplet sensor (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0674/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries two fluorometers and a scattering meter. The 6K designation signifies this model is depth rated to 6000 m meters. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL1314 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet 6KFLBBCD scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the standard ECO Triplet sensor (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0674/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a chlorophyll-a fluorometer, FDOM fluorometer and scattering meter. The 6K designation signifies this model is depth rated to 6000 m meters. The fluorometers and scattering meter are single wavelength sensors. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL1282 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet BBFL2 scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the standard ECO Triplet sensor (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0674/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument designed for simultaneous, multiple-sensor determination of fluorescence and turbidity from various autonomous and unattended platforms in the marine environment. The BBFL2 instrument measures backscatter (650 nm), chlorophyll and CDOM fluorescence. The BBFL2 is available with optional active anti-fouling and internal batteries for long-term deployments. It measures backscatter at 650 nm wavelength, over the range 0–5 m-1 and with a sensitivity of 0.003 m-1. Chlorophyll concentration is measured over the range 0-50 ug/l, with a sensitivity of 0.025 ug/l. CDOM is measured over the range 0-375 ppb, with a sensitivity of 0.28 ppb. The instrument is stable over a temperature range of 0-30 degC and is rated to a depth of 600 m as standard. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL2031 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet FLBBBBRT6K scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the standard ECO Triplet sensor (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0674/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a fluorometer, and two scattering meters. The 6K designation signifies this model is depth rated to 6000 m meters. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with continuous operation when power is supplied. The fluorometer and scattering meters are single wavelength sensors. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL2032 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet FLBBCDRT6K scattering fluorescence sensor | A variant of the standard ECO Triplet sensor (http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L22/current/TOOL0674/). It is a three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that carries a fluorometer (FL), a scattering meter (BB), and a fluorescence sensor for coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) (CD). The 6K designation signifies this model is depth rated to 6000 m meters. The (RT) in the designation signifies both an analog and RS-232 serial output with continuous operation when power is supplied. The fluorometer, scattering meter, and CDOM fluorescence sensor are single wavelength sensors. | 2024-05-22 |
TOOL0674 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO Triplet sensor | A three-optical-sensor, user-defined instrument that may carry any combination of single-wavelength fluorometers or scattering meters. They are deployed on a CTD/IOP system or moored as fully autonomous sensors. The fluorometers can be configured (with typical sensitivities) for chlorophyll (470/695 nm, sensitivity 0.015-0.025 ug/l), FDOM (370/460 nm, sensitivity 0.184 ppb), phycocyanin (630/680 nm, 0.086 ppb), phycoerythrin (520/595 nm, sensitivity 0.086 ppb), uranine (470/530 nm, sensitivity 0.073 ppb) or rhodamine (520/595 nm, 0.086 ppb). The scattering meter can typically measure optical scattering at blue, green or red wavelengths (412, 470, 532, 650, 700 and 880 nm, sensitivity 0.002-0.003 m-1). The overall sensor can have a depth rating up to 6000 m depending on configuration. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0401 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ECO VSF optical backscatter meter | A three-angle optical backscatter meter, measuring scattering in water at 100, 125 and 150 deg for a wavelength of 470, 532 or 660 nm. It provides RS-232 serial output with 4000-count range, has a standard depth rating of 600 m and operates over the temperature range 0-30 degC. Optional extras include pressure and temperature sensors, internal data logging, internal batteries, anti-fouling capabilities and user-programmable sampling strategy. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1766 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} SeaOWL UV-A Sea Oil-in-Water Locator | An optical backscattering sensor measuring chlorophyll, backscattering and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (FDOM). It uses the same UV-A excitation and blue emission wavelengths currently used in the WET Labs ECO FDOM fluorometer. It is optimised for measuring crude oil in seawater. The chlorophyll fluorescence and backscattering measurements enable discrimination of crude oil from phytoplankton and other natural sources of FDOM. The SeaOWL UV-A improves the resolution and range of the ECO with a greater depth of field, optimised electronics and dynamic gain stage modulation, providing high sensitivity across a large detection range. The SeaOWL UV-A measures backscatter at 700 nm with a sensitivity of 1E-06 m-1 sr -1, over a range of 0-0.04 m-1 sr -1. Chlorophyll fluorescence is measured at 470 EX/890 EM nm with a sensitivity of 0.005 ug/l, over a range of 0.005 - 250 ug/l. FDOM is measured at 370 EX/460 EM nm with a sensitivity of 0.03 ppb QSDE, over a range of 0.03 - 900 ppb QSDE. The limit of oil detection is < 80 ppb at a sensitivity of 3 ppb. The instrument is depth-rated to 2000 m. | 2024-07-31 |
TOOL0075 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} WETStar fluorometer | Submersible fluorometer designed for through-flow or pumped CTD applications manufactured by WetLabs and which can be configured for various types of fluorescence. The probe has a temperature range of 0-30°C and a depth rating of 600m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0675 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} Water Quality Monitor | An instrument that incorporates WET Labs' fluorometer-turbidity and Sea-Bird's CTD sensors, providing temperature, salinity, depth, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity and backscattering data. It is designed for long-term deployment in coastal waters with protection against biofouling and fouling by sediment loads. More information is available at http://www.wetlabs.com/wqm. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0114 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-3 absorption and attenuation meter | Spectral transmittance and spectral absorption sensor measuring over three wavelengths (650, 676 and 715 nm). Available in 25 cm and also 10 cm pathlengths. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0402 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-9 absorption and attenuation meter | Flow-through absorption and attenuation meter that measures absorption and attenuation coefficients in water over the spectral range 412-715 nm with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 m^-1. It has a standard path length of 25 cm (10 cm optional), a depth rating of either 500 ar 5000 m (with an optional pressure sensor), and operates over a temperature range of 0-30 degC. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0570 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-9 plus absorption and attenuation meter | WET Labs ac-9 Plus is a flow-through absorption and attenuation meter that measures the absorption and attenuation coefficients of the water body over the spectral range 410-715 nm with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 m-1. It can be used with a pathlength of either 10 or 25 cm, a depth rating of 500 m and operates over a temperature range of 0 - 30 deg C. The ac-9 Plus is based on the earlier ac-9 model, but with the added capability of integrating data from ancillary sensors. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL0834 | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} ac-s in-situ spectrophotometer | The WET Labs ac-s in-situ spectrophotometer is based on the ac-9 flow through sensor offering increased spectral resolution of in-situ absorption and beam attenuation. The ac-s can have 80 (+/- 5) wavelength outputs with a range of 400-730 nm. The ac-s consists of a 10 or 25 cm pathlength, a 4nm resolution, an accuracy of 0.001 - 10 m-1, an operational temperature range of 0 - 30 deg C and an operational depth rating of 500 m. | 2023-02-07 |
TOOL1401 | WHOI and Star Engineering ASIMet {LOGR53 buoy} data logging system | A modular logging system designed to house sensors on moored buoys for observing climatic conditions at the sea surface. It combines individual sensor modules with front end boards that connects to a central data processor. The LOGR53 CPU board is based on a Dallas Semiconductor DS87C530 microcontroller. DS87C530 internal peripherals include a real time clock and 2 uarts; 2 additional uarts are included on the CPU board as well. Also present on the CPU board is a memory card interface included with the system; at a 1-minute logging interval, there is enough storage for over 400 days of data. A standard CR2032 lithium coin cell provides battery-backup for the realtime clock. Operating parameters are stored in EEPROM. It communicates with the outside world using communication protocols in RS232. A normally unused RS485 protocol is also present. | 2021-03-09 |
TOOL2123 | WISE Group Automasjon og Data Adaptive Inertial Matrix AIM3 Wave sensor | A wave measurement device utilising Adaptive Inertial Matrix (AIM) technology, integrating multiple Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to provide precise wave data. It is used in offshore wind farms for wave analysis, autonomous vessels for navigation, and environmental research for long-term monitoring. The AIM3 Wave Sensor is characterized by high accuracy, durability in harsh oceanic environments, and flexibility to support additional devices like GPS and meteorological sensors. Adaptive Inertial Matrix (AIM) is a unique hardware and software development based around MEMS technology (Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems) digital Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). Operating by detecting and measuring wave motion through its IMUs, the built-in processor performs on-board data processing for real-time and non-real-time outputs. Optional configurations include different encapsulation materials, local data storage, and analogue output. Its capabilities encompass comprehensive data analysis, customizable outputs, and remote mounting options, making it a versatile and reliable tool for various maritime and environmental applications. The sensor outputs wave height with a resolution of 0.001 meters and accuracy better than 1.5%, wave period with a resolution of 0.1 seconds and accuracy better than 1%, and wave direction with full 360-degree measurement and accuracy better than 1 degree. | 2024-12-02 |
TOOL0979 | WP-2 net | Plankton net described as WP-2 net adapted from UNESCO Working Party 2 (1968); designed with single circular (ring or hoop) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.57; with opening area (square metre)=0.25; with total filtering net length (metre)=not specified; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with additional features: filtration ratio (ratio of mesh aperture to mouth area) of at least 6:1; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.2 as a standard but may vary; and equipped with optional closing mechanism. | 2016-04-04 |
NETT0168 | WP-2 standard net as described by UNESCO Working Party 2 (1968) | Plankton net described as the UNESCO WP-2 standard net (UNESCO Working Party 2, 1968); designed with single circular (ring) mouth piece with measurements: diameter (metre)=0.57; with opening area (square metre)=0.25; with total filtering net length (metre)=2.61; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with filtration ratio (ratio of mesh aperture to mouth area)=6:1; with mesh size (millimetre)=0.2; and equipped with closing rope mechanism and a Tsurumi-Seiki Kosakusho (TSK) flowmeter or equivalent centred at 14.25 cm from rim and optional second flowmeter placed at equivalent distance outside the rim. | 2016-04-05 |
TOOL0980 | WP-2-style net | Plankton net described as WP-2-style net; designed with single circular mouth piece; with filtering net shape cylindrical-conical; with further specifications either unknown or described elsewhere in the supporting metadata. | 2016-04-04 |
NETT0170 | WP3 net - UNESCO Working Party 3 (1968) | A non-closing net with a 1.13 m diameter mouth opening (1 m^2). The cylinder is 57 cm long and the cone is 200 cm long. It uses 1 mm nylon mesh as standard, although others may be used (e.g. 300 um). The cod-end is a non-filtering canvas cylinder 12 cm in diameter by 12 cm in length. A flowmeter is mounted offset in the mouth. | 2011-12-05 |
TOOL2001 | Wallac 1400 DSA liquid scintillation counter series | A series of bench top liquid scintillation counter analysers. They are used to quantify the radioactivity of low energy radioisotopes. They are vial-based. The instruments reached end of service in 2015. | 2024-01-25 |
TOOL0235 | Water bottle | A generic term for a device for the collection of a water sample from a pre-determined depth in a water body. The device is positioned at the desired depth where it is closed and sealed by some form of command from the surface. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0237 | Waterproof thermometer | A generic term for a temperature sensor capable of being immersed in water primarily intended to measure water body temperature but could also be used to determine temperature of other matrices. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL0015 | Wellhead tide gauge | The Wellhead gauge measures the sea level by means of a float in a stilling well. The float is usually of a smaller diameter than that used on a Munro gauge (about 45cm diameter), and has a counterweight attached to a smaller diameter pulley than that of the float so it is not immersed in the sea when the float rises. The Wellhead unit does not produce a chart but does give a readout of the height. It is interfaced to the data logger via a precision potentiometer. | 2009-11-30 |
TOOL0512 | WestCo Scientific Instruments SmartChem 200 Discrete analyser | A laboratory instrument designed for discrete sample analysis. A manual arm collects sample and reagents and dispenses them in a cuvette. The cuvette resides in a heated carousel wheel where the chemical reaction is allowed to proceed to the development of a colored product. The optical density of the reaction product is then measured. It may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. WestCo Scientific Instruments is a subsidiary of Unity Scientific. | 2024-07-22 |
TOOL1246 | Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM2M Marine Recorder | A submersible 16-bit digital acoustic recorder used to detect, record and monitor marine bioacoustic and ambient noise in fresh or salt water. The SM2M consists of a single hydrophone, recorder and an arrangement of 32 D cell batteries, and offers a flexible recording scheduling system. The device can also accept 1.5V alkaline batteries, 1.2V NiMH batteries or 3V (or 3.3V) lithium batteries. The instrument is designed for short-term deployments and is depth rated to 150 metres. Its sample rate ranges from 4 to 96 kHz, allowing recording frequencies up to 48 kHz. The SM2M hydrophone sensitivity is -165 dB re: 1V/uPa. Storage is available on up to four 32 Gb SDHC cards, or on up to four 128 Gb SDCX cards. Since 2015, the SM2M has been superseded by the third and fourth generation SM3M and SM4M marine recorder families, with some models able to record ultrasonic frequencies. | 2018-07-19 |
TOOL1667 | Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4M underwater sound recorder series | Underwater sound recorders. It is designed for recording whale songs, dolphin whistles, porpoise echolocations, ambient noise, pile drivers and air guns. It is used for recording audio over long deployments. Sensors are available as either dual-channel acoustic models, or as single-channel Ultrasonic modeIs. There are 3 hydrophone options: an acoustic hydrophone that records frequencies from 2Hz to 48kHz, with a sensitivity of -165dB re: 1 V/uPa. A shallow water variant (depth rated to 150 m) or deep water variant (depth rated to 800 m) is available. Both models using D cell batteries, accepts up to 2 SDHC or SDXC cards for storage capacity up to 1 TB. | 2021-03-23 |
TOOL1740 | Wildlife Computers MiniPAT pop-up archival transmitting tag | An acoustic transmitter designed to track the large-scale movements and determine the behaviour of fish and other marine animals that spend limited time at the sea surface. Depth, temperature and light-level data, among others, are collected and summarised for transmission and archived using onboard memory. A corrodible pin enables release of the tag from its host animal on a date pre-programmed by the user, or when conditions indicating the tag is no longer on the fish (conditional release) are met. Once released, the tag surfaces and uploads a summary of the archived data to Argos satellites. It also features a pinger for radio tracking recovery. It has an operational depth-rating of 1700m. It has an operating temperature range of -20 to +50 degrees Celsius, accuracy of +/- 0.1 degrees Celsius, and resolution of 0.05 degrees Celsius. Conductivity operational limits are 0.1 to 5S/m, and features 64 MB internal memory capacity. | 2021-10-06 |
TOOL2126 | Wildlife Computers time depth recorder | A generic label for a range of time-depth recorders produced by Wildlife Computers designed for mounting onto marine animals. Each time depth recorder has a specific model number but in this case, it is not specified. The Wildlife Computers TDR's record a range of data in, addition to time-depth, depending on model, including light level, stomach temperature, and GPS. A variety of sensor options and shape configurations are available depending upon desired output and research animal. | 2024-12-03 |
TOOL0537 | Winchester bottle | A strong, heavy bottle typically made of brown glass (to filter out UV light) but may also be made of plastics. A range of capacities is available. Also known as a Boston round bottle. | 2012-09-25 |
TOOL1060 | WindSat Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer | The WindStat Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer is a 22-channel microwave radiometer designed to measure the ocean surface wind vector from space, in addition to sea surface temperature, total precipitable water, integrated cloud liquid water, and rain rate over the ocean. WindSat is also used to measure soil moisture, sea ice and tropical cyclone structure. WindSat uses a 1.8 m offset reflector antenna fed by 11 dual-polarised feed horns. The antenna beams view the Earth at incidence angles ranging from 50 to 55 degrees. The feedhorns of each frequency channel trace out different arcs along the scan, therefore the Earth Incidence Angles (EIA) are different for each frequency band. The WindSat sensor takes observations during both the forward and aft looking scans. The 10.7, 18.7 and 37.0 GHz bands are fully polarimetric. Six principal polarisations are measured directly using three dual polarisation feeds at each of the polarimetric frequencies. The 6.8 and 23.8 GHz channels are dual-polarised as data at these frequencies are used for secondary parameters such as sea surface temperature and water vapour, which support the wind vector retrievals. WindSat operates in discrete bands at frequencies of 6.8, 10.7, 18.7, 23.8, and 37.0 GHz. The antenna rotates at 30 rpm. Measurements are made over a forward swath of 1400 km and an aft swath of 750 km. Flown on Coriolis. https://www.nrl.navy.mil/WindSat/Description.php | 2016-11-15 |
NETT0166 | Wishner Deep-Tow net system adapted for use on Alvin - Kim and Mullineaux (1998) | Three rectangular mouth opening nets ~30 cm wide x 44 cm tall and 130 cm long mounted on a metal framework attached to the front instrument basket of DSRV Alvin. Sequential opening and closing of the nets done by the pilot using the manipulator arm. | 2011-10-21 |
NETT0167 | Wollaston pop-down net - Buchanan-Wollaston (1911) | A 55 cm net opening diameter 34 cm long made of canvas; 25 cm diameter conical section 68 cm long made of silk netting (no size given). [Wiebe and Benfield 2003 Plate 10 B]. | 2011-10-21 |
TOOL1400 | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution VMCM 2 {ng-vmcm} (submersible) vector measuring current meter | The VMCM2 current meter is based on the original VMCM instrument. The original rotors and housing hardware are retained; only the internal chassis and electronics are replaced. The VMCM has two orthogonal cosine response propeller sensors that measure the components of horizontal current velocity parallel to the axles of the two-propeller sensors. The orientation of the instrument relative to magnetic north is determined by a flux gate compass. East and north components of velocity are computed continuously, averaged and then stored on flash memory. Temperature is also recorded using a thermistor mounted in a fast response pod, mounted on the top end cap of the VMCM. The VMCM2 Current Meter is based on the original VMCM instrument. The original rotors, "sting", and housing hardware are retained; only the internal chassis and electronics are replaced. | 2020-02-12 |
TOOL1750 | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [custom] Helium Isotope Mass Spectrometer System - Lott and Jenkins (1984) | A custom-designed helium isotope mass spectrometer developed by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The instrument measures the concentration and isotopic ratio of helium employing a dual collection, statically operated system. The instrument has applications in measuring the tritium content of seawater and groundwater samples. The cycle time is 15 minutes for helium samples or 20 minutes for tritium samples, and the instrument is capable of analysing 24 helium or 36 tritium samples respectively per 24 hour period, with two samples per standard. The instrument has an accuracy (standard deviation) of 0.12% (tritium) and 0.06% (helium). The instrument is designed to operate semi-automatically, requiring only sample names to be input. | 2021-11-25 |
TOOL0604 | World Precision Instruments Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cell | Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cells (LWCC) are fiber optic cells that combine an increased optical pathlength (50-500 cm) with small sample volumes (125-1250 mL). They can be connected via optical fibers to a spectrophotometer with fiber optic capabilities. Ultra-sensitive absorbance measurements can be performed in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) to detect low sample concentrations in a laboratory or process control environment. | 2017-08-10 |
TOOL0460 | World Precision Instruments UltraPath Ultraviolet spectrophotometer | A high performance spectrophotometer that measures absorbance of UV light over the range 250-730 nm with a resolution of 5 nm. It is designed to detect low absorbing substances in solution. The instrument uses a deuterium/tungsten light source with a user-selectable optical path length of 2, 10, 50 or 500 cm. The UltraPath system typically includes a Tidas I spectrometer module, a fibre optic light source, fibre optic cables and a Peri-Star Pro peristaltic pump. A sample is drawn into the sample cell by the peristaltic pump and absorbance of the solution at the selected path length is measured. Individual samples are separated by air bubbles, thereby minimizing cross-contamination. | 2012-02-16 |
TOOL1556 | Wärtsilä ELAC LAZ 5100 singlebeam echosounder | A single-beam navigational echosounder used to measure seafloor depth. It is available as a single or dual frequency unit. It interfaces with the ship's navigational system and stores 24 hours of data for depth, position, date and time. It is compatible with a wide variety of transducers and comes with a 10.4 inch TFT display. The unit was retired in 2019 and succeeded by the ELAC LAZ 5200. It operates within the following frequency ranges: 24 / 28 / 30 / 33 / 38 / 50 / 100 / 200 kHz, and within the following scale ranges: 0-10 / 20 / 50 / 200 / 500 or 2000 m. | 2024-08-15 |
TOOL1682 | Wärtsilä ELAC SeaBeam 3030 multibeam echosounder | A multi-ping multibeam echosounder designed to measure seafloor depth. It is particularly suited to mapping the continental rise. As well as real-time bathymetric depth, the SeaBeam 3030 measures bottom amplitudes, side scan data and Water Column Imaging (WCI) data in medium water depths and deep waters. The system uses the Wärtsilä ELAC HydroStar operator software which provides all sonar control functions, data recording and real-time displays for quality control. It also supports third-party software such as HYPACK, EIVA and QINSy. It operates in the 26 kHz frequency band (nominally 30 kHz) in water depths up to 7000 m. It has an across-ship swath width up to 5.5 times the water depth, and 918 beams per multi-ping. It has an along-ship beam width from 1 - 3 degrees and an across-ship beam width from 1 - 2 degrees. Its pulse length ranges from 0.4 - 10 ms. | 2021-04-30 |
TOOL1676 | Wärtsilä ELAC SeaBeam 3050 MK II multibeam echosounder | A medium-depth, multi-ping multibeam echosounder designed to measure seafloor depth. It is particularly suited to mapping the continental slope. The SeaBeam 3050 MK II is the successor of the SeaBeam 3050, providing the following improvements: Rx processing PCs with increased Rx processing power by a factor of ~3.5 and a reduced system complexity; FM processing functionality, leading to improved maximum swath width up to 15% and an improved range resolution. The SeaBeam 3050 MK II also collects bottom amplitudes, sidescan sonar and Water Column Imaging (WCI) data. The system uses the Wärtsilä ELAC HydroStar operator software which provides all sonar control functions, data recording and real-time displays for quality control. It also supports third-party software such as HYPACK, EIVA and QINSy. It operates in the 50 kHz frequency band in water depths up to 3000 m. It has an along-ship beam width from 1 - 3 degrees and an across-ship beam width from 1 - 2 degrees. Its pulse length ranges from 0.15 - 40 ms. | 2021-04-27 |
TOOL2130 | Xeos Technologies Brizo-X Directional GNSS Wave Height Sensor | A 400-plus channel dual-frequency wave height measurement device appropriate for use in marine environments. This instrument measures wave statistics such as wave height and direction, and features an internal logger. The wave motion sensor with integral GNSS antenna supports GPS and GLONASS. The sensor is housed in a fully weather and waterproof enclosure for use in rugged marine environments. Optional embedded Iridium communications are available on the Brizo-X, including modem and internal antenna. Measurement accuracy: better than 1 percent. Sampling frequency: 2 Hz. | 2024-12-13 |
TOOL1180 | YSI 44203 (thermilinear network) temperature sensor | A combined thermistor component and resistor set. It is used for applications requiring linear electrical response to temperature change. The sensor can be operated in voltage or resistance mode and comprises YSI 44018 thermistor components and YSI 44303 resistor sets. It has a linear temperature range of -30 to +50 degrees C and linearity deviation of +/- 0.16 degrees C. | 2017-11-27 |
TOOL0737 | YSI 6-series multiparameter water quality sondes | Comprehensive multi-parameter, water quality monitoring sondes. Designed for long-term monitoring, profiling and spot sampling. The 6-series may be split into several categories: V2 Sondes, 600 Sondes, Drinking Water Sondes and System. Each category has a slightly different design purpose with V2 Sondes ideal for long-term monitoring with a greater number of parameters, whereas 600 sondes are ideal for specific applications with fewer parameters available. Typical parameter specifications for relevant sensors include dissolved oxygen which has ranges of 0-50 mg/l, with a resolution of +/- 0.1 mg/l, an accuracy of 1%-2% of reading for values between 0-20 mg/l and an accuracy of +/- 15% of reading for values 20-50 mg/l. Temp ranges are from-5 to +50 degC, with an accuracy of +/- 0.15 degC. Conductivity has a range of 0-100 mS/cm, with an accuracy of +/-0.5 % of reading + 0.001 mS/cm and a resolution of 0.001 - 0.1 mS/cm. | 2014-07-16 |
TOOL1748 | YSI 600XL multiparameter water quality sonde | A multi-parameter, water-quality monitoring sonde used in surface water and groundwater applications. It measures a range of fundamental parameters in freshwater, seawater, or polluted water, including dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), resistivity, temperature, redox (ORP), and pH. It is able to take horizontal measurements in very shallow waters. A flow cell is available for pump-through applications It features field-replaceable sensors for quicker maintenance, anti-fouling wipers on optical sensors extend deployment times, an operating temperature of -5 to +50 degrees Celsius for most sensors, and an operating depth of 0 to 200 feet (61 meters). | 2021-11-16 |
TOOL1217 | YSI EXO multiparameter water quality sondes | Comprehensive multi-parameter, water-quality monitoring sondes designed for long-term monitoring, profiling and spot sampling. The EXO sondes are split into several categories: EXO1 Sonde, EXO2 Sonde, EXO3 Sonde. Each category has a slightly different design purpose with the the EXO2 and EXO3 containing more sensor ports than the EXO1. Data are collected using up to four user-replaceable sensors and an integral pressure transducer. Users communicate with the sonde via a field cable to an EXO Handheld, via Bluetooth wireless connection to a PC, or a USB connection to a PC. Typical parameter specifications for relevant sensors include dissolved oxygen with ranges of 0-50 mg/l, with a resolution of +/- 0.1 mg/l, an accuracy of 1 percent of reading for values between 0-20 mg/l and an accuracy of +/- 5 percent of reading for values 20-50 mg/l. Temp ranges are from-5 to +50 degC, with an accuracy of +/- 0.001 degC. Conductivity has a range of 0-200 mS/cm, with an accuracy of +/-0.5 percent of reading + 0.001 mS/cm and a resolution of 0.0001 - 0.01 mS/cm. | 2018-03-05 |
TOOL1136 | YSI Model 30/30M Salinity, Conductivity and Temperature System | A handheld instrument designed for measurement of salinity, conductivity and temperature in water. It has three operation modes: a) measurement of conductivity without regard to temperature; b) measurement of specific conductance (also known as temperature-compensated conductivity), with adjustable reference temperature set to 25 degC by default; c) salinity calculation based upon conductivity and temperature readings. The probe utilises a cell with four nickel electrodes for the measurement of solution conductance; two of the electrodes are current-driven, and two are used to measure the voltage drop. The measured voltage drop is then converted into a conductance value in millisiemens. YSI Models 30 and 30M operate in the same way, except that Model 30M has a 30.5m cable length and an internal memory capable of saving 50 sets of data. YSI Model 30 can operate within depth ranges of 0 m - 3 m, 0 m - 7.6 m, or 0 m - 15.2 m, depending on cable length; YSI Model 30M operates within 0 - 30.5 m depth. | 2023-05-24 |
TOOL1482 | YSI Model 52 Dissolved Oxygen Meter | A portable dissolved oxygen meter capable of field and laboratory measurement of dissolved oxygen and temperature in water. It comprises a membrane covered, submersible Clark-type polarographic sensor with a built-in thermistor for temperature measurement and automatic compensation. Power can be provided by an AC adapter (optional), or batteries that permit field use. Capable of detecting oxygen within the ranges 0.0 to 19.99 mg/l dissolved oxygen, and 0.0 to 199.9% air saturation. Accuracy is to within +/-0.1% of saturation value, plus probe error, plus one least significant digit for mg/l readings, and +/-0.1% of air saturation, plus probe error, plus one least significant digit for % readings. The temperature range is -5 to 45 degC, with an accuracy of +/-0.1 degC. | 2020-06-11 |
TOOL0549 | YSI Model 57 Dissolved Oxygen Meter | A field instrument designed for measurement of dissolved oxygen and temperature in water. It comprises a submersible probe and a battery-powered meter. The probe incorporates Clark-type membrane covered polarographic sensors with built in thermistors for temperature measurement and compensation. Available oxygen measurement ranges are 0-5, 0-10 and 0-20 mg/l, with an accuracy of +/- 1% of full scale at calibration temperature or 0.1 mg/l, whichever is larger. The temperature range is -5 to 45 degC, with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 degC. | 2012-11-15 |
TOOL0902 | Yokogawa CMZ700B gyrocompass | A gyrocompass system for use on small high-speed turning vessels. It detects the direction of true north by means of a fast-spinning rotor, which is suspended with no friction and is influenced by gravity and rotation of the Earth. The system comprises a master compass unit which drives the repeaters directly without the need for a control box. The compass container mass reduces the burden to the compass motor (stepping motor) which results in a follow-up speed of 30 degrees/s. The accuracy is +/-0.25 degrees for static errors and +/-0.75 degrees for dynamic errors. | 2015-09-07 |
TOOL0901 | Yokogawa EML500 FA2 electromagnetic speed log | A dual-axis, flush-mounted electromagnetic speed log. It is used on high speed general merchant vessels with a single-bottom hull. The sensor can measure water speed and can accept GPS input. It has a 48 mm dia. sensor size. The sensor has a built-in preamplifier for stable and long-distance transmission of the current signal. Speed measurement range: -13 to 65 kts. Speed measurement accuracy: +/-0.2 kt or 1 % of reading whichever larger. | 2015-06-19 |
TOOL1583 | Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies FlowCam VS [imaging only system without light scatter measurement] (Benchtop) particle imaging system series | The FlowCam VS series are automated imaging-in-flow instruments that generate high-resolution digital images for measuring size and shape of microscopic particles. The sample introduced in the system is attracted by a peristaltic or a syringe pump into a flow cell (or flow chamber) with known dimensions, located in front of a microscope objective which is connected to a camera video. The benchtop model is ideally suited to a typical laboratory environment with applications in oceanographic research, municipal water, biopharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, oil and gas, biofuels, and many other markets. FlowCam VS is available in four models, from the imaging-only VS-I (i.e. without excitation wavelength or fluorescence emission wavelengths) to the top-of-the-line VS-IV with two channels of fluorescence measurement and scatter triggering capabilities. The instrument can measure particles between 2µm and 2mm; can analyse in vivo or fixed samples; has a flow rate between 0.005 ml/minute and 250 ml/minute (dependant upon magnification, flow cell depth, camera frame rate, efficiency desired, etc.). It can produce either 8-bit Grayscale (Monochrome Camera) or 24-bit Colour (Colour Camera) images, depending on the model. | 2021-01-26 |
TOOL2052 | Z3 Technology Z8530N 4k IP camera system | The Z3Cam-4K camera delivers 4K Ultra-HD video streaming over Gigabit Ethernet networks. A 7-pin serial IO enables pan/tilt/zoom control while offering connection for GPS data overlay and other accessory items. Ideal for virtual reality imaging, high-detail broadcast, data analytics, surveillance, medical, and more. Upgrade to 4K with H.265 to stream high-quality, low-latency video on the Z3Cam-4K It delivers highly detailed high-movement images in low-light conditions, featuring up to 40x optical zoom (Full HD only) with integrated autofocus, and video up to 2160p/30 resolution. | 2024-06-17 |
TOOL1407 | ZEISS Axioplan II motorised fluorescence microscope | The Axioplan 2 is a general-purpose motorised upright microscope with high-quality optics for both fixed-sample fluorescence and transmitted light microscopy. Features include: DAPI, GFP, FITC, Luciferase yellow, TRITC and Cy5 filter sets; DIC, Phase contrast; Photometrics Retiga monochrome CCD; Micromanager acquisition software; Metamorph image acquisition and analysis software; Motorised stage. Flexible fluorophore choices, 4 simultaneous fluorescence channels are possible. The upright configuration of the microscope makes it more suitable for fixed-sample imaging, however dipping objectives are available for live cell applications. It is also capable of producing high-quality transmitted light images using phase, DIC and brightfield. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL1880 | ZEISS Axiovert 200 inverted fluorescence microscope | An inverted fluorescence microscope used for the examination of cell and tissue cultures and of sediments in culture flasks, Petri dishes and microtiter plates in transmitted and reflected light. It is suitable for imaging fixed samples and for live-cell imaging, utilising an sCMOS high-speed large FOV camera. The Axiovert 200 microscopes use transmitted-light techniques (brightfield, phase contrast, differential interference contrast and VAREL contrast), as well as the epi-fluorescence technique. DAPI, FITC, TRITC and Cy5 filter sets can be used and an optional heated stage insert is available. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL1212 | ZEISS {LEO} 1450 VP Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | A scanning electron microscope (SEM) used for the imaging and analysis of specimens. The SEM comprises of two main parts, an electron column and electron detector. In the column an electron beam is generated which is rastered across the surface of the sample. Secondary electrons and backscattered electrons are emitted which are collected by the detector and form the specimen image in the microscope. The electron source is LaB6 or tungsten. The SEM can operate at variable pressure from 1 to 400 Pa and has a magnification range of 9 to 900,000 x. | 2024-08-20 |
TOOL2124 | ZX Lidars ZX300M continuous wave LiDAR | A Continuous Wave LiDAR for high-precision wind measurement designed for offshore applications. It is used for offshore wind resource assessment, construction monitoring, and operations and maintenance. It is made with a multi-layered, highly insulated plastic housing that resists UV and marine growth. Optional configurations include integration with floating LiDAR platforms and additional meteorological sensors The sensor outputs wind speed with an accuracy of 0.1 m/s and direction variation of less than 0.5 degrees. Operating by measuring the line-of-sight wind speed every 20 milliseconds (sampling rate of 50Hz), it effectively mitigates motion-induced errors. The measurement range spans from 10 to 300 meters. | 2024-12-02 |
TOOL1587 | ZooCam imaging sensor - Colas et al. (2017) | An in-flow system for on-board imaging of fish eggs and zooplankton. It is designed to digitize and analyse on board large volume samples of preserved and living metazooplankton (i.e. multicellular zooplankton) and fish eggs >300µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). The ZooCAM features a fluidic module and an optical/imaging module. The sample is mixed with filtered seawater in the fluidic module, which is connected to a high volume peristaltic pump. The pump drives the seawater and the particles through the tubing to a flow cell were they are imaged. The flow cell is mounted between the camera and the illumination system. The images are captured by a 1280 x 1024 pixel black and white USB 3.0 CCD camera (Thorlabs), on which a telecentric 0.5X lens (Edmund optics) is mounted. The pump flow speed can be manually adjusted between 0.28 l/min and 1.7 l/min. | 2021-01-06 |
TOOL0451 | Zullig Hydropolytester profiler | Profiling package for measurement of water properties. The unit includes pressure, temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and optical backscatter sensors. The system is no longer in production and no source of support is known. | 2012-01-10 |
TOOL0269 | anemometer | A generic term for a mechanical device for measuring wind speed and direction designed for use where no information on instrument make, model or measurement principle are obtainable. | 2010-05-18 |
TOOL1574 | bottom longline fishing line | Fishing gear designed to catch demersal fish. It consists of a long mainline set horizontally and weighted to the seafloor. A series of short branch lines with baited hooks are attached at regular intervals to the mainline. The mainline is attached at both ends to downlines which have a large buoy on the surface for locating gear, and anchors at the bottom to hold the gear in place. | 2020-11-23 |
TOOL1575 | handheld fishing line | A fishing line that is held in the hands. Typically lures or baited hooks are attached to the line. | 2020-11-23 |
TOOL1586 | iSiTEC Lightframe On-sight Keyspecies Investigation {LOKI} imaging sensor - Schulz et al. (2009) | An underwater camera system designed for vertical hauls for continuous, in-situ imaging of zooplankton. It is equipped with environmental sensors (e.g. pressure, temperature, salinity, chl a) which send data every second, providing a vertical resolution of zooplankton and environmental variables of ~30-40 cm. Images of the LOKI system often allow the identification of fine morphological features, developmental stages, sex and, in some cases, investigation of internal body structures. It uses a flow-through chamber with an upstream plankton net. LOKI operates an industrial camera with up to 6 Mpixels at 15 µs shutter time, combined with a tailored high power LED flash unit to image a volume of approximately 20 x 20 x 5 mm^3 in a flow-through chamber. | 2021-01-07 |
TOOL1823 | iXblue Phins Surface Inertial Navigation System (INS) | An Inertial Navigation System (INS) providing position, true heading, attitude, speed, depth, and heave. Its high accuracy inertial measurement unit is based on iXblue's Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (FOG) technology coupled with an embedded digital signal processor that runs an advanced Kalman filter. There are multiple aides available including DVL, EM log, GPS, USBL, LBL and depth sensor. It has an IMU option for high accuracy platform stabilization. There are static and dynamic alignment modes, with and without GNSS Operates in temperatures between -20 degrees Celsius and +55 degrees Celsius. It is accurate to 0.01 degrees for heading, roll and pitch. Heave is accurate to 5 cm or 5% and Smart Heave is accurate to 2 cm or 2%. | 2022-08-02 |
TOOL000X | inapplicable | There is no appropriate value. To be used in cases where metadata elements cannot be set null due to schema constraints. | 2017-03-22 |
TOOLZZZ | unknown | The correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the creator of this information. However, a correct value probably exists. | 2009-11-26 |
TOOL1579 | unspecified PlanktoScope [custom build] imaging sensor - Pollina et al. (2020) | The planktonscope is a flow microscope operating automated acquisition of samples pumped in a flow chamber. The computing module is made of the latest Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB of LPDDR4 SDRAM) coupled with its Pi Camera (v2.1 - 8 megapixels). The optic is simplified using two reversed M12 lenses, the tube lens is fixed when the objective lens can be swapped offering a variety of optical configuration. A motorized stage (~30 µm/step) allows a fine focus calibration of the swappable stage on which it is possible to mount either µ-Slide I Luer or traditional glass slide depending on the mode (fluidic or static observation). A peristaltic pump driven by a stepper motor owning an order of precision ~ 0.1ml/min is used to drag the fluid into the flow-cell if needed. | 2021-01-26 |