not applicable
URI | | ||
Within Vocab | BODC parameter semantic model matrices | ||
Alternative Labels | |||
Definition | There is no appropriate value for matrix. | ||
Date | 2014-06-03T12:16:35 | ||
Identifier | SDN:S26::MAT00906 | ||
Note | accepted | ||
Has Current Version | 1 | ||
version | 1 | ||
Same As | S21:S21S017 |
not applicable | Mapping: 1590773 |
Broader | S01:S018 |
matrix entity | Mapping: 1471605 |
Narrower | |||
P01 BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary - (1661) [+] | |||
P01:SACFOR01 |
Abundance category (SACFOR) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1526604 | |
Abundance category (SACFORN) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1534476 | |
P01:SDBIOL06 |
Abundance category of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1526574 | |
P01:AEP08442 |
Abundance of epiphyte per surface area of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] {epiphyte density} | Mapping: 1473886 | |
Acceptable proportion of signal returns by SonTek current meter | Mapping: 616839 | |
P01:PCGDWR01 |
Acceptable proportion of signal returns by waverider | Mapping: 619710 | |
P01:XKEYZZ01 |
Access control key | Mapping: 616243 | |
Amplitude of seismic signal return by three-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621533 | |
Amplitude of seismic signal return by two-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621532 | |
P01:ANLYER01 |
Annual layer counting error by protocol of Rasmussen et al. (2006) | Mapping: 617912 | |
P01:APIXBI01 |
Area (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1755362 | |
Automatic gain factor by in-situ fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) | Mapping: 616092 | |
P01:HEAVRA01 |
Average rate of change (10-minute period) of measurement platform vertical displacement {heave} by accelerometer | Mapping: 617903 | |
P01:PTCHPL01 |
Average zero crossing period (10-minute period) of measurement platform orientation (pitch) by inclinometer | Mapping: 617900 | |
P01:ROLLPL01 |
Average zero crossing period (10-minute period) of measurement platform orientation (roll angle) by inclinometer | Mapping: 617901 | |
P01:HEAVPL01 |
Average zero crossing period (10-minute period) of measurement platform vertical displacement {heave} by accelerometer | Mapping: 617899 | |
P01:HEAVPM01 |
Average zero crossing period of measurement platform vertical displacement by accelerometer | Mapping: 866985 | |
Bathymetry correction (sound velocity GSC0) | Mapping: 620739 | |
Bearing (from fixed reference point) by Trimble GPS | Mapping: 616780 | |
P01:SPBLXX01 |
Bill depth at gonys of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1745709 | |
Bin number | Mapping: 619842 | |
P01:CVOLZZ01 |
Biovolume of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1746896 | |
Blubber thickness of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585862 | |
Bottle firing sequence number | Mapping: 620737 | |
Bottle rosette position identifier | Mapping: 620736 | |
P01:SDBIOL11 |
Categorisation (as living or non-living) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 702076 | |
Cause of death of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585826 | |
Cell identifier | Mapping: 620928 | |
P01:C0049901 |
Cell volume of Bacillariophyceae (ITIS: 2287: WoRMS 148899) by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1431840 | |
Cell volume of biological entity specified elsewhere by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1432958 | |
P01:C0813901 |
Cell volume of Ciliophora (ITIS: 46211: WoRMS 11) [Subgroup: heterotrophic] by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1431828 | |
P01:C0478301 |
Cell volume of Dinoflagellates (ITIS: 9873: WoRMS 19542) [Subgroup: autotrophic] by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1431816 | |
P01:C0813701 |
Cell volume of flagellates [Subgroup: autotrophic] by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1431804 | |
P01:C0913701 |
Cell volume of picophytoplankton by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1432654 | |
P01:C00499SD |
Cell volume standard deviation of Bacillariophyceae (ITIS: 2287: WoRMS 148899) by cell size measurements and conversion to cell volume using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1358208 | |
P01:C08139SD |
Cell volume standard deviation of Ciliophora (ITIS: 46211: WoRMS 11) [Subgroup: heterotrophic] by cell size measurements and conversion to cell volume using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1358202 | |
P01:C04783SD |
Cell volume standard deviation of Dinoflagellates (ITIS: 9873: WoRMS 19542) [Subgroup: autotrophic] by cell size measurements and conversion to cell volume using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1358196 | |
P01:C08137SD |
Cell volume standard deviation of flagellates [Subgroup: autotrophic] by cell size measurements and conversion to cell volume using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1358190 | |
P01:C09137SD |
Cell volume standard deviation of picophytoplankton by cell size measurements and conversion to cell volume using stereometric formulas | Mapping: 1359254 | |
P01:GNAOLC01 |
Clockwise angle (between plane containing an object and true north) {Azimuth} by unspecified GPS system | Mapping: 868726 | |
P01:OBSCOL01 |
Colour of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 2086728 | |
P01:A260DNAX |
Concentration (in DNA extract) of deoxyribonucleic acid (total) {DNA CAS 9007-49-2} | Mapping: 614619 | |
Core section identifier | Mapping: 621937 | |
P01:SOVO0001 |
Count (breeding pairs) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701898 | |
P01:SB852109 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699888 | |
P01:O6A929A7 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 699822 | |
P01:D420585B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C1] | Mapping: 699825 | |
P01:U4A96348 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C2] | Mapping: 699826 | |
P01:S762500B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C3] | Mapping: 699827 | |
P01:S21915A3 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C4] | Mapping: 699828 | |
P01:E1889AB8 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C5] | Mapping: 699829 | |
P01:D0A44418 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: nauplii N1-N3] | Mapping: 699823 | |
P01:KB4A2718 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: nauplii N4-N6] | Mapping: 699824 | |
P01:T4826222 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699904 | |
P01:W96955A8 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700129 | |
P01:WBA08759 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult] | Mapping: 699903 | |
P01:G399BAB1 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C1] | Mapping: 699898 | |
P01:Q7675340 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C2] | Mapping: 699899 | |
P01:QB90B864 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C3] | Mapping: 699900 | |
P01:AAB63431 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C4] | Mapping: 699901 | |
P01:L55A0448 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] | Mapping: 699902 | |
P01:NMSMP005 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 701964 | |
P01:NMSMP004 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 701963 | |
P01:NUMB1319 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 700055 | |
P01:X2412A9B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) | Mapping: 700918 | |
P01:F87607AA |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700936 | |
P01:V7917314 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 701017 | |
P01:HA0A31B6 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701068 | |
P01:Z8186694 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 701023 | |
P01:T917B6A9 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 699792 | |
P01:X826584A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701069 | |
P01:B85A9341 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699799 | |
P01:B9472805 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700937 | |
P01:D30B3217 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699802 | |
P01:T4105511 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701010 | |
P01:D100898A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 701020 | |
P01:S32AA26A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 699796 | |
P01:NUMB2366 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 700053 | |
P01:NMSMP003 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 701962 | |
P01:NUMB3107 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) | Mapping: 700051 | |
P01:NMSMP002 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 701961 | |
P01:BB786342 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) | Mapping: 700919 | |
P01:X07B7257 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700094 | |
P01:E0B77584 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700097 | |
P01:X15A4387 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699782 | |
P01:RB822307 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700172 | |
P01:Q5647735 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700175 | |
P01:K0B79410 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 699783 | |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 700193 | |
P01:EB252A55 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701014 | |
P01:J5313621 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700939 | |
P01:M3B07415 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700178 | |
P01:O0576830 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700181 | |
P01:Z33495B4 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700169 | |
P01:Y593986B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700938 | |
P01:NMSMP006 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 701969 | |
P01:NUMB3538 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 700052 | |
P01:NUMB6661 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nassarius reticulatus (ITIS: 74123: WoRMS 140513) | Mapping: 700050 | |
P01:I02B907B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) | Mapping: 700920 | |
P01:O1132620 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700099 | |
P01:N003140A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700102 | |
P01:H2782A12 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701064 | |
P01:Q8874857 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700105 | |
P01:E37148A0 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700250 | |
P01:K7789235 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701065 | |
P01:K43AAB77 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700850 | |
P01:FB710586 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700253 | |
P01:A42B3B8B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700256 | |
P01:ZA504A73 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 699785 | |
P01:N19299B5 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult] | Mapping: 700848 | |
P01:K5A2BA1A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) | Mapping: 700921 | |
P01:T3649026 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 699788 | |
P01:S9B852B1 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700940 | |
P01:ZB8A2015 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701072 | |
P01:W4452808 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700117 | |
P01:A92B6457 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700183 | |
P01:Q2200894 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701073 | |
P01:W8774058 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700126 | |
P01:Y475A430 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700123 | |
P01:S7696408 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700106 | |
P01:L83265A6 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700109 | |
P01:W9071127 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700115 | |
P01:S761AB5B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700120 | |
P01:TA439675 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites plus adults] | Mapping: 700203 | |
P01:C7764457 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites] | Mapping: 700986 | |
P01:R525B372 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: nauplii] | Mapping: 700199 | |
P01:M895695A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Oithona similis (ITIS: 88805: WoRMS 106656) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 700194 | |
P01:NMSMP007 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 701965 | |
P01:NMSMP008 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 701966 | |
P01:NUMB4323 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 700054 | |
P01:NMSMP001 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 701960 | |
P01:NMSMP009 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 701967 | |
P01:N9862714 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) | Mapping: 700922 | |
P01:B5510857 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700185 | |
P01:A30B0354 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700188 | |
P01:X886219A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700191 | |
P01:V7594A35 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 699807 | |
P01:Z1AB233A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron elongatum (ITIS: 95559: WoRMS 110702) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700331 | |
P01:D920104B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron longicorne (ITIS: 95557: WoRMS 110703) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700334 | |
P01:A98717A3 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 701008 | |
P01:X5111088 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700337 | |
P01:TA5014B8 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700340 | |
P01:G2620AB9 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700416 | |
P01:L6253210 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700343 | |
P01:R8194008 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 700941 | |
P01:E10959AB |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700128 | |
P01:D015288A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700262 | |
P01:PA311136 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700417 | |
P01:N54449A8 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700259 | |
P01:Z006B691 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) | Mapping: 700923 | |
P01:P8803173 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700420 | |
P01:V1054067 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700423 | |
P01:S9B89086 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701066 | |
P01:J0B45481 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700429 | |
P01:X7A16629 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700432 | |
P01:J4733A14 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701067 | |
P01:HA080024 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699811 | |
P01:Q58A5135 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700935 | |
P01:R27BB115 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 700934 | |
P01:D8356521 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700507 | |
P01:S737A706 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700510 | |
P01:C0252865 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700426 | |
P01:B204B1A5 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700933 | |
P01:T6A1B0B5 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) | Mapping: 700744 | |
P01:U5217854 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699872 | |
P01:S5174760 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699878 | |
P01:D90B5803 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 700513 | |
P01:B22B91B3 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700516 | |
P01:X57B8533 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701070 | |
P01:J808AB3A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700522 | |
P01:J25034B9 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700594 | |
P01:Z1458B28 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701071 | |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 700192 | |
P01:RA232856 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699875 | |
P01:YB6B2753 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 700945 | |
P01:G38A46B1 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae+juvenile] | Mapping: 700944 | |
P01:OAB1170A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 700943 | |
P01:KB95221A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700597 | |
P01:K1720A34 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700600 | |
P01:I201925A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700519 | |
P01:CA5B5A4B |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700942 | |
P01:V2138ABB |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) | Mapping: 700746 | |
P01:D81212B7 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699885 | |
P01:HA386B19 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 699882 | |
P01:G2565418 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700603 | |
P01:Q16B3706 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 701061 | |
P01:U3694966 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 700948 | |
P01:K739A236 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700606 | |
P01:G4946532 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 701063 | |
P01:O357193A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 700609 | |
P01:W8616461 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+furcilia] | Mapping: 701060 | |
P01:B885A60A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700111 | |
P01:N2233306 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 701062 | |
P01:T6B3297A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult Sex: female+indeterminate] | Mapping: 700680 | |
P01:H2300545 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult] | Mapping: 700683 | |
P01:X1909788 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 700858 | |
P01:X067220A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 700686 | |
P01:J11B1B0A |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 700689 | |
P01:V9B80435 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 700946 | |
P01:NA323461 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 700947 | |
P01:NUMB6621 |
Count (in assayed sample) of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 700056 | |
P01:SOVO0004 |
Count (January) {midwinter count} of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701910 | |
Count mean of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1855938 | |
P01:B008M01Z |
Count of Accipiter gentilis (ITIS: 175300: WoRMS 159104) | Mapping: 1431598 | |
P01:B008M02Z |
Count of Accipiter nisus (ITIS: 175333) | Mapping: 1431776 | |
P01:B009M01Z |
Count of Actitis hypoleucos (ITIS: 176613: WoRMS 212603) | Mapping: 1431784 | |
P01:B010M01Z |
Count of Aix galericulata (ITIS: 175123: WoRMS 416679) | Mapping: 1431792 | |
P01:B011M01Z |
Count of Alca torda (ITIS: 176971: WoRMS 137128) | Mapping: 1430806 | |
P01:B012M01Z |
Count of Alcedo atthis (ITIS: 554549) | Mapping: 1431164 | |
P01:B013M00Z |
Count of Alcidae (ITIS: 176967: WoRMS 136987) | Mapping: 1431180 | |
P01:B014M01Z |
Count of Alle alle (ITIS: 176982: WoRMS 137129) | Mapping: 1431188 | |
P01:B015M01Z |
Count of Alopochen aegyptiacus (ITIS: 553909: WoRMS 416680) | Mapping: 1432366 | |
P01:B016M00Z |
Count of Anas (ITIS: 175062: WoRMS 148788) | Mapping: 1432374 | |
P01:B016M01Z |
Count of Anas acuta (ITIS: 175074: WoRMS 158939) | Mapping: 1432382 | |
P01:B016M02Z |
Count of Anas clypeata (ITIS: 175096: WoRMS 158941) | Mapping: 1432150 | |
P01:B016M03Z |
Count of Anas crecca (ITIS: 175081: WoRMS 158943) | Mapping: 1431172 | |
P01:B016M04Z |
Count of Anas penelope (ITIS: 175092: WoRMS 159168) | Mapping: 1432946 | |
P01:B016M05Z |
Count of Anas platyrhynchos (ITIS: 175063: WoRMS 148791) | Mapping: 1431434 | |
P01:B016M06Z |
Count of Anas querquedula (ITIS: 175093: WoRMS 159169) | Mapping: 1431442 | |
P01:B016M07Z |
Count of Anas strepera (ITIS: 175073: WoRMS 159171) | Mapping: 1431450 | |
P01:AA241SC1 |
Count of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) | Mapping: 1622988 | |
P01:B017M01Z |
Count of Anser albifrons (ITIS: 175020: WoRMS 159159) | Mapping: 1431206 | |
P01:B017M02Z |
Count of Anser anser (ITIS: 175028: WoRMS 416682) | Mapping: 1431214 | |
P01:B017M03Z |
Count of Anser brachyrhynchus (ITIS: 175036: WoRMS 416683) | Mapping: 1431222 | |
P01:B017M04Z |
Count of Anser caerulescens (ITIS: 175029) | Mapping: 1431230 | |
P01:B017M05Z |
Count of Anser erythropus (ITIS: 175033: WoRMS 416684) | Mapping: 1431238 | |
P01:B017M06Z |
Count of Anser fabalis (ITIS: 175024: WoRMS 416685) | Mapping: 1431246 | |
P01:B017M07Z |
Count of Anser indicus (ITIS: 175034) | Mapping: 1431254 | |
P01:B017M08Z |
Count of Anser rossii (ITIS: 175035) | Mapping: 1431262 | |
P01:B018M01Z |
Count of Ardea cinerea (ITIS: 174781: WoRMS 212668) | Mapping: 1431270 | |
P01:B018M02Z |
Count of Ardea purpurea (ITIS: 174791: WoRMS 212669) | Mapping: 1431278 | |
P01:B019M01Z |
Count of Arenaria interpres (ITIS: 176571: WoRMS 147431) | Mapping: 1431286 | |
P01:B020M01Z |
Count of Asio flammeus (ITIS: 177935: WoRMS 212685) | Mapping: 1431294 | |
P01:B021M00Z |
Count of Aythya (ITIS: 175124: WoRMS 159160) | Mapping: 1431302 | |
P01:B021M01Z |
Count of Aythya ferina (ITIS: 175126: WoRMS 232037) | Mapping: 1431310 | |
P01:B021M02Z |
Count of Aythya fuligula (ITIS: 175135: WoRMS 159164) | Mapping: 1431318 | |
P01:B021M03Z |
Count of Aythya marila (ITIS: 175130: WoRMS 159172) | Mapping: 1431326 | |
P01:B021M04Z |
Count of Aythya nyroca (ITIS: 175139: WoRMS 416686) | Mapping: 1431334 | |
P01:T57AB349 |
Count of Balaena mysticetus (ITIS: 180533: WoRMS 137086) | Mapping: 1433354 | |
P01:U1674A89 |
Count of Balaenoptera (ITIS: 180523: WoRMS 137013) | Mapping: 1433362 | |
P01:S81BA2BA |
Count of Balaenoptera acutorostrata (ITIS: 180524: WoRMS 137087) | Mapping: 1433370 | |
P01:P790217B |
Count of Balaenoptera physalus (ITIS: 180527: WoRMS 137091) | Mapping: 1433378 | |
P01:OCOUNT01 |
Count of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1852122 | |
P01:B022M01Z |
Count of Botaurus stellaris (ITIS: 174859: WoRMS 345750) | Mapping: 1431342 | |
P01:B023M01Z |
Count of Branta bernicla (ITIS: 175011: WoRMS 159175) | Mapping: 1431350 | |
P01:B023M01A |
Count of Branta bernicla hrota (ITIS: 175012) | Mapping: 1431358 | |
P01:B023M01B |
Count of Branta bernicla nigricans (ITIS: 714723) | Mapping: 1431366 | |
P01:B023M02Z |
Count of Branta canadensis (ITIS: 174999: WoRMS 159176) | Mapping: 1432698 | |
P01:B023M03Z |
Count of Branta leucopsis (ITIS: 175014: WoRMS 159177) | Mapping: 1432706 | |
P01:B023M04Z |
Count of Branta ruficollis (ITIS: 175015: WoRMS 416687) | Mapping: 1432714 | |
P01:B024M01Z |
Count of Bucephala clangula (ITIS: 175141: WoRMS 159197) | Mapping: 1432722 | |
P01:B025M01Z |
Count of Buteo buteo (ITIS: 175383) | Mapping: 1432730 | |
P01:B025M02Z |
Count of Buteo lagopus (ITIS: 175373: WoRMS 159110) | Mapping: 1432738 | |
P01:B026M01Z |
Count of Calcarius lapponicus (ITIS: 179526: WoRMS 383230) | Mapping: 1432746 | |
P01:B027M01Z |
Count of Calidris alba (ITIS: 176669: WoRMS 159084) | Mapping: 1432754 | |
P01:B027M02Z |
Count of Calidris alpina (ITIS: 176661: WoRMS 159047) | Mapping: 1432762 | |
P01:B027M03Z |
Count of Calidris canutus (ITIS: 176642: WoRMS 147433) | Mapping: 1432770 | |
P01:B027M04Z |
Count of Calidris ferruginea (ITIS: 176660: WoRMS 159049) | Mapping: 1432778 | |
P01:B027M05Z |
Count of Calidris maritima (ITIS: 176646: WoRMS 159052) | Mapping: 1432786 | |
P01:B027M06Z |
Count of Calidris minuta (ITIS: 176670: WoRMS 212600) | Mapping: 1432794 | |
P01:B027M07Z |
Count of Calidris temminckii (ITIS: 176658: WoRMS 366591) | Mapping: 1432802 | |
P01:B028M01Z |
Count of Carduelis flavirostris (ITIS: 559047: WoRMS 232062) | Mapping: 1432810 | |
P01:B029M01Z |
Count of Charadrius alexandrinus (ITIS: 176510: WoRMS 212611) | Mapping: 1432818 | |
P01:B029M02Z |
Count of Charadrius dubius (ITIS: 176529: WoRMS 212617) | Mapping: 1432826 | |
P01:B029M03Z |
Count of Charadrius hiaticula (ITIS: 176504: WoRMS 212619) | Mapping: 1432834 | |
P01:COREPT10 |
Count of Chelonia agassizii (ITIS: 202103: WoRMS 343989) | Mapping: 1433482 | |
P01:COREPT20 |
Count of Cheloniidae (ITIS: 173828: WoRMS 136999) | Mapping: 1433490 | |
P01:B030M01Z |
Count of Chlidonias niger (ITIS: 176959: WoRMS 137137) | Mapping: 1432842 | |
P01:B031M01Z |
Count of Ciconia ciconia (ITIS: 174907) | Mapping: 1432850 | |
P01:B031M02Z |
Count of Ciconia nigra (ITIS: 174909) | Mapping: 1432858 | |
P01:B032M01Z |
Count of Circus aeruginosus (ITIS: 559297) | Mapping: 1432866 | |
P01:B032M02Z |
Count of Circus cyaneus (ITIS: 175430: WoRMS 159372) | Mapping: 1432874 | |
P01:B032M03Z |
Count of Circus pygargus (ITIS: 175439) | Mapping: 1432882 | |
P01:B033M01Z |
Count of Clangula hyemalis (ITIS: 175147: WoRMS 137071) | Mapping: 1432890 | |
Count of colonial individuals per colony of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1602540 | |
P01:B034M01Z |
Count of Corvus corone cornix (WoRMS 232059) | Mapping: 1432898 | |
P01:B035M01Z |
Count of Cygnus atratus (ITIS: 553906: WoRMS 225915) | Mapping: 1432906 | |
P01:B035M02Z |
Count of Cygnus columbianus (ITIS: 174987: WoRMS 159088) | Mapping: 1432914 | |
P01:B035M03Z |
Count of Cygnus cygnus (ITIS: 174990: WoRMS 159089) | Mapping: 1432922 | |
P01:B035M04Z |
Count of Cygnus olor (ITIS: 174985: WoRMS 159090) | Mapping: 1432930 | |
P01:B036M01Z |
Count of Delphinidae (ITIS: 180415: WoRMS 136980) | Mapping: 1432938 | |
P01:B037M01Z |
Count of Delphinus delphis (ITIS: 180438: WoRMS 137094) | Mapping: 1432966 | |
P01:B038M01Z |
Count of Egretta alba (ITIS: 174818: WoRMS 212664) | Mapping: 1432974 | |
P01:B038M02Z |
Count of Egretta garzetta (ITIS: 174816: WoRMS 159115) | Mapping: 1432982 | |
P01:B039M01Z |
Count of Eremophila alpestris (ITIS: 554256: WoRMS 232056) | Mapping: 1432990 | |
P01:B040M01Z |
Count of Eudromias morinellus (ITIS: 176547) | Mapping: 1432998 | |
P01:B041M01Z |
Count of Falco columbarius (ITIS: 175613: WoRMS 159152) | Mapping: 1433006 | |
P01:B041M02Z |
Count of Falco peregrinus (ITIS: 175604: WoRMS 159153) | Mapping: 1433014 | |
P01:B041M03Z |
Count of Falco subbuteo (ITIS: 175654) | Mapping: 1433022 | |
P01:B041M04Z |
Count of Falco tinnunculus (ITIS: 175620: WoRMS 345751) | Mapping: 1433030 | |
P01:B041M05Z |
Count of Falco vespertinus (ITIS: 175656) | Mapping: 1433038 | |
P01:W4278832 |
Count of Feresa attenuata (ITIS: 180461: WoRMS 137095) | Mapping: 1433386 | |
P01:B042M01Z |
Count of Fratercula arctica (ITIS: 177025: WoRMS 137131) | Mapping: 1433046 | |
P01:V2409007 |
Count of Fregata magnificens (ITIS: 174763: WoRMS 343999) | Mapping: 1433546 | |
P01:B043M01Z |
Count of Fulica atra (ITIS: 176290: WoRMS 232054) | Mapping: 1433054 | |
P01:B004M01Z |
Count of Fulmarus glacialis (ITIS: 174536: WoRMS 137195) | Mapping: 1433062 | |
P01:B044M01Z |
Count of Gallinago gallinago (ITIS: 176700: WoRMS 158949) | Mapping: 1433070 | |
P01:B045M01Z |
Count of Gallinula chloropus (ITIS: 176284: WoRMS 159009) | Mapping: 1433078 | |
P01:B001M00Z |
Count of Gavia (ITIS: 174468: WoRMS 137057) | Mapping: 1433086 | |
P01:B001M01Z |
Count of Gavia adamsii (ITIS: 174470: WoRMS 137185) | Mapping: 1433094 | |
P01:B001M02Z |
Count of Gavia arctica (ITIS: 174471: WoRMS 137186) | Mapping: 1433102 | |
P01:B001M03Z |
Count of Gavia immer (ITIS: 174469: WoRMS 137187) | Mapping: 1433110 | |
P01:B001M04Z |
Count of Gavia stellata (ITIS: 174474: WoRMS 137188) | Mapping: 1433118 | |
P01:TA337993 |
Count of Globicephala macrorhynchus (ITIS: 180466: WoRMS 137096) | Mapping: 1433394 | |
P01:B046M01Z |
Count of Globicephala melas (ITIS: 552461: WoRMS 137097) | Mapping: 1433126 | |
P01:I49B8563 |
Count of Grampus griseus (ITIS: 180457: WoRMS 137098) | Mapping: 1433402 | |
P01:B047M01Z |
Count of Grus grus (ITIS: 176183) | Mapping: 1433134 | |
P01:B048M01Z |
Count of Haematopus ostralegus (ITIS: 176469: WoRMS 147436) | Mapping: 1433142 | |
P01:B049M01Z |
Count of Haliaeetus albicilla (ITIS: 175419: WoRMS 232053) | Mapping: 1433150 | |
Count of Halichoerus grypus (ITIS: 180653: WoRMS 137080) | Mapping: 1435048 | |
P01:B050M01Z |
Count of Himantopus himantopus (ITIS: 176727: WoRMS 212609) | Mapping: 1433158 | |
P01:B051M01Z |
Count of Lagenorhynchus (ITIS: 180441: WoRMS 137020) | Mapping: 1433166 | |
P01:B051M02Z |
Count of Lagenorhynchus acutus (ITIS: 180443: WoRMS 137100) | Mapping: 1433174 | |
P01:B051M03Z |
Count of Lagenorhynchus albirostris (ITIS: 180442: WoRMS 137101) | Mapping: 1433182 | |
P01:B052M00Z |
Count of Laridae (ITIS: 176802: WoRMS 136988) | Mapping: 1433190 | |
P01:B053M00Z |
Count of Larus (ITIS: 176803: WoRMS 137043) | Mapping: 1433198 | |
P01:B053M01Z |
Count of Larus argentatus (ITIS: 176824: WoRMS 137138) | Mapping: 1433206 | |
P01:W9463227 |
Count of Larus atricilla (ITIS: 176837: WoRMS 159074) | Mapping: 1433410 | |
P01:B053M02Z |
Count of Larus cachinnans (ITIS: 554270: WoRMS 137140) | Mapping: 1433214 | |
P01:B053M03Z |
Count of Larus canus (ITIS: 176832: WoRMS 137141) | Mapping: 1433222 | |
P01:B053M04Z |
Count of Larus fuscus (ITIS: 176821: WoRMS 137142) | Mapping: 1431998 | |
P01:B053M05Z |
Count of Larus glaucoides (ITIS: 176811: WoRMS 137144) | Mapping: 1432006 | |
P01:B053M06Z |
Count of Larus hyperboreus (ITIS: 176808: WoRMS 137145) | Mapping: 1432014 | |
P01:B053M07Z |
Count of Larus marinus (ITIS: 176815: WoRMS 137146) | Mapping: 1432022 | |
P01:B053M08Z |
Count of Larus melanocephalus (ITIS: 176858: WoRMS 137147) | Mapping: 1432030 | |
P01:B053M09Z |
Count of Larus minutus (ITIS: 176840: WoRMS 137148) | Mapping: 1432038 | |
P01:B053M10Z |
Count of Larus ridibundus (ITIS: 176835: WoRMS 137149) | Mapping: 1432046 | |
P01:B053M11Z |
Count of Larus sabini (ITIS: 176865: WoRMS 137151) | Mapping: 1432054 | |
P01:COREPT30 |
Count of Lepidochelys olivacea (ITIS: 173840: WoRMS 220293) | Mapping: 1433498 | |
P01:B054M01Z |
Count of Limosa lapponica (ITIS: 176687: WoRMS 159034) | Mapping: 1432062 | |
P01:B054M02Z |
Count of Limosa limosa (ITIS: 176691: WoRMS 159035) | Mapping: 1432070 | |
P01:B055M01Z |
Count of Lymnocryptes minimus (ITIS: 176591: WoRMS 558755) | Mapping: 1432078 | |
P01:T354A678 |
Count of Megaptera novaeangliae (ITIS: 180530: WoRMS 137092) | Mapping: 1433538 | |
P01:B056M01Z |
Count of Melanitta fusca (ITIS: 175163: WoRMS 137072) | Mapping: 1432086 | |
P01:B056M02Z |
Count of Melanitta nigra (ITIS: 175171: WoRMS 137073) | Mapping: 1432094 | |
P01:B057M01Z |
Count of Mergus albellus (ITIS: 175190) | Mapping: 1432102 | |
P01:B057M02Z |
Count of Mergus merganser (ITIS: 175185: WoRMS 159097) | Mapping: 1432110 | |
P01:B057M03Z |
Count of Mergus serrator (ITIS: 175187: WoRMS 159098) | Mapping: 1432118 | |
P01:YA85024A |
Count of Mesoplodon peruvianus (ITIS: 552772: WoRMS 231409) | Mapping: 1433554 | |
P01:B058M01Z |
Count of Milvus migrans (ITIS: 175469: WoRMS 212678) | Mapping: 1432126 | |
P01:B058M02Z |
Count of Milvus milvus (ITIS: 175470) | Mapping: 1432134 | |
P01:FB214679 |
Count of Mysticeti (ITIS: 552298: WoRMS 148724) | Mapping: 1433562 | |
P01:B059M03Z |
Count of Netta rufina (ITIS: 175234: WoRMS 416688) | Mapping: 1432142 | |
P01:B060M01Z |
Count of Numenius arquata (ITIS: 176596: WoRMS 159037) | Mapping: 1432158 | |
P01:B060M02Z |
Count of Numenius phaeopus (ITIS: 176599: WoRMS 159040) | Mapping: 1432166 | |
P01:B061M01Z |
Count of Nycticorax nycticorax (ITIS: 174832: WoRMS 159123) | Mapping: 1432174 | |
P01:Z96A1232 |
Count of Oceanodroma (ITIS: 174624: WoRMS 137060) | Mapping: 1433594 | |
P01:P8A5B910 |
Count of Odontoceti (ITIS: 180404: WoRMS 148723) | Mapping: 1433570 | |
P01:N9421078 |
Count of Orcinus orca (ITIS: 180469: WoRMS 137102) | Mapping: 1433578 | |
P01:B062M01Z |
Count of Oxyura jamaicensis (ITIS: 175175: WoRMS 159100) | Mapping: 1432182 | |
P01:B063M01Z |
Count of Pandion haliaetus (ITIS: 175590: WoRMS 159377) | Mapping: 1432190 | |
P01:COREPT40 |
Count of Pelamis (ITIS: 174355: WoRMS 205591) | Mapping: 1433506 | |
P01:D6B4704A |
Count of Pelecanus occidentalis (ITIS: 174685: WoRMS 343935) | Mapping: 1433602 | |
P01:B064M01Z |
Count of Pernis apivorus (ITIS: 175454) | Mapping: 1432198 | |
P01:O5655816 |
Count of Phalacrocorax (ITIS: 174714: WoRMS 137054) | Mapping: 1433610 | |
P01:B007M01Z |
Count of Phalacrocorax aristotelis (ITIS: 174733: WoRMS 137178) | Mapping: 1432206 | |
P01:B007M02Z |
Count of Phalacrocorax carbo (ITIS: 174715: WoRMS 137179) | Mapping: 1432214 | |
P01:B065M01Z |
Count of Phalaropus lobatus (ITIS: 176735: WoRMS 137169) | Mapping: 1432222 | |
P01:B065M02Z |
Count of Phalaropus tricolor (ITIS: 176736: WoRMS 159043) | Mapping: 1432230 | |
P01:B066M01Z |
Count of Philomachus pugnax (ITIS: 176695: WoRMS 159046) | Mapping: 1432238 | |
P01:B067M01Z |
Count of Phoca vitulina (ITIS: 180649: WoRMS 137084) | Mapping: 1432246 | |
P01:B069M01Z |
Count of Phocidae (ITIS: 180640: WoRMS 136976) | Mapping: 1432262 | |
P01:B068M01Z |
Count of Phocoena phocoena (ITIS: 180473: WoRMS 137117) | Mapping: 1432254 | |
P01:B070M01Z |
Count of Phoenicopterus ruber (ITIS: 174976: WoRMS 212708) | Mapping: 1432270 | |
P01:G0520359 |
Count of Physeter macrocephalus (ITIS: 180488: WoRMS 137119) | Mapping: 1433586 | |
P01:B071M01Z |
Count of Platalea leucorodia (ITIS: 174933: WoRMS 416678) | Mapping: 1432278 | |
P01:B072M01Z |
Count of Plectrophenax nivalis (ITIS: 179532: WoRMS 383228) | Mapping: 1432286 | |
P01:B073M01Z |
Count of Pluvialis apricaria (ITIS: 176561: WoRMS 159135) | Mapping: 1432294 | |
P01:B073M02Z |
Count of Pluvialis dominica (ITIS: 176564: WoRMS 159136) | Mapping: 1432302 | |
P01:B073M05Z |
Count of Pluvialis fulva (ITIS: 554381: WoRMS 232044) | Mapping: 1432310 | |
P01:B073M03Z |
Count of Pluvialis squatarola (ITIS: 176567: WoRMS 159137) | Mapping: 1432318 | |
P01:B003M01Z |
Count of Podiceps auritus (ITIS: 174482: WoRMS 137181) | Mapping: 1432326 | |
P01:B003M02Z |
Count of Podiceps cristatus (ITIS: 174491: WoRMS 137182) | Mapping: 1432334 | |
P01:B003M03Z |
Count of Podiceps grisegena (ITIS: 174479: WoRMS 137183) | Mapping: 1432342 | |
P01:B003M04Z |
Count of Podiceps nigricollis (ITIS: 174485: WoRMS 137184) | Mapping: 1432350 | |
P01:B074M01Z |
Count of Polysticta stelleri (ITIS: 175153: WoRMS 232041) | Mapping: 1432358 | |
P01:M3188854 |
Count of Procellaria parkinsoni (ITIS: 174611: WoRMS 225914) | Mapping: 1433618 | |
P01:A97972A6 |
Count of Pseudorca crassidens (ITIS: 180463: WoRMS 137104) | Mapping: 1433418 | |
P01:M1638896 |
Count of Puffinus (ITIS: 174543: WoRMS 137065) | Mapping: 1433626 | |
P01:B005M01Z |
Count of Puffinus griseus (ITIS: 174553: WoRMS 137202) | Mapping: 1432390 | |
P01:B005M02Z |
Count of Puffinus puffinus (ITIS: 174555: WoRMS 137203) | Mapping: 1432398 | |
P01:B075M01Z |
Count of Rallus aquaticus (ITIS: 176223: WoRMS 416695) | Mapping: 1432406 | |
P01:B076M01Z |
Count of Recurvirostra avosetta (ITIS: 176723: WoRMS 212721) | Mapping: 1432414 | |
P01:B077M01Z |
Count of Rissa tridactyla (ITIS: 176875: WoRMS 137156) | Mapping: 1432422 | |
P01:AS242TR1 |
Count of Salmo salar (ITIS: 161996: WoRMS 127186) [Stage: adult] | Mapping: 1699791 | |
P01:ST241SC1 |
Count of Salmo salar (ITIS: 161996: WoRMS 127186) [Stage: smolt] | Mapping: 1622968 | |
P01:AT241SC1 |
Count of Salmo trutta (ITIS: 161997: WoRMS 127187) [Stage: adult] | Mapping: 1699799 | |
P01:SS242TR1 |
Count of Salmo trutta (ITIS: 161997: WoRMS 127187) [Stage: smolt] | Mapping: 1622976 | |
P01:B078M01Z |
Count of Scolopax rusticola (ITIS: 176578: WoRMS 159028) | Mapping: 1432430 | |
P01:A9241SC1 |
Count of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) [Stage: eggs] | Mapping: 1616908 | |
P01:B079M01Z |
Count of Somateria mollissima (ITIS: 175155: WoRMS 137074) | Mapping: 1432438 | |
P01:M8327763 |
Count of Stenella attenuata (ITIS: 180430: WoRMS 137105) | Mapping: 1433426 | |
P01:B6567306 |
Count of Stenella attenuata attenuata (ITIS: 180432: WoRMS 383572) | Mapping: 1433434 | |
P01:B1970031 |
Count of Stenella coeruleoalba (ITIS: 180434: WoRMS 137107) | Mapping: 1433442 | |
P01:Q14BB268 |
Count of Steno bredanensis (ITIS: 180417: WoRMS 137110) | Mapping: 1433450 | |
P01:B080M01Z |
Count of Stercorarius longicaudus (ITIS: 176794: WoRMS 137171) | Mapping: 1432446 | |
P01:B080M02Z |
Count of Stercorarius parasiticus (ITIS: 176793: WoRMS 137172) | Mapping: 1432454 | |
P01:B080M03Z |
Count of Stercorarius pomarinus (ITIS: 176792: WoRMS 137173) | Mapping: 1432462 | |
P01:B080M04Z |
Count of Stercorarius skua (ITIS: 660059: WoRMS 137174) | Mapping: 1432470 | |
P01:BIO2M001 |
Count of Sterna (ITIS: 176885: WoRMS 137047) | Mapping: 1433254 | |
P01:B081M01Z |
Count of Sterna albifrons (ITIS: 176899: WoRMS 137157) | Mapping: 1432478 | |
P01:B081M02Z |
Count of Sterna caspia (ITIS: 176924: WoRMS 137159) | Mapping: 1432486 | |
P01:B081M03Z |
Count of Sterna hirundo (ITIS: 176888: WoRMS 137162) | Mapping: 1432494 | |
P01:R8529A2B |
Count of Sterna maxima (ITIS: 176922: WoRMS 137163) | Mapping: 1433634 | |
P01:B081M04Z |
Count of Sterna paradisaea (ITIS: 176890: WoRMS 137165) | Mapping: 1432502 | |
P01:B081M05Z |
Count of Sterna sandvicensis (ITIS: 176927: WoRMS 137166) | Mapping: 1432510 | |
P01:B082M00Z |
Count of Sternidae (WoRMS 148764) | Mapping: 1432518 | |
P01:O1704196 |
Count of Sula (ITIS: 174697: WoRMS 137055) | Mapping: 1433642 | |
P01:B006M01Z |
Count of Sula bassanus (ITIS: 174711) | Mapping: 1432526 | |
P01:O9016397 |
Count of Sula granti (ITIS: 726047: WoRMS 343958) | Mapping: 1433330 | |
P01:B7992937 |
Count of Sula leucogaster (ITIS: 174704: WoRMS 212597) | Mapping: 1433338 | |
P01:A15985A1 |
Count of Sula nebouxii (ITIS: 174702: WoRMS 343959) | Mapping: 1433346 | |
P01:B002M02Z |
Count of Tachybaptus ruficollis (ITIS: 563259: WoRMS 148790) | Mapping: 1432534 | |
P01:B083M01Z |
Count of Tadorna ferruginea (ITIS: 175056: WoRMS 416689) | Mapping: 1432542 | |
P01:B083M02Z |
Count of Tadorna tadorna (ITIS: 175055: WoRMS 232042) | Mapping: 1432550 | |
P01:A9242TR1 |
Count of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) [Stage: eggs] | Mapping: 1616916 | |
P01:B084M01Z |
Count of Tringa erythropus (ITIS: 176621: WoRMS 159029) | Mapping: 1432558 | |
P01:B084M02Z |
Count of Tringa glareola (ITIS: 176618: WoRMS 225916) | Mapping: 1432566 | |
P01:B084M03Z |
Count of Tringa nebularia (ITIS: 176624: WoRMS 158968) | Mapping: 1432574 | |
P01:B084M04Z |
Count of Tringa ochropus (ITIS: 176632: WoRMS 212622) | Mapping: 1432582 | |
P01:B084M05Z |
Count of Tringa stagnatilis (ITIS: 176633: WoRMS 212623) | Mapping: 1432590 | |
P01:B084M06Z |
Count of Tringa totanus (ITIS: 176622: WoRMS 158970) | Mapping: 1432598 | |
P01:B085M01Z |
Count of Tursiops truncatus (ITIS: 180426: WoRMS 137111) | Mapping: 1432606 | |
P01:B086M01Z |
Count of Uria aalge (ITIS: 176974: WoRMS 137133) | Mapping: 1432614 | |
P01:B087M01Z |
Count of Vanellus vanellus (ITIS: 176481: WoRMS 159142) | Mapping: 1432622 | |
P01:G2559B51 |
Count of Ziphiidae (ITIS: 180493: WoRMS 136986) | Mapping: 1433458 | |
P01:N3B0847A |
Count of Ziphius (ITIS: 180497: WoRMS 137035) | Mapping: 1433466 | |
P01:C77A3A96 |
Count of Ziphius cavirostris (ITIS: 180498: WoRMS 137127) | Mapping: 1433474 | |
Current (battery output) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616896 | |
Current (electronics consumption) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616895 | |
Current (solar panel output) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616894 | |
P01:ACFLAA01 |
Data quality flag (ACCLAIM) | Mapping: 615981 | |
P01:ACFLAG01 |
Data quality flag (Argo) | Mapping: 616026 | |
P01:ACFLCF01 |
Data quality flag (CEFAS Argos position) | Mapping: 616035 | |
Data quality flag (IODE) | Mapping: 615602 | |
Data quality flag (ODV) | Mapping: 619926 | |
Data quality flag (pCO2 IOCCP) | Mapping: 617053 | |
P01:ACFLSA01 |
Data quality flag (satellite radar altimeter) | Mapping: 617295 | |
P01:ACFLNK01 |
Data quality flag of acoustic doppler wave array | Mapping: 618861 | |
Data volume transmitted by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616959 | |
P01:AADYAA01 |
Date (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day) | Mapping: 616401 | |
P01:ADATAA01 |
Date (UT as yyyymmdd) | Mapping: 616303 | |
P01:ADYFAA01 |
Date and time (time between 00:00 UT on 01/01/1760 and timestamp) | Mapping: 616301 | |
P01:AYMDAA01 |
Date and time (UT as yyyymmddhh24miss.dd) | Mapping: 616304 | |
P01:DTUT8601 |
Date and time (UT in ISO8601 format to known precision) | Mapping: 618760 | |
Day within month | Mapping: 618302 | |
P01:SHEDEP01 |
Depth of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: shell] | Mapping: 1792036 | |
P01:SDEDEP01 |
Depth standard deviation of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: shell] | Mapping: 1792965 | |
P01:DEPTWT01 |
Depth to water table by protocol of Charman and Warner (1992) | Mapping: 617913 | |
P01:P27TERMX |
Description of MOTHY pollution simulation spillet location by classification to a term from the NVS P27 controlled vocabulary (SDN:P27::) | Mapping: 621038 | |
P01:P28TERMX |
Description of operational status of pollution cleanup site by classification to a term from the NVS P28 controlled vocabulary (SDN:P28::) | Mapping: 621083 | |
P01:C40TERMX |
Description of pollution report accuracy by classification to a term from the NVS C40 controlled vocabulary (SDN:C40::) | Mapping: 621041 | |
P01:C41TERMX |
Description of pollution source by classification to a term from the NVS C41 controlled vocabulary (SDN:C41::) | Mapping: 621081 | |
P01:LSTAGE01 |
Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701906 | |
P01:HDPX00MA |
Dew point temperature (atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617103 | |
P01:HDPX00EQ |
Dew point temperature (equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617102 | |
P01:HDPX00S2 |
Dew point temperature (nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617106 | |
P01:HDPX00S4 |
Dew point temperature (nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617107 | |
P01:HDPX00S0 |
Dew point temperature (nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617105 | |
Diameter (MOTHY nominal) of pollution simulation spillet | Mapping: 621037 | |
Diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1534464 | |
Diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: bell] | Mapping: 1711400 | |
Diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: stipe] | Mapping: 1791946 | |
Digital storage remaining (flash card) | Mapping: 616953 | |
P01:OBINAA01 |
Direction (acoustic doppler wave array bin) | Mapping: 849196 | |
Distance (along transect) | Mapping: 620104 | |
Distance (from transducer along measurement axis) | Mapping: 615913 | |
Distance (from transducer perpendicular to measurement axis) | Mapping: 618105 | |
Distance (from transducer to bed along measurement axis) by in-situ acoustic backscatter measurement | Mapping: 618106 | |
Distance (transducer to end of sampling volume) | Mapping: 617017 | |
Distance (transducer to start of sampling volume) | Mapping: 617016 | |
P01:DISTCV01 |
Distance travelled | Mapping: 616340 | |
P01:DSRNCV01 |
Distance travelled | Mapping: 616172 | |
P01:DSRNGR01 |
Distance travelled by ADCP bottom tracking refined using GPS fixes | Mapping: 616173 | |
Dry sample weight of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Subcomponent: flesh] | Mapping: 701282 | |
P01:MLLEN011 |
Dry sample weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 692644 | |
P01:MLLEN010 |
Dry sample weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] | Mapping: 692786 | |
P01:MLLEN007 |
Dry sample weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) [Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 692735 | |
P01:MLLEN006 |
Dry sample weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] | Mapping: 692040 | |
P01:MLLEN009 |
Dry sample weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) [Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 692763 | |
P01:MLLEN008 |
Dry sample weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] | Mapping: 692780 | |
P01:ODRYBM01 |
Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 689123 | |
P01:SPDWXX01 |
Dry weight of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1792991 | |
Dry weight of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: female] by gravimetry | Mapping: 1435566 | |
Dry weight of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: male] by gravimetry | Mapping: 1435576 | |
Dry weight of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C3] by gravimetry | Mapping: 1435536 | |
Dry weight of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C4] by gravimetry | Mapping: 1435546 | |
Dry weight of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] by gravimetry | Mapping: 1435556 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ42 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619603 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ50 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619611 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ21 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614933 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ03 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614835 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ10 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614882 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ36 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619555 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ26 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614939 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ09 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614881 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ08 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614880 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ28 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614941 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ27 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614940 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ15 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614887 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ39 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619558 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ38 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619557 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ33 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619552 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ37 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619556 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ19 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614931 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ45 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619606 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ07 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614879 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ44 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619605 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ49 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619610 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ48 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619609 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ20 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614932 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ01 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614833 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ30 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614943 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ05 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614877 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ04 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614876 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ31 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619550 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ12 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614884 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ16 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614888 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ22 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614934 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ43 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619604 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ46 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619607 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ29 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614942 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ02 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614834 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ40 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619601 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ25 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614938 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ41 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619602 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ06 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614878 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ32 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619551 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ14 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614886 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ13 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614885 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ18 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614890 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ17 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614889 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ24 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614937 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ23 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614936 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ11 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 614883 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ34 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619553 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ35 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619554 | |
P01:ZZZZZZ47 |
Dummy channel | Mapping: 619608 | |
P01:MEPH301Z |
Egg hatch proportion of Acartia (ITIS: 86084: WoRMS 104108) by observation of egg production incubation experiment | Mapping: 690801 | |
P01:MEPH302Z |
Egg hatch proportion of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by observation of egg production incubation experiment | Mapping: 690802 | |
P01:MEPH349Z |
Egg hatch proportion of Centropages (ITIS: 85761: WoRMS 104159) by observation of egg production incubation experiment | Mapping: 690803 | |
P01:MEPH39BZ |
Egg hatch proportion of Pseudocalanus (ITIS: 85369: WoRMS 104165) by observation of egg production incubation experiment | Mapping: 690805 | |
P01:MEPH34CZ |
Egg hatch proportion of Temora (ITIS: 85874: WoRMS 104241) by observation of egg production incubation experiment | Mapping: 690804 | |
P01:J073AA67 |
Egg production rate maximum of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 700323 | |
P01:J073CF67 |
Egg production rate maximum of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 700325 | |
P01:MSEP301Z |
Egg production rate mean of Acartia (ITIS: 86084: WoRMS 104108) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690878 | |
P01:MSEP302Z |
Egg production rate mean of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690882 | |
P01:MSEP302C |
Egg production rate mean of Calanus carinatus (WoRMS 356626) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690879 | |
P01:MSEP302F |
Egg production rate mean of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690880 | |
P01:MSEP302H |
Egg production rate mean of Calanus helgolandicus (ITIS: 85276: WoRMS 104466) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690881 | |
P01:MSEP349Z |
Egg production rate mean of Centropages (ITIS: 85761: WoRMS 104159) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690941 | |
P01:MSEP349T |
Egg production rate mean of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690940 | |
Egg production rate mean of mesozooplankton by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690944 | |
P01:MSEP304L |
Egg production rate mean of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690883 | |
P01:MSEP39BZ |
Egg production rate mean of Pseudocalanus (ITIS: 85369: WoRMS 104165) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690943 | |
P01:MSEP34CZ |
Egg production rate mean of Temora (ITIS: 85874: WoRMS 104241) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 690942 | |
P01:TB407094 |
Egg production rate minimum of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 700324 | |
P01:TB40CF94 |
Egg production rate minimum of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 700326 | |
P01:SDME302Z |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692461 | |
P01:SDME302C |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Calanus carinatus (WoRMS 356626) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692458 | |
P01:SDME302F |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692459 | |
P01:SDME302H |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Calanus helgolandicus (ITIS: 85276: WoRMS 104466) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692460 | |
P01:SDME349T |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692463 | |
Egg production rate standard deviation of mesozooplankton by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692464 | |
P01:SDME304L |
Egg production rate standard deviation of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) by incubation and optical microscopy | Mapping: 692462 | |
Elapsed time | Mapping: 618969 | |
P01:ATIMZZ01 |
Elapsed time (from start of month UT = 1.0) | Mapping: 616402 | |
Elapsed time (from start of year UT = 1.0) | Mapping: 617018 | |
Elapsed time (power up to power down) by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616955 | |
Elapsed time (power up to tranceiver registration) by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616956 | |
Elapsed time (since previous dial-up attempt) by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616960 | |
Elapsed time (since satellite position fix) by Trimble GPS | Mapping: 616781 | |
Electrical resistance (of thermometer at equilibrator base) by platinum resistance thermometer | Mapping: 617347 | |
Electrical resistance (of thermometer at equilibrator base) by platinum resistance thermometer and calibration | Mapping: 617349 | |
Electrical resistance (of thermometer at equilibrator top) by platinum resistance thermometer | Mapping: 617346 | |
Electrical resistance (of thermometer at equilibrator top) by platinum resistance thermometer and calibration | Mapping: 617348 | |
P01:ENDX8601 |
End date and time (UT in ISO8601 format to known precision) | Mapping: 616717 | |
End latitude north | Mapping: 616750 | |
End longitude east | Mapping: 616752 | |
Eotvos correction | Mapping: 620485 | |
Equivalent spherical diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1700513 | |
P01:EVNTID01 |
Event identifier | Mapping: 616684 | |
Event number (Argo float) | Mapping: 616027 | |
Expression of genes for PSTS of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: deep-adapted] by antibody doping and Western dot blot | Mapping: 692454 | |
Expression of genes for PSTS of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: shallow-adapted] by antibody doping and Western dot blot | Mapping: 692455 | |
P01:INFLTF01 |
Flow rate through instrument | Mapping: 616199 | |
Flow velocity through instrument (ARIESNET) | Mapping: 616028 | |
P01:GHFCFP01 |
Fourier analysis high frequency cutoff | Mapping: 615527 | |
Grain-size size class lower limit (Wentworth scale) by visual estimation | Mapping: 618812 | |
Grain-size size class upper limit (phi-scale) | Mapping: 618059 | |
Grain-size size class upper limit (Wentworth scale) by visual estimation | Mapping: 618813 | |
P01:GRCO1790 |
Group cohesion {mean distance between individuals} of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701074 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Acartia (ITIS: 86084: WoRMS 104108) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697820 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697875 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C4] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697873 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697874 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and method of Mackas and Bohrer (1976) | Mapping: 700327 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697877 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697876 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Cladocera (ITIS: 83832: WoRMS 1076) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697878 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: 200-500um] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697888 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: 200-500um] by methanol extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697956 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: 500-1000um] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697881 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: 500-1000um] by methanol extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697954 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: >1000um] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697880 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Size: >1000um] by methanol extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697953 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Fritillaria (ITIS: 159674: WoRMS 103358) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697879 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Fritillaria (ITIS: 159674: WoRMS 103358) by methanol extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697952 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Metridia (ITIS: 85734: WoRMS 104190) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697884 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697883 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697882 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Oikopleura (ITIS: 159668: WoRMS 103367) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697885 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Oikopleura (ITIS: 159668: WoRMS 103367) by methanol extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697955 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697886 | |
Gut pigment content per individual of Pseudocalanus parvus [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697887 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697946 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C4] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697944 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697945 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and method of Mackas and Bohrer (1976) | Mapping: 700395 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697948 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Centropages typicus (ITIS: 85767: WoRMS 104499) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697947 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697950 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Metridia lucens (ITIS: 85741: WoRMS 104633) [Stage: copepodites C5] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697949 | |
Gut pigment content per individual standard deviation of Pseudocalanus parvus [Sex: female] by acetone extraction and fluorometry and computation as chorophyll-a equivalent | Mapping: 697951 | |
P01:AHCRAA01 |
Height (above nominal datum) of core slab surface | Mapping: 621938 | |
P01:AHGTZZ01 |
Height above sea level | Mapping: 616384 | |
P01:SDBIOL16 |
HELCOM COMBINE guidelines version used in calculation | Mapping: 801187 | |
Hydroclimatic index by protocol of Barber et al. (1994) and Dupont Hydroclimatic Index Methodology | Mapping: 617951 | |
P01:SNANID01 |
Identifier (LSID) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701904 | |
Infra-red light absorbance (atmosphere sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 616988 | |
Infra-red light absorbance (atmosphere sample) of water vapour by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617048 | |
Infra-red light absorbance (equilibrated marine sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 616987 | |
Infra-red light absorbance (equilibrated marine sample) of water vapour by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617047 | |
P01:ABCO2XS2 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617045 | |
P01:ABH2OXS2 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617050 | |
P01:ABCO2XS4 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617046 | |
P01:ABH2OXS4 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617052 | |
P01:ABCO2XS0 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617044 | |
P01:ABH2OXS0 |
Infra-red light absorbance (nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Mapping: 617049 | |
P01:IARAZM01 |
Instrument angle relative to solar plane {azimuth} | Mapping: 619122 | |
Instrument identifier (SBE MicroCAT) | Mapping: 616900 | |
Instrument identifier (SonTek current meter) | Mapping: 616829 | |
P01:XDSCWS01 |
Instrument identifier (wavestaff) | Mapping: 615995 | |
International Maritime Organisation identifier {IMO number} | Mapping: 619927 | |
P01:CJDY1101 |
Julian Date (chronological) | Mapping: 617805 | |
Kinematic viscosity of pollution simulation spillet | Mapping: 621040 | |
P01:ALATSD01 |
Latitude standard deviation (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system | Mapping: 618809 | |
Length (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1429280 | |
P01:FL01XX01 |
Length (fork length) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1616827 | |
P01:O32A9116 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417417 | |
P01:L75BB956 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418097 | |
P01:N0647A07 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417935 | |
P01:F8321810 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1418133 | |
P01:B64920A7 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416153 | |
P01:H327695A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417943 | |
P01:F9668764 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416189 | |
P01:Z690B21B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1418491 | |
P01:L4343932 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416207 | |
P01:S56141A0 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416225 | |
P01:D50453A1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418115 | |
P01:M343A1A5 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416171 | |
P01:U3107949 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416389 | |
P01:HB58A827 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416407 | |
P01:QB02836A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418173 | |
P01:E3B306B2 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1415941 | |
P01:Y2B925BB |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417457 | |
P01:Q8323784 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418181 | |
P01:N8A88940 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 1416233 | |
P01:W2279627 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418079 | |
P01:H30BA40B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417433 | |
P01:G0967843 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417475 | |
P01:W23A84A7 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417493 | |
P01:R280B7A1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1415933 | |
P01:F96B70B7 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417425 | |
P01:Y5582498 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416415 | |
P01:P30007B6 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416433 | |
P01:F249038B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418621 | |
P01:QA579271 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1416451 | |
P01:S44AB461 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416731 | |
P01:Q79A4171 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416089 | |
P01:PB049772 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417377 | |
P01:D48B30A2 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1418473 | |
P01:J038402B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416759 | |
P01:M8019B1B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416107 | |
P01:L8AB2966 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult] | Mapping: 1417369 | |
P01:Z8506801 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416125 | |
P01:WB3B9B29 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417441 | |
P01:CBA208B8 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417975 | |
P01:O495B1B4 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1415843 | |
P01:BB863916 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417501 | |
P01:JA969823 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417983 | |
P01:IAA1B60B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1415887 | |
P01:MA601B56 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1415869 | |
P01:BB693299 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416713 | |
P01:J012321A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416459 | |
P01:J3278047 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416487 | |
P01:T49092A1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1415851 | |
P01:R3037159 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417509 | |
P01:U7989530 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417517 | |
P01:F66B8B94 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417535 | |
P01:O5172B87 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416241 | |
P01:M920603B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron elongatum (ITIS: 95559: WoRMS 110702) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416843 | |
P01:W15B41BB |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron longicorne (ITIS: 95557: WoRMS 110703) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416861 | |
P01:EB247275 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418051 | |
P01:Q8A26A85 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416879 | |
P01:B843B52A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416897 | |
P01:L083BBA4 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416933 | |
P01:G5210512 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416915 | |
P01:GAA12643 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 1417449 | |
P01:P0A29B3A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1415905 | |
P01:J54817B3 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416795 | |
P01:M7B9A445 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416835 | |
P01:Z3B85984 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416777 | |
P01:P18B0470 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) | Mapping: 1417385 | |
P01:M65AA236 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417001 | |
P01:J6597394 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417019 | |
P01:A4A61497 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417919 | |
P01:A15B7AA9 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417055 | |
P01:JA211103 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417073 | |
P01:N5384432 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417927 | |
P01:Z9A09040 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416249 | |
P01:D66034AA |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417409 | |
P01:F4283984 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1417401 | |
P01:T1A9296A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417091 | |
P01:N96AA0B6 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417109 | |
P01:RB32484B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417037 | |
P01:U4972470 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417393 | |
P01:E6B8462A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416267 | |
P01:R974A991 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416293 | |
P01:B2666794 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417127 | |
P01:N8476474 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417145 | |
P01:H0B10274 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417951 | |
P01:T723692B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417171 | |
P01:Z1758267 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417189 | |
P01:P5927403 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417959 | |
P01:G925BA70 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 1417967 | |
P01:G40743A8 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416275 | |
P01:O51A8768 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417683 | |
P01:I6723B66 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae+juvenile] | Mapping: 1417675 | |
P01:W6288604 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1417667 | |
P01:M832A847 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417207 | |
P01:Y6A09916 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417225 | |
P01:Q1175174 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417163 | |
P01:AA29A383 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418511 | |
P01:W8653523 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416329 | |
P01:N50B4524 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416311 | |
P01:U5355510 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417243 | |
P01:D8367471 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418597 | |
P01:F2912016 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417707 | |
P01:HB99B673 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417261 | |
P01:S379A23B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418613 | |
P01:Z065647B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 1417279 | |
P01:E1477207 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+furcilia] | Mapping: 1418589 | |
P01:Y04787B4 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416347 | |
P01:P70B9802 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1418605 | |
P01:Q86291A7 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult Sex: female+indeterminate] | Mapping: 1417297 | |
P01:D4103006 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult] | Mapping: 1417315 | |
P01:I131953A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1417715 | |
P01:T92960B1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417333 | |
P01:F87AB156 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417341 | |
P01:D4020745 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417691 | |
P01:A8969479 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417699 | |
P01:S279694A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417821 | |
P01:V0A8B089 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418107 | |
P01:X0911267 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418165 | |
P01:MB306547 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1418143 | |
P01:F3AB6758 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416163 | |
P01:G373B219 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418211 | |
P01:K874698B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416199 | |
P01:U2085B73 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417831 | |
P01:XB289240 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416217 | |
P01:E4257634 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418071 | |
P01:ZB8566B9 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418125 | |
P01:I520B3AB |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416181 | |
P01:K5022386 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416399 | |
P01:W0084B53 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1415925 | |
P01:J743BB57 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418435 | |
P01:SBB01626 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1415951 | |
P01:E706647A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417467 | |
P01:L02A3339 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417599 | |
P01:VB357713 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 1416479 | |
P01:P4550BB3 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418089 | |
P01:R79A1182 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1418531 | |
P01:L8607B72 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417485 | |
P01:H036260B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416145 | |
P01:W153B068 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418445 | |
P01:BA7B564A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418521 | |
P01:Z6723A1A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416425 | |
P01:Q96A05A8 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416443 | |
P01:P8AA8473 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418013 | |
P01:O7342483 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1416723 | |
P01:C7728A46 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416741 | |
P01:T1B368B1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418023 | |
P01:Z1B0AA62 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417361 | |
P01:N92A6251 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1416751 | |
P01:H0642128 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416769 | |
P01:R1A7854A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416117 | |
P01:X7290B88 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematobrachion boopis (ITIS: 95537: WoRMS 110691) [Stage: sub-adult] | Mapping: 1417659 | |
P01:P6344468 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416135 | |
P01:B2B52414 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418541 | |
P01:N1A90B05 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416099 | |
P01:E6951831 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416705 | |
P01:MB7A17B2 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418631 | |
P01:ZA282049 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1415897 | |
P01:H5712BB5 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1415879 | |
P01:N0A18595 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418465 | |
P01:P8A79A75 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416469 | |
P01:D2424A2A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416497 | |
P01:J8652175 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1415861 | |
P01:E129B434 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417527 | |
P01:P434AB83 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417545 | |
P01:S9997249 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron (ITIS: 95556: WoRMS 110678) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418415 | |
P01:Z1968894 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron elongatum (ITIS: 95559: WoRMS 110702) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416853 | |
P01:N49B2353 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron longicorne (ITIS: 95557: WoRMS 110703) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416871 | |
P01:F538792A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418061 | |
P01:W60179A1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416889 | |
P01:HBBA9853 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416907 | |
P01:C5846188 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1415915 | |
P01:J54A868B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416925 | |
P01:Z6B7394A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 1418551 | |
P01:L0129501 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416827 | |
P01:TA2659B1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416993 | |
P01:E0995166 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1416787 | |
P01:OA83586A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) | Mapping: 1417725 | |
P01:S63A227B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417011 | |
P01:T351A38A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417029 | |
P01:I5118144 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418033 | |
P01:E5779624 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417065 | |
P01:FB955406 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417083 | |
P01:M030840A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418043 | |
P01:E9329995 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416259 | |
P01:M0377A2A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417811 | |
P01:U2022205 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1417801 | |
P01:S4602298 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417101 | |
P01:R789298B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417119 | |
P01:A85A2B21 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417047 | |
P01:C6287299 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa inermis (ITIS: 95573: WoRMS 110708) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417791 | |
P01:X640B085 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418455 | |
P01:Y920477B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416303 | |
P01:C6395654 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1417137 | |
P01:IB92A015 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417155 | |
P01:Q09B2261 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416061 | |
P01:P93AA199 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417181 | |
P01:Z5131350 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417199 | |
P01:C21AB290 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1416071 | |
P01:G6948904 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: indeterminate Sex: indeterminate] | Mapping: 1416081 | |
P01:F0A29460 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416285 | |
P01:Q1788BB9 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417609 | |
P01:V3A1BB7A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae+juvenile] | Mapping: 1418581 | |
P01:H293AA81 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1418571 | |
P01:V9444587 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1417217 | |
P01:RB5895B9 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417235 | |
P01:J001229B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418483 | |
P01:B0904B71 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1418561 | |
P01:CAA9A025 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416339 | |
P01:Q219556B |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: with spermatophores or spermatozoa inside the thelycum] | Mapping: 1416321 | |
P01:L6B919A5 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417253 | |
P01:IBB94868 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418201 | |
P01:D914BBB3 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: with spermatophores at the genital aperture or attached to the petasma] | Mapping: 1417639 | |
P01:E0351675 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417271 | |
P01:T63A08A6 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418003 | |
P01:B7B97580 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: furcilia] | Mapping: 1417289 | |
P01:ZB32675A |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+furcilia] | Mapping: 1418191 | |
P01:T31971B5 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile+sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1416357 | |
P01:S574A278 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 1417993 | |
P01:L39784B1 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult Sex: female+indeterminate] | Mapping: 1417307 | |
P01:C225B849 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae+sub-adult] | Mapping: 1417325 | |
P01:W40AA040 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: postlarvae] | Mapping: 1417649 | |
P01:PB0742A5 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418425 | |
P01:UA131B71 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult Sex: male] | Mapping: 1417351 | |
P01:W3346063 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: female Subgroup: without spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417619 | |
P01:G987B852 |
Length (from the front of the eye to the tip of the telson) standard deviation of Thysanopoda acutifrons (ITIS: 95583: WoRMS 110712) [Stage: sub-adult+adult Sex: male Subgroup: without external spermatophores] | Mapping: 1417629 | |
Length (metasome) of Acartia (ITIS: 86084: WoRMS 104108) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414513 | |
Length (metasome) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414523 | |
Length (metasome) of Centropages (ITIS: 85761: WoRMS 104159) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414543 | |
Length (metasome) of Clausocalanus (ITIS: 85352: WoRMS 104161) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414533 | |
Length (metasome) of Paracalanus / Pseudocalanus (ITIS: 85258: WoRMS 1100) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414553 | |
Length (metasome) standard deviation of Acartia (ITIS: 86084: WoRMS 104108) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416529 | |
Length (metasome) standard deviation of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416541 | |
Length (metasome) standard deviation of Centropages (ITIS: 85761: WoRMS 104159) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416565 | |
Length (metasome) standard deviation of Clausocalanus (ITIS: 85352: WoRMS 104161) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416553 | |
Length (metasome) standard deviation of Paracalanus / Pseudocalanus (ITIS: 85258: WoRMS 1100) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414899 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanoida (ITIS: 85258: WoRMS 1100) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414563 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: female] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416973 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: male] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416983 | |
P01:K7799B95 |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417865 | |
P01:TB95A605 |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C1] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417735 | |
P01:A4A52693 |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C2] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417757 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C3] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416943 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C4] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416953 | |
Length (prosome) of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416963 | |
Length (prosome) of Cyclopoida (ITIS: 88530: WoRMS 1101) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414573 | |
Length (prosome) of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414583 | |
Length (prosome) of Harpacticoida (ITIS: 86110: WoRMS 1102) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414593 | |
Length (prosome) of Monstrilloida (ITIS: 88989: WoRMS 1106) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414603 | |
P01:J398B6A2 |
Length (prosome) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites plus adults] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416805 | |
P01:J4B768A2 |
Length (prosome) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417911 | |
P01:E3897A2B |
Length (prosome) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417577 | |
Length (prosome) of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414613 | |
P01:I1597A9B |
Length (prosome) of Oithona similis (ITIS: 88805: WoRMS 106656) [Sex: female] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417555 | |
Length (prosome) of Oncaea (ITIS: 88540: WoRMS 128690) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414623 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanoida (ITIS: 85258: WoRMS 1100) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414911 | |
P01:U428B16B |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: female] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417889 | |
P01:A55B2401 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult Sex: male] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417901 | |
P01:Z7A84479 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: adult] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417877 | |
P01:FB62B6BA |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C1] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417747 | |
P01:XB394348 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C2] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417769 | |
P01:O493523B |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C3] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417781 | |
P01:K11B00B2 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C4] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417843 | |
P01:N482AA41 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Calanus finmarchicus (ITIS: 85272: WoRMS 104464) [Stage: copepodites C5] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417855 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Cyclopoida (ITIS: 88530: WoRMS 1101) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414923 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414935 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Harpacticoida (ITIS: 86110: WoRMS 1102) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414947 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Monstrilloida (ITIS: 88989: WoRMS 1106) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414959 | |
P01:SA693214 |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1418503 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414971 | |
Length (prosome) standard deviation of Oncaea (ITIS: 88540: WoRMS 128690) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1414983 | |
P01:X5A3582A |
Length (prosome) standard error of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites plus adults] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416817 | |
Length (prosome) standard error of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: copepodites] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1418155 | |
P01:KB7A2007 |
Length (prosome) standard error of Oithona (ITIS: 88802: WoRMS 106485) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417589 | |
P01:L37B3A77 |
Length (prosome) standard error of Oithona similis (ITIS: 88805: WoRMS 106656) [Sex: female] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1417567 | |
P01:SDL1XX01 |
Length (second dorsal length) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1616853 | |
P01:SL01XX01 |
Length (Standard Length) of biological entity specified elsewhere {SL} | Mapping: 1418811 | |
P01:TL01XX01 |
Length (total length) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1616924 | |
Length maximum of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1418803 | |
P01:MXLN8957 |
Length maximum of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) | Mapping: 1616946 | |
P01:MUM13236 |
Length maximum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1418763 | |
P01:MUM13013 |
Length maximum of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 1418723 | |
P01:MXLN6728 |
Length maximum of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) | Mapping: 1418773 | |
P01:MUM13015 |
Length maximum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1418743 | |
P01:MLLEN002 |
Length maximum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 1418651 | |
P01:MXLN9243 |
Length maximum of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) | Mapping: 1616956 | |
P01:MLLEN004 |
Length maximum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 1418671 | |
P01:MNLN8957 |
Length mean of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) | Mapping: 1699709 | |
P01:MALN6728 |
Length mean of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) | Mapping: 1699737 | |
P01:MALN9243 |
Length mean of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) | Mapping: 1699765 | |
Length minimum of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1418793 | |
P01:MUM13235 |
Length minimum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1418753 | |
P01:MUM13012 |
Length minimum of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 1418713 | |
P01:MNLN6728 |
Length minimum of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) | Mapping: 1418783 | |
P01:MUM13014 |
Length minimum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1418733 | |
P01:MLLEN001 |
Length minimum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 1418641 | |
P01:MLLEN003 |
Length minimum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 1418661 | |
P01:BLENOX60 |
Length of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) | Mapping: 1415143 | |
P01:BLENOX03 |
Length of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) | Mapping: 1414647 | |
P01:BLENOX04 |
Length of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) | Mapping: 1414655 | |
P01:BLENOX01 |
Length of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) | Mapping: 1414631 | |
P01:BLENOX06 |
Length of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) | Mapping: 1414671 | |
P01:BLENOX11 |
Length of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) | Mapping: 1414711 | |
Length of Appendicularia (Class) (ITIS: 159664: WoRMS 146421) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415253 | |
P01:BLENOX15 |
Length of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) | Mapping: 1414743 | |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1418261 | |
P01:CAPLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: carapace] | Mapping: 1792006 | |
P01:SPCLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: culmen] | Mapping: 1418679 | |
P01:SPHLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: head] | Mapping: 1418703 | |
P01:LFSLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: leaf sheath] | Mapping: 1791982 | |
P01:LEFLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: leaves] | Mapping: 1791970 | |
P01:DML1XX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: mantle] {DML} | Mapping: 1699193 | |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: shell] | Mapping: 1711376 | |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: starfish arm] | Mapping: 1711388 | |
P01:STILEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: stipe] | Mapping: 1791994 | |
P01:SPTLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: tarsus] | Mapping: 1418687 | |
P01:SPWLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: wings] | Mapping: 1418695 | |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subgroup: fresh] | Mapping: 1747900 | |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subgroup: preserved] | Mapping: 1747908 | |
P01:BLENOX58 |
Length of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) | Mapping: 1415127 | |
P01:BLENOX18 |
Length of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) | Mapping: 1414767 | |
P01:BLENOX57 |
Length of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) | Mapping: 1415119 | |
P01:BLENOX19 |
Length of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) | Mapping: 1414775 | |
P01:BLENOX07 |
Length of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) | Mapping: 1414679 | |
P01:BLENOX33 |
Length of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) | Mapping: 1415279 | |
P01:BLENOX36 |
Length of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) | Mapping: 1415303 | |
P01:BLENX005 |
Length of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 1418301 | |
P01:BLENX004 |
Length of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 1418293 | |
Length of Chaetognatha (ITIS: 158650: WoRMS 2081) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415153 | |
P01:BLENOX59 |
Length of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) | Mapping: 1415135 | |
P01:BLENOX22 |
Length of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 1414799 | |
P01:BLENOX21 |
Length of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) | Mapping: 1414791 | |
Length of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415163 | |
P01:BLENOX20 |
Length of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) | Mapping: 1414783 | |
P01:BLENOX35 |
Length of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) | Mapping: 1415295 | |
P01:BLENOX12 |
Length of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) | Mapping: 1414719 | |
P01:BLENOX37 |
Length of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) | Mapping: 1415311 | |
Length of Decapoda (ITIS: 95599: WoRMS 1130) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415173 | |
P01:BLENOX40 |
Length of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 1415335 | |
Length of Doliolida (ITIS: 159637: WoRMS 137212) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415183 | |
Length of Echinodermata (ITIS: 156857: WoRMS 1806) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415193 | |
Length of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415203 | |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415213 | |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415223 | |
P01:BLENOX25 |
Length of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) | Mapping: 1414823 | |
P01:BLENOX26 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1414831 | |
P01:MUM13237 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418245 | |
P01:MUM13238 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418253 | |
P01:BLENOX30 |
Length of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) | Mapping: 1414863 | |
Length of Gastropoda (ITIS: 69459: WoRMS 101) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415233 | |
P01:BLENOX14 |
Length of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) | Mapping: 1414735 | |
P01:BLENOX05 |
Length of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) | Mapping: 1414663 | |
P01:BLENX003 |
Length of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 1418285 | |
Length of Hydrozoa (ITIS: 48739: WoRMS 1337) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415243 | |
P01:BLENOX02 |
Length of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) | Mapping: 1414639 | |
P01:BLENOX34 |
Length of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) | Mapping: 1415287 | |
P01:BLENOX38 |
Length of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) | Mapping: 1415319 | |
P01:BLENOX39 |
Length of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) | Mapping: 1415327 | |
P01:BLENOX13 |
Length of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) | Mapping: 1414727 | |
P01:BLENOX43 |
Length of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) | Mapping: 1415359 | |
P01:BLENOX45 |
Length of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) | Mapping: 1415375 | |
P01:BLENOX49 |
Length of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) | Mapping: 1415407 | |
P01:BLENX002 |
Length of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 1418277 | |
P01:BLENOX29 |
Length of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) | Mapping: 1414855 | |
P01:BLENOX10 |
Length of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) | Mapping: 1414703 | |
P01:BLENOX46 |
Length of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) | Mapping: 1415383 | |
P01:BLENX006 |
Length of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 1418309 | |
P01:BLEN3538 |
Length of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 1416373 | |
P01:BLEN3539 |
Length of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1416041 | |
P01:BLEN6660 |
Length of Nassarius reticulatus (ITIS: 74123: WoRMS 140513) | Mapping: 1416381 | |
P01:BLENX007 |
Length of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 1418317 | |
Length of Ostracoda (ITIS: 84195: WoRMS 1078) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415263 | |
P01:BLENOX08 |
Length of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) | Mapping: 1414687 | |
P01:BLENX008 |
Length of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 1418325 | |
P01:BLENOX50 |
Length of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) | Mapping: 1415415 | |
P01:BLENOX17 |
Length of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) | Mapping: 1414759 | |
P01:BLENOX47 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1415391 | |
P01:MUM13017 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1418219 | |
P01:MUM13018 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1418227 | |
P01:BLENOX48 |
Length of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 1415399 | |
P01:BLENOX44 |
Length of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) | Mapping: 1415367 | |
P01:BLENOX28 |
Length of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) | Mapping: 1414847 | |
P01:BLENOX27 |
Length of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) | Mapping: 1414839 | |
Length of Polychaeta (ITIS: 914166: WoRMS 883) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416507 | |
P01:LPO08263 |
Length of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] {leaf length} | Mapping: 1473860 | |
P01:BLENX001 |
Length of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 1418269 | |
Length of sampling track | Mapping: 622194 | |
P01:BLENOX23 |
Length of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) | Mapping: 1414807 | |
P01:BLENOX52 |
Length of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) | Mapping: 1415431 | |
Length of Siphonophora (ITIS: 51268: WoRMS 254409) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416517 | |
P01:BLENOX56 |
Length of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) | Mapping: 1415111 | |
P01:BLENOX09 |
Length of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) | Mapping: 1414695 | |
P01:BLENOX24 |
Length of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 1414815 | |
P01:BLEN1234 |
Length of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) | Mapping: 1792068 | |
P01:BLENOX54 |
Length of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) | Mapping: 1414879 | |
P01:BLENOX41 |
Length of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) | Mapping: 1415343 | |
P01:BLENOX42 |
Length of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) | Mapping: 1415351 | |
P01:BLENOX51 |
Length of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) | Mapping: 1415423 | |
P01:BLENOX53 |
Length of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) | Mapping: 1415439 | |
P01:BLENOX55 |
Length of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) | Mapping: 1414887 | |
P01:BLENOX31 |
Length of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) | Mapping: 1414871 | |
P01:BLENOX32 |
Length of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) | Mapping: 1415271 | |
P01:BLENOX16 |
Length of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) | Mapping: 1414751 | |
P01:BLEN6621 |
Length of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 1416365 | |
P01:BLSDOX03 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) | Mapping: 1415013 | |
P01:BLSDOX04 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) | Mapping: 1415023 | |
P01:BLSDOX01 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) | Mapping: 1414993 | |
P01:BLSDOX06 |
Length standard deviation of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) | Mapping: 1415043 | |
P01:BLSDOX11 |
Length standard deviation of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) | Mapping: 1415093 | |
Length standard deviation of Appendicularia (Class) (ITIS: 159664: WoRMS 146421) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415987 | |
P01:BLSDOX15 |
Length standard deviation of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) | Mapping: 1416595 | |
Length standard deviation of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 2087349 | |
P01:BLSDOX18 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) | Mapping: 1416625 | |
P01:BLSDOX19 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) | Mapping: 1416635 | |
P01:BLSDOX07 |
Length standard deviation of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) | Mapping: 1415053 | |
P01:BLSDOX33 |
Length standard deviation of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) | Mapping: 1415519 | |
P01:BLSDOX36 |
Length standard deviation of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) | Mapping: 1415549 | |
P01:BLSDX005 |
Length standard deviation of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 1418375 | |
P01:BLSDX004 |
Length standard deviation of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 1418365 | |
Length standard deviation of Chaetognatha (ITIS: 158650: WoRMS 2081) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415751 | |
P01:SDLN8957 |
Length standard deviation of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) | Mapping: 1699719 | |
P01:BLSDOX22 |
Length standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 1416665 | |
P01:BLSDOX21 |
Length standard deviation of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) | Mapping: 1416655 | |
Length standard deviation of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415763 | |
P01:BLSDOX20 |
Length standard deviation of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) | Mapping: 1416645 | |
P01:BLSDOX35 |
Length standard deviation of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) | Mapping: 1415539 | |
P01:BLSDOX12 |
Length standard deviation of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) | Mapping: 1415103 | |
P01:BLSDOX37 |
Length standard deviation of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) | Mapping: 1415559 | |
Length standard deviation of Decapoda (ITIS: 95599: WoRMS 1130) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415775 | |
P01:BLSDOX40 |
Length standard deviation of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 1415589 | |
Length standard deviation of Doliolida (ITIS: 159637: WoRMS 137212) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415787 | |
Length standard deviation of Echinodermata (ITIS: 156857: WoRMS 1806) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415799 | |
Length standard deviation of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415811 | |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415823 | |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415835 | |
P01:BLSDOX25 |
Length standard deviation of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) | Mapping: 1416695 | |
P01:BLSDOX26 |
Length standard deviation of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1415449 | |
P01:BLSDOX30 |
Length standard deviation of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) | Mapping: 1415489 | |
Length standard deviation of Gastropoda (ITIS: 69459: WoRMS 101) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415963 | |
P01:BLSDOX14 |
Length standard deviation of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) | Mapping: 1416585 | |
P01:BLSDOX05 |
Length standard deviation of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) | Mapping: 1415033 | |
P01:BLSDX003 |
Length standard deviation of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 1418355 | |
Length standard deviation of Hydrozoa (ITIS: 48739: WoRMS 1337) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415975 | |
P01:BLSDOX02 |
Length standard deviation of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) | Mapping: 1415003 | |
P01:BLSDOX34 |
Length standard deviation of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) | Mapping: 1415529 | |
P01:BLSDOX38 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) | Mapping: 1415569 | |
P01:BLSDOX39 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) | Mapping: 1415579 | |
P01:BLSDOX13 |
Length standard deviation of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) | Mapping: 1416575 | |
P01:BLSDOX43 |
Length standard deviation of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) | Mapping: 1415619 | |
P01:BLSDOX45 |
Length standard deviation of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) | Mapping: 1415639 | |
P01:BLSDOX49 |
Length standard deviation of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) | Mapping: 1415679 | |
P01:BLSDX002 |
Length standard deviation of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 1418345 | |
P01:BLSDOX29 |
Length standard deviation of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) | Mapping: 1415479 | |
P01:BLSDOX10 |
Length standard deviation of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) | Mapping: 1415083 | |
P01:BLSDOX46 |
Length standard deviation of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) | Mapping: 1415649 | |
P01:BLSDX006 |
Length standard deviation of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 1418385 | |
P01:MUM13223 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 1418237 | |
P01:SDLN6728 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) | Mapping: 1699747 | |
P01:BLENSD29 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1416051 | |
P01:BLSDX007 |
Length standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 1418395 | |
Length standard deviation of Ostracoda (ITIS: 84195: WoRMS 1078) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1415999 | |
P01:BLSDOX08 |
Length standard deviation of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) | Mapping: 1415063 | |
P01:BLSDX008 |
Length standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 1418405 | |
P01:BLSDOX50 |
Length standard deviation of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) | Mapping: 1415689 | |
P01:BLSDOX17 |
Length standard deviation of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) | Mapping: 1416615 | |
P01:BLSDOX47 |
Length standard deviation of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1415659 | |
P01:BLSDOX48 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 1415669 | |
P01:BLSDOX44 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) | Mapping: 1415629 | |
P01:BLSDOX28 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) | Mapping: 1415469 | |
P01:BLSDOX27 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) | Mapping: 1415459 | |
Length standard deviation of Polychaeta (ITIS: 914166: WoRMS 883) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416011 | |
P01:SDLN9243 |
Length standard deviation of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) | Mapping: 1699775 | |
P01:BLSDX001 |
Length standard deviation of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 1418335 | |
P01:BLSDOX23 |
Length standard deviation of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) | Mapping: 1416675 | |
P01:BLSDOX52 |
Length standard deviation of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) | Mapping: 1415709 | |
Length standard deviation of Siphonophora (ITIS: 51268: WoRMS 254409) by optical microscopy | Mapping: 1416023 | |
P01:BLSDOX09 |
Length standard deviation of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) | Mapping: 1415073 | |
P01:BLSDOX24 |
Length standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 1416685 | |
P01:SDEN1234 |
Length standard deviation of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) | Mapping: 1792889 | |
P01:BLSDOX54 |
Length standard deviation of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) | Mapping: 1415729 | |
P01:BLSDOX41 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) | Mapping: 1415599 | |
P01:BLSDOX42 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) | Mapping: 1415609 | |
P01:BLSDOX51 |
Length standard deviation of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) | Mapping: 1415699 | |
P01:BLSDOX53 |
Length standard deviation of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) | Mapping: 1415719 | |
P01:BLSDOX55 |
Length standard deviation of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) | Mapping: 1415739 | |
P01:BLSDOX31 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) | Mapping: 1415499 | |
P01:BLSDOX32 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) | Mapping: 1415509 | |
P01:BLSDOX16 |
Length standard deviation of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) | Mapping: 1416605 | |
P01:MLLEN005 |
Length standard deviation of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 1416033 | |
P01:UVACZZ01 |
Light absorbance correction (temperature compensation) | Mapping: 616419 | |
P01:A260A230 |
Light absorbance ratio (260/230 nm wavelengths) of deoxyribonucleic acid (extract) {DNA CAS 9007-49-2} | Mapping: 614653 | |
P01:A260A280 |
Light absorbance ratio (260/280 nm wavelengths) of deoxyribonucleic acid (extract) {DNA CAS 9007-49-2} | Mapping: 614620 | |
P01:ABSRAT01 |
Light absorbance ratio (578/434 nm wavelengths) by spectrophotometry | Mapping: 1391470 | |
P01:DBBCBE02 |
Likelihood category of death from fishing by-catch of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585896 | |
P01:DBNCBE01 |
Likelihood category of death from natural causes of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585870 | |
P01:DBPDBE04 |
Likelihood category of death from predation of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585912 | |
P01:DBSSBE03 |
Likelihood category of death from ship strike of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585878 | |
Location (geographic coordinates) of spawning grounds of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 1755312 | |
P01:LORA1790 |
Location ratio (surface/bottom) of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701080 | |
P01:ALONSD01 |
Longitude standard deviation (WGS84) by unspecified GPS system | Mapping: 618810 | |
Magnitude (Richter Scale) of earthquake | Mapping: 620476 | |
P01:SOVO0003 |
Maximum count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701909 | |
P01:DN02XX01 |
Maximum distance from nest of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 868812 | |
Maximum flow rate (in measurement loop for atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617160 | |
Maximum flow rate (in measurement loop for equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617159 | |
P01:MAXFL0S2 |
Maximum flow rate (in measurement loop for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617162 | |
P01:MAXFL0S4 |
Maximum flow rate (in measurement loop for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617196 | |
P01:MAXFL0S0 |
Maximum flow rate (in measurement loop for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617161 | |
P01:MUM13214 |
Maximum specimen weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 701303 | |
P01:MUM13228 |
Maximum specimen weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 701368 | |
P01:HEAVMX01 |
Maximum vertical displacement (10-minute period) of measurement platform {heave} by accelerometer | Mapping: 617902 | |
P01:SOVO0002 |
Mean count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701908 | |
Mean depth below sea surface (during sampling event) by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm | Mapping: 616131 | |
P01:CA3310B9 |
Mean equivalent spherical diameter of mesozooplankton by Plankton Visual Analyser | Mapping: 700961 | |
P01:STRR1790 |
Mean startle response rate of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701077 | |
P01:SOVO0006 |
Mean viable offspring (per breeding pair) {fledging success} of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701912 | |
Median size of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by acridine orange staining and image analysis | Mapping: 692456 | |
Median volume of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by DAPI staining and image analysis | Mapping: 692457 | |
P01:MUM13213 |
Minimum specimen weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 701302 | |
P01:MUM13227 |
Minimum specimen weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 701367 | |
Mixing ratio (equilibrated marine sample) of hydrogen | Mapping: 611919 | |
Mixing ratio (equilibrated marine sample) of nitrous oxide {N2O CAS 10024-97-2} | Mapping: 612143 | |
P01:WMXRZZ01 |
Mixing ratio (equilibrated marine sample) of water vapour | Mapping: 622520 | |
Model level number | Mapping: 621804 | |
P01:XCO2DCS2 |
Mole fraction (nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide (in dry air) {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and computed from pCO2 following correction to dry air and calibration against standards | Mapping: 617252 | |
P01:XCO2DCS4 |
Mole fraction (nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide (in dry air) {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and computed from pCO2 following correction to dry air and calibration against standards | Mapping: 617253 | |
P01:XCO2DCS0 |
Mole fraction (nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide (in dry air) {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and computed from pCO2 following correction to dry air and calibration against standards | Mapping: 617251 | |
Month within year | Mapping: 618257 | |
P01:OBSMOR01 |
Morphology of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 2086736 | |
P01:DEPNWT01 |
Normalised depth to water table by protocol of Charman and Warner (1992) and computation of Blundell and Barber (2005) | Mapping: 617948 | |
Normalised hydroclimatic index by protocol of Barber et al. (1994) and Dupont Hydroclimatic Index Methodology and computation of Blundell and Barber (2005) | Mapping: 617952 | |
Number (during previous powered-up period) of fixes by Trimble GPS | Mapping: 616954 | |
Number (in analysis) of particles | Mapping: 620725 | |
P01:I51ANL68 |
Number (in analysis) of specimens | Mapping: 617019 | |
Number (in average) | Mapping: 611441 | |
P01:Q4A05944 |
Number (in incubation experiment) of Calanus (ITIS: 85263: WoRMS 104152) [Stage: nauplii] | Mapping: 700130 | |
P01:I51A0468 |
Number (in incubation experiment) of females | Mapping: 615930 | |
Number (in sample) of particle counts by in-situ particle sizer | Mapping: 614708 | |
Number (in sample) of particle counts by particle sizer | Mapping: 614709 | |
Number (of clones) of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: deep-adapted] by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 690645 | |
Number (of clones) of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: shallow-adapted] by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 690646 | |
P01:NB671948 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Aglantha digitale (ITIS: 719178: WoRMS 117849) | Mapping: 699844 | |
P01:D14356BA |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Benthosema glaciale (ITIS: 162680: WoRMS 126580) | Mapping: 699839 | |
P01:E87303A2 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Calanus hyperboreus (ITIS: 85266: WoRMS 104467) | Mapping: 699841 | |
P01:K05A9017 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Calanus hyperboreus (ITIS: 85266: WoRMS 104467) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699840 | |
P01:B67B9234 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) | Mapping: 699842 | |
P01:Z5834257 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Euchaeta (ITIS: 85525: WoRMS 104174) | Mapping: 699845 | |
P01:P604698B |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Euchaeta (ITIS: 85525: WoRMS 104174) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699843 | |
P01:V55A968B |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Euchaeta (ITIS: 85525: WoRMS 104174) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699913 | |
P01:B5A19308 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Eukrohnia hamata (ITIS: 158691: WoRMS 105416) | Mapping: 699846 | |
P01:S4283B30 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699847 | |
P01:L62377A9 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Euphausia krohnii (ITIS: 660849: WoRMS 110687) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699848 | |
P01:B125A402 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Fish (WoRMS 11676) | Mapping: 699912 | |
P01:B1090A69 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Limacina retroversa (ITIS: 76351: WoRMS 140227) | Mapping: 699849 | |
P01:T5288517 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) | Mapping: 699908 | |
P01:E2415394 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699905 | |
P01:JA44A652 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699907 | |
P01:W4368862 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: adult] | Mapping: 699850 | |
P01:F88A85B4 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 699906 | |
P01:S3348238 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (ITIS: 95534: WoRMS 110690) [Stage: sub-adult] | Mapping: 699909 | |
P01:G2A3BA04 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699910 | |
P01:Q6034B01 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Nematoscelis megalops (ITIS: 95542: WoRMS 110695) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699911 | |
P01:K0043002 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Paraeuchaeta norvegica (ITIS: 85544: WoRMS 104566) | Mapping: 699830 | |
P01:Q56264A5 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Paraeuchaeta norvegica (ITIS: 85544: WoRMS 104566) [Stage: adult Sex: female] | Mapping: 699916 | |
P01:Z7449250 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Parathemisto (ITIS: 95148: WoRMS 147082) | Mapping: 699831 | |
P01:C3893093 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Sergestidae (ITIS: 95887: WoRMS 106731) | Mapping: 699832 | |
P01:S7904692 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Stylocheiron maximum (ITIS: 95558: WoRMS 110704) | Mapping: 699833 | |
P01:C137741B |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Themisto abyssorum (ITIS: 206587: WoRMS 103259) | Mapping: 699914 | |
P01:Y761A4BB |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Themisto gaudichaudii (ITIS: 656448: WoRMS 325384) | Mapping: 699834 | |
P01:T7166920 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) | Mapping: 699835 | |
P01:Z857912A |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 699836 | |
P01:T8945695 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 699838 | |
P01:M06A9875 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile Sex: female] | Mapping: 699915 | |
P01:X4069902 |
Number (of specimen analyses) of Thysanoessa longicaudata (ITIS: 95575: WoRMS 110709) [Stage: juvenile] | Mapping: 699837 | |
P01:NS25A402 |
Number (of specimen analyses) {sample size} of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1391226 | |
Number (per bin) of measurements by lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | Mapping: 616801 | |
Number of common mid or depth point trace ensemble (post-stack) by three-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621536 | |
Number of common mid or depth point trace ensemble (post-stack) by two-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621534 | |
Number of common mid or depth point trace ensemble (pre-stack) by three-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621561 | |
Number of common mid or depth point trace ensemble (pre-stack) by two-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621535 | |
Number of values | Mapping: 618333 | |
Nutritional status category of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1585904 | |
P01:RCO2X0MA |
Partial pressure (raw for atmosphere sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616869 | |
P01:RH2OX0MA |
Partial pressure (raw for atmosphere sample) of water vapour by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616919 | |
P01:RCO2X0EQ |
Partial pressure (raw for equilibrated marine sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616868 | |
P01:RH2OX0EQ |
Partial pressure (raw for equilibrated marine sample) of water vapour by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616918 | |
P01:RCO2X0S2 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616871 | |
P01:RH2OX0S2 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616922 | |
P01:RCO2X0S4 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616872 | |
P01:RH2OX0S4 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616923 | |
P01:RCO2X0S0 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616870 | |
P01:RH2OX0S0 |
Partial pressure (raw for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616920 | |
Partial pressure calibration offset of pCO2 determination | Mapping: 618110 | |
Partial pressure calibration offset standard deviation of pCO2 determination | Mapping: 618112 | |
Partial pressure calibration slope of pCO2 determination | Mapping: 618111 | |
Partial pressure calibration slope standard deviation of pCO2 determination | Mapping: 618113 | |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for atmosphere sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616925 | |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for atmosphere sample) of water vapour by drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616981 | |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for equilibrated marine sample) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616924 | |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for equilibrated marine sample) of water vapour by equilibration with air, drying and constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616980 | |
P01:SDRCO2S2 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616929 | |
P01:SDRH2OS2 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616983 | |
P01:SDRCO2S4 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616930 | |
P01:SDRH2OS4 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616984 | |
P01:SDRCO2S0 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of carbon dioxide {CAS 124-38-9} by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616926 | |
P01:SDRH2OS0 |
Partial pressure standard deviation (raw for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) of water vapour by constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis and ratiometric temperature and pressure correction | Mapping: 616982 | |
Phase angle (temperature compensated) of D phase by optode | Mapping: 620914 | |
Phase angle of blue light wavelength excitation {BPhase} by optode | Mapping: 620913 | |
Phase angle of D phase by optode | Mapping: 620911 | |
Phase angle of red light wavelength excitation {RPhase} by optode | Mapping: 620912 | |
P01:OXYOPH01 |
Phase delay by optode | Mapping: 614589 | |
Potential evapotranspiration | Mapping: 618416 | |
Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using 0 or 1 binary classification | Mapping: 1534572 | |
Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using P or N binary classification | Mapping: 1534670 | |
P01:PASR1790 |
Presence or absence of startle response following stimulus of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701076 | |
Preserved wet weight of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1602526 | |
Pressure (in LICOR for atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617149 | |
Pressure (in LICOR for equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617113 | |
P01:LPRES0S2 |
Pressure (in LICOR for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617151 | |
P01:LPRES0S4 |
Pressure (in LICOR for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617152 | |
P01:LPRES0S0 |
Pressure (in LICOR for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617150 | |
P01:PRES00MA |
Pressure (in measurement loop for atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617248 | |
P01:PRES00EQ |
Pressure (in measurement loop for equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617247 | |
P01:PRES00S2 |
Pressure (in measurement loop for nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 616866 | |
P01:PRES00S4 |
Pressure (in measurement loop for nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 616867 | |
P01:PRES00S0 |
Pressure (in measurement loop for nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 616865 | |
P01:PBNNL001 |
Proportion by number of Nucella lapillus (ITIS: 73297: WoRMS 140403) [Subgroup: penis-bearing females] | Mapping: 1755594 | |
P01:PPO08263 |
Proportion necrosis by area of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] | Mapping: 1473896 | |
Proportion of cells in division of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by preservation and no staining and autofluorescence microscopy | Mapping: 690486 | |
P01:PCRCNC10 |
Proportion of coralligenous colonies [Subgroup: with percentage necrosis >=10%] | Mapping: 1614234 | |
P01:PCCRDI01 |
Proportion of Corallium rubrum colonies (ITIS: 202513: WoRMS 125416) [Size: diameter >=7mm] | Mapping: 1614242 | |
P01:PCCRHT01 |
Proportion of Corallium rubrum colonies (ITIS: 202513: WoRMS 125416) [Size: height >=100mm] | Mapping: 1614250 | |
Proportion of hybridised RuBisCO mRNA of Bacillariophyceae (ITIS: 2287: WoRMS 148899) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 692449 | |
Proportion of hybridised RuBisCO mRNA of organisms [Size: >0.4um] by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 692451 | |
Proportion of hybridised RuBisCO mRNA of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: deep-adapted] by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 692450 | |
Proportion of hybridised RuBisCO mRNA of Prochlorococcus (ITIS: 610076: WoRMS 345515) [Subgroup: shallow-adapted] by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 692453 | |
Proportion of hybridised RuBisCO mRNA of Prymnesiophyceae (ITIS: 2135: WoRMS 115057) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 692452 | |
Proportion of shoreline covered by pollution discharge | Mapping: 621082 | |
Proportion of sub-surface irradiance (PAR wavelengths) by cosine-collector radiometer and sub-surface irradiance computed from surface irradiance after Morel (1978) | Mapping: 618303 | |
Proportion of sub-surface irradiance (PAR wavelengths) {Percent light depth} | Mapping: 865442 | |
P01:SOVO0005 |
Proportion of successful nests of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701911 | |
P01:PBOT1790 |
Proportion of time spent in zone (bottom) of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701078 | |
P01:PSUR1790 |
Proportion of time spent in zone (surface) of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701079 | |
Radar backscatter by synthetic aperture radar | Mapping: 620752 | |
Radius of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1602584 | |
Radius of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: central disc] | Mapping: 1700241 | |
Range (from fixed reference point) by Sound Ocean Systems Incorporated DGPS | Mapping: 617224 | |
Range (from fixed reference point) by Trimble GPS | Mapping: 616779 | |
P01:RIFNAX01 |
Range (from fixed reference point) by unspecified GPS system | Mapping: 868722 | |
P01:BSBLRF01 |
Reference wavelength (blue) by optical backscatter sensor | Mapping: 874996 | |
P01:BSRDRF01 |
Reference wavelength (red) by optical backscatter sensor | Mapping: 874992 | |
Relative humidity (detector inlet for atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617109 | |
Relative humidity (detector inlet for equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617108 | |
P01:IRHUM0S2 |
Relative humidity (detector inlet for the nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617111 | |
P01:IRHUM0S4 |
Relative humidity (detector inlet for the nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617112 | |
P01:IRHUM0S0 |
Relative humidity (detector inlet for the nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617110 | |
Relative humidity (detector outlet for atmosphere sample) | Mapping: 617198 | |
Relative humidity (detector outlet for equilibrated marine sample) | Mapping: 617197 | |
P01:ORHUM0S2 |
Relative humidity (detector outlet for the nominal 250 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617200 | |
P01:ORHUM0S4 |
Relative humidity (detector outlet for the nominal 450 ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617202 | |
P01:ORHUM0S0 |
Relative humidity (detector outlet for the nominal zero ppm CO2 gas standard) | Mapping: 617199 | |
P01:RHDAPI02 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701181 | |
P01:RHDAPI18 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701459 | |
P01:RHDAPI34 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701091 | |
P01:RHDAPI10 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701263 | |
P01:RHDAPI26 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701356 | |
P01:RHDAPI43 |
Relative hybridisation with Alphaproteobacteria probe (ALF968) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701135 | |
P01:RHDAPI05 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701184 | |
P01:RHDAPI21 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701309 | |
P01:RHDAPI37 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701094 | |
P01:RHDAPI13 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701220 | |
P01:RHDAPI29 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701359 | |
P01:RHDAPI46 |
Relative hybridisation with Bacteroidetes probe (CF319A) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701138 | |
P01:RHYBM015 |
Relative hybridisation with Chlorarachniophytes probe (CHLA768) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697652 | |
P01:RHYBM016 |
Relative hybridisation with Chrysophytes probe (CHRY1037) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697654 | |
P01:RHYBM017 |
Relative hybridisation with Cryptophytes probe (CRYP862) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697655 | |
P01:RHDAPI01 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701179 | |
P01:RHDAPI17 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701224 | |
P01:RHDAPI33 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701312 | |
P01:RHDAPI09 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701262 | |
P01:RHDAPI25 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701355 | |
P01:RHDAPI42 |
Relative hybridisation with Eubacteria probe (EUBI-III) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701134 | |
P01:RHYBM018 |
Relative hybridisation with Eustigmatophytes probe (EUST985) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697656 | |
P01:RHDAPI04 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42A) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701183 | |
P01:RHDAPI20 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42a) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701308 | |
P01:RHDAPI36 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42a) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701093 | |
P01:RHDAPI12 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42a) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701219 | |
P01:RHDAPI28 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42a) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701358 | |
P01:RHDAPI45 |
Relative hybridisation with Gammaproteobacteria probe (GAM42a) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701137 | |
P01:RHYBM019 |
Relative hybridisation with Pavlovophytes probe (PAVL665) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697657 | |
P01:RHYBM020 |
Relative hybridisation with Pelagophytes probe (PELA1035) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697658 | |
P01:RHYBM021 |
Relative hybridisation with Pinguiophytes probe (PING1024) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697659 | |
P01:RHYBM022 |
Relative hybridisation with Prasinophyceae clade II probe (PRAS540) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697660 | |
P01:RHYBM023 |
Relative hybridisation with Prasinophyceae clade VI probe (PRAS826) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697661 | |
P01:RHDAPI07 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701260 | |
P01:RHDAPI23 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701313 | |
P01:RHDAPI40 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701097 | |
P01:RHDAPI15 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701222 | |
P01:RHDAPI31 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701457 | |
P01:RHDAPI49 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype I probe (645HLI) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701177 | |
P01:RHDAPI08 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701261 | |
P01:RHDAPI24 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701315 | |
P01:RHDAPI41 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701133 | |
P01:RHDAPI16 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701223 | |
P01:RHDAPI32 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701090 | |
P01:RHDAPI50 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus high-light adapted ecotype II probe (645HLII) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701178 | |
P01:RHYBM010 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus HLI ecotypes probe (S1PRO634R) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697647 | |
P01:RHYBM011 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus HLII ecotypes probe (S2PRO640R) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697648 | |
P01:RHYBM012 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus LL ecotypes probe (DPRO634R) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697649 | |
P01:RHYBM014 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus MIT9303 probe (MIT1023R) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697651 | |
P01:RHDAPI06 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701258 | |
P01:RHDAPI22 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701311 | |
P01:RHDAPI39 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701096 | |
P01:RHDAPI14 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701221 | |
P01:RHDAPI30 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701360 | |
P01:RHDAPI48 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus probe (405PRO) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701140 | |
P01:RHYBM013 |
Relative hybridisation with Prochlorococcus SS120 probe (SARG634R) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697650 | |
P01:RHYBM024 |
Relative hybridisation with Prymnesiophytes probe (PRYM666) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697662 | |
P01:RHDAPI03 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701182 | |
P01:RHDAPI19 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701307 | |
P01:RHDAPI35 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701092 | |
P01:RHDAPI11 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701264 | |
P01:RHDAPI27 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: low nucleic acid cell content] by preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells corrected for relative contribution of sub-group to total bacteria | Mapping: 701357 | |
P01:RHDAPI44 |
Relative hybridisation with SAR11 Clade probe (SAR11-441R) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701136 | |
P01:RHYBM001 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade I probe (SYN1006) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697585 | |
P01:RHYBM002 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade II probe (SYN1006RS) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697586 | |
P01:RHYBM003 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade III probe (SYN262) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697587 | |
P01:RHYBM004 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade IV probe (SYN635) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697588 | |
P01:RHYBM007 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade IX probe (SYN1000) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697644 | |
P01:RHYBM006 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade VIII probe (SYN620) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697643 | |
P01:RHYBM008 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clade X probe (SYN1007) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697645 | |
P01:RHYBM009 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clades I-VII & X probe (SYN1258) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697646 | |
P01:RHYBM005 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus clades V, VI, VII probe (SYN1280) of Cyanobacteria (ITIS: 601: WoRMS 146537) by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697653 | |
P01:RHDAPI38 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus probe (405SYN) of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701095 | |
P01:RHDAPI47 |
Relative hybridisation with Synechococcus probe (405SYN) standard deviation of Bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) by preservation, filtration and CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy and expressed as a proportion of DAPI-stained cells | Mapping: 701139 | |
P01:RHYBM025 |
Relative hybridisation with Trebouxiophytes probe (TREB708) of eukaryote picophytoplankton by dot blot hybridisation | Mapping: 697663 | |
P01:RPLINL01 |
Relative Penis Length Index of Nucella lapillus (ITIS: 73297: WoRMS 140403) | Mapping: 1755610 | |
P01:RPSIXX01 |
Relative Penis Size Index of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1792951 | |
P01:RPSINL01 |
Relative Penis Size Index of Nucella lapillus (ITIS: 73297: WoRMS 140403) | Mapping: 1755602 | |
P01:RFDSCH11 |
Riverine discharge (daily mean) of water | Mapping: 617546 | |
P01:RFDSCH12 |
Riverine discharge (daily mean) of water by direct reading current meter and calculation from flow | Mapping: 617547 | |
P01:RFDSCH14 |
Riverine discharge (daily mean) of water by model prediction | Mapping: 617549 | |
P01:RFDSCH13 |
Riverine discharge (daily mean) of water by water level gauge and calculation from level | Mapping: 617548 | |
P01:SDDSCH01 |
Riverine discharge of suspended particulate material | Mapping: 619156 | |
P01:RFDSCH01 |
Riverine discharge of water | Mapping: 617542 | |
P01:RFDSCH02 |
Riverine discharge of water by direct reading current meter and calculation from flow | Mapping: 617543 | |
P01:RFDSCH04 |
Riverine discharge of water by model prediction | Mapping: 617545 | |
P01:RFDSCH03 |
Riverine discharge of water by water level gauge and calculation from level | Mapping: 617544 | |
RMS error velocity by acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | Mapping: 616227 | |
P01:AZDRZZ01 |
Sample duration | Mapping: 616449 | |
P01:AZDRWI01 |
Sample duration (anemometer) | Mapping: 616025 | |
P01:AZDRWR01 |
Sample duration (waverider) | Mapping: 616537 | |
P01:AZDRWS01 |
Sample duration (wavestaff) | Mapping: 616538 | |
P01:SAMPID01 |
Sample identifier | Mapping: 621131 | |
Sample identifier (ARIESNET) | Mapping: 616029 | |
Sample length | Mapping: 618814 | |
Sample reference number | Mapping: 615902 | |
Sample reference number (optical plankton recorder count) | Mapping: 616296 | |
Sampling process quality flag (BODC C22) | Mapping: 620738 | |
Sampling protocol | Mapping: 612754 | |
P01:SSAMP001 |
Sampling salinity | Mapping: 849700 | |
P01:TSAMP001 |
Sampling temperature | Mapping: 849696 | |
Seismic shot point identifier | Mapping: 620741 | |
Seismic trace index corresponding to the left side of a printed seismic section | Mapping: 621122 | |
Seismic trace index corresponding to the right side of a printed seismic section | Mapping: 621123 | |
Sensor identifier (magnetics) | Mapping: 620742 | |
P01:ACYCAA01 |
Sequence number | Mapping: 615983 | |
Sequence number (connection attempt) by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616962 | |
P01:PTCHCT01 |
Setting (counts) of glider pitch mass | Mapping: 875000 | |
P01:ROLLCT01 |
Setting (counts) of glider roll mass | Mapping: 875004 | |
P01:VBDRCT01 |
Setting (counts) of glider variable buoyancy device | Mapping: 875008 | |
P01:ROLLCF01 |
Setting (offset angle from neutral) of glider roll mass | Mapping: 875016 | |
P01:PTCHCF01 |
Setting (offset distance from neutral) of glider pitch mass | Mapping: 875012 | |
P01:SGGCPH01 |
Setting (Seaglider guidance and control phase) | Mapping: 874988 | |
P01:VBDRCF01 |
Setting (volume offset from neutrally buoyant) of glider variable buoyancy device | Mapping: 875020 | |
P01:ENTSEX01 |
Sex of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701905 | |
P01:OBSSIZ01 |
Size category of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1856756 | |
Size class maximum size (equivalent spherical diameter) by particle sizer | Mapping: 619891 | |
Size class minimum size (equivalent spherical diameter) by optical plankton counter | Mapping: 616403 | |
Source identifier of GEBCO grid cell data | Mapping: 621710 | |
Source identifier of GEBCO grid cell data by classification using GEBCO Grid Source Data Type Identifier (SDN:GGT::) | Mapping: 1597340 | |
P01:SAGEOX60 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) | Mapping: 701188 | |
P01:SAGEOX03 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) | Mapping: 701192 | |
P01:SAGEOX04 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) | Mapping: 701193 | |
P01:SAGEOX01 |
Specimen age of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) | Mapping: 701190 | |
P01:SAGEOX06 |
Specimen age of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) | Mapping: 701195 | |
P01:SAGEOX11 |
Specimen age of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) | Mapping: 701200 | |
P01:SAGEOX15 |
Specimen age of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) | Mapping: 701204 | |
Specimen age of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701902 | |
P01:SAGEOX58 |
Specimen age of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) | Mapping: 701168 | |
P01:SAGEOX18 |
Specimen age of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) | Mapping: 701207 | |
P01:SAGEOX57 |
Specimen age of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) | Mapping: 701167 | |
P01:SAGEOX19 |
Specimen age of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) | Mapping: 701208 | |
P01:SAGEOX07 |
Specimen age of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) | Mapping: 701196 | |
P01:SAGEOX33 |
Specimen age of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) | Mapping: 701240 | |
P01:SAGEOX36 |
Specimen age of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) | Mapping: 701243 | |
P01:SAGEX005 |
Specimen age of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 701925 | |
P01:SAGEX004 |
Specimen age of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 701924 | |
P01:SAGEOX59 |
Specimen age of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) | Mapping: 701187 | |
P01:SAGEOX22 |
Specimen age of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 701229 | |
P01:SAGEOX21 |
Specimen age of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) | Mapping: 701228 | |
P01:SAGEOX20 |
Specimen age of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) | Mapping: 701209 | |
P01:SAGEOX35 |
Specimen age of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) | Mapping: 701242 | |
P01:SAGEOX12 |
Specimen age of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) | Mapping: 701201 | |
P01:SAGEOX37 |
Specimen age of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) | Mapping: 701244 | |
P01:SAGEOX40 |
Specimen age of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701247 | |
P01:SAGEOX25 |
Specimen age of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) | Mapping: 701232 | |
P01:SAGEOX26 |
Specimen age of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 701233 | |
P01:SAGEOX30 |
Specimen age of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) | Mapping: 701237 | |
P01:SAGEOX14 |
Specimen age of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) | Mapping: 701203 | |
P01:SAGEOX05 |
Specimen age of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) | Mapping: 701194 | |
P01:SAGEX003 |
Specimen age of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 701923 | |
P01:SAGEOX02 |
Specimen age of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) | Mapping: 701191 | |
P01:SAGEOX34 |
Specimen age of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) | Mapping: 701241 | |
P01:SAGEOX38 |
Specimen age of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) | Mapping: 701245 | |
P01:SAGEOX39 |
Specimen age of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) | Mapping: 701246 | |
P01:SAGEOX13 |
Specimen age of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) | Mapping: 701202 | |
P01:SAGEOX43 |
Specimen age of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) | Mapping: 701250 | |
P01:SAGEOX45 |
Specimen age of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) | Mapping: 701272 | |
P01:SAGEOX49 |
Specimen age of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) | Mapping: 701276 | |
P01:SAGEX002 |
Specimen age of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 701922 | |
P01:SAGEOX29 |
Specimen age of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) | Mapping: 701236 | |
P01:SAGEOX10 |
Specimen age of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) | Mapping: 701199 | |
P01:SAGEOX46 |
Specimen age of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) | Mapping: 701273 | |
P01:SAGEX006 |
Specimen age of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 701926 | |
P01:SAMTX002 |
Specimen age of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1391210 | |
P01:SAGEX007 |
Specimen age of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 701927 | |
P01:SAGEOX08 |
Specimen age of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) | Mapping: 701197 | |
P01:SAGEX008 |
Specimen age of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 701928 | |
P01:SAGEOX50 |
Specimen age of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) | Mapping: 701277 | |
P01:SAGEOX17 |
Specimen age of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) | Mapping: 701206 | |
P01:SAGEOX47 |
Specimen age of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 701274 | |
P01:SAGEOX48 |
Specimen age of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 701275 | |
P01:SAGEOX44 |
Specimen age of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) | Mapping: 701271 | |
P01:SAGEOX28 |
Specimen age of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) | Mapping: 701235 | |
P01:SAGEOX27 |
Specimen age of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) | Mapping: 701234 | |
P01:SAGEX001 |
Specimen age of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 701921 | |
P01:SAGEOX23 |
Specimen age of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) | Mapping: 701230 | |
P01:SAGEOX52 |
Specimen age of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) | Mapping: 701279 | |
P01:SAGEOX56 |
Specimen age of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) | Mapping: 701166 | |
P01:SAGEOX09 |
Specimen age of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) | Mapping: 701198 | |
P01:SAGEOX24 |
Specimen age of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 701231 | |
P01:SAGEOX54 |
Specimen age of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) | Mapping: 701164 | |
P01:SAGEOX41 |
Specimen age of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) | Mapping: 701248 | |
P01:SAGEOX42 |
Specimen age of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) | Mapping: 701249 | |
P01:SAGEOX51 |
Specimen age of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) | Mapping: 701278 | |
P01:SAGEOX53 |
Specimen age of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) | Mapping: 701280 | |
P01:SAGEOX55 |
Specimen age of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) | Mapping: 701165 | |
P01:SAGEOX31 |
Specimen age of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) | Mapping: 701238 | |
P01:SAGEOX32 |
Specimen age of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) | Mapping: 701239 | |
P01:SAGEOX16 |
Specimen age of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) | Mapping: 701205 | |
P01:SAGE6621 |
Specimen age of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 701189 | |
P01:SDGEX005 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 701949 | |
P01:SDGEX004 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 701948 | |
P01:SDGEX022 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 701970 | |
P01:SDGEX003 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 701947 | |
P01:SDGEX002 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 701946 | |
P01:SDGEX006 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 701950 | |
P01:SDMTX002 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1391216 | |
P01:SDGEX007 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 701951 | |
P01:SDGEX008 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 701952 | |
P01:SDGEX001 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 701945 | |
P01:SDGEX024 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 701972 | |
Specimen decomposition stage code of biological entity specified elsewhere by classification according to Rowles et al (2001) | Mapping: 1585814 | |
P01:GLO10070 |
Specimen dry weight of Globigerina bulloides (ITIS: 45797: WoRMS 113434) [Size: 150-200um] by gravimetry | Mapping: 701595 | |
P01:GLO10071 |
Specimen dry weight of Globigerina bulloides (ITIS: 45797: WoRMS 113434) [Size: 200-250um] by gravimetry | Mapping: 701596 | |
P01:SPGTXX01 |
Specimen girth of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 862154 | |
P01:SPHGXX01 |
Specimen height of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 862160 | |
P01:STRT8601 |
Start date and time (UT in ISO8601 format to known precision) | Mapping: 616685 | |
Start latitude north | Mapping: 616718 | |
Start longitude east | Mapping: 616751 | |
Status (battery output) by waverider | Mapping: 619785 | |
Status flag by Iridium telecommunications | Mapping: 616961 | |
P01:SSAMPC01 |
Sub-sampling coefficient | Mapping: 622457 | |
P01:SSAMID01 |
Subsample identifier | Mapping: 622376 | |
P01:SPO08263 |
Surface area of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] {leaf surface area} | Mapping: 1473876 | |
P01:SPED1790 |
Swimming speed of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 701075 | |
P01:SCNAME01 |
Taxon of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 701903 | |
P01:SNOWDP02 |
Thickness (second measurement) of snowfall | Mapping: 620105 | |
P01:SNOWDP03 |
Thickness (third measurement) of snowfall | Mapping: 620106 | |
Thickness (total) of ice by ice profiler | Mapping: 620108 | |
Thickness (transverse) of core | Mapping: 620139 | |
Thickness of pollution simulation spillet | Mapping: 621039 | |
P01:SNOWDP01 |
Thickness of snowfall | Mapping: 617389 | |
P01:AAFDZZ01 |
Time (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp) | Mapping: 616300 | |
P01:AHMSAA01 |
Time (UT as hh24miss) | Mapping: 616175 | |
P01:AHMSDD01 |
Time (UT as hh24miss.dd) | Mapping: 616176 | |
P01:AHMSSP01 |
Time (UT as hh:mm:ss) by Seatex Seapath DGPS clock | Mapping: 616177 | |
P01:AHMSTR01 |
Time (UT as hh:mm:ss) by Trimble DGPS clock | Mapping: 616178 | |
Time difference (GPS time - Persistor clock) | Mapping: 616952 | |
P01:TD02XX01 |
Track duration of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 868806 | |
P01:TL02XX01 |
Track length of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 868800 | |
Track segment identifier | Mapping: 620740 | |
P01:CTROPH01 |
Trophic status of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1581176 | |
Two-way travel time of seismic signal return by three-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621562 | |
Two-way travel time of seismic signal return by two-dimensional seismic survey array | Mapping: 621531 | |
P01:NTMAZZ01 |
UV molar absorptivity (single unspecified wavelength over pathlength) of nitrate {NO3- CAS 14797-55-8} | Mapping: 615910 | |
P01:VDSIXX01 |
Vas Deferens Sequence Index of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1792939 | |
P01:VDSINL01 |
Vas Deferens Sequence Index of Nucella lapillus (ITIS: 73297: WoRMS 140403) | Mapping: 1755618 | |
Vertical displacement {heave} | Mapping: 619758 | |
Vertical displacement {heave} by Seatex Seapath DGPS and double integration | Mapping: 617371 | |
Voltage (battery output) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616893 | |
Voltage (electronics supply) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616891 | |
Voltage (seafloor battery output) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 617185 | |
Voltage (solar panel output) by telemetry buoy systems monitor | Mapping: 616890 | |
Volume (estimated) of pollution discharge | Mapping: 621084 | |
Volume of biological entity specified elsewhere by image analysis and computation from Equivalent Spherical Diameter (ESD) | Mapping: 1754400 | |
Water content of pollution simulation spillet | Mapping: 621042 | |
P01:LAMBIN01 |
Wavelength of electromagnetic radiation measurement | Mapping: 619123 | |
P01:LAMBIN06 |
Wavelength of optical absorption measurement | Mapping: 615264 | |
Wet sample weight of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Subcomponent: flesh] | Mapping: 701283 | |
Wet sample weight of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Subcomponent: shell] | Mapping: 701375 | |
P01:OWETBM01 |
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 693123 | |
P01:SPWTOX60 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) | Mapping: 1792681 | |
P01:SPWTOX03 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) | Mapping: 1792713 | |
P01:SPWTOX04 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) | Mapping: 1792721 | |
P01:SPWTOX01 |
Wet weight of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) | Mapping: 1792697 | |
P01:SPWTOX06 |
Wet weight of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) | Mapping: 1792737 | |
P01:SPWTOX11 |
Wet weight of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) | Mapping: 1792753 | |
P01:SPWTOX15 |
Wet weight of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) | Mapping: 1792229 | |
P01:SPWGXX01 |
Wet weight of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1792221 | |
P01:SPWTOX58 |
Wet weight of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) | Mapping: 1792673 | |
P01:SPWTOX18 |
Wet weight of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) | Mapping: 1792261 | |
P01:SPWTOX57 |
Wet weight of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) | Mapping: 1792665 | |
P01:SPWTOX19 |
Wet weight of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) | Mapping: 1792269 | |
P01:SPWTOX07 |
Wet weight of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) | Mapping: 1792745 | |
P01:SPWTOX33 |
Wet weight of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) | Mapping: 1792373 | |
P01:SPWTOX36 |
Wet weight of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) | Mapping: 1792405 | |
P01:SPWTX005 |
Wet weight of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 1792841 | |
P01:SPWTX004 |
Wet weight of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 1792833 | |
P01:SPWTOX59 |
Wet weight of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) | Mapping: 1792629 | |
P01:SPWTOX22 |
Wet weight of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 1792285 | |
P01:SPWTOX21 |
Wet weight of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) | Mapping: 1792277 | |
P01:SPWTOX20 |
Wet weight of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) | Mapping: 1792245 | |
P01:SPWTOX35 |
Wet weight of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) | Mapping: 1792397 | |
P01:SPWTOX12 |
Wet weight of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) | Mapping: 1792785 | |
P01:SPWTOX37 |
Wet weight of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) | Mapping: 1792413 | |
P01:SPWTOX40 |
Wet weight of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) | Mapping: 1792437 | |
P01:SPWTOX25 |
Wet weight of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) | Mapping: 1792309 | |
P01:SPWTOX26 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1792317 | |
P01:MUM13212 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1792573 | |
P01:MUM13211 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1792565 | |
P01:MUM13210 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 1792557 | |
P01:SPWTOX30 |
Wet weight of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) | Mapping: 1792325 | |
P01:SPWTOX14 |
Wet weight of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) | Mapping: 1792801 | |
P01:SPWTOX05 |
Wet weight of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) | Mapping: 1792729 | |
P01:SPWTX003 |
Wet weight of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 1792825 | |
P01:SPWTOX02 |
Wet weight of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) | Mapping: 1792705 | |
P01:SPWTOX34 |
Wet weight of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) | Mapping: 1792381 | |
P01:SPWTOX38 |
Wet weight of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) | Mapping: 1792389 | |
P01:SPWTOX39 |
Wet weight of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) | Mapping: 1792429 | |
P01:SPWTOX13 |
Wet weight of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) | Mapping: 1792793 | |
P01:SPWTOX43 |
Wet weight of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) | Mapping: 1792453 | |
P01:SPWTOX45 |
Wet weight of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) | Mapping: 1792469 | |
P01:SPWTOX49 |
Wet weight of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) | Mapping: 1792509 | |
P01:SPWTX002 |
Wet weight of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 1792817 | |
P01:SPWTOX29 |
Wet weight of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) | Mapping: 1792349 | |
P01:SPWTOX10 |
Wet weight of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) | Mapping: 1792777 | |
P01:SPWTOX46 |
Wet weight of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) | Mapping: 1792477 | |
P01:SPWTX006 |
Wet weight of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 1792849 | |
Wet weight of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) | Mapping: 1792549 | |
Wet weight of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1792213 | |
P01:SPWTX007 |
Wet weight of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 1792857 | |
P01:SPWTOX08 |
Wet weight of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) | Mapping: 1792761 | |
P01:SPWTX008 |
Wet weight of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 1792095 | |
P01:SPWTOX50 |
Wet weight of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) | Mapping: 1792485 | |
P01:SPWTOX17 |
Wet weight of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) | Mapping: 1792253 | |
P01:SPWTOX47 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1792493 | |
P01:MUM13220 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 1792581 | |
P01:MUM13224 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female] | Mapping: 1792541 | |
P01:MUM13221 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 1792589 | |
P01:MUM13225 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male] | Mapping: 1792605 | |
P01:MUM13222 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: liver] | Mapping: 1792597 | |
P01:SPWTOX48 |
Wet weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) | Mapping: 1792501 | |
P01:SPWTOX44 |
Wet weight of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) | Mapping: 1792461 | |
P01:SPWTOX28 |
Wet weight of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) | Mapping: 1792341 | |
P01:SPWTOX27 |
Wet weight of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) | Mapping: 1792333 | |
P01:SPWTX001 |
Wet weight of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 1792809 | |
P01:SPWTOX23 |
Wet weight of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) | Mapping: 1792293 | |
P01:SPWTOX52 |
Wet weight of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) | Mapping: 1792525 | |
P01:SPWTOX56 |
Wet weight of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) | Mapping: 1792657 | |
P01:SPWTOX09 |
Wet weight of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) | Mapping: 1792769 | |
P01:SPWTOX24 |
Wet weight of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 1792301 | |
P01:WETW1234 |
Wet weight of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) | Mapping: 1792087 | |
P01:SPWTOX54 |
Wet weight of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) | Mapping: 1792613 | |
P01:SPWTOX41 |
Wet weight of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) | Mapping: 1792445 | |
P01:SPWTOX42 |
Wet weight of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) | Mapping: 1792421 | |
P01:SPWTOX51 |
Wet weight of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) | Mapping: 1792517 | |
P01:SPWTOX53 |
Wet weight of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) | Mapping: 1792533 | |
P01:SPWTOX55 |
Wet weight of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) | Mapping: 1792621 | |
P01:SPWTOX31 |
Wet weight of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) | Mapping: 1792357 | |
P01:SPWTOX32 |
Wet weight of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) | Mapping: 1792365 | |
P01:SPWTOX16 |
Wet weight of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) | Mapping: 1792237 | |
P01:SPWT6621 |
Wet weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) | Mapping: 1792689 | |
P01:SDWTX005 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) | Mapping: 1792155 | |
P01:SDWTX004 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) | Mapping: 1792145 | |
P01:SDWTX022 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) | Mapping: 1792185 | |
P01:MUM13234 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) | Mapping: 1792649 | |
P01:SDWTX003 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) | Mapping: 1792135 | |
P01:SDWTX002 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) | Mapping: 1792125 | |
P01:SDWTX006 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) | Mapping: 1792165 | |
Wet weight standard deviation of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) | Mapping: 1792205 | |
P01:SDWTX007 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) | Mapping: 1792175 | |
P01:SDWTX008 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) | Mapping: 1792105 | |
P01:MUM13229 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) | Mapping: 1792639 | |
P01:SDWTX001 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) | Mapping: 1792115 | |
P01:SDWTOX09 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) | Mapping: 1792899 | |
P01:SDWTX024 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) | Mapping: 1792195 | |
P01:SDTW1234 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) | Mapping: 1792879 | |
Width (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere | Mapping: 1700501 | |
P01:CAPWID01 |
Width of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: carapace] | Mapping: 1740596 | |
P01:LEFWID01 |
Width of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: leaves] | Mapping: 1791958 | |
P01:SHEWID01 |
Width of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: shell] | Mapping: 1792056 | |
P01:WPO08263 |
Width of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] {leaf width} | Mapping: 1473868 | |
Year since birth of Christ | Mapping: 618258 |
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