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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
UMKS 10^-8 * Cubic metres per kilogram Unavailable 2019-01-20
AMPB Amperes The SI base unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second. 2020-04-07
UAQU Angstrom squared per quantum Scaled unit by Avagadro's number and powers of ten to m^2/mol. 2022-12-02
UAMN Arc minutes Unit of angle described as one sixtieth of a degree. 2014-02-04
ATKG Atoms per kilogram Unit based on one atom in a SI standard unit of mass. 2020-10-08
BQ11 Becquerels The SI derived unit of radioactivity defined as one radioactive disintegration per second. 2019-05-30
BQM3 Becquerels per cubic metre One radioactive disintegration per second from an SI standard unit of volume. Equivalent to millibecquerels per litre. 2018-02-02
UBQK Becquerels per kilogram One radioactive disintegration per second from an SI standard unit of mass of sample. 2014-06-07
UBQL Becquerels per litre One radioactive disintegration per second from a one part in 10^3 of the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). 2022-12-02
BQSM Becquerels per square metre One radioactive disintegration per second per SI unit area. 2015-03-26
BSM3 Becquerels second per cubic metre TBC 2019-01-20
UYGA Billions of years before present The length of time elapsed expressed as billions (10^9) of years between the event of interest and the year 1950 AD. 2022-12-02
BYTE Bytes Unavailable 2005-09-01
ULCM Centimetres Unit of length which is one hundredth of a metre. 2014-02-04
UVBB Centimetres per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
UCKA Centimetres per thousand years Unavailable 2003-11-05
UCST Centistokes The engineering unit commonly used for kinematic vicosity equivalent to 10^-6 m^2/s. 2022-11-28
UCNT Counts A proprietary unit for RDI ADCP instruments, which is proportional to decibels (dB) and used to measure echo intensity. Counts are converted to dB using a coefficient (Kc) for each ADCP instrument and each beam. 2016-08-04
UCPS Counts per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
VVCC Cubic centimetres Unit of volume which is equal to 1 millilitre or 10^-6 cubic metre. 2015-01-08
MCUB Cubic metres Unavailable 2009-06-11
CMPS Cubic metres per second A rate of volumetric flow of one SI unit of volume per one SI unit of time. Also known as 'cumecs'. 2017-12-11
MCS2 Cubic metres per second squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
UMCU Cubic micrometres (microns) Unavailable 2003-11-05
CUPL Cubic micrometres per litre A unit of volume fraction equal to one part in 10^18 over one part in 10^3 of the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). Used to express the biovolume of cells in suspension in a liquid. 2022-11-28
UCCM Cubic microns per cubic metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UNVH Cubic microns per individual per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
UCUM Cubic microns per millilitre Unavailable 2003-11-05
CMM3 Cubic millimetres A unit of volume defined as a cube 1 millimetre long on each edge. 2023-04-04
CMCM Cubic millimetres per cubic metre One part in 10^9 of the SI unit of volume in the SI unit of volume. 2015-03-12
UTAA Days A time interval of 24 hours or 86400 seconds. 2014-05-06
UPDB Decibars Unavailable 2009-06-11
DBPY Decibars per year A rate of change of pressure expressed in decibars over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days). 2017-12-08
UDBL Decibels Unavailable 2009-06-11
UDBZ Decibels of Z Radar reflectivity unit. Decibels with a reference level of 1mm^6/m^3, which is equal to a cubic micron. 2010-09-16
ULDM Decimetres Unit of length which is one tenth of a metre. 2019-05-20
UAAA Degrees A degree of arc or arc degree is a unit of measurement of a plane angle defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees. 2020-04-07
UPAA Degrees Celsius Unavailable 2006-05-04
DKM2 Degrees Celsius kilogram per square metre Derived unit for the product of the temperature in degrees Celsius and the mass density of a medium, integrated over vertical depth or height in metres. 2017-06-22
UPCC Degrees Celsius per metre Unavailable 2006-05-04
DCPY Degrees Celsius per year A rate of change of temperature expressed on the Celsius scale over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days). 2017-12-08
UCSS Degrees Celsius squared per second Unavailable 2006-05-04
DCWK Degrees Celsius weeks Temperature multiplied by time. Used to express temperature accumulation over the duration of a week, also known as Degree Heating Weeks. 2021-06-09
DEGF Degrees Fahrenheit Unit of object hotness based upon a scale having 32 as the freezing point of water and 212 as the boiling point of water. 2014-02-04
DKPM Degrees Kelvin per metre DEPRECATED A rate of change of one unit on the Kelvin temperature scale per unit length of one metre. 2020-09-08
UABB Degrees True Unavailable 2005-11-04
DEGE Degrees east Unavailable 2009-06-17
DEGN Degrees north Unavailable 2009-06-17
DGPM Degrees per metre A change of angle in one SI unit of length. 2020-09-04
DGPS Degrees per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
UUUU Dimensionless A quantity with the dimension of 1. 2017-10-22
EVLT Electronvolts The amount of energy gained or lost by the charge of a single electron moving across an electric potential difference of one volt. One electronvolt equal to 1.602*10−19 joules. 2018-01-18
EQPL Equivalents per litre The amount of substance or substances in a litre of solution that will react with one gram of hydrogen. 2015-12-10
FMTG Femtograms 10^-15 grams or one 10^-18 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram). 2023-03-17
FGKG Femtograms per kilogram One part per 10^18 by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
FGPL Femtograms per litre One 10^18 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per litre volume of matrix.. 2022-12-02
FMKG Femtomoles per kilogram A 10^18 part quantity of substance of the measurand per kilogram mass of matrix. 2022-12-02
UPFM Femtomoles per litre A 10^18 part quantity of substance of the measurand per litre volume of matrix. 2022-12-02
UFFU Fluorescein Fluorescence Units Dimensionless scale derived in the laboratory using fluorescein as a proxy for environmental pigments. 2014-02-04
UFNU Formazin Nephelometric Units Standardised scale for nephelometric measurement of turbidity calibrated against formazine solutions of different concentration and measured using an 860 nm light (near IR) with a 90 degree detection angle (ISO7027 compliant). 2018-04-13
UGRM Grams One thousandth part of the SI base unit of mass (kilogram). 2014-02-04
UGCC Grams per cubic centimetre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UGMC Grams per cubic metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
GPRG Grams per gram One part by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2015-06-01
GPHT Grams per hectare 10^-3 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per 10^4 (10 thousand) of the SI unit of area (square metre). 2022-12-02
UGKG Grams per kilogram One part per 10^3 (thousand) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
GPRL Grams per litre A unit of mass concentration equal to 10^-3 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per 10^3 the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). 2022-12-02
GCM2 Grams per square centimetre A non-SI unit of pressure (sometimes referred to as gram-force per centimetre square) equivalent to 98.0665 Pascals. 2019-05-20
GQCY Grams per square centimetre per year A rate of change of 0.001 of the SI unit of mass over 0.00001 of the SI unit of area in a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days) 2015-06-10
GPKM Grams per square kilometre 10^-3 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per 10^3 of the SI unit of area (square metre). 2022-12-02
UGMS Grams per square metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
GSMD Grams per square metre per day 10^-3 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per SI unit of area in an elapsed time of one day (86400 seconds). 2022-12-02
UYAD Gregorian calendar years anno Domini A calendar year after the origin of the Gregorian calendar. 2014-02-04
UYBC Gregorian calendar years before Christ A calendar year prior to the origin of the Gregorian calendar expressed as a incrementing integer going back into the past. 2014-02-04
UYMD Gregorian date (yyyymmdd) A date according to the Gregorian Calendar expressed as an 8-byte string with the year in bytes 1-4, month within year in bytes 5-6 and day within month in bytes 7-8. 2010-09-30
HCTR Hectares A non-SI unit of area equal to a square with 100-metre sides or 10,000 square metres. 2020-05-05
HPAX Hectopascals A pressure of one hundred Newtons per square metre (100 Pascals). Equivalent to a millibar. 2014-05-27
HPAH Hectopascals per hour A change in pressure of one hundred Newtons per square metre (100 Pascals) per hour. Equivalent to a change of one millibar per hour. 2011-01-26
UTHZ Hertz Unavailable 1996-02-28
UHOR Hours A time interval of sixty minutes or 3600 seconds. 2010-09-16
UHMS Hours Minutes Seconds Unavailable 1997-12-02
TISO ISO8601 String corresponding to any legal ISO8601 format mask. This is the concatenation of 'yyyy-mm-dd' with any part of 'Thh:mm:ss.sss' (including none) depending on precision and an optional time zone indicator 'Zxxx' where xxx is the offset from UT. 2014-02-04
JOUL Joule A derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred (or work done) when applying a force of one newton through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or Nm), or in passing an electric current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm for one second. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818-1889). 2017-08-10
JPKG Joules per kilogram Unavailable 2009-06-11
JKGK Joules per kilogram per Kelvin Unavailable 2009-06-11
JCMH Joules per square centimetre per day Radiant energy per 10^-4 SI unit area over a period of one day. 2015-01-28
JMSQ Joules per square metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
KPAS Kelvin Pascals per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KMTX Kelvin metres Unavailable 2009-06-11
KMTS Kelvin metres per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KPRS Kelvin per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KSXX Kelvin second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KMSS Kelvin square metres per kilogram per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KLSQ Kelvin squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
UPKA Kelvins The base unit of temperature in the International System of Units. 2020-09-08
KPMT Kelvins per metre A change of temperature on the Kelvin temperature scale in one SI unit of length. 2020-09-08
KGPS Kilogram per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KGXX Kilograms The SI standard unit of mass. 2017-07-26
UKMC Kilograms per cubic metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
KSP3 Kilograms per cubic metre per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KGPH Kilograms per hour Unavailable 2017-03-17
KGMH Kilograms per metre per hour One SI standard unit of mass over one SI standard unit of length over 3600 times one SI standard unit of time. 2020-01-20
KMPS Kilograms per metre per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KGAK Kilograms per square kilometre One SI standard unit of mass over the square of one thousand standard unit of length. 2019-02-10
KMP2 Kilograms per square metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
KSP2 Kilograms per square metre per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
KGS2 Kilograms squared per second squared Unavailable 2009-07-06
ULKM Kilometres Unit of length which is one thousand metres. 2019-05-20
KMDY Kilometres per day A change in location of a distance of one thousand metres in an elapsed time of one day (86400 seconds). 2014-02-04
KMHR Kilometres per hour A change in location of a distance of one thousand metres in an elapsed time of one hour (3600 seconds). 2020-11-25
KIPA Kilopascals A force of one thousand Newtons per square metre. 2014-02-04
UYKA Kiloyears before present The length of time elapsed expressed as thousands of years between the event of interest and the year 1950 AD. 2014-02-04
UKNT Knots (nautical miles per hour) Unavailable 2000-12-28
ULIT Litres Unavailable 1996-11-13
ULKG Litres per kilogram Unavailable 1997-02-07
LPUM Litres per micromole The inverse of a molar concentration - the untits of per molarity. 2014-06-24
ULPM Litres per minute Unavailable 2003-06-30
USIS Magnetic susceptibility SI units Unavailable 2010-12-07
UCGS Magnetic susceptibility cgs units Unavailable 1996-10-24
UCGG Magnetic susceptibility cgs units per gram Unavailable 1996-10-24
MBYT Megabytes Unavailable 2005-09-01
ULAA Metres The base unit of length in the International System of Units. 2019-05-20
UVAA Metres per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
MPS2 Metres per second squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
MPYR Metres per year A rate of change of SI standard unit length over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days). 2017-02-28
M4S1 Metres to the power four per second Unavailable 2017-02-28
UMEC MicroEinsteins per cubic metre per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
UECH MicroEinsteins per square centimetre per hour Energy of 10^-6 moles of photons per 10^-4 SI unit area over a period of one hour. 2015-01-28
UESC MicroEinsteins per square centimetre per second Energy of 10^-6 moles of photons per 10^-4 SI unit area over a period of one second. 2019-02-05
UMES MicroEinsteins per square metre per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
UEQL MicroEquivalents per litre The amount of substance or substances in a litre of solution that will react with one microgram of hydrogen. 2012-12-18
UGPM MicroGals per metre A rate of change of one millionth part of a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second over a distance of one metre. 2010-11-04
USCM MicroSiemens per centimetre One part per 10^6 (million) of the SI derived unit of electrical conductivity divided by 10^2 parts of the SI base unit of length. 2022-12-02
UATM Microatmospheres Unavailable 2005-04-12
UWBQ Microbecquerels per kilogram One radioactive disintegration per hundred thousand seconds from an SI standard unit of mass of sample. 2016-10-06
UUBQ Microbecquerels per litre Unavailable 2014-06-07
UGUG Micrograms 10^-6 grams or one 10^-9 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram). 2022-12-02
XGCC Micrograms per cubic centimetre One part in 10^9 of the SI unit of mass in one part in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume. 2015-01-08
MCUG Micrograms per cubic metre Unavailable 2010-04-12
UGM3 Micrograms per cubic metre per hour Unavailable 2008-02-20
WXCC Micrograms per five cubic centimetres One part in 10^9 of the SI unit of mass in five parts in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume. 2016-05-16
UGGR Micrograms per gram One part per 10^6 (million) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
UUKG Micrograms per kilogram One part per 10^9 (billion) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
UGPL Micrograms per litre Unavailable 2000-02-09
MGLH Micrograms per litre per hour A rate of change of mass of a measurand equivalent to 10^-9 kilogram (the SI unit of mass) per litre volume of matrix over a period of 1 hour. 2015-01-08
UUGS Micrograms per millilitre One part in 10^9 of the SI unit of mass in one part in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume. 2015-01-08
UUDX Micrograms per square metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UUML Microlitres per litre Unavailable 2001-07-27
UMIC Micrometres (microns) Unavailable 1996-10-11
CMUM Micromoles per cubic metre 2015-11-10
UDPM Micromoles per disintegrations per minute 10^-6 of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per disintegrations per minute. Used to express the ratio of POC to Thorium-234. 2022-11-28
KGUM Micromoles per kilogram Unavailable 2004-06-17
UPOX Micromoles per litre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMMD Micromoles per litre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMMH Micromoles per litre per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMUB Micromoles per micromole per day A change of one part per 10^6 of the SI unit of quantity of matter per one part per 10^6 of the SI unit of quantity of matter the quantity of matter over a period of 86400 seconds. 2023-03-02
UMGM Micromoles per milligram per minute 10^-6 of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per milligram of a substance per minute. Used to express the activity of enzymes by giving the quantity of product formed by the enzyme (in micromoles), per mass of total protein (milligrams) in a given amount of time (minute). 2022-11-28
UMPM Micromoles per mole Unavailable 2007-09-19
UMSM Micromoles per square metre 10^-6 of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per SI unit area. 2022-11-28
UUUD Micromoles per square metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMFX Micromoles per square metre per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
UM2S Micromoles per square metre per second One part per 10^6 (million) of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per SI unit area per SI unit of time. 2022-12-02
USEC Microseconds A time interval of one millionth of a second. 2014-05-06
UWCN Microwatts per square centimetre per nanometre The power (scaled by 10^-6) per SI unit of area (scaled by 10^-4) produced per SI unit of length (scaled by 10^-9). 2024-07-29
MEKG MilliEquivalents per kilogram The amount of substance or substances in a kilogram of solution that will react with one milligram of hydrogen. 2013-02-05
MEQL MilliEquivalents per litre The amount of substance or substances in a litre of solution that will react with one milligram of hydrogen. 2012-12-18
MGAL MilliGals One thousandth part of a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second. 2014-02-04
MGPM MilliGals per month A rate of change of one millionth part of a unit of gravitational acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second over a time duration of 30.4375 days or 2629800 seconds. 2014-07-17
MSCM MilliSiemens per centimetre One part per 10^3 (thousand) of the SI derived unit of electrical conductivity divided by 10^2 parts of the SI base unit of length. 2022-12-02
MSPM MilliSiemens per metre One part per 10^3 (thousand) of the SI derived unit of electrical conductivity divided by the SI base unit of length. 2022-12-02
UMAM Milliamps Unavailable 1998-07-13
UPBB Millibars Unavailable 2003-11-05
MBQM Millibecquerels per cubic metre One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds from an SI standard unit of volume. Equivalent microbecquerels per litre. 2020-09-25
MBPG Millibecquerels per gram One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds per 1000th SI unit of sample mass. 2018-05-03
MBQK Millibecquerels per kilogram One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds from an SI standard unit of mass of sample. 2014-06-07
UMBQ Millibecquerels per litre One radioactive disintegration per second from the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). Equivalent to Becquerels per cubic metre. 2014-06-07
MBQF Millibecquerels per square metre per day One radioactive disintegration per thousand seconds in material passing through an area of one square metre during a period of one day (86400 seconds). 2019-01-20
MGRM Milligrams 10^-6 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) or 10^-3 grams. 2020-11-03
UCLC Milligrams of carbon per (microEinstein per square metre per second) per milligram of chlorophyll per hour Unavailable 2005-03-01
UCCL Milligrams of carbon per milligram of chlorophyll per hour Unavailable 2007-03-05
UMMC Milligrams per cubic metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UGDC Milligrams per cubic metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UGLH Milligrams per cubic metre per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
MGCS Milligrams per cubic metre per second 10^-6 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per SI unit of volume per SI unit of time. 2021-04-11
MGPG Milligrams per gram One part per 10^3 (thousand) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
UMKG Milligrams per kilogram 10^-6 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per the SI unit of mass (kilogram). 2024-08-22
UMGL Milligrams per litre Unavailable 1994-09-23
UMMS Milligrams per square metre Unavailable 1999-03-09
UGDX Milligrams per square metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
MGSQ Milligrams per square metre per hour Unavailable 2005-05-05
UM2D Milligrams per square metre per incubation duration Unavailable 2003-11-05
MGSS Milligrams per square metre per second 10^-6 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) per SI unit of area per SI unit of time. 2021-04-11
VVML Millilitres Unit of volume which is equal to one 10^-3 litre or 10^-6 cubic metre. 2015-01-08
UMCH Millilitres cleared per individual per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
MPM3 Millilitres per cubic metre Unavailable 2009-09-16
MIKG Millilitres per kilogram SI unit of volume scaled by 10^-6 per SI unit of mass. 2022-12-02
UMLL Millilitres per litre Unavailable 2008-02-20
CCPM Millilitres per minute Unavailable 2007-09-19
MSMD Millilitres per square metre per day Unavailable 2009-03-16
UXMM Millimetres Unit of length which is one thousandth of a metre. 2019-05-20
MMPD Millimetres per day A change in location of a distance of one thousandth (0.001) of a metre in an elapsed time of one day (86400 seconds). 2014-02-04
MMPH Millimetres per hour Unavailable 2008-02-20
UMMM Millimetres per minute Unavailable 2001-10-25
UVCC Millimetres per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
MMPY Millimetres per year A rate of change in length of one thousandth (0.001) of a metre over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days). 2019-06-17
MMCM Millimoles per cubic metre Unavailable. 2015-12-10
MCMD Millimoles per cubic metre per day Unavailable. 2015-12-10
MMKG Millimoles per kilogram One part in 10^3 of the SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit of mass. 2022-12-02
MMPL Millimoles per litre Unavailable 2008-02-20
MMOM Millimoles per mole Unavailable 2007-09-19
MMSM Millimoles per square metre Unavailable. 2015-12-15
UMDX Millimoles per square metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
MAKG Million atoms per kilogram Unit based on one million atoms in a SI standard unit of mass. 2019-01-20
UYMA Millions of years before present The length of time elapsed expressed as millions of years between the event of interest and the year 1950 AD. 2014-02-04
MRAD Millirads per hour One thousandth part of an absorbed ionizing radiation dose equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material received per hour. 2014-02-04
UMSC Milliseconds A time interval of one thousandth of a second. 2014-05-06
UUMV Millivolts Unavailable 1999-01-28
MWSR Milliwatts per square centimetre per micrometre per steradian Unavailable 2017-02-28
MWNM Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre Unavailable 2014-08-14
MWNS Milliwatts per square metre per nanometre per steradian Unavailable 2014-08-14
UMIN Minutes A time interval of sixty seconds. 2014-02-04
MOLE Moles Unavailable 2009-06-11
UMPE Moles per Einstein Unavailable 1999-03-18
MLM3 Moles per cubic metre SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit volume. 2014-02-04
MM3S Moles per cubic metre per second SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit volume per SI unit of time. 2014-02-04
MPGH Moles per gram per hour SI unit of the quantity of matter per SI unit of mass per unit of time expressed in hour. 2016-10-26
MLKG Moles per kilogram Unavailable 2009-06-11
MPLT Moles per litre Unavailable 2015-11-26
MPMX Moles per mole Unavailable. 2016-10-26
MLPS Moles per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
MLM2 Moles per square metre SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area. 2014-02-04
MMSD Moles per square metre per day SI standard unit of amount of substance per SI unit area in an elapsed time of one day (86400 seconds). 2021-04-11
M2MS Moles per square metre per second SI unit of quantity of matter per SI unit area per SI unit of time. 2014-02-04
M2MM Moles per square metre per second per metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
M2SR Moles per square metre per second per metre per steradian Unavailable 2009-06-11
M3SR Moles per square metre per second per steradian Unavailable 2009-06-11
UMNT Months A time interval of 30.4375 days or 2629800 seconds. 2014-05-06
NAMP Nanoamperes An SI unit of electrical current equal to 10^−9 amperes. 2020-04-07
UNBQ Nanobecquerels per litre Unavailable 2014-06-07
UNPI Nanograms 10^-9 grams or one 10^-12 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram). 2022-12-02
UNID Nanograms per day Unavailable 2008-02-20
NGPG Nanograms per gram One part per 10^9 (billion) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
UNIM Nanograms per individual per minute Unavailable 2000-12-12
NGKG Nanograms per kilogram One part per 10^12 (trillion) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
UNGL Nanograms per litre Unavailable 1994-12-19
UNUL Nanograms per microlitre Unavailable 2014-11-06
NGML Nanograms per millilitre A unit of mass concentration equal to 10^-12 of the SI unit of mass (kilogram) in one part in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). 2022-12-02
UXNM Nanometres Unit of length which is one billionth (10^-9) of a metre. 2019-05-20
NMCH Nanomoles per cubic centimetre per hour Unavailable 2015-11-26
KGNM Nanomoles per kilogram Unavailable 2004-06-17
UPNM Nanomoles per litre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UNMD Nanomoles per litre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UNMH Nanomoles per litre per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
NMGH Nanomoles per microgram per hour Unavailable 2005-08-02
NMMM Nanomoles per micromole Unavailable. 2015-12-10
NMMD Nanomoles per micromole per day Unavailable. 2015-12-10
NPMM Nanomoles per milligram per minute 10^-9 of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per milligram of a substance per minute. Used to express the activity of enzymes by giving the quantity of product formed by the enzyme (in nanomoles), per mass of total protein (milligrams) in a given amount of time (minute). 2023-10-11
NMPM Nanomoles per mole Molar fraction of 10^-9 of the SI unit of quantity of matter (the mole) per SI unit quantity of matter. A concentration unit used to express the number of molecules of a particular substance in a mixture (in nanomoles) divided by the total number of moles in the given mixture. 2023-10-11
NSQD Nanomoles per square metre per day Unavailable 2006-07-11
UMAA Nanoteslas Unavailable 2003-11-05
NTML Nautical miles A unit of length used to measure distance at sea, equivalent to 1852 standard SI units of length (metres). 2021-06-08
USTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units Standardised scale for nephelometric measurement of turbidity calibrated against formazine solutions of different concentration and measured using a white light source at a 90 degree detection angle. Earlier measurements of turbidity tended to use NTU (sometimes also labelled STU or FTU) as the unit regardless of the measurement method. 2018-04-16
NCUM Newtons per cubic metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
NTPM Newtons per metre Derived SI unit for expressing surface tension. 2018-07-03
UNSM Newtons per square metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
XXXX Not applicable The property is a nominal property to which the concept of unit does not apply. 2018-07-05
UKWN Not known A unit of measure exists, but it is not known. 2010-09-16
USPC Not specified The units are deliberately undefined such as arbitrary units. 2017-10-15
NBHG Number per 100 grams Count of an entity or phenomenon occurrence in one 10th of the SI unit of mass (kilogram). 2019-01-20
NBTM Number per 100 millilitres Count of an entity or phenomenon occurrence in one part in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume (cubic metre). 2023-06-28
NCM3 Number per cubic centimetre Quantification of occurrence of an observed phenomenon in one part in 10^6 of the SI unit of volume. Equivalent to number per millilitre. 2018-02-15
UPMM Number per cubic metre Unavailable 2008-02-20
UNPG Number per gram Unavailable 2003-11-05
NHTR Number per hectare Count of an entity or phenomenon's occurrence in 10,000 times the SI unit area (square metre). 2020-05-05
NOPH Number per hour Unavailable. 2017-03-10
UNAH Number per individual per hour Unavailable 2000-02-10
UCPL Number per litre Unavailable 2003-11-05
NOPM Number per metre Unavailable. 2017-03-10
UCUL Number per microlitre Unavailable 2008-02-20
NBMG Number per milligram Count of an entity or phenomenon occurrence in one millionth of the SI unit of mass (kilogram). 2019-01-20
UCML Number per millilitre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UCNL Number per nanolitre Unavailable 2008-03-04
UVAY Number per square centimetre per thousand years Unavailable 2005-02-28
NPKM Number per square kilometre Unavailable 2010-07-20
UPMS Number per square metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UNDX Number per square metre per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
OHMM Ohm metres Electrical resistance expressed in Ohms of a one metre length of conductor. Ohm is the SI unit of electrical resistance defined as the electrical resistance offered by a current-carrying element that produces a voltage drop of one volt when a current of one ampere is flowing through it. 2010-11-04
UOHM Ohms SI unit of electrical resistance defined as the electrical resistance offered by a current-carrying element that produces a voltage drop of one volt when a current of one ampere is flowing through it. 2010-09-16
UPPB Parts per billion Proportion of one part in 10^9 by weight, number, volume or amount (i.e. moles). 2022-12-02
UBLV Parts per billion by volume Unavailable 1997-12-15
UPPM Parts per million Proportion of one part in 10^6 by weight, volume or amount (i.e. moles). Milligrams/kilogram is a more explicit alternative for part per million by weight. 2022-12-02
UMLV Parts per million by volume Unavailable 1997-12-15
UPPE Parts per ten thousand Proportion of one part in 10^4 by weight, number, volume or amount (i.e. moles). 2022-12-02
UPPT Parts per thousand Proportion of one part in 10^3 by weight, number, volume or amount (i.e. moles). 2022-12-02
UPTH Parts per thousand per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
PPTR Parts per trillion Proportion of one part in 10^12 by weight, volume or amount (i.e. moles or atoms). Nanograms per kilogram is a more explicit alternative for parts per trillion by weight. 2022-12-02
UTRV Parts per trillion by volume Unavailable 1997-12-15
PAMT Pascal metres Unavailable 2010-10-11
PAMS Pascal metres per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
PAM2 Pascal metres per second squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
PASS Pascal seconds Unavailable 2009-06-11
PPS2 Pascal squared per second squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
PASX Pascals The derived unit of pressure or stress in the international System of Units (SI). It is defined as one newton per square metre. 2019-05-20
PAPM Pascals per metre Unavailable 2009-07-06
PAPS Pascals per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
UPCT Percent Unavailable 2003-11-05
UPCD Percent per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UPCH Percent per hour Unavailable 2003-11-05
UPOP Percent per metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UPCW Percent per week A rate of change in percent over a period of 7 days 2017-10-25
UPDS Percentage of dry sediment DEPRECATED Unavailable 2014-08-15
UPAM Picoamps per micromole per litre Unavailable 2017-10-25
UGPG Picograms 10^-12 grams or one 10^-15 of the SI standard unit of mass (kilogram). 2022-12-02
PGPG Picograms per gram One part per 10^12 (trillion) by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
PGKG Picograms per kilogram One part per 10^15 by weight of the measurand in the matrix. 2022-12-02
PGPL Picograms per litre One 10^15 part of the SI standard unit of mass of the measurand per litre volume of matrix.. 2022-12-02
UPMA Picomoles per cubic metre Unavailable 2004-06-25
UPVT Picomoles per cubic metre per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
KGPM Picomoles per kilogram Unavailable 2007-09-06
UPML Picomoles per litre Unavailable 2003-11-05
PMLD Picomoles per litre per day A change in the quantity of matter of 10^-12 moles in the SI unit of volume scaled by 10^-3 over a period of 86400 seconds. 2015-01-08
UPMH Picomoles per litre per hour A change in the quantity of matter of 10^-12 moles in the SI unit of volume scaled by 10^-3 over a period of 3600 seconds. 2015-01-08
UPVW Picomoles per metre per watt per second Unavailable 1997-01-22
PMMM Picomoles per milligram per minute A change in the quantity of matter of 10^-12 moles in 10^-6 of the SI unit of mass over a period of 60 seconds. 2022-12-02
UPMD Picomoles per square metre per day Unavailable 2006-07-07
PWAV Picowatts per square centimetre per litre The power (scaled by 10^-12) per SI unit of area (scaled by 10^-4) produced per SI unit of volume (scaled by 10^-3). 2015-01-08
PIXY Pixels The smallest resolvable element of a digital image and a unit of measure in image analysis. 2018-01-12
PSUX Practical salinity units One PSU equals one gram (10^-3 of the SI unit of mass) of salt (Na+Cl-) per kilogram (SI standard unit of mass) of seawater. 2024-09-12
URAD Radians Unavailable 2009-06-11
RAPS Radians per second Unavailable. 2015-12-10
UTBB Seconds The duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. 2014-05-06
SCPM Seconds per metre Unavailable 2018-07-10
UECA Siemens per metre The SI derived unit of electrical conductivity divided by the SI base unit of length. 2021-08-09
UMTC Square Metres.Hertz squared Unavailable 2003-11-05
SQCM Square centimetres A unit of area defined as a square of one centimetre long on each side. 2017-10-22
SQCC Square centimetres per cubic centimetre Unavailable. 2015-12-10
UCMS Square centimetres per second Unavailable 2003-11-05
SQKM Square kilometres Unavailable 2010-07-20
M2SX Square metre seconds Unavailable 2009-06-11
M2RD Square metre seconds per radian Unavailable 2009-06-11
UMSQ Square metres Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMHZ Square metres per Hertz Unavailable 2003-11-05
M2HD Square metres per Hertz per degree Unavailable 2016-07-06
SMPG Square metres per gram Unavailable 2014-08-15
UMSG Square metres per gram of dry sediment DEPRECATED Unavailable 2014-08-15
SQMS Square metres per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
SQM3 Square metres per second cubed The SI unit of area, defined as a square of one metre long on each side, per cubic SI unit of time (seconds). 2021-06-08
SQM2 Square metres per second squared Unavailable 2009-06-11
UMTN Square metres per squared Hertz Unavailable 2016-07-06
UMTB Square metres.Hertz Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMTE Square metres.Hertz^4 Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMTD Square metres.cubic Hertz Unavailable 2003-11-05
SQUM Square micrometres A unit of area defined as a square of one micrometre long on each side. It has a dimension of L2 where L is length. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit area by multiplying its value by a factor of 10^-12. 2020-09-18
USUM Square microns per millilitre Unavailable 2003-11-05
MILM Square millimetres A unit of area defined as a square of one millimetre long on each side. It has a dimension of L2 where L is length. It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit area by multiplying its value by a factor of 10^-6. 2020-12-15
USTR Steradians The steradian is the SI unit of solid angle. It is used to describe two-dimensional angular spans in three-dimensional space, analogous to the way in which the radian describes angles in a plane. 2023-09-04
USVD Sverdrup One Sverdrup is a million cubic metres per second or a million cumecs. 2014-02-04
MTON Tonnes A non-SI unit of mass equivalent to 1000 SI unit of mass (kilogram). 2019-07-23
UUTU Tritium units (10**18H/Tr) Unavailable 1998-12-14
UVLT Volts Unavailable 1994-12-22
UVP5 Volts multiplied by 100000 Voltage expressed as volts scaled by multiplying by one hundred thousand. 2016-01-13
WSMM Watt seconds per square metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
WATT Watts The SI derived unit of power. 2013-07-16
UWCM Watts per cubic metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
WPKG Watts per kilogram Unavailable 2011-11-25
WAPM Watts per metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
WAPK Watts per metre per Kelvin Unavailable 2009-06-11
UFAA Watts per square metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
WMSW Watts per square metre per inverse metre per steradian The power per unit area of radiation of a given wavenumber illuminating a target at a given incident angle. 2014-02-04
WM2M Watts per square metre per metre Unavailable 2009-06-11
WM2S Watts per square metre per metre per steradian Unavailable 2009-06-11
UWNM Watts per square metre per nanometre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UWNS Watts per square metre per nanometre per steradian Unavailable 1998-11-11
WMSS Watts per square metre per steradian Unavailable 2009-06-11
UYRS Years A time interval of 365.25 days or 31557600 seconds. 2014-02-04
UYBP Years before present The length of time elapsed expressed as years between the event of interest and the year 1950 AD. 2014-02-04
UUPH pH units Unavailable 1994-09-16
PPPS per Pascal per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
UPCM per centimetre Unavailable 2017-10-25
PCUM per cubic metre Volume of a cube with sides of length 1 metre. 2014-02-04
M3PS per cubic metre per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
UPDY per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
UFPD per female per day Unavailable 2003-11-05
PG01 per gram Unavailable 2015-11-27
UPRM per metre Unavailable 2003-11-05
UMNX per metre per nanometre Unavailable 1995-09-15
UMNS per metre per nanometre per steradian Unavailable 1995-09-15
PMPS per metre per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
PMSR per metre per steradian Unavailable 2009-06-11
PUML per micromole per litre Units used to describe the sensitivity of detection of a spectrophotometer. 2016-09-19
PMSC per millisecond Unavailable 2009-12-03
PRSC per second Unavailable 2009-06-11
UPSS per second squared Unavailable 2003-11-05
PMSQ per square metre Unavailable 2009-07-06
M2S2 per square metre per second Unavailable 2009-07-06
PSTR per steradian Unavailable 2010-03-12
XXPY per year A rate of change over a period of an average calendar year (365.25 days). 2017-12-08
UPHI phi units Logarithm to the base 2 of a length, generally sediment grain diameter, in millimetres as devised by Krumbein (1936). 2014-02-04
THSC thousandths of a second One thousandth part of the time interval of a second. 2014-02-04
UDTM yyyymmddhh24miss.dd Unavailable 1999-12-10