BODC parameter semantic model analytical method entity descriptions
URI | http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S04/current/ |
Description | Controlled vocabulary defining the terms that may be used for an analytical method entity (part of the how theme) in the BODC parameter semantic model. |
Creator | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Modified | 2025-02-28 |
Version Info | 156 |
Identifier | S04 |
Register Manager | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Register Owner | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
See Also | https://github.com/nvs-vocabs/S04 |
License | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
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ID ↑ | Preferred Label ↑ | Definition ↑ | Date ↑ |
S041036 | 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN)-Mn 560nm colorimetric autoanalysis | A method of chemical analysis described in Chin (Marine Chemistry, 1992) where the analyte is quantitatively coloured by reaction with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol. The resulting colour strength is assayed by absorption of light of 560nm wavelength. | 2010-07-02 |
S0430 | 10cm path length red light transmissometer | An instrument that emits red (usually 660nm wavelength) light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 10 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0431 | 150kHz broadband acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of sound transmitted at a range of frequencies around 150 kHz. | 2006-10-02 |
S0432 | 1m path length red light transmissometer | An instrument that emits red (usually 660nm wavelength) light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 1 m away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0433 | 1m path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 1 m away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0434 | 2-pi scalar radiometer | An instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic radiation of unspecified wavelength travelling in all directions over 180 degrees. | 2006-10-02 |
S04426 | 2-pi scalar radiometer (second sensor) | An instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic radiation of unspecified wavelength travelling in all directions over 180 degrees. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S0435 | 2.5cm path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 2.5 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0436 | 20 or 25cm path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located either 20 or 25 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041153 | 20 or 25cm path length transmissometer (second sensor) | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located either 20 or 25 cm away from the transmitter. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2018-12-05 |
S0437 | 20cm path length red light transmissometer | An instrument that emits red (usually 660nm wavelength) light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 20 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0438 | 20cm path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 20 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041087 | 210Pb dating | A technique in which the measured activity of 210Pb is corrected for the activity expected from the decay 226Ra (supported 210Pb) to give the activity resulting from atmospheric 222Rn decay (unsupported or excess 210Pb) which predictably decreases as a function of time. | 2015-03-24 |
S041021 | 25cm path length blue light transmissometer | An instrument that emits blue light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 25 cm away from the transmitter. | 2009-10-01 |
S0439 | 25cm path length red light transmissometer | An instrument that emits red (usually 660nm wavelength) light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 25 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0440 | 25cm path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 25 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0441 | 300kHz broadband acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of sound transmitted at a range of frequencies around 300 kHz. | 2006-10-02 |
S0442 | 30cm path length transparency meter | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 30 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041068 | 4-pi scalar radiometer | An instrument with a spherical collector that measures electromagnetic radiation of unspecified wavelength travelling in all directions. | 2011-11-28 |
S0443 | 5 or 10cm path length transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unspecified wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 5 or 10 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S0444 | 600kHz broadband acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of sound transmitted at a range of frequencies around 600 kHz. | 2006-10-02 |
S041015 | 75kHz broadband acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of sound transmitted at a range of frequencies around 75 kHz. | 2008-12-08 |
S0445 | ADCP bottom tracking | Technique to measure platform velocity relative to the seabed using the Doppler shift of an ADCP signal reflected off the seabed. | 2006-10-02 |
S0446 | ADCP bottom tracking refined using GPS fixes | Technique to measure platform velocity relative to the seabed using the Doppler shift of an ADCP signal reflected off the seabed further refined using Global Positioning System navigation data. | 2006-10-02 |
S0448 | ARGOS satellite positioning system | Position location using ARGOS, an operational satellite data collection and positioning system developed by CLS, CNES and in the USA since 1978. It is primarily used for location and data telemetry of drifting buoys, floats and instrumented animals. | 2006-10-02 |
S0449 | AWQMS Quanta platinum resistance thermometer | A specific type of instrument for measuring temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S0450 | Acclaim barometer temperature sensor | The temperature sensor fitted to the barometer of a Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Acclaim experiment tide gauge. | 2006-10-02 |
S041059 | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSRE-E) | ESA satellite sensor | 2011-02-18 |
S0451 | Aquatracka fluorometer immersed in non-toxic supply | A specific type of log-response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to the natural log of pigment concentration), by default set up to measure chlorophyll fluorescence (transmit violet, receive red), manufactured by Chelsea Instruments that has been deployed in a tank continuously flushed by pumped surface water from a supply designed for scientific use. | 2006-10-02 |
S0452 | Aquatracka nephelometer | A specific type of log-response fluorometer, set up to measure optical backscatter (transmit and receive the same wavelength of light), manufactured by Chelsea Instruments. | 2006-10-02 |
S0453 | Ashtech GPS | A specific type of Global Positioning System navigation receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S041161 | Ashtech GPS (second sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2019-01-25 |
S0454 | Biospherical Instruments 2-pi PAR downwelling light meter | A specific type of instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic visible radiation (400-700 nm) travelling in all directions over 180 degrees mounted pointing upwards. | 2013-11-27 |
S041082 | Biospherical Instruments 2-pi PAR upwelling light meter | A specific type of instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic visible radiation (400-700 nm) travelling in all directions over 180 degrees mounted pointing downwards. | 2013-11-27 |
S041162 | C-Nav3050 satellite positioning system receiver | A 66-channel "all-in-view" parallel tracking combined GPS/GNSS/L-band receiver providing high accuracy positional information worldwide between 72N and 72S. | 2019-02-11 |
S041042 | CARD-FISH with DAPI staining and epifluorescence microscopy | Catalysed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridisation (CARD-FISH) is a microbe study technique based on tyramide signal amplification and observation of hybridisation in a live, growing population | 2010-08-24 |
S0455 | CO2 quantification by gas analyser | The accurate determination of the proportion of carbon dioxide in a mixture of gases using an instrument designed for the purpose, usually based on infra-red absorption. | 2006-10-02 |
S0456 | CO2 quantification by indicator photometry | The accurate determination of the proportion of carbon dioxide in a mixture of gases based on titration with a pH indicator and photometric end-point detection. | 2006-10-02 |
S0457 | CTC redox dye technique | A technique for enumerating respiring bacteria by staining with a redox dye, 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC). | 2006-10-02 |
S0458 | CTD | An instrument, or more commonly a package of sensors sharing a common data logger, incorporating a temperature sensor, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. Salinity is computed from conductivity and temperature. Depth below the sea surface is computed from pressure. | 2006-10-02 |
S04432 | CTD (second sensor) | An instrument, or more commonly a package of sensors sharing a common data logger, incorporating a temperature sensor, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. Salinity is computed from conductivity and temperature. Depth below the sea surface is computed from pressure. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04379 | CTD (sensor 2) | An additional sensor package on a CTD logger incorporating a temperature sensor, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. Salinity is computed from conductivity and temperature. Depth below the sea surface is computed from pressure. | 2006-10-06 |
S0459 | CTD or STD | An instrument, or more commonly a package of sensors sharing a common data logger, incorporating a temperature sensor, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. With a CTD, salinity is computed digitally from conductivity and temperature and depth below the sea surface is computed from pressure. With an STD salinity was output directly based on internal analogue circuitry. | 2006-10-02 |
S04433 | CTD or STD (second sensor) | An instrument, or more commonly a package of sensors sharing a common data logger, incorporating a temperature sensor, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. With a CTD, salinity is computed digitally from conductivity and temperature and depth below the sea surface is computed from pressure. With an STD salinity was output directly based on internal analogue circuitry. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041081 | Continuous-Flow Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometry | Mass spectrometry technique. | 2013-10-17 |
S0460 | Coulter particle counter | An instrument that quantifies number, volume, mass and surface area size distributions of particles suspended in a fluid using an electrical sensing zone method known as the Coulter principle. | 2006-10-02 |
S0462 | Dataring sensor 1 | One of a group of replicate tidal height sensors on a UK National Tide Gauge Network installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S0463 | Dataring sensor 2 | One of a group of replicate tidal height sensors on a UK National Tide Gauge Network installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S0464 | Dataring sensor 3 | One of a group of replicate tidal height sensors on a UK National Tide Gauge Network installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S0465 | Decca navigation | A marine navigation system based on triangulation with a network of shore-based radio transmitters. | 2006-10-02 |
S041011 | Dupont Hydroclimatic Index Methodology | Protocol of L.M. Dupont, Temperature and rainfall variations in the Holocene based on comparative palaeoecology and isotope geology of a hummock and a hollow (Bourtangerveen, The Netherlands), Review of Palaeobota | 2008-08-06 |
S0466 | EMP-2000 optical backscatter sensor | A specific type of instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water, often included on CTD packages. | 2006-10-02 |
S0467 | ETS activity measurement | Electron Transport System activity, usually determined by quantitative reduction reactions, is a technique to indirectly measure the respiration of micro-organism communities. | 2006-10-02 |
S041041 | Ferrozine 560nm colorimetric autoanalysis | An analytical method where ferric iron is reduced to ferrous and the total iron then converted to a violet complex by reaction with Ferrozine that is then assayed colorimetrically. | 2010-08-13 |
S0468 | GLONASS satellite navigation system | The Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) is a satellite navigation system based on a constellation of 21 satellites launched and operated by Russia. | 2006-10-02 |
S0475 | Gran titration and Mackereth et al. (1978) freshwater analysis method | Freshwater pH and alkalinity determination as described in Mackereth FJ, Heron HJ, and Talling JF (1978). Water Analysis: Some Revision Methods for Limnologists. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication 36, Amblesie, Titus Wilson and Sons Ltda. 121 pp. | 2006-10-02 |
S041025 | Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser | Instrument which measures size-resolved aerosol particle growth with increasing relative humidity | 2010-02-12 |
S0482 | Interocean S4 wave gauge | An instrument package with a high-frequency burst sampled pressure sensors for wave measurements that may be directional on some models. The package may also include an electromagnetic current meter and/or a CTD. | 2006-10-02 |
S0470 | Iridium telecommunications | A satellite communication system used for near real-time transmission of data from ships or moorings. | 2006-10-02 |
S0501 | Kjeldahl method | A method in analytical chemistry for the quantitative determination of nitrogen contained in organic substances plus the nitrogen in inorganic ammonia and ammonium (NH3/NH4+). It consists of three basic steps: 1) digestion of the sample in sulphuric acid with a catalyst, which results in conversion of nitrogen to ammonia; 2) distillation of the ammonia into a trapping solution; and 3) quantification of the ammonia by titration with a standard solution. | 2017-08-30 |
S041026 | Kongsberg Seatex DPS 116 DGPS | A particular type of differential Global Positioning System receiver. | 2010-02-15 |
S0471 | LISST scatterometer | Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometer is a sensor that measures particle size spectra in the water column in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S0473 | LORAN navigation | Long-range Navigation (LORAN) is a terrestrial navigation system using low frequency radio transmitters that use the time interval between radio signals received from three or more stations to determine the position of a ship or aircraft. | 2006-10-02 |
S0474 | Mie optical backscatter sensor | A sensor that measures incoherent scattering of monochromatic light by particulates suspended in a medium. | 2006-10-02 |
S041051 | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) | A 36-band satellite-mounted radiometer measuring from 0.4um to 14.4um and at varying spatial resolutions (2 bands at 250 m, 5 bands at 500 m and 29 bands at 1 km). | 2011-01-10 |
S0477 | Moore and Webb (1978) protocols | Pollen determination in sediment samples as described in Moore, PD and Webb, JA (1978) An Illustrated Guide to Pollen Analysis. London.. | 2006-10-02 |
S041031 | Multi-angle absorption photometer | A technique which determines the aerosol light absorption by simultaneously measuring the radiation transmitted through and scattered back from a particle-loaded filter at multiple detection angles. | 2010-02-23 |
S041195 | Ocean and Land Colour Instrument OLCI-A | A visible imaging push-broom radiometer with 21 spectral bands from 400 to 1200 nm deployed on the Copernicus Sentinel-3A platform. Also referred to in literature as S-3A OLCI. | 2025-02-18 |
S041196 | Ocean and Land Colour Instrument OLCI-B | A visible imaging push-broom radiometer with 21 spectral bands from 400 to 1200 nm deployed on the Copernicus Sentinel-3B platform. Also referred to in literature as S-3B OLCI. | 2025-02-18 |
S0479 | PML/Chelsea Instruments 2-pi PAR downwelling light meter | A specific type of instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic visible radiation (400-700 nm) travelling in all directions over 180 degrees. Instrument mounted facing upwards to measure light travelling downwards. | 2006-10-02 |
S0480 | PML/Chelsea Instruments 2-pi PAR upwelling light meter | A specific type of instrument with a hemispherical collector that measures electromagnetic visible radiation (400-700 nm) travelling in all directions over 180 degrees. Instrument mounted facing downwards to measure light travelling upwards. | 2006-10-02 |
S0481 | Partech 10cm path length transmissometer | A particular make of instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 10 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S04376 | Plankton Visual Analyser | An image analysis system with sophisticated software that automatically counts, measures and classifies plankton net samples. | 2006-10-06 |
S041024 | Position and Orientation Systems for Marine Vessels | A system for measuring position and orientation of a platform by coupling a differential global positioning system and an inertial measurement unit | 2010-02-12 |
S04375 | RBR MS-310 micro-salinometer | A portable salinometer requiring no temperature control designed for CTD verification with a quoted accuracy of plus or minus 0.002 PSU. | 2006-10-02 |
S04409 | SCUFA turbidity meter | A specific type of instrument to measure optical backscatter | 2007-05-17 |
S0484 | STD | An instrument incorporating a thermometer to measure temperature, an electrical conductivity sensor and a pressure sensor. Salinity (from conductivity and temperature) and depth (from pressure) were output directly after transformation by internal analogue circuitry. | 2006-10-02 |
S0485 | SUV-6 in-situ nitrate analyser at 220nm | One of the sensors (measures absorption at 220nm) on a specific type of tri-band UV absorption analyser designed to measure nutrient concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S0486 | SUV-6 in-situ nitrate analyser at 235nm | One of the sensors (measures absorption at 235nm) on a specific type of tri-band UV absorption analyser designed to measure nutrient concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S0487 | SUV-6 in-situ nitrate analyser at 250nm | One of the sensors (measures absorption at 250nm) on a specific type of tri-band UV absorption analyser designed to measure nutrient concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04380 | Sea-Bird SBE 35 deep ocean standards thermometer | A laboratory standards thermometer that may be used both in fixed point cells and at depths of up to 6800 metres. | 2006-10-06 |
S0488 | Sea-Bird SBE 43 sensor | A specific type of dissolved oxygen sensor often interfaced onto a CTD package. | 2006-10-02 |
S04410 | Sea-Bird SBE 43 sensor (second sensor) | A specific type of dissolved oxygen sensor often interfaced onto a CTD package. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S0489 | SeaPoint turbidity meter | A specific type of instrument to measure optical backscatter | 2006-10-02 |
S04411 | SeaPoint turbidity meter (second sensor) | A specific type of instrument to measure optical backscatter. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S0491 | SeaTech light backscatter nephelometer (LBSS) | A specific type of instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water, often included on CTD packages. Note SeaTech are no longer in business. | 2006-10-02 |
S0494 | Seatex Seapath DGPS | A particular type of differential Global Positioning System receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S0492 | Seatex Seapath DGPS clock | The chronometer on a particular type of differential Global Positioning System receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S0495 | Secchi disk | A disk, divided into black and white quarters, used to gauge water clarity by measuring the depth at which it is no longer visible from the surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S0505 | Smartfin external temperature sensor | A device, located on the tip of the Smartfin, that measures temperature. | 2024-10-07 |
S0504 | Smartfin internal temperature sensor | A device, located on the motherboard in the centre of the Smartfin, that measures temperature. | 2024-10-07 |
S0496 | SonTek current meter | A particular type of current meter that measures water velocity by determining Doppler shift of sound reflected off particulates in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S0497 | SonTek current meter beam 1 | One of the acoustic transducers from a particular type of current meter that measures water velocity by determining Doppler shift of sound reflected off particulates in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S0498 | SonTek current meter beam 2 | One of the acoustic transducers from a particular type of current meter that measures water velocity by determining Doppler shift of sound reflected off particulates in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S0499 | SonTek current meter beam 3 | One of the acoustic transducers from a particular type of current meter that measures water velocity by determining Doppler shift of sound reflected off particulates in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S04100 | Sound Ocean Systems Incorporated DGPS | A particular type of differential Global Positioning System satellite navigation receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S04382 | Topcon 5Hz real-time kinematic GPS | A particular type of Global Positioning System satellite navigation receiver. | 2006-10-06 |
S041160 | Trimble 5800 GPS System | An integrated 24-channel dual-frequency GPS receiver scalable from L1 postprocessing to full real-time kinematic (RTK) configurations. The instrument is designed for use in surveying, construction and asset management and it primarily measures geographic position and elevation. | 2019-01-24 |
S04101 | Trimble DGPS | A particular type of differential Global Positioning System satellite navigation receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S04102 | Trimble DGPS clock | The chronometer fitted to a particular type of differential Global Positioning System satellite navigation receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S04103 | Trimble GPS | A particular type of Global Positioning System satellite navigation receiver. | 2006-10-02 |
S04104 | WET Labs 25cm path length transmissometer | A particular make of instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located 25 cm away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S04107 | WET Labs optical backscatter meter | A specific type of instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water. Often included on CTD packages. | 2006-10-02 |
S041054 | WET Labs optical backscatter meter (green LED) | A specific type of instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of green light transmitted into a fixed volume of water. | 2011-01-13 |
S041053 | WET Labs optical backscatter meter (red LED) | A specific type of instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of red light transmitted into a fixed volume of water. | 2011-01-13 |
S04105 | WET Labs transmissometer | A particular make of instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located at fixed but unknown distance away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041154 | WET Labs transmissometer (second sensor) | A particular make of instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located at fixed but unknown distance away from the transmitter. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2018-12-05 |
S04106 | Western dot blot | A technique which transfers proteins electrophoretically separated in a polyacrylamide gel to a nitrocellulose membrane and uses specific antibodies to bind, locate, and visualise the protein of interest. | 2006-10-02 |
S04108 | Winkler titration | The 'gold standard' wet chemical technique for determining dissolved oxygen by conversion of oxygen to iodine that is assayed by titration against thiosulphate. | 2006-10-02 |
S04110 | X-ray diffraction | An analytical technique used to identify crystalline solids by measuring the characteristic spaces between layers of atoms or molecules in a crystal. | 2006-10-02 |
S04111 | X-ray fluorescence | A method for identifying the elemental constituents of a sample from the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the atoms in the sample when excited by X-ray radiation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04391 | YSI in-situ oxygen and temperature probe | A specific measurement system with dissolved oxygen and water temperature sensors. | 2016-03-09 |
S04112 | YSI profiling oxygen and temperature probe | A specific measurement system comprising a pontoon or surface buoy-mounted winch that periodically lowers a package with dissolved oxygen and water temperature sensors down through the water column to a predetermined depth and back again. | 2006-10-02 |
S041108 | ZooSCAN technology | A scanning imaging and computer supported identification system for the non-destructive analysis of zooplankton samples. | 2017-06-05 |
S043 | accelerator mass spectrometry | Mass spectroscopy in which a particle accelerator is used to disassociate molecules, ionize atoms, and accelerate the ions. | 2006-10-02 |
S041009 | accelerometer | A sensor that measures the amount and direction of its velocity change and by derivation distance travelled | 2008-04-25 |
S04113 | acidification weight loss | Determination of the mass of a sample on an analytical balance before and after treatment with a strong acid. Generally used to determine inorganic carbon (carbonate and/or bicarbonate). | 2006-10-02 |
S041175 | acidimetry | Use of an acid-base titration assay to determine the concentration of an alkaline substance using standard acid. | 2021-12-06 |
S04114 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2006-10-02 |
S041140 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 1 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-04 |
S041141 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 2 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-04 |
S041142 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 3 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-04 |
S041143 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 4 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-04 |
S041169 | acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) vertical beam | A vertical beam (sometimes referred to as "5th beam" on 5-beam ADCP designs) measuring the distance to the surface using the echo from short pulses and simple peak estimation algorithms. It is used to estimate wave height and amplitude. | 2020-06-17 |
S04502 | acoustic doppler wave array | An uprated ADCP that measures the current profile, mean water depth from pressure, wave statistics from pressure and directional wave spectra from orbital velocity measurements of near-surface particles determined using four acoustic beams. | 2007-09-19 |
S041131 | acoustic doppler wave array beam 1 | One of the acoustic transducers of an uprated ADCP that measures the current profile, mean water depth from pressure, wave statistics from pressure and directional wave spectra from orbital velocity measurements of near-surface particles determined using four acoustic beams. | 2017-11-22 |
S04115 | acoustic triangulation from sonar moorings | A method of navigational positioning based on acoustic determination of distance of a target from each of a network of sonar moorings often used for the location of neutrally buoyant floats. | 2006-10-02 |
S04116 | advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) | The AVHRR is a multiband (4 wavelength on AVHRR/1, 5 on AVHRR/2 and 6 on AVHRR/2) scanning radiometer mounted on aircraft or more usually satellites. Main oceanographic application is the measurement of sea surface temperature using a wavelength between 11.5 and 12.5 microns, but the instrument can also map clouds, snow/ice fields and land/sea boundaries. Resolution of the AVHRR/3 is 1.09km at Nadir. | 2006-10-02 |
S041182 | aerial photography, GIS analysis | The value for the observation was obtained from Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of aerial images. | 2023-02-23 |
S041181 | aerial survey | The measurement was derived from observations made from the altitude of an aircraft. | 2023-02-16 |
S041030 | aerosol mass spectrometer | Technique to measure the aerosol composition using a mass spectrometer. The sample is vaporized and then ionised before being passed to a mass spectrometer where ions are separated according to m/z. The particle size is almost always measured simultaneously with the composition. | 2010-02-23 |
S041044 | aethalometer | An instrument measures the light absorption of an aerosol sample deposited on a quartz fibre filter as a proxy for black carbon concentration. | 2010-09-15 |
S04117 | alpha plus beta spectroscopy | Measurement of the quantity of radiation as a function of energy from both alpha and beta particles. | 2006-10-02 |
S04118 | alpha spectroscopy | Measurement of the quantity of radiation as a function of energy from alpha particles. | 2006-10-02 |
S041180 | altimeter | A device that measures its distance or altitude above a fixed point or surface, such as the seabed or sea level. | 2023-01-23 |
S041095 | ammonia analysis system | An automated analytical system to measure ammonia concentrations. | 2016-02-24 |
S04304 | aneroid barometer | An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure in which a needle, attached to the top of an evacuated box, is deflected as changes in atmospheric pressure cause the top of the box to bend in or out. | 2006-10-02 |
S04384 | annual layer counting based on ion chromatography chemistry | An ice core dating technique based on counting annual layers identified by chemical analysis. The analytical technique used is a form of chromatography using a conductivity detector where a combination of weak ionic solvents are used to separate anions and cations of a solution, with the contribution of the solvent to conductivity suppressed just prior to detection. | 2006-10-06 |
S04408 | anodic stripping voltammetry | Anodic stripping voltammetry is an electrolytic method in which a mercury electrode is held at a negative potential to reduce metal ions in solution and form an amalgam with the electrode. | 2007-01-24 |
S04119 | atomic absorption spectroscopy | An analytical technique in which the sample is volatilised, usually by an oxy-acetylene flame, and the resultant vapour illuminated by a light source having an emission spectrum matched to the analyte of interest. The radiation absorbed by chemically unbound atoms is determined by analysing the transmitted energy relative to the incident energy at each frequency, which is proportional to the elemental concentrations. | 2006-10-02 |
S044 | autofluorescence microscopy | Identification and quantification of biological entities that exhibit natural fluorescence by examination under an optical microscope in short-wavelength, usually blue, light. | 2006-10-02 |
S041148 | autonomous platform acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Deployed on a platform such as an AUV that is navigated and maneuvered by a computer programme without the need for human intervention. | 2018-09-28 |
S04121 | autoranging chlorophyll fluorometer | A linear-response fluorometer, set up to measure chlorophyll fluorescence (transmit violet, receive red), that enhances sensitivity at low chlorophyll concentrations by automatically selecting one of a set of discrete signal gain levels. | 2006-10-02 |
S04122 | barometer | An instrument that measures atmospheric pressure. | 2006-10-02 |
S04303 | barometric altimeter | An aneroid barometer calibrated to convert atmospheric pressure into altitude. | 2006-10-02 |
S04124 | bathythermograph | An instrument that records a profile of water column temperature as a function of depth. | 2006-10-02 |
S041022 | bench fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) | A fluorometer designed to measure variable fluorescence of living communities of marine phytoplankton in the laboratory. It outputs high frequency (200 kHz) flashes enabling the measurement of the absorption cross section of Photosystem II, the rate of photosynthetic electron transport and the level of photochemical quenching. Some types have dual sample chambers allowing comparisons to be made of ambiently-irradiated and dark adapted phytoplankton samples. | 2009-12-08 |
S04125 | bench fluorometer | A linear-response fluorometer, by default assumed to be set up to measure chlorophyll fluorescence (transmit violet, receive red), that analyses discrete in-vitro samples. | 2006-10-02 |
S04126 | bench salinometer | A laboratory instrument for precise, accurate determination of salinity by relative conductivity measurement with certified standard seawater. | 2006-10-02 |
S04385 | beta spectroscopy | Measurement of the quantity of radiation as a function of energy from beta particles. | 2006-10-06 |
S04129 | bottom photography | Photography of the seabed using a camera in a pressure-resistant waterproof housing. | 2006-10-02 |
S041028 | broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy | Analytical method which uses a broadband light source to measure multiple species simultaneously in gas phase by absorption spectrometry. The sample is placed in a cavity to extend the length of the interactions. | 2010-02-22 |
S04130 | bubbler tide gauge | A tide gauge that measures the depth of water above the sensor by measuring the air pressure required to generate bubbles from a nozzle on the sensor. | 2006-10-02 |
S041188 | bubbler tide gauge (second sensor) | A tide gauge that measures the depth of water above the sensor by measuring the air pressure required to generate bubbles from a nozzle on the sensor. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2024-04-23 |
S04131 | bubbler tide gauge half-tide sensor | A tide gauge sensor that measures the depth of water above it by measuring the air pressure required to generate bubbles from a nozzle on it. The sensor is located 'half-tide' so that is only underwater for part of the tidal cycle enabling it to be accurately levelled into a geodetic network. | 2006-10-02 |
S041019 | carbon dioxide probe | A silicon-based sensor providing stable spot measurements of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. | 2009-05-15 |
S04133 | cathodic stripping voltammetry | Voltammetry, sometimes called polarography, is an electrochemical method of analysing solutions of reducible or oxidisable substances. Voltage is varied in a regular manner between two sets of electrodes (indicator and reference) while the current is monitored. | 2006-10-02 |
S041071 | cavity ring-down spectrometry | A highly sensitive optical spectroscopic technique that enables measurement of absolute optical extinction by samples that scatter and absorb light. | 2018-06-05 |
S041200 | cell size measurements | Measurements of cell dimensions (e.g. diameter, height, length) usually by optical microscopy. | 2016-03-15 |
S041029 | chemiluminescence | Generic term for analytical methods that quantify light produced as the result of a chemical reaction | 2010-02-23 |
S041086 | chitobiase assay | Method for determining the activity and kinetic properties of the chitin-degrading enzyme chitobiase. | 2014-07-30 |
S047 | chlorophyll determination | The quantification of chlorophyll pigment using an unspecified analytical technique. | 2006-10-02 |
S04373 | cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy | This is an analytical technique for volatile heavy metals such as mercury in which vaporised metal atoms in an argon carrier at room temperature are illuminated by a light source having an emission spectrum matched to the analyte of interest. The radiation absorbed by chemically unbound atoms is determined by analysing the transmitted energy relative to the incident energy at each frequency, which is proportional to the elemental concentrations. | 2006-10-02 |
S04135 | cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy | This is an analytical technique for volatile heavy metals such as mercury in which vaporised metal atoms in an argon carrier at room temperature are irradiated by ultra-violet light causing them to fluoresce. The level of emitted radiation at designated wavelengths is used to quantify the amount of metal present. | 2019-06-16 |
S041156 | colony-forming units assay | A method for estimating the quantity of viable bacteria or fungi cells in a sample based on their ability to form colonies under controlled conditions. The final results are expressed as CFU count per weight of sample or CFU count per volume of sample. | 2018-12-13 |
S04136 | colorimetric analysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively converted to a coloured compound that is assayed by absorption of light of a specified wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04137 | colorimetric autoanalysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively converted to a coloured compound that is assayed by absorption of light of a specified wavelength in a system with a production line that automatically ingests the sample, generates the coloured compound and measures the strength of the colour. | 2006-10-02 |
S04138 | colorimetric autoanalysis with liquid waveguide capilliary cell | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively converted to a coloured compound that is assayed by absorption of light of a specified wavelength in a system with a production line that automatically ingests the sample, generates the coloured compound and measures the strength of the colour. The colorimeter used is a type designed with high sensitivity for accurate determination of low concentrations. | 2006-10-02 |
S041070 | combined Global Navigation Satellite System receiver | A type of satellite navigation receiver capable of combining information from multiple systems, for example from the American GPS, Russian GLONASS and European Galileo satellites. | 2012-04-20 |
S04139 | compass | An instrument to measure directional orientation relative to the Earth's magnetic field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04140 | condensation nuclei counting | Determination of the number per unit volume of air of ultra-fine particles, usually dust or salt, capable of forming aerosol particles through water vapour condensation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04141 | conductivity cell | A glass cell containing electrodes, usually platinum, used to measure the electrical conductivity of the liquid occupying the cell. | 2006-10-02 |
S04413 | conductivity cell (second sensor) | A glass cell containing electrodes, usually platinum, used to measure the electrical conductivity of the liquid occupying the cell. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041106 | conductivity measurement | Determination of conductivity by any method. | 2016-11-10 |
S041065 | cone penetrometer | An instrument that measures the cohesive stength of sediments by dropping a standard steel cone from a specified height and measuring how deeply it penetrates into the sediment. | 2011-10-05 |
S04503 | constant temperature non-dispersive infra-red gas analysis | Measurement in an instrument that simultaneously determines CO2 and water vapour concentrations in a gas mixture by measuring inra-red absorption | 2007-09-24 |
S04142 | cosine-collector downwelling PAR radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically downwards integrated over the visible wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S041083 | cosine-collector downwelling spectral radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically downwards to give a spectrum of intensity versus wavelength. | 2014-06-10 |
S04143 | cosine-collector radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling along the sensor axis at either a single wavelength, multiple discrete wavelengths or integrated over a range of wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S041132 | cosine-collector radiometer (second sensor) | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling along the sensor axis at either a single wavelength, multiple discrete wavelengths or integrated over a range of wavelengths. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2017-12-18 |
S04145 | cosine-collector upwelling 440nm radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards at 440nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04146 | cosine-collector upwelling 490nm radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards at 490nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04147 | cosine-collector upwelling 570nm radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards at 570nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04148 | cosine-collector upwelling 670nm radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards at 670nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04149 | cosine-collector upwelling PAR radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards integrated over the visible wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S04150 | coulometry | An electroanalytical chemistry technique that determines the amount of matter transformed during an electrolysis reaction by measuring the amount of electricity consumed or produced. | 2006-10-02 |
S04152 | counting filtrate | Determination of the level of radioactivity in the liquid passing through the filter paper after a sample has been filtered. | 2006-10-02 |
S04153 | counting filtrate and residue | Separate determination of the levels of radioactivity in the liquid passing through the filter paper and the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered. | 2006-10-02 |
S04154 | counting liberated gas | Determination of the level of radioactivity in gas liberated from the sample (usually CO2 released by sample acidification) | 2006-10-02 |
S04155 | counting residue | Determination of the level of radioactivity in the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered. | 2006-10-02 |
S04156 | current meter high-resolution thermistor | A high quality temperature sensor (generally capable of resolving temperature differences of 0.01 Celsius or better) incorporated into a current meter instrument package. | 2006-10-02 |
S04157 | dead reckoning based on GPS and em-log or ADCP | The estimation of position based upon interpolation between satellite fixes from the GPS network using measurements of ship's velocity through the water. | 2006-10-02 |
S04158 | determined as ammonium | Quantification of an analyte chemically converted to ammonium (e.g. amines by oxidation) by determination of the amount of ammonium produced using an unspecified analytical technique. | 2006-10-02 |
S04159 | differential pulse polarography | Polarography is an electrochemical method of analysing solutions of reducible or oxidisable substances. Voltage is varied in a regular manner between two sets of electrodes (indicator and reference) while the current is monitored. The shape of a polarogram depends on the method of analysis selected, the type of indicator electrode used, and the potential ramp that is applied. In Differential Pulse Polarography the potential ramp is a series of discrete potential steps. | 2006-10-02 |
S04386 | digital float tide gauge | A sea level recording instrument based on digital logging of the level of a float located in a stilling well. | 2006-10-06 |
S04407 | digital step gauge | A recording instrument based on digital logging of whether a set of electrodes mounted at different heights are wet or dry. | 2006-11-27 |
S04387 | digital step tide gauge | A sea level recording instrument based on digital logging of whether a set of electrodes mounted at different heights are wet or dry. | 2006-10-06 |
S04160 | digital thermometer | An instrument to measure temperature that delivers the measurement directly on a numeric display. | 2006-10-02 |
S04161 | direct reading current meter | An instrument to measure current speed in the water column that delivers the measurement directly on a dial or a numeric display. | 2006-10-02 |
S04435 | directional range-gated radar | A remote measuring system that uses several directional beams for surface tracking; oceanographic application includes separate computation of wave spectra and surface current with instruments such as for example the Miros SM-050. | 2016-11-30 |
S048 | dot blot hybridisation | A technique for detecting, analyzing, and identifying proteins used in the quantification of molecular biology experiments using genetic markers. | 2006-10-02 |
S04162 | downward-looking acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument has been mounted so that the signal is transmitted towards the seafloor . | 2006-10-02 |
S04163 | dry bulb thermometer | An instrument to measure air temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S04414 | dry bulb thermometer (second sensor) | An instrument to measure air temperature. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041111 | dry bulb thermometer (third sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041102 | dry laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by laser diffraction analysis on the dry sample. | 2016-03-11 |
S04164 | echo sounder | An instrument that measures the depth of water by transmitting pulses of sound and determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return. | 2006-10-02 |
S04165 | echo sounder (SV=1500m/s) | An instrument that measures the depth of water by transmitting pulses of sound and determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return. Distance is computed assuming that sound travels in sea water at 1500 metres per second. | 2006-10-02 |
S04166 | echo sounder (SV=4800ft/s) | An instrument that measures the depth of water by transmitting pulses of sound and determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return. Distance is computed assuming that sound travels in sea water at 4800 feet per second. | 2006-10-02 |
S041002 | electromagnetic log | Sensor that measures the flow velocity of a conducting fluid, usually water, by measuring the disturbance it causes to an electromagnetic field | 2008-02-08 |
S041 | elemental analysis | The quantification of carbon, nitrogen and sometimes other elements using an instrument that combusts the sample at very high temperature and then assays the resulting gaseous oxides. Usually used for samples including organic material. | 2006-10-02 |
S049 | epifluorescence microscopy | Identification and quantification of biological entities that have been treated with a fluorescent stain by examination under an optical microscope in short-wavelength, usually blue, light. | 2006-10-02 |
S04169 | expendable bathythermograph (XBT) | A disposable probe that is thrown overboard with a thin wire umbilical returning temperature measurements until it hits the seabed or the umbilical breaks. Depth is estimated from elapsed time based on fall-rate equations. | 2006-10-02 |
S04170 | ferrospectral 550nm colorimetric autoanalysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively coloured by reaction with ferrospectral reagent. The resulting colour strength is assayed by absorption of light of 550nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04172 | firefly enzyme luminescence | A technique to quantify adenylates by addition of an enzyme that emits light in proportion to their concentration. | 2006-10-02 |
S04198 | fixed half-tide pressure sensor | A tide gauge sensor that is located so that is only underwater for part of the tidal cycle enabling it to be accurately levelled into a geodetic network. | 2010-02-24 |
S04127 | fixed in-situ pressure sensor | An underwater pressure sensor that is rigidly mounted to either the seabed or some type of structure. Data from the instrument may be used to determine wave or sea level parameters depending on sampling frequency and subsequent data reduction. | 2006-10-02 |
S041187 | fixed in-situ pressure sensor (second sensor) | An underwater pressure sensor that is rigidly mounted to either the seabed or some type of structure. Data from the instrument may be used to determine wave or sea level parameters depending on sampling frequency and subsequent data reduction. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2024-04-23 |
S041197 | fixed in-situ pressure sensor (third sensor) | An underwater pressure sensor that is rigidly mounted to either the seabed or some type of structure. Data from the instrument may be used to determine wave or sea level parameters depending on sampling frequency and subsequent data reduction. Deployed on a package of instruments as the third sensor of this type. | 2025-02-27 |
S04173 | flame photometry | Analytical technique where sample solution is sprayed as a fine mist into a flame causing vaporisation and atomic excitation resulting in emission of light energy at characteristic wavelengths. A detector quantifies the strength of the emissions. | 2006-10-02 |
S045 | flow cytometry | Flow cytometry is the analysis of biological material by detection of the light-absorbing or fluorescing properties of cells or sub-cellular fractions such as chromosomes passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam. It is automated to sort successive droplets of the stream into different fractions depending on the fluorescence emitted by each droplet. | 2018-01-11 |
S046 | flow cytometry and protein fluorescence | Flow cytometry is the analysis of biological material by detection of the light-absorbing or fluorescing properties of cells or sub-cellular fractions such as chromosomes passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam. It is automated to sort successive droplets of the stream into different fractions depending on the fluorescence emitted by each droplet. Protein fluorescence is a technique to quantify protein biomass. | 2018-01-11 |
S04176 | flow meter | An instrument that detects the rate of flow of a liquid (usually water) through a plumbing system, net, plankton recorder or similar device. | 2006-10-02 |
S04177 | flow-injection analysis | The input of a sample or reagent into an analytical device by introduction into a continuous stream by use of a rapid delivery device. | 2006-10-02 |
S04178 | flow-injection chemiluminescence | The input of a sample or reagent into a chemiluminescence analyser (an instrument that quantitatively detects light emitted during a chemical reaction) by introduction into a continuous stream by use of a rapid delivery device. | 2006-10-02 |
S04179 | flow-injection fluorometry | The input of a sample or reagent into a fluorometer (an instrument that quantitatively detects light emitted following excitation by irradiation) by introduction into a continuous stream by use of a rapid delivery device. | 2006-10-02 |
S04180 | flow-injection gas diffusion | A technique where aliquots of sample and reagent generating a gaseous product are injected into a continuous carrier stream. This donor stream is separated from an acceptor stream by a micro-porous membrane through which the gaseous product diffuses to be taken for analysis by the acceptor stream. | 2006-10-02 |
S04182 | fluorescence high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) | A chromatographic technique for separating and analysing mixtures of substances, using a packed column containing microspheres coated with the stationary phase and where the mobile phase is pumped through the column with a high pressure pump. The emergence of each component of the sample under analysis from the column is monitored using a fluorescence detector. | 2006-10-02 |
S041039 | fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) fluorometer | A development of FRRF based on active stimulation and highly resolved detection of the induction and subsequent relaxation of chlorophyll fluorescence yields on micro- and millisecond time scales. | 2010-07-26 |
S041193 | fluorescence spectroscopy | Analytical method where a sample is irradiated by light of a specific excitation wavelength causing the substance of interest to fluoresce. The intensity of the fluorescence emitted is detected as a function of wavelength or time. Synonyms include fluorescence spectrometry, spectrofluorometry, and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. | 2024-08-29 |
S04183 | fluorometer temperature sensor | A sensor to measure temperature incorporated into a fluorometer. | 2006-10-02 |
S04185 | fluorometry | An analytical technique for identifying and characterizing minute amounts of a substance by excitation of the substance with a beam of light, usually ultraviolet, and detection and measurement of the characteristic wavelength of fluorescent light emitted. | 2006-10-02 |
S04186 | formaldoxime 460nm colorimetric autoanalysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively coloured by reaction with formaldoxime. The resulting colour strength is assayed by absorption of light of 460nm wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S04187 | gamma spectroscopy | Measurement of the quantity of radiation as a function of energy or wavelength in the gamma waveband (energy >10keV) | 2006-10-02 |
S04188 | gamma spectroscopy (high-purity Ge detector) | Measurement of the quantity of radiation as a function of energy or wavelength in the gamma waveband (energy >10keV) using a pure germanium detector to obtain high spectral resolution. | 2006-10-02 |
S041049 | gamma-ray attenuation measurements | A technique where a gamma-ray source (137Cs) of known intensity is placed on one side of a core with a detector on the other. The gamma-ray attenuance is measured from which density may be determined. | 2010-12-15 |
S04189 | gas chromatography | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent to one of several types of detector. | 2006-10-02 |
S04190 | gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectroscopy | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then analysed by volatilisation in a flame and quantification of light absorption by the vapour at predetermined wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S04191 | gas chromatography-atomic emission detection | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then analysed by microwave irradiation and quantification of the resultant emission spectrum. | 2006-10-02 |
S04192 | gas chromatography-electron capture detection | Separation of gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by inert gas transport through a sorbent-packed column. Separated components exposed to a detector that ionizes some carrier gas to produce a current between a biased pair of electrodes. Organic molecules with electronegative functional groups, such as halogens, phosphorous, and nitro groups capture electrons and are quantified by measuring the reduction of the current measured between the electrodes. | 2006-10-02 |
S04193 | gas chromatography-flame ionisation detection | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are exposed to a detector that uses a flame to decompose the neutral solute molecules into charged particles and measures any changes in conductivity. | 2006-10-02 |
S041172 | gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then characterised according to mass-to-charge ratio ad relative isotope abundance. | 2021-11-19 |
S04194 | gas chromatography-mass spectrometry | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then passed to a mass spectrometer for identification and quantification. | 2006-10-02 |
S041158 | gas chromatography-negative chemical ionisation mass spectrometry | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then passed to a Negative Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for identification and quantification of electro-negative or acidic groups. | 2019-01-17 |
S041064 | gas chromatography-reduction gas detection | A technique to separate gases, volatile substances or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transport by an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then analysed by a detector that measures the concentration of a target gas by reducing it at an electrode and measuring the resulting current. | 2011-06-12 |
S04195 | gasometric assay of acid-liberated CO2 | The quantification of carbonate by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide, generally by gasometric syringe, liberated upon reaction with an excess of acid. | 2006-10-02 |
S04196 | graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy | The sample is volatilised on a graphite platform contained within a graphite tube and its temperature is systematically raised according to a predetermined programme. The resultant vapour is illuminated by a light source with an emission spectrum matched to the analyte of interest. Radiation absorbed by chemically unbound atoms is determined by analysing the transmitted energy relative to the incident energy at each frequency, which is proportional to the elemental concentrations. | 2006-10-02 |
S0413 | gravimetric determination of loss on ignition | The sample was accurately weighed on an analytical balance before and after strong heating in air to determine the mass of sample lost. | 2006-10-02 |
S0414 | gravimetry | Physical weighing on an analytical balance. | 2006-10-02 |
S04197 | green light transmissometer | An instrument that emits green light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located a fixed but unspecified distance away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041057 | hand penetrometer | A portable hand-held instrument that determines the strength of a material by measuring the pressure required to acheive a known degree of penetration by a conical probe | 2011-02-04 |
S041058 | hand shear vane | A portable hand-held instrument that determines the shear strength of a material by measuring the pressure required to rotate a rectangular panel of known area. | 2011-02-04 |
S04199 | hand-held digital thermometer | A hand-held instrument incorporating a temperature sensor and a real-time digital display of the temperature measured. | 2006-10-02 |
S04200 | hand-held mercury thermometer | A temperature measuring device comprising a mercury-filled glass bulb leading to a mercury thread in a glass capillary. Temperature values are obtained by determining the position of the mercury meniscus against a calibrated scale. | 2006-10-02 |
S04201 | hand-held thermometer | A manual instrument for measuring temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S041076 | high frequency radar | High (5-50 MHz) frequency radar transmits electromagnetic waves and records the backscattered signal. Oceanographic usage includes sea surface radar in which the backscattered signals are analysed to obtain surface current and wave parameters. | 2013-06-19 |
S04204 | high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) | A chromatographic technique for separating and analysing mixtures of substances, using a packed column containing microspheres coated with the stationary phase and where the mobile phase is pumped through the column with a high pressure pump. The emergence of each component of the sample under analysis from the column is monitored using one of a number of different detectors. | 2006-10-02 |
S041047 | high performance liquid chromatography - electrospray ionisation quadrupole mass spectrometry | A chromatographic technique for separating and analysing mixtures of substances, using a packed column containing microspheres coated with the stationary phase and where the mobile phase is pumped through the column with a high pressure pump. The emergence of each component of the sample under analysis from the column is monitored using a mass spectrometer with an ionisation technique suited to biological samples.. | 2010-12-04 |
S041069 | high performance liquid chromatography - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | A technique in which an HPLC is directly coupled to an ICP-MS to enable the determination of organometallic species | 2012-02-07 |
S041157 | high resolution gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry | A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique conceived to achieve high selectivity and mass resolution to reduce potential interferences and achieve low levels of chemicaldetection. | 2022-04-27 |
S04205 | high temperature Ni catalytic oxidation | The reaction of a sample with air at high temperature using a nickel catalyst to encourage complete oxidation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04206 | high temperature Pt catalytic oxidation | The reaction of a sample with air at high temperature using a platinum catalyst to encourage complete oxidation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04207 | high temperature catalytic oxidation | The reaction of a sample with air at high temperature using a catalyst to encourage complete oxidation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04208 | humidity sensor | An instrument that directly measures the water content of the atmosphere. | 2006-10-02 |
S04415 | humidity sensor (second sensor) | An instrument that directly measures the water content of the atmosphere. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04209 | hydride generation inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy | Volatile hydrides of the target analytes are generated and passed into an inductively-coupled gas plasma (8-10000 K)) where it is dried, melted, evaporated, atomized, then excited. When the excited atoms pass through the cooler part of the plasma they de-excite releasing photons at specific wavelengths dependent on the element. The wavelength emissions are passed to the optical system which measures their intensities, which are directly proportional to the concentrations of the analytes. | 2006-10-02 |
S04388 | hypobromate oxidation | A wet chemical analytical technique for the determination of ammonium. | 2006-10-06 |
S041033 | ice profiler | Sub-surface moored instrument that measures ice draft (distance of the ice keel below water body surface) by differencing acoustic range to keel range measurements and water depth determined from sea pressure | 2010-03-26 |
S0416 | identification and counting by inverse microscopy | Identification and quantification of biological entities or other small objects using an optical microscope constructed such that the objectives sit under the specimen. | 2007-01-25 |
S041171 | identification and counting by manual image analysis | Identification and quantification of any kind of feature, object, biological organism, or part thereof using image analysis performed by a human being. | 2021-10-19 |
S041074 | identification and counting by polarized light microscopy and automated image analysis | Identification and automated quantification of coccoliths and or coccospheres using cross-polarized light to identify birefringent areas | 2012-11-23 |
S041072 | identification and counting by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) | Identification and quantification of biological entities or other small objects using a scanning electron microscope. | 2012-07-04 |
S0415 | image analysis | The extraction of numerical data from digital images. | 2006-10-02 |
S041145 | in vivo iodo-nitro-tetrazolium (INT) salt reduction method | A method for estimating plankton respiration submitted for publication as García-Martín et al. Validation of the in vivo iodo-nitro-tetrazolium (INT) salt reduction method as a proxy for plankton respiration. Limnol. Oceanogr. - methods. | 2018-09-11 |
S04248 | in-situ Aquatracka chlorophyll fluorometer | A specific type of log-response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to the natural log of pigment concentration), set up to measure chlorophyll fluorescence (transmit violet, receive red), manufactured by Chelsea Instruments that has been deployed in place in the field such as a mooring, towed undulator or CTD package. | 2006-10-02 |
S04211 | in-situ Beckmann probe | A particular type of polarographic sensor for measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04417 | in-situ Beckmann probe (second sensor) | A particular type of polarographic sensor for measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04404 | in-situ Savonius Rotor plus vane current meter | A type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field, which determines direction though instrument alignment by vane and speed using a Savonius rotor (a drag-based propellor). | 2006-10-30 |
S04390 | in-situ StowAway TidbiT temperature logger | A specific type of water column temperature sensor with a quoted accuracy of 0.2C and resolution of 0.16C. | 2006-10-06 |
S041136 | in-situ UV Aquatracka fluorometer | A linear response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to fluorescent substance concentration) that detects UV fluorescence emitted whendissolved compounds that are of a fluorescent nature absorb UV light and re-emit a fraction as fluorescence; used for the monitoring of CDOM, and refined and crude hydrocarbons. | 2022-04-27 |
S041012 | in-situ UV absorption spectrometer | A UV light source, collector and spectrometer used to collect UV absorption spectra in place in the field. Solute, usually nitrate, concentration is determined by spectral analysis. | 2008-10-28 |
S041040 | in-situ UV nitrate analyser | An absorption analyser measuring absorption at an unspecified wavelength in the ultra-violet waveband designed to measure nutrient concentrations in place in the field. | 2010-07-27 |
S041137 | in-situ WET Labs FDOM ECO fluorometer | A linear response single channel fluorometer that measures CDOM (coloured dissolved organic matter) fluorescence (excitation wavelength 370 nm). | 2018-06-15 |
S041004 | in-situ acoustic backscatter measurement | A technique to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of sound transmitted and received by an instrument located in the water column. | 2008-02-18 |
S04214 | in-situ acoustic current meter | A type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2006-10-02 |
S041151 | in-situ acoustic current meter beam 2 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-28 |
S041152 | in-situ acoustic current meter beam 3 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-28 |
S041150 | in-situ acoustic current meter beam 4 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. | 2018-09-28 |
S04215 | in-situ anemometer | An instrument for measuring wind speed and direction in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04418 | in-situ anemometer (second sensor) | An instrument for measuring wind speed and direction in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04134 | in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer | An instrument that determines the amount of chlorophyll in place in the field by measuring the quantity of red light (around 685nm) emitted by the target water volume following excitation by pulses of blue light (around 460-470nm). | 2006-10-02 |
S04412 | in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer (second sensor) | An instrument that determines the amount of chlorophyll in place in the field by measuring the quantity of red light (around 685nm) emitted by the target water volume following excitation by pulses of blue light (around 460-470nm). Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04216 | in-situ conductivity cell | An instrument for measuring the electrical conductivity of the water column in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S041127 | in-situ conductivity cell (fifth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041126 | in-situ conductivity cell (fourth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S04419 | in-situ conductivity cell (second sensor) | An instrument for measuring the electrical conductivity of the water column in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041128 | in-situ conductivity cell (sixth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041125 | in-situ conductivity cell (third sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S04217 | in-situ current meter | An instrument that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S041146 | in-situ current meter (fourth sensor) | An instrument that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the fourth sensor of its type. | 2018-09-28 |
S041149 | in-situ current meter (second sensor) | An instrument that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of its type. | 2018-09-28 |
S041147 | in-situ current meter (third sensor) | An instrument that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the third sensor of its type. | 2018-09-28 |
S04371 | in-situ current meter beam 1 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths. | 2013-10-10 |
S041079 | in-situ current meter beam 2 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths. | 2013-10-10 |
S041080 | in-situ current meter beam 3 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths. | 2013-10-10 |
S04403 | in-situ electromagnetic vector averaging current meter (VACM) | A type of current meter that determines current velocity in the water column in place in the field based on continuous averaging of the output from perpendicular electromagnetic flow sensors. | 2011-04-15 |
S04218 | in-situ fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) | A fluorometer designed to measure variable fluorescence of living communities of marine phytoplankton in place in the field. It outputs high frequency (200 kHz) flashes enabling the measurement of the absorption cross section of Photosystem II, the rate of photosynthetic electron transport and the level of photochemical quenching. Some types have dual sample chambers allowing comparisons to be made of ambiently-irradiated and dark adapted phytoplankton samples. | 2009-12-08 |
S041139 | in-situ flume experiment | A benthic annular flume is used to induce and detect fluid flow in intertidal and subtidal settings. The flume is equipped with optical backscatter sensors, a rotation lid with paddles and an electromagnetic flow meter. Erodibility is inferred from the rate of change in suspended sediment concentration detected in the annulus. | 2018-09-04 |
S041170 | in-situ fluorometer | An instrument in the field that detects fluorescence emitted when compounds that are of a fluorescent nature absorb light and re-emit a fraction as fluorescence. Instruments can be configured with various excitation wavelengths to detect a variety of specific fluorescent compounds. | 2021-05-14 |
S041185 | in-situ glass electrode | Electrochemical device with a glass membrane, sensitive to the concentration of ions in the water body. This sensor is located within the water body that it measures. | 2024-02-07 |
S041005 | in-situ imaging sonar | An instrument for generating acoustic images of seabed features in place in the field | 2008-02-20 |
S041034 | in-situ impeller plus vane current meter | An instrument that determines current velocity in place in a water body, which determines direction through instrument alignment by vane and speed using a propeller. | 2010-04-11 |
S041163 | in-situ linear-response phycoerythrin fluorometer | A fluorometer set-up to measure fluorescence directly in the water column and output a signal that is linearly proportional to the concentration of phycoerythrin. | 2019-03-01 |
S04220 | in-situ microelectrode | A particular type of sensor incorporating a small (typically 50 microns or less) platinum electrode for measuring dissolved gas, usually oxygen, concentrations in place in the field. | 2016-03-09 |
S04420 | in-situ microelectrode (second sensor) | A particular type of sensor incorporating a small (typically 50 microns or less) platinum electrode for measuring dissolved gas, usually oxygen, concentrations in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S0469 | in-situ nephelometer | An instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles in place in the field based on measuring the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water. | 2006-10-02 |
S04221 | in-situ nutrient analysis system | An instrument for measuring nutrient concentrations in the water column by chemical analysis, usually colorimetry, in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04421 | in-situ nutrient analysis system (second sensor) | An instrument for measuring nutrient concentrations in the water column by chemical analysis, usually colorimetry, in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04222 | in-situ optical attenuance measurement | A technique to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the rate at which light intensity decreases with distance in the water column in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04223 | in-situ optical backscatter measurement | A technique that measures the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water from an instrument located in the water column. It may be determined as an inherent optical property or used as an indirect measure of suspended sediment concentration. | 2011-10-04 |
S04422 | in-situ optical backscatter measurement (second sensor) | A technique that measures the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water from an instrument located in the water column. It may be determined as an inherent optical property or used as an indirect measure of suspended sediment concentration. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041138 | in-situ optical turbidity measurement | A technique that determines turbidity by either the absorbance (or attenuation) of passing light or the portion of light scattered at an angle from the the incident beam of light passing through water. The instrument is located in the water column. | 2018-06-26 |
S04389 | in-situ oxygen optode | A sensor that measures dissolved oxygen concentration based on the ability of selected substances to act as dynamic fluorescence quenchers. | 2007-09-24 |
S041043 | in-situ particle counter | An instrument that determines the abundance of particulates of all sizes suspended in the water column or the atmosphere in place in the field. | 2010-09-13 |
S04224 | in-situ particle sizer | An instrument that determines size spectra of particulates in the water column or the atmosphere in place in the field. | 2010-09-13 |
S04226 | in-situ pulsed electrode | A type of polarographic sensor in which the polarisation of the membrane is regularly varied for measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04299 | in-situ pump and probe chlorophyll fluorometer | A double flash fluorometer containing two excitation channels and one emission channel. One excitation channel provides a weak, probe flash used for measuring the fluorescence yield of Photosystem II. The other provides a pump flash, which is used for closing the reaction centres of PS II. Light from the flashlamps is collected by condensers and a set of blue-green excitation filters. Emission signal is collected by a condenser and a red filter before striking the photodetector. | 2006-10-02 |
S04227 | in-situ rain gauge | An instrument for determining the amount of rainfall in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04228 | in-situ sensor | An instrument for measuring a parameter in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04423 | in-situ sensor (second sensor) | An instrument for measuring a parameter in place in the field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04229 | in-situ silicate analysis system | An instrument for measuring silicate concentrations in the water column by chemical analysis, usually colorimetry, in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04230 | in-situ sonic anemometer | An instrument for measuring wind speed and direction in place in the field by means of the properties of wind-borne sound waves. | 2006-10-02 |
S041186 | in-situ spectrophotometer | An instrument in place in the field that determines the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband. | 2024-02-08 |
S04213 | in-situ suspended particulate material (SPM) meter | An instrument, generally a calibrated transmissometer, for giving direct measurements of suspended particulate material concentration in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04231 | in-situ thermistor | A semiconductor with large linear changes of resistance as a function of temperature located in the medium of measurement (water column or atmosphere) to measure temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S041117 | in-situ thermistor (eighth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041120 | in-situ thermistor (eleventh sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041124 | in-situ thermistor (fifteenth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041114 | in-situ thermistor (fifth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041123 | in-situ thermistor (fourteenth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041113 | in-situ thermistor (fourth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041118 | in-situ thermistor (ninth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S04424 | in-situ thermistor (second sensor) | A semiconductor with large linear changes of resistance as a function of temperature located in the medium of measurement (water column or atmosphere) to measure temperature. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041116 | in-situ thermistor (seventh sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041115 | in-situ thermistor (sixth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041119 | in-situ thermistor (tenth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041112 | in-situ thermistor (third sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041122 | in-situ thermistor (thirteenth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041121 | in-situ thermistor (twelfth sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041184 | in-situ thermistor on acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) transducer | A semiconductor with large linear changes of resistance as a function of temperature located in the water body on the acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) transducer to measure temperature. | 2023-03-30 |
S04232 | in-situ thermometer | A device to measure temperature in place in the field, which could either be in the water column or in the atmosphere. | 2006-10-02 |
S04168 | inclinometer | An instrument to measure the orientation of an object relative to the Earth's gravitational field. | 2006-10-02 |
S041189 | inclinometer (second sensor) | An instrument to measure the orientation of an object relative to the Earth's gravitational field. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2024-06-03 |
S04235 | inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy | Also sometimes referred to as inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). A sample is passed through a nebulizer to create an aerosol and transported via an argon gas stream to an inductively-coupled gas plasma (8-10000 K) where it is dried, melted, evaporated, atomized, then excited. The excited atoms pass through the cooler part of the plasma and de-excite releasing specific-wavelength photons dependent on the element. Emissions are passed to the optical system which measures their intensities, which are directly proportional to the concentrations of the analytes. | 2019-08-02 |
S04236 | inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry | An analytical technique where a sample is passed through a nebulizer to create an aerosol, dried and transported via an argon gas stream to an inductively-coupled gas plasma (8-10000 Kelvin) where it is atomized and ionised. The sample then passes to a quadrapole mass spectrometer where ions of specific mass-to-charge ratios are transmitted to a detector and quantified. | 2006-10-02 |
S04237 | infra-red gas analysis | A technique for quantifying the proportion of a given gas or gases in an atmosphere by measuring the absorption of specified wavelengths in the infra-red portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. | 2006-10-02 |
S041075 | infra-red kinetic fluorometry | not specified | 2012-11-28 |
S04406 | infra-red laser rangefinder (infra-red LIDAR) | Device which uses an infrared laser beam to determine distance to an object by measuring the 2-way travel time of a reflected pulse | 2007-09-19 |
S04431 | infra-red laser rangefinder (infra-red LIDAR) (second sensor) | Device which uses an infrared laser beam to determine distance to an object by measuring the 2-way travel time of a reflected pulse. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04238 | infra-red radiometer | An instrument that measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between 750nm and a millimetre. | 2006-10-02 |
S041190 | internal thermistor | A semiconductor with large linear changes of resistance as a function of temperature located within an instrument to measure internal temperature. | 2024-06-24 |
S04239 | inverted echo sounder | An instrument placed on the seabed that transmits pulses of sound upwards into the water column and times how long echoes from features in the water column such as steep density gradients take to return. | 2006-10-02 |
S04240 | ion chromatography | A form of chromatography using a conductivity detector where a combination of weak ionic solvents are used to separate anions and cations of a solution, with the contribution of the solvent to conductivity suppressed just prior to detection. | 2006-10-02 |
S041006 | ion exclusion chromatography | A form of chromatography using a gel column designed to separate saccharides and organic acids in aqueous solution, usually associated with UV detection. | 2008-03-05 |
S04392 | ion probe analysis | A technique in which the specimen is bombarded by a focused beam of ions (diameter less than 10mm) causing ions to be ejected from the specimen. These are identified and quantified by passage through a mass spectrometer. | 2006-10-06 |
S0503 | ion sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) sensor (external counter electrode) | A field-effect transistor used for measuring ion concentrations in solution. | 2024-02-06 |
S0502 | ion sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) sensor (internal counter electrode) | A field-effect transistor used for measuring ion concentrations in solution. | 2024-02-06 |
S04393 | ion-exchange chromatography and U-Th mass spectrometry using 229Th-236U spike standard | A U/Th dating technique in which the target ions are extracted by passing solution over an ion-exchange resin and then quantified with a spike standard by mass spectrometry. | 2006-10-06 |
S04241 | ion-selective electrode | An Ion-selective electrode (ISE) is a sensor which converts the activity (related to concentration) of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential which can be measured by a voltmeter or pH meter. | 2006-10-02 |
S04242 | isotope spiking and ingrowth | A technique for radionuclide quantification based on detecting changes in daughter isotope concentration as the sample is left to decay. | 2006-10-02 |
S04394 | laser ablation and mass spectrometry | The process of removing material from a solid by irradiation with a pulsed laser for subsequent identification and quantification by determining ion mass-to-charge ratio in a mass spectrometer. | 2006-10-06 |
S041101 | laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by laser diffraction analysis. | 2016-03-11 |
S041027 | laser-induced fluorescence | A spectroscopic technique which measures the amount of light emitted on de-excitation (fluorescence) by molecules that have been excited to higher energy levels by a laser. | 2010-02-22 |
S041037 | linear-response CDOM fluorometer | A linear response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to fluorescent substance concentration), with emission and reception frequencies set up to measure CDOM (chromophoric dissolved organic matter: sometimes called Gelbstoff or yellow matter) fluorescence. | 2010-07-20 |
S04244 | linear-response chlorophyll fluorometer | A linear response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to chlorophyll concentration e.g. WetStar, SeaPoint, SeaTech, SCUFA), set up to measure chlorophyll fluorescence (transmit violet, receive red). | 2010-07-20 |
S041038 | linear-response phycocyanin fluorometer | A linear response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to fluorescent substance concentration), with emission and reception frequencies set up to measure phycocyanin fluorescence. | 2010-07-20 |
S04245 | linear-response phycoerythrin fluorometer | A linear response fluorometer (output voltage proportional to pigment concentration), set up to measure phycoerythrin fluorescence. | 2006-10-02 |
S04246 | liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry | A technique to separate substances by dissolution and passage through a column packed with a sorbent. The separated components are then passed to a mass spectrometer for identification and quantification. | 2006-10-02 |
S041018 | low temperature UV persulphate oxidation | A technique to assay organic carbon through conversion to inorganic carbon | 2009-05-15 |
S04249 | low-precision navigational echo sounder | An instrument that measures the depth of water by transmitting pulses of sound and determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return that is primarily designed for navigational purposes and therefore may be inaccurate or ineffective except in shallow water. | 2006-10-02 |
S0478 | lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a platform lowered through the water column to measure currents at depths out of acoustic range of the surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S04250 | lumogallion fluorescence | An analytical technique for measuring aluminium concentration based on adding a fluorescent stain, lumogallion, that bonds to the aluminium and is then assayed fluorometrically. | 2006-10-02 |
S04251 | magnetic susceptibility meter | A portable instrument that directly measures the ability of a substance to become magnetised by differencing magnetism before and after exposure to a magnetic field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04252 | manometry | Quantification of gas production by detection of changes in gas pressure. | 2006-10-02 |
S04253 | manual analysis using the diacetylmonoxime method | A colorimetric technique for the determination of urea concentration. | 2006-10-02 |
S04254 | manual analysis using the phenol and sodium nitrocyanoferrate method | A colorimetric technique for the determination of ammonium concentration. | 2006-10-02 |
S04372 | manual chemical analysis | Determination of the concentration of an analyte using classical wet chemical procedures. | 2006-10-02 |
S04255 | manual colorimetric analysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively converted to a coloured compound that is assayed by absorption of light of a specified wavelength. Sample processing, addition of reagents and assay was done manually. | 2006-10-02 |
S04256 | mass spectrometry | An analytical technique used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. It is most generally used to find the composition of a physical sample by generating a mass spectrum representing the masses of sample components. | 2006-10-02 |
S04257 | mass spectrometry on residue | Determination of the level of stable isotopes using mass spectrometric techniques (quantitative determination of substances by mass) in the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered. | 2006-10-02 |
S041063 | maximum minimum thermometer | A U-shaped liquid-in-glass thermometer that marks air temperature extremes with sprung markers. Reset by using a magnet to move the markers to the liquid menisci in each arm. | 2011-05-13 |
S041062 | maximum thermometer | A liquid-in-glass thermometer with a constriction in the tube. As the air temperature rises, the liquid moves freely past the constriction but sticks when the air temperature begins to drop. Reset by shaking. | 2011-05-13 |
S04258 | measurement of motor speed | Estimation of platform speed from engineering data on the speed at which the motor is running. | 2006-10-02 |
S04259 | measurement of winch wire out | The measurement of depth based on the wire deployed reading from a winch monitor. This assumes that the cable between ship and instrument is both taut and vertical, which is rarely the case in practice. | 2006-10-02 |
S04260 | measuring cylinder | A graduated tube used to measure the volume of a liquid. | 2006-10-02 |
S04261 | mechanical bathythermograph | A device used prior to the 1980s for obtaining a record of temperature against depth (strictly speaking, pressure) in the upper 300m of the ocean. The thermal element was a xylene-filled copper coil, which actuated a stylus through a Bourdon tube. The pressure element was a copper aneroid capsule that moved a smoked glass slide at right angles to the motion of the stylus. Data were usually distributed as enlarged photographs of the trace etched on the glass slide. | 2006-10-02 |
S04377 | method of Edmondson (1971) | A protocol for determination of egg production rate described in Edmondson WT (1971) Reproductive rate determined indirectly from egg ratio, p. 165-166. In Edmondson WT and Winberg TT [eds.], Secondary productivity in fresh waters. IBP Handbook 17. Blackwell. | 2006-10-06 |
S0417 | method of Lowry et al. (1951) modified by Rutter (1967) | Protein determination described in Lowry, OH, Rosebrough, NJ, Farr, AL, and Randall, RJ (1951) Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem. 193, 265-275. Modifications described in Rutter, WJ (1967) Protein determinations in embryos in Methods in Environmental Biology, pp671-684, NY Academic Press. | 2006-10-02 |
S0418 | method of Mackas and Bohrer (1976) | A protocol for the determination of zooplankton gut pigment content described in Mackas and Bohrer (1976) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 25, 77-85. | 2006-10-02 |
S04374 | method of Yebra and Hernandez-Leon modified by Yebra et al. (2005) | Determination of aminoacyl-tRNA synthethases in biota as described in Yebra, L., C. Almeida, S. Hernández-León (2005) Vertical distribution of zooplankton and active flux across an anticyclonic eddy in the Canary Island waters. Deep-Sea Res. I, 52:69-83. | 2006-10-02 |
S04262 | methylene blue colorimetric analysis | A method of chemical analysis where the analyte is quantitatively coloured by reaction with methylene blue. The resulting colour strength is assayed by absorption of light of a specified wavelength. | 2006-10-02 |
S041159 | microfluidic flow capillary raman spectroscopy and holography | A lab-on-a-chip (LOC) analytical method combining raman spectroscopy and optical trapping. | 2019-01-22 |
S0419 | microscopy | Identification and quantification of biological entities or other small objects using an unspecified type of microscope. | 2006-10-02 |
S04263 | microwave radiometer | An instrument that measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths between a millimetre and a metre. | 2006-10-02 |
S041061 | minimum thermometer | A liquid-in-glass thermometer that contains a barbell-shaped marker within the liquid. As the air temperature drops, the liquid and marker move down the thermometer tube. At minimum temperature, the liquid and the marker stop moving; as the temperature starts to rise, the liquid moves back up the tube, but the marker remains stationary marking the minimum temperature. Reset by tipping upside-down | 2011-05-13 |
S04378 | mitochondrial 16s rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) signature identification | Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) is a technique in which organisms may be differentiated by analysis of patterns derived from cleavage of their DNA. If two organisms differ in the distance between sites of cleavage of a particular restriction endonuclease, the length of the fragments produced will differ when the DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme. The similarity of the patterns generated can be used to differentiate species (and even strains) from one another. | 2006-10-06 |
S041014 | model prediction | A generic term for a value obtained using a computer simulation | 2008-11-03 |
S041178 | model prediction of Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) output | The value was obtained using a numerical model to simulate the output of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), a 15-band satellite-mounted spectrometer with a spectral range of 390 to 1040 nm, a spectral resolution of 1.8 nm and a swath width of 1150 km. | 2022-05-25 |
S041176 | model prediction of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) output | The value was obtained using a numerical model to simulate the output of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), a 36-band satellite-mounted radiometer measuring from 0.4 um to 14.4 um and at varying spatial resolutions (2 bands at 250 m, 5 bands at 500 m and 29 bands at 1 km). | 2022-03-30 |
S041179 | model prediction of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) output | The value was obtained using a numerical model to simulate the output of a Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument, a 22-band satellite-mounted radiometer with a spectral range of 0.412 to 12.01 um and a swath width of 3060 km. | 2022-05-25 |
S041177 | model prediction of fluorescence | The value was obtained using a numerical model to simulate fluorescence, which is calculated by simulating the absorption of a substance (pigment, protein) in a cell followed by release in all directions at the emission wavelengths. | 2022-05-24 |
S04264 | moored acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument understood to have been mounted in a fixed location such that the signal is transmitted towards the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S04265 | moored acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 1 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument understood to have been mounted in a fixed location such that the signal is transmitted towards the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S04266 | moored acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 2 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument understood to have been mounted in a fixed location such that the signal is transmitted towards the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S04267 | moored acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 3 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument understood to have been mounted in a fixed location such that the signal is transmitted towards the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S04268 | moored acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 4 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument understood to have been mounted in a fixed location such that the signal is transmitted towards the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S041055 | most probable number method | Cell counting technique where sample is serially diluted and numbers estimated from proportion of aliquots in which there is a presence of the organism | 2011-01-15 |
S04269 | moving vessel profiler (MVP) | A instrument towed behind a ship that repeatedly deploys a sensor package along vertical profiles from the surface to a predetermined depth. | 2006-10-02 |
S04395 | multi-beam echo sounder | A system for determining water depth along a swath either side of the platform by measuring the time taken for the seabed echoes to return from a fan-shaped array of beams of sound pulses. | 2006-10-06 |
S04396 | multibeam echo sounder central beam | Water depth measurement by determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return from the central, vertical sound pulse beam of a fan-shaped multibeam array. | 2006-10-06 |
S041091 | multiple turnover pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry | An active fluorescence technique using the pulse-amplitude modulated method with a multiple turnover flash protocol that uses a long single saturating flash (e.g. 200-10,000 milliseconds) to achieve maximum fluorescence and allow repeated charge separation processes (multiple turnover) until all the electron acceptors of PSII are reduced. | 2022-04-27 |
S04270 | nanomolar Nox system after Garside (1982) | Quantification of low concentrations of oxidised nitrogen species as described in Garside, C (1982) A chemiluminescent technique for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 11, 159-167. | 2006-10-02 |
S04501 | nanomolar ammonium fluorometry after Kerouel and Aminot (1997) | Ammonium analysis protocol described in Kerouel, R., Aminot, A. (1997). Marine Chemistry 57: 265-275 | 2007-08-14 |
S041032 | nanomolar ammonium system after Holmes et al (1999) | Ammonium analysis protocol described in Holmes et al. (1999) A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:1801-1808. | 2010-03-11 |
S04271 | nanomolar ammonium system after Jones (1991) | Ammonium analysis protocol described in Jones RD (1991) An improved fluorescence method for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of ammonium in natural seawaters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:814-819. | 2006-10-02 |
S041135 | nephelometry using an infrared light source | Method for measuring turbidity using a nephelometer (instrument that measures scattered light at an angle of 90°) equipped with an infrared light source. Nephelometers are calibrated using formazine solutions (reference standard). This method is used as part of the ISO 7027 standard for turbidity measurements. | 2018-04-16 |
S041020 | neutron activation analysis | Analysis by spectroscopy of radiation generated by radionuclides generated by neutron bombardment of samples and standards | 2009-07-07 |
S041092 | nitrate analysis system | An automated analytical system to measure nitrate concentrations. | 2016-02-24 |
S041104 | nitrite analysis system | An automated analytical system to measure nitrite concentrations. | 2016-09-09 |
S04272 | nitrogen absorption | Measurement of the reduction of the quantity of nitrogen in an atmosphere on exposure to a dried sediment sample. | 2006-10-02 |
S041050 | non-contact resistivity | A technique where the electrical resistivity of a core at a particular point is measured by quantifying the magnetic field produced by electric currents induced by a high-frequency magnetic field. | 2010-12-15 |
S0421 | not specified | There is no information available on the analytical protocol used to obtain the phenomenon measurement . | 2006-10-02 |
S0422 | observation of egg production incubation experiment | Observation and manual counting of events in an experiment where animals are kept for a predetermined time in conditions where they are unable to eat their reproductive products. | 2006-10-02 |
S041107 | optical backscatter sensor | An instrument that measures the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water. | 2016-11-10 |
S0423 | optical microscopy | Identification and quantification of biological entities or other small objects using a conventional optical microscope. | 2006-10-02 |
S04275 | optical microscopy (coarse fraction) and pipette method (fines) | Manual techniques for the determination of sediment grain-size. | 2006-10-02 |
S041194 | optical microscopy and image analysis | Identification, quantification, or measurement of biological entities or other small objects from digital images taken from a conventional optical microscope. | 2025-01-28 |
S0424 | optical microscopy and stratigraphic dating | Optical microscopy is the identification and quantification of biological entities or other small objects using a conventional optical microscope. Stratigraphic dating is the determination of the age of a sample by comparative techniques e.g. location in a sequence or study of fossil assemblages. | 2006-10-02 |
S0425 | optical plankton counter | An operational instrument that detects, sizes, and counts individual particles based on measuring the attenuance, or diminution in intensity, of a collimated light beam intercepted by transiting particles. | 2006-10-02 |
S041045 | optically stimulated luminescence dating | A technique that determines the period of time since minerals were exposed to daylight by measuring the degree of luminance caused by radiation damage during burial. | 2010-09-30 |
S04505 | optode | An optical chemical sensor based on the ability of selected substances to specifically interact with an analyte and in the process change an optical property. | 2024-10-31 |
S04276 | oxygen sensor | An instrument that may be incorporated into a sensor package to measure dissolved oxygen concentrations in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S041134 | oxygen sensor (second sensor) | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2018-02-01 |
S04277 | pH electrode | Electrochemical device sensitive to the concentration of H+ ions in solution that allows direct measurement of pH. | 2006-10-02 |
S041088 | pH sensor | Any type of pH measuring sensor (e.g. resistance, thermistor, electrode) | 2015-10-02 |
S04278 | particle sizer | A laboratory instrument that measures the size spectrum of particulate material suspended in a fluid. | 2010-02-23 |
S0500 | permanganate oxidation | An analytical technique in which organic matter is determined by reaction with KMnO4 followed by assay of the quantity of oxidising agent consumed. | 2017-08-30 |
S041094 | phosphate analysis system | An automated analytical system to measure phosphate concentrations. | 2016-02-24 |
S0426 | physical measurement | Determination of a dimension of an object or the distance between two points using an unspecified type of tape or rule. | 2006-10-02 |
S04282 | physical measurement and radiocarbon dating | Technique for determination of sediment accumulation rate. The sediment thickness accumulated is measured using a ruler and the time taken for sediment accumulation is determined by two or more carbon dates along the sediment profile. | 2006-10-02 |
S04283 | physical measurement and stratigraphic dating | Technique for determination of sediment accumulation rate. The sediment thickness accumulated is measured using a ruler and the time taken for sediment accumulation is determined by stratigraphic dating techniques such as horizon identification and micropalaeontology. | 2006-10-02 |
S041048 | piezoelectric P-wave transducer | An acoustic transmitter made of PZT material comprising a forest of narrow longitudinal rods embedded in a polymer, which combines high coupling with relatively low acoustic impedance. Desgned to to incorporated into acoustic rolling contact core profilers. | 2010-12-15 |
S04504 | platinum resistance thermometer | Instrument that measures temperature by detecting the change in the electrical resistance of a platinum sensor | 2007-09-24 |
S041067 | polarography | Polarography is a subclass of voltammetry where the working electrode is a dropping mercury electrode (DME) or a static mercury drop electrode (SMDE). | 2011-10-19 |
S041066 | polymerase chain reaction | A technique in molecular biology to amplify a single or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence. | 2011-10-07 |
S04286 | port-mounted PAR cosine-collector radiometer | An instrument attached to the port (left) side of a ship to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically downwards integrated over the visible wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S041166 | port-mounted anemometer | An instrument attached to the port (left) side of a ship to measure wind speed and direction. | 2020-01-08 |
S04287 | port-mounted cosine-collector radiometer | An instrument attached to the port (left) side of a ship to measure the intensity of the component normal to the sensor of electromagnetic radiation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04288 | port-mounted pyranometer | The standard instrument for measuring solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface by measuring the temperature of a black body target that has been calibrated in terms of radiative flux mounted on the port side of a ship. Sensitive to wavelengths between 300 and 3000 nm. | 2006-10-02 |
S041167 | port-mounted sonic anemometer | An instrument attached to the port (left) side of a ship to measure wind speed and direction by means of the properties of wind-borne sound waves. | 2020-01-08 |
S04289 | potentiometry | An electrochemical technique for titration end-point detection. | 2006-10-02 |
S04290 | pre-GPS satellite navigation | Position location based on the incomplete satellite coverage available prior to the deployment of the Global Positioning Satellite network. | 2006-10-02 |
S04293 | profiling pressure sensor | An underwater pressure sensor that is mounted to an instrument or vehicle that is able to move freely in the water column. The data are used to determine the depth of the sensor below the sea surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S041052 | programmable medium-spectral resolution imaging spectrometer (MERIS) | Satellite-mounted radiometer on the ESA Envisat platform. | 2011-01-10 |
S041010 | protocol of Charman and Warner (1992) | Protocol described in Charman,D.J. and Warner,B.G., 1992. Relationship Between Testate Amoebas (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) and Microenvironmental Parameters on A Forested Peatland in Northeastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie, 70(12): 2474-2482. | 2008-08-06 |
S04296 | protocol of Slawyk and Raimbault (1995) | Nitrogen analysis as described in Slawyk G., Raimbault P. (1995) A simple procedure for the simultaneous recovery of dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen in 15N-tracer experiments on oceanic waters improving the mass balance. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,124: 289-299. | 2006-10-02 |
S041060 | proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry | A very sensitive technique for measurement of volatile organic compounds comprising an ion source that is directly connected to a drift tube (in contrast to SIFT-MS no mass filter is interconnected) and an analysing system (quadrupole mass analyser or time-of-flight mass spectrometer). | 2011-03-08 |
S04297 | psychrometer | A psychrometer consists of two thermometers, one dry the other wrapped in water-soaked muslin, which give the dry and wet bulb air temperatures used to calculate relative humidity and dew point. | 2006-10-02 |
S04298 | psychrometer dry bulb | The thermometer in a psychrometer (instrument designed to determine the moisture content of air) that is dry and therefore measures ambient air temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S04300 | pyranometer | The standard instrument for measuring solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface by measuring the temperature of a black body target that has been calibrated in terms of radiative flux. Sensitive to wavelengths between 300 and 3000 nm. | 2006-10-02 |
S041133 | pyranometer (second sensor) | The standard instrument for measuring solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface by measuring the temperature of a black body target that has been calibrated in terms of radiative flux. Sensitive to wavelengths between 300 and 3000 nm. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2017-12-18 |
S041017 | pyrgeometer | A device that measures the atmospheric infra-red radiation spectrum that extends approximately from 4.5um to 100um. | 2009-02-19 |
S0427 | quantitative PCR | The breaking up of DNA using a polymerase chain reaction such that the quantity of product accurately reflects the quantity of original DNA. | 2006-10-02 |
S04397 | radar water level recorder | A precision water level measuring instrument based on radar that can be used to measure waves or sea level depending on sampling frequency and averaging intervals. | 2006-10-06 |
S041191 | radar water level recorder (second sensor) | A precision water level measuring instrument based on radar that can be used to measure waves or sea level depending on sampling frequency and averaging intervals. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2024-08-06 |
S04301 | radiance sensor | A sensor that measures radiance - the amount of light energy or photons measured in a specified time period in a unit area from a given direction. Usually this direction is vertically downwards or vertically upwards. Physically, the sensors consist of a radiometer sensor at the base of a tube. | 2006-10-02 |
S041000 | radioimmunoassay | Method for determination of hormone levels in a sample by quantifying reaction with radiotracer-labelled ecdysone and 'Black' antiserum. | 2007-12-05 |
S04302 | radiometer | An instrument that measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04305 | red light transmissometer | An instrument that emits red (usually 660nm wavelength) light and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located a fixed but unspecified distance away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S04306 | redox electrode | A redox electrode is an electrode made from electron-conductive material and characterized by high chemical stability in the solution under test. It is used for measuring the redox potential of a specific redox system in solution. | 2006-10-02 |
S0428 | relative UV fluorescence product assay | Measurement of relative amounts of emitted light on irradiation by ultra-violet light. | 2006-10-02 |
S041089 | resistance thermometer | Any type of resistance thermometer | 2015-10-02 |
S04307 | reversing thermometer | A thermometer that records the temperature at which the instrument is inverted, retaining that temperature reading until the instrument is reset. | 2006-10-02 |
S04309 | scattering photometer | An instrument that illuminates a sample with specified laser light wavelengths and determines the degree to which this is scattered by dissolved molecules or suspended particulate material. | 2006-10-02 |
S041168 | scattering photometer (second sensor) | An instrument that illuminates a sample with specified laser light wavelengths and determines the degree to which this is scattered by dissolved molecules or suspended particulate material. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2020-02-05 |
S04308 | scatterometer | A radar system that infers wind speed by measuring the backscattering cross section or normalized radar cross section. | 2006-10-02 |
S04310 | scintillation counting | A technique for assaying beta or gamma radiation by quantitative detection of visible light produced by the passage of rays or particles through a suitable scintillant. The scintillant may either be incorporated with the sample (liquid scintillation counting) or incorporated with a photomultiplier into a detector. | 2006-10-02 |
S041003 | second sensor | Measurement made by a duplicate instrument of exactly the same type as the accompanying primary instrument. Data quiality may be equal to or even better than the primary instrument. | 2016-05-01 |
S041035 | sediment profile imager | Device that provide in-situ still or video images of a section including bottom water, the undisturbed sediment-water interface and the upper sediment layers. | 2010-04-30 |
S04312 | semi-fixed moored SBE MicroCAT | A specific make of CTD mounted on a mooring that allows restricted vertical movement in the water column. Depth data are therefore a mooring performance indicator rather than a measurement of waves or tides. | 2006-10-02 |
S04313 | semi-fixed moored SonTek current meter | A particular type of current meter that measures water velocity by determining Doppler shift of sound reflected off particulates in the water column mounted on a subsurface mooring that allow limited vertical movement (e.g. suspended on a wire between an anchor and a subsurface buoy). | 2006-10-02 |
S04314 | semi-fixed moored in-situ pressure sensor | An underwater pressure sensor that is mounted in an instrument on a semi-rigid mooring, such as a wire between an anchor and a sub-surface buoy. Data from the instrument are used for measuring the depth of the instrument monitor aspects of mooring performance such as knockdown. | 2019-07-23 |
S04500 | semi-fixed moored inverted echo sounder | An upward-facing echo sounder that is mounted on a semi-rigid mooring tethered to the seafloor. | 2019-07-23 |
S041099 | settling tube method | Particle size fraction determination by the settling tube/pipette method. | 2016-03-11 |
S041100 | settling tube method and laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by the settling tube/pipette method and laser diffraction analysis. | 2016-03-11 |
S04316 | settling velocity tube experiment | A technique where a water sample is placed in a long vertical tube from which samples are drawn from the bottom at intervals to determine particle setting velocities and the properties of particles settling as a function of time. | 2006-10-02 |
S04318 | shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) | A type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a moving platform such that the signal is transmitted downwards toward the seabed. Note that unless the ship is firmly anchored currents are not measured directly and need to be computed by differencing ship's velocities relative to land and water. | 2006-10-02 |
S04398 | shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 1 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a moving platform such that the signal is transmitted downwards toward the seabed. Note that unless the ship is firmly anchored currents are not measured directly and need to be computed by differencing ship's velocities relative to land and water. | 2006-10-06 |
S04399 | shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 2 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a moving platform such that the signal is transmitted downwards toward the seabed. Note that unless the ship is firmly anchored currents are not measured directly and need to be computed by differencing ship's velocities relative to land and water. | 2006-10-06 |
S04400 | shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 3 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a type of current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at a number of different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a moving platform such that the signal is transmitted downwards toward the seabed. Note that unless the ship is firmly anchored currents are not measured directly and need to be computed by differencing ship's velocities relative to land and water. | 2006-10-06 |
S04401 | shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) beam 4 | Current measurement from one transmitter on a current meter capable of simultaneous measurement of current velocity at different depths based on determining Doppler shift of transmitted sound. Instrument mounted on a moving platform such that the signal is transmitted downwards toward the seabed. Note that unless the ship is firmly anchored currents are not measured directly and need to be computed by differencing ship's velocities relative to land and water. | 2006-10-06 |
S04319 | shipborne electro-magnetic log | A sensor fitted to the hull that measures the velocity of the ship relative to the water. | 2006-10-02 |
S04320 | shipborne wave recorder | A device for measuring height and period of sea-surface waves with two accelerometer and pressure sensor (inlet 1-2 m below the waterline) pairs mounted either side of the hull of a ship. The accelerometers measure vertical movement of the ship as it tries to follow each wave and the pressure sensors measure change in water height along the hull due to the ship's failure to follow the wave accurately. Combining the two gives the true wave height. Sensor pairs allow correction for rolling. | 2006-10-02 |
S04425 | shipborne wave recorder (second sensor) | A device for measuring height and period of sea-surface waves with two accelerometer and pressure sensor (inlet 1-2 m below the waterline) pairs mounted either side of the hull of a ship. The accelerometers measure vertical movement of the ship as it tries to follow each wave and the pressure sensors measure change in water height along the hull due to the ship's failure to follow the wave accurately. Combining the two gives the true wave height. Sensor pairs allow correction for rolling. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041016 | sieving | Particle size fraction determination by passing the sample/water suspension through progressively finer sieves and weighing the fraction retained on each. | 2008-12-09 |
S041096 | sieving and dry laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by a combination of sieving for the coarse fraction and laser diffraction analysis on the dry sample for the fine fraction. | 2016-03-11 |
S04321 | sieving and settling tube method | Coarse (generally >63 microns) size fraction determination by passing the sample/water suspension through progressively finer sieves and weighing the fraction retained on each. The finest fraction is suspended with a dispersion agent in water and transferred to a vertical tube and left to settle for a pre-determined period. A pipette is used to extract sub-samples for particle weight determination from various depths mapped to particle size using settling rate data. | 2016-03-10 |
S041097 | sieving and wet laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by a combination of sieving for the coarse fraction and laser diffraction analysis of the particulate material suspended in a fluid for the fine fraction. | 2016-03-11 |
S041098 | sieving, settling tube method and laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination by a combination of sieving, settling tube/pipette method and laser diffraction analysis. | 2016-03-11 |
S041093 | silicate analysis system | An automated analytical system to measure silicate concentrations. | 2016-02-24 |
S041090 | single turnover fast repetition rate (FRR) fluorometry | An active fluorescence technique using the fast repetition rate method with a single turnover flash protocol that uses a sequence of short flashes (e.g. <200 microseconds flashlets) to reach maximum fluorescence; each flashlet only allows one single reduction of the primary electron acceptors of PSII, Qa. | 2022-04-27 |
S04402 | single-beam echo sounder | An instrument that measures the depth of water by transmitting a single beam of sound pulses and determining the time taken for the seabed echo to return. | 2006-10-06 |
S04322 | sound velocity profiler | An instrument for the measurement of the velocity of sound in the water column in place in the field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04323 | spectrophotometric absorbance at two different wavelengths of CO2-equilibrated fixed alkalinity dye solution | A technique for measuring carbonate system parameters based on spectrophotometric quantification of degree of stain fixation by carbon dioxide. | 2006-10-02 |
S04325 | spectrophotometry | Measurement of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband. | 2006-10-02 |
S041174 | spectrophotometry (external electrode) DEPRECATED | Measurement of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband, measured using the external (reference) electrode of a dual-electrode instrument (e.g. Sea-Bird SeaFET ISFET). | 2024-02-08 |
S041173 | spectrophotometry (internal electrode) DEPRECATED | Measurement of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at one or more specified wavelengths, generally within the visible waveband, measured using the internal (primary) electrode of a dual-electrode instrument (e.g. Sea-Bird SeaFET ISFET). | 2024-02-08 |
S04326 | spectrophotometry following Caraco and Puccoon 1986 protocol | A published protocol for pigment assay based on the absorption of light at different wavelengths in the visible waveband. | 2006-10-02 |
S04327 | spectrophotometry following Takahashi and Ichimura 1968 protocol | A published protocol for pigment assay based on the absorption of light at different wavelengths in the visible waveband. | 2006-10-02 |
S04328 | spectrophotometry on filtrate | Determination of the visible light absorption spectrum of the liquid passing through the filter paper after a sample has been filtered. | 2006-10-02 |
S04329 | spectrophotometry on filtrate before and after methanol pigment extraction | Multiple determination of the visible light absorption spectrum of the liquid passing through the filter paper after a sample has been filtered before and after methanol pigment extraction to determine the pigment absorption spectrum by difference. | 2006-10-02 |
S041008 | spectrophotometry on residue after NaOCl bleaching | Determination of the visible light absorption spectrum of the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered and bleached to remove pigments. | 2008-04-09 |
S041007 | spectrophotometry on residue before and after NaOCl bleaching | Multiple determination of the visible light absorption spectrum of the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered before and after bleaching to determine the pigment absorption spectrum by difference. | 2008-04-09 |
S04330 | spectrophotometry on residue before and after methanol pigment extraction | Multiple determination of the visible light absorption spectrum of the material trapped on the filter paper after a sample has been filtered before and after methanol pigment extraction to determine the pigment absorption spectrum by difference. | 2006-10-02 |
S04332 | starboard-mounted PAR cosine-collector radiometer | An instrument attached to the starboard (right) side of a ship to measure the intensity of the component of electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically downwards integrated over the visible wavelengths. | 2006-10-02 |
S041164 | starboard-mounted anemometer | An instrument attached to the starboard (right) side of a ship to measure wind speed and direction. | 2020-01-08 |
S04333 | starboard-mounted cosine-collector radiometer | An instrument attached to the starboard (right) side of a ship to measure the intensity of the component normal to the sensor of electromagnetic radiation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04334 | starboard-mounted pyranometer | The standard instrument for measuring solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface by measuring the temperature of a black body target that has been calibrated in terms of radiative flux mounted on the starboard side of a ship. Sensitive to wavelengths between 300 and 3000 nm. | 2006-10-02 |
S041165 | starboard-mounted sonic anemometer | An instrument attached to the starboard (right) side of a ship to measure wind speed and direction by means of the properties of wind-borne sound waves. | 2020-01-08 |
S041085 | strain gauge | A sensor used to measure the strain in an object | 2014-06-17 |
S04335 | submarine cable voltage measurement | A technique for assessing water mass transport rate from the degree of stretch in a submarine cable as reflected by its resistance and hence voltage drop across it. | 2006-10-02 |
S041109 | synchrotron x-ray fluorescence | An X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry that uses synchrotron radiation (SR) for excitation source. | 2017-07-31 |
S041056 | synthetic aperture radar | A form of radar in which multiple radar images are processed to yield higher-resolution images than would be possible by conventional means. Remote sensing instruments usually mounted on satellites. | 2011-01-31 |
S04336 | telemetry buoy systems monitor | A device to monitor engineering parameters, such as system voltages and currents, on a remote data telemetry system. | 2006-10-02 |
S041105 | temperature measurement | Determination of temperature by any method. | 2016-11-10 |
S04337 | temperature probe on half tide pressure gauge | A temperature sensor mounted on the half-tide sensor (i.e. a sensor exposed for part of the tidal cycle to facilitate geodetic levelling) of a pressure-sensing tide gauge. | 2006-10-02 |
S041129 | temperature sensor | A type of temperature sensing device such as a resistance temperature detector, thermistor or thermocouple. | 2017-10-25 |
S041130 | temperature sensor (second sensor) | A code defining a second instance of temperature sensing device such as a resistance temperature detector, thermistor or thermocouple. | 2017-10-25 |
S041073 | thermal ionization mass spectrometry | A highly sensitive isotope mass spectrometry characterization technique in which a chemically purified sample is heated to cause ionization of the atoms of the sample. The resulting ions are focused into a beam by an electromagnet, then separated into individual beams based on the mass/charge ratio of the ions. | 2012-08-17 |
S04339 | thermistor flow meter | Sensor that measures flow rate by determination of the rate of cooling of a heated thermistor bead. | 2006-10-02 |
S04340 | thermometer | A device that measures temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S04434 | thermometer (second sensor) | A device that measures temperature. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-11-25 |
S04341 | thermosalinograph | An instrument designed for the continuous measurement of seawater temperature and salinity, usually associated with shipborne measurements in the upper 5m of the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S04427 | thermosalinograph (second sensor) | An instrument designed for the continuous measurement of seawater temperature and salinity, usually associated with shipborne measurements in the upper 5m of the water column. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04342 | thermosalinograph conductivity cell temperature sensor | A temperature sensor co-located with the conductivity cell in the thermosalinograph used solely to supply data for the conversion of temperature to salinity. The conductivity cell is often located in laboratory space and therefore this sensor returns values significantly different from ambient sea temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S04343 | thermosalinograph conductivity sensor | A device to measure electrical conductivity of seawater. | 2006-10-02 |
S04344 | thermosalinograph hull sensor | A sensor measuring ship's hull temperature below the water line as a proxy for ambient sea temperature. | 2006-10-02 |
S04436 | thermosalinograph hull sensor (second sensor) | A sensor measuring ship's hull temperature below the water line as a proxy for ambient sea temperature. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-11-30 |
S04345 | thermosalinograph sea temperature sensor | A sensor measuring water temperature in the inlet of the thermosalinograph seawater supply. | 2006-10-02 |
S041110 | third sensor | Code designed to allow differentiation between multiple equivalent sensors. | 2017-09-19 |
S041078 | three-dimensional seismic survey array | A method where energy waves are transmitted into the seafloor or land surface and the returns are collected by an array of sensors distributed over an area to produce an image of the sub-surface rock and sediment structure beneath the instrumented area. | 2013-06-19 |
S04346 | through-flow fluorometer plumbed into non-toxic supply | A fluorometer (generally assumed output voltage proportional to the pigment concentration and set up for chlorophyll measurement) that is plumbed into continuously pumped surface water from a supply designed for scientific use. | 2006-10-02 |
S04347 | through-flow nephelometer | An instrument to quantify the abundance of suspended particles based on measuring the returned proportion of light transmitted into a fixed volume of water that has been plumbed into a continuous pumped water supply. | 2006-10-02 |
S04348 | tidal height sensor2 | One of a group of duplicate pressure sensors on a tide gauge installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04349 | tidal height sensor3 | One of a group of duplicate pressure sensors on a tide gauge installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S041192 | tidal height sensor4 | One of a group of duplicate pressure sensors on a tide gauge installation. | 2024-08-06 |
S04350 | tide gauge ambient temperature sensor | Atmospheric temperature sensor fitted to a tide gauge installation. | 2006-10-02 |
S0429 | time series analysis of gut pigment content | Multiple determinations of gut pigment content separated by predetermined periods of time. | 2006-10-02 |
S041023 | titration against silver nitrate (AgNO3) | Quantitative incremental addition of silver nitrate solution to extract all halide anions from the sample as indicated by an indicator colour change (usually potassium chromate from yellow to red) | 2009-12-21 |
S04351 | titration against standardised acid | Incremental addition of acid whose concentration is accurately known until the pH is reached at which the reaction is considered complete. | 2006-10-02 |
S04352 | tracked drifting buoy | Determination of the position of an untethered buoy (surface, surface-drogued or neutrally buoyant) at regular intervals either by satellite position fixing or acoustic triangulation. | 2006-10-02 |
S04353 | transmissometer | An instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located at fixed but unknown distance away from the transmitter. | 2006-10-02 |
S041155 | transmissometer (second sensor) | An instrument that emits light of unknown wavelength and measures how much of it reaches a receptor accurately located at fixed but unknown distance away from the transmitter. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2018-12-05 |
S04354 | triaxial fluxgate compass | A simple electromagnetic device that employs small coils of wire around a core of non-linear magnetic material, to directly sense orientation relative to the Earth's magnetic field. | 2006-10-02 |
S04355 | trichromatic spectrophotometry following the Jeffrey and Humphrey protocol | A published protocol for the determination of chlorophylls based on the measurement of spectrophotometric absorption by the pigment solution at 630, 647 and 663-665 nm. | 2006-10-02 |
S041144 | turbidity meter | Unknown or unspecified turbidity meter. This term applies to any kind of turbidity measuring instrument including nephelometers and optical backscatter sensors. | 2018-09-05 |
S04356 | turbulence profiler | A free-fall instrument that directly measures the vertical distribution of turbulent flow velocity in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S04428 | turbulence profiler (second sensor) | A free-fall instrument that directly measures the vertical distribution of turbulent flow velocity in the water column. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04357 | turbulence profiler fast temperature sensor | A temperature sensor incorporated into a turbulence profiler instrument package with low thermal inertia to minimise reaction time to changes in the temperature of its environment. | 2006-10-02 |
S04358 | turbulence profiler precision CTD | A high quality instrument measuring pressure, temperature and conductivity (hence salinity) incorporated into a turbulence profiler instrument package. | 2006-10-02 |
S04359 | turbulence profiler shear sensor | A free-fall instrument that directly measures the vertical distribution of shear velocity in the water column. | 2006-10-02 |
S04429 | turbulence profiler shear sensor (second sensor) | A free-fall instrument that directly measures the vertical distribution of shear velocity in the water column. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S041077 | two-dimensional seismic survey array | A method where energy waves are transmitted into the seafloor or land surface and the returns are collected by a single string of hydrophones to produce an image of the sub-surface rock and sediment structure along a single line. | 2013-06-19 |
S04361 | underwater vehicle with pressure sensor and altimeter | A vehicle at varying depth in the water column simultaneously measured the depth of water between it an the seabed using an altimeter (underwater echo sounder) and between it and the sea surface using a pressure sensor. | 2006-10-02 |
S04362 | unknown instrument | No information is available on the sensor or instrument used to make the measurement. | 2006-10-02 |
S04364 | unspecified GPS system | The navigation system used was based on the Global Positioning System satellite network, but the specific type of receiver used is unknown. | 2006-10-02 |
S04365 | unspecified navigation system | No information was available on the navigation system used. | 2006-10-02 |
S041084 | upwelling radiance spectral radiometer | An instrument to measure the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation travelling vertically upwards to give a spectrum of intensity versus wavelength. | 2014-06-10 |
S041046 | uranium-thorium isotope dating | A relatively short-range dating technique based on the decay of uranium-234 into thorium-230. | 2010-09-30 |
S04366 | visual estimation | The magnitude of a parameter, such as wave height or sea state, was obtained based on the judgement of a skilled observer. | 2006-10-02 |
S041183 | visual estimation of target taxon dominance (100%, >30%, <30%) | The result was obtained using a visual estimate of the percent coverage of a targeted taxon into 3 broad categories: 100%, >30% and <30%. | 2023-02-23 |
S04367 | visual observation in a flume | A technique in which sediment core samples are placed in a tank in which conditions, particularly water flow speed, may be quantitatively controlled. Samples were observed as conditions were systematically changed until the phenomenon of interest, e.g. resuspension, was observed. | 2006-10-02 |
S041013 | water level gauge | A generic term for any instrument designed to measure the level of the surface of a water body with respect to a fixed datum level | 2008-11-03 |
S04369 | waverider | A device for measuring sea-surface waves. It consists of a surface buoy containing either a single accelerometer (measures non-directional wave height and period), an accelerometer plus compass or multiple accelerometers (latter two measure directional wave parameters) tethered to the seabed by an elastic rope. | 2006-10-02 |
S04430 | waverider (second sensor) | A device for measuring sea-surface waves. It consists of a surface buoy containing either a single accelerometer (measures non-directional wave height and period), an accelerometer plus compass or multiple accelerometers (latter two measure directional wave parameters) tethered to the seabed by an elastic rope. Deployed on a package of instruments or sensors as the second sensor of this type. | 2016-05-01 |
S04370 | wavestaff | A device for measuring sea-surface waves. It consists of a weighted pole below which a disk is suspended at a depth sufficiently deep for the wave motion associated with deep-water waves to be negligible. The staff remains almost anchored to the bottom, and wave height and period can be ascertained by observing or recording the length of the pole that extends above the surface. | 2006-10-02 |
S041103 | wet laser diffraction | Particle size fraction determination using laser diffraction analysis of particulate material suspended in a fluid. | 2016-03-11 |