http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L05/current/22/2/ |
Within Vocab |
SeaDataNet device categories |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
A fine-meshed net designed to collect small size organisms, aggregates, or litter in the water column including for example microzooplankton, mesozooplankton, nekton, microplastic or other litter. |
Date |
2018-02-20T17:43:56 |
Identifier |
SDN:L05::22 |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
22 |
Previous Version |
version |
2 |
L19:SDNKG01 |
instrument |
| W06:CLSS0002 |
Instrument type |
| D01:D0100002 |
Instruments |
| L21:ICAT01 |
SeaDataNet sample collector categories |
W01:003 |
SeaDataNet device category |
| L22:TOOL0988 |
1-metre ring net |
| L22:NETT0001 |
Adriatic plankton sampler - Krsinic (1990) |
| L22:NETT0003 |
Apstein net as described by Apstein (1896); Dakin (1908) |
| L22:TOOL0978 |
Apstein-style ring net |
| L22:NETT0210 |
Aquatic BioTechnology simple plankton net with 100 um mesh size, 40 cm diameter mouth opening, CP3-110 collector |
| L22:NETT0209 |
Aquatic BioTechnology simple plankton net with 200 um mesh size, 40 cm diameter mouth opening, CP3-110 collector |
| L22:TOOL0986 |
ARIES pup net |
| L22:TOOL1181 |
BAS MUDL Bongo net |
| L22:NETT0176 |
Bongo net |
| L22:NETT0009 |
Bongo-style vertical closing net - Brown (1975) |
| L22:NETT0014 |
Bottom plankton sampler - Macer (1867) |
| L22:NETT0013 |
Bottom plankton sampler - Omori (1969) |
| L22:NETT0015 |
Bottom skimmer - Frolander and Pratt (1962) |
| L22:TOOL0992 |
British Antarctic Survey Foredeck Net |
| L22:TOOL0994 |
British Antarctic Survey Mini-Bongo net |
| L22:TOOL0993 |
British Antarctic Survey Motion Compensated Bongo Net |
| L22:NETT0185 |
British Antarctic Survey multiple plankton net system based on MOCNESS |
| L22:TOOL0996 |
British Antarctic Survey N70 Plankton Net |
| L22:TOOL0995 |
British Antarctic Survey Towed Bongo Net |
| L22:NETT0016 |
CalCOFI net - Ahlstrom (1948) |
| L22:NETT0019 |
Chun-Peterson net - Chun (1888, 1903) |
| L22:NETT0021 |
Clarke-Bumpus plankton sampler - Clarke and Bumpus (1939, 1950) |
| L22:NETT0006 |
Closing net - Barnes (1953) |
| L22:NETT0023 |
Closing Net - Hart (1935) |
| L22:NETT0024 |
Cod-end sampler - Motoda (1953) |
| L22:NETT0199 |
Custom 3 x 18 cm mouth opening x 40 cm diameter conical nets plankton net - AMT 18 (2008) |
| L22:NETT0034 |
Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-1 - Grice and Huelsemann (1970) |
| L22:NETT0035 |
Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Alvin Net-2 - Grice (1972) |
| L22:NETT0030 |
Deep-Tow net system - Wishner (1980) |
| L22:NETT0108 |
Discovery net N70 V net - Currie and Foxton (1956) |
| L22:NETT0029 |
Discrete-depth plankton sampler - Aron et al. (1964) |
| L22:NETT0031 |
Diver tow net - Emery (1968) |
| L22:NETT0032 |
Diver-pushed net - Porter (1973) |
| L22:NETT0036 |
English umbrella net - Macaulay and Daly (1987) |
| L22:NETT0038 |
Enlarged Clarke-Bumpus sampler - Paquette et al. (1961) |
| L22:NETT0037 |
Enlarged Clarke-Bumpus sampler - Yentsch et al. (1962) |
| L22:NETT0039 |
Epi-benthic plankton net - Russell (1928) |
| L22:NETT0040 |
Epi-benthic plankton sampler - Bossanyi (1951) |
| L22:NETT0041 |
Epi-benthic plankton sampler - Clutter (1965) |
| L22:NETT0137 |
Fixed in-current plankton net - Johannes et al (1970) |
| L22:NETT0044 |
Free-fall plankton net - Heron (1982) |
| L22:NETT0045 |
Gimbal-ring zooplankton sampler - Kozasa (1984) |
| L22:TOOL0989 |
Half-metre ring net |
| L22:TOOL0981 |
Hand-held plankton net |
| L22:NETT0054 |
Hensen egg net - Hensen (1887); Jenkins (1901); Wimpenny (1937) |
| L22:NETT0069 |
Horizontal ichthyoplankton tow-net system - Nester (1987) |
| L22:NETT0129 |
Horizontal opening-closing net - Bigelow (1913) |
| L22:NETT0130 |
Horizontal opening-closing plankton net - Slack (1955) |
| L22:NETT0064 |
HOrizontal PLAnkton SAmpler - Ruetzler et al. (1980) |
| L22:NETT0153 |
Horizontal self-closing net - Kofoid (1911, 1911, 1912) |
| L22:NETT0187 |
Hydro-Bios MultiNet Mammoth |
| L22:NETT0200 |
Hydro-Bios RingTrawl (CalCOFI) net |
| L22:NETT0201 |
ICES MIK Midwater Ringnet |
| L22:NETT0070 |
ICITA plankton net - Jossi (1966) |
| L22:NETT0202 |
Ifremer mesopelagos net |
| L22:NETT0075 |
Indian Ocean standard net - Currie (1963) |
| L22:NETT0074 |
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas standard net - Ostenfeld and Jespersen (1924) |
| L22:NETT0078 |
Juday net - Juday (1916) |
| L22:NETT0174 |
KC Denmark AS small plankton net |
| L22:NETT0080 |
Kitahara - Nakai (1962) |
| L22:NETT0177 |
Manta net |
| L22:NETT0088 |
Manta net - Brown and Cheng (1981) |
| L22:NETT0171 |
Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKI |
| L22:NETT0172 |
Marine Scotland Opening Closing Environmental Acoustic Net MKII |
| L22:TOOL0997 |
MARMAP 20-cm Bongo net |
| L22:NETT0089 |
MARMAP Bongo net - Posgay and Marak (1980) |
| L22:NETT0090 |
Maruchi conical nets - Nakai (1962) |
| L22:NETT0091 |
Marudai - Nakai (1962) |
| L22:NETT0092 |
Marunaka - Nakai (1962) |
| L22:NETT0093 |
Marutoku - Nakai (1962) |
| L22:NETT0042 |
Mechanically opening-closing epi-benthic plankton sled - Wickstead (1953) |
| L22:NETT0094 |
Micronketon net - Blackburn and Keith (1962) |
| L22:NETT0095 |
Midwater net - Fowler (1898) |
| L22:NETT0136 |
Miniature Plankton Indicator - Henderson et al. (1936); Glover (1953) |
| L22:NETT0079 |
Modified Juday net - Clayton and Pavlou (1978) |
| L22:NETT0077 |
Modified Juday net - Aksnes and Magnesen (1983) |
| L22:NETT0098 |
Modified Multiple Plankton Sampler - Weikert and John (1981) |
| L22:NETT0107 |
Modified N70 net - Currie ans Foston (1957) |
| L22:NETT0123 |
Modified North Pacific standard net - Motoda (1994) |
| L22:NETT0010 |
Modified opening-closing Bongo net - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976) |
| L22:NETT0100 |
MTD horizontal net - Motoda (1971) |
| L22:NETT0099 |
Multiple Plankton Sampler - Be et al. (1959); Be (1962) |
| L22:NETT0124 |
N-series (N50, N70, N100, N200, N450) nets - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) |
| L22:NETT0102 |
N100 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) |
| L22:TOOL0990 |
N113 (modified Indian Ocean standard net) - Foxton (1969) |
| L22:NETT0103 |
N200 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) |
| L22:NETT0104 |
N450 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) |
| L22:NETT0105 |
N50 - Kemp et al. (1929); Marr (1938) |
| L22:NETT0106 |
N70 - Kemp et al. (1929) |
| L22:NETT0121 |
NIPR-I sampler - Fukuchi et al. (1979) |
| L22:NETT0122 |
North Pacific standard net - Motoda (1957) |
| L22:NETT0134 |
Ocean Research Institute Vertical Muliple Plankton Sampler - Terazaki (1991) |
| L22:TOOL0987 |
OCEAN sampler pup net |
| L22:NETT0125 |
Octagon net - Sameoto and Jaroszynski (1976) |
| L22:NETT0011 |
Opening-closing Bongo net - McGowan and Brown (1966) |
| L22:NETT0126 |
Opening-closing mechanism for plankton nets - Bourdillon et al. (1978) |
| L22:NETT0127 |
Opening-closing net - Hoyle (1889) |
| L22:NETT0128 |
Opening-closing net system - Leavitt (1935, 1938) |
| L22:NETT0131 |
ORI nets - Omori (1965) |
| L22:NETT0132 |
ORI-200 - Omori (1965) |
| L22:NETT0169 |
ORI-33 - Omori (1965) |
| L22:NETT0133 |
ORI-C - Omori (1965) |
| L22:NETT0135 |
Parachute net - Wheeler (1941) |
| L22:NETT0173 |
Plankton pump sampler |
| L22:NETT0138 |
Plankton purse seine - Murphy and Clutter (1972) |
| L22:NETT0140 |
Plankton-Bar - Tonolli (1951) |
| L22:NETT0141 |
Planktonbenthos dredge - Beauchamp (1932) |
| L22:NETT0142 |
Planktonbenthos sampler - Hensen (1895) |
| L22:NETT0143 |
Plummet net - Hovekamp ; Daly [personal communication to Wiebe and Benfield] |
| L22:NETT0144 |
Plummet net type II - Hovekamp (1989) and Daly [personal communication to Wiebe and Benfield] |
| L22:TOOL0983 |
Plymouth Marine Laboratory 63-um Bongo net |
| L22:TOOL0982 |
Plymouth Marine Laboratory twin WP-2 Bongo net |
| L22:NETT0147 |
Reeve net - Reeve (1981) |
| L22:NETT0151 |
Scotia closing plankton net - Bruce (1904) |
| L22:NETT0155 |
Streamer Plankton sampler - Ishida (1963, 1964) |
| L22:NETT0163 |
Umbrella net - Rakusa-Suszczewski (1972) |
| L22:TOOL0984 |
University of Aberdeen size-resolving Bongo net |
| L22:NETT0164 |
Vertical and horizontal closing nets with flow meter - Nansen (1915) |
| L22:NETT0166 |
Wishner Deep-Tow net system adapted for use on Alvin - Kim and Mullineaux (1998) |
| L22:NETT0167 |
Wollaston pop-down net - Buchanan-Wollaston (1911) |
| L22:TOOL0979 |
WP-2 net |
| L22:NETT0168 |
WP-2 standard net as described by UNESCO Working Party 2 (1968) |
| L22:TOOL0980 |
WP-2-style net |
| L22:NETT0170 |
WP3 net - UNESCO Working Party 3 (1968) |