http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S25/current/BE007117/2/ |
Within Vocab |
BODC parameter semantic model biological entity names |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
Date |
2016-01-21T13:52:2 |
Identifier |
SDN:S25::BE007117 |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
BE007117 |
Previous Version |
version |
2 |
S01:S015 |
biological entity |
| S21:S21S037 |
biota |
| P01:SACFOR01 |
Abundance category (SACFOR) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SACFORN1 |
Abundance category (SACFORN) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL06 |
Abundance category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL02 |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed |
| P01:ABIOLA01 |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the water body |
| P01:ADBIOL01 |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit length sampled of the water body |
| P01:ADBIOL02 |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit of sampling time in the water body |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the sediment |
| P01:SDBIOL01 |
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
Abundance standard deviation of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
| P01:APIXBI01 |
Area (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Ash-free dry weight biomass (as carbon) of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the sediment |
| P01:SDBIOL03 |
Ash-free dry weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed |
| P01:SDBIOL07 |
Ash-free dry weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
| P01:AFDWBP01 |
Ash-free dry weight biomass production rate of biological entity specified elsewhere per day per unit area of the bed by computation from ash-free dry weight and temperature using a general allometric equation (Edgar, 1991) |
| P01:SPBLXX01 |
Bill depth at gonys of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Biomass as carbon of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed by computation of carbon biomass using the equation of Alcaraz et al. (2003) |
| P01:SDBIOL12 |
Biomass as carbon of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body by computation |
| P01:FCBIOL12 |
Biomass as carbon of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body by flow cytometry |
| P01:SDBIOL13 |
Biovolume (calculated) of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
| P01:SDBIOL14 |
Biovolume (calculated) of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body by calculation using the HELCOME COMBINE guidelines |
| P01:CVOLZZ01 |
Biovolume of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Biovolume of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
Blubber thickness of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL11 |
Categorisation (as living or non-living) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Cause of death of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Cell volume of biological entity specified elsewhere by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas |
| P01:OBSCOL01 |
Colour of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:RBYJLY24 |
Concentration of cadmium {Cd CAS 7440-43-9} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:CBDYXX01 |
Concentration of carbon {C} per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:RBYJLY22 |
Concentration of copper {Cu CAS 7440-50-8} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
Concentration of lead {Pb CAS 7439-92-1} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:LIDYXX01 |
Concentration of lipids per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:LIWTXX01 |
Concentration of lipids per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:NTDYXX01 |
Concentration of nitrogen {N} per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:SFDYXX01 |
Concentration of sulfur {sulphur S CAS 7704-34-9} per unit dry weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:RBYJLY21 |
Concentration of total iron {total_Fe CAS 7439-89-6} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:RBYJLY23 |
Concentration of total mercury {total_Hg CAS 7439-97-6} per unit wet weight of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:SOVO0001 |
Count (breeding pairs) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SOVO0004 |
Count (January) {midwinter count} of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Count mean of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:OCOUNT01 |
Count of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Coverage (HELCOM COMBINE) of biological entity specified elsewhere on the bed |
| P01:SDBIOL10 |
Coverage (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere of the bed |
| P01:DMAX7117 |
Depth maximum of biological entity specified elsewhere on the bed by epibenthic sampling |
| P01:DMIN7117 |
Depth minimum of biological entity specified elsewhere on the bed by epibenthic sampling |
| P01:LSTAGE01 |
Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:ODRYBM01 |
Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL08 |
Dry weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed |
| P01:SDBIOL09 |
Dry weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
| P01:SPDWXX01 |
Dry weight of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:N15BTX01 |
Enrichment of nitrogen-15 {15N CAS 14390-96-6} {delta(15)N} in biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} by mass spectrometry |
| P01:S34BTX01 |
Enrichment with respect to VCDT of sulfur-34 {34S CAS 13965-97-4} {delta(34)S} in biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} by mass spectrometry |
| P01:C13BTX01 |
Enrichment with respect to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) of carbon-13 {13C CAS 14762-74-4} {delta(13)C} in biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} by mass spectrometry |
Equivalent spherical diameter of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SNANID01 |
Identifier (LSID) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:LGPIXEL1 |
Length (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:FL01XX01 |
Length (fork length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDL1XX01 |
Length (second dorsal length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SL01XX01 |
Length (Standard Length) of biological entity specified elsewhere {SL} |
| P01:TL01XX01 |
Length (total length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Length maximum of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Length minimum of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Length standard deviation of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBBCBE02 |
Likelihood category of death from fishing by-catch of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBNCBE01 |
Likelihood category of death from natural causes of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBPDBE04 |
Likelihood category of death from predation of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBSSBE03 |
Likelihood category of death from ship strike of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:MAOCCB11 |
Mass of organic carbon {organic_C CAS 7440-44-0} {cellular carbon content} per cell of biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
Mass ratio of carbon/nitrogen in biota {biological entity specified elsewhere} |
| P01:SOVO0003 |
Maximum count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DN02XX01 |
Maximum distance from nest of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SOVO0002 |
Mean count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SOVO0006 |
Mean viable offspring (per breeding pair) {fledging success} of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:OBSMOR01 |
Morphology of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Nutritional status category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:PRESABS1 |
Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using 0 or 1 binary classification |
| P01:PRESABS2 |
Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using P or N binary classification |
Preserved wet weight of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:PCOVRCK1 |
Proportion coverage of biological entity specified elsewhere on the rock |
| P01:PCOV7736 |
Proportion coverage of biological entity specified elsewhere within a given area of the bed |
| P01:SOVO0005 |
Proportion of successful nests of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Radius of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:RCOV7736 |
Relative cover of biological entity specified elsewhere within a given area of the bed |
| P01:RPSIXX01 |
Relative Penis Size Index of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:ENTSEX01 |
Sex of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:OBSSIZ01 |
Size category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL15 |
Size class (calculated) of biological entity specified elsewhere in the water body by calculation using the HELCOME COMBINE guidelines |
Specimen age of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Specimen decomposition stage code of biological entity specified elsewhere by classification according to Rowles et al (2001) |
| P01:SPGTXX01 |
Specimen girth of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SPHGXX01 |
Specimen height of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SCBIEN01 |
Subcomponent of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SCNAME01 |
Taxon of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:TD02XX01 |
Track duration of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:TL02XX01 |
Track length of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:CTROPH01 |
Trophic status of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:VDSIXX01 |
Vas Deferens Sequence Index of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Volume of biological entity specified elsewhere by image analysis and computation from Equivalent Spherical Diameter (ESD) |
| P01:OWETBM01 |
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL05 |
Wet weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit area of the bed |
| P01:WWBIOL01 |
Wet weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit length sampled of the water body |
| P01:WWBIOL02 |
Wet weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit of sampling time in the water body |
| P01:SDBIOL04 |
Wet weight biomass of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body |
| P01:SPWGXX01 |
Wet weight of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:WDPIXEL1 |
Width (expressed as pixels) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Count of colonial individuals per colony of biological entity specified elsewhere |