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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S050200 Tucker-Draper method A method for analysing ocean wave records and reporting results (Draper L (1963) Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. 26 291-304). 2018-07-18
S050020 algal1 algorithm Calibration algorithm used to generate chlorophyll concentrations from MERIS multiple-waveband normalised water-leaving radiance measurements. 2016-11-09
S050063 analysis of cumulative frequency ordered by phi (coarse to fine) A method of determining the distribution of grain sizes in a sample which involves determining grain size on the logarithmic phi scale described in Krumbein and Sloss (1963) Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, 2nd edition; Freeman; San Francisco. 2017-04-25
S050064 analysis of cumulative settling rate curve A method of determining the distribution of grain sizes by ordering the settling rates of the particles within a sample. 2017-04-25
S050065 analysis of cumulative settling rate curve after Folk and Ward (1957) A method of determining the distribution of grain sizes by ordering the settling rates of the particles within a sample described in Folk, R.L., and Ward, W.C., 1957, Brazos River Bar: A study in the significance of grain size parameters: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 27, no. 1, p. 3-26. 2017-04-25
S050256 assumption that POC is negligible The sample is assumed to contain undetectable amounts of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), i.e. POC has not been quantitatively measured. 2024-02-08
S050066 automated record analysis A wave data processing protocol which automatically applies processing protocols to the raw data. 2017-04-25
S050199 automated record analysis using the zero-crossing method An automated wave data processing protocol based on the zero-crossing method. 2018-07-17
S050067 averaging of all functional beams The data value was produced by taking the simple arithmetic average of values from all functioning replicate sensors on an instrument. 2017-04-25
S050257 averaging of higher frequency data The data value is the simple arithmetic average of a specified subset of data. 2024-04-23
S050068 averaging values from multiple core segments The data value presented has been calculated as the average value of measurements from multiple segments within a core. 2017-04-25
S050014 calibration against Ca analyses with correction for chlorophyll interference Calibration of green-light transmissometer against Ca analyses with chl interference correction. 2016-11-09
S050022 calibration against independent measurements The sensor has been calibrated against other measurements of the observed property (e.g. from another sensor). 2016-11-09
S050010 calibration against sample data The sensor has been calibrated against discrete measurements of the observed property. 2016-05-16
S050077 calibration against sample data and computation from concentration using Benson and Krause algorithm Oxygen concentration was determined by an instrumental measurement calibrated against chemical (generally Winkler Titration) measurements on co-located water samples and saturation was computed according to Benson, B.B., and Krause, D., Jr. 1984. The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnology and Oceanography, 29: 620-632. 2017-08-10
S050078 calibration to read zero in clear water A correction has been made to the data for light source deterioration using a procedure that results in a zero value in pure water, rather than a zero value in air (which would give a value in pure water of around 0.36). 2017-04-25
S050210 calibration to read zero in clear water with computation from volume scatter A correction has been made to the data for light source deterioration due to volume of a medium using a procedure that results in a zero value in pure water, rather than a zero value in air (which would give a value in pure water of around 0.36). 2018-12-05
S050079 calibration using protocols of Deines (1999) An acoustic backscatter calibration protocol described in Deines, K. L. (1999). Backscatter Estimation Using Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. In: Anderson, S. P.,Terry, E. A., White, J. A. R., & William, A. J., (Editors), Proceedings of IEEE 6th Working Conference on Current Measurement Technology, pp. 249-253. 2017-04-25
S050187 categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol The parameter is constrained according to the EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol. 2017-11-25
S050194 cell averaging A radar data processing method. 2018-01-29
S050213 classification according to Rowles et al (2001) The classification used is published in Rowles, T.K., Van Dolah, F.M., Hohn, A.A. (2001) Gross necropsy and specimen collection protocols. In T.K. Rowles, F.M. Van Dolah and A.A. Hohn (Eds), CRC handbook of marine mammal medicine (pp. 449-470). Boca Raton, U.S.A.: CRC Press. 2019-03-16
S050252 classification to a term from Nanson et al. (2023) The observation has been classified using a term defined in the Geomorphology Classification Framework and Glossary - Version 1.0 (Nanson et al. (2023), published at 2023-06-28
S050226 classification to a term from the EMODnet Human Activities vocabulary (SDN:HA2::) The data or information was reported using terms defined in the EMODnet Human Activities vocabulary 2020-10-20
S050238 classification to a term from the Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO) format reference list ( The classification used is published as a reference table within the Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO) gliders NetCDF format reference manual, with the latest version published at 2021-07-06
S050237 classification to a term from the HELCOM 'HUB' Underwater Biotope and Habitat Classification System (SDN:M23::) The habitat has been described using a term defined in the HELCOM 'HUB' Underwater Biotope and Habitat Classification System (SDN:M23::). 2021-06-23
S050197 classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 04.05 (SDN:M20::) The habitat has been described using a term define in the Joint Nature Conservation Committee's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version version 04.05 (SDN:M20::). 2018-06-14
S050198 classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03 (SDN:M21::) The habitat has been described using a term define in the Joint Nature Conservation Committee's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version version 15.03 (SDN:M21::). 2018-06-14
S050223 classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 97.06 (SDN:M24::) A text term plus URI describing the seabed habitat of marine, coastal or estuarine waters using the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 97.06. 2019-11-26
S050227 classification to a term from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive broad habitat types (Commission Decision (EU)2017/848) The data or information was reported using terms defined in the Broad habitat types vocabulary released 24 Oct 2017 14:47:22. 2020-10-20
S050195 classification to a term from the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names Vocabulary (SDN:F02::) The observation has been identified using a term defined in the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names F02 controlled vocabulary. 2018-02-01
S050236 classification to a term from the OSPAR Commission's List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats (SDN:M22::) The habitat has been described using a term defined in the OSPAR Commission's List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats (SDN:M22::). 2021-06-23
S050222 classification using GEBCO Grid Source Data Type Identifier (SDN:GGT::) The data or information was distributed into classes defined in the controlled vocabulary collection 2019-11-25
S050009 computation The result has been produced using a mathematical calculation that should be described in the usage metadata. 2016-04-15
S050080 computation after Folk and Ward (1957) The value is a statistic derived from sediment grain size distribution data using the equations published in Folk, R.L., and Ward, W.C. (1957). Brazos River bar, a study in the significance of grain-size parameters. J. Sediment. Petrol. 27:3-26. 2017-04-25
S050186 computation by morphometric method The variable (e.g. body mass) has been derived from formula based on the geometry and size measurement of the observed entity or component part thereof. 2017-10-14
S050070 computation from 1st order Fourier coefficients of directional distribution of energy, A1 and B1 2017-04-25
S050084 computation from CTD density profile The value was derived by determination from a CTD profile of the depth at which the density increased from surface density by the amount given in the parameter definition. 2017-04-25
S050085 computation from CTD temperature profile The value was derived by determination from a CTD profile of the depth at which the temperature decreased from surface temperature by the amount given in the parameter definition. 2017-04-25
S050071 computation from DMS concentration and shipboard wind speed Flux calculation was based on measured DMS and the best available windspeed from the ship's anemometer. 2017-04-25
S050253 computation from Equivalent Spherical Diameter (ESD) The parameter was calculated assuming the particle(s) observed is/are spherical in shape. 2023-08-29
S050072 computation from Fm and Fo fluorescence yields from the dark chamber The data value presented has been calculated from the maximum and minimum chlorophyll-a fluorescence yields measured in a dark-adapted state. 2017-04-25
S050073 computation from Fm and Fo fluorescence yields from the light chamber The data value presented has been calculated from the maximum and minimum chlorophyll-a fluorescence yields measured in a light-adapted state. 2017-04-25
S050196 computation from PvI and the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) data The data value has been computed from parameters derived from photosynthesis-versus-light curve analyses and the observed absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). 2018-03-08
S050093 computation from PvI data and measured light profile The data value has been computed from parameters derived from photosynthesis-versus-light curve analyses and the observed in-situ light profile. 2017-04-25
S050094 computation from PvI data and measured wavelength-dependent phytoplankton absorption coefficients The data value has been computed from parameters derived from photosynthesis-versus-light curve analyses and the observed wavelength-dependent absorption coefficients. 2017-04-25
S050060 computation from air temperature and relative humidity data The data have been calculated from the corresponding air temperature and relative humidity values. 2017-04-25
S050250 computation from areal extent multiplied by coverage ratio The result was obtained by multiplying the areal extent of an object by its coverage ratio. 2023-02-23
S050214 computation from ash-free dry weight and temperature using a general allometric equation (Edgar, 1991) The property was derived from measurements of ash-free dry weight and temperature according to Edgar (1991). 2019-03-16
S050180 computation from biovolume using equations from Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000) Conversion from biovolume were made using the relationships derived by Menden-Deuer, S. and E. J. Lessard (2000). Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton. Limnology and Oceanography 45(3): 569-579. 2017-07-31
S050061 computation from concentration The parameter has been calculated from a measured concentration and physical parameters such as temperature and salinity. 2017-04-25
S050081 computation from concentration using Benson and Krause algorithm Saturation was computed from actual concentration and a theoretical concentration predicted from temperature and salinity using the algorithm of Benson, B.B., and Krause, D., Jr. (1984). The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnology and Oceanography, 29: 620-632. 2017-08-10
S050082 computation from concentration using Weiss algorithm Saturation was computed from actual concentration and theoretical concentrationpredicted from temperature and salinity using the algorithm of Weiss, RF. (1970). The solubility of nitrogen, oxygen and argon in water and seawater. Deep-Sea Research. 17:721-735. 2017-04-25
S050083 computation from cross spectra The data have been calculated from a cross spectra analysis: a mathematical covariance function used to identify time-series variations with similar spectral properties, i.e. high power in the same spectral frequency bands. 2017-04-25
S050262 computation from derived ratio and laboratory calibration (Clarke et al. 2015) and correction to in-situ temperature and salinity The parameter has been calculated following the derivation of a ratio and application of a laboratory-derived calibration after Clarke et al. (2015), Characterisation and deployment of an immobilised pH sensor spot towards surface ocean pH measurements. Anal. Chim. Acta 897, 69-80. A subsequent correction to in-situ temperature and salinity values was applied. 2024-11-01
S050086 computation from fast microstructure temperature The parameter has been calculated from the output of a thermistor probe which is capable of resolving high resolution temperature differences in a very small time period. 2017-04-25
S050087 computation from horizontal co-spectra translation after Kuik et al. (1988) A wave data processing protocol developed from the work of Kuik, Van Vledder and Holthuijsen (1988). A method for the routine analysis of pitch-and-roll buoy wave data. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 18: 1020-1034. 2017-08-10
S050251 computation from manufacturer's stated ping standard deviation divided by the squared root of the number of good pings in an ensemble Algorithm used to determine the standard error based on an instrument's specifications and received good pings. 2023-04-21
S050088 computation from moments as defined by Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins (1956) A wave data processing method described in Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins (1956). The statistical distribution of the maxima of a random function. Proc. Roy Soc. A 237:212-232. 2017-04-25
S050178 computation from pCO2 following correction to dry air and calibration against standards 2017-06-29
S050089 computation from pH and alkalinity The parameter has been calculated from the corresponding pH and alkalinity values. 2017-04-25
S050090 computation from phi size distribution The parameter has been calculated from the distribution of grain sizes within the sample as represented on the logarithmic phi scale described in Krumbein & Sloss (1963) Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, 2nd edition; Freeman; San Francisco. 2017-04-25
S050074 computation from potassium concentration The beta activity has been determined by measuring the amount of potassium in the sample and using natural isotopic composition data to convert this to the amount of radioactive 40K isotope. 2017-04-25
S050091 computation from pressure, salinity and IPTS-68 temperature using UNESCO algorithm The parameter has been calculated from the corresponding pressure, salinity and temperature (on the IPTS-68 scale) values using the algorithm in Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050092 computation from probe free-fall time using unspecified algorithm The distance travelled (i.e. the depth of the probe below the surface) was computed from time using an unknown assumed speed and/or acceleration. 2017-04-25
S050075 computation from rate of change of concentration in overlying water The rate of exchange of material between water and sediment has been determined by monitoring the concentration changes in the water and converting this to quantity of material passing between the phases per unit area per unit time. 2017-04-25
S050205 computation from regression line of suspended sediment concentration versus water flow velocity The parameter has been determined from a linear regression of suspended sediment concentration versus shear current velocity. 2018-09-04
S050095 computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm The parameter has been calculated from the corresponding salinity and potential temperature values using the algorithm in Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050096 computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm The parameter has been calculated from the corresponding salinity and temperature values using the algorithm in Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050254 computation from sampling device flowmeter reading and deployment time The parameter (e.g. volume sampled) was derived from the volume of water passing through the sampling device per unit time. 2023-09-20
S050255 computation from sampling device geometry and estimated distance travelled The parameter (e.g. volume sampled) was derived from the known dimensions of the sampling device geometry and an estimate of the sampling depth or distance travelled while sampling. 2023-09-20
S050097 computation from temperature and salinity by unspecified algorithm The parameter has been calculated from the corresponding salinity and temperature values using an unspecified algorithm. 2017-04-25
S050098 computation from the ratio of horizontal translation to heave A wave data processing protocol which involves analysis of the ratio of the horizontal and vertical movements of the gauge. 2017-04-25
S050024 computation from the ratio of upwelled irradiance at 440 and 570 nm Computed from the ratio of upwelled irradiance at 440 and 570 nm. 2016-11-09
S050017 computation from the ratio of upwelled irradiance at 490 and 570 nm Computed from the ratio of upwelled irradiance at 490 and 570 nm. 2016-11-09
S050215 computation from the wave velocity cell recorded burst The quantity was derived from the mean velocities (from the East and North components) that are measured in the wave velocity cell of an acoustic wave array. 2019-03-21
S050206 computation from total mass of suspended solids and bulk density The parameter has been derived by calculation of the sediment bulk density and the mass of suspended material removed. 2018-09-04
S050099 computation from travel time averaged from all operational beams and unknown sound velocity profile The parameter has been derived from the average of the two-way travel time of all operational acoustic beams on the instrument and using an unspecified sound velocity profile within the water column. 2017-04-25
S050235 computation from true wind speed using the COARE3.5 model (Edson et al. 2013) True wind speed is computed to neutral conditionas using the COARE3.5 model algorithm (Edson et al. 2013, 2021-05-21
S050100 computation from turbulent kinetic energy and density A vertical diffusion coefficient data processing protocol which involves computing the parameter from the corresponding values of turbulent kinetic energy and density. 2017-04-25
S050101 computation from variation of light intensity with depth A light extinction coefficient data processing protocol using computation from the light intensity profile. 2017-04-25
S050102 computation from volume scatter data An optical backscatter data processing protocol where the scattering of light within a volume is used to calculate the values. 2017-04-25
S050105 computation from wet and dry bulb thermometer data Standard meteorological calculation to determine humidity from the degree of cooling produced by evaporation of water. 2017-04-25
S050176 computation from wet bulk density 2017-04-25
S050175 computation from wet bulk density and assumed mineral grain and seawater densities 2017-04-25
S050002 computation of Blundell and Barber (2005) Computation described in Blundell and K. Barber (2005), A 2800-year palaeoclimatic record from Tore Hill Moss, Strathspey, Scotland: the need for a multi-proxy approach to peat-based climate reconstructions, Quaternary Science Reviews 24, pp.1261-1277. 2015-09-10
S050058 computation of carbon biomass from abundance Carbon biomass has been computed from the number of individuals and the conversion factor is either unknown or specified elsewhere. 2021-04-27
S050062 computation of carbon biomass from abundance using the equation of Putt and Stoecker (1989) Carbon biomass has been computed from the number of individuals using the protocol documented in Putt M, Stoeker DK (1989) An experimentally determined carbon:volume ratio for marine 'oligotrichous' ciliates from estuarine and coastal waters. Limnol Ocean 34:1097-1103. 2021-04-27
S050232 computation of carbon biomass from abundance using the equations of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000) Carbon biomass derived from abundance using methodology described in Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000). Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton ( 2021-04-27
S050234 computation of carbon biomass from displacement volumes Carbon biomass estimated from displacement volumes using unknown algorithms or algorithms specified elsewhere in the metadata. 2021-04-27
S050069 computation of carbon biomass from measured weight and profile integration Biomass was measured per unit volume, converted from mass to carbon and the value per unit area was determined by depth integration. 2021-04-27
S050231 computation of carbon biomass using the equation of Alcaraz et al. (2003) Carbon biomass derived from image analysis using methodology described in Alcaraz, M., Saiz, E., Calbet, A. et al. Estimating zooplankton biomass through image analysis. Marine Biology 143, 307–315 (2003). 2021-04-27
S050233 computation of carbon biomass using the equation of Andrássy (1956) Carbon biomass derived from image analysis using the Andrássy (1956) formula for nematodes: W = (L*D2)/(1.6*106) where W is the mass (as fresh weight in ug) per individual, L is the nematode length (um) and D is the greatest body diameter (um). 2021-04-27
S050076 computation of carbon from calcium The amount of calcium in the sample was measured and converted to carbon on the basis of CaCO3 composition (one mole of carbon for each mole of calcium). 2017-04-25
S050059 computation of carbon produced from amino acid uptake, abundance and cell volume data Carbon production rate has been computed from the number of individuals and a proxy for biomass production rate. 2021-04-27
S050106 computation of density reciprocal from pressure, temperature and salinity A factor for the conversion of per volume data to per mass data corresponding to the reciprocal of density as calculated from the corresponding pressure, temperature and salinity measurements. 2017-04-25
S050107 computation of depth using unspecified drop rate algorithm converted to pressure using UNESCO algorithm An expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data processing protocol which converts the depths recorded using an unspecified drop rate to pressure using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050108 computation of rate of change from variable incubation durations A technique for calculating the partition coefficient of trace metals in the water column which uses incubation experiments of differing lengths. 2017-04-25
S050185 computation using Andrassy (1956) formula A method to calculate the body mass of nematodes using the formula W = (L*D2)/(1.6*106) where W is the mass (as fresh weight in micrograms) per individual, L is the nematode length (in microns) and D is the greatest body diameter (in microns). Andrassy I (1956) The determination of volume and weight of nematodes. Acta Zool 2:1–15. 2017-10-14
S050047 computation using Fourier analysis after Goda (1970) A wave data processing protocol specified in Goda, Y. (1970) Proc. JSCE, 180 (in Japanese). 2022-11-10
S050048 computation using Fourier analysis after Nolte and Hsu (1972) A wave data processing protocol specified in Nolte K G,Hsu F H.Statistics of ocean wave groups[C].Dallas,Texas:Fourth Annual Offshore Technology Conf,1972:637-644. 2022-11-10
S050049 computation using Fourier analysis with no depth attenuation correction A wave data processing protocol which does not take into account corrections associated with the attenuation of wave energy with depth. 2024-08-19
S050269 computation using ImageJ software The parameter has been calculated using ImageJ, an image processing and analysis software. 2025-02-03
S050270 computation using Mari (1999) formula An equation used to estimate the carbon content of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) based on the equivalent spherical diameter of the particle and a fractal dimension value of 2.55. TEP-Carbon (ug) for each particle=0.25 x 10^-6 r^2.55. Mari, X. (1999). Carbon content and C:N ratio of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) produced by bubbling exudates of diatoms. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 183:59-71. 2025-02-12
S050027 computation using OC5 algorithm Calibration algorithm used to generate chlorophyll concentrations from remotely sensed multiple-waveband normalised water-leaving radiance measurements. 2022-11-10
S050109 computation using P-EXEC algorithm A data processing algorithm contained within the Pstar software suite. 2017-04-25
S050179 computation using Takahashi correction to in-situ temperature A partial pressure of CO2 data processing protocol specified in Takahashi et al (1993) Seasonal variation of CO2 and nutrients in the high-latitude surface oceans: A comparative study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 7, 843-878. 2022-11-10
S050182 computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm The parameter has been calculated using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-09-19
S050184 computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm and calibration against independent measurements The parameter has been calculated using the algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris; the sensor values have been calibrated against in-situ measurements. 2017-09-19
S050183 computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm and no calibration against independent measurements The parameter has been calculated using the algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris; the sensor values have not been checked against in-situ measurements. 2024-08-19
S050112 computation using UNESCO algorithm The parameter has been calculated using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050113 computation using UNESCO algorithm and calibration against independent measurements The parameter has been calculated with calibration against an independently measured sample and using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050114 computation using UNESCO algorithm and no calibration against independent measurements The parameter has been calculated without calibration against an independently measured sample and using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2024-08-19
S050242 computation using equations from Legendre and Gosseline (1996) The parameter has been calculated using the equations published in Legendre, L., and Gosseline, M. (1996). Estimation of N and C uptake rates by phytoplankton using 15N and 13C: revisiting the usual computation formulae. J. Plankt. Res. 19, 263-271. 2022-03-24
S050201 computation using protocol of Barstow et al. (1991) The parameter has been computed according to the protocol published in Barstow SF, Ueland G, Krogstad HE, Fossum BA 1991. The Wavescan second generation directional wave buoy. IEEE J OCEANIC ENG 16(2) 254-266. 2018-07-23
S050228 computation using resultant velocity components from beams 1 and 3 The 3D velocity is computed from the resultant horizontal velocity components and one vertical velocity from beams 1 and 3 of an acoustic doppler current profiler. 2021-01-19
S050229 computation using resultant velocity components from beams 2 and 4 The 3D velocity is computed from the resultant horizontal velocity components and one vertical velocity from beams 2 and 4 of an acoustic doppler current profiler. 2021-01-19
S050191 computation using stereometric formulas Calculation of the volume of an object using shape geometry, measurements and mathematical formula. 2018-01-16
S050110 computation using stereometrical configurations of Edler (1979) Abundance to biovolume conversion following the protocol described in Edler L (ed) (1979) Recommendations for marine biological studies in the Baltic Sea—phytoplankton and chlorophyll. The Baltic Marine Biologists Publ 5:1-38. 2017-08-10
S050111 computation using stereometrical configurations of Edler(1979) and carbon factor of Gonzalez and Smetacek(1994) Abundance to biovolume conversion following the protocol described in Edler L (ed) (1979) Recommendations for marine biological studies in the Baltic Sea—phytoplankton and chlorophyll. The Baltic Marine Biologists Publ 5:1-38. Biovolume to carbon biomass using the carbon conversion factor of Gonzalez, H.E., Smetacek, V., (1994). The possible role of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona in retarding vertical flux of zooplankton fecal material. Mar. Ecol.Prog. Ser. 113, 233-246. 2022-04-27
S050209 computation using the Blackburn-Caperon model The value is derived using the isotope dilution technique and equations first described in Blackburn 1979 and in Caperon et al 1979. 2018-10-03
S050230 computation using the eddy covariance method A statistical method used to process eddy covariance measurements and to derive quantities such as heat, momentum, and gas fluxes between a flat, horizontally homogeneous surface and the overlying atmosphere. 2021-02-12
S050247 computation using the haversine formula The parameter has been calculated using the haversine formula to determine the angular distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. 2022-11-21
S050243 computation using the published OC3M algorithm Calibration algorithm used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations from the band ratio of three bands of remotely sensed surface reflectance data. OC3M uses sensor-specific coefficients and remotely sensed reflectance from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument. 2022-05-25
S050244 computation using the published OC3V algorithm Calibration algorithm used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations from the band ratio of three bands of remotely sensed surface reflectance data. OC3V uses sensor-specific coefficients and remotely sensed reflectance from a Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument. 2022-05-25
S050245 computation using the published OC4Me algorithm Calibration algorithm used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations from the band ratio of four bands of remotely sensed surface reflectance data. OC4Me uses sensor-specific coefficients and remotely sensed reflectance from the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) instrument. 2022-05-25
S050008 concentration to activity conversion based on half life 2015-11-12
S050204 conversion from height above seabed using bathymetric depth The depth below sea surface was obtained by subtracting height above the bed from the bathymetric depth. 2018-09-03
S050115 conversion to Beaufort scale Classification of windspeed into twelve classes with standardised boundaries. 2017-04-25
S050248 conversion to ESAS code using the visibility table Classification into classes (A-D) with standardised ranges specified in the European Seabirds At Sea (ESAS) visibility table. 2022-11-29
S050117 conversion to WMO code Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in an unspecified World Meteorological Organisation published table . 2017-04-25
S050118 conversion to WMO code using table 0885/0877 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published tables 0885 and 0877 . 2017-04-25
S050119 conversion to WMO code using table 1555 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published table 1555 . 2017-04-25
S050120 conversion to WMO code using table 3155 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published table 315 . 2017-04-25
S050121 conversion to WMO code using table 3700 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published table 3700 . 2017-04-25
S050224 conversion to WMO code using table 4300 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published table 4300. 2020-02-19
S050122 conversion to WMO code using table 4677/4501 Classification into classes with standardised boundaries specified in World Meteorological Organisation published tables 4677 and 4501. 2017-04-25
S050116 conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm The parameter has been converted to depth using an unknown algorithm. 2017-04-25
S050123 conversion to seawater depth using UNESCO algorithm The parameter has been converted to seawater depth using the appropriate algorithm from Fofonoff and Millard (1983). Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. UNESCO, Paris. 2017-04-25
S050006 corrected for the detrital contribution 2015-11-12
S050011 corrected for the dissolution of lithogenic minerals 2016-10-17
S050104 correction after Del Grosso A correction to the recorded data for the speed of sound in water described in Del Grosso (1974). 'New equation for the speed of sound in natural waters (with comparisons to other equations). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 56: 1084-1091 2017-08-10
S050126 correction after Kuwahara A correction to the recorded data for the speed of sound in water described in Kuwahara & Poeckert (1989). Accurate seafloor mapping using precise navigation and side-scan sonar. Oceans '89: The Global Ocean, 4: 1148-1152 2017-04-25
S050160 correction after Stuiver and Reimer A correction applied to radiocarbon dates for variation in marine carbon reservoir. 2017-04-25
S050127 correction after Wilson A correction to the recorded data for the speed of sound in water described in Wilson (1960). Equation for the speed of sound in sea water. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 32(10): 1357 2017-04-25
S050128 correction based on measured sound velocity profile A correction to the recorded data for the speed of sound in water based on the observed profile of sound velocity in the water column. 2017-04-25
S050249 correction based on re-calculated zero baseline A correction applied to the recorded data after re-calculating the zero baseline measurement made by the instrument. 2023-02-22
S050124 correction for atmospheric pressure A seawater pressure data processing protocol which removes the atmospheric pressure signal from the recorded data. 2017-04-25
S050193 correction for atmospheric stability and to a height of 10m TBC 2018-01-29
S050129 correction for bacterial chlorophyll c+d following Caraco & Puccoon 1986 and Golterman et al. 1978 protocols A correction for the presence of bacterial chlorophyll-c and -d was applied to the recorded data as detailed in Caraco & Puccoon (1986). The measurement of bacterial chlorophyll and algal chlorophyll a in natural waters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 31(4): 889-893; Golterman, Clymo & Ohnstad MAM (1978). Methods of physical and chemical analysis of fresh water. Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Oxford, 214p. 2017-04-25
S050217 correction for bacteriochlorophyll c+d following Caraco and Puccoon 1986, and Golterman et al. 1978 The pigment concentration has been calculated by removing the influence bacteriochlorophylls c and d. 2019-03-26
S050216 correction for divinyl chlorophyll forms The pigment concentration has been calculated by removing the influence of divinyl chlorophyll forms. 2019-03-26
S050130 correction for drift The data value has been corrected for instrument drift. 2017-04-25
S050271 correction for drift and correction to sea level The data value has been corrected for instrument drift and the data have been corrected to sea level by addition of a constant. 2025-02-27
S050272 correction for drift and expressed to unspecified datum by subtraction of a constant The data value has been corrected for instrument drift and the data have been corrected to an unspecified datum by subtraction of a constant from the recorded measurement. 2025-02-27
S050131 correction for hydrolysis The data value has been corrected for the chemical process of hydrolysis (the splitting of a water molecule into H+ and OH-). 2017-04-25
S050177 correction for lithogenic Ba contribution 2017-04-25
S050021 correction for nitrite Measurement of nitrate+nitrite corrected to remove the nitrite component. 2016-11-09
S050132 correction for seawater compressibility The data value has been corrected for the compressibility of seawater at depth. 2017-04-25
S050190 correction for variation in surface illumination A correction applied to underwater light measurements to account for changes in the light field at the surface of the water column. 2017-12-18
S050133 correction to a common scale The data were recorded on an arbitrary scale and have been translated to a common scale throughout the record. 2017-04-25
S050134 correction to a path length of 1m The data were recorded on one path length and have been corrected to a one metre path length. 2017-04-25
S050135 correction to a path length of 1m and for seawater compressibility The data were recorded on one path length and have been corrected to a one metre path length and for the compressibility of seawater at depth. 2017-04-25
S050263 correction to datum using GPS Unavailable 2024-11-01
S050168 correction to in-situ temperature after Takahashi A partial pressure of CO2 data processing protocol specified in Takahashi et al (1993) Seasonal variation of CO2 and nutrients in the high-latitude surface oceans: A comparative study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 7, 843-878. 2017-04-25
S050125 correction to read zero at sea level The data presented have been corrected to be zero at the corresponding sea level. 2017-04-25
S050136 correction to sea level The data measured have been corrected to sea level by addition of a constant. 2017-04-25
S050137 correction to sea level and averaging of multiple sensors The data measured have been corrected to sea level by addition of a constant and have been averaged from the output of multiple instruments. 2017-04-25
S050138 correction to sea level and subtraction of value predicted by tidal analysis A residual value of pressure has been computed by calibrating the instrument to read zero at sea level and subtracting values computed using an unspecified tidal analysis algorithm from the measured values. 2017-04-25
S050139 correction to true North The data value was measured relative to magnetic North then corrected to true North by adding the magnetic declination for the location and time of the measurement. 2017-04-25
S050140 correction to zero at sea level and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm The recorded data have been corrected to read zero at sea level and have been converted to depth using an unspecified algorithm. 2017-04-25
S050141 correction using Carter's tables An echo sounder data correction specified in Carter (1980). Echo-Sounding Correction Tables, 3rd Edition. Hydrographic Department, Taunton, UK. 2017-04-25
S050143 correction using Matthew's tables An echo sounder data correction specified in Matthews (1939). Tables of the Velocity of Sound in Pure Water and Sea Water for Use in Echo-Sounding and Sound- Ranging, 2nd Ed. Hydrographic Department, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom. 2017-04-25
S050142 correction using co-located air pressure and subtraction of value predicted by tidal analysis A residual value of pressure has been computed by subtracting measured atmospheric pressures followed by values computed using an unspecified tidal analysis algorithm from the measured values. 2017-04-25
S050103 correction using co-located air pressure data expressed to unspecified datum by subtraction of a constant A seawater pressure data processing protocol which corrects the recorded data for the atmospheric pressure signal from a co-located atmospheric pressure sensor and translates the data to an unspecified datum through the subtraction of a constant. 2017-04-25
S050264 correction using unknown algorithm A correction was applied but the algorithm used is unknown. 2024-11-01
S050144 dark current baseline correction The instrument output has been corrected for the baseline measurement made by the instrument in the dark. 2017-04-25
S050007 decay correction to sampling time 2015-11-12
S050145 derivation from GEBCO centenary edition 1-minute global grid The data have been derived from the GEBCO Centenary Edition CD-ROM data, one-minute grid. 2017-04-25
S050220 derivation from GEBCO_08 30 arc-second global grid The data have been derived from the GEBCO 2008 30 arc-second global bathymetric grid. 2019-05-13
S050219 derivation from GEBCO_14 30 arc-second global grid The data have been derived from the GEBCO 2014 30 arc-second global bathymetric grid. 2019-05-13
S050218 derivation from GEBCO_19 15 arc-second global grid The data have been derived from the GEBCO 2019 15 arc-second global bathymetric grid. 2019-05-13
S050260 derivation from GEBCO_24 15 arc-second global grid The data have been derived from the GEBCO 2024 15 arc-second global bathymetric grid. 2024-09-12
S050266 derivation from a global grid The data have been derived from a global grid specified elsewhere. 2024-11-01
S050146 derivation from the raw data from the dark chamber to Kolber et al 1998 biophysical model using Laney v4 2003 software The data value has been derived from the dark chamber instrument output and software which implements the biophysical model of Kolber, Prasil & Falkowski (1998). Measurements of variable chlorophyll fluorescence using fast repetition rate techniques. I. Defining methodology and experimental protocols. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1367: 88-106. 2017-04-25
S050023 derivation from the raw data from the dark chamber with calibration against sample data Bench FRRF measurement with a sample calibration applied. 2016-11-09
S050147 derivation from the raw data from the light chamber to Kolber et al 1998 biophysical model using Laney v4 2003 software The data value has been derived from the light chamber instrument output and software which implements the biophysical model of Kolber, Prasil & Falkowski (1998). Measurements of variable chlorophyll fluorescence using fast repetition rate techniques. I. Defining methodology and experimental protocols. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1367: 88-106. 2017-04-25
S050033 differencing DMSO before and after incubation A change in the concentration of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) has been calculated by taking the difference of the DMSO concentrations before and after an incubation experiment. 2017-04-25
S050034 differencing DOC before and after incubation A change in the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been calculated by taking the difference of the DOC concentrations before and after an incubation experiment. 2017-04-25
S050148 differencing carbon uptake with and without nitrification inhibitor An oxidation rate has been calculated by taking the difference of the carbon uptake in incubation experiments conducted with and without nitrification inhibitors present. 2017-04-25
S050032 differencing determinations on sample before and after 400C ignition The difference in elemental concentrations has been taken before and after the sampel was subjected to ignition at 400C. 2017-04-25
S050035 differencing of the measurements The measurements of a 'before and after' experiment have been differenced. 2017-04-25
S050036 differencing results from acidified and unacidified samples The data presented are the result of differencing the outcomes of both acidified and unacidified experiments. 2017-04-25
S050037 differencing results from acidified and unacidified samples and profile integration The data presented are the result of differencing the outcomes of both acidified and unacidified experiments and integration of a profile of measurements. 2017-04-25
S050038 differencing results from acidified and unacidified samples, summation of size fractionated data and profile integration The data presented are the result of differencing the outcomes of both acidified and unacidified experiments, the integration of data from the complete size range and the integration of data through a vertical profile. 2017-04-25
S050221 differencing results from two size-fractions The data was not measured directly but derived by subtracting results from two different size-fractions: one that contains the fraction of interest and the other that does not contain the fraction of interest. 2019-08-02
S050025 differencing the results from 0.4um and 10**4 Dalton filtered water The results of analyses of samples filtered through 0.4um and a 10000 Dalton (a Dalton is a unit of atomic mass) filters have been differenced to give the data presented. 2017-06-29
S050039 differencing the results from 0.4um and 10**4 Dalton filtered water DEPRECATED Code deprecated because it duplicates an existing code. 2017-06-29
S050040 division of in-situ resistivity by resistivity of overlying water The data presented are the resutl of the division of the resistivity of the in-situ pore water by the resisitvity of the overlying water. 2017-04-25
S050041 division of upwelling irradiance by downwelling irradiance The data presented are the result of dividing the measured upwelling irradiance by the measured downwelling irradiance. 2017-04-25
S050188 down-crossing analysis Refers to wave analysis performed on the section of the record where the waveform crosses the zero axis formed by the record average level from positive to negative. 2017-12-14
S050042 empirical correction for optics fouling and Saunders compressibility correction An attenuance data proccessing method which involves an empirical correction for fouling of the optical instrument window and the Saunders correction for the compressibility of water, described in Saunders (1981). Practical conversion of pressure to depth. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 11: 373-4. 2017-04-25
S050043 estimation from phytoplankton spectral absorption coefficients after Dubinsky (1980) A light absorbance data processing protocol defined in Dubinsky (1980). Light utilization efficiency in natural phytoplankton communities. In: "Primary Productivity in the Sea". Plenum pp. 83-97. 2017-04-25
S050044 estimation from surface roughness The parameter is an estimate based on observation of the roughness of the sea surface. 2017-04-25
S050259 estimation using best available on-board navigation system and algorithm The data value is a best estimate, obtained using an on-board navigation system and algorithm. 2024-04-24
S050045 expressed as PPi The data presented are expressed as the reagent in the process, PPi. 2017-04-25
S050192 expressed at measurement altitude Used for meteorological measurements made at a height that significantly differs from the accepted standard height of 10 metres above ground or sea level. A corrected value to a height of 10 metres is likely to be available as part of the dataset. 2018-01-29
S050046 expressed to unspecified datum by subtraction of a constant The data presented have been corrected to an unspecified datum by the subtraction of a constant from the recorded measurement. 2017-04-25
S050050 geometric statistics computation The parameter has been calculated from the computation of statistics describing the geometry of the sediment sample. 2017-04-25
S050265 gridding using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software The data have been gridded using Generic Mapping Tools software. 2024-11-01
S050051 laboratory calibration against formazin A procedure where a nephelometer is calibrated on standard nominal turbidity scale based on mesurements made in different concentrations of formazin. Formazin is a particulate phase with 1.5 micron median particle size (0.6 micron standard deviation). 2017-04-25
S050015 laboratory calibration applied The sensor has been calibrated using a calibration determined on the sensor in the laboratory. 2016-11-09
S050004 lipid normalisation (wet weight cct/lipid proportion) The wet weight concentration is divided by the proportion of lipids in the sample 2015-09-10
S050005 lipid normalisation (wet weight cct/lipid proportion) and weaning correction The wet weight concentration is divided by the proportion of lipids in the sample and value obtained is adjusted for samples taken from weaned pups. 2015-09-10
S050052 manual record analysis Derived statistics have been obtained by manual analysis of data recorded on hard-copy paper charts. 2017-04-25
S050240 manufacturer's calibration and correction against independent temperature and salinity measurements The sensor has been calibrated using the manufacturer's calibration, and has been further corrected against other measurements of the observed property (e.g. from another sensor). The latter may be applied using dedicated software (e.g. Sea-Bird software). 2021-12-02
S050241 manufacturer's calibration and laboratory calibration against TRIS-buffer applied The sensor has been calibrated using the manufacturer's calibration, and has been further calibrated against a TRIS-buffer with salinity 35. This involves immersing the sensor electrodes in a certified reference material (CRM) and comparing the sensor output values with the theoretical values for the TRIS buffer at different temperatures. The offset is then applied to the sensor values. 2021-12-02
S050019 manufacturer's calibration applied The sensor has been calibrated using the manufacturer's calibration. 2016-11-09
S050267 modelling of satellite altimetry and sounding data The data have been derived from a model that combined combined satellite altimetry and sounding data. 2024-11-01
S050053 most probable number analysis Statistical estimation of an abundance from a number of replicate determinations. 2017-04-25
S050054 multiplication by 10**7 The data value has been scaled by the stated factor, generally to facilitate precision preservation by storing as an integer. 2017-04-25
S050013 no calibration against sample data The sensor has not been calibrated against discrete measurements of the observed property. 2016-11-09
S050055 no correction or calibration of raw count rates The data value has not been converted from from the raw number of counts made by the instrument. 2024-08-19
S050056 no salt correction Whilst the data value has been converted into engineering units it has not been corrected for the presence of sea salt in the sample. 2024-08-19
S050057 no verification against independent measurements Whilst the data value has been converted into engineering units it has not been verified or back-calibrated against co-located, generally high accuracy, measurements using a different technique such as Winkler titration for oxygen or bench salinometer for salinity. 2024-08-19
S050268 normalisation and correction for pitch and roll The data presented are normalised and have been corrected for pitch and roll. 2024-11-05
S050239 normalisation at zero pressure and 25 degrees Celsius The data presented are normalised to account for the effect of temperature and pressure on the neutral value of pH. 2021-11-29
S050181 normalisation from per cell to per cell volume The measured value was divided by the biovolume. 2017-07-31
S050030 normalisation to organic carbon and lutum content (RIKZ 'standard sediment') A trace chemical analysis method where the recorded value is normalised to the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat standard sediment having 10% organic matter, or equivalently 5% organic carbon. 2017-04-19
S050151 normalisation with biomass expressed as carbon The data presented have been normalised such that the biomass fraction of the sample defined by the parameter is expressed as carbon. 2017-04-25
S050152 normalisation with biomass expressed as nitrogen The data presented have been normalised such that the biomass fraction of the sample defined by the parameter is expressed as nitrogen. 2017-04-25
S050003 not specified There is no information available on the post-analysis data-processing protocol used to obtain the observable property measurement. 2015-09-01
S050012 processed following the protocol of Yentsch+Menzel Protocol described in Yentsch, C.S. and Menzel, D.W. (1963), A method for determination of phytoplankton chlorophyll and phaeophytin by fluorescence. Deep-Sea Research, 10, 221-231. 2016-11-09
S050154 processing after Wright and Coffin (1984) A technique for calculating grazing turnover of bacteria described in Wright, R.T. and R.B. Coffin. 1984. Measurements of bacterial production and microzooplankton in an estuarine-coastal water system of northern Massachusetts. Microbial Ecology 10: 137-149. 2017-04-25
S050153 processing following SCOR protocol A pigment concentration data protocol defined in Jeffrey SW, Humphrey SF (1975) New spectrophotometric equations for determining chlorophylls a, b, c1 and c2 in higher plants, algae and phytoplankton. Biochem. Biophysiol. Planzen, 167, 191-194. 2017-04-25
S050026 processing following the Lorenzen protocol Protocol described in Lorenzen, C.J. (1967), Determination of chlorophyll and pheo-pigments: spectrophotometric equations. Limnology and Oceanography, 12(2), 343-346. 2016-11-09
S050225 processing in near real-time The data have been transformed using only fully automated data processing techniques and within the constraints of a near-real time data system with respect to transmission volume and processing power. 2020-06-29
S050018 profile integration Integration of a series of values of an observed property from the surface to the integration depth (specified elsewhere), usually to provide a measurement per unit area. 2016-11-09
S050001 protocol of Rasmussen et al. (2006) Protocol described in Rasmussen, S.O. et al. (2006), A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D06102. 2008-06-30
S050155 recomputation to potential temperature using pCO2*EXP((Theta - T)*0.0423) A partial pressure of CO2 data proccessing method where the data are recalculated to a potential temperature scale using the equation pCO2new = pCO2old * EXP((potential temperature - temperature) * 0.0423) 2017-04-25
S050156 recomputation to water location at fixed time using POL NSP model A positional data processing method which recomputes the position a sample was taken at to the water location at a fixed time as outlined in Jones (1991). A general purpose model for the North Sea project. NERC News 16: 25-26. 2017-04-25
S050258 rolling averaging of higher frequency data The data value is the rolling average of the specified subset of data. 2024-04-23
S050157 salt correction A sediment density data processing protocol in which the mass of the dried sample has been corrected for the presence of salt from the water driven off during srying 2017-04-25
S050158 smoothed The irradiance field is smoothed as it is defined by an integral smoothing function. 2017-04-25
S050246 standardisation to 25 degrees Celsius The measured value was measured at, or corrected to, a fix reference temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. 2022-11-10
S050159 standardisation to NBS scale The measurements have been standardised to the appropriate scale defined by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Standards Bureau). 2017-04-25
S050261 standardised to a reference pressure level using concurrent CTD profile data The value has been calculated using concurrent CTD profile data such as temperature and salinity, according to a reference pressure level specified in the usage metadata. 2024-09-26
S050162 subtraction of Synechococcus+Prochlorococcus from total bacteria Simple differencing to determine heterotrophic bacteria abundance from determinations of total bacteria and of Synechococcus+Prochlorococcus. 2017-04-25
S050161 subtraction of measured atmospheric pressure and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm A depth data processing protocol in which the the recorded pressure at depth is corrected for atmospheric pressure and the resulting value is converted to depth using an unknown algorithm. 2017-04-25
S050031 subtraction of nominal ambient pressure value The data presented represent those recorded by the instrument minus a nominal ambient pressure. 2017-04-25
S050163 subtraction of tidal height sensor2 value from tidal height sensor1 value The value has been obtained by differencing simulataneous measurements from duplicate sensors. 2017-04-25
S050164 subtraction of value predicted by tidal analysis A residual value of pressure, sea level or current vectors has been computed by subtracting values computed using an unspecified tidal analysis algorithm from the measured values. 2017-04-25
S050016 summation of size-fractionated values Sum of measurements made on each filter in a filter cascade. 2016-11-09
S050029 summation of size-fractionated values and profile integration Integration of a series of summed of measurements made on each filter in a filter cascade different depths from the surface to the integration depth (specified elsewhere), usually to provide a measurement per unit area. 2016-11-09
S050166 summation of size-fractions and differencing results from acidified and unacidified samples The data presented are the result of differencing the outcomes of both acidified and unacidified experiments and the integration of data from the complete size range. 2017-04-25
S050165 summation of staged leachate analyses The overall concentration has been determined by adding together concentrations of the analyte in different chemical states as determined following a sequential leaching protocol. This record was initially set up for the protocols described in Chester et al 1988 ( This reference was removed on 05/08/2019 making this data processing record applicable to any sequential leaching protocols. 2019-08-05
S050167 summation of vehicle depth below water column surface and height above bed Water column depth has been determined by adding together measurements of distance to bed and distance to surface taken by an underwater vehicle. 2017-04-25
S050028 synthesis from multiple satellite sensors Synthesis of calibrated data from multiple sensors on one or more satellite platforms. 2016-11-09
S050169 taking the average value from two or more sensors The data value has been derived by averaging the simultaneous values recorded by multiple sensors. 2017-04-25
S050170 taking the maximum value from two or more sensors The data value has been derived by taking the highest simultaneous value recorded by multiple sensors. Generally used for shipborne radiometer data to minimise artefacts caused by shading. 2017-04-25
S050171 tidal analysis An unspecified protocol has been used to determine tidal harmonic constants from the measured time series and these constants have been used to compute the proportion of the measured value due to tides. 2017-04-25
S050211 transformation from OSGB36 easting A geometric transformation has been applied to convert positions from Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 easting reading. 2019-01-25
S050212 transformation from OSGB36 northing A geometric transformation has been applied to convert positions from Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 northing reading. 2019-01-25
S050172 transformation from WGS84 to Irish National Grid Reference System A geometric transformation has been applied to convert positions from a 3D geographic CRS to a national standard projection. 2017-04-25
S050173 unspecified prediction algorithm An unspecified computational prediction protocol has been used to derive the data values based on a theoretical model. 2017-04-25
S050189 up-crossing analysis Refers to wave analysis performed on the section of the record where the waveform crosses the zero axis formed by the record average level from negative to positive. 2018-07-16
S050207 using 0 or 1 binary classification The value of a boolean data type is represented using 0 for boolean false and 1 for boolean true. 2018-09-26
S050208 using P or N binary classification The value of a boolean data type is represented using N for boolean false (eg absence) and P for boolean true (eg presence). 2018-09-26
S050203 using the delta notation The isotope composition is reported using the delta notation for stable isotope fractionation defined as the deviation of the isotope ratio of a sample relative to a standardin parts per thousand (((Rsample - Rstandard)/Rstandard)x1000). 2022-04-27
S050202 using the epsilon notation The isotope composition is reported using the epsilon notation for stable isotope fractionation defined as the deviation of the isotope ratio of a sample relative to a standardin parts per ten thousand (((Rsample - Rstandard)/Rstandard)x10000). 2022-04-27
S050174 verification against independent measurements The values have been checked and if necessary adjusted using data collected by another instrument measuring the parameter of interest adjacent to the instrument whilst it was making its measurements. Examples are verification of CTD temperatures using rev 2017-04-25
S050149 volume computation from mass and mean density A sediment pore water data processing protocol which involves taking the mass of the sample before and after drying and takes into account the mean density of the sediment. 2017-04-25
S050150 volume computation from weight loss on drying and salt correction A sediment pore water data processing protocol which involves taking the mass of the sample before and after drying and takes into account the salinity of the water driven off from the sample during drying. 2017-04-25