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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S0336 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride + 25% acetic acid leaching The sample was treated using the reagents specified to extract analyte from a specific bonded state. 2006-04-27
S0337 14C leucine doping, incubation, acidification, purging and trapping CO2 The sample was doped with radioactive leucine (an amino acid), retained for a predetermined time under controlled conditions before dissolved gases were stripped and their CO2 component retained for analysis. 2006-04-27
S0338 14C-glucose doping, incubation in the dark, purging with air, acid washing The sample was doped with radioactive glucose, retained for a predetermined time in darkness before dissolved gases were stripped and washed. 2006-04-27
S0339 14CO3 doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s, acidification, scintillant addition The sample was doped with radioactive dissolved inorganic carbon, retained for a predetermined time at the specified light level, acidified to remove any remaining radioactive carbonate and a scintillant added for radiation level determination. 2006-04-27
S0340 14CO3 doping, incubation in the dark, acidification, scintillant addition The sample was doped with radioactive dissolved inorganic carbon, retained for a predetermined time in darkness, acidified to remove any remaining radioactive carbonate and a scintillant added for radiation level determination. 2006-04-27
S03468 15N-tracer addition, incubation, fixation, gas purging and trapping The sample was spiked with a 15N (nitrogen 15)-labelled substrate and incubated for a set time period. The incubation was terminated using a chemical fixation agent. Gases were stripped from the sample and trapped prior to analysis. 2021-11-19
S03445 15N2-enriched seawater addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration A 15N2-tracer addition method which uses 15N2-enriched seawater instead of injecting the tracer directly as a gas bubble; the sample is then held for a predetermined time, in a surface seawater bath and quantitatively shaded natural light (level usually designed to mimic collection depth and documented elsewhere) before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2022-04-27
S0342 1M sodium acetate at pH 5 + 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride leaching The sample was treated using the reagents specified to extract analyte from a specific bonded state. 2006-04-27
S0343 1M sodium acetate leaching at pH 5 The sample was treated using the reagents specified to extract analyte from a specific bonded state. 2006-04-27
S0344 35-S DMS doping, incubation in the dark, filtration Radioactive dimethlyl sulphide was added to the sample prior to retention in darkness for a predetermined period and filtration to separate dissolved and particulate phases. 2006-04-27
S0345 35-S DMS tracer doping, incubation in the dark, filtration, purging of volatiles Radioactive dimethlyl sulphide was added to the sample prior to retention in darkness for a predetermined period, filtration to separate dissolved and particulate phases and stripping of gases from the dissolved phase by bubbling through an inert gas. 2006-04-27
S0346 35-S DMSP doping, incubation in the dark, filtration Radioactive dimethlylsulphoniopropionate was added to the sample prior to retention in darkness for a predetermined period and filtration to separate dissolved and particulate phases. 2006-04-27
S03219 3H leucine doping, incubation in the dark, centrifugation Addition of leucine (an amino acid) radiotracer with hydrogen labelled (carbon is a possible alternative) followed by storage for a predetermined period in darkness and extraction of the solid phase for assay using a centrifuge. 2006-05-04
S0347 AgI precipitation A soluble silver salt was added to the sample to cause precipitation of iodide. 2006-04-27
S0348 Ce-AS reaction Reagents were added to the sample to react quantitatively with total iodine to facilitate assay by colorimetric analysis. 2006-04-27
S031 DAPI staining The sample has been stained using DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a fluorescent stain that binds strongly to DNA and more weakly to RNA in both live and fixed cells 2006-04-27
S032 DAPI/proflavine staining The sample has been stained using DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a fluorescent stain that binds strongly to DNA and more weakly to RNA in both live and fixed cells with proflavine, a disinfectant bacteriostatic against many gram-positive bacteria. 2006-04-27
S0349 EDTA/SDS extraction The sample has been mixed with reagents to extract DNA and RNA. 2006-04-27
S0351 H2O2 + 1M ammonium acetate leaching at pH 2 The sample was treated using the reagents specified to extract analyte from a specific bonded state. 2006-04-27
S0352 Millipore prefiltration Particulates were removed from the sample using a Millipore filter. 2006-04-27
S0353 Millipore prefiltration purging, cryogenic trapping Particulates were removed from the sample using a Millipore filter before dissolved gases were stripped and captured in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S0354 NaOH hydrolysis Sodium hydroxide was added to the sample to initiate a hydrolysis reaction. 2006-04-27
S0355 PvI Incubation, cascade filtration Aliquots of the sample inoculated with radioactive dissolved inorganic carbon were retained at various known light levels for a predetermined period before the particulate phase was extracted as size fractions by filtration through a series of increasingly fine filters. 2006-04-27
S0357 PvI incubation, acidification to remove residual inorganic 14C Aliquots of the sample inoculated with radioactive dissolved inorganic carbon were retained at various known light levels for a predetermined period before acid was added to remove any remaining inorganic radioactivity prior to counting. 2006-04-27
S0358 PvI incubation, filtration Aliquots of the sample inoculated with radioactive dissolved inorganic carbon were retained at various known light levels for a predetermined period before the particulate phase was extracted by filtration. 2006-04-27
S03406 SYBR Green I staining The sample has been stained using SYBR Green I, a fluorescent cyanine dye that binds strongly to double-stranded DNA and weakly to RNA and single-stranded DNA. 2008-10-01
S03411 Soxhlet extraction Method for extraction of the soluble fraction of a powdered solid sample by repeated washing with a solvent. 2010-01-18
S0359 UV digestion The sample was irradiated for a predetermined period by ultra-violet light, usually to promote chemical reactions. 2006-04-27
S033 acetone extraction The sample has been mixed with acetone solvent, usually acidified, to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2006-04-27
S0360 acid digestion The sample was completely dissolved in a strong acid. 2006-04-27
S0361 acid digestion of filter residue The particulate phase was separated from the sample by filtration and then completely dissolved in a strong acid. 2006-04-27
S03447 acid digestion of leached filter residue The particulate phase was separated from the sample by filtration, treated with weak acid to remove labile elements then completely dissolved in a strong acid and analysed. 2016-07-21
S03465 acid digestion of leached sample residue The final stage in a sequential leaching protocol aimed at extracting by total dissolution in strong acid all remaining occurrence of an element from a sample that had previously been exposed to partial leaching with milder leaching agents. 2019-08-05
S0362 acid leaching of filter residue The particulate phase was separated from the sample by filtration and treated with acid to extract acid-soluble components. 2006-04-27
S0363 acid liberation, purification and trapping CO2 The sample was treated with acid to convert inorganic carbon to carbon dioxide which is treated to remove impurities and trapped. 2006-04-27
S0366 acidification The sample was treated with acid, usually to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03452 acidification, NaOH hydrolysis The sample was treated with acid then sodium hydroxide was added to initiate a hydrolysis reaction. 2018-01-22
S03451 acidification, NaOH hydrolysis, NaBH4 reduction The sample was treated with acid, then sodium hydroxide to initiate a hydrolysis reaction followed by sodium borohydride to initiate a reducing reaction. 2018-01-22
S0365 acidification, combustion The sample was treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon before being strongly heated. 2006-04-27
S03435 acidification, isotope dilution Lowering of pH followed by addition of a known amount of an analyte isotope to allow high precision assay based on isotopic ratios 2012-08-23
S034 acridine orange staining The sample has been stained using acridine orange (3,6-dimethylaminoacridine), a nucleic acid selective metachromatic stain useful for cell cycle determination. 2006-04-27
S03433 anion exchange chromatography Separation of the anion components of a sample by absorption on and subsequent elution from a matrix incorporating charged functional groups covalently bonded to the substrate. 2012-02-15
S0367 antibody doping The sample was treated with a specific antibody to expose a gene to quantification. 2006-04-27
S03230 bulk aerosol extraction The collection of aerosol droplets of all sizes from an air sample, usually be condensation onto a moistened filter. 2006-07-07
S03473 carbon-13 isotope-labelled tracer addition, dawn-to-dawn on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration A Carbon-13 (13C) stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for 24 hours from dawn to dawn, in an on-deck incubator with controlled light levels designed to mimic in-situ light levels at the collection depth and documented elsewhere before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2022-03-24
S0400 cascade filtration, acetone extraction Physical separation of the solid size fractions and liquid phases of a water sample before the solid phase was mixed with acidified acetone to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2007-07-27
S03412 cascade impaction A process to separate out particles into size fractions by passing the sample repeatedly through acceleration nozzles onto inert impaction substrates that retain the particles. 2010-02-08
S0368 centrifugal extraction Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a centrifuge. 2006-04-27
S0369 centrifugal extraction, filtration Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a centrifuge before being further purified by passing through a filter. 2006-04-27
S0370 centrifugal extraction, filtration, acidification Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a centrifuge before being further purified by passing through a filter and acidified, usually to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S0403 centrifugal extraction, filtration, oxidation Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a centrifuge before being further purified by passing through a filter and treated with a chemical oxidising agent. 2014-08-20
S0371 centrifugation The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge, usually with the objective of retaining the particulate phase for analysis. 2006-04-27
S0372 centrifugation, acetone extraction The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge with the objective of retaining the particulate phase which was mixed with acidified acetone solvent to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2006-04-27
S0373 centrifugation, acid digestion The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge and the particulate phase was totally dissolved in strong acid. 2006-04-27
S0374 centrifugation, acidification The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge and the particulate phase was treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S0375 centrifugation, acidification, combustion The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge and the particulate phase was treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon before the sample was oxidised by heating in air. 2006-04-27
S0376 centrifugation, combustion The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge and the particulate phase was oxidised by heating in air. 2006-04-27
S0377 centrifugation, no acidification The particulate and liquid phases were separated using a centrifuge and the particulate phase was prepared for carbon analysis. There is explicit information that there was no treatment to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S0378 chloroform extraction The sample has been mixed with chloroform solvent to extract soluble compounds. 2006-04-27
S0380 combustion The sample was strongly heated in air. 2006-04-27
S0381 combustion at 375C and acidification The sample was heated to 375C in air and then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S0382 compression into pellets The sample powder was formed into pellets in a mould in a hydraulic press, possibly with the addition of an inert binder. 2006-04-27
S03430 denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria Cultured denitrifying bacteria are added to a water sample to convert dissolved oxidised nitrogen (mainly NO3) to gaseous N2O thereby facilitating isotopic analysis 2011-06-27
S0383 diffusive gel thin-film (DGT) sampling, extraction into HNO3 A dissolved substance, usually a trace metal, sample was obtained using a scavenging gel and then released for assay into nitric acid. 2006-04-27
S03152 digestion, purification, plating The sample was totally dissolved by aggressive attack with strong acid, chemically processed to remove impurities and then deposited onto a substrate ready for radio-isotope assay. 2006-04-27
S035 dilution experiment incubations The sample has been taken from one of a series of incubations of a seawater sample at multiple dilutions, usually associated with the quantification of phytoplankton consumption by grazers. 2006-04-27
S0384 disaggregation The sample was gently agitated in a fluid, usually water, to physically separate particles. 2006-04-27
S03469 distillation Separation of the components or substances from a liquid mixture by using selective boiling and condensation. 2021-12-06
S0385 doping with fluorescine diacetate, incubation Fluorescine diacetate, an enzyme activity indicator, was added to the sample before it was held for a predetermined time under controlled conditions. 2006-04-27
S0386 drying The sample had any water not chemically bonded removed by gentle warming, freezing in a vacuum or storage in a desiccator. 2006-04-27
S03402 drying, grinding, NaOH extraction and filtration Sample preparation to get humic acid into solution from peat or soil samples. 2008-06-30
S03472 drying, wet sieving <63um, dry sieving >63um The sediment is dried, soaked in distilled water for 12 hours, then flushed with distilled water through a <63um sifter to remove particles smaller than 63um. The remaining sediment (>63um) is dried, then sieve analysis is performed. 2022-02-28
S0387 enzyme digestion, purging, cryogenic trapping The sample was treated with enzyme to convert the target analyte into dissolved gaseous form that was then stripped by passing inert gas through the sample and collected in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S03231 eosin staining The sample has been stained using eosin, a blue or yellow coal tar dye useful for colouring cytoplasm. 2006-07-24
S03453 epibenthic sampling Method for sampling the surface of the sea bed. 2018-03-27
S0388 equilibration with air, drying The dissolved gas content of the sample (water or sediment incorporating pore water) was brought into equilibrium with a restricted volume of air which was subsequently dried and analysed, giving the composition of the sample dissolved gas phase. 2007-09-24
S03405 equilibration with and cryogenic trapping of CO2 Water sample left to attain isotopic equilibrium with CO2 that is subsequently purged and cryogenically trapped for isotopic analysis to give water 18O enrichment 2008-07-02
S0389 extraction by squeezing, filtration Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a press before being further purified by passing through a filter. 2006-04-27
S0390 extraction by squeezing, filtration, acidification Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a press before being further purified by passing through a filter and treatment with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S0391 extraction by squeezing, filtration, barium/gelatine treatment Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample using a press before being further purified by passing through a filter and treated for sulphate analysis by a colorimetric method. 2006-04-27
S0392 extraction, filtration Pore water was extracted from a soft core sediment sample before being further purified by passing through a filter. 2006-04-27
S0393 filtration Physical separation of the solid and liquid phases of a water sample. 2010-02-18
S0395 filtration with Teflon filter Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air using a specific type of plastic filter. 2010-02-18
S0394 filtration with acid impregnated filter Base analytes (e.g. ammonia) were stripped from a gas sample (usually atmospheric air) by passing through a filter that had been impregnated with a strong acid. 2006-04-27
S03479 filtration, Alcian blue staining Suspended solids from the sample are separated then stained using an Alcian blue solution - a family of polyvalent basic dyes used for tissue preparation in microscopy to target specific anionic groups. 2025-01-28
S03425 filtration, Bligh and Dyer extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from the sample. Solid phase was then treated following the protocol of Bligh and Dyer Can J Biochem Physiol 1959, 37, 911 to extract intact polar lipids 2010-12-04
S03432 filtration, DNA extraction Separation of suspended solids from the sample, which then has its DNA content extracted 2011-10-07
S03409 filtration, DNA extraction, PicoGreen staining Separation of suspended solids from the sample, which then has its DNA content extracted and labelled with PicoGreen for quantification 2010-01-10
S03410 filtration, DNA extraction, PicoGreen staining, primer selection Separation of suspended solids from the sample, which then has its DNA content extracted, labelled with PicoGreen for quantification and processing to target specific subcomponents (genes) of the DNA molecules 2010-01-11
S0396 filtration, HgCl2 preservation Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before addition of a strong poison to halt biological activity. 2010-02-18
S0397 filtration, Mn absorption Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before dissolved manganese was stripped out by absorption for subsequent analysis. 2010-02-18
S03438 filtration, N, N-dimethylformamide extraction Pigment extraction technique capable of dealing with small samples containing low levels of pigment. 2013-10-17
S03450 filtration, NaOH hydrolysis, NaBH4 reduction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the phase of interest was treated with sodium hydroxide to initiate a hydrolysis reaction followed by sodium borohydride to initiate a reducing reaction. 2018-01-22
S03446 filtration, UV digestion Physical separation of the solid and liquid phases of a water sample followed by irradiation for a predetermined period by ultra-violet light. 2015-11-12
S0398 filtration, acetone extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase was mixed with acidified acetone to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2010-02-18
S0399 filtration, acid digestion Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase was totally absorbed by aggressive attack with strong acid. 2010-02-18
S03448 filtration, acid leaching Physical separation of the solid phase from a sample of air or water followed by treatment with weak acid to extract the acid-soluble component of that solid phase for analysis. 2016-07-21
S03100 filtration, acidification Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase was treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2010-02-18
S03429 filtration, acidification, UV irradiation Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the acidified (pH 1.8-2) liquid phase was irradiated with ultra-violet light. 2011-03-08
S03103 filtration, acidification, chelation, solvent extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the acidified (pH 1.8-2) liquid phase was treated with a chelating agent (e.g. a dithiocarbamate or EDTA) to form complexes that were stripped out for analysis using a solvent. 2010-05-27
S03101 filtration, acidification, combustion Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase was treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon and oxidised by heating in air. 2010-02-18
S03476 filtration, acidification, double spike isotope dilution Physical removal of particulates by filtration and lowering of pH, followed by addition of a known amount of a tracer/spike analyte consisting of two artificially enriched isotopes to the sample to obtain accurate isotopic composition ratios for elements with at least four isotopes. Used to correct for isotopic fractionation. 2023-11-01
S03436 filtration, acidification, isotope dilution Removal of particulates, lowering of pH followed by addition of a known amount of an analyte isotope to allow high precision assay based on isotopic ratios 2012-08-23
S03434 filtration, acidification, pre-concentration, ion-exchange chromatography Sample processing workflow to provide material for isotopic analysis 2012-06-21
S03102 filtration, alkali hydrolysis Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase is hydrolysed by attack with strong alkali. 2010-02-18
S03104 filtration, combustion Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase is oxidised by heating in air. 2010-02-18
S03449 filtration, denitrification to N2O by cultured bacteria Physical removal of particulates by filtration followed by conversion of nitrate and nitrite to nitrous oxide using the 'Denitrifier Method'. 2016-10-03
S0402 filtration, drying Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air followed by removal of water from the particulate sample by gentle warming, freezing in a vacuum or storage in a desiccator. 2014-08-20
S03442 filtration, ethanol extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase is mixed with ethanol to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2013-11-26
S03105 filtration, freon extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the metals were stripped from the colloidal phase using a halocarbon. 2010-02-18
S03124 filtration, hydrolysis Chemical reaction with reagents that break down molecules by addition of a water molecule, such as strong acids or alkalis. 2006-04-27
S03478 filtration, hydrolysis, reaction with ortho-phthalaldehyde Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the phase of interest was treated with reagents to initiate a hydrolysis reaction followed by reaction with ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA). 2024-08-29
S03106 filtration, in-line preconcentration Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the analyte concentration was quantitatively increased to raise detection level. 2010-02-18
S03107 filtration, incubation The sample has been filtered to exclude plants and/or animals above a certain size before being held, usually under controlled conditions, for a predetermined length of time. 2006-04-27
S03419 filtration, incubation at unspecified light level, purging, cryogenic trapping A water sample was filtered to remove particulates above a specified size and held for a predetermined time at an unstated (documented elsewhere) light intensity. Volatiles for analysis were extracted by passing an inert gas through the sample and trapping at liquid nitrogen temperatures. 2010-06-30
S03108 filtration, incubation in natural sunlight, enzyme reduction to DMS The sample has been filtered to remove the solid phase (prevents biological activity) before being retained for a specified period in full natural light. At the end of the incubation an enzyme was added to convert the target analyte (usually DMSO) to dimethylsulphide for assay. 2006-04-27
S03109 filtration, incubation in natural sunlight, purging, cryogenic trapping The sample was filtered to remove particulates (prevents biological activity) before being held for a predetermined time in full natural light. Dissolved gases were stripped by passing inert gas through the sample and collected in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S03110 filtration, incubation in the dark, enzyme reduction to DMS The sample has been filtered to remove the solid phase (prevents biological activity) before being retained for a specified period in darkness. At the end of the incubation an enzyme was added to convert the target analyte (usually DMSO) to dimethylsulphide for assay. 2006-04-27
S03111 filtration, incubation in the dark, purging, cryogenic trapping The sample was filtered to remove particulates (prevents biological activity) before being held for a predetermined time in darkness. Dissolved gases were stripped by passing inert gas through the sample and collected in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S03112 filtration, incubation in ultra-violet light, enzyme reduction to DMS The sample has been filtered to remove the solid phase (prevents biological activity) before being retained for a specified period under ultra-violet light. At the end of the incubation an enzyme was added to convert the target analyte (usually DMSO) to dimethylsulphide for assay. 2006-04-27
S03440 filtration, indophenol synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification Concentration determined through indophenol synthesis, SPE extraction and HPLC purification. 2013-11-04
S03417 filtration, leaching with pH 4.7 ammonium acetate buffer Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of air followed by treatment to extract the soluble component, which is then analysed. 2010-03-11
S03426 filtration, light and dark bottle incubation Aliquots of the sample were filtered to remove particulates then retained for a predetermined period at a range of light levels and in total darkness. 2011-01-18
S03113 filtration, methanol extraction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase is mixed with methanol to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2010-02-18
S03114 filtration, no acidification Physical separation of the solid and liquid phases of a water sample. There is explicit information that there was no further treatment on either phase to remove inorganic carbon. 2010-02-18
S03115 filtration, ortho-phthalaldehyde reaction Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before reaction of the solid phase with ortho-phthalaldehyde, usually to liberate amino acids. 2010-02-18
S03116 filtration, oxidation Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air followed by treatment of either phase (or both) with a chemical oxidising agent. 2010-02-18
S03461 filtration, pH adjusted to 7.2 Physical removal of particulates by filtration followed by pH adjustment to 7.2 using reagents. 2019-03-21
S03462 filtration, pH adjusted to 7.6 Physical removal of particulates by filtration followed by pH adjustment to 7.6 using reagents. 2019-03-21
S03463 filtration, pH adjusted to 8.05 Physical removal of particulates by filtration followed by pH adjustment to 8.05 using reagents. 2019-03-21
S03117 filtration, plating Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air followed by deposition onto a substrate ready for radio-isotope assay. 2010-02-18
S03454 filtration, precipitation, acidification Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase was treated to separate macromolecules and with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2018-05-17
S03118 filtration, purging, cryogenic trapping The sample was filtered to remove particulates (prevents biological activity) before dissolved gases were stripped by passing inert gas through the sample and collected in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S03119 filtration, reaction with orthophthalic acid Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air followed by reaction of either phase (or both) with orthophthalic acid. 2010-02-18
S03420 filtration, sudan-1 synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification Concentration determined through sudan-1 synthesis, SPE extraction and HPLC purification. A deuterate internal standard was used to quantify nitrite concentration. 2010-07-28
S03120 filtration, suspension of residue in buffer solution, collection of liberated DMS Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air followed by resuspension of the solid phase in reagents to convert analyte to a dissolved gas that was collected and analysed. 2010-02-18
S03121 filtration, thin-film preparation Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before the solid phase is suspended in a fluid, usually water, and evaporated to dryness on a glass slide. 2010-02-18
S03457 filtration, ultrasonication extraction The sample is filtered and collected particles are subsequently extracted using an ultrasound extraction technique. 2019-01-22
S03413 filtration, water leaching Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of air followed by treatment to extract the water-soluble component of that solid phase for analysis. 2010-02-18
S03414 filtration, water leaching, acid hydrolysis of the leachate Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of air followed by treatment to extract the water-soluble component of that solid phase for treatment with acid and analysis. 2010-02-18
S03415 filtration, water leaching, acid hydrolysis of the residue Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of air followed by treatment to extract the water-soluble component followed by treatment to extract the acid-soluble component, which is then analysed. 2010-02-18
S037 fixed volume sampling, sieving, picking A specified volume of sediment was taken from a core sample, sieved to remove fine sediment and biological specimens or microfossils manually extracted from the residue. 2006-04-27
S03122 flux-diluted fused bead preparation The sample is mixed with a chemical flux, usually lithium fluoride, and heated to produce a melt which solidifies into a glass bead. 2006-04-27
S038 grazing experiment based on the method of Gifford (1993) Experiment to determine clearance rates of phytoplankton classes by specified grazers following the protocol described in Gifford (Marine Ecology Progress Series 271:261, 1993). 2006-04-27
S03407 high temperature reduction in contact with carbon Water sample passed over carbon chips at high temperature 2009-08-05
S03404 high temperature reduction in contact with zinc Water sample passed over zinc at high temperature to generate hydrogen 2008-06-30
S03123 hydrolysis Physical separation of the solid phase from a volume of water or air before one or both phases were subjected to a chemical reaction with reagents that break down molecules by addition of a water molecule, such as strong acids or alkalis. 2010-02-18
S039 identification by optical microscopy Taxa present in the sample were identified by manual comparison of specimens isolated from the sample examined using an optical microscope with reference material. 2006-04-27
S03125 ignition at 400C The sample was heated in air at 400C. 2006-04-27
S03127 in-situ incubation The sample was retained for a predetermined period on a rig at its location and depth of collection. 2006-04-27
S03128 in-situ incubation dilution experiment The sample has been taken from one of a series of incubations of a seawater sample at multiple dilutions held on a rig at the depth of sample collection. Usually associated with the quantification of phytoplankton consumption by grazers. 2006-04-27
S03129 in-situ light and dark bottle incubation Aliquots of the sample were retained for a predetermined period on a rig at its location and depth of collection in both clear and totally opaque containers. 2006-04-27
S03131 in-situ pore water sampling, filtration Samples of sediment pore water were taken using a specialised in-situ apparatus and further purified by passing through a filter. 2006-04-27
S03132 in-situ pore water sampling, filtration, chelation, solvent extraction Samples of sediment pore water were taken using a specialised in-situ apparatus and further purified by passing through a filter and analysed for dissolved metals by complexing with a chelating agent (e.g. EDTA) and extracted the resulting complex in a solvent. 2006-04-27
S0310 incubation The water sample has been retained, usually under controlled conditions, for a predetermined length of time prior to analysis. 2006-04-27
S0311 incubation at constant temperature The water sample is retained at a predetermined constant temperature for a predetermined length of time prior to analysis. 2006-04-27
S03134 incubation at full natural light level The sample was retained for a predetermined period in full natural light. 2006-04-27
S0312 incubation in filtered seawater Specimens, usually zooplankton, are retained in seawater that has been filtered to remove particulate food items for a predetermined length of time. 2006-04-27
S03133 incubation in the dark The sample was retained for a predetermined period in total darkness. 2007-01-25
S03135 incubation under ultra-violet light The sample was retained for a predetermined period under ultra-violet light. 2006-04-27
S03173 isotope-labelled tracer addition, DCMU poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with DCMU (to eliminate phytoplankton), held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2009-11-24
S03174 isotope-labelled tracer addition, DCMU poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with DCMU (to eliminate phytoplankton), held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2009-11-24
S03179 isotope-labelled tracer addition, antibiotic poisoning, incubation in the dark, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time in darkness before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2009-12-20
S03180 isotope-labelled tracer addition, antibiotic poisoning, incubation in the dark, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time in darkness before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2009-12-20
S03182 isotope-labelled tracer addition, azide poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with azide (to eliminate biological activity), held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2010-01-10
S03183 isotope-labelled tracer addition, azide poisoning, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with azide (to eliminate biological activity), held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2010-01-10
S03184 isotope-labelled tracer addition, in-situ incubation, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time on a rig at the location and depth of sample collection before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2009-12-31
S03185 isotope-labelled tracer addition, in-situ incubation, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time on a rig at the location and depth of sample collection before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2009-12-31
S03197 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at different light levels, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the samples which were held for a predetermined time at different unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light levels before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2009-12-20
S03198 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at different light levels, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the samples which were held for a predetermined time at different unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light levels before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2009-12-20
S03200 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at unspecified light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2010-06-25
S03202 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2010-06-25
S03210 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation in the dark, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time in darkness before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2010-06-25
S03444 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, acidification A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was then incubated before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2014-08-09
S03443 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, acidification, gas trapping Samples of water are labelled with 14-DIC, incubated, filtered then acidified to extract the inorganic carbon as CO2, which is then collected for analysis. 2014-08-09
S03441 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, indophenol synthesis, SPE extraction Derived from magnitude of the dilution of added 15NH4- tracer by determining isotopic enrichment and ambient Nh$ concentrations immediately prior to and following incubation. 2013-11-04
S03421 isotope-labelled tracer addition, incubation, filtration, sudan-1 synthesis, SPE extraction, HPLC purification Derived from magnitude of the dilution of added 15NO2- tracer by determining isotopic enrichment and ambient NO2 concentrations immediately prior to and following incubation. 2010-07-28
S03215 isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time, in a surface seawater bath and quantitatively shaded natural light (level usually designed to mimic collection depth and documented elsewhere) before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2009-11-24
S03401 isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, cascade filtration, acidification A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time, in a surface seawater bath and quantitatively shaded natural light (level usually designed to mimic collection depth and documented elsewhere) before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. This was then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2010-06-25
S03216 isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time, in a surface seawater bath and quantitatively shaded natural light (level usually designed to mimic collection depth and documented elsewhere) before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2009-11-24
S03217 isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration, acidification A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time, in a surface seawater bath and quantitatively shaded natural light (levels usually documented elsewhere) before filtration to collect the particulate phase. This was then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2010-06-25
S03439 isotope-labelled tracer addition, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, filtration, acidification, gas trapping Samples of water are labelled with 14-DIC, incubated on-deck with screens to replicate underwater light levels at various depths, filtered then acidified to extract the inorganic carbon as CO2, which is then collected for analysis. 2013-11-04
S0401 isotope-labelled tracer addition, pulse-chase incubations, fixation, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting Isotope-labelled tracer addition, followed by pulse-chase incubations, followed by fixation, SYBR Green I staining and finally flow sorting. 2011-09-15
S03427 isotopic dilution time-series incubations, filtration A radioactively labelled precursor is diluted with non-labelled precursor to produce a series of concentrations for bioassay which are each fixed at a series of time intervals and filtered for measurement. 2011-02-28
S03408 laboratory rock sample leaching Laboratory experiment to create simulated groundwater by equilibrating water with field rock samples 2009-08-05
S03136 leaching Treatment of a sample with reagents designed to extract analyte in a particular chemical state within the sample. 2006-04-27
S03460 leaching with 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride + 25% acetic acid of leached sample residue from stage 3 in Chester et al (1988) A sediment leaching treatment designed to release elements classified as being in 'moderately reducible' associations, e.g. in 'aged' manganese oxides and crystalline iron oxides (stage 4 in Chester et al 1988 2019-08-05
S0341 leaching with 1M ammonium acetate at pH 7 A gentle sediment leaching treatment designed to release elements classified as being in 'loosely held' or in 'exchangeable' associations (stage 1 in Chester et al 1988 2019-08-05
S03459 leaching with 1M sodium acetate at pH 5 + 0.25M hydroxylamine hydrochloride of leached sample residue from stage 2 in Chester et al (1988) A sediment leaching treatment designed to release elements classified as being in 'easily reducible' associations, e.g. in 'new' oxides and oxyhydroxides of manganese and amorphous iron oxides (stage 3 in Chester et al 1988 2019-08-05
S03458 leaching with 1M sodium acetate at pH 5 of leached sample residue from stage 1 of Chester et al (1988) A sediment leaching treatment designed to release elements classified as being in 'carbonate' and in 'surface associations' with phases such as hydrous iron and manganese oxides, clays and organic matter (stage 2 in Chester et al 1988 2019-08-05
S03464 leaching with H2O2 + 1M ammonium acetate at pH 2 of leached sample residue from stage 4 in Chester et al (1988) A sediment leaching treatment designed to release elements classified as being in 'organic matter' and 'sulphide' (when present) associations (stage 5 in Chester et al 1988 2019-08-05
S03466 leaching with ascorbic acid A partial leaching treatment used to extract easily reducible metals bond to the sediment's solid phase while excluding the more crystalline oxides (see e.g. Raiswell et al 2010 2019-08-05
S03467 leaching with citrate dithionite of ascorbic acid-leached sample residue A partial leaching treatment used to extract crystalline metal oxides bond to the sediment's solid phase (see e.g. Raiswell et al 2010 2019-08-05
S03137 light and dark bottle incubation Aliquots of the sample were retained for a predetermined period at a range of light levels and in total darkness. 2006-04-27
S03456 marine snow catcher sampling, settling The sample was collected with a large volume water sampler and allowed to settle over a period of time. 2018-07-12
S03227 melting of core section Conversion of the sample from solid to liquid by raising its temperature. Generally refers to ice cores. 2006-04-27
S03138 mesocosm simulated resuspension The sample was taken from a mesocosm following a simulated resuspension event created by vigorous stirring. 2006-04-27
S0313 methanol extraction The sample has been mixed with methanol solvent to extract soluble compounds, usually plant pigments. 2006-04-27
S03228 micromilling Microscopic-scale, precision drilling of a solid substrate to extract a fine powder for further analysis. 2006-06-19
S03139 no acidification There is explicit information that the sample, usually for carbon analysis, had not been treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03477 no filtration The sample has not undergone any physical separatation of the solid and liquid phases. This code is to be used alongside the appropriate matrix and only in cases where this needs to be made very clear to avoid confusion. 2024-02-07
S0314 no preservation and no staining The sample has been examined, usually immediately after collection, without commonly applied processing to reduce the risk of biological material degradation. 2006-04-27
S0315 no staining The sample has been examined without staining to reduce the risk of biological material degradation. 2006-04-27
S03140 not applicable DEPRECATED The parameter described did not result from the collection of a sample. 2018-08-09
S0316 not specified The sample may, and probably has, undergone some form of processing but no information is given concerning this. 2006-04-27
S03142 on-deck incubation The sample was retained for a predetermined period in a surface seawater bath at a light level (usually documented elsewhere) produced by quantitative shading of natural light. 2006-04-27
S03437 on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level, DCMU poisoning The samples were incubated for varying periods of time at a known fraction of incident light designed to match a specific depth. At the end of the incubation photosynthesis was stopped by the addition of DCMU. 2012-11-28
S0317 on-deck incubation dilution experiment The sample has been taken from one of a series of incubations of a seawater sample at multiple dilutions in an incubator flushed by surface seawater in either full natural light or natural light reduced by a known amount using screens. This is usually associated with the quantification of phytoplankton consumption by grazers. 2006-04-27
S0318 on-deck incubation with nutrients The sample, with nutrients present either at ambient or enhanced concentrations, has been retained in an incubator flushed by surface seawater in either full natural light or natural light reduced by a known amount using screens. 2006-04-27
S03143 on-deck incubation with nutrients, filtration The sample, with nutrients present either at ambient or enhanced concentrations, has been retained in an incubator flushed by surface seawater in either full natural light or natural light reduced by a known amount using screens. This was followed by filtration to isolate the particulate phase for analysis. 2006-04-27
S0319 on-deck incubation without nutrients The sample, from which nutrients have been excluded, has been retained in an incubator flushed by surface seawater in either full natural light or natural light reduced by a known amount using screens. 2006-04-27
S03144 on-deck incubation without nutrients, filtration The sample, from which nutrients have been excluded, has been retained in an incubator flushed by surface seawater in either full natural light or natural light reduced by a known amount using screens. This was followed by filtration to isolate the particulate phase for analysis. 2006-04-27
S03145 on-deck light and dark bottle incubation Aliquots of the sample were retained for a predetermined period in a surface seawater bath at a range of light levels produced by quantitative shading of natural light and in total darkness. 2006-04-27
S03146 on-deck mesocosm incubation The sample, usually a sediment core, was retained for a predetermined period in shipboard conditions reproducing the environment in which it was collected as closely as possible. For deep sea samples this usually includes filling the mesocosm with bottom water collected from the sampling site and a controlled temperature laboratory. 2006-04-27
S03149 oxalic acid extraction The analyte was leached from the sample by attack with oxalic acid. This selectively samples the amorphous phase of the sample. 2006-04-27
S03150 oxidation Treatment of the sample with a chemical oxidising agent. 2006-04-27
S03234 parallel incubations with and without added grazers Aliquots of the sample, some with zooplankton added, were maintained under identical conditions for a predetermined length of time 2007-02-21
S0320 parallel incubations with and without grazers, acridine orange staining Aliquots of the sample, one of which has had zooplankton removed, have been retained, usually under controlled conditions, for a predetermined time. After incubation the samples were stained with acridine orange (3,6-dimethylaminoacridine), a nucleic acid selective metachromatic stain useful for cell cycle determination. 2006-04-27
S03236 parallel screened water incubations with and without added grazers, grazer removal, filtration Aliquots of the screened (to remove grazers) sample, some with zooplankton added, were maintained under identical conditions for a predetermined length of time. The grazers were then removed and the samples filtered 2007-02-27
S03235 parallel screened water incubations with and without added grazers, grazer removal, filtration, acidification Aliquots of the screened (to remove grazers) sample, some with zooplankton added, were maintained under identical conditions for a predetermined length of time. The grazers were then removed, the samples filtered and the dried residues digested in acid 2007-03-02
S03474 passive sampling Sampling technique based on the free flow of analyte molecules or ions from the sampled medium to a receiving phase in a sampling device. Analytes concentrate on the collecting medium over time until they reach equilibrium with the surrounding medium. The use of passive sampling provides time-averaged concentrations of e.g. contaminants over the sampler's deployment period. 2022-06-16
S03151 persulphate digestion The sample was treated with persulphate to dissolve any particulate phase present. 2006-04-27
S03416 photolytic conversion to NO Chemical conversion of nitrogen dioxide to nitrogen monoxide (nitric oxide) induced by light. 2010-02-23
S0321 picking Manual selection of certain material, usually biological specimens, from the sample. 2006-04-27
S03153 plating Deposition of the sample onto a substrate ready for radio-isotope assay. 2006-04-27
S03154 polyacrylamide gel probe sampling A dissolved substance, usually a trace metal, sample was obtained using a scavenging gel. 2006-04-27
S0322 polymerase chain reaction with True Agg58 primer; serial dilution Sample has been treated with a specified enzyme to catalyse DNA production followed by quantitative dilution. 2006-04-27
S0323 polymerase chain reaction with p1-7 primer; serial dilution Sample has been treated with a specified enzyme to catalyse DNA production followed by quantitative dilution. 2006-04-27
S0324 polymerase chain reaction with p3-42 primer; serial dilution Sample has been treated with a specified enzyme to catalyse DNA production followed by quantitative dilution. 2006-04-27
S0325 polymerase chain reaction with universal primer; serial dilution Sample has been treated with a specified enzyme to catalyse DNA production followed by quantitative dilution. 2006-04-27
S0326 preservation and no staining Sample has been treated with preservative but not stained prior to examination. 2006-04-27
S03422 preservation, filtration Sample has been treated with preserative to fix biological material before physical separation of the solid and liquid phases 2010-08-24
S03423 preservation, filtration, SYBR Green I staining, flow sorting Sample has been treated with preserative to fix biological material before physical separation of the solid and liquid phases. The filtrate is then stained using SYBR Green I (a fluorescent cyanine dye that binds strongly to double-stranded DNA and weakly to RNA and single-stranded DNA) and cell types separated by electrostatic deflection of charged sample droplets. 2010-08-24
S03403 protocol of Barber et al. (1994) Barber et al. (1994). A sensitive high-resolution record of Late Holocene climatic change from a raised bog in Northern England. The Holocene 4, pp. 198-205. 2008-09-11
S03156 purging, cryogenic trapping Dissolved gases were stripped from the sample by passing inert gas through the sample and collected in a liquid nitrogen trap. 2006-04-27
S03428 purging, sorbent tube trapping The analytes of interest are extracted from the sample by bubbling through an inert carrier gas which then passes through a tube containing a medium designed to capture the extracted substances. 2011-03-08
S03471 round-mesh sieving, picking The sediment was sieved using a round-meshed sieve followed by manual extraction of the targeted objects or organisms. 2021-12-14
S0328 screening, in-situ incubation dilution experiment The sample has been taken from one of a series of incubations (tethered to a buoy at collection depth) of coarse filtered (usually to remove zooplankton except for microzooplankton) seawater sample at multiple dilutions. Usually associated with the quantification of phytoplankton consumption by grazers. 2006-04-27
S0329 screening, on-deck incubation dilution experiment The sample has been taken from one of a series of incubations (in an incubator flushed with surface seawater in full or screened natural light) of coarse filtered (usually to remove zooplankton except for microzooplankton) seawater sample at multiple dilutions. Usually associated with the quantification of phytoplankton consumption by grazers. 2006-04-27
S0330 sediment trapping The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column. 2006-04-27
S03160 sediment trapping, acetone extraction The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then mixed with acidified acetone to extract analytes, usually plant pigments. 2006-04-27
S03161 sediment trapping, acid digestion The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then completely dissolved by aggressive attack with strong acid. 2006-04-27
S03162 sediment trapping, acid hydrolysis The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then reacted with acid to liberate amino acids. 2006-04-27
S03163 sediment trapping, acidification The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03164 sediment trapping, combustion The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then strongly heated in air. 2006-04-27
S03431 sediment trapping, digestion, purification, plating The sample collected by sediment trap was totally dissolved by aggressive attack with strong acid, chemically processed to remove impurities and then deposited onto a substrate ready for radio-isotope assay. 2011-10-05
S03165 sediment trapping, methanol extraction The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then mixed with methanol to extract analytes, usually plant pigments. 2006-04-27
S03166 sediment trapping, no acidification The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column. There is explicit information that there was no treatment to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03167 sediment trapping, oxidation The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then treated with a chemical oxidising agent. 2006-04-27
S03168 sediment trapping, solvent extraction The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then mixed with an unspecified solvent to extract analytes. 2006-04-27
S03169 sediment trapping, volume measurement, drying The sample has been collected using a device designed to collect material as it sinks down through the water column then the physical volume of the wet sample was obtained before water was removed by gentle warming, freezing in a vacuum or storage in a desiccator. 2006-04-27
S03424 separation in bromoform Sample has been separated into light (density <2.9 g/cm3) and heavy fractions by adding it to bromoform and collecting the portions that float or sink respectively 2010-12-01
S03171 shower-head equilibration with air, drying The dissolved gas content of a water sample was brought into equilibrium by spraying it into a restricted volume of air which was subsequently dried and analysed, giving the composition of the sample dissolved gas phase. 2007-09-24
S0331 sieving and picking under an optical microscope Sediment was sieved to remove fines and biological specimens or microfossils manually extracted from the residue. 2006-04-27
S03455 sieving, picking The sediment was sieved followed by manual extraction of the targeted objects or organisms. 2022-05-13
S03172 siphoning The sample, usually sediment pore water or water overlying a core sample, was obtained by gentle mechanical extraction designed to minimise sample disturbance. 2006-04-27
S0332 size fractionation The sample has been subdivided into size fractions by passing it through a series of successively finer screens or filters. 2006-04-27
S03418 solvent extraction Separation of analytes by mixing either solid samples with a liquid in which the analyte is soluble or mixing liquid samples with another liquid in which the analyte is more soluble. 2010-03-19
S03470 square-mesh sieving, picking The sediment was sieved using a square-meshed sieve followed by manual extraction of the targeted objects or organisms. 2021-12-14
S03475 strong acid with HF acid digestion The sample was totally dissolved in a solution of strong acid and hydrofluoric (HF) acid which completely digests silicate-based minerals. 2022-08-16
S03175 tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03176 tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03177 tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03178 tracer doping, antibiotic poisoning, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with antibiotic (to eliminate bacteria), held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03181 tracer doping, azide poisoning, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was poisoned with azide (to eliminate biological activity), held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03186 tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03187 tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, diffusion extraction of gas A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before dissolved gases were extracted for assay. 2006-04-27
S03188 tracer doping, incubation at 100uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03189 tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03190 tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, diffusion extraction of gas A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before dissolved gases were extracted for assay. 2006-04-27
S03191 tracer doping, incubation at 188uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03192 tracer doping, incubation at 23uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03193 tracer doping, incubation at 530uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03194 tracer doping, incubation at 530uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03195 tracer doping, incubation at 80uE/m2/s light level, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03196 tracer doping, incubation at 80uE/m2/s light level, filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at the stated light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03204 tracer doping, incubation at unspecified light level, filtration, acidification A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time at an unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensity before filtration to collect the particulate phase. This was then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03205 tracer doping, incubation at unspecified light levels, filtration, acidification A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the samples which were held for a predetermined time at a range of unstated (usually documented elsewhere) light intensities before filtration to collect the particulate phase. This was then treated with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03207 tracer doping, incubation in the dark A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time in darkness. 2006-04-27
S03208 tracer doping, incubation in the dark, cascade filtration A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held for a predetermined time in darkness before filtration to collect the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03211 tracer doping, on-deck incubation The sample, inoculated with dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer, was retained for a predetermined period in a surface seawater bath at a light level (usually documented elsewhere) produced by quantitative shading of natural light. 2006-04-27
S03212 tracer doping, on-deck incubation at full natural light level, cascade filtration The sample, inoculated with dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer, was retained for a predetermined period in a surface seawater bath at a light level produced by quantitative shading of natural light (level usually documented elsewhere) before filtration to isolate the particulate phase as size fractions. 2006-04-27
S03213 tracer doping, on-deck incubation at full natural light level, filtration The sample, inoculated with dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer, was retained for a predetermined period in a surface seawater bath in full natural light (level usually documented elsewhere) before filtration to isolate the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03214 tracer doping, on-deck incubation at simulated in-situ light level A dissolved radioactive or stable isotope tracer was added to the sample which was held in a surface seawater bath for a predetermined time at a reduced (by partial shading) natural light level designed to mimic that at collection depth before filtration to collect the particulate phase. 2006-04-27
S03233 unfiltered seawater incubation in the dark A sample of natural seawater was incubated without pre-processing with light excluded. Subsamples were taken at time steps and fixed in Lugol's iodine for plankton community composition determination. 2007-01-25
S0333 unspecified staining The sample has been stained, but the reagent used is not known. 2006-04-27
S0334 vacuum filtration Particulates have been extracted from the sample using apparatus that forces water through a filter by evacuation of the space below it. 2006-04-27
S0335 variable volume sampling, sieving, picking A random volume of sediment was taken from a core sample, sieved to remove fine sediment and biological specimens or microfossils manually extracted from the residue. 2006-04-27
S03218 volume measurement, drying The physical volume of the wet sample was obtained before water was removed by gentle warming, freezing in a vacuum or storage in a desiccator. 2006-04-27
S03220 wet sieving The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry. 2006-04-27
S03221 wet sieving, acid digestion The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry before complete dissolution by aggressive attack with a strong acid. 2006-04-27
S03222 wet sieving, acid digestion, stannous chloride reduction The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry before complete dissolution by aggressive attack with a strong acid followed by reaction (usually to reduce mercury) with stannous chloride. 2006-04-27
S03223 wet sieving, acidification The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry before treatment with acid to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27
S03224 wet sieving, drying The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry before water was removed by gentle warming or freezing in a vacuum. 2006-04-27
S03225 wet sieving, ignition at 400C The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry before being heated in air at 400C. 2006-04-27
S03226 wet sieving, no acidification The sediment sample was separated into size fractions by passing through sieves as a slurry. There is explicit information that there was no treatment of the sample to remove inorganic carbon. 2006-04-27