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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S021 attached to the 2006-04-06
S022 by the 2006-04-06
S02025 collected from the The measurement is reported as a raw value and not normalised to the volume or weight of matrix sampled. 2018-01-10
S023 exerted by the 2006-04-06
S024 for the 2006-04-06
S059 from a 2010-11-08
S025 from the 2006-04-06
S026 in 2006-04-06
S02033 in 25g dry weight of The observation was made in 25 grams of a dried sample of a specified matrix. 2019-03-13
S02031 in 25g wet weight of The observation was made in 25 grams of a fresh sample of a specified matrix. 2019-02-27
S02034 in 50g dry weight of The observation was made in 50 grams of a dried sample of a specified matrix. 2019-03-13
S02032 in 50g wet weight of The observation was made in 50 grams of a fresh sample of a specified matrix. 2019-02-27
S027 in a 2006-04-06
S028 in the 2006-04-06
S02030 integrated over depth in the The measured phenomenon has been integrated over a range of depths in the specified matrix. 2018-10-01
S029 not applicable 2006-04-06
S030 not specified DEPRECATED Deprecated on 25/03/2018; this field must be specified unless it is not applicable in which case use 'not applicable' 2018-03-25
S031 of 2006-04-06
S032 of the 2006-04-06
S033 of wet 2006-04-06
S034 on the 2006-04-06
S058 out of the 2010-06-24
S035 per 10cm of the 2006-04-06
S036 per 25cm of the 2006-04-06
S02038 per cell of The measured phenomenon is reported relative to an individual biological cell. 2023-08-09
S02026 per cluster from the The measurement is specific to a cluster (or group) defined by a region in flow cytometry analysis. 2018-01-11
S02022 per day per unit area of the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to a 24 hour period and relative to a unit of surface of the given matrix. 2017-03-23
S02029 per day per unit biomass as carbon of The measured phenomenon is reported per period of 24 hours and normalised to the amount of biomass expressed as carbon. 2018-09-11
S02028 per day per unit biomass as nitrogen of The measured phenomenon is reported per period of 24 hours and normalised to the amount of nitrogen biomass. 2018-09-11
S062 per day per unit volume of the The measured phenomenon is reported per day and per any unit volume of the given matrix 2015-09-29
S02023 per hour per unit area of the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to one hour period and relative to a unit of surface of the given matrix. 2017-03-23
S061 per hour per unit volume of the The measured phenomenon is reported per hour and per any unit volume of the given matrix 2015-09-29
S037 per individual per unit time in the 2006-04-06
S038 per individual specimen of 2006-04-06
S039 per record on the 2006-04-06
S040 per unit area of the 2006-04-06
S02036 per unit area per unit time from the The phenomenon is reported relative to a unit of the given matrix surface relative to time and moving away from the matrix entity. 2022-06-13
S02024 per unit cell volume of The measured phenomenon is reported normalised to the cell biovolume. 2017-07-31
S041 per unit dry weight of 2006-04-06
S042 per unit length of the 2006-04-06
S02021 per unit length sampled of the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to the distance covered by the sampling effort of a given matrix. 2017-03-10
S043 per unit light by the 2006-04-06
S044 per unit mass of 2006-04-06
S02035 per unit mass of lipids in the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to the lipid biomass, also known as "lipid-normalised". 2022-05-17
S057 per unit mass of the 2008-05-15
S02020 per unit of sampling time in the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to the duration of the sampling effort in the given matrix. 2017-03-10
S045 per unit time by the 2006-04-06
S046 per unit time in the 2006-04-06
S047 per unit time per unit area of the 2006-04-06
S048 per unit time per unit biomass in the 2006-04-06
S063 per unit time per unit mass of protein in the 2023-12-05
S049 per unit time per unit volume of the 2006-04-06
S050 per unit time per unit volume of wet 2006-04-06
S051 per unit time, light and volume of the 2006-04-06
S052 per unit volume of 2006-04-06
S053 per unit volume of the 2006-04-06
S060 per unit weight of 2010-12-01
S054 per unit wet volume of 2006-04-06
S055 per unit wet weight of 2006-04-06
S056 per unspecified length of the 2006-04-06
S02037 to the 2023-04-21
S02027 within a given area of the The measured phenomenon is reported relative to an area of the sphere of interest. 2018-03-27