http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S06/current/S0600015/1/ |
Within Vocab |
BODC parameter semantic model parameter entity names |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
The longest horizontal dimension of an object |
Date |
2006-02-17T11:19:39 |
Identifier |
SDN:S06::S0600015 |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
S0600015 |
version |
1 |
Same As
QUDT concepts
http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Length |
S01:S014 |
parameter entity |
Length maximum of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:MXLN8957 |
Length maximum of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) |
| P01:MUM13236 |
Length maximum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
| P01:MUM13013 |
Length maximum of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) |
| P01:MXLN6728 |
Length maximum of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) |
| P01:MUM13015 |
Length maximum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
| P01:MLLEN002 |
Length maximum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
| P01:MXLN9243 |
Length maximum of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) |
| P01:MLLEN004 |
Length maximum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
| P01:MNLN8957 |
Length mean of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) |
| P01:MALN6728 |
Length mean of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) |
| P01:MALN9243 |
Length mean of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) |
Length minimum of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:MUM13235 |
Length minimum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
| P01:MUM13012 |
Length minimum of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) |
| P01:MNLN6728 |
Length minimum of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) |
| P01:MUM13014 |
Length minimum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
| P01:MLLEN001 |
Length minimum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
| P01:MLLEN003 |
Length minimum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
| P01:BLENOX60 |
Length of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) |
| P01:BLENOX03 |
Length of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
| P01:BLENOX04 |
Length of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
| P01:BLENOX01 |
Length of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
| P01:BLENOX06 |
Length of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
| P01:BLENOX11 |
Length of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Length of Appendicularia (Class) (ITIS: 159664: WoRMS 146421) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX15 |
Length of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:CAPLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: carapace] |
| P01:SPCLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: culmen] |
| P01:SPHLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: head] |
| P01:LFSLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: leaf sheath] |
| P01:LEFLEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: leaves] |
| P01:DML1XX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: mantle] {DML} |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: shell] |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: starfish arm] |
| P01:STILEN01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: stipe] |
| P01:SPTLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: tarsus] |
| P01:SPWLXX01 |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subcomponent: wings] |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subgroup: fresh] |
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [Subgroup: preserved] |
| P01:BLENOX58 |
Length of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) |
| P01:BLENOX18 |
Length of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
| P01:BLENOX57 |
Length of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) |
| P01:BLENOX19 |
Length of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
| P01:BLENOX07 |
Length of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
| P01:BLENOX33 |
Length of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
| P01:BLENOX36 |
Length of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
| P01:BLENX005 |
Length of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) |
| P01:BLENX004 |
Length of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) |
Length of Chaetognatha (ITIS: 158650: WoRMS 2081) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX59 |
Length of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) |
| P01:BLENOX22 |
Length of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
| P01:BLENOX21 |
Length of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Length of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX20 |
Length of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
| P01:BLENOX35 |
Length of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
| P01:BLENOX12 |
Length of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
| P01:BLENOX37 |
Length of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Length of Decapoda (ITIS: 95599: WoRMS 1130) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX40 |
Length of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Length of Doliolida (ITIS: 159637: WoRMS 137212) by optical microscopy |
Length of Echinodermata (ITIS: 156857: WoRMS 1806) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
Length of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) by optical microscopy |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX25 |
Length of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
| P01:BLENOX26 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
| P01:MUM13237 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: female] |
| P01:MUM13238 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: male] |
| P01:BLENOX30 |
Length of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Length of Gastropoda (ITIS: 69459: WoRMS 101) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX14 |
Length of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
| P01:BLENOX05 |
Length of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
| P01:BLENX003 |
Length of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) |
Length of Hydrozoa (ITIS: 48739: WoRMS 1337) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX02 |
Length of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
| P01:BLENOX34 |
Length of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
| P01:BLENOX38 |
Length of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
| P01:BLENOX39 |
Length of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
| P01:BLENOX13 |
Length of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
| P01:BLENOX43 |
Length of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
| P01:BLENOX45 |
Length of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
| P01:BLENOX49 |
Length of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
| P01:BLENX002 |
Length of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) |
| P01:BLENOX29 |
Length of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
| P01:BLENOX10 |
Length of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
| P01:BLENOX46 |
Length of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
| P01:BLENX006 |
Length of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) |
| P01:BLEN3538 |
Length of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) |
| P01:BLEN3539 |
Length of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) |
| P01:BLEN6660 |
Length of Nassarius reticulatus (ITIS: 74123: WoRMS 140513) |
| P01:BLENX007 |
Length of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Length of Ostracoda (ITIS: 84195: WoRMS 1078) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX08 |
Length of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
| P01:BLENX008 |
Length of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
| P01:BLENOX50 |
Length of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
| P01:BLENOX17 |
Length of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
| P01:BLENOX47 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
| P01:MUM13017 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female] |
| P01:MUM13018 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male] |
| P01:BLENOX48 |
Length of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
| P01:BLENOX44 |
Length of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
| P01:BLENOX28 |
Length of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
| P01:BLENOX27 |
Length of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Length of Polychaeta (ITIS: 914166: WoRMS 883) by optical microscopy |
| P01:LPO08263 |
Length of Posidonia oceanica (ITIS: 897411: WoRMS 145794) [Subcomponent: leaves] {leaf length} |
| P01:BLENX001 |
Length of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) |
Length of sampling track by computation using the haversine formula |
| P01:BLENOX23 |
Length of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
| P01:BLENOX52 |
Length of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
| P01:SPLGXX01 |
Length of single particle |
Length of Siphonophora (ITIS: 51268: WoRMS 254409) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLENOX56 |
Length of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) |
| P01:BLENOX09 |
Length of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
| P01:BLENOX24 |
Length of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
| P01:BLEN1234 |
Length of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
| P01:BLENOX54 |
Length of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
| P01:BLENOX41 |
Length of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
| P01:BLENOX42 |
Length of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
| P01:BLENOX51 |
Length of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
| P01:BLENOX53 |
Length of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
| P01:BLENOX55 |
Length of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
| P01:BLENOX31 |
Length of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
| P01:BLENOX32 |
Length of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
| P01:BLENOX16 |
Length of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
| P01:BLEN6621 |
Length of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
| P01:BLSDOX03 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
| P01:BLSDOX04 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
| P01:BLSDOX01 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
| P01:BLSDOX06 |
Length standard deviation of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
| P01:BLSDOX11 |
Length standard deviation of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Length standard deviation of Appendicularia (Class) (ITIS: 159664: WoRMS 146421) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX15 |
Length standard deviation of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Length standard deviation of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:BLSDOX18 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
| P01:BLSDOX19 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
| P01:BLSDOX07 |
Length standard deviation of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
| P01:BLSDOX33 |
Length standard deviation of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
| P01:BLSDOX36 |
Length standard deviation of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
| P01:BLSDX005 |
Length standard deviation of Cerastoderma glaucum (ITIS: 205619: WoRMS 138999) |
| P01:BLSDX004 |
Length standard deviation of Cercopagis pengoi (ITIS: 684625: WoRMS 234025) |
Length standard deviation of Chaetognatha (ITIS: 158650: WoRMS 2081) by optical microscopy |
| P01:SDLN8957 |
Length standard deviation of Chamelea gallina (ITIS: 205649: WoRMS 141907) |
| P01:BLSDOX22 |
Length standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
| P01:BLSDOX21 |
Length standard deviation of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Length standard deviation of Copepoda (ITIS: 85257: WoRMS 1080) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX20 |
Length standard deviation of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
| P01:BLSDOX35 |
Length standard deviation of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
| P01:BLSDOX12 |
Length standard deviation of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
| P01:BLSDOX37 |
Length standard deviation of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Length standard deviation of Decapoda (ITIS: 95599: WoRMS 1130) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX40 |
Length standard deviation of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Length standard deviation of Doliolida (ITIS: 159637: WoRMS 137212) by optical microscopy |
Length standard deviation of Echinodermata (ITIS: 156857: WoRMS 1806) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
Length standard deviation of Euphausiidae (ITIS: 95500: WoRMS 110671) [Stage: nauplii] by optical microscopy |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX25 |
Length standard deviation of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
| P01:BLSDOX26 |
Length standard deviation of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
| P01:BLSDOX30 |
Length standard deviation of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Length standard deviation of Gastropoda (ITIS: 69459: WoRMS 101) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX14 |
Length standard deviation of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
| P01:BLSDOX05 |
Length standard deviation of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
| P01:BLSDX003 |
Length standard deviation of Hediste diversicolor (ITIS: 65991: WoRMS 152302) |
Length standard deviation of Hydrozoa (ITIS: 48739: WoRMS 1337) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX02 |
Length standard deviation of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
| P01:BLSDOX34 |
Length standard deviation of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
| P01:BLSDOX38 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
| P01:BLSDOX39 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
| P01:BLSDOX13 |
Length standard deviation of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
| P01:BLSDOX43 |
Length standard deviation of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
| P01:BLSDOX45 |
Length standard deviation of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
| P01:BLSDOX49 |
Length standard deviation of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
| P01:BLSDX002 |
Length standard deviation of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) |
| P01:BLSDOX29 |
Length standard deviation of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
| P01:BLSDOX10 |
Length standard deviation of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
| P01:BLSDOX46 |
Length standard deviation of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
| P01:BLSDX006 |
Length standard deviation of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) |
| P01:MUM13223 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) |
| P01:SDLN6728 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus galloprovincialis (ITIS: 79456: WoRMS 140481) |
| P01:BLENSD29 |
Length standard deviation of Mytilus trossulus (ITIS: 567928: WoRMS 140482) |
| P01:BLSDX007 |
Length standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Length standard deviation of Ostracoda (ITIS: 84195: WoRMS 1078) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX08 |
Length standard deviation of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
| P01:BLSDX008 |
Length standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
| P01:BLSDOX50 |
Length standard deviation of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
| P01:BLSDOX17 |
Length standard deviation of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
| P01:BLSDOX47 |
Length standard deviation of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
| P01:BLSDOX48 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
| P01:BLSDOX44 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
| P01:BLSDOX28 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
| P01:BLSDOX27 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Length standard deviation of Polychaeta (ITIS: 914166: WoRMS 883) by optical microscopy |
| P01:SDLN9243 |
Length standard deviation of Ruditapes philippinarum (WoRMS 231750) |
| P01:BLSDX001 |
Length standard deviation of Saduria entomon (ITIS: 92646: WoRMS 119034) |
| P01:BLSDOX23 |
Length standard deviation of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
| P01:BLSDOX52 |
Length standard deviation of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
Length standard deviation of Siphonophora (ITIS: 51268: WoRMS 254409) by optical microscopy |
| P01:BLSDOX09 |
Length standard deviation of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
| P01:BLSDOX24 |
Length standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
| P01:SDEN1234 |
Length standard deviation of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
| P01:BLSDOX54 |
Length standard deviation of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
| P01:BLSDOX41 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
| P01:BLSDOX42 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
| P01:BLSDOX51 |
Length standard deviation of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
| P01:BLSDOX53 |
Length standard deviation of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
| P01:BLSDOX55 |
Length standard deviation of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
| P01:BLSDOX31 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
| P01:BLSDOX32 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
| P01:BLSDOX16 |
Length standard deviation of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
| P01:MLLEN005 |
Length standard deviation of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |