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MEDATLAS Parameter Usage Vocabulary

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
DMTW 1,3-1,4dimethylbenzene water Concentration of 1,3-dimethylbenzene and 1,4-dimethylbenzene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
CUPH 14C PRODUCTION FILTER UNSPECIF Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per hour by particulate matter of unknown size contained in a unit volume of a water body 2009-05-14
CUPW 14C PRODUCTION FILTER UNSPECIF Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per day by particulate matter of unknown size contained in a unit volume of a water body 2009-05-14
C4UW 14C PRODUCTION/10 MICRON FILT. Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per day by particulate matter with size >10 um contained in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-08
C2UW 14C PRODUCTION/2 MICRON FILT. Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per day by particulate matter with size >2 um contained in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-08
C1UW 14C UPTAKE 0.2-1 MICRON Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per day by particulate matter with size between 0.2 and 1 um contained in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-08
BFUP 19'BUTANOYLOXYFUCOXANTHINE The mass of 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
HFUP 19'HEXANOYLOXYFUCOXANTHINE The mass of 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
NOPW 4-nonylphenol in water body Concentration of 4-nonylphenol (branched isomers) per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
ABB3 ABUNDANCE BIO PER VOL IN SED The number of an identified biological object described elsewhere in the metadata occurring in a given volume of sediment 2017-02-07
ABB2 ABUNDANCE OF BIO PER AREA The number of an identified biological object described elsewhere in the metadata occurring in a given area of the seabed 2017-03-14
ABB1 ABUNDANCE OF BIO PER VOLUME The number of an identified biological object described elsewhere in the metadata occurring in a given volume of any body of salt or fresh water 2017-02-07
EENG ABUNDANCE OF ENGRAULIS EGGS Number of Engraulis (ITIS: 161827: WoRMS 125724) [Stage: eggs] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
LENG ABUNDANCE OF ENGRAULIS LARVAE Number of Engraulis (ITIS: 161827: WoRMS 125724) [Stage: larvae] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
EFIS ABUNDANCE OF FISH EGGS Number of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
LFIS ABUNDANCE OF FISH LARVAE Number of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
ESAR ABUNDANCE OF SARDINE EGGS Number of Sardina (ITIS: 161812: WoRMS 125720) [Stage: eggs] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
LSAR ABUNDANCE OF SARDINE LARVAE Number of Sardina (ITIS: 161812: WoRMS 125720) [Stage: larvae] per unit volume of the water body 2024-11-29
MALF AL FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental aluminium in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
ALKW ALKALINITY Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of acid-neutralising bases per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
ALKY ALKALINITY Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of acid-neutralising bases per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
AXAP ALLOXANTHINE Mass of alloxanthin pigment per unit volume of the water column 2008-11-19
ABCP ALPHA BETA CAROTENES The total mass of all variants of alpha and beta carotene per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
AACP ALPHA-CAROTENE Concentration of ALPHA-CAROTENE {Alpha-carotene CAS 432-70-2} pigment per unit volume of the water column 2018-01-15
AMON AMMONIUM (NH4-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of ammonium per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
AMOW AMMONIUM (NH4-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of ammonium per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
NHRW AMMONIUM REGENERATION The quantity (number of moles) of ammonium excreted per unit volume of a water body per unit time. 2009-06-13
NHUW AMMONIUM UPTAKE The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of dissolved ammonium taken up by the particulate phase in unit volume of the water column in unit time. Referred to as regenerated production. 2009-04-14
AMOP AMONIUM IN SEDIMENT PORE WATER The concentration of NH4 determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
ANXW ANTHERAXANTHIN Mass of antheraxanthin per unit volume of the water body 2016-06-13
ATMP ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Force per unit area exerted by the atmosphere as measured at an unspecified distance above sea level 2008-11-19
ATMS ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE - SEA LEV Force per unit area exerted by the atmosphere as measured at sea level 2008-11-19
ATPT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TENDENCY The average rate at which atmospheric pressure increases during the period of the observation 2011-01-26
NFAW AUTOTROPHIC NANOFLAGELLATES The number of cells identified as nanoflagellates (cells 2-20 microns with flagella) able to obtain energy by photosynthesis per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-28
VHZA AVER ZERO CROSSING WAVE HEIGHT Zero-crossing wave height mean of waves {mean Hz} on the water body. 2019-05-03
VTZA AVER ZERO CROSSING WAVE PERIOD Avergae of the zero crossing intervals as obtained by dividing the record duration by the numer of times the water elevation crosses the mean record level in one direction. 2009-04-14
VAVH AVER. HEIGHT HIGHEST 1/3 WAVE The average peak to trough height of the highest 1/3 of waves measured during a recording burst 2008-02-06
VAVT AVER. PERIOD HIGHEST 1/3 WAVE The average period of the highest 1/3 of waves measured during a recording burst 2008-02-06
NAVG AVERAGED DATA CYCLE NUMBER Number of values included in the determination of a statistic such as an average 2009-05-28
ACES Acenaphthylene in sediment Concentration of acenaphthylene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
ACEW Acenaphthylene in water body Concentration of acenaphthylene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
AGSX Ag IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
AG63 Ag<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MALP Al IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental aluminium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MALS Al IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental aluminium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
AL63 Al<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
ALUW Aluminium in water body Concentration of aluminium per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
AMSE Ammonium in sediment Concentration of ammonium per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
ANTB Anthracene in biota Concentration of anthracene per unit dry weight of biota Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2016-09-28
ANTS Anthracene in sediment Concentration of anthracene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
ANTW Anthracene in water body Concentration of anthracene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
ARSW Arsenic in water body Concentration of arsenic per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
ASSX As IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
UPTS BACT. PROD. STANDARD DEVIATION The standard deviation of the rate at which thymidine is taken from solution during incubation of a water sample. 2009-04-08
BCMW BACTERIAL BIOMASS IN SEA WATER The mass of carbon contained in cells identified as bacteria occurring per unit volume of a water body 2009-01-08
UPTH BACTERIAL PRODUCTION(THYM. UP) The rate at which thymidine is taken from solution during incubation of a water sample. This is taken as a proxy for bacterial production. 2009-04-08
BCHA BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL-A Concentration of bacteriochlorophyll-a {bchl-a CAS 17499-98-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >GF/F phase] by filtration, methanol extraction and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2021-05-03
BATH BATHYMETRIC DEPTH The distance between sea surface and sea bed measured from the sea surface at a particular instant in space and time. 2008-10-20
BEAR BEARING AWAY FROM INSTRUMENT Bearing (from fixed reference point) by Trimble GPS. 2019-05-03
WBFO BEAUFORT WIND FORCE Speed of wind {wind speed} in the atmosphere by visual estimation and conversion to Beaufort scale. 2019-05-03
BBCP BETA-CAROTENE Concentration of BETA-CAROTENE {Beta-carotene CAS 7235-40-7} pigment per unit volume of the water column 2018-01-15
TB25 BLUE LIGHT TRANSMISSION 25CM The proportion of transmitted blue light that passes through 25cm of a water body. 2009-10-01
MBAP Ba IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental barium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MBAS Ba IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental barium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
BAAS Benz(a)anthracene in sediment Concentration of benz(a)anthracene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
BAAW Benz(a)anthracene in water Concentration of benz(a)anthracene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
BENW Benzene in water body Concentration of benzene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
BAPS Benzo(a)pyrene in sediment Concentration of benzo(a)pyrene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
BAPW Benzo(a)pyrene in water body Concentration of benzo(a)pyrene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
BBFW Benzo(b)fluoranthene in water Concentration of benzo(b)fluoranthene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-29
BBFS Benzo(b)fluoranthene sediment Concentration of benzo(b)fluoranthene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
BGHW Benzo(g,h,i)perylene in water Concentration of benzo(g,h,i)perylene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-29
BGHS Benzo(g,h,i)perylene sediment Concentration of benzo(g,h,i)perylene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
BKFW Benzo(k)fluoranthene in water Concentration of benzo(k)fluoranthene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
BKFS Benzo(k)fluoranthene sediment Concentration of benzo(k)fluoranthene per unit dry weight of sediment <63um 2016-09-28
BISX Bi IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
BI63 Bi<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
ETYW Bis(ethylhexyl)phthalate water Concentration of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MBRS Br IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental bromine per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
CBDF C BIOMASS OF DINOFLAGELLATES Carbon biomass of Dinoflagellates (ITIS: 9873: WoRMS 19542) per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopy and abundance to carbon conversion 2021-04-29
CBNC C BIOMASS OF NAKED CILIATES Carbon biomass of aloricate organisms 2021-04-29
GLUC CARBOHYDRATE The mass of all carbohydrates in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2009-05-12
CBIO CARBON BIOMASS OF BIO ENTITY The carbon biomass -calculated from the cell counts using literature conversion factors- of an unspecified biological entity in a given volume of any body of salt or fresh water 2017-02-07
CBCI CARBON BIOMASS OF CILIATEA Carbon biomass of Ciliatea per unit volume of the water body 2021-11-18
CBTN CARBON BIOMASS OF TINTINNINA Carbon biomass of Tintinnina (ITIS: 46620: WoRMS 150200) per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopy and abundance to carbon conversion 2021-04-29
CO3P CARBONATES CONTENT The mass of carbonate (CO3) per unit mass of suspended particulate material. 2008-10-20
CODW CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND Quantity of oxygen required to oxidize all dissolved oxidizable chemical material contained in a unit volume of a water body. 2009-01-09
CH1P CHL-A(LESS DIVINYLCHL-A) The mass of all types of chlorophyll-a except divinyl chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CH2P CHL-B(LESS DIVINYLCHL-B) The mass of all types of chlorophyll-b except divinyl chlorophyll-b per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CH1T CHLOROPHYLL TOTAL The mass of all types of chlorophyll per unit mass of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CPH6 CHLOROPHYLL-A <3 MICRON Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >GF/F phase and <3um] 2014-06-04
CPH7 CHLOROPHYLL-A >3 <10 MICRON Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >3um and <10um] 2016-06-13
CPH5 CHLOROPHYLL-A >3 <20 MICRON Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >3um and <20um] 2014-06-04
CPH1 CHLOROPHYLL-A TOTAL The mass of all variants of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. Includes measurements made by instruments unable to resolve chorophyll-a types and the sum of HPLC chlorophyll-a types. 2008-12-10
CPHL CHLOROPHYLL-A TOTAL The mass of all variants of chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. Includes measurements made by instruments unable to resolve chorophyll-a types and the sum of HPLC chlorophyll-a types. 2008-10-20
CHAF CHLOROPHYLL-A VERTICAL FLUX Mass of all forms of chlorophyll-a in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time 2009-01-08
CPH4 CHLOROPHYLL-A/10 MICRON FILTER Mass of all types of chlorophyll-a pigment per unit volume of the water column contained in plant material retained on a 10um filter 2008-11-19
CPH2 CHLOROPHYLL-A/2 MICRON FILTER Mass of all types of chlorophyll-a pigment per unit volume of the water column contained in plant material retained on a 2um filter 2008-11-19
CPH3 CHLOROPHYLL-A/20 MICRON FILTER Mass of all types of chlorophyll-a pigment per unit volume of the water column contained in plant material retained on a 20um filter 2008-11-19
CHLB CHLOROPHYLL-B TOTAL Mass of all types of chlorophyll-b pigment per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CHLC CHLOROPHYLL-C TOTAL Mass of all types of chlorophyll-c pigment per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CHCZ CHLOROPHYLL-C1+C2 Mass of chlorophyll-c1 plus mass of chlorophyll-c2 per unit volume of the water column 2008-11-19
CHC3 CHLOROPHYLL-C3 Mass of chlorophyll-c3 pigment per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CHLT CHLOROPHYLL-TOTAL The mass of all types of chlorophyll per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-01-08
CIDA CHLOROPHYLLIDE A Concentration of chlorophyllide-a {CAS 14897-06-4} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >GF/F phase] by filtration, acetone extraction and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2021-05-03
CLAY CLAY IN THE SEDIMENT Proportion of particles in a sediment sample that are in the Wentworth clay size fraction (size less than 4um) 2009-01-16
FCO2 CO2 FUGACITY Fugacity (partial pressure corrected for non-ideality of gases) of carbon dioxide in air that is in equilibrium with a seawater sample. 2009-05-26
XCO2 CO2 MOLE FRACTION IN DRY GAS The number of moles of carbon dioxide per mole of an equilibrated air sample containing no water vapour. 2009-05-29
PCO2 CO2 PART. PRES IN DRY/WET GAS The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air in equilibrium with a water sample 2009-05-28
C363 CO3<63um IN DRY WGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
COPF COCCOLITHOPHORIDAE PPC FLUX Mass of carbon contained in cells identified as coccolithophorids settling through unit area of a water body in unit time. 2009-05-27
CDO2 COLORED DISS. ORGANIC MATTER Raw signal (counts) of instrument output by linear-response CDOM fluorometer 2021-05-03
CDOM COLORED DISS. ORGANIC MATTER The amount of coloured organic compounds (sometimes called yellow substance or gelbstoff) dissolved in a specified amount of water from any body of fresh or salt water. 2011-11-25
OCNT COUNT OF BIOLOGICAL ENTITY The number of an identified biological object described elsewhere in the metadata in the sample or observation. 2017-03-27
CXAP CROCOXANTHIN Concentration of CROCOXANTHIN {Crocoxanthin CAS 21284-10-6} pigment per unit volume of the water column 2018-01-15
MCUF CU FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental copper in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
EWCS CURRENT EAST STD. DEVIATION Standard deviation of the speed of Eulerian current flow towards due east. 2009-04-14
EWCT CURRENT EAST COMPONENT Speed of Eulerian current flow towards due east. 2008-10-20
NSCT CURRENT NORTH COMPONENT Speed of Eulerian current flow towards true north. 2008-10-20
NSCS CURRENT NORTH STD. DEVIATION Standard deviation of the speed of Eulerian current flow towards true north. 2009-04-14
HCSS CURRENT SPEED STD DEV The standard deviation of Eulerian flow in a body of water. 2010-03-15
MCAP Ca IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental calcium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MCAS Ca IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental calcium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
CA63 Ca<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CADB Cadmium in biota Concentration of cadmium per unit dry weight of biota Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2016-09-29
CADS Cadmium in sediment Concentration of cadmium per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
CADW Cadmium in water body Concentration of cadmium per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
PCOW Carbon dioxide in water The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the water body by equilibration with air 2016-09-28
CDSX Cd IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
CD45 Cd<0.4/0.45um IN WATER BODY Dissolved cadmium in a water sample filtered through a 0.4um or 0.45um pore filter. 2015-01-15
CD63 Cd<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CD40 Cd>0.4/0.45um IN WATER BODY Particulate cadmium collected from a water sample by filtering through a 0.4um or 0.45um pore filter. 2015-01-15
MCES Ce IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental cerium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
CE63 Ce<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CHLS Chlorine IN DRY WGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
CHAS Chlorophyll-a in sediment Concentration of chlorophyll-a per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
CROW Chromium in water body Concentration of chromium per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
CHRS Chrysene in sediment Concentration of chrysene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
CRYW Chrysene in water body Concentration of chrysene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MCLP Cl IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental chlorine per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
COSX Co IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
CO63 Co<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
IRON Concentration of total iron per unit volume of the water body 2020-07-15
COPS Copper in sediment Concentration of copper per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
MCRS Cr IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental chromium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
CR63 Cr<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CSSX Cs IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
CS63 Cs<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MCUS Cu IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental copper per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
CU63 Cu<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CDFW DARK FIXATION Mass of dissolved inorganic carbon taken up per day by particulate matter contained in a unit volume of a water body in the dark 2009-01-08
DAYX DAY WITHIN MONTH A digit from 1 through 28, 29, 30 or 31 representing the number of whole days that have elapsed within a calendar month plus one. 2009-04-26
C13D DELTA 13C (13C/12C) The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample 13/12 ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 13C in the carbon held in particles of all sizes in the water column. 2009-05-12
N15D DELTA 15N (15N/14N) The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample 15/14 ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 15N in the nitorgen held in particles of all sizes in a water body. 2009-05-26
HELD DELTA HELIUM 3 The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 3He in the helium dissolved in the water column. 2009-04-08
SIGT DENSITY (Sigma-t) Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm 2023-04-19
DENS DENSITY (Sigma-theta) Density anomaly (sample density in kgm-3 minus 1000) of a water sample at surface pressure assuming that it has been raised to the surface adiabatically. 2009-01-09
DPS1 DEPTH BELOW BOTTOM-LOWER LIMIT The maximum distance between part of a sample and the seabed such as the distance between the base of a core segment and the top of a core. 2009-06-13
DPSF DEPTH BELOW SEA FLOOR The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the floor of a water body. 2008-10-20
DEPH DEPTH BELOW SEA SURFACE The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface. 2008-10-20
VMNL DEPTH OF THE DEEPEST TROUGH Wave level minimum of waves on the water body. 2019-05-03
DEEX DEUTERIUM EXCESS Excess enrichment (with respect to 18O) of deuterium (in water molecules) {2H CAS 7782-39-0} in the water body by calculation from 18O and 2H enrichment 2021-01-14
DEWT DEW POINT TEMPERATURE The temperature to which air must cool to become saturated with water vapour 2008-11-19
DXAP DIADINOXANTHINE Mass of diadinoxanthin pigment per unit volume of the water column 2008-11-19
DIPF DIATOMS PPC FLUX Mass of carbon contained in cells identified as members of Division Bacillariophyta settling through unit area of a water body in unit time. 2009-01-09
TXAP DIATOXANTHINE The mass of diatoxanthin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
IC13 DIC DELTA-13C The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample 13/12 ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 13C in the inorganic carbon dissolved in the water column. 2009-05-12
DICP DIC IN SEDIMENT PORE WATER The concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
DFPF DINOFLAGELLATES PPC FLUX Mass of carbon contained in cells identified as members of Division Pyrrophycophyta settling through unit area of a water body in unit time. 2009-01-09
VPSP DIR. SPREADING AT WAVE PEAK The angle over which the most energetic waves are dispersed. 2010-09-23
DRVA DIRECTION OF RADIAL VECTOR Direction (towards) of water current (Eulerian measurement) in the water body by directional range-gated radar. 2019-05-03
HCDT DIRECTION REL. TRUE NORTH The direction towards which Eulerian current in the water column is flowing relative to true north. 2008-10-20
TPAW DISS. TRIPHOSPHATE ADENOSINE The mass of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
ETHW DISSOLVED 234 TH ACT. ERROR Experimental error in the determination of the number of disintegrations of 234Th nucleii dissolved in unit volume of a water body per unit time 2009-01-09
TH4W DISSOLVED 234TH Number of disintegrations of 234Th nucleii dissolved in unit volume of a water body per unit time. 2009-01-09
CL4W DISSOLVED C-TETRACHLORIDE Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of tetrachloromethane {carbon tetrachloride or CCl4} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
MCDW DISSOLVED CADMIUM (Cd) Mass of dissolved cadmium per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
CO2W DISSOLVED CARBON DIOXYD (CO2) The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of inorganic carbon (i.e. carbonate and bicarbonate) dissolved per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
CF1W DISSOLVED CFC11 Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of trichlorofluoromethane {freon-11 or CFC-11} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
CE1W DISSOLVED CFC11 ERROR Observational error in the quantity (i.e. number of moles) of trichlorofluoromethane {freon-11 or CFC-11} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-11-19
CF3W DISSOLVED CFC113 Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane {freon-113 or CFC-113} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
CE3W DISSOLVED CFC113 ERROR Observational error of the quantity (i.e. number of moles) of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane {freon-113 or CFC-113} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-11-19
CF2W DISSOLVED CFC12 Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of dichlorodifluoromethane {freon-12 or CFC-12} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
CE2W DISSOLVED CFC12 ERROR Observational error of the quantity (i.e. number of moles) of dichlorodifluoromethane {freon-12 or CFC-12} per unit mass of the water column. 2008-11-19
MCOW DISSOLVED COBALT (Co) Mass of dissolved cobalt per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
MCU2 DISSOLVED COPPER (Cu) Mass of dissolved copper per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
MCUW DISSOLVED COPPER (Cu) The quantity (number of moles) of copper in solution per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
HELW DISSOLVED HELIUM Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of helium gas dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
HEEW DISSOLVED HELIUM ERROR Observational error of the quantity (i.e. number of moles) of helium gas dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2009-04-06
TINW DISSOLVED INORGANIC NITROGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of inorganic nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen not in carbon compounds) dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
MPBW DISSOLVED LEAD (Pb) Mass of dissolved lead per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
NEOW DISSOLVED NEON Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of neon gas dissolved per unit mass of the water column.. 2008-10-20
NEEW DISSOLVED NEON ERROR Observational error of the quantity (i.e. number of moles) of neon gas dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2009-04-06
MNI2 DISSOLVED NICKEL (Ni) Mass of dissolved nickel per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
MNIW DISSOLVED NICKEL (Ni) The quantity (number of moles) of nickel in solution per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
CORG DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate or bicarbonate molecules) dissolved per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
NODW DISSOLVED ORGANIC NITROGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in componds containing carbon atoms)dissolved per unit mass of the water column.. 2008-10-20
NORG DISSOLVED ORGANIC NITROGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in componds containing carbon atoms) dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
DOPW DISSOLVED ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in carbon compounds) dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-14
PODW DISSOLVED ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in compounds containing carbon atoms) dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
DOX1 DISSOLVED OXYGEN Volume of oxygen dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
DOX2 DISSOLVED OXYGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of oxygen dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
DOXY DISSOLVED OXYGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of oxygen dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
MAGW DISSOLVED SILVER (Ag) Mass of dissolved silver per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
TRIW DISSOLVED TRITIUM The number of atoms of 3H per 1018 atoms of 1H in the dissolved phase of the water column 2009-08-03
TREW DISSOLVED TRITIUM ERROR The error in a measurement of the number of atoms of 3H per 1018 atoms of 1H in the dissolved phase of the water column 2009-08-03
MZNW DISSOLVED ZINC (Zn) Mass of dissolved zinc per unit volume of the water body. 2016-06-13
CHAD DIVINYL CHLOROPHYLL-A The mass of divinyl chlorophyll-a per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
CHBD DIVINYL-CHLOROPHYLL-B The mass of divinyl chlorophyll-b per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
DOCP DOC IN SEDIMENT PORE WATER The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
DRYT DRY BULB TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the atmosphere 2008-11-19
DBIO DRY WEIGHT BIOMASS OF ENTITY The mass lost on ignition of an identified biological object described elsewhere in the metadata occurring in a given area of the seabed 2017-03-14
DRDD DURATION (DAYS) The amount of time that has elapsed between the beginning and end of an event of interest. 2009-04-08
DBAW Dibenzo(ah)anthracene in water Concentration of dibenzo(a,h)anthracene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
DBAS Dibenzo(ah)anthracene sediment Concentration of dibenzo(a,h)anthracene per unit dry weight of sediment <2000um 2016-09-28
DYSX Dy IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
DY63 Dy<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
CNDC ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY The degree to which electricity flows through unit length of a water body. 2009-01-09
CN02 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY 2 Electrical conductivity of the water body by in-situ conductivity cell (second sensor). 2020-11-05
ETDD ELLAPSED TIME The amount of time passed since an unspecified origin 2009-04-06
CHAE EPIMERE CHLOROPHYLL-A The mass of chlorophyll-a epimer per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
VEMH ESTIMATED MAXIMUM WAVE HEIGHT Wave height maximum of waves on the water body by visual estimation. 2019-05-03
ERSX Er IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
ER63 Er<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
ETBW Ethylbenzene in water body Concentration of ethylbenzene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
EUSX Eu IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
EU63 Eu<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MFEF FE FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental iron in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
FLPF FLAGELLATES PPC FLUX Mass of carbon contained in cells with flagella settling through unit area of a water body in unit time. 2009-05-27
FLU1 FLUORESCENCE The voltage output from a fluorometer deployed in the water column. 2009-04-06
FLU2 FLUORESCENCE The amount of radiation generated in the water column in response to higher energy radiation transmission expressed as pigment concentration based on a nominal calibration. 2009-04-06
FLU3 FLUORESCENCE The amount of radiation generated in the water column in response to higher energy radiation transmission expressed relative to the amount generated by that pulse in a standard solution of fluorescein. 2009-04-06
FLUO FLUORESCENCE The amount of radiation generated in the water column in response to higher energy radiation transmission expressed relative to an unspecified baseline. 2009-04-06
FUCP FUCOXANTHINE Mass of fucoxanthin pigment per unit volume of the water column 2008-11-19
FESP Fe IN SUSPENDED MATTER Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of elemental iron per unit mass of suspended particulate material. 2016-06-13
MFEP Fe IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental iron per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MFES Fe IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental iron per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
FE63 Fe<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
FLRS Fluoranthene in sediment Concentration of fluoranthene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
FLRW Fluoranthene in water body Concentration of fluoranthene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
FLUS Fluorene in sediment Concentration of fluorene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
FLUW Fluorene in water body Concentration of fluorene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
VGTA GENERIC AVERAGE WAVE PERIOD Period mean of waves on the water body. 2019-05-03
VGHS GENERIC SIGNIF. WAVE HEIGHT Significant wave height of waves {Hs} on the water body. 2019-05-03
GDIR GUST WIND DIRECTION The direction from which a gust event (generally regarded as an increase over sustained speed of more than 5 m/s lasting less than 20 seconds) is blowing 2010-03-15
GSPD GUST WIND SPEED Maximum speed of the wind (distance moved per unit time by a parcel of air) parallel to the ground during a gust event (generally regarded as an increase over sustained speed of more than 5 m/s lasting less than 20 seconds) 2008-11-10
GASX Ga IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
GA63 Ga<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
GDSX Gd IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
GD63 Gd<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
ALTS HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL The physical distance above elevation of the surface of the sea averaged over a long period to eliminate variations caused by tides 2011-01-26
HEDW HELIUM DEV. OF ISOTOPIC RATIO Standard deviation of replicate measurements of the isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 3He in the helium dissolved in a water body. 2009-05-26
HEDE HELIUM ISOTOPIC RATIO ERROR Experimental error in measurements of the isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 3He in the helium dissolved in a water body. 2009-05-26
NFHW HETEROTROPHIC NANOFLAGELLATES The number of cells identified as nanoflagellates (cells 2-20 microns with flagella) unable to obtain energy by photosynthesis per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-28
HNAC HIGH NUCLEIC ACID CONTENT Abundance of bacteria (ITIS: 202421: WoRMS 6) [Subgroup: high nucleic acid cell content] 2021-03-08
HCSP HORIZONTAL CURRENT SPEED The speed of Eulerian flow in the water column. 2008-10-20
WSPD HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED Sustained speed of the wind (distance moved per unit time by a parcel of air) parallel to the ground at a given place and time. 2008-11-10
HSUL HYDROGEN SULPHIDE (H2S) Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of hydrogen sulphide {H2S} dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
HXC1 Hexachlorobiphenyl128 sediment Concentration of 2,2',3,3',4,4'-hexachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
HXC2 Hexachlorobiphenyl138 sediment Concentration of 2,2',3,4,4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
HXC3 Hexachlorobiphenyl153 sediment Concentration of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
HXC4 Hexachlorobiphenyl156 sediment Concentration of 2,3,3',4,4',5-hexachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
HFSX Hf IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
HF63 Hf<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
HGSX Hg IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
HOSX Ho IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
HO63 Ho<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MIIS I IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental iodine per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
LGH5 IMMERGED/SURF IRRADIANCE RATIO Ratio of downwelling PAR irradiance at depth divided by downwelling PAR irradiance just below the surface determined from downwelling PAR in air using the protocol of Morel (1978) expressed as percentage. 2009-04-26
ISMP INORGANIC SUSPENDED MATTER The mass of non-combustible suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2009-04-08
IODI IODINE The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of elemental iodine per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
OXIR ISOTOPIC RATIO O18/O16 The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample 18/16 ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 18O in oxygen dissolved in a water body. 2009-05-26
IDPW Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene in water Concentration of indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
INDE Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene sediment Concentration of indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
INCS Inorganic carbon in sediment Concentration of inorganic carbon per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
CJDY JULIAN DATE (CHRONOLOGICAL) The time elapsed in days from 00:00 on January 1st 4713 BC. 2017-08-11
MKKP K IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental potassium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MKKS K IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental potassium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
LATX LATITUDE The angular distance north or south from the equator, measured along the meridian of the point of interest. 2009-04-08
LTUW LEUCINE UPTAKE RATE The rate at which leucine is taken from solution during incubation of a water sample. This is taken as a proxy for bacterial production. 2009-04-08
TUR2 LIGHT ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT The rate per unit length at which the intensity of a radiation decreases when transmitted through the water column. 2009-04-06
LGH3 LIGHT IRRADIANCE CORRECTED PAR Quantity of visible light photons per unit are per unit time travelling vertically downwards in the water column corrected for variations in water column surface illumination. 2009-04-26
LGHT LIGHT IRRADIANCE IMMERGED PAR Quantity of visible light photons per unit are per unit time travelling vertically downwards in the water column. 2009-04-26
LGH4 LIGHT IRRADIANCE SURFACE PAR Quantity of visible light photons per unit are per unit time travelling vertically downwards in the atmosphere. 2009-04-26
LSCT LIGHT SCATTERING The proportion of light lost between a transmitter and a receiver due to the process of scattering (haphazard deflection of photons due to collisions with particles) 2009-08-03
TUR3 LIGHT TRANSMISSION The proportion of transmitted radiation reaching a receiver after passing through an unspecified length of the water column. 2009-04-06
LIPI LIPIDS IN THE WATER COLUMN Mass of lipids (fat-like substances characterized by their insolubility in water and solubility in organic solvents) per unit volume of a water body in particles of any size. 2009-05-26
LSIC LITHOGENIC CONTENT The proportion of terrestrially-derived material contined in the suspended particulate material of a water body 2009-06-13
LTHF LITHOGENIC FRACTION FLUX Mass of terrestrially-derived material in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-06-13
LINC LONG-WAVE INCOMING RADIATION The electromagnetic radiation energy arriving at the Earth's surface with a wavelength greater than visible light. 2009-04-08
LONX LONGITUDE The angular distance east or west east or west of Greenwich to the point of interest. 2009-04-08
LUTW LUTEIN Mass of lutein per unit volume of the water body 2016-06-13
MLAS La IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental lanthanum per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
LA63 La<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
LHFL Latent heat flux from the water body Quantity of energy per unit area per unit time exchanged between the water body and the atmosphere when evaporation or condensation occurs. Positive from ocean to the atmosphere 2024-12-11
LEAB Lead in biota Concentration of lead per unit dry weight of biota Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2016-09-28
LEAS Lead in sediment Concentration of lead per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
LEAW Lead in water body Concentration of lead per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
LISX Li IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
LI63 Li<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
LUSX Lu IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
LU63 Lu<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MAXD MAX. DEPTH BELOW SEA SURFACE The maximum distance between an underwater sampling or measuring activity and the sea surface 2017-02-07
VZMX MAXI ZERO CROSSING WAVE HEIGHT The largest peak to trough height determined by zero crossing analysis of the demeaned wave elevation recording burst 2008-02-06
VCMX MAXIMUM CREST TO TROUGH WAVE HEIGHT The maximum vertical distance between a wave crest and the immediately preceding or following trough during a specified obervation period. Dataset metadata should include the obervation period and whether the convention is to use preceding or following troughs. 2008-03-14
VMXL MAXIMUM WAVE LEVEL The maximum zero crossing crest amplitude observed in a record 2008-03-14
VTMX MAXIMUM WAVE PERIOD Zero-crossing period maximum of waves on the water body. 2019-05-03
VST1 MAXIMUM WAVE STEEPNESS Wave steepness maximum of waves on the water body. 2019-05-03
MSMP MEAN SPHERIC DIAM. MEDIAN The average diameter of spherical geometric approximations to the most abundant size class of suspended particulate material in the water column 2009-08-03
MSDP MEAN SPHERIC DIAM. OF PARTICLE The average diameter of spherical geometric approximations to suspended particulate material in the water column 2009-08-03
MSZW MESOZOOPLANCTON DRY WEIGHT The mass of the dried remains of planktonic animals sized between 200 and 2000 microns collected from a unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-26
MSBO MESOZOOPLANKTON ASH-FREE DRY W The mass of material volatalised by ignition to temperatures exceeding 400C contained in mesozooplankton (animals ranging in size in size from approximately 0.2-20mm) within a given colume of a water body 2011-07-01
MEHG METHYLMERCURY CONTENT Concentration of methylmercury cation {CH3Hg+ CAS 22967-92-6} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.4/0.45um phase] 2021-05-03
MIND MIN. DEPTH BELOW SEA SURFACE The minimum distance between an underwater sampling or measuring activity and the sea surface 2017-02-07
MMNF MN FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental manganese in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
MOLW MOLYBDENUM IN WATER BODY Concentration of molybdenum {Mo CAS 7439-98-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate <unknown phase] 2021-05-13
MNTH MONTH A digit from 1 through 12 representing the months of the Gregorian calendar from January through December. 2009-04-26
VMDR Mean direction in spectrum of waves from which waves are coming relative to True North Direction (from) mean of waves {mean wave direction} on the water body by computation from 1st order Fourier coefficients of directional distribution of energy, A1 and B1 2018-06-05
METW Methylbenzene in water body Concentration of methylbenzene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MMGP Mg IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental magnesium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MMGS Mg IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental magnersium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
MG63 Mg<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MMNP Mn IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental manganese per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MNSP Mn IN SUSPENDED MATTER Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of elemental manganese per unit mass of suspended particulate material. 2016-06-13
MMNS Mn IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental manganese per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
MN63 Mn<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MMOS Mo IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental molybdenum per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
MO63 Mo<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MOFL Momentum flux of wind on the water body Transference of energy per unit area per unit time from the wind to the water body, also known as wind stress or shear stress of the wind. Positive from atmosphere to ocean 2024-12-11
N63X N<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
HBAW NB OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA The number of cells identified as bacteria unable to obtain energy by photosynthesis per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-26
NEXW NEOXANTHIN Mass of neoxanthin per unit volume of the water body 2016-06-13
NRAD NET TOTAL INCOMING RADIATION Net vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (longwave + shortwave) {Net total radiation} in the atmosphere. 2019-05-03
NTAW NITRATE (NO3-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrate dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTRA NITRATE (NO3-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrate dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTRZ NITRATE + NITRITE CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrate+nitrite dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTZW NITRATE + NITRITE CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrate+nitrite dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTAP NITRATE IN SEDIMENT PORE WATER The concentration of NO3 determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
NOUW NITRATE UPTAKE The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of dissolved nitrate taken up by the particulate phase in unit volume of the water column in unit time. Referred to as new production. 2009-04-14
NORW NITRIFICATION The quantity (number of moles) of ammonium removed by oxidation from a unit volume of a water body per unit time. 2009-06-13
NTIW NITRITE (NO2-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrite dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTRI NITRITE (NO2-N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of nitrite dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
NTIP NITRITE IN SEDIMENT PORE WATER The concentration of NO2 determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
NIUW NITROGEN UPTAKE (FIXATION) The rate at which nitogen gas is incorporated into the particulate phase of a water body 2011-01-17
BCCS NUMBER OF BACTERIA IN SEDIMENT The number of cells identified as bacteria occurring per unit volume of sediment 2009-01-08
COPP NUMBER OF COPEPODS The number of animals identified as members of subclass Copepoda living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
CYAF NUMBER OF CYANOBACTERIA Number of cells identified as cyanobacteria per millilitre of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
NNEF NUMBER OF NANOEUKARYOTES Number of cells identified as nanoeukaryotes per millilitre of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
NPKF NUMBER OF NANOPROKARYOTES Number of cells identified as nanoprokaryotes unit volume of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
NUMP NUMBER OF PARTICLES 3-80UM The number of particles in the 3-80 micron size class in a sample of suspended particals 2009-08-03
NUMN NUMBER OF PARTICLES >0.7UM The number of particles in the >7 micron size class in a sample of suspended particles. 2009-09-18
NUNM NUMBER OF PARTICLES >=480UM The number of particles in the >=480 micron size class in a sample of suspended particles 2009-08-03
PCEF NUMBER OF PICOEUKARYOTES Number of cells identified as picoeukaryotes per unit volume of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
PPKF NUMBER OF PICOPROKARYOTES Number of cells identified as picoprokaryotes per unit volume of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
PRCF NUMBER OF PROCHLOROCOCCUS Number of cells identified as Prochlorococcus per unit volume of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
BCCW NUMBER OF SW BACTERIA The number of cells identified as bacteria occurring per unit volume of a water body 2009-01-08
CICW NUMBER OF SW CILIATES The number of cells identified as members of Class Ciliatea living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
COCW NUMBER OF SW COCCOLITHOPHORIDS The number of cells identified as coccolithophorids living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-05-27
CRSW NUMBER OF SW CRYPTOPHYCEAE Abundance of Cryptophyceae (ITIS: 10598: WoRMS 17639) per unit volume of the water body by flow cytometry 2021-05-03
DTCW NUMBER OF SW DIATOMS The number of cells identified as members of Division Bacillariophyta living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
DFCW NUMBER OF SW DINOFLAGELLATES The number of cells identified as members of Division Pyrrophycophyta living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
DINW NUMBER OF SW DYNOPHYSIS The number of cells identified as members of Genus Dinophysis living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
GYRW NUMBER OF SW GYRODINIUM The number of cells identified as members of Genus Gyrodinium living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
NCSW NUMBER OF SW NAKED CILIATES Abundance of aloricate organisms per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopy 2021-05-03
NFCW NUMBER OF SW NANOFLAGELLATES The number of cells identified as nanoflagellates (cells 2-20 microns with flagella) per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-28
PCEW NUMBER OF SW PICOEUCARYOTES The number of cells identified as picoeukaryote (cells sized 0.2 to 2 microns containing a nucleus) per unit volume of a body of water. 2016-05-24
PRCW NUMBER OF SW PROCHLOROCOCCUS The number of cells identified as members of Genus Prochlorococcus living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-05-27
SNCW NUMBER OF SW SYNECHOCOCCUS The number of cells identified as members of Genus Synechococcus living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-05-27
TISW NUMBER OF SW TINTINNINA Abundance of Tintinnina (ITIS: 46620: WoRMS 732976) per unit volume of the water body by optical microscopy 2021-05-03
SNCF NUMBER OF SYNECHOCOCCUS Number of cells identified as Synechococcus per unit volume of the water body measured by flow cytometry. 2016-06-13
MNAS Na IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental sodium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
NAPS Naphthalene in sediment Concentration of naphthalene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
NAPW Naphthalene in water body Concentration of naphthalene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MNBS Nb IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental niobium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
MNDS Nd IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental neodynium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
ND63 Nd<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
NISX Ni IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
MNIS Ni IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental nickel per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
NIKS Nickel in sediment Concentration of nickel per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
NIKW Nickel in water body Concentration of nickel per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
NTR1 Nitrate in sediment Concentration of nitrate per unit volume of the sediment pore water [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.4/0.45um phase] 2016-09-28
NTRS Nitrite in sediment Concentration of nitrite per unit volume of the sediment pore water [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.4/0.45um phase] 2016-09-28
NITS Nitrogen in sediment Concentration of nitrogen per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
O18E O18 ENRICHMENT Enrichment of oxygen-18 in water molecules {18O in H2O CAS 14797-71-8} {delta(18)O} in the water body by cavity ring-down spectrometry 2021-01-14
SLEV OBSERVED SEA LEVEL The elevation of the sea surface relative to a fixed, stable reference point. 2017-12-08
OPAP OPAL CONTENT The mass of hydrated silica of biogenic origin per unit mass of suspended particulate matter 2009-06-13
TOMP ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT Mass of organic material (material comprised from carbon compounds other than carbonate) per unit mass of dry sediment. 2009-06-13
OSMP ORGANIC SUSPENDED MATTER The mass of combustible suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2009-04-08
OSAT OXYGEN SATURATION The concentration of dissolved oxygen expressed as a proportion of the oxygen concentration in water that is in equilibrium with the atmosphere. 2009-04-08
DOCS Organic carbon DOC in sediment Concentration of organic carbon {DOC} per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
OCCN Organic carbon in sediment Concentration of organic carbon per unit dry weight of sediment by acidification and elemental analysis 2016-09-28
ONIS Organic nitrogen in sediment Concentration of organic nitrogen per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
MPPP P IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental phosphorus per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MPPS P IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental phosphorus per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
LGH2 PAR ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT Average visible light attenuation coefficient between surface and depth of measurement (sometimes called the extinction coefficient) given by K = [log(surface PAR irradiance) - log (underwater PAR irradiance at depth of measurement)]/10. 2009-12-20
SIOF PART. BIOGENIC Si FLUX Mass of elemental silicon in biogenic silica (opal) in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-06-13
CO3F PART. CaCO3 FLUX Mass of calcium carbonate in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time 2009-01-08
POCF PART. ORGANIC CARBON FLUX The mass of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate or bicarbonate molecules) passing through unit area of the water column per unit time 2008-10-20
OMMF PART. ORGANIC MATTER FLUX Mass of organic material (material comprised from carbon compounds other than carbonate) in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-06-13
PP1P PART. ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS (P) Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in carbon compounds) in suspended particulate material per unit mass of the water column. 2009-04-14
CHTF PART. TOTAL CARBOHYDRATES FLUX Mass of all carbohydrates in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time 2009-05-12
TCCF PART. TOTAL CARBON FLUX The mass of total carbon (i.e. carbon in any chemical form) passing through unit area of the water column per unit time 2008-10-20
TNNF PART. TOTAL NITROGEN FLUX Mass of nitrogen in all chemical forms in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-06-13
ETHP PARTICULATE 234 TH ACT. ERROR Experimental error in the determination of the number of disintegrations of 234Th nucleii in the particulate material of any size suspended in unit volume of a water body per unit time 2009-01-09
TH4P PARTICULATE 234TH ACTIVTY Number of disintegrations of 234Th nucleii in the particulate material of any size suspended in unit volume of a water body per unit time 2009-01-09
PICP PARTICULATE INORGANIC CARBON Concentration of inorganic carbon per unit volume of the water body, filtration and method unknown. 2014-06-30
PC1P PARTICULATE ORGANIC CARBON/POC The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate or bicarbonate molecules) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
POCP PARTICULATE ORGANIC CARBON/POC The mass of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate or bicarbonate molecules) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
PN1P PARTICULATE ORGANIC NITROGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in compounds containing carbon atoms) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
PONP PARTICULATE ORGANIC NITROGEN Mass of organic nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in compounds containing carbon atoms) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
SLCP PARTICULATE ORGANIC SILICA(SI) The quantity (number of moles) of silicon in biogenic silica (opal) contained in particles of any size per unit volume of the water column 2009-06-13
MPBF PB FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental lead in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
PERP PERIDININE The mass of peridinin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2009-04-08
VTZM PERIOD OF THE HIGHEST WAVE Period at maximum recorded height of waves {THmax} on the water body. 2019-05-03
PHPH PH Minus the log of the hydrogen ion concentration (moles per litre) in the water column. 2008-10-20
PHE6 PHAEOPHYTIN <3 MICRON Concentration of phaeophytin group pigments per unit volume of the water body [particulate >GF/F phase and <3um] 2014-06-04
PHE3 PHAEOPHYTIN >20 MICRON Concentration of phaeophytin group pigments per unit volume of the water body [particulate >20um] 2014-06-04
PHE5 PHAEOPHYTIN >3 <20 MICRON Concentration of phaeophytin group pigments per unit volume of the water body [particulate >3um and <20um] 2014-06-04
PHTF PHAEOPIGMENTS VERTICAL FLUX Mass of phaeopigments in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-14
PHEP PHEOPHORBIDE A Concentration of PHEOPHORBIDE A {Pheophorbide A CAS 15664-29-6} pigment per unit volume of the water column 2018-01-15
PHEA PHEOPHYTIN-A The mass of all variants of phaeophytin-a per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
PHEB PHEOPHYTIN-B The mass of all variants of phaeophytin-b per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
PHEC PHEOPHYTIN-C The mass of all variants of phaeophytin-c per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
PHE4 PHEOPHYTINE / 10 MICRON FILTER Mass of phaeophytin per unit volume of the water column contained in plant material retained on a 10um filter. 2009-04-08
PHE2 PHEOPHYTINE / 2 MICRON FILTER Mass of phaeophytin per unit volume of the water column contained in plant material retained on a 2um filter. 2009-04-08
PHOS PHOSPHATE (PO4-P) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of phosphate dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
PHOW PHOSPHATE (PO4-P) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of phosphate dissolved per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
PHOP PHOSPHATE IN SEDIMT PORE WATER The concentration of NH4 determined in a sample of water extracted from or overlying a sediment sample. 2010-11-08
PHSP PHOSPHORUS IN SUSP. MATT. Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of elemental phosphorus in suspended particulate material per unit mass of the water body. 2016-06-13
PHCW PHYTOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE The number of cells identified as phytoplankton (planktonic cells able to obtain energy by photosynthesis) per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-26
HEAD PLAT. HEADING REL. TRUE NORTH The magnetically-corrected compass direction towards which a structure bearing sensors or sampling devices is pointing. 2009-04-08
SO4O PORE WATER SULFATE The quantity of sulphate ions per unit volume of water extracted from an unconsolidated sediment sample. 2009-05-26
PO63 PORG<63um in DRY W. SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte (organic phosphorus) per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
PETD POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION The amount of moisture, expressed as equivalent depth of water, which, if available, would be removed from a given land area by the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration. 2009-06-13
PSAL PRACTICAL SALINITY The quantity of dissolved ions (predominantly salt in seawater) expressed on a scale (PSS-78) based on the conductivity ratio of a seawater sample to a standard KCl solution. 2008-10-20
PS02 PRACTICAL SALINITY 2 Practical salinity of the water body by conductivity cell (second sensor) and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm. 2020-11-05
PXAP PRASINOXANTHINE The mass of prasinoxanthin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
PRRD PRECIPITATION RATE The depth of water accumulating per unit time from any form of precipitation (rain, snow, hail) from the atmosphere. 2009-04-08
PRRT PRECIPITATION RATE The depth of water accumulating per unit time from any form of precipitation (rain, snow, hail) from the atmosphere. 2009-04-08
TIDE PREDICTED SEA LEVEL The predicted elevation of the tide component of sea surface relative to a fixed, stable reference point 2023-09-28
PRAB PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF ENTITY Statement of whether a biological entity (identified elsewhere in the data or metadata) is present (1) or absent (0) 2017-02-07
PROT PROTEIN The mass of protein (compounds made up of amino acids linked by peptide bonds) contained in particulate material of any size per unit volume of a water body. 2009-05-26
PTZF PROTOZOA PPC FLUX Mass of carbon contained in cells identified as members of Kingdom Protozoa settling through unit area of a water body in unit time. 2009-05-27
PT63 PTOT<63um in DRY W. SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte(total phosphorus) per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MPBS Pb IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental lead per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
PB45 Pb<0.4/0.45um IN WATER BODY Dissolved lead in a water sample filtered through a 0.4um or 0.45um pore filter. 2015-01-15
PB63 Pb<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
PB40 Pb>0.4/0.45um IN WATER BODY Particulate lead collected from a water sample by filtering through a 0.4um or 0.45um pore filter. 2015-01-15
PENW Pentachlorobiphenyl in water Concentration of pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB118) per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
PTC1 Pentachlorobiphenyl101 in sed. Concentration of 2,2',4,5,5'-pentachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
PTC2 Pentachlorobiphenyl118 in sed. Concentration of 2,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
PCPW Pentachlorophenol in water Concentration of pentachlorophenol per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-29
VM01 Period (at first spectral moment) of waves on the water body Estimate of wave period (m0/m1) corresponding to the mean frequency of the spectrum 2018-06-05
PHAS Phaeopigments in sediment Concentration of phaeopigments per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
PHES Phenanthrene in sediment Concentration of phenanthrene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
PHEW Phenanthrene in water body Concentration of phenanthrene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
PHSS Phosphate in sediment Concentration of phosphate per unit volume of the sediment pore water [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.4/0.45um phase] 2016-09-28
PRSX Pr IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
PR63 Pr<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
PYRS Pyrene in sediment Concentration of pyrene per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
PYRW Pyrene in water body Concentration of pyrene per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] 2016-09-28
RDVA RADIAL SEAWATER VELOCITY Speed of water current (Eulerian measurement) in the water body by directional range-gated radar. 2019-05-03
RNGE RANGE AWAY FROM INSTRUMENT Range (from fixed reference point) by unspecified GPS system. 2019-05-03
TR10 RED LIGHT TRANSMISSION 10CM The proportion of transmitted red light that passes through 10cm of a water body. 2009-10-01
TR25 RED LIGHT TRANSMISSION 25CM The proportion of transmitted red light that passes through 25cm of a water body. 2009-10-01
REDS REDOX POTENTIAL The tendency of sediment pore water to either gain or lose electrons when it is subject to change by introduction of a new species 2009-08-03
RELH RELATIVE HUMIDITY The ratio of the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapour that can theoretically be held at the air's temperature 2008-11-04
SLVR RESIDUAL (OBS-PRED SEA LEVEL) The difference between the observed and predicted distances between the sea surface and an unspecified datum. 2009-09-18
RVFL RIVER FLOW RATE The volume of water passing a given point in the course of a river per unit time. 2009-08-03
MRBS Rb IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental rubidium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
RB63 Rb<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
SSXX S IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
MSSP S IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental sulphur per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
SSAL SALINITY (PRE-1978 DEFN) The mass of sodium chloride dissolved per unit mass of the water column (definition prior to introduction of PSS-78 Practical Salinity Scale). 2009-04-14
SACC SALINITY ACCURACY Estimate of the deviation of salinity measurements from the true value 2009-05-26
VOLF SAMPLE VOLUME BY FLOW METER The volume of water filtered by a sampling device during its deployment computed by integration of the volume of water passing through the instrument per unit time 2017-02-07
SAND SAND IN THE SEDIMENT Proportion of particles in a sediment sample that are in the Wentworth sand size fraction (size between 63um and 2mm) 2009-01-16
PRES SEA PRESSURE sea surface=0 The force per unit area exerted by the water column at a point within it. 2008-10-20
TE01 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE02 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE03 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE04 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE05 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE06 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE07 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE08 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE09 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE10 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE11 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TE12 SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
TEMP SEA TEMPERATURE The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales. 2008-10-20
SECC SECCHI DISK DEPTH The depth below the surface of a water body at which a standardised black and white disk becomes visible as it is raised vertically from depth 2012-01-10
AMIS SEDIMENT AMINO-ACIDS Mass of all amino acids (organic compounds containing at least one amine group plus at least one carboxyllic acid group) per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
SIOS SEDIMENT BIOGENIC SiO2 The mass of hydrated silica of biogenic origin per unit mass of dry sediment 2009-06-13
CHTS SEDIMENT CARBOHYDRATES Mass of all carbohydrates per unit mass of sediment. 2009-05-12
CO3S SEDIMENT CARBONATES The mass of carbonate (CO3) per unit mass of bed sediment 2008-10-20
LIPS SEDIMENT LIPIDS Mass of lipids (fat-like substances characterized by their insolubility in water and solubility in organic solvents) per unit mass of dry sediment. 2009-05-26
PHNS SEDIMENT PHENOLS Mass of phenols (aromatic hydrocarbons bound to at least one hydroxyl group) per unit mass of dry sediment. 2009-06-13
TCCS SEDIMENT TOTAL CARBON The mass of total carbon (i.e. carbon in any chemical form) per unit mass of bed sediment 2008-10-20
TNNS SEDIMENT TOTAL NITROGEN Mass of nitrogen in all chemical forms per unit mass of dry sediment. 2009-06-13
TOCS SEDIMENT TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON The mass of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate or bicarbonate molecules) per unit mass of bed sediment 2008-10-20
SINC SHORT-WAVE INCOMING RADIATION Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (solar wavelengths) in the atmosphere. 2019-05-03
SAMA SIGNAL RETURN AMPLITUDE The magnitude of the signal transmitted by an acoustic current meter returned to the instrument due to acoustic backscatter in the water column. 2009-09-18
VTDH SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT Significant wave height as estimated by the Tucker Draper method (Draper L. (1963) Proc. Instn> Civ. Engnrs. 26 291-304. 2009-04-14
SLCA SILICATE (SIO4-SI) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of silicate dissolved per unit volume of the water column.. 2008-10-20
SLCW SILICATE (SIO4-SI) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of silicate dissolved per unit mass of the water column.. 2008-10-20
SILT SILT IN THE SEDIMENT Proportion of particles in a sediment sample that are in the Wentworth silt size fraction (size between 4 and 63um) 2009-01-16
SVEL SOUND VELOCITY The rate at which sound travels through the water column. 2009-04-06
VSMC SPECT. MOMENT(0,2) WAVE PERIOD Estimate of mean wave period from (m0/m2) of wave spectrum collected using an accelerometer mounted in a waverider buoy 2010-09-23
VHM0 SPECTRAL SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT HM0 Significant wave height approximated as four times the square root of the first moment of the wave power spectrum 2008-03-14
CHSD STD deviation chlorophyll-a Concentration standard deviation of chlorophyll-a per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-29
OCSD STD deviation organic carbon Concentration standard deviation of organic carbon per unit dry weight of sediment by acidification and elemental analysis 2016-09-28
ONSD STD deviation organic nitrogen Concentration standard deviation of organic nitrogen per unit dry weight of sediment by elemental analysis 2016-09-28
TCSD STD deviation total carbon Concentration standard deviation of total carbon per unit dry weight of sediment by no acidification and elemental analysis 2016-09-28
ABED SURFACE SAMPLED OR OBSERVED The area of the seabed or shore observed or sampled - such as the area of a box core 2017-02-07
SWDR SWELL DIRECTION REL TRUE N. Direction from which swell is coming relative to True North. 2009-04-14
SWHT SWELL HEIGHT Height of the dominant swell above still water level. 2009-04-14
SWPR SWELL PERIOD Period between successive swell maxima. 2009-04-14
SBSX Sb IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
SB63 Sb<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MSCS Sc IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental scandium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
SC63 Sc<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
SHFL Sensible heat flux from the water body Quantity of heat transferred from water to air per unit area per unit time caused by the difference in temperature between the water body and the atmosphere. Positive from ocean to the atmosphere 2024-12-11
MSIP Si IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental silicon per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MSIS Si IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental silicon per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
SI63 Si<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
SLC1 Silicate in sediment Concentration of silicate per unit volume of the sediment pore water [dissolved plus reactive particulate <0.4/0.45um phase] 2016-09-28
SMSX Sm IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
SM63 Sm<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
SNSX Sn IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
SN63 Sn<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MSRS Sr IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental strontium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
SR63 Sr<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
STYW Styrene in water body Concentration of styrene per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
PHTX TEMPERATURE OF PH MEASUREMENT Temperature of pH determination 2022-09-30
ZNTH TILT OF MEASUREMENT PLATFORM The angle between true vertical and the vertical axis of the framework to which one or more sensors are attached 2009-08-03
TIME TIME WITHIN DAY Time elapsed between 00:00 UT on the date of the event of interest and that event. 2009-04-26
TCO2 TOTAL CARBON DIOXYD (CO2) DEPRECATED The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of inorganic carbon (i.e. carbonate and bicarbonate) dissolved per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
TDPW TOTAL DISSOLVED PHOSPHORUS Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of total phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in all chemical forms) dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-14
TDSW TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLID The mass of solid material obtained by evaporating the filtrate of a given volume of any body of fresh or salt water to dryness after filtration through a 1.5um filter. 2017-08-11
RDIN TOTAL INCIDENT RADIATION Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (longwave + shortwave) {Total radiation} in the atmosphere. 2019-05-03
TICW TOTAL INORGANIC CARBON The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of inorganic carbon (i.e. carbonate and bicarbonate) dissolved per unit mass of the water column 2008-10-20
TSMF TOTAL MASS FLUX The mass of particulate material settling through unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
NTOT TOTAL NITROGEN (N) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of total nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in all chemical forms) per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
TOCW TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of organic carbon (i.e. carbon not in carbonate and bicarbonate molecules) both dissolved and in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
TPCW TOTAL PARTICULATE CARBON The mass of total carbon (i.e. carbon in any chemical form) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column 2008-10-20
NT1P TOTAL PARTICULATE NITROGEN Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of total nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in any chemical form) in suspended particulate material per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
PTNP TOTAL PARTICULATE NITROGEN Mass of total nitrogen (i.e. nitrogen in all chemical forms) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
PT1P TOTAL PARTICULATE PHOSPHORUS Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of total phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in all chemical forms) in suspended particulate material per unit mass of the water column. 2008-10-20
PTPP TOTAL PARTICULATE PHOSPHORUS Mass of total phosphorus (i.e.phosphorus in all chemical forms) in suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
MAGP TOTAL PARTICULATE SILVER Mass of total silver (i.e. silver in any chemical form) in particulate material per unit mass of the water column. 2016-06-13
TPHP TOTAL PHAEOPIGMENTS The mass of all types of phaeopigment contained in particles of all sizes per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
PHTP TOTAL PHEOPHYTINE Mass of phaeophytin per unit volume of the water column contained in particles of any size. 2009-04-08
TPHS TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (P) CONTENT Quantity (i.e. number of moles) of total phosphorus (i.e. phosphorus in all chemical forms) per unit volume of the water column. 2008-10-20
EPMP TOTAL SUSP. PART. MATTER/ESTER Mass of suspended particulate matter per unit volume of a water body that are trapped on a cellulose ester filter 2009-05-26
GPMP TOTAL SUSP. PART. MATTER/GLASS Mass of suspended particulate matter per unit volume of a water body that are trapprd on a GF/F filter 2009-05-27
TSMP TOTAL SUSPENDED MATTER The mass of suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
TUR4 TURBIDITY Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver 2009-04-06
TUR5 TURBIDITY Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver 2009-04-06
TUR6 TURBIDITY Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver 2009-04-06
TBSX Tb IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
TB63 Tb<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
TETW Tetrachlorobiphenyl in water Concentration of tetrachlorobiphenyl per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
TETS Tetrachlorobiphenyl sediment Concentration of 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
MTHS Th IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental thorium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
OXDE The isotopic enrichment of 2H in the hydrogen of water molecules The isotopic enrichment (1000*(sample 2/1 ratio - natural ratio)/(natural ratio)) of 2H in the hydrogen of water molecules in a body of salt or fresh water. 2018-06-20
MTIP Ti IN SUSPENDED MATTER Mass of elemental titanium per unit mass of solid material suspended in the water column 2008-11-19
MTIS Ti IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental titanium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
TLSX Tl IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
TL63 Tl<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
TMSX Tm IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
TM63 Tm<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
TOTS Total carbon in sediment Concentration of total carbon per unit dry weight of sediment by no acidification and elemental analysis 2016-09-28
TICS Total inorganic carbon sedimen Concentration of total inorganic carbon per unit volume of the sediment pore water by centrifugal extraction, filtration, acidification and CO2 quantification by gas analyser 2016-09-28
IROS Total iron in sediment Concentration of total iron per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-29
IROW Total iron in water body Concentration of total iron per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MANW Total manganese in water body Concentration of total manganese per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MERB Total mercury in biota Concentration of total mercury per unit dry weight of biota Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2016-09-28
MERW Total mercury in water body Concentration of total mercury per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
TNIS Total nitrogen in sediment Concentration of total nitrogen {total_N} per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
PETW Total petroleum in water body Concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
TRBB Tributyltin cation in biota Concentration of tributyltin cation per unit wet weight of biota Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2016-09-28
TRCS Trichlorobiphenyl in sediment Concentration of 2,4,4'-trichlorobiphenyl per unit dry weight of sediment 2016-09-28
MUUS U IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental uranium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
U63X U<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
UVCT UPWARD CURRENT VELOCITY The rate at which water moves vertically upwards in a water body 2015-03-30
URAW URANIUM IN WATER BODY Concentration of uranium {U CAS 7440-61-1} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] 2022-04-27
UREA UREA The quantity (i.e. number of moles) of urea dissolved per unit volume of the water column. 2009-04-08
MVVS V IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental vanadium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
V63X V<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
VERR VELOCITY ERROR The estimate of error in a current velocity measurement by acoustic doppler current profiler. 2009-05-26
VCSP VERTICAL CURRENT SPEED The rate at which water flows vertically in the water column. 2009-04-08
VERT VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT The perpendicular distance from a reference point on th Earth's surface at a given instant. 2009-08-03
VIOW VIOLAXANTHIN Mass of violaxanthin per unit volume of the water body 2016-06-13
VIAW VIRUS ABUNDANCE IN SEA WATER The number of organisms identified as viruses living in a unit volume of a water body 2009-01-09
VOCP VOLUME CONC. OF PARTICLES The volume of suspended particulate material per unit volume of a water body. 2009-06-13
VSAM VOLUME SAMPLED OF WATER BODY The volume of the water body from which a sample was collected or in which an observation was made - such as the area swept during a net haul 2017-02-07
VANW Vanadium in water body Concentration of vanadium per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
WO63 W<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte (tungsten) per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
H2OS WATER CONTENT Mass of water per unit mass of dry sediment. 2009-05-28
VDIR WAVE DIRECTION REL. TRUE NORTH Direction from which waves are coming relative to True North. 2009-04-14
VTPK WAVE PEAK PERIOD The period with the maximum wave energy, determined from the wave spectrum. 2008-02-06
VEPK WAVE SPECTRUM PEAK ENERGY Highest energy value in spectrum of waves on the water body. 2010-09-23
VPED WAVE SPECTRUM PEAK ENERGY DIR. Direction towards which the most energetic waves are travelling 2010-09-23
WETT WET BULB TEMPERATURE Wet bulb temperature of the atmosphere. 2019-05-03
WDIR WIND DIRECTION REL. TRUE NORTH Direction relative to true north from which the wind is blowing 2008-11-10
WMSP WIND SPEED - MAX AVER PER 2 MN Maximum windspeed measured during a two-minute period. 2009-05-26
WSPE WIND SPEED EASTWARD COMPONENT Wind velocity blowing towards true east 2008-11-10
WSPN WIND SPEED NORTHWARD COMPONENT Wind velocity blowing towards true north 2008-11-10
WSPU WIND SPEED UPWARD COMPONENT Wind velocity blowing vertically from bottom to top 2023-04-19
WSTE WIND STRESS EAST COMPONENT The force per unit area that wind exerts on the surface of the ocean towards the compass direction of true east 2011-01-26
WSTN WIND STRESS NORTH COMPONENT The force per unit area that wind exerts on the surface of the ocean towards the compass direction of true north 2011-01-26
MYYS Y IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental yttrium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
Y63X Y<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
YEAR YEAR The number of Gregorian calendar years that have elapsed since the birth of Christ. 2009-04-26
YBSX Yb IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight unsieved dry sediment. 2014-11-20
YB63 Yb<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
ZXAP ZEAXANTHINE The mass of zeaxanthin per unit volume of the water column held in particles of any size. 2008-12-10
MZNF ZN FLUX IN SETTLING PARTICLES Mass of elemental zinc in particles of all sizes sinking through a unit area of the water column in unit time. 2009-04-08
ZINS Zinc in sediment Concentration of zinc per unit volume of the sediment pore water 2016-09-28
ZINW Zinc in water body Concentration of zinc per unit volume of the water body 2016-09-28
MZNS Zn IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental zinc per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
ZN63 Zn<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20
MZRS Zr IN THE SEDIMENT Mass of elemental zirconium per unit mass of dry sediment 2008-11-19
ZR63 Zr<63um IN DRY WEIGHT SEDIMENT Weight of the analyte per unit weight dry sediment that passes through a 63um sieve. 2014-11-20