http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/FATM/ |
Within Vocab |
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
Parameters that quantify the size, shape, age and life processes (including mortality) of fish (Osteichthyes, Agnatha and Chrondrichthyes). |
Date |
2018-02-12T14:04:58 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Has Current Version |
6 |
Version |
version |
6 |
inScheme |
http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/scheme/EDMED_DCAT_THEMES/current/ |
P05:002 |
biota |
Mapping: 33437 |
| P04:G837 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Biology > Fish |
Mapping: 511 |
| P03:B020 |
Fish |
Mapping: 2097 |
| D01:D0100001 |
Parameters |
Mapping: 1392581 |
| P22:32 |
Species distribution |
Mapping: 172550 |
| L19:005 |
theme |
Mapping: 206429 |
| C47:IN4_1_1 |
Performance of key predator species |
Mapping: 184778 |
| C47:IN1_3_1 |
Population demographic characteristics |
Mapping: 184694 |
C47:IN4_2_1 |
Large fish proportion |
Mapping: 184945 |
| P01:ACBI6608 |
Activity of acetylcholinesterase {AChE CAS 9000-81-1} per unit time per unit mass of protein in the biota {Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
Mapping: 1766566 |
| P01:ACBI6616 |
Activity of acetylcholinesterase {AChE CAS 9000-81-1} per unit time per unit mass of protein in the biota {Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
Mapping: 1766570 |
| P01:MLLEN011 |
Dry sample weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 550854 |
| P01:MLLEN010 |
Dry sample weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] |
Mapping: 550850 |
| P01:MLLEN007 |
Dry sample weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) [Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 550866 |
| P01:MLLEN006 |
Dry sample weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] |
Mapping: 550862 |
| P01:MLLEN009 |
Dry sample weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) [Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 550874 |
| P01:MLLEN008 |
Dry sample weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue] |
Mapping: 550870 |
| P01:FL01XX01 |
Length (fork length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Mapping: 1616817 |
| P01:SDL1XX01 |
Length (second dorsal length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Mapping: 1616843 |
| P01:SL01XX01 |
Length (Standard Length) of biological entity specified elsewhere {SL} |
Mapping: 868776 |
| P01:TL01XX01 |
Length (total length) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Mapping: 1616855 |
| P01:MUM13236 |
Length maximum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 481490 |
| P01:MUM13015 |
Length maximum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 481414 |
| P01:MLLEN002 |
Length maximum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 550838 |
| P01:MLLEN004 |
Length maximum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 550846 |
| P01:MUM13235 |
Length minimum of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 481486 |
| P01:MUM13014 |
Length minimum of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 481410 |
| P01:MLLEN001 |
Length minimum of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 550834 |
| P01:MLLEN003 |
Length minimum of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 550842 |
| P01:BLENOX60 |
Length of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) |
Mapping: 386842 |
| P01:BLENOX03 |
Length of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
Mapping: 389038 |
| P01:BLENOX04 |
Length of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
Mapping: 389042 |
| P01:BLENOX01 |
Length of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
Mapping: 389030 |
| P01:BLENOX06 |
Length of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
Mapping: 389050 |
| P01:BLENOX11 |
Length of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Mapping: 389218 |
| P01:BLENOX15 |
Length of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Mapping: 389234 |
| P01:BLENOX58 |
Length of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) |
Mapping: 386834 |
| P01:BLENOX18 |
Length of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
Mapping: 389246 |
| P01:BLENOX57 |
Length of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) |
Mapping: 386830 |
| P01:BLENOX19 |
Length of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
Mapping: 389250 |
| P01:BLENOX07 |
Length of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
Mapping: 389054 |
| P01:BLENOX33 |
Length of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
Mapping: 389462 |
| P01:BLENOX36 |
Length of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
Mapping: 389474 |
| P01:BLENOX59 |
Length of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) |
Mapping: 386838 |
| P01:BLENOX22 |
Length of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 389262 |
| P01:BLENOX21 |
Length of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Mapping: 389258 |
| P01:BLENOX20 |
Length of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
Mapping: 389254 |
| P01:BLENOX35 |
Length of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
Mapping: 389470 |
| P01:BLENOX12 |
Length of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
Mapping: 389222 |
| P01:BLENOX37 |
Length of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Mapping: 389478 |
| P01:BLENOX40 |
Length of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Mapping: 389490 |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy |
Mapping: 384398 |
Length of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
Mapping: 389026 |
| P01:BLENOX25 |
Length of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
Mapping: 389274 |
| P01:BLENOX26 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 389278 |
| P01:MUM13237 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: female] |
Mapping: 481494 |
| P01:MUM13238 |
Length of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: male] |
Mapping: 481498 |
| P01:BLENOX30 |
Length of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Mapping: 389450 |
| P01:BLENOX14 |
Length of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
Mapping: 389230 |
| P01:BLENOX05 |
Length of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
Mapping: 389046 |
| P01:BLENOX02 |
Length of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
Mapping: 389034 |
| P01:BLENOX34 |
Length of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
Mapping: 389466 |
| P01:BLENOX38 |
Length of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
Mapping: 389482 |
| P01:BLENOX39 |
Length of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
Mapping: 389486 |
| P01:BLENOX13 |
Length of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
Mapping: 389226 |
| P01:BLENOX43 |
Length of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
Mapping: 389502 |
| P01:BLENOX45 |
Length of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
Mapping: 389510 |
| P01:BLENOX49 |
Length of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
Mapping: 389686 |
| P01:BLENOX29 |
Length of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
Mapping: 389446 |
| P01:BLENOX10 |
Length of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
Mapping: 389214 |
| P01:BLENOX46 |
Length of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
Mapping: 389674 |
| P01:BLENX007 |
Length of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526570 |
| P01:BLENOX08 |
Length of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
Mapping: 389058 |
| P01:BLENX008 |
Length of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526574 |
| P01:BLENOX50 |
Length of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
Mapping: 389690 |
| P01:BLENOX17 |
Length of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
Mapping: 389242 |
| P01:BLENOX47 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 389678 |
| P01:MUM13017 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female] |
Mapping: 481418 |
| P01:MUM13018 |
Length of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male] |
Mapping: 481422 |
| P01:BLENOX48 |
Length of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 389682 |
| P01:BLENOX44 |
Length of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
Mapping: 389506 |
| P01:BLENOX28 |
Length of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
Mapping: 389442 |
| P01:BLENOX27 |
Length of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Mapping: 389282 |
| P01:BLENOX23 |
Length of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
Mapping: 389266 |
| P01:BLENOX52 |
Length of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
Mapping: 389698 |
| P01:BLENOX56 |
Length of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) |
Mapping: 386826 |
| P01:BLENOX09 |
Length of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
Mapping: 389062 |
| P01:BLENOX24 |
Length of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 389270 |
| P01:BLEN1234 |
Length of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
Mapping: 1792058 |
| P01:BLENOX54 |
Length of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
Mapping: 389706 |
| P01:BLENOX41 |
Length of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
Mapping: 389494 |
| P01:BLENOX42 |
Length of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
Mapping: 389498 |
| P01:BLENOX51 |
Length of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
Mapping: 389694 |
| P01:BLENOX53 |
Length of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
Mapping: 389702 |
| P01:BLENOX55 |
Length of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
Mapping: 389710 |
| P01:BLENOX31 |
Length of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
Mapping: 389454 |
| P01:BLENOX32 |
Length of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
Mapping: 389458 |
| P01:BLENOX16 |
Length of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
Mapping: 389238 |
| P01:BLEN6621 |
Length of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 449574 |
| P01:BLSDOX03 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
Mapping: 389726 |
| P01:BLSDOX04 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
Mapping: 389730 |
| P01:BLSDOX01 |
Length standard deviation of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
Mapping: 389718 |
| P01:BLSDOX06 |
Length standard deviation of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
Mapping: 389738 |
| P01:BLSDOX11 |
Length standard deviation of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Mapping: 386530 |
| P01:BLSDOX15 |
Length standard deviation of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Mapping: 386546 |
| P01:BLSDOX18 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
Mapping: 386558 |
| P01:BLSDOX19 |
Length standard deviation of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
Mapping: 386562 |
| P01:BLSDOX07 |
Length standard deviation of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
Mapping: 389742 |
| P01:BLSDOX33 |
Length standard deviation of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
Mapping: 386782 |
| P01:BLSDOX36 |
Length standard deviation of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
Mapping: 386794 |
| P01:BLSDOX22 |
Length standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 386574 |
| P01:BLSDOX21 |
Length standard deviation of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Mapping: 386570 |
| P01:BLSDOX20 |
Length standard deviation of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
Mapping: 386566 |
| P01:BLSDOX35 |
Length standard deviation of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
Mapping: 386790 |
| P01:BLSDOX12 |
Length standard deviation of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
Mapping: 386534 |
| P01:BLSDOX37 |
Length standard deviation of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Mapping: 386798 |
| P01:BLSDOX40 |
Length standard deviation of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Mapping: 386810 |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: eggs] by optical microscopy |
Mapping: 384594 |
Length standard deviation of Fish (WoRMS 11676) [Stage: larvae] by optical microscopy |
Mapping: 389714 |
| P01:BLSDOX25 |
Length standard deviation of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
Mapping: 386750 |
| P01:BLSDOX26 |
Length standard deviation of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 386754 |
| P01:BLSDOX30 |
Length standard deviation of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Mapping: 386770 |
| P01:BLSDOX14 |
Length standard deviation of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
Mapping: 386542 |
| P01:BLSDOX05 |
Length standard deviation of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
Mapping: 389734 |
| P01:BLSDOX02 |
Length standard deviation of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
Mapping: 389722 |
| P01:BLSDOX34 |
Length standard deviation of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
Mapping: 386786 |
| P01:BLSDOX38 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
Mapping: 386802 |
| P01:BLSDOX39 |
Length standard deviation of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
Mapping: 386806 |
| P01:BLSDOX13 |
Length standard deviation of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
Mapping: 386538 |
| P01:BLSDOX43 |
Length standard deviation of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
Mapping: 386642 |
| P01:BLSDOX45 |
Length standard deviation of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
Mapping: 386650 |
| P01:BLSDOX49 |
Length standard deviation of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
Mapping: 386666 |
| P01:BLSDOX29 |
Length standard deviation of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
Mapping: 386766 |
| P01:BLSDOX10 |
Length standard deviation of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
Mapping: 386526 |
| P01:BLSDOX46 |
Length standard deviation of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
Mapping: 386654 |
| P01:BLSDX007 |
Length standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526874 |
| P01:BLSDOX08 |
Length standard deviation of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
Mapping: 386518 |
| P01:BLSDX008 |
Length standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526878 |
| P01:BLSDOX50 |
Length standard deviation of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
Mapping: 386670 |
| P01:BLSDOX17 |
Length standard deviation of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
Mapping: 386554 |
| P01:BLSDOX47 |
Length standard deviation of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 386658 |
| P01:BLSDOX48 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 386662 |
| P01:BLSDOX44 |
Length standard deviation of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
Mapping: 386646 |
| P01:BLSDOX28 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
Mapping: 386762 |
| P01:BLSDOX27 |
Length standard deviation of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Mapping: 386758 |
| P01:BLSDOX23 |
Length standard deviation of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
Mapping: 386578 |
| P01:BLSDOX52 |
Length standard deviation of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
Mapping: 386678 |
| P01:BLSDOX09 |
Length standard deviation of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
Mapping: 386522 |
| P01:BLSDOX24 |
Length standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 386582 |
| P01:SDEN1234 |
Length standard deviation of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
Mapping: 1792859 |
| P01:BLSDOX54 |
Length standard deviation of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
Mapping: 386686 |
| P01:BLSDOX41 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
Mapping: 386814 |
| P01:BLSDOX42 |
Length standard deviation of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
Mapping: 386638 |
| P01:BLSDOX51 |
Length standard deviation of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
Mapping: 386674 |
| P01:BLSDOX53 |
Length standard deviation of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
Mapping: 386682 |
| P01:BLSDOX55 |
Length standard deviation of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
Mapping: 386690 |
| P01:BLSDOX31 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
Mapping: 386774 |
| P01:BLSDOX32 |
Length standard deviation of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
Mapping: 386778 |
| P01:BLSDOX16 |
Length standard deviation of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
Mapping: 386550 |
| P01:MLLEN005 |
Length standard deviation of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 550858 |
| P01:MUM13214 |
Maximum specimen weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 481442 |
| P01:MUM13228 |
Maximum specimen weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 481474 |
| P01:MUM13213 |
Minimum specimen weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 481438 |
| P01:MUM13227 |
Minimum specimen weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 481470 |
| P01:SAGEOX60 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) |
Mapping: 457554 |
| P01:SAGEOX03 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
Mapping: 457566 |
| P01:SAGEOX04 |
Specimen age of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
Mapping: 457570 |
| P01:SAGEOX01 |
Specimen age of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
Mapping: 457558 |
| P01:SAGEOX06 |
Specimen age of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
Mapping: 457578 |
| P01:SAGEOX11 |
Specimen age of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Mapping: 457598 |
| P01:SAGEOX15 |
Specimen age of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Mapping: 457614 |
| P01:SAGEOX58 |
Specimen age of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) |
Mapping: 457546 |
| P01:SAGEOX18 |
Specimen age of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
Mapping: 457626 |
| P01:SAGEOX57 |
Specimen age of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) |
Mapping: 457542 |
| P01:SAGEOX19 |
Specimen age of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
Mapping: 457630 |
| P01:SAGEOX07 |
Specimen age of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
Mapping: 457582 |
| P01:SAGEOX33 |
Specimen age of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
Mapping: 457890 |
| P01:SAGEOX36 |
Specimen age of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
Mapping: 457902 |
| P01:SAGEOX59 |
Specimen age of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) |
Mapping: 457550 |
| P01:SAGEOX22 |
Specimen age of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 457846 |
| P01:SAGEOX21 |
Specimen age of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Mapping: 457638 |
| P01:SAGEOX20 |
Specimen age of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
Mapping: 457634 |
| P01:SAGEOX35 |
Specimen age of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
Mapping: 457898 |
| P01:SAGEOX12 |
Specimen age of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
Mapping: 457602 |
| P01:SAGEOX37 |
Specimen age of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Mapping: 457906 |
| P01:SAGEOX40 |
Specimen age of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Mapping: 457942 |
| P01:SAGEOX25 |
Specimen age of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
Mapping: 457858 |
| P01:SAGEOX26 |
Specimen age of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 457862 |
| P01:SAGEOX30 |
Specimen age of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Mapping: 457878 |
| P01:SAGEOX14 |
Specimen age of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
Mapping: 457610 |
| P01:SAGEOX05 |
Specimen age of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
Mapping: 457574 |
| P01:SAGEOX02 |
Specimen age of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
Mapping: 457562 |
| P01:SAGEOX34 |
Specimen age of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
Mapping: 457894 |
| P01:SAGEOX38 |
Specimen age of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
Mapping: 457934 |
| P01:SAGEOX39 |
Specimen age of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
Mapping: 457938 |
| P01:SAGEOX13 |
Specimen age of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
Mapping: 457606 |
| P01:SAGEOX43 |
Specimen age of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
Mapping: 457954 |
| P01:SAGEOX45 |
Specimen age of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
Mapping: 457962 |
| P01:SAGEOX49 |
Specimen age of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
Mapping: 458222 |
| P01:SAGEOX29 |
Specimen age of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
Mapping: 457874 |
| P01:SAGEOX10 |
Specimen age of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
Mapping: 457594 |
| P01:SAGEOX46 |
Specimen age of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
Mapping: 457966 |
| P01:SAGEX007 |
Specimen age of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526602 |
| P01:SAGEOX08 |
Specimen age of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
Mapping: 457586 |
| P01:SAGEX008 |
Specimen age of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526606 |
| P01:SAGEOX50 |
Specimen age of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
Mapping: 458226 |
| P01:SAGEOX17 |
Specimen age of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
Mapping: 457622 |
| P01:SAGEOX47 |
Specimen age of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 457970 |
| P01:SAGEOX48 |
Specimen age of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 458218 |
| P01:SAGEOX44 |
Specimen age of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
Mapping: 457958 |
| P01:SAGEOX28 |
Specimen age of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
Mapping: 457870 |
| P01:SAGEOX27 |
Specimen age of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Mapping: 457866 |
| P01:SAGEOX23 |
Specimen age of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
Mapping: 457850 |
| P01:SAGEOX52 |
Specimen age of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
Mapping: 457914 |
| P01:SAGEOX56 |
Specimen age of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) |
Mapping: 457538 |
| P01:SAGEOX09 |
Specimen age of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
Mapping: 457590 |
| P01:SAGEOX24 |
Specimen age of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 457854 |
| P01:SAGEOX54 |
Specimen age of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
Mapping: 457922 |
| P01:SAGEOX41 |
Specimen age of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
Mapping: 457946 |
| P01:SAGEOX42 |
Specimen age of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
Mapping: 457950 |
| P01:SAGEOX51 |
Specimen age of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
Mapping: 457910 |
| P01:SAGEOX53 |
Specimen age of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
Mapping: 457918 |
| P01:SAGEOX55 |
Specimen age of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
Mapping: 457926 |
| P01:SAGEOX31 |
Specimen age of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
Mapping: 457882 |
| P01:SAGEOX32 |
Specimen age of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
Mapping: 457886 |
| P01:SAGEOX16 |
Specimen age of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
Mapping: 457618 |
| P01:SAGE6621 |
Specimen age of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 457930 |
| P01:SDGEX022 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 527006 |
| P01:SDGEX007 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526906 |
| P01:SDGEX008 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526910 |
| P01:SDGEX024 |
Specimen age standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 527014 |
| P01:SPWTOX60 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes immaculatus (ITIS: 171675: WoRMS 301925) |
Mapping: 456590 |
| P01:SPWTOX03 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes marinus (ITIS: 171677: WoRMS 126751) |
Mapping: 456602 |
| P01:SPWTOX04 |
Wet weight of Ammodytes tobianus (ITIS: 171676: WoRMS 126752) |
Mapping: 456606 |
| P01:SPWTOX01 |
Wet weight of Ammodytidae (ITIS: 171670: WoRMS 125516) |
Mapping: 456594 |
| P01:SPWTOX06 |
Wet weight of Anguilla anguilla (ITIS: 161128: WoRMS 126281) |
Mapping: 456614 |
| P01:SPWTOX11 |
Wet weight of Aphia minuta (ITIS: 172033: WoRMS 126868) |
Mapping: 456634 |
| P01:SPWTOX15 |
Wet weight of Arnoglossus laterna (ITIS: 172805: WoRMS 127126) |
Mapping: 456650 |
| P01:SPWTOX58 |
Wet weight of Blenniidae (ITIS: 171124: WoRMS 125519) |
Mapping: 456582 |
| P01:SPWTOX18 |
Wet weight of Blennius gattorugine (ITIS: 171132: WoRMS 151487) |
Mapping: 456662 |
| P01:SPWTOX57 |
Wet weight of Blennius ocellaris (ITIS: 171126: WoRMS 126761) |
Mapping: 456578 |
| P01:SPWTOX19 |
Wet weight of Blennius pholis (ITIS: 171139: WoRMS 151485) |
Mapping: 456666 |
| P01:SPWTOX07 |
Wet weight of Buglossidium luteum (ITIS: 173021: WoRMS 127153) |
Mapping: 456618 |
| P01:SPWTOX33 |
Wet weight of Callionymus lyra (ITIS: 171698: WoRMS 126792) |
Mapping: 457226 |
| P01:SPWTOX36 |
Wet weight of Centrolabrus exoletus (ITIS: 170730: WoRMS 126961) |
Mapping: 457238 |
| P01:SPWTOX59 |
Wet weight of Chirolophis ascanii (ITIS: 171571: WoRMS 127071) |
Mapping: 456586 |
| P01:SPWTOX22 |
Wet weight of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 456678 |
| P01:SPWTOX21 |
Wet weight of Clupeidae (ITIS: 161700: WoRMS 125464) |
Mapping: 456674 |
| P01:SPWTOX20 |
Wet weight of Coryphoblennius galerita (ITIS: 171302: WoRMS 126762) |
Mapping: 456670 |
| P01:SPWTOX35 |
Wet weight of Crenilabrus melops (ITIS: 170721: WoRMS 182739) |
Mapping: 457234 |
| P01:SPWTOX12 |
Wet weight of Crystallogobius linearis (ITIS: 171971: WoRMS 126878) |
Mapping: 456638 |
| P01:SPWTOX37 |
Wet weight of Ctenolabrus rupestris (ITIS: 170733: WoRMS 126964) |
Mapping: 457242 |
| P01:SPWTOX40 |
Wet weight of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
Mapping: 457278 |
| P01:SPWTOX25 |
Wet weight of Gadidae (ITIS: 164701: WoRMS 125469) |
Mapping: 456690 |
| P01:SPWTOX26 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 456694 |
| P01:MUM13212 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: female] |
Mapping: 481434 |
| P01:MUM13211 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Sex: male] |
Mapping: 481430 |
| P01:MUM13210 |
Wet weight of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 481426 |
| P01:SPWTOX30 |
Wet weight of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (ITIS: 164766: WoRMS 126457) |
Mapping: 457214 |
| P01:SPWTOX14 |
Wet weight of Gobius (ITIS: 171833: WoRMS 125988) |
Mapping: 456646 |
| P01:SPWTOX05 |
Wet weight of Gymnammodytes semisquamatus (ITIS: 171680: WoRMS 126754) |
Mapping: 456610 |
| P01:SPWTOX02 |
Wet weight of Hyperoplus lanceolatus (ITIS: 171682: WoRMS 126756) |
Mapping: 456598 |
| P01:SPWTOX34 |
Wet weight of Labridae (ITIS: 170477: WoRMS 125541) |
Mapping: 457230 |
| P01:SPWTOX38 |
Wet weight of Labrus bergylta (ITIS: 170737: WoRMS 126965) |
Mapping: 457270 |
| P01:SPWTOX39 |
Wet weight of Labrus mixtus (ITIS: 170739: WoRMS 151501) |
Mapping: 457274 |
| P01:SPWTOX13 |
Wet weight of Lebetus guilleti (ITIS: 172031: WoRMS 126902) |
Mapping: 456642 |
| P01:SPWTOX43 |
Wet weight of Lepadogaster (ITIS: 164475: WoRMS 125781) |
Mapping: 457290 |
| P01:SPWTOX45 |
Wet weight of Limanda limanda (ITIS: 172881: WoRMS 127139) |
Mapping: 457298 |
| P01:SPWTOX49 |
Wet weight of Liparis (ITIS: 167550: WoRMS 126160) |
Mapping: 457530 |
| P01:SPWTOX29 |
Wet weight of Merlangius merlangus (ITIS: 164758: WoRMS 126438) |
Mapping: 457210 |
| P01:SPWTOX10 |
Wet weight of Microchirus variegatus (ITIS: 173026: WoRMS 274304) |
Mapping: 456630 |
| P01:SPWTOX46 |
Wet weight of Microstomus kitt (ITIS: 172888: WoRMS 127140) |
Mapping: 457302 |
| P01:SPWTX007 |
Wet weight of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526634 |
| P01:SPWTOX08 |
Wet weight of Pegusa lascaris (ITIS: 173051: WoRMS 127156) |
Mapping: 456622 |
| P01:SPWTX008 |
Wet weight of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526638 |
| P01:SPWTOX50 |
Wet weight of Pholis gunnellus (ITIS: 171645: WoRMS 126996) |
Mapping: 457534 |
| P01:SPWTOX17 |
Wet weight of Phrynorhombus regius (ITIS: 172832: WoRMS 127148) |
Mapping: 456658 |
| P01:SPWTOX47 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 457522 |
| P01:MUM13220 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 481446 |
| P01:MUM13224 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: female] |
Mapping: 481462 |
| P01:MUM13221 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 481450 |
| P01:MUM13225 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Sex: male] |
Mapping: 481466 |
| P01:MUM13222 |
Wet weight of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) [Subcomponent: liver] |
Mapping: 481454 |
| P01:SPWTOX48 |
Wet weight of Pleuronectes platessa (ITIS: 172902: WoRMS 127143) |
Mapping: 457526 |
| P01:SPWTOX44 |
Wet weight of Pleuronectidae (ITIS: 172859: WoRMS 125579) |
Mapping: 457294 |
| P01:SPWTOX28 |
Wet weight of Pollachius pollachius (ITIS: 164728: WoRMS 126440) |
Mapping: 457206 |
| P01:SPWTOX27 |
Wet weight of Pollachius virens (ITIS: 164727: WoRMS 126441) |
Mapping: 457202 |
| P01:SPWTOX23 |
Wet weight of Sardina pilchardus (ITIS: 161813: WoRMS 126421) |
Mapping: 456682 |
| P01:SPWTOX52 |
Wet weight of Scomber scombrus (ITIS: 172414: WoRMS 127023) |
Mapping: 457250 |
| P01:SPWTOX56 |
Wet weight of Solea (ITIS: 173000: WoRMS 126132) |
Mapping: 456574 |
| P01:SPWTOX09 |
Wet weight of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
Mapping: 456626 |
| P01:SPWTOX24 |
Wet weight of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 456686 |
| P01:WETW1234 |
Wet weight of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
Mapping: 1792077 |
| P01:SPWTOX54 |
Wet weight of Syngnathidae (ITIS: 166443: WoRMS 125606) |
Mapping: 457258 |
| P01:SPWTOX41 |
Wet weight of Taurulus bubalis (ITIS: 167390: WoRMS 127204) |
Mapping: 457282 |
| P01:SPWTOX42 |
Wet weight of Taurulus lilljeborgi (ITIS: 167391: WoRMS 401163) |
Mapping: 457286 |
| P01:SPWTOX51 |
Wet weight of Trachinus vipera (ITIS: 170991: WoRMS 127084) |
Mapping: 457246 |
| P01:SPWTOX53 |
Wet weight of Trachurus trachurus (ITIS: 168588: WoRMS 126822) |
Mapping: 457254 |
| P01:SPWTOX55 |
Wet weight of Trigla (ITIS: 167038: WoRMS 126180) |
Mapping: 457262 |
| P01:SPWTOX31 |
Wet weight of Trisopterus luscus (ITIS: 164755: WoRMS 126445) |
Mapping: 457218 |
| P01:SPWTOX32 |
Wet weight of Trisopterus minutus (ITIS: 164754: WoRMS 126446) |
Mapping: 457222 |
| P01:SPWTOX16 |
Wet weight of Zeugopterus punctatus (ITIS: 172829: WoRMS 127151) |
Mapping: 456654 |
| P01:SPWT6621 |
Wet weight of Zoarces viviparus (ITIS: 165324: WoRMS 127123) |
Mapping: 457266 |
| P01:SDWTX022 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
Mapping: 527010 |
| P01:MUM13234 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) |
Mapping: 481482 |
| P01:SDWTX007 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736) |
Mapping: 526938 |
| P01:SDWTX008 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353) |
Mapping: 526942 |
| P01:MUM13229 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141) |
Mapping: 481478 |
| P01:SDWTOX09 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Solea solea (ITIS: 173002: WoRMS 127160) |
Mapping: 1792863 |
| P01:SDWTX024 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425) |
Mapping: 527018 |
| P01:SDTW1234 |
Wet weight standard deviation of Squalus acanthias (ITIS: 160617: WoRMS 105923) |
Mapping: 1792867 |