Foreign academic and government organisations
URI | | ||
Within Vocab | BODC organisation categories | ||
Alternative Labels | Non-UK organisations | ||
Definition | Research centres from outside the UK supplying data to BODC that are in either the academic or government sectors. | ||
Date | 2011-11-11T14:53:03 | ||
Identifier | SDN:C71::5 | ||
Note | accepted | ||
Has Current Version | 1 | ||
version | 1 | ||
Narrower | |||
C75 BODC Organisation Histories - (810) [+] | |||
C75:ATE |
Academia Sinica Taiwan, Institute of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1602338 | |
C75:IEA |
Admiral Paulo Moreira Institute of Marine Studies | Mapping: 894788 | |
C75:FLY |
Afdeling Kust, Vlaamse Hydrografie (Flemish Hydrography - Division Coast, Belgium) | Mapping: 344856 | |
C75:BPP |
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology | Mapping: 479972 | |
C75:AFW |
Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife, Anchorage | Mapping: 478471 | |
C75:AWI |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Mapping: 344435 | |
C75:BIH |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Helgoland | Mapping: 344444 | |
C75:AWS |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Sylt | Mapping: 864302 | |
C75:ARI |
All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information | Mapping: 344819 | |
C75:ATN |
Alterra-Texel | Mapping: 472931 | |
C75:ICA |
Andalucia Institute of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 799174 | |
C75:AMG |
Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute | Mapping: 344817 | |
C75:ACE |
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre | Mapping: 344426 | |
C75:SZN |
Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples | Mapping: 344268 | |
C75:ASA |
Applied Science Associates, USA | Mapping: 344433 | |
C75:AAR |
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute | Mapping: 472975 | |
C75:ASH |
Argentinian Navy Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 344820 | |
C75:ANL |
Argonne National Laboratory | Mapping: 344429 | |
C75:ADE |
Armada del Ecuador | Mapping: 344427 | |
C75:ARR |
Arrowsmith, Johns and Muir Pty, Australia | Mapping: 344432 | |
C75:AHT |
Association of the Higher Technical Institute for Research and Development | Mapping: 1692735 | |
C75:AAD |
Australian Antarctic Division | Mapping: 1602178 | |
C75:ABM |
Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria | Mapping: 1706470 | |
C75:AIM |
Australian Institute of Marine Science | Mapping: 554136 | |
C75:ANU |
Australian National University Research School of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 344430 | |
C75:AOD |
Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF) | Mapping: 344818 | |
C75:BAK |
BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia | Mapping: 344436 | |
C75:ARA |
Banyuls-sur-mer Oceanological Observatory | Mapping: 344431 | |
C75:BSC |
Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Mapping: 1602438 | |
C75:AZT |
Basque Fisheries and Marine Technological Research Centre (AZTI), Pasaia | Mapping: 344821 | |
C75:BPA |
Beach Protection Authority, Queensland | Mapping: 344828 | |
C75:BFI |
Bedford Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 344824 | |
C75:BCZ |
Belize Coastal Zone Marine Authority and Institute | Mapping: 1619642 | |
C75:BER |
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences | Mapping: 347152 | |
C75:BGL |
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences | Mapping: 344442 | |
C75:BCC |
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen | Mapping: 344437 | |
C75:BUE |
Boston University Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 347153 | |
C75:CHM |
Brazilian Navy Centre of Hydrography | Mapping: 344833 | |
C75:MBH |
Brazilian Navy Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation | Mapping: 344736 | |
C75:BDE |
Brown University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences | Mapping: 1587774 | |
C75:BSB |
BSB, Canada | Mapping: 344448 | |
C75:BGI |
Bureau Gravimetrique International, France | Mapping: 344825 | |
C75:BND |
Bureau Nat. de Donnees Oceanographiques, France | Mapping: 344446 | |
C75:CIN |
Cajal Institute of Neurobiology | Mapping: 877506 | |
C75:CTG |
California Institute of Technology Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences | Mapping: 475189 | |
C75:CAL |
California Polytechnic State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Mapping: 1598152 | |
C75:CHS |
Canadian Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 344456 | |
C75:ICC |
Canaries Institute of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 344504 | |
C75:CNT |
Canterra, Canada | Mapping: 344463 | |
C75:CDI |
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center | Mapping: 344832 | |
C75:KUL |
Catholic University of Leuven, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences (GEO Institute) | Mapping: 1597670 | |
C75:CUC |
Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Department of Ecology | Mapping: 1602250 | |
C75:CCO |
CCOP/SOPAC, Suva, Fiji | Mapping: 344452 | |
C75:CAO |
Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, New York University | Mapping: 474609 | |
C75:CWB |
Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan | Mapping: 344469 | |
C75:CRS |
Centre de Recherche Scientifique de Conakry Guinee | Mapping: 344466 | |
C75:CIC |
Centre for Ice and Climate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | Mapping: 344834 | |
C75:CES |
Centre for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Ensenada | Mapping: 348066 | |
C75:CNS |
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Paris | Mapping: 472718 | |
C75:COB |
Centre Oceanologique De Bretagne, Brest, France | Mapping: 344464 | |
C75:CUT |
Chengdu University of Technology, Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1575070 | |
C75:COR |
Cherbourg-Octeville Radioecology Laboratory | Mapping: 477887 | |
C75:CSH |
Chilean Navy Oceanographic and Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 344841 | |
C75:CAS |
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Atmospheric Physics | Mapping: 344830 | |
C75:CEI |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Earth Environment | Mapping: 1705466 | |
C75:ICO |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology | Mapping: 1575072 | |
C75:CLK |
Clarkson University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Mapping: 344459 | |
C75:CNR |
Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory | Mapping: 344838 | |
C75:CCH |
CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office | Mapping: 344450 | |
C75:CGM |
CNR Institute of Marine Geology, Bologna | Mapping: 344454 | |
C75:RNR |
CNR Institute of Marine Science, Rome | Mapping: 1745630 | |
C75:CNI |
CNR Institute of Marine Science, Trieste | Mapping: 344462 | |
C75:CBS |
CNRS Centre for Biological Studies, Chizé | Mapping: 472720 | |
C75:LGM |
CNRS Institute of Earth Physics, Paris | Mapping: 344733 | |
C75:ELG |
CNRS Laboratory of Coastal Marine System Ecology (UMR 5119) | Mapping: 344852 | |
C75:INS |
CNRS National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy | Mapping: 477901 | |
C75:GES |
CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, Institute of Environmental Geosciences | Mapping: 1600694 | |
C75:CLS |
Collecte Localisation Satellites, France | Mapping: 344836 | |
C75:CRC |
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | Mapping: 474639 | |
C75:COL |
Columbia University | Mapping: 344839 | |
C75:CCA |
Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources | Mapping: 469875 | |
C75:APC |
CONICET Technological Scientific Centre, National Patagonian Center | Mapping: 1598034 | |
C75:JES |
Constructor University, School of Science | Mapping: 344521 | |
C75:CZI |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria | Mapping: 346745 | |
C75:CZS |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Stellenbosch | Mapping: 864304 | |
C75:YIO |
Croatian Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries | Mapping: 344663 | |
C75:ICM |
CSIC Mediterranean Centre for Marine and Environmental Research | Mapping: 344300 | |
C75:CSE |
CSIRO Centre for Environment and Life Sciences | Mapping: 1602144 | |
C75:CSS |
CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Sydney | Mapping: 344842 | |
C75:CSI |
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (Hobart) | Mapping: 344468 | |
C75:MNF |
CSIRO Marine National Facility | Mapping: 1602200 | |
C75:CIH |
Cuban Hydrographic Institute | Mapping: 344835 | |
C75:CZM |
Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology | Mapping: 344843 | |
C75:DUH |
Dalhousie University Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 344851 | |
C75:DAB |
Dalhousie University, Department of Biology | Mapping: 702588 | |
C75:DAM |
Dames and Moore, Bethsda, MD, USA | Mapping: 344471 | |
C75:DCE |
Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University | Mapping: 472716 | |
C75:DHO |
Danish Hydrographic Office | Mapping: 1707744 | |
C75:DAN |
Danish Maritime Safety Administration | Mapping: 344472 | |
C75:DMI |
Danish Meteorological Institute | Mapping: 344480 | |
C75:DNA |
Danish Nature Agency | Mapping: 472717 | |
C75:DPT |
Danish Post and Telegraph, Copenhagen, Denmark | Mapping: 344850 | |
C75:DES |
Dartmouth College, Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 344845 | |
C75:DEF |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Mapping: 521429 | |
C75:DMA |
Defense Mapping Agency, USA | Mapping: 344479 | |
C75:DEL |
Delft University, Department of Bionanoscience | Mapping: 1608406 | |
C75:DHM |
Dep. of Harbours and Marine, Queensland | Mapping: 344847 | |
C75:DHC |
Dep. of Housing and Construction, Queensland | Mapping: 344476 | |
C75:AVB |
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal | Mapping: 344434 | |
C75:DEP |
Department for Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries, Vitoria-Gasteiz | Mapping: 472991 | |
C75:GCH |
Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg | Mapping: 344858 | |
C75:IDC |
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Head Office | Mapping: 1528190 | |
C75:ECL |
Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, Wexford | Mapping: 472827 | |
C75:DFO |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada | Mapping: 344474 | |
C75:DGG |
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada | Mapping: 344475 | |
C75:GUO |
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo | Mapping: 507848 | |
C75:UNH |
Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai'i at Manoa | Mapping: 344641 | |
C75:DPU |
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland | Mapping: 344709 | |
C75:DPE |
Department of Planning and Environment (New South Wales) | Mapping: 1707746 | |
C75:DEA |
Digital Ecology of Aquatic Environments, University of Mons | Mapping: 507793 | |
C75:DHN |
Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, Peru | Mapping: 344478 | |
C75:DBR |
Dobrocky, Canada | Mapping: 344844 | |
C75:DCC |
Donegal County Council, Donegal, Eire | Mapping: 344473 | |
C75:DMS |
Dubai Municipality Survey Department | Mapping: 344708 | |
C75:DIG |
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Geophysics Section | Mapping: 1533512 | |
C75:DUK |
Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment | Mapping: 1754612 | |
C75:EAM |
Eames, Canada | Mapping: 344711 | |
C75:ENE |
ENEA Santa Teresa Marine Environment Research Center | Mapping: 344712 | |
C75:EAS |
Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia | Mapping: 344485 | |
C75:ESE |
Environmental Science and Engineering Inc. USA | Mapping: 344853 | |
C75:EPS |
EPSHOM, Estab. Prin. Serv. Hydro. Ocean. Marine | Mapping: 344486 | |
C75:DGR |
European Commission Directorate-General for Research | Mapping: 344846 | |
C75:IRM |
European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements | Mapping: 522873 | |
C75:CRG |
European Research Centre for Environmental Geosciences | Mapping: 344840 | |
C75:ESA |
European Space Agency, European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications | Mapping: 1705788 | |
C75:FWI |
Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of the French West Indies and Guiana | Mapping: 483569 | |
C75:FER |
Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute | Mapping: 344488 | |
C75:FFL |
Faroe Marine Research Institute | Mapping: 344714 | |
C75:FNH |
Faroe Museum of Natural History | Mapping: 477889 | |
C75:BLE |
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food | Mapping: 344827 | |
C75:BFG |
Federal Agency of Hydrology | Mapping: 344439 | |
C75:BGR |
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources | Mapping: 344443 | |
C75:BSH |
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | Mapping: 344829 | |
C75:DHI |
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency | Mapping: 344477 | |
C75:ENN |
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Berlin | Mapping: 472972 | |
C75:FUR |
Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics | Mapping: 550130 | |
C75:UFR |
Federal University of Rio Grande Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 474594 | |
C75:FGF |
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute | Mapping: 474637 | |
C75:FIM |
Finnish Institute for Marine Research | Mapping: 344855 | |
C75:FMA |
Finnish Maritime Administration | Mapping: 344492 | |
C75:VLI |
Flanders Marine Institute | Mapping: 880150 | |
C75:FLX |
FLEX Data Centre, German Oceanographic Data Centre | Mapping: 344297 | |
C75:FIA |
Flinders Institute for Atmospheric and Marine Sciences | Mapping: 344489 | |
C75:FES |
Flinders University School of Chemical & Physical Sciences | Mapping: 344854 | |
C75:FRC |
Florida International University Applied Research Center | Mapping: 702590 | |
C75:FSC |
Florida State University, Coastal and Marine Laboratory | Mapping: 1580382 | |
C75:FSB |
Florida State University, Department of Biological Science | Mapping: 1580380 | |
C75:FLS |
Florida State University, Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science | Mapping: 344490 | |
C75:FLU |
Florida University | Mapping: 344491 | |
C75:UFF |
Fluminense Federal University, Department of Geochemistry | Mapping: 868638 | |
C75:FOS |
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany | Mapping: 344716 | |
C75:FRB |
FRB, Newfoundland, Canada | Mapping: 344493 | |
C75:VUA |
Free University of Amsterdam, Institute for Environmental Studies | Mapping: 1739256 | |
C75:IPE |
Free University of Brussels - G-Time Laboratory | Mapping: 344872 | |
C75:VUB |
Free University of Brussels Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry | Mapping: 344292 | |
C75:ULG |
Free University of Brussels, Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society | Mapping: 1613998 | |
C75:BLG |
Free University of Brussels, Glaciology Laboratory | Mapping: 1532881 | |
C75:ULB |
Free University of Brussels, Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry | Mapping: 344638 | |
C75:SMR |
French Atomic Energy Commission | Mapping: 344615 | |
C75:FEE |
Fudan University Department of Environmental Science and Engineering | Mapping: 344713 | |
C75:SCG |
Galapagos Science Center | Mapping: 1760088 | |
C75:GMT |
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Marine and Freshwater Research Centre | Mapping: 477891 | |
C75:GCM |
General Command of Mapping Turkey | Mapping: 344495 | |
C75:DGS |
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | Mapping: 487007 | |
C75:IGS |
Geological Survey of Ireland | Mapping: 344725 | |
C75:GSI |
Geological Survey of Israel | Mapping: 344498 | |
C75:GSJ |
Geological Survey of Japan | Mapping: 540470 | |
C75:GWL |
Geology Without Limits | Mapping: 525617 | |
C75:GEO |
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (East Shore Campus) | Mapping: 344496 | |
C75:IFM |
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel (West Shore Campus) | Mapping: 344508 | |
C75:GAU |
Geoscience Australia | Mapping: 344494 | |
C75:IDV |
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research | Mapping: 1705474 | |
C75:DWD |
German Meteorological Service Hamburg Centre | Mapping: 344484 | |
C75:DOD |
German Oceanographic Data Centre | Mapping: 344849 | |
C75:GUT |
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Analytical and Food Chemistry | Mapping: 1418906 | |
C75:GNR |
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Mapping: 344718 | |
C75:GML |
Grice Marine Laboratory | Mapping: 553590 | |
C75:HFS |
Hamburg University Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science | Mapping: 344720 | |
C75:HCG |
Hamilton College, Department of Geoscience | Mapping: 527309 | |
C75:HBO |
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Mapping: 344719 | |
C75:HPS |
Harvard University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | Mapping: 468751 | |
C75:HDN |
Head Dept. of Navigation & Oceanography, Leningrad | Mapping: 344499 | |
C75:HUJ |
Hebrew University Jerusalem Institute of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 344721 | |
C75:HMG |
Hel Marine Station, University of Gdansk Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 472929 | |
C75:HCM |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 819804 | |
C75:HEL |
Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, Greece | Mapping: 344861 | |
C75:UFZ |
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | Mapping: 478005 | |
C75:HZG |
Helmholtz Centre Hereon | Mapping: 1445738 | |
C75:ISR |
Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research | Mapping: 1584570 | |
C75:HHS |
Hirosaki University School of Health Sciences | Mapping: 473045 | |
C75:HES |
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Science & Faculty of Env Earth Science | Mapping: 473043 | |
C75:HSC |
Humboldt State University, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 1705470 | |
C75:HBV |
Husky Bow Valley, Canada | Mapping: 344860 | |
C75:HIC |
Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia | Mapping: 344500 | |
C75:BHY |
Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy | Mapping: 344826 | |
C75:HOS |
Hydrographic Office, South Africa | Mapping: 344862 | |
C75:HYS |
Hydrographic Service, Maritime Administration of Latvia | Mapping: 344863 | |
C75:HSO |
Hydrographic Survey Office, Survey and Land Registration Bureau, Kingdom of Bahrain | Mapping: 344502 | |
C75:OPW |
Hydrometric Section, Office of Public Works, Dublin | Mapping: 344899 | |
C75:IHS |
Icelandic Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 344726 | |
C75:IFQ |
IFREMER - Headquarters | Mapping: 477899 | |
C75:SSM |
IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA | Mapping: 344267 | |
C75:IFN |
IFREMER Atlantic Centre | Mapping: 894822 | |
C75:IFC |
IFREMER Channel and North Sea Centre | Mapping: 477895 | |
C75:IFD |
IFREMER Channel and North Sea Centre, Port en Bessin | Mapping: 1475848 | |
C75:IFL |
IFREMER La Rochelle-L'Houmeau Station | Mapping: 477897 | |
C75:IFR |
IFREMER, Brest | Mapping: 344509 | |
C75:IFG |
IFREMER, Department of Marine Geosciences | Mapping: 480391 | |
C75:IFO |
IFREMER, Lorient Station | Mapping: 485108 | |
C75:INU |
IN-OUT Data Centre at University of Liège Institute of Mathematics | Mapping: 344302 | |
C75:ICT |
Independent University of Barcelona Institute of Science and Environmental Technology | Mapping: 344506 | |
C75:IAC |
Indian Institute of Science, Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Mapping: 1429180 | |
C75:ITC |
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 348530 | |
C75:ITM |
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology | Mapping: 1575076 | |
C75:INC |
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services | Mapping: 1597682 | |
C75:INI |
Indian National Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 344870 | |
C75:ISO |
Indian Space Research Organisation, National Remote Sensing Centre | Mapping: 1575074 | |
C75:LIP |
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bandung | Mapping: 479970 | |
C75:IDL |
Infante Dom Luiz Geophysical Institute | Mapping: 480397 | |
C75:BEL |
Inout Data Centre, Liege, Belgium (Jonsdap 1976) | Mapping: 344823 | |
C75:INR |
INRS Eau Terre Environnement Research Centre | Mapping: 471404 | |
C75:IPI |
Inst de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar, Portugal | Mapping: 344518 | |
C75:IPF |
Institut Polaire Français Paul-Emile Victor | Mapping: 472719 | |
C75:AFO |
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Ostend | Mapping: 477883 | |
C75:CBM |
Institute for Chemistry and Biology Of The Marine Environment | Mapping: 347168 | |
C75:IDN |
Institute for Development for Research (IRD), Noumea | Mapping: 344723 | |
C75:UTX |
Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin | Mapping: 344288 | |
C75:RVO |
Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, IJmuiden | Mapping: 344603 | |
C75:ICN |
Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry | Mapping: 472809 | |
C75:SBI |
Institute for Systems Biology | Mapping: 344605 | |
C75:IGV |
Institute Geo. de Venezuela Simon Bolivar | Mapping: 344868 | |
C75:IGN |
Institute Geol. and Nuc. Sci., Wellington, New Zealand | Mapping: 344867 | |
C75:TIN |
Institute National de la Meteorologie, Tunisia | Mapping: 344270 | |
C75:HLT |
Institute of Low Temperature Sciences, Hokkaido University | Mapping: 344501 | |
C75:NIM |
Institute of Marine Research, Norway | Mapping: 344887 | |
C75:IIM |
Institute of Marine Research, Vigo | Mapping: 344869 | |
C75:DEU |
Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Dokuz Eylül University | Mapping: 879995 | |
C75:IRP |
Institute of Marine Sciences, Ancona (Maritime Fisheries Research Institute) | Mapping: 344873 | |
C75:ISD |
Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice | Mapping: 344303 | |
C75:IMW |
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Maritime Office in Gdynia | Mapping: 344727 | |
C75:CIO |
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada | Mapping: 344458 | |
C75:IPB |
Institute of Physical Biology, Nove Hrady, Czech Republic | Mapping: 344517 | |
C75:ITS |
Institute of Technology, Sligo, Archaeology Department | Mapping: 1355244 | |
C75:IEV |
Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo | Mapping: 472712 | |
C75:IGP |
Instituto Geográfico Português, Lisbon, Portugal | Mapping: 344510 | |
C75:SMO |
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, Spain | Mapping: 344614 | |
C75:IOA |
Instituto Oceanografico, Armada Del Ecuador, Ecuador) | Mapping: 344515 | |
C75:ISP |
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal | Mapping: 344520 | |
C75:IHE |
Instituut voor Hygiene en Epidemiologie, Oostende | Mapping: 344512 | |
C75:IRD |
Instrumentation, Analytical Resources and Monitoring in Geophysics and Oceanography | Mapping: 867778 | |
C75:ISM |
Integrated Science Data Management (Ottawa) | Mapping: 344519 | |
C75:ICE |
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | Mapping: 344864 | |
C75:IHB |
International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco | Mapping: 344511 | |
C75:IIS |
International Institute for Sustainability | Mapping: 508975 | |
C75:ITP |
International TOGA Project Office, Geneva | Mapping: 344730 | |
C75:ORS |
IRD Polynesian Research Centre | Mapping: 344900 | |
C75:BIM |
Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire | Mapping: 472714 | |
C75:IFB |
Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Dun Laoghaire | Mapping: 525613 | |
C75:IF2 |
Irish Sea Fisheries Board, Galway | Mapping: 525615 | |
C75:ISU |
Ishinomaki Senshu University Department of Science and Engineering | Mapping: 484277 | |
C75:IOL |
Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd. | Mapping: 344728 | |
C75:IOF |
Istituto per lo studio dell'Oceanografia Fisica | Mapping: 344871 | |
C75:IHI |
Italian Hydrographic Institute | Mapping: 1600698 | |
C75:IDM |
Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute | Mapping: 344865 | |
C75:VIE |
J Craig Venter Institute East Coast Campus | Mapping: 344657 | |
C75:VIW |
J Craig Venter Institute West Coast Campus | Mapping: 344291 | |
C75:JCU |
James Cook University of North Queensland | Mapping: 344874 | |
C75:JBI |
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Institute of Biogeosciences | Mapping: 483447 | |
C75:JMA |
Japan Meteorological Agency | Mapping: 344522 | |
C75:JOD |
Japan Oceanographic Data Centre | Mapping: 344875 | |
C75:JAT |
Japanese Atomic Energy Agency Tokai Research and Development Center | Mapping: 473044 | |
C75:JHO |
Japanese Coast Guard Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department | Mapping: 501271 | |
C75:ICJ |
Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 480395 | |
C75:JPL |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA | Mapping: 344523 | |
C75:JSE |
Jozef Stefan Institute Department of Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 468752 | |
C75:IES |
JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability | Mapping: 344866 | |
C75:SAI |
JRC Space Applications Institute | Mapping: 344604 | |
C75:KAU |
Kerala Agricultural University, Academy of Climate Change Education and Research | Mapping: 1598800 | |
C75:KAC |
Kinki University Department of Applied Chemistry | Mapping: 473046 | |
C75:KES |
Kochi University Department of Environmental Science | Mapping: 473047 | |
C75:KMC |
Kochi University, Marine Core Research Institute | Mapping: 1758768 | |
C75:KCR |
Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research | Mapping: 473042 | |
C75:LMM |
La Rochelle Maritime Museum | Mapping: 472825 | |
C75:LEE |
Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution | Mapping: 345186 | |
C75:LEG |
Laboratoire d'Etude en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales | Mapping: 344877 | |
C75:LIS |
Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques | Mapping: 344527 | |
C75:ASE |
Laboratory of Aquatic Systems Ecology, Free University of Brussels | Mapping: 507790 | |
C75:LMR |
Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (UMR CNRS 6539) | Mapping: 344734 | |
C75:LDE |
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory | Mapping: 344525 | |
C75:NZH |
Land Information New Zealand Hydrographic Services | Mapping: 344580 | |
C75:LUQ |
Laval University, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1609236 | |
C75:LLN |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Mapping: 1890754 | |
C75:RIM |
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende | Mapping: 344599 | |
C75:LIT |
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research | Mapping: 487788 | |
C75:LIC |
Leiden Institute of Chemistry | Mapping: 348072 | |
C75:LIM |
Leipzig Institute for Meteorology | Mapping: 799268 | |
C75:LIG |
Ligurian District Marine Technologies | Mapping: 1692743 | |
C75:LUH |
Linkoping University, Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences | Mapping: 1705476 | |
C75:LSU |
Louisiana State University Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences | Mapping: 702596 | |
C75:LCG |
Luleå University of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering and Geosciences | Mapping: 344732 | |
C75:GSE |
Macquarie University Graduate School of the Environment | Mapping: 474599 | |
C75:MCS |
Malta Council for Science and Technology | Mapping: 344306 | |
C75:MMA |
Malta Maritime Agency | Mapping: 344883 | |
C75:MPS |
Marche Polytechnic University, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 344541 | |
C75:MAL |
Marine and Environmental Research Centre, Lisbon | Mapping: 1570792 | |
C75:COI |
Marine and Environmental Research Centre, University of Coimbra | Mapping: 819802 | |
C75:MFR |
Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute | Mapping: 344737 | |
C75:MED |
Marine Environmental Data Service, Ottawa, Canada | Mapping: 344533 | |
C75:MAR |
Marine Information Service (MARIS), The Netherlands | Mapping: 344531 | |
C75:MIG |
Marine Institute Galway | Mapping: 344535 | |
C75:MML |
Marine Models Laboratory, Victoria, Australia | Mapping: 344536 | |
C75:GMM |
Marine Museum, Stralsund | Mapping: 472935 | |
C75:MRI |
Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik | Mapping: 344542 | |
C75:MPA |
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore | Mapping: 344739 | |
C75:MSB |
Maritime Services Board, New South Wales | Mapping: 344543 | |
C75:MTC |
MARTEC - Maritime Training and Education Centre, Frederikshavn | Mapping: 477905 | |
C75:MIT |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Mapping: 344738 | |
C75:MAP |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences | Mapping: 344880 | |
C75:MIP |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Physics | Mapping: 877508 | |
C75:MMS |
Mauritius Meteorological Services | Mapping: 344537 | |
C75:MOI |
Mauritius Oceanography Institute | Mapping: 530896 | |
C75:MPC |
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute) | Mapping: 344539 | |
C75:MPP |
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology | Mapping: 344540 | |
C75:MPB |
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology | Mapping: 344885 | |
C75:MPI |
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Mapping: 344740 | |
C75:MRH |
Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, Hamburg | Mapping: 480247 | |
C75:MCG |
McGill University, Canada | Mapping: 344881 | |
C75:NAR |
Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies Natural Resources Department | Mapping: 344550 | |
C75:CME |
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy | Mapping: 344460 | |
C75:COM |
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294) | Mapping: 344465 | |
C75:CMM |
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Luminy Campus (UMR 7294) | Mapping: 344837 | |
C75:MMR |
Memorial University of Newfoundland Ocean Sciences Centre | Mapping: 344307 | |
C75:MNP |
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography | Mapping: 1853918 | |
C75:MEP |
Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration | Mapping: 344882 | |
C75:MNA |
Mexican Navy Shipyard Secretariat | Mapping: 344538 | |
C75:MIA |
Miami University | Mapping: 344534 | |
C75:MSU |
Michigan State University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1746925 | |
C75:MEM |
Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 522803 | |
C75:GET |
Midi-Pyrenees Observatory, Geoscience and Environmental Science | Mapping: 702592 | |
C75:MIO |
Millennium Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 1570794 | |
C75:MAS |
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Environment, Madrid | Mapping: 472971 | |
C75:MAN |
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Man. & Fisheries | Mapping: 344530 | |
C75:EAI |
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, The Netherlands | Mapping: 472811 | |
C75:CHR |
Ministry of Natural Resources, China | Mapping: 1707742 | |
C75:EDE |
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie, Paris | Mapping: 472973 | |
C75:MSC |
Monaco Scientific Centre | Mapping: 1418866 | |
C75:MBR |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | Mapping: 550310 | |
C75:INE |
Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica | Mapping: 344514 | |
C75:NAG |
Nagasaki University, Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies | Mapping: 1614560 | |
C75:NAM |
NAMIRA, Philippines | Mapping: 344548 | |
C75:NGL |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Mapping: 344559 | |
C75:NAE |
Nat. Agency of Environmental Protection, Denmark | Mapping: 344547 | |
C75:ENA |
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) | Mapping: 480393 | |
C75:NKU |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1746927 | |
C75:CCI |
National Cartographic Centre of Iran | Mapping: 344451 | |
C75:NCA |
National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder | Mapping: 344551 | |
C75:NCM |
National Centre for Marine Research, Greece | Mapping: 344554 | |
C75:NCP |
National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research | Mapping: 1575078 | |
C75:NCC |
National Climatic Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA | Mapping: 344552 | |
C75:IGM |
National Geographic Institute | Mapping: 344301 | |
C75:NGD |
National Geophysics Data Center, Colorado, USA | Mapping: 344558 | |
C75:HOI |
National Hydrographic Office, India | Mapping: 344299 | |
C75:NIA |
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, USA | Mapping: 344564 | |
C75:NIE |
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan | Mapping: 344565 | |
C75:AIS |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba | Mapping: 473049 | |
C75:INT |
National Institute of Marine Science and Technology | Mapping: 539762 | |
C75:OGS |
National Institute of Oceanography & Experimental Geophysics Dept for Dev of Marine Tech & Research | Mapping: 344898 | |
C75:IOP |
National Institute of Oceanography, Pakistan | Mapping: 344516 | |
C75:NIP |
National Institute of Polar Research, Japan | Mapping: 344888 | |
C75:INP |
National Institute of Space Research, Centre for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies | Mapping: 1527272 | |
C75:PNM |
National Mapping & Resource Auth., Philippines | Mapping: 344592 | |
C75:MNH |
National Natural History Museum - Concarneau Marine Biological Station | Mapping: 804210 | |
C75:LOP |
National Natural History Museum Physical Oceanography Laboratory | Mapping: 344528 | |
C75:NOR |
National Ocean Research and Development Agency | Mapping: 344891 | |
C75:NOS |
National Ocean Service, USA | Mapping: 344572 | |
C75:NOA |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Mapping: 344570 | |
C75:NOD |
National Oceanographic Data Center, USA | Mapping: 344890 | |
C75:NDR |
National Oceanographic Data Centre, Russia | Mapping: 344557 | |
C75:NND |
National Oceanographic Data Committee | Mapping: 344569 | |
C75:ORI |
National Oceanographic Research Institute, Republic of Korea | Mapping: 344586 | |
C75:NPW |
National Parks and Wildlife Service | Mapping: 472607 | |
C75:NRC |
National Research Council Canada Institute for National Measurement Standards | Mapping: 522871 | |
C75:IBF |
National Research Council, Biophysics Institute, Pisa | Mapping: 1705472 | |
C75:IMG |
National School of Hydraulics and Mechanics, Grenoble | Mapping: 344513 | |
C75:NSF |
National Science Foundation | Mapping: 344575 | |
C75:CON |
National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina | Mapping: 1853914 | |
C75:SID |
National Snow and Ice Data Centre, CIRES, Colorado | Mapping: 344608 | |
C75:DTU |
National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark | Mapping: 344483 | |
C75:NTU |
National Taiwan University Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 473050 | |
C75:FUS |
National Tidal Centre Australia | Mapping: 344857 | |
C75:CNU |
National University of Colombia Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 553916 | |
C75:NGM |
National University of Ireland Galway Department of Microbiology | Mapping: 344560 | |
C75:NGZ |
National University of Ireland Galway, Department of Zoology | Mapping: 1429906 | |
C75:NUM |
National University of Ireland Maynooth Department of Geography | Mapping: 509008 | |
C75:UCG |
National University of Ireland, Galway | Mapping: 344632 | |
C75:TMS |
National University of Singapore, Tropical Marine Science Institute | Mapping: 1705486 | |
C75:STO |
NATO Science and Technology Organization, Brussels | Mapping: 1692751 | |
C75:NCR |
NATO Science and Technology Organization, Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation | Mapping: 1391749 | |
C75:GSC |
Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada | Mapping: 1600696 | |
C75:NBC |
Naturalis Biodiversity Center | Mapping: 540934 | |
C75:NSD |
Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego | Mapping: 344893 | |
C75:NRL |
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC | Mapping: 344892 | |
C75:SHM |
Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, Military Oceanography Centre | Mapping: 477911 | |
C75:NMB |
Nelson Mandela University, Botany Department | Mapping: 1704094 | |
C75:NMU |
Nelson Mandela University, Institute for Coastal and Marine Research | Mapping: 1596648 | |
C75:NHO |
Netherlands Hydrographic Office | Mapping: 344561 | |
C75:NIV |
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke | Mapping: 344567 | |
C75:NOV |
New University of Lisbon, Department of Electrical Engineering | Mapping: 1570796 | |
C75:DSE |
New Zealand Defence Technology Agency | Mapping: 344482 | |
C75:NW2 |
New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Christchurch | Mapping: 344578 | |
C75:NIW |
New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Hamilton | Mapping: 344568 | |
C75:NZO |
New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington | Mapping: 344581 | |
C75:NW1 |
New Zealand National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Wellington | Mapping: 344577 | |
C75:NCH |
Nihon University Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 473048 | |
C75:NW3 |
NIWA, Centre for Chemical and Physical Oceanography, University of Otago | Mapping: 344895 | |
C75:NAO |
NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory | Mapping: 344549 | |
C75:CMA |
NOAA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment | Mapping: 482824 | |
C75:STR |
NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research | Mapping: 1598038 | |
C75:GOM |
NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing | Mapping: 1853916 | |
C75:NSA |
NOAA Lab for Satellite Altimetry, Maryland, USA | Mapping: 344574 | |
C75:NCE |
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information | Mapping: 1707750 | |
C75:NDB |
NOAA National Data Buoy Center, USA | Mapping: 344556 | |
C75:AFC |
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center | Mapping: 522567 | |
C75:PME |
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory | Mapping: 344591 | |
C75:NFS |
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center | Mapping: 474635 | |
C75:WPO |
NOAA Weather Program Office | Mapping: 1705492 | |
C75:NRB |
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre | Mapping: 1596886 | |
C75:NCU |
Northern Catholic University, Department of Marine Biology | Mapping: 1740660 | |
C75:NGI |
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | Mapping: 1626287 | |
C75:NVA |
Norwegian Institute for Water Research | Mapping: 344894 | |
C75:NHY |
Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 1600702 | |
C75:NMI |
Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Mapping: 344889 | |
C75:NPI |
Norwegian Polar Institute | Mapping: 344573 | |
C75:NTN |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Department of Biology | Mapping: 474636 | |
C75:AUR |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory | Mapping: 1692737 | |
C75:NSU |
Nova Southeastern University, Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1707314 | |
C75:FLN |
Nova Southeastern University, Florida | Mapping: 344715 | |
C75:NWA |
NWAFL/NFO, Canada | Mapping: 344579 | |
C75:OUC |
Ocean University of China Department of Ocean Engineering | Mapping: 861854 | |
C75:OUE |
Ocean University of China, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Mapping: 1853920 | |
C75:OUM |
Ocean University of China, College of Marine Life Science | Mapping: 1580384 | |
C75:PLO |
Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands | Mapping: 1692749 | |
C75:LOD |
Oceanography and Climate Laboratory (UMR 7159) | Mapping: 344878 | |
C75:SOH |
Oceanography, Hydrography and Meteorology Service, National Navy of Uruguay | Mapping: 867842 | |
C75:ONR |
Office of Naval Research, Virginia, USA | Mapping: 344583 | |
C75:OSB |
Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center | Mapping: 1436048 | |
C75:ODO |
Old Dominion University Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Mapping: 344582 | |
C75:DFW |
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife | Mapping: 474593 | |
C75:OPP |
Oregon State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology | Mapping: 344584 | |
C75:ORE |
Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences | Mapping: 344585 | |
C75:PAN |
PANGAEA Publishing Network for Geoscientific and Environmental Data | Mapping: 344901 | |
C75:PCS |
PCS, Canada | Mapping: 344589 | |
C75:PRL |
Physical Research Laboratory at Ahmedabad | Mapping: 344593 | |
C75:LPC |
Pierre and Marie Curie University Physical Chemistry Laboratory | Mapping: 344305 | |
C75:PIN |
Polar Res. Ins. of Mar. Fisheries + Ocean. Russia | Mapping: 344903 | |
C75:PRC |
Polar Research Centre, Korea | Mapping: 344904 | |
C75:PAS |
Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology | Mapping: 344588 | |
C75:PUC |
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 344594 | |
C75:IPC |
Portuguese Geographical Institute | Mapping: 344729 | |
C75:PIH |
Portuguese Hydrographic Institute | Mapping: 344590 | |
C75:IPM |
Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere | Mapping: 522613 | |
C75:UPG |
Princeton University Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 344645 | |
C75:PWD |
Public Works Department, New South Wales | Mapping: 344905 | |
C75:PNU |
Pukyong National University, Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 1705480 | |
C75:QUN |
Queens University, Canada | Mapping: 344595 | |
C75:QUE |
Queensland University of Technology, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | Mapping: 1602148 | |
C75:RAD |
Radboud Institute for Biological and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1858191 | |
C75:RPI |
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland | Mapping: 477907 | |
C75:BMD |
RBINS Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Belgian Marine Data Centre | Mapping: 486369 | |
C75:EER |
Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention - Emilia-Romagna | Mapping: 348487 | |
C75:RGA |
Regional Government of the Azores, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs | Mapping: 1855788 | |
C75:RGC |
Research Institute for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | Mapping: 344597 | |
C75:RMC |
Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center | Mapping: 344909 | |
C75:RIK |
Rijks Instituut voor Kust en Zee, Netherlands (RIKZ) | Mapping: 344598 | |
C75:RKW |
Rijkswaterstaat | Mapping: 344908 | |
C75:RMK |
Rimouski University, Canada | Mapping: 344601 | |
C75:RTC |
Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies | Mapping: 540940 | |
C75:IBR |
Roscoff Biological Station | Mapping: 344722 | |
C75:RSM |
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science | Mapping: 344910 | |
C75:RAN |
Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service | Mapping: 344906 | |
C75:ARL |
Royal Australian Navy Weapons Systems Research Laboratory Marine Systems Division | Mapping: 527152 | |
C75:BED |
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Ecosystems Data Processing and Modelling | Mapping: 1393622 | |
C75:MUM |
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment | Mapping: 344545 | |
C75:MMO |
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Ostend | Mapping: 344884 | |
C75:RMA |
Royal Museum for Central Africa Department of Geology | Mapping: 344600 | |
C75:NIO |
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | Mapping: 344566 | |
C75:NIY |
Royal Netherlands Institute For Sea Research, Yerseke | Mapping: 1530298 | |
C75:KNM |
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute | Mapping: 344876 | |
C75:RBI |
Ruder Boškovic Institute | Mapping: 522805 | |
C75:RGS |
Russian Academy of Sciences Geological Institute | Mapping: 344907 | |
C75:RAS |
Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology | Mapping: 344596 | |
C75:VII |
Russian Academy of Sciences, V.I. Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute | Mapping: 1598804 | |
C75:RUT |
Rutgers University - Newark, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1587776 | |
C75:CRU |
Rutgers University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences | Mapping: 344467 | |
C75:SAC |
Saclant Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy | Mapping: 344911 | |
C75:SNM |
Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre | Mapping: 1570050 | |
C75:CHO |
San Diego State University Center for Hydro-optics and Remote Sensing | Mapping: 344455 | |
C75:SIO |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography | Mapping: 344610 | |
C75:SEA |
Sea Education Association | Mapping: 477909 | |
C75:CSO |
Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources | Mapping: 1600692 | |
C75:SMS |
Service Mixte de Sécurité Radiologique, Monthléry | Mapping: 344918 | |
C75:MSG |
Shallow Marine Surveys Group | Mapping: 482129 | |
C75:SJU |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Oceanography | Mapping: 1617222 | |
C75:SHO |
SHOM - French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service | Mapping: 344913 | |
C75:NSK |
Sjokartverk Norway | Mapping: 344576 | |
C75:SKI |
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah | Mapping: 344611 | |
C75:SKC |
Skidmore College, Chemistry Department | Mapping: 1598670 | |
C75:SKD |
Skidmore College, Geosciences Department | Mapping: 1598672 | |
C75:ZAA |
South African Government Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Mapping: 1596662 | |
C75:SKT |
South African Government Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism | Mapping: 344916 | |
C75:SAW |
South African Weather Service | Mapping: 508044 | |
C75:SAE |
South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute | Mapping: 1580386 | |
C75:ASC |
South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre | Mapping: 474595 | |
C75:SGG |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Government | Mapping: 482127 | |
C75:SIW |
Southern Institute of Water Resources Research | Mapping: 1739254 | |
C75:SCC |
Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observatory | Mapping: 1863874 | |
C75:BOC |
Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Balearic Oceanography Centre | Mapping: 478473 | |
C75:IEG |
Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Gijon Oceanography Centre | Mapping: 508173 | |
C75:SOS |
Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Santander Oceanography Centre | Mapping: 477763 | |
C75:SIV |
Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Vigo Oceanography Centre | Mapping: 1367462 | |
C75:IEO |
Spanish Oceanography Institute, Madrid | Mapping: 344507 | |
C75:PAE |
Spanish Port Authority | Mapping: 1598154 | |
C75:PEC |
Spanish State Ports Department of Maritime Climate | Mapping: 344902 | |
C75:HMS |
Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station | Mapping: 474611 | |
C75:EES |
Stanford University, Environmental Earth System Science Department | Mapping: 799172 | |
C75:SEG |
Stanford University, Geophysics Department | Mapping: 344607 | |
C75:UHS |
State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine | Mapping: 862062 | |
C75:SKJ |
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Peking University | Mapping: 1739776 | |
C75:SKL |
State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection | Mapping: 1579368 | |
C75:SKW |
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather and Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry | Mapping: 1739778 | |
C75:SUN |
State University of New York at Albany, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center | Mapping: 477913 | |
C75:SYC |
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry | Mapping: 344619 | |
C75:NYS |
State University of New York Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 344896 | |
C75:RJO |
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Faculty of Oceanography | Mapping: 1853924 | |
C75:NHS |
Statens Kartverk Sjokartverket (Norwegian Hydrographic Service) | Mapping: 344562 | |
C75:SKE |
Stockholm University, Department of Environmental Science | Mapping: 1598802 | |
C75:SGS |
Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences | Mapping: 1584934 | |
C75:SBO |
Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences | Mapping: 344912 | |
C75:SQU |
Sultan Qaboos University College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences | Mapping: 1474118 | |
C75:GOT |
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Department for Fisheries Management | Mapping: 344497 | |
C75:SEP |
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency | Mapping: 472807 | |
C75:SMA |
Swedish Maritime Administration | Mapping: 344612 | |
C75:SMH |
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | Mapping: 344613 | |
C75:SMN |
Swedish Museum of Natural History | Mapping: 344917 | |
C75:ETH |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology | Mapping: 344487 | |
C75:ETP |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics | Mapping: 1602340 | |
C75:IPP |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Particle Physics | Mapping: 531088 | |
C75:C2S |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Center for Climate Systems Modeling | Mapping: 344449 | |
C75:SFG |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Geological Institute | Mapping: 484280 | |
C75:SPI |
Swiss Polar Institute | Mapping: 1570106 | |
C75:SIM |
System of Industry Metocean data for the Offshore and Research Communities (SIMORC) | Mapping: 344609 | |
C75:TAF |
Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute | Mapping: 1699529 | |
C75:TOO |
Tartu Observatory | Mapping: 1393624 | |
C75:TUB |
Technical University Berlin, Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Mapping: 1391766 | |
C75:TUC |
Technical University of Crete, Department of Environmental Engineering | Mapping: 344271 | |
C75:RNL |
Technical University of Denmark Department of Wind Energy | Mapping: 344602 | |
C75:DIF |
Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources | Mapping: 344848 | |
C75:TUD |
Technical University of Dresden, Germany | Mapping: 344625 | |
C75:TAL |
Tel Aviv University, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences | Mapping: 1420198 | |
C75:TEB |
Televerkets Byggnadsavdelning, Stockholm, Sweden | Mapping: 344269 | |
C75:TCL |
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Department of Life Sciences | Mapping: 1705484 | |
C75:GMB |
Texas A&M University at Galveston Department of Marine Biology | Mapping: 540932 | |
C75:TAM |
Texas A+M Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 344620 | |
C75:MXG |
The Isle of Man Government Laboratory | Mapping: 344546 | |
C75:JHU |
The Johns Hopkins University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | Mapping: 344731 | |
C75:TFR |
Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries | Mapping: 1437577 | |
C75:TFE |
Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Bremerhaven | Mapping: 480249 | |
C75:AFI |
Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven | Mapping: 344816 | |
C75:TOK |
Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology | Mapping: 484273 | |
C75:TUM |
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment | Mapping: 1741018 | |
C75:TPU |
Tomsk Polytechnic University, International Arctic Carbon Research Laboratory | Mapping: 1600704 | |
C75:THB |
Townsville Harbour Board, Australia | Mapping: 344623 | |
C75:TOC |
Trent University, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 702550 | |
C75:TCD |
Trinity College Dublin | Mapping: 344621 | |
C75:TCZ |
Trinity College Dublin Zoology Department | Mapping: 477915 | |
C75:UNC |
Uni. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA | Mapping: 344281 | |
C75:UPA |
Uni. of Pacific, Pacific Marine Station, USA | Mapping: 344283 | |
C75:USF |
Uni. of South Florida (Tampa + St. Petersburg) | Mapping: 344648 | |
C75:USG |
United States Geological Survey Center for Coastal and Marine Geology | Mapping: 344286 | |
C75:USL |
United States Geological Survey Leetown Science Center | Mapping: 484768 | |
C75:MPK |
United States Geological Survey Meno Park Science Center | Mapping: 344886 | |
C75:UFP |
Universidad Federal do Parana, Brazil | Mapping: 344635 | |
C75:USV |
University Centre in Svalbard, Arctic Geology Department | Mapping: 1580388 | |
C75:CMR |
University College Cork Coastal and Marine Resources Centre | Mapping: 344461 | |
C75:UCC |
University College Cork Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre | Mapping: 344275 | |
C75:CGD |
University College Cork School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 344453 | |
C75:DBE |
University College Dublin, School of Biological and Environmental Science | Mapping: 1855792 | |
C75:UCD |
University College Dublin, School of Civil Engineering | Mapping: 798508 | |
C75:DUG |
University College Dublin, School of Geological Sciences | Mapping: 344710 | |
C75:ABI |
University of Aarhus Bioscience Institute | Mapping: 477885 | |
C75:AGG |
University of Adelaide Department of Geology and Geophysics | Mapping: 344428 | |
C75:UAA |
University of Alaska Anchorage Department of Biological Sciences | Mapping: 474602 | |
C75:UAL |
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Science | Mapping: 344627 | |
C75:AFF |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences | Mapping: 1600686 | |
C75:AFG |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Department of Geology and Geophysics | Mapping: 1600688 | |
C75:AGI |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute | Mapping: 1600726 | |
C75:AFU |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, International Arctic Research Center | Mapping: 1584878 | |
C75:UAF |
University of Algarve, Aquatic Resources Science and Technology Unit | Mapping: 344626 | |
C75:UAM |
University of Amsterdam Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics | Mapping: 344628 | |
C75:UAG |
University of Angers Department of Geology | Mapping: 344272 | |
C75:MCB |
University of Arizona, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology | Mapping: 1705478 | |
C75:ICR |
University of Barcelona Catalan Institute of Research and Advanced Studies Faculty of Geology | Mapping: 344505 | |
C75:SPM |
University of Barcelona Department of Stratigraphy, Palaeontology and Marine Geosciences | Mapping: 344618 | |
C75:BMG |
University of Barcelona, Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics, Marine Geosciences Research Group | Mapping: 1600690 | |
C75:BUB |
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Biology | Mapping: 1619656 | |
C75:BZS |
University of Belize, Science Department | Mapping: 1623501 | |
C75:BGE |
University of Bergen Geophysical Institute | Mapping: 344441 | |
C75:BBO |
University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences | Mapping: 344822 | |
C75:BGD |
University of Bergen, Department of Earth Science | Mapping: 344440 | |
C75:UIB |
University of Bergen, Department of Mathematics | Mapping: 1626241 | |
C75:CEP |
University of Bern, Climate and Environmental Physics | Mapping: 1391284 | |
C75:BIG |
University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences | Mapping: 1603235 | |
C75:BSI |
University of Bonn, Steinmann Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology | Mapping: 1596478 | |
C75:UBO |
University of Bordeaux 1, Environnements et Paléoenvironnements Océaniques et Continentaux | Mapping: 344274 | |
C75:BRG |
University of Bremen Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 865932 | |
C75:UBP |
University of Bremen Institute of Environmental Physics | Mapping: 344630 | |
C75:UBM |
University of Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 344629 | |
C75:BCO |
University of British Columbia, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences | Mapping: 344438 | |
C75:CZE |
University of Cadiz Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science | Mapping: 344470 | |
C75:UCP |
University of Caen Lower Normandy Psychophysiology Laboratory | Mapping: 477919 | |
C75:CDO |
University of Calabar, Department of Physical Oceanography | Mapping: 1853910 | |
C75:CIE |
University of California Irvine Department of Earth System Science | Mapping: 344457 | |
C75:SBB |
University of California Santa Barbara Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology | Mapping: 347150 | |
C75:MUC |
University of California Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 344544 | |
C75:UCA |
University of California, Berkley, USA | Mapping: 344631 | |
C75:SBM |
University of California, Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute | Mapping: 1598684 | |
C75:MTX |
University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology | Mapping: 846016 | |
C75:IHC |
University of Cantabria, Environmental Hydraulics Institute | Mapping: 869002 | |
C75:UCZ |
University of Cape Town Department of Biological Sciences | Mapping: 344633 | |
C75:UCT |
University of Cape Town, Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 344276 | |
C75:CGS |
University of Chicago Department of the Geophysical Sciences | Mapping: 522611 | |
C75:DCT |
University of Coimbra, Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1759675 | |
C75:GMC |
University of Cologne Institute of Geology and Mineralogy | Mapping: 344859 | |
C75:CIA |
University of Colorado Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research | Mapping: 1853912 | |
C75:UCO |
University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 702600 | |
C75:CPH |
University of Copenhagen Institute of Physical Oceanography | Mapping: 1622830 | |
C75:CBB |
University of Cordoba Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Mapping: 508175 | |
C75:CIM |
University of Costa Rica Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology | Mapping: 554138 | |
C75:ZMS |
University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Science | Mapping: 1699531 | |
C75:DLW |
University of Delaware College of Earth, Ocean and Environment | Mapping: 344707 | |
C75:UDE |
University of Delaware, Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1705488 | |
C75:UEB |
University of East Anglia School of Biological Sciences | Mapping: 529986 | |
C75:UFJ |
University of Eastern Finland Department of Biology | Mapping: 474640 | |
C75:GSF |
University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences | Mapping: 862012 | |
C75:GIO |
University of Gdansk, Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 1584568 | |
C75:GEN |
University of Genoa, Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering | Mapping: 1692741 | |
C75:UGB |
University of Gent Department of Biochemical and Microbial Technology | Mapping: 344636 | |
C75:UOG |
University of Gent Department of Biology | Mapping: 344643 | |
C75:UGM |
University of Georgia, Department of Marine Science | Mapping: 1853926 | |
C75:RMG |
University of Ghent Renard Centre of Marine Geology | Mapping: 346162 | |
C75:GCV |
University of Girona, Computer Vision & Robotics Institute | Mapping: 1692738 | |
C75:DOU |
University of Gothenburg Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 344481 | |
C75:GMS |
University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 702594 | |
C75:GEE |
University of Groningen Energy and Sustainability Research Institute | Mapping: 344298 | |
C75:GBN |
University of Groningen Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Mapping: 344717 | |
C75:HBM |
University of Hamburg Department of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry | Mapping: 480165 | |
C75:HGI |
University of Hamburg Institute of Geophysics | Mapping: 480167 | |
C75:HMI |
University of Hamburg Meteorological Institute | Mapping: 479044 | |
C75:IFH |
University of Hamburg Oceanography Institute | Mapping: 344724 | |
C75:UHZ |
University of Hamburg Zoological Institute | Mapping: 348122 | |
C75:UHB |
University of Hamburg, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 344278 | |
C75:HPI |
University of Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics | Mapping: 529976 | |
C75:KSE |
University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Ecology | Mapping: 549070 | |
C75:SIS |
University of Kansas Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets | Mapping: 344915 | |
C75:UKL |
University of Karlsruhe, Germany | Mapping: 344279 | |
C75:UKI |
University of Kiel | Mapping: 344637 | |
C75:LIK |
University of Konstanz Limnological Institute | Mapping: 344526 | |
C75:UDC |
University of La Coruna, Department of Navigation and Earth Sciences | Mapping: 344634 | |
C75:MRL |
University of La Rochelle Marine Mammal Research Centre | Mapping: 472715 | |
C75:ULP |
University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1617776 | |
C75:IOG |
University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Institute of Oceanography and Global Change | Mapping: 1707442 | |
C75:LIE |
University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1854538 | |
C75:ULW |
University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, Wimereux Marine Station | Mapping: 477923 | |
C75:LRC |
University of Limerick, Mobile & Marine Robotics Research Centre | Mapping: 1692745 | |
C75:LUO |
University of Lisbon Institute of Oceanography | Mapping: 344529 | |
C75:DBV |
University of Lisbon, Department of Plant Biology | Mapping: 1749748 | |
C75:ULI |
University of Liège Department of Astrophysics Geophysics and Oceanography | Mapping: 344639 | |
C75:LUP |
University of Liège Department of Ecophysiology and Animal Physiology | Mapping: 344735 | |
C75:LUG |
University of Liège Department of Geology | Mapping: 344879 | |
C75:UMN |
University of Maine School of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 344280 | |
C75:MEC |
University of Maine, School of Earth and Climate Sciences | Mapping: 1436044 | |
C75:UMS |
University of Malaga, Spain | Mapping: 344640 | |
C75:MEG |
University of Manitoba, Department of Environment and Geography | Mapping: 702598 | |
C75:UMD |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology | Mapping: 869902 | |
C75:MGO |
University of Milan-Bicocca Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 484287 | |
C75:MES |
University of Minnesota Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 347167 | |
C75:MRE |
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Life Sciences | Mapping: 799176 | |
C75:MCH |
University of Montana, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 344532 | |
C75:LPG |
University of Nantes Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics | Mapping: 841754 | |
C75:NHZ |
University of New Hampshire Department of Zoology | Mapping: 344563 | |
C75:CCM |
University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping | Mapping: 344831 | |
C75:CCR |
University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre | Mapping: 486372 | |
C75:UNS |
University of New South Wales, Australia | Mapping: 344642 | |
C75:BEE |
University of New South Wales, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1741016 | |
C75:NSW |
University of New South Wales, School of Mathematics and Statistics | Mapping: 1436046 | |
C75:NCI |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences | Mapping: 1759650 | |
C75:NCW |
University of North Carolina Wilmington Department of Biology and Marine Biology | Mapping: 344555 | |
C75:ICB |
University of Oldenburg Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment | Mapping: 524329 | |
C75:OBI |
University of Oslo Department of Biosciences | Mapping: 344897 | |
C75:OTC |
University of Otago, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 344587 | |
C75:UOP |
University of Otago, Department of Physics | Mapping: 1705490 | |
C75:OEE |
University of Ottawa, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 553736 | |
C75:UDO |
University of Oviedo Department of Organism and Systems Biology | Mapping: 344277 | |
C75:OXB |
University of Oxford, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1864026 | |
C75:PAL |
University of Palermo, Department of Earth and Marine Science | Mapping: 540936 | |
C75:PAV |
University of Pavia, Department of Earth Sciences and Environment | Mapping: 540938 | |
C75:PBD |
University of Porto, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1853922 | |
C75:LST |
University of Porto, Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory | Mapping: 1692747 | |
C75:UPZ |
University of Pretoria Department of Zoology and Entomology | Mapping: 474603 | |
C75:URI |
University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography | Mapping: 344646 | |
C75:RES |
University of Rochester, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1705482 | |
C75:URO |
University of Rostock Department of Biosciences | Mapping: 344647 | |
C75:AUF |
University of Rostock, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 1706472 | |
C75:SBE |
University of Salento, Department of Biological and Environmental Science | Mapping: 540942 | |
C75:SXH |
University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Geography and History | Mapping: 1793378 | |
C75:USP |
University of Sao Paulo | Mapping: 344287 | |
C75:SPC |
University of Sao Paulo, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 1579370 | |
C75:SPO |
University of Sao Paulo, Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 1590474 | |
C75:SIL |
University of Saskatchewan Department of Geological Sciences | Mapping: 344914 | |
C75:SP1 |
University of Seville Department of Applied Physics I | Mapping: 344616 | |
C75:SP2 |
University of Seville Department of Applied Physics II | Mapping: 344266 | |
C75:SP3 |
University of Seville Department of Applied Physics III | Mapping: 344617 | |
C75:CNA |
University of Seville, National Center of Accelerators | Mapping: 1705468 | |
C75:SIF |
University of Siegen, Department of Mathematics | Mapping: 1597674 | |
C75:SIE |
University of Siegen, Research Institute for Water and Environment | Mapping: 1597672 | |
C75:SEE |
University of Siena, Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment | Mapping: 878320 | |
C75:UBS |
University of South Brittany, Marine Geosciences and Coastal Geomorphology Laboratory | Mapping: 477917 | |
C75:SCB |
University of South Carolina Department of Biological Sciences | Mapping: 501241 | |
C75:USC |
University of South Carolina School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment | Mapping: 344285 | |
C75:SFM |
University of South Florida College of Marine Science | Mapping: 1353626 | |
C75:USE |
University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1853928 | |
C75:SCU |
University of Southern California, USA | Mapping: 344606 | |
C75:SDB |
University of Southern Denmark Institute of Biology | Mapping: 348067 | |
C75:SMM |
University of Southern Mississippi Department of Marine Science | Mapping: 347151 | |
C75:SES |
University of Stellenbosch Department of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 468750 | |
C75:USH |
University of Stockholm, Sweden | Mapping: 344649 | |
C75:USI |
University of Sydney Institute of Marine Science | Mapping: 344650 | |
C75:UNT |
University of Tasmania, Australia | Mapping: 344282 | |
C75:TCS |
University of Tasmania, Central Science Laboratory | Mapping: 1602202 | |
C75:IMA |
University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies | Mapping: 472713 | |
C75:UTS |
University of Technology, Sydney, Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Cluster | Mapping: 344652 | |
C75:UTA |
University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute | Mapping: 1857292 | |
C75:UAZ |
University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries | Mapping: 344273 | |
C75:UBI |
University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Physics | Mapping: 1860448 | |
C75:UPM |
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Marine Science Institute | Mapping: 344284 | |
C75:FIJ |
University of the South Pacific, Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment | Mapping: 1527540 | |
C75:FIP |
University of the South Pacific, Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development | Mapping: 1533390 | |
C75:USQ |
University of the Sunshine Coast, School of Science, Technology and Engineering | Mapping: 1740662 | |
C75:UTO |
University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute | Mapping: 344651 | |
C75:TGE |
University of Toronto Department of Geology | Mapping: 344622 | |
C75:TSE |
University of Toyama, Graduate School of Science and Engineering | Mapping: 344624 | |
C75:NCF |
University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science | Mapping: 344553 | |
C75:UOT |
University of Tromsø Norwegian College of Fishery Science | Mapping: 344644 | |
C75:UIT |
University of Tromsø, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology | Mapping: 1435878 | |
C75:UTR |
University of Tromsø, Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 1626243 | |
C75:TPT |
University of Tromsø, Department of Physics and Technology | Mapping: 1527348 | |
C75:UTG |
University of Tübingen Department of Geosciences | Mapping: 473163 | |
C75:UUT |
University of Utrecht, Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry | Mapping: 705610 | |
C75:VES |
University of Victoria School of Earth and Ocean Sciences | Mapping: 344290 | |
C75:VBM |
University of Victoria, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology | Mapping: 702602 | |
C75:VMB |
University of Vienna Department of Marine Biology | Mapping: 344658 | |
C75:VPL |
University of Vienna, Department of Paleontology | Mapping: 864504 | |
C75:VIR |
University of Vienna, Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics | Mapping: 549188 | |
C75:UVI |
University of Vigo Department of Ecology and Animal Biology | Mapping: 344653 | |
C75:UWP |
University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory | Mapping: 344655 | |
C75:UWA |
University of Washington School of Oceanography | Mapping: 344289 | |
C75:SAF |
University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Mapping: 819806 | |
C75:UWF |
University of West Florida, Department of Biology | Mapping: 1602254 | |
C75:WAO |
University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute | Mapping: 546840 | |
C75:LBO |
University of Western Brittany Ocean Physics Laboratory | Mapping: 344524 | |
C75:WBC |
University of Western Brittany, Department of Chemistry | Mapping: 1475535 | |
C75:WMS |
University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center | Mapping: 344294 | |
C75:ZAG |
University of Zagreb, Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies | Mapping: 1692753 | |
C75:BOE |
US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region | Mapping: 1283352 | |
C75:BPM |
US Geol. Survey, Branch of Pacific Marine Geology | Mapping: 344447 | |
C75:NAV |
US Naval Oceanographic Office | Mapping: 1707748 | |
C75:NPS |
US Naval Postgraduate School Department of Oceanography | Mapping: 530018 | |
C75:NOO |
US Navy Oceanographic Office, St. Louis, USA | Mapping: 344571 | |
C75:JOM |
USGS-NOAA Joint Office for Mapping and Research | Mapping: 344304 | |
C75:UUP |
Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography | Mapping: 1853930 | |
C75:UUM |
Utrecht University, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research | Mapping: 1436050 | |
C75:VHO |
Venezuelan Hydrography, Oceanography, Meteorology and Nautical Mapping Service | Mapping: 1527350 | |
C75:VUW |
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Geography, Environmental and Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1603036 | |
C75:VFM |
Villefranche-sur-Mer Oceanological Observatory | Mapping: 344656 | |
C75:VIM |
Virginia Institute of Marine Science | Mapping: 475188 | |
C75:BMM |
Volksgezondheid, Min. van en Leefmilieu, Belgium | Mapping: 344445 | |
C75:WSG |
Wayne State University Department of Geology | Mapping: 521960 | |
C75:UWB |
Western Brittany University | Mapping: 344654 | |
C75:MYS |
Williams-Mystic | Mapping: 1585982 | |
C75:WHG |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Geology and Geophysics Department | Mapping: 344293 | |
C75:WHE |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering | Mapping: 344660 | |
C75:WHC |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry | Mapping: 344659 | |
C75:WHO |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography | Mapping: 344661 | |
C75:WSU |
Wright State University, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences | Mapping: 846018 | |
C75:XES |
Xiamen University State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science | Mapping: 344662 | |
C75:XUE |
Xiamen University, College of the Environment & Ecology | Mapping: 1598686 | |
C75:GGY |
Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics | Mapping: 1527506 | |
C75:ZES |
Zhejiang University, School of Earth Sciences | Mapping: 1739780 | |
C75:IBM |
École Normale Supérieure Institute of Marine Biogeochemistry | Mapping: 344503 | |
C75:ENS |
École Normale Supérieure, Geosciences Department | Mapping: 539760 |
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