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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S1800030 ADCP bin Also called depth cells, ADCP bins are regularly spaced and contiguous segments dividing the section of water column that is covered by the instrument and over which data are averaged. 2018-09-07
S1800038 CO2 gas standard at detector inlet The property relates to a CO2 gas standard entering a detector. 2019-05-31
S1800039 CO2 gas standard at detector outlet The property relates to a CO2 gas standard exiting a detector. 2019-05-31
S1800044 CO2 gas standard in LI-COR The property relates to the CO2 gas standard in the LI-COR gas analyser. 2019-05-31
S1800037 CPU temperature determination The property relates to the temperature determination of a central processing unit. 2019-05-31
S1800051 DOC determination The property relates to the determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). 2019-05-31
S1800136 LIDAR bin Regularly spaced and contiguous segments dividing the section of atmosphere that is covered by the LIDAR instrument and over which data are averaged. 2024-10-29
S1800052 P-wave propagation speed measurement The property relates to the determination of P-wave propagation speed. 2019-05-31
S1800099 Secchi disk A disk, divided into black and white quarters, used to gauge water clarity by measuring the depth at which it is no longer visible from the surface. 2022-03-22
S1800111 acoustic signal emissions The property relates to the transmission of a sound by an instrument. 2023-04-21
S1800029 acoustic signal returns A portion of transmitted sound that is scattered back towards its source by organisms or particles in the water body, and detected by the intrument's receiver. 2018-09-04
S1800003 aggregates Large irregular particles formed by the coagulation of smaller particles in a suspension. 2017-06-15
S1800091 airflow The movement of air. 2020-02-19
S1800036 ambient noise Any sound other than the sound signal from a specific source, or acoustic and non-acoustic interferences from the measuring device. 2019-04-10
S1800121 analysed biological entities The biological organisms used in the analysis. 2024-03-18
S1800102 analysed gas stream The property relates to the continuous flow of gas that passes through one or more sensors. 2022-09-09
S1800105 analysis A measurement or set of measurements on a sample or sub-sample. 2022-11-04
S1800138 analytical instrument Equipment designed to qualitatively and/or quantitatively measure the composition, properties, structure of substances or samples. 2025-01-17
S1800137 analytical method Method used to analyse the samples. 2025-01-14
S1800139 apparent redox potential discontinuity A transition of sediment colour in the seabed used as an indicator of a change in dissolved oxygen content from oxidized surface sediment to reduced deeper sediment. 2025-02-03
S1800042 atmosphere sample at detector inlet The property relates to the atmosphere sample entering the detector. 2019-05-31
S1800043 atmosphere sample at detector outlet The property relates to the atmosphere sample exiting the detector. 2019-05-31
S1800046 atmosphere sample in LI-COR The property relates to the atmosphere in the LI-COR gas analyser. 2019-05-31
S1800017 battery output Power provided by an electric battery. 2018-02-19
S1800126 biological replicate Biologically distinct samples that are collected in parallel to capture random biological variation. 2024-04-10
S1800053 calibration The property relates to the calibration procedure or conditions of an instrument or a method. 2019-05-31
S1800098 carbon/nitrogen Ratio of elemental carbon to elemental nitrogen. 2022-02-25
S1800104 conductivity cell A glass cell containing electrodes, usually platinum, used to measure the electrical conductivity of the liquid occupying the cell. 2022-09-09
S1800055 density determination The property relates to the determination of the density of a water body. 2019-05-31
S1800056 dissolved total inorganic carbon {TCO2} determination The property relates to the determination of total inorganic carbon dissolved in a water body. 2019-05-31
S1800058 divalent manganese determination The property relates to the determination of divalent manganese. 2019-05-31
S1800054 electrical conductivity measurement The property relates to the determination of the electrical conductivity of a water body. 2019-05-31
S1800004 electromagnetic radiation The waves or particles (photons) of the electromagnetic field that propagate through space carrying energy; it includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-radiation and gamma radiation. 2022-04-27
S1800018 electronics supply not available 2018-02-22
S1800041 equilibrated marine sample at detector inlet The property relates to the equilibrated marine sample entering the detector. 2019-05-31
S1800040 equilibrated marine sample at detector outlet The property relates to the equilibrated marine sample exiting the detector. 2019-05-31
S1800045 equilibrated marine sample in LI-COR The property relates to the equilibrated marine sample in the LI-COR gas analyser. 2019-05-31
S1800047 equilibration The property relates to the phase of equilibration used as a technique to estimate gas concentrations in liquid samples. 2019-05-31
S1800015 flow cytometry cluster A grouping of particles (cells) defined by statistical methods based on the similarity of their individual scattering and natural or artificial fluorescence properties. 2018-01-30
S1800028 fluorescence measurement A measurement made by a fluorometer. A fluorometer is set up to generate the wavelength of light to excite the analyte of interest, to selectively transmit the wavelength of light emitted and to measure the intensity of the emitted light. 2018-07-11
S1800008 forward light scatter pulse The signal generated by photons scattered in a frontal angle by a particle when crossing a laser beam of a flow cytometer. 2018-01-11
S1800112 geomorphological feature A topographic or bathymetric feature of the seafloor, coastline or terrestrial land surface created by physical, chemical or biological processes, such as beaches, dunes, bedforms, seamounts and ridges. 2023-06-28
S1800094 glider phase The distinct operating stage recognised following the deployment of a glider platform into water and prior to recovery. The term is used for glider platforms capable of sub-surface travel. 2021-07-06
S1800013 green fluorescence pulse The signal detected when a particle containing a green fluorescent material such as an artificial dye for example, passes in front of a blue laser beam. 2018-01-11
S1800024 habitat An assemblage of animals and plants together with their abiotic environment. 2018-06-14
S1800101 heat Energy transferred to or from a thermodynamic system, by means of convection, conduction, radiation or friction. 2022-06-13
S1800048 heated atmosphere sample The property relates to a sample from the atmosphere that has been heated as part of the analytical procedure. 2019-05-31
S1800093 human activity Actions and processes caused by humans. 2020-10-20
S1800066 instrument The property relates to a condition (typically temperature) within an instrumentation setup. 2019-05-31
S1800016 instrument output Raw signal generated by a measuring instrument. 2018-02-19
S1800106 instrument's profile The property relates to the vertical trajectory of a measuring instrument. 2022-11-23
S1800088 iodine-129/iodine-127 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-06-03
S1800142 layer above aRPD The layer of sediment between the apparent redox potential discontinuity (aRPD) and the sediment-water interface. 2025-02-19
S1800073 lead-206/lead-204 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800077 lead-206/lead-207 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800084 lead-207/lead-204 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800076 lead-208/lead-204 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800080 lead-208/lead-206 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800081 lead-208/lead-207 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800131 liquid water equivalent The liquid content of solid precipitation that has accumulated on the ground (snow depth). The accumulation may consist of snow, ice formed by freezing precipitation, freezing liquid precipitation, or ice formed by the refreezing of melted snow. (Source: US National Weather Service Glossary) 2024-06-05
S1800070 measurement The property relates to one or a set of conditions attached to a measurement. 2019-05-31
S1800130 measurement device An instrument or instrument system from which measurements are made. 2024-05-07
S1800034 measurement platform A platform from which measurements are made. 2018-10-01
S1800005 micro-litter particles Microscopic debris originating from human activities or derived from man-made objects that are found in a natural environment. 2017-11-25
S1800072 neodymium-143/neodymium-144 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800001 not applicable This semantic element is not required for the parameter being described. 2017-06-15
S1800059 nutrient determination The property relates to the determination of macro-nutrients. 2019-05-31
S1800067 optical cell The property relates to an optical cell within an instrumentation setup. 2019-05-31
S1800068 optical cell sensors The property relates to sensors attached to one or several optical cells within an instrumentation setup. 2019-05-31
S1800011 orange fluorescence pulse The signal detected when a particle containing orange fluorescent material such as phycoerythrin for instance, passes in front of a blue to green laser beam. Phycoerythrin emits in the yellow and orange bandwidths. 2018-01-11
S1800086 organic carbon/nitrogen Ratio of organic carbon to total nitrogen. 2019-06-03
S1800060 oxygen determination The property relates to the quantification of oxygen gas. 2019-05-31
S1800061 oxygen fixation The property relates to the condition at the time of the chemical fixation of the oxygen molecules by addition of reagents prior to analysis. 2019-05-31
S1800062 oxygen sensor membrane The property relates to the membrane of the oxygen sensor. 2019-05-31
S1800064 pCO2 determination The property relates to the determination of the CO2 partial pressure in a water sample. 2019-05-31
S1800063 pH determination The property relates to the determination of the pH of a medium or a sample. 2019-05-31
S1800002 particles Small solid forms of matter. 2017-06-15
S1800097 pixel The smallest addressable element of a digital image. 2021-10-04
S1800075 polonium-210/lead-210 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800035 position Location in space of an entity. 2019-04-04
S1800090 pressure measurement The property relates to a condition (e.g. temperature) of a pressure measurement. 2020-02-13
S1800095 radial vector The linear polar co-ordinate of a vector measurement. 2021-08-02
S1800133 radiometer case The property relates to a condition (typically temperature) within an infrared radiometer. Applies to a location in the radiometer case. 2024-06-24
S1800134 radiometer dome The property relates to a condition (typically temperature) within an infrared radiometer. Applies to a location in the radiometer dome. 2024-06-24
S1800074 radium-228/radium-226 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800069 readout module The property relates to the hardware unit of a sensor or a set of sensors. 2019-05-31
S1800010 red fluorescence pulse The signal detected when a particle containing a red fluorescent material such as chlorophyll-a or phycocyanin for instance, passes in front of a blue to red laser beam. 2018-01-11
S1800110 representative sample Term to be used when the property reported is a characteristic of what a sample needs to be in order to be considered representative like e.g. a size threshold below which a sample is no longer representative. 2023-02-16
S1800113 river water The liquid phase plus any dissolved material and suspended solids making up the body of rivers or streams. Rivers and streams are defined as being upstream of the tidal limit. 2023-08-30
S1800108 sample Term to be used when the property reported is a characteristic of a sample (for example its volume, its wet weight, its dry weight). A sample is a representative part of a larger whole or group. 2023-01-11
S1800007 sample collector A device used to collect physical samples. 2018-01-10
S1800119 sample extraction method Method used to extract the analysed sample from its matrix. 2024-03-13
S1800118 sample preservation method Method used to preserve the samples after collection and prior to analysis. 2024-03-13
S1800032 sampling event end Point in time and space marking the end of a sampling event. 2018-09-07
S1800031 sampling event start Point in time and space marking the beginning of a sampling event. 2018-09-07
S1800116 sampling instrument Equipment designed to collect physical samples. 2024-03-13
S1800117 sampling method Method used to obtain the samples used for the analysis. 2024-03-13
S1800115 sampling platform A structure or vehicle that serves as a base for deploying sampling or sensing equipment. 2024-03-13
S1800125 sampling processor (lower filter) The lower filter in a cascade or sequential filtration setup designed to exclude material retained by the filter. Only the material collected on the filter is used in the analysis. 2024-03-22
S1800123 sampling processor (lower sieve) Equipment used to sort biological or geological material. Only the material that remains on the sieve is used in the analyses. 2024-03-19
S1800122 sampling processor (upper filter) The upper filter in a cascade or sequential filtration setup designed to exclude material retained by the filter. Only material and liquid that pass through the filter are used in the analyses. 2024-03-18
S1800124 sampling processor (upper sieve) Equipment used to sort biological or geological material. The material that remain on the sieve are discarded. 2024-03-19
S1800132 sampling station A location or facility at which measurements or samples were taken. 2024-06-14
S1800107 sampling track The route along which a sample was collected or an observation was made, such as a beach transect, the track of a sampling net through water, or the track of a benthic sampler along the seafloor. It can also include the passage or transit between sampling or observation locations. 2022-11-28
S1800135 seafloor The property relates to the solid surface underlying a sea or an ocean 2024-09-12
S1800025 sediment Physical entity consisting of disaggregated minerals or mineraloids. 2018-07-05
S1800027 sediment bedding and lamination The physical structure of sediments. 2018-07-05
S1800026 sediment bioturbation The reworking of sediments by animals or plants. 2018-07-05
S1800140 sediment-water interface The boundary between the sediment layer and the overlying water in a water body. 2025-02-07
S1800089 shells and shell fragments The property relates to whole or broken shells as found in, for example, marine sediments or sedimentary rocks. 2019-10-31
S1800009 sideward light scatter pulse The signal generated by photons scattered at 90 degrees to the laser beam direction by a particle when crossing a laser beam of a flow cytometer. 2018-01-11
S1800100 single particle The property relates to a single particle. 2022-05-11
S1800020 solar panel output not available 2018-02-22
S1800129 spatial replicate Samples collected independently over some area, specifically collected to estimate statistical information about that area. 2024-04-10
S1800114 spawning grounds Areas of water where aquatic animals spawn, or produce their eggs. 2023-08-31
S1800120 sub-sampling protocol Method used to divide the sample into sub-samples. 2024-03-13
S1800096 surface microlayer The uppermost layer of water bodies representing a thin boundary layer between the hydrosphere (mainly the ocean) and the atmosphere. It is nominally defined as the top 1000 micrometres (or 1 millimetre) of the water's surface. Some observation methods like e.g. radiometry, distinguish between the skin (upper 10 - 20 micrometres below the air-sea interface) and the subskin (a sub-layer that is at a depth of approximately 1 - 1.5 millimetres below the air-sea interface). 2021-08-03
S1800109 survey Term to be used when the property reported is a characteristic of a survey (for example its area, its duration). A survey is a sampling activity which can be made up of a single or multiple sampling events. 2023-01-11
S1800092 suspended particulate material Solids contained in a sample from any body of water from a puddle to an ocean. 2020-07-10
S1800023 tar residues Weathered oil conglomerations found in the environment as a result of natural and anthropogenic oil pollution. 2018-06-14
S1800127 technical replicate Subsamples, or repeated processing, of a parent sample, to capture variation in handling of each replicate, or simply to repeat the processing. 2024-04-10
S1800128 temporal replicate Samples collected independently over a timeframe, specifically collected to estimate changes to the subject of interest over that timeframe. 2024-04-10
S1800071 thorium-230/thorium-232 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800082 thorium-232/thorium-230 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800065 total alkalinity determination The property relates to the quantification of total alkalinity in a water sample. 2019-05-31
S1800057 total iron determination The property relates to the determination of total dissolved iron. 2019-05-31
S1800033 towing platform A vehicle pulling an instrument or another platform. 2018-09-17
S1800141 transparent exopolymer particle Extracellular acidic polysaccharides produced by phytoplankton and bacteria in water bodies that are important for the biogeochemical cycling of elements. 2025-02-12
S1800085 tritium/hydrogen Ratio of tritium over hydrogen. This ratio is usually expressed in Tritium Units (TU) defined as 1 TU = 1 3H atom per 10^18 H atoms. 2019-06-03
S1800083 uranium-234/uranium-238 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800079 uranium-236/uranium-238 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800078 uranium-238/uranium-236 Ratio of the two specified isotopes. 2019-05-31
S1800021 water The liquid phase plus any dissolved material and suspended solids making up any body of water, such as oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds or puddles. 2018-04-16
S1800049 water at equilibrator base The property relates to the water sample at the base of an equilibrating vessel used as part of the analytical procedure. 2019-05-31
S1800050 water at equilibrator top The property relates to the water sample at the top of the equilibrating vessel used as part of the analytical procedure. 2019-05-31
S1800022 water current The movement or flow of water. 2018-06-01
S1800103 water vapour The property relates to water molecules suspended in air. 2022-09-09
S1800006 waves Refers to waves observed at the surface of water bodies. 2017-12-10
S1800014 wind Movement of air in the atmosphere. 2018-01-26
S1800012 yellow fluorescence pulse The signal detected when a particle containing a yellow fluorescent material such as phycoerythrin for instance, passes in front of a blue to green laser beam. Phycoerythrin emits in the yellow and orange bandwidths. 2018-01-11