http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/S06/current/S0600082/1/ |
Within Vocab |
BODC parameter semantic model parameter entity names |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
The degree of hotness of an object, a measurement matrix, an environment, expressed against a standard scale. |
Date |
2017-09-18T16:26: |
Identifier |
SDN:S06::S0600082 |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
S0600082 |
version |
1 |
Same As
QUDT concepts
http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/Temperature |
S01:S014 |
parameter entity |
| P01:CTMP1001 |
Temperature 10-minute mean of the atmosphere |
| P01:CATAVT10 |
Temperature 10-minute mean of the atmosphere by in-situ thermometer |
| P01:CATAVTO2 |
Temperature 2-minute mean of the atmosphere by in-situ thermometer |
Temperature daily maximum of the atmosphere by maximum minimum thermometer |
Temperature daily maximum of the atmosphere by maximum thermometer |
Temperature daily minimum of the atmosphere by maximum minimum thermometer |
Temperature daily minimum of the atmosphere by minimum thermometer |
| P01:CTMPMX01 |
Temperature hourly maximum of the atmosphere |
| P01:CTMPMN01 |
Temperature hourly minimum of the atmosphere |
Temperature mean of optical cell sensors by temperature sensor |
| P01:TEMPTCM1 |
Temperature mean of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTCM2 |
Temperature mean of the water body by in-situ thermistor (second sensor) |
Temperature mean of the water body by SonTek current meter |
| P01:GASTMP01 |
Temperature of analysed gas stream |
| P01:ITEMP0MA |
Temperature of atmosphere sample at detector inlet |
| P01:OTEMP0MA |
Temperature of atmosphere sample at detector outlet |
| P01:LTEMP0MA |
Temperature of atmosphere sample in LI-COR (nominal zero ppm) |
| P01:SCLTMP01 |
Temperature of calibration |
| P01:ITEMP0S2 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector inlet (nominal 250 ppm) |
| P01:ITEMP0S4 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector inlet (nominal 450 ppm) |
| P01:ITEMP0S0 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector inlet (nominal zero ppm) |
| P01:OTEMP0S2 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector outlet (nominal 250 ppm) |
| P01:OTEMP0S4 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector outlet (nominal 450 ppm) |
| P01:OTEMP0S0 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard at detector outlet (nominal zero ppm) |
| P01:LTEMP0S2 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard in LI-COR (nominal 250 ppm) |
| P01:LTEMP0S4 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard in LI-COR (nominal 450 ppm) |
| P01:LTEMP0S0 |
Temperature of CO2 gas standard in LI-COR (nominal zero ppm) |
Temperature of conductivity cell (internal) |
| P01:DENTMP01 |
Temperature of density determination |
| P01:TCO2TP01 |
Temperature of dissolved total inorganic carbon {TCO2} determination |
| P01:MN2TMP01 |
Temperature of divalent manganese determination |
| P01:DOCTMP01 |
Temperature of DOC determination |
| P01:TMESXX01 |
Temperature of electrical conductivity measurement |
| P01:TMESSG01 |
Temperature of electrical conductivity measurement by thermosalinograph |
| P01:TMESSG02 |
Temperature of electrical conductivity measurement by thermosalinograph (second sensor) |
| P01:ITEMP0EQ |
Temperature of equilibrated marine sample at detector inlet |
| P01:OTEMP0EQ |
Temperature of equilibrated marine sample at detector outlet |
| P01:LTEMP0EQ |
Temperature of equilibrated marine sample in LI-COR |
Temperature of equilibration |
| P01:TMESFL01 |
Temperature of fluorescence measurement by fluorometer temperature sensor |
| P01:ITEMP0HT |
Temperature of heated atmosphere sample |
Temperature of instrument (bottom of electronics tube) by telemetry buoy systems monitor |
Temperature of instrument (middle of electronics tube) by telemetry buoy systems monitor |
Temperature of instrument (top of electronics tube) by telemetry buoy systems monitor |
Temperature of measurement |
| P01:NUTTMP01 |
Temperature of nutrient determination |
| P01:TMESOT01 |
Temperature of optical cell by temperature sensor |
| P01:TMESOT02 |
Temperature of optical cell by temperature sensor (second sensor) |
Temperature of oxygen determination by optode |
| P01:OXYTMP01 |
Temperature of oxygen fixation |
| P01:OXYTEX01 |
Temperature of oxygen fixation of experiment water sample |
| P01:OXYTPR01 |
Temperature of oxygen sensor membrane |
Temperature of P-wave propagation speed measurement |
Temperature of pCO2 determination |
| P01:PHTXPR01 |
Temperature of pH determination |
| P01:PHTXPP01 |
Temperature of pH determination by hand-held thermometer |
Temperature of pressure measurement |
| P01:TMPRDCS1 |
Temperature of radiometer case by internal thermistor |
| P01:TMPRDDM1 |
Temperature of radiometer dome by internal thermistor |
Temperature of readout module |
| P01:TEMPAV01 |
Temperature of surface microlayer {skin temperature} of the water body by advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) |
| P01:PSSTRT01 |
Temperature of surface microlayer {skin temperature} of the water body by infra-red radiometer |
Temperature of surface microlayer {subskin temperature} of the water body by microwave radiometer |
| P01:CTMPZZ01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere |
| P01:CBTASS01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by Acclaim barometer temperature sensor |
| P01:CDTASS01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer |
| P01:CDTASS02 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer (second sensor) |
| P01:CDTASS03 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer (third sensor) |
Temperature of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer and taking the average value from two or more sensors |
| P01:CDTAPS01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by psychrometer dry bulb |
| P01:CTMPZZ02 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by second sensor |
| P01:CDTAZZ01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by thermometer |
| P01:CDTAZZ02 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by thermometer (second sensor) |
| P01:CTLGPR01 |
Temperature of the atmosphere by tide gauge ambient temperature sensor |
Temperature of the bed |
Temperature of the experiment water sample by digital thermometer |
| P01:CTMPZZ03 |
Temperature of the sediment anoxic layer |
| P01:CTMPZZ04 |
Temperature of the sediment oxygenated layer |
| P01:TEMPPR01 |
Temperature of the water body |
Temperature of the water body |
| P01:PSSTZZ01 |
Temperature of the water body |
| P01:PTMAZZ01 |
Temperature of the water body |
Temperature of the water body by AWQMS Quanta platinum resistance thermometer |
| P01:TEMPBT01 |
Temperature of the water body by bathythermograph |
| P01:TEMPCU02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCC02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCU01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCC01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPST01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD |
| P01:TEMPST02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPET01 |
Temperature of the water body by expendable bathythermograph (XBT) |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held digital thermometer |
| P01:PSSTBK01 |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held digital thermometer |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held mercury thermometer |
| P01:TEMPTB01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ StowAway TidbiT temperature logger |
| P01:PTMATS14 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS15 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS02 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS13 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS06 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTC01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS05 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS08 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS07 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS12 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS10 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS09 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS04 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS03 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS11 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTC08 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (eighth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC11 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (eleventh sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC15 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fifteenth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC05 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fifth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC14 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fourteenth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC04 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fourth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC09 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (ninth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC02 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC07 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (seventh sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC06 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (sixth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC10 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (tenth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC03 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (third sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC13 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (thirteenth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC12 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (twelfth sensor) |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor on acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) transducer |
| P01:PSSTTS01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer |
| P01:TMCLCCI1 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer and calibration against independent measurements |
| P01:TMCLCCL1 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer and laboratory calibration applied |
| P01:TEMPMT01 |
Temperature of the water body by mechanical bathythermograph |
| P01:TEMPMP01 |
Temperature of the water body by model prediction |
| P01:TEMPMV01 |
Temperature of the water body by moving vessel profiler (MVP) |
| P01:TEMPMC01 |
Temperature of the water body by moving vessel profiler (MVP) and verification against independent measurements |
Temperature of the water body by reversing thermometer |
| P01:TEMPSB35 |
Temperature of the water body by Sea-Bird SBE 35 deep ocean standards thermometer |
| P01:TEMPPR02 |
Temperature of the water body by second sensor |
| P01:TEMPPH01 |
Temperature of the water body by temperature probe on half tide pressure gauge |
| P01:TEMPSZ01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph |
| P01:TEMPSU01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPSG01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHU02 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor (second sensor) and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHG02 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor (second sensor) and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHU01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHG01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPPR03 |
Temperature of the water body by third sensor |
| P01:TEMPPP01 |
Temperature of the water body by YSI in-situ oxygen and temperature probe |
| P01:TEMPPP02 |
Temperature of the water body by YSI profiling oxygen and temperature probe |
| P01:ALKTMP01 |
Temperature of total alkalinity determination |
Temperature of total iron determination |
| P01:LTEMPEQ0 |
Temperature of water at equilibrator base by platinum resistance thermometer |
| P01:UTEMPEQ0 |
Temperature of water at equilibrator top by platinum resistance thermometer |
Temperature standard deviation of oxygen fixation |
| P01:PHTXSD01 |
Temperature standard deviation of pH determination |
| P01:PSSTRT02 |
Temperature standard deviation of surface microlayer {skin temperature} of the water body by infra-red radiometer |
| P01:CTMPSD01 |
Temperature standard deviation of the atmosphere |
| P01:CDTASSD1 |
Temperature standard deviation of the atmosphere by dry bulb thermometer |
| P01:CDTASDP1 |
Temperature standard deviation of the atmosphere by psychrometer dry bulb |
| P01:STSDCU02 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:STSDCU01 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by CTD and no verification against independent measurements |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by CTD and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPSD03 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by CTD or STD |
| P01:TEMPSD04 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTCS1 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTCS2 |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by in-situ thermistor (second sensor) |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by SonTek current meter |
Temperature standard deviation of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TVARTP01 |
Temperature variance in the water body by turbulence profiler and computation from fast microstructure temperature |