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Argo float cycle timing variables

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
AET Ascent End Time Time at which the float reaches the surface. 2021-11-30
AST Ascent Start Time Time at which the float begins its return to the surface. 2021-11-30
DAST Deep Ascent Start Time Time at which the float begins its rise to drift pressure. This variable is typically used for floats that profile on descent. 2021-11-30
DDET Deep Descent End Time Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual deep drift or profile pressure. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate. 2021-11-30
DPST Deep Park Start Time Time at which the float transitions to a deep park drift mission. This variable is only defined if the float is expected to enter a deep drift phase; it does not apply to cases of accidental drift at deep pressure, caused by bottom hits or buoyancy issues for example. 2021-11-30
DET Descent End Time Time at which the float first approaches within 3% of the eventual drift pressure, whether it is transitioning from the surface or from a deep profile. In case the float overshoots the drift pressure on descent, the Descent End Time (DET) corresponds to the time of the overshoot. This variable is based on pressure only, and can be measured or estimated by fall-rate. 2021-11-30
DST Descent Start Time Time at which the float leaves the surface and begins the descent. 2021-11-30
FLT First Location Time Time of the first location received. 2021-11-30
FMT First Message Time Time of the first message received. 2021-11-30
FST First Stabilization Time Time at which the float first becomes water-neutral. 2021-11-30
LLT Last Location Time Time of the last location received. 2021-11-30
LMT Last Message Time Time of the last message received. 2021-11-30
PET Park End Time Time at which the float exists from its Park or Drift mission. The float may then rise to the surface or sink to profile depth. 2021-11-30
PST Park Start Time Time at which the float transitions to its Park or Drift mission. This variable is estimated either by an onboard descent timer (e.g. SOLO floats) or by pressure measurements (e.g. PROVOR floats). 2021-11-30
TET Transmission End Time Time at which the float stops transmitting. 2021-11-30
TST Transmission Start Time Time at which the float begins transmitting. 2021-11-30