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Argo measurement code categories

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
PRIMC Primary Measurement Codes (MC) Measurement codes marking a mandatory cycle timing variable. These are essential to determine trajectory estimates for all float types. 2021-11-30
RGENC Relative Generic Codes Measurement codes marking measurements recorded while transitioning towards a primary or secondary measurement code, or taken as part of a surface sequence of in-water or in-air samples. If 'MC' is defined as a primary or secondary measurement code, relative generic codes 'RGENC' correspond to all codes falling within the (MC-15) and (MC-10) range, and within the (MC-6) and (MC-1) range; i.e. (MC-16) < RGENC < (MC-9) and (MC-7) <RGENC < MC. Moreover, RGENC also correspond to MC+10 and MC+11 for MCs of either 600, 700 or 800. The definitions for relative generic codes are purposely broad, so that they may be associated with trajectory measurements recorded by a wide range of different float types. 2021-12-01
RSPEC Relative Specific Codes Measurement codes reserved for unique timing events which are not repeated anywhere else within a float's cycle. If 'MC' is defined as a primary or secondary measurement code, relative specific codes 'RSPEC' generally fall anywhere within the (MC+1) and (MC+25) range; i.e. MC < RSPEC < (MC+26). However, please note that a RSPEC may not be associated with an MC at all. Each relative specific code is unique, and is matched with a trajectory measurement that is generally recorded by a limited number of float types. 2021-11-30
SECMC Secondary Measurement Codes (MC) Measurement codes marking a recommended cycle timing variable. These are used to determine trajectory estimates for a range of float types. 2021-11-30