made by VocPrez  for NVS


Argo status flag on the Representative Park Pressure (RPP)

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
6 Value is the PARKING PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing) Value is the PARKING_ PRESSURE meta-data but the float is programmed to sample measurements during the drift phase (i.e. drift measurement is missing) 2020-05-03
7 Value is the PARKING PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase Value is the PARKING_ PRESSURE meta-data for this float which does not achieve any measurement during the drift phase 2020-05-03
5 Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar) Value is the average of the min and max pressure measurements sampled during the drift phase (the precision is 1 bar) 2020-05-03
2 Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase Value is the mean value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase 2020-05-03
3 Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase Value is the median value, directly provided by the float, of the pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase 2020-05-03
4 Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET) Value is the pressure measurement sampled at Park End Time (PET) 2020-05-03
1 Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float Value is the weighted average of pressure measurements regularly sampled during the drift phase and provided by the float 2020-05-03