made by VocPrez  for NVS


Argo GROUNDED flags

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
S Drifting at shallower depth than programmed Float is known to be drifting at a shallower depth than originally programmed 2021-02-08
B Grounded (external bathymetry database check), and free-drift period affected Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'B'. 2021-02-08
C Grounded (external bathymetry database check), but free-drift period not affected Yes, the float touched the ground as determined by an external bathymetry database during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period. 2021-02-08
Y Grounded, and free-drift period affected Yes, the float touched the ground and the programmed free-drift period was affected. If it is uncertain what mission phase the grounding took place, use 'Y'. 2021-02-08
P Grounded, but free-drift period not affected Yes, the float touched the ground during a part of the mission that did not affect the free-drift period. 2021-02-08
N Not grounded No, the float did not touch the ground 2021-02-08
U Unknown Unknown 2020-05-03