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Argo history processing step codes

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
ARGQ Automatic QC of real-time data performed Automatic quality-control (QC) of data reported in real-time has been performed. 2020-04-07
ARCA Calibration performed Calibration has been performed. 2020-04-07
COOA Coriolis objective analysis performed Coriolis objective analysis performed. 2020-04-07
ARSQ Delayed-mode QC performed Delayed-mode quality-control (QC) has been performed. 2020-04-07
ARDU Delayed-mode data archived locally and sent to GDACs Delayed-data have been archived locally and sent to the Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs). 2020-04-07
IGO3 Duplicates checking performed Checking for duplicates has been performed. 2020-04-07
RFMT Hexadecimal format reported by the buoy converted to our standard format using reformat software Reformat software to convert hexadecimal format reported by the buoy to our standard format. 2020-04-07
ARFM Raw data converted to a processing format Raw data from telecommunications system has been converted to a processing format. 2020-04-07
ARUP Real-time data archived locally and sent to GDACs Real-time data have been archived locally and sent to the Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs). 2020-04-07