http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P35/current/WATERTEMP/4/ |
Within Vocab |
EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names |
Alternative Labels |
ITS-90 temperature
Definition |
All measures of the temperature of any water body by any method. Includes P01 codes that are either explicitly labelled ITS-90 or have no explicit temperature scale label. Additional filters such as collection date will be required to be certain IPTS-68 data are excluded from the aggregation. |
Date |
2016-10-20T11:27:18 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
Previous Version |
version |
4 |
| P01:TEMPP901 |
Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body |
| P01:TEMPS901 |
Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD |
| P01:TEMPS902 |
Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPR901 |
Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by reversing thermometer |
| P01:TEMPPR01 |
Temperature of the water body |
Temperature of the water body |
| P01:PSSTZZ01 |
Temperature of the water body |
| P01:PTMAZZ01 |
Temperature of the water body |
Temperature of the water body by AWQMS Quanta platinum resistance thermometer |
| P01:TEMPBT01 |
Temperature of the water body by bathythermograph |
| P01:TEMPCU02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCC02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD (second sensor) and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCU01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPCC01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPST01 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD |
| P01:TEMPST02 |
Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPET01 |
Temperature of the water body by expendable bathythermograph (XBT) |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held digital thermometer |
| P01:PSSTBK01 |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held digital thermometer |
Temperature of the water body by hand-held mercury thermometer |
| P01:TEMPTB01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ StowAway TidbiT temperature logger |
| P01:PTMATS14 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS15 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS02 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS13 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS06 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTC01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS05 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS08 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS07 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS12 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS10 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS09 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS04 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS03 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:PTMATS11 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor |
| P01:TEMPTC08 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (eighth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC11 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (eleventh sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC05 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fifth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC04 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (fourth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC09 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (ninth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC02 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (second sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC07 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (seventh sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC06 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (sixth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC10 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (tenth sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC03 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (third sensor) |
| P01:TEMPTC12 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermistor (twelfth sensor) |
| P01:PSSTTS01 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer |
| P01:TMCLCCI1 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer and calibration against independent measurements |
| P01:TMCLCCL1 |
Temperature of the water body by in-situ thermometer and laboratory calibration applied |
| P01:TEMPMT01 |
Temperature of the water body by mechanical bathythermograph |
| P01:TEMPMV01 |
Temperature of the water body by moving vessel profiler (MVP) |
| P01:TEMPMC01 |
Temperature of the water body by moving vessel profiler (MVP) and verification against independent measurements |
Temperature of the water body by reversing thermometer |
| P01:TEMPSB35 |
Temperature of the water body by Sea-Bird SBE 35 deep ocean standards thermometer |
| P01:TEMPPR02 |
Temperature of the water body by second sensor |
| P01:TEMPPH01 |
Temperature of the water body by temperature probe on half tide pressure gauge |
| P01:TEMPSZ01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph |
| P01:TEMPSU01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPSG01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHU01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and no verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPHG01 |
Temperature of the water body by thermosalinograph hull sensor and verification against independent measurements |
| P01:TEMPPR03 |
Temperature of the water body by third sensor |
| P01:TEMPPP01 |
Temperature of the water body by YSI in-situ oxygen and temperature probe |
| P01:TEMPPP02 |
Temperature of the water body by YSI profiling oxygen and temperature probe |
P06:UPAA |
Degrees Celsius |