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Units of measure dimensions

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
PERMOLPVOL /[amount of substance]/[length*length*length] Per the fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the cube of the fundamental dimension of length known as volume. 2019-02-10
PERVOL /[length*length*length] Per the cube of the fundamental dimension of length known as volume 2011-11-18
PERTIMEVOL /[length*length*length]*[time] Per the cube of the fundamental dimension of length known as volume, times the fundamental dimension of time. 2022-11-15
PERVOLPERTIME /[length*length*length]/[time] Per the cube of the fundamental dimension of length known as volume per the fundamental dimension of time. 2019-02-08
PERAREA /[length*length] Per the square of the fundamental dimension of length known as area 2011-11-18
PERAREAPERTIME /[length*length]/[time] Per the square of the fundamental dimension of length known as area per the fundamental dimension of time. 2019-02-08
PERLENGTH /[length] Per the fundamental dimension of length. 2019-02-08
PERLENGTHPERLENGTH /[length]/[length] Per the fundamental dimension of length per the fundamental dimension of length. 2019-02-08
PERLENGTHPERTIME /[length]/[time] Per the fundamental dimension of length per the fundamental dimension of time. 2019-02-08
PERMASS /[mass] Per the fundamental dimension of heaviness. 2019-01-20
PERTIME /[time] Per the fundamental dimension of time 2011-11-18
SIEMPM [[[time*time*time]*[electric current*electric current]]/[[mass]*[length*length]]]/[length] The base units for electrical conductity in the International System of Units (BIPM). 2024-05-10
POWAREA [[mass]*[length*length]/[time*time*time]]/[length*length] Energy (mass per unit are per unit time squared) per unit time (known as power) per unit area. 2012-06-12
MOL [amount of substance] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance. 2019-02-10
MOLPTIME [amount of substance]*[time] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance times the fundamental dimension of time. 2022-11-15
MOLPMOL [amount of substance]/[amount of substance] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the fundamental dimension of amount of substance. 2022-10-10
MOLPVOL [amount of substance]/[length*length*length] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the cube of the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume 2022-11-15
MOLPVOLPTIME [amount of substance]/[length*length*length]/[time] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the cube of the fundamental dimension of length (known as volume) per time. 2019-02-10
MOLPAREA [amount of substance]/[length*length] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the square of the fundamental dimension of distance known as area. 2022-11-15
MOLPAREAPTIME [amount of substance]/[length*length]/[time] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the square of the fundamental dimension of length (known as area) per time. 2019-02-10
MOLPMASS [amount of substance]/[mass] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the fundamental dimension of heaviness 2022-11-15
MOLPMASSPTIME [amount of substance]/[mass]/[time] The fundamental dimension of amount of substance per the fundamental dimension of heaviness per the fundamental dimension of time. 2022-11-15
DIMLESS [dimensionless] The concept of dimension does not apply 2011-11-18
A [electric current] The fundamental dimension of electric current. 2024-03-13
VOL [length*length*length] The cubeof the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume 2011-11-18
VOLVOL [length*length*length]/[length*length*length] The cube of the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume per the cube of the fundamental dimension of distance. 2019-02-08
VOLPERMASS [length*length*length]/[mass] The cube of the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume per the fundamental dimension of heaviness. 2019-02-08
AREA [length*length] The square of the fundamental dimension of distance known as area 2011-11-18
AREAPERTIME [length*length]/[time] The square of the fundamental dimension of distance known as area per the fundamental dimension of time 2012-07-25
LENGTH [length] Fundamental dimension of distance 2011-10-26
SPEED [length]/[time] Fundamental dimension of distance per fundamental dimension of time known as speed 2011-11-18
NMASS [mass] The fundamental dimension of heaviness 2011-11-18
POWER [mass]*[length*length]/[time*time*time] The fundamental dimension of power (mass per unit area per unit time cubed). 2024-03-13
ENERGY [mass]*[length*length]/[time*time] The fundamental dimension of energy (mass per unit area per unit time squared). 2024-03-13
MSPVOL [mass]/[length*length*length] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the cube of the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume 2011-11-18
MSPVOLTIME [mass]/[length*length*length]/[time] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the cube of the fundamental dimension of distance known as volume per the fundamental dimension of time. 2021-04-11
MSPAREA [mass]/[length*length] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the square of the fundamental dimension of distance known as area 2011-11-18
MSPAREATIME [mass]/[length*length]/[time] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the square of the fundamental dimension of distance known as area per the fundamental dimension of time. 2021-04-11
FORCEPAREA [mass]/[length]/[time*time] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the fundamental dimension of length per the square of the fundamental dimension of time. 2022-10-10
MPERLPERT [mass]/[length]/[time] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per the fundamental dimension of distance per the fundamental dimension of time. 2020-01-20
NASSMASS [mass]/[mass] The fundamental dimension of heaviness per fundamental dimension of heaviness 2011-11-18
MSPRTMSQ [mass]/[time*time] Fundamental dimension of mass per unit time squared. 2018-07-03
RAD [radian] The fundamental dimension of the amount of angular displacement 2020-04-07
RADPERL [radian]/[length] The fundamental dimension of the amount of angular displacement per the fundamental dimension of length. 2020-09-04
KELVIN [temperature] The fundamental dimension of the amount of hotness 2011-11-18
TIME [time] The fundamental dimension of time 2013-01-29
TIMEPERLENGTH [time]/[length] Fundamental dimension of time per the fundamental dimension of length. 2018-07-10