http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/BRDA/4/ |
Within Vocab |
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
Parameters quantifying the number of birds (Class Aves) in a survey but not expressed per unit area. Includes presence/absence indicators. |
Date |
2014-03-26T09:14:08 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
Previous Version |
version |
4 |
P05:002 |
biota |
| P03:B015 |
Birds, mammals and reptiles |
| P04:G838 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Marine Biology > Marine Birds |
| D01:D0100001 |
Parameters |
| P22:32 |
Species distribution |
| L19:005 |
theme |
| C47:IN4_3_1 |
Abundance trends of functionally important selected groups/species |
| C47:IN1_7_1 |
Composition and relative proportions of ecosystem components |
| C47:IN1_1_2 |
Distributional pattern within the range |
| C47:IN1_1_1 |
Distributional range |
| C47:IN1_2_1 |
Population abundance and/or biomass |
| P01:SOVO0001 |
Count (breeding pairs) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SOVO0004 |
Count (January) {midwinter count} of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:B008M01Z |
Count of Accipiter gentilis (ITIS: 175300: WoRMS 159104) |
| P01:B008M02Z |
Count of Accipiter nisus (ITIS: 175333) |
| P01:B009M01Z |
Count of Actitis hypoleucos (ITIS: 176613: WoRMS 212603) |
| P01:B010M01Z |
Count of Aix galericulata (ITIS: 175123: WoRMS 416679) |
| P01:B011M01Z |
Count of Alca torda (ITIS: 176971: WoRMS 137128) |
| P01:B012M01Z |
Count of Alcedo atthis (ITIS: 554549) |
| P01:B013M00Z |
Count of Alcidae (ITIS: 176967: WoRMS 136987) |
| P01:B014M01Z |
Count of Alle alle (ITIS: 176982: WoRMS 137129) |
| P01:B015M01Z |
Count of Alopochen aegyptiacus (ITIS: 553909: WoRMS 416680) |
| P01:B016M00Z |
Count of Anas (ITIS: 175062: WoRMS 148788) |
| P01:B016M01Z |
Count of Anas acuta (ITIS: 175074: WoRMS 158939) |
| P01:B016M02Z |
Count of Anas clypeata (ITIS: 175096: WoRMS 158941) |
| P01:B016M03Z |
Count of Anas crecca (ITIS: 175081: WoRMS 158943) |
| P01:B016M04Z |
Count of Anas penelope (ITIS: 175092: WoRMS 159168) |
| P01:B016M05Z |
Count of Anas platyrhynchos (ITIS: 175063: WoRMS 148791) |
| P01:B016M06Z |
Count of Anas querquedula (ITIS: 175093: WoRMS 159169) |
| P01:B016M07Z |
Count of Anas strepera (ITIS: 175073: WoRMS 159171) |
| P01:B017M01Z |
Count of Anser albifrons (ITIS: 175020: WoRMS 159159) |
| P01:B017M02Z |
Count of Anser anser (ITIS: 175028: WoRMS 416682) |
| P01:B017M03Z |
Count of Anser brachyrhynchus (ITIS: 175036: WoRMS 416683) |
| P01:B017M04Z |
Count of Anser caerulescens (ITIS: 175029) |
| P01:B017M05Z |
Count of Anser erythropus (ITIS: 175033: WoRMS 416684) |
| P01:B017M06Z |
Count of Anser fabalis (ITIS: 175024: WoRMS 416685) |
| P01:B017M07Z |
Count of Anser indicus (ITIS: 175034) |
| P01:B017M08Z |
Count of Anser rossii (ITIS: 175035) |
| P01:B018M01Z |
Count of Ardea cinerea (ITIS: 174781: WoRMS 212668) |
| P01:B018M02Z |
Count of Ardea purpurea (ITIS: 174791: WoRMS 212669) |
| P01:B019M01Z |
Count of Arenaria interpres (ITIS: 176571: WoRMS 147431) |
| P01:B020M01Z |
Count of Asio flammeus (ITIS: 177935: WoRMS 212685) |
| P01:B021M00Z |
Count of Aythya (ITIS: 175124: WoRMS 159160) |
| P01:B021M01Z |
Count of Aythya ferina (ITIS: 175126: WoRMS 232037) |
| P01:B021M02Z |
Count of Aythya fuligula (ITIS: 175135: WoRMS 159164) |
| P01:B021M03Z |
Count of Aythya marila (ITIS: 175130: WoRMS 159172) |
| P01:B021M04Z |
Count of Aythya nyroca (ITIS: 175139: WoRMS 416686) |
| P01:B022M01Z |
Count of Botaurus stellaris (ITIS: 174859: WoRMS 345750) |
| P01:B023M01Z |
Count of Branta bernicla (ITIS: 175011: WoRMS 159175) |
| P01:B023M01A |
Count of Branta bernicla hrota (ITIS: 175012) |
| P01:B023M01B |
Count of Branta bernicla nigricans (ITIS: 714723) |
| P01:B023M02Z |
Count of Branta canadensis (ITIS: 174999: WoRMS 159176) |
| P01:B023M03Z |
Count of Branta leucopsis (ITIS: 175014: WoRMS 159177) |
| P01:B023M04Z |
Count of Branta ruficollis (ITIS: 175015: WoRMS 416687) |
| P01:B024M01Z |
Count of Bucephala clangula (ITIS: 175141: WoRMS 159197) |
| P01:B025M01Z |
Count of Buteo buteo (ITIS: 175383) |
| P01:B025M02Z |
Count of Buteo lagopus (ITIS: 175373: WoRMS 159110) |
| P01:B026M01Z |
Count of Calcarius lapponicus (ITIS: 179526: WoRMS 383230) |
| P01:B027M01Z |
Count of Calidris alba (ITIS: 176669: WoRMS 159084) |
| P01:B027M02Z |
Count of Calidris alpina (ITIS: 176661: WoRMS 159047) |
| P01:B027M03Z |
Count of Calidris canutus (ITIS: 176642: WoRMS 147433) |
| P01:B027M04Z |
Count of Calidris ferruginea (ITIS: 176660: WoRMS 159049) |
| P01:B027M05Z |
Count of Calidris maritima (ITIS: 176646: WoRMS 159052) |
| P01:B027M06Z |
Count of Calidris minuta (ITIS: 176670: WoRMS 212600) |
| P01:B027M07Z |
Count of Calidris temminckii (ITIS: 176658: WoRMS 366591) |
| P01:B028M01Z |
Count of Carduelis flavirostris (ITIS: 559047: WoRMS 232062) |
| P01:B029M01Z |
Count of Charadrius alexandrinus (ITIS: 176510: WoRMS 212611) |
| P01:B029M02Z |
Count of Charadrius dubius (ITIS: 176529: WoRMS 212617) |
| P01:B029M03Z |
Count of Charadrius hiaticula (ITIS: 176504: WoRMS 212619) |
| P01:B030M01Z |
Count of Chlidonias niger (ITIS: 176959: WoRMS 137137) |
| P01:B031M01Z |
Count of Ciconia ciconia (ITIS: 174907) |
| P01:B031M02Z |
Count of Ciconia nigra (ITIS: 174909) |
| P01:B032M01Z |
Count of Circus aeruginosus (ITIS: 559297) |
| P01:B032M02Z |
Count of Circus cyaneus (ITIS: 175430: WoRMS 159372) |
| P01:B032M03Z |
Count of Circus pygargus (ITIS: 175439) |
| P01:B033M01Z |
Count of Clangula hyemalis (ITIS: 175147: WoRMS 137071) |
| P01:B034M01Z |
Count of Corvus corone cornix (WoRMS 232059) |
| P01:B035M01Z |
Count of Cygnus atratus (ITIS: 553906: WoRMS 225915) |
| P01:B035M02Z |
Count of Cygnus columbianus (ITIS: 174987: WoRMS 159088) |
| P01:B035M03Z |
Count of Cygnus cygnus (ITIS: 174990: WoRMS 159089) |
| P01:B035M04Z |
Count of Cygnus olor (ITIS: 174985: WoRMS 159090) |
| P01:B038M01Z |
Count of Egretta alba (ITIS: 174818: WoRMS 212664) |
| P01:B038M02Z |
Count of Egretta garzetta (ITIS: 174816: WoRMS 159115) |
| P01:B039M01Z |
Count of Eremophila alpestris (ITIS: 554256: WoRMS 232056) |
| P01:B040M01Z |
Count of Eudromias morinellus (ITIS: 176547) |
| P01:B041M01Z |
Count of Falco columbarius (ITIS: 175613: WoRMS 159152) |
| P01:B041M02Z |
Count of Falco peregrinus (ITIS: 175604: WoRMS 159153) |
| P01:B041M03Z |
Count of Falco subbuteo (ITIS: 175654) |
| P01:B041M04Z |
Count of Falco tinnunculus (ITIS: 175620: WoRMS 345751) |
| P01:B041M05Z |
Count of Falco vespertinus (ITIS: 175656) |
| P01:B042M01Z |
Count of Fratercula arctica (ITIS: 177025: WoRMS 137131) |
| P01:V2409007 |
Count of Fregata magnificens (ITIS: 174763: WoRMS 343999) |
| P01:B043M01Z |
Count of Fulica atra (ITIS: 176290: WoRMS 232054) |
| P01:B004M01Z |
Count of Fulmarus glacialis (ITIS: 174536: WoRMS 137195) |
| P01:B044M01Z |
Count of Gallinago gallinago (ITIS: 176700: WoRMS 158949) |
| P01:B045M01Z |
Count of Gallinula chloropus (ITIS: 176284: WoRMS 159009) |
| P01:B001M00Z |
Count of Gavia (ITIS: 174468: WoRMS 137057) |
| P01:B001M01Z |
Count of Gavia adamsii (ITIS: 174470: WoRMS 137185) |
| P01:B001M02Z |
Count of Gavia arctica (ITIS: 174471: WoRMS 137186) |
| P01:B001M03Z |
Count of Gavia immer (ITIS: 174469: WoRMS 137187) |
| P01:B001M04Z |
Count of Gavia stellata (ITIS: 174474: WoRMS 137188) |
| P01:B047M01Z |
Count of Grus grus (ITIS: 176183) |
| P01:B048M01Z |
Count of Haematopus ostralegus (ITIS: 176469: WoRMS 147436) |
| P01:B049M01Z |
Count of Haliaeetus albicilla (ITIS: 175419: WoRMS 232053) |
| P01:B050M01Z |
Count of Himantopus himantopus (ITIS: 176727: WoRMS 212609) |
| P01:B052M00Z |
Count of Laridae (ITIS: 176802: WoRMS 136988) |
| P01:B053M00Z |
Count of Larus (ITIS: 176803: WoRMS 137043) |
| P01:B053M01Z |
Count of Larus argentatus (ITIS: 176824: WoRMS 137138) |
| P01:W9463227 |
Count of Larus atricilla (ITIS: 176837: WoRMS 159074) |
| P01:B053M02Z |
Count of Larus cachinnans (ITIS: 554270: WoRMS 137140) |
| P01:B053M03Z |
Count of Larus canus (ITIS: 176832: WoRMS 137141) |
| P01:B053M04Z |
Count of Larus fuscus (ITIS: 176821: WoRMS 137142) |
| P01:B053M05Z |
Count of Larus glaucoides (ITIS: 176811: WoRMS 137144) |
| P01:B053M06Z |
Count of Larus hyperboreus (ITIS: 176808: WoRMS 137145) |
| P01:B053M07Z |
Count of Larus marinus (ITIS: 176815: WoRMS 137146) |
| P01:B053M08Z |
Count of Larus melanocephalus (ITIS: 176858: WoRMS 137147) |
| P01:B053M09Z |
Count of Larus minutus (ITIS: 176840: WoRMS 137148) |
| P01:B053M10Z |
Count of Larus ridibundus (ITIS: 176835: WoRMS 137149) |
| P01:B053M11Z |
Count of Larus sabini (ITIS: 176865: WoRMS 137151) |
| P01:B054M01Z |
Count of Limosa lapponica (ITIS: 176687: WoRMS 159034) |
| P01:B054M02Z |
Count of Limosa limosa (ITIS: 176691: WoRMS 159035) |
| P01:B055M01Z |
Count of Lymnocryptes minimus (ITIS: 176591: WoRMS 558755) |
| P01:B056M01Z |
Count of Melanitta fusca (ITIS: 175163: WoRMS 137072) |
| P01:B056M02Z |
Count of Melanitta nigra (ITIS: 175171: WoRMS 137073) |
| P01:B057M01Z |
Count of Mergus albellus (ITIS: 175190) |
| P01:B057M02Z |
Count of Mergus merganser (ITIS: 175185: WoRMS 159097) |
| P01:B057M03Z |
Count of Mergus serrator (ITIS: 175187: WoRMS 159098) |
| P01:B058M01Z |
Count of Milvus migrans (ITIS: 175469: WoRMS 212678) |
| P01:B058M02Z |
Count of Milvus milvus (ITIS: 175470) |
| P01:B059M03Z |
Count of Netta rufina (ITIS: 175234: WoRMS 416688) |
| P01:B060M01Z |
Count of Numenius arquata (ITIS: 176596: WoRMS 159037) |
| P01:B060M02Z |
Count of Numenius phaeopus (ITIS: 176599: WoRMS 159040) |
| P01:B061M01Z |
Count of Nycticorax nycticorax (ITIS: 174832: WoRMS 159123) |
| P01:Z96A1232 |
Count of Oceanodroma (ITIS: 174624: WoRMS 137060) |
| P01:B062M01Z |
Count of Oxyura jamaicensis (ITIS: 175175: WoRMS 159100) |
| P01:B063M01Z |
Count of Pandion haliaetus (ITIS: 175590: WoRMS 159377) |
| P01:D6B4704A |
Count of Pelecanus occidentalis (ITIS: 174685: WoRMS 343935) |
| P01:B064M01Z |
Count of Pernis apivorus (ITIS: 175454) |
| P01:O5655816 |
Count of Phalacrocorax (ITIS: 174714: WoRMS 137054) |
| P01:B007M01Z |
Count of Phalacrocorax aristotelis (ITIS: 174733: WoRMS 137178) |
| P01:B007M02Z |
Count of Phalacrocorax carbo (ITIS: 174715: WoRMS 137179) |
| P01:B065M01Z |
Count of Phalaropus lobatus (ITIS: 176735: WoRMS 137169) |
| P01:B065M02Z |
Count of Phalaropus tricolor (ITIS: 176736: WoRMS 159043) |
| P01:B066M01Z |
Count of Philomachus pugnax (ITIS: 176695: WoRMS 159046) |
| P01:B070M01Z |
Count of Phoenicopterus ruber (ITIS: 174976: WoRMS 212708) |
| P01:B071M01Z |
Count of Platalea leucorodia (ITIS: 174933: WoRMS 416678) |
| P01:B072M01Z |
Count of Plectrophenax nivalis (ITIS: 179532: WoRMS 383228) |
| P01:B073M01Z |
Count of Pluvialis apricaria (ITIS: 176561: WoRMS 159135) |
| P01:B073M02Z |
Count of Pluvialis dominica (ITIS: 176564: WoRMS 159136) |
| P01:B073M05Z |
Count of Pluvialis fulva (ITIS: 554381: WoRMS 232044) |
| P01:B073M03Z |
Count of Pluvialis squatarola (ITIS: 176567: WoRMS 159137) |
| P01:B003M01Z |
Count of Podiceps auritus (ITIS: 174482: WoRMS 137181) |
| P01:B003M02Z |
Count of Podiceps cristatus (ITIS: 174491: WoRMS 137182) |
| P01:B003M03Z |
Count of Podiceps grisegena (ITIS: 174479: WoRMS 137183) |
| P01:B003M04Z |
Count of Podiceps nigricollis (ITIS: 174485: WoRMS 137184) |
| P01:B074M01Z |
Count of Polysticta stelleri (ITIS: 175153: WoRMS 232041) |
| P01:M3188854 |
Count of Procellaria parkinsoni (ITIS: 174611: WoRMS 225914) |
| P01:M1638896 |
Count of Puffinus (ITIS: 174543: WoRMS 137065) |
| P01:B005M01Z |
Count of Puffinus griseus (ITIS: 174553: WoRMS 137202) |
| P01:B005M02Z |
Count of Puffinus puffinus (ITIS: 174555: WoRMS 137203) |
| P01:B075M01Z |
Count of Rallus aquaticus (ITIS: 176223: WoRMS 416695) |
| P01:B076M01Z |
Count of Recurvirostra avosetta (ITIS: 176723: WoRMS 212721) |
| P01:B077M01Z |
Count of Rissa tridactyla (ITIS: 176875: WoRMS 137156) |
| P01:B078M01Z |
Count of Scolopax rusticola (ITIS: 176578: WoRMS 159028) |
| P01:B079M01Z |
Count of Somateria mollissima (ITIS: 175155: WoRMS 137074) |
| P01:B080M01Z |
Count of Stercorarius longicaudus (ITIS: 176794: WoRMS 137171) |
| P01:B080M02Z |
Count of Stercorarius parasiticus (ITIS: 176793: WoRMS 137172) |
| P01:B080M03Z |
Count of Stercorarius pomarinus (ITIS: 176792: WoRMS 137173) |
| P01:B080M04Z |
Count of Stercorarius skua (ITIS: 660059: WoRMS 137174) |
| P01:BIO2M001 |
Count of Sterna (ITIS: 176885: WoRMS 137047) |
| P01:B081M01Z |
Count of Sterna albifrons (ITIS: 176899: WoRMS 137157) |
| P01:B081M02Z |
Count of Sterna caspia (ITIS: 176924: WoRMS 137159) |
| P01:B081M03Z |
Count of Sterna hirundo (ITIS: 176888: WoRMS 137162) |
| P01:R8529A2B |
Count of Sterna maxima (ITIS: 176922: WoRMS 137163) |
| P01:B081M04Z |
Count of Sterna paradisaea (ITIS: 176890: WoRMS 137165) |
| P01:B081M05Z |
Count of Sterna sandvicensis (ITIS: 176927: WoRMS 137166) |
| P01:B082M00Z |
Count of Sternidae (WoRMS 148764) |
| P01:O1704196 |
Count of Sula (ITIS: 174697: WoRMS 137055) |
| P01:B006M01Z |
Count of Sula bassanus (ITIS: 174711) |
| P01:O9016397 |
Count of Sula granti (ITIS: 726047: WoRMS 343958) |
| P01:B7992937 |
Count of Sula leucogaster (ITIS: 174704: WoRMS 212597) |
| P01:A15985A1 |
Count of Sula nebouxii (ITIS: 174702: WoRMS 343959) |
| P01:B002M02Z |
Count of Tachybaptus ruficollis (ITIS: 563259: WoRMS 148790) |
| P01:B083M01Z |
Count of Tadorna ferruginea (ITIS: 175056: WoRMS 416689) |
| P01:B083M02Z |
Count of Tadorna tadorna (ITIS: 175055: WoRMS 232042) |
| P01:B084M01Z |
Count of Tringa erythropus (ITIS: 176621: WoRMS 159029) |
| P01:B084M02Z |
Count of Tringa glareola (ITIS: 176618: WoRMS 225916) |
| P01:B084M03Z |
Count of Tringa nebularia (ITIS: 176624: WoRMS 158968) |
| P01:B084M04Z |
Count of Tringa ochropus (ITIS: 176632: WoRMS 212622) |
| P01:B084M05Z |
Count of Tringa stagnatilis (ITIS: 176633: WoRMS 212623) |
| P01:B084M06Z |
Count of Tringa totanus (ITIS: 176622: WoRMS 158970) |
| P01:B086M01Z |
Count of Uria aalge (ITIS: 176974: WoRMS 137133) |
| P01:B087M01Z |
Count of Vanellus vanellus (ITIS: 176481: WoRMS 159142) |
| P01:SOVO0003 |
Maximum count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SOVO0002 |
Mean count (seasonal) of biological entity specified elsewhere |