http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P02/current/BRAD/1/ |
Within Vocab |
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
All parameters associated with radioactivity in either whole organisms or their constituent parts |
Date |
2007-02-26T08:05:24 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
version |
1 |
L04:L04004 |
biota |
| C47:IN8_1_1 |
Concentration of the contaminants |
| P22:18 |
Human health and safety |
| D01:D0100001 |
Parameters |
| P36:RADNUC |
Radionuclides |
| L19:005 |
theme |
| P05:002 |
biota |
| P05:007 |
environment |
| P03:B007 |
Biota composition |
| P03:C030 |
Isotopes |
| P01:ACAUX138 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736)} |
| P01:ACAUX137 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353)} |
| P01:ACAUX043 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141)} |
| P01:APOUX066 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit dry weight of biota {Fucus vesiculosus (ITIS: 11335: WoRMS 145548)} |
| P01:APOUX013 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417)} |
| P01:APOUX138 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736)} |
| P01:APOUX137 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353)} |
| P01:APOUX043 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141)} |
| P01:APOUX052 |
Activity expanded uncertainty of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425)} |
| P01:KATI0146 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit dry weight of biota {Fucus vesiculosus (ITIS: 11335: WoRMS 145548)} |
| P01:KATI0144 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417)} |
| P01:ACA07138 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736)} |
| P01:ACA07137 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353)} |
| P01:ACA04323 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141)} |
| P01:KATI0145 |
Activity of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425)} |
| P01:APO06628 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit dry weight of biota {Fucus vesiculosus (ITIS: 11335: WoRMS 145548)} |
| P01:APO01319 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417)} |
| P01:APO07138 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Osmerus eperlanus (ITIS: 162039: WoRMS 126736)} |
| P01:APO07137 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Perca fluviatilis (ITIS: 168470: WoRMS 151353)} |
| P01:APO04323 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Platichthys flesus (ITIS: 172894: WoRMS 127141)} |
| P01:APO05249 |
Activity of potassium-40 {40K CAS 13966-00-2} per unit wet weight of biota {Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425)} |
| P01:KATSD146 |
Activity standard deviation of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit dry weight of biota {Fucus vesiculosus (ITIS: 11335: WoRMS 145548)} |
| P01:KATSD144 |
Activity standard deviation of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417)} |
| P01:KATSD145 |
Activity standard deviation of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Sprattus sprattus (ITIS: 161789: WoRMS 126425)} |
| P01:IC001087 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
| P01:IC000799 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417)} |
| P01:IC000305 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Crangon crangon (ITIS: 97118: WoRMS 107552) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
| P01:IC000306 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Crangon crangon (ITIS: 97118: WoRMS 107552)} |
| P01:IC001572 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
| P01:IC000577 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Gadus morhua (ITIS: 164712: WoRMS 126436)} |
| P01:IC000800 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Subcomponent: flesh]} |
| P01:IC002869 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
| P01:IC002624 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Solea vulgaris (ITIS: 173001: WoRMS 154712) [Subcomponent: muscle tissue]} |
| P01:IC002976 |
Concentration of caesium-137 {137Cs CAS 10045-97-3} per unit wet weight of biota {Solea vulgaris (ITIS: 173001: WoRMS 154712)} |
| P64:G563 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Contaminants |
| P64:H028 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Water Quality > Ocean Contaminants |
| P04:G563 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Human Dimensions > Environmental Impacts > Contaminants |
| P04:G678 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Hydrosphere > Water Quality/Water Chemistry > Contaminants |
| P04:H028 |
EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans > Water Quality > Ocean Contaminants |