Sublittoral sand in variable salinity (estuaries)
URI | | |
Within Vocab | Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03 | |
Alternative Labels | SS.SSa.SSaVS | |
Definition | Clean sands that occur in the upper reaches of marine inlets, especially estuaries, where water movement is moderately strong, allowing the sedimentation of sand but not the finer silt fraction. The habitat typically lacks a significant seaweed component and is characterised by brackish-water tolerant fauna, particularly amphipods, polychaetes and mysid shrimps. | |
Date | 2018-02-13T18:46:01 | |
Identifier | SDN:M21::JNCCMNCR00001557 | |
Note | accepted | |
Is Version Of | JNCCMNCR00001557 | |
version | 1 |
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