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Geo-Seas data object quality flags

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
2 Fair seismic section The data object (such as a seismic section)is noisy but the noise does not obliterate signals so they can be followed 2010-09-21
1 Good seismic section The data object (such as a seismic section) shows many signals and almost no noises 2010-09-21
0 No quality control No quality control procedures have been applied to the data object (such as a seismic section). This is the initial status for all data objects entering the working archive. 2010-09-21
4 Not usable The data object (such as a seismic section) quality is so poor that it cannot be exploited 2010-09-21
3 Poor seismic section Problems with acquisition parameter settings, or noise , or geological settings do not allow signals in the data object (such as a seismic section) to be highlighted 2010-09-21