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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
L04003 atmosphere Layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by the Earth's gravity. 2016-04-08
L04004 biota A living organism (or part thereof) or the body or body part of an organism that was once alive. 2016-04-08
L04006 not applicable There is no appropriate value. 2016-04-08
L04005 sediment Unconsolidated solid material removed from a geological unit in the bed. 2016-04-08
L04002 suspended particulate material Solid material, including flora and fauna, that is distributed throughout a water body. 2016-04-08
L04001 water body A distinct and significant volume of fresh or salt water on the Earth's surface. Includes oceans, seas, estuaries, rivers, ponds and lakes. 2016-04-08