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SeaDataNet Measurement Periodicity Categories

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
5 day to sub-week Sampling interval is one day or longer, but shorter than one week. Sampling frequency is daily or less, but greater than weekly. 2006-08-18
15 decadal Sampling interval is 10 years or more. Sampling frequency is less than or equal to decadal. 2006-08-18
4 hour to sub-day Sampling interval is one hour or longer, but shorter than one day. Sampling frequency is hourly or less, but greater than daily. 2006-08-18
98 inapplicable There is no meaningful sampling interval either because measurements have not not repreated (e.g. sediment core measurements) or measurements have been averaged along a spatial axis (e.g. binned CTD data). 2011-08-26
0 indeterminate No regular sampling interval exists because measurements are made at irregular and unpredictable times. 2006-12-20
3 minute to sub-hour Sampling interval is one minute or longer, but shorter than one hour. Sampling frequency is 1/60 hertz or less, but greater than 1/3600 hertz. 2006-08-18
7 month to sub-year Sampling interval is one month or longer, but shorter than one year. Sampling frequency is monthly or less, but greater than yearly. 2006-08-18
2 second to sub-minute Sampling interval is one second or longer, but shorter than one minute. Sampling frequency is 1 hertz or less, but greater than 1/60 hertz. 2006-08-18
1 sub-second Sampling interval is less than a second. Sampling frequency is greater than one hertz. 2006-08-18
99 unknown A regular sampling interval probably exists but is not known to, or computable by, the information provider. 2006-12-20
6 week to sub-month Sampling interval is one week or longer, but shorter than one month. Sampling frequency is weekly or less, but greater than monthly. 2006-08-18
13 year to sub-decade Sampling interval is one year or longer, but shorter than ten years. Sampling frequency is yearly or less, but greater than decadal. 2006-08-18