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Geo-Seas Seismic Receiver Types

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
902 3C seismometers Devices placed on the ground or seabed to measure physical movement of that substrate. 3C seismometers are built of multiple motion sensors oriented in a tri-axial mode. Allows for recording of compressional and shear waves. 2011-01-28
903 3C seismometers with hydrophone Devices placed on the ground or seabed to measure physical movement of that substrate whilst simultanously measuring underwater acoutic signals. These are built of multiple motion sensors oriented in a tri-axial mode plus a hydrophone. 2011-01-28
369 Hydrophones Devices containing transducers that convert underwater sound waves into electrical signals. 2011-01-28
901 Multiple streamers An array of regularly spaced streamers towed behind a vessel listening the same source. 2011-01-28
368 Seismometers Devices placed on the ground or seabed to measure physical movement of that substrate. 2011-01-28
900 Streamers Individual marine cables incorporating regularly separated hydrophones, designed for continuous towing through the water. A streamer is neutrally buoyant and depth controllers are attached to depress the streamer to the proper towing depth. 2011-01-28