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Alternate Profiles ?Different Media Types (HTML, text, RDF, JSON etc.) and different information model views, profiles, are available for this resource.


ID Preferred Label Definition Date
001 documentDigital Digital representation of a primarily textual item (can contain illustrations also) 2012-07-04
002 documentHardcopy Representation of a primarily textual item (can contain illustrations also) on paper, photograhic material, or other media 2012-07-04
003 imageDigital Likeness of natural or man-made features, objects, and activities acquired through the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar and stored in digital format 2012-07-04
004 imageHardcopy Likeness of natural or man-made features, objects, and activities acquired through the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar and reproduced on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user 2012-07-04
005 mapDigital Map represented in raster or vector form 2012-07-04
006 mapHardcopy Map printed on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user 2012-07-04
007 modelDigital Multi-dimensional digital representation of a feature, process, etc. 2012-07-04
008 modelHardcopy 3-dimensional, physical model 2012-07-04
009 profileDigital Vertical cross-section in digital form 2012-07-04
010 profileHardcopy Vertical cross-section printed on paper, etc. 2012-07-04
011 tableDigital Digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns 2012-07-04
012 tableHardcopy Representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns, printed onpapers, photographic material, or other media 2012-07-04
013 videoDigital Digital video recording 2012-07-04
014 videoHardcopy Video recording on film 2012-07-04