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Alternate Profiles ?Different Media Types (HTML, text, RDF, JSON etc.) and different information model views, profiles, are available for this resource.


ID Preferred Label Definition Date
007 URL online resource locator for accessing data using a specific web protocol 2013-05-20
008 directDownload DEPRECATED Online resource locator for transferring data from one storage device or system to another 2013-05-20
001 download Online instructions for transferring data from one storage device or system to another 2012-07-04
006 downloadRegistration Manual interaction with an on-line system by registered users following successful authentication and authorisation 2012-07-04
009 hrsvsRegistration Online system for visualisation of high resolution seismic data by registered users following successful authentication and authorisation 2013-05-16
002 information Online information about the resource 2012-07-04
003 offlineAccess Online instructions for requesting the resource from the provider 2012-07-04
004 order Online order process for obtaining the resource 2012-07-04
005 search Online search interface for seeking out information about the resource 2012-07-04