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BODC organisation categories

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
6 Charitable organisations A legally incorporated nonprofit organisation that operates for the public benefit and has federally registered charitable status. Includes charities registered in any country. 2011-11-11
4 Commercial organisations Research centres in the commercial sector supplying data to BODC. Includes companies based both in the UK and abroad. 2011-11-11
5 Foreign academic and government organisations Research centres from outside the UK supplying data to BODC that are in either the academic or government sectors. 2011-11-11
1 Natural Environment Research Council laboratories and collaborative centres Research centres and project offices supplying data to BODC that are either part of the Natural Environment Research Council or funded by them to a significant degree. 2011-11-11
2 United Kingdom Government funded laboratories Research centres supplying data to BODC that are either part of the UK Government or directly funded by it to a significant degree. 2011-11-11
3 United Kingdom higher education institutions Research centres supplying data to BODC that are part of the UK higher education sector. 2011-11-11