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NERC DataGrid vocabulary term relationships

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
CAM activity-of The subject was an activity within the object 2007-10-25
CMP complements The subject shares enough attributes with the object that it is probable both will be of equal interest to a user or customer 2008-09-08
COM component-of The subject formed a constituent component of the object (although the subject may exist in its own right, in this case, it was deployed as part of the object). 2008-03-12
DER derived-version-of The subject has been derived from the object in some way 2007-10-25
DBY described_by An important attribute of the subject is specified by the object. 2007-10-25
DSC describes The subject is an important descriptive attribute of the object. 2007-10-25
EAR earlier-version-of The subject is an earlier version of the object 2007-10-25
NAR has-broad-match The set of resources properly indexed against the predicate is a subset of the set of resources properly indexed against the object. SKOS mapping vocabulary term conceptually the same as 'narrower than' 2007-02-15
SYN has-exact-match The set of resources properly indexed against the predicate is identical to the set of resources properly indexed against the object. SKOS mapping vocabulary term. 2007-02-15
MAJ has-major-match The set of resources properly indexed against the predicate shares more than 50 per cent of its members with the set of resources properly indexed against the object. SKOS mapping vocabulary term. 2007-02-15
MIN has-minor-match The set of resources properly indexed against the predicate shares between 0 and 50 per cent of its members with the set of resources properly indexed against the object. SKOS mapping vocabulary term. 2007-02-15
BRD has-narrow-match The set of resources properly indexed against the predicate is a superset of the set of resources properly indexed against the object. SKOS mapping vocabulary term conceptually the same as 'broader than'. 2007-02-15
HUN has-units-of The subject phenomenon may be stored in the object units. 2008-03-07
INC includes The subject is made up in part by the object 2008-05-02
INV inverse The subject has precisely the opposite meaning to the object. 2007-10-25
IAC iop#hasApplicableContextObject I-ADOPT ontology object property linking a VariableSet to one or more applicable ContextObject. 2023-06-26
IAM iop#hasApplicableMatrix I-ADOPT ontology object property linking a VariableSet to one or more applicable Matrix. 2023-06-26
IAO iop#hasApplicableObjectOfInterest I-ADOPT ontology object property linking a VariableSet to one or more applicable ObjectOfInterest. 2023-06-26
IAP iop#hasApplicableProperty I-ADOPT ontology object property linking a VariableSet to one or more applicable Property. 2023-06-26
IHC iop#hasConstraint I-ADOPT framework ontology property linking the variable to a constraint component. 2022-03-23
ICO iop#hasContextObject I-ADOPT framework ontology property linking the variable to a context object. 2022-03-23
IHM iop#hasMatrix I-ADOPT framework ontology property linking the variable to a matrix entity. 2022-03-23
IHO iop#hasObjectOfInterest I-ADOPT framework ontology property linking the variable to its object of interest. 2022-03-23
IHP iop#hasProperty I-ADOPT framework ontology property linking the variable to its property component. 2022-03-23
BUN is-units-of The subject describes the measurement unit in which a measured values of the phenomenon described by the object term is stored. 2008-03-07
PRE predecessor-of The subject is an activity passing attributes to the object whose finish is required for the object to start 2008-09-08
HCO puv#chemicalObject Parameter Usage Vocabulary ontology property that is used to link a variable identifier, label or description to its chemical object of interest when applicable. 2021-07-06
HMX puv#matrix Parameter Usage Vocabulary ontology property used to link a variable identifier, label or description to a matrix when applicable. 2021-06-30
HPP puv#property Parameter Usage Vocabulary ontology property used to link a variable identifier, label or description to the property or attribute that is being measured, which must be associated with either an object of interest or a matrix or both. 2021-06-30
HST puv#statistic Parameter Usage Vocabulary ontology property used to link a variable identifier, label or description to a statistical modifier if applicable. 2021-06-30
QTK qudt#hasQuantityKind Property from the QUDT ontology. 2022-07-14
TYP rdf#type rdf:type is an instance of rdf:Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. 2022-07-14
SIM similar-to The subject and the object share major characteristics 2007-10-25
SCM subcomponent-of The subject forms a constituent component of the object (and cannot exist independently of the object). 2007-10-25
SUC successor-to The subject is an activity inheriting attributes from the object whose start depends on the finish of the object 2008-09-08
VAR variant-of The subject is a variant of the object (the subject and object share the same attributes, but the values/settings of the attributes may differ) 2007-10-25