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BODC marine pollution sources

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
PEST05 Aeroplane A fixed-wing self-propelled aircraft. 2009-09-29
PEST04 Boat A small platform operating on the surface of the water column. Objective definitions for guidelines: <50m length (EU), 2009-09-29
PEST03 Fishing Vessel A platform operating on the surface of the water column whose primary purpose is the commercial harevsting of fish or shellfish but may be engaged in scientific activities such as fish stock surveys or mooring deployments and recoveries 2009-09-29
PEST07 Fixed Coastal Discharge A discharge from a fixed structure permanently connected to land into the sea (e.g. a sewage outfall or industrial pipe discharge) 2009-09-29
PEST01 Oil and Gas Platforms Platforms fixed to the seabed and used for the extraction of oil and gas 2009-09-29
PEST02 Ship A large platform operating on the surface of the water column. Objective definitions for guidelines: >50m length (EU), 2009-09-29
PEST06 Temporary Coastal Discharge A discharge from temporary structure from land into the sea (e.g. oil washed into the sea from a jetty or promenade) 2009-09-29
PESTUK Unknown The correct value is not known to, and not computable by, the creator of this information. However, a correct value probably exists. 2009-09-29
PESTNA inapplicable There is no appropriate value. 2011-08-26