made by VocPrez  for NVS


EMODnet Bathymetry Quality Indicators of vertical accuracy (QI_Vertical)

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
4 High frequency multi-beam echosounder Frequencies higher than 100 kHz, 1+0.5%d. 2023-07-14
3 High frequency single-beam echosounder Includes Lidar. 2023-07-14
2 Low frequency multi-beam echosounder Frequencies lower than 100 kHz, similar to 1+2%d. 2023-07-14
1 Low frequency single-beam echosounder Includes satellite derived bathy (SDB), similar to 2+5%d. 2023-07-14
0 Unknown Unknown, or may include plummet or lead line methods. 2023-07-14