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International Coastal Atlas Network Coastal Erosion Global Thesaurus

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ID Preferred Label Definition Date
Agents_of_Coastal_Change Agents of Coastal Change Actions and processes that change the nature or location of the boundary between land and sea. 2011-08-15
Effects_of_Coastal_Change Effects of Coastal Change The consequences of changes in the nature or location of the boundary between land and sea. 2011-08-15
Emergency_Response_and_Disaster_Recovery Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery Actions, requirements and processes that occur in response to natural or human events that destroy or put at risk life, property or the environment (including wildlife). 2011-08-15
Habitat_Alteration Habitat Alteration Processes, activities and events that change the nature of the environment provided for living organisms. 2011-08-15
Human_Activity Human Activity Actions and processes caused by humans. 2011-08-15
Human_Responses_to_Coastal_Change Human Responses to Coastal Change Human actions, requirements and processes that occur in response to changes in the nature or location of the boundary between land and sea. 2011-08-15
Legislation_and_Policy Legislation and Policy Actions and processes of local and national government. 2011-08-15
Mitigation_Strategies_and_Preparedness Mitigation Strategies and Preparedness Actions, requirements and processes required to prevent the occurrence of catastrophic events. 2011-08-15
Natural_Processes Natural Processes Actions and processes that result from the forces of nature such as weather and tides. 2011-08-15
Sediment_Budget Sediment Budget The balance between sediment added to and removed from the coastal system. 2011-08-15
Shoreline_Accretion_Shoaling_and_Emergence Shoreline Accretion, Shoaling and Emergence Processes, activities and events that extend the boundary between land and sea seawards. 2011-08-15
Shoreline_Erosion_Flooding_and_Submergence Shoreline Erosion, Flooding and Submergence Processes, activities and events that extend the boundary between land and sea landwards. 2011-08-15