http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P06/current/XXXX/1/ |
Within Vocab |
BODC-approved data storage units |
Alternative Labels |
Definition |
The property is a nominal property to which the concept of unit does not apply. |
Date |
2018-07-05T17:09:42 |
Identifier |
Note |
accepted |
Is Version Of |
version |
1 |
| P07:CFV11S1 |
area_type |
| P07:ND7TN6U4 |
automated_tropical_cyclone_forecasting_system_storm_identifier |
| P07:YU6AEXR7 |
biological_taxon_identifier |
| P07:K78S23CW |
biological_taxon_lsid |
| P07:CVYXQSG3 |
biological_taxon_name |
| P07:13VECVJM |
institution |
land_cover_lccs |
| P07:I2NHBPFG |
platform_id |
| P07:CH3BBTYJ |
platform_name |
| P07:PLCZ2YQA |
predominant_precipitation_type_at_surface |
| P07:CFSN0412 |
region |
sea_ice_classification |
| P07:E3DCGKO4 |
sensor_band_identifier |
soil_pool |
| P07:CFSN0357 |
soil_type |
| P07:TO330BQW |
source |
| P07:P80D44S1 |
thermodynamic_phase_of_cloud_water_particles_at_cloud_top |
| P01:SACFOR01 |
Abundance category (SACFOR) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SACFORN1 |
Abundance category (SACFORN) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL06 |
Abundance category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SDBIOL11 |
Categorisation (as living or non-living) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Cause of death of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Colour class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Colour class of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
| P01:ACFLAA01 |
Data quality flag (ACCLAIM) |
| P01:ACFLAG01 |
Data quality flag (Argo) |
| P01:ACFLCF01 |
Data quality flag (CEFAS Argos position) |
Data quality flag (IODE) |
Data quality flag (ODV) |
| P01:ACFLPCO2 |
Data quality flag (pCO2 IOCCP) |
| P01:ACFLSA01 |
Data quality flag (satellite radar altimeter) |
| P01:ACFLNK01 |
Data quality flag of acoustic doppler wave array |
Description of Adjusted Folk Class of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Adjusted Folk Class Vocabulary (SDN:GS3::) based on Flemming (2000) |
| P01:DSALMT01 |
Description of analytical method |
Description of colour of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Sediment Colour Vocabulary (SDN:GS4::) |
Description of depositional environment type of sediment by classification to a term from CGI Event Environment Vocabulary (urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:EventEnvironment) |
Description of grain-size kurtosis of sediment by classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Particle Size Kurtosos Vocabulary (SDN:GS6::) |
Description of grain-size skewness of sediment by classification to a term from the Geo-Seas Particle Size Skewness Vocabulary (SDN:GS5::) |
Description of grain-size sorting of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from the CGI Particle Sorting Vocabulary (urn:classifier:CGI:ParticleSorting) |
| P01:HELCHUB1 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the HELCOM 'HUB' Underwater Biotope and Habitat Classification System (SDN:M23::) |
| P01:UKMH0405 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 04.05 (SDN:M20::) |
| P01:UKMH1503 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 15.03 (SDN:M21::) |
| P01:UKMH9706 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the JNCC's Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version 97.06 (SDN:M24::) |
| P01:MSPDHAB1 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive broad habitat types (Commission Decision (EU)2017/848) |
| P01:OSPARTD1 |
Description of habitat by classification to a term from the OSPAR Commission's List of Threatened and/or Declining Species and Habitats (SDN:M22::) |
Description of lithology of rock by visual estimation |
Description of lithology of sediment by visual estimation |
Description of lithology of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from CGI Simple Lithology Vocabulary (urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:SimpleLithology) |
| P01:P27TERMX |
Description of MOTHY pollution simulation spillet location by classification to a term from the NVS P27 controlled vocabulary (SDN:P27::) |
| P01:P28TERMX |
Description of operational status of pollution cleanup site by classification to a term from the NVS P28 controlled vocabulary (SDN:P28::) |
| P01:C40TERMX |
Description of pollution report accuracy by classification to a term from the NVS C40 controlled vocabulary (SDN:C40::) |
| P01:C41TERMX |
Description of pollution source by classification to a term from the NVS C41 controlled vocabulary (SDN:C41::) |
Description of sample extraction method |
Description of sample preservation method |
| P01:DSSPMT01 |
Description of sampling method |
Description of sampling vertical location in the water body |
Description of sediment bedding and lamination of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from CGI FabricType Vocabulary (urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:FabricType) |
Description of sediment bioturbation of sediment by visual estimation and classification to a term from CGI FabricType Vocabulary (urn:cgi:classifier:CGI:FabricType |
| P01:DSPSSP01 |
Description of sub-sampling protocol |
| P01:BDDESC01 |
Description of the bed |
| P01:LSTAGE01 |
Development stage of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Global standard stratigraphic age of the sediment |
| P01:VISHOR04 |
Horizontal visibility (ESAS code) in the atmosphere by visual estimation and conversion to ESAS code using the visibility table |
| P01:SNANID01 |
Identifier (LSID) of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:IDANSIS1 |
Identifier of analysis |
| P01:IDBIRE01 |
Identifier of biological replicate |
| P01:IDGLPH01 |
Identifier of glider phase by classification to a term from the Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO) format reference list (https://doi.org/10.13155/34980) |
| P01:IDSMST01 |
Identifier of sampling station |
| P01:SPIDXX01 |
Identifier of single particle |
| P01:IDSPRE01 |
Identifier of spatial replicate |
| P01:IDTCRE01 |
Identifier of technical replicate |
| P01:IDTMRE01 |
Identifier of temporal replicate |
| P01:DBBCBE02 |
Likelihood category of death from fishing by-catch of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBNCBE01 |
Likelihood category of death from natural causes of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBPDBE04 |
Likelihood category of death from predation of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:DBSSBE03 |
Likelihood category of death from ship strike of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:MSPGLGP1 |
Location (geographic coordinates) of geomorphological feature by classification to a term from Nanson et al. (2023) |
| P01:MSPGLHA1 |
Location (geographic coordinates) of human activity by classification to a term from the EMODnet Human Activities vocabulary (SDN:HA2::) |
Location (geographic coordinates) of spawning grounds of Clupea harengus (ITIS: 161722: WoRMS 126417) |
| P01:MAGNMX01 |
Magnetic flux (x component) relative to instrument frame {MX} by triaxial fluxgate compass and normalisation and correction for pitch and roll |
| P01:MAGNMY01 |
Magnetic flux (y component) relative to instrument frame {MY} by triaxial fluxgate compass and normalisation and correction for pitch and roll |
Name of analytical instrument |
Name of sampling instrument |
| P01:NMSPPF01 |
Name of sampling platform |
Nutritional status category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Polymer type of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Polymer type of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
| P01:PRESABS2 |
Presence or absence of biological entity specified elsewhere by using P or N binary classification |
| P01:Z510MPCR |
Presence or absence of Bivalvia (ITIS: 79118: WoRMS 105) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07155 |
Presence or absence of Cerastoderma edule (ITIS: 80901: WoRMS 138998) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07154 |
Presence or absence of Crassostrea gigas (ITIS: 79868: WoRMS 140656) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07150 |
Presence or absence of Ensis directus (ITIS: 81022: WoRMS 140732) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07152 |
Presence or absence of Macoma balthica (ITIS: 567846: WoRMS 141579) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07151 |
Presence or absence of Mya arenaria (ITIS: 81692: WoRMS 140430) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PAB07153 |
Presence or absence of Mytilus edulis (ITIS: 79454: WoRMS 140480) [Stage: larvae] in the water body by filtration, DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction |
| P01:PABSSA25 |
Presence or absence of Salmonella (ITIS: 302: WoRMS 571268) in 25g dry weight of sediment |
| P01:PABSSA50 |
Presence or absence of Salmonella (ITIS: 302: WoRMS 571268) in 50g dry weight of sediment |
| P01:PASR1790 |
Presence or absence of startle response following stimulus of Dicentrarchus labrax (ITIS: 170317: WoRMS 126975) |
| P01:NMCLFL02 |
Registered name of flow cytometry cluster by classification to a term from the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names Vocabulary (SDN:F02::) |
Relative cover category of Ulva (ITIS: 6559: WoRMS 144296) [Subgroup: stranding] on the Earth by visual estimation of target taxon dominance (100%, >30%, <30%) |
| P01:SAMPID01 |
Sample identifier |
Sampling process quality flag (BODC C22) |
Sampling protocol |
| P01:SQGLPH01 |
Sequence number of glider phase by classification to a term from the Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO) format reference list (https://doi.org/10.13155/34980) |
Serial number of instrument |
| P01:ENTSEX01 |
Sex of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Shape class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Shape class of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
| P01:OBSSIZ01 |
Size category of biological entity specified elsewhere |
| P01:SZCLBIO1 |
Size class of analysed biological entities |
Size class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Size class of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Specimen decomposition stage code of biological entity specified elsewhere by classification according to Rowles et al (2001) |
| P01:SSAMID01 |
Subsample identifier |
| P01:SCNAME01 |
Taxon of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Transparency class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Transparency class of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
| P01:CTROPH01 |
Trophic status of biological entity specified elsewhere |
Type class of micro-litter particles in the sediment by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
Type class of micro-litter particles in the water body by categorisation using EMODnet chemistry reporting protocol |
| P01:TCSPPF01 |
Type class of sampling platform |
| MVB:MVB000001 |
acceleration axes |
| MVB:MVB000010 |
acknowledgements |
| MVB:MVB000011 |
algorithm marked outlier |
| MVB:MVB000337 |
alt index ID |
| MVB:MVB000244 |
alt project ID |
| MVB:MVB000012 |
animal comments |
| MVB:MVB000013 |
animal death comments |
| MVB:MVB000340 |
animal group ID |
| MVB:MVB000016 |
animal ID |
| MVB:MVB000018 |
animal life stage |
| MVB:MVB000341 |
animal marker ID |
| MVB:MVB000342 |
animal mates |
| MVB:MVB000020 |
animal nickname |
| MVB:MVB000346 |
animal offspring |
| MVB:MVB000347 |
animal parents |
| MVB:MVB000021 |
animal reproductive condition |
| MVB:MVB000022 |
animal ring ID |
| MVB:MVB000348 |
animal siblings |
| MVB:MVB000025 |
animal taxon detail |
| MVB:MVB000031 |
Argos IQ |
| MVB:MVB000034 |
Argos LC |
| MVB:MVB000042 |
Argos sat ID |
| MVB:MVB000045 |
Argos sensor 1 |
| MVB:MVB000046 |
Argos sensor 2 |
| MVB:MVB000047 |
Argos sensor 3 |
| MVB:MVB000048 |
Argos sensor 4 |
| MVB:MVB000050 |
Argos valid location algorithm |
| MVB:MVB000051 |
Argos valid location manual |
| MVB:MVB000395 |
attachment body part |
| MVB:MVB000396 |
attachment comments |
| MVB:MVB000057 |
BAS confidence |
| MVB:MVB000066 |
behavior according to |
| MVB:MVB000067 |
behavioural classification |
| MVB:MVB000397 |
capture method |
| MVB:MVB000068 |
citation |
| MVB:MVB000069 |
comments |
| MVB:MVB000072 |
contact person |
| MVB:MVB000214 |
data decoding software |
| MVB:MVB000073 |
data processing software |
| MVB:MVB000353 |
DBA comments |
| MVB:MVB000076 |
deploy off person |
| MVB:MVB000355 |
deploy off sampling |
| MVB:MVB000080 |
deploy on person |
| MVB:MVB000357 |
deploy on sampling |
| MVB:MVB000082 |
deployment comments |
| MVB:MVB000083 |
deployment end comments |
| MVB:MVB000085 |
deployment ID |
| MVB:MVB000398 |
deployment image |
| MVB:MVB000086 |
duty cycle |
| MVB:MVB000087 |
eobs acceleration axes |
| MVB:MVB000095 |
eobs key bin checksum |
| MVB:MVB000358 |
event group ID |
| MVB:MVB000103 |
event ID |
| MVB:MVB000106 |
geolocator calibration |
| MVB:MVB000107 |
geolocator fix type |
| MVB:MVB000215 |
geolocator rise |
| MVB:MVB000109 |
geolocator sensor comments |
| MVB:MVB000359 |
georeference protocol |
| MVB:MVB000301 |
GMatrix alert |
| MVB:MVB000302 |
GMatrix alert message |
| MVB:MVB000303 |
GMatrix device type |
| MVB:MVB000305 |
GMatrix firmware version |
| MVB:MVB000310 |
GMatrix hardware version |
| MVB:MVB000315 |
GMatrix mode |
| MVB:MVB000317 |
GMatrix packet type |
| MVB:MVB000117 |
GPS fix type raw |
| MVB:MVB000285 |
GPS twilight |
| MVB:MVB000123 |
grants used |
| MVB:MVB000125 |
| MVB:MVB000401 |
Gundi URN |
| MVB:MVB000252 |
gyroscope axes |
| MVB:MVB000127 |
habitat |
| MVB:MVB000128 |
habitat according to |
| MVB:MVB000254 |
I am collaborator |
| MVB:MVB000217 |
I am owner |
| MVB:MVB000218 |
I can see data |
| MVB:MVB000255 |
I have download access |
| MVB:MVB000133 |
import marked outlier |
| MVB:MVB000134 |
individual local identifier |
| MVB:MVB000289 |
is location sensor |
| MVB:MVB000290 |
is test |
| MVB:MVB000138 |
license terms |
| MVB:MVB000366 |
locality |
| MVB:MVB000367 |
locality according to |
| MVB:MVB000141 |
location accuracy comments |
| MVB:MVB000291 |
Lotek fix status |
| MVB:MVB000219 |
magnetic field axes |
| MVB:MVB000154 |
manipulation comments |
| MVB:MVB000371 |
manipulation status |
| MVB:MVB000156 |
manually marked outlier |
| MVB:MVB000157 |
manually marked valid |
| MVB:MVB000160 |
migration stage |
| MVB:MVB000162 |
modelled |
| MVB:MVB000261 |
mortality status |
| MVB:MVB000159 |
Mw show in KML |
| MVB:MVB000372 |
observer |
| MVB:MVB000374 |
outlier comments |
| MVB:MVB000164 |
principal investigator |
| MVB:MVB000234 |
principal investigator address |
| MVB:MVB000235 |
principal investigator email |
| MVB:MVB000236 |
principal investigator name |
| MVB:MVB000165 |
proofed |
| MVB:MVB000403 |
prox ID |
| MVB:MVB000292 |
receiver deployment ID |
| MVB:MVB000293 |
receiver detector ID |
| MVB:MVB000265 |
receiver ID |
| MVB:MVB000318 |
Savannah alarm type |
| MVB:MVB000406 |
sensor type ID |
| MVB:MVB000268 |
sensor type IDs |
| MVB:MVB000407 |
sequence number burst |
| MVB:MVB000322 |
Sigfox computed location source |
| MVB:MVB000323 |
Sigfox computed location status |
| MVB:MVB000324 |
Sigfox country |
| MVB:MVB000325 |
Sigfox device type |
| MVB:MVB000326 |
Sigfox duplicates |
| MVB:MVB000327 |
Sigfox link quality |
| MVB:MVB000329 |
Sigfox operator |
| MVB:MVB000377 |
Sigfox payload |
| MVB:MVB000332 |
Sigfox tx interval text |
| MVB:MVB000172 |
study ID |
| MVB:MVB000173 |
study name |
| MVB:MVB000175 |
study site |
| MVB:MVB000176 |
study summary |
| MVB:MVB000238 |
suspend license terms |
| MVB:MVB000408 |
tag calibration |
| MVB:MVB000179 |
tag comments |
| MVB:MVB000180 |
tag failure comments |
| MVB:MVB000380 |
tag firmware |
| MVB:MVB000181 |
tag ID |
| MVB:MVB000182 |
tag local identifier |
| MVB:MVB000183 |
tag manufacturer name |
| MVB:MVB000185 |
tag model |
| MVB:MVB000186 |
tag processing type |
| MVB:MVB000187 |
tag production date |
| MVB:MVB000189 |
tag serial no |
| MVB:MVB000411 |
tag settings |
| MVB:MVB000297 |
telemetry run ID |
| MVB:MVB000239 |
there are data which I cannot see |
| MVB:MVB000381 |
TinyFox last error |
| MVB:MVB000382 |
TinyFox max movement index |
| MVB:MVB000388 |
track segment ID |
| MVB:MVB000276 |
transmission protocol |
| MVB:MVB000277 |
tsn |
| MVB:MVB000113 |
twilight |
| MVB:MVB000242 |
twilight excluded |
| MVB:MVB000243 |
twilight inserted |
| MVB:MVB000412 |
Vectronics activity mode |
| MVB:MVB000209 |
visible |
| MVB:MVB000299 |
wet |
| MVB:MVB000416 |
WildFi last error |
| MVB:MVB000418 |
WildFi prox id burst |
| MVB:MVB000420 |
WildFi record type |